HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0713J-03-517 6/24/03 RESOLUTION NO. — 713 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION AUTHORIZING A GRANT, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $100,000, TO NEIGHBORS AND NEIGHBORS ASSOCIATION (N.A.N.A.) TO ASSIST TWENTY SMALL BUSINESSES; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM FUTURE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM INCOME FUNDS; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE NECESSARY DOCUMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH N.A.N.A FOR SAID PURPOSE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: 0 Section 1. A grant, in the amount not to exceed $100,000, is authorized to Neighbors and Neighbors Association (N.A.N.A.) to assist twenty small businesses, with funds allocated funds from future Community Development Block Grant Program Income Funds. Section 2. The City Manager is authorizedll to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with N.A.N.A. for said purpose. �i The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. :CITY Commusoff ME== Cc. JUN 2 4 2003 x"tea NO. 03— 713 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.Z' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June , 2003. �1 NUEL A. DIAZ, MAYO ATTEST: PR CILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED A6 Tt F,41AM AND CORRECTNESS: AtEJA 0 7ILARELLO CIT ATTORNEY 7292:tr:BSS zi If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03— 7 13 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members of The City Commission FRO Oe Arn01 City Manager RECOMMENDATION: 14 DATE: JUN 17 M FILE Authorize $100,000 grant to SUBJECT: N.A.N.A. City Commission Agenda REFERENCES: June 24, 2003 ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing a grant in an amount not to exceed $100,000 to Neighbors and Neighbors Association (N.A.N.A.) to assist twenty small business; allocating funds from future Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Income; and further authorizing the City Manager to execute the necessary documents, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with N.A.N.A. for said purpose. The proposed Resolution does not have a budgetary impact on the General Fund. LMHBGR 03- 713 JUN -.05-2003 12.24 CITY MR*GERS BICE 305 416 1019 P.02 CRY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 145 TO'. The Honorabl and DATE: FILE: embers o c Cit C fission s,a,ecT : May 22, 2003 Directive: Single Family Rehabilitation Program Restitution and Penalties FRCW : Jo Arriola SCEs : Ci Manager yes: in response to the Directive fror the City Commission Meeting nein on may mss, zuus, a Discussion Item will be brought to the City Commission Meeting of June 12, 2003 regarding specific processes to be implemented to penalize contractors who performed poorly in the Single Family Rehabilitation Program and to maximize restitution to the City. tot wd 1 -man - I, - TOTAL P.02 `D isCvss 3� 1; 04 D �``�`,r�rr'-fid ��t„� •�---"r'°�. out !here. Bern is a h-andy 91j1de that I like to tail... C^.SH FOR CO^!S S i t Send _ kite to rhe Recional 4 - Director Of SOciat _zccuriiy, asking for 1 an a,cplic-tion far 5980•00 under S.S_I. iell'em you ve ilust'urne'd in your Farole 4 Plans and let then know Khat area 7% - you'll be paroling to. 'Have the applica- ''°` tion sent to an outside address in case Ou „ 1 _ --r o` I i"IS Is covered S1' _P #2 Ano,her thing you can c_t as arr ex -can � :E vcuchErs 1;,r food, housing and c`cthiro. W�nen you cet ou(, Sean. � or _c,•"7 Io the ment of _Q3ci.11 and ,eazaz ,n S_r./ices your are-- and pIy r_,r 5130.00 in Im r7iedi a to io'od cl under RCW.7, 2.C`2.040. Public Law 93.355 °2SC3. You can't get benefits 'r, -hat in prison, but sand d tetter of v' VfOOMf ii-;qu;,r\; about tiro :-lonths ceiore you're _- re!eas _ As soon, as you tet out, co to t your friendly neighborhood S.S.O. odi; ni id t ly. Your letter of in. -r 1 will act as y^ur ac-iication. Under PCVV 14.29.10 S., as a:n EX -,Felon you are Cris sifted as a cis2dvantaced minority and °for b�nei-.^ v cu mi ,,,,ant tr �.;:i It Gf� HUD "'Cr to Csl. •f^.'1..t inc. For mc, _ info, m,a:ion r.. to to: �crarinl?nt Of H:-- �--�. aro r! r.,an Service CUc:a( Security r7Cilln.'s:, ciiCn E.CX "90,01 S1' _P #2 Ano,her thing you can c_t as arr ex -can � :E vcuchErs 1;,r food, housing and c`cthiro. W�nen you cet ou(, Sean. � or _c,•"7 Io the ment of _Q3ci.11 and ,eazaz ,n S_r./ices your are-- and pIy r_,r 5130.00 in Im r7iedi a to io'od cl r hei jou ply year^r -. ro down to the Oeparif lent Of Vocational Re` aClllia !IOa a:nd t?Ijab�0!t your ti ade. GO t0 ollferent Stores -=7,d Price, the Goihing iS c cFeai Gay !,or cUcksl �+IiCtlt:� and EGulp(r.4 n.' yoU�il y n- O r^ e 0 zn GEt _ Cn,ECk fre:Ti t: v; c `� rain / a d C Id t'JJ y be, tl",e ;Wars u! You c� _f '-� 1 o herE IehaC :aOi. i in:, -,k iE c c.?i ris as iTtljch :s �t JJ.LG( This IS UnC2i IGicn /0 0 me?nlnn Ir t c -4 o, II,, r.C`N 72.02.`0'C' 'Nhicn alsc) covegS an c'te 0,-r ey `N En`"DUr CnarCel.. out 'all -y or i'J. ,ts c 7. .clY_.S'-�^�-tom J r '� �,� -• day l0 DaSS 0--� a 1,; ,= I,nIG i0 Lr'Cse y^U c t'7 r i0 a, ais: r -, Ji = �. IJNo y so OJ _ r dlsa-ill y t IC al �'C.N fir+ -' I In CL: ,`itv - ill -:, -11 Ov 'r ra t r. n UJBLIC �L r C _r r / U r•_i ivlc.sl ,': ilrst is f Ii out ccn't of ? RECOk_,V'-� M`.q- y a, talc C c.:r'; ' t -as^VOUvv i I 'st'..fnCd to 7ii0 _ S;:, N6 -2y- 0 0,3 .1 _ ll'..-. - 03- 713 v' VfOOMf r hei jou ply year^r -. ro down to the Oeparif lent Of Vocational Re` aClllia !IOa a:nd t?Ijab�0!t your ti ade. GO t0 ollferent Stores -=7,d Price, the Goihing iS c cFeai Gay !,or cUcksl �+IiCtlt:� and EGulp(r.4 n.' yoU�il y n- O r^ e 0 zn GEt _ Cn,ECk fre:Ti t: v; c `� rain / a d C Id t'JJ y be, tl",e ;Wars u! You c� _f '-� 1 o herE IehaC :aOi. i in:, -,k iE c c.?i ris as iTtljch :s �t JJ.LG( This IS UnC2i IGicn /0 0 me?nlnn Ir t c -4 o, II,, r.C`N 72.02.`0'C' 'Nhicn alsc) covegS an c'te 0,-r ey `N En`"DUr CnarCel.. out 'all -y or i'J. ,ts c 7. .clY_.S'-�^�-tom J r '� �,� -• day l0 DaSS 0--� a 1,; ,= I,nIG i0 Lr'Cse y^U c t'7 r i0 a, ais: r -, Ji = �. IJNo y so OJ _ r dlsa-ill y t IC al �'C.N fir+ -' I In CL: ,`itv - ill -:, -11 Ov 'r ra t r. n UJBLIC �L r C _r r / U r•_i ivlc.sl ,': ilrst is f Ii out ccn't of ? RECOk_,V'-� M`.q- y a, talc C c.:r'; ' t -as^VOUvv i I 'st'..fnCd to 7ii0 _ S;:, N6 -2y- 0 0,3 .1 _ ll'..-. - 03- 713 _ -V -, irom page 37 turr''_w < ':,.i, but cin the fourth til e you apply, you will not be turned down and a week or hve later, you'll start 'receivi,nc checks in •title amount of 5310.00 for every month that you were down end for three months before and after that time! That amounts to 54,500.00 per year STEP #5 Let's say you want to sta. your own business, why not, Uncle Sammy wants to help ya'. The Sm, Business Administration will loan you up to 524,000.00 to start uo any bus;-' ness you wish. They will also lean you .2500.00 towards any vehicle you wish, (I can see it nowToecutter's Twc'- wheeled Taxi Service) and you can also get up to 51,000.00 mare towards a work vehicle. The Federal Gcve; rimer,t guarantees your loan, bonding you up to 510,000.C47. As an ex -con you are 2 - minority rtinonry and are el icib!e for any and ail benefits due to anyone in. that category. Targeted Job Tax Cre-_iits will eive your employer a S3,00C.CC tax write ol`i the first vear yo.0 work for 'em and a 51,5G0.00 tax break the second, year If ycur employer is training you in a skill, the Federal government wfil pay HALF of your Y{ages fo( iiie dist Year in addi- (i -n tri the tG:., cl!• A 11•t-...- .. 1 ., prCG1 pCS- t!ve 'hat scrr.et ,CPI^lrc OCAS A .c'.{ Gtiier SGt1rOeS for smiaii CUS- ness loans and Grant; are: Grant Administration Di%,isicn Minority Bysiness De,/e!r)pmer,i Deparrtment of Commerce li''iashington,' D.C. 20230 These folks give or ants of up to 510,000.00 under the heading, tvlincrit-j Business Development, Manageiient and Technical Assistance.- T heir ob;ec- tive is to provide f; ee financial heio in Sia( ing Gr OOe(ailfnc your bUSIrIESS. You Curl also Get lca:-Is fr6m: '. Directo(-0rlce of Financing Small ausiness 4dministi 2tiGn 11"0 SirN.W. Street VlashirCrton, D.C. 20±',E Ise a:i B:JSir-c55 r-.GTiI'ilSf t;Cr helps fo put log=cher economic cpzcr- tlu nil j scans for -your snail business. �G G^.;. ran -,e cm. l I,0O0 JG a,i :O S --S,000.00. I eS2 l ;S a S^ec'- ilOa�l`f for small bUSincSScS CV r -' CV! 1^,CC7e Or SCC, _-1Y Cr cC0^Ctrl c}� I know that many of you have heard about these kind of benefits before and you may have also heard that it's all a bunch ci bull- T ne fad is, no citizen out there is going to come up to you and volunteer these benefits. As a mater of fact, many State ru.n organizations don't want to be bothered by e'x-:ons. They probably figure that if you break the law, you've act nothin' corrin'. Well, squash that! 1&'ve doneyourtire, your so called "debt" is paid --ogo out there and be assertive and consistant. This does not mean you should wrap th2cihicious little pencil pushin' prick behind the desk in your primary chain if speck his m :gid and have his Unoug,lt fs published? When a cop jacks you up because. you "look" suspicious, yolu have the richt to resist. When you're Pulled over without proper cause, you .have the right to resist. When we mage .our voices heard we can chance laws pass others and in our own ways, help to create our own reality. As ex -Vons know, many of your rights are "sus- .pended" once you've been convicted of a felony. You can't vote, carry a hand - curt or knife with a blade over an inch, and a half long, etc. ,Vlore importantly you have no right to resist the process or defend yc�r self, The police can enter \`t; rf-.- -. -4 1..... -1 1; :j 1::1:v v' IU wUl. l.c CSe - V s � ,�' ��-=xf'V'� •Y �'{l and Can search you and your proper�j a5 Often c5 the mood StnkeS them. r^S C -calways e r e GJCm .. an X On I'll Se ( _ illusion that can quickly be snatched from me. DGn't kid yourself, the bars - - ,: always there even though they may be _ w=1f hidden from view. Stiil, i say to ycu, .:'.`.': r2sisi. Ycur fire is year own, your spirit is 4 p yours to do with , what you'MN. There er a.'; ciieccV too many human cattle grazing �u A;:AA i�.• Out tl ei e; tco many fat and happy ZG - 1 bier smiiinc vacantly and 'raiihaut'' he starts wninin'. It's better to take a putt -"7� down to vO;Jr local fi'ia; j, Ccsy a se—knC `ilriC. f r S i5 rot e C(I�.. c$i5i, a is tion a,'the law that OertGlns t0 ttistag Ira ._. e dough you're after and shove it under c^ _ -- r _ _cn nc:`/, perharPyour even as ou r he II; cee!'S :cst._nnC nese! Its Ckay to ra- t this, 1'i! ..a in the „ind wi[ t ycu again ' • p Insist Ori your richts 2nd tale teriefitc _ 'a', are due isGil. vnCe you learn Y for_, f If s a^ 1l .C. -_n t 1� •-•C V- U, - G'=`J tt1tc SVSiEi.l Can `NG" :1 r,�rt you y and I can ult!ma._!� cniy care,ot c^:. IGt e as- `•--��„'a.:� ether and he!'u eaCh Other GroY,.' e c @ q IeL I perScnaily kr tow of Many pec,ple all Gil 'Mil t c ilcric Ci Creaiicri a,-, `i -c rave applie-j for and CgoC:ci 1.rhoney - ..... - 'r ;:•„v dISCCVcr.Srld T - 2nd a551SianCc USinC theWfS tt�,at we PIaYe yet t0 SteCS ilSied CGreCIa: a,-, ail one. Ifats tic picture'f;cmi behind t.tc'h'cti 5... time, remember, there has never b Speaking of ways, to .let the system - . WOftC iOfyOU, I'm reminded Of the WCrdS a i N made that can bind the fro=_ C&7 of a brio here. ` U'd ti :e this guy, -atter n Your hear. -tide fr=ail; y fnendsf a I!, anVOne hal=t arl'i :e alI Sta. m a nnn m m.m. aaTa•eo^ tF.o%^��'��' . .._ use : eZ, I. -e• a P.,o-c_�o.,: Ou'L+w B11E?, t55.4 - �- tad. Anyhow, i --a, ley oft eri: reaC'S "this v }e 3 . -- ... c, . a ^,.- :.•s, :'4. 149^--. •: F.. av+^<7 of I.w: s.b,W} -'- Columiitn as do ma -)Y Of tite.:ccns sere. ! . ... _. !Er - t; .em all l f rt `tne!r Chance "�•- YO 1IY I JC ; 7. :Y nb^ of M•aCv •n•n o C ^+ a . ><no•w x`12... is {., to speak as WEfi as mine^Gric 'oner II YIS ... 1 ,. PvW— — E., a Cu.- �-on L,C 5... n...+.a p!ace as a podium to all points Ct Y'e'ev. I . Yo.�+rc, ;t.,t,,,,,,;,,a Ec�oc ..••.r s�.. _ mak^"". "' N" -. s.,.•. xs.r..•. -y�.NY 1Cw1. i.P_n.r w,..^,., •^a s+`�_. do�a lot of talking aoaut pErrnel rights ,�. _- and fr eeComs,abcut staying fi ee arfd `',` • Ems. _, o S. _- S, ­_ 11 t f. n • ec-- - N.,. Yarc. nY :CCC+. a. K...:-•. ac..ar ac. n. mv7 •c• -"'d x�`-. eeping this tang nQr11 b ming more ^ry '+�.. ,i.,9 0. .0o..s a . a..<•^, a ... erM S aril iYlt:n airccG j IS, YYeI( ria Is 0 t Sc' ;e c» s . c. c r . t ~a o c lS ow '' mind and as'*s that I remind. a�cr C :7SUbFnJ � you that VCU P e e ncn Si (,C ii as a•_ a: �[�yY�� �(�7^y��p u AmierlcanS J Ints COU lu /"r; S fC U.—CE',. Crl Cllr rights tC rests: rig UOtIc of nTa'i,� a y o 7 - I';'nCs. We c"E f(c-P tC S,ca Oi' r"I'1dS. ,•. � .E���' �: C l'GV{ tTSCiv CGl!C•i jOU -;t`tf Wil. h�}} - !� F II fell ;r4J Jj :