HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-058504/29/2001 b1 h 21:22 _3057547772 EQUITABLE INSURANOE PAGE 81 P.O. Xv. 391514 17.33238 A °i, 2001 ; Ago Office # Plvi o i JN .4tanic Of Tour saint Louverture I wd like to be placed on the li�et of partipanta for the Wty hall �`.ommi um meeting W hit o 1 take place on May 106 at 9.30 Aro to exchange a few war& rrogmding the a 1�tcd projccr. Than ! Jou in advance for your ours �' rparntien tcrwm•dH due manor. Mie go 0, OleL me! 3 , • t 6 ■ Jumel Calixte hU Box 381514 } Miami, I'L 33238 Paper# 305 565-8295 ikluvember A i Sat) 0 r Mr. Jim Kay + ¢ m A",, a , Dear Mr. Kay. I write this letter to request your assistance with regards to a parcel of land located,on the ' South%vst side corner of 62" Street and North Miami Avenues The Purpose of this letter is to put a Statue of Toussaint Louverture, one of the Haitian greatest hero, and a welcome to Little Haiti sign with a fine marble, it would greatly enhance the physical out look that comer. As we approach the new millennium putting a statue of Mr. Louvetture and a welcome to Little Haiti sign with a tine marble, would be a nice gesture that would greatly be appreciated by the Haitian -American Community. Please Advise us as to which course of action the city of Miami might wish to undertake. Sill cer•}. , £ r 'Calixte Jume}' z° 75'4 q w ?k�,`4} 4. r � .gin 93, Y Fa f Y. 7w tr >" VI s ! ,,#"- $r 2;'' >< �y "4cA t� .. ' z ^l; t ' e`3i1 t lest d x J.i r y ��" rs t <a W-, 'SFiY+k a aM`xx,�'aYd"y% h' ylti' c r i ,yn, 54"" : t, : N y a 1'3e'^'i5 1-i'`» • A . r nn k r x' 01- 0 1- 00NALD H WAASNAW CITY MANA06R r F I 1 i ?) 2000 Mr. Juntel Ca)ixte Post Office Box 381 a 14 Miami, Florida 33235 fitu • of ffliamt r: P.O. Box 330706 MIAMI. FLORIDA 33233-07ou (905) 4I6 -1025 f •ry 1,1 �� RAX (306) 400.5043 ' Ile: Parcel of land located on the Southwest Side Corner of 62nd Street and North Miami avenue Dear Mr. Calixte: We are in receipt ol'your letter dated November 4, 1909 requesting authorization to place a statue Of TOL1sSnillt I.OUVCI'lurC on the parcel olAund located on the Southwest side corner of 62"" Street and North Miami Avenue. As indicatetl in the attached right-of-WOy map, the prolwsed locnlion is on 1vliami-Dade County right-of-way. "fherefore, you crust contact Minmi-Dade County for approval of the project. The Miami -Dade County Public Works Department is located at 11 I N.W. I' Street, Suite 1610, Miami, Florida 33128-1970. The telephone number is (305) 375- 2694. Due to the fact that this right-of-way is located within the City of Miami's jurisdiction, if Miami - Dade County has no objection to your request, they will require you get the npproval of the City. Your request to the City should be submitted along with is detailed sketch showing the exact location of the statue to the City of Miami Public Works Departnhcnl located at 444 S.W. 2`1 Avenue, 8"' Floor, Miami, Florida 33130. Following ilia Public Works Depnrintenls' review, the matter will be presented to ilia City Commission for its consideration. If you have any questions regarding this process, Department of Public Works al (305) 416-1200. Sincere 17O Id 11. Warshaw Dr1W:JrL I.IJ:nH•:LcuurISO.duc please cuutuct Mr. Leonard Helmers of the Encl . c: Leonard J. I•ielmers, Professional Engineer III John Jackson, Interim Director Department of Public Works Raul Martinez, Assistant City Manager 01- 585 MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLO9IDA N MIAM - D STEPHEN P. CLARK CENTER PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SUITE 1810 111 N.W. 1st STREET MIAMI, FLORIDA 93120-1870 October 30, 1999 Mr. Jumel Calixte P. O. Box 381514 Miami, FL 33238 ^C: Proposed ivionun-iaot III Rigi'1i-,j-VVay ui ivurth Miami Avenue at NW 62 Avenue (Martin Luther King Blvd.) Dear Mr. Calixte: Please be advised that Miami -Dade County does not issue permits for construction of monuments within the right-of-way of any street within the limits of the City of Miami. We have been advised by the City that the competent authority for approving your request and issuing the necessary permits is the City "Building and Zoning" Department. However, the Traffic Engineering Division, of Miami -Dade County Public Works Department must review all plans for traffic safety requirements. If we can be of further assistance, please call Ellson Vallidum at (305) 375-1130. Sincerely, Jack R. Clark, P.L.S. Chief, Right -of -Way Division JRC\EV1es ' d cc: Esther Calas, P.E.d+ AWS cc Muhammed M. Masan, P.E. A-tf C JACKILUrM&I1V Equal oppatuMlymandr'cap Employer'/Services ?* P ?"..,, 0 1iy---t- �r.rc ?LA7 S -5 ' PC 4' /- aj-,t ACL SoLIb titati;§4E bcc � n G rQ mss iz ' -3ery Fc ,.aC.f- AUcr'.� rC Cl6.0 � j T=,�'c`i�.ic�l '5' -rye -c11 2-7A G,AA-' S: S ;zsc: S.-WX3 4� f/•y �� L�.,�,�g . Le.....?I d: t� 75r1s S % S nr: ���esi•t'?K ,/7�� t¢.' � u?c' ticc� �it4�sy� �:r�.� y'j' ry� �•L� 745: 97. iL C` �ltiA� C. 1 �L �/7�K� Gt.' �'Tjt i •�-fy1AZ, �y.-�.:� :l :��e;,��;,�llld�p CLil C CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To The I lonorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM! A s qez City Manag IIII�ICi:�li DATE: J V h ' . FILe : SUBJECT: Mr. Calixto Jumel Personal Appearance REFERENCES Detail and Letters ENCLOSURES: Mr. Calixte Jumel wishes to place a statue of Toussaint L,ouverture, a Haitian hero, within the public right-of-way located at the southwest corner of N.W. 62 Street and North Miami Avenue. In addition to the statue, a "Welcome to Little Haiti" sign is also requested to be placed at the location. On May 25, 2001, Public Works Department Director, John Jackson, and David Hernandez, staff, met My, Calixte Jumel and Reverend Jean Ch. Renelus at the proposed site to inspect the proposed location of the statue and the sign. The site is Miami -Dade County right-of-way. Mr. Jumel has provided a letter dated October 30, 1999 from Miami -Dade County Public Works Department, Right -of -Way Division, advising that the plans for the statue will require their Traffic Engineering Division to review the location to ensure traffic safety requirements and, further, that a pen -nit would be required from the City of Miami Public Works Department. The intended area was found to be adequate to accommodate the proposed statue and a tentative arca was marked off. Mr. Jumel was advised that a complete set of plans complete with dimensions, sections, anchorage details and material specifications must be submitted to City of Miami and Miami - Dade County Public Works Departments to obtain the necessary permit for the statue and sign. Moreover, Mr. Jumel was advised that he must provide a Hold Hannless Statement to the City as a condition of the permit. Based on the physical site and satisfactory submission of the requested information, staff approves the location of the proposed statue and sign. A Pk r�J�/¢ijf '14 4 Mr. Caliste Jumel Reverend Jean Ch. Renelus John H. Jackson, Director, Public Works Department JHJ-CALIXTE JUMEL ot- 585