HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #10A - Discussion ItemAlonso, Elvi G. From: Karen Cartwright [cartwrightk@hotmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 11:29 AM To: Alonso, Elvi G. Subject: Agenda City Of Miami, February 22 2001 Ms. Alonso: I am requesting a personal appearance at the February 22, 2001 meeting of the City of Miami Commission Meeting. The topic of discussion is Overtown and issues that affect and relate to its improvement. Sincerely Karen Cartwright Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com Salutation: Good Morning Introduction: Mr. City Manager I requested this forum because I am confused as to the mode of communication in the City of Miami Administrative offices. What is the accepted language while conducting business in the City. In fairness Mr Manager our employees should not be asked to be bilingual if one segment of the community refuses to participate. Parks and Recreation, and Building Maintenance are two departments where bi- lingualism does not work. It can become an extremely_a.dangerous situation in an emergency. What other forms of media can be used to advertise vacant positions? Apparently your current forms of advertising are not meeting the demand. Mr. Manager/ Mr. City Attorney what is the policy regarding employees starting and operating a business from a City Park. If such an agreement exists how does the city benefit and how many employees enjoy these privileges. Does the Baseball Academy at Grapeland Park have a contract and if not why not? Does the Academy give the City documentation concerning revenues collected, liability insurance and other paperwork associated with their day to day operations? If not why, are they still in business? What is the status on bids to replace the Overtown Shopping Center's roof and air-conditioning system? Are there bids in circulation to find a painting contractor, maintenance contractor to replace ceiling tiles, clean and sanitize the air-conditioning ducts? An electrical contractor to repair and replace lights and signs in the front and rear parking lots also include the breeze way. Include a contractor to resurface front and rear parking lots and to allocate parking spaces that meet code. Can the Department of Public Works install steps in the rear of the N.E.T office? Who is responsible for installing drainage? The rear parking lots' drainage is inadequate. Tenants needs should be addressed expeditiously. Please explain the terms of the contract under which Crown Supermarket is operating compared to other businesses operating in the Shopping Center and expound on the differences. What is the City' position on abandoned and dilapidated structures that the owners do not secure? Can we step up the code compliance on properties that are in default? My heartfelt thanks to the Code Enforcement staff in Overtown. They are doing a great job with limited resources. record in cor 'e item s on _Z:—e a —d Waiter city ci&, Will the Overtown N.E.T. service area receive a Sanitation Inspector say in the next month or two? Where are the trash cans? Why are motorists allowed to park on Fourth Avenue between Fifteen and Seventeen Streets and Nineteenth Street between Fifth Place and Fifth Avenue? Why are there no signs posted discouraging this behavior? Can we ask the Police Department to enforce the No Parking area, although there are no posted signs and then get them posted? Can I get a specific date when Ninth Street between Second and Third Avenues will be accessible? It is creating problems for motorists that are unfamiliar with the area. The homeless also use it as a feeding site and we would like to discourage this activity. How soon can we expect the Department responsible for posting signs in the Parks to install the following signs? 1. No driving or parking on the grass 2. No Dogs allowed without a leash 3. No Alcoholic beverages allowed 4. No parking beyond this point Which department is responsible for the extermination / fumigation to remove vermin in our recreational facilities? How soon can we expect a biographical plaque on Mr. Williams? Since we named the park at 1717 N.W 5th Avenue in his honor. No one seems to know much about him. Mr. Raul Garcia promised me approximately eighteen months ago soil in Williams and Gibson Parks. Can I get a firm commitment as to delivery? Does the city employ a landscaper if so is he only working at Curtiss Park? Can anyone explain why Curtiss Park has three maintenance men and also uses the property maintenance crew? We do not see that type of activity in any other park to my knowledge. When the city purchase equipment for the Parks Department is it for a specific park or is it used all over the city, e.g., a pool pump, golf carts, etc. Curtiss Park has certain equipment that is not apparently available at other parks such as a golf cart, and a pool pump. They would require what at other Parks for them to enjoy the same quality of service? Illegal dumping and illegal drugs are still a major concern in Overtown. What happened to Police VIP/ Investigation and Prosecution of these cases? These are extremely serious issues that need to be addressed by a variety of departments and the Overtown community would appreciate your having them addressed in an efficient and punctual manner. Instead of allowing them to slip through the cracks yet again. Thank You! N.E.T : OVERTOWN SHOPPING CENTER OFFICES NEED: CHAIRS /LOBBY AND OFFICES STEPS IN REAR OF BUILDING OVERTOWN ADVISORY BOARD: WORKING TELEPHONE LINES TELEPHONES/ COMPUTERS/ PRINTER/ FAX/ COPIER/ SCANNER CONFERENCE TABLE / DESKS / CHAIRS STORAGE CABINETS DISPLAY SIGN / LOGO FOR DOOR/ VISIBLE UNIT NUMBER PAPER FOR COMPUTER / FAX PROBLEM SOLVING TEAM: TABLE FURNITURE .....DESKS, CHAIRS/ INCLUDE CHAIRS FOR LOBBY / CONFERENCE COMPUTERS / PRINTER / FAX/ SCANNER / COPIER / TELEPHONES WORKING TELEPHONE LINES WASTE BASKETS STORAGE / FILE CABINETS PAPER FOR FAX / PRINTER O-A&AA f-LkA