HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem# 16 - Discussion Item12 0 04/10/01 14 40 Pot I,P*A N AN�iuM� n � NMs. dloran I4 FbwA{a Porticlpacldn efective para of Devo►rolle Social Caracas, 9 de abril de 2001 CITY OF MIAMI MR. JOE SANCHEZ COMMISSIONER Dear Sir. I am writing you as Executive Director of Federation of Private Institutions For Attention of Chiktren, Youth and Family (FIPAN), a non prefM aWriikulion from Caracas -Venezuela. founded in 1958. We function as an Umbrella Organization for sixty four institutions, each one • concentrating in a specific public interest area; amongst them: Children, Youth, Health, Education, Recreation. Support to Family groups, Education for the workplace, Human Rights, etc. We represent the "International Association for Volunteer Effort" ([AVE) In Venezuela. As you know, on December 15, 1999 many thousands of people lost their lives due to a horrible natural disaster. Survivors were many and we hove implemented contingency pians to help the most needed with the distribution of national and International donations and other assistance programs in refugee camps and In the affected areas. We are seeldne kern you a do mft of lhtee of more vehlautes (eons, vein, Me.) thvt wrf be of weat help and vA verve our puepwm of MdpM9 People In need. The donation will also support our social programs In the community. Unfortunately, the media coverage dwindled down and the international humanitarian assistance has receded somewhat. However, we recognize that it will take families years to recover fully and become functional once again. We see to it that these families are assisted until thea recovery is complete. Your donation is of great importance and rellef to the effwl that we all are doing here on a daily basis to help the thousands of survivors that need so much our combined help In order for them to recover their lives to the best psico-social conditions that we con offer them. Yours truly, �"Lo.aeb d.. Morela Weiser de Purelk Dris+edm Gererete RPAN l?„'k,vLJ �\,ucuAs .los=6/.]1606 s" S- 3LI8s3T6 Aa A.r1. We. 90. LnMw T. v rs wl. - A�rwM Mtal 1 irl)� MA *-oar' br1 nw ".16 / tie 1117 -� !� lIIZ1)� �I. 0 ■ ■ We are,Jan =u Institut!q. s'=, ,.,,__ Rights of I We are-., Ior�e�r Workers in­_Vq,`�­7 We werefou nde'.cl 1-n � 19S as a sector _non profit.'Institution, ■ We U �� represent IAVE J ^1 R� in Venezuela. FIPAN • FIPAN. Federation of Private Institutions for the Assistance of Children, Youth and Family 17J • We group private high that work effortlesly toward's-ifts*F-b strengthening civil society-.- -,and -: ro. ng; volunteer work that contributes: to-- higher.' quality of life of children, youth and: family. - E -Respect m� -; ::Participation. oJustice o - Res ponsability cEquality LCempr-o! Ise 9ia4►.-ruu 86011MIA& M M- LIQ natural disasters,, extreme • poverty has reached more than half of Venezuela " s population-, --PA FIPAN Die to flood '--- . implement.-'...- to help the m_o_ne_ Due to Pol.itic-'a']-,.-"'*"a-'-'n'-d"--E--'c'�onomicinstabiii ...I ty, pus ._ the effect of M- LIQ natural disasters,, extreme • poverty has reached more than half of Venezuela " s population-, --PA FIPAN ■ -Emu"; i } r�sri�-r;' i z vvere °' FIPAN zi n ■ -Emu"; i } r�sri�-r;' i z vvere °' FIPAN a Training ars. incr Volunteers an"*d---.-.Y-_,,-1 Venezuela hip h standarda9 - • deserved full credit from Nene,zue''la ` `s most prestigious-'u-niversitiess ■ Our proven capability to quickly respond to social emergencies and diminish • human suffering. _i74) FIPAN C a Training ars. incr Volunteers an"*d---.-.Y-_,,-1 Venezuela hip h standarda9 - • deserved full credit from Nene,zue''la ` `s most prestigious-'u-niversitiess ■ Our proven capability to quickly respond to social emergencies and diminish • human suffering. _i74) FIPAN 1)4 FIPAN 14. 40 pts r I P�A N Mr.drt dr Ater. x.I N01p .1 tow n � Is i un rl� Portietpoeian efeetivo para of Do tarroilo Social Caracas, 9 de abril de 2001 CITY OF MIAMI MR. JOE SANCHEZ COMMISSIONER Dear Sir. I am writing you as Executive Director of Federation of Private Institutions For Attention of Chiitlren, Youth and Fomily (FIPAN), a non profit orgul'liv.ulion from Caracos-Venezuela. founded in 1958. We function as an Umbrella Organization for sixty four Institutions, each one concentrating in a specific public Interost area: amongst them: Children, Youth, Health, Education, Recreation. Support to Family groups, Education for the workplace, Human Rights, etc. We represent the "International Association for Volunteer Effort" (IAVE) Ir Venozuela. As you know, on December 15, 1999 many thousands of people lost their lives due to a horrible nafura! disaster. Survivors were many aria we have implemented contingency plans to help the most needed with the distribution of national and international donations and other assistance programs In refugee comps and in the affected areas. Wo or# seeklmq from you a donaMon of three o} mare ve NcOes (can, veins, Site.) that will bo of 9fect h@4p and wal serve+ our purpuse of helpinq people In mood. The donation will also support our social programs In the community, Unfortunately, the media coverage dwindled down and the international humanitarian ossistance has receded somewhat. However, we recognize that it will take families years to recovor fully and become functional once again. We see to it that these families are assisted until their recovery is complete. Your donation is of great importance and relief to the bffcxi thoi we all are doing here on o daily basis to help the thousands of survivors that need so much our combined help in order for them to recovor their lives to the best psico-social conditions that we can offer them. Yours truly, Mords Weiser de Parrells Directors Cereote YIPAN M chlUilt:11:' ct hifrJ 15"') hubll(l rAc:Otd Irr nc►nn�:cfi�,� ���1G► city ue'A'k A+. Mdr" hYe, W. lr Frr4boonm P49 7. Ctt um, Viiiiiinu 1a Ir Apwdo Pi tT.N�.•.: (sM�) sn.f L ro r stlJs u r s11.2r. t s i sal. I �,ss 9 Ns (ss 7) !A OF.N 6-fM& 4W1®t"tv n•t acTe>s�T111