HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-02-0904(:I I'( (A MIAMI. H OHIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorable Mayor and I)A„ I July 24, 2002 Members of the City Commission Agenda Note Joe Sanchez Special Meeting 8/22 Commissioner I;E E rl�r: rig .� ,• I Nf,I ("I II?I DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT A STATUS REPORT ON CONCERNS REGARDING SARMIENTO BUS BENCHES RAISED BY THE CITY COMMISSION AT THE JULY 25, 2002 MEETING, AND TO RECOMMEND A MODIFICATION TO THE AGREEMENT FOR THE PAYMENT BOND REQUIREMENTS 02_ 904 0 SARMIENTO OUTDOOR a Division of Sarmiento Advertising Group Street Furniture installation in Brickell Area 1) Sarmiento Advertising Group has installed only three Street Furniture elements within the Brickell Area Association geography. 2) Two of the structures include a seating apparatus with a panel attached located on the east side at 1809 and 2451 Brickell Avenue. The other is located on Brickell Avenue and 25th street. 3) Street Furniture has been installed in accordance with the City regulations and ADA requirements. Each location has been cleared through eight utility channels (telephone, gas, water, etc.). 4) As a result of a neighbor's petition, on July 23th, the structure located at 1809 Brickell Avenue was moved to satisfy his request. 5) Sarmiento highly focuses upon safety of pedestrian as well as the driver. To display this action, we have included a few photos from the Brickell area to demonstrate our placement of elements versus the shelters location. 6) Our goal is build long-term relationships with the community, people and our advertisers. We are committed to each municipality equally as we are to the City. Our responsibility is to ensure that each municipality is beautified in the eyes of their neighbors. While trying to meet the requirements of the city we also are working hard to meet with each community to satisfy their needs and requirements. ri Guillermo Victoria Director Sarmiento Advertising Group Submitted Into the public record in connection with itempod-PLIon? s Priscilla A. Tho pson City Clerk 444 Brickell Avenue, Suite 600 • Miami, FL 33131 • Telephone: (305) 400-7355 • Facsimile: (305) 400-9991 02- 904 Submitted Into the public necti n Ah record in tkn 1 iters Th mpson Priscilla A. City Clerk SARMIENTO STREET FURNITURE 02— 004 Page 1 of 1 Submitted Into the pubic record in connecti n c�h iterrJoIJ pal on -7 as 1a a Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 02- 004 file://C :\Documents%20and%20 S ettings\contreras\Local%20 Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 Page 1 of 1 Submitted Into the public record in connection ith I . item?�on -,tDl E) 1PriscPriscilla A. Thompson (City Clerk 02 904 file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\contreras\Local%20Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 rage 10I I Z 5 �h S�. Olt C; W�d 1,soltxe kv e (V, Submitted Into the public reco d in connecti v nh item1 1r p� on 7-1251, >- Priscilla ,>- Priscilla A►. Thompson City Clerk 02- 904 file:HC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\contreras\Local%20Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 SHELTERS Submitted Into the public recor in connecti n v Rn item . on Af o' Prisc.+lla A. Cson id Clerk 02— 904 Page 1 of 1 16+h see� a..kd tr-qj*11 AVIC (IN) Submitted Into the public record in onnecti n ith tem�aon� bs o> Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk n_. X04 file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\contreras\Local%20Settings\Temp\Brickell%20R .. 7/25/2002 Page 1 of 1 tr,Eh s;,azMd I&MVII (ave (W> Submitted Into the public ,edin connecti n ith it eco rr��r� ®n ys o D� Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 09- 904 file://C:\Documents%20and%20 Settings\contreras\Local%20Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 Page 1 of 1 I8}� ST-tt� arc) �iC%GI� l�v�fl iN� l Submitted Into the public record irl connect' n ith itenfj on'i ys o Priscilla A. Thom son City Clerk 02- 9014 file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\contreras\Local%20Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 Page 1 of 1 zsMNOM `ws «4 2Ma Submitted Into the public record in connectiop with item Pcj j-T�_on 7 a S I o-1 PrisciHa A. Tri err �e� g W)- 904 file: HC:\Documents%20and%20Settings\contreras\Local%20 Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7(25(2002 Page 1 of 1 25� s+.ee2c,�Ce�� Submitted Into the public reco din connecti n w' ite Dq on 1 as o a Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 02— 909 file://C : \Documents%20and%20 Settings\contreras\Local%20 Settings\Temp\Brickell%20A... 7/25/2002 Jul 24 02 11:56a Commissioner Winton (305)579-3334 p.l T The following motion .was introduced by Vice Chairman Winton, who moved its adoption: MOTION NO. 02-43 A MOTION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT THE PROVIDER OF BUS BENCHES/SHELTERS TO COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: • FOLLOW DESIGN STANDARDS THAT ARE IN KEEPING WITH STREET FURNITURE DESIGNS RECOMMENDED BY THE NEIGHBORHOOD PLANNING EFFORTS SUCH AS CHARRETTES AND ACCEPTED MASTER PLAN FOR THE AREA; • REDUCE THE SIZE OF ADVERTISING ON BUS BENCHESISHELTERS THROUGHOUT COCONUT: GROVE AND BRICKELUUPPER EAST SIDE (NO MINI BILLBOARDS); FURTHER DIRECTING THE MANAGER TO HOLD PUBLIC MEETINGS (PARTICULARLY IN NEIGHBORHOODS WHICH HAVE EXPRESSED CONCERNS RELATED TO STREET FURNITURE) IN ORDER TO DISPLAY A COUPLE OF PROPOSED DESIGNS AND OBTAIN ADDITIONAL INPUT FROM THE COMMUNITY; AND FURTHER STIPULATING THAT NO STREET FURNITURE BE PLACED IN COCONUT GROVE NOR THE BRICK.ELLIUPPER EASTSIDE UNDER THE CURRENT CONTRACT UNTIL THE COMMISSION HAS GIVE ITS FINAL APPROVAL. Submitted Into the Pf record in connecti n item !®n ? 10 TV ra Upon being seconded by Commissioner Teele, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Chairman Tomas Regalado Commissioner Angel Gonzalez Commissioner Joe Sanchez Commissioner Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Regalado: It passes. Now we have the second reading ordinance. (APPLAUSE) Commissioner Sanchez: Thirty-three, so moved. 39 January 10, 2002 City �- � - 02-- 904 cl