HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-02-22 City Clerk's ReportMEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 1 NON Direction to the City Clerk: by Commissioner AGENDA Teele to make the videotape of the designation of the Family Courthouse, Domestic Violence and administrative offices of various judges as the Lawson E Thomas Courthouse Center, a part of the permanent records of the City of Miami; Commissioner Regalado further urged the Miami -Dade Public School System to use said videotape for African-American History Month celebration activities. NON- Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Regalado to bring back, at the AGENDA second Commission meeting in March (March 22, 2001) the proposed naming of the handicap center at Kinlock Park as the "Sandra De Lucca Development Center." CA 3 Direction to the Administration: by Commissioner Regalado to review sidewalks in the general vicinity of Southwest 50th Avenue and 2nd Street that are in a state of disrepair resulting from installation of cable connections. Commissioner Regalado said he would provide a specific address at a later time. MEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 2 NON AGENDA A MOTION DEFERRING CONSIDERATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS FROM BICENTENNIAL PARK MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE CHAIRED BY COMMISSIONER WINTON UNTIL THE SECOND MEETING OF APRIL (APRIL 26, 2001). M 01-181 MOVED: TEELE SECONDED: WINTON UNANIMOUS NON Note for the record: Commissioner Teele AGENDA indicated that, inasmuch as the City Commission will make a decision regarding the location of a baseball park for the Miami Marlins before the finalization of the master plan for Bicentennial Park, that he would hope that Commissioner Winton would explain at the March 15, 2001 Special Commission meeting why the decision on site location of ballpark precedes the presentation of proposals for a Bicentennial master plan; Vice Chairman Gort also requested of Commissioner Winton to further state what projects could possibly be built in Bicentennial Park; Commissioner Sanchez further requested of Commissioner Winton to convey to the Commission and public a status update regarding same. MEETING DATE: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 3 NON Note for the Record: Commissioner Sanchez AGENDA indicated that, at the next Commission meeting, presently scheduled for March 8, 2001, he would like to report to the Commission on the annual report for the Bayfront Park Trust and the Orange Bowl Advisory Board pursuant to Section 2-890, which requires that the chairperson of each board and committee report by January 15 of each year; Commissioner Sanchez further urged each Commissioner to report on the respective committees wherein they serve in the capacity as chairperson of same. NON Direction to the City Manager, City Attorney and City Clerk: By Commissioner Teele to AGENDA meet and provide the Commission with recommendation regarding an activity calendar wherein on each Commission agenda a board or committee will be given the opportunity to provide the Commission with a status report on its activities. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 4 NON A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY ROI -182 AGENDA COMMISSION CLASSIFYING FIVE SURPLUS MOVED: REGALADO PICK-UP TRUCKS OR AUTOMOBILES AS SECONDED: TEELE CATEGORY "A" SURPLUS STOCK; UNANIMOUS FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE DONATION OF SUCH VEHICLES TO THE COUNTRY OF EL SALVADOR, TO BE USED BY EL SALVADOR IN ITS EARTHQUAKE RESCUE AND RECOVERY EFFORTS, CONTINGENT UPON EL SALVADOR ACCEPTING SAID VEHICLES IN AS -IS CONDITION AND PROVIDING ALL TRANSPORTATION, PACKING, AND SHIPPING COSTS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE APPROPRIATE RELEASE DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. NON Direction to the Administration: By AGENDA Commissioner Regalado to review proposed project entitled "Vision for the Way (Coral Way)" and come back before the City Commission with a recommendation regarding same on March 22, 2001. IMGURP OAATT@ CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 5 ITEM 4 Instruction to the City Manager: By Commissioner Teele to designate staff person to respond in writing to each issue presented by Ms. Karen Cartwright, as more fully outlined in her letter which was entered into the public record during her personal appearance before the Commission on this same date, regarding issues that relate to needed improvement of Overtown; further directing the Manager to provide the City Commission with a copy of the administration's response to Ms. Cartwright's request, and schedule a meeting with Ms. Cartwright regarding same; further urging the City Manager to establish a plan to ensure a common standard for Neighborhood Enhancement Team centers in our neighborhoods. ITEM 4 Direction to the City Clerk: by Commissioner Teele to research our public records regarding how the Overtown Advisory Board was created, and provide Ms. Rosa Green, a resident of Overtown, with a copy of same. MEETING DATE: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 6 ITEM 5 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M 01-183 AGENDA ITEM 5 (REQUEST BY ROCKA MOVED: TEELE MALIK, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM SECONDED: WINTON BALERE, INC. FOR IN-KIND SERVICES, ABSENT: REGALADO WAIVER OF PERMITS, ADMINISTRATIVE FEES, ET CETERA, FOR THEIR "LANGUAGE FAIR," ON MAY 5, 2001; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CITY MANAGER TO DESIGNATE SOMEONE FROM STAFF TO WORK WITH MS. MALIK TO SEE IF, IN FACT, THE PARKS DEPARTMENT COULD POSSIBLY BE INVOLVED TO COORDINATE SAME AS A CITY -SPONSORED EVENT; FURTHER REQUESTING OF THE EVENTS COORDINATOR TO CLARIFY AT THE NEXT MEETING WHERE THE PEOPLE FOR SAID EVENT WOULD COME FROM AND WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS TO RESIDENTS OF THE CITY. ITEM 6 A MOTION TO DEFER CONSIDERATION OF M 01-186 AGENDA ITEM 6 (PERSONAL APPEARANCE BY MOVED: TEELE REPRESENTATIVES FROM ISLAND BEAT SECONDED: WINTON MARKETING, INC. REGARDING ABSENT: REGALADO REIMBURSEMENT OF FEES RESULTING FROM USE OF CURTIS PARK STADIUM FOR SOCCER TOURNAMENT HELD ON DECEMBER 2, 2000); FURTHER REQUESTING THAT THE CITY OF MIAMI PARKS DEPARTMENT WORK WITH SAID GROUP IN AN ATTEMPT TO RESOLVE SAID ISSUE. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 7 ITEM 6A A MOTION INSTRUCTING THE CITY M 01-187 MANAGER TO DIRECT ASSISTANT CITY MOVED: TEELE MANAGER, BOB NACHLINGER, ALONG SECONDED: WINTON WITH CITY'S BUDGET DIRECTOR, TO ABSENT: REGALADO COMMENCE DISCUSSIONS WITH THE MIAMI SPORTS AN EXHIBITION AUTHORITY AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY REGARDING THE UTILIZATION OF EXCESS CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX FUNDS TO BE USED FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FOR THE JAMES L. KNIGHT CENTER AND THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM. ITEM 6A A MOTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE M 01-188 CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE THE CITY MOVED: SANCHEZ COMMISSION WITH AN ITEMIZATION AS TO SECONDED: WINTON WHERE THE MONIES RECEIVED FROM THE ABSENT: REGALADO CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX, TOURIST DEVELOPMENT TAX, AND SPORTS DEVELOPMENT TAX ARE GOING. ITEM I I Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to provide him with a written report related to Resol, Inc., the engineer and the architect for the Watson Island Water Main Project explaining the justification for the contract increase. MEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 8 ITEM 13 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COMPLY WITH THE PROVISIONS CONTAINED IN SECTION 2-892 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, WHICH SETS FORTH THE PROCEDURES FOR THE "SUNSET" REVIEW OF ALL CITY OF MIAMI BOARDS AND COMMITTEES. R-01-192 MOVED: SANCHEZ SECONDED: REGALADO ABSENT: TEELE ITEM 13 Direction to the City Clerk: by Commissioner Sanchez to provide him with a list of boards which have been abolished and the reasons for same; further requesting a listing of those boards that have failed to meet quorum, etc. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION R-01-193 AGENDA AUTHORIZING A CAP ON THE USER FEE OF $5,000 MOVED: SANCHEZ FOR THE PRESENTATION OF PROFESSIONAL SECONDED: REGALADO SOCCER GAMES BY MIAMI FUSION, F.C. AT THE ABSENT: TEELE ORANGE BOWL ON JUNE 30, 2001 AND JULY 22, 2001; SAID AUTHORIZATION IS CONDITIONED UPON MIAMI FUSION FC: (1) PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT, (2) OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE, AND (3) COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR DESIGNEE; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE ALL NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY FOR SAID PURPOSE. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 9 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-194 AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MOVED: WINTON MANAGER TO ENTER INTO A PROFESSIONAL SECONDED: REGALADO SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH THE FLORIDA ABSENT: TEELE INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY METROPOLITAN CENTER TO INITIATE PREPARATION OF AN IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY FOR THE FLORIDA EAST COAST RAILWAY CORRIDOR INITIATIVE IN AN AMOUNT OF $100,000; AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, ALLOCATING FUNDS THEREFOR FROM UNDESIGNATED FUND BALANCE, ACCOUNT CODE 001000.921002.6.270. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-195 AGENDA COMMISSION APPOINTING AN INDIVIDUAL AS A MOVED: WINTON MEMBER OF THE COCONUT GROVE FESTIVAL SECONDED: SANCHEZ COMMITTEE. ABSENT: TEELE Note for the Record: Commissioner Winton nominated Grant Sheehan. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Regalado to invite Jose Abreu, Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), to make a presentation about the Miami Intermodal Center, a transportation hub to be developed on Le Jeune Road across from the airport. MEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 10 NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner AGENDA Regalado to televise live on the City's governmental access channel, cable NET -9, the Special City Commission Meeting of March 15, 2001 to be held at the Manuel Artime Community Center; further directing the Manager to check on the cost of a mobile unit, if needed, and the condition of existing links in said facility; further instructing the Manager to arrange for at least three cameras; Vice Chairman Gort directed the Manager to set up the Artime Center for future live television transmissions. Commissioner Regalado stated that the AT&T contract provided funds for this type of equipment. PZ -13 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF M-01-196 AGENDA ITEM PZ -13 (PROPOSED SPECIAL MOVED: WINTON EXCEPTION TO ALLOW THE GROVE HARBOUR SECONDED: REGALADO MARINA PROJECT AT 2600/2640 SOUTH ABSENT: TEELE BAYSHORE DRIVE) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING CURRENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 22, 2001. PZ -10 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF M-01-197 AGENDA ITEM PZ -10 (PROPOSED FIRST READING MOVED: WINTON ORDINANCE TO AMEND ZONING ORDINANCE SECONDED: SANCHEZ 11000 TO ENABLE THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR ABSENT: TEELE TO PERFORM ADMINISTRATIVE RELEASES OF COVENANTS AND UNITY OF TITLE PROVISIONS) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING CURRENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 22, 2001. ii�CaA1' O(t�TtQ CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February22, 2001 Page No. 11 PZ -5 A MOTION TO CONTINUE CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEM PZ -5 (APPEAL OF ZONING BOARD DECISION WHICH DENIED PROPOSED ADDITION TO EXISTING STRUCTURE WITH SETBACK AND PARKING VARIANCES AT 4610 N.W. 7 STREET) TO THE COMMISSION MEETING CURRENTLY SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 22, 2001. M-01-201 MOVED: REGALADO SECONDED: WINTON ABSENT: TEELE, SANCHEZ PZ -8 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Winton to clearly mark subject sites on maps. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-203 AGENDA COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A CAP OF $5,000 MOVED: SANCHEZ PER EVENT DAY ON THE BASIC USE FEE FOR SECONDED: TEELE PRESENTATION OF SOCCER MATCHES UNANIMOUS PRESENTED BY INTERFOREVER SPORTS, INC. HELD ON JANUARY 26, 2001 AND TO BE HELD MARCH 7, 2001 AT THE ORANGE BOWL STADIUM; FURTHER CONDITIONING SAID AUTHORIZATION UPON THE PROMOTERS PAYING FOR ALL NECESSARY COSTS OF CITY SERVICES AND APPLICABLE FEES ASSOCIATED WITH SAID EVENT, OBTAINING INSURANCE TO PROTECT THE CITY IN THE AMOUNT AS PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE, AND COMPLYING WITH ALL CONDITIONS AND LIMITATIONS AS MAY BE PRESCRIBED BY THE CITY MANAGER OR HIS DESIGNEE. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 12 ITEM 12 Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele to informally transmit to the executive director of the Performing Arts Center Trust (PACT) the nomination of Carole Ann Taylor as a proposed member of PACT for his consultation. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to provide a status report within the next 30 days regarding the following requests for codesignations: 1. N.W. 14th Street to honor Representative Joe Lang Kershaw 2. N.W. 55th Street and 17th Avenue to honor Mable Dean Barlow 3. a street in honor of State Representative Gwendolyn Cherry NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to provide a written status report on the parking lot on 17th Avenue and 55th Street, the site of the old Hardemon Market. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to research whether the City is staffing the State Port Area Community Improvement Authority Board; further directing that the Manager provide him with a detailed summary of its recommendations as soon as it becomes available. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to identify who are the consultants for Marlins Ballpark and to provide a copy of their resumes. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 13 NON- Direction to the City Manager and City Attorney: by AGENDA Commissioner Teele to engage the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) to study the economic and legal impact of eminent domain and "quick take" legal process to the overall tax base in the CRA area; further encouraging a scholarly review of the different governmental entities and how they handle same (i.e., City versus County versus the Independent State Agency), how they take for public/private purposes, as well as what conditions impact on same. NON- A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO M-01-204 AGENDA INSTRUCT THE CONSULTANTS STUDYING SITE MOVED: REGALADO LOCATION FOR PROPOSED BALLPARK FOR THE SECONDED: TEELE FLORIDA MARLINS TO MEET WITH THE MAYOR ABSENT: SANCHEZ AND THE MEMBERS OF THE CITY COMMISSION INDIVIDUALLY WITHIN THE NEXT TEN DAYS; FURTHER DIRECTING THAT THE CONSULTANTS PROVIDE SPECIFIC INFORMATION TO THE COMMISSION, WITHOUT MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS, AND OBTAIN EACH COMMISSIONER'S INPUT; FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO MAKE A RECOMMENDATION TO THE COMMISSION ON PROPOSED SITE FOR THE AFOREMENTIONED BALLPARK BY MARCH 12, 2001; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THAT THE CONSULTANT IDENTIFY THE IMPEDIMENTS TO THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT ON EACH OF THE SITES. MEETING DATE CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 14 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-205 AGENDA COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER MOVED: TEELE TO IMMEDIATELY COMMENCE DISCUSSIONS SECONDED: WINTON WITH THE MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION ABSENT: SANCHEZ AUTHORITY ("MSEA") AND MIAMI-DADE COUNTY REQUESTING THE DEDICATION OF EXCESS CONVENTION DEVELOPMENT TAX FUNDS NOT NECESSARY TO FUND THE MIAMI ARENA BOND ISSUE TO BE SPECIFICALLY EARMARKED FOR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS AND BOND FINANCING AT THE MIAMI ORANGE BOWL MEMORIAL STADIUM AND THE CITY OF MIAMI/UNIVERSITY OF MIAMI JAMES L. KNIGHT INTERNATIONAL CENTER; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO REPORT HIS FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE CITY COMMISSION AS SOON AS SUCH INFORMATION BECOMES AVAILABLE. NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY R-01-206 AGENDA COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MOVED: TEELE MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL SECONDED: WINTON AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE ABSENT: SANCHEZ CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE OMNI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("OMNI CRA"), SUBJECT TO APPROVAL BY MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, SAFE NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS BOND PROGRAM, FOR THE DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION AND REDEVELOPMENT OF MARGARET PACE PARK, LOCATED IN THE REDEVELOPMENT AREA OF THE OMNI CRA. MEETING DATE: CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT February 22, 2001 Page No. 15 NON- A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI COMMISSION R-01-207 AGENDA AUTHORIZING THE CONVEYANCE TO THE MOVED: TEELE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST SECONDED: WINTON COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY UNANIMOUS ("SEOPW CRA") OF THE CITY OF MIAMI OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT 224 NORTHWEST 12TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED HEREIN; DIRECTING THE CITY ATTORNEY TO PREPARE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENT(S) FOR CONVEYANCE AND ACCEPTANCE OF SAID PROPERTY; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. Direction to the CRA Executive Director: by Commissioner Teele to take photographs of above mentioned site. NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Commissioner Teele AGENDA to have a personal briefing related to the observational surveillance of parking facilities' payment of surcharge fees. NON- Instruction to the City Attorney and City Manager: by AGENDA Commissioner Teele to send notices of the parking facilities surcharge by certified mail to all agencies involved with parking lots currently being used by jurors for the circuit court. CITY OF MIAMI CITY CLERK'S REPORT MEETING DATE: February 22, 2001 Page No. 16 NON- Direction to the City Manager: by Vice Chairman Gort AGENDA to have the Department of Off -Street Parking review financial feasibility of handling parking arrangements in Virginia Key for the Ericcson Tennis Tournament. A MOTION TO ADJOURN TODAY'S COMMISSION M-01-208 MEETING. MOVED: SECONDED: SECONDED: GORT UNANIMOUS NOTE: AS DULY NOTED ON THE HEREIN AGENDA AND CITY CLERK'S REPORT, WHICH CONSTITUTE A JOURNAL OF CITY COMMISSION PROCEEDINGS, THE "UNANIMOUS" NOTATION NEXT TO THE VOTE ON EACH AGENDA ITEM MEANS THAT ALL FIVE CITY COMMISSIONERS WERE PRESENT AND VOTED "AYE" ON SAID ROLL CALL VOTE. NEGATIVE VOTES, PHYSICAL ABSENCE OF A COMMISSIONER OR ABSTENTION FROM VOTING BY A COMMISSIONER, IF ANY, IS ALSO DULY REFLECTED IN SAID VOTE.