HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0429Alonso. Elv10.
From: Chiaro, Maria
sent: Thursday, May 03.20012:40 PM
To: Alonso. EM G.
Subieot: Sign at Cale Ocho
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Applicant roquests permission from Iha Sub of FToride Department of Transportalion, Iwrebafler caved Ilia DeparunenL to con dinol,
operab, and mainWn the Doily idiom in Or aecemptayiog engineering as described here
D.oralbn of Carwuaoon,Strod Name, end Novel lnlaesctiore __
I . h ilia proposed work within The corporate limits of a munieipdity: Yes ( ) No ( )
Name of nuuticipaoy Local Uovanmcal Contact:
2. Prior Io Now Ibis app4ationk the ballon of ell existing utilities, bosh aeslal end underground, Iwo been ascertained, undine
accurate location re dawn en the drawings (as applicable). A teller of notinution was mailed on
to the Ibgawing utilitiowmurdoipsbties:
3. It Isexpreuya haled gist this permit Is a license for permissive use only and first the construction within and/or upon public
property pursuant to this pemll shall not uprate to esesic or vest any property right in said holder.
4. Whatever it Is determined by the Depadovent that it is necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintrnance, ufs
and/or efficient operation, atbralion, or rodoalion of any or all porlim of uid highway sndfor transportation facility: the
Portninw dull immediately ecmovo any and all installed facilities from sold highway and/or transportation Wily, or rust or
rolocate thaoon as required by t a Department al the Pani" expanse.
S. All work stall meet Depar cat's Roadway and Traffic DcmW &VIdAW, Soeoilicaliong for Road andnfides CenWucliun,
and other sppgwbds ariwe in offset at the time of permit Issuance. The work shall be performsad under the Inspection
supervision d PrinkMAimwee Engineer loosted at
Telephone No No. This dedgmated engineer shall be notified forty-eighl (48) hours prior to
the pre.consi=on macting and again Immodlaldy before commencement of Work. All materiarand equipment also be
subject to inspection by Ilia designated cngincer or his authorized reprasnWive.
6. NI Department property shall be rumored to its original condition as for u practical in keeping with Department Specifics lions.
and in a meaner utiefaotary b she Departmank within orirty (30) days of the installation of the permitted work, unless otherwise
approved by the Deportment.
7. A dawiny earring daWls of this work shall be made a perm of ads permit This drowing shoo include plan, profits, end rots
aeotionsaaappropriate,andnayberequiredtobearthesealareprofessionalengineerlicensedintheStateofFlonda. Anbuill
drawings are required! Yes( ) No( )
S. The Permiute dug ca me = actual ammnwYon in good faith within days horn the dab of sale permit ap)roval ..
and shag compels canstruclion within days from oro eemmencement efwork value the permittee shoves good
cause fordatay and de Depr"iml eppmvcs an nuneion. No induction beyond no (1) year from the dale of issuana of this
permit will be granted.
% This construction and meinknnea shall nut interfere with Iles property end rights ofif prior Prmina.
10. Special Conditions and butructions by the paparunnt
II. It is undr*W and agreed out the sights and priviicgu herein at out tae granted only to he extent of the State$ right, 11119.and imtauN In the lard Is be onlred d w
upon and by the Prmium, his heirs, assigns, and sueoeeron in interest, end the
Permincewill,ord dinckaumew all dekofand Indemnify, defend, end save harmiess the State ofFlaida and the Deprbnent
from and apimet any and d ion, damage, seek or expense ruing in any meaner on eeoount of Use exercise or attempted
cierciu by uld Permittee of the afueukl rigble and privileges.
12. During construction through Department ameplance of dw pumitbd work, all safety regulations of rho Dopartmenl shellbe
observed and the holder must bit@masunw, Including placement and display of urdy devices, chat nay be necessary in crder
in so* cadent she public through the protect sues in accordance with the Departments current edition of the Roadwayjai
IfiftloQuinStandaid Index Soden 600, and Ilia Manual or trnifbmt TfgQle Control D sAon.
13. >n oawofnaneontpGeroewiN tlssDepartrmstG nqulnrnastl inalfal u of oro approved dee of thio permit, this permit Is void
and the work will be brought into compliance or tcmeved (torn the righi.of way at no cost to the Department.
Submitted and Agreed to by: Corporate Sal
Signstun ofPermitbo
Nome and TlUe (typed) Attutcd
Reoonunrded for approval: Tile Dot:
Approved by DOL
District Pemdt Engineer or Authorized Representative
01- 429
PaLkw NO.:
(if applicable) RECORD NO.: _
Applicant roquests permission from Iha Sub of FToride Department of Transportalion, Iwrebafler caved Ilia DeparunenL to con dinol,
operab, and mainWn the Doily idiom in Or aecemptayiog engineering as described here
D.oralbn of Carwuaoon,Strod Name, end Novel lnlaesctiore __
I . h ilia proposed work within The corporate limits of a munieipdity: Yes ( ) No ( )
Name of nuuticipaoy Local Uovanmcal Contact:
2. Prior Io Now Ibis app4ationk the ballon of ell existing utilities, bosh aeslal end underground, Iwo been ascertained, undine
accurate location re dawn en the drawings (as applicable). A teller of notinution was mailed on
to the Ibgawing utilitiowmurdoipsbties:
3. It Isexpreuya haled gist this permit Is a license for permissive use only and first the construction within and/or upon public
property pursuant to this pemll shall not uprate to esesic or vest any property right in said holder.
4. Whatever it Is determined by the Depadovent that it is necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintrnance, ufs
and/or efficient operation, atbralion, or rodoalion of any or all porlim of uid highway sndfor transportation facility: the
Portninw dull immediately ecmovo any and all installed facilities from sold highway and/or transportation Wily, or rust or
rolocate thaoon as required by t a Department al the Pani" expanse.
S. All work stall meet Depar cat's Roadway and Traffic DcmW &VIdAW, Soeoilicaliong for Road andnfides CenWucliun,
and other sppgwbds ariwe in offset at the time of permit Issuance. The work shall be performsad under the Inspection
supervision d PrinkMAimwee Engineer loosted at
Telephone No No. This dedgmated engineer shall be notified forty-eighl (48) hours prior to
the pre.consi=on macting and again Immodlaldy before commencement of Work. All materiarand equipment also be
subject to inspection by Ilia designated cngincer or his authorized reprasnWive.
6. NI Department property shall be rumored to its original condition as for u practical in keeping with Department Specifics lions.
and in a meaner utiefaotary b she Departmank within orirty (30) days of the installation of the permitted work, unless otherwise
approved by the Deportment.
7. A dawiny earring daWls of this work shall be made a perm of ads permit This drowing shoo include plan, profits, end rots
aeotionsaaappropriate,andnayberequiredtobearthesealareprofessionalengineerlicensedintheStateofFlonda. Anbuill
drawings are required! Yes( ) No( )
S. The Permiute dug ca me = actual ammnwYon in good faith within days horn the dab of sale permit ap)roval ..
and shag compels canstruclion within days from oro eemmencement efwork value the permittee shoves good
cause fordatay and de Depr"iml eppmvcs an nuneion. No induction beyond no (1) year from the dale of issuana of this
permit will be granted.
% This construction and meinknnea shall nut interfere with Iles property end rights ofif prior Prmina.
10. Special Conditions and butructions by the paparunnt
II. It is undr*W and agreed out the sights and priviicgu herein at out tae granted only to he extent of the State$ right, 11119.and imtauN In the lard Is be onlred d w
upon and by the Prmium, his heirs, assigns, and sueoeeron in interest, end the
Permincewill,ord dinckaumew all dekofand Indemnify, defend, end save harmiess the State ofFlaida and the Deprbnent
from and apimet any and d ion, damage, seek or expense ruing in any meaner on eeoount of Use exercise or attempted
cierciu by uld Permittee of the afueukl rigble and privileges.
12. During construction through Department ameplance of dw pumitbd work, all safety regulations of rho Dopartmenl shellbe
observed and the holder must bit@masunw, Including placement and display of urdy devices, chat nay be necessary in crder
in so* cadent she public through the protect sues in accordance with the Departments current edition of the Roadwayjai
IfiftloQuinStandaid Index Soden 600, and Ilia Manual or trnifbmt TfgQle Control D sAon.
13. >n oawofnaneontpGeroewiN tlssDepartrmstG nqulnrnastl inalfal u of oro approved dee of thio permit, this permit Is void
and the work will be brought into compliance or tcmeved (torn the righi.of way at no cost to the Department.
Submitted and Agreed to by: Corporate Sal
Signstun ofPermitbo
Nome and TlUe (typed) Attutcd
Reoonunrded for approval: Tile Dot:
Approved by DOL
District Pemdt Engineer or Authorized Representative
01- 429