HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #47 - Discussion ItemZONING FACT SHEET Case Number. 2001-0437 23 -Apr -01 Item No: 7 Location: Approx. 2640 S. Beyshore Drive Legal: (Complete legal description on file with the Office of Hearing Boards) Applicant: Zoning: City of Miami, owner 444 SW 2 Avenue Miami, FL 33131 App. Ph: (305) 416-1025 PR Parks & Recreation Felix Lima for Grove Harbour Marina B Caribbean Mktplace, Leasee 9758 SW 24 Street Miami, FL 33165 Rep. Ph: (305) 554-0982 ext Rep. Fa (__j _- ext Request: Appeal by W. Tucker Gibbs, Esq. on behalf of Gerald J. Tobins of the Decision of the Zoning Administrator dated March 19, 2001, regarding a determination of a non - substantial change from approved Special Exceptions. Purpose: This will uphold the decision of the Zoning Administrator. Recommendations: Planning Department: Public Works: Plat and Street Committee: Dade County Transportation: Enforcement History H any C.E.B. Case No: 9911185 Last Hearing Date: Found: N/A Violation(s) Cited: Improper maintenance of building. Ticketing Action: NIA Daily Fine: $0.00 Affidavit Non -Compliance fssued on: Waming Letter sent on: Total Fines to Data: $0.00 Lien Recorded on: Comply Order by: CEB Action: History: The Special Exceptions were recommended for approval by the Zoning Board to the City Commission on December 4, 2000, by Resolution No. ZB 2000-387, by a vote of 8-0. Analysis: Zoning Board Resolution No: ZB 2001-0434 Zoning Board: Denial of appeal. City Cams sion: N/A Appellant: W. Tucker Gibbs, Esq. PZ -1 Vote: 8--0 CU r " r 0 • Miami Zoning Board Resolution: ZB 2001-0434 Monday, April 23, 2001 Mr. Angel Urquiola offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: A RESOLUTION DENYING THE APPEAL BY W. TUCKER GIBBS, ESQUIRE, ON BEHALF OF GERALD J. TOBINS, AND AFFIRMING THE DECISION OF THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR, DATED MARCH 19, 2001, REGARDING A DETERMINATION OF A NONSUBSTANTIAL CHANGE FROM APPROVED SPECIAL EXCEPTIONS FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 2840 SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS EXHIBIT "A" (HEREBY ATTACHED), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI•DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED PR PARKS AND RECREATION. Upon being seconded by Mr. Charles J. Flowers, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Rodolro De La Guardia Away Mr. Charles J. Flowers Yea Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzsa Yes Ms. lleane Hernandez-Aoosta Yea Mr. Humberto J. Pellon Yes Mr. Juvenal Pins Yes Mr. Allan Shulman Yes Mr, Angel Urquiols Yes Mr. Georges Williams Yes AYE: S NAY: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 0 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENTS: 1 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 8-0 oresita L. Femandez, Chief Office of Hearing Boards Case No.: 2001-0437 Item Nbr: 7 CA-PPC61 64;-t►WrPC'&V rAWLE1. A UPLAND: ' A PORTION OF THE SOUTHIREST ONE-OkMTER IS W 14 OF SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP 54 SOUTH. RANGE 41 EAST, DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA. BEND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMIIENC111G AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CRY MOM LENT LINES OF 'SMV 2T" AVENUE' WRIT 'SOUTH BAYSIIORE DRIVE' AS STIWN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT OF VIINrER KEY, AS RECORDED N PIAT BOOK 34 AT PACE 2 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA. 11%"CE. ALONG 1HE CITU MONUMENT LINE OF SAID 'SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE' NORTH 3830 03EAST 11 It 18 FEE T TO A PONT BEND 2.27 FEET SOU"4WESTERLY FROM THE NTERSECTION OF THE CITY MONUMENT LINES OF UIIRWM Stomer WITH SAID SOUTH RAYSHORE CROW. THENCE. COWNUING ALONG THE CITY MONUMENT t LIVE OF SAID *SOUTH BAYSHORE ORIVE': NORTH St S2 al' EAST 3142 FEET; THENCE. SOUfTH 1r25'Sr EAST 8012 FEET TO THE PONT OF BEGINNING OF THE HEREIN AFTER DE SCRIBEO PARCEL. THENCE. CONTNNING ALONG THE LAST BEARING: SOUTH 767537 EAST 542.16 FEET TO THE LINE OF OEIAARCATION BETWEEN UPLAND AND SUBMERGED tAND OF 'BISCAYNE BAY. THENCE, ALONG SAID DEMARCATION TINE: SOUTH 167101 EAST 552 25 FEET TO THE NORTHERLY R1GHT -0F -WAY LINE OF 'CW WT HOUSE ROAD' AS SHOIIMI ON THE SKETCH OF SURVEY, DATED JANLIART 14. I"i. REFERRED FILE Ns. MISC 61-130 REV AND PREPARED BY'SCHWEBKE t SHISKIN AND ASSOCIA /E S THENCE. ALONG SAID RAW LINE. FOR THE FOLLOMMNG EK M A COURSES: I NORTH TS'4T04' WEST 240.15 FEET 7 THENCE. NORTH 30r63W WEST 10.16 WEST 3 THENCE. NORTH T6'1S'ST' WEST s3 covEET 4 THENCE. NORTH 54'0170• WEST ".11111 FEET 5 THENCE. NORTH 7r25'S7WEST 215.00 FEET 6 THENCE. SOUTH 71YrrW WEST 41.B0FEET 1 THENCE. NORTH 74r2S'S7•WEsT 74.00 FEET 1 THENCE, NORTH 31'4411' WEST 231.20 FEET TO A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 22.22 FEET SOUTHEASTERLY OF THE SOUTHEASTERLY RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID'SOUTH GAYSHORE DROVE. - THENCE. ALONG SAND PARALLEL LINE: NORTH3113003 EAST 245.49FEET: THENCE. SOUTH 1.61!1'12' EAST S.25 FEET; THENCE. NDRTH IYt1'03' EAST 11.80 FEET; THENCE. NORTH 5152'03' EAST 8.30 FEET; TO THE POINT OF BEGNNNO. CONTAINING 302.081 SOWLRE FEET. MORE OR LESS OR 6.0027 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. PARCEL A SUBrEROED LAND A PORTION OF THE SOUTHWEST ONE-OUARTER IS.W M OF SECTION 22. W MSHIP 54 SOUTH. RANGE 41 EAST. DADE COUNTY. , LORIDA1, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NTERESECRON OF THE CITY MONUMENT LINES OF 'SW 27"AVEME' AND *SOUTH BAYSINORE DRIVE• AS SHORN ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT OF'DBRNER KEG.' AS RECORDED N PLAT BOOK 34. AT PAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA. THENCE, ALONG THE CRY MONUMENT LINE OF SAID'SOUIH BAYSNORE DRIVE': NORTH 38'3"4 EAST 1131.31 FEET TO A POINT BEND 2.27 FEET SOUTHWESTERLY FROM THE INTERSECTION OF THE CITY MONUMENT LINES OF `DARWIN STREET' AND SAID'SOUTH BAVSHORE DRIVE' THENCE. CONTINUING ALONG THE CITY MONUMENT LINE OF M W= JKYSHORE ORIVE': NORTH 51'5203' EMT 31.42 FEET: ' THENCE. SOUTH ?WNW EAST $4.20 FEET TO THE LINE OF DEMARCATION BETWEEN UPLAND AND SUBMERGED LAND OFF INSCAYNE BAr AND THE �R�FBfWWq OF THE FTER HEREINADE PARCEL: THENCE. CONTINUNO ALONG THE LAST BEARING: SOUTH 7675'17 EAST 024.00 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH 40' rw EAST 101.61 FEET; THENCE. SOUTH tr34W WEST 372.00 FEET; THENCE. NORTH 7675'SI WEST 207.61 FEET; TO ITS NTERSECTTON rMITH SAID DEMARCATION UNE BETWEEN UPLAND AND SUBWFIGED LAND OF 'BNSCAYNE BAY', THENCE. ALONG SAID DEMARCATION LINE NORTH 10'23'03' WEST M0.44 FEET 10 THE POINI OF BEGINNING CONTAINING 110.010 SOUARE FEET, MORE OR LESS OR 4.12 ACRES. MORE OR LESS. PARCEL B SUBMERGED LAND: A PORTION OF THE SOUTWEST ONE-OWIER IS W Y.I OF SECTION 22. TOWNSHIP S1 SOUTH_ RANGE i1 EAST, Mal COUNTY. FLORIDA. BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESIJMBED AS FOLLOWS. COMMENCING AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE CITY MONUMENT LINES OF 'SW 21" AVENUE- AND 'SOUTH BAYSHORE DRIVE' AS S►10wW ON THAT CERTAIN PLAT OF •GINNER KEY' AS RCC m PLAT BOOK 34. AT PAGE 2 OF THE PUBLIC RE.. OS OF DADE COUNTY. FLORIDA THENCE. ALONG THE CITY MONUMENT LINE OF SAID 'SOUTH BAYSHORE Dw4E" NORTH 36'7003' EAST 1131.38 FEET TO A PONT BEING 121 FEE T SOUTHWESTERLY FROM THE NTERSECTON OF INE CRY MONUME141 LINES OF 'DARWIN STREE T' ANO SAIO'Som OAYSHORE THENCE. CONTINUING ALONG THE CITY 140"U11EN1 LINE OF SAID •SOUTH BAYSHORE D"' NORM 5112'01' EAST 31 41 FEET. THENCE. SOUTH 76"2S37' EAST 610 IS FEE I TO THE LINE OF OEMARCATION BETWEEN UPLAND AND SUBMEROED LAND OF •IIISCAYNE BAY - THENCE. COHTINUItfO ALONG THE IAST OESCFA*D LINE: SOUTH 78'2S'S7' EAST 424 00 FEE 1. THENCE. SOUTH 40'51'19' EAST 186 44 FEET. THENCE. SOUTH 1334VTVVEST M WFEET. TARE PONT OF SE(IINMNOOF THE 14EMERAFIER DESCRIBED PARCEL THENCE. SOUTH TWITS? EAST )SI 00 FEE I THENCE. SOUTH t 1')401' WEST 10) 00 FEE T. THENCE. NORTH 76'15'51' WEST 251 00 FEF T. THENCE NORTH 11'34'03'EAST 11100 FEET TO IN[ PONT OF BEGINNING. _ th X CONTAINING M.313 SOUARE FEET. MORE OR LESS OR 1.20 ACRES. MORE OR LESS M H W. TucBER GIBBS ATTORNEY AT LAW P O. BOX 1050 Cocoh,ur GRovE, FLORIDA 33133 TELEPHONE (305) 856.2711 r-ACSMLE (305) 8$4.6093 May B, 2001 Terecita Fernandez, Director, Hearing Boards Office City of Miami 444 S.W. 2"c Avenue, Seventh Floor Miami, Florida 33130-1910 VIA HMD DZLXWRY Re: Appeal of Decision of Zoning Board on April 23, 2001 regarding 2640 S. Sayshore Drive, Grove Harbour Marina a Caribbean Marketplace. Dear Ms Fernandez: I represent Gerald J. Tobin, who lives at and owns property at 2575 South Bayshore Drive and whose office is at 2701 South Bayshore Drive and the Coconut Grove Civic Club, Inc. Mr. Tobin is aggrieved by the referenced decision as his home and workplace will be substantially affected by the development of the Grove Harbour Marina & Caribbean Marketplace as interpreted in that decision. The Civic Club is aggrieved as its members, many of whom live along South Bayshore Drive and in the surrounding neighborhood will be adversely affected by the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding this project in their neighborhood. Let this letter serve as the notice of appeal on behalf'of my clients pursuant to Articles 16 and 20 of the Zoning Code of the City of Miami of the decision of the Zoning Board on April 2.3, 2001 to uphold the determination of the Zoning Administrator on March 19, 2001. In that decision the Zoning Board agreed with the determination the Zoning Administrator that the changes to the application for Special Exception for the referenced property dated August 7, 2000 as approved by the City of Miami Zoning Board on December 4, 2000 do not constitute a substantial change defined and regulated under Section 2215.1 of the Zoning Code. The City and Grove Harbour Marina and Caribbean Marketplace LLC ("Grove Harbour") entered into a Lease Agreement ("Lease") for the property located at approximately located at 2600/2640 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Flprida ("Agreement") on March 12, 1999. Under that Lease Grove 611ams May B, 2001 • Terecita Fernandez Page 2 u Harbour is permitted to develop the property pursuant to "Conceptual Development Plans" contained as Exhibit "C" therein. Additionally in Section 4.6, the Lease established a procedure under which the "Development Plans" of the project be approved by the city. According to Section 4.6(a): Development Plans shall be subject to an application for a Special Exception Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness. For the purposes of this Lease, `Development Plans' (commonly referred to as Schematic Design Documents) shall consist of all application materials required pursuant to a complete Special Exception Permit application and Complete Certificate of Appropriateness application. To underscore the site plan/ project plan approval nature of this Special Exception, the Lease provides for a rapid approval process for the project's construction documents once the Special Exception is approved by the city commission. The Lease calls for those construction plans to be submitted to the City Manager within 90 days of commission approval of the Special Exception. Within 15 days of their submittal, the manager must approve or reject the plans. If the manager rejects the construction plans then Grove Harbour must revise and resubmit plans within 30 days. If he does not comment then the plans are automatically approved. The Lease is clear: This Special Exception process is the final opportunity for public input and comment on the development plans for this project on public property. Once the Special Exception is approved by the City Commission, the development parameters for this project are established. There is no going back. It is for this reason that the opportunity for public review and comment on the development project is critical at both the Zoning Board and the City Commission. Neither the public interest nor the City's ordinances are served by making one application at the Zoning Board level and then substantially retooling that application ten days prior to the City Commission's consideration of that application. Please note the Zoning Board failed to consider, in its decision, the timing of the review of the revised plans that were the subject of the Zoning Administrator's review in the context of Section 2215(d) of the Zoning Code. The plans and other documents showing substantial changes involving changed May S, 2001 • • Terecita Fernandez Page 3 square footage calculations affecting parking calculations and other site plan revisions were presented to staff on Friday March :6, 2001 and the Zoning Administrator's decision was rendered or. Monday March 19, 2001. Staff evaluation of the changes in the site plan, including referral to other departments regarding fire issues, public works impacts, historic preservation matters was limited or non existent given this short review period. Further, the Zoning Administrator had neither the time nor expertise to properly evaluate the most important component of the submittal, the parking calculations prepared by the applicant's consultant. The Zoning Administrator undertook no independent review of these parking assumptions included in the final submitta=. Thus, the submitted parking calculations were accepted as fact. Based on the forgoing, the grounds for this appeal are as follows. The Zoning Board erroneously made its determination that the Zoning Administrator's decision was correct because: 1. What is described in the determination memo as a confirmation of a "minimal" shift of the rear setback from the bulkhead to the new building from 40 to 50 feet is a substantial alteration of the zoning board's approved special exception. This was shown on the plans approved by the Zoning Board as a 40 -foot setback from bulkhead to new building. In the city commission submittal it is shown as a 50 -foot setback. This is a substantial movement of the footprint of the new building. 2. What is described in the determination memo as a "clarification of allowed uses" is nothing more than a flat out change in uses, substantially altering the zoning board's approved special exception. Not only does the city commission submittal include changes in uses, it also includes changes in the design and use of the project and related changes in the provided parking. 3. What is described in the determination memo as an increase in parking from 267 to 344 spaces is just that, an increase of 77 spaces. This corrects a blatant violation of the city's parking regulations approved as part of the Special Exception by the Zoning Board. The Zoning Board approved a plan and a set of uses that did not comply with the city's parking ordinances. This is why the development plan submitted to the city ap%a'Gl -"- 5000 1 - May 8, 2001 • • Terecita Fernandez Page 4 commission has been substantially changed from the one approved by the Zoning Board. 4. What is described in the determination memo as a decrease of width of pedestrian promenade to accommodate more parking on the site is more than that. It underscores the substantial nature of this change. This is the crux of the issue. To correct the misinformation regarding the parking requirements the Zoning Board approved plans were based upon, and provide an alternative parking count to the city commission, the applicant had to redesign the project to reflect the additional parking he neglected to provide in the plans approved by the Zoning Board. As the applicant(s) scrambled to obscure the fact that the Zoning Board approved plans were based on inadequate parking, they changed the plans and reduced the square footage of uses, changed uses, decreased landscaping, decreased buffer areas, and misrepresented measurements/sizes on the plans themselves. These changes show a project substantially different from that approved by the Zoning Board. 5. What is described in the determination memo as a revision of the parking calculations to reflect parks and recreation designation reflects the admission by the applicant and the zoning Administrator that the Zoning Board approved plans were in violation of the zoning code. This admission and the subsequent substantial alteration of the plans engendered by this admission as set forth above warrants a determination that these plans be set back to the Zoning Board for a real review based on real parking calculations. Clearly a submittal to the city commission that changes from the Zoning Board approved plans the parking by 77 spaces, that decreases the retail component, that reduces landscaped buffers, that changes the uses approved by the Zoning Board is a substantial deviation from that plan approved by the Zoning Board. These substantial changes merit Zoning Board review prior to submittal to the City Commission. For those reasons appellants, Gerald J. Tobin and the Coconut Grove Civic Club, Inc., through their undersigned attorney, hereby appeal the decision of the Zoning Board that the determination of the Zoning Administrator that the changes to the approved Special Exception of Grove Harbour Marina and 4�liJ &.Of Yirra&-) 1101/140110 May 8, 2001 • Terecita Fernandez Page 5 Marketplace are not substantial. Furthermore, Gerald L.... Tobin, and the Coconut Grove Civic Club reserve their right to supplement this appeal letter with briefs or memorandA' prior to zoning board consideration of this appeal. Sincerely, u`.. . i�t$ W. Tuck Gibbs ,r•a c5�,a;; < 2 =..,. x N t..§aqs{aflbt '' asp x_- r r �` S• r f 6u�` , Ca: Gerald J. Tobin, Esq• Frank Balzebre, President, Coconut :Grove; Civic c . Carlos Gimenez, City Manager Alex Vilarello, City Attorney p Walter Foeman, City Clerk Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Planning Director Juan Gonzalez, Zoning Administrator py sLL,i s7 di xr;�i'J x�tk K"i,w+`ao'rr Ili 'Y a.�is',�t...,k"s'�taa'°�`i'•1`$ sti3�* }i� s ?'Y cr • a+dl'>5''ti,� �p,1�'akt,.,(�sC� tit'"' X1'"'4' v�Z- 440, ��'.,' rA �y�'i�td .;.���'+-�`•!i'>'r �4���. ..�.��4 y,•Y,�4f �r.�S �F' t�`f. ks, rZ���t "'��,Exxt```.� 2 ;,,v"'�' �'`i,•r,xt'wday'�k4.Q.4'z5pn' da"kt x $ e r ��� +. i , I i"a a,r r :,,tmr}a .erf Rpt 's ' i � 7�� } r :: «£r � wt*,�',PF �'" s z- t r ^.s" t � J ?* a� `'` f Lyk � �� -� '`� � � s k .� L '' 6 z tu` ✓ y r �.u�'S ai,��t s. «�.1 ,rt t s s Y i y t 4 M t w a x 4 X42 ccs t` ae y ty�>t,'r..<st15—T,.'°4x�''kS'�yhsSs'�: R .SS"i t,�3 �. 4<" WT ' r .y qu xr te r^t� cert r ti a ¢ nS 1 3f tiers } t�9 d ka l 7 i • 1'` �.x �} S" aPY, tt`ax KFie"t i .4 � n hfY �S.„'�` !{`: � h{r� x�r. a '� �'"'s, •pS�s`t i r ti"�' a% �df =�i' x 1 � y4� k 'r '�2 .��''•!"t t.' Y F. h S 4.,3 2s � Yh f4 `y, of � W. TUCKER GIBBS ATTORNEY AT LAK' P.O. BOX 1050 CoCOM M GROVE, FLORFDA 33133 p I MAR 28 PM 10 TELhPHONE (305) 856-2711 FACSRAME (305)154.6093 March 28, 2001 Terecita Fernandez, Director, Hearing Boards Office City of Miami 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Seventh Floor Miami, Florida 33130-1910 VIA HAND DELIVERY Dear Ms Fernandez: I represent Gerald J. Tobin, who lives at and owns property at 2575 South Bayshore Drive and whose office is at 2701 South Bayshore Drive and the Coconut Grove Civic Club, Inc. Mr. Tobin is aggrieved by the referenced decision of the Zoning Administrator as his home and workplace will be substantially affected by the development of the Grove Harbour Marina & Caribbean Marketplace as interpreted in that decision. The Civic Club is aggrieved as its members, many of whom live along South Bayshore Drive and in the surrounding neighborhood will be adversely affected by the Zoning Administrator's decision regarding this project in their neighborhood. Let this letter serve as the notice of appeal on behalf of my clients pursuant to Article 18 of the Zoning Code of the City of Miami of the determination of the Zoning Administrator on March 19, 2001 ("Determination Memo", Exhibit "A"). In that determination the Zoning Administrator found that the changes to the application for Special Exception for the referenced property dated August 7, 2000 as approved by the City of Miami Zoning Board on December 4, 2000 do not constitute a substantial change defined and regulated under Section 2215.1_ of the Zoning Code. The City and Grove Harbour Marina and Caribbean Marketplace LLC ("Grove Harbour") entered into a Lease Agreement ("Lease") for the property located at approximately located at 2600/2640 South Bayshore Drive, Miami, Florida ("Agreement") on March 12, 1999. Under that Lease Grove G.P,vrGl 0 -Mc a .&I e -4r• l�- (1161611 March 28, 2001 • • Terecita Fernandez Page 2 Harbour is permitted to develop the property pursuant to "Conceptual Development Plans" contained as Exhibit "C" therein. Additionally in Section 4.6, the Lease established a procedure under which the "Development Plans" of the project be approved by the city. According to Section 4.6(a): Development Plans shall be subject to an application for a Special Exception Permit and Certificate of Appropriateness. For the purposes of this Lease, `Development Plans' (commonly referred to as Schematic Design Documents) shall consist of all application materials required pursuant to a complete Special. Exception Permit application and Complete Certificate of Appropriateness application. To underscore the site plan/ project plan approval nature of this Special Exception, the Lease provides for a rapid approval process for the project's construction documents once the Special Exception is approved by the city commission. The Lease calls for those construction plans to be submitted to the City Manager within 90 days of commission approval of the Special Exception. Within 15 days of their submittal, the manager must approve or reject the plans. If the manager rejects the construction plans then Grove Harbour must revise and resubmit plans within 30 days. If he does not comment then the plans are automatically approved. The Lease is clear: This Special Exception process is the final opportunity for public input and comment on the development plans for this project on public property. Once the Special Exception is approved by the City Commission, the development parameters for this project are established. There is no going back. It is for this reason that the opportunity for public review and comment on the development project is critical at both the Zoning Board and the City Commission. Neither the public interest nor the City's ordinances are served by making one application at the Zoning Board level and then substantially retooling that application ten days prior td the City Commission's consideration of that application. Please note the timing of the review of the revised plans that were the subject of the Zoning Administrator's review in the context of Section 2215(d) of the Zoning Code. The plans and other documents showing substantial changes involving changed square footage calculations affecting parking G,f2lka/ („��+�c�rA►ca• filmar March 28, 2001 • • Terecita Fernandez Page 3 calculations and other site plan revisions were presented to staff on Friday March 16, 2001 and the Zoning Administrator's decision was rendered on Monday March 19, 2001. Staff evaluation of the changes in the site plan, including referral to other departments regarding fire issues, public works impacts, historic preservation matters was limited or non existent given this short review period. Further, the Zoning Administrator had neither the time nor expertise to properly evaluate the most important component of the submittal, the parking calculations prepared by the applicant's consultant. The Zoning Administrator undertook no independent review of these parking assumptions included in the final submittal. Thus, the submitted parking calculations were accepted as fact. Based on the forgoing, the grounds for this appeal are as follows. The Zoning Administrator erroneousy made his determination because: 1. What is described in the determination memo as a confirmation of a "minimal" shift of the rear setback from the bulkhead to the new building from 40 to 50 feet is a substantial alteration of the zoning board's approved special exception. This was shown on the plans approved by the Zoning Board as a 40 -foot setback from bulkhead to new building. In the city commission submittal it is shown as a 50 -foot setback. This is a substantial movement of the footprint of the new building. 2. What is described in the determination memo as a "clarification of allowed uses" is nothing more than a flat out change in uses, substantially altering the zoning board's approved special exception. Not only does the city commission submittal include changes in uses, it also includes changes in the design and use of the project and related changes in the provided parking. 3. What is described in the determination memo as an increase in parking from 267 to 344 spaces is just that, an increase of 77 spaces. This corrects a blatant violation of the ,city's parking regulations approved as part of the Special Exception by the 'Zoning Board. The Zoning Board approved a plan and a set of uses that did not comply with the city's parking ordinances. This is why the development plan submitted to the city 449 ^" 1 n�,✓rw,u�r.�+ March 28, 2001 • • Terecita Fernandez Page 4 commission has been substantially changed from the one approved by the Zoning Board. 4. What is described in the determination memo as a decrease of width of pedestrian promenade to accommodate more parking on the site is more than that. It underscores the substantial nature of this change. This is the crux of the issue. To correct the misinformation regarding the parking requirements the Zoning Board approved plans were based upon, and provide an alternative parking count to the city commission, the applicant had to redesign the project to reflect the additional parking he neglected to provide in the plans approved by the Zoning Board. As the applicant(s) scrambled to obscure the fact that the Zoning Board approved plans were based on inadequate parking, they changed the plans and reduced the square footage of uses, changed uses, decreased landscaping, decreased buffer areas, and misrepresented measurements/sizes on the plans themselves. These changes snow a project substantially different from that approved by the Zoning Board. 5. What is described in the determination memo as a revision of the parking calculations to reflect parks and recreation designation reflects the admission by the applicant and the Zoning Administrator that the Zoning Board approved plans were in violation of the zoning code. This admission and the subsequent substantial alteration of the plans engendered by this admission as set forth above warrants a determination that these plans be set back to the Zoning Board for a real review based on real parking calculations. Clearly a submittal to the city commission that changes from the zoning Board approved plans the parking by 77 spaces, that decreases the retail component, that reduces landscaped buffers, that changes the uses approved by the 'Zoning Board is a substantial deviation from that plan approved by the Zoning Board. These substantial changes merit Zoning Board review prior to submittal to the City Commission. For those reasons appellants, Gerald J. Tobin and the Coconut Grove Civic Club, 1nc., through their undersigned attorney, hereby appeal the determination of the Zoning Administrator that the changes to the approved Special Exception of Grove Harbour Marina and Marketplace are not substantial.A,G� March 28 2001 Terecita Fernandez Page 5 f iti t t. S � fti F � `urxh rmaras, Gerard . T �# # 4� 1 CQ v� ja r " .xaserve their rib nb�► y�� with. briefs or memoranda psi or to ;a+�s� � bc�a►r��ran�,���a�y m � � o! this appeal.t (A" r ma J � A tix t � 4,r.;. cerely/ ',F6, 5�t"tom L�°d7*"x. C, r,'�. �,g+'3 �•o.}e,� K�+;D <� t� '}� + , Cc: Gerald J. Tobin,+ Esq. r3'r 34 J k 5Y'it'MM k; Frank Balzebre, President, Carlos Gimenez, City Manager k,4 b Y Alex Va.larello, .City Attorney Walter Foeman, City Clerk V. � Ana Gelabert-Sanchez, Planning Direcfibx JU�n Gonzalez, Zoning Administ�at�r. a���"+�� � }� x�' t tit 1}en:spa '`"' y* " �ttx��`tk}sett } f .,+ [' �#t *�k-Fr. � R i"S �,£' S. Ft*k'�+� M1 �,�}� ��� Y y� , f .• K' [ i i� �✓..i {�7` v; �� � �� ��� F'��9 � ���- 4 C � ,ri N-`�f�� ' `} �'� {,J . +'�• +� S ;..�c�'a� �`'� # Yx y s k '#� � � a � t i " INTER -OFFICE MENIORANDUM Lourdes Slazyk, March 19, 2001 A Istant Director P ing and Zoni ment Determination of Non -substantial change In an approved Special Exceptions 1 an C. Gonzalez, 2640 S Bayshore Drive Acting Zoning Administrp�" "- Grove Harbour Marina & Pursuant to a request from Felix Lima of the- firm of Grove Harbour Marina & Caribbean Marketplace, LLC. concerning a determination of a non -substantial change from air approved Special Exceptions, please be advised of the following. The applicants are proposing a change to the Special Exceptions in the following manner. A) Confirmation of the verified 50' rear setback from the bulkhead to the new building which was previously estimated and noted on the plans as 40'. The shift after the verification is minimal. B) Clarification of allocated uses and areas for the boatyard and marina components located at the existing main hanger and new building. C) Increase parking area from 267 spaces to 344 spaces. D) Decrease width of pedestrian promenade to accommodate parking modification. E) Revise parking calculations to reflect a Parks and Recreation designation calculations as pursuant to The Schedule of District Regulations of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. F) A list of Summary of Modifications labeling and clarifying certain areas. Section 2215.1 regulates whether changes to a Special Exception are non -substantial. The criteria referenced are: EXHIBIT Uii'n Ila amw-I 6'04-i�rywn --VU i ,.�_ i Lourdes Slazyk .' • March 19, 2001 Page 2 of 2 A) The requested change exceeds the zoning regulations; H) The footprint of the building is proposed to be moved by more than ten (10) feet in any horizontal direction. C) The height of the building or any portion thereof is proposed to be increased by more than (5) feet or five (5) percent of the height of the • • building; whichever is greater, in a vertical direction; D) Any other change which, in the evaluation of the zoning administrator, has not been part of the prior application, has not been reviewed and evaluated by staff, and has a serious effect on the project proposed by the application. Therefore, after review of the proposed changes, it is my opinion that the changes do not constitute a substantial change as defined and regulated under Section 2215.1 of Zoning Ordinance 11000 as amended. JCG: tc