HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-01-0156CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of
the City Commission
FROM: 411irmene
City Manager
JAN 3 0 2001
SUBJECT: Status of RFP Review for the
Construction of Affordable Housing
REFERENCES: Special City Commission Meeting
ENCLOSURES: February 15, 2001
Last year, funding proposals were received from both not-for-profit and for-profit developers in
response to the City's Request for Proposals (RFP) for project financing for the construction of
affordable housing units utilizing funding from the HOLM E Investment Partnership (HOME) Program.
Through the RFP, HOME Program funds are available in each of the categories listed below:
Homeownership New Construction Program $ 2,616,857
Multifamily Rental New Construction Program 872,286
Community Housing Development Organization 732,150
(CHDO) Program
Total $ 4,221,293
As a result of the City's solicitation for funding proposals for the development of new affordable
housing units, nineteen (19) proposals, totaling over $10,690,529 million for the development of over
1,181 new homeownership and rental housing units, were received by the City. Listed below is a
summary of the affordable housing construction proposals 'submitted:
Summary of Homeownership Proposals
Amount No. of
Auncy/Dweloper Proiect Name Requested Units
Coconut Grove Local Development New York Street Townhomes $ 116,000 2
Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. Riverside Condominiums 500,100 15
Jubilee Community Development Rio del Sol Condominiums 750,000 63
Word of Life Model City 119,901 4
Community Development Corporation Scattered Sites
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Habitat for Humanity of Greater
Miami, Inc.
Model Housing Cooperative, Inc.
Palmetto Homes of Miami, Inc.
Little Haiti Housing Assoc., Inc.
East Little Havana Community
Development Corporation
BAME Development Corporation
of South Florida, Inc.
Rafael Hernandez Housing and
Economic Development Corp.
Rafael Hernandez Housing and
Economic Development Corp.
Edison Little River/Overtown 300,000
Scattered Sites
Villas Dr. Godoy 500,000
Model City Scattered Sites 159,750
Little Haiti Scattered Sites 625,000
Casa Grande Condominiums/ 2,401,738
Phase II
New HOPE/Overtown 538,040
Wynwood Scattered Sites 200,000
Wynwood Scattered Sites 330,000
Allapattah Business Development Ralph Plaza Townhomes-
Authority, Inc. Phase II
Total Amount of Homeownership Funding
Requested and Number of Units Planned
Gatehouse Group/Jubilee
Community Development
Pinnacle Housing Group
(Rayos del Sol, Ltd.)
Greater Miami Neighborhoods,
Inc./Pinnacle Housing Group
Summary of Rental Proposals
Proiect Name
Brisas del Mar Apartments
Rayos del Sol Apartments
Wynwood Towers Apartments
No. of
01- 156
Miami Supportive Housing
New Century Development
(Peninsula XIV)
Bay Club Apartments
Allapattah Gardens Apartments
Victoria Residential Apartments
Total Amount of Rental Funding Requested
and Number of Units Planned
70,000 138
500,000 128
150,000 100
$3,420,000 851
After a review of the housing proposals by City staff, eleven (11) of the proposals for homeownership
housing projects and one (1) for rental housing projects were deemed ineligible to move forward for
consideration for approval/disapproval for project financing by the City's Housing and Commercial
Loan Committee. Each of the agencies/developers has been notified in writing of this determination
and the reasons for the determination. Following is an overview of each of the ineligible projects:
Homeownership Proposals
Agency/Developer: Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation
Project Name: New York Street Townhomes
No. of Units: 2
Funding Request: $116,000
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
• The developer/proposer failed to document control of the housing site to be developed.
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
• The developer/proposer failed to bring current all outstanding financial obligations with the
City of Miami as stipulated in the Request for Proposals
01- 156
Agency/Developer: Model Housing Cooperative, Inc.
Project Named: Villas Dr. Godoy
No. of Units: 32
Funding Request: $500,000
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
• The developer/proposer needs to resolve certain audit, monitoring and contractual issues by
Miami -Dade County through its audit of Community Based Organizations (CBO's) and
Community Development Corporations (CDC's).
Agency/Developer: Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc.
Project Name: Riverside Condominiums
No. of Units: 15
Funding Request: $500,100
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
• The developer/proposer failed to document control of the housing site to be developed.
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
Agency/Developer: Little Haiti Housing Association
Project Name: Little Haiti Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 20
Funding Request: $625,000
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
01-- 156
Agency/Developer: BAME Development Corporation of South Florida, Inc.
Project Name: New Hope/Overtown
No. of Units: 40
Funding Request: $538,040
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
The developer has been previously awarded $800,000 in HOME Program funds for project. The
developer's request and the allocation of an additional $538,040 in funding would result in a leverage
ratio of only 1:2. Since the project was initially funded prior to the City's adoption of Resolution No.
98-587 (Affordable Housing Levering Policy), it is recommended that the City Commission direct the
City Manager to request a waiver from U.S. HUD to reconsider funding this project.
Agency/Developer: Rafael Hernandez Housing and Economic Development Corporation
Project Name: Wynwood Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 10
Funding Request: $200,000
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
• The developer/proposer's failed to document control of the housing site to be developed.
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
• The developer/proposer's application package is incomplete.
Agency/Developer: Rafael Hernandez Housing and Economic Development Corporation
Project Name: Wynwood Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 4
Funding Request: $330,000
The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
01- 156
• The developer/proposer's failed to document control of the housing site to be developed.
• The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
• The developer/proposer's application package is incomplete.
Agency/Developer: Habitat for Humanity of Greater Miami, Inc.
Project Name: Edison Little River/Overtown Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 20
Funding Request: $300,000
• Developer/proposer notified the City in writing of request to withdraw funding proposal from
consideration by the City.
Agency/Developer: Palmetto Homes of Miami, Inc.
Project Name: Model City -Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 10
Funding Request: $159,750
• The developer/proposer's application package is incomplete.
Although the developer's request for $159,750 in HOME Program funding did meet the City's 3:1
leveraging ratio, a number of documents were missing from the application which deemed the
application package to be declared incomplete. The Department of Community Development will refer
Palmetto Homes of Miami, Inc. to Greater Miami Neighborhoods, Inc. to receive technical assistance
and capacity building training.
Agency/Developer: Allapattah Business Development Authority
Project Name: Ralph Plaza Townhomes-Phase II
No. of Units: 30
Funding Request: $730,000
• The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
The developer has been previously awarded $500,000 in HOME Program funds for project. The
developer's request and the allocation of an additional $738,000 in funding would result in a leverage
ratio of only 1.1. Since the project was initially funded prior to the City's adoption of Resolution No.
98-587 (Affordable Housing Leveraging Policy), it is recommended that the City Commission direct
the City Manager to request a waiver from U.S. HUD to reconsider funding this project.
Agency/Developer: Word of Life Community Development Corporation
Project Name: Model City Scattered Sites
No. of Units: 4
Funding Request: $119,901
The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to three (3) for homeownership projects as stipulated by Resolution No.
• The developer/proposer's application package is incomplete.
• The developer/proposer applied for administrative funding and land acquisition/construction
financing from ineligible HOME Program category and therefore deemed ineligble.
Rental Proposal
Agency/Developer: Miami Supportive Housing Corporation
Project Name: Bay Club Apartments
No. of Units: 138
Funding Request: $70,000
The developer/proposer failed to secure and/or identify other project financing from other
public and/or private sources which would leverage financial assistance provided by the City at
a minimum of one (1) to five (5) for rental projects as stipulated by Resolution No. 98-587.
• The developer/proposer's failed to document control of the housing site to be developed.
The developer/proposer failed to document/demonstrate that construction would be underway
within six (6) months from the date of funding award by the City.
Based on the Department of Community Development's current schedule, the funding proposals
submitted to the following agency/developers listed below will move forward for consideration by the
Housing and Commercial Loan Committee at its meeting scheduled for February 6, 2001:
Occupancy Funding
A2ency/Develoaers Proiect Name No. of Units Request
East Little Havana Community Casa Grande CondominiumsHomeownership/80 $2,401,738
Development Corporation Phase 11
Jubilee Community Rio del Sol Condominiums Homeownership/63 750,000
Development Corporation
Total Homeownership Requests 143 Units $3,151,738
Gate House Group/Jubilee Brisas del Mar Apartments Rental/100 $1,200,000
Community Development
Pinnacle Housing Group
Rayos del Sol Apartments Rental/199
(Rayos sdel Sol, Ltd.)
New Century Development
Allapattah Garden Rental/128
Victoria Residential Rental/100
(Peninsula XIV)
Greater Miami
Wynwood Towers Rental/186
Neighborhoods, Inc./
Pinnacle Housing Group
Total Rental Requests 713 Units $3,350,000
At the Special City Commission meeting scheduled for February 15, 2001, an update of the Housing
Loar, Committee's funding allocations will be provided for your information.
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The Miami City Commission will hold P —*cial Meeting to discuss issues relating to Community Deuelopr The
Special Meeting will be held:
day. February 15, 2001 at 9:30 A.M. —
. ty of Miami Commission Chamber
3500 Pan American Drive
Miami, Florida 33133
The Agenda for the Special Meeting is as lollows:
1. Discussion and proposed resokdw on Manning Calendar io 27th Year CDBG and other HW program activities.
2. Discussion and proposed resolution to revise the Citizen Participation Plan
3. Discussion and proposed resolution to rollover the accounts of uncompleted prior year projects to the anent Fiscal Year
(FY'2000-2001), in the amounts of $5.096,116.93 of Community Development Block Grant (00867 funds, $6,660,847.09 of
HOME Investment Partnership (HOME) kinds and $1,808,273.22 of Housing Opportunities for Persons With AIDS 001"WA4 finds.
4. Discussion and proposed resolution to allocate the balance of closeout funds from completed prior years projects and line of
credit balances from the CDBG Program and Emergency Shelter Grant (ESG) Program and also to allocate available program
income as specified below:
A. Source ad Amount of CDBG Alteration
CDBG Line of Credit Balance
5 239,729.95
Closeart funds from prior year completed activities
Program Income
Total Avail" for Allocation
B. Recommended CON Proieet and Altocalien
Public Services
DeHostos Senior Center
$ 15,000.00
Public Services Contingency Fund
Economic Development
Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation
(contingent on repayment of debt owed to City)
Small Business Opportunity Center
Word of Life CDC
Pgglc Imorpvements:
Domino Park Expansion aro Improvements
city sponsored
Capital Improvement Projects
Citywide Demolition
Citywide Lot Clearing
Model City Homeownership Lot Clearing and Mantmance Project
Total Recommermled CDBG Allocation
f 3,335,005.50
C. Source and Amami of ESQ Allocation
ESG Line of Credit Balance $ 192,914.65
Closeout hinds from completed prig year activities 18 068.39
Total Available for Allocation $ 211,003.04
D. Recommended ESG Protect and AYoealion
Catholic Charities of the A didixese of Munni S 211,003.04
(Hew Life Family ShelterW, Pierre Toussaint Little Haiti Homeless Project
and little Havana Emergerx y Services
Total ESG Allocation 5211,003.04
The proposed resolution also transtei s $25.000 of previously approved CDBG funds from the Edison Little River Job Crayon
Project to the City of Miami Planning Department to coordinate economic development activities in the Little Haiti area
5. Discussion and proposed resolution ratifying City Manager's action in purchasing loan servicing software to manage the
Department's loan portfolio and approving $10,495 in additiaW heeding for ban servicing software
6. Discussion and proposed resolution allocating S3.000,000 of HOME funds for the Single Family Rehabilitation and HomebuyerS
Financing Programs
7. Discussion and proposed resoWbort deobigati g previously approved SHIP awards to Link Haiti Housing Association and Habitat
for Humanity of Greater Miami and replacing said deobligated funds with HOME Dam
B. Discussion on the HOME RFP process for the construction of affordable housing
9. Discussion and proposed resolution regarding the restructuring of the HOPWA Program and the allocation of $2,700,000 to
Department of Community Development to operate the program and $358,000 to Douglas Gardens Community I Well! Center to
maintain its program in Miami Beach
10. Discussion on the Model City Homeownership Ione and the following proposed legislation
• Resolution 1 - Approving. in principle, the aatian and establishment of the Model City Homeownneft Zone Trust
• Resolution 2 - Allocating $3.000.000 in HOME Progiann tending lo the Model City Homeownership Zone
• Auttaizing the City Manager o more forward with predevielopmerNlimiled related activities
11. Discussion and proposed resolution approving ardatacbnal services necessary to implement the Model City Homeownership
Zone Project
12. Discussion and proposed resolution ratifyipg the City Manager's action in acqurmg properties tron the Muni -Date Cwpy List
of lands for development through the Modi4 Gly Homeownership Zone Project
13. Discussion and proposed resolution ratify" the action of the City Manager in acquiring the Miami Limited I Housing Project in
wryuncom with the Model City Homeownership Zone Project
14. Discussion and proposed m wklbDn to allocate 52.521,666 of HOME furls and $1,612,696 of CDBG funds, available as a result
of the repayment for disallowed costs identified in the Audit Report issued by the Office of the Inspector General, to the Model
Cly Homeownership Zorle Project
15. Discussion and proposed resolauton regarding The establishment of One Stop Centers in the Coconut Grove and We Harare
neighborhoods and the reparation of the management functions of the Department of Community Development
Upon final approval by the City Commission, the previousy approved City of Miami 2000.2001 Annual Action Plan will be
revised accordingly following a fifteen day pihbtic comment period. Comments should be submitted in wrfing to:
City Of Miami
Department of Caaamariry Development
Second Floor
4" S Ift tad Arenue
Miami, Florida 33130
Interested individuals are encouraged to attend this Special Meeting. The meeting site is accessible to the handicapped.
01- 156