HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2001-02-15 Discussion ItemDavis, Yolanda
From: Fernandez, Teresita
Sent: Tr.ursday, March 08, 2001 1:30 PM
To: Davis, Yolanda
Cc: Marrero Trehy, Yamile
Subject: FW: Peter B. Sobel
Whenever you are re :~ r, : unsi n~,u :fie documents. Thanks
-----Original Message-----
From: Marren Trehy, Yamile
Sent: Wedn 'ay, ilarc'i n,, .?' O1 1:27 Pf~t
To: Ferna: ,:2, Tere; ~"
Subject: RE: P~,e~ B. Soi~~-.
It is an appeal of a zc i ~ ~~ { ~-~ ~ g~a tiopies of court appeals of zoning board actions then you should have
it -you do not need t ~ a try ii i t`v'~ii advise you if I need any documents re arding same.
-----Original Message
From: Fernand. z, Teresita
Sent: Wednesc ay, Marc! 07, 2001 11:27 AM
To: Marrero ' ~ why, Y.. , ~'e
Cc: Davis, Yc,anca
Subject: FW: P~ ''-_r B. ~~r;_~I
Yami, do I need ~-; arge dc~ument"? Please advise before Yo
-----Original Messag -
From: Rodriy,_rcz, Anel
Sent: Wednesc'.ay, March GI, 2001 10:53 AM
To: Ferna~ ci: z, Teresita
Subject: FW: Pcc. B. Sobel
-----Original Messay --
From: Davie 'anda
Sent: Wedrr ~ ay, M<:~ _ ~ ~ ', 7001 9:03 AM
To: Rodri~: ~, Anil
Subject: RE: F _ B. Sol
Boo, Mr. Sobel i
deliver a large d _.
package to you
-----Original Mr
From: Rodri~
Sent: Wedgy
To: Davis '
Subject: RE: F
'i makes the copies. Thanks
issue -- Teresita knows about it. Wha I need to know is, did he hand
., s cn 3/5/01 and anytime thereafter. f not, then I have to route this
~r ~ No'yv the key thing here is, if you don' have it, then I have to MAKE A
~,e- -
a,, F' ~~~_ ~li, :'u01 9:00 F,.
3. <. __
-----Original f le;s~g~ ---
From: C pis, Yolanda
Sent: dn~ ~~:'ay, March 07, 2001 8:38 AM
To: Marro Y~!~y, ~~v'- ~.Jri,uez,,^,~~~el
Subject: ~ ~ ,. ~~ bel
Our offic ; i^ ~:~ ~i~t of _ .;etition for writ of certiorari and appendix fry
let me kr .,~ wh ~t` tr or not you f~~ave received a copy of this document. T
'r B. Sobel, Petitioner. Please