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J-03-657 07/23/03 RESOLUTION NO. 93— 862 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE RECOMMENDATION OF THE CITY MANAGER TO APPROVE THE FINDINGS OF THE SELECTION COMMITTEE, PURSUANT TO REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS NO. 02-03-091, DATED MARCH 10, 2003, THAT THE MOST QUALIFIED FIRMS TO PROVIDE AN ECONOMIC AND MARKET STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER CORRIDOR FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ARE, IN RANK ORDER: (1) INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, INC., AND (2) BAY AREA ECONOMICS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE A PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT WITH INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, INC., THE TOP-RANKED FIRM, FOR AN INITIAL ONE-YEAR PERIOD, WITH THE OPTION TO EXTEND FOR TWO ADDITIONAL SIX-MONTH PERIODS, IN A TOTAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $125,000, FOR THE INITIAL AND EXTENDED PERIODS OF THE AGREEMENT; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM ACCOUNT CODE NO. 311047.509301.270; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AN AGREEMENT WITH BAY AREA ECONOMICS, THE SECOND -RANKED FIRM, IN THE EVENT NEGOTIATIONS FAIL WITH INNOVATIVE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES, INC., THE TOP-RANKED FIRM; DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR APPROVAL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recommendation of the City Manager to approve the findings of the selection committee, pursuant to CITY COMMISSION VIEETUIG OF J u i. 4 2093 llesolution No. 03- 862 Request for Proposals No. 02-03-091, dated March 10, 2003, that the most qualified firms to conduct an economic and market study of the Miami River Corridor for the Department of Economic Development are, in rank order: (1) Innovative Economic Development Resources Inc., and (2) Bay Area Economics, is accepted. Section 2. The City Manager is authorizedil to negotiate a Professional Services Agreement ("Agreement"), with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., the top-ranked firm, for an initial one-year period, with the option to extend for two additional six-month periods, in a total amount not to exceed $125,000, for the initial and extended periods of the Agreement, with funds allocated from Account Code No. 311047.509301.270. Section 3. The City Manager is further authorizedll to negotiate an Agreement with Bay Area Economics, the second -ranked firm, in the event negotiations fail with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., the top-ranked firm. Section 4. The City Manager is directed to present the negotiated Agreement to the City Commission for approval. 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable provisions of the City Charter and Code. Page 2 of 3 03— 862 Section 5. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of July , 2003. ATTEST: r PKISCILLA -A./TI4OMVSON CITY CLERK PREPARED A F,AM AND CORRECTNESS -e, ITY/ATTORNEY 402:tr:AS zi If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 3 of 3 03— 862 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 22 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor and Members TO: of the City Commission DATE: JUL 16 2603 FILE: Recommendation for Award of SUBJECT: RFP ##02-03-091: Consulting Services for Miami River Economic and Market Study 0);� A,, FROM: Jpe Arriola REFERENCES: Chief Administrator/City Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached resolution accepting the recommendation approving the findings of the selection committee that the most qualified firm to provide professional services for an economic and market study for the Miami River Corridor is Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc. and further authorizing the negotiation and execution of an agreement with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc. 5702 Kenwick, San Antonio, Texas 78238, a non-minority/non-local firm, in an amount not to exceed $125,000.00. In the event that a fair, competitive and reasonable agre€rnent cannot be reached with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., it is recommended that the City Commission authorize the negotiation of an agreement with the second ranked firm Bay Area Economics, a minority/non-local firm. BACKGROUND The City of Miami, in conjunction with the Miami River Commission and Miami -Dade County, have worked together to research and devise a long-term plan to guide growth and development along the 5.5 - mile length of the Miami River. Resulting from this effort, the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan was created to provide a framework for the future development and enhancement of the Corridor. Subsequently, the City and the Urban Infill Working Group determined that there was a need for a detailed study of the various commercial activities occurring within the Corridor to culminate in a program of revitalization strategies that support growth throughout the area. Services of a qualified and experienced economic consultant or team having prior experience performing economic studies, marine - related commerce and industry and urban land use and zoning studies were sought. To address this need, RFP 02-03-091 was issued and seven (7) Proposers responded, however, two (2) Proposers were deemed non-responsive as one Proposer did not meet minimum qualifications, while the other failed to submit its fees in a separate sealed envelope, as required. Therefore, the Evaluation Committee evaluated a total of five (5) responsive Proposers. Following two (2) evaluation meetings, the Committee short-listed to two (2) firms, and conducted oral presentations. Following these oral presentations on June 24, 2003, the Committee completed its evaluation and recommended Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., and Bay Area Economics, in rank order. The Committee further recommended that in the event that a fair, competitive and reasonable agreement should not be reached with the top-ranked firm, Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., the City'negotiate with the second -ranked firm, Bay Area Economics. FISCAL IMPACT — None. Budgeted Item LMHaICS/&` 03-" 8002 Budgetary Impact Analysis Department Economic Development Division: Commission Meeting Date: 07.124/03 Title and brief description of legislation or attached ordinance/resolution: Award to Innovative Economic Development Resources, -Inc, to provide professional services. 1. Is this item related to revenue? No ® Yes ❑ Revenue Source: 2. Is this item an expenditure? No ❑ Yes ® Amount: 125,000.00 General Fund Account No: Special Revenue Fund Account No: CIP Project No: 311047-509301-270 3. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? No: ❑ Yes:) Sufficient funds will he trancfBrrPd frnm rhP fnunav;na 1;„0 ;rem• ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL From r� From S To S To S 4. Is this item funded by Homeland I /efence/NBlohhnrhnnA Tmnrnvnmonr t1^nA,9 A1..is�lr ve.- f-, Project Name Total Bond Allocation V Series Appropriation Dollars Spent to Date Encumbrances & Commitments Balance Comments: Resolution No. 02-1321 Authorizing the City Manager to solicit proposals to conduct.an Economic Analysis and Market study of the "rb is River Corridor. prector/Designee I Date Verifi b I pt. o egi c /1an4QJ Bud t' g & Perform c Date: I APPROVALS Verified b CIP: (if applicable) Date: zp Richard A. Bunnell 1626 South Bayshore Court, Apt. 6 Miami, Florida 33133 (305) 343-0132 Mr. Joe Arriola Chief Administrator/City Manager Miami City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 Dear Mr. Arriola: June 24, 2003 Re: Recommendation for Award RFP 02-03-091: Consulting Services for Miami River Economic and And Marker Study This memorandum serves to provide a recommendation regarding the above-mentioned RFP process to secure a Consultant to provide a Miami River Economic and Market Study. On March 10, 2002, RFO # 02-03-091 was issued and seven (7) Proposals were received April 7, 2003. However, two (2) Proposers were deemed non responsive as one Proposer did not meet minimum qualifications while the other failed to submit its fees in a separate sealed envelope, as required. Therefore, the Evaluation Committee evaluated a total of five (S) responsive Proposers. The Committee met on three (3) occasions: April 23, 2003, May 28, 2003 and June 24, 2003, at which time oral presentations were conducted with the two (2) firms who were short-listed. As Chairperson of the Evaluation Committee to procure the above services for the City of Miami, it is my responsibility to offer the findings and recommendation on behalf of the Committee, which was comprised of the following individuals: Rafael Kapustin, Kapustin Corporation; Lilia Medina, Office of the City Manager; Jorge Martinez Esteve, of Economic Development; and myself Richard Bunnell, Bunnell Foundation Inc. and the Miami River Commission. Pablo L. Ceias, PLC Izrvestments Inc. withdrew as a member of the Committee following its initial meeting. Following the analysis of Proposals and oral presentations of those firms short-listed, the following firms are being recommended, in rank order, to provide the City with a Miami River Economic and Market Study: 1. Innovative Economic Development Resources 2. Bay Area Economics (BAE) Should negotiations fail with the top-ranked firm, the Committee recommended the City negotiate with the second - ranked firm to provide these services. Thank you for allowing each of us the opportunity to participate in this worthwhile process as it affects the Miami River Corridor. The work to be performed, and the imply of the Study's findings and rdations, will be critical to the future of the City of Miami and the County as a whole. On behalf of the Evaluation �)C a%nA. escelang your approval of our recomrneadation via your signature below. '-0' - � '/' - Approv oe Arriola, Chief Administrator/City Manager 03- 862 rtAR-O$-200: lh� 1 CITY CLERKS OFFICE X175 858 151© P.02 A' J-02-1063 12/12/02 RESOLUTION NO. U-2 — 132 i A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO COMMENCE IMPLEMENTATION OF SELECTED RELATED RECOMMENDATIONS RECOMMENDATIONS FOR THE MIAMI RIVER CORRIDOR URBAN INFILL PLAN, AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO SOLICIT FOR PROPOSALS FOR AN ECONOMIC ANALYSIS AND MARKET STUDY OF THE MIAMI RIVER CORRIDOR AND TO NEGOTIATE WITH, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $1.25,000, THE FIRMS WHICH SUBMITTED THE MOST ADVANTAGEOUS PROPOSALS-; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO PRESENT TF.E NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR ITS CONSIDERATION. WHEREAS, the City of Miami seeks to foster an urban living environment along the Miami River that c..aximizes opportunities for quality residential, commercial, and maritime -related uses throughout the river corridor; and WHEREAS, Chapter 163.2511 through 163.252E of the Florida Statutes provides for the designation of urban infill areas, the preparation of urban infill plans, the adoption of an urban infill boundary, and allows for the utilization of economic incentives in areas, so designated, to strengthen urban centers; and ' a3- 862 Oily MMUSSION MULNG OF DEC 1 2 2002 RanaLuuon Na 02-1321 L05 e5a 1510 P. 0.7 WHEREAS, in 2000, the City entered into a Joint Planning Agreement with Miami -Dade County for the development of an Urban Infill Plan for the Miami. River Corridor pursuant to Chapter 163.2511, Florida Statutes; and WHEREAS, the City entered into a Memorandum of Understanding with the Miami River Commission, transferring specific responsibility for the completion of said Flan to that body; and WHEREAS, the planning process to develop the Plar. commenced in September 2001, and culminated with the adoption of the Miami River Corridor UrbanInfillPlan by the Miami River on September 9, 2002, as that body's strategic planning document; and WHEREAS, the Miami River Commission has forwarded said Plan to the City of Miami for its consideration and adoption by ordinance; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami has reviewed said Plan and finds that a number of the Plan's recommendations are ripe for implementation; and WIiEREAS, among the most significant implementation actions relating to investment is the recommendation that the City undertake a comparative economic analysis and market study of the River geared toward the marine industries to further identify appropriate redevelopment strategies; and i03- 862 ,Page 2 of 4 1510 P. r@'4 WHEREAS, it is recommended that the economic study be expedited, and that funds required for said purpose be available for allocation from Strategic Reserves, Project No --11046,J in an amount not to exceed $125,000; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings found in the Preamble of this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this section. Section 2. The City Manager is directed to commence implementation of- ..7the following investment -related recommendations for the Miami River Corridor Urban Infill Plan: o Undertake a comparative economic analysis and market studv of the River Corridor geared toward the marine industries to further identify appropriate redevelopment strategies. o Identify infrastructure needs and available funding for the Miami River corridor and incorDorate these into future Capital Improvement Plans_ Section 3. The City Manager is authorized"' to solicit or proposals for an economic analysis and market_- study of the Miami River Corridor, and to negotiate with, in an amount not to exceed $125,000, the firm(s) which submitted the most advantageous proposal(s). lr The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. i 03- 862 Page 3 of 4 (i'7 -4 n0 4 CLERKS OFFICE l" �.1 958 l-10 P. Section 4. The City Manager is authorized to presen_- the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for its consideration. Section S. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.? PASSED AND ADOPTED this 12th day of December , 2002. ATTEST: t PRISCILLA A. THOMPS09 CITY CLERK APPROVED T ORA%l XLEJ RO VILARELLO CI ATTORNEY W6774:DJ:HSS CORRECTNESS &i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upor. override of the veto by the City Commission. s Page 4 of 4 03— 862 i 2-1.121 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA EVALUATION OF RFP NO. 02-03-091 Consulting Services for Miami River Economic and Market Study Raters # 1: Rafael Kapustin, Kapustin Corporation # 2: Lilia Medina, Office of the City Manager # 3: Jorge Martinez-Esteve, Dept. of Economic Development # 4: Richard A. Bunnell, Chair, Miami River Commission Approved by: C "' " r- ctor �C�hiefen Officer Date: Z Director / Designee: -; K�l Date: 03. 862 Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3 Rater 4 lAverage Ran 'n ' Firm not short-listed * Firm not short-listed * Firm not short-listed * Firm deemed non-responsive * Firm deemed non-responsive (incl fees at max. 25 is Innovative Economic Development Resources 90.00 75.00 82.00 84.00 107.25 1 Bay Area Economics (BAE) 58.00 52.00 83.00 78.00 92.75 2 Florida International University Innovative Resources, Inc. Real Estate Research Consultants Aphelion Consulting z Everglades Economics -71 Raters # 1: Rafael Kapustin, Kapustin Corporation # 2: Lilia Medina, Office of the City Manager # 3: Jorge Martinez-Esteve, Dept. of Economic Development # 4: Richard A. Bunnell, Chair, Miami River Commission Approved by: C "' " r- ctor �C�hiefen Officer Date: Z Director / Designee: -; K�l Date: 03. 862 ACCEPTANCE OF CITY MANAGER AND EVALUATION COMMITTEE'S RECOMMENDATION RFP NO. 02-03-091 ITEM: Consulting services for Miami River economic and market study DEPARTMENT: Economic Development TYPE: Contract REASON: It is recommended that Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., provide professional services for an economic and market study for the Miami River Corridor, in an amount not to exceed $125,000.00, further authorizing the negotiation and execution of an agreement with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., and in the event that a fair, competitive and reasonable agreement cannot be reached with Innovative Economic Development Resources, Inc., it is recommended the City Commission authorize the negotiation of an agreement with the second ranked firm Bay Area Economics, allocating funds therefore from account code no. 31107.509301.270. C %,f ire or of t urchasing Z) 63 Date 03- 862