HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-02-0835CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM Carl Gimenez City Manager RECOMMENDATION: DATE : JUN 18 2-J 3' FILE: SUBJECT: Request for Change of Control of Cable License from AT&T Broadband, LLC REFERENCES: to AT&T Comcast Corp. ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission receive and discuss a status report prepared by outside legal counsel Matthew Leibowitz, Leibowitz and Associates, P.A., regarding the change of control of the cable television license granted to Miami Telecommunications, Inc., (the "Licensee") a subsidiary of AT&T Broadband LLC, by Resolution No. 00-489, from AT&T Broadband, LLC to AT&T Comcast Corporation. BACKGROUND: Pursuant to Ordinance No. 11936 and the License Agreement between the City of Miami and AT&T Broadband, LLC (Resolution 00-489), adopted by the Miami City Commission on June 8, 2000, which provides that no change of control may occur without prior approval of the City Commission, on March 8, 2002, the City of Miami, Florida received an FCC 394 and an Application for City Consent by the City Commission to the proposed change of control of the Miami Tele-Communications, Inc. cable television license from AT&T Broadband, LLC to AT&T Comcast Corporation. The City has required that the Licensee fulfill its obligations pursuant to the Ordinance, License Agreement and any and all applicable agreements/documents and provide information on the proposed transaction including details on the legal, financial, technical and other qualifications of the proposed transferee and on the potential impact of the transfer on service. Additionally, the City has noticed the Licensee of outstanding violations, which Licensee has not cured or agreed to cure, in a manner approved by the City. The proposed transferee has failed to provide to the City written acceptance, by affidavit, of a) the terms and conditions of the Ordinance, License Agreement and related agreements/documents; and b) its agreement to assume and guarantee the liabilities and performance of Licensee under the terms of the Ordinance, License Agreement and any and all other related agreements/documents. 02- 835 The Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Request for Change of Control of Cable License from AT&T Broadband, LLC to AT&T Comcast Corp. Page 2 Under FCC Rules, 47 CFR Section 76.502, the City has 120 days, plus any extensions, from the date of submission of a completed FCC Form 394, together with all exhibits, and any additional information required by the License Agreement or applicable state or local law, to act upon an application to sell, assign, or otherwise transfer controlling ownership of a cable system to avoid the Application being approved by operation of law. At the present time, the Licensee has granted an extension of the 120 -day automatic approval period to July 11, 2002. On June 13, 2002, the City Commission directed outside legal counsel Matthew Leibowitz, Leibowitz and Associates, P.A., to prepare a report on the status of the negotiations with AT&T Broadband relating to -the referenced change of control for discussion at the City Commission meeting of June 27, 2002. CAG S/NMG/ecb / 02- 835 CITY OF WHA H, FLORIDA PUBLIC HEARING City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Thursday, June 27, 2002, at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, to be held at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission Chambers at the address indicated above, the City Commission will discuss the change of control of the cable television license granted to Miami Telecommunications, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Broadband LLC ("AT&T"), by Resolution No. 00-489 from AT&T Broadband to AT&T -Comcast, Inc. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning this item. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (City Seal) (#10864) Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 02- 835 Jul -06-2002 10:57 From-LEIBOWITZ Z ASSOC, +3055300417 LEIBOWITZ & ASSOCI.&TES, P.A. SUITE 1450 JOSEPH A. BELISLE SUNTRUST INTERNATIONAL CENTER ILA L. FELD ONE SOUTHEAST THIRD AVENUE MATTHEW L. LEIBOWM MIAMI, FLORIDA 33131-1716 CHERYL SWACK July 8, 2002 VIA: FACSIM LE (30S) 400-5032 Ms. Elaine C. Buza Telecommunications Administrator City of Miami Miami Riverside Center 444 SW 2 Avenue, 9' Floor Miami, Florida 33130 Re: AT&T Broadband/Extension of 120 Dav Review Period Dear Ms. Buza: T-364 P.002/003 F-665 TELEPHONE (305) 530-13aH TELECOPIER (305) 530.8417 E-MAIL Firm0broadlaW.com As we have discussed, we have been in continuing discussions with AT&T with respect to the proposed merger. As of this date, we still have not arrived at a final conclusion with respect to the outstanding issues. In light of the above and the alleged 120 day statutory deadline, AT&T has agreed to defer the 120 days to and including July 25, 2002. A copy of the letter is attached hereto. Accordingly, we recommend that the City defer action on the item on its previous agenda and reschedule the matter for consideration on July 25, 2002 at 9:00 a.m. During the interim, we will continue to endeavor to work with AT&T to resolve the outstanding issues to the City's satisfaction and draft necessary paperwork evidencing the same. We will keep you apprised of any developments. In the interim, if you have questions, please give me a call. Si cerely, atthew L. Leibowi& MLL/ga encls. cc: Yamile Trehy, Esq. (via facsimile 3o5-4w-so6o) Ila L. Feld, Esq. G:\Cable\2003\AT&T Comeaet\MiamALtn\Mct:6ng Letter 070802_wpd Submitted Into the public r,c0lc, ,., conn .. ,.1 item qcr Priscilla A. 02- 835 Jul -08-2002 10:57 From-LgIBOWiTZ a ASSOC, +3055309417 T-364 P.0031003 f-665� ��5$3-5121 P•2 Jul 08 0^ 10: 46a F `%T BRCIRIIBFiND } 'Broadband Florida mares 2501 SW Ne Avenue 300 2W Miramar, Ralida 33027 ;uly S, 2002 -ELA FACSIMILE 'rhe Houomable Manual A Diaz t Mayor_-- City of Miami 500 Pan American. Drive l:�fsami, FL 33133 I R AT&T Corp. Request to Transfer Control of Cable Television System in the City of Miami near Mayor Diaz: I ani writing on behalf of AT&T BroadWnd'to follow up on reeeat discussions regarding an e ctension of the 120 -day review period for the above -referenced change of control a-rplicatian. This confirms AT&T Broadband's agreement to extend the time for the City to a,t upon the FCC Form 394 applic adon received by the City on or about March 8, 2002 to Ji.*ly 25, 2002. Corr agreement to extend thelime for the City to act is expressly conditioned on the w4erstanding that all of AT&T Broadband and AT&T/Comcast's rights are otherwise reierved, and that pursu = to 47 C.F.R. § 75.502(c), if the City fails to act upon the FCC Form 394 request by July 25; -ad& request will be deemed granted. Me took forward to Continuing to v �Zi with you toward a prompt approval of the Form 394 re quest_ Siicerely, Vi x President Lc cal Government Affairs Cc Matt Lebowitz, En. : ,� ......., . . reC®r i� V coria, itersOn ?- Priscilla A. -6aOX cit, c{e s: 02- 835 Jul -08-2002 10:56 From-LEIBOWITZ & ASSOC, +3055308417 LEIBOWITZ & ASSOCIATES, P.A. JOHERII A. B1?L19L£ s:J17R 1450 ILA L. IFELO SUNTRU19T INTERNATIONAL CENTER MATTHEW L. LEIBOWITZ ONE SOUTHEAST THIRD AVENUE CRNRYL 9WACK MIAMI. FLORIDA 39191-1716 FACSIII[.E TRANSMITTAL T-364 P.001/003 F-665 TELEPHONk (305) 530.1222 TELECOPI£R (306) 550.9417 E-MAJL FIRMQOROAOLAW.COM THIS TRANSMISSION CONSISTS OF 3 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL PAGE. IF ALL THE PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL Kevin R. Guillory AT (305) 530-1322. A HARD COPY WILL FOLLOW BY: Overnight Delivery _ A Hard Copy Will Not Follow X U.S. Mail _ THE INFORMATION IN THIS FACSIMH.E TRANSMISSION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USEOFTHI DE$lGNAi"W=CIPIBNTSNAMEDABOVE, T SME CIXAYBRANA'Ci'OMCY-CLIENTCOMMUNICATION AND AS SUCH IS PRIVILEGED. IF THE READEROF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE, YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT IN ERROR, ANO ANY RCVIBW, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS MESSAGE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT INVRROR,PLEASE NOTIFYTHISOFFICE IMMEDLATELY VIATELEPHONE,ANDRETDRNTHEORIGWALAIESSAGETOTRE ABOVE ADDRESS BY MAIL. THANK YOU. FAXED R=ivcd By: AatNTimc: PhoneNo. record I.9 connc ` '' item®n i ^ Prisc.illa A. ThomPsOrl City Cleric 02- 535 July 8, 2002 Date: Clleat No.: 5501.08 To: Ms. Elaine Buza, Telecommunications Administrator Company Name: City of Miami Telecopier No.: 305-400-5032 From: George W. Anderson III RE: AT&T Comcast/Extension of 120 -bay Review Period Message: THIS TRANSMISSION CONSISTS OF 3 PAGE(S), INCLUDING THIS TRANSMITTAL PAGE. IF ALL THE PAGES ARE NOT RECEIVED, PLEASE CALL Kevin R. Guillory AT (305) 530-1322. A HARD COPY WILL FOLLOW BY: Overnight Delivery _ A Hard Copy Will Not Follow X U.S. Mail _ THE INFORMATION IN THIS FACSIMH.E TRANSMISSION IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE PERSONAL AND CONFIDENTIAL USEOFTHI DE$lGNAi"W=CIPIBNTSNAMEDABOVE, T SME CIXAYBRANA'Ci'OMCY-CLIENTCOMMUNICATION AND AS SUCH IS PRIVILEGED. IF THE READEROF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE INTENDED RECIPIENT NAMED ABOVE, YOU ARE NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT IN ERROR, ANO ANY RCVIBW, DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPYING OF THIS MESSAGE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS DOCUMENT INVRROR,PLEASE NOTIFYTHISOFFICE IMMEDLATELY VIATELEPHONE,ANDRETDRNTHEORIGWALAIESSAGETOTRE ABOVE ADDRESS BY MAIL. THANK YOU. FAXED R=ivcd By: AatNTimc: PhoneNo. record I.9 connc ` '' item®n i ^ Prisc.illa A. ThomPsOrl City Cleric 02- 535 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared SOOKIE WILLIAMS, who on oath says that she is the VICE PRESIDENT, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of P.O. NO. 10873 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION MEETING - 7/9/02 - APPLICANT: AT&T BROADBAND, LLC in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 06/28/2002 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any unt, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of s u ng this advertisement for publication in the said .. p per. -& — — 4� AO, 100001� 0% 090 worn subscribe efore me this 2 day f J U , A. D. 2002 (SEAL) r-----IAI.MES'A YP I •tint .Y,a.�c I =a? t,C�h4w11SStQN 9 CC 885640 SOOKIE WILLIAMS per al rt 4vYty% ES: March 4,2004 F'. �1 or h• Bonded Thru Notary Public Undenti'rlers cn— 02- X35 CITY OF MIAMI PUBLIC NOTICE OF PROPOSED RESOLUTION CITY HALL W 3SOO PAN AMERICAN DRIVE W MIAMI, FLORIDA 33133 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at a meet- ing of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, to be held at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission Chambers at the address indicated above, the City Commission will discuss and may consider approval or denial of the change of control of the cable television license granted to Miami Tele- communications, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Broadband LLC ("AT&T), by Resolution No. 00-489 from AT&T Broadband to AT&T -Comcast, Inc. The Commission may consider adoption of one of the following Resolu- tions on first reading: Resolution No: Applicant: AT&T Broadband, LLC Request: RESOLUTION NNGTO THE CHANGE OF CON CONTROL ON CONSENTING OF THE CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE GRANTED TO MI- AMI TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T"), BY RESOLU- TION NO. 00-489, FROM AT&T TO AT&T-COMCAST, INC. or A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DENYING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE GRANTED TO MIAMI TELECOMMUNICATIONS, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T"), BY RESOLUTION NO. 00-489,FROM AT&T TO AT&T-COMCAST, INC. i G c9.e 96 q; 9�£CQF1��`O (#10873) 6/28 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 02-4-63/277227M "Cuanto mas crecen, con mas fuerza se defenderan las grandes aerolineas establecidas". ; EasyJgt, con sede en el aeropuer- to de Lu6n, a las afueras de Ldn- dres, esta empezando a volar desde Gatwick, base de British Airways, mientras que Munich, desde donde salen los vuelos nacionales alema- nes de DBA, es el segundo gran cen- tro de operaciones de Lufthansa, por detras de F7ancfort. British Air- ways, que nunca ha conseguido be- neficios con sus rutas europeas, quiere pacer viables los vuelos de corto recorrido con un recorte de las tarifas sobre 42 rutas continen- tales y sobre 29 servicios nacionales. Al mismo tiempo esta elimmando otros destinos y simplificando las operaciones, con el objetivo de dis- minuir los costes. 'rias de Lufthansa Lufthansa, la segunda mayor aerolinea de Europa, introdujo el mes pasado tarifas de 143 euros para viajes dentro de Alemania. A diferencia de anteriores recor- tes, estas reducciones quieren ser permanentes y marcan una nuevo planteamiento para los vuelos de corto recorrido, dijo Tarry. Las aerolineas de bajo coste po- MIAMI, FLORIDA DIENCIA PUBLICA 'la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, el dia 9 de Julio del 2002, a las Junta de Comisionados de la '0 Pan American Drive, Miami, it del requisito de negociacio- ion de acuerdos de servicios orcionar la administracidn de Ps y culturales en la propiedad tiza Street, Miami, Florida (co- lizabeth Virrick Park). Los cita- ionales tendran una vigencia rogarlos por tres periodos adi- Las siguientes organizatio- n proporcionar los servicios of Miami, Inc. -es. Inc. �s a todas las personas intere- yna persona deseara apelar e Comisionados en relacion do en esta audiencia, dicha j e se produzca una transcrip- lricluyendo todos los testimo- �ervir de fundamento a dicha ►riscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal (#10875) Priscilla A. Thompson Secretaria Municipal G11 ��S�Y qO�F� \fie /' .yt o'QECQFLCQ�C CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA "ISO DE PROPUESTA DE RESOLUCION Ayuntamiento 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 SE HACE SABER POR LA PRESENTE que el martes 9 de julio del 2002, a las 9:00 a.m., la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrara una reunion en los Salones de la Junta de Comisionados en la direccion arriba indicada, para discutir y considerar la aprobacion o denegacion del cam - bio de control de la licencia de televisi6n por cable otorgada a Miami Telecommunications, Inc., una subsidiaria de AT&T Broadband a LLC ("AT&T"), por la Resolucion No. 00-489 de AT&T Broadband a AT&T -Comcast, Inc. La Junta de Comisionados podre considerar la adopcion de una de las siguientes resoluciones en primera lectura: Resulucion No: Solicitante: AT&T Broadband, LLC Solicita: UNA RESOLUCION DE LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI CONSINTIENDO EN EL CAMBIO DE CONTROL DE LA LICENCIA DE TELEVISION POR CABLE OTORGADA A MIAMI TELECOMUNICATIONS, INC., UNA SUBSIDIARIA DE AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T"), MEDIANTE LA RESOLU- CION NO. 00-489, DE AT&T A AT&T COMCAST, INC. O UNA RESOLUCION DE LA JUNTA DE COMISIONADOS DE LA CIUDAD DE MIAMI DENEGANDO EL CAMBIO DE CONTROL DE LA LICENCIA DE TELEVISION POR CABLE OTORGADA A MIAMI TELECOMMU- NICATIONS, INC. UNA SUBSIDIARIA DE AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T"), MEDIANTE LA RESOLUCION NO. 00-489, DE AT&T A AT&T COMCAST, INC. Priscilla A. Thomposo (#10873) Secretaria Municipal CITY OF MIAMI Y PUBLIC NOTIC :)F PROPOSED n. RESOLUTION City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, July 9, 2002, at a meeting of the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, to be held at 9:00 am., in the Commission Chambers at the address indicated above, the City Commission will discuss and may consider approval or denial of the change of control of the cable television license granted to Miami Telecommunications, Inc., a subsidiary of AT&T Broadband LLC ("AT&T" ), by Resolution No. 00-489 from AT&T Broadband to AT&T - Comcast, Inc. The Commission may consider adoption of one of the following Resolutions on first reading: Resolution No: Applicant: AT&T Broadband, LLC Request: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION CONSENTING TO THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE CABLE TELEVISION LICENSE GRANTED TO MIAMI TELECOMMU- NICATIONS, INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T" ), BY RESOLUTION NO. 00=489, FROM AT&T TO AT&T-COMCAST, INC. (#10873) or A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DENYING THE CHANGE OF CONTROL OF THE CABLE ' TELEVISION LICENSE GRANTED TO MIAMI TELECOMMU- NICATIONS INC., A SUBSIDIARY OF AT&T BROADBAND LLC ("AT&T"), BY RESOLUTION NO. 00-489, FROM AT&T TO AT&T-COMCAST, INC. Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk dw "Atli ;;'l ltl;I:I. MIAMI. 1-Lo1:IDA :3;11:117 :,Mi -%:i %-1 1.17 L(W 1'1t001' 01" PU11L1CI1 rj0jY all" :r,y:. ilial sl,c Is We AdvcrUstul; lllccclur I lvrlda; lljal tlic altaclicd copy or advcrL14(;- C/1 Z b z_ Comity,l�lurlda acid ll►al llic ;s;dd P lvrlda. c;tcti wccic and 1l;tis bocci ciilcrcd ;ts ld;%. for ;i lx;rlud or morc 'I""' 011C yc;xr lltxt ur r ;�Iftai�l ilf ilial clic leas uclUicr 1);11d Icor cfuud for tl�c pku'pu::c Of sccurlsig tills L.�1 �DjrccLur Advcrlis (; f 5l A. 1). 20 O -Z — STATL OP 1.LOIUI)A 55 COUN11-Y or DADL --- JIIU Nov :Mut :;1'Ill;I;l', MIAMI. V1.C)KIDA 3:117.7 ;t)v•7:i7- l 1.17 Publiul.lcd Weekly Miami, Dudc County, F lorid.0 I'IWO Ol' 1'UIJL1CL1:r1ON Uefore the uudcrsll;ucd AutlturRy persuually i'aul;t Janle:i whu, on uatl►, aay;; lltat :;lic 1zi We AdvcrUs;Ing Dlrcctur uf'1'111, MIAMI •1'1MI;S weekly r►cwsp;%per publlsltcd at Mlauu, Dadc Cuuuly, l"lurlda; that the ;ittuclica copy of advcrtlsc- tnutt w;w puUIWIlCd Ill said newspaper In the Issuc:; uf: y` Z bb Afflaul further sl;ttc that THL MUAMl TIMES is a ncwspaper pttlll151tcd lu M1;ur11. D7 kdc County, Florida and that Lite said newspaper has heretofore been cottunuously publtshcd In ;;aid lladc Cuultly, 1'ivrld4, cacti wct:lt anti llas licca entered :ts second class ttlall utattcr at the U.S. Posl Ofncc In M1anll, Dade County, !'lurld;t, fur ;t lx:rlud of tttorc th;ul one year ntxt prcecding dale of publlcauon of tltc attached copy of advertisement Itu•lhcr afflaul :„Lys tl►at sltc has uclthcr p;tid nor prouuscd arty flrul, person Ur corporallou any dtscuuut, rdalc, curtuulsstun ur refund lar llx: purpusc of securiu� lhts ;ttivcrttscutcut fur pub11CM1un 1u tltls newspaper. AdvCrlisjt% Director 1 $warlld subscribed before 1 C 411 11115, Clic clay of �- t A. D, 20 dZ NOTAI-1Y ruUlC 51'A'rL- OV 1IL0IUDA AT LAItCL•'. My couunizj5lon expires: q tfFICIAI. NOTARYSEAL GEORGIANNA D HILL NOTARY KMLIC STA'T'E OF FLORIDA COMMISSION NO. CC939168 MY COMMISSSION EXP, MAY 22 2Q14