HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #65 - Discussion Item0 SPECIAL DIS1'RIcr ZONING DESIGNATION A Brickell Area F.A.R. Bonus Analysis and Recommendations Zoning Classifications/ Bonus provisions Existing Regulations For Bonus SD -5 Section 605.7.2 Brickell Avenue Area Recommendation: Office Residential District (1) Offsite affordable housing: The floor area shall be all the projects that have gotten the affordable increased by Class II Special Permit for any permitted use up housing F.A.R. bonus still have not been able to a total increase of one (1.0) times the gross lot area, to reach the maximum allowed units per acre. provided that, for every one (1) square foot of increase there The additional F.A.R. that was intended to allow flexibility to provide.greater unit shall be either: (a) A nonrefundable developer contribution of sizes has been, in some cases, used to obtain more six dollars and sixty-seven cents ($6.67) to the Affordable units. Without additional F.A.R., it is virtually not possible to get 500 units per Housing Trust Fund administered by the City of Miami; or acre. However, in order to safeguard for the (b) Developer -sponsored construction of fifteen -hundredths future the Department recommends that the (0.15) square foot of affordable housing defined in article 25. A sponsor is a developer who assume minimum size requirements of the units be responsibility for a residential project by serving as a general partner in the increased as part of the affordable housing development project. SIJ 0 C M o Analysis of Impact Planning& Zoning Recommendation It is found that the maximum allowable units (1) Offsite affordable housing: per acre under SD -5 is five hundred (500) Recommendation: units. Our studies indicate that in past years, all the projects that have gotten the affordable As a precedent to application, the housing F.A.R. bonus still have not been able following shall be required: to reach the maximum allowed units per acre. The additional F.A.R. that was intended to allow flexibility to provide.greater unit (a) minimum unit sizes as follows: sizes has been, in some cases, used to obtain more I bedroom units: 900 square feet 2 bedroom units: 1200 square feet units. Without additional F.A.R., it is virtually not possible to get 500 units per 3 or more bedroom units: 1500 square feet acre. However, in order to safeguard for the future the Department recommends that the minimum size requirements of the units be increased as part of the affordable housing bonus eligibility on mixed used projects. LWT (2) Retail, service, and restaurant, and other public amenity uses at ground level: For every one (1) square foot of floor It is found that some of the mixed-use projects in the past have obtained bonuses for (2) Retail, service, and restaurant, ' area located at ground level (at or below the lowest habitable public amenity/retail uses on properties that. and other public amenity uses at ground level floor elevation permitted by federal floodplain management were already designated pedestrian streets; on criteria), which is used for retail or service establishments such streets, it is required by code to provide Recommendation: permitted generally within the C -I district or by restaurants, these retail uses anyway; to get a bonus for bars, taverns, post offices, art galleries, museums, theaters, libraries, or similar cultural uses, the total allowable floor something that is already required is like "double-dipping". Mixed -used The following criteria shall be area shall be increased by three (3) square feet for any permitted use. Individual establishments shall be designed to projects shall not be entitled to double dip when it comes to Floor required: (a) if any portion of the subject be visible and accessible to an adjacent public sidewalk Area Ratio (F.A.R.) where these public amenities are provided along an already property is located along a urban plaza, or waterfront walkway, including transparent window or door openings over a least fifty (50) designated pedestrian street. The Planning primary pedestrian pathway, then retail uses located along percent of each exterior storefront area. Department recommendations will prevent future additional F.A.R. bonuses being such frontage shall not count towards Building entrances shall be no more than forty-two (42) given for public amenities/ retail for projects along already designated this bonus because such retail is mandatory. inches above the adjacent public sidewal elevation or at the pedestrian streets. (b) If the ground floor retail height of a federally mandated wave barribr. cannot be located within 3 feet (above or below) grade due to FEMA issues, then such retail shall not be eligible for bonuses (c) The street frontage upon which the bonus retail is to be • located shall not be allowed to provide vehicular curb cuts (d) Such retail shall otherwise conform to all requirements of the primary pedestrian pathway (including the 65% frontage requirement). LWT 3 Lwt It is found that the granting of a bonus for (3) underground parking underground parking has not been used with the intent for which it was created. In Recommendation: addition, generally, the sizes of the parking podiums that have been implemented in the This bonus should be eliminated. area consist of 6, 7, 8, or 9 levels (and more); to eliminate one level by putting it underground, and getting a bonus for it (which then requires more parking) has no positive effect at all on the area. It is found that this bonus has not been used (4) Child care center in any of the submitted MUSP application projects. However, this bonus is one that the Recommendation: Planning Department will support and will encourage in the future. This bonus should remain as is. This bonus was originally instituted as an (1)(a) Mixed use bonus: incentive to encourage residential uses in the -entral Brickell area; the market has since Recommendation: taken care of this and it is not necessary to ;ive bonuses for residentiu' N. Hotel uses in This bonus should be eliminated. 'rder to attract such projects. (3) For every one and one-half (1.5) square feet (forty-two (42) inches) of underground parking that a building provides, the floor area is allowed to be increased by one (1) square foot for any permitted use, not to exceed fifty -hundredths (0.50) times the gross lot area. (4) Child care center: For every one (1) square foot of floor area of child care center indoor area and two (2) square feet of child care outdoor play area that meets the requirements of section 936, the total allowable floor area shall be increased by four (4) square feet, but not to exceed a total floor area increase of five -tenths (0.5) times the gross lot area. SD -7 Section 607.7.2 Central Brickell Rapid Transit Commercial Residential (1) Residential and hotel uses: The floor area shall be increased according to either of the following District alternatives; however, in no case shall the increase in nonresidential floor area exceed two and seventy-five hundredths (2.75) times the gross lot area: (a) For every one (1) square foot of floor area provided onsite for residential or hotel uses (excluding associated commercial areas and common areas in excess of ten 10 ercent of the total floor area occupied by hotel 3 Lwt It is found that the granting of a bonus for (3) underground parking underground parking has not been used with the intent for which it was created. In Recommendation: addition, generally, the sizes of the parking podiums that have been implemented in the This bonus should be eliminated. area consist of 6, 7, 8, or 9 levels (and more); to eliminate one level by putting it underground, and getting a bonus for it (which then requires more parking) has no positive effect at all on the area. It is found that this bonus has not been used (4) Child care center in any of the submitted MUSP application projects. However, this bonus is one that the Recommendation: Planning Department will support and will encourage in the future. This bonus should remain as is. This bonus was originally instituted as an (1)(a) Mixed use bonus: incentive to encourage residential uses in the -entral Brickell area; the market has since Recommendation: taken care of this and it is not necessary to ;ive bonuses for residentiu' N. Hotel uses in This bonus should be eliminated. 'rder to attract such projects. rooms), the maximum non-residential floor area shall be increased by one (1) square foot. Such residential or hotel floor area shall be constructed concurrently with any uses receiving this bonus. (b) For every six dollars and sixty-seven cents ($6.67) It is found that the maximum allowable units (1) Offsite, affordable housing: contributed to an Affordable Housing Trust Fund established per acre under SD -7 is five hundred (500) and administered by the City of Miami, an increase of one units. Our studies indicate that in past years, Recommendation: (1) square foot nonresidential floor area shall be permitted. all the projects that have gotten the affordable All funds so contributed shall be expended solely within the housing F.A.R. bonus still have not been able As a precedent to application, the SD -7 district. to reach the maximum allowed units per acre. following shall be required: The additional F.A.R. that was intended to allow flexibility to provide greater unit sizes (a) minimum unit sizes as follows: has been, in some cases, used to obtain more I bedroom units: 900 square feet units. Without additional F.A.R., it is 2 bedroom units: 1200 square feet virtually not possible to get 500 units per 3 or more bedroom units: 1500 acre. However, in order to safeguard for the square feet } future the Department recommends that the minimum size requirements of the units be increased as part of the affordable housing bonus eligibility on mixed used projects. (2) Retail, service, restaurant and cultural uses: For every It is found that some of the mixed-use (2) Retail, service, and restaurant, one (1) square foot of ground level uses listed in section projects in the past have obtained bonuses for and other public amenity uses at 607.4.1 and constructed in accord with "The City of Miami public amenity/retail uses on properties that ground level Primary'Pedestrian Pathway Design Guides and Standards, were already designated pedestrian streets; on "the floor area shall be increased by one (1) square foot for such streets, it is required by code to provide Recommendation: any nonresidential use or two (2) square feet for residential these retail uses anyway; to get a bonus for use. Such uses shall be adjacent to an directly accessible something that is already required is like `1 n C CD M 0 from public street sidewalks or from a ground level open space as defined in section 607.8.3 Uses having principal "double-dipping". Mixed -used projects shall not be entitled to double dip when it comes to The following criteria shall be access from interior building circulation shall not qualify. Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.) where these public required: amenities are provided along an already, designated pedestrian street. The Planning (a) if any portion of the subject Department recommendations will prevent future additional F.A.R. bonuses being given property is located along a primary pedestrian pathway, for public amenities/ retail for projects along then retail uses located along already designated pedestrian streets. such frontage shall not count towards this bonus because such retail is mandatory. (b) If ground floor retail cannot be located within 3 feet (above or below) grade due to FEMA issues, then such retail shall not be eligible for bonuses (c) The street frontage upon which the bonus retail is to be located shall not be allowed to provide vehicular curb cuts (d) Such retail shall otherwise • conform to all requirements of the primary pedestrian pathway (including the 65% frontage requirement). `1 n C CD M 0 JA cn n c U. �m 0 (3) Theaters: For every one (1) square foot of floor area that a building provides of theater use that meets the requirements of section 607.8.4, the nonresidential floor area shall be increased by four (4) square feet, but not to exceed a total floor area increase of five -tenths (0.5) times the gross lot area. It is found that with the exception of one project, this bonus has not been used. In addition, after further studying the requirements for such bonus, it will be better for a mixed-use project to have other public amenities that better serve the pedestrian realm rather than a theater. (3) Theaters Recommendation: This bonus should be eliminated. (4) Child daycare center: For every one (1) square foot of It is found that this bonus has not been used (4) Child care center floor area of child care center indoor area and two (2) square in any of the submitted MUSP application feet of child care outdoor play area that that meets the projects. However, this bonus is one that the Recommendation: requirements of section 936, the nonresidential floor area Planning Department will support and will shall be increased by four (4) square feet, but not to exceed a encourage in the future. This bonus should remain as is total floor area increase of five -tenths (0.5) times the gross lot area. PUD Planned Unit Development Section 502 A Planned Unit Development requires amenities as a required element of a project. Criteria shall be developed by the Planning and Zoning Department Up until now, applicants have provided such for "public amenities".; and (c) An increase in floor area ratio of up to twenty (20) amenities as "private" recreation decks for compliance shall be required in percent over that allowed by the underlying district, when internal use of the project only. Being that a order to obtain this bonus. allowed under the limitations of the Miami Comprehensive PUD gives a developer an F.A.R. "bonus" to Neighborhood Plan in effect at time of application. enhance the value of the project, the Such amenities could include public amenities package of the proposed project urban park space, promenades or should also include a "public benefit' dedication of space for other public amenity that is not exclusive to the users of or cultural uses. the proposed project. JA cn n c U. �m 0 Section 914 Increased development bonus for contribution An increase of up to twenty-five (25) percent in number of This is the same bonus as specified for each Recommendation: to "Affordable Housing Trust dwelling units and/or square footage and/or onsite parking spaces may be approved by parcels located within any zoning of these districts above. In SD -5 and SD -7,. this bonus is incorporated into the special As a precedent to application, the following Fund" district other than R-1. (Subject. to MUSP). district already, therefore, Sec. 914 does not shall be required: For every additional square foot of buildable space and/or apply. (a) minimum unit sizes as every additional square foot of additional dwelling units, The conceptual recommendation as to follows: 1 bedroom units: approved as a development bonus, the user shall make a minimum unit sizes is the same. 900 square feet nonrefundable developer contribution of six dollars and sixty-seven cents ($6.67) to the Affordable Housing Trust 2 bedroom units: Fund administered by the City of Miami; and 1200 square feet 3 or more bedroom units: For every additional square foot of parking space approved 1500 square feet as a development bonus, the user shall make a nonrefundable developer contribution of three dollars and ninety-two cents ($3.92) to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund administered b the Cit of Miami. W CITY OF MIAMI PLANNING DEPARTMENT Pape 1 General Units FL Parking Pro Area So Ft. FAR. Bonuses RgldaMlal Component Breakdown i i i i ,Under- (Ground LL K Ground ILav4,1 Studio t Bed 38W Avg. Roo I (Res. Rest !Prov. a Gross Lot (Parking (Ana (Sq.jArea IRetall (Sq. , Lotti Eff. Rm Unit 2Bed Rm Unit Rm Unit PH Unit sq.FL Unit States Ramo Address _19t _WlCkM Oeserlplbn f Ana 110181 Condo Oflke I Retail S*� Pa ',Ralb Area (Area ARord. Hslq P.U.D. Ftd IFL) Oaycan Ieq. FL) (Sq (Sq. fld (Sq. FL) (Sq FLI Igq. k•J Stop ParUniA PK B1kAM Bay wyb erMaryfeofYerWflna Blkfae 1 lee 911 /.0 J,1 13, 1 1. 1WA 12,001 0 0, 11 Avenue orlalardaMMM wee __---_- .. 1tw•61Mdevebpr7wNpollld 805 --__ Bf1dWe 1111_ - _- 1x7 - x1908 _._ __...- 538 5J6 - /a --_- -_.-... 6.00 - _. _._.. .. 137 a7x 719 . 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FL) Unit Sip Unks Per ACM tlOdeMaV Pen Ple0ed 8AA.e1 191p4mad eduM dewekpnwMh2 &kw 777 79A31 1100 1771 1.9 137,177 220,931 1.23 0.2 1.62 BdrAee AwMMie pinree/prWMre6YipMIM 866 211 B9enedlm d 161k ANd and SouM 9emd AVW MI. _ _—_ M7 __._ 23,000 ____._ --_ 107! _-._-T. ere -__ 1.0 -_-_ 77,e72 ...____.-.. 97,193 __-. 1.23 .._-___.-__-_.._.... 0.23 _ 0.20 ____._ 13,000 _.__ xS,000 lbaomYiO Ten8Yy8�MIW nrldrwYeerllrpnedb2aMw &keet i _ wm Sees""m nordo u 9n eM 863 1,116 t.600 1,190 tA17.2 701 — -- ____ - - - 7M >tl _..t.i - 6 .•_MU Alonld F.�.R:40 WeMa�3N Wmdipr 6eemn8dtliM Mali er'8YM 1alOMMMlpgrdhAn etaWny B&IdM 251 0.7iS 22,161 ___Si.037 .. X2.26 0.80. .2.26•_ p0 e97 826.E -8708E A naeM�ald uric 867 I Bete NenRmNaMW M.23 Ia7 ..___ .__.__ Avow - PmvNed f.A.R. for Rat Mform ReeklaNN�Nar MN -611 - -- _ - --- -- -- - — -- — TOTALS 1 21091 26707 66724553