HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-06-14 City Clerk's Report« �rerer trrur ���} ur. r-� ,'•.� p CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. I NON Direction to the Administration: by Vice Chairman Gort to AGENDA look at alternatives for tax-exempt properties located within i the City of Miami to help pay for cost of City services. NONN Note for the Itccard: Commissioner Teele suggested to the AGENDA administration that the City should make available an amount of money, in excess of a million dollars, to the International Trade Board to use technology to connect businesses in Miami and provide a data base server for said businesses to be able to transact business worldwide; Commissioner Sanchez further suggested the City create an Arts and Cultural Committee for the purpose of deciding which events to sponsor, through a grants pmcoss, and a review of said request by professional staff people; Commissioner Tecle and Vice Chairman Gert both indicated that the expansion and future of businesses in Miami is linked to our ability to market special events in Miami. ITEM A-1 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-545 COMMISSION, BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5THS) MOVED: REGALADO AFFIRMATIVE VO'T'E OF ALL COMMISSIONERS SECONDED: TEELE PRESENT, OVERRIDING THE MAYORAL VETO NAYS: SANCHEZ OF ORDINANCE. NO. 12073, ADOPTED MAY 24, 2001, WHICH ORDINANCF. AMENDED CHAPTER 2, AR'T'ICLE XI, DIVISION 6, SECTION 2-1013(3), OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION, BOARDS, COMMI'TT'EES, COMMISSIONS, MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY", TO ALLOW CITY COMMISSIONERS TO BE APPOINTED AS EX -OFFICIO VOTING MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND L'•XHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA"). effIX&z: « fullpf Hays ► ri •.� GE's � t; �;OQ�',;.�'�+ CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: .lune 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 2 ITEM 5 A MOTION RELATED TO FENCING AT BLANCHE M 01-572 PARK, STIPULATING THAT CURRENT FENCE MOVED: WINTON SHALL NOT BE MOVED AND APPROVING THE SECONDED: REGALADO FOLLOWING RECOMME=NDATIONS OF THE UNANIMOUS ADMINIS'T'RATION: 1. REPLACEMENT OF FICUS TREE WITH A COUPLE OF HARD WOOD TRF.F,S; 2. ADDITION OF PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT 3. MAINTAINING THE THRFE-FOOT FENCE AROUND THE CHILDREN' PLAY AREA WITH SELF CLOSING GATE, 4. RAISING THE HEIGHT OF FENCE BETWEEN DOG PARK AND CHILDRE=N PARK TO FOUR FEET; 5. INSTALL HEDGE ON DOG SIDE OF FENCE; 6. CHANGE THE CHAIN LINK FENCE BY PLASTIC COATING; THE GALVANIZED METAL. DISTRICT A MOTION REFERRING TO THE MIAMI STREET M-01-573 1-A CODESIGNATION REVIEW COMMIT"I'EE THE MOVED: GORT NAMING OF A STREET (ELIZABETH STREET SF.CONDF.D: REGALADO FROM GRAND AVENUE TO THOMAS AVENUE) UNANIMOUS IN MEMORY OF THE LATE MR. HUGHLIN "DUKE." BROWN. tlal;: o CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 ('Phis meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 4 $1616=0 DISTRICT A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE M-01-576 4-A CITY MANAGER TO WAIVE ALL CITY FEES MOVED: REGALADO RELATED TO THE CODESIGNATION OF BOBBY SECONDED: TEELE FULLER AVENUE, (INCLUDING PER.MI'I-11NG UNANIMOUS FEE. PUBLIC NOTICE REQUIREMENT). FURTHER STIPULATING THA'r FUNDS FOR SAID CODESIGNATION (`6700) WILL COME IN EQUAL PORTIONS FROM COMMISSIONER REGALADO'S BUDGET AND VICE CHAIRMAN GORT'S BUDGET; FURTHER EXPRESSING ITS INTENT TO URGE, MIAMI-DADE PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO ALSO WAIVE ANY FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID CODESIGNATION REQUEST. DISTRICT Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner 4-A Regalado to schedule a meeting with the Miami Street Codesignation Review Committee within the next 15 days, the above cited street renaming request and bring back same at the Commission meeting presently scheduled for July 10, 2001; Commissioner Teele further instructing (lie City Manager to direct the Public Works director to also provide a status report regarding the three codesignation requests which were previously referred to the Miami Street and Codesignation Review Committee (namely, Mabel Dean Barlow (Northwest j 551h Street and 17` Avenue); State Representative Joe Lang Kershaw (Northwest 14`h Street), and a street in honor of former State Representative Gwendolyn Cherry. $1616=0 ` Y • CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 5 DISTRICT A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE M-01-577 4-c CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW ALLEGATIONS OF MOVED: REGALADO IRREGULARITIES IN CODE ENFORCEMENT OF A SECONDED: TEELE• CODE ENFORCEMENT ISSUE WITHIN THE UNANIMOUS SHENANDOAH AREA AND REPORT TO THE COMMISSION IN CONNECTION WITH SAME ON THE JULY 10, 2001 CITY COMMISSION MEETING AGENDA. DISTRICT pirection to the Administration: by Vice Chairman 4-C Gort to bring the neighborhoods back into code compliance and make them more aesthetically appealing when the master plan and review is done of the different neighborhoods. ITEM 31 Direction to the City Clerk: by Commissioner Teele to research the public records and provide the Commission with a copy of the transcript when the selection of the external auditing firm was awarded, when said contract was also extended to KPMG; further urging that said contract should run concomitantly with the term of the Mayor; further instructing the City Manager to request of the Oversight Board to provide him something in writing regarding their view as to retaining the external auditor's for a longer term for purposes of stability. ITEM 32 A MOTION ACCEPTING A REPORT RECEIVED M-01-579 FROM THE EQUAL OPPORTUNITY ADVISORY MOVED: TEELE BOARD WHICH WAS PROFFERED BY THE SECONDED: WINTON CHAIRMAN OF SAID COMMITTEE AND UNANIMOUS ENTERED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORDS ON THIS SAME DATE. r 011 d; . CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 6 ITEM 32 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE M-01-580 CITY MANAGER TO BRING BACK THE COSTS OF MOVED: WINTON PROVIDING TRANSLATING SERVICES (IN BOTH SECONDED: TREL.E SPANISH AND CREOLE) THROUGH A UNANIMOUS COOPERATIVE POOLING ARRANGEMENT, INCLUDING THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, NET, ET CETERA) ESPECIALLY FOR THE CONDUCT OF PUBLIC MEETINGS; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE MANAGER TO DEVELOP AN RFQ FOR SAID SERVICES. Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to check with Harvey Ruvin's Office of the County Clerk to review its contract for translation services. ITEM 32 A MOTION TO ACCEPT REPORT OF THE CODE M-01-581 ENFORCEMENT BOARD SUBMITTED BY BOARD MOVED: SANCHEZ MEMBER JAMES KEANE. SECONDED: TRELE UNANIMOUS ITEM 6 A MOTION GRANTING REQUESTS FROM M-01-584 REPRESENTATIVE OF COCONUT GROVE MOVED: SANCHEZ REALTY CORPORATION, NAMELY MS. SECONDED: REGALADO CAROLYN COPE, FOR A "MIAMI WAVE EVENT" UNANIMOUS TO BE SCHEDULED ON NOVEMBER 6, 2001 WHEREIN EACH CITIZEN WOULD WAVE TO ONE. ANOTHER. ~ IIIQE�1 IT II } y v`O�' �,;''• CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 7 ITEM 7 A MOTION APPROVING REQUEST MADE BY M-01-585 CALIXTE JUMIL TO PLACE A STATUE OF MOVED: TOUSSAINT LOUVERTURF, ONE OF HAITI'S SECONDED: GREATEST HEROES, AND A WELCOME TO UNANIMOUS LITTLE HAI'T'I SIGN AT NORTHEAST MAR"TIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD ON THE SOUTHWEST SIDE OF THE NORTHEAST SECTION OF MARTIN LUTHER KING BOULEVARD AND MIAMI AVENUE; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY'S PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO PROVIDE IN-KIND 'rEciINICAL ASSISTANCE, ALONG WITH MIAMI- DADE COUNTY, AND REPORT BACK TO THE COMMISSION REGARDING SAID ISSUE WITHIN 90 DAYS, ON WAYS TO IMPROVE THE SURROUNDING AREA. ITEM 7 Note For the Record: Commissioner Regalado suggested to Mr. Calixte Jumel that he should request from the Haitian government certain indigenous plants and trees in order to beautify the aforementioned area selected for placement of the statue. 'fl w.l WINTON 'f ',i••* 0001, t •�;f1+ or �uNv�;u f ' CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: Juno 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 8 IftiM 12 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-01-587 WITHHOLD RELEASE OF FUNDS RELATED TO MOVED: SANCHEZ THE REMOVAL OF RESTRICTION ON THE CASH SECONDED: WINTON HELD BY THE FISCAL AGENT FOR THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT BONDS OF THE I UNANIMOUS SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO STUDY TIE OPTIONS RELATED TO SAID RELEASE OF RESTRICTION AND THE IMPACT OF THE REDUCTIONS IN THE PRINCIPAL EACH YF,AR THAT WILL NOT BE MADF. AS A RESULT OF THAT, PERFORM AN ANALYSIS AND COME BACK WITH A RECOMMENDATION AT THE NEXTCOMMISSION MEETING. ITEM 14 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to meet with the Oversight Board (including their financial advisor, namely, Public Financial Management (NPM), regarding FY 2001 budget adjustments pursuant to Ordinance 12079. ITEM 14 Direction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by Vice Chairman Gort to communicate with the Florida League of Cities, National League of Cities and International League of City Attorneys to give the Commission a report on Solid Waste costs; Commissioner Teele further directed the City Attorney to look into opting out of the Solid Waste flow control agreement. Of ..IrcO�' �iAT[ C+ i� CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 ('Phis meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 9 ITEM 14 Direction to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk: by Commissioner Teele to coordinate an information desk in the Office of the City Clerk, further instructing the City Clerk to come up with an implemented action process for same within the next two to three weeks, which will exist until the end of November 2001 to deal with public questions and information pertinent to the City of Miami governing structure, including information requested by candidates for office in the City of Miami, so requests for information can be handled appropriately in a timely and transparent fashion, open to the public, consistent with the Sunshine amendment; further instructing the Clerk to mail a notice to candidates seeking office that said information desk is available to obtain information, or appropriately be referred and tracked to the correct department. ITEM 15 Direction to the City Clerk: by Commissioner Teele to provide him with a copy of the transcripts regarding the sunset date for the fire fee. ITEM 15 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to calculate and send out to the State of Florida a request for payment on voluntary basis to pay for costs of services and particularly requesting of the Oversight Board to urge the Governor to appeal to those appropriate state agencies to also make payments to the City of Miami for costs incurred for municipal services. Vice Chairman Gort instructed the Manager to contact the League of Cities to find out ways to collect payments in lieu of taxes, such as extending the parking surcharge. MMUS o `ICY. I r, VA « I6961♦ „ail CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 10 ITEM 15 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to provide the Commission with a report on what each district pays for the lire fee; Commissioner Winton further requested the administration to completely and thoroughly reevaluate the manner in which we run business in the City in order to cut costs. ITT?M 17-A A MOTION RATIFYING, APPROVING AND M-01-592 CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING MOVED: WINTON OF AN EMERGENCY, WAIVING THE SECONDED: SANCHEZ REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEAI.F.D ABSENT: TFELE BIDDING PROCliDURI;S AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF CUSTODIAL SERVICES FOR MIAMARINA AT BAYSIDE, FROM MR. CLEAN RELIABLE SERVICES, INC. FOR TIIE DEPARTMENT OF CONFERENCES CONVENTIONS AND PUBLIC FACILITIES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,472.54; ALLOCATING FIJNDS FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO, 413000.350505.340. [Note Cor the Record: This item was later formalized as Resolution No. 01-594.] ITEM 18 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to make a strong request of the Miami Heat to fully Comply with all of the terms and conditions that would allow for the release of the City's $2,000,000, currently in escrow, specifically including excavation of the American Airlines Arena and the environmental testing of the entire site; further requesting of the Miami Heat to provide the City Commission with a timetable outlining -completion of excavation. i'l, G legal? :6:4 f !: i11j - CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEls'1'ING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 12 NON- AGENDA A MOTION TO CONTINUE THE JUNE 14, 2001 COMMISSION MEETING TO MONDAY, JUNE 25, 2001, 4:30 P.M. AT THE VIP ROOM IN THE MIAMI ARENA I -OR THE PURPOSE OF CONSIDERING ALL ITEMS NOT TAKEN UP ON JUNE 14rx M-01-602 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: SANCHEZ ABSENT: REGALADO NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-603 AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION MOVED: TEELE OF FUNDS, 1N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED SECONDED: WINTON $100,500, FROM THE LAW ENFORCEMENT ABSENT: REGALADO TRUST FIJND, PROJECT NUMBER 690001, TO PROVIDE FOR SALARY, TRAVEL. EXPENSES, TAXES AND ASSOCIATED OPERATING COSTS TO EMPLOY A POLICE: LEGISLATION LIAISON, SUCH EXPENDITURES HAVING BEEN APPROVED BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITH SECTION 932.7055, FLORIDA STATUTE (2001). 1 Amended 10-23-01 IL =' * latest aaan I CTTY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MFF.TING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This mecting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 13 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-604 AGENDA COMMISSION, WITH A-17ACHMENT(S), MOVED: 7'1'ELE ESTABLISHING A WORKING GROUP, AS MORE: SECONDED: SANCHEZ PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN THE ATTACHED ABSENT: REGALADO AND INCORPORATED MEMORANDUM SUBMITTED BY COMMISSIONER ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR., DATED JUNE 14, 2001, TO DEVELOP A COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ADDRESSING LOCATION, FINANCING, OPERATION, MANAGEMENT AND USES FOR A FIRST CLASS PARK COMPLEX TO BE LOCATED IN LITTLE HAITI, BETWEEN MIAMI AND NORTHEAST 5r" AVENUES AND NORTHEAST 41ST AND 74" STREETS, MIAMI, FLORIDA. NON- A MOTION APPROVING THE CO-SPONSORSHIP M-01-605 AGENDA OF THE COLOMBIAN INDEPENDENCE FESTIVAL, MOVED: SANCHE7. WHICH WILL BE HELD AT THE TAMIAMI PARK SECONDED: TEELE EXPO FAIRGROUNDS ON SATURDAY, JULY 21s' ABSENT: REGALADO AND SUNDAY, JULY 22, 2001; FURTHER AUTHORIZING LIGHT POLE BANNERS IN THE CITY OF MIAMI TO ADVERTISE SAID EVENT, aQ�m ..�54, • * orclii staff c i, 61 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 ('Phis meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 14 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-606 ^T AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING A CAP ON THE MOVED: SANCHEZ USER FEE OF $5,000 FOR THE PRESENTATION OF SECONDED: WINTON PROFESSIONAI. SOCCER GAMES BY ABSENT: REGALADO INTERFOREVER SPORTS, INC. AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM ON JULY 7, 2001; SAID AUTHORIZATION CONDITIONED UPON INTERFOREVER SPORTS (1) PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITI4 SAID EVENT, (2) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, AND (3) COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE; FUR'r iER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE. TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Winton to schedule consideration at the next regular Commission meeting a proposal to host the Regional World Economic Forum in Miami. Vice Chairman Gort requested of Commissioner Winton to have information on past demonstrations held in connection with this event in other venues, specifically if the demonstrators were local residents or not. �X t-,4p! CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 200 1) Page No. 15 NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to bring people in from all segments of the community to discuss issues relative to the upcoming Latin Grammy's; further urging the City Management to become more proactive and anticipate potential issues germane to said event; further directing the City Manager to come back with a full plan as to how the City can engage the entire community over the next ten days with a plan for said Latin Grammy's event. NON- Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele stated that a AGENDA special Commission meeting should be scheduled in July to consider a plan for staging of the Latin Grammy Awards. NON- A MOTION APPROVING PLACEMENT OF M-01-607 AGENDA HIGHWAY LIGHT POLE BANNERS FOR MIAMI MOVED: WINTON SEAQUARIUM ON CITY OF MIAMI SECONDED: TEELE THOROUGHFARES TO INFORM CITY RESIDENTS ABSENT: REGALADO AND VISITORS OF UPCOMING PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES AT MIAMI SEAQUARIUM. NON- A MOTION APPROVING PLACEMENT OF STREET M-01-608 AGENDA BANNERS ON LIGHT POLES ALONG US -I AND MOVED: GORT DOWNTOWN AREA THIS JULY FOR THE SECONDED: TEELE HISTORICAL MUSEUM OF SOUTHERN FLORIDA. ABSENT: REGALADO 0imx0[o iIN I' « Ireo�i �;�it r rty� Gy�J� r7,N t', O��o ,r CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to ,lune 25, 2001) Page No. 16 NON- A MOTION APPROVING THE PLACEMENT OF M-01-609 AGENDA VERTICAL. BANNERS ON FLORIDA POWER & MOVED: WINTON LIGHT (FPL) LIGHT POLES IN THE DOWNTOWN SECONDED: TEELE CORRIDOR TO WELCOME MICROSOFT ABSENT: REGALADO DELEGATES TO (TREATER MIAMI DURING JULY 7 THROUGH JULY 17, 2001. I NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-610 AGENDA COMMISSION CODESIGNATING SOUTHEAST 5" MOVED: WINTON STREET AT BRICKELL AVENUE, MIAMI, SECONDED; THELE FLORIDA, AS "JUDGE MILTON A. FRIEDMAN ABSENT: REGALADO WAY"; FIJRT14ER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATED OFFICES. NON- A RESOLUTION OI' THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION R-01-611 AGENDA CODESIGNATING SOUTHF,AST 3H° AVENUG FROM MOVED: WINTON SOUTHEAST 3 K STREET TO FLAGLER STREET, "CARLOS SECONDED: TEELE 3 MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS GARDEI_ AVENUE", ABSENT: REGALADO SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO DESIGNATED OFFICES. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner _ AGENDA Winton to do everything in the City's power to promote our City during the month of July 2001 when delegates from Microsoft are here. 2 Amended 7-24-01 amended 7-24-01 wi1xjffin ,`` N Of. 4�1 CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 17 l NON- A MOTION TO RECESS THE COMMISSION M-01-612 AGENDA MEETING OF JUNE. 14, 2001 AND CONTINUE ALL MOVED: TEELE ITEMS NOT HEARD ON THIS SAME DATE TO SECONDED: WINTON THE MEETING OF JUNE 25, 2001, BEGINNING 4:30 ABSENT: REGALADO P.M., IN THE MIAMI ARENA VIP ROOM. Nott .for Ar eoor.d: T4-Commmhpion: *AoO og, roaltI'tdet>6� p•Iq, Qa{{. ltihej' �d�,`ljQCd°IvfNr" ' Y �NLh1t{��iMN '� ITEM 20 - A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE M-01-613 CITY CLERK 1.O ADVERTISE FOR THE MOVED: SANCHEZ SUBMISSION OF ADDITIONAL APPLICATIONS TO SECONDED: 'Tt ELI THE BROWNFIELDS ADVISORY BOARD. UNANIMOUS ITEM 21 Note for the Record: R-01-614 appointed the following j individuals as members of the Commission on the Status of Women: Connie Johnson (nominated by Vice Chairman Gort) Lucie Tondreau (nominated by Commissioner Winton) Pending still are three appointments to be made: one from Mayor Carollo, one from Commissioner Teele and one from Commissioner Sanchez. ITEM 22 Note for the Record: R-01-615 appointed (lie following individuals as members of the Cultural and Fine Arts Board: Carlos Navarro (nominated by Commissioner Sanchez) Merlene Joseph nominated by Commissioner Teele �N G�rcn• rr*t � +� CIS Foe ♦q f�. 1. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to ,lune 25, 2001) Page No. 18 611116RUS ITE 23 Note for the Record: R-01-616 reappointed Dr. Marcelino Feal as a member of the Health Facilities Authority Board. Dr. Feal was renominated by Commissioner Regalado. ITEM 25 Note for the Record: R-01-617 reappointed the following individuals as members of the Historic and Environmental Preservation Board: Mercedes Lamazares (renominated by Commissioner Regalado to citizen category) Miguel Seco (renominated by Vice Chairman Gort to I-listorian or Architectural Historian category) ITEM 25 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CTI'Y CLERK TO M-01-618 ADVERTISE FOR ADDITIONAL APPLICA'T'IONS MOVED: TEELE TO THE HISTORIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL SECONDED: WINTON PRESERVATION BOARD, UNANIMOUS 1'fEM 23 Note for the Record: R-01-619 appointed Aldwyn Melton as a member of the Equal Opportunity Advisory Board. Mr. Milton was nominated by Commissioner Winton. ITEM 27 Note for the Record: R-01-620 appointed the following individuals as members of the Orange Bowl Advisory Board: Carlos Martell (nominated by Commissioner Regalado) Larry Coker (renominated by Commissioner Winton) Pending still are three appointments to be made: one by Commissioner Winton and two by Mayor Carollo. 611116RUS IIIIII mm Aq .4 T --A fi: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) Page No. 20 NON- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS R-01-625 AGENDA A MEMBER OF THE AUDIT ADVISORY REVIEW MOVED: TEELE COMMITTEE. SECONDED: WINfON Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele appointed UNANIMOUS Angela Frederick. NON- A RESOLUTION APPOINTING COMMISSIONER R-01-626 AGENDA ARTHUR E TEELE, JR. AS A MEMBER OF THE MOVED: TEELE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY. SECONDED: REGALADO Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele will replace UNANIMOUS Dr. Laurinus Pierre for the unexpired term on said board. NON- A MOTION TO ACCEPT RECOMMENDATIONS M-01-627 AGENDA AND DECISIONS OF THE VIRGINIA KEY BEACH MOVED: TEELE TRUST (HEREINAFTER REFERRED 'CO AS "THE SECONDED: WINi'ON TRUST") RELATED TO UTILIZING THE CITY OF UNANIMOUS MIAMI AS A FIDUCIARY ON AN INTERIM BASIS; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH APPROPRIATE FINANCIAL ACCOUNTS FOR TIIE TRUST; FURTIiER INSTRUCTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE A LETTER INFORMING THE DADE COMMUNITY FOUNDATION OF THE GREAT WORK TI•IAT THE TRUST IS DOING, INCLUDING SUPPORT FOR THE TRUST'S GRANTSMANSHIP INITIATIVES THROUGH SAID FOUNDATION. ITEM 33 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to schedule on the July 10`h agenda a discussion item for the Audit Advisory Committee to report on its concerns regarding the GASB (Governmental Accounting Standards Board) 34. 2n���� • CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) NUN- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Regalado to meet with each member of the Commission regarding the City's plan to handle possible scenarios which might occur in the event there is a health crisis as it pertains to Fidel Castro; Vice Chairman Gort further directed the Manager to meet with the dill'erent organizations throughout Miaini-Dade County which will be involved related to said plan; Commissioner Teele asked the Manager to work with State and Federal government to access funds which may apply for such scenarios; Commissioner Sanchez asked for the Community Relations Board to participate in said plan. ■ � Ram■. Page No. 21 Ireup " to so e' Q CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: June 14, 2001 1This meeting was continued to .lune 25, 2001) NON- A RESOLUTION OF THF MIAMI CITY AGENDA COMMISSION RI:LATFI) TO THE "NO MORE BULLE.'rS, BATTLE. OF THE DYS" EVENT TO BE CONDUCTED BY 'l HL; RICKIA ISAAC FOUNDATION, INC., AT '1 HE MIAMI ARENA, 801 ARENA BOULEVARD, MIAMI, FLORIDA, ON JULY 4, 2001: Al1THORIZING TI IE PROVISION OF IN-KIND SERVICES BY THF, DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND MRI; RIiSCUt, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $5,500; CONDITIONING SAID AUTIIORILATION UPON THE FOUNDATION: (1) OBTAINING ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW; (2) PAYING FOR ALL OTHER CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE 1-'II;S ASSOCIAT'LD WITH SAID EVENT; (3) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN 171E AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DhSIGNEE; AND (4) COMPLYING WITH ALI, CONDITIONS AND LIMITATION'S AS MAL' BF, PRESCRIBED BY THE' CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Tcele AGENDA to schedule for the July 10`x' agenda the following issues: 1. Plan related to security and crowd control issues regarding the Latin Grammy's (see page 14). 2. Plan related to security and crowd control regarding the Microsoft event (see page 15). 3. Special presentation related to the late Adolphus King, farmer owner of King's stables. 4. Special presentation related to the Dr. Young Yager. Page No. 22 R-01-628 MOVED: GORT SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS WOOF $matt• of 11 �. . CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MHI TING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25. 2001) NON- AGF.NDA NUN - AGI -`NDA NON --- AGENDA A MOTION DIRECTING THE CI'T'Y ATTORNEY TO DRAFT ORDINANCE(S) TO BF CONSIDERf:D ON FIRST READING AT THE JULY 10, 2001 COMMISSION Ml✓KIING AT 6 P.M. RELA11-0) TO RECOMMENDATIONS ABOUT POLICE SI iwi-NGS SUBMITTED BY (1) THE BLUI RIBBON COMMITTEE, (2) TIIL CIVILIAN REVIEW PANEL, AND (3) OTHER PLANS WHICH MAY BE PROFFERED BY THE MAYOR OR ANY COMMISSIONER. Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Cort to place on the Jule 10"' agenda consideration of rescheduling of the second regular meeting of September 2001, which currently falls during the observance of Yom Kippw-. Direction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by Commissioner Tecle to provide a full report on what is going on Model City where many churches have been cited for code violations. further requesting that the City Attorney get together with the Planning Department to draft legislation to grandfather churches which have been located within C -I zoning classification of Model City area in excess of three years. Page No. 23 M-01-629 MOVED: SLCONDF,D: UNANIMOUS TEHLE W INTON 0 E CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEIE.TING DATE: June 14, 2001 (This meeting was continued to June 25, 2001) NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Regalado to prevent flooding on City streets by repairing malfunctioning sweepers in order to remove branches along US -1, Coral Way and other streets. clearing storm Sewer drains, etc., further urging the administration to make the vector trucks operational, A MOTION TO ADJOIJRN 'TODAY'S COMMISSION MEETING, APPROVED: q�1 WA . ER J, FOEMAN, CI'T'Y CLERK 0 Nage No. 24 M-01-630 MOVED: WINTON SECONDED: REGALADO UNANIMOUS r— NOTE: AS DULY NO'1 L'D ON THI: 11t:REIN A(Jt:NDA AND (:17Y CLERK'S REPORT. WHICH CONS"ITnJn- A JOURNAL OP CITY COMMISSM PROCEEDINGS, I'M "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTti ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MIiANS THAT ALL FIVE. CITY COMMISSIONI S WERE' PRESITIT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTI? NI'GA'11VI- VO FES. PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR AHSTIiN'r10N FROM VOT ING BY A COMMISSIONER, If ANY. IS AUSO DULY REFLL•UMD IN SAID VOT1=. R