HomeMy WebLinkAboutM-02-0799I Jun -25-02 03:34pm From -CITY OF MIAMI-MISSIONER REGALDO 305851 To Carlos Gimenex City Manager Ir FROM: Tomas Regalado Commissioner CITY O MIAMI, FLORIDA R-O!r!F CE MEMORANDI DATE, SUBJECT REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: C"STRICT 4 CHAIRMAN REGALADO June 25, 2002 FILE: Discussion Item Please place the following item on the 4 Benda of the City Commission meeting to be held on July 9, 2002. • Discussion about initiating a process to change the subdivision (Boundary Location Area: Southwest Street to the North; Southwest 7'k Street ro the ,South; Southwest 32"d riven ve to the West; Southwest 30'* Avenue to the East) from R -I to R-2. Cc: Agenda Office 02- 799 I Jun -25-02 03:34pm From -CITY OF MIAMI -COMMISSIONER REGALDO 3058585230 T-418 P.03/07 F-043 Pet d6ft Change of Zoning Clasif cation Peticibn Cam ibio de Zonifkacift We the hoots owners of the fbHowiag subdivisi zoned R I Single Family axe rogt+estiag that the City of Miami cbmp our zoning deftnstlon to R-2 T wo Family Residents. Nosouos los &woos de vwienda de in sigaimn sub*visf� zoWfic Was R-1 Una Familia P06mos de la Ciudad da Miami un cambio de zonfflcaCion a -2 Dos Familias. Coral hook Coral Vista Carolina Hems Add. Art Crmft Bev. Sub. Boundary location arca, SW 4 tb the Worth Limite de aria: SW 7 to the South SW 32 A to the West SW 30 A to the Ease NAME t NOMBRE AADDRESS / DMECCiON .�/ C:?.Ci-{� , ru.�.c J �► 2. 3 3 7. 7L 9. s 10. 11.IRAZ6Lo cti 12. -rp 13. -34 S �-sT _ .3-3 r 3 .6— 14. I +W 6nJ .S r 15 17. 02- 799 Jun -25-02 03:34pm Frog -CITY OF MIAVI-MISSIONER REGALDO 3058565230 T-410 P.04/07 F-045 Petition Change of Zoning Clash ic.,adon Petid6n, Ca bio de Zonificaci$n We the home owttms of the fotlowinS n zancd R-1 Suok F mtily = rogoesW tltst the City of Miatai our zowg dente to R-2 T Fam�Y �. tlaaoRcos tas diu&os de vivIenda de las subdivi�siocm zomfcadas R 1 Uoa Fattzilla pedimos do Is Ciudad de Miami un ca:mbio de zozaf� a -2 Dos Familtas. Coral Nook Coral Vista Cafvlfna Htiots Add. Art Craft Dev. SnD- Bouttdary kxa ion area : SW 4 to the North SW S to the South Limite do aria SW 32 A m the West SW 30 A enue to the FA9 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6. i. ,7 r 10. 11, 12. 13. 14, 15. 16, 17, km ! NOMSBE J y AfkDRESB / f 02- 799 Jun -26-02 03:85pm From -CITY OF MIAMI-COIMISSIONER IEGALDO 3058565280 T-416 PIVOT F-045 Petition Change of Zoning Cla$ification Peticibn Car iiblo de Zonificacidn We the home owners of the foliowiAg subdMsd m zoned R -I Stugle Family are requesure that the Chy of Miami change our zoning dmg+ooch= to R-2 Family Pmdtmm Nosm= Ins dueilos de vivienda de ins siguift m sabdivisionn zonificaft R 1 Una Familia pedimos de la Ciudad de Miami un c ambio de zoni$cackm s -2 Dos Familial, Corsi Nook Coral Vista Carolina HeW to Ada. Art Cruet Dev Sub. Boundary location am: SW 4 S rm to the North Limite de aria: SW 7 Sem to the South SW 32 A enuc to the West SW 30 A eaue to the East NAME / NOM$RE ADDRESS / DIRECCION 1, 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. 8- 9, IQ. I1. 12. 13, 14. 15. 16. 17. ReO oOwe.* tR /1 sul 5'74 5T 3 w57' 44!:, V� L' 02- 799 Jun -25-02 03:35pm From -CITY OF MIAMI -COMMISSIONER REGALDO $056565230 T-419 P.06/07 F-045 Petition Change of Zoning Clasifleation Peticidn. Ca bio de Zonifleadbn We the home *%mars of the iinlumum a zorscd R -I Sin& ftmly an requesong tfw the City of Mie = cbmp = rouinE dcagnaum to R-2 Family Res deals. Nosw= los dwedos de vivienda de las siguiew ns subdivixia= zoaiflcadas R-1 Una Familia podium de la Ciudad de Miami un canNo de = ficaci& a -2 Dos Familiar. Coral Nook Canal Vista Carolina Bests Add. Art Craft Dcv. Sub. Boundary location area SW 4 S rm to the Nwrh Limhe do aria: SW 7 S 1=t to the South SW 32 Acme to the West SW 30 A to rise Eig NAME / No11I>BRE ADDRESS-! DMEMON-- Jun -25-02 03:36ps Fro -CITY OF MIAMI -COMMISSIONER REGALDO We the b blumni cl Naganas Ciudad d Boundar Limite d! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. S. 14. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 3056605230 T-410 P.07/07 F-045 Petition Change Petici6n Cou MW own= of ft followmg m*divis anp aur zoning desipadba to R-2, los duos de vivienda de las stgum Miami un cambtio de aanific ad6n a . om weak oral Vista Caroltna Uclsbft Ad& kn crust Der. So& r location ages : SW 4 S aria: SW 7 S SW 32 A SW 30 A NAME I NiOMBRE r C;V� of ZODing Gasification abio de Zonifiesci8n on zoned R -I Single Family are requesdng that the City Of wo Family Resi�nts• as sbdivmoacs zmsificadas R-1 Una Familia pedimos do la Z Dos FanuUw. not to the North =ct to the South mmse to the west mnue to the East ADDRESS 1 DMWCION � � 4 �6 5 aLr • � f '9 -4 Q2- 799