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EXHIBIT "C" BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE G:\DMS\79000\60138\0268054.01 Submitted into the ?3Pa iic 11/16/1999 record in Cf)nnecti6n with ilea P2-1 or Walter Foernan f ler�< 01— 315 Permitted Original Revision November by Code Proposal 1999 Units Density 490 units 421 units 359 units Building Height Unlimited 28 floors 26 floors Parking: 750 to 800 parking 650 parking spaces 510 parking spaces Parking Spaces spaces Parking Deck Levels Unlimited 5 levels above 2 levels above 1 below grade 2 below grade Building Length 391 ft. long 317 ft. long East/West Axis east/west axis east/west axis FAR Bonus 25% Affordable Same Request withdrawn Housing Trust Fund (87,000 additional square feet of space) G:\DMS\79000\60138\0268054.01 Submitted into the ?3Pa iic 11/16/1999 record in Cf)nnecti6n with ilea P2-1 or Walter Foernan f ler�< 01— 315 APR -23-01 TUE 04:11 PM R.SUAREZ Xavier L. Suarez ATTORNEY AT LAW 1200 BRICKELL AVENUE SUM 1440 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 Telephone No. (305) 372-2800 Facsimile No. (305) 372-4632 April 23, 2001 Walter Foeman City Clerk, City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Fla. 33233 Dear Mr. Foeman: 30S 8584051 P.01 E-mail: Xsuarez,@gate.net This concerns the application for a Special Use Permit by the property located in the 2100 block of Brickell Avenue. I understand the application will be heard at a special meeting of the City Commission on this Wednesday, April 25, 2001, at 4 p.m. and wish to have this letter spread on the record of that proceeding, in which I would like to address the issues summarized below. 1. Density in the Brickell Corridor. The residential section of Brickell is becoming as densely packed as one can conceive. The buildings abutting the bay are already creating an effective wall of concrete, with few open areas through which the ocean breezes can reach the West side of Brickell. To the extent possible, all efforts must be made to lower the density of new projects. 2. Transportation Problems on Brickell. As things now stand, the congestion on Brickell during rush hour is reaching critical levels. As Northbound traffic approaches the Brickell Bridge and merges with Eastbound traffic from SW 8th street (particularly when the bridge is up), a serious bottleneck occurs. New projects should be scrutinized to avoid aggravating the traffic problem. 3. Lack of Open/Recreational Space on Brickell. With an increasingly younger population, Brickell lacks even a mini -park in the area South of SW 8th street, all the way to the Rickenbacker Causeway. For that reason, as well as the others stated above, the City should deny the application and should immediately explore the feasibility of acquiring the site for use as a park. The increased taxable value the existing buildings would acquire, coupled with the satisfaction of growth management criteria, would more than make up for the cost of acquisition. (See conceptual sketch enclosed. herewith.) h you f y prompt attention to this matter. 'Xavier L. Sua z ol` 31S cy LL 'w �4 74 j i t �t i ` y leo � l NSC � POD{UM epi {, VOLUMETRIC DIAGRAM 101 - Submitted into the public record In cone ion with Iteet �_ on s. a. 315 wafter Foeman city clerk BISCAYNEw BAY BRICKELL. AVENUE SIGHT LINE DIAGRAM 01- 315 into the Pudic Submitted nnectlon with reaord in co on Walter Foemarl co Clan' P�t�CACt`TT� ic.c rl O ednes- where area, influ- I to be guess - teens I some f their on the teens as we If the ogress but In where hey're not so r pre - 'e e kids al rv, g bad e the "Mid - n All - which inder- nt — some ussion ne ,or other e sex. : any- ade of eren't and I dads u or 1. Some It that F - 0 THE B' LUE R. '7717% PrS r ••.syr rt "t), MW ii N N ." d i Y. • •+i TAT- -, �i ,'S�r • at�slsa.r�steasee�t�st�t]� .. . � , A red top:hat and a bright blue supergrid wall are the focus of the Atlantis. # a — — — —ft WLCRAKES/ftA-1 WSIp1 e it 9 ^t w 5, at Id r f- at a n - At 7e �r- SS or d - t eL le, 10. ;y IL r S&L Fauces , A1.— "+ am soon rs A red top :hat and a bright blue supergrid wall are the focus of the Atlantis. M Arquitectonica turns design into child's play Ry RFTH IWN LOP Hi,Wd ATn1WTUr r C'rfrtr On Brickell avenue, where so much of the landscape ir, tinted in boring beiges, a good dose of color could be a welcome tonic Thus it isr't. actually, preposterous to plop a bright red tnangle top hat on the roof of a 19-itory condominium or paint one wail an astonishing shade of blue But It's toul;h to make peace with this particular blue wall on the south side of the Atlantis condcnninium, even though the painters are mill fiddling to find the right hue. The color IN worse than the idea here. It's simply not a good color — for the build - Ing, for the sun, for the street. It's just as I►ard to hate it, though The bright blue gn i is such a good joke on mod- ern architectu re's self-consuming senous- ness, just as the red tnangle pokes good, subtle fun at the way architects try to glamonze thea- condominium rooftops This blue wall is just too calculated, too !+how -offish "Look-at-me-I'm-archuec- lure." it taunts So it goes vith the work of the brash young firm. Acquitectonics. It's all very in- teresting, but i is not aiwa) s likable. Arquitectonica makes architeoiure into child's play and is deriving an international reputation from it The three Architects in the firm choose sassy colors — electric blue, russet red, salmon pink and daffudil yellow• among them — and the} juxtapose oddly unlike building matenals and tex- tures — swirly -thick Spanish stucco and brittle -shiny mirror glass. for example Arquitectomca's work Is Inventive and Infunating. provocative and provoking, ele- gant and arrogant It's delightfully child- like, offensively cute, sleekly vophisticated and sometimes very sloppy All at once The first really big buildings by this firm — the 42 -story Palace and the Atlantis, along that high -gloss residential strip of Brickell — are nearing completion now A third Brickell condorrumum, the Impenal, is under way, and there are now a half-dozen clever, smaller buildings scattered across Dade Countv, and still others — big and small — In the works. Some of Argwtectonica's buildings suc- ceed beautifully, and some fail The finished products are marred by shoddy workman- ship and a lack of thougbtfulness. Just one important example: the mirrored windows in the Palace black out at night, preventing those inside from seeing out. The three architects of the Coral Gables - based Arquite-ctonica are Herein Romney, 41, [3ernardo Fort - Brescia. 30, and Laurinda Spear, 31 Romney. born in Havana of an American tether and A Cuban mother and educated in both cuuntnes, got his architec- tural education at Cooper Union, Catholic L niversity and Yale and worked for archi- tectural firms in New York and Paris along the way Fort -Brescia is from Lima, Peru. and was educated at Princeton and Har- vA; : Spear grew up In Warn] and went to Brown University and Columbia Unlversity For- Brescia and Spear are married to one another Romnev cofounded the firm In 1977 with former Arquitectonica partner Andres Duany Duany — a classmate of Romney's frim Yale and of Fort-Brescfa's from Pnnceton — left A.rqultectonlca In 19811 to form a firm in Miami with his architect - wife Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk, a Princeton and Yale classmate who was the fifth part- ner in the onginai Arquitectonica (and just to add a bit more confusion: Duany was born in Cuba and reared in Miami and In �otnm shot t ,r a life i SpaJn, and Plater-7_yberk was horn In Phlla- delphta of parents lust arrived from Po- land.) All those pedigrees point this up: that upon these bright -hued buildings has been brought to bear a divergence of personal backgrounds but comparably rigorous aca- demic training. And this manifests itself In Arquitectonica's readiness to experiment, In the firm's cocksure use of big swathes of bold colors and in its multitude of allusions to early modernists — Josef Hoffman, Gar- ret Rietveld and even LeCorbusier. The best term for Arquitectonira's archi- tecture might be "supepmodern," as op- posed to the moretftTon terms, post- modern or late-modCrn. There's always a kind of comic -book quality present In Its work, an undercurrent of pop art and punk rock that runs through even the moil sump- tuous of their buildings. . Arqultectonica's first splash came with the Spear House or the Pink House, as It Is called. The Plink House — a pink on pink on pink creation on the bay in Miami Shores Please turn to ARQUITECTONICA/8L Philharmonic prepares season despite strike 0 8.L ArchRecture Comment • 'I'he.Miami Herejd - Sunday, April 4, 11982 Paint not by the numbers AACHiTECTONICA/From 1L — was done for Laurinda Spear's parents. The Pink House promulgat- ed lots of not -unanticipated discus- sion In Miami Shores and garnered lots of round -the -world attention. It has been featured in Life magazine, and in Italian and Japanese archi- tectural publications. Done in conjunction with the lutch-born, New•Ybrk-based archi- Ict and pundit Rem Koolhaas, the fink House is funky and funny, but quite formal as well, with Its layers upcin layers of pink paint and lots of glass block. It is highly stylized. When It was featured in Life, one photograph showed a vintage Thun- derbird out front and another showed the bottom hall of a bikini - clad woman lying toes up on a pur. ple float in the swimming pool. The Spear house was completed In 1978, and for a while. It was Ar- quitectonica's only finished prod- uct _But- that -seme- year- the firm - won its first Progressive Architec- ture award, an annual prize by that magazine for promising design work. The drawings for the Baby- lon split the jurors, one of whom praised its "Chagallian, Star Wars" look and another of whom said it was ugly. But more than the Pink House (which, after all, was done in conjunction with Koolhaas and for one partner's parents), the award represented Arquitectonica's real launching. The Babylon is finally being com- pleted at the corner of SE 14th Street and South Bayshore. And — speaking here sheerly in terms of design — it turns out to be i pretty nice apartment building, neither surreal nor ugly. It's`iight in scale with the adjacent neighborhood mansions, and despite its colors — brick red, bright red, turquoise and gray (right now) — it slides beauti- fully into its context. Each succeeding floor of the six - story Babylon steps back, ziggurat style, grid that accomplishes two things: It gives the building a ship - like scale and it hearkens back to early modern European buildings. With a false top and cookie -cutter windows, it's very entertaining. Were it not for a real failure to attend to the finishing details of construction, the Babylon would be the best achievement of Arquitecto- nica: the painted walls have a won - White supergrid breaks up monotony of the 42-story.Pilace. Second Avenue smack at the end of 40th Street is a simple renovation job of an L-shaped strip -styled shopping building, but Arqultecto- nice exploited all the whimsical possibilities here. They added two red pillars, freestanding and on a di- rect axis with 40th Street, one squared -off turquoise gate and a golden -yellow peak -roofed pavilion. The gates to the paving -block park - Ing lot are red and the storefronts are gray, although there's a slice of royal blue on one wall. But there can be subtle distinc- tions: Sometimes, the building- block buildings are childlike, ingen- ious and ingenuous; sometimes, they are childish and cloying. It's a fine line. The Atlantis, which won Arquitectonica in 1980 its second Progressive Architecture award, may end up being too child- ish, unless all the colors and fin- ishes are carefully tended to. With the bright blue supergrid on the south side, the red triangle on top and a big, bright yellow hole punched through the center .Gall contrastinv with a very sleek mft- i i 441 BOB EAST/Miami Herald Stott Pillars, gate and pavilion mark Decorative Arts Plaza. is) — applied over a graph -like grid of mirror glass. This is very elegant, and very effective. The big grid bteaks up the monotony of 42 sto- ries, and makes the building look smaller from a distance. The idba of having a smaller. completely different building crash- ing through the big tower is a clev- .r n., thie r„ce.t ..A or r .. other painted blue. These arepprchi. tectural icons — toys, really. The Palace is the first of the firm's Brickell buildings to be occu- pied, so it is the first to undergo se- rious scrutiny. ultimately, it wraps up some of the firm's achievements and failures. Inside the Palace there are real nrnht.me ct-artino with th• mirrnr The colorful Babylon with its ziggurat shape. for is placed so that the door won't open all the way, the guest bath- room is so small that the door al- most brushes against the toilet. That Is the worst of it — a lack of sympathy for the ultimate users and a failure to follow through in details; that's the bad stuff that taints good architecture, The Overseas Tower, near the Miami Free Zone orf NW 25th Street, looks great from a distance or by moonlight, crisp and inven- tive. It has a sharply geometric front of thick stucco and a curved back of mirror glass. But this build- ing is flawed, too, lacking in atten- tion to detail. There are some blue mesh screens that don't read as This is not a question of mass taste or public appeal so much as a question of Which esthetic stan- dards should be flaunted and which embraced. Arquitectonica treads a fine line here, and sometimes cross- es over it, on very basic issues. The Palace is'too bi`. The Atlan- tis is the wrong blue. The Imperial, when finished, may be irritatingly and unrelentingly red on its north aside. Arquitectonica is always pushing the limits or scale, taste, acceptabil- ity, in order to advance the state of the art of architecture here. The problem is that it's too intent on ad- vancing the state of the art, and too little concerned with the artistry of awn in miami bnores and garnered lots of round -the -world attention. It has been featured in life magazine, and in Italian and Japanese archi- tectural publications. Done in conjunction with the Dutch -born. New York -based archi- tect and pundit Rem Koolhaas, the Pink House is funky and funny, but quite formal as well, with its lavers upon layers of pink paint and lots of glass block. It is highly slylizPd. When it was featured in Life. one photograph showed a vintage Thun- derbird out front and another Showed the bottom half of a bikini- elad woman lying toes up on a pur- ple float in the swimming pool. The Spear house was completed In 1978, and for a while, it was Ar- quitectonica's only finished prod- uct. But that same year, the firm won its first Progressive Architec- ture award, an annual prize by that magazine for promising design work. The drawings for the Baby - n split the jurors, one of whom ,,raised its "Chagallian, Star Wars" look and another of whom said it was ugly. But more than the Pink House (which, after all, was done in conjunction with Koolhaas and for one partner's parents), the award represented Arquitectonica's real launching. The Babylon is finally being com- pleted at the corner of SE 14th Street and South Bayshore. And — speaking here sheerly in terms of design — it turns out to be a pretty nice apartment building, neither surreal nor ugly. It's'right in scale with the adjacent neighborhood mansions, and despite its colors — brick red, bright red, turquoise and gray (right now) — it slides beauti- fully into its context. Each succeeding floor of the six - story Babylon steps back, ziggurat style, and that accomplishes two things: It gives the building a ship - like scale and it hearkens back to :arty modern European buildings. With a false top and cookie -cutter windows, it's very entertaining. Were it not for a real failure to attend to the finishing details of construction, the Babylon would he the best achievement of Arquitecto- nice; the painted walls have a won- derful cardboard -thin quality to them. and the stepbacks and the cutouts give the building a delight- ful silhouette. At best, there's a naive quality tet Arquitectonica's work that can make their buildings resemble most people's real first buildings — con- structed at age 2 or so with prima- ry -colored wooden blocks. The usr of ,these oversized building blocks gives their work an endearing qual- ity — the 50 -foot red triangle atop the Atlantis, the stone blue columns at the Palace. The Decorative Arts Plaza. on NE: Second Avenue smack at the end of 40th Street is a simple renovation job of an L-shaped strip -styled shopping building, but Arquitecto- nica exploited all the whimsical possibilities here. They added two red pillars, freestanding and on a di- rect axis with 40th Street, one squared -off turquoise gate and a golden -yellow peak -roofed pavilion. The gates to the paving -block park- ing lot are red and the storefronts are gray, although there's a slice of royal blue on one wall. But there can be subtle distinc- tions: Sometimes, the building- block buildings are childlike, ingen- ious and ingenuous: sometimes. they are childish and cloying. It's a fine line. The Atlantis, which won Arquitectonica in 1.1$0 its second Progressive Architecture award, may end up being Sl -child- ish, unless all the colors11IIA• fishes arc carefully tended {y V, t h the bright blue supergrid; (1h kke south side, the red triangle on top and a big, bright yellow hole punchvd through the center Fall contracting with a very sleek mit- ror glass skin), it certainly is a sight to behold. The hole in the middle is OK: it's a good way to break.9ou n the monolithic feel of a slabr Apart- ment tower. but the yellow is AM too gratuitous:tell me class, t are the Free primary colors?). ; In any big building. naiyet#ivivi- tably gives way to complext�tt. And hen. Arquilecionica has Inti! to break some interesting new ground. with mixed successes. The Palace has a white supergrid — an overscaled structural grid (each square contains two apart- ment units. which shows how big it MEN F iii �■.m - tl 606 EAS T.M—, Herold Sign Pillars, gate and pavilion mark Decorative Arts Plaza. is) — applied over a graph -like grid of mirror glass. This is very elegant and very effective. The big grid breaks up the monotony of 42 sto- ries, and makes the building look smaller from a distance. The 46a of having a smaller. completely different building crash- ing through the big tower is a clev- er one; this russet and gray con- crete building is terraced as it steps toward the bay. repeating both the ship imagery and the paint -on -card- board feel of the Babylon. The Palace looks best from Sic 15th Road: the building's north side has all its best features — its stcl- ishness and the crescendo effect of the two juxtaposed structures. But viewed from the Rickenbaoker Causeway. the building's propor- tions fall apart. making It seem completely amateurish On top of the Palace are two dif- ferent coverings for the cooling towers. one of mirror glass and the other painted blue. These are archi- tectural icons — toys, really. The Palace is the first of the firm's Brickell buildings to be occu- pied, so it is the first to undergo se- rious scrutinv. Ultimately. it wraps up some of the firm's achievements and failures. Inside the Palace there are real problems. starling with the mirror glass that blacks out when night falls. There's legitimate cause for consternation here: it would seem that the implied, if not actual, con- tract between architect and eventu- al occupant should be that if there are windows. there should also be a was, to see out of them. Further, that wonderful grid cuts across half of the apartments awk- wardly. causing a choppy view, out, esen by day. And the interior de- tailing leaves a lot to be desired: In one apartment that cost close to 5.100,000, the balconies are six inch - Ps higher than floors. the refrigera- tor is placed so that the door won't open all the way, the guest bath- room is so small that the door al- most brushes against the toilet That is the worst of it — a lack of sympathy for the ultimate users and a failure to follow through in details; that's the bad stuff that taints good architecture. The Overseas Tower. near the Miami Free Zone orf NW 25th Street, looks great from a distance or by moonlight• crisp and in%en- ti%e It has a sharply geometric front of thick stucco and a curved back of mirror glass. But this build- ing is flawed, too, lacking in atten- tion to detail There are some blue mesh screens that don't read as blue, and the paint on the balconies is messy. Over the front door is a red canopy that doesn't come across; it seems like a silly tongue. stuck out futilely. The interplay of textures fails as well, and the build- ing ends up looking too heayy- handed, too clumsv. There's a strong antiattrban quish- tY to Arquitectoaica's work. t -',n attempt to prevot'3 00r. not deal with. JK#Wls orcontext, and this is troubliif tntellectuaity, it's possi- ble to idealize architecture, to talk about form and color and hierarchy and process. In reality, there's the rest of the world to worry about. 'I his is Tint a question of mass taste or public a6eal so much as a question of which esthetic stan- dards should he flaunted and which embraced. Arquileclonica treads a fine line here, and sometimes cross. es over it, on eery basic issues. The Palace is too big. The Allan - Its Is the wrong blur. The Imperial, when finished, may he irritatingly and unrelentingh• red on its north fide Arquitectomca is always pushing the limits of scale. taste, acceptabil- ity, in order to ad%ance the state of the art of architecture here. The problem is that it's tun intent on ad- vancing the state of the art, and too little concerned with the artistry' of the art We knowthat what s shucking today hrcomes acceptable tomor- row and o%entualh even common- place. But shock for shock's sake — or mockers' for mockerv's sake — isn't exactly art for art's sake. and that's the distinction that Arquilec- tonica hasn't quite made. When its ideas work, and when it follows through. the result is build- ings that show a lot of talent, wit and spunk It's new. it's experimen- tal. it's exciting Now if Arquitectunica could only settle on a decent blue for that wall on Brickell .... 71 la'1 ! Ill / 1 j A r N i % I.l N ! 1 !� t 7 -F t� ■ r t !ti i 1, v,. i - . s -ave �- -v„ �. �� ,a,� . • �� „� NewsLibrary Document Deliver , Thank you for using NewsLibrary THE MIAMI HERA-L-1) PRESERVING PAST MAY AID PRESENT Saturday, June 12, 1982 Section: NEIGHBORS SW Edition: NEIGHBORS Page: 39 MARY JEAN CONNORS Herald Columnist Dade County has shown such collective bad taste in its recent building boom that it is hard to believe folks here will take preserving their architectural heritage seriously. This is the community that let Brickell Avenue developers destroy a lush tropical hardwood hammock to build such monstrosities as the new Arquitcctonica condominium tower, a 19- story study in ugliness: 'Wd rs " such affronts as a noxious- blue grid face and Crayola-red triangle perched on its roof. And this is the community that has allowed developers to pave over our tomato fields, lime groves and even our precious sea of grass. In their places we have a sea of house lots and look-alike retail strips. Yet undaunted by Dade's tacky tastes, our fledgling Historic Preservation Board proceeds with its work. And what of the board's taste? Here are some of its favorites for preservation: O ne is the "landmark" Sears Tower, a dilapidated department store on the shabby street comer at 1300 Biscayne Blvd. Another is a tumble-down former boardinghouse known as Anderson's Comer at 15700 SW 232nd St., in the Redland. Then there's the gaudy Gulf gas station at the comer of Coral Way and SW 17th Avenue with its silly columns that look like huge springs. It inspires laughter more than admiration. And don't forget the rickety Sunny Isles Pier, condemned and slowly rotting into the Atlantic Ocean at NE 163th Street. These are by no means jewels of architecture. But look again. The Sears Tower needs a good sprucing up, but you catch some of its potential if you stroll by at sunset. The chalk -white edifice takes on a soft - pink glow, its Art Deco contours and architecutral details highlighted in the Pagel of 2 Sub1a►itted into the public record in conne0on with itefn P2-1 on y a:s" b 1 01- 315 Wafter Foema-A NewsLibrary Document Deliv,. , evening light. It is a curving architecture that reminds us of a more flamboyant, less self-important Miami. And take another look at the Coral Way gas station. It has the distinction of not looking like every other Gulf station in America. I'll take its gingerbread excesses any, day over sterile uniformity. And the former boardinghouse? A general store in more dignified days, it faces a new life as a restaurant. The clapboard country building sits amidst what little agricultural land is left in Dade. And I, for one, will be among the first to queue up outside its old-fashioned front porch for dinner. N of every building the Historic Preservation Board deems "historic" is going to seem worth saving to us all. I, for example, take small consolation in knowing one board member is an architect from the Arquitectonica firm responsible for that red -capped, Brickell Avenue high-rise horror. But consider this: Today's developers are turning our county into a study of sameness, destroying the last remains of its fruit groves, its vegetable fields and its precious Everglades. They're creating a landscape of giant buildings that dwarf us all and destroy the natural scale of neighborhood living. And they're building multi -story barriers to our beautiful bay vistas. Maybe the discussion of what is historic will cause us to take a second look at what we want our environment to be. Maybe it will help us not only save buildings but erect buildings worth saving. All content ® 1982 THE MIAMI HERALD and may not be republished without permission. All archives are stored on a SAVE (tm) newspaper library system from MediaStream Inc., a Knight-Ridder Inc. company. Page 2 of 2 Submitted into the public record in connection with )tem Pz. on Wafter Foeman 0 1 tj Cferk 01- 315 �Giry should insist on'redesign of bulky Brickell Bay Village ,iUNLOP, FROM 1M Now, a 28 -story tower qhs quickly became a signature known as Brickell Bay Village is proposed for the site imme- building for its designers, diately south of the Atlantis. Arquitectonica, when it was It's a big, bulky building that built in 1982, and it launched will loom over its neighbors, the then -young Miami firm blocking breezes and sightlines headlong toward international and casting a giant afternoon �, enown. The Atlantis has .y book shadow on its shorter, slimmer appeared on covers, mag- neighbor. F a2irie covers and in articles in 'have parking for 510 cars on :dozens of languages. A Whit= 4�N ISSUE FOR ALL neT Museum of Art publica= ; But this is not merely an im lon;naed it one of the 20th issue for the 96 owners of the ntury`s ke :buildin s. The Y g Atlantis. It's an issue for all of �il'ding: is too :young. to be 'by., us. The proposed Brickell Bay emed-'historic official', Village would be so .situated _ dards, but it is certainly a, that we'd be left with only a r dmark- passing glimpse of the famous blue-gridded wall Ai now visible from both I Brickell. The developer of F Bay Village is Michae mann Most recently, Ba was in the news -as the oper who wanted to bu high-rise apartment bu on the site of the Miami just where Brickell meets the Miami River protracted negotiations igation, Baumann wa $26.7 million for the 2 Circle site. His attentic turned south, to land he at 20th and Brickell As is often true in v BRYAN HOFFMAN PHOTOGRAPHY A model of the planned Brickell Bay Village demonstrates how public view would be blocked of Atlantis' :.._ .. -, frequently photographed `sky court .' Other neighboring buildings would also lose sight lines. _,. .. _ r - :.�. .:. .;. - r• - .: :. .:: .: -i .. -:. -;. , Sub.'*' i-:.. - - _.r *www�.+sez•.«.:a-mar.a - :... ., y.. .n ., 1. .....r .ti aY . f irm was hired to refine - ,.. public and has brought it to Tills Is n:ot:melrely f : he design and do the working _- g negotiating sessions with the -... f e. an issue for. awm theproject. f fray architects or the developer. If '`uail C o?fI+ Ftp 21R " . r. Bn ke � c ll B Village would nothing else, it shows there are g _ '�,`,.. ` • - " it owner e O f 'have parking for 510 cars on alternatives. four levels, two below ground The Major Use Special Per- ,;, r Y x - , antis.I Ati} s an and two on a vast above- mit under which Brickell Bay _. ground podium.:: The building Village was approved is a sec- - Issue for all of us. itself, a single sli of concrete tion of the zoning code that and glass, would: sit on the gives the Miami City Commis- Thp nrnnncpri podium, one wall flaring out sion considerable latitude. ARCHITECTURE bdunlop@herald.com Will we soon be asking: Where's the Atlantis? The Atlantis is the graphic archi- COMMENTARY tectural symbol of modern Miami. It is among the most photographed of all the city's buildings, and for a genera- wall and, of course, the celebrated tion of television viewers, it is etched hole in the middle, the Atlantis is in memory as the freeze frame at the bold, sassy, sophisticated and inven- end of the opening sequence of Miami five. Vice. The camera's lens stopped on Itis a building designed with an the Atlantis' sky court with its red spi- eye to image, intended to be taken in ral staircase, hot tub and palm tree. by cars speeding along I-95. Its archi- No better metaphor exists for the tecture defined a new, more auda- sleek, Sybaritic life of Miami in the cious kind of modernism. The Atlan- 1980s. With a red triangle topping off the roof, its gridded blue "brise soleil" 0 PLM SEE DUNLOP, 4M bWLMTM�!a,=*aori Atlantis, one of Miami's signature buildings, will disappear from view if the City Commission doesn't demand changes in the design of a new building. 1171EIMTM Mi=EIli ■swb�GAra f - . -..-.. Subtitted into the public ......:.. .... .. .. _........ . _ ..... - . _.. _. _ - ... ---a — as city cl&lk: 01" H5 a T: � f - as '' ,-' x, 'e '�- Y ■ - r ss —t — j3sP• � i� ♦ r Atlantis, one of Miami's signature buildings, will disappear from view if the City Commission doesn't demand changes in the design of a new building. 1171EIMTM Mi=EIli ■swb�GAra f - . -..-.. Subtitted into the public ......:.. .... .. .. _........ . _ ..... - . _.. _. _ - ... ---a — as city cl&lk: 01" H5 should insist on redesi a signature designers, vhen it was it launched Miami firm nternational dantis has overs, mag - n articles in es. A Whit- irt publica- of the 20th Flings. The )ung to be by official certainly a C 14 to Now, a 28 -story tower known as Brickell Bay Village is proposed for the site imme- diately south of the Atlantis. It's a big, bulky building that will loom over its neighbors, blocking breezes and sightlines and casting a giant afternoon shadow on its shorter, slimmer neighbor. AN ISSUE FOR ALL But this is not merely an issue for the 96 owners of the Atlantis. It's an issue for all of us. The proposed Brickell Bay Village would be so situated that we'd be left with only a passing glimpse of the famous wall A now visible from both Brickell. The developer of l Bay Village is Micha mann. Most recently, R was in the news as the oper who wanted to bu high-rise apartment bL on the site of the Miami just where Brickell E meets the Miami Rivej protracted negotiations igation, Baumann wa $26.7 million for the 2. Circle site. His attentio turned south, to land he at 20th and Brickell. As is often true in SubeWtted into the public MOM In connection with il@BRl – i _ on S- O Walter Foeman City Cled-f IL gn of bulky Brickell Bay Village:blue-gridded A model of the planned Brickell Bay Village demonstrates how public view woulBRYAN HOFFMAN d be blocked of Atlantis' Hr frequently photographed `sky court.' Other neighboring buildings would also lose sight lines. This is not merely an issue for the 9 owners of the Atlantis. Its an issue for all of us. The proposed Brickell Bay Village would.be I so situated that we'd be left with only a passing glimpse of the famous " bluff gridded wall. matters, the Story is a complex one, involving deoglopers, law- yers, architects, politicians and city planners, several public hearings and litigation. The project was approved and then contested in court, and in November, a three-judge panel sent it back to the city for reconsideration. Last month, the�Planning Advisory Board narrowly approved the build- ing, after hours of discussion and deadlocked votes. On March 22, the Miami Commis- sion will again consider the design of Brickell Bay Village. The work on this project began in the architectural firm of Wolfberg Alvarez & Part- ners, but it is now being com- pleted by Bermello Ajamil & Partners, the firm that is also designing the massive Four Seasons Hotel complex at 14th and Brickell as well as Brickell View, the twin towers that will flank Southside Elementary School on 12th Street. The Ber- mello firm was hired to refi the design and do the worki drawings for the project. 6 Brickell Bay Village wou have parking for 510 cars four levels, two below grou and two on a vast above ground podium. The buildin itself, a single slab of concret and glass, would sit on t podium, one wall flaring o slightly as it rises to its fu heigl1t. The building would hav 369 rental apartments. T achieve these numbers, th city's zoning code was inter preted liberally, allowing Bau mann to figure in an addition 200 feet of bay bottom land t determine the building' square footage, much more than other buildings on Brick - ell have been accorded. Th Brickell Bay Village site jut out into Biscayne'Bay, so th city let Baumann almost triple the dimensions Of.4is bay -front footage, giving lirni a real boost -, of approximately 30,000 extra square feet to the size of his building. INSENSITIVE BULK The result is a hulk, a build- ing insensitive to its immediate vicinity and to the pace and rhythm of the street, neither a good neighbor nor a citizen of the city. It could' be so much better. John Giovanni Colao, an architect who lives in the Atlantis, has sketched an alter- native that would keep the same square' footage in a taller, much thinner building with a very different, cruciform sil- houette. Colao's proposal doesn't deprive the developer of any rights, but it would cast a much narrower shadow over the Atlantis and allow resi- dents to see out to the bay. More importantly, it would retain that ail -important vista of the Atlantis from the city. Colao has made his proposal Disputes investigated. Questions answered. ie public and has brought it to ng negotiating sessions with the architects for the developer. If ld nothing else, it shows there are on alternatives. nd The Major Use Special Per- - mit under which Brickell Bay g Village was approved is a sec - e tion of the zoning code that he gives the Miami City Commis- ut sion considerable latitude, 11 indeed an opportunity to shape the city, to strive for buildings e that enhance the urban envi- o ronment rather than detract e from it. For example, the com- - mission can reduce the excesses permitted under the al city's zoning, which in the case 0 of Brickell Avenue, allows up s to 150 units to the acre. e ASK FOR BETTER The Put simply: Commissione- s could ask for a better buildh e The issue is larger than just one big building towering over a smaller one. There are important principles of urban design, of city -building to con- sider here. Oversized, over - scaled buildings such as Brick - ell Bay Village diminish our lives in so many ways. They overpower their neighbors, overwhelm the city, sap urban life and detract from the public realm. It's time for Miami to put an end to this kind of overbuild- ing, to take command of its power to envision a city in which buildings sit comfort- ably and compatibly ' side side with regard for on. another. And then there is history. For the moment, it's the Atlan- tis that needs our attention, but it's never too early to begin assessing and safeguarding the best of the recent past. The Atlantis is more than just a work of architecture, more than just a shape on the sky- line. It's integrally linked to Miami's recent history, mark- ing the time when the city took off and began to soar. Beth Dunlop's architecture column runs every two weeks. r A model of the planned Brickell Bay Village demonstrates how public view woulBRYAN HOFFMAN d be blocked of Atlantis' Hr frequently photographed `sky court.' Other neighboring buildings would also lose sight lines. This is not merely an issue for the 9 owners of the Atlantis. Its an issue for all of us. The proposed Brickell Bay Village would.be I so situated that we'd be left with only a passing glimpse of the famous " bluff gridded wall. matters, the Story is a complex one, involving deoglopers, law- yers, architects, politicians and city planners, several public hearings and litigation. The project was approved and then contested in court, and in November, a three-judge panel sent it back to the city for reconsideration. Last month, the�Planning Advisory Board narrowly approved the build- ing, after hours of discussion and deadlocked votes. On March 22, the Miami Commis- sion will again consider the design of Brickell Bay Village. The work on this project began in the architectural firm of Wolfberg Alvarez & Part- ners, but it is now being com- pleted by Bermello Ajamil & Partners, the firm that is also designing the massive Four Seasons Hotel complex at 14th and Brickell as well as Brickell View, the twin towers that will flank Southside Elementary School on 12th Street. The Ber- mello firm was hired to refi the design and do the worki drawings for the project. 6 Brickell Bay Village wou have parking for 510 cars four levels, two below grou and two on a vast above ground podium. The buildin itself, a single slab of concret and glass, would sit on t podium, one wall flaring o slightly as it rises to its fu heigl1t. The building would hav 369 rental apartments. T achieve these numbers, th city's zoning code was inter preted liberally, allowing Bau mann to figure in an addition 200 feet of bay bottom land t determine the building' square footage, much more than other buildings on Brick - ell have been accorded. Th Brickell Bay Village site jut out into Biscayne'Bay, so th city let Baumann almost triple the dimensions Of.4is bay -front footage, giving lirni a real boost -, of approximately 30,000 extra square feet to the size of his building. INSENSITIVE BULK The result is a hulk, a build- ing insensitive to its immediate vicinity and to the pace and rhythm of the street, neither a good neighbor nor a citizen of the city. It could' be so much better. John Giovanni Colao, an architect who lives in the Atlantis, has sketched an alter- native that would keep the same square' footage in a taller, much thinner building with a very different, cruciform sil- houette. Colao's proposal doesn't deprive the developer of any rights, but it would cast a much narrower shadow over the Atlantis and allow resi- dents to see out to the bay. More importantly, it would retain that ail -important vista of the Atlantis from the city. Colao has made his proposal Disputes investigated. Questions answered. ie public and has brought it to ng negotiating sessions with the architects for the developer. If ld nothing else, it shows there are on alternatives. nd The Major Use Special Per- - mit under which Brickell Bay g Village was approved is a sec - e tion of the zoning code that he gives the Miami City Commis- ut sion considerable latitude, 11 indeed an opportunity to shape the city, to strive for buildings e that enhance the urban envi- o ronment rather than detract e from it. For example, the com- - mission can reduce the excesses permitted under the al city's zoning, which in the case 0 of Brickell Avenue, allows up s to 150 units to the acre. e ASK FOR BETTER The Put simply: Commissione- s could ask for a better buildh e The issue is larger than just one big building towering over a smaller one. There are important principles of urban design, of city -building to con- sider here. Oversized, over - scaled buildings such as Brick - ell Bay Village diminish our lives in so many ways. They overpower their neighbors, overwhelm the city, sap urban life and detract from the public realm. It's time for Miami to put an end to this kind of overbuild- ing, to take command of its power to envision a city in which buildings sit comfort- ably and compatibly ' side side with regard for on. another. And then there is history. For the moment, it's the Atlan- tis that needs our attention, but it's never too early to begin assessing and safeguarding the best of the recent past. The Atlantis is more than just a work of architecture, more than just a shape on the sky- line. It's integrally linked to Miami's recent history, mark- ing the time when the city took off and began to soar. Beth Dunlop's architecture column runs every two weeks. Documents in Opposition to the Proposed Brickell Bay Village Project and Requested Major Use Special Permit Submitted to the Miami City Commission by Concerned Residents of Brickell Avenue Neighborhoods April 25, 2001 S"bmitted into the pert, is regard in item f2=J W'alter Fc A_y 01- 315 Stab W"ed into the public record In oonneOfion with X11 • i On -JS•o r Waller Foeman 01- 315 City Clerk Submitted into the public record in connection with Item Ps~ I on q -.0's - to f Walter Foeman 01— 315 City cleric i The Herald, THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 2001 OPINION JOHN S, KNIGHT (1MCM) JAMB L MQIT (1909-1Mt) ALBERTO ISARGOEN RIELIM" 1 MARTIN BARON N7(ECUIIVE EDITOR 1 TOM REOL ER EDITORIAL PAGES EDITOR I MARK SERIEL 6 ELISSA VANAVER MANAGING EDITORS 1 MARTHA MUSGROVE 6 JOE OGLESBY ASSOCIATE EW= TO THE POINT _,SCALE BACK BAYFRONT PROJECT rami city commissioners should send the pro- posed Brickell Bay Village d fyelopment back to the draft- igtable. The project simply is i@p huge and too intrusive for i_site along the bay. .Commissioners should ifts4t that developer Michael Baumann scale back this mas- s_Te project to better fit in with its'Brickell Avenue neighbors. These include the Atlantis, Oohole -in -the -wall building t became Miami's architec- tti;al signature in the 1980s. Why allow the proposed 28. - story glass -and -concrete hulk to obscure such a landmark, creating shadows and blocking sight -lines? The fortunes of one build- ing cannot alone drive com- missioners' decision. Elected officials who had the temerity to say No to a baseball stadium in Bicentennial Park cannot back away now from heeding common-sense urban plan- ning, compatible design and public interest. Miami has been a poor steward of its waterfront. Brickell Bay Village should be reduced in size in order to be a more -welcome neighbor. Fj C w Cit dal � a a -• 4. (D N O Cr `sn 7a JOHN S, KNIGHT (1MCM) JAMB L MQIT (1909-1Mt) ALBERTO ISARGOEN RIELIM" 1 MARTIN BARON N7(ECUIIVE EDITOR 1 TOM REOL ER EDITORIAL PAGES EDITOR I MARK SERIEL 6 ELISSA VANAVER MANAGING EDITORS 1 MARTHA MUSGROVE 6 JOE OGLESBY ASSOCIATE EW= TO THE POINT _,SCALE BACK BAYFRONT PROJECT rami city commissioners should send the pro- posed Brickell Bay Village d fyelopment back to the draft- igtable. The project simply is i@p huge and too intrusive for i_site along the bay. .Commissioners should ifts4t that developer Michael Baumann scale back this mas- s_Te project to better fit in with its'Brickell Avenue neighbors. These include the Atlantis, Oohole -in -the -wall building t became Miami's architec- tti;al signature in the 1980s. Why allow the proposed 28. - story glass -and -concrete hulk to obscure such a landmark, creating shadows and blocking sight -lines? The fortunes of one build- ing cannot alone drive com- missioners' decision. Elected officials who had the temerity to say No to a baseball stadium in Bicentennial Park cannot back away now from heeding common-sense urban plan- ning, compatible design and public interest. Miami has been a poor steward of its waterfront. Brickell Bay Village should be reduced in size in order to be a more -welcome neighbor. THER VIEW THURSDAY, MARCH N, 2001 The Herald 9D .- How to save the view of the Atlantis on Brickell This is a call for help. A Miami landmark is being threatened, and we all must act to protect it. The Atlantis on Brickell risks being covered from view by a proposal for the Brickell Bay Village next door. We all must ask the Miami City Commission to'. -request an HtJiVIN improved de- RNNEY sign from the - developers at today's hearing. As a student in New,York, I marched to try to save Penn Station, to no avail. More than just a building was lost then. Although.we are not contem- plating demolition, let us hope that this time, in averting a bad thing, a positive result can be attained. This is not a personal ode; it concerns us all col- lectively. It concerns Miami. Architecture firm gets nai nal attention was a July 7, 1983, front-page headline of The Wall Street Journal. The firm uttamed national attention with the Brickell buildings. Of these, The Atlantis, completed in 1982, was featured in the Miss Universe pageant in Miami: a daring helicopter cam- era shot went, from a close-up of the Miss in the Sky -Court's Jacuzzi, to an aerial panoramic view of the building and the bay. Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine filmed their Dr. Beat video at the Atlantis, ambulance sirens and all. The Atlantis was the Miami icon in the credits of TV's Miami Vice. On lecture trips, whether in Copenhagen or Rio, Houston or Milano, my hosts would fly me by helicopter to "Atlantis parties" and ask for anecdotes. The Atlantis, like South Beach and Calle Ocho, like our blue skies and moonlit palms, is one of the things that make Miami Miami Things in Miami often hap- pen by surprise. I did not know of this threat to the public visi- bility of the Atlantis until I read Beth Dunlop's March ll Herald article. Commenting on one's colleagues' work is a delicate matter. This paper is presented with all due respect to the THREATENED MIAMI LANDMARK Brickell Bay Village developers and designers alike. Focus then on how a project is analyzed and conceived, by an architect. There are four things that must be integrated: program, site, massing and context. This is common to all projects. Besides other constraints, a satisfactory resolution of these four must be brought about by the intelligent use of technical knowledge and professional experience for both economy and aesthetics. There is no room for inno- cent mistakes. Decisions in planning and design cannot occur by accident. Thus, cover- ing a known landmark is not done inadvertently. In pondering the motivation behind this proposal, one must examine its many aspects. The first realization is that, just as this proposed building will cover the Atlantis, so will it be reciprocally covered by it. Rather than the proposed broad, long slab building, from street to bay, a taller tower with lower wings front and back, turned to face the bay at an angle for optimum views, is a better solution for the site and for the neighbors. Arid it also would cost less to build, and sell for more. One wonders, therefore, at the intent of the developers and designers. They handicap their own effort. To what end? To regale half of their apartments with not more than a full front- age close-up view of the Atlan- tis's Sky -Court and super grid? It is not functional. In the end, we all, and they, too, must retain the public visibility Of the Atlantis: It is a symbol o£ ourselves. An improved design for Brickell Bay Village also might become a symbol. •i In a community, it is best to be in good company: At the level of excellence, that is. Thus I suggest that we: 0 Ask those responsible fo resolve this issue in a positive way. I Entreat the readers to voice their concern to out elected representatives. 'r I Urge the City. Commissioq to call for better design. Persuade the developers to take stock of the situation and present a solution more satis= factory to their neighbors and, yes, to themselves. For it will result in a better building. It will sell better. It will enhance its own value, that of the neigh= borhood and Miami Hervin Romney is the archin tect of the Atlantis. He jounde4 Arquitectonica in 1975 and Teff the firm in 1984. Submitted into the public 1' record In connection with item pr-/ on ALAS -01 Water Foeman City Clerk RESOLUTION B R I C K E L L - - - - BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by Brickell Homeowners Association that it op- HOMEOWNERS p- HOMEOWNERS poses the Project under review for the Brickell Bay Village Property located between the Bristol Tower and Atlantis Condominiums in the 2100 Block of ASSOCIATION Brickell Avenue, for the following reasons: WHEREAS, the Project as designed imposes an extreme burden on an already overtaxed roadway system, the impact of which will be to reduce the quality of Sajtguarding Brickell life of the residents in the area, create additional traffic jams during morning and reii,lential neighhorl,00,i concernslate afternoon rush hours and cause hazardous conditions to arise due to vehicles entering and leaving the Project which enjoys a total of only 200 feet of frontage on Brickell Avenue and only two curb cuts. In the absence of a traffic control device, the only route for traffic exiting the property will be northbound and for those heading South, a traffic -stopping U -Turn; and WHEREAS, the project as conceived with 359 rental residential units and 510 parking spaces with a maximum of two curb cuts within a 200 -foot frontage will create a hazardous condition for those residents needing to go south, who will be forced to first head north, and then make a U -Turn to reverse direction; and WHEREAS, residents in rental units tend to be in residence all year round, the impact or intensity of use will be greater than a condominium of the same density, where the owners in residence at any one time are generally less than one finds in a rental apartment, and WHEREAS, the design of the building and its density on only 200 feet of front- age creates a negative impact on the entire Brickell Corridor. It is the only build- ing on Brickell where so many units have been squeezed into only 200 feet of frontage. The number of residents in such a building, their vehicles and the traffic created, impose a significantly greater burden (intensity of use) than any other Subalitrea into the public building in the area; and tgCtxd t `tonne Cn qwith _ r WHEREAS, the resulting negative impact on the quality of life for the residents Walter Foeman of the area will negatively impact the City of Miami from an economic stand - City Clerk point. Brickell Avenue right now offers the City its highest ad valorem tax base. A building such as this, which aggressively uses the property for a greater density RICKI i L 25 BUILIANc; and impact than others in the neighborhood, will negatively impact property � 145 '0, ?;' {l�,acl, Stulc IU(12 values in the area due to a decline in the quality of life caused by the traffic degradation, crowding and congestion, all of which are key elements in causing a Miami,ri , „i, 12 ,.2438 drop in demand for properties in the area, and the consequentially lower property Phone 305 i 858-9099 values. Fax ( 30 ) 858-0248 NOW THEREFORE, for all of the foregoing reasons, be it hereby Iv., l,•Ilh..n.. RESOLVED, that the Brickell Avenue Homeowners Association go on record in opposition to the pending application for approval of a Special Use Permit and urges all Departments of the City of Miami and the Miami City Commission to reject the application of Applicant for a Special Use Permit for construction of 359 residential units and 510 parking spaces; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a true and correct copy of this Resolution be pre- sented to the City Commission of the City of Miami at the Public Hearing to be held to consider the application of the Developer on March 29, 2001. Signed and executed on behalf of the Board of Directors of Brickell Homeowners Association on this 21st day of March 2001, at Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida. T. Sinclair (Tory) Jacobs, President M MIAMI -ROADS NE16HBORHOOD CIVIC ASSOCIATION, INC. Resolution BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc., supports by adoption the Brickell Homeowner's Association Resolution, in its entirety, opposing the project under review for the Brickell Bay Village Property located between the Bristol Tower and Atlantis Condominiums in the 2100 Block of Brickell Avenue, and by adoption also hereby re -assert said Resolution, incorporated herein by attachment. NOW THEREFORE, be it hereby RESOLVED, that the Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc., go on record in opposition to the pending application for approval of a Special Use Permit, and urges all departments of the City of Miami and the City of Miami Commission to reject the application of Applicant for a Special Use Permit for construction of 359 residential units and 510 Parking spaces; and be it FURTHER RESOLVED, that a true and correct copy of the Resolution be presented to the City Commission of the City of Miami, at the public hearing to be held to consider the application of the Developer on March 29th, 2001. Signed and executed on behalf of the Board of Directors of the Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc., this 24th day of March, 2001, at Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida. Daniel J. Leibow, Preside Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc. J eph Wilkins, Secretary/ easurer Miami Roads Neighborhood Civic Association, Inc. Submitted into the public record in connection with $ern �'s' on 4 -ES -61 Walter Foeman 01— 315 city ARCHITECTURE bdunlop@herald.com we soon be asking: Where's the Atlantis? The Atlantis is the graphic archi- tectural symbol of modern MiamL It is among the most photographed of all the city's buildings, and for a genera- tion of television viewers, it is etched in memory as the freeze frame at the end of the opening sequence of Miami Vice. The camera's leas stopped on the Atlantis' sky court with its red spi- ral staircase, hot tub and palm tree. No better metaphor exists for the sleek, Sybaritic life of Miami in the 1980s. With a red triangle topping off the roof, its gridded blue "brise soleir COMMENTARY wall and, of course, the celebrated hole in the middle, the Atlantis is bold, sassy, sophisticated and inven- tive. It is a building designed with an eye to image, intended to be taken in by cars speeding along I-95. Its archi- tecture defined a new, more auda- cious kind of modernism. The Atlan- 0 PIM Sff DUNLOP, 4M Atlantis, one of Miami s signature buildings, will disappear from view it the City Commission doesn't demand changes in the design of a new building. 0www.herald.com SUNDAY, MARCH 11, 2001 City should insist on redesign of bulky Brickell Bay Village s DUNLOP. FROM 1M tis quickly became a signature building for its designers, Arquitectonica, when it was built in 1982, and it launched the then -young Miami firm headlong toward international renown. The Atlantis has appeared on book covers, mag - the covets and in articles in zens of languages. A Whit- rfey. Museum of Art publica- �named.it one of the 20th iury's key buildings. The tsairding is too young to be deemed historic by official standards, but it is certainly a landmark. Now, a 28 -story tower known as Brickell Bay Village is proposed for the site imme- diately south of the Atlantis. It's a big, bulky building that will loom over its neighbors, blocking breezes and sightlines and casting a giant afternoon shadow on its shorter, slimmer neighbor. AN ISSUE FOR ALL But this is not merely an issue for the 96 owners of the Atlantis. It's an issue for all of us. The proposed Brickell Bay Village would be so situated that we'd be left with only a passing glimpse of the famous Submitted into the public record In oonnecoon with ftm ?Z -t on s�oi Walter Foeman 01- 315 Citv Clerk blue-gridded wall Atlantis, now visible from both I-95 and Brickell. The developer of Brickell Bay Village is Michael Bau- mann. Most recently, Baumann was in the news as the devel- oper who wanted to build two high-rise apartment buildings on the site of the Miami Circle, just where Brickell Avenue meets the Miami River. After protracted negotiations and lit- igation, Baumann was paid $26.7 million for the 2.2 -acre Circle site. His attention then turned south, to Land he owned at 20th and Brickell. As is often true in zoning BRYAN HOFFYAN PHOTOGRAPHY A model of the planned Brickell Bay Village demonstrates how public view would be blocked of Atlantis' frequently photographed 'sky court.' Other neighboring buildings would also lose sight lines. This Is not merely an issue for the 96 owners of the Atlantis. it's an Issue for all of us. The proposed Brickell Bay Village would be so situated that we'd be left with only a passing glimpse of the famous blue-gridded wall. matters, the story is a complex one, involving developers, law- yers, architects, politicians and city planners, several public hearings and litigation. The project was approved and then contested in court, and in November, athree-judge panel sent it back to the city, for reconsideration. Last month, the Planning Advisory Board narrowly approved the build- ing, after hours of discussion and deadlocked votes. On Marches the Miami Commis- sion will again consider the design of Brickell Bay Village. The work on this project began in the architectural firm of Wolfberg Alvarez & Part- ners, but it is now being com- pleted by Bermello Ajamil & Partners, the firm that is also designing the massive Four Seasons Hotel complex at 14th and Brickell as well as Brickell View, the twin towers that will flank Southside Elementary School on 12th Street. The Ber. mello firm was hired to reline the design and do the working drawings for the project. Brickell Bay Village would have parking for 510 cars on four levels, two below ground and two on a vast above- ground podium. The building itself, a single slab of concrete and glass, would sit on the podium, one wall flaring out slightly as it rises to its full height. The building would have 369 rental apartments. To achieve these numbers, the city's zoning code was inter- preted liberally, allowing Bau- mann to figure in an additional 200 feet of bay bottom land to determine the building's square footage, much more than other buildings on Brick - ell have been accorded. The Brickell Bay Village site juts out into Biscayne Bay, so the city let Baumann almost triple the dimensions of his bay -front footage, giving him a real boost — of approximately 30,000 extra square feet — to the size of his building. INSENSITIVE HULK The result is a hulk, a build- ing insensitive to its immediate vicinity and to the pace and rhythm of the street, neither a good neighbor nor a citizen of the city. It could be so much better. John Giovanni Colao, an architect who lives in the Atlantis, has sketched an alter- native that .would keep the same square footage in a taller, much thinner building with a very different, cruciform sil- houette. Colao's proposal doesn't deprive the developer of any rights but it would cast a much narrower shadow over the Atlantis and allow resi- dents to see out to the bay. More importantly, it would retain that all-important vista of the Atlantis from the city. Colao has made his proposal public and has brought it to negotiating sessions with the architects for the developer. If nothing else, it shows there are alternatives. The Major Use Special Per- mit under which Brickell Bay Village was approved is a sec- tion of the zoning code that gives the Miami City Commis- sion considerable latitude, indeed an opportunity to shape the city, to strive for buildings that enhance the urban envi- ronment rather than detract from it. For example, the com- mission can reduce the excesses permitted under the city's zoning, which in the case of Brickell Avenue, allows up to 150 units to the acre. ASK FOR BETTER Put simply: Commissioners could ask for a better building. The issue is larger than just one big building towering over a smaller one. There are important principles of urban design, of city -building to con- sider here. Oversized, over - scaled buildings such as Brick - ell Bay Village diminish our lives in so many ways. They overpower their neighbors, overwhelm the city, sap urban life and detract from the public realm It's time for Miami to put an end to this kind of overbuild- ing, to take command of its power to envision a city in which buildings sit comfort- ably and compatkbly side by side with regard for one another. And then there is history. For the moment, it's the Atlan- tis that needs our attention, but it's never too early to begin assessing and safeguarding the best of the recent past. The Atlantis is more than Justa work of architecture, more than just a shape on the sky- line. It's integrally linked to Miami's recent history, mark- ing the time when the city took off and began to soar. Beth Dunlop's architecture column runs every two weeks. Sm www_herald.com 8UKDAY..MARCH25.2(101 PROTECT THE ATLANTIS -.(Re:.Beth Dunlop's column oa the Brickell Bay Village pro- jectthat will block the view:of. foe Atlantis, March 18) The Atlantis is the best modern building.so far in'Miami, one tliat has contributed much to give the city its present charac- ter of being progressive, stylish and fun. It is a relatively new building, but it is an important past of Miami's patrimony,. and a; such it should be protected and development that will hide its- image should, not - be allowed. I am glad that you -axe focusing on this critical issue for architecture and for Miami . CESAR PELLI, New Haven, CT.. ' (Cesar Pelti is a world-re- nowned architect) SubmMed into the public rec o d in connection with item on 01 ~ 315 Waiter Foeman Oily Cl,& d r 2611bb1 1'�: 5b dL""°-:+iil4 RkVA PA*,kK'n fJUh. Y Fait b'1 March 26, 2001 Mayor Joe Carollo Members of the Commission Arva Parks & Company Thein&tic 8c lnterptetive Design • Pub"C atxons 1601 South Miami Avenue Miami, Florida 33129 Tel:305) 854.8067 Fax: (305) 858-5874 Gentlemen: I am sorry that I am out of town and unable to be here to personally voice my opposition to the planned apartment complex next to the Atlantis. You can make a difference on this issue. The Atlantis is one of Miami's most compelling images and is known throughout the world. It may not be "historic" but it is unquestionably a landmark and must be protected. Please save the Atlantis for all of us present and future. If we can't see it, it isn't really there. For Miami, obscuring the Atlantis is almost like putting a permanent cloud over the sun. Si ely, Arva Moore Parks Historian Suballtted into the public record in connection with item - I _ on -'Lis- o I Wafter Foeman 01- 315 City Clot Mie Al DESIGN PAESEAVRTIvlN LEAGUE POST OFACC WX 100100. ~ OWN. ROHM $3119-0140 (305) on -014 014 mu (305) 6".4319 waw.mdpl.0'q City of Miami, Mayor & Commissioner Historic and Environmental Preservation Board Miami, Florida Re. Atlantis on Bridcell March 13, 2001 Dear Sirs, On behalf of the Miami Design Preservation League, a non-profit dedicated to the preservation and education of our community's historic architectural excellence, I wish to communica b to you our opinion on the City of Miami pian affbcting the development of the property adjacent to the Adanf a on Brickell. Our Board of Directors unanimously supported the need for responsible design review within the City of Mimi. Issues of massing, cornpatibiiity, urban design and quality of life vAN be greatly krVmved with appropriate design review. Furthermore, the merits of the Atlsrdis on Brid(ell by the famed Miarni Architectural firm ArgNwWnice, would be much better reviewed and served by appropriate design guidelines. Thank you for your tins and attention to this matter. Sincerely, I ca Diroc►'bor, Miami Design Preservation League julan,+tted into the public record in connection with ileal PJ-)— on f --As-- 61 Wafter Foeman 01— 315 City Cled6 The Uroan Environment --League Post Office Box 558404 • Miami, F133255-8404 Voice Mail: 305 579-9133 • Fax: 305 667-9080 • Phone: 305 667-4398 Website: www.uel.org • E -Mail: gregbushOaol.coin D dkated-to Community Connections tbmgb M t#AwWdpWi&mnd Accatslbtoinfo oomatlon for All ofOurPoopk Resolution of the Urban Environment League Regarding the Preservation of the Views of the Landmark Atlantis Building Enacted by the Board of Directors April 4, 2001 Whereas the Urban Environment League (UEL) is dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of the manmade and natural urban environment of Miami -Dade County and its municipalities; Whereas the Atlantis on Brickell represents one of the most important structures of the twentieth century representing Early Post Modernism in America and is an internationally recognized symbol of modern Miami; Whereas this landmark building is an important part of the Miami cityscape, where residents and tourists can view it from both 1-95 and Brickell; Whereas the Brickell Bay Village proposal by its bulk and density will overwhelm the Atlantis and block important view corridors; And whereas there are design alternatives for the Brickell Bay Village to be appropriately redesigned to improve its compatibility with its neighborhood and the integrity of architectural duality; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Urban Environment League strongly urge the City of Miami Commission to reject the proposed plan for the Brickell Bay Village until it can be redesigned for compatibility with its neighboring buildings and to protect valuable views of Miami's architectural heritage. Gregory w. B sh President Submitted into the public recoi+d in connection with Rein _- on 4 -A -S! o I Walter Foeman City Cleric The UrbanEnvironment League Board of Directors: Q016n Albaisa, Chuck Mden,Robtn Bichln, carlos Butsut, Nina Betancourt, Gregory Buih, Denk Davis, John Deleon, Adam Demter, Jeff Donnelly, Jorge Espinel, Jerome filer,11einia Gibson Andvrurn, Clyde Judwn, Mitchell Kaplan, Jam Frandoise 14eune, Brenda Marshall, Janet MCAlliley, Area Moore Parks McCabe, Peter Muller, Mcholu Quina, Amu Saw-hneg John Stuart The Urban Environment League Board of Advisors Oscu de Armat, Dorothy Jenkins Fields, WeJude, Am Moore Parks McCabe, % igJam McMinn, Dan Paul, Etliabeth Platyslerk 315 South Miami Avenue Homeowners Association April 24, 2001 Commissioners City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FI 33133 Dear Commissioners, The South Miami Avenue Homeowners Association's Board of Directors support the efforts of the residents of the Atlantis Condominiums to reach an amicable agreement with the developers of Brickell Bay Village. We encourage the Commission to vote against the MUSP and direct the developer to redesign a building that Is compatible with the Brickell Avenue corridor, one of the gateways to the beautiful City of Miami. The city has established that a development of this nature and size must be approved by the Commission for a very good reason, to ensure that this development fits in with the overall neighborhood and to hear from residents who would be impacted by it. As an urban residential Homeowner's Association parallel to Brickell and this development, our neighborhood's quality of life will also be impacted by this project. Clearly the density of this project will further strain resources such as schools, police and fire services, and most of all, traffic. As you should be aware, development in this area and in Brickell Village (just north of this project) continues to mushroom without an overall city plan. Over 3,000 units are currently planned. We join with other Homeowners associations In the area to earnestly request that the City of Miami implement a comprehensive traffic study for the entire Brickell area as soon as possible. We also request that they review and ensure that the impact fees generated by these projects are used to enhance vital services such as police, fire, schools, and roadways in our area to keep pace with this development. We are not against development, but the residents of the Atlantis have worked hard to offer alternatives to the developer and have shown real commitment in their labor to protect the neighborhood. Thank you for helping all of us make a better and more beautiful Miami. Sincerely, Colin Veater President Submitted into the public record in connectlon with bm PZ -! on q4r-61 Waiter Foeman 01-- 315 City Clerk nno RTLANTIS ON BRICKELL March 29, 2001 City of Miami Commission 3500 Pan American Drive Coconut Grove, Florida Dear Commissioners: This letter serves as notice that the Atlantis on Brickell Condominium Association fully supports the February 21" resolution by the Brickell Homeowners Association (BHA) that states the following: "We are opposed to the granting of a MUSP for the Brickell Bay Village Apartment Development incorporating 359 residential units and 520 parking spaces due to density and traffic considerations " Please understand that the BHA represents over 5000 apartment unit owners in the Brickell Avenue area. We implore that you not ignore the wishes of these owners, whose quality of life and property values will be negatively impacted by this irresponsible development. Sincerely, The Atlantis on Brickell Condominium Association, Inc. Jack Quanstrom President Submitted into the public record In connection with its t- t on - w-91 01- 315 Walter I=Qeman ATLANTIS ON BRICKELL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. City Clerk 2025 BRICKELL AVENUE*MIAMI, FLORIDA 33129 •(305) 285-1269 Mr. and Mrs. Yana Weymouth The Atlantis, 2025 Brickell Avenue, Apartment 703, Miami, Florida 33129 March 17, 2001 Dear City Commissioners; I am an architect with over 3 decades experience integrating new buildings into historically sensitive sites in Washington D.C., Paris, and London. When we moved to Miami, I chose to live in the Atlantis, because of the exceptional quality of its design and its historical, landmark importance to our city. People travel to our city to photograph and admire it. A split-second image of the Atlantis in a film tells the viewer that the scene is in Miami. South Florida is justifiably proud of this icon. A new residential building is being planned for the site to our south. There is considerable and justified concern on the part of Atlantis residents and residents of neighboring buildings. The designs put forward thus far by the developers ignore its special site between the water and Brickell. It pays no heed to the really beautiful massing and high quality of design of the two buildings flanking it on both sides, the Atlantis and the Bristol Tower. In the discussion at the last public meeting the design shown was mediocre, "commercial" in the negative sense of the word. If built, as designed, it will detract from the rising quality of the architecture lining Brickell Avenue, because the design ignores its surroundings. We at the Atlantis do not object to a new building to our south. But we want one which complements the Atlantis and Bristol, and which permits a view to the sky court hole with its palm tree, and does not dwarf or overshadow the slender Atlantis slab. The problem is one of massing — its width, height, length and location on the site. This is made crystal clear looking at models, which show the new design in context with its neighbors. It is designed as a huge oversized bulk, blocking views to and from the Atlantis and the Bristol, casting long shadows all day long upon a wide area. I write to strongly urge my colleagues, the architects, to re -study the building's massing with the double goals of 1) avoiding overpowering its neighbors, and 2) to keep clear the view -path to the Atlantis "hole'. Two ways to do that while keeping intact much of the final building's floor area are to: 1. 12educe the building's plan fQ ft-Aal so as to maintain views to the Atlantis and the Bristol 2. Go taller, if necessary much taller and vertical, to keep a good proportion of the unit count Please encourage my colleagues and their client to make a building of which they can be truly proud, which gives back to the site and to the great Avenue and Bay on which it is sited. I am convinced that they have the opportunity and the talent to make a building at once beautiful, in scale with its environment, and economically rewarding to its developers. But to do so they need to rise to the occasion, and make radical surgery on the past schemes, not simply cosmetic surface treatments. Thank you 1. Yann Weyith, AIA Submitted into the public record in connection with tkm 2"i on S -b 01-- 315 waiter Foeman City Cie* 8B The Herald WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25,2001 Che rami 11crata Tillage'is too large I commend The Herald for urging Miami city commission- ers to insist that developer Michael Baumann redesign his huge proposed Brickell.Bay. Village project to better fit:in with its Brickell neighbors. _: Baumann's ill-conceived Great Wall. of Brickell will not only erase many views of the world-famous Atlantis, but it will permanently scar Brickell Avenue, violating the pattern of stately and considerate placement of buildings that helps make crowded urban liv- ing work for all of us. Today the commission will vote on this issue. I hope. -all those who care about sane development in Miami will be there, urging them to do the right thing. SUSAN FAWCETT Miami Subm'ned in#o the public � �)c°'�"e!°" with on -oi 01— 3 1J Walter Foeman CRY Clerk i 800 Red Road ulte 330.8 laml, Florida 33113 sl: 305-663-6184. ax: 305.663-8185 �ebruary 1, 2000 Katherine Shabathai, Realtor Real Estate Brokerage r. Haim Shaked 025 Brickell Avenue enthouse 3 iami, Florida ear Haim: P.O. Box CH -8126 Zumikon Switzerland Tel: 01.919-0155 Fax: 01-919-0155 response to your question regarding the issues that affect value of the apartments in the Atlantis: ased on feedback from prospective buyers as well as other eal estate agents who show apartments in the Atlantis, in- luding my own opinion which is based on my experience in his matter, the single most important issue is the shape and he footprint of the building which is going to be built etween the Atlantis and the Bristol. he shorter the East-West length of the building is going to e, the less harmful it is going to be to the values of all he apartments in the Atlantis since all the balconies of the tlantis face South. The height of the building does not have n impact because of the height of the Bristol. In fact, the horter (East-West) and the higher the building will be - the etter. he other issues in order of importance are: Density -- the smaller number of apartments the less need for parking spaces, less residents' cars and moving trucks (this is a rental build- ing with transient residents), and less affect of next door traffic. The bigger number of larger apartments (in terms of number of rooms in each apartment) the less transient the residents will be. The people who occupy one bedroom apartments are the most transient. Sutunitted into the public record In conneadon with itm- PEI on 4--AS-01 Wafter Foemar 01- 315 c'ty c106 - Distance - the more distance from the Atlantis - the better. - Parking - above ground parking is less aesthetic and gives an impression of an office type build- ing which is out of place for this neighborhood. Sincerely, Kathy Shabathai SubaOtteed into the public Word In connection with Nm P2_1 on - S- t Waiter Foeman 0 :'- 315 city cilm* WEEK OF THURSDAY. MARCH 2e. 2001 TODAY'S NEWS The Atlantis, to the north of proposed project, Is recognized from opening scenes of 'Miami Vice'. Residents appeal Brickell project to save view of landmark Atlantis BY MARILYN Bow DEN Residents of a landmark Brickell Avenue condominium plan toappeal today (3/29) to the Miami City Commission in a last-ditch attempt to halt con- struction of a high-density rental apartment building next door. Fans of the well-known Atlantis building are among those opposing the Brickell Bay Village Development, one of whose principals is Michael Baumann. The lot was the site of a low-rise, 150 -unit rental com- munity called Brickell Bay Vil- lage Apartments, the same name proposed for the new project. The new plans won approval from the commission in Decem- ber and called for a 421 -unit rental building with 632 parking spaces on a bayfront lot at 2101- 5 Brickell Ave. The design has since been modified to 359 units with 510 parking spaces. The property is immediately to the south of The Atlantis, a condo designed by Arquitectonica that enjoyed in- ternational exposure as a perma- nent feature in the opening credit sequence for the TV series Mi- ami Vice. Residents ofThe Atlantis have protested the Brickell Bay Vil- lage Apartment project from its inception, claiming its bulk will block the public's view of their well-known building and its de- sign is not in keeping with neigh- borhood standards. Tucker Gibbs, attorney for the Atlantis residents, said the ap- peal is based on a provision in the city's major use special per- mit regulations that stipulates a project must have no potentially adverse affect on the surround- ing neighborhood. The proposed building, he said, "is not consistent with the plan- ning fabric of Brickell Avenue. Bryan Hoffman, an architec- tural photographer and Atlantis resident, called it "a truly sig- nificant building of the post- Higher density building Is planned for site of former apartments. Irthe protest is unsuccessful, the group will have 30 days to appeal the decision in court Tucber Gibbs modem period," citing its style, scale and subtle relationship to its surroundings. Opposition to the Brickell Bay Village project, he said, "is not only from city, community and state. Several internationally rec- ognized architects have voiced their concern." "This monstrosity will oblit- erate our building and the Bristol Tower," said Jorge Diaz, one of the Atlantis residents mounting the appeal. "We feel our build- ing is an icon of the city and is being disrespected." Residents of The Bristol, which flanks the proposed apart- ments to the north, joined a group ofAtlantans to oppose the devel- opment plan in June 1999 when it first came before the city com- mission but dropped out after developers modified the initial design. Mr. Diaz said his group doesn't want to stop development but would like to see a compromise that addresses objections to its design. Tory Jacobs, president of the Brickell Homeowners Associa- tion, which represents owners of condos in a numberofbuiidings along the Brickell corridor, said his group is opposed to Brickell Bay V illage Apartments because it's too dense for the area's infra- structure. "Renters tend to live here all the time," he said, "whereas condo owners are more likely to be absentees' "All those people have just 200 feet to exit the property. They will all need to make a right turn to go north and then make a U -tum if they want to go left." A master traffic study for the next 20 years commissioned by the cityis due in about 17 months, Mr. Jacobs said, and the project should be delayed until those results are in. Iftoday's appeal is unsuccess- ful, Mr. Gibbs said, the Atlantis group will have 30 days to ap- peal a commissioners' decision to the circuit court. 0 * 0 February 22, 1985 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN This letter confirms that Hervin A. R. Romney, A.I.A. is the Architect of Records for the following buildings: The Babylon - 1400 South Bayshore Drive The Palace - 1541 Brickell.Avenue The. Atlantis - 2025 Brickell Avenue The Imperial - 1617 Brickell Avenue Sincerely yours, Santiago Jorge -Ventura, A.I.A. Building Official Fire, Rescue and Inspection Services Department SJV/erj CC: Inspection Services file r Submitted into the Pi "}C record in connerii- � � item PZ -1 en - 0 Wafter Foetfian City C ierk FIRE, RESCUE & INSPECTION SERVICES DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL SERVICES / 275 N.W. 2nd Street / P.O.Box 330706 / Miami, FL 33233«0701/ {:pS) 351 91.l _. .... __... Chief K.E. McCullough, Director / Deputy Chiefs: C.D. Fabyp, d::H. Teer%,Wgr arti 3 1.5._. W"TE FRCA CIRCUIT OMMIT APIPEUATZ DIVISICN EI.EVENT1i AVICIAL CIRCUIT DAM OO NTY. FLDR I DA APPEALS I,p. 00-011 AP .ATLANTIS ON BRIMLL COMMMUM ASSOCIMOiN INC., et al., APPELLANT/PETITIONER VS. CITY OF MIAMI, and CORAL WAX IMMDMS, INC. , APPELLEEMESPMENT This cause raving been brought to this Court by no= 1. and after due consideration the court having Issued Its colnion; YOU ARE HEREBY CCMNArOF.D that such further prm:eedings be had In said cause In aoCOrdanee With the opinlon of this COURT attached hereto and Incorporated as part of this order, and With the rules of procedure and laws of the STATE OF FLORIDA. Lour Tr 1 Muria I Case Nunber (s) : 99_9$1 WITLESS the Honorable RONALD FRIEDMAN Acknlnletrative Judge of the Appellate Olvlsloh of the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit of Florida and the seal of the said Circuit Court at MlwnI , this Oth day of FEBRUARY •-2001. HARVEY MN IN. Clerk of the Circuit Court of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit In and for Dade County.���d By: Deputy C Fn • 4 nTq- Roo cnf7, ow" Submitted into the public record in connectjon wa{l-) item �_ on�/�, Walter F:o�rnan Git��lec;< hS : T 7 H NOT FINAL UNTIL TIME EXPIRES TO FILE REHEARING MOTION AND IF FILED, DISPOSED OF. SUbenitted into, the public reCOM In connection with Imo, P? - I on - s• o Walter Foeman Cita Cler" Opinion filed NOV 0 7 20M . KENT HARRISON ROBBINS, Esq., for Appellant. OSVALDO OROECO, Esq., aad MARIA J. CHIARO, BSO, for Appellee(s). Before CECILIA M. ALTONAGA, MARILYN MILIAN and AMY N. DEAN, LTJ. PER CURIAM. This Petition wad f iled to review the quasi-judi"l action of the City of Miami pursuant to Rule 9.100(c)(2). specifically, the petitioner seeks review of the adoption of Resolution 99-961 by the City of Miami Commission at its December. 14, 1999 meeting, which incorporates a Special Permit Development Order which approved a ic8 OT97 esQ say 1 Q'�fi�PG�t5bQ 37I ��0 5 11 ,A.1 92!T- T00e-T?-q3=� IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 11TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR RADE COUNTY, FLORIDA APPELLATE DIVISION CASE NO. 00-11 AP LOWER COURT CASE • NO . 99-96; *a ATLANTIS ON BRICKELL CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC., at al., �. Appellant (s) , Vb E5 Vs. R ER ECO R Mas d CITY OF MIAMI and CORAL NOV a 9 WAY INVESTMENTS, INC., Appellee (s) . of � Opinion filed NOV 0 7 20M . KENT HARRISON ROBBINS, Esq., for Appellant. OSVALDO OROECO, Esq., aad MARIA J. CHIARO, BSO, for Appellee(s). Before CECILIA M. ALTONAGA, MARILYN MILIAN and AMY N. DEAN, LTJ. PER CURIAM. This Petition wad f iled to review the quasi-judi"l action of the City of Miami pursuant to Rule 9.100(c)(2). specifically, the petitioner seeks review of the adoption of Resolution 99-961 by the City of Miami Commission at its December. 14, 1999 meeting, which incorporates a Special Permit Development Order which approved a ic8 OT97 esQ say 1 Q'�fi�PG�t5bQ 37I ��0 5 11 ,A.1 92!T- T00e-T?-q3=� lbrnitted into the public r+ecotd to connection with idem Fr _+,__ on lZiLs - o i Walter Foeman City Clerk Major use special Permit(MUSP) requested by the Respondent, Coral Way Investments, Inc. Coral Way Investments (CNI) owns two adjacent, but separately platted lots or. Brickell Avenue that axe presently developed with two low-rise rental apartment buildings. M proposed a new housing pt67 eet ut: L216 property betwoan tht At l ter* i a nn Brickell Condominium, and the Bristol Tower Condominium. Tinder the.existing zoning plans, CWI nad the option of constructing 199 units on each of the lots without the necessity of approval by a public hearing. Nonetheless, CWI decided to combine the two lots to construct a unified Planned Urban Development (°PUD"). CWI was thus required to secure an approved MUSP prior to obtaining a building permit for a residential development with more than 200 dwelling units. on March 5, 1999, CWI prepared and filed its original application for MUSP approval. The application was reviewed by the City's professional staff, the Large Scale Development Committee, the Urban Design Review Board, and the Shoreline Development Review Committee. All of these committees approved the project. On May 19, 1999, the City's Planning Advisory Board (PAS) conducted a public hearing on the original MUSP application. This was a lengthy' hearing where experts testified in support of the application and neighbors were permitted to voice their concerns. Although the propoeed project was recommended by staff, it was rejectcd by the PPR. On OUne 15, 199x, tho City Hrk-nP%gPr recommended to the City Commission that it approve the application although he noted that 2 _4 OT97 P99 COS7 I Qqc;'IPG�56 1 01— 315 Q' i Submitted into the. public record In connection wit'- -J on 4"s-01 Walter Foeman City Clerk the PAB felt that the project was too dense and that the proposed parking garage was too high. The City Manager added that the "Planning Department has reviewed the concerns of the Planning Advisory Board and suggested that, if the City Commission were to be. of a mind to approve the project, perhaps additional conditions could be imposed which respond to the concerns of the Planning Advisor -y Board.' CK1 and the Bristol entered into a settlement agreement which changed the project. The modified application reduced: (a) the number of units from 490 to 359; (b) the building height from 31 floors to 26; (c) the parking spades from 65o spaces to 510; (d) the parking garage from five levels above and one level below the ground t6 two lwvels above ground ,usd turn below around; (d) building length 391-tcet-to 317 feet; and (a) eliminated the FAR bonus for the Affordable Housing Trust Pond, A public hearing before the Miami City Commission ( "Commission") on. the modified application was scheditled for November 16, 1999. The revision to the plan was announced at this -c.ime and the attorneys for the Atlantis were: present and addressed the Commission. The Commission deferred ruling until. their December 14, 1'999 meeting. Thereafter the Zoning Administrator reviewed the modified application and noted that'the proposed changes reduced the total size of the project and noted that the shifting of the structure, albeit within the original footprint, by more than ten feet in a horizontal direction, technically constituted a substantial change :.,.3 ATG -i 093P64562 ;;i=T_ 9e!T'0D?_T�_r� l Submitted into the publi-c record in connection with ttern 92 -.d_ on -4's - o 1 Wafter Foeman City Clerk under the code. Because of this conclusion, the modified application was sent_ back to the PAB for consideration. on December 13, 1999, the PAB conducted what it considered was a ^public meetings, and not a public hearing". Notice of this hearing became an issue. The purpose of the public hearing was to discuss the substantial modifications to the original application'. The FAB unanimously recommended approval of the modified application. On December 14, 1999 the Commission met and discussed Respondent's application. At the hearing, where there was much discussion, the Resolution and order which were issued by the Commission approved the original MUSP application and seemed to completely ignore the modified application which was to be the subject of this final Commission hearing. Attendees at the hearing Clearly assumed that CWT was traveling under the modified application. However, the Cmunission adopted the specifications of the original MUSP application and not the modified proposal. in an effort to clarify the record, on March- 6, 2000, after the jurisdiction of this Court was invoked, the City of Miami. Clerk sought to Kcorrect errors" in the adoption of the Resolution. The Clerk struck the existing resolution and filed a substitute resolution in the record. Florida Rule of Civil Procedure 1-540(a) provides in pertinent part! . During the pendency of an appeal .,. mistakes may be corrected before the record on appeal is docketed in the Appellate Court, and thereafter while the appeal is pending 01- 315 �� 1ST, 9 C_ so ,-ir Y 'l ♦ �1/ •J l7 Submitted into the pub► recto In connection witt, itB4g1 PZ• 1 On y -a s• c i Wafter Foema., City Clerh 01 Hn �' V. may be so corrected with leave of the Appellate Court. No such leave was obtained herein, thus any efforts by the Clerk to "clarify" the record are a nullity. With regard to what transpired at the Commission hearing in December of 1999,1 the Commission effectively denied'the Petitioner due process of law because the modified application that was at issue was not the application that was in fact approved by the commission. At no time did the Commission make -it clear that the original plans would be considered at the hearing and had such information been provided, the discussions would have been materially different than those which took place. Further, there. is no indication on the record that the decision to adopt the original resolution was supported by substantial competent evidence.. In fact, the only evidence considered supported the modified application. When the commission denied the Petitioner the opportunity to speak against the original application, Petitioner was effectively denied the due process of the law which 1 The petitioners seek an order quashing the resolution and order entered below which approved the original MUSP application. When the Circuit Court, acting in its appellate capacity, reviews a local administrative agency. decision, it must determine: (1) whether procedural due process was accorded; (2) whether the essential requirements of law have been observed; and (3) whether the findings and judgment are supported by competent substantial evidence. Haines U tv C n►m nii v D ve open: V. X aas, 658 So.2d 523, 530 (Fla. 1995) ; 9oard of County Coto„ssion rs v. Snyder, 627 So.2d 469,476 (Fla_ 1993), City of Deerf-ield Beach v. Vallian:, 419 So.2d 624, 626 (Fla. 1982); M-dtxo Dade County v. Blumenthal, 675 So.2d 598, 601 (Fla. 3d DCA 1995). The Circuit Co,4rt is not entitled to re -weigh the evidence or substitute its judgment for that of the agency. Halnes City, supra. 01- -315 a� '3PotC;�iLL 1C�'d �1Tq” 999 go,'3"IddQ S'�1�J3T1 ;11.1 LS�T� -Ems?-T�-F3d Submitted Into the public record in connection with 80' d l uiol item ?-Z-1 on - 5- O Walter Foeman City Clerk 01 FEB ^I includes an opportunity to be heard at a meaningful time and in a meaai.ngful manner. Fuentes v, Shevin, 407 U.S. 67 (1972) Moreover, it appears on the record that the Commission did not approve the project on its merits. In fact, it appears that after spending almost three hours on the matter, and in light of an otherwise lengthy agenda, .there were difficulties articulating the concerns about the project with the requisite specificity in order to either accept or reject either proposal. it is clear from the. record that the Commission decided that this matter should be determined by the Courts. It is the Commission' a responsibility to make a decision on the merits which is then reviewed by the Court to determine whether it is supported by substantial competent evidence. See. City of d!iami v. Meehan, 581 So.2d 228 (Fla.3rd DCA 1991). Accordingly, the actions of the City of Miami are reversed and this Cause is remanded for considerotiop of CWI'a application after notice and opportunity.to be heard is afforded. Copts _ AND �.. (W Rwm TO ANY gl.1NS6CA� � sy eg'c OTQT ssn sog, :'6 19��3pG45�� 01— 31.5 Lz ! T- 7r-W-TF-9�3-4 ,(Pt.WO». vuLUME I HIC DIAGRAM Submitted into the public MOM In connection with I[eRt t • I Ong - 35- O I Walter Foemar) city cls 01- 315 BISCAYNE BAY =ol all 9e � CM o F c1. -� I ,a� BRTCKELL BAY ATLANTIS VILLAGE BRISTOL BRICKELL. AVENUE= SIGHT LINE DIAGRAM Submitted into the public MMM in connection with on _ _ of Walter Foeman (� i City C6erk pc�cacrTr� �c.� 17 ff n 'WAMML sir this to his Di- ind for uit he ve tat in .lit ch ge he 'e - n - 1y ild w - :rt in Iq -y l- is 'd A a. FONTAINEBLEAU H. CORP. V. FORTY-FIVE TWENTY-FIVE, INC. Fla. 357 Cite as, Fla., 114 So.2d 357 an inferior jurisdiction. It is original in the sense that the subject matter of the suit or proceeding which it brings before the court are not here reinvestigated, tried and determined upon the merits generally as upon ap- peal at law or writ of error. Thus the Supreme Court of the United States speaks of such writs "as writs to re- view the proceedings of inferior courts as a matter of original jurisdiction," and showing errors of fact is only admissible to show want of jurisdiction or serious irregularity or illegality in procedure."' Certain other questions are stated in the brief of the appellant -petitioner which we do not deem it necessary to discuss. Petition for writ of certiorari denied. KANNER and SHANNON, JJ., concur w p S RET NUMBER SYSTEM T FONTAINEBLEAU HOTEL CORP., a Flori- da corporation, and Charnofree Corpora- tion, a Florida corporation, Appellants, V. FORTY-FIVE TWENTY-FIVE, INC., a Florida corporation, Appellee. No. 59-450. District Court of Appeal of Florida. Third District. Aug. 27, 1959. Rehearing Denied Sept. 23, 1959. Action to enjoin owners from continu- ing with construction of fourteen -story addition to their hotel on a beach facing the Atlantic Ocean. The Circuit Court, Dade County, Robert H. Anderson, J., en- tered an order temporarily enjoining own- ers from continuing with the construction and they appealed. The District Court of Appeal held that where a structure serves a useful and beneficial purpose, it does not give rise to a cause of action, either for damages or for an injunction under the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, even though it causes injury to another by cutting off the light and air and interfering with the view that would otherwise be available over adjoining land in its natural state, regardless of the fact that the struc- ture may have been erected partly for spite. Reversed with directions. 1. Constitutional Law «87 The maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, does not mean that one must never use his own property in such a way as to do any injury to his neighbor, but means only that one must use his property so as not to injure the lawful rights of an- other. 2. Adjoining Landowners 0-10(I) At common law, a landowner had no legal right, in the absence of an easement or uninterrupted use and enjoyment for a period of 20 years, to unobstructed light and air from the adjoining land. 3. Easements CSI I The English doctrine of "ancient lights" has been unanimously repudiated in the United States. 4. Adjoining Landowners X10(3) Injunction «51 Where a structure serves a useful and beneficial purpose, it does not give rise to a cause of action, either for damages or for an injunction under the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, even though it causes injury to another by cut- ting off the light and air and interfering with the view that would otherwise be available over adjoining land in its natural state, regardless of the fact that the struc- ture may have been erected partly for spite. 5. Municipal Corporations 063(1) If public policy demands that a land- owner in the Miami Beach area refrain Submitted into the public record in connectior, 0 1 jJem3 ons Walter Foema:, rl;f.. -; __ .. Submitted into that publi1 record in connection with` 358 Fla. 114 SOUTHERN REPORTER, 2d SERIES 1t ffl FZ - o - a) -c- 01 Warner Foemar' - 1 from constructing buildings on his prem- ises that will cast a shadow on the adjoin- ing premises, an amendment of its compre- hensive planning and zoning ordinance, ap- plicable to the public as a whole, is the means by which such purpose should be achieved. north. Both are luxury hotels, facing theCity Clerk Atlantic Ocean. The proposed addition to the Fontainebleau is being constructed twenty feet from its north property line, 130 feet from the mean high water mark of the Atlantic Ocean, and 76 feet 8 inches ' from the ocean bulkhead line. The 14 - story tower will extend 160 feet above 6. Injunction X113 grade in height and is 416 feet long from Where construction of a 14 -story addi- tion was proceeding under a permit is- sued by the city pursuant to mandate of the District Court of Appoal in a previous action between owners of the addition and an adjoining landowner, and such mandate authorized completion of the addition ac- cording to plan showing a 76 -foot setliack from the ocean bulkhead line, and adjoining landowner's objection to the distance of the structure from the ocean was made for the first time in a suit to enjoin further work on the structure, and such suit was filed almost a year after the beginning of the construction of the addition, at a time when it was roughly eight stories in height, and represented an expenditure by owners of several million dollars, adjoining land- owner stated no cause of action for equi- table relief based on violation of setback requirement of an applicable city ordinance, even if there was in fact a violation of such ordinance. Sibley, Grusmark, Barkdull & King, Mi- ami Beach, for appellants. Anderson & Nadeau, Miami, for appel- lee. PER CURIAM. This is an interlocutory appeal from an order temporarily enjoining the appellants from continuing with the construction of a fourteen -story addition to the Fontaine- bleau Hotel, owned and operated by the appellants. Appellee, plaintiff below, owns the Eden Roe Hotel, which was constructed in 1955, about a year after the Fontaine- bleau, and adjoins the Fontainebleau on the east to west. During the winter months, from around two o'clock in the afternoon for the remainder of the day, the shadow of the addition will extend over the cabana, swimming pool, and sunbathing areas of the Eden Roe, which are located in the south- ern portion of its property. In this action, plaintiff -appellee sought to enjoin the defendants -appellants from pro- ceeding with the construction of the addi- tion to the Fontainebleau (it appears to have been roughly eight stories high at the time suit was filed), alleging that the con- struction would interfere with the light and air on the beach in front of the Eden Roc and cast a shadow of such size as to render the beach wholly unfitted for the use and enjoyment of its guests, to the irreparable injury of the plaintiff; further, that the construction of such addition on the north side of defendants' property, rather than the south side, was actuated by malice and ill will on the part of the defendants' pres- ident toward the plaintiff's president; and that the construction was in violation of a building ordinance requiring a 100 -foot setback from the ocean. It was also al- leged that the construction would inter- fere with the easements of light and air enjoyed by plaintiff and its predecessors in. title for more than twenty years and "im- pliedly granted by virtue of the acts of the plaintiff's predecessors in title, as well as under the common law and the express recognition of such rights by virtue of Chapter 9837, Laws of Florida 1923 Some attempt was also mad4' to allege an easement by implication i, favor of the plaintiff's property, as th dominant, and against the defendants' pro erty, as the servient, tenement. oi— 315 :he to ed ne, rk tes A- ve >m hs, on )w la, he h - to •o- 1i - to, he .n- nd oc er nd ,le he th an id :s- nd a of �l- r- Ar in n - he as ss of ?3 de in he p- FONTAINEBLEAU H. CORP. v. FORTY–FIVE TWENTY–FIVE, INC. Fla. 359 Cite as, Fla., 114 So.2d 357 The defendants' answer denied the ma- terial allegations of the complaint, pleaded laches and estoppel by judgment. The chancellor heard considerable testi- mony on the issues made by the com- plaint and the answer and, as noted, entered a temporary injunction restraining the defendants from continuing with the construction of the addition. His reason for so doing was stated by him, in a mem- orandum opinion, as follows: "In granting the temporary injunc- tion in this case the Court wishes to make several things very clear. The ruling is not based on any alleged pre- sumptive title nor prescriptive right of the plaintiff to light and air nor is it based on any deed restrictions nor re- corded plats in the title of the plaintiff nor of the defendant nor of any plat of record. It is not based on any zon- ing ordinance nor on any provision of the building code of the City of Miami Beach nor on the decision of any court, nisi prius or appellate. Tt is based solely on the proposition that no one has a right to use his property to the injury of another. In this case it is clear from the evidence that the pro- posed use by the Fontainebleau will materially damage the Eden Roc. There is evidence indicating that the construction of the proposed annex by the Fontainebleau is malicious or de- liberate for the purpose of injuring the Eden Roc, but it is scarcely sufficient, standing alone, to afford a basis for equitable relief." [1] This is indeed a novel application of the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas. This maxim does not mean that one must never use his own property in such a way as to do any injury to his neigh- bor. Beckman v. Marshall, F1a.1956, 85 So.2d 552. It means only that one must use his property so as not to injure the lawful rights of another. Cason v. Flor- ida Power Co., 74 Fla. 1, 76 So. 535, L.R.A. 1918A, 1034. In Reaver v. Martin The- atres, F1a.1951, 52 So.2d 682, 683, 23 A.L. R.2d 1451, under this maxim, it was stated that "it is well settled that a property owner may put his own property to any reason- able and lawful use, so long as he does not thereby deprive the adjoining landowner of any right of enjoyment of his property which, is recognized and protected by law, and so long as his use is not such a one as the law will pronounce a szuisance." [Emphasis supplied.] [2,3] No American decision has been cited, and independent research has re- vealed none, in which it has been held that—in the absence of some contractual or statutory obligation—a landowner has a legal right to the free flow of light and air across the adjoining land of his neighbor. Even at common law, the landowner had no legal right, in the absence of an ease- ment or uninterrupted use and enjoyment for a period of 20 years, to unobstructed light and air from the adjoining land. Blumberg v. Weiss, 1941, 129 N. J.Eq. 34, 17 A.2d 823; 1 Am.Jur., Adjoining Land- owners, § 51. And the English doctrine of "ancient lights" has been unanimously repudiated in this country. 1 Am.Jur., Adjoining Landowners, § 49, p. 533; Lynch v. Hill, 1939, 24 Del -Ch. 86, 6 A.2d 614, overruling Clawson v. Primrose, 4 Del -Ch. 643. [4] There being, then, no legal right to the free flow of light and air from the ad- joining land, it is universally held that where a structure serves a useful and bene- ficial purpose, it does not give rise to a cause of action, either for damages or for an injunction under the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, even though it causes injury to another by cutting off the light and air and interfering with the view that would otherwise be available over adjoin- ing land in its natural state, regardless of the fact that the structure may have been erected partly for spite. See the cases col- lected in the annotation in 133 A.L.R. at pp. 701 et seq.; 1 Am.Jur., Adjoining Land- owners, § 54, p. 536; Taliaferro v. Salyer, 01-- 315 360 Fla. 114 SOUTHERN REPORTER, 2d SERIES 1958, 162 Ca1.App.2d 685, 328 P.2d 799; Musumeci v. Leonardo, 1950, 77 R.I. 255, 75 A.2d 175; Harrison v. Langlinais, Tex. Civ.App.1958, 312 S.W.2d 286; Granberry v. Jones, 1949, 188 Tenn. 51, 216 S.W.2d 721; Letts v. Kessler, 1896, 54 Ohio St. 73, 42 N.E. 765; Kulbitsky v. Zimnoch, 1950, 196 Md. 504, 77 A.2d 14; Southern Adver- tising Co. v. Sherman, Tenn.App.1957, 308 S.W.2d 491. [5] We see no reason for departing from this universal rule. If, as contended on behalf of plaintiff, public policy de- mands that a landowner in the Miami Beach area refrain from constructing buildings on his premises that will cast a shadow on the adjoining premises, an amendment of its comprehensive planning and zoning ordinance, applicable to the pub- lic as a whole, is the means by which such purpose should be achieved. (No opin- ion is expressed here as to the validity of such an ordinance, if one should be en- acted pursuant to the requirements of law. Cf. City of Miami Beach v. State ex rel. Fontainebleau Hotel Corp., F1a.App. 1959, 108 So.2d 614, 619; certiorari denied, F1a.1959, 111 So.2d 437.) But to change the universal rule—and the custom followed in this state since its inception—that ad- joining landowners have an equal right under the law to build to the line of their respective tracts and to such a height as is desired by them (in the absence, of course, of building restrictions or regulations) amounts, in our opinion, to judicial legisla- tion. As stated in Musumeci v. Leonardo, supra (77 R.I. 255, 75 A.2d 177], "So use your own as not to injure another's proper- o C mty is, indeed, a sound and salutary principle cE U for the promotion of justice, but it may % knot and should not be applied so as gratui- 0LL =' Otously to confer upon an adjacent property CD cowner incorporeal rights incidental to his w C 3 ownership of land which the law does not sanction." � C � We have also considered whether the order here reviewed may be sustained up- on any other reasoning, conformable to and 7 consistent with the pleadings, regardless of the erroneous reasoning upon which the order was actually based. See McGregor v. Provident Trust Co. of Philadelphia,. 119 Fla. 718, 162 So. 323. We have con- cluded oncluded that it cannot. The record affirmatively shows that no statutory basis for the right sought to be enforced by plaintiff exists. The so-called Shadow Ordinance enacted by the City of Miami Beach at plaintiff's behest was held invalid in City of Miami Beach v. State ex rel. Fontainebleau Hotel Corp., supra. It also affirmatively appears that there is no possible basis for holding that plaintiff has an easement for light and air, either express or implied, across defendants' prop- erty, nor any prescriptive right thereto— even if it be assumed, arguendo, that the common-law right of prescription as to "ancient lights" is in effect in this state. And from what we have said heretofore in this opinion, it is perhaps superfluous to add that we have no desire to dissent from the unanimous holding in this country re- pudiating the English doctrine of ancient lights. The only other possible basis—and, in fact, the only one insisted upon by plaintiff in its brief filed here, other than its reliance upon the law of private nuisance as ex- pressed in the maxim sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas—for the order here reviewed is the alleged violation by defend- ants of the setback line prescribed by ordi- nance. The plaintiff argues that the ordi- nance applicable to the Use District -in which plaintiff's and defendants' properties are located, prescribing "a front yard hav- ing a depth of not less than one hundred (100) feet, measured from the ocean, * * *," should be and has been inter-. preted by the City's zoning inspector as requiring a setback of 100 feet from an established ocean bulkhead line. As noted above, the addition to the Fontainebleau is set back only 76 feet 8 inches from the ocean bulkhead line, although it is 130 feet from the ocean measured from the mean high water mark. of- 315 A 1e 3r a, 1- 10, 1e �d if ld to a. -e ff 'r le .o e. n 0 n 1t n ff .s n S .e A n �Q E LL U C � CN �4 05 L MIAMI AIRLINES, INC. v. WEBB Fla. 361 Cite as, Fla., 114 So.2d 361 j61 While the chancellor did not decide the question of whether the setback ordi- nance had been violated, it is our view that, even if there was such a violation, the plaintiff would have no cause of action against the defendants based on such vio- lation. The application of simple mathe- matics to the sun studies filed in evidence by plaintiff in support of its claim demon- strates conclusively that to move the exist- ing structure back some 23 feet from the ocean would make no appreciable difference in the problem which is the subject of this controversy. Cf. Taliaferro v. Salyer, su- pra. The construction of the 14 -story ad- dition is proceeding under a permit issued by the city pursuant to the mandate of this court in City of Miami Beach v. State ex rel. Fontainebleau Hotel Corp., supra, which permit authorizes completion of the 14 -story addition according to a plan show- ing a 76 -foot setback from the ocean bulk- head line. Moreover, the plaintiff's objec- tion to the distance of the structure from the ocean appears to have been made for the first time in the instant suit, which was filed almost a year after the beginning of the construction of the addition, at a time when it was roughly eight stories in height, representing the expenditure by defendants of several million dollars. In these cir- cumstances, it is our view that the plaintiff has stated no cause of action for equitable relief based on the violation of the ordi- nance—assuming, arguendo, that there has been a violation. Since it affirmatively appears that the plaintiff has not established a cause of ac- tion against the defendants by reason of the structure here in question, the order granting a temporary injunction should be and it is hereby reversed with directions to dismiss the complaint. Reversed with directions. HORTON, C. J., and CARROLL, CHAS., J, and CABOT, TED, Associate Judge concur. 114 So.zd—sa;i MIAMI AIRLINES, INC., a Florida corporation, Appellant, V. J. Shaw WEBB, III, and Lois V. Webb, Appellees. Montreal Air Service, Ltd., Garnishee. No. 58-429. District Court of Appeal of Florida. Third District. Aug. 20, 1959. Rehearing Denied Sept. 23, 1959. Action on contract in which the Circuit Court for Dade County, John J. Kehoe, f., entered judgment for defendant and cor- porate plaintiff appealed. The District Court of Appeal, Knott, James R., Associ- ate Judge, held that where witness during course of trial testified in substance that after suit had been filed he had received an assignment from plaintiff corporation of its interest in contract claim then being litigated, action could be continued in the name of original party or court could, upon application, allow substitution of transferee, but court had no discretion to terminate action and administer judgment on merits. Reversed. 1. Abatement and Revival X47 Florida rule respecting continuation of action in case of a transfer of interest is adopted from and is identical in language to federal rule of civil procedure respecting the same matter. 30 F.S.A. Rules of Civil Procedure, rule 1.19(c) ; Fed.Rules Civ. Proc. rule 25(c), 28 U.S.C.A. 2. Abatement and Revival e-47 Parties 0=59(2), 63 Where there is a transfer of a cause of action pending suit, court has two al- ternatives, to allow action to be continued in the name of the original party or, upon application, to allow substitution of trans - 01. 315 4 962 Fla. 114 SOUTHERN REPORTER, 2d SERIES feree, and in latter event, if it appears to court that further pleading prior to trial is necessary or appropriate, court can de- clare mistrial and proceed to trial at a subsequent date. 30 F.S.A. Rules of Civil Procedure, rule 1.19(c). 3. Abatement and Revival 0-46 Where witness testifying in breach of contract action stated that plaintiff corpora- tion had transferred to witness its interest in breach of contract claim, court abused its discretion in directing a verdict for defendant solely because of transfer of interest pending suit. 30 F.S.A. Rules of Civil Procedure, rule 1.19(c). B. C. Fuller, Miami Beach, for appellant. Ferrell & Young, Miami, for appellees. John M. Schlesinger, Montreal, Canada, for garnishee. KNOTT, JAMES R., Associate Judge. Appellant appeals from a final judgment based upon a verdict directed for appellees during the course of trial. The parties are referred to by their status in the trial court where appellant was plaintiff and appellees were defendants. Plaintiff corporation brought suit for breach of a contract for repair of an air- craft. Defendants filed answer denying material allegations of the complaint and setting up other defenses. The case went to trial before a jury. During the course of the trial, a witness, R. W. Duff, testifying for plaintiff corpora- tion, stated in substance on cross-examina- tion that after the suit had been filed, he, Duff, had received an assignment from plaintiff corporation of all its interest in the contract claim then being litigated, and plaintiff's attorney then stipulated that such was so. Defendants at once moved for a directed verdict on the ground that plaintiff could not maintain the action by reason of the assignment. Thereupon, plaintiff's attorney offered to substitute as a part\ plaintiff the witness Duff, assignee, in lieu of the plaintiff corporation. But the trial court at that stage of the proceedings directed a verdict for the defendants on the ground that the plaintiff had no interest in the claim sued upon. The court thus held than an action based upon a contract claim is subject to adverse judgment on the merits where the original plaintiff assigns the claim to another during the pendency of the suit. Plaintiff here contends the court erred in directing the verdict under the circumstances presented. A determination of the correctness of the ruling of the trial court is governed by Rule 1.19(c), 1954 Florida Rules of Civil Procedure, 30 F.S.A., which is in part as follows: "Transfer of Interest. In case of any transfer of interest, the action may be continued by or against the original party, unless the court upon motion directs the person to whom the interest is transferred to be substituted in the action or joined with the original party. * * *1, We do not find nor are we referred to any decisions of the Florida courts inter- preting the effect of this rule, but decisions from other jurisdictions construing similar provisions point to the correct solution of the question here presented. (1] The quoted rule is adopted from and is identical to the language in Rule 25(c), Federal Rules of Civil Procedure, 28 U.S.C.A. The Federal decisions inter- preting this rule hold that although there has been a transfer of interest the action may properly be continued in the name of the original party. See E. I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co. v. Lyles & Lang Const. Co., 4 Cir., 1955, 219 F.2d 328, and Liberty Broadcasting System, Inc. v. Albertson, D. C., 15 F.R.D. 121. Other states have interpreted similar code provisions to the effect that where there is 01- 315 i e t y 1. e s SMITH v. STATE lea. 363 Cite as, Fla., 111 So.2d -"63 a transfer of interest pending suit the the merits solely because a transfer of action may Le continued in the name of interest has been made pending the suit. the original party or the court may allow substitution of the transferee. These pro- We hold, therefore, that the trial court visions are held to mean that a mere trans- erred in directing a verdict under the cir- fer of interest pending suit does not of cumstances here presented and that the itself defeat the right to continue the suit motion for new trial should have been in the name of the original party. Cushing granted. v. Newbern, 75 Okl. 258, 183 P. 409; Hoel Reversed. v. Kansas City, 131 Kan. 290, 291 P. 780; In the light of the authorities Lowry v. Anderson, 57 Ohio St. 179, 48 O e%(2,31 N.E. 810. HORTON C. J J and PEARSON, , .LR concur. Lowry v. Anderson, supra, is particularly in point with the case at bar. In that tery and with various substantive offenses case the trial court entered judgment for "e defendant because it appeared that plaintiff G TK0NUMBERSrSrEM pending suit had assigned the cause of ac- jury, refusal of trial court to give instruc- tion. On appeal, the court reversed the nal party, or the court may upon application judgment, and held the fact that plaintiff had assigned his contract interest pending lating to conspiracy count, and failure of suit was no defense to the action and did Charlie A. SMITH, Appellant, not justify a judgment on the merits, under V. the statutory provision that upon transfer STATE of Florida, Appellee. of an interest in an action, the action may No. 791. be continued in the name of the original party, or the court may allow the person District Court of Appeal of Florida. to whom the transfer is made to be sub- Second District. stituted for him. Aug. 28, 1959. 01- 31 The rule of the Anderson case was re- Rehearing Denied Sept. 23, 1959. cently affirmed in the case of Liebbrand v. Butler, 88 Ohio App. 185, 97 N.E.2d 80, and is the rule generally applied. See Defendant was convicted in Criminal 149 A.L.R. 829, 837, annotation, citing Court of Record for Polk County, Roy II. numerous cases; 1 C.J.S. Abatement and Amidon J ., of various substantive offenses V :E � t. Revival § 112 p. 162. CU tinder lottery statute, and he appealed. The QL In the light of the authorities District Court of Appeal, Shannon, J., held O e%(2,31 cited we hold that two alternatives are U that where defendant, who was charged to lot .LR with conspiracy set up and promote - presented where there is a transfer of the tery and with various substantive offenses C �\ 9 cause of action pending suit. The action be in was acquitted of conspiracy charged by may continued the name of the origi- jury, refusal of trial court to give instruc- C N --- nal party, or the court may upon application tions on effect of evidence and testimony re - allow substitution of the transferee. If it lating to conspiracy count, and failure of appears to the court in the latter event that further pleading prior to trial is neces- trial court to exclude all evidence of acts, C conversations, and transactions of others at sary or appropriate, the court would in our time when defendant was not involved in view be authorized to declare a mistrial and alleged conspiracy were not reversible er- proceed to trial at a subsequent date. But the court has no discretion to terminate the rors. action and to enter adverse judgment on Affirmed. 01- 31 DIVISIONS OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF S' Office of the Secretary Office of International Relations Division of Elections Division of Corporations Division of Cultural Affairs Division of Historical Resources Division of Library and Information Services Division of Licensing Division of Administrative Services February 26, 2001 FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE Katherine Harris Secretary of State DIVISION OF HISTORICAL RESOURCES Mr. Jeffrey D. Rubinstein Simon, Schindler & Sandberg Law Offices 2650 Biscayne Boulevard Miami, Florida 33137-4590 Re: Atlantis on Brickell Condominium, "Arquitectonica," , Miami Dear Mr. Rubinstein: MEMBER OF THE FLORIDA CABINET State Board of Education Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund Administration Commission Florida Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission Siting Board Division of Bond Finance Department of Revenue Department of Law Enforcement Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department of Veterans Affairs Subm!tted into the record in ccr,p item P2-1— on S -o Walter City C!, Thank you for the Preliminary Site Information Questionnaire on the above referenced property. Based on the information you have provided, it is our opinion that this property should be considered for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. I have enclosed a Florida National Register Proposal form and instructions for its preparation. You should study both the form and the instructions carefully before you attempt to fill out any information. It is essential that you understand what kind of information is required and how it is recorded in order to avoid wasted time and effort. There are several points that must be emphasized. First is the need for complete and accurate documentation. This applies to the physical description as well as the statement of significance. We need as much specific information as you can provide regarding original construction, alterations, and uses of the property, as well as the historical events, developments, and persons with whom it has been associated. Second, graphics can be extremely helpful. Current photographs, including overall views and close up shots of important details are required. Historic photographs should be included whenever they are available. Sketch plans or diagrams of sites, interior floor plans, etc., should be carefully and accurately drawn, although not necessarily to scale. R.A Gray Building • 500 South Bronough Street • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • http://www.flheritage.com O Director's Office O Archaeological Research O Historic Preservation O Historical Museums (850) 488-1480 • FAX: 488-3353 (850) 487-2299 • FAX: 414-2207 (850) 487-2333 • FAX: 922-0496 (850) 488-1484 9 FAX: 921-2503 O Historic Pensacola Preservation Board O Palm Beach Regional Office O St. Augustine Regional Office O Tampa Regional Office (850) 595-5985 • FAX: 595-5989 (561) 279-1475 • FAX: 279-1476 (904) 825-5045 • FAX: 825-5044 (813) 272-3843 • FAX: 272-2340 01- 315 Jeffrey Rubinstein February 26, 2001 Page Two SubntlUao in:a site public record in connection vvitt) fern ;- on y._.. Wafter Foemv. City CIS,,, Third, site location and boundary information must be precise and accurate. Where street addresses are not applicable, location should be indicated by specific references to identifiable landmarks. Site boundaries should encompass only the site or property specifically identified and described in the nomination proposal. Finally, the eligibility of the property for National Register listing depends on two essential points: 1) its "site integrity" or the extent to which the property retains the physical character and appearance of its period of significance, and 2) its association with significant historic events, developments, or personalities as reflected in its present condition and appearance. Since the building is conspicuously less than fifty years old (completed 1982), I have also enclosed certain items that will be of assistance in preparing the Florida National Register Proposal. These are: the National Register bulletins "How to Complete the National Register Registration Form" and "Guidelines for Evaluating and Nominating Properties that Have Achieved Significance Within the Past Fifty Years." Included with this mailing is a copy of the National Register forms for the Sanderling Beach Club in Sarasota, Florida, which was designed by Paul Rudolph in 1952 and listed in the Register in 1994. Also enclosed is a 3.5 inch floppy disk containing files for the Florida National Register Proposal Form and Continuation Sheet in MSWord for Windows format. Another file contains instructions for using the form and continuation sheet files. All these files should be put in the templates directory of your MSWord program. If you have any questions about or problems with using the computer aids, please do not hesitate to get in touch with me. Obviously, preparation of the nomination proposal will require detailed investigation of both the physical development of the property itself and the broader historic context in which that development occurred. The information obtained must then be incorporated into narrative texts in the physical description and significance statement sections of the proposal form. While this is not a simple task, I am sure that the instruction booklet will provide ample guidance in most cases. However, should you need additional information or clarification, please do not hesitate to call me. I will be happy to help in any way I can. A single copy of the proposal should be submitted to us as soon as you have it completed in draft form. Footnotes, photographs, and site and floor plans should accompany the draft proposal. This will enable us to give you our comments and to suggest any revisions that we feel may be necessary before you prepare the final document and make the copies of the proposal necessary for distribution to the Review Board. At that point, we should also be able to schedule the proposal for presentation to the Review Board. Jeffrey Rubinstein February 26, 2001 Page Three Submitted into the public rGeM In connection with Waiter Foemar City Clerk We appreciate your interest in nominating this property and look forward to receiving the nomination proposal. Sincerely, C W. Carl Shiver Historic Sites Specialist WCS Enclosures 01- 315 PZ -1 PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Ms. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. for Coral Way Investments, Inc. HEARING DATE February 21, 2001 "j REQUEST/LOCATION Modification to a Major Use Special Permit application for the } Brickell Bay Village Apartments Project located at approximately 2101-2105 Brickell Avenue. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Complete legal description on file with the Hearing Boards Office. PETITION Consideration of approving a modification to a Major Use Special Permit application for the Brickell Bay Village Apartments Project located at approximately 2101-2105 Brickell Avenue. PLANNING Approval with conditions. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND AND Please see attached analysis. ANALYSIS PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Approval with conditions CITY COMMISSION Continued from CC of March 29, 2001. APPLICATION NUMBER 2001-004 VOTE: 4-2 Item #2 CITY OF MIAMI - PLANNING DEPARTMENT 444 SW 2ND AVENUE, 3R0 FLOOR - MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33130 PHONE (305) 416-1400 Pae 1 01- i5 Brickell Bay Village History: On March 5, 1999, Coral Way Investments, Inc., ("APPLICANT"), submitted a complete Application for Major Use Special Permit for the Brickell Bay Village Project ("PROJECT") pursuant to Articles 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended ("Zoning Ordinance No. 11000"), for the property located at approximately 2101- 2105 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida The requested Major Use Special Permit was for the purpose of allowing a Residential Planned Unit Development project consisting of 421 units and accessory recreational uses with 632 parking spaces. 2. The Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on May 19, 1999, Item No: 1, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 21-99 by a vote of seven to one (7-1), RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the Major Use Special Permit Development Order as attached hereto; and 3. On November 18, 1999, the applicant Coral Way Investments, Inc., submitted a modification to said MUSP application. 4. On December 3, 1999, the Zoning Administrator determined that said modification was substantial pursuant to Section 2215 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. 5. On December 6, 1999, the Director of Planning and Zoning, pursuant to the determination by the Zoning Administrator, transmitted the proposed modification to the Planning Advisory Board for review and consideration pursuant to Sections 2215.4 and 1706 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. 6. The Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on December 13, 1999, Item No. 1, following an advertised public meeting, adopted Resolution No. PAB 60-99 by a vote of seven to zero (7-0), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL of the PROPOSED MODIFICATION to the Major Use Special Permit Application for De4elopment Approval. 7. The City Commission, adopted at its meeting held December 14, 1999, adopted Resolution No. 99-961 approving, with conditions, a Major Use Special Permit Development Order pursuant to Articles 5, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the Brickell Bay Village Project; to be located at approximately 2101- 2105 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Florida, to be comprised of not more than 359 units, with accessory recreational space and 510 parking spaces. 8. The approval by the City Commission, granted pursuant to Resolution No. 99- 961, on December 14, 1999, was appealed to the Appellate Division of the Circuit Court in January of the year 2000. 01- 315 9. The Appellate Division of Circuit Court in the case styled Atlantis on Brickell Condominium Association, Inc. et al vs. City of Miami and Coral Way Investments, Inc., Case Nos. 00-11AP and 00-12AP, issued an opinion in November of 2000, remanding the matter back to the city. 10. On January 25, 2001, the City Commission, pursuant to Motion No.01-90, referred this matter back to the Planning Advisory Board to consider the proposed Major Use Special Permit by Coral Way Investment Inc. for residential development at 2101-2105 Brickell Avenue (aka Brickell Bay Village Project). ANALYSIS FOR AMENDMENT TO MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT APPLICATION Brickell Bay Village CASE NO: 2001-004 The requested amendment to a Major Use Special Permit application is for the purpose of allowing a series of modifications to a Residential Planned Unit Development project for the property located at approximately 2101-2105 Brickell Avenue within the Coral Way NET Area. The original Major Use Special Permit application requested approval of 421 units and accessory recreational uses with 632 parking spaces. The requested modification is now proposing 359 units with 510 parking spaces. Pursuant to Article 17, the modifications shall be reviewed in order to determine whether the changes would meet the same requirements as for the original application. In determining whether the proposed changes meet the same requirements, the Planning Department has made the following findings: • It is found that the proposed residential development project will benefit the City by creating new housing opportunities for residents and employees of the area. • It is found that the project was reviewed by the Large Scale Development Committee on November 12, 1998 and has modified the proposed project to address the expressed technical concerns raised at said Large Scale Development Committee meeting; however, additional design details related to sidewalk and swale area improvements will have to be submitted at the time of permitting. • It is found that the applicant should submit a parking plan for construction employees while the new building is under construction; said parking plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. • It is found that the project was reviewed and approved (with conditions) by the Miami -Dade Shoreline Development Review Committee on January 28, 1999 under Resolution 99 -SDRC -2 (see attached). • It is found that the UDRB has recommended approval of the proposed project pursuant to a public meeting held on December 7, 1998 subject to complying with staff requirements concerning the landscape plan as it pertained to preservation of trees along Brickell Avenue and other perimeter landscape issues. 01- 115 • It is found that per the Fire and GSA Departments of the City, the roof of the proposed structure may be required for communications equipment to serve the City; this are should be made available for said use at no charge to the City. • It is found that the City of Miami Preservation Officer reviewed the project and that a recommendation was made that archeological monitoring be conducted in the manner set forth in the condition described below. • It is found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, the proposal has been reviewed and found to be adequate. Based on these findings, the Planning Department is recommending approval of the requested Residential Planned Unit Development Project with the following conditions: 1. The approval of this Major Use Special Permit shall be subject to the recordation of the following documents prior to the issuance of any building permits for the proposed project: a. Unity of Title or covenant in lieu thereof providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association in perpetuity or completion of the State of Florida condominium process which assures the same compliance. b. Development Order specifying that the Development Order runs with the land and is binding on the Applicant, it successors and assigns, jointly or severally. 2. Pursuant to the Department of Public Works, the property requires plans for proposed sidewalk and swale area improvements prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. Pursuant to the Fire and GSA Departments, the roof area of the proposed structure shall be made available to the City of Miami for any necessary communications equipment at no charge to the City. 4. Submittal of a parking plan for construction employees while the new building is under construction; said parking plan shall be subject to review and approval by the Planning Department prior to the issuance of any building permits. 5. The applicant shall retain the services of an archeological consultant who will be responsible for conducting archeological monitoring of all ground disturbing activity as well as the subsequent recovery of artifacts. Said consultant shall work at the direction of the Dade County Archeologist and shall provide reports to both that office and to the City. 4w i 2 6. The applicant shall submit a final revised landscape plan with all specifications for the review and approval of the Planning Department prior to the issuance of a building permit; said plan shall address the concerns of the Planning Department and the UDRB regarding Brickell Avenue. 7. The applicant shall comply with the conditions of the Miami -Dade Shoreline Development Review Committee Resolution No. 99 -SDRC -2. 8. This approval shall also be subject to all additional conditions as specified in the attached Development Order. 3 01- 315 REVISED — 3/1/01 RESOLUTION PAB -20-01 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONSIDERATION TO APPROVE A SUBSTANTIAL MODIFICATION TO A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR THE BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE PROJECT, LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 2101-2105 BRICKELL AVENUE, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS SPECIFIED BY STAFF AND THAT THE DEVELOPER AND OPPOSING PARTIES MEET IN GOOD FAITH PRIOR TO CITY COMMISSION APPROVAL. HEARING DATE: February 21, 2001 ITEM NO.: 2 VOTE: 42 ATTEST C Gelabert-Sanchez, �—N� Planning and Zoning Department 01- 31,11 1 4!10..100 Name hi - BBV, INC. - SCOM, LTD. 31ON PLAN ASSOCIATES. LTi . 473 387100 'NA -B=•. LTD. ,ENSION 3foY INVE5TMENT3,:J_C SAY Units . status 10,000 1.0000% General Panne- 53.185 =.3185% Limited Partner 936.615 93.68159E Limited Partner —oral 1,000,000 100.0000% - BBV, INC. cin= Shares Status 50Q 50% Shareholder 500 50% Shareholder Tota 1.000 100% Name Units status [ON BAY I-WESTMENTS.LLC 130 1.00% Genera! Partner Loc;W 725 Pension T-ust Fund 1,980 19.8056 Lkrftd Partner t Council of Caroenters 8, Joiners of South Florida 1.980 19.8056 Lirftd Partner ees Local Jnion 519 Pension Test Fund 1.980 19.80% Limited Partner Metal Worker's Local Union Ne .12 Pension Plan 1.980 19.8056 Limited Partner Florida Electrics: Worlmrs Pension Plan 1,980 19.80% L:-rnited Partner Toul 10.000 100.00°% Name Shares Starve CRA: -=-41725. Pension Fund 2.000 20.0056 Member District Council of :arpentara & Joiners of So Rh Fworida 2.000 20.00% Member Plumber's Loc -,A.' Union 519 Pension Trus: Funs 2,000 20.0056 Member Sheet Mew Workers Local Union No.32 Pensi- m Pian 2.000 20.00% Member Dorn Florida fEI l WoMers Pension Plan 2.000 20.00% Member Total •.0.000 100.00% 01- 315 TVI L0:9T TO:90/Z0 •x/7/00 Name :KELL BAY DEVELOPMENT. INC. 100 1.00% General Partner n & Lillian Polachi 2,475 24.75% Limited Partner Palacni 2,475 24.75% Limited Partner met & Heidi Baumann 4.950 49.50% Limited Pertner -70tai 10.000 100.00% 4/5.00 Name Shares Stab INC. 1.000 100% Shanshoker Total 1.000 1 CO% 4/16:'99 Name Shares Status n &Lillian Pah W 250 25% Shareholder PalaChi 25C 25% Shareholder .ael &Heidi BaL.mann 50C 609E Shareholder Total 1,000 100% Note: a;l of the above en9tles are Fkrida Umired partnerships, krrited I;ability companies and/or corpo•a'.iors. and all named individuals are U.S. citizens and Florida nesidents. I hereby certify the above charts as true and accurate and submt' v -m to the City of Miami dor purposes o' ownership disqlwure in connection with titre Brickew Bay Vllage MUSP applization. by: Aslan Pala&J, -geretary of BCOM-BBV, :nc. as general paste- of Brickell Bay V Ila9s. LW. TF3 90:9T TO'SO ZO GENERAL AS SIGNMENT OF RIGHTS FOR TE\' AND NO!100 DOLLARS ($10.000) .4-\-D OTHER GOOD A',TD VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the receipt and sufficiency ofwhich is hereby acknowledged, CORAL WAY INVESTMENTS. WC., a Florida corporation, hereby assigns and transfers to BRICKPLL BAY VILLAGE, LTD.. a Florida limited partnership, all of its right, title, and interest in and to all rights, permits, causes of action, hereditaments, contract rights, and privileges of the undersigned assignor which in any wav pertain to the property desen'bed in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and its adjacent bay bottom lands, together vdth all licenses and permits pertaining to the rental apartment business situate at the said properly. CORAL WAY INVESTIMENTS. D C., a Florida corporation By: �nr� • Date: April 28, 2000 STATE OF FLORIDA ) COUN'T'Y OF MIAMI -DADS ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me `.his 28th day of April, 2000 by Ow.14 Q. c7rnxa , as _ - of CORAL WAY DWESTNIEIM, INC., a Florida corooration, on behalf of the corporation, O who is personally lmown to me ar.d who has produced J on w -1,C as identiheation- PPV ten" Iu�1bD. Aodm�n i : �. NOW P"C6 SM orymews % �ronub. CC 6M88 uyoo.>onvamt 1�OM 7M�lii. [04 w:•.so 3&%AS:ia•3s.VnwldaMIa371 F1��•& • • • �� 4i My Commission Expires: 1011t- f � oc 1 01 315 400:fi00 VJ 90=9T TO/20/90 EXHIBIT "A' LBGhL DESCRIPTION Lots 65 and 66. Block B, FT.A,GLER SUBDIVISION, acwrding to the Plat thw" Plat Book S, Page 44, of the Pnb'ic Records of Miami-Dadc Conn wed in portion of Bay Bottom tying Southeasterly, of and adjacent to said Lots 65�a�� Vft a particularly described as follows . all bdug more Begin at the most Northerly coiner of the aforesaid Lot 65; thence nm South 520 SO' 14' West, along the NorthwestQly line of said Lots 6S and 66 for 200.00 feet; thence nm g 37° 09' 46" ' a* along the Southwesterly boundary of said Lot 66 and its Sou for 732.65 feet to an intersection with the established Bunchead L• fly prolongati�; . - thereot as recorded in Plat Book 74, Page 3, of the Public Records of �g to the Plat Florida; thence run North 41' 26' 30" East, along said Bu&hoad Line f ,98 County, �' intersection with the Southeasterly prolongation of the Northeasterly bo=dzy line of said Lot 65; thence nM North 37' 09' 46" West, along the Nortlteastetiy line of said Lot 65 and its Southeasterly prolongation for 692.34 feet to the Point of Beginning, y 400:So0 I<3 60:9i TO/20/re POWER OF ATTORNEY I HEREBY nominate, name and appoint Osvaldo R. Orozco, of 122 Minorca Avenue, Coral Gables, Florida, to be my lawful attorney in fact to act for me in my individual capacity as well as president of the entities that own the below described property, and to sign any contract(s), addendums thereto, and any other document(s) necessary to consummate the sale of the following described properties,: Brickell Bay Village Apartments ; 2101 and 2105 Brickell Avenue, Miami, Fla. And to sign m me and do a!I things necessary to this appointment. Witness: !' Ricardo Chiari COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE) STATE OF FLORIDA} The foregoing instrument was admowledged before me on the m& day of Apri1,2000, Ricardo Chlarl who I ersonaily known to me or who has produced as identiffcation and who did (did not) We an oath. Notary Public TiTe or flank Notary - Print Name OSVALDO R OM= Serial Number, N any �vIT I (C m R InN a CySef .t .. ». by TV4 nT:OT TnrSn/rn _ SRR-?e--ee FRI 15:26 ID:FowLER UHI-E MW TEL N0= -- ._�-'��6 P♦rc WARRANTY DEW This WARRANTY DEED mads the 20' day of April, 2000, by Coral Way InV*,ftents. Ina., a Florida corporation. hereinafter oiled the Grantor. to 8110811 Bay Village, Ltd" a pnorida.ii dp amwrat ip, heraini ftar oiled 11-4QTMIntes. wh096 acidrass is, + WaNESSETN, Treat he sald a mrtor. for and in oorl*Wmtion of the aura of Ten and NOlt 00 Dollars ('10.00) to it in Ket1d Pr►� by Gtfntesl the recoMt of whIa IS horeby . bare rad and sold to the OttviCrle It$ stroceseem and �^c forevor. acKnowledgod, has 0rirtted the follovAng descri W -Wnd, Bei MW and being H, the CQta+tjr of M18mi-D1d4. SMti of f'Iorida; See exhibit "A" RUSCIMd MTeto and mode a part hereof. Togett'ter Weal all tno tenements, her &&mems, and appuftnpnoeg. *hate*& belonging or in any wise appermIning- To Mew and to Haid the came in fsa siMPie forever. wttttout `uB.r _CT To: Restrictions, easements, tiMiteUonc and covenants of re00rd, raitnpooing same. Many. and Mw ter the year 20M and subsequent Years. And the Ofal"Or 1lsreby Covalants that it is L&wfully seized 01 saki land 1bu wIsS arrants that it has good right and Iavftl suthorny to sex endue d GM*M of all persons Mvrno teoatren and Utas the titin to said land and wiz dofend the same Lpywt said rand is frog of alt encumbrances. Minot taxes TOr rho year 2000 and all subsequent YiatS- IN WITNESS W HF.ReQF, the Gtarrtcr has nereunta set its hand and oast Vw asy and Ye:* flat above wrlttan. S#m&d and saalad Corel Way Invesunentsi, ina. oorporatron pr,sssnos: trMegs— D2C11 ey: Ricardo A. QldaM, ties Ont idrlr M fol oiaMG 31 t S.W.27111 AVOWS N� �} ��a/Lir� -- Mlomt. Florida. S9".1s 4isria • STATE OF t+t 0H COUP" OFwow"Mdeds) w.s acla�wledwd beforo M6 lids day of Apol, mo by Rlearero A. f;Ittari, The ID -w! � who Is „„�nsnv .r.�n,e er wlw AM D�pdueed as Ptseideet tat *Key Imrptynanta. roc., a•—rr�-- ee idendtiedt on ma wno did (dM not? "Ili -On catt- NOWrr - Pefnl NerM Notary OSVALDO R OAO= wLw?-- "ftC0MMts M i C0 -MAAe Tide at Rank Se -W Number. NGey GYP1RE8 AUG 2O, SMO Avu.Pria #ONVM go INS+ Thee kwftmant pnspated by Osvaldo R. Opp M PA-- 122 WAnorea Ave., doral Gables, Fla. 25"A 01- 315 ann.•!nnr.y M OT:RT TO%SO/ZO -WR--WR103 -R1 15'.2 .i -.F36.ER 4HITE C-90 T ---L �C: .rnmBIT !A� LESAL DESCRIPTION ti085 PM Lots 63 =d 66, Dl0& B, FLAGI.FR Svmmv Y N. a= ding to the Peat thereat; recorded is Plat Book 3, Page 44, of the Publio React& of Wntni-Dade Cmu*, Fkddlt; oagatblt with a parfm of SAY Bottom bins Soutbwmlarly of #ad *dja== to said Lott 65 and 66, all being mast particularly described as fallms: Be& at 6ze most Northerly canwr of the at nesdd Lot 65; tlteooe Tmz Boath 520 so, 149 West, along the Northwest Ay lbte of said Lots 65 sod 66. far 200.00 fac% them Tact South 376 Q9' 46" East, alemg the S0U&westaly'aauridary of awd Lot 66 and IM soutismstaft pmkmzwwn. for 732.65 fart to str ia`ertsa.'den ,vio. the establiahod Bulkhead Dine, mmardit to the Plat the=4 as amded in Plot bmk 7i. Page 3, of the Pabla Rmords of 19 Dade C.aaaty. Florida thma moon North 419 263 30" Bast. Giem; said Bul l and Lias f w 2M.9$ feat to an knatxtion wft the Soutltamerly pt*; mgatioa of the Na t ewwrly boundary lime of said Lac d5; then rot; North 37. 09' 46" Wrst, along the Nordmoftly litae of sdd Lot 65 and its Santfwaawly pmlaagatim for 692.34 rcat to ft Point of Bei. 10 400-�nomj TC.4 TT:9T TOi40iZ0 w 0.& C" BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE POINT DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION 11 10 BRICKELL AVENUE, SUITE 303 MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131 VVOLFBERG ALVAREZ AND PARTNERS ARCHITECTURE - ENGINEERING - PIANNING - INTERIOR DESIGN 5960 S.W. 57TH AVENUE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 W O L f I[ t C I i A L V A R 1 2 REVISED: NOVEMBER 1999 N T S �� I A k 1.4 ovv. Lima �"3S �, �i °: io nil 11 ©©may hh :�� ;;_�;,:a:, 001 k94 [a IN 2 10 in S.W. ELEVATION BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA N.E. ELEVATION BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA S.E. ELEVATION N.W. ELEVATION BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE cd m MIAMI, FLORIDA TYP. BASEMENT GARAGE (2 LEVELS) BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA MEZZANINE PLAN BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA TYP. GARAGE LEVEL (2 LEVELS) BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA TYP. PARTMENT FLOOR PLAN (22 LEVELS) BRICKELL BAY VILLAGE MIAMI, FLORIDA 10 The National Bestseller o the public record innoM!2 4w �_ on W Iter'`Rieman U LMAN City Clerk 315 WHITN*( GUIDE 20THCENTURY AMERICAN ARCHITECTURE �{ - l +w "I Zr ,:.ail- ,_ .2 s■ % r . }'. 1. r a 6, .<.w a 7:a.,; •. '� c b fix, i..,. 'x y,} a t �r x �t':..�:.:t'� .'�"' - - '.�.'� �E .,�+r. .v�.Y:e —. __ - _ _...�i.-, k �✓k��.- 4,f�^rayf. 164 he Atlantis on Brickell Avenue makes you think that Arquitectonica looked over the whole history of archi- tecture and decided it was time to have some fun. 7n this bright, colorful, and intriguing design, the main attraction is Atlantis's astonishing sight gag: a 37 -foot -square hole punched out of its mirrored walls. The audacious see-through cutout frames an exotic, bright -red spiral staircase, vivid yellow walls, and a gigantic palm tree hovering many stories in the air. On either side of the "skycourt," the building's fagades are different in design but unified by bright colors and a bold graphic look. Along Brickell Avenue, the center hole is visually balanced by a big red triangle on the roof to the right, and by four bright -yellow triangular balconies extend- ing from the mirrored wall to the lower left. At ground level, the main entry is defined by four large red columns under a canopy; a matching set of columns reappears just inside the lobby doors. The opposite side of the building attracts attention with a giant -scale brilliant blue -painted stucco grid superimposed over a smaller, light gray grid of balconies and railings. On this side observers also discover the fate of the "missing" hole: it appears to have landed by the tennis courts, a 37 -foot yellow cube housing an exercise room and squash courts. There are twenty floors of apartments in Atlantis, ninety apartments and six duplexes. Four of the floors open onto the surreal skycourt, with a whirlpool, a hot tub, and a spectacular view. The lighthearted but sophis- ticated quality of Atlantis set a new style for Miami Beach. At the time Atlantis opened, Arqui- q, tectonica's principals—Laurinda Spear, Bernardo Fort -Brescia, and Hervin Romney—were in { their thirties, and their relatively youthful success made almost as many headlines as the building. On their follow-up commissions along Brickell Avenue, Arquitec- tonica continued the colorful Atlantis themes. For visitor information, call (305) 285-1269. Submitted into the public record in connection with Mein 72- 1 on�l._. =s- ° � Walter Foeman 01— 315 City Clerk record in connection with Item P t - ( on r 01- 315 Waiter Foe r;�. '-A, 1. 11?RX L, it 807 Arquitectonica, The Atlantis, Miami, Florida, 1080-82. Photo by Norman McGrath Submitted into the public record in connection with stern PZ - on - L5 - o l Walter Foeman des 20.Jahrhunderts eunten Stock McGrath Arquitectonica »The Aflontis«, Aportmentblock in Miami, Florida, 1979-1982 Ansicht der Siidseite Foto Norman McGrath Das achtzehnstackige Haus an der Biscayne Bay ist— wie von der Bauordnung vorgege- ben — eine schmole Scheibe. Die weitere Ausarbeitung dieses klaren stereometrischen Korpers ist typisch fOr die Architektur von Arquitectonica: Die Ostseite ist gerundet, zwischen den Langsfassaden ist ein vier Eta - gen hohes Quadrat ))ausgestanzt«, geome- trische Zeichen in kraftigen Farben sind an die Front and auf dos Dach gesetzt. Sie ma- chen ous einem wirtschaftlich kalkulierten Bau einen Wohnort mit sodlichem Charme; die Namensgebung unterstreicht den An- spruch auf Identitat. gerzonen in Manhattan nach wie vor nicht vorgesehen, aber vor dem Hintergrund der zunehmenden Konkurrenz von flie8endem Verkehr and Passanten um den Stra- 5enraum wird der Bewegungsfreiheit der Fu8ganger neue Bedeutung zugemessen. Der dem Publikum zugangliche Raum tritt als Wintergarten, Ladenpassage oder geschutzter FuBweg in die Gebaude ein. Die Architekten reogieren darauf mit Arka- den, gro8zugigen Portalen and vorgeschobenen Sockelzonen. Eines der Gebaude, die der neuen Vorstellung von Stadtraum nahekommen, ist dos Verwaltungsgebaude der Humana Corporation, eines Unternehmens, dos Ge- sundheitseinrichtungen betreibt, in Louisville, Kentucky. Michael Graves entwarf eine achtstockige »public loggia«, die Privatnutzung and Publikumsverkehr verbin- det, mit vorgelagerten Arkarden als »Teil der Stadt((. Ihre Hohe isi den Nachbar- hausern angepa6t, drei darubergelegte Luftgeschosse iibernehmen die Stra6en- flucht, dahinter rogt der Buroschaft auf. Der ousgepragte Dachhelm mit auskragen- dem Erker and Giebel zeigt eine abwechslungsreiche Auseinandersetzung mit den Achsen, die Burch die Main Street and die querverlaufenden Avenues vorgegeben waren. Die Gr68e der eingesetzten Elemente gibt der Fassade ein beinahe anthro- pomorphes Antlitz, ohne klassische Anleihen zu verleugnen. Gemeinsam ist vielen vergleichbaren Bauten die Vorliebe for aufwendige Materialien, vor allem Granit, die Betonung der Fensterausschnitte anstelle ihrer Kaschierung hinter durchlaufen- den Rastern oder Glasflachen and die deutliche Gliederung. Gerade in jenen unwirtlichen Stadten, die wirtschaftlich ins Abseits geraten sind, Gesamtansicht des ))Atlantis(( Foto Norman McGrath Submitted into the public record In connection with Item PZ -1o' V-zS-vl Walter Foeman r.._ _4( 01- 315 345 j' cbi i iary — la iA u f 'i Ii .i .A 1 _I t:! trr'® Atlantis and Babylon, Miami, Fl Two apartment buildings by Arquitectonica—one large, one small—capture the aura of their time and place. Thr Aflanfi.,, rrorfli./nqrdr. tied into the public In connection with on 9-3S-0 Walter Foernan City Clerk Rion and famous 1.1'c all kilo%, about Arquitecumica. Acc•outlts of the young firm's nutcoric rise o\cr IIIc last five vcars have chronicled the process by which it, three principals—laurinda Spew. Bernardo hurt -Brescia. and 1-lervin Rom- nev—have changed Life face of \liami. Bul nowccre is this c:ltangc %tore str•ikingli ap- pru•cnt than on and arouncl Bric•kell Avenue. a major thoroughfare running along Bis- cayiic Bay. There. in eleven blocks, \ ou will find, from north to south. flier Bab lon. tilt - Atlantis, the Imperial funder Consu-uction . and file Palat•c 11' -\. ,JOIN 1982r, with tilt- 1-lelntslex. C ether to lollorr soon lol)ln,silt- the Bab\ lollt. Chu of this ilnlwvssk v concen- tration of lutilclings. we now consider lilt• At- lantis (cnr this and follotviug }rages) artd the Baby don (page 1061, PA -lwarcl winners in 15180 and 1975, respccli�ch. Por sheer shock value, lite :ltlantis nu Brick - ell is hard to twat. Driving south along tilt• avenue•, von are confronted Ivith tilt- fantastic Sight of a reflective glass Imildiug that ltas if red triangle• ore its top. four vello\c triangles 01- 315 99 0 its trout, and an enortturtts square hole uhed throttt;h its middle. It' you folloss' u• first instinct, which is to turn al'011nd I chive past the buildilIg again, you Will see ::qu:.tl(v fantastic south side, a brilliant blue 1 of monster proportions laid over a much filler :;rid ol: light I,rrav balconies and rail- s. You also see what was punched out of buildinti—a a 400t cube, Ivint;_just where fell," on the deck, not too far from the nis cour(. All r** this Contributes toward From Brickell Avenue, the north fim,o le of the Atlantis r above) Mlprisec passersby .with it, red triangle -roof "and a 37 -loot xlnore hole that :va,% "pitm-hed" through the brtrldinLrf thelour yellow friangles are balconies. The east eend(%rrrin;; page) ;erns rounded as a "nautical"gcsturu to Biseayne Brty; at left is the existing Jhinerle Jtv(e house that xrts renovated (b the con- dominium', meetin room. At the entrance i this page, /rn' (re%tl, /oluf big red roluinim worn to march it/) the ,shite marhfe steps. In the luxurioushy surreal lobby i (t%U, a gigantic, round white column stands near a tl'ral1.3rl1(a?' whit' marble rolumn. that ends in a .squiggty%nuntain. Set into the 4m -ay marblerloor, rt white marble '1area rug" r.'ontains jo- u' over - waled yellow chairs, set around a "lass table that hovers just above the floor on jour marbte greonret.- r7e iolnl.S. ''1 _ J. r I,... u • \L -L00q PL AN---�d97LYING r,. be• lohb-i plan right). the n;�ur`tn c'ulunnt canceetls'l nbin,� ,tack, itnd the tuw ruI- rs ut the hae•1,' uJ the pace he - e,t "guarc:rt•ch owtitin:, a dex peat. "Ote tiientt )'0111111 'nin'- ivejPetilcnm6' M h- 1a). the ceOM.I V and iountain. The luta reit 'nets insicle the lohbv ntirr0r e Under the entrantce 1•o110p.V to/t eolu)nn uj each Interior is nonsh'uct+nOl, In the c0r- r, two cOlunnls Joan it %quare 1 that traine.s mote w(ittng, le the curved poehe ;call con- , the t)'a.%h compactor ch we. .JBB� N"Fplpo i.. ,'he south .side oj'the building is a lap-ge-scale blas stucco grid laid over the predop)inanthv gmvgrid q' loo)'slabsen)d lxtI- con v )'ailing.; on the ground jlooreue the private patios o% the six duplex "to vithouse"apert•t- ments. The mYster7• fif the square hole (skvcourt) issoh-edby the p)-esence of the 77 -loot cube (left), with its vellow side t match- ing the ve/low wall of the skycourt), which is meant to read its the solid that has been puncher/ out (f'the building and has landed trot f t)•frotn the tennis coni -t. The cube houses it squash roln't and evercise rows. An axonoinetric cil'the original design shim's the :Itlantis span- ning the larger nj tiro existing houses ( the sptallet- one is nom, the meetinghouse), b(Jon, a new .set- back regidation pulled the build- ingbaek anothe?-24 jeet, ),est/t- ing in the demolition gl'the larger /rouse. The blue grid zvotrld have prgjected ;well beyond the +ouch Side of tin building. The reel . b-i(Inwle on the )ooj appears here tit ►narble,' the in le red column supliorting the cast end multi- plied in the finished product; and the pool ;was )noted, to lie more of less pfwallel to the shoreline, x C'I z ry� Y P1 .tlantis and Babylon 'he blur' . 1•id"% art erlav is brat 1111. I rum the east e,nd t tater• .he)",, insole, rontilulunm glae- Ig 1)1 vers a ,vev, u/ the bay (mid - le). The duplex apartulents oil It, ;'r'otlml /lour (!(louver! /in• ulfble-height corridor% )fi the ,bbl' ( bottom,. 1l) theikyrun)Yrl(tri)t.g ptrge, ,pr, a red %piral.,rair a%lin'rla rte- 's jMm lutrrapartmeuts, us Ill/ as iperta,uha• vietus as it vrtiltrrel'.c ant hevoull the bnibl- ig'G north lrtr,. The yellow ;call Up(lmlte!(.lafln� pff;r(', b(Itt0111) •r7'es as the, harkdrup lar hat tub IleiWhirl/mot in this owdimr wl)i with (I Cie -w. )uta )roject:. itlalltim an Brit -hell, lifluti• IY. Irchitects:.lryn)tectonica rlteernatiunal Carporatiwl, :ural Gable %, h!. 'ient: Soloman Luger and .fun el C:reenberl, Developer,. l olltreol. :ite:.1'!,000 ,q,/t wt Brickell I venire, 200 !1 art Bim -awl, B(nv: visa tf,g 11(ollse an %ite' 11(10* r' !)tl1'- r•ont over curet( ror k /uruultiwl: '/tt1 r'Xralllt,J,''h'/)ifal:'e,rt'tatiun 11*11.u' "t'd an laratian. 'rogram: ft .'0-.4uf'v run- 1(minium apartment builditlrr, uaAtiftingr e/0 apartments and ti tupltw apartments at brim,: r,stu- Wiun dt)d 1•em vatian a/ a l Qit/ W11 1071, /ul' Use, toot al retimr helm; aril tau, -level, r veered earking. structural system: i'n"run- r,t, milt: rrinlw'C('d !unmet, ,)Mann: 11at rmwrt'te Ilab. I'Iechanical system: rentott uulin tu7e,r; itl(lividual aw- '(arrlling ,111its. blajor materials: paint,d an,ro ,n coner•eh, "Jim.k. ele,tro- tatio iev piltritt'(1.111(ll mi(In ramin;rand pipt' ralling" grra.v ellectin,iulen•.,lrlm.s: r?ylytilrtetl !irlin;rglaa., duce; (see Buildilt;r naterials, p. 1110). ,onsultants: U'l.eurl•-Shtt/i'r- :usiu. Irllubvape: Jalnl Rum.; As- urintes, strn,tia'nllme('1ff117icrlll 'iZW ent91111'ering::irquiter- o»iell, II(terlon. eneral contractor: Cohen - Iger, Inc. "osts: $l l.5 million, exclneling °hotography: Nw-man W cC cath. the '": Stor)' coudonlirliunl building's status;ts it local architectural wonder, whether seen From Brickell Avenue, the elevated highway that rails dirough the city, or the Ricken- backer Catlsuwav that connects Miami to Key Biscayne. A walking tour of tale building begins back on its north side, where loin• massive red col- ttillrls seeitl to walk tip (or clown) it series of white marble steps, uncher a large canopy. In- side the doors are Four identical red columns, two of which were added by the ;architects, in the interest oi'symmet•y. The entrance lobby, also a 374001 cube, gives the impression that. a rather sophisticated game of building blocks has just adjoin -ted (see photos). A corridor leads Ivoin either side of the lobby to the cleyat.ors; each core serves three apartments per Floor (these are 90 apartments in all. excluding (he six duplex "townhouses" on the u grorl(l floor). At the back of the lobby, it door leads out to the deck that contains the townhouses' private patios, the tennis court, and the "misplaced" cube, which turns out to hoose ;t Squash court and exercise room. A few stel)s et) the Cast are the meeting house and pool. 'T'lle architects preserved the exist- ing vegetation. curving the driveway and sloping the site in deference to century -old banvan trees. ;tit([ maintaining the lush, over- grown quality of the site. Under the rounded east end OF the building (a "namical" refer- ence). which is Supported by ;I series ol'slen- (let• reel colunllas, it "veranda" opens onto the pool fleck. The white. Shingle Style meeting house and the big building Stand politely apart, but this c\;is not always intended to be the case. Hic Original design oFthe Atlantis depicted it as spanning the larger oaf two existing cottages (built in 1910 on the Til -Tally family estate), in ;1 bizarre intersection of old and rlety. But before the Atlantis began collsirnction, it Zon- ing ordinance was passed requiring n 30 -foot it--iback From the bay; the new building wits 0111 26 feet. Front the w;iter. NA"CI ' it pulled back file necessary 2-1 leer, it would Ian([ squarely ;►top tits largel-TiF duly house. So the house went the way of ;dl Shingles, while the smaller one was saved, ;Hong with the bridge til;u connected the two. 'rile sleeting house is, in contrast to the colorful Atlantis, it study in black and white, and will be Furnished in Mackintosh and Hoffmann. "Everything in here is old," explained Bernardo Port -Brescia. "We made no attempt to relate it to the new building." Back inside the Atlantis—well, not exactly insicle—tile Skycourt offers jaded con- donlinium dwellers just the right blend of danger and luxury. Accessible Froin either the elevators (at the' 12th floor) or the reel stair (for those lucky FOLIr Who otvn apart- ments that open onto it.), the skycourt houses ;t lion tub and whirlpool hath. A curved vellow wall with a red balcony conceals mechanical/ electrical equipment. The Space is almost tot) sut•real to he true, with its breathtaking views ;ail that improbable palm tree. What, seenis to be it curtain wall on the north side of the building is not: the CoIlSll•►IC- tion is of concrete ,labs, with altlnlinunl Slab covers painted the same Fray as the stucc, base and the pipe railings. Tills creates, ac- cording to the architects, it subtle horizontal banding, but still allows the fat iidc to read its a "glass box" grid. The struCttlre also Facili- Iates the I ransfer of the load of the Foul• hours above the void of the skyc•ourt, 'rhe ap',u-tlllents thetllselves, which range in size from 1350 to 2000 square feet and in price Froin .5200,000 to $500,000 (for the bavfront townhouse), are typical of the " Itix- Lu'y" developer housing of otll- day: in spite 01, high price lags and superl'icialIv deluxe ap- pointments. they lack the proportions and substance- that make rooms seen] 0r111N• ItlxLll•it)llS. -chis Icss-I ,111 vi-Fectiotlist. ;Ip- proach is visible on rhe exterior as well, where staining already trial's the bright blue stucco grid. and some slab covers ave beginning to pop oFF. This is not ;a building that reads as a vol- ume, except Front the skvc•ourt, or at the rounded east: end. 'The reflective glass SUITaCe o1tile north fi-Kade SCUMS tot) liquid and too bland For Ar(ILIItecL(AliCa'S LIIlCO111pronlisingly opaque planes (a chronic problem that may also be related to the quality of Const:rIlCtion ;old materials). Un the other hand. the _jux- taposilion of shimmering glass Stn -Face idol Cubic void is Simply too Secltictive to ignore; it's is if volt could see thr(.nigh a break in a mirror. What the Atlantis is, essentially, is a Pair of billboar(IS s;tllclwichccl together, with it rather Spcctac:ttlar hole ptnuhed through them. It is ;t Simple idea that works, and it Should be kept Simple. '['he reel triangle, in- tertcled to address tilt! "urban end" of the building with its scflerlcllic "rooF" shape, is most SurcesSFttl as a landmark on Hie Skvline: as an architectural statement, it is tau cute fin• an otherwise gl;unurons design. For while the ideas ;nye basic and the execution less than inatnaculale, the Atlantis is it quintessentially Nfianli building. Arduiteciorrica'S particular brand of Neo -Rationalism, spiked with deliri- ous Deco an(l it clash of Ffollywoocl. couldn't be better suited to its context: watel•Front views, lush greenery. and lots of luonev. '['Itis is the sort oFarchitecture that is oFand For its time and place, the place belllg it blue-c:hih Strip of Miami propel -IN' with it yicty straight out (.)('tile movies (which ruin' be why Director Brian cle I alma recently chose the building as a location For his remake of rhe inovie Sr.•ar- /ra:e). The Atlantis is not So much it conunerl- tat•}• on it lifestyle as it is a manifesto For one. ill Which power and privilege are taken For granted—even by the architects, who seem to naviga a these waters with accustomed ease.. The principals of Arquitectorlica quickly es- tablished themselves as it bright, brash voting firm, whose mastery of the real-estate power srl•ucture belies their tender years, and their architecture ShotvS it. So Far, it isn't" perFect. but It is very, very good. x D MEN NNE Nil(ndmmm ;women ■ I�wwww IA mono IldmW 0- fl itn ig hts i P'I ro ica outhful success in an old man's profession, Miami -based firm of Arquitectonica is bringing brash, unorthodox design to New York City. The Atlentia, aaonometric, front elevation he Miami architectural firm Ar- Houston almost two years ago. The is the work won? With brash per- quitectonica is a phenomenon. most recent, in June, created a sistence and the willingness to design an overnight success in a field foothold where else but in New York. as speculatively as their clients build, more commonly referred to as Where are the clients coming from to which also means designing very d man's profession and no less an feed their prismacolor habit? Cleverly quickly. omenon for its cocksure, vibrant- (suspiciously? significantly?), from The energetically entrepreneurial lored, anecdotal design. waters not generally plumbed by the talent is Bernardo Fort -Brescia, 31 aded by a husband and wife in aesthetically ambitious. Much of their years old, scion of a wealthy multien- earliest 30s and a decade -older work is for bottom-line conscious, in- terprise Peruvian family, product of an er with big -firm production ex- it -for -the -money speculative develop- American by League architectural ed- nce. Arquitectonica burst forth ers---condominiums, rental office ucation (Princeton and Harvard). and in the pages of magazines, garner- buildings, shopping centers. And how now devoted plane -hopper, client - international attention and na- prizes with its high-spirited. client- scartoonlike collaged schema- THE ATLANTIS ears before the implausibly un- designs took concrete—and Located on Brlekell Avenue In Wto—form up and down Miami's Miami, The Atlantis was completed ^ t yard, Brickell Avenue. In six In 1982 and has 96 units In 20 an average of 40 projects a year stories. The 50 -foot cubic hole In the facade reappears as the missing come off their boards—by no piece (containing a gym, squash s all oC them built—while eapan- court. and billiards room) on the has forced three moves within plaza below. The design uses I and the opening of two branch es outside. Tiie first was in Abe common building elements manipulated In a variety of ways: glass grid curtain wall with the hole punched out, a supergrid In blue pasted on the opposite side, the arrival of the red triangle on top, and the piercing of a glass facade by the yellow angular balconies. SuDnUtted into the public reed in connection with iter, ?Z. t on 0 i = a�Waiter Foeman j Submitted into the public record In connection with Item P?; _ on -.;s - of ,� Q I = 9 Walter Foeman City Clerk At - Vv 77r r,7 .0000 i 1010 00S, / ,y /of� Of ,,,, 400 r � kr IUgl�lis r � � ill+,ulyt� �• -_ _ � - �t� i:' � Jill - f I E 0 architecture k 20 REPORTAGE Its sont jeunes, americains, et lours coups d'essai ont ete des coups de maitre : rfeunis ou sein du groupe - Arquitec- tonica lis ont ete a 11origine de nombreuses construc- tions, notamment a Miami, qui leur ont valu, outre de nombreux prix, une reconnaissance internationale. ®'origine sud-americaine, Bernardo Fort Brescia, la tren- taine, didge actueilement le groupe avec sa femme Lau- rinda Spear. II nous livre les secrets de tette reussite exceptionnelie. Cl-dessus : la pisclne du - Palace -vue du 38 8me Wage. CI-dessous : Is front de mer de Miami avec I'Imp81`1016 gauche et Is Palace 6 drofte. En hout 6 drolte : contrepiong6e sur Is pignon de I'Imp(idal. Pouvez-vous nous raconter I'« his- toire ,, d'Arquitectonica ? B.F.B.: Tout a commence an 1077. Nous etions jeunes a to sortie de grandes ecoles d'architecture amen- caines, celles qua Harvard. Columbia at MIT. Nous avons decide de creer le groupe Arquitectonica(mot espagnol pour architectural) afin de transformer K radicalement - le passage urbatn de Miami, marque alors par les constructions de Morris Lapidus (HStel Fontainebleau, etc:). Deux d'antre nous cont partis an 1979 at Hervin A.R Rommey un des princi- paux fondateurs, s'est egalement se - pare du groupe an 19134 atin de creer sa propre agence. C'est maintenant MO femme at moi qui dirigeons le groupe. Nous avons d'abord beau - coup construit 3 Miami (le palace, 4llanris, Bobvlone at autres). Nous avons maintenant .les prolets de grande ervergure d-+ouston. New Pouvez-vous nous donner quel- ques details au sulet du fonction- nement, de la structure et des operations d'Arquitectonico ? B.F.B.: Nous avons an fait 4 bureaux, 1 6 New York, 1 6 Houston at 1 6 Los Angeles. Ces 3 bureaux s occupant de la realisation des plans d'execu- tion ainsi qua de la surveillance des chantiers locaux. Le quatrieme, celui de Miami est le bureau central. Au total nous sommes 30. Contrairement aux grandes agences d'architecture :imericaines, ou le tra- vail est parlage suivant des equipes de conceptior at de realisation, Cou- tes les :yecisions, notamment celles de la creation, sons prises par ma femme at moi-m8me, ict 6 Miami, le plus souvent les week -ends ou le soir. L'avantage de travatller b deux, per - met une critique permanente faite par I'un ou I'autre d'entre nous, ainsi qu'une prise de decision rapide, En dehors de cels, ma femme s'oc- cupe de ,'organisation administrative du bureau at moi, de tout ce qui concerne les relations publiques, cast -d -dire les contacts avec les 7 J i '40 IGUES Rents, to presentation et la vente des ,krents projets que nous traitons. el est le deroulement d'une I&m6e de travail ? O�B, : En general, beaucoup de de - cements, voyages le jour entre w York et Houston avec presento- des projets aux difterents clients si qu'une prise de connaissance ide des differents chontiers en ours. Retour le coir a Miami. "Foos clients principaux sont-ils du locteur public ou priv6 ? AB.: Lors de nos debuis. nous ovions ncentre tous nos efforts dans des ncours prestigleux afin d'obtenir s missions gouvernementales, Mal- ureusement sans succes, la selec- n etant faite par un comite restreint conservateur ne choisissant pas ecessairement des innovateurs .& mme nous. Notre premier projet fut, e Spear House de Laurinda. Ce sont promoteurs immoblliers qui nous nt permis de demarrer, notamment Hemsley (un des plus Brands aux S.A., proprietaire de 80 immeubles 01 tours 6 New York comme ]'Empire tate Building) qui nous commando le lace, immeuble d'habitation de xe de 38 stages. omment avez-vous obtenu cette iiission ? IORB.: J'ai appris qu'i1 etait question dcr construim un grand immeuble sur jickell avenue (quartier chic et resi- �enttel dE Miami). Je suis done aIle, a ew York ofin de renconirer le maitre gue entrevue, it decida de nous consulter et nous avons gagne le concours. Paul Surger, autre grand promoteur immobilter, comprit entierement noire d(-�morche et nos intention,. nous pc rmettani ainsi de construire. un de nos plus beaux immeubles. I'Atlanlis. Nous avons done reussi 6 prouver que, malgre les restrictions budgetai- res ainsi que Coutes les idees que I'on, peui se faire sur les promoteurs it est toujours possible de creer des choses interessontes 0 novotriCes. Vove; - vous. le morchF- de la promotion im- mobiliare aux U.S.A (80 or de la 6 10 CI-contre : un projet dessing par Laurinda Spear. En bas b gauche; une j manlbre de « casser I'id6e i de la barre » : Atlantis par les Brands noms de I architecture ornericaine. Ceux-cl pensaient qu'il leur etait plus facile de s'exprimer li- bremeni dans les projets publics et gouvernementaux. Maintenant que nos travaux sont reconnus notionale- meril nous avons une plus grande cliverslte de clients. Combien de projets falces-vous par an ? B.F.B Environ une quarantaine, mail sous n. ahouiissent pas bien sur. 9uel- que soil leur nornbre, its son', sous penses enfieremeni tout en etani de plus er plus , radicaux ». Nous ne re- taisons jarnois la name chose. el essayow toujours de changer. de progre-sser. Quelle est votre source d'inspiro- tion ? B.F.B Nous n ovons pas de source d'Inspiratior. directe 6 la maniere des post-modernes •, qui veulent tou- jours se ref&rer b des architectures antiques. De nos jours, tout le monde aux U.Q.A. pens& est veut du post- moderne o, r est devenu une sort& de vcrleur sure- Arouitectonico esi d'abora et avant tout moderne. nous nE. voulons pas cr6er un style mai$ Uri esprit fidele 6 la pens&& rnoderne de I'architecture. II esi evident qui. nous sommes in- fluence$ par une cultur& ou une his- toire. PersonnellFmeni c'esi !'arc9V}Mltted into the public Lure coloree• aes Coraibes. les p tr t surre,alrstE,s: iels que Ch- - - et nJ in connection with ney, ICI geometric? for!Ylelle des i' Fit- ` on 14 - =�dt Architectes no 156 / Avril 1985 Waiter Foeman 01- 315 l 22 �. REPORTAGE U t .. C 'LC cz E°' U Bch `_ aC�3 o C � v En haut : la facade de I'• Impirlal CI-contre : Is +Babylone Sur la page suivante : on haul: I'entrbe du • Palace - en bas : facade sud d'Aflantls nalistes Italians at 'es constructivistes russes pour qui nous avons beaucoup d'admiration. --aoendant, cefte culture ne nous ampdche pas de crder des formes -, adicalement a nouvelles at novatrices. Cela Start 6galement possible gr6ce aux nou- velles technologies de construction qui nous permettent de realiser Coutes sortes d'acrobaffes architecfurales. Est -11 possible de dire que vos bdtiments sont une sorte de cari- cature de la x barre p, par la va- rl6te des couleurs ainsi que la diversite des formes qui viennent s'entrechoquer at d6couper le vo- lume ? B.F.B. • C'est possible, pourquol pas. II est Indispensable pour ncus de --reer des bdtiments totalement nouveaux at % radicaux n, cela nous am8ne done b des formes originales. Voyez-vous, plusieurs glements vont se confronter dans noire demande cr6a- five. II s'agit d'abord de retranscrire une certalne spontanelt§ dans la creation ainsi qu'un certain roman- tisme. Des formes simples at mSmes parfois humoristiques vont venir s'ins- crire accidentellement dans la com- position du b6timent afin de cr6er une atmosph&re qui va sensibiliser d'abord le public. Une de nos inten- tions est de toucher posifivement le grand public. Ensuite, I'on essays toujours de confronter plusieurs langages at vo- cabulaires architecturaux au sein d'un m6me bQtiment. Celui-ci est 01- 315 23 RF ' )RTAGE 1 IMage, Une grande dlverslt8 d'6chel- es de couleurs et de frames vont se xtaposer, b la manl8re d'Images mmorbolnes, I*ela explique-t-11 le c6t6 naYf et fantastique des perspectives de ,otre femme ? %F.B.: Absolument, 6 part le langage, ,as seuls moyens de communication 9vec le client sont les dessins et les aquettes, II s'aglt donc de le char- Aer et de le s6dulre par des dessln mples, color6s, vlvants et compr6- ensibles. Tout en restant bien sar fld8- s 6 notre esprit. Blue pensez-vous des architectes contemporains ? 6,F.B.: Les oeuvres de Richard Meier 10ant toujours tros riches et cr6aflves, ependant, it a tendance 6 reprendre .Fouvent le mOme th&me, la trame arr6e et la balance. Malgr6 mon -bsaccord avec les post-modernes, alme bien certains b6timents de MI- cha81 Graves. J'ai beaucoup d'admi- Wtlon pour les architectes japonals tels que Kenzo Tonge, Kisho Kurokowa ,;t Tadao Ando, car comme nous. IIs vont toujours user de tous leurs ,noyens matbriels et intellectuels pour Wcr6er du nouveau, ainsi que pour Os- ar Niemeyer, un architecte . radical b et en avance sur son temps. Certain -,Let architectes franpals tels que Henri Ciriani ou Henri Gaudin sont trios ,,ports aussi. a%Quels sont les projets qui vous _JPnotivent le plus? FO.F.B.: Nous travaillons en ce moment sur un Immeuble de bureau de 15 Cages b Manhattan. Construire des b6timents b New York me motive Jnormbment. Ces b6timents vont 8tre vus par beaucoup de monde, IIs vont tre alm6s ou detestds. Voyez-vous, nous avions I'habitude de travaiiler sur i des sites b trios foible densit8 ou nos b6timents se dressalent telles des sculptures dans un paysage Inhabit8. or b New York notre immeuble fera parfle integrante d'un ensemble avec d'autres bOtiments, de style et de construction diff6rents. En fart, nous ne voudrions pas limiter notre champ d'action 6 une seule ville ou un Etat. N'§tont pas une 6norme agence, nous avons cependant des bureaux dans trois lieux diff8rents. II est prOferable de faire peu de projets dans divers endrolts que beaucoup dans un m6me lieu, cels pouvant devenir rapidement inint8ressont et ennuyeux. Vous crgez auss! en ce moment du mobilier je crois ? B.F.B.: Oui, du mobilier, des porceiai- nes et mOme des cravates (moil pas Celle que je porte) I Nous avons d6j6 cr88 et r6alis& 2 tables pour Memphis et nous travalllons actuellemen! sur toute une gamme ae meubles servi- ces de table et tissus d'arneubiement pour l'ouverture prochaine de notre show -room 6 Miami. A quo! ressemblent vos meubles ? B.F.B.: IIs sont calmes, simples et sur - tout confortables, car comme vous le savez la plupart des meubles contemporains dessln§s par des ar- chitectes sont peut-8tre trios beaux mals malheureusement pas trios prati- ques par leur manque total de confort. Pensez-vous que vos b6timents produiront le mOme effet dans 20 ou 50 ans ? B.F.B.: Des bMments Cels que les nO- tres, a radicalement» uniques par leur composition, leur originalit6, leur avance technologique et leur moder- nlsme d6fient le temps. Aopos recue/Nis par GAIAI MAHMOUD Submitted into the public rec OW in connection with item ,. on Walter Foeman 01— 315 City Clerk ARQUITECTONICA INTERVIEW D'EMMANUEL CATTANI: NOUVEL ARCHITECTE CANTONAL LES CHRONIQUES DE, J.DUTOURD J—F. REVEL M.STEPCZYNSKI R.LEUSCHEL P. BOUVARD LES PAGES IMMOBILIERES GENEVE ET VAUD a m ♦,�..�.n t` �.♦ t . �S ,u "fit+ M.,, Y 0 - K -kVbd SOU=�7........M�.'-1� ....... � y !� ti EX�� •US �' - ; •-.. PIP, 7 J -T Achille Castiglioni : �iV • j7Z7-f x)71"—= —4 3,9 P %0)mm -to • 7= y9—'J � 1, �� ils(#�!� ,: �• n • 7 r y � —'J i$SJ�i'��1i� l.t_3{t#� 1111:1C:Yc fi rr9 —=e4319'f raf4% P* r L'• i1xT 4 q tMtE*iRdlt** 1<fi!Li l :ice—xiiYT iilBrrts•IR1R•�itio�l8.8fS X242• M!M59*11A 1 A3iRISA 1 M 1 S AFf 091140* 2 A 5 ®4 3 fAS(2 11-4 Ilojp59$10R 9 SVj& tv"%QUANt1RftjsjA7925* ,-3!4© cMDig #II - —Ji.' K. P. F. i9�Jl��t=b0�7 •r h • l — F tF14iL�,� i—�Z'4 Z -f 17ZAA-7n.�rT4 h=i� 7A,*T4 h=)30)"o-7%-J-•y7 •-E9•=XA" yftLk -t-' >t0)t lJ %—-=,MZiiL, ■119=79%I • 04 h' • 54 FmpRM029 G i-4-0) , 34 F0)0. 11 01= Bib ■ z�(P;� 19774f, z -(P ; c` di t_ I �i• h m 5 A m fi•' V, b" -f 0) b, cb Arquitectonica in Miami • • "Arquitectonica" Architecturalo)7g) f�•' 1�A��-r -� Q •� ��— t mii$� �i�i C z �cam7a�x4 h*�'',o�L �•3lp-fmBAA tr(ziTsif, $hl:.{0)$i$^STA-0 t 7t:. i1�yl:�F •�5fit$ML 4- ON, L`g h0) tL,jKU0)walzc3 ho) 4�.Z • h—v—ean ZItt.TL,.b tit:. 939X = &RAW 01`" 315 65 The Atlantis Miami, Florida • 67 E 0 *I essent I d4D fart/ at u ri. du monde T 13104es expos'= 1111W Joride XIX, siecle. :\utast dire qu'avant le I i avril 1896, it n'y avait pas grand -chose dans ces marecages. Pas de route! Rien ! Que des moustiques, d'inquictants In - diens seminoles, un fort militaire, quel- ques conlnlunautes agricoles besogneu- ses, Lille poigncc d'esclaves, un Comptoir commercial fonds par un certain William Brickell et... une Cres riche Veuve du num de Julia Tuttle. Futce veuve qui reussit a convaincre Henry Flagler, cofondateur de la Standard Oil, T&endre sa ligne de Chemin do 1'er de la cote est do la oride jusgU'Lt la ILture Miami. L'histoire ne dit pas si les habitants salucrent en grande pompe 1'arrivee du nlagnat des Chemins de rer. Toujours est- il qu'L)n proposa Tappeler leur ville «Flaglcr City,) qui deviendra plus Lard Pune des plus importances villes du Aid des Etats-Unix. Nlagnaninle et plus sit- renlent poste, 111otllnlc providentiel lui prcl'&a ;Miami, un derive du num indien «Nlavainle„ qui signilie rivicrc de la tran- i quillitc. Soleil, etc permanent, Cocutiers, bains de mer et sable blond... Les pro- moteurs ne s'y tromperent pas et inves- tirent imnlediatenlent les fieux en construisant hotels et lotissements. Fla- gler, lui-merle, Cleve le Royal PWin HBtel, dessinant dans la foulee les plans dune cite en damier articulee non pas au- tourd'une place publique, mais d'Lill eta- blissement balneaire... Ce centre impro- bable fait encore aujourd'hui defaut. speculation immobiliere Boom de I'inimobilier, boom de la population et boom du tourisme! En 1910, Miami comple 5 000 habitants: en j1920, le nabab Carl Fisher achete la pres- que totalite des 800 hectares de Miami Beach: I'hiver 1924-192 accueille 300 ()(10 touristes alors que la population permanents de la ville passe it 100 000 personnel. Et c'est comms Si sous la baguette du sorcier ((speculation)). les noix des cocotiers se transformaient en autant de boules d'or. Au nord de I'Etat, on dit mime qu'un barbier a transforms en une seule nuit 80 dollars de pourboire en un million de dollars sonnants et tre- buchants... Was! Le moindre incident, $e IMUSeART Ie plus petit gel oil pine, le vent mauvais des ouragans (1926: plus de 200 morts. plus de 2 000 maisons detruites) font et defom les fortunes... Qu'd Cela ne tienne, le revc americain version western caraibe tient le Choc et meme la crise de 1939 ne reussit pas d aneantir totalement le mi- rage. Un journal de l'epoque ne titre-t-il pas «Personne n'a pretendu que tout Se- rait facile))'? revel de Mediterranee Ce reve, it se diSSimule derriere les pale- LlIviers de Coconut Grove, frissonne a la lune sous des palmes argentees, se trempe les pieds dans un Atlantique epris de Mediterranee. Aux bungalows de bois Detail de 111mmeuble «The Atlantis)), construct par le groupe Arquitectonica (1990). Architecture ludique : Arquitectonica Cette architecture flamboyante, ces lignes que Pon pourrait qualifier de postmodernes at qui ensoleillent ('horizon de Miami, sont dues a Arquitectonica, un groupe de quatre jeunes at brillants crdateurs : Laurinda Spear, Bernardo Fort -Brescia, Andres Duany et Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Peinture, sculpture, histoire de fart, culture caraibe at plus s6rement encore allusion graphique... Le moindre mur, le plus petit jardin suspendu, la plus 16gdre plate -forme... tout est rdfdrencd dans un univers ludique s'accordant singulidrement aux Les transports qui parfois surplombent la ville, des pionniers de l'industrie du tourisme succedent rapidement de somptueuses villas. Vizcaya (191.4-1917), par exemple. L'hallucinante residence d'hiver du mil- liardaire James Deering enti&ement construite dans le style Renaissance ita- lienne et ceinte de jardins it la frangaise. Mais aussi, et plus modestemettt, Chero- kee Lodge (1917), El Jardin (1917), The Kampong (1938) et tant d'autres en- core... Toutes cont visibles aujourd'hui et le quartier, malgre ses bars, ses bouti- ques do luxe et ses faux airs de boheme rescapee des annees 70, dore i'_4 carats une jeunesse fort decontractee, tons de Parc-en-Ciel. Depuis Miami et aprds le reste des Etats-Unis, it semble que ce Jeune groupe fasse dcole at s'apprdte a investir Is vieille Europe. S. B. saluent en montagnes russes ('urbanite du xxie si6cle.,.. Varchitecture de Miami aborde le troisi-eme milienaire en jouant sur Coutes les notes dune gamme esseaiieiiement graphique• haut, mbtro du ntre-ville. contre, ickell ware ikling. ru" ed into the iaubM rd In conne tion witl L-1 nn �j-sS-OI v i - 315 G ■ N F_ F� Ce.. o 0 a J Go OM4 CD °° W H. tie 0 PROFI ARGAW DOSY1 MIR VE P STYLE ARATA ATK LOJ W PRQJ 01ta V . Submitted into the public issN a3oo 3aa1 07 record In connection with iMfll ��_ on - 2,s -o► 9 1871300113180 0 01 _ a 1: b warceCity Clerk P R 0 F I L Arquitectonica Mesleki kariyerine Florida'da ba*lagan iki kililik bir aile. taklmi Arquitectonica. Bugun uluslararasi bir kimlik de edinen grup dunyanin qe*itli yerlerinde buyuk yapilar ve kompleksler gergekle�tirmekte. Ne var ki, bu sayfadaki resimden de anla�llacagi gibi, ailevi goruntO 'varligini hala surdurmekte. Ustelik, sadece soz konusu fotograf bile, mimarllk dunyasinda 1950'lerden ba*layarak etkinliklerine tanik oldugumuz kart-koca ikililerden-ornegin, Eamesler'den ve Smithson lar'dan- farkli bir ikiliyle yuzyuze oldugumuzu kanitliyor. Adigegenler Modernist direnq ve mucadele takimlari olarak Mev gormu§lerdi. Arquitectonica belirgin konformist yonelimiyle onlardan ayriliyor. Grubun urOnleri gorsel zenginlikleriyle dikkat 4ekiyor; ancak, bu ekstravaganzanin aynl zamanda grubun yakla*iminin ciddi bi4imde ele*tirilmesine yol agtigi da yadsinamaz. Bir Floridah grup: Arquitectonica 11f fur T`aeyell Arquitectonica'nm mimarisini rdelernek igin, grubun kendisini anlatmak amacyla du- yurdugu iki olay ya da yargi yararli oiur. Birin- cisi, grup, gelistirdigi mimannin ilk tamusal 4iki5ini yapilarindan birinin "Miami Vice" di- zisinde g6zukmesine borglu oldugunu ileri suruyor dergiler igin haziriadigi basin bolte- ninde. Ikincisiyse, New York'ta 42. Cadde iizerinde yer almak uzere tasarlanan "E Walk" kompleksinin tanitim metni. $tyle di- yor metin: "42. Cadde taraftnda kule diger New York yapiianna bir g6nderme olarak bir "kaya"nin iizerinde yOkseliyor. Bu, insana g6kdelenierin 6n plandaki dev kayalardan yukseliyormu5 gibi g6ziiktiig0 Central Park manzaralarint animsatiyor. ...) "Kaya", yaot- yi ikiye b6len bir g6ktast gibi de okunabilic•' Yukanclaki ifadeleri anlamlandirmak iGin bir 6nemli bilgiye daha gerek var. Arquitectoni- ca Miami'de uslenmi5 bir mimarllk firmasi. Bu bilgiyi, nerede konumlanirsa konumlan- stn, ABD mimarllk firmalannin pek ender bir- ka4i hari4 hepsinin hem ayakbagi, hem de kurtanast olan ticarile$me (commercialism) ger4egi He birlikte du;iinmek gerekiyor. Gun- kii, Arquitectonica bu iki 6zelligin de nere- deyse kitabi yetkinlikte bir 6rnegi saytlmali- dir. Ticarilik nitelemesi mimari bi4imin mul- kOn parasal degerine ve kullanim degerine katkida bulunmasi anlamina geliyor. 19. yOz- yildan ba5layarak higbir yerde tasarim ABD'de oldugu kadar belirgin bir s0re4te ekonomik anlam kazanmadi. Bu illkede, 6r- negin, Fransa'da 1920'lerde entelektuel bir kuGuk avangard grubun Modern'i savundu- gu biomde d050nsel igerigini eksen alan bir uslup ya da yakla*im savunmasi yapilmadi. brnegin, Modern'i Avrupa'da hi4 de modern saytlamayacak seGkinci kimlikleriyle R6nesans artigi mesenler desteklediler. Aksine, ABO'de (Modern veya degil) bigim salt kendisi olarak, bizatihi, "satilabilir" bir kimlik ta5idi. Polemik konusu olmaktan 4ok, i5eyararligi baglamin- da tanitimi yapildi. Atlantik-6tesi ekonomisi- nin a*m geli5kin kapitalist bake$ gilan saye- sinde toplum metala5ma ve yabancila$ma gi- bi iki temel olguyu tam bir tavizsizlik ve kara- Idtkla iGselle5tirmi*ti. Mimari bigimlerin (iste- t yen buna yanit* oldugunu bile bile 0siup da diyebilir) tipki yeni i.irun tanitimlan gibi dii*u- 113 1b 1. Atlantis Apartmanl, Miami, Florida, 1980-82. Kent merkezinin guneyindeki Biscayne Koyu krpsindo yet alon bu 96 dairelik apartmon, Arquitectonico'mn bu cimede tasarlodigi uC ko- nut bk*ndon biri. Grubun tosartmlanndaki kjs- krrtto ve fotagrofik nitelikleri giindeme getiren ilk bira olmo 6zelligini de to;ryan bu yirmi kath apartmon. kotlesindeki 100 metrekupluk boOuk- la sakinierine 'goge bakon bir avlu' sagliyor. avlunun san kovisli duvannda iic 6ge bulunu- vCr: tir aavuz krrmrzi bir spiral merdiven ve bir nalmive. gir.C. "r+vr ; zgtsini dik xylo kesecek bicimde ,eriestinlmi5 oldugu ficin hem Brickell Cadde- si'nden hem de vaiunlordaki mhiderarasr otoyol, dan kolayco g6ainuyor. Bosit ama gagio bir im- geye whip. Binanrn giiney cephesi, balkonlonn ;,;kora ha=na yeriesen gone; krna g6revi g6• ren. Cc kadt bir mavi rzgcrayla koph. Kuzey cephesint kapkryan yonsitrn coma "nen d6rt son uc_W bcAon bulunvyor. Binanin Koya uzo- nan u0-, gemilere has bir kavisle krvnlyor; ken- te bakan diger ucta yet alan kirmw ucgense bir vandon tesisct kanaBannt gi6wken diger yon- -ion bir kentsel singe s4w.. i OCO metrelik uzualuguna karat eni sadece 100 metre clan bu 'morin' oportmamn her kaa endo yalnom aio dare ve iki asonsiir kov= uArnuycc Kaya bakon uoaki ktvmn, iti mekon- do 1804vece pwwomik monzarah bir otur- np odasura donu;uyoG Zemin katiaki daireier, iki 'cath soinalon ve dzel avkAon olon dubleks koraalor okvak tasarloamr;. 1980 yrhnda AAantis protesini Progressive Architecture Od`kk layik g6ren wici kuruldo yer aim Frank Geixy, 6zeRikle projenin 'heykel- si niteiiklem, ve surreakst imgelenni' dviriO06. 3 9$2' ie :in;asr uanarabnan biro 1997 yilmdo AmerikW :mar BirligYnin jAlAJ -W of TF me' 0I5rui ''kazondr. FOTOC,RAFL4R-. NOXIAAtd McGRATH .: ARREDAMENTO i9 la Woo' 8 p4 i' fog �x A R S 1 B B It FT Q M 8 It rf MI IF IN 16 h z 310 1111, E.ji-._zj Association i•" --_.. i, A14 L;-.4 s.1 p. T. M114G•�p 11'A:-. n>—, -s.he6W 'SEX 27751-- 8 1 e * L;uwn,tatt 1983 Prmt,p m .Lp.n ANT .SESTABLISHMENTALIANISTICAL ACTION GEAR ixiv,bzl UMBRELLA M7.8OO MATERIAL -COTTON 2OCOLORS 01- 315 K In i, i-6*4ww;4%1kd , H * h rF„/6IA{,.\Jr,J".\14ki _AA A�->i1j+hT � fi—L^ � • �# r � ' Ji 6��,�,c�n �.r�;!�IP�J!r�y,c'=�:�:u�#kf� �—�r�£;�e•r;i4P69.•)F,��-,A i �fa61.as'v�--=}nw;s�pt �`C\}'��.e�.�++���'al ,c'?,•G'�J--f'f^--i+��334�e�'.D;y.: .�.,� 111`���� �,'KN-�,(+" ,F'i:Z648)t'�Lic':- •r„-1,!'sb,0" i-•�h''aR•.i:j,(. : KN;e_ '�;1�"?F��= ti�'1�+5 � �'F��'i!' �'1N;9_I:.�i h'rF"� �,n�'>�"u�'_'�1id+k,11J,•,�,�-�� .� •rgQlrQaNi6,�>" : 4<* ig-1WPJ)J' {,Ir.\t16 ll1NfP>It �4 o{". K,+�,c�I*•Sk'.Pf' a _•-ooiC1�6Fi,rlil+'rl{• - �fi'I:,— • {,4K,—�h1- '�{�;.-•,I'Pr' �isi1+:1�ft•�a 4Qi 6 4 '»•a•� �,p „® F •,6k�[�,\ i�•\ 'n 11,,.,I ; 61ril, -R WkNIIK46AI N �—�'�4'�'-'#il.{�.",(�66N,'-�� F4+3+6�'lN�e•r�,�N��a' �,' „+bqo(.+-t•,-,P� �v�npr},' fl\i•,,IIF4 L*' h�R",.vim.r'fe°�e':�i'+�i6�.1,Ie:`:_!'�t` ,p" �.'ti+-�' i�-«�'s�y.—:1 rI`'F—�ihn6=t�F : 41°►ti6+*' `.. �F+ • K,h`t-< • „ 6'�+t`•F1i o3t'*i� v«+�' ^F' -JP' �tti�F�1:-CZ+'6�«e,o��EK� 1�.aa6,t+(•�.4K=-61rnYK : FGa;6-+,,x'�.o6�';yrN�y<, "+ice' •L�•c-�,-v+rvlRf�+-•c+IN :.'g+.���' IIS—m—t�(I� �(��`i,�x�„�6ldialff�,�'-ilg4i I I h \ t b` i I � i QPCII 6 2 �_'° •4 6 1a N S' �F 6! � J ie. K•' R.i.lr N IF. < K . n X:4-,,, ,�,g�r«e+n,;.+�•sl��'N��c+^ �'#�i��h��NS�' •y6�k�?+�,�i ;IIF-Q6fl:�#�*'-us:-���'b�1� 'I '•s 6' E'ir°i�1♦,'•"K,k -,ie•r vL'�w}' rN��,. •C� +6,P`. `_-VebP 6�' <F-•f♦"I)+111I1ii> >,� � N+Sc' C�•�it=^-6�-cN� �-,N�n,' •(.tet-'1k�'NK6111�Ih r f�i6c' $•��,;+� ih K' -Jt\ • -N - A • } II�� 'rhH F —!*' { ; h L • r* + , z- ��c .\ {a,c� x,' m o 6wort a :►,F-��'�-v�•c-#�p�iIGIQKN+6,c+" ✓���,.�,,� 31�H��0000lG :'�'ic�'-'' •HI��,;tini..��p,,,Ir .p._►_o„-�1kF"' R,ri�� �� In 1IIR4Gr, a-�\,t`K�,6�N��•e�N' �!� --i\GX*GM!i9(Z-wRup,- 4,0 11 _V -4,P,I;, a".0-R.� - na. Air33 11•i'i6+�'�I<6°:—moi" ,)•r�N' IB1I6K+R�-�+iv JN�,�' $Cl U tT F",Ft).0 ri -A .'ia R.,,„fit NDN' t „, • nRt-tl> A,L r' N-NAm N+x �4 6�"o°u'"Pt R•„' : ! i�.k'ih �.\J F-iFlht� h -K -A' *-Aik H'n-' W Fit= i,i;'+a#Ip�<e�L°�C+n,;+ : int . _—i\33�6�•r_.'-v � N' -V95••► Aj-.2a,A,4;*�'Aj t N��P#�!„`F•'' R--I��I�t�-� #,a`!L�' Iih-m-�i�?11661+' 11iii,lS�e•r��K� +e+i►,P,1 6F°.Qp, r,I�Q4Dt!' l� a 4.N -,r 4,<K • n \x.••„ iN-Q GINNNI '' iC�a?gE!KH1Mx its a+amq6H) 4*11 GM "9 -10 1 do r No do 0 go r r J r 1 r 1 i r Stadt Bauwelt Welcome to Miami Eine frivole Arch itekturmelange aus heiterem Klassizismus, kontaminierter Moderne and karibischem Heimatstil; eine Immigrantenstadt, noch Grenzbastion des Nordens and schon Briickenkopf des Sudens. Luxus, Dekadenz and Verschwendung neben uniibersehbarer Armut; eine besonders brisante Mischung der Ethnien and Lebensstile: Damit leben sie aIle, Tag fur Tag, in der Magic City 12 31. Marz 1995 86. Jahrgang Submitted into the public rec0fdIn +connection with on Walter Foemav" City Cleri 1 D 1561 315 -Postkarten aus den 30er Jahren aurice Culot den Weg Spaziergang durch das heutige Miami. rove mit seinen Boutiquen and Cafes, Istadt Coral Gables, -h eine der besten Wohngegenden, co District in Miami Beach, nd Miami Springs mit der altesten �n baskischen pelota-Fassade des Landes, i, Little Havanna Alich Downtown Miami. ;taurants, Hotels and Bars das Gewebe der Stadt bei Nacht. nn man Miami in sich aufnehmen and die Stadt �nze erfassen, kann unermudlich en durch eine Welt der Veranderungen aste. Am Ende entsteht ein Mosaik ilichen Erinnerungen and Eindri.icken, lenem and Gelesenem Maurice Culot Miami — Architecture of the Tropics Noch vor wenigen Jahren war Miami fur Architekten in Europa eine unbekannte Gr0e. Ober New York, Los Angeles and Chicago weif3 man vieles — bei Miami drangen sich die Bilder vor, meist sogar Filmszenen: Marilyn Monroe in „Manche m6gens heif3" zum Beispiel. Spielfilme vermittelten lange Zeit das Bild eines Erholungsorts mit zwei Gesichtern. Die Marx Brothers, Frank Capra, Billy Wilder and spater das Fernsehen zeigten zwei Typen von Einwohnern: hartherzige Multimillionare neben gleichmutigen Pensionaren, die auf pastellfarbenen Liegestiihlen vor ihren ebenfalls pastellfarben angestrichenen Unterkunften herumsaBen. Hatte ein europaischer Filmfreund um 1970 ein Bild von Miami gezeichnet, waren zwei Stile sichtbar geworden. Der eine Teil des Bildreservoirs ware gepragt gewesen von grof3artigen Villen, von Anwesen im Stil der Mittelmeerlander mit all den dazugeh6rigen Golfplatzen, Klubhausern, Jachten and eleganten Strandpromenaden. Fur these Welt ist Palm Beach zu einem Gattungsnamen geworden, der auf jeden entsprechenden Ort an der Ktiste Floridas, sei es Boca Raton oder Coconut Grove, anwendbar ist. Der andere Teil hatte die niedrigen Fassaden kleiner Betonschachteln mit ein wenig Art -deco umfaRt, den palmenbestandenen Ocean Drive, fast stillstehende Kumuluswolken vor tiefblauem Himmel and endlose Strande in einer Gegend, die dem Aquator zu nahe liegt, um sich von den Gezeiten beunruhigen zu lassen. Um these imaginare Stadt geographisch zu verorten, hatte man links davon einen grol3en griinen Klecks eingezeichnet and an den Rand geschrieben: „Hier leben die Alligatoren". Die Everglades kennt der Europaer aus der Werbung fur einen Aperitif. Einiges von den Geheimnissen dieses gro8en Gebiets lernte ich aus dem Buch der Historikerin and engagierten, manchmal sogar militanten NaturschUtzerin Marjory Stoneman Douglas. „The Everglades, River of Grass" erschien zuerst 1947 and wurde immer wieder aufgelegt. Die Everglades, den Indianern als Pa-Hay-Okee (Fluf3 aus Gras) bekannt, erstrecken sich heute uber etwa 5000 Quadratkilometer; friiher umfaf3ten sie ein weit gr6l3eres Gebiet. Fast Uberall betragt die Wassertiefe nur etwa 30 cm. Nicht blof3 DUrreperioden bedrohen dieses Sumpfgebiet. Eine umweltzerst6rende Politik, die auf Trockenlegung setzt, Kanale, die Meerwasser einstr6men lassen, and nicht zuletzt GrundstUcksspekulation and Besiedlung rUcken ihm zu Leibe. Schon 1928 regte der Landschaftsarchitekt Ernest F. Coe an, das Gebiet zum Nationalpark zu erklaren; zwanzig Jahre spater wurde der Vorschlag verwirklicht. Einige Ansichtskarten aus den dreif3iger and vierziger Jahren kommen mir in Erinnerung, die ein Onkel aus Amerika schickte. Sie geh6rten zu einer Serie „Tropisches Florida", waren im Art-Colortone"-Patentverfahren hergestellt and an der stoffartigen Oberflache sofort erkennbar, die ihnen einen kiinstlerischen Anstrich gab. Vor mir liegt eine Postkarte, auf der eine Eisenbahnbriicke im Ozean verschwindet. Spater erfuhr ich, daf3 die Bahnlinie verschiedene AuBenposten untereinander and mit dem Festland verbindet. Die Realitat blieb hinter meinen Erwartungen zuriick. Auf den Spuren von Humphrey Bogart and Lauren Bacall pilgerte ich nach Key Largo. Aber das ist verschwunden, ertrunken in dem Band stumpfsinniger Baulichkeiten entlang des durch and durch langweiligen Highways, der die Eisenbahnlinie ersetzte, die wenige Jahre nach ihrer Inbetriebnahme von einem Hurrikan hinweggefegt wurde. Eine andere Ansichtskarte zeigt auf Leitern stehende Manner mit K6rben uber der Schulter beim Pfliicken von Orangen, die im „Art- Colortone"-Verfahren magisch fluoreszieren. Diese Plantagen sind wahrscheinlich genauso zu Baugrundstdcken geworden, wie die Plantagen in Coral Gables in den zwanziger Jahren. Nach dem Bauwelt 1995 Heft 12 Ersten Weltkrieg wuchs der Effektenmarkt, der Immobilienbesitz in Miami wuchs noch schneller. Marjory Stoneman Douglas beschrieb die Situation folgendermaBen: „Ziige, Schiffe and Autos kamen an, vollgestopft mit Menschen. Die Hotels and anderen Unterkunfte waren restlos belegt. Die Leute schliefen auf Veranden, in Zelten, auf Parkbanken. Uberall war vom groBen Geld die Rede. ,Millionen` war ein Wort, das man standig h6rte. BaugrundstUcke fur Gewerbe and fur Wohnungen, Wohnhauser and Geschaftsgebaude, ganze Flachen am Stadtrand, Flachen fiber Flachen, wurden gekauft and weiterverkauft, sobald nur die Papiere ausgefertigt waren. Man kaufte mit geringem Eigenkapital and nahm gro3e Hypotheken auf. Die Profite waren horrend. Alles war verschwommen and visionar, alles bestand nur auf dem Papier, doth jeder, der das Millionenspiel mitspielte, glaubte, es sei Wirklichkeit and werde ewig so gehen. AuBerhalb von Miami, bis an den Rand der Everglades, saf3 Immobilienfirma neben Immobilienfirma. Standig fanden Barbecues, Werbeveranstaltungen and Auktionen statt, wo die Verkdufer sich vor der wartenden Menge die Kehien heiser schrien. GroRe Tore wurden errichtet, durch die Burgersteige and StraBenlaternen zu nichts anderem fiihrten als zu weiteren Grundstiicken. StraBen wurden in den Ublichen Rastern angelegt, andere Planung gab es nicht, keine Parkwege, keine Parks — Uberhaupt nichts anderes als einen schneller Umschlag von Geld." Im September 1926 wurde Miami von einem Hurrikan verwustet, mehrere hundert Menschen starben, 2000 Hauser wurden v6llig zerstort, 3000 schwer beschadigt. Der Sachschaden erscheint freilich gering, vergleicht man ihn mit dem, den der Hurrikan Andrew in der Nacht des 24. August 1992 anrichtete. Damals wurden im Gebiet von South Dade 25000 Hauser zerstort and 50000 weitere schwer beschadigt. Andrew kostete nur wenige Menschen das Leben. Der Hurrikan von 1926 war todbringend, and er verwustete gerade die Gebiete, die den Reichtum der Stadt symbolisierten, etwa Miami Beach oder Coral Gables. Das Ereignis hat sich in das kollektive Gedachtnis eingefressen: In Bars and Hotels findet man immer noch Bilder von der Katastrophe. Vielleicht hangen sie dort aus reiner Nostalgie, vielleicht auch aus dem Wunsch heraus, die Naturgewalten zu bannen, die uns immer wieder daran erinnern, dal3 es in ihrer Macht steht, alle unsere Planungen uber den Haufen zu werfen. In keiner anderen Stadt als in Miami bedeutet eine Autofahrt ein solches Fest fur die Sinne. Man fahrt durch Tunnel von Griin in den Wohnstraf3en von Coral Gables. Auf einem malerischen Umweg schaut man auf einen Park and entdeckt riesige indische Feigenbaume mit knorrigen Stammen, die ein wirres Geflecht von Luftwurzeln umgibt. Eine nahe Verwandte dieses Gewachses, die ficus aurea, ist berUchtigt dafiir, daf3 sie die Baume erstickt, an denen sie hochklettert — ein weiteres Beispiel, wozu die Natur fahig ist. Der U. S.1, der Highway, der von der kanadischen Grenze bis zur auSersten Sudspitze Floridas, bis nach Key West fiihrt, wird auf seinem Weg durch Miami von einer Ehrenwache in Gestalt tausender stolzer and eleganter K6nigspalmen flankiert. Damme auf Meeresniveau, die Miami mit Miami Beach and kiinstlichen Inseln in der Bucht verbinden, schaffen unvergleichliche Vertrautheit mit dem Wasser. Wir fahren am Ufer entlang, makellose Linienschiffe drehen uns den Bug zu; ich mache die ehemalige France aus. Die Annaherung an das Stadtzentrum auf den Hochstraf3en ist gleichermaf3en eindrucksvoll. Bei jeder sanft geschwungenen Betonkurve zeigt sich ein verandertes Panorama der Innenstadt; die Wolkenkratzer bewegen sich vor der Silhouette wie riesenhafte Dressmen. Deco Delights" ist der Name eines Schokoladenkuchens mit Sahnehaubehen and Eiskremstuckchen, der in den siebziger Jahren Stadtbauwelt 125 Tropisches Klima and tropische Friichte, Vielfalt der Ethnien and kosmopolitische Toleranz, grolle Unbekdmmertheit trotz uniiberbriiekbarer sozialer Gegensitze, die explosive Bevdikerungsmischung aus liberalem jddischen Bdrgertum von der East Coast and erzkonservativen Flachtlingen aus Kuhn, offen zur Schou gesteliter Wohlstand and unubersehbare Arrant: Es ist ein schillerndes Milieu, das in Miami Inspirationsqueile ist fur eine „Architektur der Tropen" im Siiden Nordamerikas. Und alles geht immer ein wenig darin auf and verwandelt sich dabei: Der International Style mischt sich mit traditioneflen Bauweisen der Karibik, die seviliinnische Architektur mit dem Klassizismus des Altertums; am Ende steht dann manchmal ein Gldcksfall wie das Atlantis Building von Arquitectonica aus dem Jahr 1982, das mehrere gedankliche Viter and dock eine unverwechselbare Personlichkeit hat Submitted into the public record in connection with Item ?Z- t on q - as_a Walter Foeman 01— 315 city Clerk 593 NST MR, HAMOU 7G. w hWz 1988 3150 nu2F,, w r' t �( t y t t �,. t �1 T , � P � a Alptraum alter Eltern IPie Geschichte eines �chrecklichen UnfaNs, vie er an iedem Wochenende passiert Tod Hach der Dist vow r+ 1' f I 1 ' Vii} •�~ ' • ' j rtv AK 1` t E IWO, I WK _111{ k��' t ! � Y�' V ` �*•]',4��.i %'�i �i ! i% + x � i �, � J~ l i _ i"• :>?R' ! t'? [t 1 � _ . � f 1 ''�. � ' It 1107 ............ m go do. A. it i dh r mw makh ANN. A..' i ri V r� f a 'OLLECTING ,HINESE ART IN -HE GRAND "JIANNER !ERMONT 3Y CANOE LAUDE vIONTANA i a2 K L f J4 r C C. Wang and his w4c µ'fh ha^c: atoll, (ata% and Birds, by Chu T.] J uring the 1980s the art of architecture has zigged and zagged, searching for a strung cultural compass. When something has seemed new, it often has turned Jout, on closer inspection, to he old. But when five young architects, four still in their twenties—infan- cy, in architecture—launched their practice in Miami eleven years ago, identifying themselves by a Latino name, Arquitecto- nica, they soon began to startle their fellow architects as well as the public. Arquitectonica is dedicated to romance, with it flash of audacious wit. Not only has this formula succeeded under the lucent moon on the semitropical Cuban coast of Florida, but the firm is now winning commissions in other glamour -hungry cities all over the countn•. Arquitectonica has opened branch offices in 0New fork, Chicago, and San Francisco, has tried One in HOUs- ton, and has buildings that are either completed or under design 1- ing on Biscayne Bay, brought the firm its first fame. TV producers have used it, as a setting in "Miami Vice" and other shows, and so have fashion photographers. It is a classic modem home, beauti- fully worked Out, and also a demonstration piece for the designers' visual wit. Entering the suburban -size lot, one walks through a geometricalk, planted thicket of black -olive trees to face a long, unrevealing wall of bright pink, with a red stoop leading up its side. Low in the wall is a small round window, which gleams greenly. But it is not a window; it is a porthole, and what one sees through it is the underwater of the Spears' swimming pool, ele- vated, on the other side of the wall, where Dr. Spear swims his laps. The Spear house 'Was followed a few years later by what still is the firm's hest -known building, a rwenty-stun• condominium in Miami, also overlooking Bis- cayne Bay, called the Atlantis. for numerous other ocations in Atop its rout is an enormous fourteen states. abstract sculpture, painted red, 64 Of the five, the remainingamour ne. and the building's flat rorso has partners, co-owners of Arquiitec- ' been sculpted as well. High on Fotonica, are two talented, hard- the fa5.ade, a large tour -stray Jworking professionals, Bemardo Architecture with the chunk is punched out Of the Fort -Brescia and Laurinda Hope design, all the away through to the ')Spear, who are also husband andOther side. In the midst of this wife. He is becoming a legend for Lein flash, emptiness sits a potted palm tree his exuberant pursuit of pruspec- silhuuertcd against the sk} , be- �tive clients as well as for his b►yArquitectoniea $' side a whirlpool bath, with a spi- design work. Bum in Lima, Peru, ral staircase, painted bright red he has dark eyes, a short nose, a biggish chin, it clearly marked mouth. A lock of dark hair Often dips over his right eye. He speaks five languages and can use them i0all effectively. She is tall, wide - shouldered, with long arms, lung -fingered hands light brown twisting upward. The walls of this Opening are bright yellow, and One is rippled. It Could be On it book jacket for an early collec- tion Of short stories b\ Noel Coward. Arquirectonica began by ac- cepting almost any type Of com- eyes, muted freckles, and it calm By Walter McQuade 4W mission that came along or could air. Besides buildings, she designs furniture, jeweln•, and neckties. Florida, especialh• Miami, seems an unlikely place in which to ostart a serious design movement, because it has such it mixed ar- chitectural history. After the glory days of Addison Mizner and 0) his Castilian dreams, there came a mild flirtation in the created community of Miami Beach, across Biscayne Bay front Mianii Proper, with small art nouveau or art deco hotels. Mam of these oremain today, and some of them are being restored, hut' they are now thoroughly overshadowed by the resort convention hotels that were built in the fifties and sixties—anti-aesthetic monsters, Jwhose exteriors are nothing but big and whose lobbies are archi- tectural delicatessens. Several miles to the north is a rather different environment, the conservative, close -in community of Miami Shores. Here decorous streets are lined with stuccoed mock -Mediterranean and southern -colonial houses, all of them single-family homes, with perfectly tended lawns. Miami Shores shun; Miami proper, it Cracker ciry until the 196'1-, and 1970s, which brought an influx of hundreds of thousands of Cubans fleeing Castro to in- to make '� Miami it new Havana --or an old one. In more recent years, spurred by further immigration (mainly of Haitians. Salvadorans, and Nicaraguans), the city has grown to he the financial capital of the Caribbean, operated from sleekly conventional modern sky- scrapers, glossed by the sunlight. The house that Arquitecronica completed for Laurinda's father, a thoracic surgeon, back in I 07 in :Miami Shores, front - 6 NOVEMBFtt 19M at he ferreted out—jobs from pinch- penn• speculative builders of hOusing, office space, and stores. "Sometimes these building rypes are considered very hanal,"says Bernardo, "but that doesn't mean an architect shouldn't address the problem." He and Lau- rinda try to, make each building memorable to the public by giving it its Own identity, sometimes by tantasy. They both have learned, as well, to keep costs down and to make changes during the design stage at clients' demand. now, however, their practice has grown and attracted the attention cif national clients with better building budgets. Granite anis marble are beginning to replace painted stucco. The firm has Just com- pleted it superbh• functional courthouse for Dade County, with it sleek modem municipal character, dignified Without being dull. Windows are tilted at odd angles; coifs, are strong; it drive-in is included for the paying of traffic fines. Also, recently completed or under construction are it shopping mall in .Atlanta, a substantial technical center for the state of Virginia near Dulles Airport, and, in Peru, it large and complicated bank– office building with big windows gazing out on the Andes moun- tains. In Peru also is it house that is it masterpiece of hand crafts- manship, and the firm recently completed two houses in Chicago. All of Arquirectonica's five founding partners were Ivy League educated. Hervin Romney took architectural training at Pale, as did .Andres Duan• and Elizabeth Plater-Zyberk. Fort-Brescia's background xvits cosmopolitan. Of French and Italian descent, he 0.1- 315 147 17 1�1 f i y_ i In 1982, this vibrant condominium build- i ing in Miami mode Arquitectonica Hmous. m ►4 - 9-1-1 among them, Rockne Krebs's neon rainbow over the Miami River and Claes Oldenburg and Coosje van Bruggen's gigantic bowl of oranges at the county Government Center downtown. They'd be wonderful any- where, but in Miami, they really mean something. • Krebs's neon Miami Line makes us see exactly what's there — a soaring span of a bridge. Then the work leaps to another dimension, defining both the bridge and the idea of a bridge. It is Miami's permanent rainbow, in a land of many ephemeral rainbows, offer- ing us an uplift whenever we need it. Oldenburg and van Bruggen's Dropped Bowl With Scattered Slices and Peels symbolizes, if rather elliptically, Miami's climate and its crops, its tour- ists and its fragmented population. • The elements that are so essential to Miami, so intricately part of its past, present and future — nature, culture, Elements s essential tr, ,lll a In i re6,it i n i is a rt a i arch itt�ctllrl tourism — recur in art and arc ture, underfoot and overhead. down, in the airport's Concour to see cast bronze sea plants. and starfish embedded in the tet floor Ca work by the artist Nli( Oka Doner), or, look up at the less steel palm fronds that arch . the Brickell Metronumyer atati work by the artist Carlos Alv, The architect Laurinda Spear. u ner in Arquitectonica, took an a. abstract Indian art form. the work done by _liccosukee I women, and abstracted it furth- a stained glass window at the Dade justice Center. Outside iEFT: "SF'- :.URT" CF THE +?'.ANT. . MIAMI ..IIVE. FCRECNC,:N�-. i,,:: t,,A"!;.'. robVER 'NCEPENDE`tCE 48 01- 315 .p si a'a w B 0. A ma si a a 01- 315 "cam*N' �t .p si a'a w B 0. A ma si a a 01- 315 0 0 O �1'cc�e�'sive Ar(I�iitecttzte I; J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 6 y. i i Y �� }. - '� � �� x � � �,ter; ��� c'�r, r i �`a u i•.. . �.,y � f_1a�F3 n y'9i TT;w5 Yil„i r -mc Ysi r Va"i- J A N U A R Y 1 9 8 6 y. i i Y �� }. - '� � �� x � � �,ter; ��� c'�r, r i �`a u i•.. . �.,y � f_1a�F3 n y'9i TT;w5 Yil„i r -mc Ysi r Va"i- Winners R1* se Piazza d7lalia The Allaalic Dr.1 L•„il Ho,,.0 n,•,.,.,»..,.,» a, t,a » ,,,» 7 -., A progress -to -date sup vel, of P/A Awards winners from 1976 through 1985 shows many of the selected schemes taking their places as Part of the built world. BACK in 1953, the PA -Awards pro- gram emerged out of"the magazine's annual survey of work on the boards for the following year. When the editors en- trusted the selection of examples for the.jan- uary 1954 issue to a jun of eminent profes- sionals, a new national competition was launched. In the early years of III(- program. winners included such landmarks -to -he as I.M. Pei's Society Hill towers in Philadelphia. SO\I's Manufacturers Trust bank in \ew York. Eero Saarinen's Concordia College in In- diana, and Moore I_Yiidon Turnbull Whitaker's Sea Ranch condominiums on the California coast. In the clecades since, the scope of the competition has expanded to include urban design planning proposals and architectural research reports, but the program has never lost its Irintan•A mission: recognizing the best architectural work "on the boards" to be under construction during the ensuing year. As a competition for a-vet-unhuill proj- ects, the P/A program was meartl to recognize outstanding designs in tht period of vulnera- bility before construction. when cost cutting or cold feet set in. In out extreme% small number of cases, the recognition backfired: one state legislature, for instance. slashed a prison budget to deny the inmates award- winning architecture. Par more frequently, the public attention and client pride gener- ated by the awards have saved projects from destructive cuts; in one case a college residen- tial complex that had been shelved for four years because the school reorganized was finally built to the original design because it was a warmly remembered winner. Inevitably, this competition has attracted a few entries each year that were never meant to be built—schemes devised mainly to garner P/A recognition. In the 1970s, when hypothetical designs were getting much at- tention in the architectural world, P/A had to take increasingly strict measures to keep pipe -dream designs out of the competition. While untrammeled inventions may advance architecture, they cannot be judged fairly P/A Awards Update alongside schemes that have had to respect real-world consu-aints. In recent years. P.A Awards entry forms have stated that the jury's selections will be contingent on verifi- cation bN' the magazine that proposals are for "clients with the authority and intention" to cam• them out, and several finalists have been disqualified through this process. Sonne of the prgjects that have looked least likelN to proceed have, in fact, moved pronnpth into C011SWLIC60n. A bit of disbelief greeted the design for the Piazza d'Italia, for instance, bN Charles Moore, L'rban lnnova- tionS Group, and August Percz be Associates, but it was built with no major revisions (top photo. left); also improbable -looking the Neill, it won was the Atlantis apartment house by Arquitectonica (micidle photo, lel't), which uxm took its plate on III(, %liaumi skylinc. The great majority of P A winners have proceeded to completion, through the obsta- cles and delays that typically arise between design and construction. It has been gratif'v- ing to see how many winners have. alter com- pletion, also earned AIA Honor Awards. Among the P A whiners of the past decade that have won this double recognition arc: the Indiana Bell Switching racilio.. Colum hos. Indiana, h\ Caudill Rowlett Scutt: the Haj Terminal. jeddah. Saudi Arabia, by Skidmore Owings & Merrill: the YWCA, Hous(nn. bN 'tall Architects: Church Court CondominiuntS. BUSIUn. be Graham Gund Associates: and the Atheneum. New Har - mom. Indiana. by Richard \ieicr & Parl mel'S. And since easily half of the completed P'A winners from these years are still eligible for AIA recognition, wc• can expect more. On the following eight pages. we present an index of tcinners from this decade that have heen featured in P A upon Completion, plus docunnentation of a nunnber that have not. Sonne of the latter are certain to be fea- ttred in P A during the coming Near. Daralice Boles and John Morris Dixon ■ Submitted Into % p40116 record In connection with Item PZ I _ on .__ S -O 01— 315 ,► - Skyline / LA CAGE AUX FOLLES comes to Miami Beach Theater of the Performing Arts / ZEV BUFMAN envisions a theatre o, f' the future / HOPE-ing for a spectacular Orange Bowl Festival / A FILM FESTIVAL Mystery / BEST BETS Vincent Scully sees a place full of private majesty, but devoid of public glory By PETER WHORISKEY Herald Architecture Writer o now he's in Miami, this old guy from New Haven. He's got a blue blazer on and a gray felt hat, very New England, so even though the Florida weather is balmy, one look at him makes you think of falling leaves. He's driving around with the window down, his voice rising and falling, displaying. a Lear -like range, soaring with rapture, whispering in confi- dence, cackling like the devil, all the while doing what he does best, indeed, doing what has made him feared and famous. Vincent Scully is talking about architecture. The legendary professor from Yale, the man Philip Johnson described as the "most influen- tial architecture teacher ever," has bought a house in Coral Gables, is teaching spring semes- ters at the University of Miami, and is, as usual, ruminating on his surroundings. For South Flo- ridians, his presence offers a rare chance to tap an authority, an almost moral authority, from whom even the titans of American architecture seek blessing. Literary references As Miami unfurls before him through the windshield, he exalts, he derides, he ponders, all i the while weaving in literary sources as diverse i as the Travis McGee thrillers and the Babylo- nian epic of Gilgamesh. He calls the 20 -story federal jail on Fourth Street a "tragic image of incarceration," the elevated plaza in front of the main library "a great opportunity to create pub- lic space — missed," and the rising Portofino Tower on South Pointe "terrible... of brutish proportion." The Arquitectonica-designed condominiums on Brickell Avenue are "delightful, especially the one with the hole in the middle." He notes their resemblance to Rem Koolhaas' early work. In South Beach, the Art Deco style "is won- derful for a city by the sea — it's urban, and at the same time it says, 'Holiday! Mediterranean fun!"' On Ocean Dave, his hands begin to wave, calling attention to the orderly contrast of the natural and the manmade. "Look at it," he exhorts, beaming, "You get the city facades on one side — and the immensity of the ocean on the other" No great public space Overall, he sees in South Floridaa wash ce resplendent with private majesty — magnificent jungles or water views — and virtu- ally devoid of public glory, of places where peo- ple come together. "What Miami lacks is a great public space," he says. "When New Haven was laid out, to the PLEASESEE sCULLY, ZC HOLE IN THE MIDDLE: Arquitectonice's Atlantis building on Brickell is'delightful.' METROMOVER: It's 'fun,' but tracks hover over sidewalks and block views, Scully says. --, 0 ' 66 7'1 t 69 �0. 15 • I� li q I: ,rt k .a'A •l CUTOUT: Arquitectonica designed the Atlantis condominium, with its square hole in the riddle, on 6rickell. 01. 315 • 1 S 1 10 J Condo 'as cruise ship Groundbreaking is set for Aug. 14 for Atlantic-on-Brickell, a 21 -story t. condominium. intended to resemblea cruise apartments ship. priced between $ 00,000 and The condo at 2025 Bricke Ave. on Biscayne Bay will hold 91 p P $600,000. Owner -developers are Montreal-based Sol Luger and Sam Greenbei The five -story opening in the center of the building will be a "sky court" with ; small pool and, the developers say, "a solitary palm to add romantic atmosphere." Submitted into the public record In connection with 2- i on _ y5-01 01— 3 1 5 Waiter Foema city ciP� 0 1 J Y6ar s prizes .awarded 111 local architecture By PETER WHORISKEY Herald Architecture Writer This year's best in local archi- tecture, announced Saturday night by the Miami ;Chapter of the American Institute of Archi- tects, runs the gamut — from a. Lifeguard stand to a classroom building to a hotel. What is most refreshing is that we are seeing a fresh 'batch of architects coming to the front --- it's not just the same old names this vear," said outgoing chapter president Mike Rodri- guez. The following projects won Awards for Excellence: ■ The South Beach lifeguard stands by William Lane Archi- tects. ■ The Netherland hotel resto- ration and addition in Miami Beach by Giller & Giller. ■ Broward Community Col- lege Health Sciences Building in Coconut Creek by Rodriguez and Quiroga Architects. ■ Dr. Rafael Penalver Health Center in Miami by Silva Archi- tects of Coconut Grove. ■ The Tennis Cottages at The Village of Windsor in Vero Beach, by Caruncho, Martinez & Alvarez Architects. "The winners represent many of the currents in architecture of our time, but with a strong Renowned architect Cesar Pelli headed the jury that selected the winners. Southern Florida accent," said Cesar Pelli, the renowned New Haven architect who is design- ing Dade's Performing Arts Cen- ter. Pelli headed the jury that selected the winners. The group also included Allan Plattus, associate architecture dean at Yale University, and architect Harold Roth. The jury also bestowed a 10 - Year Test of Time Award on the landmark Atlantis condomin- ium on Brickell Avenue in Miami, which was designed by Arquitectonica. Spillis * Candela & Partners won a design award for an unbuilt Tri -Rail station in Deerfield Beach. The Firm of the Year Award, which. recognizes design excel- lence and community service over time, was presented to Mateu, Carreno, Rizo & Part- ners. - 01— 315 ]M �� W M_ Wednesday, December 5, 1984 TV • Advice • Entertainment Section B - ---- --- ---• _- . -- - -a v1 '+ryu5tntavrnca elements Two architects are changing the face of Miami with their futuristic superstructures, and the rest of the world is taking notice CAROL COMER talked about why they live here W.M1*' a"@~ and. about Miami yesterday, today, At southernmost Interstate 95, tomorrow. that spot where you are freed of FAY TIES: U.S. I and begin sailing up into the We like living in Miami very city, lust over to the right, there ` much. We have more work they are. elsewhere than in Miami, but we The blue. grid squares of the stillchoose to work from here as Atlantis with its red triangle our base." Fort -Brescia said. "The riding on the top, sky winking main reason why we continue to through the hole knocked out of live here and work here is not only its middle, and in the hole thered the city, but the fact that we have corkscrew and -yellow tube and our families here, and that we like swaying palm. to live in a place where we have To the north is the Imperial, a class relations; you know?' ship of a condominium, the bold - MS'S COAiVHGENCE_ _red-and-hluetooninQ_curvina ism- .*Tbe4ty_is a regioual_center. ".he J "- 315 to 01— 315 Wr t ALA (_'o)rponents A '%M Florida South Chapter. Atlantis on Brickell, Miami tabuve):.ariluitectonica. Coral Gables, Fla. Located on a _'(x)e-;(A)- foot site overlooking the Biscayne Bay. the 20 -story condominium building has a 37 -toot -square hole punched from its middle, and this void is L ansformed into a yellow cube containing a gym and squash court on the south plaza. Eight apartments open onto the void, which serves as a sky patio with a jacuzzi and a palm tree. Common building elements in bright colors provide accents: A red tri- angle placed on the rout covers mechani- cal equipment. four yellow angular bal- conies interrupt the reflective Mass cur- tain wall on the north Facade, and a large- scale blue stucco grid laid over the canti- levered balconies doubles as a brise-soleil on the south side. Two elevator cures with three apartments per cure eliminate long corridors. Florida Association. First District Court of :appeal. Tallahassee ibelow t: William %loran. F.ala. Jacksonville. The sync metrical design and the two -stork• white brick colonnade recall a I9th century North Florida courthouse. Steps flanked by brick planters and a bridged terrace over the lower level service entrance lead to the main west entrance. A central sky- light provides da}lighting in the two-story courtroom. The 48,000 -square -font facil- ity is located on a sloping site lined with lanve trees within the downtown State Capitol Center development. V IL OANDELA (s president of the Miami archi- illis Candela & Partners, which ms to enter the design competi- le Per%rmingAr•ts Center. Spil- tildings include the downtown s of Miami -Dade Community ight Convention Center, and the Sr. Candela wrote this article for' Center: A landmark for the future orming Arts District" — a sepa- ate opera house, symphony hall, #nd drama theater. The significant issues of poten- ial sites, whether to group per - nails or disseminate hem in order to win support rom all areas of the city, were ddressed by the pro bono report. hat report also identified some f the positive characteristics —and deficiencies of our existing eke -do facilities and perform - ng ensembles. It set out a "gen- rous" schedule that envisioned •onstruction by 1990. An army f many faces formed around the ision and has succeeded in cre- ting further enthusiasm for the otion of a landmark Performing Ardlltact and photo credlh (I.ftp to bat to r., r a lem):Baaeardl Bulklbp, arehl:` , feet -Enrique CulNrrei; Free- dom Tows -Mlaml flews Bulldhp, archl- fppe�yetpp-SS�dw�Mat o33 lYf O. P= Tewar,111s C tett-Splllls Can dela !� Partners, InMaa�BenaI Is tYKsin; Plea (GnTrust Tourer), archl. teeFIJL Pel, da�hd Press Miami Skyline, q OZZIrraMor Jr-, The Allan- amm- AArrq ileclbc,a Ice, hp ole M •Norman 0 ao Arts Center for Miami. The fact that it has taken longer than expected makes the start more exciting and gratifying today. "Second Century Miami" is taking a significant step; it is cele- brating its 100th anniversary in 1996 by showing the world the quality of our private and public leadership. It has been, and it will be, the dream of many, many people. The financial commit- ment of our government and the private sector are combining to build a state-of-the-art perfor- mance hall with flawless acous- tics and the latest technology — a unique cultural center that will help renew and enrich the reper- toire of theater, dance, lyrical, and musical art forms. With renewed fervor, we must strive to make this Performing Arts Center a success for all of Dade County, to ensure it adds to the cultural richness already apparent in the Book Fair and the Film Festival, and the inter- national recognition achieved by the Miami City Ballet and other groups. We make our pride in our cultural groups tangible and encourage their further flowering when we secure a permanent and central place for them in our Miami's entry into its second community. century and its "arrival" on the Construction of the center not world scene. It should be a land - only fulfills a dream, it marks mark that celebrates the future. -,t Submitted into the public ftm reco- rP2nl tonne on with on Walter Foeman 01- 315 P, -S `imvlm gas l auo peanpoaaui aeuq XOtf L •iuuq!jq qp!m sac WA;Ou fs auaoo -aq aq jugj xa(dkuoo umcuiucopuoa M6I 6 `4u'R1V ptte :'unit uugan -qns ut Aug oueCu-4qg uo eauopmt u `aaxoH • radg and Aim 18L61 ag1 m1mi 30 aur.ppnq 1stt,j .naq} aMM &ttq uaaq anuq oe4 ag y -apeaap a Alanq ui ppom aqj punoau aitgoa}nf=e pmuopnJonaa seq Imp uug Bun" &m u epuaq etasoag-poaj `.ruedg uput tneq , 'aaulttf pue ajjm stq xp!M •(sated P-- jaugaadad ao; Otg/punoq I aoi go wajd VIV) ipom spwa} aqi -jroqu jooq u „'"uo131 -jnb V,, ioj .i M Ata -m u ;o aaas -said aq1 2.iaa3 XIgtssod 'sWnmd aq 4- agwawa ui saugpuap Aum os atu asaq; #eq1 1! ec XqM„ tcno s.q 3o ptumMq a a uu paddan aq o1 sutaas ` xnopwnbjV nasal paseq-PaeM 041JO 3"4q3je Pdo jv"-m 1±-wa*q-uoq opiatuag "'eg Pel 6.g •sugrsan s wna-i wn /n na»nnun.) tsmn alit .." nun tii»d In vanmia 439 Alois P' pule U0113P '41010,3 uo Mippng :uusnuapouu nuoAag "•"r Jatu!;,vq 1-9 1661 It 1 nq-aaa(I 'Avpsan_L irme� �a1�lillt 0�8�:11�U� �r-� r ��r-� -r -►far z r-► r`� t - r`� r � r""' f-=i�'t �. �" �'1 t0"' dr..jft-_1 tbij� 4 eo)dr 1 (A Y _>;, P) 84 ric Choi V Design a4azzing Up 2The Functional odern architecture—the uncluttered, functional kind—has come to be a Xnonym for boredom in many quarters, t not in Miami, where a brash young Firm called At quitectonica is creating un- adorned, mechanical -looking buildings That startle the eye with their loud prima - Wry colors rima-Wrcolors and jazzy architectural stunts, onsider, for example, the firm's Atlantis condominium, an apartment tower with a Wright blue grid on one side. Twelve sto- 11kpes up, a huge hole has been cut into the ab. The open-air decor of this "sky ourt" features a swaying palm tree, a urved yellow wall, a red spiral staircase nd a blue whirlpool. Such exuberance is Arquitectonica's ay of trying to make up for modern ar- chitecture's shortcomings in social pur- 4ose and aesthetic satisfaction. These faults have sent other architects to the at- -ic for historic forms and ornaments. Ar- Ruitectonica is building on the spirit of aring and experiment that characterized Ohe avant-garde earlier in this century. ..�[ We are not trying to create a new style," lays Laurinda Spear, 33, one of the found - g partners. "We are just trying to make Modern architecture more lively and up Arquitectonica's other principals are ear's husband Bernardo Fort -Brescia, and Hervin A.R. Romney. 43. The n's Spanish name is apt, and not only ause the buildings show a frisky Latin vado. Fort -Brescia was born in Peru, I Romney is from Cuba. All three part- s, however, are the products of Ivy igue schools. Founded only seven years . Arquitectonica already has a staff Town houses in Houston: people will buy modern if It has more to offer than modernity Atlantis condominium in Miami with "sky court": exuberance that is still functional of 29 in its Miami headquarters and has opened offices in Houston and New York City. One of the firm's best-known build- ings is the controversial Palace in Miami. It consists of a plain 41 -story slab with a three-story glass -cube penthouse on top. Rammed right through the side of the slab is what seems like another. smaller building of glass and red stucco. For add- ed drama (and terrace patios), the red in- terloper steps down like giant stairs. Currently on the firm's drawing boards or under construction are a court- house for Dade County, in suburban Mi- ami; a $150 million office -hotel -retail cen- ter in downtown Miami. a bank in. Peru; a shopping center near Dallas; high-rise buildings for San Antonio and Manhat- tan: and several town -house clusters in Houston. One completed ten -unit group of the Houston town houses looks, charac- teristically, like something put together by a gifted child with an oversize Lego toy set: white triangular roofs. extruding yel- low strips and even more extruding blue boxes. The houses are designed to provide young urban professional tenants with a sense of efficiency and space on minimal, close -to -downtown lots, and at a reason- able cost. The typical unit contains a ga- rage, a foyer and a I %Z -story living room on the first level, a dining balcony and kitchen on the second, and on the third a den, master bedroom and "Hollywood" bathroom—a tripartite affair in which two powder rooms adjoin a common bath. Price of the only unsold unit: $ 157.500.