HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-02-1334J-02-1138 12/12/02 �j RESOLUTION NO. IJ 0 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE MODEL CITY COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION DISTRICT TRUST, TO ALLOW FOR EFFICIENT AND EXPEDITIOUS IMPLEMENTATION OF THE GOALS AND DUTIES OF THE TRUST. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is authorizedllto execute an Interlocal Agreement, in substantially the attached form, between the City of Miami and the Model City Community Revitalization District Trust, to allow for efficient and expeditious implementation of the goals and duties of the Trust. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.21 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. 21 If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. A T T A C 11 m Ein, T CONTAINNIQU CITY COM24MOM MEQ CE DEC 1 2 2002 ��-1 .14 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of December 2002. MANUEL A. DIAZ, MAYOR In accord,:. ce with Mi:7rni Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of tfti . <<'�C': <:,01- l,;r v;i;jnigg in the designated place provided, sa'-; legislation note h+=c;,',r - a effective with the e?apse of ten (10) days from the date of commission action re ga Mg sage, without the Mayor exercising a vote. ATTEST: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK AN O VILARELLO CITY,/ATTORNEY 7027:BSS C� Priscilla A. Thompson, City C rk AND CORRECTNESS:EI Page 2 of 2 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:30 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.02 INYTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGRVEMENT THIS INTERT,OCAL AGREEMENT CAgreem.ent") dated the da3, of 2002, betwcon the City of Miami (the "City"), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the Stale of Florida, having off.crs at 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Miauu, Florida 38128, and the Model City CammlXn i i.y R.rvitalizati.on District Trust, a limited agony and Inst nmentality of the City ( the IATIThTESSETH WHEREAS, with the adoption of Rceolution No. 99-429, the City approved its live -Year Consolidated Plan (1999-2004) outlining, its proposed use of funds received bom the U. S. DepartxnvaL of liousing'tw.d'Urban Development approvod the establishment of the Model Cif -y IIomaeownershop Zone; outlined various huusiug and community revitalization strategies; and proposed uses of the funds; and WHEREAS, the Trust waR created by the City to ensure: I,iie City'a short- term, intermediate and long-term revitalization goals fur the Model City Neighborhood can be implemeMP11 C-Uwipeditiously and effectively; and WHEREAS, R i5 the (purpose and intent of this Agreement to permit and authorize the City aad the Trust to make the most efficient, use of their respective powers, resources, audLaxity and caJpabilitses by enabling thein to cooperate on tho bases of mutual advantage and thereby achieve the results provided hereby pursuant to Section 168.01, Florida Statutes, known and referred to a5 the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1.9(19 (the "Cooperation Act*), and WHEREAS, it is the ]purpose of the Cooperation Act that the City and the Trust is to provide a means where the City and the Trwst mayexea'cise collectively their powers, privileges a»d authority; and WRTRIiA.S, the boundaries for the Model City Revitalization District (the "Revitalization District") are the contiguous area bonndnd by Northwest 71s4 Street to the. Nortli, State Road 112 to the South, I-95 to the. East and Northwest 17th ,Avenue to the West, and the non-contiguous area of Northwest 171-1' and 49th Avenues between Northwest 58"' Street and State Road 112, all in Miami, lffi Dade, Florida, and 002--1 MAR -10-2003 16:30 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.03 jArjE[]EREA,S, it is necessary and upp,-opriate for the parties to pravide for the cooperation for the undertakiuq mad carrying out of the redevelopment. of the Mvitalization Dik.Lryct, and for the parties to coopexate and jointly. proc:.PI'A ace provided herein. NOW, THUREFORE, in cousideration of the mutual covenants find agreements of M.he pardea, and in order to set .forth the righte, duties and powerq of the parties for Lhe purpose of implementing the foregoing, the City anal the Trust hereby covenant and ag, as follows. ARTICLE I AUTHURM Tlv,s Agip-,Rment is entered into purstiani, to and under the authority of the provisions of the 0,,00pesation Act of 1969, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, as amended; the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Pout T of Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; the Charter or the City, and other applicable provisions of law. ARTICLE 11 DEPINMONS The terms defined in this Article shall have the fol o-aring meanings for purposes of this Agreement when initially capitalized herein: "C onperation Act." moans Section 163-01, Plorida Statues; "Aereernent' means this Interlcxtrtl Cooperation Agreement, including any exhibits hereto, as the same may be h reaftPr amended from time to 'Gime. "City+" means the (7ity of llfiami, Yierzda, a municipal corpmailou organized under the laws of the Siat,- of L'lorida, and any successors thereto or a.,�Kiga thereof. "I)eurlr pment Projects" mean the pilot prorjectq established by the Trust Board to revitalize the _Model City Neighborhood or the Revitalization District as agreed upon by tlie. City and'1'rust. "Effective Date" means the date as determined by Section 16.6 and hereof on which this Agreement becomes eftetive. "Expiration Date" imNauti the date on which this Agreement terminates bl, its own terms as provided in Arl.icle M hereof. "Fiscal Year`means the fiscal years of the City corr►mroring on (ktober 1 of each yPAr and ending on the next succeeding September 30 or' uC11 crlher fiscal year a.. ur.ay, be P-itahlirihed bylaw. 2 - 31L 3 MAR -10-2003 16:30 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.04 '`LaIUD Funds" rusan grants of moneys the (;itY receives from Lime to time from tlae Onited States T)epartment of Housing and Tirhan Development, ,iucloding but not limited to eonununity development block grant funds (CDBG Fund-"), hT0Mli investment ParLaership ("HOME Fun(W), inrluding such other similar rurnds, and auv direct Cougr.essioned or Legislative apprap11ations by the US Congress or Flo=da Legislatuxe. "H -UD Plan" means the Five Year Consoliclxted Plan, adopted by the City in August, 1999, pursuant in Resolution 111o. 01-160. "Mavr-er Plan" mcg the plan Iar redevelopment of the Revitalization District, as provided for iii Article X hereof. "Park Blind Funds" mean grants Of moncyE the City receives from time to time from Muni Dado County We Neighborhood Park Bong issoerl for capital i_mprovetuents for existing parr in the City. "Public Improveme.rdq" mean the capital projects constituting public infrastructure to serve the Development Projects. "Revitalizulion D atrici' or "Mode[ City Neighb(,r•hood" means the Model City Community Revitalization District, specificaBy that purf.ion of the City which is located at the cunlignameq area bounded by NorthwesL 71rt, Street to the North, State Road 112 to the South, 1-95 to the East and Northw"L 170+ Avenue to the West, and the ren-coni..iguous area of Northwest 17aL and 19TH Avw.num between Northwest 58th Street and StaIA- Road 112, in the City. "Trust Bnard" means the seven member body designated by the City to serve as govern.i.ug body for the Trust. "Trust" means the Model City Community Revitalization District 'Bust am provided for in Division 1, Article I. Gomuuuiity Tbmtalization Districts of Chapter 12 of I.he City Code. as now or hereafter amend. ARTICLE III FUR OSE; COOPERA'T'ION flection 3.1 Yurpojag. The City and Trust acknowledge and agree that the purpose of this tWreament is to set furtli LhP rrx,perative relationship between the City and the TYust, the reepective duties and obligations thereof and the lur,cedures to be followed by the parties hereto for Lhr 1 -planning and car m. Agz out [hp City's revitalization effort;, for the redevelopmeaL of the llevitalizataon District. sir ` I4 3 4- MAR -10-2003 16:31 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.05 Section 8,2 Pledge of Coo nors�n_. The (:ity and the Trust reeugnire the necp&nty of working c:luseiy and coordinating with each other in order to e5ectuatP die intent of this Agreement. Therefore; each Party pledges hereto agree to crx)perate and assist earh other in faccilitatiug the redevelopment of tilt, Raviimliiation District in a manner consistent the Master Flan. To facilitate the redevelopment of the Revitalizal.inu District, the City and Tnc,st. will undcrtake, or c::ausee to be undertaken, Development Projects comprising a comprehensive appru=h to redeveluaing the Revit.aliz,ation District and pruviding a qualitv environment fnr raising families. Subject to the availability of funds, the Development Projertg may include, but not bP limited to: ( a) Public improvemruts rnmgist of streets, sidewalkx, water and eewer, 11.n(jer&ound utilities and other infrastmiriure improvements. ¢)) Construetaon or renovation of single and multi. -family hnuues to facilitate home owue,sliip qpportunzties; (c) RvvitaliZAtSQn of the commercial curridors; (d) Creatim of a neighborhood Ouue; Stop Cxuter fcrr job training, plaaememt assistance, homeowxlership training and counseling, and oilier n"ded sodal services; (e) Facilitdtiun of the construction andlor creation uP x Magnet School in TcchnoloW; (f) CreatiOn of " vgeu;graPrl spaces", including but nut limited tr, walking and bicycle trails; a neighborhuud park(s) or park improvementslexpansions; and other recreational amenities; (g) Facilitation of the construction of a lmstal facility; (L) T;Stablishment of a community cenl,er; (i) A�,ist in the coordination of a fW1 service healthrare facility: (k) Construd-iol l of a neighborhood NET offliee; 0) Pxwervation of hintoxical properties; (xn) Other facilities as agreed upon by the City and Trust - 4 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:31 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.06 ARTICLE IV POWERS OF TRE TRUST Sectiun 4.1 ,shots. The tru,9t shall exercise the lac,weis and duties as proviJYd in Sections .12.5-26 throaeeh 12.5-39 of the Code of I.he City of Miaini, Florida, ms amended, and as provided within this Agreement. ARTICLE V SERVICES, PFILSONNEL AND RESOURCES TU BE PRO171DED BY CITY Section &I Saanc 015erviegs. ME,. City shall provide the Tr»Rt with the £ollowiaC office space, continued XULLUkipA1 services to the RevitalizAacin District and Iimrwssional and support services, as needed to facilitate the redeveMinuent of the Revii.aliaation Distinct. However, the City'- provision of such prufessionel and support services do not prohibit the Trttst frnm hiring or contracting for such services, ur a portion of such services, from perions who are not employees of the. City. a. General administration and coordination services including but nut limited to providing administrative, purcbesing and procurement., information technology, technical and -,eexetanal services. b. Engineering servires implementing public improvements .including but not limited to preparxi.irin of right-of-way claps, appraisals, acqui;4ition of right-of-way, road cleRign, construction and inspection. C. Financsi.al wrvices including but not liudLed to the Finance Director serving in a fiduriary capacity ae Treasurer &r the Trust; fin=ial reporting; paying bills; investments; prep4ration of manar.ment reports in coordination with the President of the Trust; rwancial management of Trust funds; management of all debt including loans, bonds and notes, advice regarding debt and placement services; lease payment and colleetiuns; budget preparation and management in coordination with the President; auditing and grant financial management. d. Plowing servires including but not limited to support services and studies; coordination of amendments to zoning and plannictg ordinances for consiste,tcy with any approved redevelopment activities; asEdstance in the review cif -ny proposed Development Projects; preparation of presentations and data as needed by the Trust; and routine updates io the Tru,t on data consistmC of demographics, land use trends and related pianniuk; support services. 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:31 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.07 c. City Clrrk services indudiug but not limited to the City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, serving as Clerk of the Vast,, n,aintainma and keeping of records of the Trust; xding as Soeretary of "Wrtings of the Trust and rerording all votes; keeping a journal of the ptiv reedings of the Treat; power to certify all neep.mary certifications u(' records of official proceediugq- Any costs incurred in the Clerk's delivery of such 3crvices shall by p rovided by the City to the Trust. f. public s,Afety services pro'vid'ing for the implementatiu>x of a community policing prngram 'by the City. Pul ice Department and any of hex public safety servir'Pr, deemed necessary by the Trust and City. U. Legal services shall include but not be limited to servicea as counsel, unless the 'lkust otherwiKr select~ a counsel; however, nothing herein prnhibits the Trust from obt;+ining apecial counsel. h. Municipal Service•~ and public improvem.enLs to the Revircalization Distdct and as needed for redevelopment i. Office ,ipane shall be provided in the Hadley Park — Carrie P. Meek Senior C-`il,i,ens and Cultural Center, 3850 NW 6" Street, Miami, Florida, uotil such time as the other spanses have been constructed or obtained to hous,P the operations and employees of the Trust. Section 5,2 T3se at City Peron el. (a) The City hereby agrees, to designate the raty employees listed in Exhibit _ to serve as fall-tiTTIP staff to the Trust fon the program management, planning, coordination, technical amistance and other services needed tr, carry out said undertake the Development Projert, of the '1knwt. The City MHuager, or his de-mignee, is hereby authorized to provirit-, on the request of the Truml. for the detail; rig of full -tame and part-time City employees from various departments of the City fur ,wifvice to the Trust. Such exuployeps, shall be deterwined &Ung the annual bnrlget planning session, and the fiili-time employees shall be outsourced to the Trust, at the beginning of each fiscal year. (b) For any employees submitted to be full-time employe (if the Trust, other than the president, the City 'MAnger, or his designee, shall submit such names, educational background and work experiences of employees to the President fm• re dew and confirmation. Should the p reiddent determine a city employee does not Pnmess the necessary educational, prufe srional and/or technical background or, expprience to perform the duties of the assigned job, the City Manager, or him designee, shall submit another employee name to the President to fill the position. E 02--x.334 MAR -10-2003 16:31 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.08 (r) The City empioyetax designated to serve us fu 1 [-time etaff to the Tru 5t, shraU confinue to receive all the bienefits provided to other City- employees related to their employment with the City, exmpt that the day-to-day duties and supervision of the empluyeas shall be determined and provided by the Trust. Such employee: shall adhere to any City Talcs and rerAatinnss regarding employmFstt. (d) The City shall further provide the TrusL with the assistance of any otlier City employees, on a part-I.inie basis, for the provision of services Co the TYu,4i Oil a project -lay -project basis, nl,un the approval of the City Manager, or hie designee_ !n furtherance of this provision, the City, ManagNr• and Trust shall agree. in writing, nn the general scope of the services to be provided by such City employfws,- however, the final approved of such services shall be within the City Manager's sole. discretion. The work perfurwed by such part-time employees for the Trust shall be undex the direction and supervision of the Traet, unleab other wise decided by the City Manager with the Trust. (e) The City shall provide the services of any full-time us, part-time City employee without any charge to the Trust. In Iturtherance of the above provisions alloca6ag city -employees on a full-time ur pa t -time basis to the Trust, the. City and Trust slimll enter into a separate agreement,, if ra uared by the City Manager. Such agreement shill comply with the provi.tdons of Section 112-24, Florida StaWt", as now or hereafter amended. Spetion 5.8 �,ie rn or Recall of P.Tn Loyees. The Trust map reg a rn any full- time. employee to the City, with or without cause, within sixty (60) days after pmvirling wxitten notice to the City Manager, or his demgnee, whether or mist. the Pity lsxs identified a position for such employee. The City may recall any £all -Lime employeN ossigned to the Timst, within sixty (60) days of providing written notice to the Presiden t. .Section 6.4 Select QQ ofunsrrltants and Utb.0r Proftssionals of Trust The ZYust is hereby authorized W em -ploy or contract with such persons, and consultants that it deems appropriate, and to determine thea qualifications. ARTICLE Z'1 LAND ACQUMi'1'ION AND RELOCATION FOR REDETELOPN'IENT Section 5.1 Aoauisitign and Tra rmfer of City-ommed Properties. The City has commenced Predevelopment activil,iFs in the Revitalization District; including the land assembly and relocation activities, with the assistance of City employees .". and outside profossional services necealy to perform legal., ar-chite-ewral, infraatrucLu�re, environments] assessinenL and other services to expedite and facilitate the redevelopment. 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:32 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.09 (a) All city -owned propertSeS within. the RelritHlivatiou District, with cleku title, shall be transferred fi om the City to 4he Trust within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreemcxtt. (b) Other city -owned propertie8, or properties later acquired by the City: shall be transferred to the Trust within thirty (30) days of the City ohfidning clear title to such properties. 9retiou 6.2. AotinisltiOu of Uther Proyertira. Other properties shall be acquired by the City, by eminent domain or other weans, upon the request or She Trust. Section 6.3 Maiutprtance of Progertie% U t�'L-I'ransferrerl to Trtud The City shall maintain all vacant lands, houses xnd buildings acquired by the City, until such time as the prupowties are transferred to the Trost. Section 6.4 Reloca. tion .'ass &Nt. The Trust will prepare plans Por and assist in the relocation of any persons (inclu&ug individuals, families, busia]P,.As concerns, nonprofit orgxm,.at;ons, and others) displavv.d due to the redevolopm.eut activities in the Revitalization District, and to make rehn:a.tion payments to or w6th re.9pect to such persons for muving expenses and losses of property for which reimbursement or compensation is nut otherwise made, includiaff the making of such paymenl.5 financed by the Federal. Cn,vernment. Section tl.a Reiurn.of.Anv Suralus or IInuged Props s. Should any properties provided by the City to the Trust not be used for any redevelopment activities or the Development Projects, the Tnist shall return such properties to the City upon the dissolution of the Trust. ARTICLE VU PAYMENT OR ADVANCE OF PUBLIC T'VNDING Section 7.1 Feuding of Trusts. The City rihall make yearly appropriations to the fund the general operations and development activities of the Trust, unless Otherwise agreexl upon by the City and Trust, ax fullows_ (a) Gem jaLQparatiTwEjq-w.zLv The City shall fiend the general operating mensee of the Trust Fund. Such onenses may includes but not be lialited to the benefits and salary(ies) of executive staff and ovearhead costs as equipment, supplies, security, utilities, enxiutenance and insurance. The City will provide, the Trust any and all Snancial support to zeimburso City employes- For Fel 0'2-13 4 MAR -10-2003 16:32 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.10 Fiaeal Year 2002-03, the City shall appropriate the amount of and 001100 Dollars ( �) for suci, expenfieS_ Eech Fiscal Year' il�rseafter the Trust and City, through the President and City Manager, shall provide for such a Menees taking into account any inavasr costs related to such cSpenses. To facilitate the funding of general operating expenses of the Trust. the City may use HUD Funds, spemacaliy Community Developn,mnt Bloch Grant Funds (CI)BG Funds) to supplement a,oy operating expenses. (b) Park Firuzd ZLnda. Park Bond Funds in the amonnl, of and 001100 Dollrus ($ shalt lie provided to the Tnisi, beginning in Fiscal Year 200.,:-U— for the purposes developing' "open/greeir spates", including waldng and h.ildng trails, park facilities and other recreational airenitiea. The Trust may use Kuch funds to develop such "open/spaces" itself or Lu provide to any developer sWw.--1ed to develop any. Development Project, provided the developer use such funds to dt+.vrlop `open/green space." any part of the developer's development activities. (c) �izfras .r,u:iure I+UaLds. The City shal1 provide, the necessary funds to facilitate all necessary irnfra,trueture improvements for the Development Projects. An amount of $10,000,000.110, from the Homeland Defense Bund Initiative, has been allocated by the City to the Trust for the necessary infrastrLLE;LUrP and public improvemeate, specifieallyfor the homeownership area. Subsequent infrastructure funding shall be allocated by the City, after the future infrastraebire needs and cusLs for the Revitalization District have been identified by Craven Thuinpson d� AsmwiaLes, a consultant to City and Trust (d) Other Federal. ,Stnte or Q&wral Tc.s. All funding activities which have boon approved by the City for the 'bust, and what the City would have normally provided to the Revitalisation Distriet, will be continued to achieve the Purposes of the 'llx- e , including but nnl, limited to: (1) All fedexal or HUD funds allocated in. City Resolution No. 01 160, attached and incorporated hereto; shall be held for use of the Trust. The Trust shall provide the City with receipts and invoice*i for the reimbursement of Such fuudls to the Trust. (2) All of the remaining yearly allocation of. Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program funds as provided for in Resolution Noe. 98-80U and 01-159, attached and incorporated (3) Subject to approval by thr. ITS Congress, the City has approved that any and all unspent. Ser -tion S funds shall be held for the use and beueft of the 1rusa;, as provided in Resolution No. 02- 9 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:32 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.11 1G0_ 1Tpon approval, such f»nds shall be used by the Trust to provide down payment assistance for homeowaersliip, second mortgages and to cover other housing costs. (4) ThP City's funding for hist-tmae home buyers and first-time home buyers single ffanily rehabilitation protrams shall be made available, as a City priority, for funding'eligible loprsons ]n the Revitalization District. (5) In regards to the ulinve funds, the City shall p-mvide the Trust with a Fund Cash Balance Report ou a quarterly ba.SIS. (e) Ittrrent;ent R?Lwjtupg. 'Phe City agrees to appropriate 50% of the difference between the amount of ad valorem taxes levied Narh year on real property within boundaries of the Rrevitaliz-aGon Iligtarict and the amuuut of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the tax levied upon the total assessed value of he taxable L*al property it the R.evitabmilon District prior to the effect date of this Agreement. The above funds shall be allocated to and deptwited in the Model City Trust Fund as provided for iu Spchon 7.2 hereof, to be used by the Trust to finance arty redevelopment undertaken pm-suant to tho Master pia._ Sootion 7.2 Establishment 7,`rust Fund. Tb a City does hereby conseu t an d authorize the Trust to R.hp full and complete control and rustody of moneys collected, approved, provided fur and authorized for the Trust by the City, a private source or any other governmental ea-itity. Such moneys shall be tit -posited with a fiduciary as deterni-vaed by the Trust. The City', Departments of Managwnent and Budget and Finance shall continue to provide.. all services and support relatM to the keeping, m2na,emeiit, handling and budgeting of such funds as determined by the 'frust. however, U) k, Department of Fiufuice xhall emate a Model City Trust Fund, separate and distinct from other city funds, fmr the receipt, keeping, management, handling and budgeting of funds of the Trnq, until such time as the Trtirt identifies a fiduciary. ARTICLP Vlll AC0.[)UNTAl31LTTY FOR FUNDS Seetion 8,1 Aunual, Audit_1{equirad. The 'I`rux!- shall have performed yearly aia annual independent audit of all disbursements and twvipts of its funds performed by a certified public ar..rauntant, as required by Section 12.5-35 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida. The annual audit shall be m npleked and presented, to the Mayor and City Cum mission pxior to March 31 of each year. 10 v12-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:33 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 058 1610 P.12 Section b.2 Rnnnrts Ast Rwauested by City. The Trusi shallprovide an annual report with the audit as required herein. Other repurLS as i-rquemted by the Cit)- shall be provided by the Trust Section 8.3 Cuu rRtia tth Anv Audit Y3equw,t<� l''ram City. The Trust shall cooperate with Lhe Pity* relative to any audits of fu lldi provided to the Cit.' which wore budgeted ux allors,ted to the Trust from any fedPra], State or local agency. ARTICLE TX GRANTS, CONTRTBUTIONS OR OTHER FUNDS Section 9.1 Pursue Gr tit. ()nnort-uniti0si. The Trustmay geek and receive grants and other finding from federal, state, local and private sources to facilitate the Development Project. The City shall provide the Trust will atiy assistance necousary to obtain any grant nr other funding identified and sought Iiy the Trust, as appropriate. Section 9.2 Fundraising Initiatives. The Trust may institute other fundraiving iuiGat.ives or capital caxrpaigns designed to max];et and solicitfinanciO support fur Lhe T)Pvelopment Projects. ARTICLE X DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES .AND PROJECTS Section 10.1 Preparation of Master Plau for Revitxliza inn Dixtriet. A Master Plan shall be prepared for the redevelopment of the ReviL07-Atinn District, by the Trust. The Master Plan, and any subsequent m amendents, shall be presented Lo the City Commission for concurrence or ratiticmilon, prior to redevelopment. Section 10.2 Consultants or Developers. The Trust mhAll formulate a program fur utilirang appropriate private and public resources to rkilitate the redevelopment of the. Revitalization District. (a) Any consultants previously retained by the (,ity to facilitate the redevelopment of the ReviLalication District shall continue to provide services under any existing r,greement until such agreement lapses or terminated by the Trust_ Subject to 11m discretion of the Trust, any agreement may be renewed on Lhe terns, and conditions as dctormined by the Trust. 11 2-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:33 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P-13 (b) The Trust may invite proposal• from private developers, non profit organixmi.;.ons, or any persons interested in underLaking to redevelop or rehal,ilitate the Rev1italiZatinrL District or any part Lhered. (e) The services of consultant$ or developers sball be obtained by use of the City's purchasing and procurement proeedxrrrs. Section 10.E Fast -Track PrP e=ittinj amArrurovals, The City s},all wok with the Trust to fast trHck, or to xnetitute a one-ktOP shop fox, permitt i.ug an d other Approvals needed by theWust for redevelopment Section 10.4 Priority Qansidera ion. jwd Mateh by tkq—Q ty. For up to five (5) years from, the dAte of this ,Ureement, the City shaJ.l. give priority cor,siderat ion to a minimum of tun (2) tax credit dsvQ1opmeLAr,, multifamily or siugle family homeownership, SIUP or rental projects, and two (2) Section 202 applicaLicros, or other appropriate applications, for senior honying to be completed in the Revitalization. District. ARTICLE XT RESPONSIBILITIES OF TSR TRUST 11.1 R,esnoujilbilifiesAf Trust The Tnut shall have all powers, duties and privileges, and imamtmitirs specified in the Conunm,ity Redevelopment Act of 19139, as amended, as granted to the City. Specifically, the C1RA shall: (a) Be responsible for undertaking and carrying out the redwvelopment and revitalization activities as provided fur in the Master Plan, with resppirl to the radevelupu i ent and revitaluatioa of the ReviLalization llhatriet_ (b) Be responsible for the planning, development, program management, I,Fdilical assAanoe, coordination said other services necessary for the completion of the Development Projects. (r..) Prepare and submit to the 0Sty a proposed budget whieb ideatifies the projw-1s, undertakings and activities tole planned, designod, developed, imp1millented and c arrit:d out by the Trust prior to the apirr%wriation, allocation and appruval of the City's yearly budget_ The budget process of Ll,e Truat shall be in accordance with the City'a wwval budget process. (d) Ameadmenta, modifications or WieratimA of the Development Projects shall requi.rK dir- City's prior approval only if the Amendments, modifications or alterations of the Prajects require an increase in bin& from the (,`ity_ 12 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:33 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.14 11,:; Reports to the. City, 'Ac Trust shall. I„movide to the City status reprn•ts regarding the ProjtuLs_ Such reporte shall be provided to the City at such tuue or times as the City ,nay tp.nuire. An -.v reports required pursuant to ani• Project fiend agreement shall be provided in accordance with such agreement. Ali'1'I GI.E = EXECIMON OF IiR)✓LATED AGREEMENTS 12.1 FxeGUfion of nw Rsauired Agreements. If the natuTw or use of the HUD Funds, Park Bond k1unds or any other scmree of funding provided by the City to the Trust p{u-&uant to this Agrees out requires the (".Baty And Trust to enfi-x into an agreemeut rRlating to n Development Project(a), such agreement, shall be in, accordame with all appheablo rules and regulations of the funding source. 12.2 Eseeuti on uP Related Agreements. .All agreements shall be executed by the President on lwhalf of the Trust, upon approval by theTrust, and by the City Manager on behall'uf the City, upon the approval of 1110 City Commission. ARTICLE MU TERMINATION 13-1 TornAim on. Tills Agreement shall terminate upon the dissolution of the Trust or by resolution ui Lhe Cite Com i=on; 13.2 Reversion City. Upon, the dissolution of the Trust by the City (' ltymmi44iQyl}the powers, duties and aswt of the'l�rust shall revert to the City. ARTMI,1; NIV REPRESENTATIONS; WARRANTEES; COVENANTS 14.1 Rein -mentation andWarran-desand Cuvrnants otl the City, The City represents, warrants and covwanta to the Trost fhat, each of the following statements is presently true and accurate - (a) The Cil.y is a vaHdir existing municipal corporation rn•garrised under the laws of the Stele of 11mida, has all requisite oorporate power and Authority to carry on its business as now conducted and to porform its obligations undNr Iles Agreement and each document, euut.ewplatp.d hereunder to which it is or will be a parley. (b) The Tnist mlmll coordinate all redevelopment activities in the Revitalization District, ptusnian,t to Sertions 12.5-26 to 12.5 39 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. 19 0--1334 MAR -10-2003 16:33 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.15 (c) This Agreement has been duly authorisaid by all necessary action uu the part of. and has been, or will he, duly executed and delivered by the City, and neither the execution and delivery hrereaf, nor eompliwam with the term; mad provisions hereof; (i) romtixas the aplaroval and consent of any other party, except such as have been duly obtained or as fire spedficslly noted herein, (ii) contravenes any existing law, judgment, g+ovcrnmental rule, regulation or order applicable In or binding on any in&,T1l.U1V,,, mortgage, deed of trtttit, lank loan or credit wtgvement, applicable urdi_uancps, resolutions or, on the date aC this Agreement, any other atrreemeut or instrusneat to which the City is a party, or (iii) contravenes a results in any llreach of, or default, tuader any other agreement to wbirh the (N#iz a party, or rwauhs in the creation of ;my lien ox encumbrance upon :my prnperty of the City. (e) This Agreement, when enterad, constitutes a legal, valid and loinrling obligation of the City, enforceable against the City in accordance with the germs hereof, except as socli enforeetabdity may be limited by pubhe policy or applurhle bankruptcy, inso)verwy or similar laws from dine to time in effect which affect creditors' rights generally and subject to usual equituble. Prinriples in the evert that equitable remedies are iuvalve& (t) There are no pending cw, to the lmowledge of the (_}ity, threatened actions or proceedings before any raurt or administrative agency of the V", or against any officer of the City, which qut-Ndon the validity of this Agreement or Any document contemplated hexoander, ur which are likely in any case, or in Clip aggregate, to matenally adversely affect the mnsummation of the transaction ixmtemplated hereunder of the financial Condition of the Pity. (g) The City shall contiuue to fulfill its obligations to deliver and provide zaauniripal services in tho Revitalization. Distrirl.. (h) The City encourages the T=sL and Agrees to (assist the Trust, to thN extent. determined by the City Manager, to apply for and seek state, federal and curpora(p, grants and aupport. (i) To the extent permitted by law and to the extent the same shall not violate any rile or n -gelation of any applicable funding eutuce, tlir Trust shall be able to seek funding from ulbez resources other than the Cita* to wuppcnt the Development Projeou in the RevitZ-nation District. 13.2 RRe»retaentatiun,!� wart Warm ,es and Covenants of the 'f M4,qt. '1$e 'Dust represents and warrdnls to the City that each of rhe follawiug stat,.is is Presently true and amirate ld. 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:34 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P-16 (a) .rip. Trust is a limited agency of the City, anti hTF Such powers and authority to perform its obligations uadPT this Agmement e=d Pao$ document contemplated here -tinder to which it is or will be a party. (b) This Agr.v�Ament has been duly authorized by oll necessary ztct on on tho Part of, and has been, or will be, duly executed and delivered by the Trusts and neither the execution and delivery hereof nur compliance with the terms end provisions hereof, (1) requirtis the approval and couseu4 of any other paxty, 67-cept such aS have boon duly obtained or az are specifically nosed lierein1 0j) contravenes "y exi ,tang law, judgment, governmental rale, regulation or order applicable to ur binding on any indenture, u)ortgage, deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement, applicable ordinances, resolutions or, on the date of this Agreement, any other agmenient or insi mment to wW Jt the Trust is a pa7aty, or (iii) rnntravenes or results iu toty breach aL or default under aqy other agreement to wU-h the Trust w a party, or results ia the creation of any lien or encumbrance upon any p7roperLy of the 'i cast. (c) This Agreement, when entered, cnruititutes a legal, valid and Minding obligation of the Tmst., enforceable against Lhe `I rust in accordance with the horns hereof, except as such enforceability may be liwAr-Ai by public policy or applicable bankruptcy, insolveacy or smtilar laws from tame to time in effect which af%rt creditors' rights genmall_y and subject to usual equiW)le- principles in the event tLst equitable remetl jets am involved. (d) The Tryst aball to nely fulfill, or cause to be fulfilled, alL of its obligations hereunder. (c) During the term of this Agreement, the Trust shall cause to occur and to continue to be in effect those UUTMr.Luents, instruments, and documents which are its T(--SponsibLb3 under this Agreement (t) The Trust shall. provide to the. City a copy of say applrations made to obtain gr=ts of moneys from resources or entities, other than the City, iutluding the FedeTal Government. (g) The Trust agreos to apply for stile., federal and Corporate gents and support. XV MISCELLANEOUS 16.1 M229AW NQtir.PS to City Mon aver The Trust xhal). provide the City Manager with nutices of all of its regular and spedal board me"611gs. 1115 0c MAR -10-2003 16:34 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.17 15.2 End a ce ar meat. This Agreement, its atta chm.en IS and an)' related agrePTTIHlte entered as provided herein constitutC the entiredgres?n�P.rit of tic parties herew. 15.3 Mu ific taon or Amendment.. 'Phis Agreement may be amended in writnag by the mutual aM" ment of the parties. 15.4 Seve.rahil.i4 y_ 1jaa-? obligation of Bury perty to this Agroement is foiuO to be invalid ur if any one or more of the covenacil..,, agreements or provisions of this ,'agreement should l,P held contrary to any express provision of laa, or against public policy, or shall, for any reason whal,suever, be held invalid; then sueb covenants, agreem.eniti or prov18.ons shall be null and vrnd and shall be deemed separate from thee reruainiug covenants, agreemeu.tA or provisions of this Agreement, which shall ,emain in fall force and effect. 15.5 This Ag+v4-,nent shall become effective on Ow.. date on wkch this Agreement is (i) executed by the Ctity and Trust, and (Iii) filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Mimi Dade Ckrunty. Rorida, whichever is later; and shall exPire upon terminataon as protrided in Ar6 le XIII hereof 15.6 Assite=gnt, This Agreerlimi shall not bo aasied by the Trumt,, in whole or in part, without the prior writte„ consent of the Cite, which may be withbeld or conditioned., in the City's sole discretion. 15.9 No Muer LiabilixY. No covenant., stipulation, obligation or agreement contained 1 -it -rein shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agrt!E ment of any present or future member of the gaverning bodv or agent or employee cif the City or the Trust in its, hialher or ibeir individual capacity, and neither die mrnubers of the governing body of the t"_.ity or the Trust, nor any offieW executing this Agmement shall be liable personally or ~hall be subject to any accountability for rennin of the execution by the City ur the 'Twat of this Agreement or any act pertW r -i ug tl,erPtn. 15.8 Notices . It is ncirlerstood and agreed between the parties that written notice addressed to &v CiLy Manager or to the President of the Trust avid mailed, certiSiod/return receipt, or hand delivered to the address appearing on page cine (1) of this Agreement shall constitute sufficient notate to either panty. 15.9 Controlling Law . This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of MoAda. Proper venue fur any proceedings pertaining to this Agreement, shall be in h iomi. Dade County, Florida 16 02-1334 MAR -10-2003 16:34 CITY CLERKS OFFICE 305 858 1610 P.18 TN WITNESS tiVBMH EOF, the parties hereto have entered into this lutcrlocal, Cooperation ALp•cement w of the day and yew: flut above writwn. C1W OF MIAMI FLORIDA BT.- - Carlos A. Giui ez, (,'ity Manager AT'T'EST: Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk APPROVk;D AS TV FORM Awn LEGAL SUF'F 0TENCY Alejandm Vilarello, Eeq. City Attorney MODEL CITY HOMEOWNEMRIP TRUST Ey. Gwcudolyu C. Warren, Tni.e,rim President ATTEST: Priscilla A Thompson, City Cleik APPHOVZu AS TID FORM AND LEGAL ST TMr, Z)izabeth T. McBride, kXq. V10119nd & Nnigl,6 1,TP, 9pecid) Counsel to Model City Tlcymeamershw 'bust WPB 1 #211 Sfi9 v2 17 62-1334 POCKET ITEM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM To: Honorable Mayor Diaz and Date: December 11, 2002File: Members of the City Commission Subject: Interlocal Cooperation Agreement - City of Miami and Model City Community Revitalization District Froin: Arthur E. Teele, Jr. References: Commissioner, District 5 S' ed and diispatattcched to a id delay Enclosures: By this memorandum, I am respectfully requesting to discuss the following resolution: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND THE MODEL CITY COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION DISTRICT TRUST IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE FORM ATTACHED AS DETAILED IN EXHIBIT "A" Thank you. Cc: Alejandro Vilareilo, City Attorney Priscilla Thompson, City Clerk 02-1334 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI AND MODEL CITY COMMUNITY REVITALIZATION DISTRICT TABLE OF CONTENTS ARTICLE/SECTION PAGE(S) I. AUTHORITY H. DEFINITIONS 2-3 III. PURPOSE.COOPERATION Section 3.1 Purpose 3 Section 3.2 Pledge of Cooperation 3-4 IV. POWERS OF THE TRUST Section 4.1 Powers 4-5 V. SERVICES, PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES Section 5.1 Scope of Services 5-6 Section 5.2 Use of City Personnel 6-7 Section 5.3 Return or Recall of Employees 7 Section 5.4 Selection of Consultants and Other Professionals 7 VI. LAND ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION FOR REDEVELOPMENT Section 6.1 Acquisition and Transfer of City -owned Properties Section 6.2 Acquisition of Other Properties Section 6.3 Maintenance of Properties Until Transferred to Trust Section 6.4 Relocation Assistance Section 6.5 Return of Any Surplus or Unused Properties VII. PAYMENT OR ADVANCE OF PUBLIC FUNDING Section 7,1 Funding of Activities of the Trust 8 (a) General Operating Expenses 8 (b) Infrastructure Funds 8-9 (c) Other Federal. State or Local Funds 9-10 (d) Priority Funding of Homeownership 10 (e) Increment Revenues 10 Section 7.2 Establishment of Trust Fund 10-11 VIII. ACCOUNTABILITY FOR FUNDS Section 8.1 Annual Audit Required I 1 Section 8.2 Reports As Requested By City 1 I Section 8.3 Cooperation With Any Audit Requests From City 11 IX. GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS OR OTHER FUNDS 11 Section 9.1 Pursue Grant Opportunities 11 Section 9.2 Fundraising Initiatives 11 X. DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS Section 10.1 Preparation of Master Plan 11-12 Section 10.2 Consultants or Developers 12 Section 10.3 Fast Track of Permitting and Approvals 12 Section 10.4 Priority Consideration and Match the City 12 ,s: 02-1334 XI. STATUTORY GOVERNANCE Section 11.1 Establishment of Statutory Governance 12-13 XII. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUST Section 12.1 Responsibilities of the Trust l Section 12.2 Reports to the City 1 XIII. EXECUTION OF RELATED AGREEMENTS Section 13.1 Execution of Any Required Agreements 13 Section 13.2 Execution of Related Agreements 14 XIV. TERMINATION Section 14.1 Termination 14 Section 14.2 Reversion to City 14 XIV. REPRESENTATIONS_ WARRANTIES; COVENANTS Section 14.1 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the City 14-15 Section 14.2 Representations, Warranties and Covenants of the Trust 15-16 XV. MISCELLANEOUS Section 15.1 Meeting Notices to Manager 16 Section 15.2 Entire Agreement 16 Section 15.3 Modification or Amendment 16 Section 15.4 Severability 16 Section 15.5 Effective Date 17 Section 15.6 Assignment 17 Section 15.7 No Member Liability 17 Section 15.8 Notices 17 Section 15.9 Controlling Law 1-11 EX1I)BX IT A WPB1 #211884 v2 02-1334 INTERLOCAL COOPERATION AGREEMENT THIS INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT ("Agreement") dated the day of , 2002, between the City of Miami (the "City"), a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, having offices at 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33128, and the Model City Community Revitalization District Trust, a limited agency and instrumentality of the City ( the "Trust"). WITNESSETH WHEREAS, with the adoption of Resolution No. 99-429, the City approved its Five -Year Consolidated Plan (1999-2004) outlining its proposed use of funds received from the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development approved the establishment of the Model City Homeownershop Zone; outlined various housing and community revitalization strategies; and proposed uses of the funds; and WHEREAS, the Trust was created by the City to ensure the City's short- term, intermediate and long-term revitalization goals for the Model City Neighborhood can be implemented expeditiously and effectively; and WHEREAS, it is the purpose and intent of this Agreement to permit and authorize the City and the Trust to make the most efficient use of their respective powers, resources, authority and capabilities by enabling them to cooperate on the basis of mutual advantage and thereby achieve the results provided hereby pursuant to Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, known and referred to as the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 (the "Cooperation Act"); and WHEREAS, it is the purpose of the Cooperation Act that the City and the Trust is to provide a means where the City and the Trust may exercise collectively their powers, privileges and authority; and WHEREAS, the boundaries for the Model City Revitalization District (the "Revitalization District") are the contiguous area bounded by Northwest 71st Street to the North, State Road 112 to the South, 1-95 to the East and Northwest 17th Avenue to the West, and the non-contiguous area of Northwest 17th and 19th Avenues between Northwest 58th Street and State Road 112, all in Miami, Miami - Dade, Florida; and 02-1334 WHEREAS, it is necessary and appropriate for the parties to provide for the cooperation for the undertaking and carrying out of the redevelopment of the Revitalization District, and for the parties to cooperate and jointly proceed as provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements of the parties, and in order to set forth the sights, duties and powers of the parties for the purpose of implementing the foregoing, the City and the Trust hereby covenant and agree as follows. ARTICLE I AUTHORITY This Agreement is entered into pursuant to and under the authority of the provisions of the Cooperation Act of 1969, Section 163.01, Florida Statutes, as amended; the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act, Part I of Chapter 166, Florida Statutes; the Charter of the City, and other applicable provisions of law. ARTICLE II DEFINITIONS The terms defined in this Article shall have the following meanings for purposes of this Agreement when initially capitalized herein: "Cooperation Act" means Section 163.01, Florida. Statues; "Agreement" means this Interlocal Cooperation Agreement, including any exhibits hereto, as the same may be hereafter amended from time to time. "City" means the City of Miami, Florida, a municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, and any successors thereto or assigns thereof. "Development Projects" mean the pilot projects established by the Trust Board to revitalize the Model City Neighborhood or the Revitalization District as agreed upon by the City and Trust. "Effective Date" means the date as determined by Section 15.5 and hereof on which this Agreement becomes effective. "Expiration Date" means the date on which this Agreement terminates by its own terms as provided in Article XIII hereof. "Fiscal Year" means the fiscal years of the City commencing on October 1 of each year and ending on the next succeeding September 30 or such other fiscal year as may be established by law. 2 Q,.� 1.334 "HUD Funds" mean grants of moneys the City receives from time to time from the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, including but not limited to community development block grant funds ("CDBG Funds"), HOME Investment Partnership ("HOME Funds"), including such other similar funds, and any direct Congressional or Legislative appropriations by the US Congress or Florida Legislature. "HUD Plan" means the Five Year Consolidated Plan, adopted by the City in August, 1999, pursuant to Resolution No. 01-160. "Master Plan" means the plan for redevelopment of the Revitalization District, as provided for in Article X hereof. "Park Bond Funds" mean grants of moneys the City receives from time to time from Miami Dade County Safe Neighborhood Park Bonds issued for capital improvements for existing parks in the City. "Public Improvements" mean the capital projects constituting public infrastructure to serve the Development Projects. "Revitalization District" or "Model City Neighborhood" means the Model City Community Revitalization District, specifically that portion of the City which is located at the contiguous area bounded by Northwest 71St Street to the North, State Road 112 to the South, I-95 to the East and Northwest 17th Avenue to the West, and the non-contiguous area of Northwest 17th and 19th Avenues between Northwest 58th Street and State Road 112, in the City. "Trust Board" means the seven member body designated by the City to serve as governing body for the Trust. "Trust" means the Model City Community Revitalization District Trust as provided for in Division 1, Article 1. Community Revitalization Districts of Chapter 12 of the City Code, as now or hereafter amended. ARTICLE III PURPOSE; COOPERATION Section 3.1 Purpose. The City and Trust acknowledge and agree that the purpose of this Agreement is to set forth the cooperative relationship between the City and the Trust, the respective duties and obligations thereof and the procedures to be followed by the parties hereto for the planning and carrying out the City's revitalization efforts for the redevelopment of the Revitalization District. 3 02-1334 Section 3.2 Pledge of Cooperation. The City and the Trust recognize the necessity of working closely and coordinating with each other in order to effectuate the intent of this Agreement. Therefore, each party pledges hereto agree to cooperate and assist each other in facilitating the redevelopment of the. Revitalization District in a manner consistent the Master Plan. To facilitate the redevelopment of the Revitalization District, the City and Trust will undertake, or cause to be undertaken, Development Projects comprising a comprehensive approach to redeveloping the Revitalization. District and providing a quality environment for raising families. Subject to the availability of funds, the Development Projects may include, but not be limited to: ( a) Public improvements consisting of streets, sidewalks, water and sewer, underground utilities and other infrastructure improvements. (b) Construction or renovation of single and multi -family homes to facilitate home ownership opportunities; (c) Revitalization of the commercial corridors; (d) Creation of a neighborhood One -Stop Center for job training, placement assistance, homeownership training and counseling, and other needed social services; (e) Facilitation of the construction and/or creation of a Magnet School in Technology; (£) Creation of "open/green spaces", including but not limited to walking and bicycle trails; a neighborhood park(s) or park improvements/expansions; and other recreational amenities; (g) Facilitation of the construction of a postal facility; (h) Establishment of a community center; (i) Assist in the coordination of a full service healthcare facility: (k) Construction of a neighborhood NET office; (1) Preservation of historical properties; (m) Other facilities as agreed upon by the City and Trust. LI 02-1334 ARTICLE IV POWERS OF THE TRUST Section 4.1 Powers. The trust shall exercise the powers and duties as provided in Sections 12.5-26 through 12.5-39 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended, and as provided within this Agreement. ARTICLE V SERVICES, PERSONNEL AND RESOURCES TO BE PROVIDED BY CITY Section 5.1 Scope of Services. The City shall provide the Trust with the following office space, continued municipal services to the Revitalization District and professional and support services, as needed to facilitate the redevelopment of the Revitalization District. However, the City's provision of such professional and support services do not prohibit the Trust from hiring or contracting for such services, or a portion of such services, from persons who are not employees of the City. a. General administration and coordination services including but not limited to providing administrative, purchasing and procurement, information technology, technical and secretarial services. b. Engineering services implementing public improvements including but not limited to preparation of right-of-way maps, appraisals, acquisition of right-of-way, road design, construction and inspection. C. Financial services including but not limited to the Finance Director serving in a fiduciary capacity as Treasurer for the Trust; financial reporting; paying bills; investments; preparation of management reports in coordination with the President of the Trust; financial management of Trust funds; management of all debt including loans, bonds and notes, advice regarding debt and placement services; lease payment and collections; budget preparation and management in coordination with the President; auditing and grant financial management. d. Planning services including but not limited to support services and studies; coordination of amendments to zoning and planning ordinances for consistency with any approved redevelopment activities; assistance in the review of any proposed Development Projects; preparation of presentations and data as needed by the Trust; and routine updates to the Trust on data consisting of demographics, land use trends and related planning support services. 5 02-1334 e. City Clerk services including but not limited to the City Clerk, or the City Clerk's designee, serving as Clerk of the Trust; maintaining and keeping of records of the Trust; acting as Secretary of meetings of the Trust and recording all votes; keeping a journal of the proceedings of the Trust; power to certify all necessary certifications of records of official proceedings. Any costs incurred in the Clerk's delivery of such services shall be provided by the City to the Trust. f. Public safety services providing for the implementation of a community policing program by the City Police Department and any other public safety services deemed necessary by the Trust and City. g. Legal services shall include but not be limited to services as counsel, unless the Trust otherwise selects a counsel; however, nothing herein prohibits the Trust from obtaining special counsel. h. Municipal services and public improvements to the Revitalization District and as needed for redevelopment i. Office space shall be provided in the Hadley Park — Carrie P. Meek Senior Citizens and Cultural Center, 1350 NW 50th Street, Miami, Florida, until such time as the other spaces have been constructed or obtained to house the operations and employees of the Trust. Section 5.2 Use of City Personnel. (a) The City hereby agrees to designate the city employees listed in Exhibit to serve as full-time staff to the Trust for the program management, planning, coordination, technical assistance and other services needed to carry out and undertake the Development Projects of the Trust. The City Manager, or his designee, is hereby authorized to provide, on the request of the Trust for the detailing of full-time and part-time City employees from various departments of the City for service to the Trust. Such employees shall be determined during the annual budget planning session, and the full-time employees shall be outsourced to the Trust at the beginning of each fiscal year. (b) For any employees submitted to be full-time employees of the Trust, other than the President, the City Manger, or his designee, shall submit such names, educational background and work experiences of employees to the President for review and confirmation. Should the President determine a city employee does not possess the necessary educational, professional and/or technical background or experience to perform the duties of the assigned job, the City Manager, or his designee, shall submit another employee name to the President to fill the position. G 02-1334 (c) The City employees designated to serve as full-time staff to the Trust shall continue to receive all the benefits provided to other City employees related to their employment with the City, except that the day-to-day duties and supervision of the employees shall be determined and provided by the Trust. Such employees shall adhere to any City rules and regulations regarding employment. (d) The City shall further provide the Trust with the assistance of any other City employees, on a part-time basis, for the provision of services to the Trust on a project -by -project basis, upon the approval of the City Manager, or his designee. In furtherance of this provision, the City Manager and Trust shall agree, in writing, on the general scope of the services to be provided by such City employees; however, the final approval of such services shall be within the City Manager's sole discretion. The work performed by such part-time employees for the Trust shall be under the direction and supervision of the Trust, unless otherwise decided by the City Manager with the Trust. (e) The City shall provide the services of any full-time or part-time City employee without any charge to the Trust. In furtherance of the above provisions allocating city -employees on a full-time or part-time basis to the Trust, the City and Trust shall enter into a separate agreement, if required by the City Manager. Such agreement shall comply with the provisions of Section 112.24, Florida Statutes, as now or hereafter amended. Section 5.3 Return or Recall of Employees. The Trust may return any full- time employee to the City, with or without cause, within sixty (60) days after providing written notice to the City Manager, or his designee, whether or not the City has identified a position for such employee. The City may recall any full-time employee assigned to the Trust, within sixty (60) days of providing written notice to the President. Section 5.4 Selection of Consultants and Other Professionals of Trust. The Trust is hereby authorized to employ or contract with such persons and consultants that it deems appropriate, and to determine their qualifications. ARTICLE VI LAND ACQUISITION AND RELOCATION FOR REDEVELOPMENT Section 6.1 Acquisition and Transfer of City -owned Properties The City has commenced predevelopment activities in the Revitalization District, including the land assembly and relocation activities, with the assistance of City employees and outside professional services necessary to perform legal, architectural, infrastructure, environmental assessment and other services to expedite and facilitate the redevelopment. 7 02-1334 (a) All city -owned properties within the Revitalization District, with clear title, shall be transferred from the City to the Trust within thirty (30) days of the execution of this Agreement. (b) Other city -owned properties, or properties later acquired by the City, shall be transferred to the Trust within thirty (30) days of the City obtaining clear title to such properties. Section 6.2. Acquisition of Other Properties. Other properties shall be acquired by the City, by eminent domain or other means, upon the request of the Trust. Section 6.3 Maintenance of Properties Until Transferred to Trust. The City shall maintain all vacant lands, houses and buildings acquired by the City, until such time as the properties are transferred to the Trust. Section 6.4 Relocation Assistance. The Trust will prepare plans for and assist in the relocation of any persons (including individuals, families, business concerns, nonprofit organizations, and others) displaced due to the redevelopment activities in the Revitalization District, and to make relocation payments to or with respect to such persons for moving expenses and losses of property for which reimbursement or compensation is not otherwise made, including the making of such payments financed by the Federal Government. Section 6.5 Return of Any Surplus or Unused Properties. Should any properties provided by the City to the Trust not be used for any redevelopment activities or the Development Projects, the Trust shall return such properties to the City upon the dissolution of the Trust. ARTICLE VII PAYMENT OR ADVANCE OF PUBLIC FUNDING Section 7.1 Funding of Trusts. The City shall make yearly appropriations to the fund the general operations and development activities of the Trust, unless otherwise agreed upon by the City and Trust, as follows: (a) GeneralOperatinoExpenses. The City shall fund the general operating expenses of the Trust Fund. Such expenses may include but not be limited to the benefits and salary(ies) of executive staff and overhead costs as equipment, supplies, security, utilities, maintenance and insurance. The City will provide the Trust any and all financial support to reimburse City employees. For 02-1334 Fiscal Year 2002-03, the City shall appropriate the amount of and 00/100 Dollars ($ ) for such expenses. Each Fiscal Year thereafter the Trust and City, through the President and City Manager, shall provide for such expenses taking into account any increase costs related to such expenses. To facilitate the funding of general operating expenses of the Trust, the City may use HUD Funds, specifically Community Development Block Grant Funds (CDBG Funds) to supplement any operating expenses. (b) Park B07ad Funds. Park Bond Funds in the amount of and 00/100 Dollars ($ ) shall be provided to the Trust beginning in Fiscal Year 200_-0_, for the purposes developing "open/green spaces", including walking and biking trails, park facilities and other recreational amenities. The Trust may use such funds to develop such "open/spaces" itself or to provide to any developer selected to develop any Development Project, provided the developer use such funds to develop "open/green spaces" any part of the developer's development activities. ( c ) Infrastructure Funds. The City shall provide the necessary funds to facilitate all necessary infrastructure improvements for the Development Projects. An amount of $10,000,000.00, from the Homeland Defense Bond Initiative, has been allocated by the City to the Trust for the necessary infrastructure and public improvements, specifically for the homeownership area. Subsequent infrastructure funding shall be allocated by the City, after the future infrastructure needs and costs for the Revitalization District have been identified by Craven Thompson & Associates, a consultant to City and Trust (d) Other Federal State or General Funds. All funding activities which have been approved by the City for the Trust, and what the City would have normally provided to the Revitalization District, will be continued to achieve the purposes of the Trust, including but not limited to: (1) All federal or HUD funds allocated in City Resolution No. 01- 160, attached and incorporated hereto, shall be held for use of the Trust. The Trust shall provide the City with receipts and invoices for the reimbursement of such funds to the Trust. (2) All of the remaining yearly allocation of Home Investment Partnership (HOME) Program funds as provided for in Resolution Nos. 98-800 and 01-159, attached and incorporated hereto. (3) Subject to approval by the US Congress, the City has approved that any and all unspent Section 8 fiends shall be held for the use and benefit of the Trust, as provided in Resolution No. 01- M 02-1334 160. Upon approval, such funds shall be used by the Trust to provide down payment assistance for homeownership, second mortgages and to cover other housing costs. (4) The City's funding for first-time home buyers and first-time home buyers single family rehabilitation programs shall be made available, as a City priority, for funding eligible persons in the Revitalization District. (5) In regards to the above funds, the City shall provide the Trust with a Fund Cash Balance Report on a quarterly basis. (e) Increment Revenues. The City agrees to appropriate 50% of the difference between the amount of ad valorem taxes levied each year on real property within boundaries of the Revitalization District and the amount of ad valorem taxes which would have been produced by the tax levied upon the total assessed value of he taxable real property in the Revitalization District prior to the effect date of this Agreement. The above funds shall be allocated to and deposited in the Model City Trust Fund as provided for in Section 7.2 hereof, to be used by the Trust to finance any redevelopment undertaken pursuant to the Master Plan. Section 7.2 Establishment Trust Fund. The City does hereby consent and authorize the Trust to the full and complete control and custody of moneys collected, approved, provided for and authorized for the Trust by the City, a private source or any other governmental entity. Such moneys shall be deposited with a fiduciary as determined by the Trust. The City's Departments of Management and Budget and Finance shall continue to provide all services and support related to the keeping, management, handling and budgeting of such funds as determined by the Trust. However, the Department of Finance shall create a Model City Trust Fund, separate and distinct from other city fiends, for the receipt, keeping, management, handling and budgeting of funds of the Trust, until such time as the Trust identifies a fiduciary. ARTICLE VIII ACCOUNTABILITY FOR FUNDS Section 8.1 Annual Audit Required. The Trust shall have performed yearly an annual independent audit of all disbursements and receipts of its funds performed by a certified public accountant, as required by Section 12.5-35 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida. The annual audit shall be completed and presented to the Mayor and City Commission prior to March 31 of each year. 10 02-1334 Section 8.2 Reports As Requested by City. The Trust shall provide an annual report with the audit as required herein. Other reports as requested by the City shall be provided by the Trust. Section 8.3 Cooperation With Any Audit Requests From City. The Trust shall cooperate with the City relative to any audits of funds provided to the City which were budgeted or allocated to the Trust from any federal, state or local agency. ARTICLE IX GRANTS, CONTRIBUTIONS OR OTHER FUNDS Section 9.1 Pursue Grant Opportunities. The Trust may seek and receive grants and other funding from federal, state, local and private sources to facilitate the Development Projects. The City shall provide the Trust with any assistance necessary to obtain any grant or other funding identified and sought by the Trust, as appropriate. Section 9.2 Fundraising Initiatives. The Trust may institute other fundraising initiatives or capital campaigns designed to market and solicit financial support for the Development Projects. ARTICLE X DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES AND PROJECTS Section 10.1 _Preparation of Master Plan for Revitalization District. A Master Plan shall be prepared for the redevelopment of the Revitalization District, by the Trust. The Master Plan, and any subsequent amendments, shall be presented to the City Commission for concurrence or ratification, prior to redevelopment. Section 10.2 Consultants or Developers. The Trust shall formulate a program for utilizing appropriate private and public resources to facilitate the redevelopment of the Revitalization District. (a) Any consultants previously retained by the City to facilitate the redevelopment of the Revitalization District shall continue to provide services under any existing agreement until such agreement lapses or terminated by the Trust. Subject to the discretion of the Trust, any agreement may be renewed on the terms and conditions as determined by the Trust. 11 02-1334 (b) The Trust may invite proposals from private developers, non profit organizations, or any persons interested in undertaking to redevelop or rehabilitate the Revitalization District or any part thereof. (c) The services of consultants or developers shall be obtained by use of the City's purchasing and procurement procedures. Section 10.3 Fast Track of Permitting and Approvals. The City shall work with the Trust to fast track, or to institute a one-stop shop for, permitting and other approvals needed by the Trust for redevelopment. Section 10.4 Priority Consideration and Match by the City. For up to five (5) years from the date of this Agreement, the City shall give priority consideration to a minimum of two (2) tax credit developments, multifamily or single family homeownership, SHIP or rental projects, and two (2) Section 202 applications, or other appropriate applications, for senior housing to be completed in the Revitalization District. ARTICLE XI RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE TRUST 11.1 Responsibilities of Trust. The Trust shall have all powers, duties and privileges, and immunities specified in the Community Redevelopment Act of 1969, as amended, as granted to the City. Specifically, the CRA shall: (a) Be responsible for undertaking and carrying out the redevelopment and revitalization activities as provided for in the Master Plan, with respect to the redevelopment and revitalization of the Revitalization District. (b) Be responsible for the planning, development, program management, technical assistance, coordination and other services necessary for the completion of the Development Projects. (c) Prepare and submit to the City a proposed budget which identifies the projects, undertakings and activities to be planned, designed, developed, implemented and carried out by the Trust prior to the appropriation, allocation and approval of the City's yearly budget. The budget process of the Trust shall be in accordance with the City's annual budget process. (d) Amendments, modifications or alterations of the Development Projects shall require the City's prior approval only if the amendments, modifications or alterations of the Projects require an increase in funds from the City. 12 02-1334 11.2 Reports to the City. The Trust shall provide to the City status reports regarding the Projects. Such reports shall be provided to the City at such time or times as the City may require. Any reports required pursuant to any Project fund agreement shall be provided in accordance with such agreement. ARTICLE XII EXECUTION OF RELATED AGREEMENTS 12.1 Execution of Any Required Agreements If the nature or use of the HUD Funds, Park Bond Fiends or any other source of funding provided by the City to the Trust pursuant to this Agreement requires the City and Trust to enter into an agreement relating to a Development Project(s), such agreement shall be in accordance with all applicable rules and regulations of the funding source. 12.2 Execution of Related Agreements All agreements shall be executed by the President on behalf of the Trust, upon approval by the Trust, and by the City Manager on behalf of the City, upon the approval of the City Commission. ARTICLE XIII TERMINATION 13.1 Termination. This Agreement shall terminate upon the dissolution of the Trust or by resolution of the City Commission; 13.2 Reversion to Citv. Upon the dissolution of the Trust by the City Commission, the powers, duties and assets of the Trust shall revert to the City. ARTICLE XIV REPRESENTATIONS; WARRANTIES; COVENANTS 14.1 Representations and Warranties and Covenants of the City. The City represents, warrants and covenants to the Trust that each of the following statements is presently true and accurate: (a) The City is a validly existing municipal corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, has all requisite corporate power and authority to carry on its business as now conducted and to perform its obligations under this Agreement and each document contemplated hereunder to which it is or will be a party. (b) The Trust shall coordinate all redevelopment activities in the Revitalization District, pursuant to Sections 12.5-26 to 12.5-39 of the Code of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. 13 p2-1334 (c%) This Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of, and has been, or will be, duly executed and delivered by the City, and neither the execution and delivery hereof, nor compliance with the terms and provisions hereof, (i) requires the approval and consent of any other party, except such as have been duly obtained or as are specifically noted herein, (ii) contravenes any existing law, judgment, governmental rule, regulation or order applicable to or binding on any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement, applicable ordinances, resolutions or, on the date of this Agreement, any other agreement or instrument to which the City is a party, or (iii) contravenes or results in any breach of, or default under any other agreement to which the City is a party, or results in the creation of any lien or encumbrance upon any property of the City. (e) This Agreement, when entered, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the City, enforceable against the City in accordance with the terms hereof, except as such enforceability may be limited by public policy or applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws from time to time in effect which affect creditors' rights generally and subject to usual equitable principles in the event that equitable remedies are involved. (f) There are no pending or, to the knowledge of the City, threatened actions or proceedings before any court or administrative agency of the City, or against any officer of the City, which question the validity of this Agreement or any document contemplated hereunder, or which are likely in any case, or in the aggregate, to materially adversely affect the consummation of the transaction contemplated hereunder of the financial condition of the City. (g) The City shall continue to fulfill its obligations to deliver and provide municipal services in the Revitalization District. (h) The City encourages the Trust and agrees to assist the Trust, to the extent determined by the City Manager, to apply for and seek state, federal and corporate grants and support. (i) To the extent permitted by law and to the extent the same shall not violate any rule or regulation of any applicable funding source, the Trust shall be able to seek funding from other resources other than the City to support the Development Projects in the Revitalization District. 14.2 Representations and Warranties and Covenants of the Trust. The Trust represents and warrants to the City that each of the following statements is presently true and accurate: 14 02-1334 (a) The Trust is a limited agency of the City, and has such powers and authority to perform its obligations under this Agreement and each document contemplated hereunder to which it is or will be a party. (b) This Agreement has been duly authorized by all necessary action on the part of, and has been, or will be, duly executed and delivered by the Trust, and neither the execution and delivery hereof, nor compliance with the terms and provisions hereof, (i) requires the approval and consent of any other party, except such as have been duly obtained or as are specifically noted herein, (ii) contravenes any existing law, judgment, governmental rule, regulation or order applicable to or binding on any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement, applicable ordinances, resolutions or, on the date of this Agreement, any other agreement or instrument to which the Trust is a party, or (iii) contravenes or results in any breach of, or default under any other agreement to which the Trust is a party, or results in the creation of any lien or encumbrance upon any property of the Trust. (c) This Agreement, when entered, constitutes a legal, valid and binding obligation of the Trust, enforceable against the Trust in accordance with the terms hereof, except as such enforceability may be limited by public policy or applicable bankruptcy, insolvency or similar laws from time to time in effect which affect creditors' rights generally and subject to usual equitable principles in the event that equitable remedies are involved. (d) The Trust shall timely fulfill, or cause to be fulfilled, all of its obligations hereunder. (e) During the term of this Agreement, the Trust shall cause to occur and to continue to be in effect those agreements, instruments, and documents which are its responsibility under this Agreement. (f) The Trust shall provide to the City a copy of any applications made to obtain grants of moneys from resources or entities, other than the City, including the Federal Government. (g) The Trust agrees to apply for state, federal and corporate grants and support. XV MISCELLANEOUS 15.1 Meeting Notices to City Manager. The Trust shall provide the City Manager with notices of all of its regular and special board meetings. 15 02-1334 15.2 Entire Agreement. This Agreement, its attachments and any related agreements entered as provided herein constitute the entire agreement of the parties hereto. 15.3 Modification or Amendment. This Agreement may be amended in writing by the mutual agreement of the parties. 15.4 Severability. If any obligation of any party to this Agreement is found to be invalid or if any one or more of the covenants, agreements or provisions of this Agreement should be held contrary to any express provision of laver, or against public policy, or shall, for any reason whatsoever, be held invalid, then such covenants, agreements or provisions shall be null and void and shall be deemed separate from the remaining covenants, agreements or provisions of this Agreement, which shall remain in full force and effect. 15.5 Effective Date. This Agreement shall become effective on the date on which this Agreement is (i) executed by the City and Trust, and (iii) filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Miami Dade County, Florida, whichever is later; and shall expire upon termination as provided in Article XIII hereof. 15.6 Assignment. This Agreement shall not be assigned by the Trust, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the City, which may be withheld or conditioned, in the City's sole discretion. 15.7 No Member Liability. No covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement contained herein shall be deemed to be a covenant, stipulation, obligation or agreement of any present or future member of the governing body or agent or employee of the City or the Trust in its, his/her or their individual capacity, and neither the members of the governing body of the City or the Trust, nor any official executing this Agreement shall be liable personally or shall be subject to any accountability for reason of the execution by the City or the Trust of this Agreement or any act pertaining thereto. 15.8 Notices . It is understood and agreed between the parties that written notice addressed to the City Manager or to the President of the Trust and mailed, certified/return receipt, or hand delivered to the address appearing on page one (1) of this Agreement shall constitute sufficient notice to either party. 15.9 Controlling Law . This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Proper venue for any proceedings pertaining to this Agreement shall be in Miami Dade County, Florida. 16 02-1334 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have entered into this Interlocal Cooperation Agreement as of the day and year first above written. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 511 ATTEST: Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Alejandro Vilarello, Esq. City Attorney Carlos A. Giminez, City Manager MODEL CITY HOMEOWNERSHIP TRUST ATTEST: Priscilla A Thompson, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFICIENCY Elizabeth T. McBride, Esq. Holland & Knight LLP, Special Counsel to Model City Homeownership Trust WPB 1 #211869 v2 Gwendolyn C. Warren, Interim President 17 02-1334