HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0424• CITY OF MIAMI, KORIE DI%TRICT 1 INTER-OFFICE MEMORA VICE CHAIRMAN GORT TO: Carlos Gimenez DATE : April 19, 2001 G a f ' XPi i 2: c t, City Manager SUBJECT: Discussion Item Fti°"" Wifredo (Wily) GOR REFEREs Commissioner ENCLOSURES: Would you please place on the Commission Agenda of May 10. 2001, as a discussion item the naming of a street (SW 1 strreet an 181' Avenue) In memory of Mr. Juan Jose Gerardo Tunon. Thank you for your cooperation. WG/kk AGENDA ITEM J Q TUNON ST -NAMING 01- 424 +.W5b4au4UZ htkNHtJMZ FWNT1NG 83" P02 43F 1F_ 'nt • • March 21 ". 200: Commissioner Joe Sanchez Nliami City Hall 35 Pan American Drive Miami. FL 33133 Dew Mr. Sanchez- 1..Layda Tuft6n, am hereby petitioning that (South West First Street or 19"' Avenue), be named after my father, Mr. Juan Jou "Gerardo"Tui36n (1924-1 ). "Gerardo" TuMn, bom in Cuba November 2, 1924 to Juan .lose 1 uuon and Asuncion Bustdmente, the oldest of 6 children. He strived to the U.S. on September 1961. Although uwner of a large Insurance Company in Cuba, 1nteramericans de Seguro" he nettled in Stiami to work in art aluminum factory and unloading banana ships during the weekends. He had to provide for a family of five and my grandmother, to start from bcratch in the land of opporntnity. He along with two business associates started an Insurance Agency, Royal Caribbean Ins. Agency in 1963 and worked diligently until his death in 1999. The agency is family owned and ran, the oldest Latin insurance agency in south Flonda. Even thought it is not the largest, it has made a decent and honest living for seven families throughout the 38 cars. He received many awards and was part of many different Charitable Events, Social Clubs and non-profit organizations such as the American Cancer Society, Lion Club. etc. donating time and money. Not once when asked, did he refused to feed anyone and everyone in the "Neighborhood". He dedicated his entire life to GOD, HIS FAMILY AND SOCIAL VALU&S & SERVICES. He was a remarkable, admiraVe, respected, hart working, and over and above all. an Honest man, a man of integrity and a great FATHER. Therefore, 1 plead that "OL. grant this to a pilaf of our community that should be remembered and honored. Very truly y s. l,uy da on, 01- 424 •JMtw4&V4bi.:i h'tN►MiUt: t'K)`II Ulla td=t, t'U% W1W It '01 1—•:t, e►'M'a�`0��«, %MARA DE COMEROO LATINA DPOS ESTADOS UNIDOS CAMACOL' 110- Latin Chamber of Commerce of U.S.A. dv 'rta�a,r,p� JUNTA DE GOMERNO NR • "M PRESiDEWES DE HONOR Hoaao Aa" N/anurl UaOc PRESIDEA"M V ICEPRES1pprm 1YlAw Aitsa01def Anuwny C Rlvss March 23`4.2001 AnnwWv Al4wsdre MUW GuWnes 1ereaAr rt ei Carlo. deist CruL Jr 58CRSTARro Comisionado Joe Sanchez I vo r Nliatrii City Hall vlcvsa Irkw L vve 33 Pan American Dti%v F,tMer Levva Ruh6,eurkv Miami, FL 33133 tzsolunlo Orlmdo Nalrnlo ,, VIMESORMS Esdmado Sr. Sanchez: Plana CXdia Peralor. Ser3lo Cralpo0 DIXK70R M R6LACIONES Ek T=1tE5 i.a p rC Bente es para hacer constar quc Is paticion hecha por la Sra. Ama ryzm+urain Lada TuMn es completamente justificada. VICM111 cmalm RF L^C10 NE5 IEATERIOR" e� Conoci >, trate al Sr Juan Jose Gerardo Tufton por muchos aflos. car DIRECMRL6 hombre cabal, bonesto, buen padre, been hi;o. FrWWA V. Par} bluI r4'� Por to tanto apoyo que se le pones -su nombre" u la Calle indicada. jw 1M! N.�•arrc Rolando Blsnoo Martlu Lime AtentamenW I** L C1u Arrel Modes V bww GOnaera I�seph 1101; I.aetsc Gnat..02 a0wTarke Nalson Tarl•0 Mafia Cmk"A Awreor Eediaettr:L40m 7r, .ulS Sabi S )rtar u h1. caw. celaya Ana tit Fernandes Haar Presidente 5"y Valladares Carl Andewr. Esrehar. HmUrAes Nam M4rques a1GF'RESID its 111600 Rura comes C-1 berto Almeyda Maraca) lwado RMAD swi" Ehw-s Co-tnles AFE50R HIPOTECARIO AW Nous Asms ECON6huco Carlos ; Arbaleya ASESCRES LBGALEt i.1,cMel C, G4naora AMwtio (TOny) h1arin 45ElORE5 R. PUELICAS Just M Frets Eu£auo hm/nes A8rs6MASUNI.06 NWLING ADDRESS: F.C. BOX 350625, M1AMt, FL 33135 INTERNACION 4LES MAIN OFFICE 1417 W. FLAGLER FMVVT, MIAMI, FL 33135 Enb4d-j.0 .,mbler Moo TELEPHONE:305-662.3870 • FAX 30$4424663 INnMNrr: httpj/wrww.camscol.org 01- 424