HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-05-10 Minutesa 0 CITY OF MIAMI CITY COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON MAY 10, 2001 PI(hPAREU BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/CITY HALL Priscilla A. TNnnipsueel Qr C'lesrk MINUTES OF REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF MIAMI, FLORIDA hY2 On tlo ids' day of May 2001, the City Commission of Miami, Florida, Incl at its regular meeting place in the City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida in regular session. The meeting was called to order at 9:42 a.m. by Presiding Officer/Commissioner Wifredo Gott, with the following members of the Commission found to be present: Commissioner Wifredo Gort (District 1) tt th( TY S4yv1Y1 i - tck fi� Commissioner Johnny L. Winton (District 2) Commissioner Joe Sanchez (District 3) Commissioner'I'onias Rcgalado (District 4) - ALSO PRES X Carlos Gimenoz, City Manager. Q. 1 F t �§a•' i Aiejatdro °Vilarello, City Attorney . a Walter J. Foeman,(..ity Clerk. 7y Sylvia Lowman, City Assistant Cit Clerk gf ABSENT: U i � 'q��� Commissioner Arthur E. Tecic, Jr. (District 5) ` `` An itwvocation was delivered by Commissioner Regalado, air wl elia Comic issioner Winto led those presenti a pledso of allegiance to the flag. Y k dIM, "flr� } 5/Ii)lQl C ^2 . 1. PRESENTATIONS AND PROCLAMATIONS: 1. .. PROCLAIMED MAY 10, 2001 AS "JEANNE TRAFFORD DAY" TO HONOR HER FOR EFFORTS IN DEVELOPMENT OF A POLICE ELECTRONIC TRACKINGSYSTEM. MS. TRAFFORD IS RETIRED COMPUTER PROGRAMMER WHO WORKS AS VOLUNTEER. 2. PROCLAIMED MAY 14-20 AS "SALVATION ARMY WEEK" TO HONOR ITS DEDICATED OFFICERS AND STAFF WHO HAVE SERVED MIAMI SINCE 1913. 3. COMMENDATION TO MIAMI MEDICAL TEAM WHO HAS ASSISTED COUNTRIES AFTER A DISASTER SUCH AS THE RECENT EARTHQUAKES IN EL SALVADOR. 4. COMMENDATION TO MEMBERS OF THE CORAL WAY NET CITIZENS ON PATROL WHOSE EFFORTS ASSIST IN THE SECURITY OF THEIR NEIGHBORHOOD. Note for the Record; c:'ummissioncr Arthur E. Tecic, .lr. entered the Commission chamber at 9:50 a.tn 2 5110/01 L INTRODUCTION OF NEW SERGEANT -AT -ARMS, MR. PEDRO PIDERMAN. � Vice Chainnan tort: OK. We'll now -- Commissioner Regalado: Consent agenda. Vice Chairman Gort: We have three minutes before we start the -- Chief, would you introduce the Sergeant -at -Arms that has been selected. Raul Martinez (Chief of Police): Yes. Good morning. Raul Martinez, Chief of Police. It is my pleasure to announce that the assignment of Officer Pedro Pidennann has been selected as Sergeant -at -Anes for the City Commission. A couple of months ago, the City Commission, through a resolution, instructed us to create a position and form a selection process. The process went through. We advertised. We had 23 applicants. We interviewed nine of the applicants, and as per the resolution, and in conjunction with the Chairman of the Commission, Commissioner Gori, the selection of Pedro Pidermunn was made to begin as Sergeant -at -Arms. I'd like to give you a couple of things about -- tell you a couple of things about Officer Pidernnann. Officer Pidennann is a 19 -year veteran of the Miami Police Department. He's currently assigned to the mounted unit. lie's had -- his past assignments include patrol, special investigations, homicide, burglary, auto theft, And he's got in-service training classes to include dignitary protection. He's got an associate degree in criminal justice and a bachelor's degree in public administration, I'm setting up meetings with Officcr Pidermann in each of your offices so you get to know him. We're also setting tip Officer I'iderntann to spend some time with the Sergeant -at -Arms with the County and with the detail that's assigned to the Mayor's Office, so he learns some of the nuances of his new assignment. Vice Chairman Gort: "thank you. Welcome on board. You all received a memo from me yesterday that we talked and discussed the procedure on how we're going to use this, Any one of you can require the use of the Sergeant-at-Anns, of his services. You've got it, right? OK. Thank you. Welcome. Anybody have any other questions'? OK. 5/10/01 LI 3. CONSENT AGENDA. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there any one item on the consent agenda anybody would like to pull out? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Commissioner. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Mr. Vilarello. items CA -14, 15 and 16, 1 would like to have those deferred to the next meeting. They do require changes in the budget, which will he -- consideration of these items will be appropriate after you deal with the midyear appropriations ordinance. And you're only going to consider that today on first reading. Vice Chairman Gort: What are the items? Mr. Vilarello: The items are the increase in fees for independent counsel. Vice Chairman Gort: No, the numbers again. Mr. Vilarello: Oh. CA -14, 15 and 16. Vice Cliairntan Gort: OK. Any other items that would like to be pulled by any of the Commissioners? Commissioner Sanchez: Hearing none, Mr. Chairman, I so move the CA agenda. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chainnan Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "ayc." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Note for the Record: Agenda Items CA -14, CA -15 and C.A-16 were deferred to the next regularly scheduled Commission meeting. 4 5110/01 n LJ NOTE FOR THE RECORD: CODE SEC. 2-33 (J) STIPULATES THAT CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS THAT ARE REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA PRIOR TO CITY COMMISSION CONSIDERATION SHALL AUTOMATICALLY HE SCHEDULED AS A REGULAR AGENDA ITEM AT THE NI'sXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE CITY COMMISSION. Tl-1EREUPON, ON MOTION DULY MADE BY COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ AND SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER WINTON, THE CONSGIT AGENDA ITEMS WERE PASSED BY THE FOLLOWING VOTE: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vicc Chairman Wifrodo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 3.1. ACCEPT BID OF MURRAY FENCE COMPANY FOR ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION 'OF SCREENING FENCE FOR DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, $7,074.44; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM' POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 -404 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID Or MURRAY FENCE COMPANY FOR THE ACQUISITION AND INSTALLATION OF A SCREENING FENCF FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $7,074.44; ALLOCATTNG FUNDS FROM TRE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 312012.299301.6.830 g 5110101 %7- 3.2. ACCEPT BID OF ACS IMAGE SOLUTIONS FOR ACQUISI;'TION OF. MICROFILMING SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENT OF ' POLICE, $25,000; ALLOCATE 'FUNDS FROM : POLICE j GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. RESOLUTION NO. 01-405 A RESOLUTION OF THP. MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF ACS IMAGE SOLUTIONS FOR THE ACQUISI'T'ION OF MICROFILMING SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS, WITH TILE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONF-YEAR PERIODS; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE POLICE GENERAL OPERA'rTNG BUDGLT, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.290201.6.270. 2 5/10101 �l • 3.3. ACCEPT BID OF GLOVES, INC. FOR ACQUISITION OF FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CLEANII G SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE $10,000. RESOLi;TION NO. 0 1 -406 A RESOLUTION OF THE. MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE HID OF GLOVES, INC. FOR THE ACQUISITION OF FIREFIGHTER PROTECTIVE CLOTHING CLEANING SERVICES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE, ON AN AS -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YEAR W17H THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL UNE -YEAR PERIODS, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT CODE. NO. 001000.280701.6.670. 3.4. ACCEPT BID OF TNT CUSTOM MARINE, INC. FOR DE -RIGGING AND RE -POWERING OF MARINE VESSELS, INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR, DO YOU RECALL DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, $50,875.32; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND. RESOLUTION NO. 01-407 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF TNT CUSTOM MARINE, INC. FOR THE. DE -RIGGING AND RE -POWERING OF MARINE VESSELS, INCLUDING PARTS AND LABOR, FOR TIII- DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR TWO YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL, ONE-YEAR PERIODS, 1N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 550,875.32; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM TH L LAW ENFORCEMENT TRUST FUND, PROJECT NO. 690003, SUCH EXPENDITURE HAVING BEEN APPROVED 13Y THE CHIEF OF POLICE AS COMPLYING WITIi TILE U.S. DEPARTMFNi' OF THE TREASURY'S "GUIDE TO EQUITABLE SHARING." 7 5110101 0 3.5. ACCEPT BID OF LANiCLAGE LINE SERVICES FOR ACQUISITION OF, LANGUAGE ,INE TRANSLATION SERVICES FOR DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE -RESCUE, S60,000; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM E-911 OPERATING BUDGET, RESOLUTION NO. 01-408 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BID OF LANGUAGE LINE SERVICES FOR THE ACQUISITION OF LANGUAGE LIFE TRANSLATION SERVTCI?S FOR THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE AND FIRE -RESCUE, ON A CONTRACT BASIS FOR A PERIOD OF TWO YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONh-YEAR PERIODS, IN AN ANNUAI. AMOUNT NOT TO EXCITED S60,000; ALLOCATING FUNIS FROM THE E-911 OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 196002.290461.6.340. 3.6. ACCEPT BID OF BISCAYNE HAVANA FIRE AND SAFETY FOR ACQUISITION OF INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, TESTING, REFILLING AND REPAIR SERVICES OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING FOR USE BY VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM OPERATING BUDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPART'MBNTS. RESOLUTION NO. 01-409 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE 131D OF BISCAYNE IfAVANA EIRE AND SAFETY FOR THE ACQUISITION OF INSPECTIONS, CERTIFICATIONS, TESTING, REFILLING AND REPAIR SERVICES OF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF PURCHASING FOR USE BY VARIOUS CITY DEPARTMENTS, ON AN AS -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS FOR ONE YFAR, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONF-YEAR PERIODS; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM EACH OF THE OPERATING 13UDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENTS, SUBJECT TO BUDGETARY APPROVAL. 5/10101 • • 3.7. APPROVE PROCUREMENT OF REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT FOR DEPARTMENT OF FIRE -RESCUE FROM VARIOUS VENDORS, UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY 1 CONTRACT NO, 2121-2/00-2,$150,000; AS FUNDED BY FIRE ASSESSMENT FEE. _� J RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 -410 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT, APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF REPLACEMENT EQUIPMENT FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF FIRE - RESCUE FROM VARIOUS V1:NDORS AS LISTED ON ATTACHMENT "A," ON AN AS -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS, UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACTNO. 2121- 2/00-2, EFFECTIVE T14ROLJGH JUNE 30, 2001, SUBJECT TO ANY EXTENSIONS. WITH THE OPTION Ifo RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $150,000; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT CODE NOS. 001000.280601.6.850, IT THF AMOUNT OF 540,000; 001000.280601.6.840, IN THE AMOUNT OF S10,000; AND 313304.289401.6.850, AS FUNDED BY THE FIRE ASSESSMENT FEE, IN THE AMOUNT OF $100,000. 3.8. APPROVE PROCUREMENT OF MOTORCYCLE BOOTS AND PUTTEES FOR DEPARTMENT OF POLICE FROM GOLD NUGGET, D/B/A ARGO UNIFORM, UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 6536 -3/04 -OTR -SW, $17,240.40; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. J RESOLUTION NO. 01-411 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF MOTORCYCLE BOOTS AND PUTTEES FOR TH.E DEPARTMENT OF POLICE FROM GOLD NUGGET, D/B/A ARGO UNIFORM, ON AN AS -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS, UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 6536- 3/04 -OTR -SW, EFFECTIVE THROLJOH SEPTEMBER 30, 2001, AND ANY EXTENSIONS, IN AN ANNUAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $17,240.40; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGE -T', ACCOUNT CODs NO. 001000.290201.6.075. 9 5/10/01 D0000 I r� • 3.9. APPROVE PROCUREMENT OF FUSEES TRAFFIC FLARES FOR -DEPARTMENT OF POLICE FROM AMFAK, INC., UNDER EXISTING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 6323 -3/04 -OTR -SW, $11,374; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. RESOLUTION NO. 01-412 A RESOLUTION OF TME MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE PROCUREMENT OF FI_7SE S TRAFFIC FLARES FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF POLICF FROM AMFAK, INC., ON AN AS - NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS, UNDER EXISTING MIAMI -DADS COUNTY CONTRACT NO. 6323 -3104 -OTR -SW, EFFECTIVE THROUGH AUGUST 31, 2001, AND ANY EXTENSIONS, IN AN ANNUAL, AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 511,374; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000,290201.0.719. 3.10. AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 99-372 TO AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH TEMPLETON AND FRANKLIN VETERINARY ASSOCIATES FOR PROVISION OF VETERINARY SERVICES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT HORSES, FROM $18,000 TO $28,000 FOR SECOND YEAR: ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. RESOLUTION NO. 01-413 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAN11 CITY COMMISSION AMENDING RF.SOLUI'ION NO. 99-372 TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE 1N THE CONTRACT WITH TEMPI.ETON AND FRANKLIN VETERINARY ASSOCIATES FOR THE PROVISION OF VETERINARY SERVICES FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT HORSES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO FXCEED $10,000, FROM S18,000 TO S28,000 FOR THE SECOND YEAR; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.290201.6.260. 10 5110101 �r�r�rmj� 0 0 3.11.. AUTHORIZE INCREASE IN CONTRACT WITH MIAVII•DADE COUNTY F01t FUELING AND, EMISSIONS TESTING OF CITY VEHICLES, FROM $1,300,787 TO ` $1,815,307,' FOR DEPAR' MINT OF POLICE, UNDER EXISTING LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING; ALLpCATE FUNDS FROM POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET. RESOLUTION NO. 01-414 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING AN INCREASE IN THE CONTRACT W1T11 MIAMI- DADE COUNTY FOR THE FUELING AND F.M. ISSIONS TESTING OF CITY OF MIAMI VEHICLES, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $514,600, FROM $1,300,787 TO $1,815,387, FOR TILE DEPARTMENT OF POLICE, UNDER AN EXISTING LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING DATED JULY 13,1994; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROMTHE POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.290301.6.715. 3.12, AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 00-351 TO AUTHORIZE INCREASE WITH MIRI CONSTRUCTION, INC. FOR PROJECT ENTITLED "SOUTHWEST 32"° AVENUE PAVING PROJECT, B-4614," FROM $332,977.75 TO 5368,997.75 FOR CONTRACT gQSTS;` ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT. RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 -415 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 00-351 TO AUTHORIZE AN INCREASE WITH M.IRI CONSTRICTION, INC. FOR THE PROJECT ENTITLED "SOUTHWEST 32ND AVENUE PAVING PROJECT, B-4614;' IN THE AMOUNT OF $36,000, FROM 332,977.75 TO $368,997.75 FOR THE CONTRACT COSTS; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 341170, AS APPROPRIATED BY THE ANNUAL. APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PRO.IEurs ORDINANCES, AS AMENDED. 11 5/10/01 11 • x.13. �lU'1'HQRIZE MANAGER TO EXECUTE REVOCABLE LICENSE: AGR1rMENT WITH UOL1.A1; BILLS, INC. FOR VSE OF 1,505 SQUARE FEET OF `SPACE IN OVERT6WN SHOPPING BNfi E, 149Q NORTHWEST 3" AVENi7E, SPACE 108; FOR.DISCOUNT RETAIL:ST0RE 024 1OT1=T0-MONTH BASIS; - RESOLUTION R-01-416 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A REVOCABLE LICENSE: AGREEMENT ("AGREEMEN'I"'), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH DOLLAR BILL.$S, INC. ("LICENSEE.") FOR THE USE OF APPROXIMATFLY 1,505 SQUARE FEET OF SPACE IN THE OVERTOWN S14OPPING CENTER LOCATED AT 1490 NORTHWEST 3K") AVENUE, SPACE 108, MIAMI, FLORIDA, FOR A DISCOUNT RRTAIL STORE ON A MONTH-TO-MONTH BASIS, WITH LICENSEE PAYING $6.50 PER SQUARF. FOOT TO THE CITY OF MIAMI, EQUALING $815.21 MONTHLY PLUS STATE USE TAX, IF APPLICABLE, WITH TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT, AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING A SIX MONTHS ABATEMENT OF THE MONTHLY REIT. 12 5/10/01 0 0 3.14. AMEND RESOLUTION NO. 98-275 TO (1) INCREASE CONTRACT FROM $1,300,787 TO $1,858,000, FOR USE OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FUELING FACILITIES BY DEPARTMENTS OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND POLICE AND (2) CORRECT TERMS CONTAINED IN RESOLUTION; ALLOCATE FUNDS FROM DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL SERVICES ADMITIISTRATION, $118,000 AND POLICE GENERAL OPERATING BUDGET, $1,740,000. RESOLUTION NO. 01-417 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CII'Y COMMISSION AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 98-275 TO (1) INCREASE THE APPROVED CONTRACT BY AN ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $557,213, FROM $1,300,787 TO $1,858,000, FOR USI? OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY DUELING FACILITIES BY TIIF I)HPARTMENTS OF GENERAL. SERVICES ADMINISTRATION AND POLICE AND (2) CORRECT THE TERMS CONTAINED IN THE RESOLUTION AGREEMENT TO BE CONSISTENT WITH THE TERMS SET FORTH IN THE LETTER OF UNDERSTANDING TO REFLECT THAT THE AGREEMENT CONTRACT WILL CONTLNU 1NI)FFINITELY, SUBJECT TO THF. RIGHT OF EITHER PARTY TO TERMINATE; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THF DEPARTMENT OF GL-'NERA1, SERVICES ADMINISTRATION, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 503001.420905.6.7I5, IN Tli E AMOUNT OF $118,000 (FY 00-01, $41,900 AND FY 01-02, 576,100), AND THE POLICE GENERAL. OPERATING BUDGET, ACCOUNT CODE NO. 001000.290301.6.715, IN "THE AMOUNT OF $1,740,000 (FY 00-01, 5972,330.20 AND FY 01-02, $767,669.890), SUBJECT TO BUDGETARY APPROVAL. 13 5/10/01 2affmlm 13AUT CIT Y:AT'I'ORN �'Y TOjAlSlE Q1,;INSEL T'O 1�Z D it °LEGAL,S W I95UE$ RrI.A'T$D TAc�2�% ISLAND AND I;pCATl'F$,004,P#O .JII PkOJ ;Y,; RESOLUTION NO. 01-418 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO ENGAGE.. COUNSEL TO RENDER LEGAL SERVICES CONCERNING TITLE ISSUES RELATED TO WATSON ISLAND, AND ALLOCATING FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $25,000 FROM CAPITAL f IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 344102. l� , Ai, t $ 42- �*1�';,�rs�t,,s,H t^'��`.� `t"� a:�3t� U 'f'4=f `f";"`���'f'�,,�••�i°-� � �.�. j�<r'+i}gyp; �t. '� �}:�, }y 5`'",.yrar.``"Imt gelv— " q-, , ; ~F� N`'1�, s :7h i`�.,`�ir;"*�• `i 'ic *Nu+' t 'S`'�+'i,�3' ..4. t ,k� ���n� g °'carr" j.� F,�s ��� ; e`,��! a��.•i�?K�ti�i `` , 7 :„k•�#„� r' .A�r 7 eoi la�ii'K. ��t StJy` `g1Vt i x au n � .�1111e sx„�s `'X.w-i'� A��' � "�^. � `� � a, � r< . �,a ..,� �' ^,•�*+ ,�"+���a, ��� �� � � t T�VV�� �x� ! tis �,� � � :q+ ear� i"•Z ,1'.�'$c ,c�`,a ��"iia �i�z+c`k'k � t ��,� "�'��' fi fi'.+�k�i fir;`„'• 7 +?t „`�r 'f 3, rij � t "�,� •1• �x 1 t xrd�'P59vta'r r, yJ}zx �;ra r` °,2i ` 4'j's "' `afrTb.A „oe Fj xr r S y%n. '+ 3'bipe°n.'Y.�•t lsy`1 kx> if's i -##>f is `�:, y *x 9,N4 dw .pa4' �€ y� x'k N'!7`.5.. j.. 3` y vi(a(yn '� n�. 'f"if �, �, �`�w *s� w i } tit+ �` � .�° �.t•-S a r hs F--lri a �&ri .Y r� r r� � s a ! Ff `SFr g"~•! Ar a,«4Mwl r r•r r....,�".rt 1'Y.as'�iz :(s1r�'si�'fi�,'��r." "-�'"i'5� z'�yn rA� "kf'Ya}�4a''•'k"dRS".'xj,'?' :i Sa Y�'� tf`��'��•ilc t L�h�t a3'?t P7vk,.a hy� rn gx fi.``r' �ar*},X" ti, +fxy N � o- p fa 9r s v: --k r 3ixa� �a 47 yCiw i s y �r ht F7dtk i/G�n Ht 4iy3� S ii J ( G y nd .. �� %] Y g r A:'1 t�+ rr• dSyfV'r; G, uwtb k�i5'S: L ai �. € .+`^r i D d v13 !3. i t �, + ymd�fckti�F t�t';i' ai"W6p :S ybyx`,e5y�r`,`�a 2+tyY,p �Y�i,,.,i y ;hr's -S 4 2kia.y4 F,. y, y2 s1 tri ,Vi•s' s� ys+�d Y,�a rfr r u v b ary t^ yrr fp ..n cc>s 1 ,3 i -V3, 4 S is 14 5/10/01 • CJ 4. AUTHORIZE WAIVER OF ALL FEES AND PEM4ITS AS PERMiSSiBLE BN' LAW FOR 1 FREEDOM TONER BUILDING RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY; CONDITION SAID AUTHORIZATION UPON ORGANIZERS. J Vice Chairman Gorr: `r'1'e have a couple requests for items time certain items. First we'll hear from Mr. Books and then we'll hear from the DOT (Department of Transportation). Pleasure to have you with us. Commissioner Regalado: Are we going to hear now from DOT, you say? (INAI ID1131,1: COM.M1.1N1 ) Commissioner Regcdado: OK. Commissioner Tecle is here, so if you want to hear on DOT, it's fine with me. ,toe Abreu: Mr. Mayor, members of the Commission, it's certainly a -- C'omnlissioner Teele: /recuse me, Mr. Abreu. Vice Chairman Gun: Lxcuse nu a minute. The Mayor's-- 1N1r. Mayor. Nlayer Carollo: 1 would appreciate it it' I could take a brief moment of privilege 10r an item that 1'111 not being to he able to he here fir, and I would like to see if we could deal with it at this point in tinge. This has to do with the Frcedonn Tower dedication this coming Saturday. If 1 could ask Mr. Joe Garcia if you'd conic up, please. Joe Garcia: Mayer and Commission. Mayor C'arollo: Thank you, Mr. Garcia. Mr. Garcia, if you could present to this body the request that you have, and i hchcve that you have spoken to each member of this Commission. And after you would do so, I'd like to ask the Administration for their recommendation. Mr. Garcia: Sure. 'l hank you eery much. Mayor, Commissioners, there's it -- there's a dedication of the Freedom Tower Mat is occurring this Saturday, this -- next Saturday. Not this one, but next Suturday, the I("', which is a buiidiug .where the foundation and other affiliated non-profit groups have already spent somewhere in tile neighborhood of ten million dollars ($10,000,000) in-kind, as well as physical labor that's been done there. And we expect within the next year another ten million to be Put in, and within the next two to four years, another twenty 1111111011 lir a Project that is saving one o1' Miami's great historic landmarks, the Freedom Tower. And on this Saturday, the 1 �)`h, we're inaugurating that building. There are going to be some entertainers. There's going to he all sorts of festivities. It is not it for-profit event. The event is going; to cost us a great deal of mcney to throw. But we're, in essence, just re -introducing this huildint! to the City and giving the opportunity for the citizens of Miami to see one of the great landmarks in un arca of the City that steeds to be restored. The request that I'm making is for the waiver of the lees, as well as Ihr the services. I believe that the City Manager's Office must have made it available to all of you. And I Lind myself short that 1 don't have the figures belore me. But it is for the City services, as well as for lite fees, so that we can make sure we can protect the citizens and to make sure that we leave it better than we tound the area this Saturday at 10 o'clock when the festivities end. I 15 5/10;01 1I0z1111113 also want to thank the Mayor as v ell as the Commission, the Chief of Police. and all the other City sm'ices. In particular. Lina has been fantastic in helping us work through what -- a difficult process, and one that i am not accustomed to. So I thank you and the staff ol'the City. Mayor Carollo: Thank you, ,loc. And Dena, Lina does do an excellent job. Mr. Garcia: One of the few public servants that answers her phone at nine o'clock at night in her office. So it's always -- Mayor Carollo She docs, but we have a lot like that in the City of Miami. Mr. Manager, what is your rcconimendation? That is if you got through it before the Commissioners. Carlos GlnienC7 (City Manager): My recommendation is the standard recommendation, that we can waive the fees, but not the City services. We estimate that the cost of City services will jump to about thirty thousand if we, indeed, sponsor the event. Mayor Carollo: OK. What — Commissioner Teele: Was there an issue -- Did you say there was an issue -- Excuse me, Mr. Mayor. May I? Mayor Carollo: Go ahead, Commissioner. Commissioner 'Keele: Thank you, Mr. Mayor, Was there an issue regarding the building fees, the building permit fees'? You were talking about the event fees; is that right`? Mr, Garcia: I'm talking about the waivable tees, which the City Manager's office has been so kind to agree to waive, or to recommend to waive. But I'm also talking about the City service fees. We're not talking about the building and other fees that I -- 1 assume are the Engineering Department that's working there and will be -- is dealing with your City departnien(s. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman, I -- i know that all of us are unanimous in wanting; to make the appropriate motion. I lowcver, recogni4ing that this is in the district of Commissioner Winton, I would simply request Commissioner Winton to consider the -- not only the civic commitment, but the -- the unfortunate precedent of waiving fees for an organization that -- that is affiliated with an organization that has a net worth of over a billion dollars (,S 1,000,000,000), indirectly or directly, depending; upon what version of the court suits and the public discussion you'd like to take. I do think that this is one of the signature buildings in this City. It obviously is our answer to the Biltmore Hotel. And the first three floors are among (lie most magnificent public space in -- under any roof' in the south. I would appeal to the Chairman of the DDA. (Downtown Development Authority), however, to make the motion. And I would urge the Chairman to recommend that the City provide a grant to the DDA for the purpose of ensuring an appropriate opening; of the Towcr. That -- that way, I thing: we have the opportunity for the l.)DA and the people within the DDA area that are going to directly benefit by the increased property values and the increased national visibility. 1 meats, we will sec CBS, NBC, ABC and CSNBC Fox live in front of that building Mat's part of Miami for the next -- until at least the dictator is gone. 16 5/10/01 _11611116111► • Mr. Garcia: I think much longer than that, Commissioner. My hope is that this is a testament to the greatness of America. We're celebrating the open arms that we were received in this country with, and I say "received," even though I was born here. But the whole concept is one to embrace this, the entire community. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. And so, Mr. Chairman, my request to the District Commissioner would be to yield and allow the honor of making a motion to the Chairman of the DDA. And I think a lot of policy issues will not he damaged, and it's consistent with some things that we've done in both the Bayfront Trust and with the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). And I think we can all be there two weeks from Saturday with big smiles. Mr. Garcia: One week. One week from Saturday. Commissioner Teele: One week from Saturday. All right. Mr. Garcia: Let's not miss it. Commissioner Winton: I would so yield. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Mayor. :Mayor Carollo: Go ahead, Vice :Mayor. Vice Chainnan Gort: The -- When .foe called me about three months ago, we welcomed him at the DDA, and the DDA staff, along with the Lina Blanco, who has been working with him to make sure that the -- this is a very successful event. The reason being, we need to understand that the Miami News, which some of us who have been here fora long time remember the Bluc Streak -- i used to sell it on the corner when t was a kid -- was originated -- that was the building for the Blue Streak. And then later on, the Federal government utilized that building to -- to process all the refugees that were coming in, in the '60s and `70s. So there's a lot of history in that building. And I'm glad the Mas family bought the building and want to maintain it, rather than knock it down and build another, because that's -- let me -- that's priceless. That land there is priceless. So it would be my honor to go ahead and make the motion to do SO. Mr. Garcia: If I might, I'd like to thank Commission. And Patty Allen, who is the Director of the DDA has been fantastic in letting us know the opportunities and the appreciation that the City has for that project. So. Commissioner Winton: I would second the motion Mayor Carollo; There's a motion and there's a second. A motion. Commissioner Winton: Could -- Mayor Carollo: Commissioner. 17 5/10/01 Commissioner Winton: Could I make one comment on that? And Joe, another question. What was the amount of private sector investment that's been made in this building? Mr. Garcia: Commissioner, thus far, it's all been private sector. The -- Commissioner Winton: But how much? 1N,1r. Garcia: We figure that before it's said and done, this year alone, we'll be at about ten million. By the end of next year. we'll be at about twenty. And then in terms of endowments and other things, we'll he looking at another t"cnty to thirty million over the next five years. And it is precisely an investment, which will never bring returns, except for the general body of constituents of this great City, Commissioner Winton: And I would like to thank Commissioner Teele for his creativity, because when I -- this issue first popped up yesterday afternoon and I talked to Joe, I told him I'm very concerned about setting -- you know, because my vote's been very consistent for every single group, and I told him that. I don't vote to waive City costs. And i think that, Commissioner Teele, you came up with a magnificent way to accommodate something that I really felt in my heart needed to he accommodated, because there's one thing that sets this apart from every -- any other single request we've had, and that is that there has been made a private sector investment already of ten million dollars ($10,000,006). Those are dollars that are floating through our City in the form of jobs, in the forst of fees and taxes, and all kinds of things. So I -- I would like to commend you fur your creative thought there, and appreciate that. Mayor Carollo: This is one of the most historic buildings in Grcatcr Miami, definitely within (lie three main historic buildings that we have in Miami. The building is situated in the heart. of Miami, in the DDA District. It's also part of the CRA District. Tile investment that the private sector has made in this building is very valuable to Miami's history. It's a very, very significant amount. 1 very much endorse the motion that is here before this body today. Can you call the roll call, please. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Roll call. Vice Chairman Gort? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Yes. Mr. Focman: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Tecle: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Sanchez. 18 5/10/O1 • Commissioner Sanchez: Ycs, sir. 0 Mr. Garcia: Mr. Mayor and Commissioners thank you very much. Mr. Manager, thank you. Mayor Carollo: Certainly. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Winton: Thank you, too. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Gort, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-419 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING A GRANT, 1N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCISED S30,000, TO THE DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY TO ASSIST WITH THE COSTS ASSOCIATED WITH THE FREEDOM TOWER BUILDING RMBON CUTTING CEREMONY ON MAY 19, 2001, ORGANIZED BY THE CUBAN NATIONAL FOUNDATION; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM AN ACCOUNT TO BE IDENTIFIED BY THE CITY MANAGER. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None UUMMI 19 5110/01 • 0 5. (A) MK. JOSE ABREU, P.F,., DISTRICT SECRETARY FROM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ADDRESSED COMMISSION REGARDING DEVELOPMENT OF MIAMI INTERMODAL CENTER (MIC). (B) ADMINISTRATION TO PROVIDE COMMISSION WITH-JONT MEMORANDUM IN CONNECTION WITH FUNDING RECEIVED FROM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) FOR STUDIES, PLANS, AND DEMONSTRATION PROJECTS ALONG WITH COMPARISON OF STATE FUNDS RECEIVED BY MIAMI BEACH, HIALEAH, CORAL GABLES, COVERING LAST EIGHT TO TEN YEARS; DETAILING HOW MUCH MONEY CITY APPLIED FOR OVER SAID TIME PERIOD. (C) DISCUSSION ON MARLINS STADIUM; CITY ATTORNEY, PUBLIC WORKS, ALONG WITH MANAGER'S OFFICE AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, COORDINATE. EFFORTS N SITTING DOWN WITH FDOT AND METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) REGARDING FUNDS TO DEAL WITH INTEGRATION AND PLANNING PROCESS IN AVAILABLE FUNDING FROM BOTH FEDERAL TRANSIT ADMINISTRATION AND FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION. (D) REQUEST FDOT'S PRESENCE DURING SCHEDULED 3 P.M. PRESEN'T'ATION BY BICENTENNIAL PARK MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE; DIRECT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING PERSONNEL BE PRESENT DURING SAID PRESENTATION. (E) REQUEST PUBLIC HEARING BE HELD IIT CITY IN ORDER TO HEAR CITIZENS' INPUT 1N CONNECTION WITH PROPOSED INTERIM RE-ROUTING OF TRAFFIC FROM PORT' OF MIAMI AND REQUEST KEY TO CITY TO BE PRESENTED TO JOSE ABREU, DISTRICT SECRETARY, FDOT.— Vice Chairman Gort: OK. You coming back'? Mavor Carollo: Is there anything you need me here for'? Vice Chairman Gort: No. Mayor Carollo: OK. Is there -- is there any items, Commissioners, that I'm needed here for? Mr. Vice Mayor'? Vice Chairman Gort: Not to my knowledge, Mayor Carollo: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gott: Thes'e's the secretary of FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation). Could you please come for%vard? Mr. Abreu, it's a pleasure to have you with us. And Mr. Rcgalado has been requesting this for a while now. So we're glad you responded to that. Jose Abreu: 'l hank you, Chairman, Commissioners, I do appreciate the opportunity to come here before you to update you. Commissioner Tecle: LXCIISe me, Mr. Abreu. Mr. Abreu: Sir. 20 5110101 IPPI1I11a - Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I'll be happy to preside if you'd like to do the -- to meet with what's going on out there, photo op. Vice Chainnan Gort: What's going on? Commissioner I'cele: The photo op. Vice Chairman Gort: That's all right, Teele. Appreciate it. Thank you. Mr. Abreu: As you know, we've been at this thing for about eight years now. Aatd I trunk this is a good Point to give you an update as to everything that is going on, for several reasons. You know, obviously, significant progress has been made since the federal government gave us the record of decision in 1997. We did obtain a (unintelligible) advancement, and that is a program within the Transportation Act that advanced four hundred and thirty-six million dollars ($436,000,000) towards this effort. Two hundred and ninety of that is already in the bank. And we intend to go for the rest sometime during the summer. And that will become -- f mean the importance of having that advancement will heconlc obvious once 1 cover the right-of-way issue. We also have a model here for you today. I don't -- I'm not an expert in the model. In fact, the first time i saw it was last night in a van. But I've got my leant here with mc, if you do have questions. i intend to make this very short update, and then we'll go to questions and answers, just keep it interactive. But you will he seeing a lot of right-of-way activities. There's about 78 parcels involved in this effort. And we intend to either have possession of the parcels or court date by the end of the current year. We also intend to have a contractor breaking down on the rental car facility by the end of 2001. And in fact, we're in the process of acquiring the construction management, a risk contractor at this point in time. We're about a month away from doing so, And frankly, the other reason why this is important to me is that there will be two resolutions for you to consider concerning this project later on in your agenda. And so I thought it was appropriate to, you know, to update you with the whole project. There is -- I sec four -- We like to think of this Miami. Intermodal Center as a progr-am of projects. Therc are four major projects, and what I'd like to do is go over thein real quickly with you and give you what every one of them is at this point in time. The first is the monumental rental car facility. We brought the model just for you to understand the kind of a scale we're talking about here. This is about like a six -story facility -- is it six'.-- a five -story facility, about 20 acres for each deck. Commissioner Tcele: T here's a mike, a mike, a hand nnike. Hello? Hello? Yeah. Mr. Abrcu: Thank you. Thank you, Commissioner. if you'd just bear with here, north is pointing in your direction, this bring LeJeune Road, Miami international Airport. And ground zero would be almost right across, the Wyndham, where we already have our trailer, and just to show you the scale. So this is, of course, one of the components. And as 1 said before, we intend to break ground sometime during 2001, perhaps somewhere between October and i ccember. Another important aspect of this pruject is the People Mover. It's not shown hear in this working model, but it's a People Mover facility that would connect Miami International Airport. It kind of-- it goes around. You know, the facility at the curbside, and connecting Miami Intermodal Center. The third component would be the massive -- and this is a massive roadway component that we're proposing. Anti the thing about it, Miami hrlernational Airport is the only facility of its kind that is not connected to an expressway directly. The airport has been crying for this kind of an access, if you will, for many years. In fact, there was a -- something called the -- I think it 21 5110101 00I1Y was the Survival flan, Airport Survival Plan that identified the need 1161 that connection. So we're going to be providing that under this program. It was kind of hard to justify. Again, we all kind of -- the massive right-of-way acquisition efforts that we're platuting to undertake for just that one purpose. Now, you know, we have a larger purpose, of course. Then there is the core, the. Miami Intermodel ('enter core, itself. That would he located right here, and it's pretty much under the planning stages. And that's sort of like our central -- grand central station, where different modes of transportation -- the Tri -rail coming from this end, the roadway components, the People Mover, the bus terminal, taxis, everything would come together. And, of course, opportunities for joint development. And we will, you know, cover that, if you're interested in that, as well. The first thing I'd like to go over -- and these are things that people may be going to you with at this point in time, because it's N%ork in progress — and that is, again, the right-of- way eflbrt. We identified three priority areas for the five-year Miami Intermodal ('enter Program, which is worth about one point three billion dollars (51.3 billion) -- not the right-ol-way, but the entire program is. Those monies that we talked about at the federal government level, they're very important, because what happens, quite frankly, with the right-of-way, if we didn't have that advancement, we would have to acquire this property in a 15 -year period. And it becomes a self -fulfilled prophecy that the values would go up, and before we know it, we wouldn't be able to afford this project. As it is, we're just pushing the envelope. .Area 1 is right here, and would lie right here in your mode , where the rental car facility would be. The red is what we already own. Now, in Priority 1, the yellow, most of it is about live tracks, one property owner, and it looks like it's going to go to an agreed order of taking. In other words, not necessarily a willing seller, but a seller that understands that this is needed. So it looks like that's going to be under control, fairly sunk. Then Area 2 is the Le.leune Road strip. And hoth of the resolutions for your consideration today are, you know, related to this whole arca. This is our Transportation Infrastructure Corridor. The corridor was studio, and studied and studied. In fact, I'm sure Commissioner Teele would remember that meeting at the NIPO (Metropolitan Planning Organization), where just the location (it' this facility took about a fmir and a half hour discussion. And the con-idor would accommodate not only the direct access front 836 to the MIC (Miami internodal Center) and to Miami international Airport, but would also accommodate the future inter -connector, which is expressway being undertaken by the Mianti- Dade Expressway Authority, which would connect the State Road 112 up there with the State Road 836. Commissioner Teele: What is that right next to the -- just 6013111 ofcanal, Tamiami Canal? What is that`.' Vice Chairman Gort: 'Oelrcese. Mr. Abreu: The golf course. Commissioner Teele: It's getting more valuable, huh? Mr. Abreu: i detect you're trying to make a point. Commissioner- Teele: Well, we own it. %Vc own it if we didn't give it away. Mr. Abreu: OK. This basically, shows the complexity of the roadway network. Obviously, this is a graphic, but all these roadways are geometrically in place in a plan that we have. In other words, it's not just a sketch. This thing is being thoroughly engineered. Components around the NIlC facility -- and again, you see that in the model -- to be able to have the proper highway connection between the intermodal center and the airport, itself, as well as the direct connections. is that -- yeah. Yeah, i think 22 5110/01 II1 1 1 IYit that one goes on top. I'hat's the same thing superimposed on an aerial, for you to be able to see exactly what it's going to look like. I ii -lean, needless to say, this is -- The mega, mega project team for the USDOT (United States Department of Transportation) is basically with us doing this thing for many reasons. It's probably the largest transportation project in the nation at this point in time. And quite frankly, they're also concerned that we don't do here, you know, what happened in Boston with the big dig, as far as the overruns, So that's why they're basically located in our trailers maybe -- what? -- two or three days a month, at least. They contc in and -- and soil of like an oversight to the project. We arc, however, very proud of it, because from a planning perspective, I mean, even the folks, good folks at the University of Barcelona told us that this is like a planning case study, in idcal case study as to not only what the project docs, but hoev it evolved. It actualiv evolved out of necessity. It does many, many, man) things. So i don't, again, intend to go into a lot ofdctails unless you want us to. I also wanted to so you some boards here, what we think the rental car 6icility is going to look like from a conceptual architecture perspective. )'call, 1 might just as well show them these, too. Cuish Mahandis (phonetic), who is our program manager has been with us doing this thing from the very beginning. And again, we intend to make this an interactive presentation. Any questions that you may have, we'll try to tackle. By now, we have this Abbott and Costello routine, and, you know, we're kind of, you know, think we knoev what we're doing. Willi that, Chairman, any questions, we'd be ready to answer. Curinlrssioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, Just one question. Is it time certain, cost certain and project certain? Mr. Abreu: The project -- we have a five-year program, and we need to -- our goal is -- very serious goal is to have; the first -- I call this operational -- uh-huh -- ininimum operational stage by 2006. And that would be the rental car facility, the core -- And that's during the planning stages, because one of the things we intend to do is, obviously -- and I think- it's critical -- accommodate a Metrorail Station front F.arlington Heights to this location. So we're still looking at the plationn there you sec, and certainly of high-speed rail issue that was there, and then was gone and then now is back. So (hilt is something that we need to look into. So from a prograni perspective, the car rental facility, we're going to break ground this year. And the roadways are. all - construction roads are being prepared as we speak. And cverylhing is funded with the transportation -- the five-year transportation plan. Now, the People Mover, that's the component that Aviation, the Mianii-Dade Aviation Department is undertaking. It is in the C111, meaning its Capital Iniprovement Program. And it's also moving very well. But, unfortunately, as far as the logistics, it looks like we're going to have to operate the rental car facility for about two years before that People Mover, itself. So the idea is to have buses -- instead of having one Avis, and Hertz and a green and a red, to have them all one color to serve that for two years. Commissioner, we're doing the best we call to coordinate that aspect, but it just looks like the schedule is going to take it'll be a two-year lag. Commissioner Regalado: When -- Mr. Director, when does the construction on the west side of LeJcune Road near 836 start? Mr. Abreu: In the facility itself -- Commissioner Regalado; No, on the west side. Not on the intermodal, just the west side. Mr. Abreu: Oh, the west, west side. When will that contract be, Cursh? 23 5110/01 • Commissioner Regalado: Several -- 'That's the access from the expressway to the center, right? Mr. Abreu: July 2002, but we intend to -- Unidentified Speaker: Access to the airport and the facility. Mr. Abreu: Right. The main access, which is the west side, you're talking about right here. Commissioner Regalado Yeah. I'm talking about the west. Mr. Abrcu: And that is why we're trying to shoot for even having possession of these properties and/or a court date by the end of 2001. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: 'Thank you. Is there any questions for Secretary Ahreu? Any questions? Commissioner Regalado: I just waist to say something about Secretary Abreu. I want to thank you. Later on, we be dealing with an issue of Coral Way, but I've got to tell you, members of the Commission, that Secretary Abrcu has been a key player in trying to help the City in having a new Coral Way. I don't want to say it too loud, because they may hear in Tallahassee, but he has gotten more money- than the one allocated first, and we are going to have new lighting in Coral Way, thanks to Secretary Abreu. And not only that, let me say that this man has peen present at all meetings with merchants in Coral Way dealing with questions. So 1 really thank you. Mr. Abrcu: Thank you, sir. I appreciate your words. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Weil, 1 have to tell you, we had a meeting the other day. There was about 50 individuals that were looking at the (unintelligible) and looking at -- and the number one problem that came up, and you've been very good in supplying is transportation. But not only the roads. We need to improve our public transportation. So I think in the future, we all need -- we need to look at visional, and we also -- and I now you're doing that and you're doing an excellent job at that. But at the same time, we need to coordinate all our efforts, the County, the City, the school system and the municipalities, to make sure that we all -- the few resources that we have, we put them all together, and I'm sure we can accomplish a lot more. But I, on behalfto the City of Miami Commission, 1'd like to thank you for the work you're doing, and w0l be there to work with you. Thank you. Mr. Abreu: Thank you. Appreciate that, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you fir your presentation. Mr. Abrcu: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Mr., Chairman, l have a question. 24 5/10101 ,IIIPZiI1)Q. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Ron, I hope you're listening to this, because we're going to need sonic Funding. You're going to get sonic more assignments out of here. Ron Book: (Inaudible) to the District Secretary. Commissioner Tcele: Mr. Chairman, the Manager, is Mr. Rollason and the Public Works Director here? Carlos Gimencz (City Manager): Ycs, sir. Commissioner Tecle: Are they in here? Mr. Rollason in here now? Mr. Gimencz: I believe solie may be in the back. We'll go get him. Commissioner Teele: Well, I'm going to wait till Mr. Rollason comes out. Is he the Assistant Manager responsible for Public Works? Mr. Gimencz: Yes, he is. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager, Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission, this is a very important presentation, not so much because of the subject matter of the MIC and the five-year program, but the fact that the District Secretary has taken his time from his very busy schtxlulc to come down here and visit with us, something that I don't know -- i've been on the Commission here for three years and six months. 1 don't remember you being here in the three years that -- Does my memory Mr. Abrcu: Just once. Commissioner Teele: You were here? You were here once'? What was that on? Mr. Abrcu. That had to do with the bridge. Commissioner Teele: The bridge, the 12`x' Avenue Bridge? Mr. Abrcu: I think so. 1 think so. Commissioner Tcele: I lave you seen under thut 12"' Avenue Bridge'? Mr. Abreu: Well it's under design. Commissioner Tcele: I got a constituent to Sive me sone pictures, Mr. Manager, last -- this week. In fact, Commissioner Winton was having a presentation, and somebody saw me in the building, came out and gave me pictures underneath the 12"' Avenue Bridge on the north side of it. I'd appreciate if you all would go out with our people, and take sonic pictures, and figure out what space is yours and what space is ours, and, you know, then get a -- either get a junkyard permit or bring it into conformance. But Mr. Chairman, a lot of people come and go. We're going to talk about the budget today. But there is no person in this town, no one, that controls the destiny of this City snore than this tine bcnlleman here. Now, and 1 don't think we ought to just let him give us his business, and then let him go out the door, �S 51110/01 hecause this is a rare opportunity to engage in substuntial dialogue about literally hundreds of millions of dollars that are going to be spent or not spent. And I %voulcf suggest to you a lot of it's not going to be spent in the City of Miumi. 1 don't think there is any question that what Commissioner Winton is doing with the support -- and I want to publicly acknowledge that the District Secretary through the MPO process has been extremely Supportive of Commissioner Winton's efforts to look at a master plan of downtown on a second Level. They have been extremely supportive, and when 1 say "supportive," I mean financially suppoi- eve, }noting up money, substantial dollars, and barium resources. and consultants, in looking at options related to the tunnel and Where we can cross the Miami River. I lie District Secreutry has also beat supportive of Commissioner `v'<'inton's eftorts as it relates to the study along the FEC (Florida Last Coast) right-of-way. In fact, don't you have a study \cork group corning up this weekend. maybe? is it this weekend? Commissioner Winton: Well, there's something almost every weekend, because it's in the planning, in the -- it's in the public involvement process. So we have things almost every weekend. Commissioner I cele: Make tcn copies of this real fast. And so it's very clear that tl�e District Secretary is engaged, hands on, in support of the City of Miami. I lowever, however, there is a total disconnect between the senior -- In uty opinion, there's a total disconnect between the senior management of the City of Miami, starting with the Public Works Director, and going up directly to the Manager and the City Attorney in the process relating to the Depa;ttntent of Transportation's 20-year phut, five-year plan and 'I'll, ("I-Itrifl Incentive Plan). In fact, i will ask publicly, request respectfully of you, if you and the Manager's office will provide it joint memorandurn to the City Commission of the funding that the City of Miami has received from the MPO, DOT process for studies aril plans. Now, I don't want any capital activities, per se, but studies, and plans and demonstration projects that the City of Miami has received in comparison to Mianii Beach, both definition, definition of the studies and the dollars, in relationship to the ON of Miami Beach, Ilialeah -- what are the other cities that get all the money:' -- Coral Gables, and many others. And if it's better to do eight years or ten years, that's tip to you all. iiut the absence of dollars corning, to the City of Miami is going to spe.:k volumes when we get these mentos, because I've been privileged to serve on the MPO. I raised the question as it District Commissioner When I chaired the MPO for four years, why doesn't the City get money? The answer that always came back: The City doesn't apply lot- money. Arid I'm not going to ask you to comment on that. I'm making the statement. The City -- and you don't get money generally if you don't apply for it. is that a fair statement? Mr. Abreu: That's a fair statement. Commissioner FQcic: OK. So the other part of this memo I want is how much money during this same period of time did we apply for? Iiccause i think the Commission, and the Manager and the Attomey need to get the full picture. 1 am very supportive, and I Want to say this on the record. I don't think this City has enough African -American department heads and professionals. Arid this is not it statement about race. But I happen to believe that the current Director of Public Works is extremely competent, he's experienced and he's well trained. But there is a total disconnect between the Department of Public Works in the Cite and your office, Mr. Secretary. And I think you know thin, in relationship to other cities. And 1 want to support -- i Want to say it word to the Manager and the Assistant Manager. I think vve need to support our Public ``forks Department, and i think we need to challenge the department by having pilot programs, such as programs such as design bill fir road improvement, versus the way we do it, design it, huild it. We need some challenges. Because 1 can tell you, it takes too long -- i've been 2G 5%10/01 �I�I�I�Pxlr mailing on one parking lot -- OK'' Anti i know a little hit now about parking lots. And I'm telling you, based on using the City miscellaneous bid contract, we gel parking lots built, designed and permitted in three weeks. It takes your deparlment; it takes your Public s't'orks Department at least 90 days. And I don't know what the cost is. So, I mean, you know, there's a lot of'explanations. But I think a part of this is that we've got to have engineers talking to engineers. We've Sot to have a much better marriage. The second thing is this: This ('ity has a numhcr of important projects. And I'm -- 1 voted against the Martins Stadium, Mr. Secretary, not because i don't loan, the Marlins Stadium, not because I'm not prepared to vote today, lonlorrow and next week for the financing schemes that are intelligent and don't give everything to the County. And i know your lobbyist -- 1 mean your community relation's person is the canlpaign nnattaber for tlle Mayor .And I'm saying it so that it's very clear on the record, OK:' 1 am not going to turn the parking surcharge over to the County unless tl.0 County is prepared to turn some of the water and scw-cr numcy surcharge, if you will, their administrative l2 percent over to the City, because it's our system. But that's something that the Nlayor and the Manager are prepared to give away, and I don't want to get into that now. The point is this: 'rhe biggest reason and the only reason that I could not support the Marlins Stadium was 1 can't support the site, because tine site has not been vetted. It has not been studied. We are about to commit a half a billion dollar municipal invcstmcnl with the County, and there is not otic basic, federally mandated planning study that has been made of the arca. This is total insanity, what this Commission and the County Commission and the MPO are engaged in. Now, I know that at my request, the M110 did a cursory study. And I have that study, and I've evaluated it. But nobody's talking about a linkage with the stadium. Nobody's got the plans in terms of the Mctrorail system that ought to be -- we should he talking right now about how we're going to link this thing, because that's our business. fir. licnry is out trying to design the stadium. That's his business. But it's our business to protect the quality of life of the citizens. This thing is going to be another Kcndall, Kendall situation, with all due respect to Commissioner Winton. if w•e allow this to go on. And so the first thing I say is Ove need. Mr. Rollason, we need a serious sit-down with the DOT and the MPO process on getting funding, joint funding to deal with the integration and the planning process, and dollars are available both from FTA (sic) (Florida Transpotlation Commission) and from Federal Highway Administration. And I've talked to CnitSresswoman Meek. She's willing to support it. But we're sitting here arguing about how fast we can help Mr. I lenry get his money from the Legislature when we ought to he concerned about how we're going to protect the citizens sof the City of' Miami. And somebody's got to say this, and this is the man to say it to, because he is as high as you go in the whole DOT process You can go to the Governor and the Secretary, but. you know, let Ire tell you something. You can count the times on one hand in the course of a year that a District Sccrctury bets overruled. Nir. Book, you're our lobbyisl. You can conte to the mike and you can s,`:y, 'I'eele, you're wrong, or 1'eele, VOL] might be right. So tile point is tills: We have a unique obligation and responsibility here. 'I he second point is this: At 3 o'clock today, I'n; requesting, respectfully, that you ilavc one of your planning people here to hear tine presentation of know. It is a revolutionary concept, idea, but the key to it is transportation, in tains of the Bicentennial presentation. And I can break the code right here, right now. We -- this presentation raises substantial questions about the viability of the Burle Marx. I'm going to say it. So -- and 1 know the way the DOT bets evaluated by his boss. It's not like in the City of Miannt, where it's a popularity referendum. You know, the Manager docSn't Set an c\ aluation. You know, we like him, lie's here, and if Inc upsets the Mayor, you know, he's gone. Thank Clod, I ain't tine Manager. But the fact of the matter is -- 1'd have been gone 15 minutes ago -- but the fact of the nnalter is, is that the District Secretary gets evaluated on an objective criteria. And one of those criteria, Johnny, is how much planning money that he uses and ,,pends, and design money that he uses and spends and builds it. Is that a fair statement, Mr. Secretary'? 27 5!10101 Mr. Abreu: Thank you. It is. Thank you for saying that. Commissioner• 1•eele: And one of the biggest problems that the DOT has with the City of Miami -- and i'll tell you why we're blacklisted. I,et rue say this -- 1 don't want to use that analogy, because i've been blacklisted enough around here. The reason we're redlined by the Secretary of (lie DOT -- not personally -- but by the agency is because the City of Miami has spent more money proportionately in studies, and studies through the DDA, through the City of Miami, through other processes that are sitting there on the shelf. And he gets penalized. lie gets penalized in a -- not direct way, but in an aggregate way about studies that they do, and they don't go anywhere, and they don't have any chance of going anywhere. Now, Mr. Secretary, lou made an inipassionate plea to the MPO, which i ani privileged to serve on, and i rcallN, believe -- I'll say this right here and now. I've had my time, and i love being at the MPO. There's no place ['d rather bc, but i think Conlmissiuner Winton has earned Itis stripes. And I think Ws very important that Conunissioner Winton have all opportunity to serve. I would love to serve, and I want to continue to serve. And they -- when do they vote on this, Mr. Clerk? When do we vote on this? In May or June'? Walter Focnian (City Clerk): May 24"' Commissioner Teele: May 24`x'? But, you know, with (lie projects that you all are working on, it's not fair to Commissioner Winton or the City, you know, and the detailed projects are there, and I have a way of kind of getting to you rul\^,vay, I guess, and calling you. So it's better to have two of us trying to get to you that can get through than one. Two heads are definitely better than one in this case. But, Mr. Secretary, you have made many, impassionate please to the MPO to stop wasting money studying things, to avoid making hard decisions. And you said you have study, atter study, after study, and one of the studies that you complained about --- not directly, but in a series of complaints -- was the number of studies that the City, relating to the downtown area and the DDA have done. And I'd like for you to comment on that on the record, without any -- Nobody is going to get upset here. But we need to have a candid and frank discussion. Mr. Abrcu: No, absolutely. That's a matter of'-- that's a matter of record. Specifically, for example, the downtown ramps, the (inaudible') ramps were -- some 29 alternatives were studied to a level of detail -- I'm talking about environmental impact statement level of detail at it cost of over Iwo million dollars ($2,000,000). And we failed to get an endorsement from the DDA Board and/or having ••- atter extensive public involvement, even a direction. So it lies in a drawer. Commissioner Teele: Not even a direction. Say it again. Mr. Abrew: liven a direction. Commissioner Teele: So in other words, you all did the study, and you can't even write a closeout, because you didn't bet a vote from the board. Mr. Abreu: I mean, i personally feel that if we'd at least would have gotten -- or just go to the concept lcyel and he sure that we -- but we were, you luiow, under -- in good faith talking to developers, trying to actually do this thing. We thought it was a good thing from economy point of view, from all this infill redevelopment, and that one just went by the sideway. But that's not the only one. I'm saying within this 28 5110101 region, let me just -- Commissioner, let me ,just give you in order of magnitude. Five years or go or so, there was it studs' done slatew•ide by file Florida Transportation Commission. 'That's an independent oversight board that looks at what we do. And in a period of five years, they looked at District G, in all fairness it's all Mi uni-Dade County and Munroe County. And we had eight million dollars ($8,000,000) worth of studies, consultant fee studies in a drawer. .And the next highest arca was Jacksonville, with about one point two. And if ,you go live more years before that, the number is sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000). For example, the Last; West. In good faith, the Department of Transportation -- it has nothing to do with the City of Miami, per se -- but in good faith, the Department transferred highway dollars to do a transit study. Sixteen million dollars ($16,000,000). You know, and it's not my money, it's all of our money. And we did such a good GiS (Geographic Information System) type work that received all kinds of rating, and, in fact, it's part of a very privileged list in %Vashington, except that we don't have the matching fiuuls to be able to bring it now. Bill that's it drflerent story. The bottom line is, the drawer is still frill. And I'm just -- i really can't sleep at night if kve keep doing this. l mean, thinking that we just have to do projects tliat we're able to complete. And I think this is one of them. Commissioner Winton: Well, Mr. Secretary, I think part of the problem, historically, has been lack of political leadership. You know, i've only been in this job a year and a half, but i've dealt with a lot of constituents, and it's virtually impossible to get everybody to agree to whatever it is we're trying to do. There is no such thing as unanimous consent. And when you get in those situations. it takes political leadership to break- through that logjam, And, you know, I've only had the pleasure of working with you recently. .And Commissioner Teele LD.'d the projects that I'm working on. And I think I've told you this before. When it bets time to make a decision, I'm going to make it decision. And we're going to move forward. I'm not going to let you do studies, at least within my area, and not light hard to get some end result. And sometimes, the end result is a modification cif where we might be going. And that's OK, and think ,you're willing to do that, and I've seen that willingness. But it's been lack of political leadership, historically, and 1 think that -- I think there's new players at the table here, and i think you'll see the City of Miami fighting harder, to Drake sure that we don't waste public dollars on studies that sit in drawers. So -- and you certainly have my commitment. And I've seen Commissioner Teele do the same thing. So keep doing them. We'll get thein done. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I won't take up much time, but I'm telling you, this is a rare opportunity, and w-c've got some very unique needs. i think coming, out of the three o'clock, you know, meeting today, you're going to see that we need to get all -- nobody pull out their gun. Let's everybody stay calm. But we've got some serious back of the envelope negotiating to go do here in the context of the Burle Marx and in the context of you working positively with our Manager, Frank Rollason. Do you know Frank Rollason? Mr. Abreu: 1 don't know Frank, but I know your Manager. Commissioner Teele: Well, that one was the Manager before. And he's now the Assistant Manager attain. And Ire's running the Public Works Department or overseeing that. And where is the Budget Director? is she around here anywhere? And the Budget Director, Linda Haskins would love to wort: with you, and, of course, our Public Works Director. 1 go to every MPO meeting. I have yet to see senior staff from the Public Works Department at an MPO meeting. All the decisions about funding are made there. The Plaruting Department, the Planning Department, the Planning Department scrupulously monitors, and keeps up and 1 assume that that process filters back. But the very important point here is 9 5;10/0l tZ�Ie,•T.�i. that once this three o'clock program goes down, we're going to have to all work together. And what I don't want you to do is react something in the paper and say, there these people go again, you know, here's another problem, dah-dah-dah-dah-dah. final issue, and this is very important to the DDA, to Commissioner Winton. Today, 1 noted in the paper -- and thank you very much for continuing to do things properly. You have a notice of a public hearing relating to a project that essentially goes only through the City of Miami. A public hearing, I think, is going, to he at the seaport the 28`1' or the 29'x', relating to the -- 1 think the way i read it is the alternate, or the temporary -- is that the temporary routing or is that the permanent routing:' Anybody seen today's i1fianri llei•old? Well, it's in there as a legal notice. Commissioner Winton: What? The seapor,? Mr. Abrar: You mean for that -- like a truck route? Is that what we're talking about'? Commissioner Teele: I'm talking -- let's don't say that word like that. Mr. Abreu: Right. Commissioner Tcele: I'm talking about the interim solution to the port traffic problem. That is noticed in the Herald. A public hearing is going to be held at the seaport. I think it's tate 28111 or the 29`1'. Mr. Rollason: Yeah. Mr. Jackson says that's the one, the seaport re-routing. Commissioner Teele: I understand. 1 understand. That's why I'm talking about it. That goes essentially sold in the City of Miami. That program and that project is going to have a definite, positive impact in an area dramatically, Johnny, in your district, dramatically. And potentially, it may have a modest negative impact. OK? in my area. I think it's critical that we request of you and we work with the Manager that you arrange a public hearing to be held here in this chambers as a part of that, on a Commission day, so that we can hear with the citizens have to say, and he a part of that. This project is probably the most important project that the DDA and the district downtown can ever be involved in, in the next ten years. And we don't need to hide front our constituents. We don't need to get involved in politics. But I think, so that the record is clear, we need to coordinate maybe one of our Commission meetings in ,lune -- say the 14'x' -- I don't know, what you all's cycle is -- at closing, where we give you all like an hour or so of a limited public hearing liar an hour as a public hearing. And if it goes longer, we'll ask that it be continued to another location, maybe the Dade County chambers at a later date. But 1 think we need to be a part of that, and we need to get the full treatment of that. And 1 would respectfully ask Commissioner Winton, whose district it flows through, the good stuff flows through; myself, that the bad stuff comes to and the LPDA, that is, of course, impacted, as well as the CRA, to coordinate with you on this, because this is very important. And it's on a fast, fast, fast track. This is a project that was not even on the 20 -year plan a year ago, and thanks to my colleagues on the MPO, and the Secretary not objecting, it's been moved literally ahead of all the other projects in the MPO process in the -- that relates to the City ol'Mianti. And so I just wanted to thank you. I had -- if you don't mind. I had written -- I had asked the Mayor for a key to the City for you. Don't smile. YOil ain't going to get it. But the Mayor's Chief of Staff indicated that 1 had to sign a form and determine if you were distinguished or not. So I mean, i've written him a note back. But it's my hope that when you come back for the public hearing that we will have voted and made you a 30 5110101 IN It distinguished citizen, if for no other reason but to come -- to know that you're welcome before the City Commission. Mr. Abreu: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. Mr. Abreu: Thank you. Two quick comments. I'll do my best, Commissioner, to be as distinguished as 1 can. The first point -- Commissioner Tecle: Well, maybe they're monitoring. They may decide that you meet the criteria. Mr. Abreu: But I do appreciate your efforts. On the first part of your comments concerning the coordination, certainly, we could use more coordination. In fact, that issue was flagged in a survey that was performed by the Florida Transportation Commission, and I believe specifically with the City of Miami, there's clear -- you know, it's clear that I need to do a better job of that. On the other hand, 1 can assure ,you that it's not like we don't talk to each other at all. It's not that way at all. In fact, I would say to you the last three or four years -- Commissioner Teele: I'm not worried about the talking. I'm worried about the lack of money. That's my concern, in a word. But, please, I don't mean to interrupt you. Mr. Abrcu: No. 1 motif, but the talking would lead you there, Commissioner, as you know. I mean, if we -- if we all plan together and move this thing through the different committees, it'll get to the board, it'll get approved. And I give you my word that I'll do that. On the second issue, the circulator project that we're talking about, I think it's a very important project. I think it's a project that, you're absolutely right, maybe a year ago, wasn't even in the 25 -year horizon, and it's now right up there with some serious funding commitment fi•ont the DOT. You know, fairly close. But 1 do need to clarify, Commissioner, that the efforts that you sec in the newspaper -- that's why 1 didn't know exactly what the public hearing -- the seaport is doing fiat. The way that effort has been structured, the seaport is going to take it to a concept study, the public hearings, and then, if feasible. it's Poing to he turned to the DOT. So right, we're not at all appreciating his comments that we're doing things right. It's actually (lie seaport that's doing things right. At this point in time, we're not involved other than the programming of funding. 31 5/10/01 1X41m_W Commissioner Toole: Thank you, Mr. Chairman. And thank you so much. Vice Chairman Gort: My understanding is the -- and this could be the first. We have a great coordination in creating the marketplace project. The City, the County and the State are working together, and hopefully, we can continue that. And the port to downtown Miami is very important. Also, people don't realize the -- we could lose one of the major industries that we have here if we don't flx the problem with the traffic flow coming in and out of the port. So once again, I want to thank you and all your staff for being here and giving this. And we'll continue to work with you all. Thank you. Mr. Abrou: Thank you. 32 5/14/01 0 b. DISCUSSION CONCERNING 2001 FLORIDA LEGISLATIVE SESSION; CITY ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE COMMISSION WITH SEQUENCE OF EVENTS OF WHAT TRANSPIRED AS RELATES TO PROPOSED MARLIN'S BILL BEFORE FLORIDA LEGISLATURE; FURTHER REQUEST SAME FROM OUR LEGISLATIVE CONSULTANT, RON BOOK, ESQ. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Book, sorry -- 1 know we had A time certain for you, and we had other items that were time certain. I understand you've got quite a few million dollars ($1,000,000) to report to us? Ron Book: Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Manager, Mr. City Attorney, Mr. Clerk, members of the Commission. Thank you for the opportunity to come back before you and give you somewhat of an overview of what happenrd this Legislative session, as it relates to the City of Miami. I want to start out by saying that Commissioner Teele was 100 percent right when he said that the City is probably being shortchanged on transportation money. think he was probably kind when he said "probably," because it appears to me that [lie City has been. And as we go down the list of issues that we were successful on, I want to just suggest, Mr. Chair, to Commissioner Teele. and other members of the Commission that he's right. If you don't use the "A" word, you don't get. And the "A" word is not followed by two little "S's." II's followed by a little "S" and a little "K". But before we get into what we got and what we didn't get, let me just start out by thanking the members of our Legislative delegation, lead by Representative Barreiro as the Chairman of the delegation, followed by the leadership provided by Representative La Casa, as Chairman of the Appropriations Committee, Representative Rubio, who has demonstrated that he is not only going to be a great member of the Legislature in general, who was one of the majority whips in only his second full year in Tallahassee, but clearly is determined that he wants to be a leader for the City of Miami. followed in no particular order by the leadership provided by Representative Manny Prieguez, which each of you supported Representative Prieguez during his campaign and the things that he did, which I will conte back to in a minute. Followed by other members of the delegation that supported the City's agenda, Represenlative Aria, Representative Garcia, Representative Bendross-Mindingal I. and, of course, Senators Silver, Meek and .tones. Without the overall support of those Legislators and our entire delegation. we would not have been successful. Number two, I want to suggest that, at the appropriate time, Mr. Chair, Mr. Manager, that \i c invite those members of the Legislature to this Commission to thank them appropriately, to build on what we have begun to build in a relationship with this delegation. Vice Chairman Gort: I think you have Representative Prieguez right behind you, so we can -- he just showed up. Mr. Book: Well, ]'in in trouble with -- thank God I mentioned his name, you know. This is not only the father of the Allapattah Produce Market, but lie is 33 5110101 116111111x, the main reason that we were able to lass the 'Traffic Fines Bill, which I'm going to come to in just a few minutes. I want to encourage you, Mr. Chairman, Mr. Manager, to bring the entire delegation, hut, in particular, the members of the delegation that represent this community because of the outstanding work that they did. The next thing I want to talk about briefly is the support that I and vour entire lobbying team received this year from the City Manager and the staff of this City, and I want to, or. behalf of not only myself and illy firm, but on behalf of Mike Abrams, and the Kat/ Cutter team, Pamela Burch-Fort and the Commerce Group, and Rosario Kennedy from her firm, thank you for the support that ",e received. When we asked the Manaj:,er to he in Tallahassee, he didn't say "Why'?" lie said, "When'.' %Vhen we asked him to hring Mr. Iglesias to help support the effort, he didn't ask why, lie asked when. Through the efforts of Mr. Nachlinger, the efforts of Mr. Vilarello and his staff', Maria Chiaro, who was available to us at the drop of a hat when we needed her, when we needed it lawyer in town and we didn't know whether we were going to need this person or not need the person, but we looked into our crystal hall and said, somehow, we see over the horiion. We're goint* to need someone here to lie available to draft things. He sent Erica Wright up with one pair of clothes. She thought she would be there a day. She stayed rn,.,o weeks. Didn't ask when I can go home. She just asked when was the next assignment. The entire group, Mr. Chairman, members of thIS Commission, your entire group, led by the Manager, were there. They were creative, "-hey were driven to cone up with ideas to help accomplish the agenda that you established as a Commission on behalf of the people of the City of Miami. now, let me talk a little bit about the successes, because they were great, and they weren't few, but they were many. And let the ,just talk briefly about the first one, which is the substantive bill that passed on traffic fines. The Traffic Fines Dill means, on a recurring basis to this City, somewhere between two hundred and three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) a year. You hond that out, Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission -- and 1 don't need to tell the Chairman what it bonds out to he, because, Nir. Chairman, you know if you bonded it, it would Yield you somewhere between twenty-five and thirty-three million dollars (533.000,000), depending on whether the revenue stream is determined to be two hundred or three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) a year - I'm sorry -- between two and it half and three and a half million. It is significant and it is substantial in order to help you meet the needs of your telecommunication system for the City of Miami. We fought for this bill last year. It died on the House calendar after passing the Senate. We stood before you last year, one year ago today just about, and told you we would go back and get it, and through the efforts of Representative Prieguez, Senator Silver, who were our sponsors, and the other members of the delegation, that is now on the Governor's desk waiting for approval. The Orange Bowl Bill. The Orange Bowl Rill, unlike last year, had it lot better success this year, in that it passed the full Florida House of Representatives. It got to the calendar of tile. Senate. Unfortunately, it didn't snake tt, The only reason it didn't mince it is Senator McKay delermincd that issues that were of it rebate nature weren't going to go this year. Tie had it conversation. He called Representative Priegucz in 34 5%10101 • the closing days of the session and encouraged him to bring that hill hack next Year, and we're going to do so. And I might add -- I want to z;o hack to traffic fines a tninutc, because I left Representative Marco Rubio out of that discussion, because, frankly, without Representative Rubio's leadership on that particular issue, it would not he what it is today, and I am remiss in not being more forceful in my recognition of Representative Rubio's efforts on that. Representative Prieguer stayed on top of the Orange Bowl Bill throughout the session. The Manager and the Mayor, Mr. Nachlinger were in town when that legislation passed and, again, without their support, %t,c wouldn't he where we are. And I ant also remiss in not rccogniring all of the efforts for file entire 60 day session with Marva Wiley and her constant presence in Tallahassee and her constant pressure on the entire team to produce the results that came about. I'll conic hack to the Martin's hill in a fe%% minutes and I'll come back to the issue of billboards in a few minutes. I'd like to talk a little hit about your money. Number one, the Empowerment Zone. Empowerment "Lone yielded a total of a million dollars ($1,000,000) to the local community, which Nvas a significant issue. Numbcr two, the Miami Rivcr Dredge. T%vo million, two hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($2.22.5.()00) coming hack for the second phase of the State's funding of the Miami River Dredge. Storm water. Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission, again, the leadership of the Manager, your Public Works Director, v orking with the \Vater Management District after the mid -fall floods, yields one million, t\%o hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($1,250,000) for storm water improvements within the City, .And that's the first phase of what 1 think you're going to be looking to get coming next year. Allapattah Produce Market. Request was six hundred and fifty thousand dollars IS650,000). The Legislature appropriated six hundred thuusand. Legion Waterfront Enhancement Program. The request was six hundred thousand dollars (S600,000). We brought back six hundred thousand dollars ($600,00(1). Virtual Net. Request, 1 believe, was for four hundred thousand dollars (S400,000). We brought back two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). Miami Love Youth At Risk, which was vetoed last year, we're confident that we have improved the perception of what that program is. The Legislature, again, appropriated two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for Mianii Love Youth At Risk. And then, finally, Mr. Chairman, member's of the Commission, Mr. Manager, there i:, also significant funding in the budget that will allow the Tire Department to apply for grants for any further improvements to their thermal imaging program. That was not an issue that we sought. it was an issue that we supported on behalf of all of the firefighters of the State of Florida, and there will be significant funding in the budget for matching grants for the thermal imaging program. Going hack for just a minute to the Marlin's hill. I'm nut sure there; was much else that could hay v been done. Without the leadership, without the leadership of the Manager, the ideas that came to the forefront in the closing day and a half' of the Legislative session wouldn't have been there, but for his leadership. The hill didn't pass simply because .%e ran out of time. Whal this City chooses to do with a referendum is your call, Mr. Chairman, members of this Commission. But I think that, it' you're going to have an 35 it 10/01 �I�I�I10BZ. 0 • opportunity in the future, you must continue to move and advance the ball forward, looking towards your .January Legislative session. Mr. Chairman, members of the Commission, Mr. Manager, Mr. City Attorney, 1 want to again, on behalf of your entire lobbying team, thank you for the opportunity of representing you and your constituents. We appreciate the opportunity. I think you can see from this agenda that your staff, Mr. Teele, has learned to use the "A" word because we came, we met withy our staff, your department heads back in the early fall. We asked thein to get creative. We asked them to bring programs forward. We told them we would grade them. We told them we would approve them. or not approve them, to be a part of your program. It is because of their efforts, Mr. Chairman, it is because they used the "ask" word that we were able to bring these items back to this community. I believe that your staff, through the leadership of the Manager, is learning to put an advance in u proactive fashion, ideas and programs that we can look at, and that we can evaluate based on what we believe the priorities of the Governor and the Lcgislaturc will he in any given year. Mr. Chairman, we would be glad to answer any questions you and%or other members of the Commission or staff may have for us. Vice Chairman Cort: Thank you, Mr. Book. Questions? Does anyone have any questions? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Would you be working for the Marlins next year, Ron? Mr. Book: Commissioner Regalado, I don't know whether 1 will or 1 won't be working for the Marlins next year. I can tell you that I will not allow myself 10 be put into the position I was put in several weeks ago, where I was forced to pick and choose, where I basically made the decision that I was going to say with the City of Miami in my representation. Commissioner Regalado: So -- because l think that if' we ever do something in the summer or in the fall, the Legislature takes the issue, I mean, it would be two opposing sides, although we want to probably accomplish the same thing. But you'd be working for two different entities. Mr. Book: Commissioner, I would only respond by saying the following: That I think that when you go hack to the Legislature, assuming there's an opportunity -- and I think that's a big assumption -- I think that it is incumbent upon all of us to go back in a united front, as a true partnership. I think the Manager gained an awful lot Of understanding of the relationship that exists or doesn't exist between the entities during this past Legislative session. And through his leadership, we will continue to trove forward and advance whatever the agenda is of the City. But I think, Commissioner, again, if you put an item on the ballot, it's either going to get approved or not approved. And I would assume that everybody understands that anything going to this Legislature that is other 36 5/10/01 IIIZIIZIIii than revenue neutral or takes money out of the State's general revenue fund is not going to pass. This Senate President is not going to allow that to happen. The legislation that was pending before the Florida House of Representatives on Friday evening and was left sitting on the calendar in the Senate at nine o'clock or 8:57 when they adjourned was a piece of legislation that relied on this City and its -- and the community as a whole to commit a significant number of resources to the project. But it was a revenue -neutral bill that diel not cost the State of Florida any money. I think to go there without a united front and without a full agreement and understanding of what is or isn't going to be in a piece of legislation almost assures failure. if we go there without an understanding of what's going into the legislation on a DDA issue, or a CRA issue, or what portion is or is not going to be committed to other issues would be a serious mistake. Commissioner Regalado: So what you're saying is that if the City of Miami does not take a primary responsibility in paying for the stadium, there's nothing we can get from the State coming next year. Mr. Book: I would not look to any •-- Mr. Chairman, through you to Commissioner Regalado, 1 don't look at the State of Florida putting any meaningful dollars on the table, C:onunissioncr. I think that right now, the only option that I sec out there today is the option that was left on the table on Friday night. Commissioner Regalado: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Book, can you elaborate a little bit on the front porch initiative that the Governor has strongly support? The front porch initiative. Mr. Book: On the front porch initiative? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Mr. Book: What part of it? I mean, there's some additional dollars in front porch that are in the budget. That was not an issue that we were actively pursuing this Legislative session. Commissioner Sanchcz: But the City has been programmed to receive some of those funds? Mr. Book: That's correct. There are incentive dollars out there for 37 5/10/01 redevelopment, which is part of the Governor's front porch initiative, which was passed by the Legislature initially a year ago -- actually two years ago, and a significant amount of money and credits went into it last year, and it was continued this year on a recurring basis. Commissioner Sanchez: One of the things that I am very glad to see was that the administration really got very involved in the process. And I'm sure to them, it was an educating process for the City Manager and the staff' that went up there and saw that, you know, getting bills passed through Tallahassee is not so easy. But if we've learned one thing by being persistent, as we have been with several hills that every year we take up there, and we continue to push forth, ouc is the traffic fine bill that last year did not pass, but this year, we were able to make it through, generating two to three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) for the year, for the City of Miami, which could be used towards a radio system that we have. But the process here that the City Manager and the staff went up there and saw could see that in the end, 1 believe that even though the Marlins did not pass, the stadium did not pass, 1 think it was a good Legislative session to bring hack -- what is the total amount that we brought? We're looking at about -- I know Allapattah was six hundred thousand dollars ($600,000). Vice Chairman Gort: Six point two million dollars ($6.2 million). Commissioner Sanchez: Six point two million dollars ($6.2 trillion) that we generated. was brought into the City? Could you verify that? Mr. Book: Actually, it probably comes out to be a little bit more when you throw the traffic fines piece in with it. I mean when you count, you know, take the million dollars (51,000,000) in Empowerment Zone, the two and a quarter for the Mianti River dredge, the trillion and a quarter for the storm water improvements, the six hundred grand for Allapattah, the six hundred grand for the legion improvements, the virtual net, two hundred grand, two hundred grand Commissioner Sanchez: So we could say it was a successful legislation for the City of Miami. Mr. Book: It was a huge success. I will tell you this: I don't think we had an issue -- I don't think we had an issue out there -- and Marva, correct me it' I misstate this -- that we did not get some level of funding for. Every single issue you sought, your delegation brought home for you. And the thermal issue, thermal imaging issue is really found money for its, because that was not something we really anticipated getting, and whether or not we achieve any of those grants remains to he seen. But you still have probably the number one Fire Department in the State of Florida, and it would be hard for me to believe that we would not qualify for some of those dollars. 38 5/10/01 �I I i 0 Commissioner Sanchez: Now, here's the thing that i said last year, just about the same time, which we usually get together and you conic and five us the final result of the legislation, his that lobbying or going up to Tallahassee and get out- hills urhills through is a 365 -day effort. You lobby every day. You must have a good relationship with good -- if' not a good relationship, at least open communications with the Representatives. the Senators. i continue, once again, to emphasize the City to try to inset with the Rcpresentati%cs and the Senators, especially the ones that represent our City, and once again, to have them commit at least one bill, if they represent the City, to the Cite, because you know how hard it is when you start gcttirg up there, and you need. you know sponsors and co-sponsors for it bill. You end up finding yourself having to get somebody who is not a Representative of the City, or doesn't represent any interest in the City, and we end up getting somebody from Pensacola, or somebody from, you know, Tampa to pick up a bill. So it's important to have our legislators -- and I'm quite blessed to say that we do have a great working relationship with Representative Prieguez, Gus Barreiro, Marco Rubio, and the others that have continued to support the City of Miami. But once again, I think that we need, Mr. City Manager, to focus on if it's quarterly, to invite the Representatives to come here at the City Commission and introduce themselves, maybe present to us some ideas that they have. so %vhen it comes time for the City to seek sponsorship of bills, we already have a commitment from the people that are there to represent the City, because, you know. on the House side, you only get six bills. On the Senate side, it's unlimited. But, you know, six bills -- and I'm sure Manny Pricguc7 will emphasize on that -- six bills -- you know, they get bombarded every year to get bills sponsored. So maybe you can elaborate a little bit on that. But I just want a strong commitment from our Representatives and our Senators that are representing the City of Miami to at least, at least commit one hill to the City of Miami. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez. Representative Prieguez, welcome. Representative Manny Prieguez: Thank you eery much. Manny Prieguez, 1365 Southwest 19`x' Street, 33145. If you remember, Commissioner -- and by the way., forgive my attire. I called Ron Book on a separate issue. and he said, come on over here, and I wasn't dressed. So this is how i am in the real world, by the way. Remember. last fall. we had a summit, the first ever summit between Representatives and Senators of the City of Miami with the Commission. And that was an idea that I had back then, and I spoke about with you. And we need to repeat that come next fall again, when we're betting ready during committee for the following session. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, hilt if 1 may interrupt you. 1 would like to extend it a little bit more. Instead of Raving the little summit.. which was very productive, what we could do is, at least the Representatives and the Senators 39 IIIItI1IK[1 510101 U/01 0 • that touch the City boundaries, at least to conic here to the City, invite them on every Commission meeting. They could conic -- you know, we have 24 Commission meetings. They could select one Commission meeting to come here, and, you know, basically introduce themselves to us. We know who they are, but basically, to give us some ideas of what they could suggest they could I elp the lily with. Mr. Pricguez: Absolutely. And I think that at a minimum that some of the Representatives that may have even more than just it little -- touching just a little bit of the City of Miami do commit. I mean, you have my commitment to do one or two hills next year. That's for darn sure. I did the Orange Bowl bill this year, and I was really angry that, you know, that we weren't able to get that passed, because we worked so hard. I mean, you can ask the Manager how hard we worked on that. And to reiterate something that Ron Book said just a little hit ago, the Senate President called me on a separate issue. He was really crazy about this particular issue, and he was actually making phone calls himself to the different Representatives. And I said, well. Mr. President, you know, that I happen to have a little something on your side, as well, that I need some help on. You know, you've Kot to take advantage of those kind of situations -- right? -- when the Senate President is calling you. And so, I said, 1 know what your- attitude ourattitude this yCar is, and I know how you feel about these kind of rebates, and so on and so forth, especially if' you take into consideration the environment that we're currenlly in fiscally. But next year, I'm going to do this bill again. And next year, I'm going to need a little bit of help. And I'm coming to you to help you on your issue. And he told nie, his words were, and I quote, "it would be my privilege to help you next session." So vve have that to look forward to. And I ant looking forward to again to presenting this bill. You know, let me just say one thing. Sometimes, sometimes legislation, if it doesn't get passed and doesn't get signed into late during one session, it rcally -- it really helps a lot that you went through that session for the following session, because right now, I could almost tell you that the Orange Bowl bill is ready to go. I mean, it already went through it session. People heard about it. People know what it's about. Whatever problems people had, we amended it. And so right now, in illy opinion, it's in the perfect shape rind form to pass as quickly as possible, and get to the Governor, so the Governor could sign. Just to say a couple of other things really quick, because 1 got to get going, as well. Ron Book mentioned about the money that we were able to get for the City, and I think in fairness to not only Ron Boot., and to everyone else, we still have the veto process to go through. The Governor still has to get the actual bill, which he has yet to get. And it's about three week-, from now where we'll start getting the veto messages. So we're not out of the Woods quite yet. I've done my part in calling the Clticf of Staff of the Governor and telling him, listen, these are illy priorities of the money that I have in the budget for the City of Miami. Arid number one on that list, or one of the number one items on that list was the Allapattah Produce Center. Another one that I mentioned also was the Miami Love Youth at Risk, which I also mentioned to the Governor's staff. So we need to reach 40 5110101 out. Marco Rubio, Gus Barreiro and myself need to reach out on the items that are on the budget right now that we may be a little afraid that might get, you know, vetoed, and get on the horn with those guys. Last point. As far as the Marlins are concerned, I wanted to communicate to the Commission, because I know how hard this Commission has worked to try to build a baseball stadium in its boundaries to keep the franchise here, There's two things. And it's tough sometimes for the to be able to communicate with each and every one of you, because things are so crazy and they're so nuts. I personally -- and I wanted this to make -- be very clear -- I personally never had an intention on voting on any bill. And the reason why I did not have an intention on voting on any hill is because the property that I own on the Miami River is less than a mile away from the stadium was to he built. Although l got an opinion from Tom Tedcastle, who is the attorney for the House of Representatives that it is not a direct conflict of interest, I fell uncomfortable enough that I did not want to vote on a puce of legislation that might affect my property values on the Miami River. So I wanted to make that clear to the Commission, because I know that at some point in time, it was it very, very, very big issue. And it still is a very bib issue, because I represent most of the City of Miami in my State Rep. district, I didn't want to think -- I didn't want the Commission to think that I was kind of like, you know, straddling, or going one way or the other. That is a situation I had personally, as far as that legislation is concerned, Not that I think -- not that I think that public funds should be used to finance private endeavors such as this. Not that 1 think that. I probably, if I had to vote, I would probably have voted against a rebate for the Marlins, because I just don't think that's wise use of public money. But having said that, I probably wasn't going to -- I was not going to vote and 1 did not vote on the bill as amended, when Mario Diaz-Balart did the amendment, because of the personal issue that I had. So I wanted that to he 100 percent clear with (lit: Commission as it moves forward in whatever, you know, capacity. Other than that, I thought it was a tremendously successful session. And as always, I am here at your disposition. Again, I represent most -- most of my district is in the City of Miami. No other Representative has more of the City of Miami in his district. 1 attl here 100 percent for this City, and for this Commission and for this administration. So thanks a lot. And pardon that 1 did not have a tic. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Mr. Priegue7. As long as you keep doing the work, that's all right. No problem. You're doing a great job. We appreciate it. We are also very grateful to Commission Sanchez that had left the -- Comnlissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: We have here a lot of people (fiat came, I think, because of* an issue on Watson Island. ! don't know when you propose to take this issue. If was in the morning, %ve were told it was in the morning. I don't 41 5/10101 �.1 r�L know if you want to do it now, or tell them to cone back or -- Vice Chairman Gort: There's it couple of things we need to finish here. My understanding is there's a couple of things. We have three things that were time certain, that were requested as time certain. "Those things were heard, and you've seen how long it's taken those. I don't have any problem in hearing before Itinch, but we had to have Ron Book finish. And 1 understand Bedminster -- Commissioner Sanchez had a time certain, also, and we can dual with it right afterwards. I think they're here, might as well take them up. Commissioner Regalado: Well, I won't be here then. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, we'll be taking them up, if not, within the next ten minutes. 1 don't think it will take that long. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Tecle: Before we move, I'm concerned about the order of the day, and especially where we are. But, you know, they're important things. And I think you're doing a good job in moving us on. But I'm really concerned by the presentation today. .Madam Assistant to the Manager, what is the number -- what has been the number one priority for the two consecutive years -- Assistant to the Manager -- of the lobbying effort in the City of Miami? Marva Wiley (Special Assistant, City Manager): Are you referring to the Little Haiti Park issue? Commissioner Tecle: I'm referring to whatever the record is. Ms. Wiley: OK. Little Haiti Park has been a consistent issue that we've looked at, but because of the volume of the -- Commissioner Tecle: No, no. I just asked one question, ma'am. What is, respectfully, what has been the number one item for the two consecutive years, or among; the number one items? Ms. Wiley: Little Haiti Park. Commissioner Tecle: At least three to five million dollars (S5,000,000), as I recall, or request. Did you hear Mr. Book say that we got money for every single project that we asked for'? Ms. Wiley: Yes, I did hear him say that. 42 5/10101 Commissioner Teele: OK. I would like to see a breakout by district of where the dollars are going. Not that it's important, but it bothers me, Mr. Manager, that a project in which a large percentage of the citizens of this community have not one City park official in the entire Little Haiti area. This summer, we're going to talk about giving food in the park. And you know what? There's one group of people who are not going to get food in their -- because they don't even have a park. And if you define Little Haiti in the normal sense of being somewhere west of the railroad tracks and somewhere cast of Northwest 2"" Avenue, Little Ilaiti is out. It' you define Little Haiti at 95, you have the Athalie Mange Park, which we all does not serve the Haitian community. The community park has traditionally been the Morningside Park. And we've gone through this ad infinitum, ad infinitum. And it bothers me. It hothcrs me greatly, particularly when the real question in my mind is, Mr. Book, are you going to represent -- do you represent Dade County? Mr. Book: Do I represent the County? Yes, sir, l'm one of the -- Commissioner Tecle: I'd like for you to put this on the record, Mr. Book, Mr. Book: Yes. sir. es, sir, 1 am one of the Representatives for Miami -Dade Count V. Commissioner Teele: Arc you going to represent Dade County next year? Mr. Book: At the present time, I still have a contract with Dade County. I have had a conversation with the City Manager on that specific issue as recently as last week, and it was agreed upon, and it was initiated by me, and it was agreed upon that sometime after we got hack, he and I would sit down and talk about the future of the relationship. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. And Mr. Book, you're an outstanding -- you're a brilliant lobbyist. You're a former law partner of mine, a personal friend of mine. My wife and your wife arc friends. You and I are friends. Business is business. You know the best thing that has happened to this City Commission. in my judgment was that the Marlin bill failed in this session. And Mr. Book. I'm deeply concerned about the conflict of interest in terms of the interest of the City of Miami, as expressed by this Manager, and the Attorney and this Commission versus the interest of Miami -Dade County. And at twelve o'clock on Friday, the bill that everybody had signed off on, at one o'clock on Friday, the bill that everyone had signed off on, at two o'clock on Friday, sine die, the bill that everyonc had signed off on. And until I spoke to the Manager at approximately two o'clock, after having talked to the City Attorney's Office at eleven o'clock, the City cif Miami interest was absolutely sold dawn the river, up without a paddle. We were getting ready to get tattooed and a whole lot of other "toos." And so the point that I'm about to say is very simple. Mr. Attorney, I want it sequence of events, starting from the point the Manager of 43 5/10/01 • liie City of Miami went to Tallahassee to sine die, complete with copies of amendments, and sponsors and a time line of what was done. And I'm going to tell you something, Commissioners. You know, I couldn't wait to bet into this Commission meeting, because while everybody is patting each other on the back and saying what a great joh you did -- Mr. Book, you always do a good job -- this City almost got totally taken to the hath again. And I'm going to tell you right up front, i sat on the other side as a County Commissioner, and I did 1115 job. I took advantage of the City on the Performing Arts Center deal, because the City didn't want anything. And there's an old saying. if you find a sucker - - the City of Miami gave up all of its revenue stream for the Omni Tax increment District for the next foreseeable future. Gave it to the County for nothing. We don't even get a name on the side of the building. it's a County facility. OK? But God has a way of punishing, because now. I'm the Chairman of the CRA for the Omni that doesn't have any money, because of my decisions and the Commission decisions on the County to take all of the money from the City, and nobody from the City said a worn. The Performing Arts Center is largely being funded by the City through the Tax Increment District. More fundamentally, the County took advantage of the City and raped the City on the issue relating to Bedminster and relating to the overall County Solid Waste policy. The City of Miami sold out its citizens. I told 'Pony Clemente in 1994, when he camc to me with that cockamamie plan that the City will not go along with this. And Mr. Clemente -- I'm putting it on the record. Ile was the Assistant Manager in charge of operations. He said, it' you let me sell it, and you stay out of this, I'll take care of it. And you know what? I'll be darned if he didn't get the City to sign onto something that gives the County the right to raise the taxes of the citizens of this community year, and they do it every year through the tipping fee, which is just a number that starts at about a half a million dollars and goes tip to a million that gets added to our budget in the tipping fee. And that's what -- the problem with Bedminster is that Bedminster was one of the exceptions outside of the rule. And we call get into that. The City Commission in 1980 gave to the County hundreds of millions and billions of dollars when we transferred the Water and Sewer Department to the County. We had the infrastructure. We got the inllastructure. And you know the old story, "She got the gold mine. I got the shaft"? Well, that's what ought to he the motto of the City of Miami. They got the gold mine, and the citizens of Miami got the shaft, because the fact of the matter is, is that the County, from. '80 to '93, was charging that fund four percent. Tliev charged the airport fund three percent, because the FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) won't let them charge that, bee.tuse that's all they can justify. Do you know how much the County charges the Watcr and Sewer Fund that we own the infrastructure I They charge them 12 percent. And do you know how much 12 percent equals? About forty-five billion dollars -- million dollars (545,000,000) per year that (lie County charges the citizens of Miami as a service charge, and put it in their general fund. And I could go on and or. We have been laying out down here in this prone position too long. The fact of the matter is, if you look at every aspect of what the County docs to us -- the Nuisance Abatement Board, 44 5/10,101 'PI�I�I�Ll. if you put on the -- give us a memo today as to how much we pay to appear before the Nuisance Abatement Board in fees from the City for the permission to tear down a building. Carlos Gimencz (City Manager): 'that's the Unsafe Structures Board. Commissioner "Teele: The Unsafe Structures Board. I'm sort y. Mr. Gimcncz: It's seven, eight hundred dollars ($800). Commissioner Teele: Seven, eight hundred dollars (5800). And let me tell you something. We have over 1.000 applications being pending in process in the course of a year. Now, the point I'm getting to, Mr. Book, is this: You all almost got yourself in a Florida Bar situation, as far as this Commission is concerned, because if that bill had passed that gave the County and the Marlins Stadium -- and the Marlins Stadium is going to be owned by -- and let's get this straight. The Marlins Stadium will be owned by who, Mr. Book? Mr. Book: Mr. Chairman, through you to Commissioner Tecle. Let me say a couple of things. Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. I -- Mr. Book: The answer is: We put the word, "City" back in. And I might add, Commissioner -- Commissioner Teele: Mr. Book, Mr. Book, I asked one question of you. Mr. Book: It was left to negotiation. Commissioner Teele: You had 30 minutes, and you've gone through. Now, let me have my minute. Who is going to own this stadium? Mr. Book: That was a negotiable issue, Commissioner Tecic. It was-- the legislation said City or County, because we forced the issue back in. Commissioner Tcelc: The interlocal agreement or the agreement signed by the Mayors says who's going to own the stadium? Mr. Book: I believe the interlocal indicates the County will. It's not -- Commissioner Teele: Well, that's all right, Mr. Book. Fine. 'Thank you very much. You may have a scat. Mr. Attorney, who's going to own this stadium? Thank you, Mr. Book. That'll he all, sir. You've given your presentation. I'm asking the questions right now. I have no more questions of you. 46 5/10/01 • 0 Mr. Book: Do you not want me to respond to -- Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. I don't have any more questions of you, Mr. Book. Who is going to own the stadium, Mr. Attorney, under the interlocal agreement signed between Mayor f. arollo and Mayor Penelas? Mr. Vilarello: If you're referring to the letter of intent signed by the Mayors -- Commissioner Teele: The letter of intent. Mr. Vilarello: -- that provided for County ownership of the stadium. Commissioner 'Tecic: OK, It provides for County ownership. Who owns the Performing Arts ('enter'? Mr. Vilarello: The County. Commissioner Tecle: OK. Now, this City Commission agreed to put how much money, Mr. Attorney, of the surcharge towards this stadium? When we met, when we met and approved the deal that the Mayor proposed, how much money of the City money did we propose to put towards this stadium? Mr. Vilarello: My recollection, Commissioner, is that you agreed to acquire the site and provide two million dollars ($2.000,000), up to two million dollars ($2,000,000), parking surcharge dollars. Commissioner Teele: Of reoccurring income a year. What was the bill that the City had, that the City and -- that the City representatives and the Mayor of the County -- and 1 don't want to call Mayor Carollo's name, because 1 don't know if lie was there. I don't necessarily believe the four people that said lie was there, but 1 don't want to put him in this at this point. How much money, at twelve o'clock, was going to the County on the bill, Mr. Manager that you told me could not be umcnded without a lot of trouble, and that you were very nervous because Mr. Rook said this bill is gone? Mow much money was in it at that point from the City parking surcharge? Mr. Gimencz: Thirty-three and a third percent. Commissioner Teele: Which is roughly? Mr. Gimenez: It depends on the coverage factors, et cetera, how it could be bonded. But it's roughly at this point 33 percent of thirteen million. Maybe fifteen million if the County puts their stuff in. rive million dollars ($5,000,000) there. 46 IIIIIII7 5/10/01 Commissioner Tecle: OK. So the number that the City was about to approve -- that the bill was about to approve at sine die went from two million dollars ($2,000,000) to five million dollars ($5,000,000). Now, the agreement that we made in public here, led by Commissioner Winton provided for how much money to go to the Downtown development and downtown infrastructure improvements? What percentage? Mr. Gimencz: It was 10.7. Commissioner Tecle: Not less than 10, nor more than 20. When 1 called you -- Mr. Gimenez: After the -- Commissioner Teele: When I called you at twelve o'clock, after having talked to the Attorney, who had been locked out of the process, how much money was going to the downtown development community? Mr. Gimenez.: When we got up there? Commissioner Teele: No. At twelve o'clock on Friday. Mr. Gimencz: The bill said nothing -- Commissioner Teele: Zero. Mr. Gimenez: -- at one point. Commissioner Teele: And whether or not the Mayor said, I'm tired of Commissioners trying to ride on this gravy train and take the money, I'm not going to comment on, because 1 didn't hear whether he said it or he didn't say it. But 1 can only assume that lie was referring to the downtown development money. And how much money was in the bill related to the CRA development area? Mr. Gimencz: Those are -- both of -- Commissioner Tee1c: It was one; it was one issue. Mr. Gimencz: Right. Those are -- Commissioner Teele: So was that zero? Mr. Gimenez: It was mute. There was -- Commissioner Tecle: It was silent to that. Is that correct? 47 5/10/01 • Mr. Gimcncz: Yes. sir. Commissioner Teele: How much money of the parking surcharge is generated from the CRA and the downtown area, on a percentage basis'? Mr. Gimcnez: Eighty percent. Commissioner Teele: Eighty plus percent. So what was about to happen, Johnny, is that all of the things that all of the Commissioners had gone out and told the community, Wid tried -- and you (lid an outstanding job in knocking the knees out from under Mr. Sol'cr and got the parking people to understand that we were going to improve the infrastructure -- that we were going to irttproNe the infrastructure of this City if' they would just leave this parking surcharge alone. They-- the majority of them wound up walking away from Sofer, thanks to you. Those people were about to have been lied to. OK? Now, there is nothing to prevent the Commission from. by ordinance or by resolution, perhaps, of activating that. But you knew as well as I do that the way the unions operate and the way the government operates, there is never anything left. Final point. I supported the deal for MNIAP (Metro -Miami Action Plan), the one million dollars (S1,000,000), on top of everything else that was going to go to MMAP, and that those funds could only hL used in the City of Miami. MMAP is for the reconstruction of the black community, and it is an agency of who, Mr. Book -- Mr. Book? Mr. Book: The County. Commissioner Tcele: OK. Now, gentlemen, I mean, you know, to hear the kind of self-congratulatory -- to hear what's been going on up here just literally makes me sick, because this City almost bot taken for a ride. And it doesn't sound good. It doesn't look good. YOU know, but let me tell you something. Unless and until we decide to get up off of our knees and deal on the best interests of the citizens of Miami -- not in a hostile environment. We don't need to file lawsuits against the County. We don't need to call names against -- I commend the County. I think the County is doing a great job of representing the County interests. I don't have a problem with what they're trying to do. W'ltat I have a problem with is what we are not protecting. This is my view. I'm not speaking for anybody up here but mc. I'm certainly not speaking for the Mayor. But as far as I'm concerned, the best thing that has happened to this community was that bill did not pass before sine die, that we have an opportunity now to all talo a deep breath, to all coolly -- and don't get stampeded into a Jule referendum, or a Sept�ntbcr referendum or -- we need to do this right this time. And the only thing, Commissioners, that I'm asking for, other than the City Attorney to provide us -- Mr. Attorney, Mr. Attorney, is fur you to provide us kith your recollection, over your signature or your staff as to where the bills \vere from the day the Manager went up there on -- was it Wednesday? Tuesday or Wednesday:' 48 5/10/01 IZIpZ1rIa LI • Mr. Gimenez: The bill, when 1 got there on Thursday, was different than the hill that 1 -- Commissioner Teele: Exactly. So everybody is going to try to (inaudible) and change. Let's get a sequence, a time line; let's get the City Attorney's version of this. Mr. Book, you are an attorney, a member of the bar. You are representing the City. I'm respectfully requesting through the Manager that you give its your written time line over your signature as to where the bills were and all of that. And then, let's sit down and talk about making sure we don't make any of the mistakes, that we don't get Caught in any of the crossfires as we move through this process again. And I apologize to the public that's here on the Watson Island issue, but ladies and gentlemen, we're talking about tens of millions of dollars that almost got taken from this City again. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, 1'd like a point of clarification. i was in Tallahassee when the bill was first introduced, and it was the Manager at that time in looking at the bill that picked up that the -- the way the hill was drafted at that time, the County was going to be the owner of the ball park. Commissioner Teele: That has always been the issue. Vice Chairman Gort: But that's -- well, the Manager caught that. And we sat down with them. We negotiated with them, and that's why the bill was amended. Teele, Commissioner Teele, what I want you to understand is the Manager picked that up. Done of us had picked that up. We fought for it, and the Manager really fought for it, and that's why we received the amendment. They include the City of Miami in the bill. I just wanted to clarify that. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, but that's not being a hero. I mean, that's what Vice Chairman Gort: No. 1 understand that. But I wanted to clarify that. Commissioner Regulado; That is what you went there for. And besides -- and besides, you know, the City was about to become the paying partner for the stadium. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah, but -- Commissioner Regalado: Because, you know, Willy, we have not been told yet how much money the City gives into the fund of the bud tax. 40 percent of the bed tax is from the City of Miami. So we are paying the County for the County to contribute to the Marlins. We're paying the whole -- I mean, might as well call it -- I don't know -- Joe Carollo Stadium or whatever -- 49 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado -- Commissioner Regalado: -- you know, because we are paying for this. Mr. Gimenez: Unfortunately, the County controls the stream. You're right. It is our money that they are controlling. But they control the stream legally. So there's nothing -- Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen -- Commissioner Winton: Which is another discussion we need to have at another time. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, let me tell you something. I don't care what deals -- and I think it's very important that everyone understands this. It's very important to understand this. I don't care what deals anybody makes, the buck stops here. We're the ones that have to vote on anything that takes -- Commissioucr Regalado: No, it doesn't. Commissioner Teele: No, it doesn't. Vice Chairman (Dort: Yes, it does. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman, you're 100 percent wrong. Commissioner Regalado: It stops in Tallahassee, Willy. Commissioner Teele: Because if Tallahassee would have passed that bill, the only thing we could do -- Commissioner Sanchez: is kill it. Commissioner Teele: -- is kill the entire deal. And you know and I know that that puts a big gun to everybody's head. It's not fair. Vice Chairman Gort: Sure does. Commissioner Teele: Of course, you can do it. You can jump off a bridge if you want to, too. But the fact of the matter is that's not responsible government. Nobody should be asked to take that choice. And, yes, we could kill it. But the fact of the matter is, I would be hard pressed to kill the Marlin deal. And 1 voted against it on a four/one vote, because the Marlins staying here is good for this City. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. lE In>RIM 5/10/01 • 0 Commissioner Teele: And there's no reason we should be asked as Commissioners to make that compromise. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, I understand what you're saying;, and 1 agree with you. I think the new draft that comes up; we have to have our input. They have to take the -- the lead that we provide in here, and what we want and what we requested. But I want people to understand that we take the final decision. Commissioner Teele: No, we did not. Commissioner Rcgalado: No, we did not. Commissioner Teele: The voters take -- Commissioner Rcgalado: Because he took the decision with the Mayor in Tallahassee, and Mr. Book, %ve said something here, and they changed the whole thing around. And, you know, for nye, it was very hard to talk to you, Mr. Manager. I spoke to Chip once, but you -- 1 mean, I know that you were pretty busy, but I didn't bet a call from you like every day or during your visit to Tallahassee. So ['in just saying you guys think that we do here what we expect to happen in Tallahassee. We don't. And this is why I keep saying to the media when they ask nte, I will vote "no" on a referendum -- only if it has the original deal, because they're going to start scratching in Tallahassee like they did. And 1'nt telling you, when it comes back, it's the taxpayers of Miami who are going to underwrite the stadium. Vice Chairman Gort: I understand but -- Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: -- they just want to make sure -- Commissioner Sanchez has been asking for the floor for a while. Commissioner Sanchez. By the way, before we go on, I think that we should tell the people at Watson Island they Shouldn't be coming back at two o'clock. Mr. Gimenez: You want to start at 5? Vice Chairman Gort: I1uh? Commissioner Teele: let's give them till five o'clock. Vice Chairman Gort: For them? Yeah. No problem. Yeah. if it's -- late is convenient for them, it's fine with me, yeah. 51 5110101 • Commissioner Sanchc7.: OK. Can you be back at 5 o'clock? And we'll hear you, time certain. 2 or 5? Commissioner Regalado: 2 or 5? Commissioner Winton: I can't be back at 2. i cannot be back at 2. So -- because we always come back at 3. So -- Commissioner Teele: We have a presentation at 3. We have a presentation at 3. We're going to have 100 people in here. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: Well but (INAUDIBLE COMMENTS) Commissioner Sanchez: Wait, wait, wait, wait. We're still on this issue. We just aren't -- Fred Balsera: Commissioner, they have shut down their businesses for half a day today. And obviously, they're coming to you, asking for your support. But basically, even five o'clock, their day is shot. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, three o'clock. Commissioner Winton: No, but we have a time specific item at 3 o'clock already. Mr. Balsera: No, no, we're willing to wait until this discussion ends to be heard. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. I've got to go. I've got to go and we got a -- Mr. Balsera: No, absolutely. Commissioner Regalado: Can you come back at 6? Six o'clock. Five o'clock. Mr. Balsera: I guess we'll have to come back at 5. Commissioner Teele: What's the best time for the people you represent? Mr. Balsera: Hopefully now. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. Mr. Balsera: But I understand the Commissioner has to go. 52 =4111M 5/10/01 LJ • Commissioner Teele: I mean, we can take it up if you'd like. Mr. Balsera: No. At this point, with Commissioner Regalado being the sponsor, out, 1 guess S. We have no other choice. Commissioner Regalado: 5. Mr. Balsera: Thank you. Note for the Record: Commissioner Regalado exited the Commission chamber at 11:44 a.m. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Thank you. We'll see you at 5. S. Mr. Chairman, if we could get back to what we talked about, because I think that, really, some statements -- some statements were made here where they could he seen as disrespectful, or may be taken by other people as not being very polite. .But let me just state something for the record. I was called on the issue and advised of what was going on in Tallahassee. Now, we all know that when we made -- when we voted to support that resolution at the Artime that was the originally intent. Vdhen we -- when 1 was contacted back. just like I'm sure every Commissioner, with due respect, should have been contacted back and be given -- briefed of what was going on every day. When I heard that it was at 33 and one third -- when I heard it was at 30 percent, I was very alarmed and very concerned. As a matter of fact, I contacted Mr. Nachlinger, and I spoke to him on what kind of negative impact it was going to have for the City. 1 wasn't too thrilled about the negotiations that were going up there, but 1 made it very clear -- and flit sure neither was the City Manager, and I'm sure that neither was the City staff that was -- Now, I can tell you this much. If it passed up there, yeah, we would have killed it down here. And, yeah, we would have been put in a difficult situation. Commissioner Teele. I would not have killed it. Commissioner Sanchez: We would have been put in a difficult situation. But you know what? To sit here and make some statements that really might be perceived by the public that this was going to fly, you know, if it would have passed Tallahassee, it would have flown, 1 don't think it would have flown, because there was some concern by this legislative body, and especially through me, about 33 and one third percent that would have had a negative impact in our budget that we had projected, eleven million dollars ($11,0010,000). 1 think it would have been a shortfall of a million dollars ($1,000,000). And 1 asked the simple question: How is that money going to he raised? Arid if it put the City in any negative impact, I don't think it would have gotten my support. 1 cannot speak for the other members of this legislation, but I'll tell you this much. You know, I was briefed on what's going on. And when I, myself, speaking for 53 5/10101 myself, saw where this was heading, I was willing as the Commissioner that came here with that -- those agreements set forth, it would have not been a good deal for the City. I state that on the record. And that's just me stating it on the record. I cannot speak for the other Commissioners. But that point needs to he said. Thank you. Commissioner '!'cele: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, just on one point. The only reason 1 raised it is that I've read again in the press that we all or certain members are ready to do -- And all that I'm saying, gentlemen, before we start saying that we're ready to do this, we need to take a -- We need to, first of all, do a postmortem and do an after -action report. That's the first thing. 'That's the first rule of military planning. Go in and look at what happened. And then we need to take a deliberate step and bring in financial advisors, and bring in the professionals, and bring in the Nachlingers, and bring in the State Budget Estimating Committee staff people and have those consultations. We need to have consultations with every committee staff, Mr. Book that had objections to this on the revenue issues, on the revenue impacts. We need to do this thing right. We need to take our time and do it in a manner in which the citizens of Miami are protected. And for anyone to say that they knew what was happening, let me say this: If any member of this Commission knew what was happening, you knew more than the Speaker of the House and the President of the Senate in the end, because this hill was killed for one reason. Nobody was prepared to stand up anti raise their right hand to the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the Ilouse and say: I know what's totally in this bill packet, not just the .Marlins Stadium, but the train that it was on. And the fact of the matter is the one million dollars (SI,000,000) for MMAP was added at about what time, Mr. Manager? Was it about four or five o'clock'? Mr. Gimcnez: That was -- i think it was added sometime -- 1, 3 o'clock. Commissioner Teele: Two o'clock on Friday. And you were all right with that, Commissioner Sancl►ez'.' Commissioner Sanchez: No. No, I wasn't aware of that. Commissioner Teele: But you were aware of it. Commissioner Sanchez: No, 1 was aware of that, and also that the DDA had put some money in, and those are the things I wasn't -- I wasn't -- as a matter of fact, I got called, asking if I would support it, and 1 clearly said I wouldn't support it. 54 5/10/01 • 0 Commissioner Teele: Commissioner -- Commissioner Winton: The DDA had not put money in it. It was -- and the Herald editorial was wrong. They were misinformed. Chuck got file piece incorrect in his earlier -- and I don't know if Chuck wrote it, but his by line was there. But someone -- it could have been one of the Herald reporters in Tallahassee got it wrong when they said that we were adding a new tax. We didn't add a new tax. This Commission voted at the last Commission meeting to make sure that tcn to 20 percent of the surcharge money be earmarked for infrastructure improvements. We were -- Commissioner Teele: Froin where the money was collected. Commissioner Winton: That's right. And we voted on that. And we were fighting to get that language into the bill. That's what was going on. Not the DDA or anybody else adding a new tax. We were just fighting to get what we had -- that this Commission had agreed to -- get it into the bill. Mr. Gimenez: That language was in the hill -- Mr. Book: In the hill. Mr. Gimene7: -- when I left Tuesday night. And when 1 carte back on Thursday, the language was out. And it took a day and a half to get the language back in. And this was not an easy process. Commissioner Winton: And pulled out by whom? And pulled out by whom? Certainly, it wasn't pulled out by the City. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, we'll find out. I mean, we've requested a synopsis of all the events that took place. Vice Chairman Gort: It certainly was not pulled out by this Manager. And this Manager -- Commissioner Teele: Wait, wait, wait. Let's just be clear. He said it wasn't pulled out or agreed to by the City. You said it's not agreed to by the City or the Manager. Comntissioiler Winton: 1 said pulled out. Commissioner Tccle: By the City. Mr. Gimenez: It was not pulled out by the City. If I can give you a rundown of what happened, when I went back there, that was one of the first questions that 1 had, is what happened to that language? And what 1 was told was that the bill's 55 5/10!01 7 sponsor did not want that language in. And it took a day and a half of negotiating to get that language back in. And, ycs, sir, it took in impetus from make it happen. And 1 have no problem with that. But this -- You know, the City wanted that language hack in. And we finally got it back in, in the final version of it. In terms of this negotiation, believe me, I hope I never go through that again, because that's the worse, you know, period of time that I ever had. I got there un a Thursday. didn't get to sleep till midnight, didn't have a change of clothes. You know, I got up the next morning and we didn't haggle this thing out till noon. And the reason that the MMAP people didn't get on was because that bill wasn't ready until after, afternoon. And we were told repeatedly the bill's sponsor would not let it on, the bill's sponsor would not let it oil. Also, I need to remind everybody this surcharge goes away in 2006. 1t goes away in 2006. So 1 was looking at a scenario where it was ten million dollars ($10,000,000) or zero. And -- and we need to protect, you know, the taxpayers of the City, and try to keep that tax rate low. My -- what I was trying to do was to make sure that at least that portion that kept the taxes low was protected. And 1 think it was in the cnd. But it was not easy negotiation. C0I]]1171SS1Unel' Sanchez: But lire parking surcharge has always been the carrot over our head. If there was no discussion of the parking surcharge, we wouldn't have been talking about a stadium. Nor. Gimenez: Absolutely. The parking surcharge, you know, is something that the City would like to keep in order to keep the tax rate low. And that's what I -- that's what 1 was trying to protect up there, and trying to protect the interest of the City, believe me. The initial bill that I saw when I went up there Thursday wasn't the same thing that came out on Friday. h took a day and a half to negotiate that out. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Manager, I just want to clarity one point. You know that 1 talked to Mr, Nachlinger Thursday night. You know that I talked to you, the City Attorney, Friday morning. You know that 1 talked to the City Attorney's representative Friday morning. You're probably aware that I spoke to the leadership in the Senate to kill the bill if we couldn't work out something. But when you finally called me at 1:30, we both had a -- in State Department language, a candid and frank discussion. And that bill, you told me, could not he amended, the sponsor would not accept tory amendments, that all of the stuff we're talking about now was out, we went -- five to six million dollars ($6,000,000) was in. And you and I then had another candid and frank discussion. Is that right'? Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. Commissioner "Keele: Arid would it be fair to say, without being involved in self -appreciation, a pat on the back, would that language have been corrected it' I had not called you? 56 5/10/01 D000051 MEMEM=q Mr. Gimencz: Probably not, sir. Commissioner Tecle: 'Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Thank you. Mr. Book: It' I could, Mr. Chair. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Mr. Book: There are just a couple of points 1'd like to close with. Number otte, on the issue of the little Haiti Park, we have repeatedly advised staff, and we had a conversation with Commissioner Teelc that the problem with a legislative -- a straight legislative solution to that was that the Governor would veto anything above a Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program level grant, which is two hundred thousand dollars (5200,000), and such grant had not been applied for. We brainstormed, following our meetings with Commissioner Tecic, and staff and 1 came up with a direction to go after Florida Forever money, which the staff has the application for, and is in the process of applying for, which is the only place that you can get enough money to do what Commissioner Teele and the community wants to do, as far as acquiring land and developing a park the size of what we've talked about in the Little Haiti community. I do not want Commissioner Tecle or anybody on this Commission to think that we ignored the request for the Little Haiti Park, because we did not. We followed up on it. There was a cycle that you have to meet. And the City staff is in the process of doing exactly that, which is applying for more funds through the Florida Forever atonics, which is the only place to get the four and a half to five million dollar ($5,000,000) amount that is needed for that park. The only other way to get money for parks is to apply for FRDAP (Florida Recreational Development Assistance Program). And those are in fifty, one hundred and two hundred thousand dollar ($200,000) increments, which do very little to advance the goals that Commissioner Teele has for the community. That's number one. Number two, on the issue -- Commissioner Teele: This is not Commissioner Teele. This is a Commission vote. It's not -- I respectfully -- this is a Commission priority. And Mr. Clerk, I'm going to request, respectfully, that you provide Mr. Book a transcript of his -- the first three minutes of his discussion, and that's all that I'm taking exception from, Mr. Book. The first three minutes when you said we achieved something on every project that was a priority of the City. And this is broadcast into the Haitian community. They're entitled -- And your statement would imply that there was double talk going on from me and the Commission, and that's what I'm trying to protect the record, Mr. Book. That's the only issue. Mr. Book: 1 apologize, Commissioner, Commissioner Tecle. Your point is a 57 1IIIII�I171if 5110/01 well -taken point. But we went off in the direction of Florida Forever, and I thought that I had -- when we had our opportunity to meet on priorities before the start of the session, I described to you the appropriate direction that we needed to go in order to achieve that goal. On the issue, for just a moment, of the DDA and CRA, I would just respond by telling the members of this Commission that but for the efforts of my getting on the phone, and yelling, to get people to put some pressure on members of the delegation, we would not have been able to force that issue back ill. That was probably at about 11:30 in the morning that I started making those phone calls. It probably took me till about five or ten after twelve before 1 reached Mr. Blumberg at the Chamber of Commerce, encouraging him to reach out to members of the downtown business community to do what was necessary. 1 then went to members of the delegation representing the City of Miami, who thought the City was happy with what was the result of the bill, and I made it clear to them that the City was not, which resulted in Mr. Rubio placing the call to Mr. Winton. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Mr. Book: Pardon? Mr. Manager -- Commissioner Winton: You know what would be -- Mr. Book: -- all I can tell you is we were aggressively pursuing that. Commissioner Teele: (Inaudible, speaking off mike) Mr. Book: Pardon me? Commissioner Winton: Phillip. Mr. Book. Phillip. Commissioner Winton: Chairman of the Greater Miami Chamber. It would be interesting to know -- in fact, I think that's part of Commissioner Teele's direction in terms of timing and who did what-- 1 would like to know who drafted the bill, the modified bill that took the language out. Mr. Gintenez: As far as 1 know, it was the Marlins and the County. Commissioner Winton: Right. The Marlins and the County -- Mr. Gintenez: Right. Commissioner Winton: -- redrafted our bill and left its hanging in the wind. Not -- b8 5110101 Commissioner Tcele: Respectfully, there was an elected official in Miami -- from Miami, in Tallahassee, who was aware of that, and who did not object to that. Mr. Book: It was -- 1 would -- I would only suggest to you, without trying to draw sides, Commissioner Tccle, the Mayor was a hart of those discussions. The Manager and I were net necessarily a part of any of those discussions. Commissioner Winton: And, you know, Commissioner Teele, along the same lines about failures, 1 think there's -- .And Ron, I'm not criticizing. I think you guys had some good successes. But there's another arca in which the City of Miami got its rear end kicked, and that was this billboards issue. You know, that billboard language that got tucked into that transportation bill sailed through. And -- and that's going to have -- 1 don't understand yet the full impact that that's going to have on the City. And I would like to ask the Manager to have staff or City Attorney to come back to us at the next Commission meeting and give us it reading in terms of the impact that new legislation will have on billboards to our City, in light of the fact that we have over 500 illegal billboards already in existence in our City. Mr. Book: If I could, Mr. Chairman, again -- and i would have gotten into the billboard issue. The Manager and I talked about raising it, but frankly, with what had just occurred -- Commissioner Winton: No, no, I -- right. Mr. Book. -- I just sort of let it slide. Let me just respond briefly. Number one, we did not ignore the billboard issue, and I had multiple meetings with the outdoor advertising industry, myself. 1 had the Manager directly meet with members of the outdoor media lobby on numerous occasions. Number one, nothing that is in the bill will legalize any of those illegal boards. And the City ought to be doing everything in their power legally, through the courts, to have those boards removed in an immediate fashion. And frankly, the industry, on a number of occasions made those representations, not only to mc, but made those representations, to the Manager directly, as well. I might add that a number of those boards, as 1 understand it, are owned by the company that -- the President Of the Outdoor -- State Outdoor Media Association is the head of. We've had those discussions repeatedly. Commissioner Winton: Was that good or had, that last statement? Mr. Book: Well, the point is, the point is, is that this is the individual that was pushing this. And then their lobbyists are making the representations that we ought to do whatever is necessary to take those hoards down. So I would suggest that the source is the leadership of the organization. And, you know, we did what we could. I had innumerable communications electronically from Mr. 59 5110101 Hagen, who is, obviously, from a community perspective, the individual that speaks the loudest here in front of you as a Commission. I understood and still understand the position of this Commission. We did the best we could to try to come up with a way to compromise, which didn't get there. That was the last bill to pass the Florida Senate at 9:50 -- at 8:58 in the evening. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, my understand is our Law Department has boon instructed about two months ago to proceed and eliminate the illegal units that exist. We have one more item that we'd like to -- Any other questions? Thank` you. I appreciate it. so $/10/01 7. AUTHORIZE MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO SEEK AMENDMENT TO RESTATED COMPOST RECYCLING AGREEMENT RELATED TO SETTLEMENT OF BEDMINSTER SEACOR SERViCES MIAMI, CORPORATION V. CITY OF 'MIAMI, ANTI) DEVELOP AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR COMMISSION APPROVAL. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chainnan. Vice Chainnan Gort- We have one other item we were supposed to listen to at eleven o'clock. Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: 'I hank you. Mr. Chairman. On April the 26"', this Commission appointed me to sit down in the mediation process between Bedminster and the City of Miami. 1 have sent it memo to you, Mr. Chairman, along with other -- to the other Commissioners and the Mayor that states the following: Atter meeting with the representative of Bedminster Seacor Service Miami Corporation eoncerning this proposal to resolve the litigation between Bedminster and the City of Miami, i am encouraged that the issue related to the litigation can he resolved through negotiation of an amendment to restate compost recycling agreement to provide the City of Miami with residential waste disposal service. The representative irom Bedminster Seacor Service Miami Corporation would like to answer any questions the City of Miami may have or the City Commission may huve. Request the City Commission discuss the matter at a time certain, which was at 11 o'clock today, and provide a resolution authorizing the City Manager and the City Attorney to continue negotiating to,,%,ards an ultimate resolution which could resolve in an amended agreement between the City and Bedminster that would he considered by this City Commission, now, this is just a resolution of good faith, to allow mitigation process to continue, in an effort to resolve the pending litigation We've taken several factors into consideration here. One is mininii7c the City's risk, and the other one is, absolutely, a savings to the City, as Commissioner cele talked about, tipping fees be very expensive and going to the County. We believe that in the long run, the City could save money if (his is done right, and also save wear and tear on vehicles, having a significant savings to the City. So all this does, this resolution that 1 would ask the City Attorney to read, is just allow us to continue to negotiate in good faith in (lie mediation process to try to resolve this pending litigation between both parties. Vice Chainnan Gort: Thank you, t oni nissioner Sanchez. Are you making a motion? Commissioner Sunchez.: So aiov%:, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chainnan Gort: There's it motion. is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman (port: Second. Discussion. Further discussion? Being none, all in favor state it by saying "aye." C 1 5/10/01 • • Commissioner Sanchez: Well, could the City Attorney read the resolution for the record, please, Mr. Chairman Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. City Clerk, roll call. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION 1\O. 01-420 A RESOLUTION OF THE, MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CI'T'Y MANAGER .AND THE CITY ATTORNEY TO SEEK AN AMENDMENT TO THE RESTATED COMPOST RECYCLING AGREEMENT ATTEMPTING TO RESOLVE ISSUES RELATED TO THE SF.TTLFMENT OF '11-11= LAWSUIT. BEDMINSTER SEACOR SERVICES MIAMI CORPORATION V. TIIF CITY Oh MIAMI, IN THF, CIRCUIT COTJRT OF THE ELEVENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT, CASE NO. 98-20458 CA 32, AND TO DEVELOP AN AMENDMENT TO THE AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY AT'rORNEY, WITH BEDMINSTER SEACOR SERVICES MIAMI CORPORATION TO PRESENT TO TI IE CITY COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on the in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wif'rcdo Gort Commissioner Joe Sancho Commissioner Johnny L. "'inton NAYS: Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Vice Chairman Gort: T'liank you. I need a motion on the minutes. Can we move them all at one time, or do we need to move it -- Commissioner Tcele: So move, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. 62 5/10/01 0 . Vice Chairman Gort: Would you read the minutes that are being approved? Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes. Regular and Planning and Zoning meetings of December 14, 1999; regular meeting of January 13, 2000; Planning and Zoning meeting of January 27, 2000; Planning and Zoning meeting of February 17, 2000; regular meeting of March 9, 2000; PZ (Planning and Zoning) meeting of March 23, 2000; and the regular meeting of April 13. 2000. Vice Chainnan Gort: OK. All in favor state it by saying "aye." Note for the Record: On motion by Commissioncr Tec1c, seconded by Commissioner Winton, the minutes of the Commission meetings of December 14, 1999; January 13, 2000; January 27, 2000; Febniary 17, 2000; March 9, 2000; March 23, 2000 and April 13, 20000 were approved and accepted by the City Commission. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. We'll see you at 3. !Marylou, it's a pleasure to have you back. We missed you. THERKUPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 12:03 P.M. AND RECONVENED AT 3:11 P.M., WITH ALL MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, EXCEPTING COMMISSIONER TEKI.E, FOUND TO BE PRESENT. 63 5/10/0l -e. 8. (A) RECOMMENDATIONS FROM BICENTENNIAL PARK MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE. (B) DEVELOPMENT OF AREA IN FRONT OF BICEN'T'ENNIAL PARK BE REFERRED j { IMMEDIATELY TO PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO ALLOW PLANNING DEPARTMENT,IN j CONCERT WITH DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FOR PURPOSE OF INITIATING PROCESS TO DRAFT SPECIAL AREA PLAN IN TWO PHASES. (C) AMEND PRIOR CHARGE OF COMMITTEE TO DEVELOP MASTER PLAN FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK, W141CH STIPULATED THAT PROPOSAL OPTIONS FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK SHOULD BE PROFFERED WITH VIEW TOWARD FINANCIAL SELF- SUFFICIENCY. (D) MANAGER 'TO ESTABLISH INTER -DEPARTMENTAL WORKING GROUP FOR PURPOSE OF COORDINATION BE'T'WEEN MIAMI PLANNING ORGANIZATION, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, DEPARTMENTS OF PARKS AND RECREATION PUBLIC WORKS AND BUDGET. Vice Chairman Gort: Welcome to the afternoon session. We're going to start with the we still have a long agenda to go, but we're going; to start with the Bicontcnnial Park. Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: is Commissioner'I'cele near:' ile coming, or we're just starting? Commissioner Sanchez: He's not here. Commissioner Winton Well, first of all, I want to say, you know, this process that I've been involved in for the. last -- you know, since the summer has been absolutely fascinating for me. And I want to start off by thanking, really, some members of the City Commission, because those of you in the public, I want you to remember that the idea fir creating a master plan for Blecntemmal Park was not my idea. The idea of serving as the C'haimian of the committee, A9aster Planning Committee 1'or Bicentennial Park was not my idea. I didn't create the idea, and i didn't volunteer for the job. Commissioner Sancho created the idea, and pressed for us to create this Master Planning Committee, and I want to thank him for doing that. And i also want to thank Commissioner Teele, %vho continued to press me and us, and challenge us to think brand, not think small. And I think we also have to thank the entire Miami City Commission, because -- and there's always lots of continents in the community about the Mian;i City Commission. Some of them are good. Some of them aren't quite as good. Maybc some of thorn aren't even good at all. But this Commission made a commitment to -- they didn't just suggest that we create a Master Planning Committee for Bicentennial Park. Tlicy voted to spend real taxpayer dollars on this effort, and they backed up all of the efforts that the and the literally tons and tons, tons -- 1 guess "tons" is (lie wrong word -- dozens, hundreds, whatever the number was of volunteers who participated very diligently in this effort. And the Commission voted to spend up to two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) on this effort. So it wasn't one of those cfli-rts that Nvas just political in nature. It was a commitment on the part of this Commission to really do the right thing by our City. And i really do think vve owe my colleagues on the Commission dais a -- frankly, a round of applause for having the vision and snaking the commitment that they did. (APPLAUSE) is oZ+Zsi. 64 5/10/01 Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele entered the Conlniission chamber at 3:13 p.m. Commissioner Winton: And 1 hope you all remember that -- that almost all the Commissioners came to the charette. .And the only Commissioner who didn't was Commissioner Teele, who had sonic other thing that he had to do that day. But he, as I said at the very beginning, was very, very strongly behind this effort. So we've seen the commitment on the part of the Commission. The end result, which is what you all are going to see here shortly, comes as the result of literally hundreds of hours ot'volunteer work. And 1 have never seen volunteers work so hard on any one thing in my life. And during the latter stages of this process, there were weekly kind of executive committee meetings. 'f here were probably two to three subcommittee meetings going on each week, all by volunteers, and City staff, and our consultants, driving towards this final point, which was the presentation that you all are going to see today. And 1 want to recognize sonic of the key volunteers. And toy apologies to all of you. and there are probably it bunch of you in this room that attended the charette, which was a very long. exciting event, on a Saturday, and there were tnitlty of you that were at some of the subcommittee meetings. And my apologies for not being able to recognize everyone. But sonic of the key people were -- we had two Vice Chairs, the first being P,lizaheth PlatenZ.yberk, and Fii7abeth is sitting right here. And please, hold your hand up, stand up, wayc. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: And a little bit of something about each. Elizabeth Platcr-Zyberk is the dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Miami, and she's done a lot of things in our community, including helping desii7n exercises in South Dade to promote the rebuilding of South Dade atter Hurricane Andrew. She's participated in efforts -- not participated, because i've also got her pulled into another planning; effort that we have going on in Wynwood, So she's got sonic other volunteer efforts going on in the City, both in Wynwood and the West Grove. She also serves on the Board of Trustees of Princeton University. And in addition to her duties at hoth (Jit (University of Miami) and Princeton University, she's in practice or has an architectural company called Duany, Plater-Lyberk and Company, They're architects and town planners. And she's also an author, one of the co-authors of this book, which is called "Suburbination." And ifany of you want to read the book that will give you it crystal clear vision of what the City of Miami can become, and a pretty clear vision ul' what places like Kendall have become, and why, this book will do it. i read this book on an airplane, on the way home to see illy parents during December, and I could hardly wait to bet back to Miami, because you could just see what we could do Nvith our City, as a result of ifwe made sonic of the changes that she's recommending in this hook. But, Elizabeth, thank you. 'I he next Vice Chair is Gregg Bush. Where is (it -egg" Gregg? Hiding behind the thing'? (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: Gregg lush is a history professor arid Director of the Institute for Public Policy at the University of Miami. Gregg helped create the City's Parks Advisory Board an which he now, serves as the Chair. He's the President of the Urban Environment League, a not -tor -profit -group interested in community planning and quality of life issues. In Biot, in late 1999, Gregg wrote an Up -Ed piece in the Herald, and led several walks in Bicentennial Park. Ruth ended getting people inspired to redesign Bicentennial Park. He then co -wrote the ordinance sponsored by Commissioner Sanchez, passed by this 65 5:10/01 �I�I�PI�7si: Commission last April that created our committee. And he has been a huge help in helping make this whole effort work. And, Gregg, thank you very much. We had four subcommittees at work. Fach had Co -Chairs of those subcommittees. The first was a design subcommittee, chaired by Mari Carmen ;Martinez. Where is Mari Carnien? Back here. Stand up so people can sec you, You're hiding back there. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: Mari Carmen is a local architect and owns her own architectural firm called Upstairs Studio, Inc., and just recently completed the Miami fellows Initiative Program. And Mari Canuen has a great, great vision for what urban planning is all about. And you will see her signature on a lot of places in our community as time goes on, because it's young people like Mari Cannon who really are going to turn -- help turn the City of'Mianti into one of the greatest cities in this world, that people will die to come and live, work and play in. So Mari Carmen, thank you very much. We also have -- the other subcommittee Co -Chair was Rafael Sixto. And where is Rafael? Is he here? Back in the back. Stand up, please, Rafael. (APPLAUSF) Commissioner Winton: Rafael is a senior associate with the award wining architectural and engineering firm, Spillis Candela. Rafael is the President of the Miami Chapter of the American Institute of Architects. And, you know, as you listen to the background of each of those two people, that's the kind of leadership that we had working on this committee. So you should all be very proud of their efforts. And 1 want to thank you for your help, Rafael. We also had a Baywalk Subcommittee, co-chaired by Lavinia Freeman. Lavinia, where are you'? Here, also. Stand up, please. (.APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: Lavinia is the Program Manager for the Trust for Public Lands, Miami Office. Lavinia is leading the planning process to create both the Miami River Greenway Action Plan and the Overtown and East Little Havana Greenway Plans, as well. And when you want to talk about livable communities, there isn't anything more important than being able to connect our neighborhoods. And what better way to connect our neighborhoods than through usable greenways where we don't have to get in our cars, and roll up our windows, and go buzzing down 80 miles an hour through our neighbor's neighborhood. We can get on our bicycles, we can get on our roller blades, we can get ou our -- you know, maybe I'll get on -- get in my little guy's wagon and somebody can pull me. But we will have those opportunities to connect our neighborhoods and get to know each other much better. Lavinia, thank you very much. The other Baywnik Subcommittee Co -Chair is Steve Reoch. Where is Steve? Right here. Thank you, Steve. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: Steve has w,orkcd his entire life in the marine industry. He's currently a yacht broker with Global Yachts and is in the board of the Miami Marine Council, very, very active in all marine -related efforts. And so he, being part of the Baywalk Subcommittee, he has a vision for the role that the marine industry should be playing in our community, and how we can create a better attachment 66 5/10/01 within the City of Miami, create a Hutch better attachment from land uses to water uses. And that's going to be a great asset that lie's helping us provide in this community. "Thank you very much, Steve. Next committee was the Finance Subcommittee. This subcommittee was co-chaired -- one of it's Co -Chairs was Jim Murley. Where is Jim'! Right here. Where's your hat`' (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: Right. In February 1999, Jim became the new Director of the Florida Atlantic University,IFI1J (Florida International University) Joint Center for Envirotunental and Urban Problems, located in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Jim is a graduate of George Washington University School of Law, where he specialized in environmental and land use. Before coming, to Florida, lie worked for National Atmospheric and Oceanographic Administration. Jim _joined the Florida Department of Community Affairs in 1983 as its Director of Resource Planning and Management. Jim was later appointed, which is - - volt know, this is one of the really important guys here. Jim was later appointed the Secretary for the Department of Community Affairs by Governor Lawton Chiles, So you know we had somebody silting em this committee who knows where all the resources are, both front a national as well as a State standpoint. and lie's going to help us chase those resources, once we get a plan underway. Jim is currently a member of the Mianii River Commission, the Legislative Conirnittec on intergovernmental Coordination, and a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration. Jim thanks for your help. appreciate it a lot. Next finance Subcommittee Co -Chair is Ben Sterret. Ben, where arc You'? Lien? lien'? Ben is probably late, because Bcn was late fairly often to file meetings. But he was an outstanding; member. But I need to buy him a new watch for Christmas. Ben is a Collins Fellow at the Collins C'cnter for Public Policy. Ile spent over 14 years with the Florida Department of Community Affairs, as well, serving as its Chief Planning Officer from '89 to 1999. And lie was recently named a Knight Fellow in Community Building. So our congratulations to his awards. And lie, too, has been a huge help in this whole finance piece. Last committee is Neighborhood Linkagess Subcommittee. That's co-chaired by Bernice Butler. And Bernice, where .ire you? Well, since they work in the same office, they're probably in the same meeting, using the same watch. Bernice directs the real estate development and -- real estate development and development finance activities in the Mianii-Dade, Broward, Palmi Beach Counties, on behalf of the Collins Center for Public Policy. And the Collins Center for Public Policy -- I just want you to remember this name -- the Collins Center for Public Policy. That institute is going to help make lots of really pnsitivc things happen, particularly in our underdeveloped neighborhoods in this community. And finally, the Red Book Co -Editor, Publisher, David Sweatland. Where is David? Right here. Thank you, David. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Winton: David's been trained as an architect, now working in the geographical inforniatlon systcnis and urban design as FIU's GIS (Geographic Information System) lab. David was previously project manager with Dually, Plater-Zyberk and Company. Those were the leaders that we had working on this committee. And there were scores of others that volunteered their time. And I want to take this one last opportunity to thank you all for your time and commitment, but to promise you, as well, that even though we're- unveiling; the -- not a specific plan, because there is no one right plan for niastcr- planning this park -- but we are going; to unveil today the concepts and give you kind of a vision of the opportunities that we have before us in our City. And that's going; to be coining; up. But what I wanted to say to my committee is, don't go away, because you're going to have lots of work to do between now and 07 5% 10/01 the time we break the champagne bottle and open it new Bicentennial Park. So thank you all volunteers. And i guess at this point, i will turn it over to -- to whom'! Unidentified Speaker: Liz. Commissioner Winton: Liz. who is going to lead the effort on the presentation. F.lii.abeth, thank ,you. Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk: Good afternoon. 1'd like to begin with it short history of the effort, because I think the process that we went through is %,cry important. The efforl to redesign Bicentennial Park reflects -- and this is olio of the reasons I think this is an important presentation for the City -- reflects the growing public involvement to preserve and enhance public parks and open space, public space in Miami. It's not the first such effort. So we think maybe Ibis is part Ofii f rowing and useful eflbrt. We were building on earlier models, such as the effort to redesign Virginia Key Park, ill which hundreds of volunteers. likewise, wcre involved. It's imporlant to remember that Bicentennial Park was created with historic significance. It's the site of the original Port of Miami, and it was dedicated on the 200`' Amiverscuy of the American Revolution, Funded by money from the Parks for People bond issue of 1972. So from the beginning, it has a public initiative. Tt seeped to have been doomed, however, shortly after its inception, with inappropriate design, and subsequent inappropriate uses. Efforts to redesign it were really begun most recently by the Urban Environment league, which led several public walks through the park to bring attention, nut only to its oppotlunity, but to its potential jeopardy. Last April, the resolution tha' sponsored its redesign as a prernier public park really began the effort that you're about to sec the results of We're grateful, those of us who are involved in it, to Commissioner ,lohnny Winton's leadership. We've been through many meetings with him, in which we've seen what strong personal leadership can do for a lot ol•people straggling with something Ihat wasn't clear at the beginning, and hecame more clear as we ran through the process. Gregg Bush, Bob Weinreb, our coordinator, and all of the committee heads thank you, Commissioner Winton. From the heginninb, we've placed a high value on the transparency of operation and public inclusion in the design process. It took a while to get going, many of you know. Vdc had to invent the process. And it's fair to say that I think most of us acknowledged at the outset that we didn't know where we were going, or (tow we would get (here. However, we were it group of people committed to excellence in the public realm, believing that excellence in civic space is a critical asset for out, community, riot just for cultural reasons, but also for future -- the future of' its economic benefit. And it's significant to recognize that this gr.►up of people wvas made up not only of people from downtown, some residents and some business, but in Bret, people from all over the C'ounly. And I think this shows the importance of downtown and its signature features as (lie heart of the region. And it's very hopeful that very often, when we think people from one part of the County don't care about another pail that, in fact, we can always look to the City as that cure for the region. And so )'ou've heard who the COmntitteeS were. Along the way, we invited in some experts to talk to us about parks and other places. Peter I larnett, who had recently published a hook, which nut Its in the doghouse, but had a lot of wonderful advice for us. Ann Breen and Dick Rigby, likewise, of Washington's Waterfront Center. \ c also did some research. This might have something to do with the fact that (lie Co -Chairs are university folks. We looked at all of' the plans that have been produced, either in the public sector or the private sector for this part of town in the last several decades. And when Commissioner Winton mentioned the Red Book and its publisher, David Sweatland, that is a series of volumes that happen to be in a red hinder in which all of these plans were transcribed into GiS, and now exist for everyone's future reference, in fact, for any kind of downtown project. So we leave that behind, as well. And then, of course, many of' you who are in the room today were there February 10"', when more than 350 people showed up for the workshop, in which 68 5i10/01 we all had a chance to study the opportunities for the park. You will scc that in Dover Kohl's presentation. So i guess I would just like to reiterate that the cooperative efforts of hundreds of people helped create this vision for a well planned and, we hope, world-class park on the most valuable piece of waterfront land in South Florida. Leery one of its hopes that our work may set the stage, not only for a successful development for Bicentennial Park and the part of downtown that surrounds it, but also, for future such efforts for not only downtown Miami, but other parts ol'our City. So I think it's time to get on with the presentation by our consultants. Will you introduce them, Commissioner? Commissioner Winton: Victor, are you going to -- are you going to start the -- (Inaudible comment) Commissioner Winton: l think we're ready. And 1'd like to introduce Victor Dover, from Dover Kohl and Partners, a town planning company. And I'll tell you, these guys really -- Elizabeth said in part of her presentation that when we started this process, we didn't know -- we had no clear view of what this was going to look like at the end of the day. In fact, i struggled, probably more than anyone, because I -- 1 just couldn't sec it at all. 1 had no idea what we Nvould end up with. I just knew that what we had, had huge potential, and we needed somebody to help kind of break that vision out. And i've got to tell you, the consultants that our City Adtninistration hired have done just all outstanding job of bringing the community's ideas, and of collating those ideas and bringing them together in something that is mcaning ul, and where there's a %vhere. the vision now is in front of us, we can see it, and frankly, at least the, made me feel good. So - Victor Lover: Thank you, Commissioner. Commissioner Winton: -- all yours. Mr. Dover: My name is Victor Dover, Dover, Kohl and Partners. And I'm here with a great many people from our team that worked on this plan. You'll also be hearing from Don ZUChC111, the urban economist who had a parallel contract with the City, and studied the financial side of the Bicentennial Park future. This is interesting This is sort of like a reunion of all the people who send me c-mail and faxes on a daily basis about Bicentennial Park. So thank you all for all the messages you've been sending over these last few months. L we could bring this one up and the lights down, we'll stall with pictures. Commissioners, we'll make an ellort to stay out of the way of the images, but if we are in your way, just let its know. Last summer, before we knew we would get invited to participate in this, I heard someone who doesn't live near downtown Miami, who was commenting about all the articles in the newspaper saying, well, who cares about Bicentennial Park? kVe found out lots of people do care about Bicentennial Park through this process. And there are some pretty clear reasons wfiy that have to do with just your gut instinct that it's important for that space to be part -- one of the best parts of our City. But there's more to it than that. One hundred years ago, and it little before, when the first great generation of American parks building took place, people figured out that to make cities livable, when they were more complete, more dense, and with all the new technologies, we nvvdcd access to open space, and the experiences in them, and places to gather, to learn about our civility and about one another. And this is not something that has been lost. 1u fact, in the new generation, we actually live in it time of great renaissance for urban parks development. Miami has seen a glimpse of this. Remember, all our competitor cities have already figured this out. They are involved in a second great generation of urban parks building in our country, and hopefully, 69 5110 Ul Bicentennial Park will he our contribution to that. Why do this! It's not just about green space or about having a place to stroll, although that', very important. It's also about heing competitive. if you read the -- all the article, about our new economy, as it's called, one in particular. called "Linking the New Economy to the Livable Community," says that access to open space is one o1' the primary decision- making factors for employees, and therefore, their companies, in a time when technology means they can locate in many different places. Now, think about it. We're rewiring dow'ntow'n 'Miami, our NAP (Network Access Point), the network project is all about making us friendly to those kind~ of employers. The message is that wiring alone won't do it. We also have to have all the other things those employees arc looking for, and Bicentennial Park can be part of that. This is their quote: "Natural environment is an important part of delivering quality of li "e." This describes - and Commitsioncr, you described -- a process of rcachmg out to a lot -- have a lot of pcople touch the plan. And that began long before we got involved with those walks in the park. and the vieils, and the beginning; of that c-mail and lax barrage, and all the different ways people have communicated that this is important to them. The ilea was to continue that process in the big meeting we had in February. We had no idea how many people would be interested. \Ve got a great big room at the Marrioti downtown and set it up with tables, and traps, and screens, and exhibits, and so oil and then waited. And as you can see Iron: this photograph taken early in the morning, we were w'onder'ing whether we had too big a room and too many chairs. After all, as the fellow said, who cares about Bicentennial Park? And then a little while later, a tew (107.01 people showed up. And then a few hundred people showed up. And then several hundred people more showed up. And they looked at the previous plans that had been done for the park. They talked about what it could be and theft grouped around tables. They were briefed with some information about parks, and about this site in particular, financial background and so ori. Arid then the fun pall took place. They rolled up their sleeves and took markers in their hands and drew pictures --not great artworks, but very clear pictures olthe kind of park they'd like to have. They expressed their prelerences and listed filings they didn't want to happen. And ore -- after a couple of hours of that process going: on -- and it was noise, and chaotic and thrilling to watch it. We convened theater style and watched as one small work group at a time presented its findings to the bigger audience. We had the big screen so people in the back o1' the moat could see the little drawings. And this is some of that process going on. it was inieresling;, partly because at a time when controversy was really raging about Bicentennial Park, we saw common ground emerging; for this as Miami's premier public park. Here arc some of the -- a summary, really -- and it's repeated in your document -- of the issues they told us about. There was a great emphasis on the kind of activities in the park and on the edges of the park that would activate it and bring it back into a part -- a regniar part of the City life. There was a great emphasis on the design. People told it,.; design matters. It's nut just it green blob on a map in like a zoning diagram and then you're done, hill rather the specific, physical details were veru important to people. And they told us they wanted to be able to get to it and wanted it io feel like it was part of the larger City. Here is another summary of the kind of uses that people talked about. A great many of the people -- again, many who showed tip today -- emphasized the prospects for integrating cultural activities, like museunis and other institutions into the park. Others talked about the importance of open space and recreation areas, and about the possibility of limited private buildings. After the -- we adjourned tite big public process, we continued in all those meetings that the Commissioner described. And there was a lot of technical back and firth hetween those chairs, and the technicians you've gored to work for you, and the staff on what all these possibilities would be. And we boiled it down, haled on a couple of key concepts. First, we knew that it had to be build-able and doable. So the financial side had three components that carne back again, and again and again. It had to he sonic idea where one would get the money to rebuild the park it new way, and do so well, not just any park but it premier park. We had to have sonic idea how the City would maintain that park in perpetuity. and we wanted to make sure that 70 5/10/01 $11111"0 A the money that was used to mailnaln it was replenishing itself with runic kin'. of regular income. On the design side, we had these things: We knew it was important to be able to get to the park and experience it that way, to sec to it and thruugh it, to make its edges as gond as the green space at its center, to maintain Opel) space that was large enough and flexible enough for a variety ofactiyities, and that would be easy to maintain. And when you look at Bicentennial Park, which shows up as this green sy.tare right here, you begin to sec that that little less than 30 acres at the waterfront is a critical green space for not just the immediate area. and not just fir the County\%ide users, hilt ror a number of immediately adjacent neighborhoods, including Park \ti-es1, and Overtown, the Omni area and so on. And then you stall, trying to study the existing design of the park according to those tests that we'd giver. ourselves. \'hat about pedestrian access? As it turns oil:, there's only really one place down in this coiner. literally thousands of feet from lite other cncl where one can reasonably cross Biscayne lioulevard and get into the park. That's the only real access, and it's a meager one at that. On all the other points \%hLm c access might be maintained, it's at,, unrealistic, if not walled off option. Now, that could get even better over time. You know, we're excited about the things that are part of the bigger picture in downtomi :.1iami's plan, the 9"' Street Mall, the gateway to historic Ovetlown Village. The design ideas that go for that tell us that 9"' is going to g;et better and better over time. But what about the others:' Ilici an— uthcr concepts Iloating around. Future prospects include improving the lo►" Street and Florida Fast Coast Railway Right -of -Way Corridor to create another important cast.'west link. But 11' y'uu stand at the intersection of 10"' and 2''`t today and look toward Bicentennial Park, you see one of our key problems -- it hie, plank wall and a berm, many feet hikh, taller than the pedestrian:. %Ve can't get around, can't gel Over anti can't see through. You sec, those loenns, and the walls and the hitt infrastructure of the in:costate and the People Mover basically bury the park visually. On the edges, we know- that all those great public parks of the kind I've showed you front the slides from other cities have eyes on the park. They hayc natural surecillance going on. But because the have under -developed or undeveloped prOpe11ies on the west, and the big; infi•astrucltu'e stuff on the north, and water on the south and the east, we have 1101 just minimum eyes on the park. we have Tern eyes on the park. So this was a problem we knew had to be fblded into the design for Bicentennial Park. We also knew there were lots Of things that were -- that are inrincdiatcly going oil in the next four Or five years. And there are things that will Begin to happen over a long period of tittle that could change prospects fior the park lin• the.. better, including the concept of taking the extension of the interstate there and bringing it duwn to grade. There's an interesting study going on now by the l :niver'sity of-Miatni and Miami Urban 1h'atch to sec what if' one were to reconfigure our connection to the %IcArthur Causeway from 95 in a combination of tunnel or buried and covered with a grand buuleyarcl. and what would the possibilities he tin reconnecting the City north/south. \yell, that plugs into the hest ideas for Bicentennial Park. While we can improve Bicentennial Park without waiting for this, we know we can make it much better when that does eventually happen. So (hose are all the kinds of things happening with regard to connections. if you look at all that list of things 1 mentioned, we've got the open space, but we don't have the activity. We have the acreage, but we don't have the design that's functional or the activities. 'there are sonic other thing';. On the Inalntellance side, our seawall here, that bulkhead is beginning to crumble. It will have to he replaced. And that's an opportunity, because when we do so, Nve can replace it %v lh a better configuration for the hay walk than exists. There's background. Now, I'm going to walk you through the ttliugs that show' up in the repots. Most ol'you prohi;ply picked tilt a copy when you came in. I will not read this to you, I promise, but this document briefly sumnii►rizes w•liat 1 joist described, and then tlu'ee alternative approaches. Commissioner Winton mentioned at tite heginning :hat there's not one final master plan here. Here's why: When we entcrod this process, it was s\vimrning, in uncertainly. There was literally it universe of options, so many possibilities that one could easily get confused and overwhelmed by thein. In Tact, so many people wanting; some space in the }Dark that you'd never fit it all. And we 71 i/10/01 �PZ6I1Z1 _ needed a wav to visualize and crystallizc these alternatives down into something simpler. I pink of it like it runnel. Out at the mouth of the funnel, we have a lot of certainly, and as you work toward the cone, down the cone into the point of the fmincl, we're reducing the uncertainty. Here's the point. We arc nol all the way down through that funnel yet. There are still many parts of the decision-making process that are vet to come. So instead of looking, at these as master plans, we want you to look at them as a visualized framework for the ► ext stage in your decision -staking. OK? But with pictures. Now. there are these. three, and there are lots of others, and lots of hybrids between them. So understand that it doesn't stop with these. L eCs talk about what they are. We've given each of them a headline. OK:' Call this one number onc, the open space park. It's predominantly green space, which was clearly it community priority, but :t has a eery neA• design compared to the one that's tllere today. Second. we were asked to explore if there \kws a wit), to rebuild the park and maintain, the park over time in a self contai►:cd financing strategy-. in other words, where no dcpcndence would he generated for money irons the City in another category, or from outside sources or funds, but it would all be generated there on the site. And we'll be coming hack to this one to go over in a great deal more detail, because i expect it to be easily misunderstood, and i A -ill spend sonic time dwelling on it. But this one shows basically privatizing it part of the park to generate money to save the rest. And here's the third alternative. Call this one the cultur;a park. What this dues. while it maintains a lot of the same dcsigr► features you will sec in the olhcrs., like; the hay walk and the open space, instead of private devclopment, it finds sites for two or more significant cultural institutions, like the museums. Say, hypothettcal!y, the scicnc•c musetun, and the art museum, maritime activities and so on. And before we go into the design details ofeach of these three a',ternativcs, onc. two and duce, Don Zuchelli is, going to talk about the financial background that played into the study ofeach of the three. Don Zucheili: Thank you, Victor. i think in trying to examine the capital cost implications of these Ilt►•ec alternatives, it became clear, and I was really quite surprised, there's a commonality that eats its way through all three that arc common. One, Svc know the property has it degree of remediation requirements environmentally, because it's been for 50 years an industrial operation, There are five studies. The studies arc inconclusive. The snore we urbanize the park and disturb the ground, the more expensive mediation is like!v to be. The less we do that and resort it to open space, et cetera, probably that cost is more moderate. So we have to deal with the remediation, an issue ir, the capital budget. Examining, without doing engineering wort:, clearly indicates the bulkhead on the FCC slip side and what I call the bayside is incapable of lasting another 50 years. :1nd if we're going to invest in a world-class bay walk, capped under those bulkheads, the bulkheads are going to give Aay on its in -- what? -- eight years, 12 years. I don't know when you're going to stand out there, Commissioner, but onc day -- they're not going to last 50 years. So we'\,e got to deal with that issue. And that's conmwn ofall three. .And then the park must interlace with Biscayne Boulevard and the pending improvements, either as they're not being designed by }:DOT (Florida Department of Transportation), or to try to solve some of that cast/\\,e:,( walkway. From an economic standpoint only, these five kev things are critically important to understand by the Commission, in my judgment. We wunt to foster the maximum amount of open space and recreation usage There is a deep abiding; aspiration to be self -entertained and be primary families, and to be at a neighborhood icvel, and to integrate with Park West, and OvcrioA rt and Omni areas. It came through so clear to this economist. Also, that linkage is there and it crics to be resolved. So it cries for Bicentennial to become part of the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) and be planned as an integral Dart of that A'ltolc operation that we're looking at in the dowutoA n, perhaps. It talks about putting in the bay walk as an integral part to tie together Pace Park to the Miami River. 'I he linking piece, if you would, is here at Ba yfrort. It called four -- and i think these latitudes are really why you have three 72 5'l tI/01 �T�tr.T.tr�tr _ alternatives. it calk for delivering livability and sustainability. 'l'ist's what that other park did not deliver in 19?6. We must he able to built', it right and sustain it over a long period of time to multiple users and multiple sponsors. Also, devise - and Commissioncr Winton sill on nuc -- a workable financial plan that had flexibility with it. Thcre wasn't it take all anything, but could flex, and become hybrid, and move with the dynamics of what i, this communio- And i think we've tried to respond to that. Keeping in mind, ,our ".A," "l3 ,. "C " "D," "F ' "f= " you basncaily look at 1, anti you really see us devoting 29.9 acres, virtually the entire site, to satis'.yini, "A," "B" and "C," clearly articulating a tic to Overtown, , the communities to our wcsl :and to our north, and offering to all titre residents of Miami, Greater Miami and South Florida the world class park and edger and look on the bay. It docs not well bring about stable sponsorship in tenni) ul' user groups, because of it i ipiicity of user groups. Some of them arc hi -annual, sonic of then) are h'i-annual, some of them are monthly. It docs not give us capital financing to easily achieve that outside of the City standard hudg;ct, capital budgeting. Alternative ?, which is privatization, is sayutg;, let's take sonic pan of this precious land on the flanks, anywhere from one acre, let's say, up to ,cern acres, and lei's dispose of it with a building cap so \vc don't have high-rise buildings. And let's let the ground values seep down tc, a lower level, even, and sec if we can get enough money to capitalize, and build a park and create an endowment. And Can ',k C, tl:rou1.11 that, get a sponsorship of a set of, eyes un the park, and really have people every day, daily involved in wanting to maintain that park, whether they're in husincss or in residence? It also contributes -- the difference, if yuu can flip back quickly, is we're not totally ignoring "A" and "l;." There's only alive- to seven -acre differential of coming down from 20 acres to about 19 acres. So ;here's still substantial activity of a recreation nature going; on. The third alternative, the culture remove, privati,,ation, offers the Institutional investors opportunitie, to bring a museum or institutional use to the site. Probably one of the things that anmaied ole in my studies -- and go throughout the United State, -- is 1 identified 19 institutional and entrepreurur users who would like to sponsor a portion of the park. I don't believe ir any one site, I've ever had so many activities trying, to get into such a small place that is such a wonderful place. So the Central Activity 3 devotes about IS acres to the open space system. It really helps to solve the sponsorship issue. It does every little liar our financing„ but it does ameliorate, to some &CLJCC, our concerns about maximizing "A," "B" and "U." tit all thrrc alternatives have that range. .And you could think of hundred~ of aberrations, and shifts and changes hetwcen 1 and 3. What's it going to cost us? 1'nm so tired of seeing coneeptttal projects come in with "smally" stated budgets that suddenly grow double, and triple, and by lime you get there, you usually have another body of elected officials when 11 gets built. This i�, heavily and conservatively "costed." I assume we're going! to get sonic environmental mediation diflicultics. I'm assuming wve're going to put the bulkheads in. I'm assuming; we're going to build world class the hay walk, and the walkways, and the lighting system, and the street furnishings and others that is going to be the grand seal of what this community truly is today, and it hits to recognize where it's doing to go. We think this park, on the basis of the information we have now, under Alternative I, empha,i/ing; open space; ut cetera, well done, well landscaped is going; to cost us almost twenty-six million dollars (526.000,000) 'That's it very IarRc sum of money. It's less than a million dollars in acre. And if you look at other parks of this nature, you will find that this is running at about a 30 percent medium range of what's heing spent. So 1 think we're comfortable in the budget arca. It is not outlandish, and it's not low. I think we've given you a little room to play with. The swing, howcvet', is the big surprise. i thought by privatization versus the musetuns versus open space, we would get a higger raug;c of capital cost differential, but it`s only about three million dollars (53,000,000). That was a surprise, the (inaudible) folks. But I think after lookinu at the numbers, going oyer it with the C011111-iis,ioner and other,, wc think we're pretty well within the ballpark with the data we have available today. Because something; is common amonu all three elements, we have about eight point seven million -dollar exposure to replace the bulkheads, if we don't run into '3 5%10!01 enyirotlnlental or unusual issues. 'I he hard-scape of,the walkways and the hay walk is going to cost us, for that 50-f6ot walkway, about four Point three million dollars 154.3 million) within the park. Doesn't include that Portion underneath McArt}lur Bridge. Doesn't include the pedestrian -way or some connection to Baysidc. Treating the open space is up to four point two million. And don't forgel., we have to pay the architects a decent fee, and we have to pay fur out. financing cost, placement fees, et cetera, which we're estimating at about 12 percent of the total budget. next. When we look at operations -- we worked w!th OpSail 2000. We worked with Tile Ray 'I rust, Rayshore Trust. others in the (_'ntled States and our own operations and information. We look at operating administrative costs are running around 19.7 percent. It's really quite a decent amount for -- for administrative cost. L:vent programming and event flow, we're; looking at costing between about thvo hundred thirty-nine and three hundred thirty-five thousand dollars W3i,()0(')1 a year. And you say to I)on 7.uchcl:.i, why are there varying:' It's varying because we're shrinking or enlarging the event areas where national events can he honked. As you decide whether you're going to priyatrxe, bring museums in, et cetera, you either increase or reduce the booking capabilities of that open space. That's what you're seeing inside of these numbers. So we're looking at a cost between a million and about a million -- just short of a million -five. We looked at our income by altcmatives, and weer rw ling roughly about two hundred and fifty thousand to four hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($450,000) shortfall. And you're saying, how did you meet \"aur ohiective? If you go privatize, you've still got till cost of the land to deal with and how yon allocate that into the endowment. You still have a decision as to who's going to manage: the park, how accountable are you going to make Them for their marketing„ and when you look at four hundred thousand and two hundred thousand in a budget, that is a very small proportion to close the gap and make it f,o down to rcro as it policy direction by this Commission Next slide. This talks about privaimition. What is an acre of land worth ifit's put in mixed use residcntial, office and co:»mercutl use'' What we said was we would not allow a building oyer Live We know there's it greater market. We also know that land across the street is substantially greater m value. But \%c don't want to cast shadows in the afternoon unto the park. We don't want it density that's inappropriate and scaled to the park. So we deliberately kept the volume down. And what we end up is about 350► residcntial units, just under 100,000 feet of connnercial space. We figure that it'd cost around eighty-six million dollars ($86,0oo,000) to Kaild on .5.07 acres. We are charging in the pro tornia about two dollars 62) per square toot, per month, for all apartment rents: evenly -five dollars (x,25) GLA (govvnimental leasing q-Trcmcni) in your commercial leasing. That goneratcs twenty-three and a hall'imllion dollars to the Commission. Remember the cost ofthe park. We have twenty-three and a halt million dollars if you choose this alternative. Or you choose 50 percent of' the alternative. 1'Ite11 you can step yourself down altnost, cost -wise, on it per capita hasis. Sed we're lalking about, about ninety-two dollars ($92) a square foot land. Yes, I kllow the land to the west is a hundred and forty -live dollars ($145) a fool. But we don't want that density in this park. That was the compromise we made. There's other options that you seek besides your general fund or your capital -- local capital improvement budget. There's a chance.. if Commissioner 1'ccle rinds a eomnumaiity in what I'm saving -- to integrate Biccnteunial into the CRA, and to laurlelt further the predevelopment activities through a bond anticipation note, through TiF (Tax Increment Funding) assistance, and try to help us open up the link to Overtown, and to Park 'West, and to Omni, as we struggle with a longer-term solution for 395. That's a conversation at a very high policy level to he taking place. We believe that the institutions that perhaps through comparative basis you select as most compatible to go into the park perhaps will be leaving facilities that are now publicly owned that you can negotiate that has value. We urge you to push l,61 -ward on Biscayne Boulevard and encourage design and funding, and see it' we can get into '1'-21, enhancement highway money for U.S. 1, where we can open up the east%wom pedestrian linkages we talked about. There are bcattlification grants. i Just gone one R)r thirteen million dollars ($13,0W),000) 74 51110/01 • 0 from the U.S. Corps of Army Engineers for one of our projects on .► river. We're eligible in this project. Auld the Honda inland National Navigation District has grant money for things like dredging„ bulk - heading and other things relative to the FEC slip into Bayshore. Ants finally, with -- off the scope, there's HUD (Department of Housing and Urban Development) money for home, home ownership zone application and others that could help strengthen the tic to Overtown. So the extent that you do use capital giants and you ao some privatization. then this red ink you saw at the bottom of the gap will quickly dissipate. Thank you. .\1r. Dowcr: Thanks. Now. what we learned in workini, with Dor on this project is that there are a lot of' moving parts. So you've got to understand, as we look at each of the alternatives, that if you change just one or two of the varrahlcs in those calculations, everything changes. Use a different amount ohvaltle for the lard, or use it different amount of land for this or that purpose. It all evolves. So what we've basically set up now is a model at ►rhich you -- on which you can tun; the dials and s►vitehes yourselves in the next phase, to decide how to go forward. I'm going to walk you through design features of each of the three alternatives. One purpose of this is to get at what's common to all of them, and then what's different. First. let's look at the open space park alternative, the one we've called Alternative 1. To break it down, the experience of the park begins at the cdges where, in the future, the park should be laced by the fronts of buildings on Biscayne boulevard, with doors and windows facing the street. And then moving loward the water, the first layer of the cxpericnces in the park would be ►what we call the lure court, which could he an area devoted to basically the transition and to more urban playa type uses. This scenario could include a kind of wrapping of the se%vage pump statim with better architecture and landscape, a removal of those perms and clear site lines; deep into the park, monuments, a cunummity hall, those kind of spaces And Well moving toward the water, we would enter the most important space in the park, (he large contiguous open space folks in the community and folks in the business of running; parks said was essential. This has been designed as an -- in the sketches as an ellipse. Who knows what the exact shape ultimate!), would he. But the idea is that it has a long access east west, so that there's it long, clear vie►v from as far toward the City, from as iir into the turnings basin of' the hay as possible. And that's the central panel around which everything else is designed. And then Clanking it, a series of ancillary spaces, which would vary in character and use. You could have some devoted more to interim events, others for quiet contemplation, other:; liar water, one, perhaps, for a focus on the arrival from transit at the People Move Station. And then the fourth layer of that experience is the hay walk and the waver's edge, itself. A grand esplanade. It's shown here with that new bulkhead [)oil mentioned, now straightened out, so that it can be an elegant vista along the water, wide walkways. And that can contain a series of features, which I'll describe in morC detail shortly. Now, hoc's our open space park alternative. It hasn't been recognized yet, and I'd like to say that those illustrations you're seeing were done principally by Pedro Pablo Godoy. Ile's right here in town, one of Miami's most talented architects. So the visualization you're getting is to Pedro Pablo's credit. Let's zoom in. Here's that fore court, the pump station, palm plaza, community hall, transit station and the beginnings of the ellipse, the -real lawn at the center. That space can be used for touring events, national shows, things like Cirque Dc So Lc that were here recently, other events. It can be used fur recreation on other days. And then flanking It, spaces of varied sire and character that can be programmed for diflerent kinds of events. When we get to the water's edge, the one thing we heard again, and again and again was, give us reasons to go there. We're particularly exerted about the redesign of the bulkhead, because itfives you opportunities, for example, on this prominent corner to create a kind ohpuhhC landmai k. which could include an overlook. There's nothing like the joy of rising up a hit in space and looking over a view of something like Biscayne Boulevard and the grand park. So there you sec it building„ which could contain a place to get a cup of coffee, or have a meal and 75 5/10/01 sit with tables, but also a place to bo up and look out and survey the scene. Now, compare the open space alternative, the one \N,c've called Number 1 to the things we learned from the public I)roccss. The grand public promenade, the view• corridor through, the idea of flanking.; both sides of the park, on the north end and the south end with buildings or other activities, but keeping the middle open. And there, you see that showing up in the desiurn. The lame flexible open space showed up again, and again and again. Open, they told us. Move the buildings and the functions, like there, the art museum in that sketch, to the north and south of the center. One even Llrc%V the oval. So we duln't make that up. That really happened. Turas Out that Was a really good Zorn► to accomplish exactly that And integrated with this would be a series of narrow traffic calmed, skinny. quite, shaded drives, which would be places where you could enter the park and hay;; parking un a street, instead of -in it parking lot, and circulate around the parts of the park, connect the points north anti to the slip, and then the much more, even more extensive network of pedestrian paths and walkways, inr.luciing the esplanade un the bay walk. People told us, give us something to do at the water's edge in their sketches, and that's what the plan we brought does. Here, for examplc, is it suggestion of a splash liruntairt, a pavilion %%-here you could have dining and community events, some open space for events at the park edge, children's carousel. places for sculpture to comimnorate important features of our history or our culture. The open space alternative. now, what it'? Well. if' you huiit that, 11111 you couldn't get to it, the pack would not work. We can't have in open space park we can't access And so we identified a series of critical places where the arrival at the park has to be optimized. And I showed you this to in aerial photograph helore with sonic arrows. Here it is in light of the plan. We learned that we really need superb, crossable. crosswalk -rich intersections, not just at 8`�` and �) h, but at 10"' anti I 1 as well. \idle need to be able it) enter the par'< and sec through the park So tree canopies. far examplc, would be set up so that you could see under- them, when we arrive from the north on the bay walk or from the transit station. That design at Biscayne Boulevard is a critical part And I won't go into a lot of detail, but we hr►vc suggested that while the bulldozers have not yet moved and everything is not yet built that there's a great opportunity to optimize that stretch of the design of the boulevard liar pedestrian access. And you can do it better job than the current -- thy. current sketches slio\a-. Now, Number 3. What if we diel what Don suggested, and used part of the park for real estate development by leasing land'? And then the income produced from that mould lie used to builcl it new park and to maintain it over, Iinte. A couplC of quick questions. first, is your consultant team biased, in favor of this alternative'? Absolutely not, not hissed in favor of any of them. But this one is Isere because of the request for a self-contained financing scheme. That would do it. Second, do we have -- is this our only option? Do we have to do so much? No. Don clearly showed you could do less of this; you could do more of this. it's tied to Ilse numbers. The fire to seven acres of private development used on the edge of the park, keeping; the big central view and space open is the amount we think it y,ould take in today's dollars to generate the amount of money you need to capitalise the rebuilding of the park and the endowment. So obviously, if there is more money lying around that we don't know about, and it's Ito longer a sell -contained scheme, the mnount of that can go down. If the land turns out to be worth more in the priyaue market as people compete for this unique opportunity, theft we call tell Given that there are no comparables, the amount of it could go down. Here's a sketch that shows close up now what kind of` development Ilial might be. First, it hugs the slip and the north edge of the park. Keep the open center. And then it should be designed as huildings that are rclatively logy in scale. Actually, Don, our report -- while you were conservative with the assumption al' fire stories -- says five to seven. The idea is that you keep this low enough that the high-rise dcvelopnient on the other side of the boulevard can be occupied by People %\ ho can sue over these buildings, across tile park and onto the bay. So that's why this is kept low, and also for the scale that would represent. Now, you probably would end up with office uses, wrapping and shielding the pump station to make possible other kinds of development on the other block. It would 76 5; 10?U1 IIIIIIII be important to make these pedestrian -friendly buildings, with doors and windows facing the street. so they wouldn't have, for example, Parking lots in the front or the side, but rather, their parking would he buried into the interior of them, in the middle of the block, under the buildings and behind liners of that sort. So here, you see that in plan view and with some lines over it. You can get an idea of the quantity of park you sacrifice to save the rest under Alternative 2. it's 20 to 25 Percent of the park for five to seven acres. And here's it sketch of the kind of architecture one would hope is insisted upon, Eyes on the park, parking toward the middle of the block. Here's a little rectangle to kind of show you where the parking that is here could he hUriCd within, You might, you might achieve, perhaps, 70 percent of the total parking need on-site, or less, and the rest of the parking could be achieved in Park West, where it can be an income center for property owners, parking; surcharge and so on. Pedro did it sketch, a quick illustration to show the connection hetween our cultural institution to the north, the Performing Arts Center. looking now southeast, across the park, with buildings occupying; the park. This is to help its understand the possibilities of the cultural park. Let's go to the -- to the plan. The community told its they thought the idea of museums pushed to the sides, their fronts on both Biscayne Boulevard and the water could be done. They sketched this for that, and it shows up in the plan. The idea is that you would he offering institutions a prestigious address like no other. A Biscayne Boulevard address, it waterfront address, it unique oppoitunily. And you'd be breaking; clown into thirds, let's say, the problem of financing, and maintaining and managing; the park. So here is the cultural park alternative illustrated. It looks much like the other one oil all this arca, or the other two, except a site for it museum on the south, it museuni on the north, hack of house functions, and this one, for example, oriented toward the expressway in a kind of central cultural plaza shared by the two. Is there a close-up'? Now. I'll have to show you this. On the flanking outdoor areas, the sculpture garden the ail MURC11111 Might want, or the outdoor areas for teaching the science museum might want could be associated with them. So we liberally included a hig dinosaur here, just to fret at the idea that the science might like. Now, other variations. You could do things like narrow the FEC slip and turn that space, now flanked by buildings on both sides, into a kind of outdoor wutcr room, a very special place in the the City. There's variations on that, where you could shorten instead of narrowing the slip. We also did a sketch illustrating the idea of a kind of transparent pavilion building through which you could see that would terminate the end of that visually. All ofthese are about making events like the Volvo Occan Race more significant for those who arrive, and more significant in the lenses of those international press photographers and videographers who are showing those events, giving them a backdrop for the arrival of the big boats, for example, the traveling historical ships. All our maritime activities, that looks great in the international news media as they're telling the postcard story of Miami. Here's another scenario, a variation on all of these for enhancing maritime activities. A mega -yacht or a transient yacht marina along; the bay walk edge. We think this is a good location for it, because it's tucked more to the north. It's not obstructing the central view that we're talking about, given the shape of the park. And, of course. that would be for the bigger boats that can handle the wave action. Other variations, including making; hybrids of the different schemes. I lore's a private, and public and cultural scenario. Here's just one museum, Ooh, 1 hear a "hoo" on that one. Here's the other, Or first one and then the other. We don't know. We don't know. The idea is that the basic layout is ntodulai- and flexible, so that you can build up to the answers of these questions. What's common in all of those are the things that 1 went over as we walked through it. But it's really about getting to it, seeing; through it, enjoying being there, and feeling; save while you're doing so, and having such ? great experience, you want to come back again and again. Commissioner'? (APPI-AUSE) 77 5/10/01 Commissioner Winton: Again, I would like to thank all the volunteers who have put so much time into this. I'd like to thank our consultants. I'd like to thank Weinreb who spent it great deal, almost all of his time as it terribly underpaid consultant working out of my office, who had the job to coordinate all of the volunteer activities, and the consulting activities and all those things. And I would finally like to thank the staff from the Planning Department, who also spent countless hours on this whole thing. You know, as usual, without staff support, we can't get anything done. So, Ana, thunk you. (APPLAUSE) Mr. Dovcr: Commissioner, one quick thing. For members in the press, we have the presentation digitally, if Vol) need one. Commissioner Winton: And to the Commission, you know, we had a great debate about timing for unveiling all of this, because there's lots of-- there's a lot of additional next steps. 'there's a lot that needs to be sorted through. We've got additional analyses that have to be done. You know, we have to get sonic hard numbers tied to bulkhead replacement, and there's some things like that, that we cull be doing. We also -- but -- hitt we finally decided that without coming here with all the answers, and without coming here with one single plan, because we all felt very strongly that there is no one right answer for this, we decided to conic to the Commission, and we did not let this out to the media. We Nvznted the Commission to see the concepts first, and then get it out to the public as it whole, after the Commission had had an opportunity to see it. And in terms of a f'cw next steps -- and I want to -- and open it up for comments and questions from the Commission. But I think we kind of see the next steps as, you know, we're almost into the summer. So lots of different kinds of things happen in the summer. There are some additional pieces of research we need to do. This gives us a time to get this whole -- the concepts out before the public at large. The public can begin to mull this thing over. Those entities that have a great interest in trying; to lead the charge to make something happen in Bicentennial Park can probably have tt►e summer to get all of that figured out. And my view is that by lull or before the fall, sometime in the summer, we'll come back before the Commission with some very specific next steps. But in my view, the next step is, let the public take a look at this. Let this filter through the public. Let them analyze it. Let the folks who want to be key players in -- in bringing lite resources to the table to create the plan, let them go out and work on their plans to make that happen. And then we can regroup by fall. So that's kind of our view at the moment. And I would like to thank you for giving us this great opportunity. and apologize for taking so much time. But this is really our future. And thank you. Conlin issioners, for entrusting all of us with this major task. Commissioner Regalado: No, Mr. C'hairntan, it'll may. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton, I want to thank you. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, if I may. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. 78 5110/01 Commissioner Rcgalado: I think. well, we don't need to thank Johnny again, but it's on the record. But think it's important that the public see this project, that the press will do what they have to do to disseminate this information. But it's also important to the people that worked so hard, Johnny, that guide its through in the days of the controversy regarding the ball park and the Bicentennial, that before we leave here tonight, the people of Miami have assurances of this Commission that something is going to be happening in Bicentennial. Whether it's the open space. whether it's the museum, whether it's the land swap to bring museums to Bicentennial. or whatever it is, that we make a commitment ,with the people of Miami that something is going to happen in Bicentennial, and that by fall, at the latest, was should make a decision. Say in September, make a decision of what is going to happen in Bicentennial. And I tell you why. Because sonic people with, 1 guess, the bright motivations have said, well, why not build the ballpark in Bicentennial? Alter all, that park has been abandoned for so many years. And you guys are going to leave it like that. So I think we need a commitment. When I was approached by people Front the museum about their plans and their ideas, 1 said immediately, you know, I think that the best use for this land will he it museum, but only one condition -- that while you get the funding, while you do the plans, while you start construction, you will be required, if that is the will of the Commission, to have at least one activity a month in the site, because we need to have people there right now. We need to have people there so tine people of Miami, the children of the schools, the residents of South Florida really believe that this time, it's for real, and that we are going to do something with Bicentennial. So I don't know if you, of course, want to do it in a form of a resolution or just a commitment, but I think that the people of' Miami deserve a deadline, so we can atttlounce, working with experts, what the plans arc for Bicentennial Park. Vice Chairman Gori: You know, 1 was going to say that presentation took an hour and 24 minutes, and it's well deserved, because you all put many hour into this, putting these plans together. And I want to thank all of VOL! on behalf ol'thc City Clomnllsslon, all of us and Commissioner Winton, for getting to where we're at right now. And l agree with Commissioner Regalado. We have to take a determination today. And I'd like for you, Johnny, at the right time, to go ahead and male the motion to approve the concept and conte back to us, so people will know. .And the activity -- 1 think Cirque De So Le proved -- it was supposed to be there for three weeks, and 1 think it stayed for -- they extended the time of their production. And the reason being, if you give individuals a reason to go, people will go. And the circus showed that, itself. And I agree with that. 1 think we should have activities, and every month, we should have some kind of activity in that park, to make sure that people continue 10 use it, and they see that we're serious ahout changing that park So, Johnny, at -- Commissioner. Any further discussion'' Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chainnan. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Tccic Commissioner Teele: 'Thank vou, Mr. Chairman. Mr, Chainnan, I know that the hour is late, but, you know, 1, too, want to add my sincere appreciation and commendation, not only to Commissioner Winton, who really, after about two months on the Commission said: This is a lot more time-consuming than 1 thought, and I'm going; to cut back on my hours. I got to get back to making business. But like quicksand, he's just getting deeper, and deeper and deeper. But, you know, we don't really serve with real compensation. But one of the icw' joys, one of the few benefits of serving is to see the kind of public support and public appreciation that is evident by the public loday. I mean, this is the real reward that we, your elected officials receive. And just looking at the diversity, the diversity, the gender diversity, the ethnic diversity, the gcneraliolal diversity, I mcun, i just Nvish we could take a picture of all of you, 79 51,10/01 IIIZiZiIiI:Ii - because I think this is really the hope of and the future of Miami. There is no project that I have seen or been associated with in my public office, including the relocation of the Southern Command, the preparation of this community for the Summit of the Americas that gives me more of a sense of pride and more of a sense that we're doing something than what is being discussed and proposed now. I think if you were here this morning, at least for the District Secretary of Transportation, you would have heard that this park concept presents so many opportunities to change not only our options for an improved, livable community, but really to change the face of the City of Miami. .And this project could very well he the defining - with all due respect to the cultural, the Performing Arts Center -- 1 think this project is going to upstage the Performing; Arts Center, I really do. And it's not going to cost as much. But 1 don't want to get into that. I mean, that's a very important project. But because of the Performing Arts Center, this project makes more sense. I want to make a public confession. \\ )tell we started on baseball, 1 looked at the river. I could not support the river site for a lot of reasons, based on transportation. And I therefore supported initially putting the park on the west side of the park. 1 never supported putting it in the park, but moving Biscayne Boulevard to the cast. When the CRA and other professionals went out and vetted the site, you didn't hear another word out of me. It didn't work. Baseball didn't work, even moving BiscaynQ Boulevard. And, you know, it's almost divine intervention, because you know what, Johnny? This is the hest thing that we could ever do with Bicentennial Park. And I just want to assure you as the Commissioner that is overseeing, or riding, or pulling this together that i'll be supportive. I would like to, at the appropriate time, Mr. Chairman, make a motion regarding the pate, that the development ofthe area directly in front of the park be referred immediately to the Planning; Department. One of the recommendations that was made, and as the Chairman ufthe CRA, I'm saying right now, I'm running; to get out of the way. This thing out to happen. And it's not going to be any bureaucratic in lighting, you know, the CRA. We need high volumes. We need great tax base. But let me tell you, we don't need it to conflict in any way with this park. And otic of the things that I heard the consultant say, loud and clear, that the park needs to be integrated particularly with the Biscayne Boulevard frontage. And this is going to be extremely unpopular to everybody who owns property along Biscayne Boulevard from 395 to wherever we agree that the park houndary stops, Johnny. It's going to be very unpopular. But i would like to move that the Planning Department begin a process to develop a special area Plan for Biscayne Boulevard from 1-395 to 9"' Sheet, as called for in the consultant's report. And that would be done, of course, through the Planning Department, in consultation with the overall public committee, anti in consultation with both the DDA and the CTA. i would so move, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner -- Commissioner Winton: Second the motion. Vice: Chairman Gort: There's it motion and there's a second. Commissioner Tcelc, would you extend that to 0' Sheet, rather than just 91h Sheet'? Commissioner Tecle: Well, i -- Vice Chairman Gort: Because there's a great potential. Commissioner I'eele: Let me -- let me agree, of course, to look at it in two phases. 'file consultant called for 9"' Street. I have no reason not to go to 16`1, but let's do it in two phases, an area plan for 395 through 9" Street, and a second area plan from 9"' Street to 61h Sheet. Does that meet your concerns? 80 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort: That's -- Commissioner Teelc: But further, in coordination with -- that's the Planning Department— with the DDA and the CRA, and affected property owners. And this area plan would go west to the Mdrorail -- to the Metromover. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. There's a -- Commissioner Teele: The Metromover. Vice Chainnan Gort: There's a motion. Commissioner Teele: Because it's about linking pedestrian amenities, et cetera. ,a Commissioner Winton: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. u r t�,,� r' s• rv°P 44 qi # r s x i t t r x } ax r n 1� �, f yi p -y9f� ..i k. �. }i `� Itt�' i 8 ✓ V w 6 3 i 4"" I.TA tr 8 t 4��,l�w r ��, ''� r��:. t.�x x� •1-* s �� 'st".�� .�Y,l ; �fi��S,� �� � t,�*' + u `'�S�` ."''t'- � r �; � �`r � � x � t 5. 81 S/1Q/Q1 • The following motion was introducod by Commissioner Teele, who movod for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-421 A MOTION THAT THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AREA DIRECTLY AN FRONT OF BICENTENNIAL PARK BE REFERRED IMMEDIATELY TO THE PLANNING DEPARTMCN'i', TO ALLOW THE PLANNING DEPARTMENT, IN CONCERT WITH THE DOWNTOWN DEVrJ.OPMENT AUTHORITY AND COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY, FOR THE PURPOSE OF INITIATING A PROCESS TO DRAFT A SPECIAL, AREA PLAN IN TWO PHASES: PHASE 1, MORE PARTICULARLY BOUNDED BY I-395 ON THE NORTH FROM BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO :NORTHWEST 911' STREET; AND PHASE H (SECOND AREA PLAN), FROM NORTHWEST 0"' STREET TO NORTHWEST 16TH STREET. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sancho;,. Commissioner Arthur E. fecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifrodo Gort - ,r yr R'}st� Ian Ys. None + r ASfi1 ASSEN'T, None Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton. Are you done. C'onunissioner Tecle? Commissioner Teele: Yes. 1 do want to say this: At the appropriate time, 1 am prepared to support the removal of the requirement that we put on initially that the plan -- that the park he self-sufficient. That does not mean that we should not use best practices and prudent, but t think the self-sufficiency clause unnecessarily narrows the range of options that the public and clic process should hate. As long as we have; ti,'a: it's seif-sufficient, we're looking at thinks to make it self-sufficient. I don't think that Should he the charter coo. I think the mission should be to build the best park in the Americas in a downtown environment. And then i think that should have a component that outlines the operating costs associated with cr:cit option, as upposed to it has to lie -- And I hope you understand. Johnny, what lilt saying. Commissioner �%?inton: I do, absolutely do. And 1 agree with you. Commissioner Teelc: And i would so move, if you would second. Contnrssioner Winton: And 1'iI second it. Commissioner Sanchez: Discussion. Commissioner \Vinton: Yes Commissioner Sanchez: 1 just think that, you know, we're -- reports are going to be coming back, and this legislative body just put a time f -annc that we would get more information on this as we move forward. think shat making that, it's a little premature now for its to he making that type of commitment from this Commission. I think that we should hold back and wait till the other reports come in, and, you know, we'll take it from there. i just think that we're moving too fast here, and 1 think we need to slow down. 1 mean, we have taken - Johnny, we have taken this step, and I just wanted -- I didn't have a chance to speak on hehalt'of this, but, you know, if you look at its, if you look at this Commission and you look at the Cicy in talc past, this was a City that really, didn't focus on parks. You know, when i first got here elected, one oh the biggest complaints -- and my colleagues also made the saute complaint was that the City didn't put enough emphasis on parks throug}nrnat the City. And we continue to be the last City in the nation when it conics to parks. So we had a vision when this all came about of putting It niaster plan to study Bicentennial Park and come out with it world class park that we could compare to other cities- IhroUL!)0ut the United States. We committed to lnuve one thing that the other park that was there didn't have, and that's one of ttlnc major reasons why it failed. It didn't have public input. And people didn't conte together and say, you know, if we're going to do it, we're going to do it right, and it's going to be done the first lime. So 1 just .un very cautious here about moving so fast and making so many commitments. I think when time conies our way, and we're going to have another presentation and we'll - - we're seeing how much we're making improvements here, then we could talk about other commitments that we could make. But to make commitments now. I'm a little skeptical about that. Commissioner Winton: Well, let tine tell you \%-fly f seconded the: motion. Because -- because Commissioner- Tecle, his motion doesn't make a commitment. C'onnni.,sioner Teele: At all. 1• 83 5/10/01 • 0 Commissioner Winton: it iust changes the philosophy. And by changing the philosophy a hit, it kind of -- it unshackles you some. And we are all going to get an opportunity to review- whatever the costs may he. And I can tell you from my perspective, and I'm sure -- 1 would he that when we get to that point, you're all going to say the same thing, and that is the point that I've made to the public over, and over and over again. 1 am not going to vote for general fund money for redoing a park in downtown Miami when -- when Little Haiti has no park at all. And so -- and I've said that to my committee over, and over, and over and over again. 1 mean, it's -- it's wrong to do that kind of thing. If we got money to fix up Bicentennial Park with general fund money, we could he going up to Little Haiti, that has no access to parks, whatsoever, and create a park up there. So I think what he's doing -- we're not 1.D.'ing any dollars. We're just kind of loosening the shackles a bit to allow fir additional creativity here. And i think that could he valuable. M'e're not spending a dime. It just gives us a different look here that will come back before this Commission, which is the reason i support that --the motion Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman, 1 agree with the comments of Commissioner Sanchei. We don't need to begin making any commitments. But what we're saying is there is a range of options that, quite frankly, were beyond the parameters to look at. For example, there really hasn't been the real, real study on the open, open park. I don't necessarily support the open, open passive park, but iln saying the one question that I kept askntg is, how much is it going to take to do that? What's the detailed plan? You know, there's talk about Nve ought to have soccer fields, dah-dah-dah-dah-dap. If we're going to have baseball in the Americas, in the capital of the Americas, we certainly ought to have soccer in the capital of the Americas. But the point is this: All «e'rc doing is freeing everyone to think. And I'm certainly going to be looking at the operating costs before 1 make any vote. So I don't -- I don't -- that was not my intent, and I don't think that does that, Commissioner. And I apologize if that was implied, because that's not what I'm trying to do, Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "ave." "The Commission (Collectively): Ave. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Tecle, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-422 A MOTION TO AMEND PRIOR CHARGE OF THE' C'OA1111171'FF, TU DEY1;1.01' A 11ASTER P1.Al1 FOR fl1C.'F,N77,'NN1.4L PARK, WHiCH STIPULATED THAT PROPOSAL. OPTIONS FOR BICENTENNIAL PARK SHOULD BE PROFFERED WITH A VIEW TOWARD FINANCIAI. SELF-SUFFICIENCY. 84 5/10/01 • Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed mid adopted by the tbllowing vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur H. Tecic, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman %Vifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: 1'd like from the Planning Department -- Commissioner Teele: Final, final motion, Mr. Chairman, and I'm through. This is a housekeeping issue. one of the challenges -- and it's the issue that I raised with the DOT secretary. ']'here is literally millions of dollars available right now if vac have sortie framework of the parameters shat we can agree on, whether it be the seawall, or the outline, and we need -- the i)OT thinks in 20 -year elements, and certainly fivc- year elements. If we want to do something, simply stated, five Fears from now. we need to have a project defined, and beginning,o prove ill the process. 1 would respectfully ask. Mr. Manager, if you would allow nit; to move that an interdepartmental working group on this be established by the City of Miami to coordinate, you know, the communications with the M110 process, %%iih the FDOT process, with Congresswoman Meek, not to the exclusion of anyone else, but she's on the Appropriations C'ommittce, and really begin. And I think it's very important, you know, obviously, Drank Rollason and Dena Bianchino, who -- because this is a park, you know. .Auld I want to make sure that lite Parks Director and his people are looking at this as -,ve go clung. The Public Works -- this is a very intensive Public Works project. And (lie Budget Director. And I don't want to try to define the working group, but 1 would like to move that the Mwiager be requested to form a working group, a sort of semi-permanent working group until the project is completed that %kill interface all of the components of the City and will have linkages with the State, and County and Federal to begin this process. And in particular, included in my motion is an early discussion with the DOT regarding the potential implicutions of the Burlcy Marx oil this concept. I would just so move that. C'onlillissioncr Sanchez: And when you say "the City.- you're talking what'? The parks? Commissioner Teele: I'm talking about whatever the Manager wants. But my view is, you see, this is a planning project now, in the Department of Planning. It really is a Parks project, and 1 don't know how much they're involved in this. And it really is a Public Works project. And it really is going to be what Commissioner Sanchez is raising, a budget issue. And I want to make sure that all the people are at the table as we start, so we don't wind up with anybody, you know, their iiosc Out Of joint. So -- Commissioner Winton: I'll second, and add that there's another value in doing that. And that is that we can begin to -- staff can begin to work will, some of our volunteers who have identified potential funding sources for doing some of these things. So that piece of the puzzle could get kicked into bear right now. 85 5/10101 LJ So -- and that work can go on during the summer as this whole thing's germinating, mid people are getting themselves organized to come forward for the fall. Vice Chainnan Gort: I'd like to add that the -- if we can add also the individual departments, like Fire and Police, 1 think it would be very impotlant. Problems that we've had in downtown in the past with crime was alleviated, because the police bot involved with the private sector, and they changed some of the stntetures and the landscaping, and that helped quite a bit. So that should be part of that, also. Is there any further discussion? lacing none, all in favor, state it by saying "ayc." The Commission (Collectively): Ave. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: MOTION' NO. 01-423 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ESTABLISH .AN INTEKDF.PARTMENTAL WORKING GROUP FOR TIIF PURPOSE OF COORDINATION BETWEEN TIIF MIAMI PLANNING ORGANIZATION, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT Ol' TRANSPORTATION, T'Hi, DEPARTMENTS Ol" PARKS AND RECREATION, PUBLIC WORKS AND BUDGET; FURTHER DIRECTING TIIE MANAGER TO ES'T'ABLISH SAID WORKING GROUP WITH LINKAGES TO 'THE STATE, COUNTY AND CITY. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, tite motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchc Commissioner Arthur F. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: hone Vice Chainnan Gan: You need any more motions? Once again, I want to thank all of you for your time and you'll see that it does pay, We'll get it done. Commissioner Sanchez.: And thank you for a wonderful presentation. Commissioner Winton: Thank you all very, very much. 86 5/10/01 �__AM_EN6 SECTION 2-884 OF CITY CODE TO ALLOW, BY F6UR-FI1 THS VOTE OF COMMIS5I01\T, EMPLOYEES OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY OR ANY MUNICIPALITY OTHER (THAN CTTY OF MIA11�I1 EMPLOYEES, TO SERVE ON OR BE APPOINTED TO ANY CITY BOARDS, PROVIDING THAT SAID EMPLOYEE IS A CiTY RESIDENT. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. We haven't touched any items yet, Commissioners' items. i have Item Number 1 that needs to he amended. It's the second reading for the ordinance. And Mr. Attorney, we're missing the part -- we're missing the part of the -- had to he resident of the City of Miami. I'm going to ask you, please, to exit quietly. We still have the full agenda to go. Thank you. Could you read the ordinance? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attomey): Commissioner, that -- you're correct. That provision is not within the text of it. However, it was stated that that was a requirement at the first reading. The caption does not change the ordinance. Vice Chainnan Gort: is there a motion and a second? Commissioner Regalado: Move it. Vice Chairman Gori: is there a second'? Commissioner Sanchez: Second for the purpose of discussion. It was my understanding it was an amendment that the -- they had to he a City resident. Vice Chairman (_fort: City resident, yes. Only -- this would only be valid for City residents. Commissioner Sanchez: So state that on the record, Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Vilarello: For any member to be considered or any appointee to be cunsidered, who is an employee of Miami -Made County or of another municipality, that individual must be a resident of the City of Miami to be considered. Commissioner Rcbalado: But you still have a waiver. YOU could do a waiver. Vice Chainnan Gort: Yes. They still have to go with the tour -fifth waiver, yes. Roll call. Mr. Vilarello: No. The waiver is not as to residency. 'file waiver is as to -- Vice Chairman Gort- Employee. Mr. Vilarello: -- allowing all employee of the County or of another municipality to serve on a board. Commissioner Regalado: No, I understand. I understand. But is -- this will still kccp the waiver, the residency waiver. 88 5110101 �I�I1I�IeR� Mr. Vilarello: Require -- not a -- no. Commissioner, the -- specifically an individual who is an employee of the County or of another municipality would be required to be a resident of the City of Miami. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, I see what you mean. Oh. So if you work for other entity, you have to live in the City. Commissioner Sanchez: Right. h Commissioner Regalado: OK, OK. r ` Vice Chairman Gort: And if you're not a resident, youci�ttS be,appmed.�0x,� , Commissioner Regalado: OK, OK, OK.0 'e i dtlr,'�isrv44RK+�Y p, } � Ayr r Vice Chairman Gort: Roll call; ✓ � Iy r � l� v ar kk�a w�e�`ia�g � � �.. +. xp`i ?1'uW n k a ,,� }',.o.$S .Et ux'h'd nn ° ", yxvz ,��'�' k5i`gi»fff.'Lr1��xa 3.f —g gn 4c4'7^&.^!�?}s _84 .✓f � �s��P�,3="��r��fl� f t S/10/0) An Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING SECTION 2-884 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TO ALLOW BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5T") AFFIRMATIVE. VOTE: OF THU CITY COMMISSION, AN EMPLOYEE O1; MIAMI -DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA, OR ANY MUNICIPALITY OTHER THAN THE CITY OF MIAMI TO SERVE ON OR BE APPOINTED TO ANY BOARD OF THF. CITY OP MIAMI, PROVIDING THAT SAID EMPLOYEE IS A RESIDENT OF THE CITY OF MIAMI; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE; PROVIDING FOR AN LFFRC:TIVF. DATE. passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of April 26, 2001, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Regalado, seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading, by title, and was passed and adopted by the tollowing vote: AYES Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tcele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wif'redo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 12059. The ordinance was read, by title, into the public record by the City Attorney. 90 —PQM 5/10101 10. (A) REFER TO MIAMI STREET CO -DESIGNATION REVI$W COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR NAMING OF STREET, LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST IST STREET AND 18"" AVENUE, IN MEMORY OF THE LATE JUAN JOSE GERARDO TUNON. (8) COMMENTS BY COMMISSIONER REGALADO REGARDING MIAMI STREET CO- LDESIGNATION REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETINGS. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Clerk, now we can proceed with tite appointment of the -- Vice Chairman Gort: I have my second -- we're going into Commissioners' items. The second item, Commissioner Sanchez, a letter was referred to me. I think it has to do with your district. What )'in doing is asking to send this -- 1 have a letter that was addressed to you by Alcida Tunon, about naming a street after. VIr. Juan Jose Gerardo 'Tunon to the committee, to send to tite committee. Commissioner Sanchez: That has been sent to the committee. Vice Chairman Gort: It was already in the committee? Commissioner Sanchez: I believe it is. But just to make sure -- Vice Chairnian Gort: You make the motion. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Vice Chairman Goat: It's been moved. is there a second? Commissioner Rcgalado: Second. Vice Chairman Dort: All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 91 S/10/0l • 0 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez. who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-424 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE MIAMI STREET CO - DESIGNATION REVIEW COMMITTEE REQUEST FOR THE NAMING OF A STREET, LOCATED AT SOUTHWEST 1 ST STREET AND 18'" AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, IN MEMORY OF THE LATE JUAN JOSE GERARDO TUNON. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Regalado: And Mr. Chairman could you request from the administration to organize the meeting of the Co -Designation Committee? Because they haven't met for several months. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: No, they met. They just met. They just met yesterday or the day befog. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, they did? 92 S/iQ/01 11.' APPOINT CHARLES AU5LANDER TO JOBS AND EDUCATION PART.NERSHiP ' (JEP) REGIONAL BOARD. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton, your item? Commissioner Winton: (pet's sec. 1 need to move to appoint Charles Auslandcr, who is the incumbent District Administrator of the Department of Children and Families to the Jobs and Education Partnership Board. This appointment is required on the hoard, anyhow, and it's a City appointment, so I so move. Commissioner Sanchez: There is a motion for appointee. Is there a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second by Commissioner Regalado. Open for discussion. Hearing none, all in favor, say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Sanchez: Anyone opposing, having the same right, say "nay." Hearing none, it passes unanimously. Was this -- does this require a four/fifth? 93 5110101 9 The foliowing;reWution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.01-425 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE JOBS AND EDUCATION PARTNERSHIP REGIONAL BOARD, FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by tho.foll9wing vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton E �t SAYS: None is ASENT� Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. i fi Vice Chairman Wifrodo Gort�' x t i „za �' 04t, �gTM7,, -°+ M", }, N } "..: s ,^`xk��,-,�? rr. ss 'a r a� :✓ .,°,�, r w iM,t� A t r '�� a � ? � r� fi Kc t �`.',y`Y9` as�Ai E �� -.�.0 r ask+., fi kid ! � q ,� t yi�tLR W�ri?'J+'S"5'i rr Nia ti4Y �F`�"u._f�.Nliy.lre r nai y w KM s't r re t, ,+ r Mc h ✓t .., a. ✓ r -�"# 3r s "a t ,24. x A-'•%'wtt y2y CvT 4` .r`,t h asdl' y+, '` Sy,sY tai .. iR7 ',rt`>•.x tsYr�'F44 kv it'*" `� Y tS sk.�^«``F+�. i s s x� �� c w ,��J Y a 10# alt g� sa#a ''nye "t` X"� t Y "*l`' `am. �^ 1�" a.� a5:3 r 5t +i r sK }.� _Yf F J s. axY" > x xr: 4Ei't � 3 s..ur�"� :,� tr a "�"` oj-J i ' aq t rr j ' 3 �' } t a 5n'rs tp i s,{a S . rir s f sYrt t4ax k w xt d F`Yaktlai*�*r�t'Sv.ssjSU UP- W6 7k'fi- r��, sye sk r i fit, V'Aw��fF, s 7 fSTj� t'rY. i.. }•.',.d �kl.r+r.',y Yi'e"�t '@. Y r`ecs 4'� sfi{F ts yg,3aiita''V,,.;9't'� q N", 7� #sr "✓t € xC �. '^S u: a ��✓fix vch, a - t � ;[ A A 4(r 3 d I 9 i N b h 4 S f"3` } y I, 1i�, 59r't �,c 4 Kk',4 1 i 3 r 1 94 5/10!01 12. CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEFD WITH APPROPRIATE LEGAL STEPS 1"NVOLVING CI'T'Y AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT AS PERTAINS TO CERTAIN IMPENDING FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES,- CITY ATTORNEY TO COME BACK AT LATER DATE. AS PERTAINS TO FUNDING AMOUNT TO ENGAGE SPECIAL COUNSEL IN CONNECTION WITH SAID MATTER. Commissioner Winton: And 1 have actually a question, and I wish Commissioncr Tcele were here. Sonic Commissioner Sanchcz: Would you like to deur the -- Commissioner Tecle: I ani here. Commissioncr Winton. Oh, he's here. Sonic tinle ago at a Commission meeting, we gave our City Attorney -- this goes back to some comments you made earlier this morning. We authorized tine City Attonlcy to take whatever steps were necessary to resolve the problem that we're having with the County, vis-a-vis their new prutit center, which is the Water and Sewer Department. And we gave him -- authorized him to take whatever steps necessary. And I'm -- that would include filing suit. And 1 think it's time for us to take some -- maybe more aggressive steps to resolve some of these issues. Apparently, we've been negotiating this Issue since I got elected as City Commission, first by the previous Manager, and I know our current Manager has heen working on it endlessly, and we don't seem to get anywhere. 1 notice that the City of Miami Beach, when they want something, they generally have a good lever, or they file suits and, voila, issues are resolved. So I'm just trying to understand where we are in that regard. And once I understand that, maybe we'll have a little discussion about what next step w•c should take. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. City Attonley? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): The Manager has been in ongoing negotiations with the County over not only that issue, but all the other pending issues with regard to that. While those negotiations have been ongoing, we have not proceeded with the suit. %Ve're prepared to go forward as you may direct. Commissioncr Winton: Well, I know that the County didn't seem to have any compunction filing suit against us on the parking surcharge, so -- Mr. Vilarello: None, whatsoever. Commissioner Winton: So, you know, I'm wondering. Commissioner Tccle -- Commissioner Teele: But 1 don't think -- Commissioner Winton: -- you've Rot some better experience here. Commissioner Teele: Well, it's very simple. Are you prepared to lite a suit next week, Mr. Attorney? Mr. Vilarello: We are required, as the County was, to comply with some statutory requirements for filing suit. We're prepared to file those necessary documents Ilext week, yes. 95 5;10101 iI1IiI1I1b'Z - Commissioner Teele: Well. I think it's really important. You know, as they teach us in law school, you don't file a suit unless you've got your case totally worked out, at least the concept ol'where we're going. Can you give me the name of the litigation consultants that you all are working with or using on this`' I mean, who's the expert that we've got? i've not seen any requests 1'or funds from the City Attorney's Office. And nunnaily, when you say, like we've been saying, let's gel read}, to go, the first thing that comes tip is a request to hire Bechtel or, you know, whoever is not doing business over at kliami-Dade County, which is going to be kind of hard. You'rc probably going to need somebody out of Pittsburgh or Texas that knows water and sewer. But do we have a litigation professional, engineering expert that is able to give us right now numbers of what is accepted in other municipal jurisdictions relating to indirect acid direct, anti, you know, why a County can declare, itself' to be a utility. and yet, it is not before the Public Service Commission as it utility' I he whole idea that they're operating; on is they declared, unilaterally, themselves, in 1994, as a utility. We did. 1 don't want to mislead anybody. 1 was very nnuch a part of that. We declared -- the County declared itself to be a utility. And the Commission, by resolution, declared that we would detcrniinc a rate of return. Like -- The difference is we -- it's not a utility. It's riot before the Public Service Commission. And that -- and the fact ofthe matter is, is that by lamb, after nunicious OMB supervised audits of the airport, tate federal government has detcrntined that Davie County cannot request more than a three percent indirect cost for it. So you've got a parallel, Mex, of three percent. They can't charge more than 3.1 percent. '['lie other issue is, what is the power of the Comptroller General of the State of Florida? But I think, you know, the whole point here is that we've done nothing. if you Tisk, IN ask Carlos directly, how have the negotiations gone, honestly, and seriously on this issue, he's going to say the County doesn't want to talk about it in any depth. is that it fair statement? Carlos Gimenez. (City Manager): That's it pretty fair statement. Commissioner I Me: So, you know, in effect, I can tell you where we are. And my position is, let's approve a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) from reserves. right now, to give to the City Attorney, to begin this process \kith litigation counsel. i nnean, obviously, the Manager doesn't work for us. He works for the Mayor and the Commission. But the Attorney works for us. And all that I'm saying is, if we're serious, then let's bet serious. And I'm serious. Mr. Vilarello: YOU all pati -e alrcadv authorised me to proceed and to retain counsel as necessary. You passed several other resolutions directing us to sit clown and talk. We've been sitting; down and talking. And l think, Commissioner Teele and Commissioner Winton, you correctly characterized the nature of those conversations. All I need is you all to direct me to go fbiward, and I'll be happy to do so. Commissioner Winton: So move Commissioner Tccic: Second the motion. Vice Chairman Gori: There's it motion, second. Commissioner Sancho: Open for discussion. Vice Chaitmnan Gort: Discussion. 2�ZmZ�� 96 5/10,101 Ll Commissioner Sanchez: Discussion. Mr. Chairman. Mr. City Attorney, we all know the County is the 800 pound gorilla. And for every attorney that we put, they're going to put five or six. And we have other pending matters that are in litigation right now. Do you think that a hundred thousand dollars is going to be enough? Mr. Vilarello: It'll certainly he enough to get ready, sir. Commissioner Sanchez: But (lie thing is that 1 get three or four months down the line -- Commissioner Teele: My motion -- his motion didn't say anything about money. Ilis motion did not mention money. Commissioner Sanchez: Somebody stated a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Commissioner Teele: 1 said I'm prepared to move a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), if that's what he wants. Commissioner Sanchez: Oh. Somebody said a hundred thousand dollars. Commissioner Teele: That wasn't the motion. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Comrissioner Tcele: That wasn't the motion. Commissioner Winton: But that wasn't the motion. The motion was just simply directing him to move forward, and then lie's going to have to conic back to us. Commissioner Sanchez: Come hack with an amount? Commissioner Winton: If he needs money. Vice Chairman Gort: lie's bot to come back to us with an amount. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Winton: That's all I have. -raaamm 97 5110101 E • The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO.01-426 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PROCEED `W" APPROPRIATE LEGAL STEPS INVOLVING THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MIAMI -DADS COUNTY WATER AND SEWER DEPARTMENT AS IT PERTAINS TO CER'T'AIN IMPENDING FINANCIAL AND LEGAL ISSUES; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO COME BACK AT A LATER DATE AS IT PERTAINS TO A FUNDING &MOUNT TO ENGAGE SPECIAL COUNSEL IN CONNECTION WITH SAID MATTER. Upon.bolng seconded by Commissioner Toole, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Toole, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton �r Vice Chairman W i (redo Gort A, None None gra ' �T q� lllonc '' j 4�Y ifi '+ "A41�" 7. s r 3 xix ti'hxk a t t���{�3° 'j���t�'� �.tn '�- x. i ,.ry,,*ut 'pi��.4 �rcy els'3' Y.va it �} a yt # *.s s r xe''s�` 001 3t � t1 �„ 4� Mgr cAf-�s`�{*1.+ �SNj F� PS,""�j} fi '�t•'4.r "r�� �-.�y ",�,5"•v�C�°'� � �-��f���`�z.�C"-+{,4.i'k'�>s�-�t�,i°>�rk't*jfi�d e,2�xRr�u3`'Z '."°`fir '4 s> 7-"'71}. +Pa�fr - .y�f,5,� 'F' yr'✓q.'ax �y,p.,@.td`; �I -4�Y 7�r h3 Y rxP a$v x yxt 3++ �, �� s r L ''" >yfr3`+'si' �+Mh at" - 98 13. SUPPORT MISSING ANGELS INITIATIVE AND URGE ALL MIAMI-DADE COUNTY MUNICIPALITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN "NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY." _ Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman, 1 want to put on the record that the Chief of Polio:, 1 know, has got - - all the police have this memorial service, and I know we have a number of issues relating to fee waivers, so I don't want the time to got away. But 1 apologize to you, Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sancho: Thank you, Commissioner Teele. Mr. Chairman, my Number 1 item -- well, my "A" item was discussed earlier. The second one -- and I will go briefly. I have about six or seven and we -- we should be able to take care of them pretty quickly -- is in 1984, President Reagan named -- declared the 25"' of May as National Missing Children's nay, and they celebrate that day throughout the nation. And I think it's so important that the Commission prepare a resolution in support for this event that will be held at the Bayfront Park. And it's also being supported by other cities. So I ask that the City Attorney prepare a resolution of support for the missing children. So move. Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. ae�t�ju[. 99 . 5110101 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-427 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION SUPPORTING THE MISSING ANGELS INITIATIVE AND URGING ALL MIAMI-DADE COUNTY :MUNICIPALITIES TO PARTICIPATE IN "NATIONAL MISSING CHILDREN'S DAY"; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY CLERK TO TRANSMIT A COPY OF THIS RESOLUTION TO THE; OFFICIALS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote., AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, Item C will be deferred to the next Commission meeting, Mr. City Clerk. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. 100 .5/10/01 a • 14. DIRECT MANAGFR TO SIT DOWN WITH MR. FERNANDO GONZALEZ FROM VECINOS ACCION TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT CITY HAS WITHIN ITS 1NVEN'rORY ANY SURPLUS VEHICLES FOR POSSIBLE DONATION TO SAID NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Vice Chairman Gort: Item D. Commissioner Sanchez: "D" is Vecinos en Accion. Mr. Fernando G0117a1C%, who is the President of Vecinos en Accion wants to address the Commission regarding the donation of a surplus vehicle for the Miami based non-profit organization, which they are. l.et me just give you a little brief history of this organization. This organization, in my district, not only docs it help the poor and the needy, but they pick up food throughout the County, and they pick up a lot of food that are donated, vegetables, and they are delivered to needy families. And, you know, every now and then, N%ro have people that come in front of this C'onimission and ask fur sulTlus equipment, such as vehicles, computers, and stuff'. \lid, you know, we vote on it, and we support them. I think that if there was a question that I would have for the City Manager, it is do we have an ordinance that basically monitors what we give away in surplus to other countries and stuff' Do we have anything in the books that says that before we give it to another country, you know. we don't look within the means of our community and other agencies locally that may need it? is there such an ordinance? Mr. Vilarello: Well, you have -- your ordinance requires you to first declare it a surplus before you can use it. And then you also have vour Sister Cities Program, which allows you to provide that. Each of those requires Commission action. I don't know whether lite Manager's office call report to you what items have been declared surplus and what has been provided to Sister Cities. Commissioner Sanchez: So i would like -- first of all, I would like to allow Mr. Gonzalez to address the Commission, and then I would like to elaborate. possibly, on an ordinance that I would make a motion directing you to prepare for the futurc. Fernando Gonzalez: Yes. My name is Fernando Gonzalez. I am representing Vecinos en Accion, a community organization in Little Havana. We serve and provide more: than 1,000 families, low-income families with food every afternoon, about 3 p.m., food coining from the food bank. And one time every two months from the Farm Share the Agricultural Deparintent. and also frcnn the Food Recovery agency. And we don't have any -- When we have to go to srnne other places, we have to rent a U -Haul, you know, high, high truck, and we arc spending money on that, you know. And this money, we could -- to obtain this money, we have voluntarily, you know, getting money from our neighbors to do that. That's why we need -- we're requesting the track. U's the best use. What we call do, also, I wwit to reflect that the -- it's not only for the -- to saving the family food, only. it's also in weekends, we are doing some beautification of Little Havana, and we take some equipment in the truck. And we're doing the job, trying to keep out- area, urarea, our neighborhood very clean and beautiful. And we build even statues in parks, and, you know, planting tlowers or whatever, and we need to use the truck to keep the cquipnocnt, also. Commissioner Sancliez: Mr. Gonzalez, I have a couple of'questions for you. Are you it 501(C)? Mr. Gonzalci? Yes. C'ummissioner Sanchez: Non-profit organization? 101 5110/01 Mr. Gonzalez: Yes, yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Do you have your by-laws, also? Mr. Gonzalez: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: For your organization? Mr. Gonzalcz: Definitely, yeah. Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: Do you receive any assistance from the City? Does the City give you any money for what you do for our community" Mr. Gonzalcz: Only from our Commissioner here, you know, one donation once. But we never received any -- Commissioner Sanchez: And also, it's my understanding, that the County gave you or one of the County Commissioners gave you a van that apparently didn't last but three months. Mr. Gonzalcz: A van, yes. Yes. They gave us a van the last year. But after we spent more than three thousand dollars ($3,000) repairing the van, you know, because it was really, you know, in bad shape, you know, painting and putting the new tires and whatever, the van broke down very, very hard. It cost a lot of money to fix it, and we had to junk the van. That's the point. Vice Chairman Gori: 1 have to tell you, I've scan than for years now. They're cleaning up the streets in Little I tavzna, and throughout Flaglcr and 8`" Street. And I've been the volunteers. Most of the time, you find 10 or 15 people walking through the streets cleaning it Lip. And so they're doing the City sort of a major favor. I think what you're looking for is a van? Mr. Gonzalcz: Really, it's, you know, a high held truck, you know. A thick that we can close in the back, if the City has that. If no, you know -- Vice Chairman Gort: Well, 1 think what we need is probably a motion to look at the -- Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, it motion to direct the City Manager to sit down with Mr. GOn%ale7. and Vecinos en Accion and sec ifthe City has a spare vehicle that the City could donate to them, to assist them in what they do for this community. I would so move. Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There's a motion and a second. Discussion? Commissioner Regalado: Second, .lust checking if they already did the sale of the surplus vehicles that were parked at the Solid Waste facility. They had two vans. I think they sent -- we sent two to El 102 5/10/0I Salvador. But they had two vans that they can use and pickup trucks that -- well, these were in really bad shape. So I think they're going to have to -- ?:rank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): Commissioner, i think that lot is gone. But 1 think the thing to do is get him hooked up with the Director of GSA (General Services Administration), have him go out there, after we've had others do the survey of what's there or what's going to come off line to see if we can find, and then, you know, go from there -- Vice ('hainnan Gort: Might. OK. Mr. Rollason: -- with whatever direction you give us. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Mr. Gorh7hlez. Thank you. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-428 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SIT DOWN WITH MR. FERNANDO GONZALEZ, FROM VE INOS EN .4CC/ON TO ASCERTAIN WHETHER OR NOT THE CITY HAS WITHIN ITS INVENTORY ANY SURPLUS VEI-IICLES FOR POSSIBLE DONATION TO SAID NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Totnas Rcgalado Commissioner .toe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Vice Chairman Wifredo Gori NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Mr. Chairman, also, I was going to be prepared to make a motion directing the City Attorney to prepare an ordinance that would allow any surplus -- a vehicle, computer, or anything -- before it is given away to other countries that we look within our -- within the City, to see if organizations that tnay need it or other agencies, such as Law Enforcement, Florida Highway Patrol, any Florida agencies. But I would vield that and ask him to conte back with a report the next Commission 103 5/10/01 15. ADMINISTRATION TO ESTABLISH TASK FORCE TO REVIEW ISSUE OF WORKMEN'S COMPENSATION; MANAGER TO DIRECT TASK FORCE TO PROVIDE COM-MISS10N WITH STATUS REPORT OF ITS EFFORTS IN LOOKING AT CLAIMS; RISK MANAGEMENT 'ADMINISTRATOR TO SUBMIT JUSTIFICATION IN WRITING FOR $10,000,000 BUDGET, L EXPENDITiJRE FOR WORKERS' COMPENSATION. Commissioner Sanchei: The other issue is discussion concerning the workmen's comp. As you -- as you all arc aware, it's an issue that 1 have bitten my -- Vice Chairman Gort: You're not going to do "L'"! Commissioner Sanchez: I luh° No. "h" has been deferred to the next Commission meeting. Workmen's comp., as you know, Mr. Chairman, Commissioners, it's the -- it's an issue that I have basically picked up as my pet peeve here the City, due to the fact that many years ago, when we first looked at this, we had an alarming, high rate ofopen claims in the City. And although that we have made significant improvement, and I must commend the Risk Management (or a job well done, I believe that we're getting to a point where numbers arc starting to once again climb up. Arid one of the things that I looked at this report and was very alarmed was when we compare ourselves to other cities -- and we can't compare ourselves to Jacksonville, because Jacksonville has 13,000 employees. But we could compare ourselves to Orlando. We could compare ourselves to 'I ampa and other cities, One o1 tltc alanning things that I find now is that as we go a step further is the loss of tune. That is time that people are injured and they're off of work, When they could come back to work earlier. And that's one issue that I want to address here, now that we have been able to lower the cases from 2,793 a couple of years ago to 1,548 at this time. And still, there are -- %sc have almost close to 320 claims that are right now being in litigation. So those arc some of the cases that we might be able to do away with. But still, the economic impact that it has to the City, how much money the City is spending on this is a great concern to me. And i want to see that -- What we have done also, about three or torn• months ago, this legislative body passed a resolution directing the City Manager to create it task tierce, a task force of Risk Management, City of Miami Police Department, Slate Attorney's Office, to continue to look at sonic of these open clainis. And we did pass that. And the City Clerk could bring back the record where we clearly passed it. As a matter of fact, it was unanimously that WC passed it. You know, I have not recei\ed one single report of what they've done or if chis City Manager, through his administration, has addressed the issue:. So i would like an update on that, because it was -- it was a direction from this legislative body to the City Manager to create that task force. Mario Soldevilla (Director, Risk Management): Well, we -- What you asked us to do was to look at fraudulent claims. Vice Chairman Gorl: I'm sorry. And you arc'? Mr. Soldevilla: I'm sorry. Mario Soldevilla, Director of Risk Management. Commissioner Sancho. Hirst of all, I didn't ask you. It was -- Mr. Soldevilla: 1 apologize. Yes. 105 5/10/01 Commissioner Sanchez: The Commission has a resolution directing the City Manager to create a task force to look at some of these open claims that right now, it's 1,500 and something open claims. It was to have one or two police officers, someone from Risk N4anagement, in corroboration with the State Attorney's Office to look at some of these cases that we are paying. And in some cases, there may he claims that we're paying 100 percent, when some of these individuals have other jobs throughout the United States, and that is clearly theft. So all that i'tn asking is for this City to look at those claims and make sure that the taxpayers aren't being cheated. That's all that I'm asking you. And that task force was -- Now, please, just -- if you didn't do it, just say it. We forgot. We haven't done it. Carlos Gimenez (City Manager): VA'e have not done it. Mr. Soldevilla: No. we have not done it. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Thank you. All right? But that's something -- You know, one of the things that we asked you is if we direct you, Mr. City Manager, you know, put together the task fbrec and look into it. How much money are we spending annually on workmen's comp. claims? Mr. Soldevilla: Approximately ten million dollars (S10,000,000). Commissioner Sanchez: Ten million dollars (510,000,000). And how much have we saved -- well, I shouldn't say "saved," because once we close, it cost us money -- Mr. Soldevilla: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: -- to close the case. So that's why there were so many high claims, 2,700 and something, because, you know, if you kept them open, you don't buy them out. Mr. Soldevilia: Correct. Commissioner Sanchez: OK? Mr. Soldevilla: Correct. Conunissioner Sanchez: But in the long run, in the long run, how would we be able to continue to lower these cases? Now, let's look at this report. Was this report done by your office, sir? Mr. Soldevilla: Yes, it was. Commissioner Sanchez: Very good report. Mr. Soldevilla: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Let's look at the heart claims. This is interesting. And maybe somebody could elaborate on the heart bill or something. Apparently, if you have a bad heart, you're able to retire with -- what? -- 100 percent? 106 5110101 nmi� Mr. Soldcvilla: No. Commissioner Sanchez: What percent? Mr. Soldevilla: The heart and lung bill is by statute given to fire fighters. Commissioner Sanchez.: Mm-hmm. Mr. Soldcvilla: And by contract, it is given to police officers. Commissioner Sanchez: But hoth, both get it. Police and Fire get the heart bill. Mr. Soldcvilla: That's correct. Mr. Gimenez: In the City. In the City of Miami, Police and Fire get the heart bill. And one is by statute, which is the fire lighters. Commissioner Sanchez: Mrn-hmm. Mr. Gimenez: The other one is by contract, which is the police officers. There's a difference. The others, the other cities you see there, the (ire fighters are by statute. Mr. Soldcvilla: Right. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. Let's look at your report here. Mr. Soldcvilla: OK. Commissioner Sanchez: Miami. You have Miami, Miami Beach, Fort Lauderdale, Jacksonville, Tampa and Orlando. Now, I have no problem with somebody who has a bad heart, justifiably has a bad heart, you know, through the stress of work, and he retires, and he gets what he deserves. But look at the numbers, which are, once again, alarming. Miami, forty-five heart claims; Miami Beach, thirteen; bort Lauderdale, three; Jacksonville, sero. Apparently -- Mr. Soldcvilla: Well, Jacksonville -- Mr. Gimenez: Well, Jacksonville, that's because -- Commissioner Sanchez: They don't have it. They don't have that bill. Mr. Gimenez: That's because they don't have it in their contract, apparently. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, I was going to state that. They don't have it in their contract. Tampa doesn't, either and Orlando doesn't have it, either. But we have 45 claims that are in -- Now, if there -- if they have the heart -- if they're claiming disability of the heart, are they allowed to have another job? 107 5/10/01 Mr. Soldevilla: Well, a lot of this is like, Im- example, hypertension, which is treatable. So although they have a claim, they are still working and functioning. Commissioner Sanchez. How much does the City -- how much does the City contribute to Risk Managetncat for somebody who has high blood pressure? Mr. Soldevilla: If it's a -- if it's a police officer or a fire fighter, we -- we pay for their -- their medical -- their medicals. Commissioner Sanchez.: No, but these -- these 45 are people that are -- Mr. Soldevilla: No, all -- the 45 were for police officers, and the remain -- the other 12 were for lire fighters. And that was for last year. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. And if they have high blood pressure, they're out forever? Mr. Soldevilla: No. No. They -- If they're -- Commissioner Sanchez: Or when they -- they come back -- Mr. Soldevilla: If it's treatable, they are treated, and they've back on the -- Commissioner Sanchez: And they conte hack. Mr. Soldevilla: -- on the force. Commissioner Sanchez: Now, new claims -- well, risk -- I'm not going to be -- I'm not going to pick on anybody today, because l have everybody. I have the Solid Waste; I have open claims for the employees. I have the hire and Police. But what could we do to continue to reduce the open claims? And what could the City do to save money with all these open claims? Mr. Soldcvilla: Well, to reduce the open claims, the one thing that we -- that we're -- we're doing is to stress safety. In other words, prevention is what's going to reduce our -- our open claims. Commissioner Sanchez: And are we doing that? Mr. Soldevilla: Yes, we are. Commissioner Sanchez: Do we have programs that state -- Mr. Soldcvilla: Yes, we do. We havc a -- Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Mr. Soldevilla: We have a safety coordinator. We -- the -- we have a -- Citywide Safety Committee. which includes all of the major departments -- Police, Fire, Solid Waste, Parks, Public Works and one at 108 5110101 large. We are also creating a return -- light duty. Citywide Light Duty Committee meeting, so that we can put people back to work. Although Police and fire have their own light duty programs, We Would like to do that C ityNvidc, so ilia( if a -- one individual cannot fit into the department, then we'll find a place within -- within the City. This brings people hack to Work, which shortens their -- their claim. Commissioner Sanchez: And do »•c have such a program where if you're hurt and you're on light duty -- light duty is when you can't do your job, but you could come back and maybe answer phones, do research, ur whatever vuu ha1'C to do -- .Mr. Soldevilla: Yes, sir. Commissioner Sanchei: -- to gel people to come Kaci: to work, so we don't have to spend that money on them, so -- so they're not home and we're not paying them. Mr. Soldevilla: Correct. We do. And We do it within -- within the departments. What we want to he ahle ko do is that if, for example, if for some particular reason, because of the t\pc of in that the emplovice. has, and the department docs not have a light duty position, then we try to find One thrOLIVituut the City where it will tit in another department. And that's the piece: That we're -- that we've been working; on. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, in conclusion. I'll just make it eery. very briefly. Sonicone who gets hurt on the job, While doing tllcir job, justifiably gets hurt, and he has -- certified by a doctor who says. you're hurt, you know, you gel -- you get compensated, tine. But when you have cases where you stay have someMic who is fraudulently -- or stealing. And out of all these cases, 1 assure you, there's got to be a !ew cases where -- You may have one had apple, or two bad apples, or three had apples that are out there that are on 100 percent disability from the City ol' Miarni, and every month, we cut them a check, and they're earning another job somewhere. And basically, that's thett. So this task force, when we passed that resolution, was to seek a couple of claims tllut WC could lout: at and once again show that there's fraudulent and there's wrongdoing, criminal activity, and then make a clear statement that -- to prosecute them and seek restitution, because I -- we haven't done that in a case. And 1 guarantee you, I believe there may be a few cases. And 1 guarantee you, out of 3,793 cases; T believe there may be some cases, which tall tinder that category. So that's -- I'm going to continue to monitor this. We have made progress, but still, 1 thittk that we could lower it more. Once again, we have to prevent injuries to save non, y, but also, some of the claims that we have, we nlay have to push them. And I know that 1 -- 1 have been tallied to by some people, which I don't talk to thein about it, but they're -- they want to close our their claims. They want to basically just get it over with. Mr. Soldevilla: .And we do that, also. Commissioner Sancho: OK. All right. Commissioner Teele: The only thing 1'd just say, I don't understand the budget for the function. It appears that the budget numbers are increasing, and i don't 'want to get into that. We've bot a midyear adjustment. But if we're making so much progress closing out tiles, somebody needs to give me a menu at some point un why, tyre -- you know, our historical should be taking this number llOwlr, not up. But just give me something in writing. And I'm a little on it, so just help me. ! 09 5/10/01 Mr. Soldevilla: I certainly will. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. Commissioner Winton: And -- Vice C'hainnan Gort: Mr, Manager - go ahead, Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Could you explain to me? Commissioner Sanchez asked, I think, what the cost of this was to the City. You gave a number on something of ten milliona, year. What was that number? Mr. Soldevilla: It's around ten million dollars ($10.000,000). Commissioner Winton: Which is -- Mr. Soldevilla: Which is the cost for the -- for medicals, you know, medical bills, pharmaceutical bills, for the compensation that is paid to the employees. Commissioner Winton: Does that include lost time:' Mr. Soldevilla: Yes, it docs. Commissioner Winton: OK. Mr. Soldevilla: A large portion of that is for (lie -- for the lost time. And as you know, every year, the -- the threshold goes tip. It's tib and two-thirds percent of the salary, up to a maximum. This year, it's live hundred and ninety-one dollars ($591). Commissioner Winton: Can you provide us some comparative data showing -- And I don't know if these cities are the right comparative cities. I incan, Jacksonville seems completely out of whack. Is it a lot bigger or are they just out of control? Commissioner Sanchez: Well, Johnny, that's because they have 13,000 employees. Mr. Soldevilla: it's much bigger. Yes, definitely much bigger. Commissioner 'Vinton: Yeah. So -- so could you pick some better representative cities around the country for your comparative data? And I'd like to know what cities of our size, with our complexity, what - what their total workers' compensation costs are -- Mr. Soldevilla: Mm-hnutt. Commissioner Winton: -- on an annualized basis, compared to ours. Mr. Gimenez: That's difficult, because workers' comp. law is different from state to state. 110 5/10/01 $191111" 0 9 Mr. Soldevilla: Correct. Commissioner Winton: Oh. Mr. Gimenez: You wouldn't be comparing apples to apples. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. Mr. Gimenez: So we've got to do a comparison of the cities within the State. Commissioner Winton: Oh. OK. Mr. Gimenez: And it's the same law. Commissioner Winton: That's the reason we picked -- Mr. Gimenez: So can take Jacksonville out. Or actually, with Jacksonville, we do it like a per capita. it appears that the bigger you are, your per capita costs go down significantly. Mr. Soldevilla: Going down. Right. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Manager, I'd like to ask -- and that could have been slipped. But when we pass a resolution in here, we go away thinking that it's going to be implemented. Somehow, I'd like to sec you implement a system where whenever we ask-- we pass the resolution that it takes action from the administration that we get a memo back, after a certain amount of time, letting us know what action has been taking place. Mr. Gimenez: Ycs, sir. That was -- V ice Chairman Gort: OK? Mr. Gimenez: That was completely an oversight on my part. Can you accept our apologies for not creating that task force? Vice Chairnian Gort: Thank you. 111 5/10!()l 16. DIRECT CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE JOINT APPLICATION WITH SPONSORS, NAMELY, LANDEL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, FOR BUILDING DEPARTMENT'S PERMIT FN CONNECTION WITH PLACEMENT OF SIGN AT ENTRANCE TO BEACON BOULEVARD AND CALLE OCHO. I V icc Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, the last one is a -- just asking the City to be a co -applicant with -- for a gate sign -- well, the sign that's going to be at the entrance of Calle Ocho on 27`h Avenue and 8"' Street. And this is just asking the City to be a co -applicant for a State special permit. And that's .just directing the administration to be the co -applicant in this process. So move. Vice Chairman Gon: There's a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: I understand there's a representative from the Kiwanis here, Mr. Marban, the Executive Director. I want to thank you for being here. At the same time, I want to thank you for the work you all are doing in 81h Street. And we appreciate it very much, and I know you worked very hard at it. So thank you, sir. Is there any further discussion? Commissioner Sanchez.: 1-- well, I'll bring that as a pocket item later. Vice Chairman Gort: Can I pass it? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you 112 5114/Ql nnnolow- The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01429 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE A JOINT APPLICATION WITH THE SPONSORS, NAMELY, LANDEL CONSTRUCTION CORPORATION, FOR CITY OF MIAMI BUILDING DEPARTMENT'S PERMIT IN CONNECTION WITH THE PLACEMENT OF A SIGN AT THE ENTRANCE OF BEACON BOULEVARD AND CALLE OCHO. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Toole, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wiftedo Gori NAYS: None ri ABSENT; Noner' t ' r p r 6 a si ,r .0 ` 17.—i, ha r` k €•+ fx,-„�,s' 7a10 11-- ,p{XA nJ i,xr 'nrgr4t�'`�S': 17 s >k;r""� [�,"'y i� ty;,.'' ,3 S:•,."� a ,ice L sY't8 tt �. t3 w? e�i..ny ^' 2x } l a au f 3�(;,� a* M3 k • r a pra v>u F y+tP,�!x''x;°x J � �11,r x„"7' 'th d F "3n^S t p : x. f } a, I. I 1 3S/1 tU01 �m 17. TABLED: DISCUSSION CONCERNING CORAL WAY STREET BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT (See #21). Vice Chairman Gori: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Chairman, I have several items. We asked the people from Watson to conic back at 5. Vice Chairman Gort: Let's go. Commissioner Regalado: We have two items. I would like to defer "A," "B" and "D" for the May 24'x' meeting so we get some time. But I think that the Chief needs to leave, and I want to yield to Commissioner Teele for a few moments, and then we'll take up the other items. I just want to say, first of all, to the people in Coral Way that we're going to be dealing with a resolution. and it's going to be great. It's going to be OK. I'm sure that the Commission will support it, just in case you don't want to be here fora few minutes more. But after that, after we do the Watson Island, we'll come back to these two items, the bus benches and Coral Way. Note for the Record: At this point, Agenda Items D -4-A, D -4-B and D -4-D were deferred to the Commission meeting presently scheduled for May 24, 2001. 114 5110101 18. RELATED TO "MAKE 11' HOT" CELEBRITY WEEKEND PICNIC, ORGANIZED BY STARKS CHARITABLE FOUNDATION, TO BE HELD AT VIRGINIA KEY MARINA EAST PARKING AREA ON MAY 20, 2001; AUTHORIZE WAIVER OF ALL FEES AND PERMITS PERMISSIBLE BY LAW AND PROVISION OF IN-KIND SERVICES BY DEPARTMENTS OF' POLICE, FIRE -RESCUE AND SOLID WASTE, FOR TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1,560: WITH CONDITIONS. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman -- Thank you very much, Commissioner Regalado, for yielding. The Chief has to leave, and there are about three items on the agenda that require his input regarding fee waivers. And what I'd like to do -- this should only take three or four minutes. We either -- Vice Chairman Gort: Which items are these'? Commissioner Teele: What are they, Chid? It's 7 and -- is it 8 and 9? And -- [1nidentified Speaker: S. 9 and 10. Raul Martinez (Chief of Police): Yeah. Commissioners, it's Item 8, Item 9 that has to do only with the alcohol waiver, and then Item 10. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Item 8. Starks Charitable Foundation. Commissioner Tcele: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: It's my understanding that the revised number of waivers is -- what is it? Fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500)9 Reverend Willie Starks: Yes. One thousand, five hundred and fifty-nine dollars ($1,559). Commissioner Teele: The waivablc fees arc two hundred and eighty-four, and the City services are _ twelve hundred. It's fifteen hundred dollars (x1,500). And 1 would move approval of the item, Mr. Chainnan. Commissioner Rcbalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. And a second? Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion. Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 115 5110.101 $161011111110— • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-430 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RELATED TO THE "MAKE IT HOT" CELEBRITY WEEKEND PICNIC, ORGANIZED BY STARKS CHARITABLE FOUNDATION ("STARKS"), TO BE HELD AT THE VIRGINIA KEY MARINA EAST PARKING, AREA ON MAY 20,2001; AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF ALL FEES AND PERMITS PERMISSIBLE BY LAW AND THE PROVISION OF IN-KIND SERVICES BY THE DEPARTMENTS OF POLICE, FIRE -RESCUE, AND SOLID WASTE, FOR A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.560; CONDITIONING SAID AUTHORIZATIONS UPON STARKS: (1) OBTAINING ALL PERMITS REQUIRED BY LAW; (2) PAYING FOR ALL OTHER 'NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITI1 SAID EVENT; (3) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE.; AND (4) COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 116 5/10/01 i i 19. RELATED TO MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL; AUTHORIZE ISSUANCE OF TWO-DAY PERMIT FOR SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING SAID EVENT; WAIVE ALL APPLICABLE FEES ($9,616 FOR PERMITTING FEES, PLUS $1,000 FOR PARKS RENTAL EQUIPMENT) TOTALING APPROXIMATELY $10,700). Vice Chairman Gort: Nine. Commissioner Teele: I'm very interested in yielding to Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: On what? Commissioner Teelc: On Number 9. Commissioner Winton: Nine, nine, nine. Vice Chairman Gort: Coconut Grove Goombay Festival, for the alcohol. Commissioner Winton: Oh. Commissioner Teele: Goombay Festival. Ma'am, you're on the agenda, so actually, it's not me. But the request is from Ms. Dorothy Lee, President of the Miami Goombay Festival. Commissioner Winton: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Which is the largest Bahamian Festival in the United States of America. Commissioner Winton: And I am moving waiver of the applicable fees. And Mr. Manager, you might tell us what that is. And I'm also moving the acceptance of the conditions related to selling of alcohol at this event. Commissioner Tecle: Second the motion. Vice Chainnan Gort: There's a motion and a second. Mr. Manager. Commissioner Teele: The permitting fees total ninety -six -sixteen. And the other costs, which are solid waste, are two thousand, seven thirty-seven, for a total of approximately twelve thousand dollars ($12,1)00) is what 1 would understand the motion to be. Commissioner Winton: is that what the total fees are? Commissioner Teele: No. The total request is for twelve thousand, twelve -five plus fifty-two thousand. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. And I'm not waive -- and I'm not moving to waive the cost of City services. I mean, everyone knows that that's -- and I've talked to the Goombay people. And, you know, I haven't voted on any request to waive -- 117 5/10/01 Commissioner Teele: You've been totally consistent, unfortunately. Commissioner Winton: Right. That's right. And if we develop a new policy which says we ought to do away with this thing, I'd be wide open to talking about that. But until we do, 1 am still struggling with the concept of which ones we do and which ones we don't. And I would be hypocritical if I voted against it in your district, Commissioner Teele, and voted for it in my district. I don't think that's appropriate. Commissioner Tccic: 1 agree. 1 understand. And that's why it's your motion. I'm seconding the motion as i understand it. Ninety-six and twenty-seven is -- Commissioner Winton: it's about twelve thousand dollars (512,000), right. Vice Chairman Gom Twelve thousand, three hundred fifty-three. Commissioner Tecle: Twelve -four, twelve -five. Vice Chairman Gort: Twelve -four. Carlos Gimcncz (City Manager): Mr. Chairman, the twenty-seven is hard costs. Those are the tipping iees for the trash that's accumulated. Commissioner Tccle: Oh, that's the County`? Oh, that's the tipping fee. Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Tecle: Oh. I thought -- Mr. Gimenez: That's what it will cost. Commissioner Tecle: Then the motion would be for ninety-six -- Commissioner Winton: Right. Commissioner Teele: -- sixteen. Would you consider adding in the one thousand dollars ($1,000) for the park rental equipment? Commissioner Winton: Sure, Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Teele: For a total of roughly ten -seven. Ten thousand -- Commissioner Witton: Correct. Commissioner Tecle: Ten thousand, seven hundred dollars ($10,700). I would second the motion. 118 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any further discussion? All in favor state it by saying "aye." . The Commission (Collectively): Aye,Alk fr Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, ma'am. a�Ltt 4` a , . rn Dorothy Lee: Thank you very much. b k -f ' Commissioner Winton: Thank you. 4 rnX'Xr'� UVI. Commissioner Teele: Ms. Lee, you want to put your name on the record?`� Ms. Lee: Yes. Dorothy P. Lee, 3459 Percival Avenue, MiaMj, Florida,"3�1 ., , , w; ` Sf Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, ma'am. .� Commissioner Tecle: Thank you. S 5 Y8 1� 3 Ms. Lee: And thank you. Commissioner Winton: Thank you, Dorothy. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. r 4 j L M � &v�'moi AX3.�? IN x e:t .a H'rrSY'W' ^tyr r-, 5' 433 K' � P' 3t 4 z fi''a x�n� x �.b�a' AaF y* 7 :h , h 4W�a�sL` 119 S/1 Q/Ql • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 0 1 -431 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION RELATED TO THE MAIMI/BAIJAMAS GOOMBAY FESTTVAL TO BE HELD ON ,TUNE 2-3, 2001, ORGANIZED BY THE MIAMI/BAHAMAS GOOMBAY FESTIVAL IN COCONUT GROVE, INC.; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE OF A TWO-DAY PERMIT FOR THE SALE OF ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING THE FESTIVAL IN THE DESIGNATED AREA; ESTABLISHING AN AREA PROHIBITED TO RETAIL PEDDLERS DURING THE PERIOD OF THE FESTIVAL; AUTHORIZING THE WAIVER OF ADMINISTRATIVE, PERMIT AND EQUIPMENT FEES PERMISSIBLE BY LAW, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $10,700; CONDITIONING SAID AUTHORIZATION'S UPON THE ORGANIZERS: (1) OBTAINING ALL PERN11TS REQUIRED BY LAW; (2) PAYING FOR ALL OTHER NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FESTIVAL; (3) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN AN AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE, INCLUDING LIQUOR LIABILITY: (4) INSTITUTING AN IDENTIFICATION SYSTEM TO ASSURE THAT ONLY THOSE INDIVIDUALS OVER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE MAY PURCHASE ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES; (5) ADVISING ALL, ADJACENT BUSINESSES, PROPF,RTY OWNERS, AND RESIDENTS OF STREET CLOSURES ASSOCIATED WITH THE FESTIVAL; AND (G) COMPLYNG WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THF CITY MANAGFR OR DESIGNEE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of'the City Clerk.). Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 120 5/10/01 20. (A) DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED WAIVER OF PERMIT AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES FOR ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL UNTIL NEXT COMMISSION MEETING; FURTHER RECOMMEND $4,853.32 OF WAIVABLE FEES BE SET ASIDE FOR PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION WHEN SAID ITEM IS CONSIDERED AT SAID MEETING. (B) RESTATE COMMISSION'S INTENT TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED ASSISTANCE FOR ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL; FURTHER INQUIRING OF GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, INCLUDING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND CITY OF HIALEAH AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THEY WILL BE PARTICIPATING WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 10, Roots and Culture. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would just like to ask the Chief if he would come forth. I'm going to ask that the itecn he deferred to the next meeting, with a -- Well, what. I would like to do is move the four thousand, eight hundred fifty-three dollars and thirty-two cents ($4,853.32) of waivable fees for the purpose of the discussion here. Commissioner Winton: So move -- I mean second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, stale it by saying "aye." I -lie Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Tecic, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-432 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 10 (WAIVER OF PERMIT AND ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, EXCLUDING THE COST FOR CITY PERSONNEL SERVICES FOR THE ROOTS AND CULTURAL FESTIVAL) UNTIL, THE NEXT COMMISSION MEETING PRESENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MAN' 24, 2001; FURTHER RECOMMENDING AN AMOUNT OF $4,853.32 OF WAIVABLE FEES BE SET ASIDE FOR THE PURPOSE OF DISCUSSION WHEN SAID ITEM IS CONSIDERED AT SAID MEETING. 121 5/10/01 Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would ask that this item be deferred to the next meeting. I would particularly ask that the Manager query Miami -Dade County for their participation in this matter. department to department, Fire Department and Police Department, as well as the City of Hialeah. You'll remember last year, Mayor Raul Martinez committed police to this event. There were some coordination issues with the City Police Department. And rather than getting into a long, drawn out thing, he cut a check from the City of Hialeah for five thousand dollars (55,000), because Raul Martinez, who is not a political ally or friend -- we're not even in the same party -- realizes that we really have to work to ensure that the Haitian -American community is integrated into this. And then finally, I would ask, in addition to the Miami -Dade Police and Fire Departments and the City of Hialeah Fire Department and Police, if you would touch base with the Florida Highway Patrol and the Governor's office. 54 is a State road; is that right? And North -- ,Miami Avenue, is that a City or County road? Dena Bianchino (Assistant City Manager): County. Commissioner Tecic: That's a County road? And what we're doing is we're providing a service on a County road. I know that Mayor Penelas has made numerous comments, as has Mayor Carollo, regarding his commitment to seeing the Haitian community fully integrated. And i think if you all can work out the operational issues, it would be a great opportunity for the County, and the Highway Patrol, along with the City, to work together to provide some of these services -- on their part, on a pro bono basis; on our part, we'd have to sec what they would be offering. And 1 would so move that the item be deferred with those instructions to the Manager. Vice Chairman Gott: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying .•aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 122 5/10/01 i The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. U 1-433 A MOTION RESTATING THE COMMISSION'S INTENT TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 10 (PROPOSED ASSISTANCE FOR ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL); FURTHER INQUIRING OF THE GOVERNMENTAL ENTITIES, INCLUDING MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND THE CITY OF HIALEAH, AS TO WHETHER OR NOT THEY WILL BE PARTICIPATING WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE FIRE AND POLICE DEPARTMENTS IN THE ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Teele: And Mr. Chairman, I would ask that the order of the day at lave o'clock be brought up at this time. 123 5/10/01 121. DIRECT MANAGER TO IDENTIFY $75,000 REQUIRED TO ENGAGE SERVICES OF CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE MASTER PLAN, GATEWAY ENTRANCE AND CROSSWALK i DESIGN, LIGHTING DESIGN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND REGULATIONS, DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS AND PERSPECTIVE DRAWINGS FOR CORAL WAY BEAUTIFICATION `PROJECT, LOCATED AT CORAL WAY CORRIDOR FROM 12TH TO 37TH AVENUES. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: OK. We are just waiting to see the presentation and deal with Watson Island. But before, I'll just take a second to request from the Commission their support on this resolution. Remember that you sent back this resolution to the Manager regarding the Coral Way Project, and the need for the Planning Department to hire a consultant fret for preparation of a master plan. We -- we have already the resolution. The resolution is a total cost not to exceed seventy -live thousand dollars ($75,001)), allocating those funds from the account number, and authorizing the City Manager to enter in an agreement with said firm, in an acceptable way to the City Attorney. The reason that we need to do this right now is because FDOT (Florida Department of Transportation) is going to start their project in Coral Way within four weeks. So we need to go parallel on this item. So I'm moving this resolution. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. Is there a second? Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: 'Thank you. 124 5/10/01 • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Regaiado, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION x10.01-434 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IDENTIFY FUNDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000, REQUIRED TO ENGAGE THE SERVICES OF A CONSULTANT TO PROVIDE A MASTER PLAN, GATEWAY ENTRANCE AND CROSSWALK DESIGN, LIGHTING DESIGN, LANDSCAPE PLAN AND REGULATIONS, DESIGN GUIDELINES AND STANDARDS AND PROSPECTIVE DRAWINGS FOR THE CORAL WAY BEAUTIFICATION PROJECT, LOCATED AT THE CORAL WAN' CORRIDOR FROM 12'1H TO 37"t AVENUES, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CThY MANAGER TO IMMEDIATELY TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO ASSURE THE COMMENCEMENT OF SUCH SERVICES WITHIN SIXTY DAYS FROM THE ADOPTION OF THIS RESOLUTION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CiTY ATTORNEY, FOR THE REQUIRED CONSULTANT SERVICES. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chainnan Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 125 5/10101 22. REVISE LANGUAGE OF REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR WATSON' ISLAND DEVELOPMENT TO REQUIRE FISH MARKET AS PART OF SAID PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Now we do the Watson Island? Arleen Weintraub (Acting Director, Real Estate and Economic Development): Good afternoon. I'm Arleen Weintraub, the Acting Director of the Department of Real Estate and Economic Development. We're here this afternoon to conduct a public hearing regarding whether a fish market should be a required use, rather than an allowable use in the Request for Proposals that's out for bid. The administration has a brief presentation that we would like to go through before we open it up to the full public hearing and for your questions and comments. Try to get set. This is the view, as you are looking over the Request for Proposal area, the area zoned C-1. it's the large, grassy area, and this is the area out for bid, seeking commercial development of this property. The view from the marina looking from the McArthur Causeway downward, the marina is configured to have 44 slips. However, because of the deteriorated state, only 25 are occupied by vessels today. We have a photograph of the existing dock master office that services the marina tenants today. This is a picture of the obvious poor condition, deteriorated state of the seawall that's adjacent to the marina, and between where the fish market is located. Another photograph ofthe existing dock conditions over on Watson Island. The customers today that are berthed in these slips include commercial vessels exclusively. They include a dive boat, landing craft, several tugboats, and then there's five commercial sailing vessels, and thirteen commercial fishing vessels that are there today. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me. One question. Everybody is up to date in payment in the marina? Or do you have anybody who is -- have missed payments? Ms. Weintraub: We have that infonnation. Christina Abrams (Christina Abrams, Public Facilities): Christina Abrams, Director of Public Facilities. We have one tenant who is behind in his payments by two years, and we're in the process of evicting him. Commissioner Sanchez: And he's still there? Ms. Abrams: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: That's great. Ms. Weintraub: This is a -- Carlos Gintenez (City Manager): Before -- 1 need to make a comment. That's only -- they're up to payments on the berthing portions. That is the slip portion. There is no payments for any of the upland, which is -- Commissioner Sanchez: Yeah, just slips. Mr. Gimenez: Right. That's just the slip. onIm— 126 5/1() 01 Ms. Weintraub: A photograph of the existing marina, some of the vessels. This is the parking area that services the fish market area and the marina area. These are the kinds of amenities that are provided. that include a roll -off dumpster and several garbage containers. This is the existing landscape treatment. A photograph of the existing bait and tackle. That is a concessionaire on a month-to-month basis to the City, and does, in fact, pay rent. Behind the bait and tackle store, there is sale of fuel for anyone who would like to come and get it. The photograph of the two fuel pumps and the conditions. This is a view of the access, the public access of what we've considered a public promenade along our waterfront, looking back towards the downtown, across the marina, fish market and far back, you could see the views of the port. Obviously, what I've bone through, we're trying to change all this. The Request for Proposals that is out, been issued since February includes many things. One of the things that 1 wanted to highlight today was the emphasis on urban design principles and guidelines that any proposal submissions must come back and address in a very detailed, articulated v, ay. The\, include such things as, obviously, preserving and further enhancing the scenic vistas. It is very difficult to see through our existing marina and some of the stnictures that are there today back to the fabulous skyline. The proposals will certainly create these kinds of linkages, along with the views and the vistas that tie the waterside uses that are varied, and include marina uses tip to what we are seeking for the large, grassy area, the upland that 1 started the slide show with. An example of a f ihulotis view, while you do stand on the very edge and look through, the ships, shops, coming and going, and behind it, the dramatic view of the downtown skyline. i've included sonic examples of some other cities :in(] the kinds of treatments that the; 've done that include commercial development on the upland, alunL with marina development and very large pedestrian pathways and setbacks in their plan This happens to be from the City of Long Beach, and it gives you it sense of commercial development, the wide setback. obviously, adjacent to a marina, and how these sorts of uses co -exist, and it brings people further to the waterfront. This is .mother shot where there are gathering spaces, performance spaces, grassy, green areas. A setback doesn't necessarily, and in fact, does not, in our case mean hard surfaces. It's a variety of mixes of these treatments. in the RFP (Request for Proposals), we included a minimum 10(1 -foot setback for any structures, and to include a pedestrian continuous pathway that link both sides and along the water's edge, adjacent to the existing manna, once iniproved. Other examples show -- in this case, quite dense development adjacent to a marina, with a hotel in the background. and it gives you a sense of different levels and different variety of experiences and reasons why people ran come to the waterfront. whether they're hoalers or not. The same project, just giving you further examples of a very hustle -bustle sort of water's edge, and the opportunities for public to enjoy the outside areas. Landscaping we're calling, for to be very lush, to complement the architecture that will be there, to screen service areas, utility areas, the kinds of things that are not necessarily attractive and shouldn't he along the water's edge, and planted with a variety of mixtures of plant material to provide shade, shelter, as well as a pleasant sort of feel to it. Another example of how you can bring the sorts of commercial development that we're seeking, but along with the great public open spaces to the eater's edge. J here's not just the busy soils of spaces, but this is it project that is not on the bay, as we have it, but it shows you some areas and opportunitica for sone more passive uses, as well. Parking structures, signage, those kinds of things can be designed in attractive ways, informative. This is an example of it parking garage that vve thought was quite attractive and had some relevance to what we might he seeking. Sifntage. This is inside it parking, garage. Signage that's along water's edges, creating a festive look, as well as telling you where you're inoving through the project. And now, to be specific about the public hearing item that we're here today. Today's required use in our Request for Proposals speaks to a mega yacht facility. As 1 mentioned, the upland is zoned C-1 commercial, and allows a variety of uses, but we're going to be concentrating on the water's edge and the required use of lite mega yacht that is designed to accommodate where the existing marina and the conditions that I showed you are to 127 5,110101 1 attract what we consider mega yachts of 80 -- which are vessels 80 feet and larger, The industry has grown greatly, and 80 feet is not necessarily even the average. They can be much larger than that. Today's reference to the fish market in the RFP does address it. it is not required, and 1 have highlighted the language that is found on page 19 of the Request for Proposals that says that fresh fish markets may also he included in the overall project desigm, so that develovers can consider that, and come in with their best take on what belongs on this site, with that in mind. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me. Arleen. So what you're saying, so the people may understand, is that the RFP that the administration issued only requires as a condition the mega yacht marina:' The other ideas are optional -- the fish market, hotel, reslattranl, whatever. That's what you're saying? Ms. Weintraub: Yes, Commissioner. The mega yacht is a required use. The others are allowable uses. Commissioner Regalado: That is the only, the only required use. N, -Is. Weintraub: The only required use for a mixed us development project. Commissioner Regalado: So a fish market is not illegal within the area? Is it? Yes or no? Ms. %Veintraub: It is not illegal. Pin sorry. Mr, Gintencz: I;�xcusc me. Originally, the administration did not require the mega yachts. That was later added, and I believe added by the Commission. So the administration did not require that mega yacht marina. It said it could be a mega yacht marina and it was -- Commissioner Regalado: But now it is required. Mr. Gimenez: It was -- yeah, but it was -- C'ununissioner Regalado: That is my question. Mr. Ginienei: But it was added by the Commission, not by the administration. Commissioner Regalado: Well that is my question. So that's the only required use, mandatory? Ms. Weintraub: That's correct. Commissioner Regalado: So what I'm -- what i was asking is, a fish market is allowable there? Ms. Weintraub: Yes. Commissioner, it is allowable. And I was highlighting on that particular slide the wards that speak to that, as found on page 19 of the Request for Proposals document. Knowing that our conurrunity that will come today does not have the document, we list it verbatim the way it reads in the document. Fresh fish markets may also be included in the overall project design. Commissioner Regalado: But as it is, it may not. 128 5/10101 • 0 Ms. Weintraub: It may or may not. Commissioner Regalado: OK. And just a question so the people here understand, and the public watching. Has the City or is the providing restrooms for the marina that we still operate in Watson Island? Ms. Weintraub: There is a portable toilet there. Commissioner Regalado: Does the City pay that, or somebody else? Ms. Weintraub: The City pays for that. Commissioner Regalado: The City pays the portable toilets? Ms. Weintraub: Correct. Commissioner Regalado: The whole? Ms. Weintraub: The whole portable toilet. Commissioner Regalado: The whole amount? Ms. Weintraub: The whole amount. Commissioner Regalado: OK. The other issue: Does the City pay for landscaping, mowing the lawn, or anybody else does? Ms. Weintraub: I'm sorry. Commissioner. It is our understanding that one of the tenants are mowing the grass. Commissioner Regalado: OK. And also picking some trash, too. Ms. Abrams: Tile City is picking up the trash. We have three or four -- Commissioner Regalado: No, no. I mean around the -- around the area of the fish market. Commissioner Winton: It's kind of policing around the area and making sure that the debris is all picked up. Ms. Abrams: That's a job for City staff. Commissioner Regalado: I'm sorry? Ms. Abrams: That is a job for the City staff there. Commissioner Sanchez: Now, let me ask you something. 129 5/10/01 n��� Vice Chairman Gort: Wait. Commissioner Regalado, are you fmished? Commissioner Sanchez: Oh, I'm sorry. Commissioner Regalado: No, I just -- The City was aware -- Christina, I guess you were, but I think Mr. Ruder also knew about this, and he made some inquiries, and made sonic decisions. I think it was probably two years ago, or one year ago. But the City knew that about 100 yards from there, there were about ten to twenty homeless people living in a hole right there by the -- and also, that there were -- how many robberies and burglaries have been reported in the last two years? Ms. Abrams: Commissioner, we don't know that information offhand. Commissioner Regalado: Thirty. 30. Commissioner Sanchez: Thirty where? Commissioner Regalado: In the fish market, and the marina. Commissioner Sanchez: Here? There? Commissioner Regalado: Yes. Yeah, there. When did we decide not to have security in that marina? Ms. Abrams: To the best of my knowledge, we've never had security. We fenced in the property, and we put in security lighting. And I think that we've been working with NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) to have police patrol the area. Commissioner Regalado: Didn't we have a security guard there several years ago? Ms. Abrams: I don't think so. I think that we had a security guard when we were evicting a tenant there, because we had to secure the area, for obvious reasons. Ms. Weintraub: In conclusion, I was going to show you a few pictures of the fish market. Commissioner Sanchez: I just have a question on that. Is that the fish -- that's the whole establishment, The fishing'? Is that the fishing market right there? Ms. Weintraub: It is not the whole establishment. Commissioner Sanchez: It's one of them? Ms. Weintraub: I have a couple of them. "chis is one. Commissioner Sanchez: "There's three, I understand. And my -- this has boon going on since 1994, and there were fifteen fishermen, and no%%, there's down to only the three. Then they sued the City, and they're still there in that facility. Now I -- No? 130 5110/01 r� u Ms. Weintraub: Alex. 0 Commissioner Sanchez: Correct me if I'm wrong here. Alejandro Vit•trello (City Attorney): They described at the beginning of the presentation the number of people who were there. You said it's limited now just to the three that sued the City. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, there's three. There's Casablanca, de Atmas and another group. Correct? Unidentified Speaker: And Bluc Sea. Commissioner Sanchez: And who? And Blue Sea 111. Blue Sea is the one that takes you out fishing. right? OK. Now, here's the thing. Are they paying City rent in their businesses there on land? Dena Bianchino (Assistant City Manager): They are not paying any rent for the upland use. They arc paying for their slips. Commissioner Sanchez: For their slips. So for that business that they run there, they are not paying anything to the City. NIs, Bianchino: No, they are not. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. If someone should get hurt there, who's liable for that? Ms. Bianchino: The City. Commissioner Sanchez, So the City would be liable for that. Mr. Vilarello: Well, Commissioner, liability for injuries has a lot to do with control over particular areas and also ownership, We are owners of the property, so there may be some associated liability. However, much of this arca is controlled by people other than the City. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me -- My understanding -- Are you finished, Commissioner Sanchez'? Commissioner Sanchez: No, I'm done for now. I'll yield to you. Vice Chainnan Gort: My understanding is, if you recall, and you tell me ifit was two, three or four years ago, we had the same !roup in here. At that time, we agreed -- and they were agreeing -- tile), don't mind paying rent. But at the time, there was a certain request that was asked of the administration that had to do with fixing sonic of the -- the boardwalk. the electricity, and there's certain things that the City committed to do, and sit with them and try to bring that under regulation. And they were willing to pay rent at that time, in my understanding. And this might have been three or four years ago. The same group was here, and we had agreed that we would -- And one of the reasons the administration came back and said that the -- we were going to do something else, so it was not worth it, going through the whole expenditure. But my understanding is, and I think the point we're trying to'bring here, there's a business going on in there. We'd like to make it a legitimate business. And one of the reasons those people have not been able 131 5/10/01 to invest a lot more -- And you might be shaking your head, but my understanding at that time, the people that were here -- and none of you all were here at that time -- were willing to spend money. They were willing to do investment. But the reason they could not do that is because they did not have a lease on the property. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioners, I need to remind you, of course, that this is Watson Island. We have significant deed restrictions with regard to leasehold interest. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me, excuse me, Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Chairman, has the City ever sold these people a license to sell stuff and to be there? Did they -- do they have licenses:' Vice Chainnan Gort: Occupational license and -- (commissioner Sanchez: Do they have an occupational license? Do they have a CLi (Certificate of Use)? Frank Roliason (Assistant City Manager): They have a CU. My understanding is they have a CU. Unidentified Speaker: The answer is "ycs." Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: And then -- Mr. Rollason: I don't know if they have occupational licenses. Commissioner Regalado: No, wait a minute. Then, you know, you shake your head, Mr. Manager, like if these people were living or working there illegally. And yet, your administration is requesting occupational licenses and permits, taxes to be paid. So don't, don't just give the impression that these people are there illegally. If they don't pay for the upland, it's because the City has not keen able to do what we do with, for instance. Bayside Restaurant, a 30 -day revocable license that has been issued for about 14 years now, 15 years, every 30 months, or any other thing. I am really concerned that the perception here is that there are illegal people. They are not. The City is there. City inspectors are on their case eery week over there. Any time that they need to do something, they are told that they have to do it. And Frank knows that. And they just paid two or three thousand dollars (53,000) for an electric meter. And yet, sometimes, they are being harassed. 19r. Gimenez: The problem is that none of the structures were put up with a permit. They were up there, and when I took the seat, when I took the seat -- Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Manager -- Mr. Gimcnez: When I took the seat and we went over there and we looked at this, we needed to make some things safe. And so we spent some money to make this safe. But none of this, none of these things, none of these improvements -- OK? -- were permitted. And this is, like the City Attorney said, this is Watson Island. There are deed restrictions on that island 132 5110101 $tt11t0111MB • • Commissioner Regalado: But that -- Mr. Gimenez: But this has going on for way before, long before 1 got here. Commissioner Regalado: But that's not, that's not my poirt. My point is that your staff is calling them sort of illegal aliens or whatever. And -- Mr. Ginicnez: Well, if the structures are built without a permit and nobody -- they never pulled a permit, and as far as I know•, there is no legal basis to have these kind of structures there. Commissioner Regalado: Well. then why do you use -- Mr. Gintenez: And that's what we call them. All right'! Commissioner Regalado: Why do you issue occupational license? Mr. Gimenez: We issue a CU, because we're trying to get them into sonic kind of safety compliance -- OK° -- so that nobody there -- we reduce the liability of the City until we can rectify the issue. There's also it lawsuit involved there. So we've asked the City Attorney what it is that we can do. And frankly, you know, we got sonic of our hands tied. But in reality, those structures that you sec there are not permitted, were never permitted. They.just sprang up, and a business was established. It was established after they moved their vessels over there, sonic fishing vessels were taken from Miami Marina and put to Watson Island. They were supposed to dock there. Then the next thing we know, there is a business going on over there without any permits. And that's what's going on. Commissioner Regalado: So 1 guess that what we are trying to do here today is to make right the things that none of its -- including you -- did, because were weren't here when this happened, none of us, not even Willy, which is the -- Commissioner Sanchez. Would you yield? Would you yield, Commissioner? C urtimissioner Regalado: Yeah, yeah, one second. But what I really am -- and you know, maybe the whole purpose of this is just to rectify the things that were wrong. But I'm telling you that I have a problem with City officials calling these people "illegals" or whatever, because it's a fact that they have been there. The inspectors. go, they take licenses. And yes, you arc right. Those structures were built probably without a pernnit, and no one said anything. And that's the way that the City ran many years ago. But I -- I really think that what we should he is thankful of all these people, because they fought the homeless. they fought the robberies, the burglaries, you know. They took care of the marina, which the City let deteriorate --on purpose, I think -- and they had faith in the area. When no one cared about Watson Island, these people were there chasing homeless, and waking up at three o'clock in the morning, 3 a.m. in the rooming to bring fish to the people ot• Mianti. And that is niy point. I mean, I don't know, Mr. Manager -- I yield to Commissioner Sanchez -- but 1 don't know- if you would agree, and your staff, to include a fish market -- which, by the way. Dena visited with me there, and she looked at an area and thought that that could be an area that could be used for the fish market, that the fish market would be a mandatory requirement in the RFP. That, 1 guess, is the whole purpose, other than other issues that other Commissioners may have on the whole Watson ].land development. 133 5110101 Mr. Gimenez: Commissioner, 1 would love to be able to compromise, you know, with these folks. There is no intent to put, you know, anybody, you know, out of business. But as the Manager, I'll have to enforce the Code. And (inaudible). If we could sit down and conic up with some reasonable accommodation that they all would sign off on, I would be happy to, you know, come up with sonic kind of compromise. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. But I'm not asking that. What I'm going to present to you, members of the Commission, is a resolution, to see if it passes, if it has the support to change, amend the RFP. Instead of "may," "shall." or slaking it mandatory to have a fish market as a mega yacht marina. That's all. It's eery simple. Commissioner Sanchez: And my question, Commissioner Regalado, to the City staff is- Would it jeopardize the RFP if we made that amendment? Right now, the fish market is a suggested use in the RFP. What Commissioner Rcgalado is stating is to snake it a requirement. So the question that I have to the Cite administration is: Would it jeopardize the 12FP:' .Ir. Gimenez: Commissioner, I'm going to answer that, because it really goes into the philosophy of the entire UP. The administration was really not in favor of making a mega yacht marina. It had to be, because we tcel that the developers, it kind of cramps the developers and those people that may have talents that we don't have, and to their vision of what they could be. And we don't know what, frankly, that could be. That's why we wanted to keep it open, pennitted. And so that's why the same thing goes for the fish market. You know, %re --if it's pennitted, they could have it. If, you know, if it works for the development, you know. that's great. So I'm really taking the same position I did with the mega yacht marina. 1 wasn't crazy about making that a mandatory for this RFI'. So, you know, that answers your question. That's a policy decision. My recommendation is 1'd like to keep everything as open and as restrict the developers and the response to the RFP as much as possible. So that's our response. Commissioner Regalado: He didn't ask you -- I mean he -- you didn't respond to his question. Mr. Gimenez: Yeah, i think I did. Commissioner Regalado: The question was, would a required fish market is the RFP jeopardize the RFP? That was his question. Mr. Gimenez: Well, 1'rn not going to say, "yes." because I don't know. I mean, if it has -- maybe one of the respondents had in mind a fish market. In that case, it wouldn't jeopardize the RFP. Commissioner Sanchez: But let me -- this is something that -- Mr. Gimenrr- I do not know. Commissioner Sanchez: This is something, once again, that we inherited, once again, something that we have to address. And I think to the long run, like every other issue that comes in front of this Commission, it could be worked out where everyone, when we all walk away from the table, everyone is a winner. Now, here is a problem that i have. These three companies -- fine people. They have families. 134 5i 10101 They're hard workers. They've been there for years. But here's the question that i have: What's to prevent Tom, Dick and Harry to show up there tonight, put tip a business, fish fry, and then say, "You can't kick me out of there"'' So there's got to be some kind of control. What 1 do think that could be worked out is that in this process with the suggested fish market -- you know, we have a lot of assistance in this community. I mean, we have small business loans. We have ways to assume how the other -- In the RFP, if there is some way to pun a fish market out there where they would be able to rent, lease the spot at a fair market value, bccausc there's another question that I'm going to ask, because I know that when you -- One of f is things that a -c have to describe is. what is a fish market? Is it fish market that you fish, you bring on the boat and you sell it there? Or arc you importing fish on tnicks and selling them there'' Because. I mean, that really gets to a point that, you know, you're running a full-blov ii business on City property, not paying a penny So that's the concern that I hat e. So I think that if we're able to once again get with the administration, all three of the parties, come to an agreement that if there is some way that they're able to put a fish market, suggest it, because I really think that this could be -- It might change the atmosphere of du RFP, jeopardizing the mega yacht niarina if you basically tell a developer, "Hey, listen, you have to do a fish market," and this and that. But I think in the lona run, you know, we'll be able to assist these three companies. That way, we will be able to bring them into code and law. %%here they will be able to pa\ their licenses, to pay the City rcpt or -- you know, and bring them into code. That's just one of my suggestions, ]'III willing to sit with the administration. But right now, what I can't accept is that basically, you're there at z City facility, and that's taxpayers' property. 1'ou have made a business. I'm sure you're making decent money. You're also providing jobs to people in our community. Rut in a way, you're not paying anything to the City. I think this could all be worked out if we're abie to put a fish market there. And you, yourself could pay rent, and you would be a leasee of the fish market, Mid continue to have your business. We would love to be good neighbors and good corporate citizens of the contnunnit�, where you would be able to nun a business out of there and sell fish. I think that's what we have to work towards. We're not going to work now saying, "OK, listen. We got to kick you out of there," because government -- and we can't legally. 1 think if the Commission votes on it, you would he through some type ot'assistance removed from there. But i think that government is into putting people in business, not putting people out of business. So that's just one of the things that I ani just throwing out that maybe the administration will sit down with you, and in the process, they could conic out where we all could walk away from the table and be winners. That's dust my suggestion liere, because I really think that we need to put a final on this. This has been going on since 1914. We do have development going there that I think will benefit not only the City, but also the residents of the City, and we would like you to be it part of it. But, you know, we're going to have to Nyork together and find a solution to this problem. Vice Chairman Cion Commissioner, my understanding -- and once again, I think I was maybe the only one that was here at that time. .And 1 don't know if Co►nmissioner Regalado was here at that time v\,]len that took place. My understanding, and the presentation made by the individual properly owners is they were willing to make an investment. They were willing to make payments to the City. But you cannot make an investment if ,you don't have it guarantee that whatever investment you make, it's going to be able to return -- bet your return on the investment. So what I'm saying, is ['in agreeing with you. 1 think somehow, that should be -- and you have Fishermen's Wharf in San Francisco that is vers' successful. 1 think the Watson island -- and the reason we asked for the mega yacht marine was because of the water, and utilizing the water in conjunction with other amenities. i personally don't see any problem. 1 think the market, itself is i tourist attraction, and I remenibei it, because I used to go to Pier 5. Maybe I'm the only one. Pin telling my alae right now when I'm telling you I used to go to Pier 5. But that vvas one of the greatest tourist attraeuons that we had at that time. I think something very similar could be developed 135 51, 10.,01 again. And I'm sure they're willing, if they're given an opportunity, and they know they're going to stay in the spot, and they're going, to he there. I'm sure they're willing to make their investment and to pay whatever is the fair market value there. What I'm saying is -- and Commissioner Sanchez has a good point. \Ve have to make sure that we protect what's in there and nothing else takes place. So I think Commission,r Regalado, you need for the administration to sit down with these individuals and work out something for now. Because even with an RFQ (Request for Qualifications) or RFP, that might take two years to develop, or three years to take place. OK? Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me. I think that Commissioner Sanchez -- sorry, Johnny. I'll yield to you. Commissioner Sanchez is right \Ve should put an end to this that has been going on -- not from '94 - front '91. Commissioner Teele: What is'? Commissioner Regalado: The things that have been going on in Watson Island, even the homeless and the burglaries. But i think that -- and sometimes, Joe chastises the City Commission for deferring, the policy of deferrals. So -- .toe Sanchez, not the other Joe. It's the good Joe. I'm telling you, I'm telling you something. Pin telling you something. i am going to try to make a motion, and the motion will simply sav change the word on the RFP. That can be done, because there's still time. The City Attorney has issued an opinion. We can do this until June. And say a fish market shall be part of the development, and 1'il tell you why. YOU say that -- or Willy said it's going to take a year or so. But the problem is that you cannot have 20, 30 families hanging on a thread. hoping that there is a developer that would think that to have a fish market is a good idea. It's either we tell them today, guys, you know, you better prepare, because we're going to kick you out of there. The possibilities are that you are not going to he there when we get the response From the RFP. Or, you know, you are going to be in that place until the RFP process is complete, and a developer comes and talks to you, talks to the City, and then you're going to be moved to that area, and you're going to have to build your legal structure, pay fair market value and work with the developer and the City to do that. It's important for them. it is unfair to say to these people, why don't you go meet with the administration to see what can be worked out. Why? They're being harassed by this govcntntent, yes. Yes. Did Mr. Wagner (phonetic) say to them that in one year and a half, they %N -ill not he there anyway? He did not say that. Then everybody is a liar. NIr. Gimenez: Sir, all this administration is doing is -- Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Manager, I'm sorry. \9r. Gimenez: -- is tbllowing the Code. OK'? Commissioner Regalado: Mr. Manager -- Mr. Gimenez: \b'e have a Code to follow. Commissioner Regalado: This is not about the Code. This is about the process that we started, and what I'm .just asking is to tell them if they have to leave Watson Island, so they can be prepared for that. You know, we were just talking -- Arthur, we were just talking about hypertension, and people with heart problems, City employees, you know, the City having -- Why do you want to put the pressure on these 136 5! 1 (1/0 1 �t�iIiIjutr people? It is unfair. It's either you tell them, you're going to leave, or you tell them, you may stay. And if you stay, you got to go by the Code, you got to go by the book, von got to m by the Charter, whatever you want to say. If -- when that moment conies, they would make a decision if they are able to pay fair market value, which will probably not control, or go some place. But what you should not do -- and I'm pleading with you, members of the Commission -- not to send home these people without knowing what's going to happen in six months, or seven months, or eight months, because you can't live like that. It's unfair to treat human beings like that. You know, the United National Human Rights Declaration, Article Number 1 is the right to life. And Article Number 2 is the right to work. And we should not, at least, deny them the possibility of knowing. So 1 yield. Commissioner Teele: Thank you for yielding. 1 just want to understand one thing clearly, Mr. Attorney. Mr. Manager. The Manager says the City is simply following the Code. What is the Code provision, Mr. Attorney? And just tell me what the Code provision says. Mr. Vilarcllo: I believe the Manager is referring to the structures on that property. The Manager is referring to the structures on that property. Commissioner Teele: No, that's -- I understand what he's -- What's the Code provision that is being cited? Mr. Vilarcllo: There is no -- The South Florida Building Code docs not permit those structures to exist as they are, simply because they've been built without a building permit. They are, per se, an unsafe structure. Commissioner Teelc: OK. Let me just understand one thing. The Code provision is the -- is what -- may I just ask the guy with the nice rimmed glasses that looks like he knows all this stuff? He looks like he should know. Hector Lima (Director, Building): I try. Hector Lima, Building Director. South Florida Building Code, Chapter 3 requires that any structure be permitted prior to being constructed. Those structures did not have permits, or plans, or approvals or inspections. So they become unsafe. Commissioner Teele: When was that provision enacted into law? Mr. Lima: 1957, South Florida Building Code. Commissioner Teele: And how long have those buildings been there? Mr. Lima: I have no idea. Commissioner Teele: Would you say two years'? Five years? Mr. Lima: Hold on. Ms. Bianchino: How long have they been there? 137 5/10/01 • Commissioner Teele: So -- Mr. Lima: About ten years. Ms. Bianchino: Ten years. Commissioncr Tecle: About ten years? So the law that we're enforcing is a law that was on the books -- Mr. Lima: Teti years ago, yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: -- at least ten years ago when these structures were built. Does the City or the County have primary jurisdiction for enforcing this provision in this location? The City, l would assume. Mr. Lima: The City. The City of Miami. Commissioner Tecle: Approximately how many structures are there that fall within this? Mr. Lima: I'm being advised that there's three structures. Commissioner Teele: And when was the first citation issued? Mr. Lima: 1 believe citations were issued by the NEI' Office, not by my office. Commissioner Tecle: No, I didn't say "who." 1 said, "when?" Mr. Lima: Exactly. My office did not issue violations. Therefore, I don't have -- Commissioner Teele: Hector, don't do that. This is the City of Miami. This isn't about your office, or her office or his. This is about the City of Miami. And everybody that comes up here needs to think not about your department, or your division, but the City of Miami. Mr. Rollason: Commissioner, I thunk -- this is Frank Rollason, Assistant City Manager, We need to go back to about the year that Commissioner Regalado is talking about, 1991, because I think that's the first time we came here, when we had the issue with the unsafe electric, was prior to Hurricane Andrew. And we had the issue of shutting them down or allowing to operate and so forth. Commissioner Tecle: Well, you know what? You just made their case. Mr. Rollason: And -- Commissioner Teele: Excuse me. You do take note of the fact that a hurricane -- the Building Code is to make, ensure the building meets -- I'm not talking about whether it's structurally sound or not, but the intent, the clear intent of the South Florida Building Code is to ensure that the buildings are safe, as it relates to hurricanes and other natural occurrences, and as it relates to the structure. itself. Electrical, plumbing -- I mean, there's separate components of all of this, which I'm willing to stipulate. But we are putting on the record now that this building withstood or did not withstand Hurricane Andrew? 138 511().01 Mr. Rollason: We're not saying that. We don't know what -- Commissioner Teele: Well, let me ask this -- Mr. Rollason: We don't know what portion it went through with that, because there weren't any permits pulled. Commissioner Teele: Let me just ask this of any of the owners. Did the building withstand the hurricane, Mr. Attorney'? Did it withstand Hurricane Andrew? (PNAt'DIBLE COMMENT) Commissioner Tecle: They were blown away'? Vice Chairman Gort: Excuse me. They have to address -- you have to go on the mike and state your name and address. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Attorney, friend'? Fred Balsera: He's saying no, that it did not withstand Hurricane Andrew. Commissioner Tecle: And so it was rebuilt after Hurricane Andrew? Mr. Balsera: Excuse me. Give me one second. Let me clarify that. Commissioner Teele: Name and address for the record. Gilbert de Arenas: OK. My name is Gilbert de Armas. I was there since '85. And the -- when the Hurricane Andrew came in, I mean, it was nothing left in there. OK? And then we built everything back again. Commissioner Teele: You just made the Manager's case. Mr. do Arnias: OK. Good. But I'm telling you what -- I'm saying what it is. But no other building did, either. Commissioner Tecle: Well, I just want to be very clear, because I think it's one thing if this building were a structure that withstood hurricanes and was very clear, but we do have a Building Code to prevent just what you're described. Now, unless you are a Miccosukee Indian on a trihe encampment -- (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Commissioner Teele: Huh? That's the only place I know that the tepee huts are permitted. Essentially, it doesn't apply. But generally, the reason for having this Building Code is to ensure -- And it's not whether the building survives or not. It's that debris that's flying around that is literally a missile and an 139 5/10./01 object that could kill people. So I .lust want to he very clear. I don't want to take the Manager's position Oil this, but I think the Manager's position is very, very clear. They have a duty under our public safety and police powers to ensure that this City is safe. And that's not the issue that i want to address. But I do think whether or not there has been harassment, versus whether there has been a valid exercise of police power, something. as a minority, I'm very sensitive to, the ;Manager has clearly established that there is a valid -- and the record is clear that there is a valid police purpose. On the yielding, though, i don't want to -- that's -- ]just want to make it very clear, because I think this Manager, after what he went through in I allahassee, you know, he needs to see that some of us are willing to give him a fair shot, because he didn't have a fair shot with the legislature in Tallahassee. He probably had a lot of sleepless nights since that. Mr. Gimenez: I need a vacation. Commissioner Tecle: You need a vacation. So I don't want the record to he that there is harassment, but I just want the record to be from my point -- Commissioner Regalado is entitled to his opinion, and i deeply respect his opinion, and lilt not trying to change his mind. I'm just trying to protect what the management of the City is engaged in. This, my colleagues, Mr. C'hairman, is a huge mistake. This mistake is why 1 voted on the four to one. I said, this is half-baked, it's not thought out. This is a tremendous rush of a major-, major project. And it didn't start in '91. I was here. My -- 1 used to have one of the best views of your fish market in Miami from Plaza Venetia, when I looked down on it. It's just wonderful to see the boats and all of that. And I can tell you, in 1987. there was a man named John Myers who came to Miami for the sole purpose, and brought a brilliant young African-Annerican named John Hall, who is now, the president of People's National Bank John Hall was a Harvard graduated African-American who came here to develop Watson Island, and it wasn't thought through. The whole thine crashed. It just crashed. That whole process in '86, '87 crashed. That's why I submitted to the Manager, Mr. Hall may be someone that you all would want to look at very closely, because he's been through this. This process is heing nrshed. There should have been a public hearing. There should have been a charette. There should he a dctined project. Arid I take deep exception to the fact that this City Commission does not have an overriding and paramount interest in both protecting businesses, and jobs, and fiunilies and ensuring that Watson Island is developed properly. I take deep exception to any professional view that we could not incorporate as a requirement a fish market, if that's what we deem to he in the hest interest of the citizens of Miami. 1, as a County Commissioner, fought for the farmers on the south end of this County. There was development pressure, developnu;nt pressure and I -- the farmers were losing, and the campaign contributions always went against me from the large builder organizations, because fighting for little people is not popular. All you have is your family, ,your voice and your vote. But fish, this fish industry is to the urban core of Miami, to me, what farming is to South Dade. And as long; as I'm here. I'm going to fight. I'm going to lose unless a third person will agree. I'm going to fight that this Commission needs to pull back, take a deep breath. This is premier, pristine property. This is some of the hest urban waterfront property in the United States, undeveloped. And there is no reason, no reason at all to rush to development. Whether we do it today or tomorrow doesn't matter. This City has only been in existence for 100 years. And in the last 20 years, we have developed more waterfront property than everybody did for the first 80 years. Arid that's not necessarily a good thing. Alexander the Great, they say, cried when he was a baby, Alexander the Great, because he feared that his father would conquer all the kNorld and Icave nothing for him. And so he became "The Great," because v.,hen his father, Henry of Macedonia died, there was plenty left. And I'm telling you. Commissioners, if we cancel this, there's still plenty left. There is no reason to do this. And as far as I'm concerned, we need to stop this 140 5! 10!01 process belbre it gets out of control. We need to go hack and hold charettes. We need to bring in professionals that can advise us. We need to look at the various options of -other cities. Fish markets are a great thing in New York. They're a great thing in urban cores. Fish markets could bring people into the urban core, just like all of us go down to South Dade to get lemons, and key lime pie, and those cute little tomatoes an(' potatoes, you know, the -- what do they call them'? -- cocktail potatoes that are only grown down there. Fish is an important issue, and I think we have an economic development and a business reason to preserve this. And even if we lose money in preserving it, we have the right to determine \what's important to this City. I voted against it then on the basis that this was not properly conceived, it had not been properly noticed, there had not been enough planning and charette process. And I say it attain, and again. And every time it comes up, ['in going to vote against it, because there is no reason to rush to this protect. And so if-- I'll make -- 11i second any motion anybody stakes to protect these people. But this is the tip of the iceberg. This is a symptom of the problem. And so I'm available. You're going to lose, i would suspect, unless somebody agrees. 1 don't think putting this into the RFP at this point is the most intelligent and the most thoughtful way, but I would vote to put it in, rather than leave the community People out. And I really do think that the Manager is doing what is right in protecting the public safety by giving Code Enforcement violations on unsafe structures. Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Attorney. Mr. Balsera: Mr. Chainiian, can we make some comments before there is a motion? Vicc Chairman Gort: Excuse me a minute. Excuse me. Wait a minute, Mr. Attorney Mr. Vilarello: If the Commissioners' questions are done. I have a couple issues I'd like to address. Commissioner Regalado, i believe you brought up rile issue of the fish market, and somehow, that that might sonnchow protect these individuals. If you put as a requirement of the RPI' a requirement that tile), need to. a developer needs to provide for a fish market, that would be a developer's requirement, and would not include these individuals. anyone who is on the island or anybody in particular. The developer could select them, or could select and provide a fish market in sonic other way. So it wouldn't necessarily address or protect these individuals, even if lie made it a requirement of the RFP. I think Commissioner Sanchez and Commissioner Gort raised issues of allowing an agreement fir the use of the upland until such tine as development goes forward. If you recall, this is Watson island. Watson Island, in addition to the deed restrictions and the issues that we have with regard to the Cabinet, any license, revocable license that we might otherwise use in other areas of the City, on Watson Island are prohibited for us to enter into any agreement for even a temporary use of the process without going through it competitive RFP process, and ultimately, some referendum. Now, we have been engaged in litigation. We have entered into agreements with some for the mooring space. With others, we have not reached an agreement, and litigation is still pending. And with many of the other tenants of the mooring facility, we have nooring agreements, which require them to leave, 1 believe, on 30 days notice. The one that we have a settlement agreenient on -- I can't recall the name of the individuals that we entered into that agreement with -- they're required to leave only when the City is essentially ready to proceed with the development of the island. And I believe we have no agreement with these individuals. Litigation is still pending. Ilowever, we could enter into an agreement, just like we did with the others, to allow them to stay on the dockage until such tinie as the City is actually ready to proceed with the development. Now, that doesn't resolve the upland issue, and it doesn't resolve the fish market that's currently there. 141 5110!0 1 Commissioner Regalado: Mr. City Attorney, just -- They understand, and we all do, that it's the developer's choice to pick whoever. But the law of probability says that he would look for people with at,, established clientele and an expertise in that area, and charge them whatever that is. But -- Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, 1 _just didn't want to leave you with the impression that it would guarantee - Commissioner Regalado: No, no. I understand, and they understand, too, that this is not a sure thing. So I'm going to ask you, Mr. Manager. I offered two options to the City Commission to see how would you react to those two options and to the Manager. One option is to include the fish market in the RFP. "Shall" instead of "may," so tile), at least understand that they have a shot at staying there with the new facility. The other option is to present a resolution, or whatever the City Attorney believes, directing the administration to separate an area on that side of Watson Island. Comm) ssioner 'Teel e: Which side? Commissioner Regalado: On the west side of Watson Island, where the -- unidentified Speaker: South side. Commissioner Regaiado: South, southwest of Watson Island, where the mega marina is supposed to he, where Dena said that it could be, and for the City to accommodate these people in the future through a process, or whatever that process is, if we have to go to the Cabinet, or even to put it to a popular vote, to piggyback on the RFP of Watson Island. But I'm saving do it in a separate way, a separate piece of property run by the City where these people will build or the City will build u safe structure, code structure, whatever. and ha% e the fish market in there. Put it to the vote. If we are going to put this to the vote and we need to put this separate fist: market on the vote, can we do that, Mr. City Attorney? Vilareilo: Yes. You would have -- The RFP, as 1 understand it, contains a survev which identifies the entire area that is a condition of the RFP or that will be covered by the RFP. You'd have to constrict that or resurvey it and remove that space which you wish to separately control. Whatever that space is. you would have to let it or issue an RFP in the same manner that we're doing this. 1t requires a competitive process. It requires a referendum, and ultimately, Cabinet approval. So you could constrict, or you'd have to resurvey it and cut out the land area that you're discussing. Vice Chairman Gort: Let me ask a question. Sometimes, you katow, it's -- we legalize a lot of illegal things, ourselves. My understanding is licenses have been pulled by these individuals, City license, occupational license and certificate of use. Thcy don't have occupational license or certificate of use? (NAUDiBI.E COMMENT) Mr Vintenez: Yes. OC (occupational certificate) and CU (certificate of use). Vice Chairman Gort: OK. 'They do have the licenses. Can we, as you draw the documents -- and I think the idea of separating the two could be a great idea to maintain that. 142 5/10%01 11011" n U • Ms. Bianchino: No, no. Vice Chairman Gort: No, what! Ms. Bianchino: I'd just like to comment on this. If yor want to separate the two, then there is not sufficient time to do this in time to meet our deadlines. We cannot do it. Commissioner Winton: All right. Let me -- may I -- Vice Chairman Gort: Well. we got a problem here and we have to take a decision today. Commissioner Winton: Excuse me, Mr. Chuirtnan. Commissioner Regalado: Johnny, could you yield just one second? Because Dena spent some time. She took time and went there with mc. You told me that you think, that you believe that the place that you sho%ced me could be the right place. Ms. Bianchino: No. ('an 1 clarify %&-hat we talked about, please? Commissioner Regalado: No, because I -- remember, I am a journalist. I remember quotes. I can quote yOU on what you told me. You said if there is no marina, that won't be any problem. We can do it over there. We caimot do it under the bridge, because there are some wires and some DOT (Department of Transportation) problem. The other side are for the buses from Parrot Jungle. And you said it can be done. Whether you were -- you misinformed me, that's different. Ms. Bianchino: No. Commissioner, I'd like to clarify what I said, if you'd allow me. Commissioner Regalado: 1 remember what you told me. I'm telling you what you told me. Ms. Bianchino: But could I tell the rest of the Commission what I said? Commissioner Regalado: Oh, yeah, absolutely, But don't; don't say that you didn't say that to me, because you did. Ms. Bianchino: Commissioner, what I said was that a fish market could be put in as part of the RFP. And then what you said to me was you would have -- I said, what about the boats? And you said, don't worry about the boats, they can bo somewhere else. Commissioner Winton: Well, and I remember asking that question, and that's what was said. Commissioner Regalado: No, no. We were talking about there was no space for the marina. And I said, they are willing to keep their fish market and go somewhere with the boat if we don't have space for the boat. But you said that that area that we discussed could be used for a fish market. That's what you said. Ms. Bianchino: Commissioner, yes, yes, I did. 143 5/10/01 • Commissioner Regalado: So. 0 Ms. Bianchino: I said within the boundaries of the RFP, if the Commission so chose to require a fish market, it could be done. There would be no boat slips available for the fishermen, but we could, within the confines of the existing RFP. require a fish market, just like we are requiring a mega yacht marina. Commissioner Regalado: So what you're saying is that you would agree with what I'm saying of including this in the RFP? Ms. Bianchino: I agree with you that it's possible. Mr. Gimenez: Commissioner, if you're saying that we include in the RFP that there's a fish market, but that there may not be a place for their boats, they would have their boats somewhere else, but they'd have their fish market there. I think we can go with that. Commissioner Regalado: But that's understandable, and they know that Mr. Gimenez: I just want to make sure that they understand that that would be, you know, that -- because they do have some -- there's legal wrangling here with the slips, and where they go, and all that. And we would work something out where we could find a place for them to go. We have other marinas in the City. If %%c can work all that out. I wouldn't have a problem. Commissioner Regalado: So I move a resolution to change the wording of the RPP to include as mandatory a fish market for the development in Watson Island. So that would be instead of "shall" -- Commissioner Winton: And didn't you make that motion earlier, and it got seconded, right? Commissioner Regalado. No. I did not. Commissioner Winton. Oh, you didn't? Commissioner Regalado: I said I would. But that's the motion that I'm making. That iA the motion that I'm making. Vice Chairman Gort: What's the motion? What's the motion? Commissioner Regalado: The motion is to change -- Commissioner Winton: The wording in the RFP. Commissioner Regulado: -- the wording in the RFP to make a fish market mandatory in Watson Island in the development. Vice Chairman Gort: is there a second? Commissioner Winton: I'll second. 144 5110,101 Vice Chairman Gurt: Second. Discussion. Commvissioner Winton: 1 want to -- there's a number of things that I want to say. And one is that Commissioner Regalado, i agree with one principal point of your argument here, and that is what's fair to the people. 1 agree 100 percent. It isn't fair to keep the people on, dangling from a string. They either need to know they're going, or that they have an opportunity to stay, not that this is going to go on forever and ever, and you can't figure out what your livelihood's going to be. I think that what I'm conccnied about here -- and i don't have a problem with your recommended change, Commissioner Regalado, to this IUP. There are those out there who think that -- I don't, I just don't, 1 don't have it quarrel with that. I think you figured out how that ntig,ht work. And I'd he shocked tf developers couldn't figure out liow to make t -at work. But T Wyant to get buck to Commissioner 'I-eele's point. And that is that lie thinks we're really rushinC; this way too quickly. Awd I think that's the issue we really need to focus on here for a minute. And the reason l think we need to focus on that is because this history -- this City has a pretty sordid history of issuing RFPs, and the development community gets jerked around all over the place. .And it's very discouraging. .And i'\ e had, you know, people walk tip to nie that apparently would know some national developer somewhere, and say, you know, I'm not sure we really want to -- Now, the response %we've had has been pretty good. People have conic to the table. But the signals that we send are crucial. In fact, (lie end result is the most important. This is probably the first time we've sent out a real RFP fora major project in the City in a long tinic. i mean, it's been a while since one's Sone out. And the old ones that used to go out were the ones that were always wrapped up in all kinds of junk. And we have as opportunity here to set a new standard for the City that encourages the best developers in the world to comic to our City, and that's what v<e want to encourage. The last thing we want to do right now is prove to that community again that we're incapable of responding and making a decision on our request for people to come to the City to develop. .And so I'm taking your words, Commissioner Teele, to heart here. I think if we're -- There's two points here, and there's two different kind of paths. One is a political path, and that is where Commissioner Regalado has been on this point about the fish market for some time, you know And I know that he's been on the radio with the folks from the fish market a lot. And I would suspect -- and I have no quarrel with this. I his is his right. Commissioner Regalado: Not together. Commissioner Winton: Well, whatever. Commissioner Regalado: But that's an issue that yesterday -- Commissioner Winton: Yeali, the issue, right, as a journalist. And -- Commissioner Regalado: And let me. tell you why, Johnny, just -- Commissioner Winton: No, no, I'm not quarreling that. Commissioner Regalado: No, no, no, but dust to be brief. Dena, I'm not going to tell you, "1 told you so," but when we talked, I said, look, the media, the mainstream media and even the ethnic media is not interested in a mega yacht marina. That would be just a note on the Business Mondav Edition. But when _ government bullies and evicts dozens and dozens of workers that is news. No -- it's not about a decision; 145 5.-1(1101 it's not about a wrong decision or right decision. It's not about the end of this goal. It's about news. And it's very visual. And that's why all the TV stations yesterday had all this, and I'm telling you, 1 said -- and I will repeat this -- 1 said, if the City decides to evict those fishermen and not include them in the new development, as they should be, paying whatever, doing whatever the code says, I will campaign against this issue co►-te November. And I will, because for me -- Comntissioner Winton: Commissioner Regalado, could I have the floor back, please? Commissioner Regalado: No -- yeah, sure. But I'm just going to clarify. I wasn't with them. I bet invited to programs. And besides, I work on three, four radio stations. Commissioner Teele: You better be careful. I just -- that's my problem. I got invited to a program. And these people call in and they say what they want to say. You be careful. Commissioner Winton: And Commissioner Regalado really finished my point. And my point is that he's made a commitment. which is his right, to campaign against this from a referendum standpoint, if there isn't some resolution here. That would be the worst thing in the world that could happen to us as it relates to the RFP, because we would have then failed again, and it could be forever for us, forever. Nothing is forever, but it could he another ten years before we would be able to attract world-class developers to our community, as it relates to any City joint venture deal. And that's a problem that I would -- that I think is mandatory for us to avoid. And the other, the second parallel path deals with what Commissioner Teele is talking about, and that is the sense that we're rushing this too greatly. And I'm going to say the same thing over again I think if there is concrete identification of real potential pitfalls here, then we do need to. right now, right now. pull the plug on this, because the opportunity to respond and get this RFP on the ballot this year creates virtually no tolerance for error and for battles. And if we don't do it this year, it's two more years, which means really tluee years from now, almost, two and a half years before an RFP could be held. Commissioner Teelc: No, that's not true. Vice Chairman Gort: You could have it next year. Commissioner Winton: Howl Commissioner Teele: Two years, two years. This could be on the ballot conte November, is that correct? Commissioner Winton: Two years from November. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Commissioner Winton: Right, which is two and a half years from now. Vice Chairman Gort: This can he on the ballot next year. Commissioner Winton: How's that? 146 5/10/01 �i+Zr'z�tt�s Mr. Vilarello: No. Two years from November. Vice Chairman Gort: Why not'? Commissioner Winton: We don't h,-ve a general election next year. Vice Chainnan Gort: Oh, it has to be on a general elution? Mr. Vilarello: Watson Island, the Charter requires that it be a referendum held at a general election. Vice Chairman Gort: Oh, OK. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Commissioner Winton: By the way, we have a Charter Review Committee at work. Commissioner Teele: (inaudible, speaking off mike.) One thing you don't want to do is try to property is try to slip one by, that there is a deliberate process, circuit breaker. Let me tell you something, Johnny. I'm listening to this, and you're saying something, and you're really, really reaching, because you know and 1 know that if you approve this resolution, you have just made some sausage. What we're doing now is we're saying in this area -- and without regard to any professional recommendation. There is no maritime expert saying this will work, this won't work, if you do this, you're going to affect this turning radius or this turning base. I mean, you know, this is old Miami at its best. And if this were your committee, if this was a -- you wouldn't let it go foward, Johnny. You'd stop it. And I heard you tell people 100 times, this is going to be done, but we're going to do it deliberately, and it may take five years to get it done. But let's do it right. Johnny, listen just for a minute. Every major project this City has done in the last six or seven years has had a flaw built into it. Right now, we are dealing with the area there acres from Monty's. What's that thing called'? Unidentified Speaker: Grove harbor. Commissioner Teele: Grove Harbor. Grove Harbor has !laws. Are they flaws that a detailed professional, vetting an analysis would have picked up? Probably. Or are these flaws that were so secret, so hidden that no one would have ever known? And that's got to be the test. in the -- what's the Sherman Whitmore Building? 1 don't even know what the building was. Commissioner Winton: Same thing. Commissioner Tecle: It's the same building'? Commissioner Winton: Grove Harbor. Commissioner Teele: Is it the same identical building;? Commissioner Winton: Sherman Whitmore was Grove Harbor. 147 5110101 Commissioner Teele: How long was that thing, that RFQ flawed and tied up between a guy who came to town that didn't have two pennies to rub, and he fooled the whole City. Commissioner Winton: That was probably the Commission, not the fault of the RFP. Commissioner Teele: No. But the problem here, Johnny, every problem -- it's not Dena's fault. Dena's doing a professional joh, even though she's been back in the City -- how long? How long have you been back? You were gone for a year or so. You've been back -- what? About a year? Ms. Bianchino: I don't remember. Seems like about it year. Mr. Lima: Sccros like 100 years. Commissioner Tecle: But the fact of the matter is this thing hasn't been vetted. This thing hasn't been analyzed. This thing hasn't been scrubbed down. We have never had a professional maritime consultant that understands -- and for the first time, I heard the Manager say something he didn't say before. i don't really like -- I don't mean to misquote the Manager. He just said: I don't really like the mega yacht marina. In that discussion, lie said: That's something you all approved. And that's the first time I've -- you've said it before? Nlr. Gimenez: iso. Commissioner Winton: No, that isn't what he said. Mr. Gimenez: What I said was that 1 don't like to restrict, you know, world class developers, and 1 want them to come in with their best ideas. They're going to look at it. If a mega yacht marina makes sense there, that's great. I mean, but I didn't want to put it as a requirement, because then you say you've got to Commissioner Teele: And 1 respect that position. But I also believe, Mr. Manager and Commissioner Winton, I also believe that there are some overriding policy issues. We may say we want a fish market, and you've got to do that. i would feel better about saying you've bot to do that. And I would go so far as to say there's other restrictions you could put on people, requiring that local fish markets which operate in the City of Miami have certain levels of preference. That's permissible. But the point I'm doing is this is sausage making here, gentlemen. And we need to be careful. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele and Commissioner Winton, if you'd give me a minute, I'd like to clarify some things. The only reason -- and correct me if I'm wrong -- the Chairman stands there -- that we put the mega vaeht marina is because one of our committees came to us and said, we have to have it. If not, it's not right. OK? So that's the reason why this Commission voted on it, because the Waterfront Advisory Board came in here, and I don't know who else, and said this had to be part of it, they have to have it. That's it. Commissioner Teele: Willy, 1 just want to say one thing. 1 raised the question of the mega yacht marina. The reason I raised it, because I was privy to some very detailed analyses by the Minister of Transportation in the Bahamas that identified that mega yacht marinas between Florida and the Bahamas 148 51,10/01 has a potential market in twenties of millions of dollars. There is a major shortage. There are people who are in the Mediterranean, have no place to bring their marinas (sic). And the Bahamian Ministry was studying this issue. They had consultants. They had some Norwegians. They had a bunch of people in there. And I took from that, you know, two years ago, that there is a shortage. i've talked to several other people and everybody -- mega yacht marinas, 1 mean, you know, if you've got a yacht, it's big, big, big, big, big money. We're not talking about -- you know, we're talking about the things that Aristide Onassis (sic) was rolling around in . That's what we're talking shout. We're not talking about extra big cruise -- I mean an extra big yacht. And we needed to know that. But maybe that market is dried up. Maybe that market is gone. Maybe some of that demand has been filled. I'm sure it hasn't. But who's the professional here? We're repeating behind a committee. We're repeating behind the public. With all due respect to :hc Waterfront Board, they brought in some information about the need for mega yacht marinas is what I rementbe:. They had a big study on that. But where is the professional? Where is the firm that is huilding mega yacht marinas ill Bahrain, and in Saudi Arabia, that understands worldwide? This is not a Miami issue. Mega yacht marinas is a global, worldwide issue. Commissioner Winton: So, Commissioner, may I have the floor back again? I don't -- it's hard for me to keep the floor here. Vico Chairman Gort: Don't yield anymore. Commissioner Winton: I don't mind. Commissioner Teele, and to your point -- and that's where I was headed whit this. I don't want to be a part of another mistake on an RFP. I don't want -- I want the world-class developers to be in a position where they're responding to us, and they know that there's something serious, and they know they're going to get the deal done. l don't have the confidence right now, geivcn the level of debate, Commissioner Tecle. I don't have cite confidence here that, even if this thing moVes for vard, that the development community is going to be able to develop a deal at the end of the day. And that would be the worst thing in the world to happen to us. So I have a question for you, and ilial is, maybe what I think you are saying is that what you would like us to do is regroup? i don't know exactly. I know you want us to regroup, but what specifically are you recommending? What steps spceiTcully are you recommending we take here? Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, with all due respect, I strongly recommend we bring in a maritime mega yacht marina team that talks about the capacity, worldwide. It's not a Florida capacity issue. It's a worldwide capacity issue. And where the mega yacht gurus -- and, you know, there's probably 40 guys or 20 people around the world, most of whom probably Norwcg;ian and Getman names, you know, to be very candid, or more appropriately, Greck names that know this business. We haven't had anybody with a funny Greek accent down here talking; to us, you know'.) I mean, you know, and how can we say we're in this business if we don't get the expert! Commissioner Winton: So i don't think we can get this done. So -- and I don't want to be in the middle of a battle in September or October, after the development community has spent a lot of real money, and we're pouring cold water all over their plans. So I don't know what it would mean for us to -- you know, how we gracefully get out of the RFP that we've already initiated. But - Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, Commissioner Winton, let ime.just say this: I don't think we ought to do it. I think we should ask the management, file Manager to look at this, 149 5110101 �I�I�Aj61� Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. There's a motion. Commissioner Winton: Well, I'm still discussing something. Commissioner Teele: No, no. He's discussing something. I would -- Commissioner Winton: I'm not making a motion. I'm asking questions right now. Commissioner Teele: The maker of the motion will be -- will consider withdrawing. Let the process go forth. Vice Chairman Gort: Will the maker of the motion withdraw his motion? Commissioner Teele: No, he doesn't need -• he's speaking out loud. fie doesn't need to do that. Commissioner Winton: Right. I'm not -- right. Commissioner Teele: Commissioner Winton. what I would recommend is that we take up Commissioner Regalado's motion, vote it up or down, and then ask that the item be placed back on the agenda at the next meeting for -- We can't do it on the meeting, the 24`h'1 Ms. Bianchino: Could 1 just say something that -- Commissioner Teele: You will, and I'll let you. Just let me finish. That we place this item on the agenda for the 24"', as to determine whether or not we are going to go forward with the RFP process or we're going to basically pull it and start over, and do that. And the reason -- and I need the Attorney to say that it's legal, that we can do that at the next meeting. I thought we had until June. Because I think the point -- vis. Bianchino: ,lune 20'h Commissioner Teele: Twenty-fourth of May. Is that right? Commissioner Winton: OK. Finish -- Commissioner Teele: Can we defer this item and make that decision? Because the staff is going to lobby very hard. There is going to he -- I mean, and you should. You should make your points known. 1 want to sit down with you, Duna, and understand it. But I'm going to tell you something else, which came to mind in this debate. Somebody ought to go get John Myers and interview him, and find out what his experience was, and find out what went right and what went wrong. And you know what, Johnny? 1 will tell you this, because there was a law firm that has gone out of business that I was with, and I represented Mr. 'Myers. He spent over a million dollars ($1,000,000) or made over a million dollars ($1,000,000) in commitments, only to see this thing go down the drain. He's also the guy who developed, by the way, Firehouse Number -- the one in Brickell. 150 5/10,101 Commissioner Winton: Four. Commissioner Teele: Firehouse Number 4. He was also the developer of that. Arid he's the person we -- we need to 'earn from our experiences and our mistakes, And if Mr. Myers comes here, and interviews and talks to us, maybe i would he in agreement to do it. But I think this is half-baked at this point. But 1 don't think we ought to decide here and now, without having the benefit of some private discussions with the Manager and the management team, and consultants that the Manager may make available to us. Commissioner Winton: I want to hear what the staff has to say, because there is a timing issue here. .And the longer we wait, the more the development community is doing -- The RFP is already out there. People are already spending real money to respond. And so 1 don't want to wait another two -- I want to hear what the staff has to say about the impact waiting is going to have on our credibility, and the kind of monies that developers are going to be spending, getting, to where they're getting, if we're postponing further. Mr. Gimenez: Commissioner, I'd like just to say before we answer that, is that the philosophy that 1 instilled into, you know, Dena and the Planning Department on the issue of the RFP was that we don't have the experience to tell people what it is we should put on that land. We've been doing that for a long time, anti that's why we have Grove liarbour, because we say, you've got to do dee-dee-dee-dec-dee-dec. And then you kno" what:in the end, it doesn't make economic sense. So what we really want to do is leave it pretty open, and have the people from Greece, et cetera, that when they respond and they say, well, this is a husiness plan for this island. This is the way that we can make money, you can make money, and then we pick the best one. So there's a difference of philosophy here, you know. I guess, between, you know, the Commission and the administration as to why that RFP was pretty open, and why, when you asked me, should we have, should we, you know, dictate a mega yacht marina, 1 would say no, because we don't know if a ntega vacht marina makes sense there, We have to have the experts, the developers. the People that are going to put up the cash to tell its that, yes, it makes sense there. Maybe they want to come back and say, you know, the best thing to have there is a fish market. OK? You know? And that would have been tine with me. OK? But we decided to have a mega yacht. So I just wanted to tell you where I was coming from and where, you know, I would continue to go to in the future in any kind of RPP. Leave it pretty open. We have a broad policy direction of what we want to sec in there, and let the developers come and tell its what they think will work. .And then you all in the end can pick what you want to see there, but knowing that they already are on board, that would make economic sense. And Dena, you can say whatever you want. Ms. Bianchino: Commissioner Winton and Commissioner Tecle, in particular, I think- it would be highly unfair of us to continue this process at this time. These developers have been asking us incredibly detailed questions. They're planning. They have architects. I think to even allow this to go longer than an additional two weeks would be doing a major disservice to the development community. And if you want to postpone this RFP, you need to do it today. That's my recommendation. Commissioner Regalado: :'ve got a question that's separate from the fish market. 1 was told, or somebody sent a fax to me that you modified the RFP to eliminate time-share that was on the original RPP'? 151 5/10/01 Ms. Bianchino: It was never in the original RFP. The original RFP allowed for a residential use -- it disallowed residential use. It was determined by staff that a time share, because it is, in effect, it's a residential use, it would not be allowed. Commissioner Regalado: So it was never placed, it was never mentioned on the original'? Ms, Bianchino: There word "time share" was never in the REP. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Dort: Yes. Commissioner Regalado: I have a motion, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Cort: There's a motion now, doing the motion. Commissioner Sanchez: Well it's to -- Vice Chairman Gort: Question. How many developers have answered? I know you had a meeting. Ms. Bianchino: We've sold 51 RFPs. Just from the written responses, you know, everything is in writing that we do, you know, there are. 1 would say, between three to five very serious people out there who are working with their architects, and coming up with schemes. And again, I want to say that if we have doubts at this point, we need to be fair to them, and we need to end it today. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There is a motion and a second. Further discussion? Commissioner Sanchez: The motion on the floor, Mr. Attorney, could you state the motion'? Vice Chairman Gort: Roll call. Commissioner Regalado: The motion is -- Vice Chairman Gort: The motion on the floor is to include that they changing the wording from -- Commissioner Sanchez: From "suggested" to "require"? Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Commissioner Regalado: "Suggested" to "require" a fish market in the RFP, yes. That is the motion. Roll call. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Roll call. Commissioner Regalado. 152 5/10101 0 • Commissioner Regalado: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Tcele. Commissioner Teele: Let me think. Keep going, keep going. Commissioner Sanchez: No, no, no. Go ahead, vote. It's time to fish and out bait. Commissioner Teeic: Mr. Attorney what -- Commissioner Sanchez: The public will speak. Commissioner Teele: What's my right? Mr. Vilarello: I believe on the roll call, you've been called next, Commissioner Teele: Text. Mr. Vilarello: No. Commissioner Teele: Let me tell you, voting for this is simply saying that we're not ready to go forward. The idea of sitting up here and doing -- this is the equivalent of doing what the Commission did when they moved the mid-level courts in -- Commissioner Winton: I'm going to move another resolution after this vote is over. Commissioner 1'cele: I vote "yes" then. I don't want to vote "yes." I do want to help you, but I'm voting "yes," because the best way to solve this and try to get this done right is to start over. And in my judgment, by making this decision here at this point, where we're without the benefits of consultants, and engineers, and maritime engineers, we basically are making a mess of the thing. So I'm going to vote "yes." Mr. Foeman: Continuing roll call. Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: Yes. Mr, Foeman: Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Vice Chairman Gort. Vice Chairman Gorl: Yes. Mr. Balsera: Thank you. _14,1111 153 5110101 0 The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-435 A MOTION REVISING THE LANGUAGE, OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR WATSON ISLAND DEVELOPMENT, TO REQUIRE A FISH MARKET AS PART OF SAID PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman, I would like to move that we withdraw the RFP from the market, effective immediately. Commissioner Teele: Second the motion. Commissioner Sanchcz: Discussion. Vice Chairman Gort: Moved and seconded. Discussion. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, this will leave a sour taste in a lot of developers. We've just spent -- we just held a development summit here in the City of Miami to attract not only local, but national and international developers to come here and showcase the City, and tell them that the City was heading in the right direction. l think that this decision that we're going to make is definitely going to leave the City with a black eye. And I'll tell you what, Mr. Teeie, you always use this statement that you use. We're throwing the baby out with the bathwater here. The statement about the mega yacht marina, when the original RFP came forth, it did not have a mega yacht marina. It just had a marina. And Mr. City Attorney or Mr. City Manager, correct nic if I'm wrong. It was through the advice of the Waterfront Board, which they're not considered experts, but they are the ones that have more information and more knowledge about the waterways and what affects the City. They came forth and they said that a mega yacht marina would be in the best interest for the City of Miami, reference revenue. I also made the statement that the City of Miami is not capitalizing on a major revenue that we're not obtaining, because Fort Lauderdale has taken it all away from us. The mega yacht industry, it's billions of dollars in Fort Lauderdale. And if don't believe me, ask Wayne Huizenga -- OK? -- that invested a lot of money in that. 154 5110101 • 0 People that are coming here with large boats do not have a place to dock. And these are people that dock their boats, and they're spending thousand and thousands of dollars on their vachts. So they can't comic here. They have to go some place else. So that's why when the recommendation was made to this Commission, as well as the administration, this Commission accepted a mega yacht marina. And now, we're basically saying, well, we don't have experts on the mega yacht marina. Let's just throw it out. If we're going to throw out an RFP, that really, whether it's, you know, whether it's going to have a long effect on the City or not, and if we could sit back and wait a couple of years, we're going to have to wait two years to put this RFP now. this was money that we could've anticipated bringing in as a revenue for the City to do a lot of things in the City that we need. Now, to vote against this and basically say that we're going to toss out this RFP, believe me, this will have an after shock effect in this community for some time. So i will not support that, because it is -- we've worked so many -- 1 mean, we've worked to hard to put out one RFP. When was the last time this City put out an RFP? Tell me what -- how many years ago, Dena, please. Commissioner Winton: Far more importantly, a successful one. Commissioner Sanchcz: Well, a successful one. Let's take it. Vice Chairman Gort: Four years ago, it was accepted, and we're still at it. We haven't been able to implement it. Commissioner Sanchez: Four years ago, this City put out an RFP, and today, it's still in litigation. Cost -- Coitnnissioner Teelc: And it's in litigation, why? Commissioner Sanchez: Well -- Conunissioner Tecle: Why is it in litigation? Commissioner Sanchez: Well. it's in litigation for a lot of reasons. For a lot of reasons. Vice Chairman Gori: No, they're not in litigation. Commissioner Sanchez.: All right. Commissioner Teelc: My point. Vice C'hainuan Gort: They're not in litigation. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, it's under dispute or whatever. It's dragging on for so many years. So this is.just -- Let me tell you, we're basically here, we're throwing out the baby with the hathwater. And I ask this Commission to think about the future of this City. Think about the City before we toss out an RFP that the City administration has put a lot of time into it, tate Commission has put a lot of time into it, and people have invested money into it. You know what? If I was a developer and you did that to me, I wouldn't invest another penny in this City. 155 5/10101 Commissioner Teele: All right. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, on the discussion. Yes, sir. Commissiorer Tccle: Mr. Chairman, under discussion. The baby with the hathwater analogy would be appropriate if we are not going to -- we're going to lose an opportunity forever. 'the point that 1 have continued to try to say is that this is land that will be here when our issue, our children and their children are gone. We're not missing or losing anything by stopping, taking our time and ensuring that it's done right. I don't know of any place in Florida -- there are plenty places in the Bahumas -- hilt I know of no place in Florida that has real estate like this in a downtown urban core left today. The fact that we'rc having this discussion and debate, the fact that we have not had an expert or maritime experts that have come before us, whether they have Greck accents, or Norwegian accents, or just Bahamian accents, ti)r that matter. 7 he tact o1' the matter is, we are entitled to have experts to advise us through this very important process. Mr. Manager. specifically to your comment, Mr. Manager, specifically to your comment, I fully subscribe to the notion that we should give the maximum flexibility to the developer and development. But 1 also believe, as we're doing in the process relating to Bayfront Park, that there are policy issues that this Commission needs to make. We don't need to just throw it out there and say, build anything. The debate henveen on the slip versus museums versus open space is the kind of policy (inuudible) that we have a right -- indeed, an obligation -- to put on land. And it's not just whatever anybody wants to put. It's not just whatever uplands they want to do. We should know clearly what it is we want to see. We should not :imit unfairiy the developer, but we should know where the market is. And finally, in that regard, I think it's very, very important that we have experts in a narrow area of this commercial issue. This has nothing to do with the Waterfront Hoard, with all due respect, or the fine professionals to Planning and in Economic Development and Marketing, and all of the departments, Conventions and Marinas and all of that. With all due respect to all of that, none of our people are flying around to Turkey, and Pakistan, and Bahrain, and Saudi Arabia, and Italy, and Monte Carlo. This is the business that we're talking about going after. And we are entitled to make an informed decision with an informed process that is enlightened. And I think we're swimming in the dark. 1 am for developing this site. I'm for going out with an RFP process that is a thoughtful process. But I'm for -- I'm absolutely for this Commission being advised properly. And it's the same issue on any of these other issues where we talk about bonds. We need to hear from a financial advisor. You don't just rely upon staff. Every government in this country, every government in this United States -- and Willy, you're the expert in this'- - every major fovernment in this United States relies upon a financial advisor before they do an issue. Is that a fair statement, Willy, or not'' Vice Chainman Gort: On a bond issue, ycs. Commissioner Teele: On a bond issue. OK? And what I'm saying -- Vice Chairman Gott: But their job, their job is to look at what the market is doing on the day and when you're going to go on the issue. Commissioner Teele: Look at the market and look at what's going on. Vice Chairman Gorr: Not on the project, though. 156 5/10101 Commissioner Teele: And that's the same analogy that I'm making. We don't have an expert that's looking at this market. And I don't think we should rely upon developers to tell us whether it's a good market or a bad market, or are we going to get a good deal or a bad deal. We should have somebody here that has reviewed 41) of these mega yacht marinas that know exactly what the slip space is, the docking: space, the catering; cost, the -- yov know, the various amenities that these marinas have, how much the heliport space is going to cost for the helicopter to take off and come back. We need to know that before we dry it. Most of these yachts have their own helicopter on board. So I mean. you know, let's be real. Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman. vice Chainnan Dort: Yes, sir. Go ahead, Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Commissioner Teele, or Commissioner Sanchez, 1 share your concern hugely about the -- you know, our pulling; an RFP, you know, a month atter we had a major development summit. There's no two ways around it, that doesn't help us, at all. However. I am convinced that we would be hurt exponentially worse if we bet down the road with this RFP and something sends it haywire. Commissioner 'I cele, I guess l don't -- there's a part of your argument that 1 absolutely accept, and a part that I guess I'm a little more comfortable with the process that's going on than maybe you are. I'm not so uncorrtfortablc that Ove don't understand all the market data related to mega yacht marinas. But I guess I've read enough: anecdotal Dil'ormation about what's going on in the industry that I'm pretty comfortable ilia( there's a heck: of a demand right now for that kind of service in South Florida, greatly needed. And frankly, from a development standpoint, timing; is pretty good. And I don't know what three years is going to he. Timing; may he lousy in three years. I Inwever, I'm going; to go hack to the point that I made in the beginning. This Commission on an issue like this has to be united. And if we're not united, there's too many opportunities 1br any one of us to pick something apart later. There's more decisions for us to make clown the road. and I don't, again, want to be in a situation where, because we don't have a united frow on this issue, we find reasons not to like whatever it is down the road, and we really make a big mistake. .end so for that reason, I'm going; to continue to press forward, to call off this RPP, and then I'm g;uing; it) have two further resolutions following the vote on this issue. Vice Chairman Gort: Under discussion. I hate to disagree with all of you, but I think one of the things that we've done is we're going to let the private sector come in, and from the list of people that I know lta%c applied for this, you have sonic major, major developers. And those guys are not going to come in blind in here. Those guys are going to do -- what you want us to do and pay for, they're going to do it themselves. They're the ones that are going; to go out and do the research. 'they're the ones that are going to hire the professional to do the study and see if it makes sense, what they put together. And this gives then, an opportunity. What -ve're doing is putting; two restrictions, -which 1 think are not bad at all. I think a rneg;a yacht marina is very important. We need it. I think there's a great need for it, especially on Watson Island. "that's a very attractive area, right across from the downtown Miami and so on. At the same time, the fish market is something that groes along with the -- any development that's going to take place in an island, like that one. That could make a livautiful project. The developers themselves are the ones ilia[ arc going to tell you it works, or it doesn't work. If they don't believe that it's going; to work, they're 1101, going; to answer the RFP. if they believe it works, and they have the experts to give them the go-ahead, they're going to go ahead and do it. So that's why I don't have any problem. Let it out. Let them come back and tell us if it works or not. So I will be voting against the motion. Any further discussion? 1517 5/10/01 Commissioner Teele: Well, I'm through with it, except for one thing. If everybody that wants this gets what you want, and we're willing to accept that we really don't have stn expert, you know where the rubber is going to meet the road`' When you start evaluating, and you start trying to determine apples to apples and oranges to oranges, and dah -- and I'm telling you -- Commissioner Winton: But couldn't we get experts at the table then to help with that evaluation process, Commissioner Teele? Commissioner Teele: We can do that, and we should have done that, and that's what I've been asking for, for four months. We now got ,tune, we're in .tune already, and the RFP's conte back when? Commissioner Winton: .lune 2W1. Mr. Gimenez: We will also have an evaluation committee. The evaluation committee should have those experts on board. Commissioner Winton; But June 20 they all come back. .And Commissioner Teele, if it weren't for your opposition here and Commissioner Regalado's concerns here, 1 wouldn't be initiating this resolution, just so you understand. because I think that we can build in the safeguards. But I'm -- I don't want to move -- Commissioner 'Keele: But Cc)mmissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton, 1 feel more strongly about the Marlins Stadium site. I think that is the dumbest decision this Commission has made. But I defend it, and I will continue. And I've been working, and I've been to Washington, and I'm talking to the Secretary, trying to get money to do the linkages and do it. We got about a hundred million dollars we got to spend in inti•astructtire to make that thing work. I'm not going to go out here and had mouth it, and work against it. I'm a scam player. Once there is a vote, there is a vote. But I'm telling you, that's the worse -- that is the most un -vetted, non-thought-duoubh decision we've made here. And we need to slow down this, because we're getting ready to start making the mistakes of the past. The Miami Arena will stand as a living testimony to decisions that arc made by this Commission on the fly and in the tush. The decision to take the sky boxes from mid -court and to move them to the top court was made right at the very end, trying to save nine million dollars ($9,000,000), or whatever it is, to put it to the Coconut Grove -- Commissioner Winton: Convention Center. Commissioner Teele: -- Convention Center. And that was a decision, with all due respect to the professionals and all of the people who were involved, because there was no otic who was advising this Commission. We were relying upon the developers. They were. I wasn't here, but 1 accept that responsibility no%%-. Vice Chairman Gort: None of us were here at that time. At this time, 1 think this item has been discussed quite a bit. Roll call. Commissioner Sanchci: And it's to pull the RFP, right? 158 5110/01 Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Mr. Foeman: Roll call. Vice Chairman Gort: The motion is to pull the M. Mr. Foeman: Roll call. Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: No. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Yes. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: No. Mr. Foeman: Vice Chairman Gort. Vice Chairman Gort: No. Mr. F'oentan: Motion dies. Vice Chairman Gort: So Commissioner Regalado's motion stands. OK. Now, we -- Commissioner Winton: I guess 1 don't need to do my other two motions. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, gentlemen, this still does not take care of the problem that we have in Watson Island. Commissioner Regalado, I want you to understand, this doesn't take care of their problem. We need to solve this problem. We need to work with these individuals that are presently in there. Mr. Gimenez: Mr. Chairman, I need to put on the record that, you know, this Manager will continue to enforce the code. And I'll he willing to work with anybody and try to come to a resolution. But, you know, we have to enforce the code. Vice Chairman Gort: Get them in here. Mr. Balsera: If I can have a couple seconds. On behalf of Casablanca -- Commissioner Sanchez: Who is this? 159 5/10/01 Vice Chainnart Gort: Yes, sir, go ahead. Now, we're dealing with the other issue now. The RFP is out. We're dealing with the other issue now. Mr. Balsera: Yeah, the issue of -- the Toning issue. Martin Tritt: Well, I would just like to make this statement. My name is Martin Tritt. 5261 LaGorce Drive. October will be 23 years that I'm running the bait, fuel facility oil Watson Island. The fish market and myself are probably the only ones that provide a service to the little people of Miami. I'm open late for bait purchases and stuff; but that's not what I'm really concerned about. And when I talk of you as far as City Managers and Commissioners, I am not talking about you all personally, because you weren't involved. But I believe that in the last 22 years of inertia -- Mr. Vilarcllo: Commissioners. Commissioners, excuse me. Commissioner Sanchez: Sir, we don't have a quorum. Mr. Tritt: What:? Commissioner Sanchci.: We don't have a quorum. Mr. Tritt: Well. Mr. Vilarello: There has been a suggestion that we lack a quorum, tnd at this point, we can't go forward with the meeting. Commissioner Tcele: Mr. Chairman -- sir, because we don't have a quorum, we cannot continue. But what 1 think would be good is ntaybe if we could -- if we could take maybe a ten minute break. I mean, it's very hot in here, Mr. Manager. Did we pay the lights, the air condition bill this year'? We got a problem? Commissioner Sanchez: Also, this was a public hearing. so you'll have an opportunity to speak. Commissioner I cele: We have a quorum now. We have a quorum. Go right ahead, sir. Mr. Tritt: OK. First of all, you have three very ambitious projects planned for Watson Island. You've bot the Parrot Jungle, the Visitors and Conventions Bureau, and Aviation Center, and the Children's Museum. I don't think that you have any inkling of an idea of how much the Parrot Jungle is going to bring into the City of Miami or ]tow much traffic they're going to create. You stand a very good chance of not -- by not waiting; until these three projects are in place of rendering the McArthur Causeway useless, and making it impossible for the rich people on Star Island and Fisher Island to get to their homes. I'm not saying; that it definitely could happen, but it certainly could. Also, I attended all the transportation meetings, and the primary entrance for the port was a tunnel under Watson Island. Now, this couldn't even be considered, and this would he the thing that would take out the traffic from the center of the City of Miami. So if the Transportation Department decided to go ahead with their idea of a tunnel, it certainly would he disruptive to mega yachts. We just saw a beautiful presentation on Bicentennial Park today, 160 5110101 which they said could also include a mega yacht marina. At a very small cost of electricity, and pump -out stations and things like that, you could put a temporary mega yacht marina, which could be completed, immediately in Bicentennial Park. it would avail people on the mega yachts to central transportation on the Peoplemover, to participate in buying stuff in downtown Miami. They're not going to take cabs from Watson Island. The people who are probably very )rawly paid, from Watson Island, they're not going to take cabs to the City of Miami. But they probably would take the Peoplemover if the mega yacht marina was temporarily located over there near the station. Anyway, basically, that's why i think ,you should wait on this project until the others are -- Vice Chamnan Gort: Thank you, sir. Thank you. That was voted on already. Mr. Tritt: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. C'onhhissioncr 'reel c: 'I his is a public hearing. We really -- everybody had a right to be heard. Vice Chairman Gat: It's too late. Yeah. Yes, sir. Robert Parente: I li. I'm Robert Parente, Chairman ofthe City's Waterfront Advisory Board. i was kind of hoping that we would have the public hearing part, the input part before you voted, but I guess that's kind of it moot point. I know the word, "oopah," in Greek, Commissioner Teele. That's about it. But I hereby volunteer to -- Commissioner Teele. Are you the Greek expert I've been looking for? Mr. Parente: "That's right. No, I'm Italian. But I hereby volunteer to he flown to Monaco, Ibiza, and to San Rano to investigation mega yachts for you. Vice Chairman Gort: I agree with you, and I need to go with you and make sure we do. Mr. Parente: You gut it. Commissioner 'Teele, I do want to tell you, though, that the -- I know you feel this way about the Waterfront Board. We're volunteers, and we're very hard working. We have heard from a number of experts. I personally have taken my own time outside the meetings, and gone to Fort Lauderdale. I've met with the Associated Marinas of Fort Lauderdale. I have read every page of the RFP that the City of Fort Lauderdale put out for their mega yacht marina. I've met with principals who are interested in developing mega yacht marinas. And without a doubt, the empirical and anecdotal evidence is overwhelming,. There is a major market there. The reason -- and you'll never get an argument from me about wanting more time to study things. i've been accused of telling you how to build a watch when you ask me what time it is. But -- so the tithing issue, as far as the Waterfront Hoard is concerted, we would have luvcd more time. We were given a caveat. We came to you. We asked you for that additional time, and you gave it to us. We held two additional workshops, in addition to our regular meetings. I've gone back and looked through the minutes. And this issue came on our board two and a half years ago. We've been talking about it. And the only person who's ever conic to our Waterfront Board meetings to talk to us about it was the last speaker, Mr. Tritt. He's the only person who's ever conic to us before. Nobody else has. 161 5/10/01 Commissioner Teele: Who is that? Say that again. Mr. Parente: The gentleman who was just -- the previous speaker. Commissioner Teele: )'call. Mr. Parente: Is the only person from Watson Island of the current businesses who's ever attended one Waterfront Board meeting in the two years that i've been involved with it. And 1 have the minutes and read through every page of them to prove that. OK. Here's the problem. You voted. Why am l standing here? Because you've also included -- I'll shoot that thing in a second -- you've also voted to include -- 1 mean keep the RFP alive. So now I'm going to tell you what I've been told by major developers who said this will he a deal killer. 1 don't know -- Commissioner `i'eele: What's a deal killer? .Mr. Parente: The inclusion of the fish market into the deal. Now, let me just say this. Now that you have gone ahead with both things, what are you talking about'? What's a fish market? Because there's three things here. There is the catching of fish on charter boats and selling the excess to the public. There's commercial fishermen who go out and fish, and bring their catch back, and can sell it in a variety of ways -- wholesale, retail, on the dock, ice it, put it in a fish house. OK? And there's -- and this is what 1 think a'e have going; -- is where more than 70 percent of the fish that's being brought into Watson Island never sees a boat in Miami. It's brought in frozen oil a trick, OK? It's coming in through the backdoor into the market, and that's how it gets there. And it's not coming off a boat. So this is not a little guy Fishing and saying, hey, would you buy my fish? So when you say you're going to put a fish market in the RFP, that is such a broad thing that the developers are going to say, what are you talking about? Now, 1 hope the developers are smart enough -- and if you've ever been to Pike's Market in Seattle, Fulton Fish Market in New York City, those are fish markets. You know why they're there:' Because they have fishing; fleets. The fishermen actually bring their catch to the dock. Aside from dolphin, some shrimp and stone crabs and sone snapper, we really do not have an indigenous big fishing industry in South Florida. Now, I'm not an expert, Mr. Tecle. I'm a photographer and a video producer, and on that. I claim to be an expert. But I've done enough reading and enough research as my responsibility as the Waterfront Board Chairman to know that there isn't a huge fishing; industry here. And 1 know that from looking into what might go on at Grove Harbour, here at Dinner Key and a number of other places. 'I he fish that are sold -- I mean. the last time 1 threw a hook in the water. I never caught a salmon or an orange ruffy. But i did once Idol sonic tourists by hiding sonic live Maine. lobsters in my catch bag and brought them up, and said they were visiting for the winter. But you don't catch Maine lobsters here. So that stuff is going to be tnicked in. You need to clearly tell the developers what you mean by "fish market," what it is you expect them to do with that, and then it can be evaluated. I would have hoped to have told you to please not make it a must, but make it a strongly suggested use, and give a weighted balance to it, so that if it came in with a great fish market idea, and the developers fAt it would work, the selection committee could have said, that's the one we want. Because we said if that was included, we'd give it special consideration. But now, you've made it it "must." and that's going to be for some people who are dealing with -- Commissioner 'I'eele, you said it very clearly. These are people with 150 -foot, 200 -fool boats, with helicopters and so on and so forth. They expect very high-end retail, very high-end service, and that's whist they're looking for. And that's -- And why did we want that for the City? I'll never own a mega 162 5110101 yacht. I mean, i'll probably be lucky if I ever get a 25 -toot Boston Whaler, and I'll be thrilled. But why do we want that? Because you guys keep telling us.. reoccurring revenue, the City needs it. And we've took that as our charge, and that is the way to take that incredible, valuable piece of land and turn it into something that really makes some money for the City. Why not -- Listen, I went -- by the way, Commissioner Gort, I went to Fifth Street Pier when i was a little kid, three years old. ft's the first place I went when I came to 4lianti, at the age of three. And I remember the wooden docks, and the pelicans and the fishing boats. But that's not what we're talking here. So think you could have accommodated the fishing people on the river. maybe in Bicentennial Park. How would you like if when you were building Bayside, you required, that -- you said, well, but when you build Bayside, this has to be -- this doughnut has to be here, .Ind then you put -- fill in the hole. I don't know if Rauche would have ever built Bayside. So, please, define what you mean by RFP at this point, which really, what you're left to do. so that the City staff can put that RIP out there, the Amendment 4, which it'll be Amendment 4, and make sure it's clearly defined. And the last thing I'll say is, there's a very, very -- I think not a great chance that anybody -- the vendors that are out there now arc going to prevail and he the vendors selected. Ali you did was create the possibility. But there's a very likely chance they will not be the selected vendors. Thank you very much. Vice Chairman Gort: '!'hank you. C'ommissioncr Teele: Roburi, before you leave, let me just -- if 1 may, Mr. Chairman. You made every point that I made, and that is the point that in a vote to say it shall be there, we don't know. We have no idea the damage that we've done to the footprint, to the environment as it relates to what a high-end mega yacht is looking, for. But I don't think they're looking for a fresh fish market or the nuances that are associated with that. 1 don't know if that's the right location, and that was the point I made. But I want to he very clear about one thing. When this RFP was presented by the management, and even today, the Manager raised some questions about the mega yacht. The only thing that 1 have insisted upon was the mega yacht component. In fact, you may recall the long debate between Ms. Bianchino and myself about the title of the RFQ. It didn't even mention mega yacht. The only thing that I know I know is that there is a huge. huge, huge demand with huge revenue streams in comparison to anything else for a mega yacht marina. I'm not at all confused about that. I know there's a demand. I know there is a substantial demand. What bothers me more than anything now, with all due respect to all the comments that are made, I'm the one who has to vote, not the staff. And I don't have a comfort level that there is an expert who has, seen this process from the beginning to the bid submissions, and it's going to really get down to when the Gucci lobbyists overrun this place like we haven't seen since we dealt with solid waste, and, you know, my 30 percent of gross is better than his four million dollar ($4,000,000) guarantee, plus 28.3 percent of gross. And that's what it's going to get down to. And unless there is someone here on the scene who is prepared to say -- and they needed to have been advising us, not at the end of this process, because sonic guy %%ho gets off of a Lear jet that 1 don't know, and I can't determine if he's looking out the side of his eyes or, you know, flinching when you ask a hard question, I'm not going to have a comfort level in making my vote for some expert that appears on the scene two days bcfore the Commission voles. 1 mean, i think we re really selling this entire process down the river. We needed an expert in this process to guide us in our thinking, in the discussion, not to the detriment of you and the fine volunteers of the staff, but that's just the way it is. You don't snake billion dollar decisions -- and this is a billion dollar piece of property in the long run, -- based upon what somebody thinks is the best thing for us. And appreciate you coming. 163 5110101 1111011jItiL 0 0 Mr. Parente: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. Mr. P-Tente: You're welcome. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. We still have to deal with the Manager. Commissioner Teele: What did he say? Vice Chairman Gort: We still have to deal with the problem of the market right now. Commissioner Sanchez: No. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, we do. Commissioner Sanchcz: No, we don't. Commissioner Teele: You know what, Commissioner Gort? Yes, you do. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, you do. I mean, we have to deal with the problem we have. That did not take care of the problem that we have to deal with. Mr. Rollason: No. That's correct. Vice Chairman Gort: All right. Now, we need a motion -- and I want Regalado to get back in here -- for them to get together with administration and try to come back to us with some solution for the problem that we have on Watson Island right now. :Mario Hernandez: Commissioner. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, go ahead, sir. Mr. Mario Hernandez: if 1 may, please. The problem with the solution is -- my name is Mario Hernandez. 1 live at -- Commissioner Winton: Speak into the mike more. Mr. Hernandez: Mario Hernandez. 5826 Southwest 26'h Street. The problem that we have -- Commissioner Winton: What's your address again? I'm sorry. What's your address? Mr. Hernandez: 5826 Southwest 26"' Street. Commissioner Winton: Thank you. 164 5110i01 IIIIRIj[9I. • Mr. Hernandez: My interest is on the part of the fish market. The problem that they have, and 1 -- Vice Chairman Gott: 1'ou have to speak into the mike, sir. Mr. Hernandez: I'm sorry. The problem that they have and that the City Manacter faces as well, not adversarial, but the problem is that the City Manager wants them to abide by the South Florida Building Code. They did not get pennits in part, because they cannot get permits, because as a developer, i go through that process daily. If they were to show up to the County tomorrow with their permit application. it would not be accepted. because they do not have a legal lease, they do not have a folio, they can't present ownership of the property. Ona second -- (i\AL;DI131.L• COMMENT) Mr. Hernandez: Yeah, but on a second note, they have an implied lease. 'they have been there for "X" amount of years. They have been -- not on a legal tern, but they have -- in a way, they have. They have not been evicted. 'They were asked to get licenses and allowed to work there. They were allowed to invest money into that properly and work out of it. And I agree with something Commissioner Sanchez said, that, you knots , it is unfair to a certain point that they are not paying for their on -land use. And as a brother-in-law of the owners of Casablanca, i know that they not only want to pay for that use, but have wanted for a very long lime to improve beyond the ramsack system that they're on. But they have not been given that opportunity, because the City has problems with Watson Island and what they can do there. Vico Chairnian Gort: Sir, if you understand what I'm trying to do, I'm trying to get someone to make a motion for the administration to sit down with you all, so they can coma, back to us and try to come back wtth sonic solution for the problems that you have presently. OK? N -1r. Halsera: Mr. Chairman, Fred Balsera, 385 Alhambra Circle, Suite A, Coral Gahles, Florida. I just spoke to the Manager, and that's precisely what we're trying to do. V icc Chairman Gort: That's all 1 want, guys. 1 want somebody to make a motion, because 1 don't want you walking out of here, thinking that they can get -- you need -- Commissioner Regalado: What is the motion'? Vice Chainnan Gort: Your motion is for the administration to sit down with them, so we can come up with some kind of'solution for the existing problem that we have today. Mr. Balsera: We recognize that there are issues, that there are problems. You can't tum a blind eye to those issues. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Mr. Balsera: A lot of those issues precede a lot of the people here, and a lot of those issues precede this Commission and the current administration. So obviously, we want to work with the City, not against the City. And if we do that, I think- you're going to have a better end product. 165 5110101 IZ1Z�Z�I[ . i 0 Vice Chairman Gort: That's %%,hat we're asking. I want a motion from someone. Commissioner Regalado: I'll make the motion. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. Commissioner Regalado: Which is totally separate from the other issue of the RFP. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. For the City of Miami to sit down with the group and try to conte up with some solutions and solve sone of the problems that .ve have presently in the area. Commissioner Regalado: And by the way, 1 -- gust to set the record straight. There are two portable restrooms there. One is paid by the City. The other one is paid by the fishermen, just to stet the record straight. Commissioner Winton: Well, not that that helps anything. I mean, so what? Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner, these are the things we need -- Commissioner Regalado: So what? It means -- Commissioner 'Kinton: -Commissioner'Kinton: Commissioner Tecle -- I mean Regalado -- it's 7:30. Commissioner Regalado: It means the same thing that you all are saying, Arthur and Johnny. It means that we were given wrong information just a few minutes ago. Commissioner Teele: Yeah, but let me just say something. Vice Chainnan Gort: Commissioner Regalado -- Commissioner Teele: I have a bigger probiem with what you want to do, Commissioner Gort, because I want to do the same thing. But the Attorney needs to speak up. Now, Iook, if these fine people are aware of the problem -- Mr. Manager, you need to hear me on this. If these fine people are aware of the problem, they need to meet with the City Manager and the City Attorney, because we cannot provide any intetmediatc relief, in my judgment, unless you're going to sign onto a settlement agreement. jI mean. we cannot instruct the Manager to negotiate with somebody who's in violation and is in litigatiotj with us. I mean, you know, we're giving -- we need to make sure that the Manager and the Attorney and doing this, and we don't wind up on one hand agreeing to something, and then turn around and having somebody to sue lls. Commissioner Winton: And by the way, Commissioner Tecle -- Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele, what I'm asking is for the administration -- the adtpinistration includes the lawyers and everyone that has to deal with this problem. 166 5/1()/() I IIIIiIIII® 0 Commissioner Teeie: Not the last time I read the Charter. Vice Chainnan Gort: I'm sorry then. Commissioner Tee!e: The administration is the Manager. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. I amend that and put the lawyer to be part of that Commissioner Refaiado: 1 think that the first thing that we need to do is to direct the City Attorney -- not the Manager -- to meet with them, to see ifthv ewould reach the other -- what the other people did. .And I don't want to upset them or whatever. Mr. Vilarello: 'That's fine That is exactly what the other group did or another group did. Commissioner Regalado: But dust with the City Attorney, because there are separate issues here. You don't talk about garhave or code. You talk about legal things. 11'they agree, then you connnunicate to us that tile,, have agreed, and then the Manager will do the thing. Mr. Vilarello• ('omnussioner, I just want to make sure that we're clear that the settlement that was reached refen•cd to mooring of the vessels, and did not have anything to do with the upland use of the property. Commissioner 7 eele: Really'? Well, see, this is where 1 am on this, and 1 want to say this out loud, and i want the Manager to hear what I'm saying, or the Depatiment Director. 1 really believe, number one, that we cannot publicly, knowingly have buildings that don't meet Building Code operating around here. I mean, you know, we're going to have a hurricane season every year. You know, this is all beim; televised. And there's got to be a solution. i think the solution could be -- one of the solutions could be, is that I think, you know, we want -- the majority of us im here want to protect the people that are %corking and serving their families. 'file School Board every day is buying portables that meet the Building Code and can he placed there on an interim basis. And there's no reason why this City, if a majority agree on it, cannot find the funds to place it conforming use there on an interim basis. But there's no way we're going to do that for you it', on the other hand, you don't agree to what the reasonable requirements that the Attorney and the Manager are having. You can't have it both ways. And you are definitely subject to enforcement actions, and that's not harassment. In fact, with all of this coming out in the open, he's obliged to go out and enforce the South Florida Building Code. And if he doesn't, you know, we -- lie's going to have a problem with the Slate's Attorney in some circumstances or scenarios. So let's he very fair. You know, I'm not the guy who defends the Manager, but you've got to be fair with pet)plu. When they're doing their joh, they're doing their job. And it may seem like harassment to you, but this is not really about you. It's about the structures being such that we cannot afford to have those structures within the City limits once we know they're there. And so 1 think the solution, perhaps, Contn;issioncr Regalado -- and i'll follow your lead on this -- is to work with them. And maybe you could serve as a Commission liaison, and have a meeting with the City Attorney, and have a meeting there, and everybody that's got a deal, everybody that's got, you know, your facility, come in. We'll have sonic agreements that you and your lawyers can revicw, You've got a great lawyer here. He knows his way around. And maybe you all can agree that we know you're here, you know you're here, you know you're here without a lease or a legal right. And when and if the City ever gets around to develop this, you don't have a right to be there, 167 5/101O1 �III�I�j[x: • and we will have to make other arrangements for you. And there are a lot of other arrangements we can make. But the fact of the matter is, 1 believe that if you would sign that agreement, we could go out here and maybe work with the School Board or somewhere, GE (General Electric) or somebody that has these temporary buildings, and find a conforming use facility that could be made, you know, at OOT expense, at City's expense. You all are creating jobs. The last thing any of us want to do is put you out pf work. We have a right to do that. So 1 support the Manager. I'm saying that I support the Managgr's efforts to ensure we don't have non -conforming uses, in violation of the South Florida Building Code, particularly when it conies to this Commission. Commissioner Regalado: I mould -- iP1 may. Mr. Chairznun. Vice Chairnlan Gort: Go ahead. it's your motion. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. 1 would make the motion first. The first step, t thinks is the City Attorney. And then, we go on to the Manager, because it's unfair to the administration, you knew, to deal without knowing what the reaction is going to be. And I volunteer myself. I'll just go. Vice C'hairnnm Gort: OK There's a motion and a second. Commissioner Teele: Is that a motion to -- Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Commissioner Tcele: -- instruct the City Attorney to -- Commissioner Regalado: To meet with them to discuss issues that are pending. Commissioner Teele: And with them and their lawyers. Commissioner Teele: Them and their lawyers. And I will be present if the Commission wishOs to. Commissioner Teele: Second the motion. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. You're our liaison. Commissioner Tecie: You're the haison. Commissioner Regalado: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: You're in charge of that. There's been a motion and second. No furtherjdiscussion. Commissioner Sanchez: You're the fish bait. Commissioner T'eele: You're the fish bait. t Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor say "aye." 168 5/10101 The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez.: You're the fish man. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-436 A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY TO MEET WITH FISHERMEN CURRENTLY WORKING OUT OF WATSON ISLAND IN AN EFFORT TO RESOLVE PRO13LEMS WITH BATHROOM FACILITIES AND TO DISCUSS POSSIBLE RELOCATION FOR FISHERMEN; FURTHER DESIGNATING COMMISSIONER REGALADO TO SERVE AS A LIAISON REGARDING SAID ISSUE. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: 169 5/10/01 0 • 23. DIREC: T CITY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS SEEKING DECLARATORY JUDGMENT TO TERMINATE CURRENT AGREEMENT RELATED TO BUS BENCHES; DIRECTING MANAGER TO ISSUE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR BUS BENCHES. Vice Chairman Gor►: We're still on the Commissioners' items. I want you all to know that, OK? Commissioner- Tecle: Oh? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Regalado, you have one more. Commissioner Regalado: I have one. Commissioner Teele: I have one item, ITD. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, he's got one more. Commissioner Regalado: I have one. The item that I have is on the bus benches contract. Two years ago, I think -- maybe two years, maybe more, maybe less, I don't know -- we discussed this. Mr. Manager, you weren't here, so. Frank, you weren't -- you weren't the City Manager nor the Assistant City Manager. You 'XCUe in the prior department, which doesn't have to do anything with benches. But we complained about sonic of the issues that were pending on this situation. At that time, you know, we discussed maintenance, payment. Now, I have received several complaints in terms of maintenance. We have had several accidents, and we had one in Southwest 81h Street and 51'` sonic time ago. Then we had one in Southwest 27''' Avenue and 15`x' Street, I think, and another one in -- I don't -- I have the addresses there. But what it -- it really surprised me, and this is why I'm bringing this -- is that I got a letter where it says that the RF -- that the City had announced that they would issue an RFP (Request for Proposals), and that the Cite said that the company that has the contract was late, I think, one year or a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) -- I'm not sure of the amount -- with payment to the City. And my understanding -- and probably the City Manager will explain, tell me if I have wrong information -- is that the City plans to extend the contract of this firer that hus been negligent in payment to the City, and do not issue an RFP for other companies to compete. So I don't know, if that is the case, Mr. Manager. Carlos Gimenez Wit) -Manager): Well that's -- Commissioner Sanchez.: First of all, first of all, which company is this? What are we -- what are we talking about? Bus benches? John Jackson (Director, Public Works): John Jackson, Director of -- Commissioner Regalado: Bus, Bus benches. Mr. Gintenez: Bus Benches, Inc. Commissioner Sanchez: Bus Benches, Inc. 170 5110101 Mr. Jackson- Bench Ads America is the name of the bus bench provider right now. Commissioner Sanchez: And what is he talking about delinquent? What? Mr. Gimenez: There was a -- Commissioner Sanchez: Didn't pay his fees? What? — Mr. Gimenez: The company did not pay for a period of time, and they owed us some money, so we -- we cancelled the contract. The individual later came in after we initiated the RFP, and we struck a deal that said that he had to come into compliance. In other words, pay us the entire amount and that he would also have to post date a performance bond of a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000). Commissioner Sanchez: And did he post that? Mr. Gimenez: Yes. He's done -- we have (inaudible). Commissioner Sanchez: But wait, wait. See, you know, the RFP clearly states that we should not do business with any entity, which has been disbarred from the City. In other words, if you -- if you can't pay, why are we going to do business with a company that's not paying, paying their fees'? Doesn't that clearly state so on the RFP? Alejandro Vilarello (C'ity Attorney): The debarment process is a public hearing where evidence is presented, and they're excluded from future participation. In this instance, the City had a contract with this individual. He was, in fact, in default. Commissioner Sanchez: So lie was in default? Mr. Vilarello: He was in default. The contract was cancelled. He came in. The Manager gave him an opportunity to come into full compliance and -- Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. City Attorney, before you go -- would -- here's the question. When he was in default, did the RFP already go out'? Vice Chainnan Gorr: After, it was cancelled. Mr. Vilarello: Yes. Mr. Gimenez: Yes, it did. Here is -- Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): The RFP was out while he was in default. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. And how many -- did other people bid on the RFP? Mr. Gimenez: I'm sure that -- I don't know, but the bids aren't due yet. 171 5/10/01 0 • Mr. Rollason: The bids are not -- we have extended it on two occasions, and they're not in yet. Commissioner Sanchez: Because I mean, it's business sense. i mean, if somebody is not paying your bills and they don't pay, and you put an RFP and you're going to make more money for the City, you always go with -- well, not always, but most of the time, you go with the highest bidder. Mr. Gimenez- Commissioner, (inaudible) was a hundred and thirty thousand dollars (S130,000). What I - - what I told him was that he had to pay a hundred and thirty thousand dollars (S 130,000) by a few days, which lie complied. And I also told him that lie had to post a hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) bond, so that if he came into default, then the City would be protected. In that way, the City was able to collect a hundred and thirty thousand dollars ($1311,000). You did not have a disruption of service in terms of the bus benches, and the City's interests are protected in the future by having it hundred thousand dollar ($100.000) bond. Commissioner Sanchez.: 1 understand, Mr. City Manager. But, you know, I think we're setting a bad precedent here when you extend, you know, an RFP over and over until you have to wait for somebody to pay. Excuse me. Mr. City Manager? Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. I'm son -v. Commissioner Sanchez: Whcu you put an RFP and you continue to extend it, hoping for someone to pay you -- hitt this gentleman didn't pay you overnight or this company didn't pay you overnight. Mr. Gimenez; No. The money was paid -- there was another -- there was a deadline for a payment of the bond, and that we -- there was a -- there was going to a meeting between myself and the City Attorney, you know, concerning that payment of the bond, which was paid after the deadline, but we cashed the check, Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Mr. Gimenez: All right. So, you know, the determination has been made that whether I want to extend the RFP, or open it or terminate: the contract. Commissioner Sanchez: And now let me just -- let me just make two issues, two quick issues. One is the maintenance of these bus benches. If you drive through the community, you see that a lot of these henches, horrible conditions. Horrible conditions. Full of graffiti, they're out of place. Most of them don't even have advertisements on them. So that's -- that's an issue that needs to be brought out. And the other issue is similar and pertaining to this one. I would like to sit down with the Administration and talk, and bring up -- you know, every time we come into agreement with these big companies, whatever it may be, whether it's AT&T (American Telephone and Telegraph), which is one that just came up now to mind. AT&T put the call boxes in the public's right-of-way. Their agreement clearly stated that they would landscape these call boxes. 1 have yet to sec one of these call boxes landscapod. And 1 have called; my office has called on numerous call boxes, AT&T call boxes, the green boxes that they've put in the public's right-of-way. Mr. Rollason: You're talking about the cable. 172 5110/01 Commissioner Sanchez: Yeah, the ones that are on the ground, the cable. Mr. Rollason: OK, I'm with you. I'm with you. Commissioner Sancho: OK. They're the call boxes. Aren't they called call boxes? Mr. Jackson: Yes, yes, they are. Commissioner Sanchez: Cable boxes? Mr. Rollason: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez. Whatever. It clearly states, the agreement -- and that's what we get to. We come into these agreements every time we sign a contract, and then we never follow up on it. And one of the things is that they had to landscape, and they have yet to landscape. 1 mean, we contact -- And you know what? May I should request, and maybe this Commission should have -- Mr, Rollason: They're riot finished yet, Commissioner. When -- that project is not finished yet, and that is being followed up on. That's part of the project. Commissioner Sanchez: It is? Mr. Rollason: Yes, sir, Commissioner Sanchez: What agreement was entered with the City, time frame? Did it have a time frame that they were going to finish and they were going to get to the landscaping part? Mr. Jackson: I could help you with that. Mr. Rollason: On the call boxes? On those -- go ahead, if you know. Mr. Jackson: Commissioner, they're still being installed, and the system is not operational. And they're not -- they haven't called for a final inspection. So they will be landscaped before September -- I'm being told it's September 2001 that is planned completion. Commissioner Sanchez: All right, Thanks. That's one, but we'll bring that up. Getting back to the -- to the bus henches. You know -- Vice Chairman Gort: The check that you cashed was payment owed to the City. Mr. Ginienez: There's two checks. There was one check for a hundred and thirty-six thousand, which was a payment that was in arrears. So we collected all the money that was owed us. Vice Chairman Gort: That you collected, and the money was in arrears for how long? 173 5/10101 0 • Commissioner Teele: Can you tell us when you collected that money? Vice Chairman Gom The whole year without payment. Corr-tissioner Sanchez: The whole year -- Commissioner Teele: When did you collect the money? Mr. Gimenez: Collected it on a Thursday during a Commission meeting. Commissioner Tecle: What date? Mr. Rollason: 1 don't remember the date, but it paid up through March. It -- we -- we calculated it through March. Commissioner Teele: Chief -- Mr. Manager. Mr. Rollason: All right, go ahead. Mr. Jackson: March 29'''. Commissioner Tccle: Would you all just have -- Mr. Rollason: March 29`t'. We got the check March 29`x'. Commissioner Teele: On what date? Mr. Rollason: March 291''. Mr. Gimenez: fie was given a certain amount of time to post a hundred thousand dollar ($100,000) bond. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, how much time was he given? Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Manager? Commissioner Sanchez: You know, when -- you know, when people owe us money, when people don't pay -- When we don't pay a company that does business with us for 60 days, you hear people complaining. Don't they? Commissioner Tecle: Yes, it's true. Commissioner Sanchez: They call the City. Pay me. You owe me. I'm a small business. Dah-dah-dah. You know, when people don't pay us, we need to do the same thing. We should not be doing business with companies that aren't going to pay us. A whole year without pay. There's not excuse to renegotiate their contract. It sends a bad message. 174 5/10/01 Mr. Gimencz: My -- my logic in that was that if we didn't get the money, we would be out of a hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars (S 135,000). It would be difficult for us to get that. But we got the money in hand, and we also didn't disrupt the service. And we had a guarantee for the future of a hundred thousand dollars (S 100,000). Vice Chairman Gort: Mr. Attorney. Mr. Vilarello: Just going over the time line of the issue, because I think I need to at least let you kttow exactly what the time line is, as 1 understand it. The Manager allowed them to come into compliance with the contract by the payment of everything that was owed, and they did so. Apparently, we got the check March 29"'. Subsequent to that, they were to provide a hundred thousand dollar performance bond. The Manager said that he required them to do that some time the first couple weeks in April. They didn't do that. The Manager then gave them another opportunity to do that by the 18"' of April. And they were late in providing that perfbrnlance bond. However, by the end of that week, they, in fact, provided a attorney's trust account check for a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), which is essentially as good as a cashier's check. that Friday. That Monday, the Rlanager and I met. The decision was made that the Manager and myself would meet with the president of the corporation and discuss with him whether or not the Manager would allow him that additional period of time that lie was late in providing that performance bond or cashier's check. In fact, that check was cashed on the 23"' of April. The last two weeks the Mayor -- the Manager has been involved in Tallahassee, and has not had an opportunity for us to meet, and I was out of town last week. So that meeting has never taken place. But that's exactly the time line, as I recall it, in what the City was going to do, and have that discussion with the president of that company. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairtian Gort: Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Tecle: [Just want to be very clear about a few things, and establish a little bit of a record. because I think it's important that if' we're going to take any action -- And Mr. Attontcy, can we take an action to terminate the -- to instruct the Management to terminate the contract? Legally, we'll be in court, yes, but that's what you hire lawyers for. We know that. Can we -- is there a motion that can he trade ilial instructs the Manager to tenminate the contract? Mr. Vilarello: Obviously, Commissioner, at this point, we have muddied waters with regard to our ability to terminate the contract. However, the Manager did provide certain time lines for them to comply. They did not meet those tune lines. The question becomes whether or not they an opportunity under the contract to cure. But we could go forward with a declaratory -- seek a declaratory judgment to terminate the at, and proceed with a new award of the contract. And that's how I would recommend that you proceed if you're interested in terminating the agreement. Commissioner Teele: Let -- May I just inquire? The company that is involved in this was debarred by Lade County; is that correct, Mr. Attorney'' h1r. Vilarello: I don't know. Commissioner Mr. Jackson: Yes, they were. 1I1I1I1111 : 175 5/10/01 • 0 Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager? Mr. Jackson: Yes. Yes, they were. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager, do you have any knowledge personally as to whether or not this company was debarred by Dade County? I understand the Public Works Director is being very aggressive and did say. "yes" on the record, and 1 take him at his word. But do you, Mr. Manager, have any knowledge as to whether or not -- Mr. Gimenez: I don't believe I have any knowledge of (inaudible) involvement in Dade County. Commissioner Teele: OK. if you had known that they were debarred, would you have -- that they have been debarred from Dade County, would you have taken the action that you took, if they'd been debarred within the last year? Mr. Gimcncz: I'm not sure, but 1 wanted to make sure that I got the money for the City of Miami. Commissioner Tcele: So in your mind, in your mind, the only thing that's really important here is getting the money front the contractor'? Well, let ntc -- that may not be a fair -- Mr. Gintcnez: The performance of the contractor to, you know, get the money that was owed to the City that obviously -- but the fact that they were debarred, that would weigh on my mind, also. So -- Commissioner Teele: What is the name of the company, please? Mr. Jackson: Bench Ads America, Incorporated. Commissioner Teele: And what's the address of this company, corporate address? Well, while you're looking for that, Mr. Public Works Director, let the -- let me be very clear. Mr. Attorney, the department which -- the memorandums, which are less than a year old -- actually, May 18"' -- state that bench ads blatantly violate the terms of contracts, Miami -Dade, and it is estimated that it owes over four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000). This contractor demonstrates a wanton disregard for its contractual obligations. It is the opinion of this department that this contractor will behave in the same way and should be debarred. I don't -- 1 think it's also important to get into the record that in a very similar situation in Hollywood, Florida, the thirty-three thousand dollar (533,000) payment made to them, pursuant to their contract had a stop payment on it. And at least our check is cleared. But there is a long history here. But I want to be very clear. Mr. Director, do you know -- you have the address yet? Mr. Jackson: Yes. Yes, I do, Commissioner. It's 16425 Collins Avenue, Suite 2216, Sunny Isles Beach, Florida, 33160. Commissioner Teele: Was there any conversations with your office and the office of the Mayor during this discussion with anyone in the Mayor's office, Mr. Manager? And I'd like for you just to think about it a minute before you answer. 176 5/10101 • • Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Tecle: Would you like to share with the Commission what those conversations were, and who -- what they were about, and who they were with? Mr. Gimenez: The individual was -- we had one meeting with the Mayor and this individual and -- Commissioner Teele: With the Mayor, himself? Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. And we had another subsequent meeting with one of the Mayor's aides and the individual. Commissioner Teele: Which aide was that'? Mr. Gimenez: It was Jay Rhodes. Commissioner Teele: And do you know when this time period was, Mr. Manager? Mr. Gimenez: This was dunng the time period that we were negotiating the ability for this individual to re -institute the contract. Commissioner Teele: Now, what was the period of time that they stopped making payments? Mr. Gimenez: I believe it was for a year prior to December of 2000. C'ommissioncr Teele: So from December— no. From a year prior to December 2000. ;Mr. Gimenez: It was -- yeah -- Commissioner Teele: So that'd be about December of '99 or January of 2000, somewhere in there? Mr. Gimenez: Somewhere around that time. Commissioner Teele: And then you said -- at least my recollection of your testimony has been that they made the payment on or around the 20 -something of March? Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Do you recall when? Mr. Gimenez: It was during a Commission meeting. It was -- I think it was March the 29'h Commission meeting. Commissioner Teele: Uh-huh. Mr. Gimenez: The payment was made that day. rinrt 177 5110101 Commissioner Teele: And was -- was the -- were the discussions with the Mayor held prior to or after the payment was made? Mr. Gimenez: There were discussions held before and after. Commissioner Teele: And those discussions were with the Mavor? Mr. Gimenez: And also the Mayor's aides. Commissioner Teele: And you were present? Mr. Gimenez: Yes. Commissioner Teele: Did anyone discuss campaign contributions in your presence during these discussions? Mr. Gimenez: No, sir. Commissioner 'I cele: Would it surprise you to know that even though the contractor refused to pay the: City until the 29(, according to the campaign treasury report of one Joe Carollo, that a bus -- that a Bench Ad .Management and a Bench Ad Incorporation, both of Miami Florida, on 10`h Avenue made substantial contributions -- both companies -- on March the 23rd? Well, what's the legal lirnit? Well, five hundred dollars (5500) each, during the period of these discussions. I think it is odorous. I think, you know, there's clearly a -- a cloud on this process. 1 don't think any of us have seen an ad or a solicitation to go out, Nfectings with tile Mayor, discussions that, quitr frankly, I didn't hear, so I don't want to go visit with the U S. Attorney or the State's Attorney, so I'm not going to start repeating, because I don't have any firsthand knowledge. But I did know that there were campaign contributions, not only on this issue, but on the outdoor advertising issue, quite frankly, at the; point in time that this Commission was debating outdoor advertising signage with the full chamber. There were direct discussions and solicitations, which have not been reported, in substantial amounts of money. Commissioner Tinton: Commissioner Teele, what was the dale? What were the dates of those campaign contributions? Commissioner Teele: According to the report, March the 23r`i. Commissioner Winton: Thank you. Commissioner Teele: And, of course, we've established that it happened on -- the payment was on the 29"' and it -- and we know that the Mayor -- I would ask that at sonic point, you gine us a written memorandum, Mr. Manager, that codifies your two -- at least two meetings with the Mayor, and who you met with on both times, and the dates and the approximate time, and a summary of those discussions with the Mayor, because I think the record needs to be clear, because the point that I'm going to make is that I'm going to instruct the Attorney to prepare for the next Commission meeting the appropriate legislation and language that -- that would cancel or would take the action to clean the -- clear the air and to remove 178 5/10/01 0 this from a political cloud or taint. i would alsu ask that you prepare for the next meeting emergency legislation paralleled along with the Federal government and Dade County for debarment legislation for the City that, among other things, gives us the right to have a hearing, but gives us also the right to take judicial notice, or notice of debarments of any competent jurisdiction in the State of Florida or the Federal gove-nment. And that alone will serve as the basis for a debarment action. i don't like this. It's all kinds of whisper campaigns going on. I'm well aware that there is a strong effort to -- to -- in this whole advertising, arca. I think we need to be careful. And I think the Management and the Attorney need to protect us, because a - a cloud is a cloud. And none of us are immune front the cloud once it's raised. And so 1 just want to be very clear that as far as this Commissioner is concerned, we need to have an open, and fair, and competitive process without interference. Was there a bid on the street, by the way, during this process:' Was there a hid, a solicitation on the street on March the 23 d and March the 29'h? Mr. Gimenez: There was an RFP on the street, yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: Is there a cone of silence under the County ordinance regarding bid solicitations, Mr. Allorney? Mr. Vilarello: Yes, Commissioner. It's applicable test. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager or Mr. Director did the bid solicitation that was on the street contain a cone of silence provision? Mr. Jackson: Yes, it did, Commissioner. Commissioner "feele: Would you state your name for the record. Mr. Jackson: Jolui .lackson, Director of Public Works. Commissioner Tecle: And you are the -- your department is the contract manager for this? Mr. Jackson Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: So the cone of silence was in application at the time? Mr. Jackson: Yes, and it was applied. Yes. Commissioner Tecic: Yet there were meetings and campaign contributions being made. And clearly, this is a vendor who had more at risk than any of the other people that were out there fishing around. i mean, if the cone of silence means anything -- well, in any event, 1 think it's a clear picture. It's an ugly pattern. lt's a -- it's notpleasant. But, you know. if we're going to clean up government, we've got to clean it up. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner. 1 just want to address one issue with regard to the cone of silence. Communications with this particulat company, that was an existing contract that the City had. Commissioner Teele: Yeah, but a cone of silence, Mr. Attorney, applies to any vendor or any potential bidder. Any potential bidder. And I think it would defy all straight-faced tests to say that a company that 179 5/10101 is an incumbent that is in the business of providing bus advertising would be exempted or immune from the cone of silence. I think -- i don't think there is anybody -- If you can take that interpretation -- 1 tell you what I'd like to do. i want you to give us a written opinion of law as to whether or not, "A," there was a cone of silence; "B." whether the cone of silence applied; "C." whether it applied to the Attorney, the Manager -- 1 mean -- I'm sorry -- the Mayor. "C," whether it applied to the Mayor and "D," whether under the. Iota] circumstances that have been presented here today and any other circumstance, whether it is a reasonable interpretation and application that the cone of silence did or did not apply to this vendor. with a bid on the street. Because the only way you can have a bid on the street is there is an opportunity to provide a service. To say that there was no opportunity to provide the service is to say that these guys were just sending out bid documents. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, i think the answer is in the affirmative to each and every one of those questions. I'll he more than happy to give you a more detailed response. However, I need Io -- I need to clarify that there is a distinction. When you have a contract with an entity, to apply the ane of silence under those circumstances would be -- it's not applicable, because you have an existing relationship with that particular company. Commissioner Teele: 1'I1 be happy to -- Mr. Vilarello: in every instance, Commissioner, you're right, Vice Chairman Gort: Hold it, hold it, hold it. Hold it. Commissioner Teele: You're torturing logic and common sense right now. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse me. Just -- just a question, because the Manager said something. The contract -- Commissioner Tecle: Hold on. In other words, if my contract expires on May 30`h -- Commissioner Regalado: The contract was cancelled. Commissioner 'l -cele: -- and there's a bid -- the contract was cancelled -- Commissioner Regalado: There was no contract. Commissioner Tecle: -- by the Manager. But wait a minute. Let's just apply your logic to a logical end. If I have a contract that expires on May 30"' and the Management does what this -- this Management in the• past -- not this Manager -- has rarely done, which is get a bid out far enough in advance so that at the end of the -- at the end of the completion, you have another contractor that's ready. Arc you saying to me that the contractor that has the contract doesn't have to conform to the cone of silence because there's a bid ora the street:' My interpretation is that once there is a bid on the street, the cone of silence applies as it relates to the matters contained within that bid document. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, this is a contract whose terms expired at some later date. They did not expire during that period of time. 180 5/10/01 $0i 0na Commissioner Teele: So you basically arc saying that the Manager's cancellation of the contract was a legal nullity? Mr. Vilarello: No. Commissioner -- Commissioncr Tccle: I just want -- Mr. Vilarello: -- a cancellation and a default of a contract, as you know, is not a unilateral action. There is a default notice. There is an opportunity to cure under the contract. All of those issues are still pendent until the contract is done and over with. Commissioner Teele: Are you aware that the Mayor met with the vendor? Mr. Vilarello: Yes, I tun aware met that the Mayor with him. Commissioner Teele: Did the Mayor discuss with you before meeting with the vendor whether he could do it? Mr. Vilarello: Whether or not the Manager could reinstate the contract? Yes. Commissioner Teele: Did he discuss with you whether he could discuss with the vendor, based upon the cone of silence? Mr. Vilarello: I don't recall whether there was a discussion about the cone of silence. Commissioner Regalado: So what you are saying, Mr. City Attorney, you're telling us that the only thing; that is wrong here is the perception that the City Manager extended a contract that the Mayor pushed for, because he received contributions. That's the perception. That his meetings were legal, the decisions were legal, everything that they talked was legal. That's what you're saying'? Mr. Vilarello: No. no, Commissioner. The issue that I was addressing is whether or not the cone of silence would prohibit -- Commissioner Regalado: No, no. i know the issue that you were addressing. Mr. Vilarello: That's the only issue that I was addressing. Commissioner Regalado: But you -- Mr. Vilarello: I certainly don't know about those conversations and those meetings, other than the one meeting that I had -- Commissioner Regalado: You were there. Mr. Vilarello: -- other than the one meeting that 1 had, where -- 181 5/10/01 Commissioner Teele: With who? Mr. Vilarello: The Manager, the Mayor, the individual, the president. Commissioner Teele: Oh, so you were there, too? Mr. Vilarello: I was at one meeting, yes. Commissioner Regalado: lie was there. Commissioner Teele: Oh. Well, I tell you what. Since you were there, then I'm going to ask that once you make your written opinion -- and Mr. Clerk, you need to provide a certified, under sea] copy of this entire file and all of the documents that relate, that have been discussed, including the department letter. And I'm going to ask you, Mr. Attorney, to take that file down to the State's Attorney's Office, and meet with Mr. Centorino, and let's see how -- if -- whether or not the cone of silence applied in this situation. And I don't -- it's not that I don't take your word, but you know what? I think you are just as much involved in the meeting, so you can't be the lawyer for the discussion, because you were there, too, on the very issue that we're talking about. So is it an unreasonable request for you, after you issue your written opinions, for you to take this entire transcript, this entire file down to Mr. Centorino's, the State's Attorney's Office and have a discussion on the issue, the sole issue? Not -- 1 don't want to investigate Joe Carollo or the Manager. In fact, I've kept the Manager out of this in my discussions. What 1 want to make sure we do is we know when the cone of silence applies and when it doesn't. That's the narrow issue that I'm asking you to do, and to see if we can get an opinion, informal or whatever, as to whether or not the cone of silence applies as to this circumstance to this vendor. Because what you're doing, when you make this -- when you offer this opinion, you're establishing precedent that, quite candidly, I believe just tortures logic. Mr. Vilarello: I don't think it's an unreasonable request. I'd be more than happy to do that. Vice Chairman Gort OK. Mr. Gimenez: Mr. Chairman l -- Commissioner Regalado: Could you -- excuse me. Could you give us a written information on the time that you'd be taking to write that, and your appointment with the State Attorney's Office? And it's -- are we allowed to know what the State Attorney's opinion is, or if there is an investigation? Just -- we just know that there is an investigation? Mr. Vilarello: A condition of Commissioner Teele's request is that 1 issue an opinion first and meet with the State Attorney. Commissioner Teele: I'm not asking for an investigation. I did not say anything about an -- I said I think you all need to have a legal discussion, since you were a party to the -- to the discussions. I'm not asking for an investigation of this. )'in asking for a review of the legal issues, because if you're saying now what you've said on the record, and all the department directors hear it, in effect, what you're created, I think, is 182 5/10/01 1— a huge exemption for anybody who has an existing contract to come in and talk to the Management, you know, to talk to the Management when there is a bid on the street. There was a bid on the street. And no matter how you interpret whether the rescission or the cancellation was -- was a -- mutual or unilateral, the fact of the matter is the cone of silence relates to the bid, not the existing contract. Vice Chairman Gort: Gentlemen, I think the instructions have been given. Mr. Attorney, you have your instructions. Mr. Vilarello: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: And come up with the -- with an opinion. Mr. Vilarello: And Commissioner, in response to Commissioner Regalado Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Vilarello: -- Regalado's inquiry, I'd be more than happy to advise you of that time and date of the meeting. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. What's the wish of this board, then? Commissioner Regalado: To issue the RFP and cancel the contract that is ongoing. Vice Chairman Gott: What was the motion that you were recommending, Mr. Attorney? Commissioner Sanchez: No. He -- Mr. City Attorney, you said what? A declaratory judgment to cancel the contract? Mr. Vilarello: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: That's the first step needed here? Mr. Vilarello: My recommendation is that if the wish of the City Commission is to terminate this agreement that you direct me to initiate litigation that would get you to that end. My suggestion to you is that I would seek a declaratory judgment terminating that agreement and go forward in that direction. Just authorize me to go forward with termination proceedings with the contract. Commissioner Regalado: The RFP, the original RFP, right? Or a new -- Vice Chairman Gort: There is an RFP. Mr. Vilarello: That's a different -- that's a different -- it should be part of a different motion. Commissioner Sanchez: Would that he your advice to us? 183 5/10/01 i • Mr. Vilarello: I think that you need to have the declaration of the termination of this contract concluded, and we can have that done in short order. Commissioner Regalado: I'll move to terminate this contract. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion. Is there a second? Mr. Vilarello: It's an expedited process. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chainnan Gort: Any further discussion`! Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-437 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO INITIATE LITIGATION PROCEEDINGS SEEKING A DECLARATORY JUDGEMENT TO TERMINATE CURRENT AGREEMENT RELATED TO BUS BENCHES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gori NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: Second motion. Commissioner Regalado: And the second motion is to start the RFP process. Vice Chairman Gort: To continue the RFP process. That hasn't been stopped. Unidentified Speaker: To continue the RFP. Commissioner Sanchez: It's to continue. No, no, no. 184 5/10/01 MWINIM lj Mr. Gimencz: It's to continue what we have. And we'll put another deadline on it and get the (inaudible). Commissioner Regalado: OK, that's the motion. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. It's moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Regalado, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-438 A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ISSUE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR BUS BENCHES. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Mr. Rollason: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Mr. Rollason: I need to make one thing clear. I want to make it on the record -- this is Frank Rollason, Assistant City Manager -- that l also attended that meeting. Mr. John Jackson was not there. And I brought up the issue of the cone of silence at that meeting, whether or not it was applicable and whether or not we could go forward. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, sir. 185 5110/01 • . 24, AUTHORIZE MANAGER TO EXTEND CURRENT CONTRACT WITH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY CONSULTANT ARTHUR ANDERSEN, LLP, TO IMPLEMENT NEXT PHASE OF SAID CONSULTANTS' PROPOSAL AND TO REPORT BACK TO COMMISSION. Vicc Chairman Gort: ltcnr 2. Arthur Andersen. They were supposed to be heard in the morning. Commissioner Winton: Is this on our agenda, item 27 Vice Chairman Gort: This is Item-". Yes. Commissioner Regalado: We didn't do the consent agenda. Vice Chairman Gori: Yes, we did. Commissioner Winton: Yeah, we did. Vice Chairman Gorr: We did it this morning. At the same time, I'd like to -- we have as part of the procedure the -- there was no veto from (lie Mayor's Office. Commissioner Winton: And Mr. Chairman, as soon as we're finished with the Arthur Andersen presentation, 1 would like to go to the only PZ (Planning & Zoning) item, so we can get our volunteers that have been here all day out. Sorry. Vice Chairman Gout: But they look so good. And we want to have you here all night and just look at you. Thank you. Sorry about that. We'll make up for it, we promise. Johnny and I will take you to dinner. I'm sorry, go ahead. Aldo Stwicato (Chief Officer, Information Technology): Commissioners -- Conu»issioner 7 cele: We need to go through the record and then take (inaudible). Mr. Stancato: Aldo Stancato, Inforntation Technology'. Com n]rssiotiers, about eight months ago, we partnered with Arthur Andersen to conic; in here and do a comprehensive Citywide strategic plan I'or Information 'rechnotogy. Phase 1, which was the assessment, and Phase 11, which is the recommendations are complete. Phase 111 is the monitoring that will he ongoing. Betore I present the Arthur Andersen personnel, 1 just want to take a moment to say thank you on a job well done to all of the Arthur Andersen personnel and every -- all of the City staff from all the various departments who participated in this project. I'm going to turn it over to Arthur Andersen. Peter Eckhoff: Well, originally, 1 thought I was going to say "good morning," but good evening, Commissioners. Thank you for the opportunity to he with you today. And i know you've had -- Vice Chairman Gort: We apologize. We were going to hear you in the morning, but as you can see, this is the first time that we have had. 187 51110101 Mr. Fckhoff. We appreciate that. We understand that there are a lot of other pressing issues, so we appreciate the time that we have before you today. My name is I'm Lckhofl'. I am a partner with Arthur Andersen. I was the engagement partner for this project for the City for the information Technology strategic plan. With me today is one of my colleagues, Glenn 1'eersaw, who served as lite engagement manager on a day-to-day basis, and conducted a lion's share of the actual activities and work. I also would like to share my thanks to the City `tanager and his staff. We got great participation and assistance in going through this process, and it was a eery successful one, and I hope you'll feel thal's borne out. Why we're here before you today is really to present to you the results oC this work. But in fairness, the work was pretty comprehensive. I don't know if you can sea Sitting on the chairs here in this first row, are two large binder,. It's several hundred pages of material, and it's far log) much to digest in a brief meeting. That we've done to try to alleviate that Iain fur you, our actual final report was issued in the end of' March. We have provided an executive sununary to each of tine Commissioners to try to get you the high points. And 1 think many of you -- 1 think, with the exception of Commissioner Regalado, we met with you individually, as your calendars permitted, so that we could go over and you could have sonic feel, one on one, and have some dialogue about what these findings were about. So what I've tried to do is on a very high level, maybe in about ten to 15 minutes, give you the high p011lts, and then certainly be ready to respond to any questions or inquiries that you rnight have about the process or the findings. So from a historical basis, the Iunintelligible) sort of set us up here. But approximately a year ago, you approved a resolution that provided the funding and gave direction to the City Manager to go forward with all Information Technology strategic plan. We went through in RFP (Request for Proposals) process. Arthur Andersen %was awarded That process, and %ve began our wort: in really September. We had three primary focus areas. We wanted to look at the 11' (Information Technology) governance issues. How do You stake decisic►ns'? I low does IT govern and work within the -- within the City'.' We wanted to review all the functional and technology areas around IT, and then, of course, develop recommendations as to how we think it would be advisable to move forward. To Siwe you some idea of what the approach that we took, we really had two phases. This is something we do quite often, so we have a defined methodology about how we go about it. Not to get down and mired into detail, but essentially, you LO through two pieces. The first is really identifying what are the opportunities. `;'here are there positions where you can improve efficiency, productivity, find savings, improve service to the citizens? And then secondly, once you've done that, you say, well, how do I execute on this'? What do I -- what technologies do I need to use'? How do I need to chance Iny organization" What skill sets do 1 need, of cetera, in terms 4lf eXCCUting? i 1115 is a comprehensive project. The time line, as you see here, is really' about six months. The elapse time is somewhat longer than that, because of delays in terms of getting presentations and that sort of thing dune. But it really was about a six-month effort of concerted time. And we focused, really', on four main things. We focused on processes. We focused on the applications that support those processes, the organizational structure, and then what we would call the technical intrisiructurc. Mayhc the plumbing would be an easy .way to say that, the networks and so forth that support the applications. Our findings are ieully grouped into three primary areas, the first heing strategic application initiatives. And this is where, really, the process and the technology are tied together-, saying, well, how do 1 have technology? How can technology improve my business processes, support my business processes, drive efficiencies in the City? Then around organizational design, which is all about the decision-making process, who reports to whole, how are the priorities set in the City, how do you make decisions, ltow do you get consistency, and how is that function organized and managed in the City? And then lastly, looking at the actual technical architecture — again, the plumbing -- to sec how that supports those initiatives. So let rine briefly go through the fundings in each of those areas. In least you should get heart attack by looking at the slide up there, 1 ant not going through each of those initiatives. That's tine good 188 i/10/0I 7 • • ncHs. I think that the detail oil each ol'llause initiatives is in the exeeutive sunnnurv. You can read them. They're there. But what I want to point out to you is a little bit about the process of how we got to those. We went through numerous interviews %Vc went through focus sessions. We did diagnostics. We did benchmarking, and out of that cunle up a lot of ideas in areas where we thought we might be able to focus our attentions and find opportunities for benefit to the City. We took those and then came into the Information 1 echnology Service; [hoard, and we digested those and tried to consolidate them into operational lylae items. And then We went through an anonymous polling effort to try to prioritize those. And given all these things eke need w do, and realizing %ve can't do 11"e►tl all at one time, what do we \%ant to do first'? What should be the priority of the City? And we went through that process. 11 was an anonymous one, as 1 stated. %Ve got a lot ofgood feedback from that. And the prioritization that you see here is that that came front that Services Hoard's activities. We used it lot of' interesting, 1 think, parameters, the right ones fir (r\,ing to cit) that prioritization. 11-e used lh:ngs like: l low many ( ity departments are affected'? is the application a revenue -generating application, or is it an administrative function? Does it provide serTice to citizens? Is it a mature technology, or is it an immature technoloby7 Are we on the bleeding edge of something if we proceed down this path'? Does it address life safety issue? Docs it fiec up resources fir perhaps more strategic activities'? Is it hard to do or easy to do'? Is :t a shout time frame or a luny: tune frame to tr) to address this'? .And is the cost high, medium, or luw? So we took all of those t)7)es of issues in mind, and we talked about those prior to trying to do the prioritisation. And that was the Ihoukhl -- the parameters and the thought process that the Services Hoard had as they went tl►rough their prioritization. I think the -- if you go through the executive summary. you'll see tLal there's details behind cath one of these initiatives. Certainly. we call discuss theta as yOU would wish in the follow-up, and if you get tile full report, there is probably more intbrtnation, if you'u like, on each of the initiatives, in terrns of a lot of detail supporting, them, By moving the organizational design, if you'll hear with tile, I think the hest way to gel the flavor or the concepts behind this is if-- to allow nlc to read a eluote to you. Tile quote I'm reading to you canto front a Study that the New York State did of local governments. And it sort of embodies what ,ve were trying to approach with the organizational design. I \,note: "lf CorrtpctinEt department heads dictate the direction of information technology without \corking from it coordinated plan, then the information technology organization will wind up going in circles, splitting and diluting resources, starting over constantly, and spending tithe reconciling the political differences, instead of moving ahead in an orderly and productive fashion. One of the major concerns voiced by department heads within a government is ensuring that their groups' needs will be addressed. If a plan is in place and a department head understands that they will receive needed services within the priorities established, even if receipt of service may not be for a year. then tile\, can make program plans around that expectation. Ho,.yever, when priontics are continually changed, not due to any rational plan, but based on the squeakiest wheel, or selection of the department with the most political muscle or dollar power, department heads are forced to develop their own contingency plans to meet their information technology needs, and the government loses control of its own information technology infrastructure," end quote. That was from the New York State study. 'I hat is the situation you're obviously trying to avoid. And what we have done in the organizational side is scally conte up with it couple of key recommendations. One is to change the organizational structure Whcrc the C1O reports directly to the City Manager, but takes their direction and the prioritisation for their activities from the Information Technology Service Hoard, which is it board that's represented by cross -functional areas throughout the City. Secondly, we changed the -- we suggested changes to the Organizational chart of hcny -- the actual stn;cture of the 1T (lnfor:nation Technology) Department. We've done it more ;along husiness process lines. We've also looked to leverage the information architecture and technology sides between the administration and between what was taking place in puhhC safety, which prior to this, 189 5/101101 they've really been fairly independent, and redundant and inconsistent. W'o've wanted to move those back- together, acktogether, not to in any way impede the security that needs to he there around the police side. That will remain. But in terms o1' having common tool sets, common methodologies, common approaches, investments and like technologies, so that you're not spreading your resources too thinly, we suggested those conte in and report through a common structure. Lastly. in this area. we really wanted to focus on quality and retention. And so we spent time talking about what is the -- What are the career plarning tier your IT personnel'? What do you have in terms of succession planning? W'hat's takintt place in the waN of training? And made: some recommendations there to foster retention and to fomur gaaiily ill the organization. And if' I nim e to (lie last area of recommendations then, in the technology and conhnr►artcatiors architecture. ['ill not going to get into a 'ot of heavy discussion. Lssentially, what this is, this is truly the plumbing in the organization. These are the networks, the servers. the routers, Clic databases that are chosen. the system nlanage1110111, tools that underlie the ht:8i11CS5 apphC,l1:.ons that allow the City's technology to work. Essentially, what our recommendations have been around in this area are to [Hove to current technologies, because the technologies that are in place in the City today are 0111dated. and also to enforce standards and drive consisterc:y, so that you can leverage the skills tliat you have, so you're not training people on a whole multitude of products, you've got a concise set and that you can move people aroand, because they're like, like technologies. And you can leverage some of those people ill tact -fill positions and so firth. So current teclulologies, standards and enforcing them. So you might ask, after all of this, you know, what do we get out of it'' It sounds really nice and neat. So maybe we can to to the benefits page. Every single one of the initiatives that we've highlighted ha%e benefits, and they're benefits that are somewhat unique to them What I've tried to put cul the screen behind ale are benefits that I would say are pervasive. that are linked to several of the different initiatives, and we can talk about sonic of them. There's issues around enhanced public salloy. We think that sonic of the activities going atouud the new Police and Fire cad system are going to increase response time, increase accurucy. We think there's opportunities for improved routing of response vehicles coaling out of that technology. 'Those, those screens, the technologies in use today are what we in the industry call the old green screens. And some of us that have the gray hair probably remenhher the green screen~. I nlean, they're character -based systems. They're not what you see on your laptop. They're inef7icient. The user interface is difficult to use. Even -- there are efficiencies to gain, just from the interaction of the operator with the system. 'Then there's areas for opportunities around efficiency in business processes. The technologies today provide workflow, so that you can route documents. You can do it electronically. You can do document management. You don't cnd up with a situation of wondering where this package 01 documents for approval rind where it is in tho system, in the operational system. You can (to that electronically. You can drive efficiencies in this fashion. And you can do that in .► number of different areas, whether it be in a financial area, or payables, or whether it be in calendaring. There is a great deal of redundant data entry that takes place in the City today. The City systems are what we would call "silo." They're 1101 integrated. They don't speak to one another. And because of That, in order to get data from one system to the other, you're doing data entre more than one lime. It's bine-U01lsurr.ing. It's inefficient. And it's error prone. Every lime you put a person into that equation, you have an opportunity to in some way d.unage the data and lose the integrity of the data. The new technologies also offer improved access to the information. The tool sets that collie with the lechno'ogy today are such that pcoplu will he able to go on their desk top and male inquiries, and do ad hoc reporting on their own. They won't need to have a special request go to the IT Department, and wait for a special report to he programmed, and developed and then delivered. 'I hese things will be able to be available to tl►cnt. So you're gollig to effectively distribute some of that process out into (he user community, and build those skills there. There are self- service applications, whelller we look at the HR (Human Resources) side and -- for things such as 190 i 10 14) 1 �I�I�Ii1f�I� enrollment, and chcckini, and cluinging address, and all those types of things where you don't have to have personnel do that anymore. You can access it over the web, through the technologies, and snake it self-service. They can do it 24 hours it day, seven days a week, 52 weeks a year. And that takes tile nicely into the next comment, because that's what we're really Irving to go towards in the platform for E- goaernnnent. What v,e've provided you, we believe, in the plan that we have, is really setting you up to have a platl'ornl ii)r h -government. And what we think that really is, in simplest terms, is making the appropriate parts of City government accessible to the public. 365 days a year. 24 hours a day, whether that's looking at it calendar. whether that's looking at the starts of a hill for payinent, whether that's looking at a contract renewal. All those types of things should he available, and the technology is there Io support it. We think we've given you a plan to support that. This project did not specifically address doing a strategy around C-gw crnunent, but instead, we wanted to consider it and snake sure that what we Were recommending to you was, in tact, consistent wail, as a platform tier E.-govenlnlent. And las,, we really have provided you a coordinated plan, H's quite comprehensive. And if 1 turn the last page, the next steps -- it would be hand for anybody to digest the volume of data that we've produced out of this plan. And you -- it's so large, you sort of find yourself asking, well, what do I do next? I've bot all this information. You knot%, where do I start? Ilow do I gat going? So what we've done is we've provided a 90 -day plan, it suggested 90 -day plan Here are the things you should do in the next 90 days, %vith it defile calendar, and suggest that this is how you get started. 'phis plan has got to be dynatnic. 1 can assure you. it's ibcused on a three- to live -year implementation time frame. Sonde things will change in three to five Years. Technology moves fast. You will not end up implementing everything as we've defined it, what you need to do is get started and move down that path. And it's like anything else. The first step is the hard one. What I would say to you and what I would encourage you ill Illy closing thought, there was a great deal of energy placed in developing this plan within City personnel. Commissioner Teele: I didn't hear you. Say that again. Mr. bckhofl I said, there was a great deal of energy and enthusiasm in developing this plan by City personnel. It was very encouraging to go from the very tirsi Information Technology Services Board meeting to the last one and look at the changes in the dynamics of the participants in that meeting fionn Coming with their parochial views of their area of expertise and their special interest -- which they had, which is why we wanted them there, hecause they were experts in those areas -- to beginning to appreciate what the issues of others were, and starting to feel -- see it come together. Concessions were made. 1 don't think anybody's ox got gored, but certainly, some got bruised. And that group came together. You have a group that is energized right now, the momentum is there, and I would encourage the Commission to allow them to continue, because I think you have the best chance now to go ahead and execute, and be successful. Thank you. Vice Chairman Dort: Thank you, sir. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Manager, Vice Chairman (.;ori: Yes. Commissioner Tccic: Mr. Chairman. Mr. Manager, i was in the building last night, about eight o'clock, and these fine people were, 1 guess, in the Budget Office conference room, or going -- I have never seen the intensity and the seriousness of purpose as I've witnessed -- I'm going to tell you, you know, the 191 5/10/01 Q#I$IQVj Director and I don't al%viiVS tact along. But T'nt going to tell you, since there's been this energy, just to pick up where you were, there's a whole new energy in that whole IT Department. Even though I'm waiting on some information I requested five days ago about my cellular phone bills before the -- I understand the Mayor's been looking. at them, so I'd like to look at them too, now. But the fact of the matter is -- as a sidebar issue. The fact of the matter is, is that there -- I think there's an absolute, clear turnaround and a clear -- I shouldn't say "turnaround," but a clear and rellreshing approach that the 11' Director and his Staff are taking. And I just -- I'd be remiss, beeilllSe one of the things that we talked about Nvas the -- I guess you're calling it now the E -government platform, which I've been very frustrated about, because there's an off-tlle-shelf technology that the C'ounly has that would give everybody access to what we're doing in terms of the legislate -- and you know, it was huried. It was buried. And the Director came to me and he says, you knmv, we're taken another look at this, and it's Lone through the contnlittce process, and it does have it higher priority. And he gave me a chart that shows that we're looking at implementation of it within a matter of the next two quarters or so. So I just want to be on hoard as saying; I appreciate hringulg in the consultants, but 1 appreciate even more the fact that the Director and his staff havc really got a real burst of energy, and a real enthusiasm. And I think pail of it is that they're frustrated. They have labored without adequate resources, without adequate dollars. One of the good -- one of the bad things is that we've lost an entire generation of technology over the last tell years. We -- is that it correct statement, mister cunsultant? I apologize. Let me t;et the name again. Mr. EckhoIT: Pete Eckhoff. Pete Eckhoff. Commissioner Tecle: Pete, did we not lose an entire technology -- Mr, Eckhoff: Well, we went from -- You're cun•ently on what most people would say are main franc technologies. We went through a period of a client server, and now, we're on web -based technologies. And we're -- so we're sort of one behind. Commissioner Teele: So the good news is, is that if we commit (lie resources and give it the management priority, we save money, because we didn't go through the extra step. So there's another way to look at it. So 1 -- I just want to he very positive and encourapig, that we really need to get the adequate resources. This is one of the thinks that the Blue Ribbon Committee reported on hetore I came -- was elected. I read Ihose reports, and 1 really do think it's the key to working, smart, and not necessarily working all the time hard. I mean, you know, we need to do a little bit of both, but this is the key. And I'm very encouraged by what I see. And I commend you, Mr. Manager, and Mr. Nachliriger, I guess, and the Director and his staff for what you're doing. Thank you, Al. Carlos Ciiincncz (City Managed: Thank you, sir, Vice Chairman Gort: Any other questions from any of the board members'? I have a question. In looking at the strategy initiatives, investment and the time frame, we look at it, you have two separate budgets. You have one -- For example, looking at the Police and Fire, you got one where it goes from 4.5 to 15. 1 What's the difference? What makes the difference in their:' Mr. Eckhoff: The ranges you're going to see in the estimates of the cost for each illi iative are very broad. And what we did is we didn't want to -- we did not want to create an expectation that you could do something, and then not give you a solution. So what we actually did is we came up with the ideas, and 192 5!1(101 then we went out to the population, if you will, of vendors and suppliers of technology and said. you know, "A," is this feasible? And we had a pretty good idea, because this is what we do, that it was. What would it cost to do it? So these prices you see are from a range of vendors. It's not through an RFP (Request for Proposals) process. It's through a discussion. No negotiations have taken place. So it is absolutely a full dollar list. And you have everybody from the low-end provider to the Cadillac responding. So you'll see broad ranges in there. We wanted to give a perspective as to what type, how large an investment the City might he making, but 1 would say to you that the top end of those numbers are pretty conservati%a numbers. You should he able to do much better. Vice Chairman Gott: Because looking at these numbers, it can go anywhCre from twenty to fifty million dollars ($50,000,000). Mr. Eckhoff: Yeah. If you add them all up, it's roughly twenty-five, 1 think, to forty-eight, roughly, in numbers. ,So it's very -- it's a broad swing. Again, you'll never get to all of those if they happen. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Because these might change within the next six months. Air. Eckhoff: And you'll negotiate each one on an individual basis. Vice Chairntan (fort: Thank you. Air. Eckhoff: Certainly. Vice Chairman Gort: Any questions'? Any questions? Well, thank you. We appreciate it very much. It's a very nice report, and once again, we apologize for not -- Commissioner Tecic: One yucslion. What's the next step? What's going to happen next? Vice Chairman Gort: Implement. You have to start implementing. Mr. Eckhoff: Our suggestion is to start executing on the 90-day plan. And the priority items in there that you saw in the initiatives are sonic of those things that arc going to get done in the next 90 days. The tinic line. Commissioner, that we shared last night with you are the things we are recommending to take place. We have not yet been retained to do that work. It is tip to the City to make it decision as to how they wish to proceed. Certainly, we'd be willing to be part of that, as appropriate. Mr. Gimener.: .And that's what we're planning to do. The problem that we have had here is that we've got great plans and never implement them. 1'ou know, we need to get the outside help to go ahead and let us implement them. Conuuissioner Teele: 1 move that the Manager be authorized to extend or engage competent consultants to implement the next phase, and to report back to the Commission as a ratification item the action taken pursuant to this request. Commissioner Winton: Second the motion. 193 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion and there's a second. Any discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-439 A MOTION AUTHORIZING THIS CITY MANAGER TO EXTEND CURRENT CONTRACT WITH INFORMATION TECI-INOLOGY CONSULTANT ARTHUR ANDERSEN, LLP, TO IMPLEMENTTHE NEXT PHASE OF SAID CONSULTANTS' PROPOSAL AND TO REPORT BACK TO THIS COMMISSION AS A RATIFICATION ITI?M THE AC'T'ION TAKEN PURSUANT TO THIS REQUEST. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the fallowing VOW AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur 1. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gott NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort. '!'battik you, s i tk 1 R$ T t 194 5110101 R�� 25. ACCEPT iii- PRINCIPLE MIAMI RIVER GREENWAY PLAN BY MIAMI RiVER COMMISSION AS PLANNING TOOL FOR FUTURE DEVELOPMENT ANM PRESERVATION OF i MIAMi RIVER GREENWAY STUDY AREA. (Applicant(s): City of Miami Plannina and Zoning Department.) Vice Chairman Gort: We recess the regular meeting and bo into PZ (Planning and Zoning)-- what is it? PZ -1 ? Cotuntissioner Winton: PZ -1. And PZ only. Lourdes Slazyk (Assistant Director, Planning and 'Zoning): PZ -l. Vice Chairman Gorr: The one and only. Note for the Record: AT THiS POINT, THI: CiTY COMMISSION CLOSED CONSiDERATiON OF THE REGLJLAIt PORTION OF THE AGENDA TO CONSIDER .ITEMS FROM THE PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION 01 -THE AUENDA, Ms. Slazyk: For the record. Lourdes Slazyk, Department of Planning and Zoning. PZ -1 is consideration of approving in principle the Miami River Greenway Plan as a guiding tool for future development and preservation of the Miumi River Greenway Study Area, as defined in the plan, which you have in Y01,11- packets. ourpackets. Planning and Zoning Department is recommending approval with conditions. We concur with elements of the Miami River Greenway flan as a valuable tool in guiding future efforts to enhance and preserve the Miami ]fiver. The only condition that we would request is that the plan not he binding on the City, and that implementation of certain components undergo farther analysis for appropriateness on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes, when a plan like this is adopted in principle that's so big, conditions change over time. And as each component would come in, we would like to review ibr appropriateness before implementation. Commissioner Sanchez: So it's -- you're approving it with conditions. Ms. Slazyk: Just with that condition that each component be rt:vicwcd as it conics in for implementation. Vice Chairman Gort: 'Thank you. Joel Maxwell (Assistant City Attorney): Mr. Chairman, just -- was Ms. Slazyk recommending to you all that this be adopted in principle? I just want to make it clear. Was that what you said? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Ms. Slazyk: Yes. Yes. Mr. Maxwell: OK. Understanding that when something is adopted in principle, it's not binding. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. 195 5110101 _01na1iffit Mr. Maxwell: OK. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Ernie Martin: Mr. Chairman and members of the Commission, and City administration, I'm Ernie Martin. I reside at 1000 North River Drive. And I'm here as your representative of -- one of your representatives to the Miami River Commission. I've been on the Commission now for about two years. And during that whole time, i have been the chair of the Greenway Subcommittee. And we've had numerous meetings, and stakeholder meetings, meetings with the residents, as I am, on the Miami River. Vice Chairman Gort: I'm sorry. I forgot. This is a coning matter. I need to swear anybody who's going to testify. Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. This is a -- this is a PZ? Commissioner Winton: Yeah. It's PZ -1. Vice Chairman Gort: It's PZ -l. I need to swear in anybody that's going to testily in this item. Dote for the Record: AT 'CHIS POINT, THE. CI'T'Y CLERK ADMINISTERED OATH, REQUIRED 1?NIJER CITY CODF. SECTION 62-1 TO THOSE PERSONS GIVING TESTIMONY ON ZONING ISSUES. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Mr. Martin: And during that time, we've had over 50 public meetings in the community and with individual organivalions and City stall' and County stall, because This is a City and County project. What we're here to do tonight is to share with you some of the major findings and ask for your approval for continuing. The project all along has been a joint venture of' the Miami River Commission. And Brett Bibeaux, the Assistant Managing Director of the Commission is here, and he'll start off. And our partner throughout this whole process has been the national conservation organisation that has worked so much in this community, the "frust for Public Land. And Lavinia Freeman is here from the TPL (Trust for Public Land), and she will give you an overview of the plan. And we'll all three be here for any questions you have. Brett Bibcaux: Thank you, Ernie. Honorable City Commission, good evening. My name is Brett Bibeaux, and I'm the Assistant Director of the Miami River Commission, with offices located at 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida, 33149. 1 will be brief. The Miami River Commission recommends the approval of the Miami River Greenway Action Plan. The completion of the Miami River Greenway is one of the Miami River Commission's priorities. The greenway will connect and unite the multi -cultural neighborhoods in the Miami River Corridor, including East Little Havana, Overtown, Spring Garden, Allapattah, Melrose, Grove Park, Highland Park and Grapeland Heights, In addition, the Miami Inter -;Modal Center and eight public parks will be connected to the greenway. The Downtown River Walk will feature interactive businesses, such as cafes. fresh fish markets, restaurants and retail shops. The City Planning, Urban Design Review, Parks, Waterfront and historic and Environmental 196 5/10/01 $III1Iw; Preservation Advisory Boards all passed unanimous resolutions recommending approval of the Miami River Greenway ActiOrl Plan. Thank you for your time. Vice C'haimian Gort- "Thank you. Yes, ma'am. Lavinia Freeman: Good evening. My natne is Lavinia Freeman with the Trust for Public Land, with addresses at 7900 Red Road, Suite 25, in South ]\-Miami. Thank you for the opportunity to present this plan. We've been working on it fbr approximately two and a hall' years, on behalf of the Miami River Commission. And I would also like to thank the MRC (Miami Rivet' Commission) for partnering with TPL and approaching us to do the work on their heltalf, is well as our C'hainnan, Ernie Martin, \Nhu is the hardest -,working retired person I know. This plan was funded with foundation dollars, almost in total. And our consultant is Chuck blink, who was unable to be here today. but he's ]'resident of Greenways. Incorporated. And we're very proud of the process that we've gone through over the hast couple years. This plan truly has really conk from the ground up. As Ernie mentioned, we've held over 50 coins nu sty meetings in every community along the river, on the north and south sides. We have had stakeholder meetings. The public agencies in the City and County have been a part of the process, as well. And we've had numerous workshops in the community. The pian did require review by the PAR (Planning Advisory Board), which we did receive unanimous approval on. But we thought it was important to also give other related community boafds of City boards the opportunity for input into the plan. And so Parks, the Parks Advisory Board, Waterfi-ont Advisory Board, Historic and Environmental Preservation Board and the Urban Dcvelopmenl Review Board also gave us unanlmotiS approval, supporting; the plan in concept, and also, the MPO's (Metropolitan Planning Organization) Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Council. And so it's important for us to get your'1pprO al tonight, as well, as a message of support to the community, and so that we'll he able to continue to work in partnership with you to secure additional funds to implement and actually install the greenway. ']'his plan includes a framework for action, desiTnt development recommendations, it plan of action, funding, cost estimates, and sources of funding, as well as an existing conditions report. It spells out a road Wrap for transforming the river into an amenity for residents and visitors. The river, in the condition that it's in, has not reaped the benct'its of the economics that our City hrings in through tourist dollars, and we hcheve this plan will help change that. The plan recommends a continuous system u1' river site and on road pedestrian and hicycle trails. And the downtown arra is where we have the most opportunity to have riverside trails, where people will lie able to get up close to the river. But as we l:o west in the corridor, it mvill become a system of on -road trails, and it'll all connect. But the plan was developer] in looking at the existing conditions, and it doesn't recommend displacing anyone there, but we're really working with what we have, and we're going to do the hest in developing a plan based on those considerations. And the plan embraces the fact Ilia( the Mianu ]liver is a working river, and it's a major economic engine here in our community. in fact, we believe the shipping industry is -- the activity ofthe shipping industry is what gives the river its character and its mystique. Sunie of the key recommendations include creating; hetter access to the river through points of public entry, via parks and neighborhood gateways. Also, installation of a comprehensive network of trails bikeways and walkways in the corridor. In fact, the system will be it part of a larger Countywide plan far a network of trails tlu•aughout the whole County, including, as we mentioned earlier, the bay wall. at Bicentemlial Park. The Miami River Grecmvav, even though our boundary goes to Bayfront Park, it doesn't -- we have to contain the lines. We had to draw the line soincwhere. And plus, working on behalf to the Miami River Commission, we had to focus on the truer. However, it will eolurcct into the bay on the north and the south. Another recommendation was to improve and enhanee existing parks, also, to improve and enhance existing bridges, including constructing; walkways 197 510/0 1 �ZIIIZ0 underneath, as well as aesthetic lighting, to give the bridge a character at night. And the other key recommendation is cleaner water through stabilized riverbanks and improvements to the storm water System. The cost of this plan is approximately twvcnly-four million for grcenway development, and that includes construction, laud acquisition with willing sellers, landscape plantings, environmental assessments, fees for surveying landscape architects and engineers, as well as permitting fees. And some of the key funding strategies include going to the Federal government. where there are a number of sources already in place, and they're all detailed I your plan. The State also has funding, sources, including the Florida Coastal Zone Management. which actually, we did receive funding from thein to help put this plan together; Florida Communities frust money; the Florida Inland Navigation District, as well as local sources, like the Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program, winch some of the parks in the corridor did benefit from. There are also a number of private fiundations, 33 of which I've researched, and that's just scratching the surface. But they're in the plan, as well, and also, working with the husiness community to help land the plan. We have sat with the different property owners in the river corridor who have plans for mixed-use development, and they are very excited about it. They are planning to implement their -- they're planning to include within their devclopmcnt plans their segment of the river walk. And so that's another way in which the plan will be implemented. Some of the next steps and the early action steps that we're working on: We are going to study further who would be the lead agency to really implement the plan and to really make sure that it's done properly, the construction, the monitoring of those contracts, also, to secure additional funds, as well, and really to just take the lead and make sure that it's done right, that its security is in place, that it's maintained properly. Also, other curly action steps are to secure -- coutinuc to secure funding, and again, continue to work with the developers with plans for developments in the corridor, including commercial, office, restaurants, et cetera. There is already 2.16 million in hand in the City fur 1-ummus Park river walk development, as well as Fort Dallas. So we'll continue to work with the City to make sure those dollars get on the ground, and those segments are constructed. In addition, we're working to -- we're draRing a grant right now for an additional million from T-21 to construct the Last Little Havana portion of the greenway. In addition, the Trust fbr Public Land was invited by the Knight Foundation to submit a grant for significant finding. And we'll know early next month whether or nut we'll get (lie funding. But we submitted to do greenway development in Overtown, along the river, on the north side, in the Lummus Park area, as well as in Fast Little 1 [avana. Other early action steps include development of the Point Park, which is the newest park on the Miami River, in the Spring Garden community, which was acquired with fPL's assistance in 1999, and also working to get the North River Drive segment in the river corridor in Spring Carden, to ret that part developed into a grecnway, as well. And so those are some of' the early actions steps. And again, we would really appreciate your support in concept as we continue to move forward. And as different segments actually become implemented, the properties will take on a life of their own. And we will be hack, you know, to address the specific issues at that time. We'll be glad to answer any questions. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairnlan Gort: 1`harll: you, 'VIS. Freeman. Commissioner Sancho: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. 111111 A.- 198 5110101 Commissioner Sanchez: This will be a partnership between the Miami River Commission, Miami -- City of Miami and Dade County, correct? Commissioner Winton: Well, and the Trust for Public Land. Ms. Freeman: And the 'frust for Public Land. Commissioner Sanchez: And the frust for Public Land'? Ms. Freeman: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Martin could you -- MS. Freeman: I'm sorry? Commissioner Sanchez: Also, I have another question for you. Is it necessary for property to be in public ownership in order for the landowner to participate in the project'? Because the simple reason is if we -- if we're talking about connecting the dots, there are going to be certain properties that are not going to be owned by either the City, or they'll be private ownership, and we want to make sure that that doesn't create any problems. Ms. Freeman: Right. The property doesn't have to be in public ownership. But we are -- the objective is for the public to have access. And the property owners who we have met with have assured its that the public will have access to their portion of the trail as well, even though it won't be in public ownership. But -- Commissioner Sanchez: The other question is: Will you adopt similar programs, as adopt a highway, with local charities, civic groups and organizations and family members, to participate in the maintenance and tip keeping of the trails'? Ms. Freeman: Yes. 'I here are some ideas, again, within the plan that speak to that. And part of the goal, as well, is to create a sense of stewardship and pride among the residents and visitors. And so those kind of programs certainly help to i'acilitate that. Commissioner Sanchez: flow about a risk management plan'? Would you have a risk management plan established or set forth'? Ms. Freeman: Yes. That's also addressed in the plan, as well. And the plan is really comprehensive. And, you know, we're looking to really do -- to develop a river walk that will be successful, just as it has been done in other cities. And all those kind of considerations are included and brought out, in order for the program to he a success. Commissioner Sanchez: Thank you. Ms. Freeman: You're welcome. 199 5/10/01 Vice Chairtnan Gorr: I_et me ask a question. As I look at the -- right underneath the VA (Veterans Administration) Hospital, the green area you've got there, is that the Wagner Creek portion of it? Ms. Freeman: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Ms. Freeman: Yes. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Is that going to -- is that going to be cleaned up? Wagner Creek -- Vice Chairman Gor: Let me tell you, I was there the other day. The water is really not that bad. It needs to be cleaned up a little bit more, but the water has improved quite a bit. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, it's my understanding it's one of the most polluted creeks in the State of Florida. And -- Ms. Freeman: Yes Mr. Bibeaux: Right. On your first point, Commissioner, about the partnership aspect, the Miami River Commission, as you know, is made up of -- you're one of the mcnnbers of the Commission. And it docs include City, and County, and state and Governor's representatives, as well as representatives of the private enterprise. And the Trust for Public Land was selected as the consultant organization to spearhead it. But both the City and the County are being asked to approve it. After your hearing tonight and whatever comments you have for us, we're taking it to the County Commission next month. And oil the Wagner Creek issue, one of the major components of the Mianli River Commission is the storm water runoff one, which has selected the Wagner Creek as the area most in need of addressing that problem, and extended the bOUndaries, as you can see, from this map, all the way up, to include up to file so-called head wafers of the Wagner Creek in the Duarte Park area. Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chainnan Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Winton: 1 know some of the media are still around here, because the camera pods are still back there. .And it's really too had that they're not in here, focused on this issue, instead of the tinfoil tniate non -clews item argument that was held earlier in the day that shouldn't be on the news in the first place. But if we -- if you think about the impact of what's happened in the Commission today, we had a complete unveiling of a comprehensive master plan lin• Bicentennial Park that I think the community received extremely well. We had a presentation on our Information Technology study work that's been going on that's going to move our City into the 21" Century in the technology arena. We just have had unveiled the Mianli River Greenway concept plan that's been -- 1 don't know -- been two years in the making, three years? What's the --'? 200 5/101111 :Z�Z�Z�7sZ�Z� • Ms. Frecman: About two and a half, two and a half to three years, really. Commissioner Winton: Two and a half, three years in the making that's going to -- Vice Chairman Gort: But, Johnny, but if I may, you've done wonders in two and a half years, because they've been talking about this f'or 20 -some years now. Sorry, go ahead. Commissioner Winton: But the point here is that this plan is one more of those giant steps at creating a great, great, great livable City. And those three, these are momentous events in our City. And we have three of them, three of them in one day that came before the City Commission. That, front my viewpoint, is news. 'That's news. That's where our City's going. And I hope that the public -- Commissioner Sanchcr: But that won't be in the news today. Something else will he in the news today, Commissioner Winton: Well, maybe they'll come back in and take sonic shots of the Miami River Greenway Plan, hecaUSe this is news. This -is what our City's all about, and my hat is olf to all of you for the work you've clone. I think this is absolutely fabulous. And you get to thinking; about the next step, from a visionary standpoint, you know, our ability to connect those dots, then our ability in another phase that is going to come before this Commission at sonic point where we create a waterfront master plan where we can connect the resources of all of our -- connect the waterfront resources that we have that could be another great tourist opportunity, so that people could go from -- from the park in the Omni to Bayfront Park to Watson island to Virginia Key to the river and multiple Sites on the river. I mean, you could -- we could -- .ye have the potential here over the course of the next few years to create a tourist attraction, just hascd on moving around the City of Miami on the water. And so you all have done a great job here, and my hat's off to you, and thank you. Ms. freeman: Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you, Any other comments, questions? Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chainnan, I agree with everything; that Commissioner Winton has said. You didn't talk about the Department of Transportation. Was that unintentional, or are they a signatory and a party to this? Ms. Freeman: Absolutely. We have a Greenway Subcommittee that is comprised of different public agencies, including PDOT (Florida Department of Transportation). Commissioner Teele: OK. What about the Expressway Authority? Are they a part of this'' Ms. Freeman: We have not been in communication with them. Commissioner Teele: OK. All right. And the DDA (Downtown Development Authority), have you all been able to confer? Vice Chainilan Gort: Yes, 201 5110101 Commissioner Teele: Oh. And they've endorsed the plan already? Well, you know, this is -- Commissioner Winton is right. YOU know, when you compare San Antonio -- and what they're built is a massive billion -dollar development around what -- Commissioner Winton: On a nothing river. Commissioner Tecle: On what. in my -- what, from where I come from in Arkansas would he called a drainage ditch. Commissioner Winton: Yeah. Exactly. Commissioner Tccic: You know, we're sitting on a -- we're sitting on another, you know. gold mine here. it's as spectacular as the bay, and it's, quite frankly, a lot more functional and usable. You know, many of the people that were here earlier today, you know, if we -- if we look at something like looking at a component of this, asking staff to see tf maybe we can begin right now to create the Miami Dish Market, you know. We don't need to wait until the -- until the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) and all of that. We ought to work with this program right now. We ought to instruct the staff to begin right now to work with them and let's try to bring people onto the river. And, you know, let me tell you, a fish market on the river makes more sense than a fish market on the bay, because this river will accommodate all the ships. All the ships. And it -- you don't have to get into whether or not it's being flown in on -- Maine lobsters on, you know. American Airlines or not. A great fish market could be a nice gathering point. And my only issue -- and 1 don't -v4ant to revisit the fish market -- is you know and I know that the Commission putting a fish market with mega yacht marinas and what that's going to smell like, you know, iet's -- didn't want to say it because those five people were here. But they're gone. 7 hey're gone. You know, that's not what you put next to a mega yaclu marina. That's not %vhat Jackie Onassis and the Donald Trumps are looking -- Commissioner Regalado: You got to -- you got to put a security guard so people cannot go in. Commissioner Teele: But all I'm saving is help us. Help us, work with us, because 1 think there is a lot that we can do for each other. And 1 really do think that one of the things that our resolution should say in endorsing this is that we instruct the management to look for proactive ways to bring about livable space that has a cummcrcial application, that will have pedestrians, and create meeting places that have commercial implications, because we can do that here. And -- if that doesn't offend you. And I just wanted to make sure. Ms. Freeman: Oh, no. Absolutely, we welcome that. And part of the concept, too, is to program the river for different festivals and events year-round. And the way that it will be successful is to have people on it to use it. Commissioner Tecle: Washington, D.C. has a beautiful, huge river festival. i mean, you know, half a million, a million people come in just for that. This is (unintelligible). Commissioner Winton: I would move staffs recommendation. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. 6111I O 202 5/10101 Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: 'There's a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Being none, all -- Mr. Maxwell: Commissioner, as amended? Vice Chairman Gort: As amended by the -- by the administration. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Ave. The following resolution was intrwIticed by Commissioncr Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-440 A RESOLUTION OF THF MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMF.N"1', ACCP.PTING, 1N PRINCIPLE, THE MIA_ViI RIVER GRF.ENWAY ACTION PLAN, ATTACHFI) AS "EXHIBIT A," AS A PLANNING TOOT. FOR THE FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND PRESERVATION Oli THE MIAMI RIVER GREENWAY STUDY AREA AS DEFINED IN THE PIAN, SUBJECT TO CERTAIN CONDITIONS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted hero and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioncr Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chainnan Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Commissioner Winton: Thank you all. Ms. Freeman: Thank you. And I just want to add that the plan is available on TPL's website at %%AYA.tPI,org. And we will also have the plan on CD (compact disk). Vice Chainnan Gort: The CD's. 203 5/10/01 : us Ms. Fr+eanan• We have it. 1, y Vice Chairman Goll: We got it. Thank {T Me. Freeman: Thank you. = z ; ` Commissioner Winton: Thanks, Lavinia. Commissioner Sanchez: Can you provide us with tho � '41 Ms. Freeman: 1 have it right here, « V£G C y~s Vioe Chairman Gort: Yeah. Your office has CD's.,"'"L Vice Chairman Cort: We now conclude the PZ and we go hack to Ilio regular ttioetin�. b Note forRecord: AT THIS POINT, THE CITY COMMISSION CLOSED CONSH)ERATI:ON OF TNF PLANNING AND ZONING PORTION OF THE AGENDA TO CONSIDER ITEMS FROM THE REGULAR PORTION OF THE AGENDA. 2Qa 5/1010) 26. APPROVE AND CONSENT TO SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION'S DESIGNATION OF SEGMENT' 250234-1 OF STATE ROAD 953 (LE JEUNE ROAD BETWEEN DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAY/STATE ROAD 836 AND AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY/STATE ROAD 112) AS , LiMiTED ACCESS FACILITY FOR PURPOSES OF PROVIDING FOR CONSTRUCTION OF EXPRESSWAY INTER -CONNECTOR AT SAID LOCATION. Vice Chairman Gort: ltem 3. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): We've already done 3. Commissioner Winton: Could we order pizza? Vice Chairman Gort: That was Item 4. Commissioner Rcgalado: That was -- oh, thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: We already voted on it? Commissioner Winton: I don't think we voted. We just -- Commissioner Rcgalado: No. Remember that he asked us to vote -- he lobbied before he left -- to vote, Jose Ahrcu, the I -DOT (Florida Department of Transportation) Director. Commissioner Sanchez.: So move. Commissioner Regalado: I -le was here this morning. Vice Chainnan Gort: There's a motion. Is there it second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Is there any discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying"aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. I =Kam 205 5/10/01 • E The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-441 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSIOv, WITH ATTACI-TIMENT (S), APPROVING AND CONSENTING TO THE SECRETARY OF TRANSPORTATION'S DESIGNATION OF SEGMENT 250234-1 OF STATE ROAD 953 (LE JEUNE ROAD BETWEEN THE DOLPHIN EXPRESSWAYISTATE ROAD 836 AND THE AIRPORT EXPRESSWAY/STATI: ROAD 112) AS A LIMITED ACCESS FACILITY FOR PURPOSES OF PROVIDING FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF AN EXPRESSWAY INTER -CONNECTOR AT SAID LOCATION. AS INDICATED ON "EXHIBIT A"; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PREPARE AND EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE; FURTHHR DIRECTING THE CITY CI,ERX TO "TRANSMIT A CERTIFIED COPY OF THE HEREIN RF.SOLIITION TO'I'llE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OI� 1'RANSPOR"rA'I'JON. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconcled by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Rebalado Commissioner Joe Sancliev. Commissioner Arthur E. Tccle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gori NAYS: None ABSENT: None 206 5110/01 • • 27. TRANSFER AND ADD PORTION OF NORTHWEST 42 i COURT, BETWEEN 14r' AND l8"' STREETS, TOGETHER WITH ALL PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY ADJACENT THERETO TO JURISDICTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF STATE OF rLOR11)A HIGHWAY SYSTEM; CONDITIONED UPON FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT) AGREEING TO ASSUME RESPONSIBILITY OF MAINTENANCE OF LANDSCAPING IMPROVEMENTS NSTALLED AS PART OF CONSTRUCTION OF MIAMI INTERMODAUCENTER_ J Vice Chairman Gort: Item 5. Transfer to the Northwest 42i" Court right-of-way responsibility to the State of Florida. Commissioner Winton: So move, Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: it's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." Tile Commission (Collectively): Ave. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved ibr its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-442 A RESOLUTION OF THF. MIAMI CIT)' COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), TRANSFERRING AND ADDING A PORTION OF NORTIIWEST 42" COURT, RFT'WFEN 14Th AND 18.111 STREETS, TOGETHER kk'ITH ALL PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY ADJACENT THERETO, MORE PARTICULARLY SHOXVN N "EXHIBIT A," TO THE JURISDICTIONAL RESPONSIBILITY OF THE ST'A'TE OF FLORIDA HIGHWAY' SYSTEM IN CONFORMANCE WITH SECTION 337.29, FLORIDA STATUTES; CONDITIONING TIE TRANSFER AND ADDITION UPON FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (" FDOT") AGREEING TO ASSUME THE RESPONSIBILITN' OF THE MAINTENANCE OF THE LANDSCAPING I`'IPROVF.MF.NTS NSTALLED AS PART OF THE CONSTRUCTION Oh T'1 -1L' MIAMI INTERMODAL CENTER; AUTHORIZING THE' FDOT TO RECORD A izio T -OF -WAY MAP OF THE SUBJECT ROAD N THE PUBLIC' RECORDS OF MIAMI- DADF COUNTY, FLORIDA; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NI;CIiSSARY DOCUMLNTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTARLF TO 'TIIE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the; City Clerk.) 207 5/10/01 IZIIII1iQ11 um molly t.` mtt�i dt�n�l'$ t►c�,, oi�ttic �v apuaa�ed end udc add 3 �v1>�g } �ti r rz r Tomas - �� �R e �+ll5A �iF r .r,>• a�' t�,na"z�'` ��� �'}er. � .. k h e rte' GOiili1118810n61 Joe S811CIloZ Commissioner Arthur L. Toole, Jr. w _Nt ;4 xV,nCommissioner Johnny t« Winton. s s$11n�R aViGC"�1f5i f rT „? R"'✓ r. Mi None ■� �' Yf ftrba` +�� �� + ���� �' �� ti ��'�5s4a�j S .,`� 41 A a R N r q ,�T �zr�n. °�ir'i�,�,�C k��1 •r 'a A� ����,}g,�"gks°. �,, ^'s a F ¢ it W};jl�Y 9 i, fi W 1 }t 23fiA�'�}' I�'� r��,'ix lit �.: r 3 I �$ ' ��1t�101� 28. ESTABLISH GUIDELINES AND APPROVE DISTRICT 5 LITTLE .HAITI JOB CREATION PILOT PROJECT. Vice Chainnan Gort: Item 7, District 5,Little Haiti Job Creation Pilot Project. Dan Fernandes (Assistant Director, Community Development): Yes, Commissioners, Item 7 is a — meeting of March the 29`x', the City Commission directed the administration to conic back with a comprehensive plan to implement the District 5, Little ilaiti Joh Creation Pilot Project. This was part of a five-year commitment of allocations from CDBG (Community Development Block Gram) funds of two hundred and twenty -live thousand dollars (5225,000) in five-year installments. To date, the City Commission has awarded three installments. A total of seven hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars (5775,000) is available. And the plan that you have before you, it's a four -step process, basically, that the City will he sending out RFP's (Request for Proposal) to eligible agencies in an arca - in the Edison Little River area, hounded on the north side by the City limits in District 5, 1-95 to the west; the railroad tracks to the east, the District 5 boundary line to the south, exclusive of the design district, but inclusive of Buena Vista. The program is a loan program, and grant program that will upgrade and expand business facilities in the Little Haiti arca, correct code violations, provide improvements for ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) standards, infrastructure improvements and fi .adc improvements. The concept basically is a maximum ninety thousand dollar ($90,000) per grant, with a filieen thousand dollar ($15,000) job creation for each job requirement attached to that. The process itself will include a CD review for eligibility, an engineering review. which will determine feasibility of the project; referral to an advisory board, which is a seven -member panel, and final approval by the City Commission. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman? Vice Chairman Gott: Yes, sir. Commissioner Tecle: 1 would like to move the item, but I have two amendments to it. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gott: There's a motion and there's a second, Discussion. Commissioner Teele: in the program guidelines, the eligible activities, as well as the — well, the focus — it's reported in the focus, but the eligible activities included visitor and tourist -generating activities or projects, which was discussed and agreed upon two years and that was dropped off, although it is contained in the facus. You know, the focus is tourism destination. But I think it's important. And the other eligible activity should be educational, scientific activities that are oriented toward eco -tourism. Commissioner Winton: What does that moan? Commissioner Teele: You'd be surprised. You'd be surprised. 209 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort. You haven't been at the faun yet? Commissioner Regalado: Where is that? Vice Chairman Gort: We have to take him to the farm. Commissioner Tecle: We've got to take him to the farm this summer. Vice Chairman Gort: We have to take you to the farm. Commissioner Teele: But educational and scientific and -- Commissioner Regalado: Is that the farm we went -- Commissioner Teele: -- and eco -tourism activities. Commissioner Regalado: Oh, that's great. Commissioner Teele: it would be an eligible activity they could apply -- technically, they could apply under the Code 1?irforcement area, obviously, but — 1 mean, under the code upgrade, but it is one of the biggest destinations in Little Haiti where schools all over Dade County take children to see the bees make honey; the goats be milked. I mean, it's right there in an urban farni. Unbelievable in terms of what people could do with little money. And, so, those are the two other areas that we want to include under "Q", the eligible project activities for visitors and tourist destination projects or programs, and educational and scientific and eco -tourism projects. Is there a problem with that from the management? Mr. Carlos Gimcne7. (City Manager): No problem, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: Docs the seconder of the motion accept the amendment? Commissioner Teele: OK, Commissioner Winton: Yes. Right. Yeah, absolutely. Vice Chairman Gort: Ok. is there any further discussion? Commissioner Winton: I have a question. What differentiates what determines when this will be a grant versus a loan? Commissioner Tecle: Stall's recommendation. Johnny, the way this is designed, this is a grant. If you generale one job by federal guidelines, you can grant fifteen thousand dollars (S15,000), but the reason it's a grant/loan, it's forgivable over a five-year period of time, So, if somebody gets the grant, does the business, and shuts down and decides to 210 5/10101 2rt�i � • go somewhere else, it's a loan. In other words, they abandon the project or whatever, but if they meet the goals of the project, each year it's supposed to be forgiven over the period of time that's allowable by federal rules. Mr. Fernandes: Correct. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Is there any further discussion? Commissioner Tecic: These funds have been put away over a four-year period of time because we didn't have enough money to go out with the program. We said we'd wait until we got somewhere around a quarter of a -- I mean, three quarters to a million dollars, and that's why it's here now, and we're going to go out with the program and try to create more jobs in the Little Haiti area, but the boundaries include from 95 to the railroad tracks or whatever the definition was. And, so, it's an issue — and I really wish management would work with us and give us leave to come back. I've had two calls today from the people in Edison and the people in Buena Vista and the people in Little River and lemon City, but only two calls - one from Little River and one from Edison, all of which is the eligible arca as defined, but when we go out with the notices, make sure we put in parenthesis all of these neighborhood areas, especially the Buena Vista Historic District because people want to be proud of their communities and we've got to figure out a better way to make people proud. And, so, I would also ask, parenthetically, as an amendment, that the individual neighborhoods, as identified by the Planning Department and the district representative be included, based upon historical designations that are accepted within the community. And. parenthetically, when we say Little Haiti, parenthesis, these areas. Mr. Fernandes: We'll put that in the public notice. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." Ra m 211 5110/01 0 • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Tcele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION N0.01-443 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSON, WITH ATTACHMENTS, CREATING AND ESTABLISHING THE DISTRICT FIVE LITTLE HAITI JOB CREATION PILOT PROJECT AND APPROVING AND ADOPTING THE PROJECT'S GUIDELINES, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joc Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr, 212 5110101 E • i9. --SECOND READING ORDINANCE: ESTABLISH NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND -1 ENTITLED "FLORIDA REGULATORY MARKERS AND SIGNAGE GRANT FUND" AND, APPROPRIATE $1,500, CONSISTING OF GRANT FROM FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF i ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. Vice Chairman Gort: hem 12. It's a second, second reading ordinance -- Commissioner Winton: Move it. Commissioner Tecle: Second. Vice Chairman Gorr. -- accepting fifteen hundred -- It's been moved. Is there a second? Read it. Call the roll. An Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE; OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLTSHfNG A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE, FUND EN'T'ITLED "FLORIDA REGULATORY MARKERS AND SIGNAGE GRANT FUND" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF SAME, IN THE AMOUNT OF $1,500, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL. PROTECTION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANTAND TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR ACCEPTANCE OF THE GRANT: CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of April 26, 2001, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Teele, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading, by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYHS: Commissioner Tomas Regulado Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Sanchez THE ORDINANCE WAS DESIGNATED ORDINANCE NO. 12060. The ordinance was read, by title, into the public record by the City Attorney. 213 5/10101 • • 30. SFCQND . READINO ORDINANCE: AMEND ORDINANCE : NO. ' 11991 WINCH ESTAOLISJU D INITIAL RESOURCES Alv'D APPROPRIATIONS EO}� SPECIAL REVENU)E7.'FUND `ENTITLED "WORKFORCEVELFARI; TRANSITION.$RO,QRAM (PYt2000.2001," TQ INCREASE APRROPRIATIONS TO THB FUND, 431,852, .CQNSISTIN1G OF.G T FROM OUTHTL-*Q :IDA .EMPLOYMENT AND, TRAINING CONSORTIUM. Vice Chairman Gort: 13, second reading. Approving ordinance, Workforce/Welfare Transition. Commissioner Winton: So move. Vice Chairman (Tort: Read it. Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Roll call. An Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF 771E MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11991. ADOPTED NOVEMBER 16, 2000, WHICH ESTABLISHED INITIAL RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR A SPECIAL REVENUE. FUND ENTITLED "WORKFORCE/WELFARE TRANSITION' PROGRAM (YY 2000-2001)," "10 INCREASE APPROPRIATIONS TO THE FUND IN THE AMOUNT OF 5181,852, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE SOUTH FLORIDA EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING CONSORTIUM. AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AND TO EXECUTE THE; NECESSARY DOCUMENTS. 1N A FORM ACCEPTABLE: TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of April 26, 2001, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Tcele, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reading, by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L.Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 214 5110/01 Tfif3 0Kta111N, A►NGB WAS DESIONATED ORDINANCE NO. I 1, � Favac .s ' yQ, + ctty a�inry■e■jy�t�/�`� d the omi"m Vito tha puiw' 1fi Cw»tott � j6' iia r fi l N`'�r 1 31. DEFER CONSIDERATION OF PROPOSED.SECOND READINQ ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE SECTION 2-892 AND TO ADD NEW CHAPTER TO CREAT8 AND ESTABLISH MODEL CLff HOMEOWNERSHIPiTRUST. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 14. Model City -- Commissioner Tecle: Move that the item be deferred, with instructions to the management to hold a public hearing at the Orchard Villa Elementary School in the area, for the purpose of gaining additional input from the affected community, requesting specifically that the public hearing be held for the purpose of inviting the Iiadley Park Homeowner Association and the -- what's the name of it? -- Floral licighis I lomeowner Association, as well as the affected arca residents by both public notice and direct mail of the hearing. And further, that publication notice be made defining the boundaries of the Model City Revitalization District, which is the broader district -- you know, the homeownership is very narrow -- by publication, and that the entire process be returned to the Commission by the first meeting in June for a second reading. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Cort: it's been moved and seconded. Any discussion' Being none, all in favor -- Commissioner 'I cele: And Mr. Chairman, there is no problem, but again, we just want to make sure that everybody that's affected -- because there is a little bit of nervousness when you start talking about improving a neighborhood, and people are afraid they're going to be squeezed out. And as great as it is, we just need to take that extra step and let everybody know what we're doing. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, Commissioner, I received a lot of calls, and I've visited some of the homeowners associations, and there's a lot of rumors going around. I had an opportunity to clarify them quite a bit. 5o I think these public hearings is very important. The other thing I'd like to state is, if it's possible, oil Channel 9, if we can have the CD's (compact disks) on the Bicentennial Park, the whole presentation, if we could have it in Channel 9 every once in a while. 1 think it would be very important that the people will get a chance to see that, the process, OK? Carlos Ginlenez (City Manager): Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Gort: 'thank you. All in favor state it by saying "aye." Commissioner Teele: Hold, hold. 1 want to make sure that the public hearing is called by the District 5 Commissioner in the area, with the City of Miarni staff, management. Commissioner Regalado: Excuse tile. When you said -- You're talking about the presentation that we heard here on the Bicentennial? Commissioner Teele: No. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. 216 5110101 Vice Chairman Gort: Hello? The CD, I don't know if it has the sound or not. I didn't get a chance to look at it. But I imagine they probably do. Mr. Gimenez: We'll find out. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All in favor -- Commissioner Winton: Call the question. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state it by The Commission (Collectively): Aye. • r The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Tecic, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-444 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM 14 (PROPOSED SECOND RFADING ORDINANCE TO AMEND CODE SECTION 2-892 AND TO ADD A NEW CHAPTER TO CREATE AND ESTABLISH THE MODEL CITY HOMEOWNERSHIP TRUST) TO THE MEETING CURRENTLY SCIIEDULED FOR JUNE 14, 2001; FURTI-II:R DIRECTING THE ADMINISTRATION TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC HEARING AT ORCHARD VILLA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL. IN MODEL CITY, FOR THF. PURPOSE OF RECEIVING INPUT PROM 'rHE AFFECTED COMMUNITY, SAID PUBLIC HEARING TO BE CALLED BY THE DISTRICT 5 COMMISSIONER AND 'fIIL' CITY ADMINISTRATION; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE. MANAGER 1'0 INVITE. TILE HADLEY PARK HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, TIFF. FLORAL HEIGHTS IIOMEOWNFRS ASSOCIATION AND AREA RESIDENTS BY BOTH PUBLIC NOTICE AND DIRECT MAIL; FURTHER DIRI?C'L'ING THE MANAGER TO PU13LISH A DEFINITION OF THIS DESIGNATED BOUNDARIES OF THE MODE-1 CITY REVITALIZATION DISTRICT. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gott NAYS: None ABSENT: None 218 5110101 IMAM • 1] 32.:. -SECOND READINq ORDINANCE: °AMEND,CHAPTER•1B-QP, CITY CODE BY ADDING NEW ',: ARTICLE'X- , TO" ]CREATE. . AND. ESTAOLISH.. CITY'S -EdO1�OMIC DEVELOPMENT FINA14MO AUTIiORITYj . i Vice Chairman Gort: Item 15. Second reading ordinance. Ordinance creating the Economic Development Financing Authority. Commissioner Winton: So move. Commissioner Tecle: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Read it. OK. Roll call. An Ordinance entitled AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 18 OF THE CODE. OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMI?NDED, TO CRNA'!; AND ESTABLIS14 THE CITY OF MIAMI ECONON41C DEVELOPMENT FINANCING AUTHORTI'Y; PROVIDING FOR DEFINITIONS, MEMBERSHIP, POWERS AND DUTIES; PROVIDING FOR ISSUANCE OF REVENUE BONDS AND OTHER FORMS OF INDEBTEDNESS TO FINANCF THE COSTS OF QUALIFYING PROJECTS; PROVIDING FOR SUCK INDEBTCDNESS FROM REVENUES DERIVED FROM SUCH PROJECTS AND OTHER LEGALLY AVAILABLE REVENUES; PROVIDING FOR THE FORM AND SALE OF SUCH INDEBTFDNF:SS; PROVIDING FOR THE TERMS OF SUCH INDEBTEDNESS AND TRUST INDENTURES AND O I-IIiR AGREEMENTS SECURING SUCH DEBT; PROVIDING FOR THE VALIDATION OF SUCH DEBT; PROVIDING FOR CERTAIN RLMEDICS WITH RESPECT TO SUCH INDEBTEDNESS; PROVIDING LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY FOR SUCH AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR INTERLOCAL COOPERATION THROUGH INTERLOCAL AGREEMENTS, PROVIDING FOR PERMITTED INVESTMENTS OF SUCH AUTHORITY; PROVIDING FOR FINANCING GOVERNMENTAL BORROWING; PROVIDING FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FINANCING: PROVIDING FOR INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT FINANCING; PROVIDING FOR HEALTH l CARL' FINANCING; PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FINANCING; PROVIDING FOR BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES; PROVIDING THAT SUCH INDEBTEDNESS MAY BE TAXABLE OR TAX EXEMPT; MORE PARTICULARLY BY ADDING NEW AR'T'ICLE X TO SAID CHAPTER: MAKING FINDINGS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND PROVIDING FOR A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND AN EFFECTIVE. DATE. 219 011TO a L& - 5110101 • passed on its first reading, by title, at the meeting of April 26, 2001, was taken up for its second and final reading, by title, and adoption. On motion of Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Teele, the ordinance was thereupon given its second and final reacting, by title, and was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort 220 5/10/01 33, DIRECT MANAG TO RETURN -UNOPENED ALL; PROPOS. L$- RECEIVED ON MAY 9, 2001 IN;:RESPONSE TO'R'EQU]STFOR PROPOSALS'RP) FOR FINi4NCIAI: UNDERWRITING SERVICES,'AND I$SUE NEW REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS.. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: I have not taken up any of the items from my district from the morning. And while Mr. Nachlinger is here, I'd like to just clarify one issue in which there's been substantial discussions. And I think- you all got a copy of a memo written to the Manager regarding the RFP (Request for Proposals) -- RFQ (Request for Qualifications)'? Robert Nachlinger (Assistant City Manager): RFQ, sir. Commissioner Teele: RI Q, regarding financial services. There was a concern that I raised about the RFQ, and it didn't come to -- I think it's been established that we did not have an opportunity to review it as a Commission, but that's not a big deal. It's not required. And the City Attorney has straightened me out on that, although it normally does come. Had it come, I would have made several recommendations. And I appreciate very much, Mr. Manager, you all taking an action to ensure that we could discuss this. My concern is simply this: That I believe that the RFQ should contain a four-year proviso, but with one year -- with a one-year term, as opposed to a two-year term. There are several other technical issues that I think are really something that we want to ensure that the Commission has a little bit more flexibility in the RFQ for the financial services. The bids were received on yesterday at 4 p.m., and remain unopened; is that correct'? ,\IT. Nachlinger: Yes, sir, it is. Commissioner Teele: Would it be -- would it in any way dis -- Would it inconvenience the process, or would it be detrimental to the activities that we're undertaking and studying if the bids were returned unopened, with the provision that a new RFQ would be issued within a matter of three to four days, with it being brought back before this Commission by the first meeting in June, to provide more flexibility to the Commission, but at the same time, recognize -- and recognize that there will be a term of office that will change, and that a Mayor or any elected official of that nature that leaves the City, under our Charter, should have the maximum flexibility, which this is designed to do. Is that an acceptable statement of -- ? Mr. Nachlinger: Yes, sir. It certainly never was our intention to do anything to the political process. We were just looking for the best bankers. Joel Maxwell (Assistant City Attorney): Yeah. Commissioner Teele: I would therefore move that the bids be returned, unopened, as they are now, and that the management be instructed to confer with each Commissioner prior to mailing out the new one, But in no event will they be held for more than three working days, with the intent that they will be back before us by April 14`x', the first meeting in June. That -- and specifically that the term would not be the long term, but one-year terms with four one-year options. And that's one of the important features, I 221 5110101 think, given the fact that our Charter requires a change in the executive head, and that's normally the case, the way these bond documents are lined up when they go out. We've not been in the business, so, you know, we got a little bit ahead of ourselves, I think. But in any event, it maintains the flexibility of the incoming administration to have -- Actually, you all would have only limited it to three years, right? Mr. Nachlinger: That's correct, sir. Commissioner Tecle: It would maintain the flexibility for the incoming -- 1br the administration going forward to have the flexibility to maintain whatever team is selected for four years. Or at the end of one year, they could go out with -- and request a new team. And it's very routine in municipal government that these things are coincided with the term of the chief elected official, so that that person can have the maximum amount of input. And so that's the motion, to return the bids unopened, in that the management has indicated they will not, in any way, impair or deny anything that is being proposed, and that we will have the bids available for award on June the 141x'. So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Teele: You want to do it? Commissioner Sanchez: There's a motion. There's a motion and a second. Open for discussion. Hearing none, all in favor -- Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Could we add to that that the return of the sealed bids would be subject to our public records laws, to the extent that that would be permitted under Chapter 119? Commissioner Tecle: Sure does, but I don't know what it means. If we return them -- Are you saying we can't return them? Mr. Vilarello: 1 would like to look at the issue. Commissioner Teele: Oh, subicct to. So you'd like to research it, because maybe once we get it -- Mr. Vilarello: That it's a public record that might be under our control, and we may have to retain. Commissioner Sanchez: Does the maker of the motion accept the recommendation'? Commissioner Teele: I accept the amendment. Commissioner Sanchez: Maker of the motion accepts. Second? Commissioner Winton: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. All in favor say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye... 222 5110101 nz�z�l� • 0 Commissioner Sanchcr Anyone opposed, having the same right, say "nay." Hearing none, it passes unanimously. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Tecle, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-445 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CI'T'Y MANAGER, SUBJECT TO CITY ATTORNEY REVIEW AND APPROVAL, TO RETURN, UNOPENED, ALL PROPOSALS RECEIVED ON MAY 9, 2001 IN RESPONSE, TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS (RFP) FOR FINANCIAL UNDERWRITING SERVICES; FURT111 R DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO MEFT WITH EACH MEMBER OF THE' COMMISSION PRIOR TO MAILING OUT THE NEW RFP's; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO ISSUE A NEW REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR FINANCIAL UNDERWRITING SERVICES WIiICIi WILL PROVIDE MORE FLEXIBILITY TO TIIE COMMISSION SHOULD THERE; BE A CIIANGE IN THIS EXECUTIVE MAYOR AFTER THE NOVi:MBIsR ELECTION BY INCLUDING A PROVISION FOR A ONE-YEAR TERM WITH FOUR ONE-YEAR OPTIONS IN SAID PROPOSED AGREEMENT; AND FUR' HE'R. DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO IIAVh PROPOSALS AVAILABLE FOR AWARD AT THE MEETING CURRENTLY SCIIEDULED FOR JUNE 14, 2001. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L, Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort 223 5/10/01 ' "4101N ' 0".PI ANC>r:MOWN'. 4Es AND oxs >0R,$CIA7: aR.at7P ;�,��� �4eJ::1?iS FROM j l QNA �t C tlL: G Commissioner Sanchez: Next item. Which is the next item? 16? 16, it's -- it's an ordinance, first reading. Commissioner Winton: So move. Commissioner Sanchez: Moved by Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Teele: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Seconded by Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Is this the -- Commissioner Sanchez: Open for discussion. Commissioner Winton: It's a grant. Commissioner Sanchez: It's a grant totaling eight -three, two eighty. Commissioner Winton: It's a grant we're receiving. Commissioner Sanchez: Cali Enforcement Group Task force Fund. There's a motion and a second. Mr. Teele, did you second it? Commissioner Teele: 1 seconded, yes, sir. Commissioner Sanchez: Open for discussion. Ilearing none. It's an ordinance, first reading. Mr. Attorney, read the ordinance. Mr. City Clerk, call the roll. 224 5/10/01 • An Ordinance entitled — AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING INITIAL RESOURCES AND APPROPRIATIONS FOR A SPECIAL. REVENUE FUND ENTITLED "CALI ENFORCEMENT GROUP TASK FORCE FUND," AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS IN THE AMOUNT OF $83,280, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE EXECUTIVE OFFICE Ol; THE PRESIDENT, OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEP'T'ABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. TO ACCEPT THE GRANT; AUTHORIZING THE EXPENDITURE OF GRANT' FUNDS FOR THEOPERATION OF THE PROGRAM; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. was introduced by Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would -- Commissioner Sanchez: It passes. 225 5/10/01 • Commissioner Tecic: This is a big item, important item coming up. I don't -- This is on first reading; is that right? Commissioner Sanchez: Yes, sir. Commissioner Tecle: And 1 just would like to inquire, but could we just take a five-minute break? I mean, we're losing a quorum, and I think we need to refresh -- Commissioner Sanchez: 'There's a motion for a five-minute recess. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. All in favor say "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Sanchez: A five-minute recess. 226 5110101 I'he following motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-446 A MOTION TO RECESS THE COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 10, 2001 FOR A PERIOD OF FIVE MINUTES (BEGINNING 9:15 P.M.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Conlin issioner.1OC Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Vice Chairman Wifredo Gon TI]ERE UPON, THE CITY COMMISSION WENT INTO RECESS AT 9:15 P.M. AND RECONVENF.P. AT 9:27 P.M., WITH AII. MEMBLRS, F'XCE.PTING COMMISSIONER TF.ELE AND COMMISSIONER WINTON FOUND TO BE PRESENT. Vice Chairman Gort: 16-A. Linda Haskins (Director, Management & Budget): Hello. Linda Haskins, Director, Management and Budget. This is the first reading of a midyear appropriations ordinance. This ordinance is a result of a lot of work, looking at CIP (Capital Improvement Project) funds, special revenue funds and projects in the City, and going through and asking, and analyzing departments, to see what we needed in additional funding, Note for the Record: Commissioner Teele entered the Commission Chamber at 9:28 p.m. and Commissioner Winton entered the Commission Chamber at 9:29 p.m.) Ms. Haskins: Within the general fund, we're asking for additional appropriations of three million, live -o - seven, five hundred, most of which is covered by recurring revenue increases. We're estimating an increase in our parking surcharge revenue of a million, nine from the original budget, and interest on investment of a million, four sixty-five from our original budget. We also have an additional revenue item, a hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars that we're transferring from a special revenue fund, and that is covering some temporary salaries that typically, Parks would fund out of a special revenue fund, and we're putting; it in the general fund. Included in the request for additional appropriations are approximately eight hundred and fifty-six thousand dollars ($856,000) in budget reserves. Those reserves are comprised of a hundred and sixty-seven thousand relating to a couple items. There's fifty-seven thousand dollars ($57,000) in the Police Department budget. We looked at a number of line items. We thought there were some risks and benefits in some of their budget items, and we are requesting putting in a fifty-seven thousand dollar ($57,000) budget reserve, in case we maybe cut them back too much. They would not be able to spend that money unless they got prior permission to dip into that fifty-seven 227 5110101 thousand dollars ($57,000) budget reserve. There's also a ten thousand dollar ($10,000) budget reserve in some small deparlmcnts %vithin the City. We have about six departments, six small departments. They have very small budgets. If there happens to be a new person hired at a diflcrent step than what was budgeted -- we budgeted step one. A person could he hired at step three. We -- it ends up taking a lot of time to monitor these budgets. Again, the ten thousand dollar ($10,000) budget reserve in these small departments would not be spent unless there was prior approval. But what it will help us do is hire people more quickly when we need them, get through the budget analysis more quickly, so we have a little hit of breathing room, without running into an anti -deficiency ordinance problem in these small departments. There's also a sixty thousand dollar ($60,000) budget reserve for elected ollicials. You all, as well, have very small budgets. We spend a lot of time manipulating numbers, doing transfers, and it's -- I think it's going to make the process easier for the elected officials to get their purchases through. And we usually have some unusual items that conic up with what's been going on with the stadium. 'There's been additional travel. We've got Commissioner Sanchez maybe getting part of the leadership -- the leadership, you know. So we know that we have the funding there if there's ever a problem. There -- we've increased -- some of the larger items that are increased -- I'm going to talk about the dollars, then I'll talk about the people next. We've got a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) in additional parking surcharge expenses. That's in the Finance Departtnenl. "That's because of the fact that the parking surcharge is running ahead of plan "That's good news. We're more than paying lm it with the additional revenues. Disaster Recovery Division. Disaster Recovery Division is a division within the Fire Department, Fire -Rescue that was budgeted in ('11). But the funding of the positions a:rd their administrative expenses have to cone from the general fund. if there's no emergency. there's no funding tar those positions. So to keep the budget clean and show what the true general turd impact is of these activities, wanted to show it in the general fund. And it keeps CIP funds clean, and we don't have head counts sitting in the CIP fund. And that division. for the most part, pays for itself; by the time all is said and done, between handling the emergencies, getting the funding in under emergencies, and working on grants in the aftermath. The next larger item is, if we look at the Information Technology Department. there are some significant requests in here. And these requests are people and dollars related to those people, for the most part. Looking at seven additional permanent stall. On top of that, a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000) in consulting services for outside contract programmers or program analysts. This is getting us -- moving us toward the first stage of the implementation of the Ding -term IT (Information Technology) Strategic Plan. But even if we weren't at that first phase, the result of the Arthur Andersen review showed that we were understaffed in these position in IT. So 1 think regardless of whether we went ahead with the implementation or not, we would have needed these sorts of positiois. 'These are technical iT positions. We're also looking at a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($140,000) in additional costs Citywide in telecommunications. Most of that is resulting from the implementation of the 31 1 system. We did an analysis of Citywide telecom expenses, and with those additional 311 expenses, we needed another -- a hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000). The next larger items you'll see are in the Police Department. The largest item there is a hundred and live thousand dollars ($105.000) for motor fuel. Solid Waste Department. This is a large item. 'Phis relates to tipping fees. We're setting this up as a budget reserve, not as a budget item. OK? Again, this money would not be spent if' we did not find savings in other areas of the Solid Waste budget. When we looked at the Solid Waste budget, we suw some pluses and minuses here. We thought, we're going to need some additional tipping fees. We weren't sure how much additional we would need over and above some of the surpluses they may he running over there already. Non -departmental accounts. Non -department accounts, again, are accounts that tend to be Citywide, and we look at those extra closely when we spend these funds. We're asking fir a hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in additional fuel costs. 'There was a contribution to DOSP 228 5/10/01 (Department of Off -Street Parking) of a hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars ($135,000) that we did not budget for, in error, in the original budget, needed to be budgeted tor. 'Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) in fees, in professional fees, consulting and legal fees. tifost of that is related to the stadium work that has been done or will be done. Sixty thousand dollars ($60,000) for the Development Summit. Two hundred and forty thousand dollars ($240,000) for Summer Internship Program. This is a program that Human Resources stages every year, and the funding has been coming through the midyear ordinance. A hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) tier Bayfront Park. What happened with the Bayfront Park budget is it's budgeted at slightly over a million dollars ($1000,000) in contribution, less one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) in debt service, debt payment that they would make. They owed the City about four or five hundred thousand dollars (5500,000). The% paid that off last year, after we had developed the budget. So they -- since they paid the loan, we'vc got to give them the million dollars ($1,000,000), rather than the nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) that was in the budget. And there's the -- there's a large item in there, two hundred and eight -eight thousand, five seventy-seven. This is additional reserves that would he required under the State statute for the increase in the parking surcharge, and we should see that one going away, because we're getting to our 15 percent Free and clear reserves under the statute. We also reflect in here the surpluses from Commissioner Gort and Commissioner Regalado from last year, going to the NE"T (Neighborhood Enhancement Team). And there's an additional contribution to the homeless program, eighth -seven thousand, live hundred. That's to fund two people in that program. Within last year's budget, they -- one of those people was shown as being funded by Community Development. There was not good coordination with that, and they -- and that person was not being funded by Conimunity Development. in terms of people within this budget -- Oh, there's one other thing that I should mention to you. Within this budget, as well, is something that has been discussed in a couple of Commission meetings, and that is protocol. We have in here the transfer of the remaining protocol dollars that are in the Muyor's budget to GSA (General Services Administration). In addition to that, within the people, changes, the head count changes is the establishment of a permanent classified position in GSA for protocol. The total change in people in the general fund is 20.5 people. 'I hrce and a hall'are coming from the Disaster Recovery Division in fire. 'I hose were positions we would have had to fund anyway. They requested a grant writer to help them out with dealing especially with some of the flood mitigation grants that are available. That is a position that should pay for itself. Communications operator. They're seeing a lot ofovertime in the alarm office, and in order to reduce that overtime, they wanted to hire an additional staff. That position should also pay for itself with the reduction in overtime. In GSA, we talked about the protocol officer, asking for a position in the graphics reproduction area, an Administrative Aide IL t'he -- that area has taken on a lot of additional responsibilities within the City. 'They're monitoring all of the copying contracts. It's all been centralized. The guy over there is just doing a fabulous job, but lie's overloaded with the volume of work that's going on, on top of managing this. There have been a lot of RPP's going out and a lot of additional work that's been put on that area in the last few- months. There is an admin. position requested. There was an admin. position in GSA that got reclassified to a mechanic position. GSA needs somebody in their administrative staff to help them with their budget items, their fleet management system, and that sort of thing. So that's what this position is in GSA, Human Resources. '['here was an analysis in Human Resources dune, a process analysis done. And the recommendation from the committee that did this process analysis was that we could process requests to fill quicker and get people oil board more efficiently if there was more than one person processing all the paperwork that has to go through in hiring a person. So that is what that staff is. We talked about the IT staff. Media Relations. You see a position out of one. This was a budget error. This person never showed up on a TO (fable of Organization) in the original budget. Vl'e've been trying to go through and reconcile all of the payroll accounts to the budget accounts, to make sure that that sort of problem doesn't 229 5110101 0 • continue. And public facilities -- no. Public facilities was just a transfer. The other increase in people is three engineer tech. 3's in Public Works. Public Works, there's been a lot of pressure put on to get projects done, try to out -source that sort of thing. And they're really running short on resources over there. We've got them -- they're working pretty -- full board over there these days. Special revenue funds. Special revenue funds looks like a big dollar amount. It's seventy-nine million dollars ($79,000,000). But there-- there are a couple of things going on, on here, the larges of which is that with the change in procedure to close out projects at the end of every year and then have to roll them over, within last year's budget, we didn't roll over fund balances, in all special projects. The other thing that's happened during the year is there were some rollovers in CD (Community Development), for example, that came through via resolution, not ordinance. We have to clean that up, make sure it's by ordinance. And we've also had a couple grant acceptances that, rather than come to you via ordinance, came to you via resp., which. again, we needed to get into a resolution -- into an ordinance. There was, in the NET Office, there was a large error in the budget. Twenty and a half positions never showed in the budget book in the NET -- for NET. The positions were budgeted for, but in the TO that you approved in the budget ordinance, the staff was not listed there. So this is to advise you that there were 20.5 more people budgeted in NEI' than what we showed you on the TO. Commissioner Sanchez: Were those positions not filled? Ms. Haskins: They were tilled. They were filled. They were budgeted for. But lbr some reason, when the TO's were done, they did not reflect on the TO. And that's -- Commissioner Sanchez: They didn't reflect. Ms. Haskins: -- the Table of Organization. Commissioner Sanchez: Yeah. Ms. Haskins: The Org. Chart. OK. And -- Commissioner Sanchez: So in other words, we had 20 people working that didn't show up on our -- on our work force. Ms. Haskins: Right. And part of the process we've been going through, the reason this is coming up is not only looking at special revenue funds and the CIP funds, but going through and working with Angela Bellamy and her staff on cleaning up our payroll system, so .ve can easily reconcile budget numbers to head counts, and not have to go through literally manually counting down positions. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, please. Can we honor those 20 people that were volunteers, apparently, and give them letters of appreciation or commendations? Commissioner Sanchez: They were getting paid. IIs. Haskins: No, their dollars -- well, their dollars were there. They were just kind of like invisible men, you know. 'their dollars were there. They weren't volunteering. OK. The CIP fund. The CIP fund appropriations represent the first -- I guess probably the bulk of the results of reviewing the CIP funds. 230 5/10/01 0 • There are a number of projects over the years -- CIP funds and special revenue funds. There were a number of special revenue projects funds over the years that the project is done, the special revenue fund should be done with, and there were fund balances left in these special projects, special revenue projects. And because we had needs for funding certain CIP items, we had needs for funding certain CIP items; we had in particular some items in Parks, Parks projects that were ongoing that we needed to fund. We wanted to -- when we -- in two areas, Public Facilities and in Parks, we have emergencies that come up, consistently. We have an Orange Bowl emergency, we have a marina emergency, something needs to get fixed. We've never set aside a pool, set aside a pool of funds for the directors to have a little bit more discretion on and be able to set their own priorities to address these problems. So what we've tried to do is set up a general purpose CIP fund for both Public Facilities and Parks, to be able to deal with emergencies without us having to come back and get an appropriation from you all. Commissioner Sanchez: Is that a consolidated CIP plan? Ms. Haskins: Yeah. I'm sorry? Commissioner Sanchez: A consolidated CIP plan? Ms. Haskins: It's a CIP -- these are CIP emergency funds. CIP plan is something that we're working -- we -- Commissioner Sanchez: Consolidated with -- Ms. Haskins: Consolidated. Commissioner Sanchez: -- City facilities, Parks, Public Works, USA, etcetera, et cetera, et cetera Ms. Haskins: Yes. That is one of our initiatives. We're working on that -- trying to work on that. The CIP appropriations are a total of fifteen million, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($15,150,000). There is -- nine hundred and seventy thousand dollars ($970,000) of that is coming from general fund contributions from several years ago that were never appropriated into specific projects. We've got -- You can see from this list on Page 8 of 8 of the handout, we've got a lot of money coming from special revenue funds. These are the cleanup of the special revenue funds, or they are -- we have the DRI (Development Regional Impact) fees that were never put into a CIP fund. We used some of the DRI fees to get some traffic, some traffic and street motley into the downtown area. Most of the money here is coming from the clean up of special revenue funds. And you see the people coming out of the Disaster Recovery. So go ahead. Incoming fire. Commissioner Teele: May I fire first'? Ms. Haskins: Sure. Commissioner Sanchez: I'll fire second. Ms. Haskins: 1 would have --1 would have expected nothing less. 231 5/10/01 Commissioner Teele: Again, Mr. Manager, maybe I'tn getting tired. But what we're dealing with now is one light year from where we were a year ago. I mean, this, this process is so clear; it is so much more refined. It is so transparent. We have a Icing way to go. There are issues in particular in the capital accounts. I had the privilege of, I guess, working with the Director last night for two or three hours. And you know, we -- we were going over numbers on just one project. And, you know, we found probably about four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) that has been mischttracterized, and probably needs a new -- It's not monies missing, now. We're talking about projects that were just added on. New appropriation ordinances or resolutions were never established, and rather than doing it, you just added to another project, added to another project. i want to just say this, because one of the things that's in here is money for iladley Park. 'rwo hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) of the money for Iiadley Park that's in this detail is money that was taken out, but -- we had always assumed that it was there, but soincone took it out three years ago, So when you -- you see that number, you say, my god, we just -- And there are issues there. I mean, you know. And we also found that there's about four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) in the project that really isn't in the project It's in projects -- the sodding of the land, the lights that are there. I mean, Hadley is a fine Optimist facility in that regard. And these are just technical issues, but we're getting there. The concern that I have -- And I shared this with the Director of Community Development, who is not here, for personal reasons. The idea of letting Community Development reconcile their books is probably a good idea, although I objected to it three years ago, and said that the Management and Budget Office should do it. It's akin to really what we did 'wrong five or six years ago when we merged the Finance Office and the Budget Office. But only they really can provide --'And this is not about a witch hunt, at all. it's about getting it done. I've asked the Budget Director to make sure that we go back over Community Development once it's reconciled, and ensure that an objective budget process has been done. i have a number of specific items, but this is on first reading and it's iate. One of the areas, though, that I would like to apprise the management of is that I think we need to -- and I would respectfully request -- I'm not going to make a motion -- that we go back and look at the Community Relations Board's budget. There are certain tasks that the Manager has agreed to that I'm aware of, that the Mayor has agreed to that I'm aware of, and the Chief of Police has agreed to that's going to require a little bit more intensive efforts as we work around some of these very difficult and very tense situations in our County. They are going to need sonic augmentation in resources, Mr. Manager, and 1 don't want to -- Is that a fair statement? I mean, we were all in time same meeting, but we need to -- Carlos Ginmenez (City Manager): Yes, sir, I agree. Commissioner Tecle, The other area, of course, is in this whole pool for tuition reserve. And what I think I would like to do is ask informally -- I'm not going to make a motion -- that the management look at establishing the tuition reserves as a specific line item in the Human Resources budget, because we need to get a better historical track. We don't really need to have department directors, you know, involved in the various tracking of these very small tuition reserves. And it's really not enough -- tuition reimbursements, which I think is a very important program that were in. The area that I'm most concerned with, i think, is the Public Works Department. And I understand that there is some discussion with the Assistant Manager to re-classify or to classify these positions a little bit differently from how they're being shown now, because what we're talking, about is more contract Managers, it's my understanding. But one of the things that I would hope the Assistant Manager for Operations would consider, if we could run a test project, beginning in this -- in this adjustment to give the Public Works Department sufficient funds to do some -- some road rebuilding that is necessary that we know we have. And let's do it the regular way, and let's do sonic contructed out, design build or contracted out design. 232 5110i01 II1u1f C� - r� u Robert Nachlinger (Assistant City Manager): Right. Commissioner Teele: if that's something that the Manager would be willing to run some tests. Mr. Nachlinger: Yeah. We got one going like that right now. Commissioner Tecle: Really? But it really -- and thank you. But it -- 1 would hope that we would test it against something that we're doing, so we have two. One going -- the test really going. The concern, also, that I have is the manner in which -- Let me also mention to the Commission, there was a lot of discussion when two years ago, I added the amendment on the budget ordinance that said that the management is required not only to budget dollars, but budget positions. And it is flushing out some of the things. And I think it's very important that we not give up what is our real responsibility as legislators, which is to appropriate funds and maintain that we know exactly how things are going. Otherwise, dollars will begin to slip through the crack. I am very, very concerned, really, about the IT program that we just talked about. And I'd like just for a moment -- You know, we all --we all said how great it is, but I'd like for a moment if you would just tell us what we're going to be doing in IT. And the one area of concern that I've had and I think 1 shared with you. Al, all this IT -- the IT program that we're looking at now is designed at looking at -- What are the departments that we're going to be looking at? Aldo Stancato (Director, Information Technology): Well, what we're doing, what we're getting is two additional project manager positions. And out of that, we're going to configure the systems and programming to reflect how the City is organized. We'll have a project team for operations, a project team for the development area, a prgiect team for finance, one for public safety, and one for what we're going to call essentially the legislative area, which would be the City Clerk, the Law Department, the Commission and the administration. This will be able -- allow us to turn around and function more according to how that is -- Commissioner Tecle: And I agree with it, and it's fine. My request, respectfully, is for the Director, and the Assistant Manager for Operations and the Manager, in the next budget hearing, to determine whether or not we can provide, in addition to those teams, a contract, a contract to bring the NET offices on line. You see, the problem that we have is we always take care of headquarters first. It always -- that was the way in the army, too. The guy on -- the "snuffy" in the field got it last. But the point is this -- Commissioner Winton: I agree. Commissioner Tecle: You agree? Commissioner Winton: Yeah, I agree. Commissioner 'reele: There are NET offices that don't even have televisions that have Net -9. I -low can they be engaged in what it is we're doing, Al? And, you know, we don't need everybody to conic flock down here, but we at least need them to monitor some of the proceedings as it relates to things. It's a cost efficiency issue, as well. 1 believe, Mr. Manager, we should make a concerted effort with the NET offices, in conjunction with the 1T, on a contract basis, right now. And that's what I'd like to see, that we put the priority at the NET offices, and we -- You know, that's not to the exclusion of anyone else, but we 233 5/10/01 -- we do that. And I really would like Commissioner Winton and others to know if there is an objection to that. I don't want to make a motion, because I think the spirit -- What is happening now in the Budget Office is just really an open transparency, open. This is an open book. Nobody's playing games. The number are there. They are what they are, and it's very, very refreshing. And I'd really like to know how the other Commissioners feel, because I can tell you that we have some serious disparity between the NET offices. In other words, there are great, great NET offices, and then there are NET offices -- When 1 say, "great, great," with resources. And then there are NET offices that don't have things, because we've not really gotten our hands around that. Mr. Gimenez: Commissioner, let me state this: That I've given directions to the NET Director, and we have money, about a quarter of a million dollars. And I want, you know, the NET offices to be uniformly furnished so that, you know, when you go over to the NI -IT office in Allapattah, or you go to the one in Coconut Grove, they'll look the same. They'll look, you know, respectable and somewhere where a citizen can go and have pride that that's part of the City of Miami. Commissioner Winton: But 1 think that -- Commissioner Teele: But 1 want -- Commissioner Winton: Oh, I'm sorry. I think what Commissioner Teele's talking about is Information Technology and -- Mr. Gimenez: No, also that. Commissioner Winton: OK, good. Mr. Gimenez: But that, you know, that's just the beginning. In other words, we -- NEJ has always been a hodgepodge that looks like a collection of, you know, you go to the flea market and pick up a sola, and a chair, and nothing matches at all. And we need to give it a professional look. We need to bring it, you know, up to speed. We need to bring the technology to the NET offices, and we're certainly committed to that. And like I said, we have a quarter of a million dollars, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($250,000) to start the process. Vice Chairman Gory You know, one of -- Commissioner Winton: I had a meeting in my office yesterday, I think, or day before yesterday. And in that meeting, it included three NET Administrators. And we were talking about a reporting system, so that we could track performance in some things that we're doing. And the biggest objection to tracking the performance was that they had to do all of this data collection and manipulation by hand. And no wonder, I mean. So -- so I'm all in favor. They need technology out in those NET offices. That's the front door to this City for lots, and lots and lots of residents. So I'm all in favor. And so I love the idea. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah. And the presentation today that was made, one of the reasons we're doing this is so the citizens will have accessibility to the information. There are some neighborhoods, they won't have any problems. They have a -- their computers at home. But in some other neighborhoods, we're going to have to provide the capability to the residents in those areas. 234 5110101 Commissioner Teele: On the NEI' office thing again, I really want to say this: I am grateful, Mr. Manager, to you and to the NET administration, Big NET and Big NET's boss, and the NEI' -- the competence level. 1 mean there's a -- there's a real, real, real commitment. And I don't want my comments -- Because the Little Haiti NET, for example, is five years ahead of where they were last year, just in office support and office configuration. It's not that they're not getting it. It's just that we have not made that commitment. I'm talking primarily about technology to them in this context, as well as the standardizing of the offices. I would hope that at some point, the Commission offices in this building could be standardized. What's, you know, sauce for the goose in one case is sauce for the gander. But I don't want to get into that at this point. The final thing, and I'll yield, is there are a number of discrepancies and disparities with regard to the manner in which our impact fees are both collected and distributed. In fact, we have more areas, zones or districts than Dade County has, with 325,000 people. Dade County, unincorporated, being over a million -one, a million -two, they have less districts than we have. 1 would hope that as a part of the budget process in September, the Planning Department, and the Public Works Department and the management, Budget and Management Office and the appropriate persons can work with the Attorney to re -- to rationalize the alignment of the impact areas. And I will tell you this, Commissioner Winton. Your predecessor did a brilliant job of capturing all of the dollars and dividing it up in a manner in which -- that the slower developing areas are sort of locked in by themselves. Now, impact tees cannot be used or constitutionally cannot be used to resolve old problems. Impact fees are about the impact of the new developments with that, and we've got to be careful. But I just think we've got too mane of those areas, and we should look at it. I don't want to deal anymore with the matter that we're dealing with in the media right now. But I want to say this: If we haven't had a protocol officer for the last six months, as far us I'm concerned, that's a position that we're going to -- we can fund in October as a part of the new budget process. So I'm going to be moving to give to the Technology Office and the Management Budget Office more positions, because I really do think that we really do need to put more management slots in there. One final recommendation, Mr. Manager, drawn from my experience in Washington. The Whitehouse controls -- the executive branch controls departments through the Office of Policy and Budget. Virtually, every State department has an Assistant Secretary for Policy, Budget, Transportation, et cetera. The important thing about that position is that that position has a dual reporting responsibility. That's how they make sure people aren't going off doing what the heck they want to do, you know, the various Cabinet secretaries that come in and sound like they have all this power. The Assistant Secretary for Budget and Policy works indirectly for the Office of Management and Budget. The parallel is this: Each department must have a Budget Administrator, as I think your Table of Organization is beginning to reflect. 1 think it's very important that those positions he coordinated by not just the department director, but the Budget Director, as well. I mean, we need to make sure that everybody is using the same creative financing or budgeting process. And this is one place where we really should have total uniformity between -- you know, as the departments report up. And so I would just make that as something that you could consider as we go forward. 1 am so pleased with where we are today, I mean, I -- there is very little that can be said except thank you very much, Madam Director, for the long, long hours that you're working, Ms. Haskins: Thank you. I appreciate it. 'Thank you, sir. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez. 235 5110/01 Commissioner Sanchez: Just quick. Madam Director, how much chip funds are going to Public Works? Funds that are going into Public Works, chip. Ms. Haskins: The tipping fees, did you say? Commissioner Sanchez: No, no, chip. Public Works. Capital Improvement. Ms. Haskins: Oh, the CIP funds? Commissioner Sanchez: CIP. Ms. Haskins: I'm sorry. Commissioner Sanchez: CIP. I'm sorry. CTP. Sorry. Ms. Haskins: I'm not hearing well. Public Works. In this appropriations, we have for Public Works ten million, two. Commissioner Sanchez: Ten -two. And in that, it's states here for Grove Harbor deck, Citywide street and sidewalk improvement appropriation of unallocated impact fees, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. If one -- if one thing that I would like to emphasize more, if the funds are available, and as always, you know, you're able to skim here, skim there and then -- or have "X" amount of money left over is, once again, Public Works. And the reason why I believe that the City -- the City, in many ways, we are leaving out areas that could be cleaned up more, in the sense of I believe that right now, through the whole City-- and I speak for my district -- there are areas that we maintain. We cut the medians. We have -- I believe that we're "underly" staffed when it comes to that, because there are times that my office has to call Public Works and say, you know, the grass is -- I'm getting complaints from the residents that the grass is high, and it has to be cut. And I can understand when Public Works tells me, well; we'll set to it next week, because we have other -- other works to do. So that's something that 1 would like to see the administration just focus on, what I consider the small things that make a community better. And that is -- Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. We are currently working on a plan to increase the staffing of just those types of people in Public Works and Parks to cut the medians. also maintain parks. And we should he coming back with that the first meeting in .lune. Commissioner Sanchez: So you have a project established in the near future that you will implement? Mr. Gimenez: Yes, sir. We will he coming back and we will show you where we have reallocated some resources over two, two of those functions. It's our intent to get more people on the street. Commissioner Sanchez: Would it be equally distributed through the live districts'? Mr. Gimenez: We are going to put people in Public Works, as far as -- Commissioner Sanchez: Based on -- right -- based on necessity. 236 5/10!01 Mr. Gimenez: Right. This is not -- these aren't going to be NET employees. These are going to be Public Works people. And, you know, what we want to do is make sure that the medians are cut, and on schedule, that they have routes so that you know that every two weeks, three weeks, four weeks, whatever it takes to cut those medians and keep them, you know, going, it will be done. Commissioner Sanchez: And the other thing that I'd like to focus on is that I think that although we're making progress. I don't think that we're doing what we should be doing, and to the point where -- our streets. Our streets, once again, you know. we need to emphasize on fixing our streets. We have some streets that look like a third world country when you drive through it. And, you know, you go out there and you patch up a little hole. .And it's just -- we've got a lot of streets that are in poor conditions throughout the City. Mr. Rollason: You're right. And later in the agenda, if we take that issue up, there will be a report by John Jackson on where we are on the survey street wide -- Citywide. Commissioner Sanchez: Great. Thank you. Vice Chairman Gort: I have a couple of questions. My understanding is you were instructed about six months ago and we -- you were working on the five-year capital improvement program, according to the needs in the neighborhood where some of the resources are going to have to be established there. We also had the presentation today for the IT, which my understand is, in looking at the numbers, you're talking about a large amount of funding that's going to be necessary fbr those things. And the other thing, and this is -- I don't want to go into details on this. The other thing that I'd like f'or you to look into, in the maintenance of the medians and so on, we are pushing for lot clearance, and we have asked a lot of the small businesspeople to establish. 1 think we should look at that versus the hiring of people, instead, subcontract it to the private sector. Can we look into that? Mr. Gimenez: We'll look into that. And whichever is the most cost-efficient method, we'll come back to you with. Vice Chairman Gort: Because part of what we're trying to do is -- and people like to see people in their neighborhood, people that live there to work there and do the work there. And I think if you look at it and you analyze it, it might be a lot more reasonable if we subcontracted, and it might be more effective and so on. Mr. Gimenez: 'That's something we'll analyze, and we'll bring back to you a recommendation. Vice Chairman Gort: We won't to have to buy equipment. We won't have to buy the supplies. That's something that we might be looking into. Thank you. Anyone else? Commissioner Regalado: Question. When can we start using the unused funds from capital improvement that you all found? Ms. Haskins: When this -- we go through first and second reading on this, and my understanding is it's effective 30 days later. 237 5/10/01 Commissioner Regalado: So that would be on May the 24'" -- June the 24`x'. By July the 1", we can scan sending the Manager some projects, or the Manager will -- It's better for you to get some -- Ms. Haskins: We already have projects, yes. Mr. Gimenez: We have the projects that there -- that this money is allocated for. Commissioner Regalado: But there's still many sidewalks that we are identifying, for instance, or streets. Mr. Gimenez: 'prat's correct. Mr. Rollason: When we finish the survey that will give you everything, then we can conic back to you to where we can start prioritizing it by districts or how -- That was pan of the thing, that we would come back to you once that survey was completed. Vice Chairman Gort: By neighborhood needs, I mean. Mr. Rollason: Right. I mean, we've got plenty to keep us busy right now till we get to that point. Vice Chairman Gort: Yeah. John Jackson (Director, Public Works): Commissioners, there's four hundred thousand in there. Commissioner Regalado, you mentioned sidewalks. There's four hundred thousand and it's for two more two hundred thousand dollars (5200,000) contracts to be bid to -- that will be specifically for sidewalks. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Regalado: I'm going to send you a -- I'm going to send you a picture -- two pictures, actually, sidewalk that one of those contractors did, that it has a huge bump. And the problem is that because of the bump, the water rolls into the house of the people. So 1 will send ,you the pictures. Commissioner Winton: Mr. Chairman, I'd move the fiscal year 2001 midyear appropriation -- Commissioner Teele: Second. Commissioner Winton: -- recommendations from staff. Vice Chairman Gort: First reading. It's been moved and seconded. Read it. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, one other -- At the next public hearing, would you give us a historical graph or chart of the tipping fees for Solid Waste, since we entered into the -- the use agreement, whatever they call it, that master agreement with the County that doesn't give us the right to go onto the spot market. See, we could dump onto the spot market if we didn't have that agreement that we're bound by. And -- 238 5!10;01 0 • Mr. Gimenez: Our only option right now, sir, is the Bedminster contract. Commissioner Teele: Yeah, but I just wanted to make sure that we could get -- so that we could look at and project where we're going to be, because that's a cost we have no control over. The County just writes -- you know, just says how much to send the check for. Vice Chairman Gort: Read it. Roll call. An Ordinance entitled — AN ORDINANCI? OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 11970, AS AMENDED, THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATIONS AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS ORDINANCE, TO INCREASE AND DECREASE CERTAIN OPERATIONAL AND BUDGETARY APPROPRIATIONS FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2001, AND TO REVISE, CERTAIN ONGOING CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND MAKE APPROPRIATIONS FOR NEW PROJECTS SCHEDULED TO BEGIN IN FISCAL. YEAR 2000-2001; FURTHER APPROVING CHANGES TO THE TABLE OF ORGANIZATION ADOPTED SEPTEMBER 28, 2000 FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING SEPTEMBER 30, 2000; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. was introduced by Commissioner Winton, seconded by Commissioner Teele, and was passed on first reading by title only, by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur I:. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None iI� 239 5/10/01 b. _1UTi"Ib S. MIAMI=DADS COUNTY► �N`' _EHA:LF 'QP.,' : 'TO A,1�VER'I'Ifi FQR; . `fp (S� .OP~ = r $� '�'. >� L 9 D STATTS Q ciULTURE (USQA)�APIP.RDY4A'IvMA S G C#1 I;$,d Dii FOR 100PQ�?AW t { ' `O 12 -ko y� ' t I�yt (all it�rr DA;I EP 'YY�?Ii N LTCATlf3N �..� �¢ P.�►U�R�►��N �OF � . ���� ;'I4 I�. VveRANJ 2�f - _,.., Vice Chairman Gort: Resolution -- item 18 -- for summer food service program. Commissioner Winton: Move it. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gori: It's been moved and seconded. Any discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Ave. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-447 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING MIAMI -DADS COUNTY, ON BEHALF OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, TO ADVERTISE FOR, FVALUATF. AND ACCEPT THE 1311) (S) OF VENDOR (S) TO PROVIDE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ("USDA") APPROVED MEALS TO ELIGIBLE CHILDREN FOR THE CITY'S SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 2001; FURTHER AUTHORIZING MIAMI- DADE COUNTY TO ENTER INTO THE NECESSARY CONTRACT (S) WITH THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER (S) FOR THIS PURPOSE AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO ITISTRUCf THE CHIEF PROCUREMENT OFFICER TO ISSUE THE NECESSARY PURCHASE ORDER(S), CONDITIONED UPON THE CITY'S ACCEPTANCE OF A GRANT FROM THE, USDA, TIIROUGII THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $266,670, AND UPON APPROPRIATION OF SAID FUNDS FOR TILE CITY'S SUMMER FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM 2001. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on tile in the Office of the City Clerk.) 240 5110101 IIZIIIM-D — "*O*W, by On "I" - was Passed and, Waldner Toma RcgdMo Commissioner Joe Smwhcz Commissioner Arthur L Teale, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L Winton 01 Vloc Cl airman IM None N", 0 E iH,��"ra��� �? ,.@ °d� • � t��. e a - � �ral'!'� a b'�'-�a a �•ta! ,�. � � -�• . � i g� t ,� �� o �� e a tic a -;. a • ��'��+�` f+ � � �1 � , r - u5 Vice Chairman Gort: Emergency ordinance for the Summer Food Service Program for Children. Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Moved and seconded. Read it. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): This is Item 18? Vice Chairman Gort: 19. Mr. Vilarello: Sorry. Vice Chairman Gort: We passed 18 already. Read it. It's an ordinance. Roll call. An Ordinance entitled — AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "SUMMLR FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM FOR CHILDREN 2001" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE OPERATION OF THE PROGRAM IN THE ESTIMATED AMOUNT OF $266,670, CONSISTING OF A GRANT FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, THROUGH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE GRANT AWARD FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND TO EXECUTE ALI, NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S), IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE. 242 5110101 • i was introduced by Commissioner Sanchm and seconded by Commissioner Winton, for adoption as an emergency measure, and dispensing with the requirement of reading same on two separate days, was agreed to by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Whereupon, the Commission, on motion of Commissioner Sanchez, and seconded by Commissioner Winton, adopted said ordinance by the following vote: 243 5/10/01 �r ,�►a� i�aH,a►r.�i����srrr �j�c�i�rc< �:t:�, k :, � �:, � . k. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 20. A resolution approving investment policy. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I had deferred this item at the last agenda meeting. I -- they have answered my questions, and I'm pleased to so move. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Any discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-448 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), ADOPTING THE INVESTMENT POLICY OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, PURSUANT TO THE STATE OF FLORIDA'S INVESTMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS ACT TO ESTABLISH GUIDELINES FOR THE INVESTMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF PUBLIC FUNDS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO IMMEDIATELY IMPLEMENT THE GUIDELINES CONTAINED IN THE POLICY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wiiiedo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 244 5110101 0 39. AUTHORIZE !MANAGER, WITH ASSISTANCE OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, TO INITIATE. ADMINISTER AND' !!VALUATE ONE YEAR PILOT PROGRAM, LIMITED TO DOWNTOWN AND LATIN QUARTER DISTRICTS ONLY, FOR STANDARDIZED MODULAR PAY TELEPHONE ENCLOSURES ON PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY; ACCEPT LETTER FROM FIRST AMERICAN TELECOMMUNICATION CORPORATION IN WHICH CORPORATION AGREES TO PAY CITY FIFTEEN PERCENT OF ADVERTISING REVENUES IN EXCHANGE FOR PRIVILEGE OF PARTICIPAT]NG 1N PILOT PROGRAM. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 21. Pay telephone pilot program. Commissioner Sanchez: What? Vice Chairman Gorl: Pay telephone pilot program. It's a resolution. Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): It's an item that was deferred from the last -- or some items were brought up, and 1 think they've been satisfied. And if we're -- Commissioner Sanchez: That was the one that I deferred, Mr. Chairman. So move. Cotnmissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: :Moved and seconded. Any -- Commissioner Teele: I have an amendment 1'd like to red into that the management, I think, has -- Has this been coordinated with the management, Mr. Attorney? I know that the person -- Who is the staff person working with our stafl'? The Public Works. John Jackson (Director, Public Works): David Hernandez. Conunissioncr Tecle: Mr. 11emande7.? Yeah. They cleared this with him. Mr. Hernandez is here, right? Did they clear this with you? This would simply extend the pilot to the Park West/Overtown Redevelopment District. David Hernandez (Public Works Dept.): And the little Haiti District. Commissioner Tecle: And the Little Haiti Commercial Corridors. Your name for the record, please. Mr, Hernandez: David Hernandez, Public Works. Commissioner Teele: Thank you. And you all don't have a problem with that. The vendor apparently didn't have a problem. Mr. Hernandez: No, no. Not at all. Commissioner Teele: Thank you, Would you read the amendment, Mr. Attorney? 245 5110/01 Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): It simply expands the district to include all of the Southeast Overtown/Park West Community Redevelopment A ency, including Little Haiti, north of 4611' Street to the City limits, Northeast 2"`� Avenue to Northwest 2" Avenue. Commissioner Teele: Make that 541" Street instead of 404 Vice Chairman Gort: What was that again? Commissioner Teelc: The southern boundary in Little Haiti would be 54`x' Street to the City line. And I got to tell you this. The Haitiwi community is far more interested in telephone services than most communities. This is going to help the -- We're going to keep statistics on where the dollars come from, from this, right? 1 think it's going to be interesting. Commissioner Sanchez: All right. Vice Chairman Gort: And the vendors were informed that the rlagler Street Marketplace, once it conics aboard, it would need to be removed. Carlos Gimenez (City Manager): Yes, sir. We're aware of that in the City ordinance. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. All right. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye... The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. 246 WHIM- 5/10/01 • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved 1'or its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-449 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT (S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER, WITH THE ASSISTANCI, OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC. WORKS, TO INITIATE. ADMINISTER AND EVALUATE A ONE-YEAR PILOT PROGRAM, LIMITED TO THE DOWNTOWN DISTRICT, THE LATIN QUARTER DISTRICT AND THE AREAS OF SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST' AND LIT I Y HAITI BOUNDED BY NORTHWEST 54TH STW41vr AND 2N'' AVENIjE, FOR STANDARDIZED MODULAR PAY TELEPHONE ENCLOSURES ON PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY WHICH PERMIT TWO SINGLE ADVERTISING PANELS LOCATED ON OPPOSI'm SIDES OF THE ENCLOSURES, CONSISTENT WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CODE. OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, AND OTHER PERTINENT CITY RULES, REGULATIONS AND POLICIES; FURTHER ACCEPTING A LETTER DATED FE BRI IARY 19, 2001, FROM FIRST AMERICAN TELECOMMUNICATION CORPORATION, ATTAt' HPI) AS "EXHIBIT A," IN WHICH THE CORPORATION AGREES TO PAY THE CITY FIFTEEN PERCENT OF ADVERTISING REVENUES IN EXCHANGE, FOR THE PRIVILEGE OF PARTICIPATING IN THE PILOT PROGRAM; AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ANY NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY A'171'ORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE:. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 247 5/10/01 =�Q r 'V • • .AA. -APPOINT MONICA FERNANDEZ, RICI AR0 i3MMOWITZ, MIR.THA OUfiRRA AGUIRIM ryTJAG0 AS MU0EKS OF U AW AUDIT ADVISO>tX Cl RE; Vice Chairman Gort: Miami Audit Advisory Committee. We have appointments right now. want to go ahead and make your appointments or -- J You guys Commissioner Winton: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: Johnny? ;- Vice Chairman Gort: Miami Audit Committee. Commissioner Sanchez: Johnny?,' Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele has a nomination. Regalado has a nomination.' Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to nominate Monica Fernandez. f Commissioner Winton: I'd like to nominate Joy Intriago, Commissioner Teele: What committee is this? Vice Chairman Gort: This is Item 22. Commissioner Sanchez: Miami Audit Advisory Committee. Vice Chairman Gort: I'd like to nominate Mirtha Guerra. Commissioner Regalado: Richard Berkowitz. Commissioner Winton: Commissioner Teele? Commissioner Teelo7 Commissioner Teele: Which one is thisl k h i Commissioner Winton: 22. Vice Chairman Gort: Miami Audit Advisory Committee, Commissioner Teele: No appointment. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Do 1 have a motion to accept all the -- Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr, Chairman. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Is there a second? All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sancho? who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-450 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF TME MIAMI AUDIT ADVISORY COMMITTEE FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NAYS: ABSENT: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commi ssioncr Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifrodo Gort None None 250 5110101 41. REAPPOINT PAUL SINGERMAN, STEVE XNEAPLER, RALPH DUHARTE, FRANK BALZEBRE, RUTH GREENFIELD, MONK TERRY AND ELENA CARPENTER AS MEMBERS OF BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST. Vice Chairman Goat: Bayfront Paris Management Trust. What we're doing is we're confirming the existing appointments that we have. Commissioner Sanchez.: Yes. Well. unless anybody wants to make any changes. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. The Commission at large has three pending appointments for the seats currently held by Ruth Greenfield, Monk Terry and Elena Carpenter. Commissioner Sanchez: I'd like to nominate all three of them, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. And I'd like to nominate Ralph Duharte. Commissioner Rebalado: Steve Kneapler. Commissioner Winton: Frank Balzebre, Commissioner Sanchez: Paul Singertran. Just reappoint everybody that's there. Commissioner Winton: Commissioner Teele, you want to reappoint Bobby Mumford? Vice Chairman Gort: Tcelc, Bobby Mumford? Teele? Commissioner Tecle: No appointment. Vice Chairman Gort: No appointment. OK. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Teele: Which one is this? Commissioner Winton: Bayfront Park, Vice Chairman Gort: Bayfront Park. Commissioner Winton: 23. Commissioner Regalado: Bayfront, Bayfront Park. Commissioner Tecle: Yeah. leo appointment on that. Vice Chainnan Gort: OK. Commissioner Winton: Move -- 911410 251 5/10/01 tt wg Tho, fbilowing motion was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-45 l s .. MOTION REAPPOINTING PAUL SINGERMAN, STEVE KNEAPLER, RALPH DUHARTE, FRANK BALZEBRE, RUTH GREENMELD, MONK TERRY AND ELENA CARPENTER AS MEMBERS OF THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the Billowing vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez f Commissioner Arthur E. Took, Jr. x ,, Commissioner Johnny L. Winton , �r Vice Chairman Wifrodo Gort None A33SF."f Nona k Zn�, s �Lr tY� A S 'v i moi, .! 1 tib i it r+a t � r a,z, ,,i 1''q ,,+a �:.y x �tzr ¢ id�i �'•uN"•" �" �'S"� R. ���, 'A a�:�e SM F ; �.c � �}; m�'X,,,tf °"&'�` rf`°'C rvh`.YYcf+ t7. ,,$,� a, 3'x 3w, k •i `"J'' ,i'v'.?�y 3'-'.r . t �� ` P"' } t�'� 14 4 W rl ff f Y F-Al �.>^• a z s ,�' x s y �� ti �, n:{� w a �Yr 401. d S r �K'+�5�.:+ pfi , 253 S/1Q/01 • • 42. APPOINT DENISE WAITERS AND CARLOS MGM AS MEMBERS OF BUDGET AND FINANCE REVIEW COMMTfTEE. Vice Chairman Gort: Budget and Finance Review Committee. Commissioner Winton: I move Denise Waiters. Commissioner Tec1c: I'd like to see the outcome of the election up in North Miami. Commissioner Winton: What'd you say'? Commissioner Tcelc: I don't want to make the appointment until after the election for Mayor. Commissioner Sanchez: For your budget'? Commissioner Teele: Of Forth Miami. Commissioner Winton: Oh, ].see. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, 1'd like to nominate Marrolo Reyes for the Budget and Finance Review Committee. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton? Commissioner Winton: Yes. 1 reappoint Denise Waiters. Commissioner Sanche7.: Mr, City Clerk, docs he attend'? Walter Foeman (City Clerk): We haven't had any meetings for this particular board for sonic time. Commissioner Sanchez: Well, wiry don't we just do away with the board, then'? Mr. Foeman: That was one of the boards -- The Law Department had asked us to prepare a list of boards that hadn't been meeting, and that was included -- Commissioner Sanchez: And is it one ofthe boards? I mean, listen, we bot to really -- we got to cut down on some of these boards that don't meet. Alejandro Vilareilo (City Attorney): it's an advisory committee and you can have -- Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. City -- Mr. Foeman: Yes. 254 5/10/01 • i Commissioner Sanchez: -- Clerk, you know, come back with recommendations with some of these boards that we could .just do away with. I mean, if they don't meet, if they can't get a quorum --1 mean, we just can't continue to create committees and boards that aren't going to show up, I mean. Mr. Foeman: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: Most of my time is being spent on seeking people who want to sit on board, and then most of the time, they only show up for two or three meetings. They don't show up anymore. So, you know, get back with us and make sonic recommendations so we could do away with some of these hoards. Mr. Foeman: OK. If you so direct me, I'll do that. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Commissioner Regalado: So, what? What do you want to do? Do we appoint anybody? Vice Chairman Gort: Let's go. Let's make nominations. Budget and Finance Review Committee. Commissioner Sanchez: I'm not going to reappoint anybody to the Budget and Finance Review Committee if they're not even meeting. They haven't met in like a year. Vice Chairman Gort: 1'd like to nominate -- my nomination will be Carlos Miboya, Commissioner Sanchez: To the Budget and Finance Review Committee? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Commissioner Regalado: Well, he doesn't have to come. They don't meet. Commissioner Teele: Who? Vice Chairman Gort: Hello? I have any other appointments? Any other appointments? Commissioner Sanchez: None. So move the appointees. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: 255 5110101 I R' RESOLiJTTON NO. 01-452 A RMOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE BUDGET AND FINANCE REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (dere follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: ASSENT. Norio tWi z d '.rP. 1 n 2 s.• "RU 4 4R f 4 r i '�.iS'M�k4f8„k`. t-'Rgif�}t'�i.. ''F.ii�a�''��5-�„�4 a' `�sa as ski ,46"7"rtd°vt111 Nk, `xKa in k aro f c t4 nu a 3 a 5 � w 8l � 'z �" fw '+s y7 r �yit"r. '}4�:,.,F°% F# .rON '''z��°'�7r"�k��"'��'»:,?'`�e�"'s{�,a;'st' °+ r'" r �t it%J r "esu c a t � s � c r i� '� r h'Y "•� ! ti '�-7yc, x i "tR ,� t+µ :+�'s�$fr+ s Wr iti r- �s "z r '� V �a sib wStF i .n"+q:-%'7 { t° q: x ! .L., c g s+7 -:q •.a,=� ` a'"� h .;r s �zd �r 3 =k a � d�'�+' `.. �^ 5` .F�4d .... � j� 7g r k j� s�k�w+i.hmt r h't wf ' +� k �++ r,,. ,iw,yiTi Z' ^a<> �s6`i#pr L 7t't`''X. T F}. i""Q.''�7`� x'�'i U'w'a`'hx". r}'3k��'tsan `v l p1i f 2{srA'}s ti +� sN„�: 256 5110t01 • 43. APPOINT ROBERT MURRAY, DOROTHY LIFE, SILVIA MORALES,CEJAS AND TED STAHL AS MEMBERS OF COCONUT GROVE FESTIVAL COMMITTEE. Vice Chairman Gort: 251h. Coconut Grove );estival Committee. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I would like to appoint -- reappoint Robert A. -- is it Murray? Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Murray. Commissioner Sanchez: Murray. Vice Chairman Gori: Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Winton: I'll defer till next time. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Regalado. Commissioner Regalado: This is the Coconut Grove -- Vice Chairman Gort: You have Silvia Morales-Cejas. Commissioner Regalado: Yes, Reappoint Silvia Cejas. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Teele, you have Dorothy Lee. Commissioner Tcele: Reappoint, reappoint Ms. Dorothy Lee. Vice Chairman Gon: OK. And 1 reappoint Ted Stahl. Commissioner Teele: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gorr: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 257 5/10/01 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 81-453 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE COCONUT GROVE FESTIVAL COMMITTEE FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted hero and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gott x'; # NAYS: None t ti ABSENTI Nobe c }}k s 7 � i a - A br }s Sdf` J r y �, z{ 4, a ,, ,��3 t `� q X z #'s-' &s2a�.� t�++2.;;- •axe !fin! Uzi$ a'k. 3w`:�.2 " yd's �a+hP �� ''y `'z %j .: f Q'.@ G a '� •`± .,w`, 'a`.#� 1 g ^, xr '" .F��' � rg*'Ux �I �.i'�' � prow +r `✓F5 :,' Fps, t 2+�„ @ kr x r'�,'`!!'' t Vel p a a,`�Y�3 �.,�7 - x?'4 Yea 9 ii S'� rcc�y 't•& ^f.+�'� f Sk i r SR ssw �. r'isS r,, „ �.`. 1., t 258 5/10101 • 1/ TA CA AND CAROLYN COPE, AS MEMBERS Off' NUISANCE ABATEMENt SOARD. Vice Chairman Gort: Nuisance Abatement Board. Commissioner Teele: Move Mr. James Moss, Mr. Chairman, Reappoint. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton. Commissioner Sanchez: Move to -- Vice Chairman Gort: Johnny, you have Carolyn Cope. Commissioner Sanchez: Move to reappoint Robert Valledor. Vice Chairman Goat: Commissioner Regalado, you have Monique Taylor. Commissioner Regalado: Monique Taylor. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. And I have Guillermo Revuelta. Commissioner Winton: I'll re -nominate Carolyn Cope. Vice Chairman Cort: OK. Do I have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Teele: So move, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 259 5/10/01 gine • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Tecle, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-454 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE NUISANCE ABATEMENT BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchei., the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: 260 5/10/01 • 45. APPOINT PAUL GEORGE, ROBERT PARENTE, ERNIE MAR'T'IN, JACK KING, AMADO VAL.DES, STUART SORG, JOHN BRENNAN, NEIL McALILEY AND GONZALO DIAZ AS. REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTMWATZE MEMBER OF WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD. Vice Chairman Gott: Waterfront Advisory Board. Commissioner Teele, you have James Wellington and Ernie Martin. Commissioner Teele: Reappoint Mr. Ernie Martin. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Commissioner Winton, you have John Brennan and Neil McAliley. Commissioner Winton: Yeah, 1 reappoint both. Commissioner Regalado: Commissioner Regalado, you got Jack King and Amado Luis Valdes. Commissioner Regalado: Reappoint both Jack King and Amado Valdez. Vice Chairman Cort: Commissioner Sanchez, you have Paul George and Robert Parente. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to reappoint both. Vice Chainnan Gott: OK. And I'll reappoint Stuart Sorg and hold onto my other one. Commission at large has Gonzalo Diaz. Do I have a motion? Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Winton: Second, Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 261 5110101 emem 0 The following resotudon was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01455 -A•RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING -CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS REGULAR MEMBERS AND AS AN ALTERNATE MEMBER OF THE WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Hero follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Oftice of the City Clerk.)` Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following voto: AM: Commissioner Tomas Rogalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Toole, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort ;X aNAI'S�� None = r r sr t A#LNT• Nona ' � F, W.l f (. y�, F � 2 .� '� 4 5;� L M1 y,..k{, '� 1� W.�' T •i���g�1•n4lxieR` T 14 � �# s e %p?Trt ncr au�z�v r x ti �ti�� �erJr}}�kcfian } r'' 1�Hk+ r {F ... i Q. -.' s, �1' S}•�` ^+ ',*i;fY�Pv44 a •fisx ahy ,f xY§ et+. z. - + 'd "^ a .r t= "s -� kt s's:v40a lhY9 a C y xr`F a sa vt rn as tc a Y{ y iia§�%P� as { a a> ��d G "T#�^§4+Sf4F.s t�4+t'• �,d� t t ry a �. �� � �j! *ted � '.��'ir�L i`�_ �' �r ,� 'S � 3 C• { {w.. xa s' T���.�d. x� } g� C . u `"� v ';n}•i r i. v M s - ,t`" l a r csrSx, �,T' f. Sys � r :�' �,�"xca`',:�. � �•d":5���,�wE!" � �+` n: i z. �f�n F �^� #" ',,.�`�• t y W � E� k t��a� �a �% yr 5� c 3 d r ;44 t w F c r 'R a �r r S " t:� � �4 � n x �+• 'i � a ti u: 4 a 4 -� yf" `� ;'�s�' ,�M w^' ^kms a e3'2 7ti kw{- 1 ry.Y t hiz 'v 25C r.as Yr,pz A v.Yx a S yd a x1�A S" as i z�3a a 44a •- '� � +�`, 'nY"tc.�k yr.ri xr.2w, E it r4 �{.c ii}`i �`�N'�ri"h} °i.e°xA.: aU�'r F �.s� t:inl�rh�i `7 � A tyis eoe;j%' Lt'•ir "� Sa(, i '§A 1}:_f x 13# l ykhtix(5+:a nfi J S Y -N e �'? tReYa,$$a 9}.jiF i b.af�.,7k`x..7tr. n.LY y..Y .� .jos x �1`KK yy Z � �` „59 �. {J3�1 ,� ��i � �� .4,'S» b 4 i . f � F .2" � Y'� xC ". F h ., { c Y e! +;. FT �.qR U• r ,fit y_ 4 �ai�'xxaek����� 262 46. APPOINT GEMA RUIZ, TANYA BRIM LEY AND PETER ANDOLINA AS MEMBERS OF PROPERTY AND ASSET. REVIEW, COMMITTOE. Vice Chairman Gort: Property and Asset Review Committee. Commissioner Regalado, you have Carlos De Zayas. Commissioner Regalado: Defer that one. Vice Chairman Gort: But he's been absent quite a bit. Commissioner Regalado: Defer though. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Sanchez, you have Gema Ruiz. Commissioner Sanchez: So move to appoint. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton, Peter Andolina. Commissioner Winton: So move. Vice Chairman Gort: Teele, you have one nomination. Commissioner Tecle: Is this Property? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Yes. Commissioner Teele: Tanya Brinkley. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. And I have -- I'll bring a nomination later on. Commissioner Teele: Attorney -at -Law. Vice Chairman Gort: Do I have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Winton: So move. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Ave. 263 5/10/01 �Q�a�x The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-456 A RRSOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE PROPERTY AND ASSET REVIEW COMMITTED FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted heir and on file in the Once of the City Clerk) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passod and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissionor Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Toole, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Y Vioo Chairman Wifredo Gort 264 txwldrauat�i+ d- 4 5/10101 • • 47. APPOINT MANUEL CHAMIZO, BERNICE SAWYER, YVES FORTUNE, 1PLACIDO , DEBESA AND CAROLYN COPE AS MEMBERS OF MIAM1' STREET CO•DBSIONATION REVIEW COMMITTEE. Vice Chairman Gort: Miami Street Co -resignation Review Committee. Commissioner Sanchez: I'd like to reappoint Manuel Chamizo. Commissioner Winton- Carolyn Cope. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado, you have -- Commissioner Regalado: Yves Fortune. Vice Chairman Gort: -- Yves Fortune. Commissioner Teele, you have Bernice Sawyer. Commissioner Teele: Does this board meet, Mr. Public Works Director? Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, it does. Commissioner Tecle: It does? Vice Chairman Gort: They will be meeting now. They have a couple of things coming up today. C,ommissioner'reele: They got what? Commissioner Sanchez: They meet. Vice Chairman Gort: You have a couple of items coming to them. Commissioner Regalado: They met yesterday. Commissioner Teele: OK. Did Ms. Sawyer conte to the meeting? Bernice Sawyer`? Was she at the meeting yesterday, my appointment? John Jackson (Director, Public Works): You know, I have a staff person that attends. Commissioner Tecle: All right. No problem. Ms. Bernice Sawyer. Vice Chairman Gort: And 1 nominate Placido Debesa. Do I have a motion to accept the nomination? Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." 265 5/10/01 IIOIf3lM The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The fallowing resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-457 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI STREET CO -DESIGNATION REVIEW COMMITTEE FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clork.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by tho following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur H. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifrodo Gort NAYS. None None ••������i`yy None p. K rrs f l r u r+ t 4� N ,x -C&- �r e � ., +. '^� +�°`.' " ° '` � • '� � R c. � r nt'h s& �, k �1 g ' �- out �'s� � c a. ,.a� � .. �" s y 266 5/10/01 48. BRIEF COMMENTS REGARDING AT LARGE APPOINTMENTS TO BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST (See #50). Vice Chairman Gort: We have the Perfonning Arts Center Trust. Commission at large -- Commissioner Teele: Let me ask, what happened on the Bayfront Trust? We had three at large. What did we do on that? Commissioner Sanchez: Reappointed. Everybody reappointed everybody except you. Bobby Mumford. Commissioner Teele: No, on the at large appointments. The Commission appointments as a group. Commissioner Winton: We reappointed all of them. Commissioner Teele: All of them? Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Winton: I think so. CommissionerTeele: When was that done? Commissioner Sanchez: That was done -- Commissioner Teele: Who appointed -- who appointed who on the at large? Commissioner Winton: Somebody read the nunmes, and we voted "yes." Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Well, Ruth Greenfield -- Commissioner Tecle: Who appointed who? Mr. Forman: Who moved it? Who moved the appointment'! They were at large appointments. It's the Commission at large, C.'onmrmissioner Teele: So the Commission, you know, we normally let a little bit of input. Who appoint -- who appointed Ms. Greenfield? Who's a wonderful person, and I love her, and I live right near her. Commissioner- Sanchez: She was appointed before we got there. Commissioner Tecle: Yeah, she's been appointed -- she set up the trust -- 1 mean the thing. Commissioner Smelter: Yeah. Conmmissioner Tecle: But I'm just saying, who was the mover of her name? 267 5/10/01 Vice Chairman Gort: The motion was made for all three by Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Teele: Oh. Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Sanchez moved -- Commissioner Teele: Well, I think we need to be careful, because we're not going to ever get diversity in some of these at -- The reason to have at large appointments is really to ensure diversity. And I just -- you know, I -- There were some -- Commissioner Sanchez: If you want diversity, you can appoint Bobby Mumford, Mr. -- Commissioner Teele. Commissioner Teele: Well, you know -- it's late. OIC. Commissioner Winton: Do you want to revisit that? Commissioner Teele: No. I -- you know, it's late, and we probably should leave. But let me just say this: At large appointments go for the Board of City Commissioners. And normally, they are, you know, something -- we try to work it through -- Didn't we have a tie vote once, or something on a Civil Service thing that you and Tomas had? I mean, you know, these are not -- no one owns these appointments. These belong to the board. And I just -- Commissioner Winton: In fairness to Commissioner Sanchez, I mean, I thought everybody was paying attention and had a shot at it. So. Commissioner Teele: And it's my fault. It's late. So I -- I'll leave it on. 268 5/10/01 0 0 49, � CAR ANN TAYLOR.AS MMM$W O)~ +PMMRMWG ARTS CPNM� T UST. Commissioner Teele: See, my issue is, like on this PACT (Performing Arts Center Trust) thing, they have recommended a name. I asked that a name be considered. Commissioner Sanchez: On what thing? Commissioner Teele: And, you know, I don't want to -- I want to have a good working relationship with the PACT and -- but I really would like to see a little bit more diversity. And I'd like to nominate Carole Ann Taylor. Commissioner Winton: I'll second the motion. Vice Chairman Gort: There's a motion and a second. Any further discussion? Commissioner Regalado: What? The Performing Arts? Commissioner Tcele: Yeah. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah. Vice Chairman Gort: Performing Arts Center. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 269 5/10/01 0 r The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Toole, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01458 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE PERFORMING ARTS CENTER TRUST FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Hero follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gori 1+1AYS None f ABSENT None , FS I fR Yj ON, yr i F ,• ' � t� �'a 1� � �` ,�. C 77 � � .r:. t aY�'k� k { s m v t �' h } +c s +1 r �` � � k �+� y. � n k r'+.i � '�` • � -,r a �, �',� �" ' v { s-,'. i d r € 3 t S! n } 441 jk3 c 3 ry d+t 44 0icr't t Y $ t�1 � , 4 x ^x�, t-' .� 'c A {,1- rk'"! ,t 270 S/10/01 • $0. APPOINT LAURINUS PIERRB, $TES, KNEAPLER, FRANK BALZZBRE, RALPH DUIJAItTE AND PAUL $INGERMAN' AS MPBEM OF BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST (Sea -#48). Commissioner Teele: And on the Bayfront Trust, I'll nominate Dr. Larry Pierre. Commissioner Sanchez: So move. Vice Chairman Gorr: Wait a minute. Commissioner Teele: I apologize. We've already passed it. Vice Chairman Gort: We have to go back, then. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, with your permission, may I go back and nominate -- Commissioner Winton: Absolutely. And I'll second the motion. Vice Chairman Gort: Wait. Which item is this? Commissioner Teele: The item number is 20 -- Vice Chairman Gori: I need a motion to reconsider. Commissioner Winton: So move. Commissioner Teelc: No. Vice Chairman Gort: l need a motion to reconsider. Commissioner Sanchez: No, you don't. Commissioner Teele: No, you don't. Not -- Commissioner Sanchez: No, you don't. He didn't vote on it. He deferred his or passed. Vice Chairman Gott: But this is not at large. This is your appointment. Commissioner Teele: This is my appointment. Vice Chairman Gort: Oh, your appointment, OK. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you were dealing with the at large. Commissioner Teele: No, no, no. 271 5/10/01 ffa� 0 Commissioner Winton: No, no. This is his appointment. Commissioner Teele: I was trying to see if we could get -- You know, I'm the only African-American here, and I'm honored to be here. But when we have group appointments, I mean, we try to rotate. And I just would like to see -- I was trying to get a Haitian -American, and that's what I'm going to make the appointment for. But I think there's room for more women, more diversity, and that was the only thing. But, you know, I don't want to get into a fight about it. Commissioner Winton: Second his motion on -- Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor, say --aye.., The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Toole: No. you said you had one appointment. Well, hell, yeah, I have one appointment. I'm elected, just like everybody else. Everybody's got one. The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-459 A RESOLtJTION Of THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE BAYFRONT PARK MANAGEMENT TRUST FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur F. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny I.. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 272 5110/01 0 E 51. APPOINT DWAYNE WYNN, RALPH PUGA, BOB RODRIGUEZ, CAROLS ANN TAYLOR, RALPH GARCIA-TOLEDO, FERNANDO FIGUEREDO, RAMON FLORES, ANTONIO VILLAMIL, ANTONIO LLANO MONTES, RAYMUNDO �SCARRA, ALLEN SWEENY, WALDO CASTRO- MO�LEVA, ANSELMO ALLIEGRO AND ; JULIAN LINARES AS MEMBERS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD, Vice Chairman Gort: Item 3l". International Trade Board. Commissioner Teele: I reappoint Dwayne Wynn. And I got a memo from -- ViceChairman Gort: Nagee'Tayada. Commissioner Tecle: I got a memo from the Executive Director of the ITB (International Trade Board) nominating a person. Do you know who that was, Commissioner Winton? Apparently, someone who's very, very active. Commissioner Winton: I've lbrgottcn. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Commissioner, I believe it was Ralph 1'uga, P -U -G -A. Commissioner Winton: Oh, that's what it was. Commissioner Teele: Ralph, who? Mr. Foeman: Puga, P -U -G -A. Commissioner Teele: You got the Mayor's contribution list? Let me make sure he's not on it. Mr. Focman: No, I got that from your staff. Conunissioner Teele: All right. Second the motion -- move it. Vice Chairman Gort: So you moved Dwayne Wynn -- Commissioner Teele: 1 move Dwayne Wynn and Puga. Vice Chairman Gort: How about Nagee Tayada? Commissioner Teele: I moved Dwayne Wynn and Puga to replace Barrett. Vice Chairman Gorr: OK, Commissioner Sanchez. Commissioner Sanchez: I reappoint Bob Rodriguez, Carole Ann Taylor. Could she be on this board, also? Mr. Foeman: Yeah, as long as it's purely advisory, she can be. 273 5/10/01 Commissioner Sanchez: OK. And Rafael Garcia -Toledo. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Winton, you have three appointments. Commissioner Winton: Oh, yes. Reappoint Fernando Fibueredo, Antonio Villamil and Ramon Flores. Vice Chairman Gort: Commissioner Regalado. you have three appointments. Commissioner Regalado: Antonio Llano Montes, Raymundo Escarra, and Allen Sweeny. Vice Chairman Gort: 1 have Waldo Cairo-Molleda, Julian Linares and Anselmo Alliegro. Do 1 have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved. Second? Mr. Foeman: Commissioner Winton, you need to include in that a four/fifths waiver for one of your appointments. I thunk that was Mr. Villamil. He needs a residency waiver, so if we can include that. Commissioner Winton: Would love to include it. Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Tee:le: We don't need a residency requirement for an International Trado Board. Vice Chairman Gort: 32. Commissioner Teele: A global board. 274 5/10/01 n 0 The following resolution was introduced by Comcuissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-460 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBI?RS OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRADE HOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Tecle, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Rcgalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr., Commissioner Johnny L. Winton ,, .. Vice Chairman Wifiodo Gait NAYS • None A$SEA1'' None -0�st ��„� t� ,{ At 4 ; g .�''is7 �+��arc3}c pf-c+p ew.'�k';�' .t ��t �- m'�`" f ` �s�'."ode & ar a4 ar 3� sex. rb ..x�.�t 3 R 7irvu' ,§ t� �t " 2+. t a-.• f r5x pv? ,.', ¢ �+ ;it ^. * ff *Jana � rii�'` - ��' ��.: `xh N � {�� � R# � � �S > 4 rAt� � � � 3�, �,a N �'°'« r �,•'�L.L� r`d �z F dt� x u,r+, r.0r,:T,s. v.L �..n� rzirr xr f F t L & .� rw, F s•",�4 vr'^�j`k»f"' j' 'y,`i..r ria ursr §,z:f}k Ij �77,''4�f + �y9cr4sx�s}}��'a �w a art Ei o ,,r .k�"K. �;�" aa•�'t r�"asx"''`V;.�+r','�$$'"?k`'»'•`3�w"3t xr ;i o -1 10 f Iib i7 kgd' 7, qr k - � �� ..9p. ;..«i*r!t i Y� 'ns,` ' k�`~s �' k� # iC v?Da tt?� 4 c, 3y 4 -r' 3 '�& §ai' :4 t N' 11 '7 fi i✓, -S 4 �4t 5 .S,y -I - P'i d ik' Sr �s y�x.Jec w a ld A e d�,�„� 51, `See. Sr'SfT ',tt` Tt �r hs w, tr �..,, i� ab p41 r »+fi 'Nd$rrFt tea., ytt it'x '�'�!'}V,y }vti e kfi f .a- "r s r $N,y- t'ir: wc' 'b5t," t'"' 7 f t Sr•- ; V t' h -� fief {�s `k' ' k r n +� `�-ry �y. y K i. i d1, r f r '�-1� } as �'tt'ki'kf�nl� w� `7 n tt } kd 'C'kr,ir'',%'' u � � � ; rz � �� rkA<`� � MS, Svc i ✓L c7 i,k�cx ° _ ,,e; '}h� �#y dsj.w � r k9a�d's K x d a� .. .... - t. to �x,..'n �'' :.t' '.. 'r., x. ,.' i . <•c Sf i3s, t 1 er F 275 5110101 • • 52. APPOINT TESSI GARCIA, WALTER MARTINEZ, LUCRECIA MACHADO, HELENA DEL MONTE; UBCTOR GASCA, OBDULIO PIEDRA, MARIA DEL CARMEN CASTEI LAND% DAVID QABARROCAS, ELOY APARICIO AND LUIS SABP4ES AS MEMBERS OF LATIN QUARTER REVIEW -BOARD. Vice Chairman Gort: Thirty-two. Latin Quarter Review Board. Commissioner Tcelc has two nominations. Commissioner Teele: I re -nominate my two appointoes, Ms. Garcia and Mr. Martinez. Vice Chainnan Gort: Commissioner Regalado, you have two. Lucrccia Machado and Helena Del Monte. Commissioner Regalado: Both Lucrecia Machado and Helena Del Monte, both. Vice Chairman Gort: I re -nominate Maria Del Carmen Castellanos, and David Cabarrocas. Commissioner Winton: And I'll re -nominate [lector Gasca and Obdulio Piedra. Commissioner Sanchez: I would re -appoint both of mine, also. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Do 1 have a motion to accept the nominations? Commissioner Winton: So move. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 276 5110/01 0 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. OI -461 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING CERTAIN INDIVIDUALS AS MEMBERS OF THE LATIN QUARTER REVIEW BOARD FOR TERMS AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Hera follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passod and adopted by the fallowing vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teale, Jr. 'commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gori iA'l�S► None �731!#T..None kr k is o at 3 N i y S 3 k IY ;k0x" r ys ky8 aff i'T? x f t '«` 277 S/lA/QI • 53. APPOINT JORGE J. GONZALEZ AS MEMBER OF MIAMI SPORTS. AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY. Vice Chairman Gort: Can I make a motion? Although it's not in here, 1 need to appoint my -- the Sports Authority. My appointment will be Jorge J. GonzAler Commissioner Winton: Second. Commissioner Teele: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Gort, who movod for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-462 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA") FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tcele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo (:fort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: Can you pass that out to the Clerk? 278 5/10/01 54. STATUS REPORT BY GREG BUSH FROM PARKS ADVISORY BOARD (See #58) Commissioner Winton: Do we really need to discuss 33 tonight'? Vice Chairman Gort: 33. Carlos Ginlenez (City Manager): Sir, I need to deter 33. Vice Chairman Gort: No. Mr. Hush has been here all day and he's ready to go. Conic on. C'ominissioner Winton: Oh. Sorry. Sorry. Vice Chaiiman Gort You're on. Go ahead, sir. Commissioner Winton: Greg, this is your item on 33? Greg Bush: I think so. Commissioner Winton: Oh. Commissioner 'l cele: What's 33? Commissioner Sanchez: Oil 33? You're here for 33? Commissioner Winton: lie's been here all day today. Mr. Gush: I'm on. OK. I'm reporting on the Parks Advisory Board for this year. This is the first year of our operation. Vice Chairman Gort: Sir, i need your name and address, please. Mr. 11ush: I'm sorry. Greg Bush. My .address is 0261 Coral Lake Drive, Miauni. Our board is a unique blend of elected and appointed people. We also have a student representative and historian. We still aced appointments from Commissioner Dort and the Mayor to the Parks Advisory Board at some point soon. So hopefully, that can take place. Our initial meetings were held atter the attention gained by the national report by Peter Ilarnek (phonetic) that chidcd the City on its lack of park space and funding. But I can report solid progress in recent months. We developed a very positive working relationship with Albert Ruder and others in the department. And what are some of the actions that we've taken this past year:' We held a joint ineeting with the Waterfront ]Board and the City Manager to examine questions about ways to better plan the waterfront, and we anticipate another such meeting in the near future. TO encourage input from residents, we initiated televised uleetinos. We heard numerous presentations that t won't bore you with, and we've held monthly updates and concerns ofparks in different districts. We had a very usetitl budget hearing several Fridays ago, and are going, to have additional input into the process at our next meeting. What about sonic of our fciturc plans'? They inchtde holding hearings in different neighborhoods, neighborhood centers, and perhaps in the parks themselves. It would be helpful, and I would hope that perhaps this could be facilitated, that we could have cither live or perhaps taped television 279 5/10/01 7� 0 coverage in different places around the City, so that people in diticient neighborhoods, could conic oul. think that would be useful. Chir student representative is going to be shooting video tape In his park, and Me't'e going to try to gel other students and other people in different ne'uhhorhoods to show some ofthe problems and prospects in their neighborhoods, as well. And we're also planning a hus trip for members of the board, perhaps members of the C'onunission, to take a look at different parks around the City. W11.11 arc a couple of the key resolutions that we've passed this year:' '1 think these are fairly important. One. this past April. City swinimingr pools - we're hoping; that better and more efficient use of City swll1m1ing pools as places fur kids to leanrl to swim can take place. The Parks Advisory Board asks you to instruct tile. City manager to hcgin discussions with the Superintendent of Schools to explore the feasibility of developing it Swirllnll1w program tinMiarlli-Datic County School students. in conjunction with the City" Department of Paris and Recrc.alion, in under to fully util►Lk� the pOols within the City's part: system. Right now, they're not fully utilized at all. And I think having some kind of instruction from the Commission to fully utilize the public swimminp ponds would he very useful. I1'that could be dune, you know, 1 would appreciate that, in particular. And 1 know that's come frons Albert Ruder, too. '['flat's important, it seems to nle. We don't need to have any more kids drowning; when they should he learning; to swirl. So if that could be moved at some point, I'd appreciate that. Un Atimist 1 %"`, we recommended file Brickell Park not hr sold or transferred, and that it be activated for use by residents of the arca. Irl January, we reLluested that you al] invnlvC the 'frust for Public Land in it possible parchaSt: by the stab of the Brickell Park property. We implore you 1101 Io sol) or ru.one tllk� park. City residents should not he victimized by :Ile gtlesllonable ColllpelcrlCL: of at past administration or two. Thirlk 50 years into the future, and your action: in preserving this open space, I think, will he seen as i very brave act. Third: [as* 111011th, we also passed it general recommendation in rclatiun to the sale or chatlge of use of parkland. Quoting our resolution, "Before the City illiliates a salt: or change in use of parklands, it should provide for a study of the properlies under consideration fur sale or change in usc to determine the conlnlunity's need, and that any (inure proposed sale or chaulg;c in use of existing parklands he presented to the Parks Advisory Board for appropriate comments and recommendation of the City Commission," unquote. In terms of funding, as y01.1 prohilhly Know, the Parks Department only gets something in the neighborhood of two to three percent of the budget. And we think that that's totally inadequate. I think others thing: that, too, in gcnerall, in the administration. But we're hoping that sooner, rather than later, we can lind more significant funding Ibr parks and making them into places ol' pride and recreation tor all our people. Un August 17"' to he it !ittle hit more specific fir your consideration, we passed it resolulion last sunriner seeking; funding; fur a muster Man for the City',, hark System. It has been decades since the last ogle was completed. It's high time there he a master plan, perhaps it strategic plan, as I luo%% the City Manager hats been calling for to really move 1101-tiard on this. I Ihink the funding 1•or that's really needed soon. Second: In April, we noted that the Parks Department does not have sufficient staff to perform pari: Planning functions, and ",c asked for it position of park planner in the conlillLI, fiscal year. We urge you to support such a position now. and we cleally believe that investment ill a marketing: person anis a grant writer tin, the Parks Department are clearly going to pay themselves back, it scenic 10 nle, ol• pay you all back ill the long run. Let elle conclude Virginia Key, Bicentennial Park, Gibson Park, Hadley Park, Vlrricl: Park, all very, very positive acilievcmetlts, it secnls to nue, to he Proud Of' in recent limes. Yet, it's clear, as you all know, that additional park space anis facilities are desperately needed in such underserved areas as Little Havana and Little I laiti. I would urge a series of neig hborhood design workshops fur Parks in the curling; months to ,far( addl'essing these Llucstlolls of '.where and what kind of acti ii caul take place. With your help and thV pulllic'S input it the coming montlis, we ran bring Miami's Park System to national attention for the dramatic improvements that it is nlalking;, and fur the novel terms of involvenit:nt by I-esidents, and N10111, colluuiunent to an expanding, budget [hat nlalccs strategic sense. The next meeting oh our Parks 280 >:' 10/0 1 IIIIIIIYZ 1 Advisory Board is on May 15`', this next Tuesday, at. 7 p.m. in these chambers. And 1 thunk you. Do you have any questions or conunents at this late hour'? Vice Chairman Gort: "Thank you. 1 appreciate it. Mr. Bush: OK. Vice Chairman Gort: One of the thinks I'd like for you to do, if possible, in coordination with the staff is to take pictures or film of parks before. because any progress we make, I would like to sec it documenttA Mr. Bush: And after. OK. Vice Chairman Gort: And after. Thank you. Commissioner Sanchez: Mr. Bush, let me make one recommendation to you. Could you explore the possibility of looking at Cuban Memorial Drive, which connects Coral Way and 8`h Street? It's 13'h Avenue that goes from 8'h Street all the way to Coral Way. And it's a big median. it's got trees. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Commissioner Sanchez.: Yeah. We -- one of the NET (Neighborhood Hnhancement Team) Administrators. Tony Wagner, and some of the community residents came to me and said if they could connect those medians, which I believe it's from 8'h to Coral Way, and make like a walkway with benches and lighting, and try to make that into a promenade, some type of place where people could walk out of their residence and walk their dog, or people that like to walk and exercise, they could walk through there like a path. And I think that by connecting those, l think the City could invest into making sancthing very nice, and I don't think: it'll take too much financial to do so. Could you look at that, please'? Mr. Bush: Sure. Sure. Commissioner Sanchez: I have some plans and I'd like to show you that were drafted. Thank you. Mr. Bush: Happy to do that. OK. Vice Chairman Gat: Thank you. Commissioner Regalado: Question here, Greg. Have you all discussed, or you plan in the titture the possibility of a Christmas Park in Robert King High? I've spoken to one of the board members, the elected board member. Mr. Bush: Uh-huh. Commissioner Regalado: But Mr. Arbolcya is in the hospital. Mr. Bush: Right. ]tight. 281 5110/01 Commissioner Regalado: l ie's been in and out of the hospital. But I tell you what. We did the Gaster thing in Robert King high. We got help from -- and the police, especially the mounted unit got McDonald's. We have -- the Parks Department got also several. And I think that the Park Director knows about the project. And what I was thinking is if we can get some money and sonic donations to start in a very humble way, and to charge very little to the residents. And the money that we make shall be reinvested next year. And the reason for that is that, you know, Santa's Enchanted Forest is so expensive - Mr. Bush: Right. Yeah. Uh-huh. Commissioner Regalado: -- that, you know, people cannot cope with that cost. So 1 would ask you to discuss that if you want to 1 can send you all next week some ideas after the meeting. Mr. Bush: Mm-hmm. Commissioner Regalado: But 1 thins: we can do it. Mr. Bush: I'll try to put it on our agenda for Tuesday. Commissioner Regalado: Please. Mr. Bush: OK. Anything else? Vice Chairman Cort: OK. '('hank you very much. We appreciate the work you've been doing. Mr. Bush: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Winton: I have one question. There was a recommendation on making sure we have maximum use of our parks -- not parks -- swimming pools for the summer. We're all geared up for that? Carlos Gimenez (City Manager): Yeah. We've already set -- I've asked to set up a meeting with -- on his recommendation wltil the School Board to See if we call get more kids into the pools, but I'm sure Al is working on some other things, too. Albert Ruder (Director, Parks and Recreation): Yeah. Albert Ruder. He's talking more about year round, because -- but in the summer, we're -- ,you know, we're geared up and all our pools are open, and they get heavy use in the summer. Commissioner Winton: OK, Thanks. Commissioner Sanchez: Are we providing security at the pools, when the pools are closed? Mr. Ruder: When the pools are closed year round, or in the summer? Commissioner Sanchez: No. When the pools are closed during the summer, tit night. 287 5/10/01 11610101611, Mr. Ruder: No. Commissioner Sanchez: In any park? Mr. Ruder: We do have a roving guy that goes to the diff "t pis„ tiukwo'tlo not it vs+ a: eWity gttty at each pool. Commissioner Teole: Arc we going to charge this summer? Mr. Ruder: We've done some fencing work that has better secured the pools. We did all of those last year, with -- and new security measures and better lighting. So we have taken sonic physical initiatives to better secure the pools. Commissioner Teele: Are you going to charge a fee this summer? Mr. Ruder: No. Last year, you approved making it for free, acid we're'continuing that policy this year. Commissioner Teele: Very important. Mr. Ruder: Except for groups. if there's large groups that want to come in, then they would have to pay a fee. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. des �+ts r � Y ° i t ,5, t £ � � i} t j i N' i yf i, .(- .5 � •' p } "i" 4 iC 4. s W% C � t r a� � *� � i .+ }• } y r V «`. '? x ��F �' ° ,r :4xr } r } r i �. .vy. F % 1 �p t,u: r - � r d '�.r fi ,y 9,; k x 3y e a'j °� +.',� ,�. 3 � .s � i,:., .�, i 7 •f ���'� :Ja y � a'° ri. 3'n } 3 1 £ 4 Y yv # 4 J ,.�i > ✓,e.h jx ,T�iyf [ jW. �t {p��, t- rctt 9 Lz `' r w r�uH" 'i3 tlX ', R .a*`b+w+W s .a%y i.. f�,1.7, V s � a z � t' Zli3 5/10/01 n U E 55. HRIBF CM O.ViEI\'TS iiY ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER ROBERT NACHI.INGER CONCERNING FINANCIAL UPDATE ANN -D -BUDGET OUTLOOK. Vice Chairman Gort: Item 34,a discussion. You guys wart to discuss some more or -- Commissioner Teele: No. Vice Chainnan Gort: OK. Thank you. Commissioner Tecle: What's the item? Vice Chairman Gort: Discussion concerning the compliance with the requirement of Ordinance Number - - enacted november -- Commissioner Teele: Oh, we need to -- Vice Chairman Gort: financial update. Commissioner Teele: We need to do that, because -- we don't need to? OK. Vice Chairman Gort: Go right ahead, sir. Commissioner Teele: it's two seconds, isn't it? Vice Chairman Gort: Two seconds. Go. Commissioner Tcele: It's mandated. Robert Nachlingcr (Assistant City Manager): Thank you, Commissioners. This was deferred from the last meeting. It's the February financial statements. The March statements are currently in the print shop and will be to you at your next meeting. If you have any questions on the February report, I'll be happy to answer them. Vice Chairman Gort: Are we on target, more or less, with the compliance with the budgets and the projections? Mr. Nachlingcr: Yes, sir, we are. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any red flags? Mr. Nachlinger: Not at this time, no. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Any other questions? Thank you, sir. Appreciate it. 284 5/10/01 • • 56. STATES RETORT OP CITYWIDE RIGHT -OT -WAY CONDITION SURVEY. Vice Chairman Gort: licm 35. Discussion item. Right-of-way of -- Commissioner Sanchez.: Public Works. Vice Chairman Gort: Condition survey. Public Works. John Jackson (Director. Public Works): In the beginning of this calendar year, you directed the administration to hire a consultant to evaluate the condition of our streets throughout the City, and I just want to rcport to you that that's been done. We've hired the firm of Metric Engineering. Notice to proceed was issued March 19"' of this year. And we've had a progress report, a progress meeting with them, and things are going well. elle will have a report in November of this year. We'll be looking at some distressed condition of the pavements, transverse cracks in longitudinal patching, gravelling and the familiar alligator cracking. And that the streets will be -- conditions will he prioritized according to districts, Commissioner districts. Any questions'? Vice Chairman Gort: Any questions'? Commissioner Teele: Where did you pick Metric up'? They didn't have any money ]ell on their inisc0luneous, did they'.' Mr. Jackson: Well, in March they -- you know, it was awarded at the beginning of.larch, really. Commissioner Teele: Was it a -- Did you all award a bid, or did you pick it off the miscellaneous'? Mr. Jackson: Off of the miscellaneous contract, yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: All right. Vice: Chairman Gert: Any other questions? Commissioner Teele: blow much is left on the miscellaneous, on that -- that's all right. One other question. Can you tell me, please, regarding the parking lot there on 55"' and 17"' where we are? Mr. Jackson: Yes, Commissioner. 'that's 5500 Northwest 17"' Avenue. We have a preliminary plan that we're going over with the landscaping, putting the landscaping items on. We're meeting with the Planning Department. The Planning Department has the landscape architect, Mr. Enrique Nunez. We're working and finishing touches on that, and 1 intend to -- we should have a preliminary plan ready for permitting. Collltlllssioner TceIC: When will it be completed'? Mr. Jackson. We've got to get it through the Building Department Ibr it dry run. looks like: it's going to be into July now. 285 S/10/01 1I�i1IiR%li iQ�+G, 4,v'i1 1 � r f 57. (A) APPOINT RICHARD BENNETT AS MEMBER OF COMMUNITY RELATIONS j BOARD. (B) MANAGER TO ARRANGE FOR CHIEF OF POLICE OR DESIGNEE TO BRIEF EACH MEMBER OF COMMISSION IN CONNECTION WITH RECENT UNFORTLINATE SHOOTING DEATH OF NICK SINGLETON IN OVERTOWN ON APRIL 30, 2001 AND ONGOING INVESTIGATION OF SAME. Vice Chairman Gort: Thank you. Pocket items? Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, if I may. There's a resignation on the Community Relations Hoard, and I would like to -- this board is very important, and I would like to appoint Reverend Richard Bennett in the place of Vernon Clark. It's so moved. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Seconded. Any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commissioners (Collectively): "Aye." The following resulution was introduced by Commissioner Teele Jr., who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-463 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MEMBER OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD FOR A TERM AS DESIGNATED HEREIN. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by tho following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe S:uichei Commissioner Arthur E. Tecle, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman, while we're on this item. There have been a number of meetings and discussions with the Chief of Police, the Manager, in most cases the Mayor, and probably upwards of 75 to 100 community leaders and persons concerned about the unfortunate and tragic shooting and death that occurred. 1 want to report to the Commission that both the 287 May 10, 2001 0 Manager and Chiel' Martinez have heen more open and more candid and really understanding of the community's frustrations. I think that Chief Martinez. in particular, has been extremely open. The meetings we're held - - are held in the Police Department. Wc'vc had one, I guess, every Tuesday since the shooting. 'There's a lot of tension in this community. A lot tension. And 1 would certainly ask that the Manger arrange for the Chief to brief, or his designee, to brief each Commissioner. The point that I would like to put on the record is that we need to he. I think, extremely careful. in that tensions are extremely fragile right row concerning this. One of the issues that conlinucs to collie tip, of course -- and by the way, the State Attorney, the U.S. Attorney, and the various justice department agencies are monitoring and participating passively in must of these nm:rtinvs. ]think there's sincere concern on the part o1' Chief Martine/, the Police Chief, and the Manager, is cv idcuced try the quality and the staffing that is associated with these meetings. One of the concerns that I have, quite frankly, is cunning Out Of thu Oversight Board process. We have really been restricted by what we can do. This whole idea of not dorrtg lee waivers was a directive of the Oversight Board, Johnny. lief-ore that, it was literally unlimited, literally unlimited. That's not to say that that was stood. That's not to say that was bad. But one of the things that 1 think vve need to take into consideration are organizations that have traditional activities, like the C;nomhay f estival, like the Haitians Routs and Culture, represutt uniefue ways Irrr police to he with people when people arc haviug lien. And some of the things that we need to think about, ill the context of these vartuas police activities and services, is that we reilly do need to take a second look at where we are. And I'm asking the Manager and Chief to look at thin. For uxaniplr, we always fly the royal police hand front the Bahamas over here for Goonibay. I'll) trying to negotiate something \kith the Minister of l'otirism now. But we rarely have things like the mounted police -- our mounted pOlice to he in these. Not for crowd control but to he, you know, officer friendly. One of the ways to deal with things like the Roots and Culture Festival is to Inst the mounted police in it parade -- the parade that they're going to have, and then you're heginning to look at other Wayti to jttstil'y certain expenditures. The thing that has collie ►tut of all of this is ,t very clear cry from the contnmunity for a Civilian Oversight Board or Independent Review C uuincil. i made the commitment to all the people there, as well as to the union, the police union, as well as to the press, Thal I will not offer any legislation regarding the Independent Iteview Panel. And we have an agreement. I think, with the community, that the C'hicf of Police Blue Ribbon Panel is instructed to review the issues of the Independent Review Panel and io report it out within 30 days. There's a select committee of the connnrtutity that \611 take 10 days to review that, and then we're going to have legislation on whether or not we have onc, whether it has subpoena power composition. I would ask, as it courtesy, that no Commissioner file legislation regarding the need or the opposition to an Independent Rcview Panel until the C'hief's Flue Ribbon Committee and the community has had a chance to complete that 40-day cycle that all parties. 1 think, have agreed in. And I just wanted to make that statement, hccausc I think Mayor Carollu has been extrcmcly careful in not offering legislation even though people were asking him to, and to allow this system -- this process to work. And I think everybody here may get approached by somebody saying;, to file it resolution saying we don't \am one or to file somethinit that contains something. And thal scenario, right now, 1 would hope that we could avoid and let the process work. Obviously, anybody's free to the anything you'd like. but I wanted to lith this in a broader context. And I particularly want to also commend the Union, Tile FOP (Fralernal Order of Police) that is engaged ill the process. And they don't like a lot of the things that they're hearing, perhaps, but they have been extremely, extremely professional in tine maturer in which they've carried themselves. 288 May 10, 2001 �PZ�I�➢.I:I: • 0 58. DEFER STATUS REPORT ON WATERFRONT ADVISORY BOARD (Soo #54). Vice Chairman Crort: Do we have any pocket items, or are we going to go home tonight? Pocket items. Don't all come at once. Commissioner Sanchez: What item were you supposed to speak on? Robert Parente: 33. Commissioner Sanchez: 33? Mr. Parente: We were instructed to be here April 26`x' to prepare a report for the Waterfront Advisory Board that was told to be here May 10`x' instead. It was deferred, and we were instructed to prepare an annual report. Vice Chairman Gort: Well, we did call 33, but you weren't here. You're welcome, go ahead, sir. Go right ahead. Mr. Parente: Commissioner Gort, I was here since 8:30 this morning. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Go ahead. Mr. Parente: No. I respectfully decline. 1 would like to reschedule when everyone really wants to hear it. And, you know, it's detailed, and 1 don't want to give it to anyone who really wants to get home. But 1'd like to at least maybe be time certain next time. Commissioner Sanchez: Can we defer it to the next Commission meeting? Mr. Parente: Yeah. Commissioner Sanchez: OK. Let's go ahead and -- Mr. Parente: I mean, I'd rather everybody be sharp. Commissioner Sanchez: Time certain. What time certain would you tike, Robert? Mr. Parente: But Commissioner Gort, 1 just want to make a point. 1 was here. 289 5/10/01 n` � S� A �S^s i7' �1 g �� iR ��� � �'fi' �2� 4 � i}ib ij L� Y s ' � "r�Ya''e��fy - F r s� ` � a� r "'a` 559. ---APPROVE CITY'S CO-SPONSORSHIP OF MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING (HADD) PROGRAM SCHEDULED DURING MAY AND JUNE; AUTHORIZE PLACEMENT OF LIGHT POLE BANNERS TO PROMOTE MESSAGE DURING PROM AND GRADUATION CELEBRATIONS OF NECESSITY FOR SAFE DRIVING. Commissioner Sanchez: Pocket item, Mr. C'hairntan. I have a pocket item. I respectfully request this City Commission consider co -sponsoring of the Mothers Against Drunk- Driving Programs scheduled during May and June. MADD is -- promote the message during prom and graduation celebration of the necessity for safe driving and to urge students not to drive while impaired or intoxicated. This message will be done through the placement of light pole banners throughout the City. Mr. City Attorney, could you read the resolution? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attoniey): Yes, sir. This is a resolution of the Miami City Commission approving the City's co-sponsorship of the Mothers Against Drunk Driving Program scheduled during May and .lune, authorizing the placement of light pole banners to promote the message during graduation celebrations of the necessity for safe driving, and to urge students not to drive while impaired or intoxicated; further authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents in a form acceptable to the City Attorney with the Florida Department of Transportation and event sponsor for said purpose. Commissioner Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Commissioner Regalado: Second. Commissioner Sanchez: Second by Regalado. Open for discussion. Hearing none, all in favor, say aye. The Commission (Collectively): Aye. Commissioner Sanchez: Anyone opposed, having the same right, say "nay." It passes unanimously. 291 5/10/01 IIIiIIIilZ. - • • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-464 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE CITY'S CO-SPONSORSHIP OF THE MOTHERS AGAINST DRUNK DRIVING ("MADD") PROGRAM SCHEDULED DURTNG MAY AND JUNE; AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF LIGHT POLE BANNERS TO PROMOTE THE MESSAGE DURING PROM AND GRADUATION CELEBRATIONS OF TILE NECESSITY FOR SAVE DRIVING AND TO URGE STUDENTS NOT TO DRIVE WHILE IMPAIRED OR INTOXICATED; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND EVENT CO-SPONSORS FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT; Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort 292 5110101 0 • 60. DIRECT MANAGER TO CO-SPONSOR ZO'S SUMMER GROOVE FEST; GRANT PERMISSION TO PLACE BANNERS ON STREET LIGHTS IN ORDER TO PROMOTE SAID EVENT, Commissioner Sanchez: Any other pocket items? Commissioner Winton. Vice Chairman Goi1: What was the motion? Commissioner Sanchez: Pocket items. Winton's got it. Commissioner Winton: Well, I'm struggling to make sure I understand what I'm doing here. So we need a resp -- this relates to the Lo Sumner Groove thing. And apparently, the State of Florida is requiring that the City of Miami be a co-sponsor, which just simply means we get our logo on everything, but it doesn't cost us anything. Dena Bianchino (Assistant City Manager): Just to clarify, it's a motion of the City Commission. It's a resolution that says that the City must be either a sponsor or a co-sponsor of an event to allow the banners to be hung. So if you want to make a motion that we're the co-sponsors -- Commissioner Winton: Right, So move. Commissioner Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: It's been moved and seconded. Any further discussion? Commissioner Teele: What are they sponsoring? Commissioner Sanchez: The banners. Commissioner Tecle: for where? Commissioner Sanchez: For the -- Commissioner Winton: The Z.o Summer Fcst thing, so they can get batuiers hung on street lights. Vice Chairman Gorl: All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. 293 5/1 0/01 9GIBI :x C C� The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-405 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION APPROVING THE CITY'S CO-SPONSORSHIP OF ZO'S SUMMER GROOVE FEST; AUTHORIZING THE PLACEMENT OF LIGHT POLI: BANNERS TO PROMOTE THE FVF.NT; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND EVENT ORGANIZERS FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on Plc in the Office of the City Clork.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: 294 5/10/01 0 • 61. DIRECT MANAGER TO CO-SPONSOR ROOTS'`AND CULTURE FESTIVAL IN LITTLE HAITI: . Vice Chairman Gort: Next. Next. Any other pocket items? Commissioner Tcelc: A pocket item. l would move that the City of Miami be a co-sponsor of the Roots and Culture Festival in Little Haiti. So move. 29S 5/10101 The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Toele, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO.01466 " 'A, RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF MIAMI'S CO-SPONSORSHIP OF THE "ROOTS & CULTURE FESTIVAL," TO BE CONDUCTED IN LITTLE HAITI BY THE ROOTS & CULTURE FOUNDATION, INC., ON MAY 26-27, 2001. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. 'feele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS:: None � f ABSI?NT: None Al S� r 6'1'"�•5l nr k�a�k zc±# fg 3 ta'�, s ^r d' t £-t..ti''' SW,�i-k i$.7 �iyE�ePi. t4 3n'iiP ,• L tR�v°`ea �4.a.4+4�,d�at.;Ft�. 3 3X4a x qtr ¢ f --pa4teP $`4a Y a•r a 5; � � ��''s�S v z,�° *ss ,S t~; Sr°e �'a` ��n ��':. F "� a t of t s a£ v a�� � s. ?.. ,+n ✓3� � t<, ywv � � �, ,� k 4 t �,+"ers �g� . '' � } * �. � r t ,� t r r7- A, �-.�-�"-i'A.�� +" 0 -F a ,F "Sxia1.t�i,�'i' �,1�w ��� 3 �,py.'C w 'st,y,i �' �r"' St✓4t >,,4ti• �`✓.+ e - I 4�?+�3 �. �' �, 1`s a r t e 4 �:�I if s- a, k' S^' -k r �', n =fid ° ,'n ' t > r•. "fi ''a � ""� + `` :; s �,Sk � All 13- .z �Y �� ME �)i' �i ��s"i t r. 't ,,f•' ter, r e.c r�2 i. tir �^��� a_tr �s. a,.. t �i.� �,�3'sy r s+« �+ 5'tr. sa`*�xb " x 3 E t v ,� y� t,2 i _ ,� 6 av b F' p `"W.c£ „ P'✓ Ut i ,wv t t k .✓� � # 4,7 a � st �+"": 9 14'sc'z�t�."�'-c .+�r..�r .. �iY h r tt^ I � � �'� a 296 5/10101 • • 17G2. (A) DIRECT MANAGER TO REVIEW AGREEMENTS WITH MLK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION AND MEET WITH MIAMI -DADS COUNTY AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS TO REVIEW AND FACILITATE PLAN FROM MLK FOR REDEN'FLOPMENT OF SITE AT NORTHWEST 62ND STREET AND NORTHWEST 7'" ` AVENUE; MANAGER TO PRESENT REPORT AND MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON OPTIONS AS TO HOW CITY CAN FACILITATE MLK PLAN WITHIN THIRTY DAYS FROM RECEIPT OF SAID PLAN: MANAGER TO RECEIVE AND PLAN FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF PROJECT AND SEVENTH AVENUE CORRIDOR. (B) DESIGNATE "COMMUNITIES' UNITED" HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AS CITY'S COORDINATOR FOR RIBBON CUTTING CEREMONY AT NEWLY RENOVATED BUENA VISTA PARK. Vice Chairman Dort: Yes, sir. Commissioner Teele: This is a resolution of the City of Miami Commission directing the City Manager to review existing agreements with the Martin Luther King Lconomic 131mlopment Corporation, to meet %%ith Metro -Dude and Federal Officials, including those from HUI) (Department of Housing and Urban Development') and Department oI' Transportation, as well as C ongressvvoman Meek; to receive and review and facilitate it plan from the Marlin Luther King Redevelopment Corporation for the redevelopment site. It presently occupies on Northwest 2"' - - 02`1 Street, MIX (1\1artin Luther King) Boulevard, and Northwest 7`h Avenue; and directing the City !vlanager to present a report and make recommendations to the City on how the options - - how the City can facilitate the plan within 30 days from receipt of the plan; and fut•tlter directing the Manager to receive and plan for the redevelopment of the project, and the 7"' Avenuc Corridor. 1 would so mine. C_'ommissioner Winton. Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Second. C'ommissioncr Teelc- Mr. Chairman, mashers of the co, llmission, Congresswoman Meek has had federally appropriated some planning dollars, ninety-two thousand dollars ($92,000), for the corner on MLK and 7`h Avenue, which is properly (lie signature corner -- Vice Chairman Gort: Right. Commissioner •feele: -- in the entire African-American community in Miami. The City has a loan/grant that they stopped reducing, it there. It's about eight, ten years old. And the County has some. And what we're looking at is how we can work with the County and the City to come in with new money, sir or seven million dollars ($7,000,000). And, ultimately, the goal is to extinguish the debt there based upon a new plan and new money coming in. And that's something that Congresswoman Meek's bill is going to do. Stie's going to appropriate six million transportation dollars to do this and make it a transportation mall, just so that you have the background oil that. 'I he next one is the resolution on the Buena Vista Park, designating the Communities United Ilonicowners' Association as the City's coordinator for the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony at the newly renovated Bacna Vista Park on Saturday, May Ni, at i I a.m.; directing 297 5!10!01 0 • the Manager to provide ull necessary Staff and cooperation to assist the activity, including personnel from Public Works. Public -- Parks and Ree., NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Teams); and further directing the Manager to invite the participation of all appropriate, all appropriate Federal officials, including, but not limited to, the Mayor, City Commission, members of the Safe Neighborhood Bond Advisory Board, the Miami -Dade Mayor, Miami -Dade Commission, and appropriate Federal and State dignitaries. So moved. Vice Chairman Gort: Before we move, can I vote -- I have to vote on the previous motion. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commissioners (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele Jr., who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO, 01-467 A RE -SOLUTION OF THC: MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REVIEW EXISTING AGREEMENTS WITH THE MLK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION ("MIX") AND MELT WITH MIAMI-DADL COUNTY AND FEDERAL OFFICIALS, INCLUDING "CHOSE FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT ("HUD"). DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ("DOT"), AS WELL AS COrGRFSSWOMAN CARRIE MEEK, TO RECEIVE, REVIEW AND FACILITATL A PIAN FROM MLK FOR REDEVELOPMENT OF TI -Ir SITE IT PRESENTLY OCCUPIES AT NORTI I W h:ST 62"1' STREET AND NORTH W t:S'r 7"" � AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT A REPORT AND MAKES RECOMMENDATIONS TO 'THE CITY COMMISSION ON OPTIONS AS TO HOW THE CITY CAN FACILITATE. THE MLK PLAN WITHIN THIRTY DAYS I'ROM THE RECEIPT OF SAID PIAN; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO RECEIVE AND PIAN FOR THE REDEVELOPMENT OF'THE PROJECTAND THE SEVENTH AVENUE CORRIDOR. 298 5/10/01 _ allwo • • Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Tcele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Gort: This motion has been moved and second. Is there any further discussion? Being none, all in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." The following resolution was introduced by Commissioner Teele Jr., who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-468 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DESIGNATING THE "COMMUNITIES' UNrrED" HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION AS THE CITY'S COORDINATOR FOR THE RIBBON CUTTING I'ING CEREMONY AT THE NEWLY RENOVATED BUFNA VISTA PARK ON SATURDAY, MAY 26, 2001 AT 11:00 A.M.; Dlfflic 'ING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE ALL STAFF NECESSARY TO COOPERATE AND ASSIST IN 771E ACTIVITY, INCLUDING PERSONNEL FROM THE DEPARTMENTS OF PARKS AND RECREATION, PLBLIC WORKS, AND THE - NEIGHBORHOOD ENHANCEMENT TEAMS ("NET"); FURTHER, DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INVITE THE PARTICIPATION OF ALL APPROPRIATE: PUBLIC OFFICIALS, INCLUDING BUT NUT LIMITED TO THI MAYOR, THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION, MEMBERS OF TILE SAFF. NEIGHBORHOOD BOLD ADVISORY BOARD, THE: MIAMI-DADF. COUNTY MAYOR, AND THE MIAMI-DADF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND APPROPRIATE FEDERAL AND STATE OF FLORIDA DIGNITARIES. 299 5/10/01 �� l� v)� �4'�nr �4 ,fit �.Fai! 7r` `5�.� a'fF�t BtS� +w�°.��3x � N'.F'*��? {F�.c�}9��•£�`n ��t.�•'�n�'.a�. "�S.r�Lw ':.] Fy f�•-� h yy'�i .,;,,c.. , wu�� :s�: +K �a�! ~�vrk' � � �' ��#, � r_i.. ,r,.. y..i;,• . � 6 '-tgV.za. ,'4i. ' t �.c � 1 $n, ,} ly X. li « � C� 7 ,.��11 >'& YS 3+yE.�1� "r�"i"y, C�`� o•{`-k.Lr *f k f J ,� : ,n, }�M� [' yybj� ,;f,tf `Ryes.�j s�p+,1 l F � aS ��5�n aL.il�hy�`3$.i �,��y,,t �fY. =� y�y"tkpp .�{�t3. y'4 '� ,�^•c"h }, :i�;�t��:'�1 �a',,�'���.rn�l�r�a�.�s�;z�* ��,'��^�s�t FX`kn'�,`"* �� 93"'k`. �'�y` �'�'�•��: �� . �� l� v)� �4'�nr �4 ,fit �.Fai! 7r` `5�.� a'fF�t BtS� +w�°.��3x � N'.F'*��? {F�.c�}9��•£�`n ��t.�•'�n�'.a�. "�S.r�Lw ':.] Fy f�•-� h yy'�i .,;,,c.. , wu�� :s�: +K �a�! ~�vrk' � � �' ��#, � r_i.. ,r,.. y..i;,• . � 6 '-tgV.za. ,'4i. ' t �.c � 1 $n, ,} ly X. li « � 63. DIRECT MANAGER TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO FACILITAT9 SITE IDENTIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT OF THREE POTENTIAL SITES TO ACCOMMODATE MAJOR FIRST-CLASS PARK FACILITY IN LITTLE HAITI AREA AND TO IDENTIFY $75,000 FROM OPERATING BUDGET OF DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS; MANAGER TO PRESENT STATUS REPORT TO COMMISSION. Commissioner Tecle: Mr. Mayor, we've — Mr. Chairman, we've heard a lot of talk about Little Haiti. This is a resolution of the City Commission directing the City Manager to take all steps necessary to facilitate site identification and environmental audit of up to three potential sites to accommodate a major first-class park facility in the Little Haiti area, and to identify funds, not to exceed, not to exceed seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) from the operating budget of the Public Works Department, to be used for preliminary environmental and planning studies by the consultants on the City's approved list, and to determine the most appropriate sites, including the conducting of an environmental assessments through level three, and not more than twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) per site; and directing the City Manager to report its status report to the Commission at its June 28"' meeting, and turther allocating the funds for said purpose. So moved. Commissioner Winton: Second. Vice Chairman Gort: Moved and second. Discussion? Being none, all in favor state it by saying "ayc." The Commission (Collectively): "Aye." 1111198M 301 3/10/01 0 • The following resolution was introduced by Commissioncr Tcele, who moved its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. 01-461 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY :MANAGER TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO FACILITATE SITE IDENTIFICATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL AUDIT OF UP TO THREE POTENTIAL SITES TO ACCOMMODATE A MAJOR FIRST-CLASS PARK FACILITY IN THE LITTLE', HAITI AREA AND TO IDENTIFY FUNDS 1N AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED 575,000 FROM TILE OPERATING BUDGET OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS, TO HE USED FOR PRELIMINARY ENVIRONMENTAL AND PLANNING STUDIES BY CONSULTANTS ON 'rHE CITY'S APPROVED LiS'f, TO DETERMINE THE MOST APPROPRIATE SITES, INCLUDING CONDUCTING ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENTS THROUGH LEVEL THREE, AT NOT :MORE THAN $25,000 PER SITE; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT A STATUS REPORT TO THE CITY COMMISSION AT ITS JUNE 28, 20901 MhETING; FURT11ER AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF FUNDS FOR SAID PURPOSE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teale, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wit'redo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None 302 5/10/01 0 • 64. FIRST READING ORDINANCE AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XI/DIVISION 6 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, TO ALLOW CITY COMMISSIONERS TO BE APPOINTED AS EX -OFFICIO VOTING MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND E)iHiBITION AUTHORITY ("MSEA"). Commissioner 'leele: Mr. Chainnan, finally, in this regard, this is an ordinance of the Miami City Commission regarding MSFA (Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority). Mr. Attonicy, let me yield to you and just present the awkward situation that we may find ourselves in, and what this seeks to do as to clarify that position, allow Commissioner Winton should lie choose to continue to serve on the MSEA Board or any other Commissioner. Mr. Attorney. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Commissioners, this essentially this ordinance attempts to address one, the existing language of the ordinance requires that the Commissioner who is appointed serve it one-year term, and that Commissioner not be reappointed unless all the other Commissioners has had an opportunity to serve or had declined that opportunity to serve. And in addition to that, it changes the ordinance to allow; right now each Commissioner gets two appointments, except for the Commissioner who is actually serving on the board. This would allow all Commissioners the opportunity to appoint themselves as one of their two members — the one of their two appointees to the board. Commissioner Teele: But only one Commissioner will be designated as the vice chair of the — co-chair of the... Mr. Vilarello: By the Commission. That would be the Commissioner designated by... Vice Chairman Gort: The group. Commissioner 'I cele: By the Commission. Mr. Vilarello: By the Commission. Commissioner Winton: So, how is that dilicrent than we already have'? I mean, I understand the part about appointing; a lei -in and we have — everybody has to turn it down, but what was the part about. . Mr. Vilarello: It would allow a Commissioner to serve more than one year, by then appointing themselves to... Commissioner Winton: Oh. Commissioner Sanchez: So, therefore, 1 have two appointments. I could take one out and put myself in, in other words? Mr. Vilarello: Correct. 303 �i�i�nrcr�x 5/10/01 Commissioner Toole: And, technically, Commissionor Winton is serving in his second year and candidly, which you can't do, but that's fine. This corrects that. Mr. Vilamilo: The reason why the City Commission can serve in that capacity is it's — your ex -officio capacity. In other words, it's part of your responsibilities as a Commissioner. That's why you can serve on a DDA and the CRA and the Bayfront Park and so forth and so on. Vice Chairman Gort: Read it. Commissioner Winton: Do we need a motion? Vice Chairman Gort: No. Read it. y A. ,j r A t Fryi,A Commissioner Toole: It needs to be read by the Attorney.�fb Vice Chainnan Gort: It's been moved and second. rLk�z ``Y �111 y Zj ° �'` fttaE z+'ax�-roa-.mss rY .-- � rz �z .we `fit a�i"r�n'. u•�'t``Y1,.y�'Ar'`L}x Y t4V rK~rS jj s -t a i!s% X...a�.y r'}�° r* , r� r Z.• '* "'�`- ti. aFP e.p r �a #v n� at1 x�0p a `MR 9y,wfS,t r �' �� rSt a#l�n�'i, i 4 i rteMW t ^ii: e s r . t' t Y,.,::r j 7- r ti h ',�yy.i s c�" SSS i^ y, ' +, s k s:r� ar s r r, r 'Y 4 h tar£+« k+�`"=✓'.`.=,� e. kid.'' "k.rn -+.. a �# R to a F J°` r k 'r,�"'yxrk t r lu"� .t rS,t +� 1 s� r IN .•''� at };wM#'`x At �" +Ti� •�'��� -s� �� r �- r. Si a 'x _ S x Y Y5 1.rJ-�r r'",y'"i S »,• as Sy..B� Ht .5�iz"} y rf y ti *r'� >n : t ar �r rt e,., krt r,c�t �s %.. 5 .3t r -.�k+ t- x, t 4 Sr- 1 y as vs way '��` Y r i r r h xa � r'rat"�'�"'� ,a: �• ��� � `x �.�-¢aS«z *s' + St` t 3 r �, 541'`i'•a4.2a.1 Akij F �&'r` ry{�,1 t Y.'x �,gn ;�' 'k ' t WIT +`{r' S'�.. r t..t 3 ^�, b i ,4 5 Y1� rC � $� i'<,i-�3�: �u ^`• �. n�'� it �'�+},�' y 2 E h ) t r h G T f{ rt TO i- ;�;'� $-rt`'�1P,r K"3't,".�r »}+tr '�°ty�, x d L .SF-`-•»' a ,,a,ta. t-r>..'� rt'!k 'mZ,�`er N1',+, � ttA-:.,tY4rnIaa�k,.,,vir.;ta! '�nr' k �3"d43 Tx,"�bx 'rriF,rr� �7n�`y*Ci'§C'zit1 �`�iJ� xf �"S>+�•r'� a° . rt . • x "+.� � ' a `fi � xt - �' s �- `a I� �� �y h f fir: ., ,t.y b ttS•?t.r i'�'�.�i a- z '-t C,cAb .t <�' s ,j'- Z^'rtt:. gc ,j f 304 5/10/01 E An Ordinance entitled • AN ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XFDTVISION G OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATIONS, BOARDS, CO!VIMirrn -s, COMMISSIONS, MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY" TO ALLOW CITY COMMISSIONERS TO BE APPOINTED AS EX -OFFICIO VOTING MEMBERS OF THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTION 2-1013 SUB PART 3 OF SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION AND A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. was introduced by Commissioner Teele, seconded by Commissioner Winton, and was passed on first reading, by title only, by the fbllowing vote: AYES: Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Johnny L. Winton Vice Chairman Wiftedo Gort NAYS: None ABSENT: None The ordinance was read, by title, into the public record by the City Attorney. Commissioner Teele: So moved. Vice Chainnan Gort: Read it. Roll call. It's been moved already and second. Roll call. Commissioner Winton: By the way, did someone else want to serve on this board? Commissioner Tecie: Sir. Commissioner Winton: I said, by the way, did someone else want to -- I'm not mad at anything, so... 305 5110101 65. DIRECT MANAGER TO SCHEDULE PUBLIC MEETING IN WHICH CITY MANAGEMENT AND BILLBOARD INDUSTRY WOULD REVIEW ENFORCEMENT HISTORY, AND DOCUMENTS AND TECHNICAL ISSUES REGARDING BILLBOARD COMPLIANCE, WHICH NEED TO BE CLARIFIED; DIRECT MANAGER TO REPORT BACK TO COMMISSION ON THIS ISSUE NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 2001. Vice Chairman Gort: Do I have a motion to adjourn? Commissioner Sanchez: Move. Commissioner Teele: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Gort: Yes. Commissioner Tccic: There's one thing that I've coordinated with the Manager. This issue of the billboard thing just continues to -- The more the management looks at it, the more problems, many more problems we're finding. The industry is indicating very clearly that before it comes here, there should he some consultation with the management. What I am proposing is that there he a public -- that is, not just a private meeting like we did with the solid waste people -- but a public meeting in which the management and the industry would discuss the issues that they are concerned with, and the technical issues that they would like to sec clarification on. The intent would be that the meeting would he at a place that the management would have. The dialogue would he with the industry and the Manager. But everybody in the public would be free to come. i think that's the only way to make sure that it's no issue to protect the credibility of the management. And at the same time, we don't need to engage in management by ambush. We need to try to get all the issues on the table, let everybody be heard, so that we can lot the management sort of vet where we are and what we're doing. And 1 would move that the management be directed to conduct a public hearing for the purpose of conferring with the industry, but notice and available to the public to witness or observe in the hearings, and to take note of the hearing. And I think, Mr. Attorney, it needs to be very carefully written that this isn't going to be a five -way dialogue. This is a dialogue between the management and the industry. But the public will be invited to observe, and to witness and to comment, if at the end, the management so chooses. Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): Could we add to that, too, Commissioner, that we would hold oft' on the final report that we're putting together until we get the input on that, and sort of make that all into one thing? .So we don't make some kind of -- Commissioner Teele: When are you going to get the final report ready'? Mr. Rollason: We're working on it for the 24`'. Commissioner Tccle: See, that -- but see, that's the problem. The problem is, is that there are issues that have not been vetted yet, i understand. Mr. Rollason: Right. And if we do this final report, we may -- Commissioner Teele: And what we don't want to do is come down here and have 306 5/10/01 0 • another -- Mr. Rollason: Right. So we would sort of like -- Commissioner Teele: But 1 think you've got to conic back within 30 days. Mr. Rollason: Well, we'll get with them to set up a meeting acid sec what we can do. Commissioner "recle: Well, the wav the notice would read is you're going to read this, and you will report back to this Commission not later than June 15`h. Mr. Rollason: How about the second meeting in June, to conic back to you the second meeting in June'? Notre for the Record: Commissioner Sanchez, exited the Commission chamber at 11:05 p.m. Commissioner Teele: 1 yield to Commissioner Winton, Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairnan Gort: I'm a little lost in here. What are we doing? I thought we had taken some decisions. Coimnissioner Teele: We've taken -- Mr. Rollason: We had. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. Mr. Rollason: We have taken action, and we have sent notices out, and we are pressing on with that. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. What are we coining back for? Mr. Rollason: We have a report that we're bringing back to you -- Vice Chairman Gort: I thought we already -- Mr. Rollason: -- on the whole status of everything with billboards that NET (Neighborhood Enhancement Team) was directed to put together, and they are working on that. Vice Chairman Gort: Right. But my understanding is we voted on the recommendation to the staff. That was my interpretation that we -- staff recommended -- Mr. Rollason: 1 don't think this is about where to put billboards or anything. This is about where we're talking with the industry about the problems that we're finding, and how we're going to resolve those existing problems that are in violation. 307 5/10/01 Commissioner "1'ecic: And Kmtc people may have letters. Some people may have documentation. I mean, there's a whole issue here that we don't need to come out here and look unprofessional on this thing. 1'd rather you all clear these issues, other than coming into the Commission. Mr. Rollason: Right. This is not to open the issue, as I understand it, on billboards again. Commissioner Teele: This is not to open any -- Mr. Rollason: '['his is shout the enforcement action that we're into now. Commissioner Teele: To review the enforcement -- Mr. Rollason: Right. Commissioner Tccic: -- history and document -- these are public records. Vice Chairman Gort: To make sure they start coming into compliance. Mr. Rollason: That's correct. Commissioner Tecic: That are not -- that are out of compliance. Vice Chairman Gort: The ones that are illegal and out of compliance, that they stag coming in compliance. Mr. Rollason: '['hat's correct. Vice Chairman Gort: This is what we're going to be discussing? Mr. Rollason: That's correct. Commissioner Regalado: Yeah, but Willy -- Mr. Rollason: And where there is a discrepancy between the industry and us and our interpretations of what we think -- Commissioner Teele: And records. Mr. Rollason: -- and that type of thing. That's what I would interpret this to be. Commissioner Teele: You got a lot of issues like we had there on Arickell, where you had a guy who has a health clinic or a cosmetic clinic, and you got -- Commissioner Winton: Don't get me started. 308 5/10/01 ��� 9 • • Commissioner Tcele: I lull'? no, you got interpretations. They needs to clear that stuff before it comes up here, Johnny, is what I'm saying. Commissioner Winton: I'm agreeing. Commissioner Regalado: But on that meeting, there was discussion to stop all permitting of flew billboards. And then the Manager said that every new permit would he looked at carefully. So what are we going to do? Are we going to continue issuing permits until the last -- Commissioner Teele: There arc no permits being issues. Commissioner Rcgalado: Well, the Manager said yes. Commissioner Teele: In C.-2. Mr. Rollason: Yeah, but wait a minute. Ones in C -- Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): We're processing permits. Mr. Rollason: We're processing them. Commissioner Rcgalado: Sec? Processing is the beginning of issuing. Mr. Rollason: Of issuing, right. That's correct. Carlos Gimenez (City Manager): We're looking at -- Commissioner Teele: But the ordinance right now allows for permits in industrial areas. Mr. Rollason: That's correct, that are legal. Commissioner'l eele: And C-2. Eighty percent of the billboards in this town are in C -l. Mr. Rollason: That's correct. Commissioner Teele: You're not processing any permits in any C -1's. arc you? Mr. Rollason: That is correct, You can't apply for a pennit in C-1, because they're illegal. Commissioner Teele: You can't apply for it. If it's in an industrial area, there's nothing they can do, unless we're going to repeal the ordinance. Mr. Rollason: But 1 think the issues you're speaking of*, of what -- a meeting would be good for us to air out some interpretations and that type of thing. And we're more than willing to do that. Commissioner Winton: Call the question. 309 5110101 $1ff$Dxns Commissioner Teele: I just want to make sure that the meeting has got to be public. It can't be a meeting in the Manager's conference room or -- Mr. Rollason: I understand. Commissioner Winton: Right. Commissioner Teele: It's got to be noticed that the industry. that the homeowners, everybody has got a right to come in and observe. Mr. Rollason: We can do it right litre. We'll pick a day and do it right here. Vice Chairman Gort: OK. There's a motion and a second. All in favor state it by saying "aye." The Commission (Collectively): Aye. The following motion was introduced by Commissioner Teele, who mover] for its adoption: MOTION NO. 01-470 A MOTION DIRECTING THC CITY MANAGF11 'TO SCHEDULE A PUBLIC MEETING IN WHICH T14E CITY MANAGEMENT AND THE BILLBOARD INDUSTRY WOULD REVIEW THE ENFORCEMENT HISTORY, AND DOCUMENTS AND TECI1NICAL ISSUES REGARDING BILLBOARD COMPLIANCE WHICH NEED TO BE CLARIFIED; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO APPROPRIATELY NOTICE SAID MEETING AND INVITE THE PUBLIC TO WITNESS SAME; FURTHER ALLOWING FOR PUBLIC INPUT, SUBJECT TO THE DISCRETION OF MANAGEMENT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO REPORT BACK TO THE COMMISSION ON `PHIS ISSUE BY NO LATER THAN JUNE 15, 2001. Upon being seconded by Commissioner Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Wifredo Gort Commissioner Tomas Regalado Commissioner Arthur F. Teele, Jr. Commissioner Joluuiy L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Commissioner Joe Sanchez 310 5/10/01 iiutrra, # motiarr was paeeal° 1' Cid Wiireda Gott t LIQ# AtUt r �4i _ h '� M., NO �at (�.�,$$1 is 4 �y. ���7 x3 f Y 14iG � iii ; di{(�AVO x - } T�.l. _ y�� A �� i � SiTf�g� !4e L 34 Ldr.�Jn' .!�s �;:. 4 •�1 F>. r ,t � t 5>.�' 7,1 , a .4'i y' iiutrra, # motiarr was paeeal° 1' Cid Wiireda Gott t LIQ# AtUt r • �r►!�T^wWOiMs fl1►c/���yImy" h '� M., NO �at x iuK'�'t'(ri:N+Q' 01471 W iiutrra, # motiarr was paeeal° 1' Cid Wiireda Gott t LIQ# AtUt r