HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0497V ir Beach PARK TRUST P.O. Box 330011, Miami, FL 33233-0011 THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Mrs. M Athohn Ron ,g. Chnlrr,erson - 305.691.4343 / Fax 305691-6805 Mr. Gono Tlnnie. Vice Cf -air 305751.9791 / Fu• XY, 7`,1 414? E-mnll•walltinnie@ool.corn VIRGINIA KEY BEACH PARK UPDATE A Progress Report to the City Commissioners and Mayor of the city 0f Miami, Florida May 24, 2001 The rebirth of historic Virginia Key Beach as a truly unique attraction in coming years continues to garnerenthusiastic support at hoth government and grass -runts levels. The only oceanfront park within the city limits of Miami -- it rare locale where visitors can enjoy ;l pristine view of nature and sea uninterrupted by large buildings has txcomc both a symbol of what determined citizen involvement can accomplish and, even more importantly, an example of' what public parks cart be, in contributing to the quality of life of residents and visitors alike. The, restored park and swimming beach will offer it combination of di51ille1i\'e recreational amenities, historic cunlmernoration and environmental aware- ness all in harmonious interrelationship at the same extraordinarily scenic site. It is this promise that has created so much interest, suplxirt, and cooperation toward making the vision a reality. Since March of 2001, the follovling developments have taken place: • The Miami -Dade County Commission unanimously approved a resolution sponsored by Comntis- sioner Barbara M. Carey -Shuler to allocate $5 million front the Cc►nvention Develo rl ent'fax (CDT) tund for a museum oil Virginia Key Beach, which will commemorate notch of the County's African American and Civil Rights history. (The once -segregated park, which brought together all of South Florida's 131ack communities in a unified, positive experience at an extraordinarily beautiful site, has long been seen as a most appropriate location for such a commemorative facility). • The City of Miami has begun to implement contracts to carry out anArchaeological Survcv of the site and to formulate it Preservation-I'l40 which ncl iudes its official designabi N as a National Landmark, under it 512,500 Historic Preservation grant from the State of Florida (which is to be matched by the City for it total of $25.000). - The Historic Preservation grant will also provide for systematic Oral History Gathering through video and audio interviews and for further research and documentation of the Park's history, • The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is continuing all of its necessary research in order to begin work on restoration of the shoreline later this year. This effort will greatly aid in the overall restoration of the "historic landscape" of the park itself. Combined with its environmental restoration project for the x;, -, (,,island, the Corps is providing roughly $11 rrrillion in assistance, thanks to Congresswoman Carrie P. R , ill J �? Meek's direct involvement. An aide. to Congresswoman Meek, Mr. John Shelby, cane• from Washington to visit the site and was r, given a publicly Noticed tour by Mrs. M. Athalie Range. Mr. Gene Tinnie, and Parks & Recreation Staff, therchy becoming more directly acquainted with the historical, environmental, and recreational t: - _. possibilities. (Continued on pu,pe 2) MEMBERS W1r M guei Germoin • Mrs Maio Newbold Mrs Enid C. Pinkney Mrs. M Alt Ranyc� Mrs. Rernlco Sawyer - f Mrs E�,gonum in H Ir�ns • Mr. Gene 5 Tlnnie - Mr PT rd lownsend • Mr W. Mark WpI — 497 7. • SUbnWtt(4d into rho COMM in , , public VIRGINIA KEY BEACH PARK UPDATE, 5124101 (Cont.) ,1►oge ?oil �w'r?r►c,idn tiriiin Waltor I -unman • The Mian -ii -Dade Dadle County Department of Environmental Resource: Managenun: (U.E.R. �S. ) has expanded its annual Bmnanz t citizen'% volunteer cleanup of wsaterfront parkand beaches to include'fly Olark historic Virginia Key Beuch. An enthusiastic group representing a wide diversity of age and ethnic groups thoroughly enjoyed the beautiful weather, the historical display, and the camaraderie on April 21, as they collected hundreds of bags of trash from the site. • On the following weekend, Bands On ti7li.illlll. 7 non- rofit organization funded �y the United NYU, ► ed.a simil;ir effort hrinYing together such erou s as the Black ATchives. Dade hoar t e_In�fiL te. wid emuloyees of Royal Carihheai Crktisv_j_irtes. Volunteers gathered up large trash and debris and made wooden nameplate signs (with malerials partially donated by'I'lte Monte Depot, inc.) to identify the trees at the site, while also hencirting from a historical presentation and nature tours. :_ ,I resat cif. all. the Miami City C'onntmistiio further encouraLed 1 } thele level ments. un isly annrRvt.d a six-month 4peratin hu et o 33 .149 fort jtejyly created Virginia Kev 1' rk 'frust__ (which took the Ip ace of the for er citizens' Task Force). This wi l enable the grottg to iinally he Kik n its mark in earnest, Mrine_th_ a nctitis�_�,taff. securing Office sace an dyauiuntent, etc. IN111ch of the budget will be applied to oip - ' ie custcifreeins; W future resources for more active imnlementatin of the'IYnst's extensive work plan. The 7�ust is nw.workinQ with Parks & Recreation onadua_jm lamentation of' the budget Although the Trust, due to its newness and unresolved issues, was unable to complete a proposal for a Community Develornnd nt Blochtant ('I)►i(i) for Virginia Kcv by the May •1 deadline, to response to it ON RFP, the body is continuing to work with the Mayor's office td► identify altct•nativc funding sources that might facilitate the urgent additional study and research that skill be required rn order for such areas as huilding restoration, park reopening and fu([rre economic development to be col)abma- tive with the ongoing efforts of' the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Shoreline Restoration Projecl. • U.S. Army Corps of rnginceas representatives met with City officials on May 7, to review progress on the shoreline restoration and to lay the groundwork for the carrying out of the upland Environmental Restoration component. The discussion was productive in giving more specificity as to the actual scope of work that will be carried out in the Shoreline Restoration (I 11), which will be restricted approximately to the Historic Reach area. There was also discussion of the upland Environmental Restoration (1 l 3 l) project and the 25% local match that will be needed. (Ted: most appropriate source will be the remainder of the $1 million Safe Neighborhoods and Parks Bond issue funds that were originally allocated for shoreline restoration but may now he redirected, since the U,S. Army Corps will be performing that task at IW% federal expense). Congresswoman Nleek's office was repre- sen(ed at the meeting by her aide, Ms. Lefty Mederos. • Ms. Mederos also brought, at the Trust's request and the Congresswoman's directive, a copy of the Federal file on Virginia Key that is in the National Archives. The file does not offer much cultural inforrttation but clues contain several maps and military -related documents. • On May 19 Earth Day was celebrated at historic Virginia Key Beach in a festive atmosphere featur- ing display booths and demonstrations along with live music, in an event coordinated by Citizens for it Better South Florida. (Cnntinuedl on pane 3) 01- 497 • This coming Sunday, M7, (Memorial Day weekend) yet ano�Virgima Key Beach tradition will be revived with a Spla wn concert and party from 12:00 no 6:00 p.m. • Finally, Virginia Key's place in the national popular culture is becoming more established. It is reported that an MTV music video featuring Jennifer Lopez was shot at Virginia Key Beach. More recently. a portion of the forthcoming film on the life of Muhammad Ali was shot on location there. Copies of these would be a most welcome addition to the archives and the future museum, if anyone can provide one. Similarly, copies of the old Miami News articles on Dr. Martin Luther King's quiet visits to Miami, and Virginia Key Beach, for rest and recuperation from the rigors of his crusade, are being researched. NOTE: While this Report acknowledges the valuable contributions and interest of several elected officials and other individuals and groups who have played key roles in the recent past, to whom the Trust and the community am deeply grateful, the record should also acknowledge the bedrock role of Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. in making all of these subsequent collective efforts possible. 01- 497