HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-02-0812J-02-606 7/9/02 RESOLUTION NO. 02— 812 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5T11) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDING THAT THE USE OF COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATIONS ARE NOT PRACTICABLE OR ADVANTAGEOUS; WAIVING COMPETITIVE NEGOTIATION PROCEDURES AND APPROVING THE ACQUISITION OF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF EDUCATIONAL, RECREATIONAL AND CULTURAL PROGRAMS AND ACTIVITIES AVAILABLE TO THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY OF THE ELIZABETH VIRRICK PARK (THE "PARK"), AT CITY -OWNED PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 3255 PLAZA STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, FROM COCONUT GROVE CARES, INC. (THE "PROVIDER"); AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH THE PROVIDER FOR AN INITIAL TERM OF FIVE (5) YEARS, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR THREE (3) ADDITIONAL FIVE (5) YEAR PERIODS. WHEREAS, on July 16, 1996, the Miami -Dade County Commission enacted Ordinance 96-115, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance, that authorized issuance of General Obligation Bonds to finance capital improvement programs for certain parks; and WHEREAS, as a result of the ordinance and bond program, the City constructed a new building that includes an indoor OOMKMMON PS OF J U L 0 2002 Resolution No. 02- 81.2 gymnasium, teenage lounge and multi media room, stage, concession area, offices and storage facilities; and WHEREAS, Phase II of the project will include expansion of the multimedia educational component to accommodate a computer lab, music education center, classrooms, senior citizens areas, cooking lab kitchen, a ceramic arts & crafts room and public library; and WHEREAS, Phase II of the project will also include renovation of the existing pool building, shelters, dance floor, outdoor walkways, two outdoor basketball courts and other recreational area; and WHEREAS, entering into partnerships with nonprofit organizations to operate educational, recreational and cultural programs will reduce the amount of City's funds required for operation of the Park; and WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it in the best interest of the City to enter into a professional services agreement with Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. for the provision of educational, recreational and cultural programs at the Park; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Page 2 of 4 02- 812 12 Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. By a four-fifths (4/5th,) affirmative vote of the members of the City Commission, the City Manager's finding that the use of competitive negotiations are not practicable or advantageous is ratified, approved and confirmed, and competitive negotiations procedures are waived and the acquisition of professional services for the administration of educational, recreational and cultural programs and activities available to the surrounding community of the Elizabeth Virrick Park, at City - owned property located at 3255 Plaza, Miami, Florida, with the Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. (the "Provider"), a non-profit corporation, is approved. Section 3. The City Manager is authorized!/ to execute a Professional Services Agreement, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with the Provider for an initial term of five (5) years and with the option to renew for three (3) additional five (5) year periods. 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. Page 3 of 4 02- 812 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 9th ATTEST: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK 6314:tr:LB:BSS day of July , 2002. TNESS:t MANUEL A. DIAZ OR zi If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 4 of 4 IS CITY OF Ml'* VII, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on July 9, 2002, at 9:00 a.m., in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving competitive negotia- tions for the award of professional services agreements, to pro- vide the administration of recreational, educational and cultural programs at the City owned property located 3255 Plaza Street, Miami, Florida (commonly known as the Elizabeth Virrick Park). Said professional service agreements to be for a period of five years with an option to extend for three addition- al five year periods. The following not-for-profit organizations are interested in the provision of the aforementioned services: 1) Boys & Girls Club of Miami, Inc. 2) Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning these items. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a ver- batim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimo- ny and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. Priscilla A. Thompson (#10874) City Clerk ulld subscrlbcd bcforc AT LARC L, Ll! Oil L111;s, Llic_ 13L1C S'1'A'1'L 01' 1,L01t1DA My col;;;;cla;;loci -( t EMY CIFICIALNOTARY SFALGEORGIANNA c714ILL RY PUBLIC STA'i E OF FLORIDA OMMISSION NO. CC939168 COMMISSION EXP. MAY 22AN du MIAMI, V1,0 1)A J:1127 1'1t,001� Ole 1'Ud1LiCAi'IOPI :►lli, ;a;iy;; ilial ;,lic 1„ We Advcrusltjl; Dlrcclur 1 lurtda; lh;cl "Ic ;xllacliw copy or advcrllsc- q, Z d o -z OWIC Couuly, l lurlda acid LWAL We ;iWd l'lurlcla. c;ccli wccic;uid 11;w I)Ccu Culcrcd us ldu, fur ;k lx;rlud of uiorc lhuil uric yc;lr 11Cxl affluiil :„,y;; LhaL clic hus uClllicr p;�id riot I ur rcfuud fur llcc purpusc or sccurinL fills Aclvcrli ig Dlrcclor day of 4 A.D. 20_______—_. "p �D ry A � � A p N JU A C3 0 Cn STNrr OF FLOIUDA SS CUUN'x'X Ol� DJ11JL 4`% lr• UUU NAV ','Alli ; i l'I(1;I;1 • MIAMI. l' LOKWA 331217 :;(l;i-7:17-1 1 •f'/ Publit;llcd Weekly Miami, Dude County, Florida PROOF 02' 1'U11LLCRrlOPI Ucforc Llic undcr::lttucd AuLhurlLy per bully ;appeared l'aul;L Janlcs who, vu ualll, -,wy;, 1h;AL zilic Is We AdvcrUslul; DLrccLor or *n u, MIAMI TIML:S Nvccicly newspaper puhll ;lied aL Mlaml, Dade Couuly, Flurlda: lh:t1 t11c ;Lltaclicd copy of advcrllsc- 1uc:ttt w;w pubiwhul !1t saki riewspatx:r to Llic is;ucc> of: -5 `V C41 Z dvZ Arllalut furllicr st;1Lc WUL Tl -ll: NILNM1 TIMES !s a ncwspaper publl;hcd iii Mlalul, 0;kdc County, Flurlda and that 111c "d newspaper has heretofore been conUnuously published In ;;aid Dade County, 1lurk1a. each week and has bccIl cLLlcvcd as sccolld class mall Matter UL Llic U.S. post 0MCC In Mlaml, lladc Coultty, l--lurlda, fur a perlud or inure than one year LLcxt prcccdhll; dale of publlcaLluu or Llic attached copy of advertlscnlcnl furlher afrla111 sly; llwL she llas ncltllcr pald our pruullscd any f1ru1, person u1- corporaUon any dl;cuunl, rebate, cunni►;;►urn or rcfuud for Llic puL-pu;c of ;ccurlLrL tills ;ldverU;culcr,L for publlC;Won lu 1111; rlcw;puper. and subscribed bcforcYLc on Lllls, the day of 5UIV (VTMIA Y17UbL1Cs*iwrl:Ov FLOWDA lVl' LARCL, My con1n11aslou cxplrc;: -( 1 C, fALCfALC iv�OTARY5 ]2= GEORGiANN':f D HILL INCTANY pLTBUC STATE OF FL COMMISSION NO. CC93 MY COMMLSSION £XP. MAY Advcrtl• L(; DIrccLur A.D. 20 �2 `ey ]D ras a fV OD O o cn Segun un wrn Cada conjunto de las aerolineas, Ia uttima en sumarse a la alianza fue Ia. Compania japo- nesa, que indic6 que con Ia asocia- ci6n pretende ampliar su red de dis- tribucion y servicios, asi como expandir sus negocios. Segfin des-' taca el comunicado conjunto, Ia alianza mundial WOW cuenta desde hoy con una flota combinada de 43 aviones de transporte y una capa- cidad de mas de 760 pasajeros. Denunciarin a banqueros uruguayos por "estafa" en Gran CaimJn Montevideo, (EFE ).- Un grupo de ahorristas denunciara por apropia- cion indebida y estafa a los banque- ros uruguayos Juan y Jose Peirano por su presunta responsabilidad en el desvfo de dep6sitos a una entidad con sede en Gran Caiman que entro en cese de pagos. Los hermanos Plerireno son los duerios o principales accionistas del Banco Montevideo (Uruguay), del Banco Velox (Argentina), del Banco Aleman (Paraguay) y del Trade & Commerce Bank We Gran Caiman). El abogado que representa a los ahorristas, Alejandro Balbi, infor- mo hoy en Montevideo de que pre- sentarA manana, viernes, el escrito a Ia justicia, en el que se indica que a sus representados, de nacionali- dad uruguaya y brasilefia, no se les han devuelto los dep6sitos en el Tra- de & Commerce Bank. Los funcionarios del Banco Monte- video "convencfan" a sus chentes de las ventajas de trasladar sus ahorros desde el Banco de Montevideo a Ia entidad financiera de Gran Caiman, por las "atractivas" tasas de interes. Se inicia Cumbre de Mercosur, Bolivia y Chile BUENOS AIRES, (AFP) - Los pre- sidentes de las nations del Merco- sur, que forman Argentina, Brasil, Uruguay y Paraguay, mas los de Bo- livia y Chile, iniciaron el viernes en Buenos Aires una Cumbre para con- solidar Ia integration regional eco- nomica y politica, a la que se sumara el mandatario de Mexico. Atentados del 9111 afectaron las nnanzas del Vaticano CIUDAD DEL VATICANO, (AFP) - Los atentados. del 11 de septiembre en Estados Unidos afectaron las finanzas de la Santa Sede, que por primera vez en ocho anos registran un saldo negativo, indica este viernes el ministro de Finanzas del Papa, el cardenal comprar acciones de los dos ma- yores bancos espaholes, que este ano ha' qn declinado a causa de los temo uscitados por sus inver- siones .,,sinoamericanas. Los tftulos del Santander au- mentaron 57 centimos, o 7,2 por Ciento, a 8,48 euros, su mayor avance de un dia desde septiem- bre. BBVA subid hasta 55 centi- mos, o 5 por ciento, el mayor Pro- greso en seis meses, a 11,47 euros. Se fortalece el Real por vents de d6lares del Banco Central Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, 4 de julio (Bloom- berg) -- La moneda brasilefia se fortaleci6 por cuarto dia en seis porque elbbanco central vendi6 d6- lares para intentar detener una caida que ha aumentado los costos de deuda y afectado Ia inversion. El real subio hasta 0,6 por ciento a 2,834 por d6lar despues de que el Banco central inicio ventas de d6lares por $100 millones hoy. Es- ta medida forma parte de un plan para usar este mes $1.500 millones de sus reservas para apuntalar la moneda brasilefia. Las acciones y los bonos brasilefios subieron por Ia expectativa de que la recupe- raci6n en los mereados acciona- rios europeos sugiere que los in- versionistas no interrumpirfan el flujo de capital a Brasil y otros pafses en vias de desarrollo. "La reaction de los mercados accionarios nos ha dado una nue- va esperanza", dijo Flavio Datz, operador de acciones y bonos de Agora CTVM, una Casa de bolsa de Rio de Janeiro. "Ademas de to- dos nuestros otros problemas, to ultimo que necesitabamos era una crisis internacional de liquidez". Duhalde agradeci6 apoyo del Mercosur a Argentina en crisis BUENOS AIRES, (AFP) - El pre- sidente argentino Eduardo Duhalde agradeci6 Ia noche de jueves a los mandatarios del Mercosur y de Me- xico el apoyo brindado a su pais y renovo votos por Ia consolidation del bloque regional. "No es Ia primera vez que Ia his- toria nos desafia. Tenemos que en- frentar Ia actual coyuntura desfa- vorable en la region como un elemento adicional que nos fortalez- ea, ya que de las crisis tambien sur - gen las grandes transformations y oportunidades", sefialo el manda- tario desde Ia residencia official de Olivos (periferia norte). Duhalde comparti6 una cena con los presidentes Fernando Henrique Cardoso de Brasil, Jorge Batlle de Uruguay y Luis Gonzalez Macchi de Paraguay, nations que junto con Argentina integran el Mercosur los pasajeros de suis rivales. "Las principales er—esas deben reducir costes si qu conseguir dinero con Ia rebaja u,_ precios", di- jo Chris Tarry, analista en Com- merzbank AG. "Este contraataque aumenta Ia presi6n en las aeroli- neas de tarifas reducidas". British Airways abarat6 su ruta Londres-Genova hasta 99 libras ($150) desde 577 libras, y Deutsche Lufthansa AG redujo algunas de sus tarifas un 63 por ciento, to que in- crementa Ia capacidad competitiva de las dos mayores aerolineas de Europa frente a firmas de bajo con- te como Ryanair Holdings Plc y EasyJet Plc. Las aerolineas de precios redu- cidos han arrebatado una cuota del 6 por ciento en el mercado de viajes por avian en Europa y con- seguiran elevarla hasta mas del 10 por ciento en cinco anos, dicen los analistas. EasyJet estA com- prando Go Fly Ltd. y tiene una option para adquirir DBA, la di- vision con sede en Munich de Bri- tish Airways, con to que superaria a Ryanair como mayor firma de precios reducidos de la region. Las acciones de EasyJet ban Ile - gado a mejorar hoy un 8 por ciento, hasta 336 peniques, despues de que Ia empresa anunciara que los pa- ficil que nunca", dijo Breil. "Cuanto mas crecen, con mas fuerza se defenderan las grandes aerolineas establecidas". EasyJet, con sede en el aeropuer- to de Luton, a las afueras de Lon- dres, esta empezando a volar desde Gatwick, base de British Airways, mientras que Munich, desde donde salen los vuelos nacionales alema- nes de DBA, es el segundo gran cen- tro de operations de Lufthansa, por detras de Franefort. British Air- ways, que nunca ha conseguido be- neficios con sus rutas europeas, quiere hater viables los vuelos de corto recorrido con un recorte de las tarifas sobre 42 rutas continen- tales y sobre 29 servicios nacionales. Al mismo tiempo estA eliminando otros destinos y simplificando las operations, con el objetivo de dis- minuir los costes. Tasas de Lufthansa Lufthansa, la segunda mayor aerolinea de Europa, introdujo el mes pasado tarifas de 143 euros para viajes dentro de Alemania. A diferencia de anteriores recor- tes, estas reducciones quieren ser permanentes y marcan una nuevo planteamiento para los vuelos de corto recorrido, dijo Tarry. Las aerolineas de bajo coste po- CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrara una audiencia publica el dia 9 de julio del 2002, a las 9:00 a.m., en los Salones de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad, en el Ayuntamiento, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, con el prop6sito de eximir del requisito de negociacio- nes competitivas para la asignaci6n de acuerdos de servicios profesionales orientados a proporcionar la administration de programas recreativos, educativos y culturales en la propiedad de la Ciudad situada en 3255 Plaza Street, Miami, Florida (co- nocida generalmente como el Elizabeth Virrick Park). Los cita- dos contratos de servicios profesionales tendran una vigencia de cinco anos, con opci6n a prorrogarlos por tres periodos adi- cionales de cinco anos Cada uno. Las siguientes organizacio- nes no lucrativas se interesan en proporcionar los servicios antes citados. 1) Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami, Inc. 2) Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. Se invita a comparecer y ser oidas a todas las personas intere- sadas en estos asuntos. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisionados en relation con cualquier asunto considerado en esta audiencia, dicha persona debera asegurarse de que se produzca una transcrip- cion literal de las actuaciones, incluyendo todos los testimo- nios y evidencias que pudieran servir de fundamento a dicha apelaci6n. (#10874) Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of P.O. NO. 10874 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING - 7/9/02 RE: ELIZABETH VIRRICK PARK in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 06/28/2002 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation - any d' unt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of s ur' g this advertisement for publication in the said new p er F8day bscribed%reme t JUNA.D. 20 (SEAL) —� 61F.Hi.Ai.�IESA SOOKIE WILLIAMS perso tMMMISSION # CC 885640 EXPIRES: Match 4 2004 "'•','� Bonded Thru Notary Public Undeniriters billow a perfvd C111 five yla ►� ��. paria* The f it4t�p -f Eo s ass, a pmvtston of:the f f) fd4Rl�°�Qltrlal'i.�1i�4sin+i;Mk., - �1' t�eonutti►ol� �ns.Inc. AAwwevparaders are Imete f� appear aradl sy be beard !n in p these.itr 7MWJW &W persea mire to appeal dedswn of the Cky.CqM*j*ft wim nspsot * y .w1 r*#Orjai this, hescinp, that person,shMFWWX9 diet aim reciord of tine p Is mp4kk 1 ➢ au womo ►yr and irklence upon which any. appal may Phsd is A, Thompson .Clark (#t08i j 02-3-WZ77229M CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO : Prisc la A. Thompson City Ibierk FROM: r Mc-. of Asset Mamgtment DATE; June 19, 2002 SMECT : Public Notice Professional Service Agreements Elizabeth Virrick Pads REFERENCES: ENCLOSURE& FILE: xd you will find an ad for notice of a public hearing to be held by the City ssion on June 28, 2002 far the purpose of waiving competitive negotiations for the of professional service agreements, to provide recreational, educatiional and programs at the City owned property located at 3255 Plaza Stceet, Nfiami, Florida only known as the Elizabeth Virrick Park). place the ad in accordance with public hearing requirements of the City c you for your assistance in this matter. C3&bSm6et VwWk P1k P0WW Notice 02 812 CITY OF MIAMI NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Mian* Florida on . at 9:00 a.m. in the City Commission Chambers at City Hall, 3500 Pan `�c5a?n Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of waiving competitive negotiations for the award of professional services agreements, to provide the administration of recreational, educational and cultural programs at the City owned property located at 3255 Plana Street, Miami, Florida (commonly known as the Elizabeth Virrick Park). Said Professional service agreements to be for a period of five years with an option to extend for three additional five year periods. The following not-for-profit organizations are intepested in the provision of the afvremeationed services: 1) Boys & Girls Clubs of Miami, Inc. 2) Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. i All'interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning these items. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the #oceWmgs is made. including all testimony and evidence upon any appeal may be (City seal) Priscilla Thompson City Clerk a Ad. No. i i 02— 812 TO CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission MIA: S; ime z City Manager RECOMMENDATION: DATE: FILE: JUN 2 8 2-102 SUBJECT: Coconut Grove Cares, Inc. REFERENCES: July 11, 2002 ENCLOSURES: City Commission Agenda The administration recommends that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution by an affirmative vote of 4/5ths of the members of the City Commission, waiving competitive negotiation procedures for the provision of professional services for the administration of educational, recreational and cultural programs at the City owned property located at 3255 Plaza Street, Miami, Florida, commonly known as the Elizabeth Virrick Park (the "Park"). This Resolution further authorizes the City Manager to execute a Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"), in substantially the attached form, with the Coconut Grove Cares, Inc., (the "Provider") a non-profit corporation, for the purpose of providing educational, recreational and cultural programs to the surrounding community of Park, with an initial term of five (5) years and with the option to extend the agreement for three (3) additional five (5) year periods. BACKGROUND: On July 16, 1996, the Miami -Dade County Commission enacted Ordinance 96-115, the Safe Neighborhood Parks Ordinance that authorized issuance of general obligation bonds for the purpose of financing capital improvement programs for certain parks. As a result of this ordinance and bond program, the City constructed a new building. This new building that was completed in Phase I includes an indoor gymnasium, basketball court, teenage lounge and multimedia room, stage, concession area, offices and storage facilities. Phase H of the project will include expansion of the multimedia educational component to accommodate a computer lab, music education center, classrooms, senior citizens areas, cooking lab kitchen, a ceramic arts & crafts room and public library. Phase II will also include renovation of existing pool building, shelters and dance floor, outdoor walkways, two outdoor basketball courts, and other recreational areas. Financial Impact: There is no negative financial impact to the general fund of the City. Entering into partnerships with nonprofit organizations to operate athletic and recreational programs will reduce the amount of City's funds required for the operation of the Park, 02- 812 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Page 2 Highlights of the Agreement are as follows: Term: 5 years with the option to extend for three additional 5 year periods Uses: The City will retain the services of the Provider to provide educational, recreational and cultural programs to the surrounding community of the Elizabeth Virrick Park. Use Fees: None. In consideration of the programs and activities provided and the benefit to the community, the City will not require a fee in exchange for these services. Service Fees: The Provider shall provide its programs at no cost to the user or the City. In the event the Provider elects to charge a fee for its services, Provider shall submit a schedule of its proposed fees and charges to the City Manager for his prior written approval, which approval may be withheld or conditioned in his sole discretion, including the right to require the Provider to pay a fee for the use of the Premises and to provide for scholarships. Funding: The Provider shall raise funds independent of the City for its operation. Maintenance Provider shall, at its own cost and expense, provide all maintenance, repairs, & Repairs substitutions and replacements, as necessary, to its equipment necessary for the operation. The City shall be responsible for the maintenance, repair and replacement of any equipment provided by the City. City Approvals: Prior to the commencement of each agreement year, Provider shall submit to the City, for its approval, its budget and operational plan. The Provider shall schedule all activities to be conducted at the Property through the City Park's Manager. Elizabeth Virrick Park Committee: The City will use its best efforts to work with the Committee to enter into a separate agreement with the Committee to formalize the relationship of the City and Committee for the operation of the Park. The Provider agrees to use its best efforts to make changes to its programs and operations, in a timely manner, as may be requested by the Committee from time to time. Termination: Either party may cancel this Agreement at any time without cause by providing six (6) months prior written notice to the non -canceling party. If Provider in any manner violates the restrictions and conditions of this Agreement, then, and in the event, after ten (10) days written notice given to Provider by the City Manager within which to cease such violation or correct such deficiencies, and upon failure of Provider to do so after such written notice within said ten (10) day period, this Agreement shall be automatically canceled without the need for further action by the City. CAAB:.L'B��%%��jj :PK:eb: Mayor CC —Waiving Comp. Negotiation for Professional Service Agreement CGCI 02 �"