HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0710J-03-542 06/23/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03- r 1 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE ALLOCATION OF 29TH YEAR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $3,500,000 IN THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES IN THE 29TH PROGRAM YEAR BEGINNING OCTOBER 1, 2003, TO THE AGENCIES SPECIFIED IN "ATTACHMENT A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE INDIVIDUAL AGREEMENTS, IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH EACH AGENCY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. WHEREAS, federal regulations require the City of Miami ("City") to provide an opportunity for citizen participation in the planning process for the Office of the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") related grant activities; and WHEREAS, a series of Public Hearings were held in each City Commission District to solicit public participation in the planning process for each District's HUD related grant activities; and i CO3lED CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF J U N 2 4 2003 kesoulfton No. 03- 71a , WHEREAS, on March 27, 2003, the City Commission approved the establishment of a Pilot Program to provide loans to businesses in two areas: Martin Luther King Boulevard from Biscayne Boulevard to Northwest 19th Avenue, and Southwest 8th Street from 37th Avenue to I-95; and WHEREAS, on March 27, 2003, the City Commission approved the following distribution of funds by District, based on the HUD formula allocation, and District Priority Activities to be processed through the Request for Proposals for 29th Year funding of economic development activities; and WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was properly advertised to provide public notice regarding the proposed use for said grant funds; and Page 2 of 4 03- 710 District 1 20% District 2 16% District 3 23% District 4 15% District 5 26% Total 100% DISTRICT PRIORITY ACTIVITIES District 1 (1) Commercial Facade District 2 (1) Commercial Facade/Infrastructure District 3 (1) Code Compliance/Commercial Facade (2) Code Compliance/Business Loans District 4 (1) Commercial Facade (2) Business Loans District 5 (1) Code Compliance/Business Loans (2) Infrastructure WHEREAS, a Public Hearing was properly advertised to provide public notice regarding the proposed use for said grant funds; and Page 2 of 4 03- 710 WHEREAS, the City solicited proposals from agencies providing economic development activities to City's residents through a Request for Proposals process; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The allocation of 29th Year Community Development Block Grant Program funds, in the amount of $3,500,000, in the Economic Development Category for economic development activities in the 29th Program Year beginning October 1, 2003, to the agencies listed on "Attachment A," attached and incorporated, is authorized. Section 3. The City Manager is authorized -16 to execute individual agreements, in substantially the attached form, with each agency, for said purpose. :1 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. Page 3 of 4 03- 710 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.v PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of June , 2003. ANUEL A. DIAZ, MA ATTEST: PR SCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK r APPROVED AS 0 FORM`AND CORRECTNESSe 6=RO VILARELLO Y ATTORNEY W7309:tr:AS If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 4 of 4 J3- 710 ATTACHMENT "A" City of Miami - Department of Community Development Request for Proposals 2003-2004 AGENCIES RECOMMENDED FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDING Agency District Proposed to Serve Address Rating 1 Rating 2 Ave Description of Services �47 District ;; - District 4 Districts �— Funding Recommendation $ 200,000.00 $ 95,000.00 Amount FFunded FY2002 Funding 9 Request FY2003 District 1 District 2 Allapattah Business Development Authority,Inc. ICamacol Loan Fund, Inc. 1 1,3,4 2634 NW 26 Terrace 1417 W. Flagler Street 75 80 75 87 84 vnercial Fayade Program Business Loan and Technical Assistance $ 150,000.00 i $ 60,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 95,000.00 $ 200,000.00 $ 31,667.00 -- _ $ 31,666.00 - - S 31,667.00 _ Department of Real Estate & Economic Development 4,5 444 SW 2nd Avenue - - - 1- SW 8 Street from 37 Ave to 1-95. Bid To Luther Icing Blvd. From Biscayne Bkrch. To NW 1 s Ave $ $ I I -- $ 250,000.00 $ 250,000.00 I ; 500,000.00 Downtown Mimi Partnership,Inc. —i "- ommunity Development Corporation 2 5 25 SE 2 Avenue 1800 SW 1 Street 75 80 78 I 85 77 83 Commermal F de Program aq og Infrastructure improvements for the Carrie P. Meek Manor Project at NW 3rd Avenue and NW 19 Street S 150,000.00 $ J$ 150,000.00 $ 123,119.15 � S 123.045.00 I $ 123,718.00 —� 123,045 00 I I $ 123,718.00 Neighbors & Neighbors Association, Inc. Rafael Hernandez Housing 5 1 80 NW 62 Street 70 70 70 j Technical Assistance to businesses $ 1so,000.00 Is aoo,000.00 I I I I -=$10.00 (S 150,000.00 &Economic Development Corp 2 2400 N Miami Avenue 68 75 1 72 Commercial Facade Program � S 150,000.00 $ 195,000.00 $ 123,045.00 - I $ 123,045.00 Small Business Opportunity Center, Inc. 3,4 11800 SW 1 Street I 73 I 72 I 73 Assist in Community Revitalization. T/A 8 Fade program in District 5 $ 400,000.00 500,000.00 IS 200ConvwcW ,000— O $ 200,000.00 $ 400,000.00 The Edgewater Economic Development Corp, Inc. I 2 I 71 Business attraction, development, retention and expansion - Connerciai Fayade Pgm - $ 00 1,000.00 0 0 $ 82,054.00 -G -�1 $ 82,054.00 $259,516.00 Word of Life CDC5 4646 NW 17 Avenue 72 75 73 Capital Improvements $175. 16.00 1 Rervud _$, S 240,041.00 L 1 $ 418,554.00 F'Cit, of Miami <al Code Compliance Program Comrnarcial Facade Program ALL ALL $ 2,81815 ,po $ 178,513.00 $ 81,267.00 S 175,000.00 S 866,4400 $ 81,267.00 $ 81,267.001 S 40,634.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 175,000.00 $ 87,500.00 0 , 4 974.00 �09,801.00 $ 40,633.00 S 87,500.00 I 911,367.00 S 325,066.00 ; 700 000,001Tota1: $ 3500 cn ATTACHMENT "B" City of Miami - Department of Community Development Request for Proposals 2003-2004 AGENCIES NOT BEING RECOMMENDED FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT FUNDING Agency District—� Proposed Address Rating Rating Average i Description of Services Amount Funded Funding Request — F—Il to Serve 1 2 Rating FY2003 District t Will 2 Disbid 3 Ostia 4 Disbar s Reeo dation Comments FY2002 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. Pierre Toussaint Center 5 130 NE 62 Street 60 65 63 Technical Assistance $ 100,000.00 S 175,000.00 - S Rated less than 70 pants Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc. 2 3460 Royal Road 55 65 60 Commercial Fayade 3 Odw busmass Pierre Toussaint Center activities >< $ 75,000.00 - -- s Rated less than 70 pants Coconut Grove Local Development Corporation, Small Business incubator developer and I , _ 2 3673 Grand Avenue 0 7 4 b prarob employment training l job I s S 103,611.00 - - $ Rated less than 70 opportunities. � points .nvestment Group LLC 2 3600 Grand Avenue -r68 Fal rerwabon of their buildings s $ 256,000.00 — $ Nota for this district - 5 6201 NE 62 Street 58counseling, Technical Assistance as Credit small business financing, S $ 250,000.00 i Little Haiti -Edison Federal Credit Union banking services $ Rated less than 70 pants Local Initiatives Support Corporation ALL 150 SE 2 Avenue 60 1 55 58 Technical Assistance s $ 120,000.00 s Rated less than 70points; --- (Neighbors & Neighbors Association, Inc. 5 4055 NW 17 Avenue - Joint program wft Nia Inbaetive, Inc b crealbusiesus ia• pages a directory of I s $ 47,557.00 $ Not a priority for this district Bsiness skill raining I" bans. NOT Partners for Self Employment Inc. 3,4,5 3000 Biscayne Blvd 85 80 83 Imcuarmended for funiii ng due b funding s $ 177,808.00 I Highest rated proposal to this T �� _iconstraints type of service 1,206,976.00 O Cn CIT17 OF MIAMI, FLORIDA COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT ECONOMIC. DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (hereinafter the "Agreement") is entered into this [ st day of between the City of Miami, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as the "CITY"), and [ 1 a Florida not for profit corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "SUBRECIPIENT"). FUNDING SOURCE: Cammunity Development Block Grant Funds AMOUNT: [$ 1 TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: October 1, 2002 through September 3O, 2003 IDIS NUMBER: SCI N[, NIBER: ( 1 ADDRESS: [Miami, Florida 1 NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and obligations herein set forth, the parties understand and agree as follows: ARTICI..E I. EXHIBITS AND DEFINITIONS 1.1 EXH[BITS. Attached hereto and forming a para of this Agreement are the following Exhibits: Exhibit A Corporate Resolution Authorizing Execution of this Agreement. Exhibit B Work Program Exhibit C Budget Summary Exhibit D Certification Regarding Lobbying Form 03- 710 1.2 Exhibit E Certification Regardirng Debarment, Suspension and other Responsibility Matters (Primary Covered Transactions Form). Exhibit F Crime Entity Affidavit DEFINED TER:'�1S. As used herein the following terms shall mean: Act or 24 CFR 570 Title 1 of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended. Agreement Records: Any and al.l books, records, documents, information, data, papers, letters, materials, and computerized or electronic storage data and media, whether written, printed, computerized, electronic or electrical, however collected or preserved which is or was produced, developed, maintained, completed, received or compiled by or at the direction of the SUBRECIPIENT or any subcontractor in carrying out the duties and obligations required by the terms of this Agreement, including, but not limited to, financial books and records, ledgers, drawings, maps, pamphlets, designs, electronic tapes, computer drives and diskettes or surveys. CDBG Program: Community Development Block Grant Program. CDBG Requirements: The requirements contained in 24 CFR Part 570, Rule 91 of the Florida Administrative Code and as established by the City of Miami, Florida. Department: The City of Miami Department of Community Development. Federal Award: Any federal funds received by the SUBRECIPIENT from any source during the period of time in which the SUBRECIPIENT is performing the obligations set forth in this Agreement. Low- and -Moderate- Income A member of a low- or moderate -income family Person: whose i ncome i s w ithin s peri he i ncome I evels set forth by U.S. HUD. U.S. HUD or HUD: The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development. 2 03- 710 ARTICLE I1 BASIC REQUIREMENTS The following documents must be approved by the CITY and must be on file with the Department prior to the CITY'S execution of this Agreement: 2.1 The Work Program submitted by the SUBRECIPIENT to the CITY which shall become attached hereto as Exhibit B to this Agreement and shall include the following: 2.1.1 The description section shall detail the activities to be carried out by the SUBRECIPIENT. It should specifically describe the activities to be carried out as a result of the expenditure of CDBG Funds. Where appropriate it should list measurable objectives, define the who, what, where and when of the project, and in general detail how these activities will ensure that the intended beneficiaries will be served. 2.1.2 The schedule of activities and measurable objectives plays an essential role in the grant management system. The schedule should provide projected milestones and deadlines for the accomplishment of tasks in carrying out the Work Program. These projected milestones and deadlines are a basis for measuring actual progress during the tern of this Agreement. These items shall be in sufficient detail to provide a sound basis for the CITY to effectively monitor performance by the SUBRECIPIENT under this Agreement. 2.2 The Budget Summary attached hereto as Exhibit C, which shall include: completion of the SUBRECIPILNT'S Itemized Budget, Cost Allocation, Budget Narrative and Staff Salaries Schedule. 3 03- 710 2.3 A list of the SUBRECIPIENT'S present officers and members of the Board (names, addresses and telephone numbers). 2.4 A list of key staff persons (with their titles) who will carry out the Work Program. 2.5 Completion. of an Authorized Representative Statement. 2.6 Completion of a Statement of Accounting System. 2.7 A copy of the SUBRECIPIENT'S corporate personnel policies and procedures. 2.8 Job description and resumes for all positions funded in whole or in part under this Agreement. 2.9 A letter of accepting the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") Circular No.A-87 "Principles for Determining Costs Applicable to Grants and Agreements with State, Local and Federally recognized Indian Tribal Governments;" OMB Circular No. A-110, Attachments "A" (Cash Depositories), "B" (Bonding and Insurance), "C" (Retention and Custodial. Requirements for Records), 'T" (Standards for Financial Management Systems). "IT' (Monitoring and Reporting Progress Performance), "N" (Property ManaLrement Standards), and "O" (Procurement Standards); OMB Circular Nos. A-122 and A-21: "Cost Principles for Nun -Profit Organizations and Cost Principles for Educational Institutions," as modified by 24 CFR Sections 70.502(a)(b); "Applicability of Uni form A dministrative Requirements" o f t lie C DBG P rogram R egulations F incl R ule and Lead Based. Paint. Regulations 24 CFR Part 35. 2.10 Copy of the SUBRECIPIENT'S last federal income tax return. (IRS Form 990). 2. I 1 The following corporate documents: 03' 710 (i) Bylaws, resolutions and incumbency certificates for the SIIBRECIPIENT, certified by the SUBRECIPIENT'S Corporate Secretary, authorizing the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby, all in a form satisfactory to the CITY. 2.1.2 ADA Certification 2.13 Drug Free Certification 2.14 A.II other documents reasonably required by the CITY. ARTICLE III T`ERNIS AND PROCEDURES 3.1 CITY ALTHORILATION: For the purpose of this Agreement, the Department will act on behalf of the CITY in the fiscal control, programmatic monitoring and modification of this Agreement, except as otherwise provided by in this Agreement. 3.2 EFFEC"1'IVE DATE ASID TERM: This Agreement shall begin on [October 1 2002 and end on September 30, 20031. 3.3 OBLIGATIONS OF SUBRECIPIENT: The SUBRECIPIENT shall carry out the services and activities as prescribed in its Work Program, which i s attached and i ncorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement, in a manner that is lawful, and satisfactory to the CITY, and in accordance with the written policies, procedures, and requirements as prescribed in this Agreement, and as set forth by .HUD and. the CITY. 3.4 POLICIES AND PROCEDURES MANUAL: The SUBR.ECiPIENT is aware of and accepts the -Policies and Procedures Manual for Community Development Block Grant Sub -recipients" as the official. document which outlines 5 031- 710 the fiscal, administrative and federal guidelines which shall regulate the day-to-day operations of the SUBREC.IPIEN'T. The "Policies and Procedures Manual f:or Community Development Block. Grant Sub-recipients" is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement. �.> LEVEL OF SERVICE_.: Should start-up time for the Work Program be required or in the event of the occurrence of any delays in the activities thereunder, the SUBRECIPIENT shall immediately notify the Department in writing, giving all pertinent details and indicating when the Work Program shall begin and/or continue. It is understood and agreed that the SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain the level of activities and expenditures in existence prior to the execution of this Agreement. Any activities funded through or as a result of this Agreement shall riot result in the displacement of employed workers, impair existing agreements for services or activities, or result in the substitution of funds allocated under this Agreement for other funds in connection with work which would have been performed in the absence of this Agreement. ARTICLE IV CDBG FUNDING XND DISBURSEMENT RFOUIREh1FNTS 4.1 COMPENSATION A. The CITY shall pay the SUBRECIPIENT, as maximum compensation for the services required pursuant to this Agreement the sum of [$60,000.00.1 B. During the term hereof and for a period of three (3) years following the date of the last payment made hereunder, the CITY shall have the right to review and audit the time records and related records of the SUBRECIPIENT pertaining to any payments by the CITY. R -' 710 C. All payments shall be reimbursements for expenditures incurred only during the term of this Agreement. and in compliance with the previously approved program line -item Itemized Bud -et. Each written request for payment,"reimbursement shall contain a s tatement d eclaring a nd a ffiiming t hat a 11 e xpenditures w ere in ade i n accordance with the approved budget. All documentation in support of each request shall be subject to approval by the CITY at the time the request is made and all invoices are required to be paid by the SUBRECIPIENT prior to submission. All reimbursements must be in line -item form and be in accord with this Agreement. All expenditures must be verified by the original invoice with a copy of the check which was used to pay that specific invoice. Within 60 days of submitting each reimbursement request, copies of the canceled checks evidencing the payments by the SUBRECIPIENT for which reimbursement has been requested. shall be submitted. In the event that an invoice is paid by various funding sources. a copy of the invoice may be s ubmitted but must indicate the exact amount paid by various funding sources equaling the total of the invoice. No m iscellaneous categories shall be accepted as a 1 ine-item in the budget. A maximum of two (2) requests for line -item changes are allowable, with prior review and approval by the CITY. All line -item changes must be made sixty (60) days prior to the end of the term of the Agreement. D. Requests for payment should be made at least on a monthly basis. Reimbursement requests should be submitted to the CITY within thirty (30) calendar days after the indebtedness has been incurred. Failure to comply with these time frames for requesting reimbursement/payment may result in the 7 03- 710 rejection of those invoices within the reimbursement package which do not meet these requirements. E. The SUBRECIPIENT must submit the final request for payment to the CITY within 30 calendar days following the expiration date or termination date of this Agreement. If the SUBRECIPIENT fails to comply with this requirement, the SUBRECIPIENT shall forfeit all rights to payment and the CITY shall not honor any request submitted thereafter. F. Any payment due under this Agreement may be withheld pending the receipt and approval by the CITY of all reports due from the SUBRECIPIENT as a part of this Agreement and any modifications thereto. 4.2 BONDING AND INSURANCE: At all times during the term hereof, the SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain insurance and bonding coverage acceptable to the CITY. Prior to commencing any activity under this Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT shall furnish to the CITY original certificates of insurance and bonding indicating that the SUBRECIPIENT is in compliance with the provisions of this Article. 4.2.1 The SUBRECIPIENT shall provide the following coverage: (i) Comprehensive General Liability and umbrella liability coverage in an amount riot less than 51,000,000.00 per person per occurrence, protecting the CITY and the SUBRECIPIENT against liability incidental to the use oil , or resulting from an accident occurring on or about, its property, including coverage for: (a) fire, explosion, collapse and underground hazards, completed operations and independent contractors, and (b) 0 03- 710 automobile liability for all owned vehicles, as well as coverage for non - owned and hired automobiles. (ii) Workers' compensation insurance as required by the laws of the State of Florida. (iii) Flood insurance, if applicable, in such amount as may be required by the CiTY. (iv) A bid bond or performance bond in such form as may be required by the CITY. 4.2.2 Fidelity bonding foi- all persons handling funds received or disbursed under this Agreement in an amount equal. to or greater than the amotunt of the grant of finds hereunder. The CITY shall be named as Loss Payee. 4.2.3 All such insurance shall insure the CITY as the primary additional insured, with a loss payable clause in favor of the CITY. The SLBRECIPIENT shall be required to fiu-nish evidence of any other insurance coverage the CITY may reasonably require during the term of this Agreement. All such policies shall require the insurance carrier to give the CITY at least 30 days prior written notice of tennination, cancellation, expiration or modification., and all such policies shall be w ritten b y i nsurance companies s atisfactory t o t he C ITY. T here s hall b e n d exclusions in such policies that override the CITY'S Y'S coverage. 4.2.4 Compliance with the foregoing requirements shall not relieve the SUBRECIPIENT of its liability and obligations under this section or under any other section of this Agreement 9 03- 710 4. 3) FINANCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY: The CITY reserves the right to audit the records of the SUBRECIPIENT at any time during the performance of this Agreement and for a period of three years after its expiration/termination. The SUBR.ECiPIENT agrees to provide all financial and other applicable records and documentation of services to the CITY. Any payment made shall be subject to reduction for amounts included in the related invoice which are found by the CITY, on the basis of such audit, not to constitute allowable expenditures. Any payments made to the SUBRECIPIENT are subject to reduction for overpayments on previously submitted invoices. 4.4 RECAPTURE OF FUNDS: The CITY" reserves the r ight to recapture funds i n the event that the SUBRECIPIENT shall fail: (i) to comply with the terns of this Agreement, or (ii) to accept conditions imposed by the CITY at the direction of the federal, state and local agencies. 4.5 CONTINGENCY CLAUSE: Funding pursuant to this Agreement is contingent on the availability of funds and continued. authorization for C.UBG Program activities. and is also subject to amendment or termination due to lack of finds or authorization. reduction of funds, and/or changes in regulations. ARCICLE V AUDIT 5.1 As a necessary part of this Agreement, the SUBRECIPiENT shall adhere to the following audit requirements: 5.1.1 If the SUBRECIPIENT expends $300,000 or more in the fiscal year it shall have a single audit or program specific audit conducted for that year. The audit shall 10 03- 710 be conducted in accordance with GALAS and OMB Circular A-133. The audit shall determine whether the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles. In addition to the above requirements, the auditor shall perform procedures to obtain an understanding of internal controls and perfonn sufficient testing to ensure compliance with the procedures. Further the auditor shall determine whether the SUBRECIPIENT has complied with laws, regulations and the provisions of this Agreement. A reporting package shall be submitted. within the earlier of 30 days after receipt of the auditor's report(s) or nine (9) months after the end of the audit period. The reporting package will include the certified financial statements and schedule of expenditures of Federal Awards; a summary schedule of prior audit findings; the auditor's report and the corrective action plwi. The auditor's report shall include: a) an opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) as to whether the financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects in conformity with generally accepted principles and an opinion. (or disclaimer of opinion) as to whether the schedule of expenditures of Federal Awards is presented fairly in all material. respects in relation to the financial statements taken as a whole. b) a report on internal controls related to the financial statements and major programs. This report shall describe the scope of testing of internal controls and the results of the gest, and, where applicable, refer to the separate schedule of findings and questioned costs. ]1 3- 710 c) a report on compliance with laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and/or this Agreement, noncompliance with which could have a material effect on the financial statements. This report shall also include an opinion (or disclaimer of opinion) as to whether the SUBRE,CIPiENT complied with the laws, regulations, and the provisions of contracts and this .Agreement which could have a direct and material effect on. the program. and, where applicable, refer to the separate schedule of findings and questioned costs. d) a schedule of findings and questioned cost which shall include the requirements of OMB Circular A-133. 5.1.2 If the SUBRECIPIENT expends less than $300,000 in the fiscal year it is exempted from Federal audit requirements for that year and consequently the audit c ost i s n of a reimbursable expense. T he City, however, m ay request the SUBRECIPIEN'T to have a limited scope audit for monitoring purposes. These limited scope audits will be paid for and arranged by the City and address only one or more of the following types of compliance requirements: activities allowed. or unallowed; allowable costs/cost principles; eligibility; matching, level of effort, earmarking; mid, reporting. All reports presented to the City shall, where applicable. include sufficient information to provide a proper perspective for judging the prevalence and consequences of the findings, such as whether an audit finding represents an isolated instance or a systemic problem. Where appropriate, instances identified shall be related to the universe and the number of cases exaimined and quantified in terms of dollar value. 1.2 3- 710 ARTICL,F. VI RECORDS AND REPORT'S 6.1 The SUBRECIPIENT shall establish and maintain sufficient records to enable the CITY to determine whether the SUBRECIPIENT has met the requirements of the CDBG Program. At a minimum, the following records shall be maintained by the SUBRECIPIENT: 6.1.1 Records providing a full description of each activity assisted (or being assisted) with CDBG Funds, including its location (if the activity has a geographical locus), the amount of CDBG Funds budgeted, obligated and expended for the activity, and the specific provision in 24 CFR Subpart C of the CDBG Program regulations under which the activity is eligible. 6.1.2 Records demonstrating that each activity undeilaken meets one of the criteria set forth in 24 CFR 570.208 of the CDBG Program regulations. Where information on income by family size is required, the SUBRECIPIENT may substitute evidence establishing that the person assisted qualified under another program having income qualification criteria at least as restrictive as that used in the definitions of "low- and moderate -income person" and "low- and moderate - income household" as set forth in 24 CFR 570.3; or, the SUBRECIPIEN'T may substitute a copy of a verifiable certification from the assisted person that his or her family income does not exceed the applicable income limit established in accordance with 24 CFR. 570.3; or, the SUBRECIPIENT may substitute a notice that the assisted person is a referral from any governmental agency that determines persons to be "low- and moderate -income persons" based upon 13 03- 7io HUD's criteria and agrees to maintain doCllmentation supporting those determinations. Such records shall include the following information: (i) For each activity detennined to benefit low- and moderate -income persons, the income limits applied and the point in time when the benefit was determined. (ii) For each activity detennined to benefit low- and moderate -income persons based on the area served by the activity: (a) The boundaries of the service area; (b) The income characteristics of families and unrelated individuals in the service area; and (c) If the percent of low- and moderate -income persons in the service area i s l ess t ban 5 1 p ercent, d ata s bowing t hat t he a rea 9 ualifies snider the exception criteria set forth in 24 CFR 570.208(a)(1)(ii); (iii) For each activity determined to benefit low- and moderate -income persons because the activity i m-olves a facility or s erc'ice d esigned for use by a limited clientele consisting exclusively or predominantly of low- and moderate -income persons: (a) Documentation establishing that the facility or service is designed for and used by senior citizens, disabled persons, battered spouses, abused children, the homeless. illiterate persons, or migrant farm workers, for which the regulations provide presumptive benefit to low- and moderate-inco.m.e persons: or 14 03- 710 (b) Documentation describing how the nature and, if applicable, the location of the facility or service establishes that it is used predominantly by low- and moderate -income persons; or (c) Data showing the size and annual income of the farn.ily of each person receiving the benefit. 6.1.3 Equal Opportunity Records containing: (i) Data on the extent to which each racial and ethnic group and. single - headed households (by gender of household head) have applied ior, participated in, or benefited from, any program or activity funded in whole or in part with CDBG Funds. Such information shall be used only as a basis for further investigation relating to compliance with any requirement to attain or maintain any particular statistical measure by race, ethnicity, or gender in covered programs. (ii) Documentation of actions undertaken to meet the requirements of 24 CFR 570.607(b) which implements Section 3 of the Housing Development Act of 1968, as amended (12 U.S.C. 1701U) relative to the hiring and training of low- and moderate -income persons and the use of local businesses. 6.1.4 Financial records, in accordance with the applicable requirements listed in 24 CER 570.502. Records required to be maintained in accordance with other applicable laws and regulations set forth in Subpart K of 24 CFR. 15 03- 710 6.2 RETENTION AND ACCESSIBILITY OF RECORDS: 6.2.1. The Department shall have the authority to review the SUBRECIPIENT'S records, including Project and. programmatic records and books of account, for a period of three (3) years From the expirationitennination of this Agreement (the "Retention Period"). All books of account and supporting documentation shall be kept by the SUBRECIPIE.NT at least until the expiration of the Retention Period. 'The SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain records sufficient to meet the requirements of 24 CFR 570. All records and reports required herein shall be retained and made accessible as provided thereunder. The SUBRECiPIENT further agrees to abide by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, as the same may be amended from time to time, pertaining to public records. The SUBRECIPTENT shall ensure that the Agreement Records shall be at all. times subject to and available for full access and review, inspection and audit by the CITY, federal personnel and any other personnel duly authorized by the CITY. 6.2.2 The SUBRECIPiENT shall include in all the Department approved subcontracts used to engage subcontractors to carry out any eligible substantive project or programmatic activities, as such activities are described in this Agreement and defined by the Department, each of the record-keeping and audit requirements detailed in this Agreement. The Department shall in its sole discretion determine when services are eligible substantive project and/or programmatic activities and subject to the audit and record-keeping requirements described in this Agreement 16 g3- 710 6.2.3 If the CITY or the SUBRECIPIENT has received or given notice of any kind indicating any threatened or pending litigation, claim. or audit arising out of the activities pursuant to the project, the activities and/or the Work Program or under the terms o f t his Agreement, the Retention Period shall be extended until such time as the threatened or pending litigation, claim or audit is, in the sole and absolute discretion of the Department fully, completely and finally resolved. 6.2.4 The SUBRECIPIENT shall notify the Department in writing both during the pendency ofthis Agreement and after its expiratio nitennination as part of the final closeout procedure, of the address where all Agreement Records will be retained. 6.2.5 The SUBRECIPIENT shall obtain the prior written consent of the Department to the disposal of any Agreement Records within one year after the expiration of the Retention Period. 6.3 PROVISION OF RECORDS: 6.3.1. At any time upon request by the Department, the SUBRECIPIENT shall provide all Agreement Records to the Department. The requested. Agreement Records shall become the property of the Department without restriction, reservation, or limitation on their use. The Department shall have unlimited rights to all books, articles, or other copyrightable materials developed in the performance of this Agreement. These rights include the right of royalty -free, nonexclusive, and irrevocable license to reproduce, publish, or other%,ise use, and to authorize others to use the Work Program for public purposes. 6.3.2 I17 the SUBRECIPIENT receives funds from, or is under regulatory control of other governmental agencies, and those agencies issue monitoring reports, 17 03- 710 regulatory examinations, or other similar reports, the SUBRECIPIENT shall provide a copy of each such report and any follow-up communications and reports to the Department immediately upon such issuance, unless such disclosure would be prohibited by any such issuing agency. 6.4 MONITORING: The SUBRECIPIENT shall pen -nit the Department and other persons duly authorized by the Department to inspect all Agreement Records, facilities, goods, and activities of the SUBRECIPIENT which are in any way connected to the activities undertaken pursuant to the terns of this Agreement, and/or interview any clients, employees, subcontractors or assignees of the SUBRECIPIENT. Following such inspection or inteiiiews, the Department will deliver to the SUBRECIPIENT a report of its findings. The SUBRECIPIENf will rectify all deficiencies cited by the Department within the specified period of time set forth in the report or provide the Department w ith a r easonable j usti (cation for not c orrecting t he s ame. T he D epartment w ill determine in its sole and absolute discretion whether or not the SUBRECIPIENT'S justification is acceptable. At the request of the CITY, the SUBR.ECIPIENT shall. transmit to the CITY" written statements of the SUBRECIPIENI"s official policies on specified issues relating to the SUBRECIPIENT's activities. The CITY will carry out monitoring and evaluation activities, including visits and observations by CITY staff, the SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure the cooperation of its employees and its Board members in such efforts. Any inconsistent, incomplete, or inadequate information either received by the CITY or obtained through monitoring and evaluation by the CITY, shall constitute cause for the CITY to terminate this Agreement. 18 03- 710 6.5 RELATED PARTIES: Tile SliBRECIPIENT shall report to the Department the name, purpose for and any and all other relevant information in connection with any related -party transaction. The term "related -party transaction" includes, but is riot limited to, a for-profit or nonprofit subsidiary or affiliate organization, an organization with an overlapping Board of Directors and an organization for which the SUBRECiPiENT is responsible for appointing memberships. The SUBRECIPIENT shall report this information to the Department upon forming the relationship, or if already formed, shall report such relationship prior to or simultaneously with the execution of this Agreement. Any supplemental information shall be promptly reported to the Department. ARTICLE VII OTHER CD13G PROGRAM. REQUIREMENTS 7.1 The SUBRECIPIENT shall maintain current documentation that its activities are CDBG eligible in accordance with 24 CFR Part 570.201. 7.2 The SUBRECIPIENT shall ensure and maintain documentation that conclusively demonstrates that each activity assisted in whole or in part with CDBG Funds is an activity which provides beriefit to low and moderate -income persons. 7.3 The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with all applicable provisions of 24 CFR Part 570 and sliall cavy out each activity in compliance with all applicable federal laws and regulations described therein. 7.4 The SUBRECIPIENT shall cooperate with the Department in informing the appropriate citizen participation structures, including the appropriate area committees, of the activities of the SUBRECIPIENT in adhering to the provisions of this Agreement. Representatives of the 19 03- 710 SUBRECIPIENT shall attend meetings of the appropriate committees and citizen participation structures upon the request of the citizen participation officers or the Department. 7.5 The SUBRECIPIENT shall, to the greatest possible, give low -and -moderate -income residents of the service areas opportunities for training and employment. 7.6 SUBRECIPIENT shall use the funds to carry out commercial rehabilitation activities eligible under 570.202(a)(3), and to provide technical assistance to private for-profit businesses, eligible a rider 5 70.203 (b) A ttachments 1 .2(a) and 1 .2(b). N o o ther activities w ill b e funded under this Agreement, unless Work. Program is amended in writing by mutual agreement. 7.7 SUBRECIPIENT shall. carry out its Work Program in compliance with all Federal laws and regulations, described in Subpart K of the C DBG Program regulation (24 CPR 570.600- 612), which by tills reference, is incorporated into and made a part of this Agreement. 7.8 SUBRECIPIENT shall not assume the CITY's environmental responsibilities described in 24 CFR 570.604, of the CDBG Program regulations, and the C1TY's responsibility for initiating the review process under Executive Order 12372. 7.9 NON-DISCRIMINATION: The SUBRECIPIENT shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, marital or family status or handicap in connection with the activities and/or the Work Program or its performance under this Agreement. Furthermore, the SUBRECIPIEN'T agrees that no otherwise qualified individual shall, solely by reason. of his;`her race, sex, color, creed, national origin, age, marital. status or handicap, be excluded from the participation in, be denied benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance. 20 03- 710 7.10 The StJBRECIPJENT shall carry out its Work. Program in compliance with all federal laws and regulations, including those described in Subpart K of the CDBG Program regulations ( 24 CFR 570.600-612). 7.11. The SUBR.ECIPIF,NT shall comply with Davis -Bacon Act wage requirements on all construction, rehabilitation and other labor and work funded by the CITY in excess of 52,000. 7.1.2 The SUBRECIPIENT shall abide by the Federal Labor Standards Provisions of U.S. HUD Form 401.0 incorporated herein as part of this Agreement. 7.13 UNIFORM ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS. The SUBRECIPIENT shalt comply with the requirements and standards of OMB Circular No. A-122, "Cost Principles for Non -Profit Organizations" and with the applicable requirements of 24 CFR Part 44 (the revised OMB Circular No. A-110). 7.14 RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS/CONSTITUTIONAI:. PROHIBITION. If the SUBRECIPIENTis or was created by a religious organization, the SUBRECIPIENT agrees that all CDBG Funds disbursed under this Agreement shall be subject to the conditions, restrictions, and limitations of 24 CFR Part 570.2000). In accordance with the First Amendment of the United States Constitution., particularly regarding the relationship between church and State, as a general rule, CDBG assistance may not be used for religious activities or provided to primarily religious entities for any activities, including secular activities, as provided in 24 CFR Part 570.200(j). The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with those requirements and prohibitions when entering into subcontracts. 1.15 REVERSION OF ASSETS. Upon expiration/termination of this Agreement, the SUBRECIPIENT must transfer to the CITY any CDBG Funds on hand at the tirne of expiration/termination and any accounts receivable attributable to the use of CDBG Funds. 21 03- 710 7.16 ENFORCEMENT OF THIS AGREEMENT. Any violation of this Agreement that remains uncured thirty (30) days after the SUBRECIPIENT'S receipt of notice from the CITY (by certified or registered mail) of such violation may, at the option of the CITY, be addressed. by an action for damages or equitable relief, or any other remedy provided at law or in equity. In addition to the remedies of the CITY set forth herein, if the SUBRECIPIENT materially fails to comply with the teens of this Agreement, the CITY may suspend or terminate this Agreement in accordance with 24 CFR Part 85.43, as set forth more fully below in Article IX of this Agreement. 7.17 The SUBRECIPIENT Shall not assume the CITY's environmental responsibilities described at 24 CFR 570.604 of the CDBG Program regulations nor the CITY's responsibility for initiating the review process under Executive Order 12372. ARTICLE VIII PROGRAM INCOME 8.1 Program income means gross income received by the SUBREC:IPIENT which has been directly generated f rom the a se o f t he C DBG Funds. W hen s uch i ncome i s enerated b y a n activity that i s only partially assisted with the CDBG Funds, the i nconie shall be prorated to reflect the percentage of CDBG Funds used. Program Income generated by CDBG funded activities shall be used only to undertake those activities specifically approved by the CITY on and for the Work Pro�nam. All provisions of this Agreement shall apply to such activities. Any program income on ]land when. this Agreement expiresitcnninates or received after such. expiration;'termination shall be paid to the CITY, as required by 24 CFR 570.503(b)(8) of the CDBG Program regulations. 22 0 710 The SUBRECIPIENT shall submit to the CITY monthly a Program Income Report and a Work Program Status Report. The Program Income Report shall identify CDBG activities in which income was derived and how income has been utilized. 8.2 REPAYMENTS. Any interest or other return on the investment of the CDBG Funds shall be remitted. to the CITI " on a monthly basis. Any CDBG Funds funded. to the SUBRECIPIENT that do not meet the eligibility requirements, as applicable, must be repaid to the CITY. ARTICLE IY REMEDIES, SUSPENSION, TERyIINATION 9.1 REMEDIES FOR. NONCOMPLIANCE. The CITY retains the right to terminate this Agreement at any time prior to the completion of the services required pursuant to this Agreement without penalty to the CITY. In that event. notice of termination of this Agreement shall be in writing to the S[ BRECIPIENT, who shall be paid for those ser -vices performed prior to the date of its receipt to the notice of termination. In no case, however, shall the CITY pay the SUBRECIPIENT an amount in excess of the total sum provided by this Agreement. it is hereby understood by and between the CiTY and the SUBRECIPIENT that any payment made in accordance with this Agreement to the SUBRECIPIENT shall be made only if the SUBRECIPIENT is not in default under the terms of this Agreement. If the SUBRECIPIENT is in default, the CITY shall not be obligated and shall not pay to the SUBRECIPIENT any sum whatsoever. If the SUBRECIPIENT materially fails to comply with any tenn of this Agreement, the CITY may take one or more of the following courses of action: 23 03_ 710 9.1.1 Temporarily w ithhold c ash p ayments p ending c orrection o f t he d eficiency b y the SUBRECIPIENT, or such more severe enforcement action as the CITY determines is necessary or appropriate. 9.1.2 Disallow (that is, deny both the use of funds and matching credit) for all or part of the cost of the activity or action. not in compliance. 9. 1.3 Wholly or partly suspend or terminate the current CDBG Funds awarded to the SUBRECIPIENT. 9.1.4 Withhold further CDBG grants andlor loans for the SUBRECIPIENT. 9.1.5 'rake all such other remedies that may be legally available. 9.2 SUSPENSION: 9.2.1. The Department may, for reasonable cause temporarily suspend the SUBRF_,CIPIENT'S operations and authority to obligate funds under this Agreement or withhold payments to the SUBRECIPIENT pending necessary corrective action by the SUBRECIPIENT, or both. :Reasonable cause shall be determined by the Department in its sole and absolute discretion, and may include: (i) Ineffective or improper use of the CDBG Funds by the SUBRECIPIENT; (ii) Failure by the SUBRECIPIENT to materially comply with any term or provision of this Agreement; (iii) Failure by the SUBRECIPIENT to submit any documents required by this Agreement; or (iv) The SUBRECIPIENT'S submittal of incorrect or incomplete documents. 24i 7 td 9.2.2 The Department may at any time suspend the SUBRECIPIENT'S authority to obligate funds, withhold payments, or both.. 9.2.3 The actions described in paragraphs 9.2.1 and 9.2.2 above may be applied to all or any part of the activities funded by this Agreement. 9.2.4 The Department will notify the SUBRECIPIENT in writing of any action taken pursuant to this Article, by certified mail. return receipt requested, or by in person delivery with proof of delivery. The notification will include the reason(s) for such action, any conditions relating to the action taken, and the necessary corrective action(s). 9.3 TERMINATION: 9.3.1 'Termination Because of Lack of Funds. In the event the CITY does not receive fiends to finance this Agreement from its funding source, or in the event that the CITY'S funding source de -obligates the fends allocated to fund this Agreement, the Department may terminate this Agreement upon not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior notice in writing to the SUBRECIPIFNT. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return receipt requested, or by in person delivery with proof of delivery. In the event that the CITY'S I:unding, source reduces the CITY'S entitlement under the CDBG Program, the CITY shall determine, in its sole and absolute discretion, the availability of funds for the SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement. 9.3.2 Termination for Breach. The Department may terninate this Agreement, in whole or in part, in. the event the Department determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that the 25 03— 71-0 SUBRECIPIENT is not materially complying with any term or provision of this Agreement. The Department inay tenninate this Agreement, in whole or in past, in the event that the Department determines, in its sole and absolute discretion, that there exists an event of default under and pursuant to the terms of any other agreement or obligation of any kind or nature whatsoever of the SU:BR.ECIPIENT to the CITY direct or contingent, whether now or hereafter due, existing, created or ansing. 9.3.3 Unless the SUBRECIPIENT'S breach is waived by the Department in writing, the Department may, by written notice to the SUBRECiPIENT, terminate this Agreement upon not less than twenty-four (24) hours prior written notice. Said notice shall be delivered by certified mail, return. receipt requested, or by in person delivery with proof of delivery. Waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. The provisions hereolare not intended to be, and shall riot be, construed to limit the Department's right to legal or equitable remedies. ARTICLE Y MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS 10.1 iNDF,MNIFI..CATION. The SUBRECiPiENT shall pay and save the CITY harmless from and against any and all claims, liabilities, losses, and causes of action which may arise out of the SUBRECIPIENT'S activities related to the Work Program or otherwise under this Agreement, including all acts or omissions to act on the part of the SLBRECIPIENT and/or any 26 63-- 710 persons acting for or on its behalf, and from and against any relevant orders, judgments, or decrees which may be entered against the CITY. and from and against all costs, attorriey's tees, expenses, and liabilities incurred by the CITY in the defense or investigation of any such claims or other matters. 10.2 AMENDMENTS. No amendments to this Agreement shall be binding unless in writing and signed by both parties hereto. Budget modifications shall be approved by the Department in venting. 1.0.3 OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All documents developed by the SUBRECIPIENT under this Agreement shall be delivered to the CITY upon completion of the activities required pursuant to this Agreement and shall become the property of the CITY, without restriction or limitation on their use if requested by the City. The SUBRECIPIENT agrees that all documents maintained and generated pursuant to this Agreement shall be subject to all provisions of the Public Records Law, Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. It is further understood by and between the parties that any document which is given by the CITY to the SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement shall at all times remain the property of the CITY and shall not be used by the SUBRECIPIENT for any other purpose whatsoever without the prior xvi-itten consent of the CI'T'Y. 10.4 AWARD OF AGREEMENT. The SUBRECIPIENT warrants that is has not employed or retained any person employed by the CITY' to solicit or secure this Agreement and that it has not offered to pay, paid, or agreed to pay any person employed by the CITY any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, or gift of any kind contingent upon or resulting from the award of this Agreement. 27 03- 710 10.5 NON-DELEGABILl7'Y. The obligations undertaken by the SUBRECIPIENT pursuant to this Agreement shall not be delegated or assigned to any other person or Firm, in whole or in part, without the CITY'S prior written consent which may be granted or withheld in the CITY'S sole discretion. 10.6 CONSTRUCTION OF AGREEMENT. This Agreement shall be construed and enforced according to the laws of the State of Florida. 10.7 CONFLICT OF INTEREST. 10.7.1 The SUBRECIPIENT covenants that no person under its employ who presently exercises any functions or responsibilities in connection with CDBG Program funded activities has any personal financial interest, direct or indirect. in this Agreement. The SUBRECIPIENT further covenants, that in the performance of this Agreement, no person having such a conflicting interest shall be employed. Any such interest on the part of the SUBRECIPIENT or its employees must be disclosed in writing to the CITY. 10.72 The S UBRECIPIENT i s aware o f t Ile e ontlict o f interest 1 aws o f t he C ity o f Miami (City of Miami Code Chapter 2, Article V), Dade County, Florida (Dade County Code Section 2-1.1-1) and the State of Florida (Chapter 1. 12, Florida Statutes), and agrees that it shall comply in all respects with the terms of the same. 10.7.3 Procurement. The SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the standards contained within ONIB Circular No. A-110. 10.7.4 In all other cases, the SUBRECIPIENT shall comply with the standards contained within 24 CFR 570.611 03- '710 10.8 NOOBLIGATIONTO RENEW. Upon expiration ofthe termofthis Agreement,the SUBRECIPIENT agrees and understands that the CITY has no obligation to renew this A«reement. 10.9 ENTIRE.., AGREEMENT: 'Phis instrument and its attachments constitute the only Agreement of the parties hereto relating to the CDBG Funds and sets forth the rights, duties, and obligations of each of the parties hereto to the other as of its date. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force or effect. 10.10 GENERAL CONDITIONS. 10.10.1 All notices or other communications which shall or may be given pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be delivered by in person delivery or by registered mail addressed to the other party at the address indicated herein. or as the same may be changed fi-om time to time, upon notice in writing. Such notice shall be deemed given on the day on which personally served, or, if by mail, on the fifth day atter being posted or the date of actual receipt, whichever is earlier. CITY OF MIAMI Barbara Gomez -Rodriguez, Director Department of Community Development 444 Southwest 2" d Avenue, 2nd Floor Miami, Florida 33130 SUBRECIPIENT 10. 10.,21 Title and paragraph headings are for convenient reference and are not a part of this Agreement. 29 3-- 710 10.10.3 In the event of conflict between the terms of this Agreement and any terms or conditions c ontained i n any a ttached d ocuments, t lie t enns i n t his A greement shall control. 10.10.4 No waiver of breach of any provision of this Agreement shall constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other provision hereof, and no waiver shall. be effective unless made in writing. 10.10.5 Should any provision, paragraph, sentence, word or phrase contained in this Agreement be determined by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, illegal or otherwise unenforceable under the laws of the State of Florida or the City of ]Naini, such. provision, paragraph, sentence, word or phrase shall be deemed modified to the extent necessary in order to conform with such laws, or if not modifiable to conform with such laws, then same shall be deemed severed, and in either event, the remaining terms and provisions of this Agreement shall remain unmodified and in full force and effect. 10.11 I,NDEPENDL-•NT CONTRACTOR.. THE SUBRECIPIENT and its employees and agents shall be deemed to be independent contractors and not agents or employees of the CITY, and shall not attain any rights or benefits under the Civil Service or Pension Ordinances of the CITY or any rights generally afforded classified or unclassified employees; further, they shall not be deemed entitled to the Florida W'orker's Compensation benefits as employees of the CITY. 10.12 SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, and their respective heirs, executors, legal representatives, successors, and assigns. 30 03- 710 10.13 SUBRECIPIENT CERTIFICATION. The SUBRECIPIENT certifies that it possesses the legal authority to enter into this Agreement pursuant to authority that has been duly adopted or passed as an official act of the SUBRECIPIENT'S governing body, authorizing the execution of the :Agreement, including all understandings and assurances contained herein, and directing and authorizing the person identified as the official representative of the SUBRECIPIENT to act in connection with this Agreement and to provide such infonnation as may be required. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the panties hereto have caused this instrument to be executed by their respective officials thereunto duly authorized on the date above written. ATTEST: Bv: Corporate Secretary SUBRECIPIENT a State of florida not-for-profit corporation B v: [ Name and Title] CORPORATE SEAL 31 03- '710 ATTEST: By: Priscilla Thompson City Clerk APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: Diane Ericson, Administrator Risk Management 32 CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal Corporation of the State of Florida By: Toe Arriola City Manager APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: BY: Alejandro Vilarello City Attorney 03- 710 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 10 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable Mayor and Members The ty Commi FROM: oe Arriola Pity Manager RECOMMENDATION: DATE: JUN 13 M FILE: Allocation of 29th Year CDBG SUBJECT: Funds for Economic Development Special City Commission Meeting REFERENCES: June 24, 2003 ENCLOSURES: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, with Attachments, allocating $3,500,000 of 29' Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds in the category of Economic Development to the agencies specified in Attachment A for economic activities in the 29th Program Year beginning October 1, 2003; and further authorizing the City Manager to enter into individual agreements with each agency, for said purpose, substantially in the attached form, subject to applicable City Code provisions. BACKGROUND: Under the entitlement formula, the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (U.S. HUD) has advised the City that the projected Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) entitlement for the 29th Program Year, which commences October 1, 2003, will be $10,132,000. Of the $3,500,000 CDBG funds identified for the Economic Development category, $500,000 is earmarked for the City of Miami Department of Real Estate and Economic Development (REED) / Pilot Program; $1,025,068 is set aside for commercial rehabilitation costs; and $1,974,932 is available for allocation through the Request for Proposals (RFP) process. The RFP produced funding requests totaling just over $3.7 million from competing organizations in the Economic Development category. The REED/ Pilot Program will provide loans of up to $50,000 per business with matching funds from Miami -Dade County at a ratio of 2:1 specifically for business in the following two areas: 1. Martin Luther King Boulevard from Biscayne Boulevard to N.W. 19th Avenue 2. SW 8th Street from 37th Avenue to 1-95 The Commercial Rehabilitation set-aside includes $700,000 to the Department of Community Development for the Commercial Facade Program under the new program guidelines and $325,068 to the Department of Community Development for the Code Compliance Program. Resolution No. 03-277, adopted on March 27, 2003, approved a policy that limits the RFP's funning in the category of Economic Development to programs designated as a District priority as provided in the chart below. 03-- 710 District Priority Activities District 1 - (1) Commercial Fagade District 2 - (1) Commercial Fagade / Infrastructure District 3 - (1) Commercial Fagade District 5 - (2) Business Loans District 4 - (1) Commercial Fagade (2) Business Loans District 5 - (1) Technical Assistance to businesses (2) Infrastructure In addition, Resolution No. 03-277 provided for the division of CDBG Program funds in the category of Economic Development among the Districts based on the U.S. HUD formula allocation as provided in the chart below. District 1 - 20% District 2 - 16% District 3 - 23% District 4 - 15% District 5 - 26% Total 100% The Department of Community Development has completed the analysis of proposals submitted by community organizations competing for available 29h Year CDBG funds for economic development activities. All proposals received by the City within the stated deadline are identified on the two Attachments. Attachment A includes proposals recommended for funding and Attachment B contains proposals determined to be ineligible based on: inconsistency with District Priority Activities, insufficient information to determine the legal qualification, incompleteness of proposal. Ineligible proposals were eliminated from further review and the applicant was formally advised, in writing, of the proposal's determination of ineligibility and of the applicant's right to appeal the determination to an independent, impartial three (3) member panel comprised of representatives from the Departments of Planning, Economic Development and Procurement. Agencies recommended for funding on Attachment A include those that were determined to be eligible for consideration through the original staff review and also those agencies which successfully appealed elimination by staff review and were thus determined to be eligible for consideration. The Administration's recommendation is based on a strategy that maintains the following basic norms, in addition to the basic eligibility criteria cited in this memorandum: • Existing projects must attain satisfactory performance measures to be considered for funding • To be eligible for funding, a proposal must receive a minimum score of 70. • The funding recommendation takes into consideration the aforementioned District Priority Activities and U.S. HUD formula allocation distribution by District. 03- 710 It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, with Attachments, allocating $3,500,000 of 29th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program funds in the category of Economic Development to the agencies specified in Attachment A for economic activities in the 29th Program Year beginning October 1, 2003; and further authorizing the City Manager to enter into individual agreements with each agency, for said purpose, substantially in the attached form, subject to applicable City Code provisions. The proposed Resolution allocates CDBG grant funds and does not have a budgetary impact on the General Fund. �"R 03-- 710 FLA SUNDAY, JUNE A 2003 ww. , .herald.corn The Hfarald 5B City of Miami Department of Community Development FV The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing to discuss issues relating to the Community Development Block Grant and other HUD Programs. Tseaaday,Jura 24.2003.190 PJL City of MUNd Csaariaisre Clamber 31 +Karma tm r lofCONwormAd*oi CheOftisprgadaWd bWft CNbspopinaAd4i�hanirdwtraro��ar.hdbWa 1. okumim and pnapoted reaokn- a *m ft fs Cly d fiiw s Pd* Honig AgmW (PIN) Pira' ,', -g is Fit ( Ywr dedePc Plan b Feel ttsr 2000,2001 aid Is Amod Plan for Fad Ym 2003. in oassc- ear Me sunpMrmur4tion aur a�rwpAon d tit C*0 Seojm B lbdnatr AFIag In ally Yrrpv' lo snbnl Iht PWI Pbmc far q the U i DrpL d FI1D uatlmr abralig SeeYon B Yodanae Rehebi oiEon Rogam Frda d f26t2091 for tint ootfs and 3338.292 b as Cly d Miend Departimnrt d Cansrerity owdapnsd brAAtirtotative Cab fv a IoW of $2.9110396. 2. Discussion and papaw resolution WPwAg the tesiesd Cly of Mari loaf Ibuug AsrsWtoe Plan (LIM. attimdnW and imipowlW, for ar pedW of J* 1.20DI $No* June 30, 2001, for the tlanttlresd pamtie4 - of I* Cly in eM Fbridl Stele Knairg Yiotires (SFS) tiogn. i a0mW^g 1W City Mw*W ID nlbrmll a nnodN pian for rwar and sppotW by to Raids Housing Haire Capantian. 3. Owes m and proposed M$*Aon adop4g p*m br the 29N Yen Canbsily Dwdwmrg Bktdu Greet (CDBG) itntdeg pori reWW Iothe Cormsmol FayadeTosiart Preps. 4.04masmandpaDoeednlaWubm*acdrg9140.000dFisedliar200.7,Z0Nr g, )ShurGat(ESG)FtltdsasIobws: ALLOCATION OF 29TH YEAR EMERGENCY SMELTER GRANT FUNDS EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT ACTrAff., e1eOUu Depertmere of Community DevelopmsM/Grant Administration $13.200 City of Miami Homeless Poogri m Mum TOTAL AMOWNT OF ESG PROGRAM RWW 11440A0D 5. �SOmmawt bsturps(SplraeF�tavicassdsldadaeietslartaCxsme* Deri*rwilBackCrat IMP prop.rebs$nsrlMdsad$000OOgdpsgamlbatlsasoWd Ptopan Ys tteg,tuimg OallDer t. 2003 as trews PROPOSED 28TH VEAR ALLOCATION Department of Community niy Admi nate- (20%) $2.228.000 Department of Community Source Wing Sec 106 Loan Guaramse,� 1 x.000 Ecisaim Code Hdorownent 90 0000 CRY ng �►hnaWUnsels StrucStructures5. 0 PubServioss 1; aof Economic Develo m.rrt 3.500.DOD Housing Dsvefopmertt~ 4,DDD.DOD CapitN lnprove—M Proieets 11D4.5o0 —Funding to be atoned at a later dare avough an RFP TOTAL CDOG FUNDING AMOUNT: S1S,14%= 6 Dsamtonv4pspowdesolikor relrengCoxu*n, 1,I Back Gent (CM)PsgriaFob hmcarm*RadrYopmed190 111"rno6uwsslonfirwssPnprnbb ante ofSQ1.770bhCasmsiyRedNdtpte"Alaw)GsrYomFredNvaCataaddlowPspsu _ �W CommunityFiaadevalapmmnert Agsmty/ $471.770 708 �1<Q CorrrrumMyY7 $471.770 Micro Business Loan Business Program Grow Muni Fuld TOTAL AMOINT: $471.770 TOTAL AMOUNT- $471,770 7. Discussion and proposed resolution harslsink Community DevaWprmant Block Grant (COW) Program Fades of S41$.000 ham community Redwrelopmsnt AgercpCLUC 90 Projects and Home Inveshmere Parbessfips (HOME) Program Garda of $646.192 from Ina Commusrily, Redwrelaprrsnt Agemy/Flomebuyars P-jusYfication Program b ria CRA Mousing Pilot Program for housing needs in One CRA area as 1olots: CAV= AMQliKr CRAfCLUC 90 PROJECTS $415.000 � � C[10G FUNDING CRA HOUSING PLOT PROGRAM $415.00(1— To be Andad ata Nater data axokgh in RFP HOME TIEINGWN 5646.192 MUNUM CRA HOUSING PILOT PROGRAM 5846.192" PRE-0IAALIFICATION PROGRAM Tobe Aaded ata Aelardele frokgh an RFP TOTAL COW FUNDIC AMOUNT: $415.000 1 TOTAL HOME FINDING AMOLINT: SUC192 AIIE NDAEITS 70 211th YEAR COBG PROGRAMS a. Diaeupion and proposed resolutions audioriarg the trardIsr of: IIOUSINC DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY District 2 Mousing Reserve Fund $1711.800 Ralaal Mernwirlw Housing and $178.800 Eacrn- "Oayslopmentcorporation TOTAL AMOtINf: 5178,800 TOTAL AM0tW- $178,1100 9. OsnsionandpapsedtemkeontloaYg910b17.0000Ddfso111Yr200}20g1MO MPmpwim rids2g49gDdudosedfyadYsr200Z•=MDPIAPsgamM*irauWd 1115.1117.00Dslabrs: Lang Teem Housimg AsMatana SAME Devalo~ Corporation d Soulh Florida. Inc. S 127.500.00 Carder of Gtormatiort A Orientation, Inc. S 127.500.00 City of Miami — Depenmem of Community Demlopmere 55-594.050.00 Community AIDS Resource. Inc. $ 127.500.00 Community Case Management, Inc. S � 95.625.00 Ootglas Gardens Community pity Mwtd /Nath Career of Miami Beach. Inc. S2.141.150.00 ,.,,,, Empower -U`, Inc. � 710 � O Sperah,Amsnrcan Basic Education; Rehabitation. Inc. 53,160,300.00 The CBMer fel Pcerbve Carrnections. Inc. 5 127.500.00 W' v kdorrnatan, Rehrral A Adweuy N each Community Development Corporation. Inc. $ 200.000.00 Tedshieal Assistance Apple Tee Perspectives, Inc. $ 100.000.00 Pnajeet-Based Nmol Srbidy Program Miami Beach Conerwnay Oeveopment Corporation, Inc. S 150.000.00 Special Needs Rasidarrdal Cars Beier Way of Miami. Inc. $,118.625.00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese o1 Wwng. Inc. — Genesis Program $ 149.267.00 South Fbrida Jag Ministries. Inc. a 109.500.00 city of Wang — Department of Comrraetiy Developrnertt $1,500.000.00 G; of R= _ Department of Community M.WMm $ 500.000.00 Prove- rr Adm (3%) $ 318.000.00 Capital Fwubqr Gnbur Supportive Housing, Inc. $ 296.492.00 Ince a 453.053.00 �hF s 296.491.00 Lam. TOTAL NOPWA FUNORM AAKKWr: 5f5,t17AMM 10. Discus ionand proposed resoksion aloes" 53.x22.053 of 29th Yar Community Developnwd Block Grant (COBG) Program lunds in the of Eeononhie DeebpnheM as blows: Mo= Allapallah i � ib, Inc. Cmrocd a 200.000.00 Loan S 95.000.00 Department d Rev Estals and Eoorhonhie s 523.045.00 DownloomCansunity O-vbPubmatp-9 Corporation Neotiove and S 123.�1g0000 $ 153.553.00 lsz Mots a Econorme D hart Corp.' 123.045.00 snWlBtwmm yCarder.Inc. tpevalopn+errt $ 00.0000 The Edgewater Corp. line.a 82.054.00 Word of Lille CDC S 259516.00 Reserve Fund $ 418554.00 CRY of iliaatf Commsocial Cade Compliance Program $ 325.068.00 Commercial Facade Program S 700.000.00 TOTAL EOONOWC DEVELOPI1113tr AVOW. u so0,o00.00 11. Discussion and pnopoesd resokaonstores-rg $1.519.605 of 290 Mar Community 0-0*"* Block Guard (CDBC) Program finds and 5228.203 d program nWalloome bra bof 51,748,000 in the raugori of Public, aaryicas sib—, ILiL'1lCri ' Action Community Comer, Inc. Alapadalh Commnily Action, Inc. 5349.8W.00 Artz-WThhe.Hood. Inc. $ 20.025.00 Cr*oc Cheritisa d the Arefhdioceae d Miami, Incl CsraroMalar CFridh:are Cather $27,732.00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami, Inc! $ 11,350.00 Cerro 1 kwo o Cabioo Child Care Services Catholic Charities of to Archdiocese d Mirni, wj $25.107.00 Sagrads Famhlia Child Care Cesar Coconut Grove Cares. Inc. $20.000.00 DO; lostos Senior Center. Inc. $112.419.W Famn Ay"an Nan Wryami. Inc. $50.000-00 up, F Lid haat I Children's Taring Dartos Company, Inc. a 35 000.00 Flom me Lidhout rear -City CNkkm's Toukg Dmrs Company. Inc. S 20 000 00 I Initian Awareness a Cukuraf Foudstion, Inc. S SD=.02 KIDCO Chid Cars. Inc. $ 40AMO5 lions Hams for the Blind, inc. a 2D OW.00 Lillis Browns — Friends of to LigN Havens Aciv*@w 3 frknition CwCwdm d Dade Cony, nc $671M.00 Regis Hoose, Inc. S 7.852,02 Soullew"SociolservicesSL Alm's Nursery. nem a 56.733.00 The Asmociviah farOevabpnhehht d Yue Exceptional, Inc: $ 25.00D.00 The Liberty Cly Optimist Ckrb of Raids Inc. 5 50.000.00 The Non -Violence Project IIS& Inc. S 30ggg g0 The Voting Men's C2sistian Association of Greaw Miami. (Florida) Coconut Gras Branch $ 15.000.00 Theodore RaosevMt Ciibeon Memorial Ford. nee S 5.1123.50 lulled HMnh Amricen Arliss, nor $ 50 52.00 Disaia 5 Priority Rseerva $63.M.00 TOTAL PUBLIC SiN1Y10E F N DMING AMOUNT: 51,746000.00 12. Disaseion and prof nsoMntioth aloca" $604.500 of 2W Near Community Development Block Grrs (CDBO) Proprnn finds for CapIW Improvsnhartt n to 291h Program as bows: !6i@lOY KIOCp Child Cars, nee a100AM-00 City of Miami Capital Improvemwe Projects $704.500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL BPROVBIBIR FIN DOG ANOWT. $00/,500.00 13. Discussion and -----acct - A, 'erh grarakg an eraweion d time. from Decarrdw 14.20Wto December 31,2W4. b SAME Oevelagrwht Corporation d South Florida. Inc. (SAME). incanter tiorh with Ow watroction and gals d brty (40) new sinpla family lhcmes for mal5sd low and modraa-income families p lsnhed on certain formerly city -owned (pais al Nortlrwest6th and 8th ft , fslwserh Norlhvrsat 51h and 6th Avenues. Mussel. Flm in the Overtown neighborhood: and rslwkg obligationsd to City and the Southeast Ovwkmwpank Wast Community fiedevebPrrw d Atiency(CRA) for the provision d marks* br the New Hope Overtomh Housing Project, holding SAME ad* reaporeble for marlosting the project 14. Discussion and proposed nesokrport aahorizirg a grant, in an amour not to exceed $100.000. to Waighbons and Neighbors Association (NAN.A.) to assist aventy small buairraeaas aloeatlng funds from an account b be l k "led by the City Msagr. Interested individuals are eneouegsd to atend this Rrbtic Hearing. The meeting ails is ebb to the handicapped. Y (Ad Na.1156Y) ti5v 51i J". a. — t. w _ -bj dnosS atp tuoi; amsaao 03- 71o*ja Letters of Interest Commercial Facade ..r% SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM I r%. 90 - N►avE+► Insp. Insp. Project Name Address CBO Historic Flood Requested Com 1. Comments Las Flores Invest. 90 2601 NW 20th St. ABDA No Yes 10/09/02 10/10/02 Flood/lnsOk/To ABDA 5/12 La Belle Project 2309-19 NW 20th St ABDA No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 F & F Aluminum 1720 NW 23rd St. ABDA No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 Best Auto Repair 2290 NW 17th Av. ABDA No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 Intimex 1341 NW 20th St. ABDA Yes No 10/10/02 10/18/02 To Historic 04/14/03 Miami Coin Laundry 1700 NW 33rd St. ABDA No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood/ Need Ins. 4/24 India Fashion 1878-86 NW 20th St ABDA No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 Ivette Jewelry 926 NW 36th St. ABDA No No 11/12/02 12/04/02 To ABDA 12/13/02 Corner Supermarket 1200 NW 29th St. ABDA No No lNo 03/07/03 03/12/03 To ABDA 03/14/03-- R & M Refrigerated 2121 NW 24th Av. ABDA No Yes 03/07/03 03/14/03 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 La Villarena Meat 727 NW 20th St. ABDA Yes 03/07/03 03/14/03 To Historic 03/18/03 Go 's Decorators 2711 NW 17th Av. ABDA Yes Yes 03/07/03 03/14/03 To Historic 03/18/03 Rosa Brothers 1100 NW 22nd St. ABDA No No 03/07/03 03/14/03 To ABDA 03/18/03 Concept Boats 2157 NW 23rd Av. ABDA Yes Yes 03/07/03 03/14/03 To Historic 03/18/03 Federal Tech 2175 NW 23rd Av. ABDA Yes Yes 03/07/03 03/14/03 To Historic 03/18/03 Airways Auto Tag 3636 NW 36th St. ABDA Yes Yes 03/25/03 04/02/03 To Historic 04/02/03 Beck & Lo's Ins. Freeway Towing 5 2246 NW 25th Av. ABDA No IYes 04/21/03 04/30/03 Flood / Need Ins. 4/24 High Top Produce 1037 NW 23rd St. ABDA No No 04/23/03 05/01/03 Completed 1 Healthy Children 1495 NW 20th St. ABDA No Yes 04/24/03 05/07/03 Flood/Ins.Ok/To ABDA 5/8 Rema Designs 2299 NW 25th Av. ABDA Yes Yes 04/30/03 05/07/03 To Historic 06/12/03 Select Source Nutrit. 1547 NW 29th St. ABDA No Yes 05/20/03 06/03/02 Flood/Ins.Ok/To ABDA 6/4 Salazar Project 6 1929 NW 20th St. ABDA No Yes 06/03/03 06/04/03 Flood/Ins.Ok/TO ABDA 6/5 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Submitted into the public record in connect i n ith item i o or, Prisciila A. Thompson City Clerk I r%. co - QUL ewater Insp. Insp. Project Name Address CBO Historic Flood Requested Com I. Comments Florida Baby Food 245 NE 37th St. EEDC Yes No 10/25/02 11/04/02 Historic - To EEDC 4/30/03 Lily's Store, Inc. 2322-38 NE 2nd Av. EEDC Yes No 10/25/02 11/04/02 Historic -To EEDC 4/30/03 Florida Sculp. Nails (4 Facades) Designs 2000 Victor Custom Tailor Lui is Hair Style 2693 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC No No 10/25/02 11/01/02 Completed 1 Twin Tower Invest. 2699 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC No No 10/25/02 11/01/02 To EEDC 11/19/02 General Wholesale 2742 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC Yes No 11/08/02 11/13/02 Historic -To EEDC 4/30/03 Travel / Isaac Matz 2 Facades Crescent Heights 2930 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC No No 11/14/02 12/03/02 Completed 1 Crescent Heights II 2931 NE 2nd Ct. EEDC No No 11/14/02 12/03/02 Completed 1 EI Polio Pechu on 2211 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC Yes Yes 01/13/03 01/14/03 Historic OK. Need Flood Ins Parrish Designs 3223 NE 2nd Av. EEDC Yes No 02/25/03 03/06/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Tixe Designs 77 NE 24th St. EEDC No No 02/25/03 03/05/03 Payment on hold/Missing Carolyn Schlam Stud 223 NE 27th St. EEDC Yes No 02/25/03 03/06/03 Davis Bacon documentation To Historic 03/14/03 Top Value Pharmacy 1809 NE 2nd Av. EEDC Yes No 03/04/03 03/06/03 To Historic 03/14/03 American Thera eut. 1801-03 NE 2nd Av. EEDC Yes No 03/04/03 03/06/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Soho Lounge 175 NE 36th St. EEDC Yes No 03/07/03 03/14/03 To Historic 03/18/03 A1R USA Communic 2895 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC No No 03/18/03 03/27/03 To EEDC 03/27/03 Ducati Miami 2000 Biscayne Blvd. EEDC Yes Yes 04/17/03 04/22/03 To Historic 04/22/03 MMS Tuning 2010 Bisca ne Blvd. JEEDC lYes lYes 1 04/17/03 04/22/03 To Historic 04/22/03 Submitted into the public record in connect i n ith item i o or, Prisciila A. Thompson City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Submitted Into the public' re PCCtnnect "1Jlt�l item - h -SI d _en _ a3 Priscilla A. h mp on City Clerk CEJ en T R. e8-- KaTael Piernanciez Pro'ect Name Address CBO Historic Flood Insp. Insp. Requested Com I. Comments Paul's Carpet 2412 N. Miami Av. RHHED Yes No 10/10/02 10/18/02 To Historic 12/18/02 F & G Services 3312 N. Miami Av. RHHED No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 To RHHED 11/06/02 Gonzalez Muffler 2294 NW 2nd Av. RHHED No No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Completed 1 Lionel's Auto Center 2032 NW 2nd Av. RHHED No No 1 10/04/02 10/18/02 To RRHED 11/12/02 Austin Burke of FI. 2601 NW 6th Av. RHHED No No 1 11/22/02 12/04/02 To RRHED 12/13/02 Unicraft Corp. 170-76 NW 24th St. RHHED No No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To RHHED 12/13/02 Artistic Woodworking 143 NW 23rd St. RHHED No No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To RHHED 12/13/02 Calcem 272-74 NW 36th St. RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 7871 Bus Lines 65 NE 27th St. RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 Miami Ski Nautique Specialized Travel Britto Central #2 184 NW 25th St. RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 Parafernalia Entertain 182 NW 25th St RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 Universal Sewing 2300 NW 2nd Av. RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 Luminaire By Design 2411 N. Miami Av. RHHED Yes No 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 Indust. Sewing Mach 2303 NW 2nd Av. RHHED Yes No 11/22/03 12/04/03 To Historic 12/18/02 Moise Foreign Auto 2021 NW 2nd Av. RHHED Yes No 1 11/22/02 12/04/02 To Historic 12/18/02 La Reina del Dollar 3100 NW 2nd Av. RHHED Yes No 01/13/03 01/14/03 Historic OK/To RHHED 5/16 D'Accord 545 NW 28th St. RHHED No No 01/30/03 02/04/03 To RHHED 02/12/03 Warm Wishes 3302 N. Miami AT RHHED No No 02/04/03 02/24/03,10 RHHED 02/26/03 Puerto Rico Isla Bon. 3300 N. Miami Av. RHHED No INo 02/04/03 02/24/03 To RHHED 02/26/03 A Recio & Family 3324-26 N Miami Av. RHHED Yes No 02/04/03 02/24/03 Historic OK/To RHHED 5/16 Miami Quality Foods 284 NW 27th St. RHHED Yes No 02/28/03 03/05/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Power,Faith Bargain 2032 NW 2nd Av. RHHED No No 02/28/03 03/05/03 To RHHED 03/17/03 Cianfoni Art Restor. 270 NW 36th St. RHHED Yes No 02/25/03 03/05/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Dupont Flooring Sys. 297 NW 23rd St. RHHED No No 02/21/03 03/05/03 To RHHED 03/17/03 Mona Cafd 3110 NW 2nd Av. RHHED Yes No 02/19/03 03/05/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Solar Sport Clothing 2330 NW 5th Av. RHHED No No 02/07/03 03/04/03 To RHHED 03/14/03 Status Fashion 2308 NW 5th Av. RHHED No No 02/07/03 03/04/03 To RHHED 03/14/03 D & Y International 2324 NW 5th Av. RHHED No INo 02/07/03 03/04/03 To RHHED 03/14/03 Obsession Rio Corp. 500 NW 24th St. RHHED No No 02/07/03 03/04/03 To RHHED 03/14/03 Jacqueline Sales 4 520-84 NW 26 St. RHHED No No 02/07/03 03/05/03 To RHHED 03/14/03 Health Med Rehab 24 NW 29th St. RHHED No No 03/05/03 03/12/03 To RHHED 03/17/03 St John Clinic Med 161 NW 29th St. RHHED No No 03/05/03 03/12/03 To RHHED 03/17/03 CAP Medical Su I. Submitted Into the public' re PCCtnnect "1Jlt�l item - h -SI d _en _ a3 Priscilla A. h mp on City Clerk CEJ en Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Y Gifted Health Group 150-156-162 NW RHHED R. 2 No - Raf el No Hernanaez 03/05/03 03/14/03 To RHHED 03/18/03 Comprehensive Com. Andreas Antiques Actibo Sportswear 415 NW 28th St. RHHED No No 03/25/03 04/02/03 To RHHED 04/02/03 Tiffany of Miami 2602 NW 5th Av. RHHED No No 1 03/25/03 04/02/03 To RHHED 04/02/03 Fashion Village 525 NW 27th St. RHHED No No 03/25/03 04/02/03 To RHHED 04/02/03 Block Enterprises 's 109 NW 29th St. RHHED No No 04/01/03 04/14/03 To RHHED 04/14/03 Nell 2640 NW 5th Av. RHHED No No 06/03/03 06/10/03 To RHHED 06/11/03 The Dorsch Gallery151 NW 24th St. IRHHED Yes No 06/03/03 06/09/03 To Historic 06/12/03 Submitted Into the public record in connectio with item 10 on -oj Priscilla A. Tho np5on City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Submitted Into the public record in connectio +Mvitn item n G -03 Priscilla A. Th mpson City Clerk O iN I r%. 20 - rierre i oussalnt Insp. Insp. Project Name Address CBO Historic Flood Requested Com 1. Comments JBL Antiques 100 NE 40th St. PTHCC Yes No 10/28/02 11/04/02 Historic, To PTHCC 5/1/03 Specified Designs 3740 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 10/28/02 11/04/02 Historic, To PTHCC 4/30/03 Foreign Films 6665 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes No 10/22/02 11/01/02 Historic, To PTHCC 5/1/03 Little Haiti Housing 181 NE 82nd St. PTHCC No Yes 10/01/02 10/18/02 Flood/Ins Ok/To PTHCC 4/29 Northeastern Real St 375 NE 54th St. PTHCC No No 10/01/02 10/18/02 Completed 3 S lvio Multi Svc.(4) 6500-10 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 10/01/02 10/18/02 Completed (2) (Partial) 175-85 NE 65th St. Pmt. On hold(2)lncorrect Davis Sabal Palm Plaza 5145-5385 NE 2 Av. PTHCC Yes No 1 10/15/02 Bacon Docs. See Angel Alonso 10/16/02 Historic, To PTHCC 4/30/03 Better Way 100 NE 79th St. PTHCC Yes Yes 10/15/02 10/16/02 Hist.Ok/Ins.Ok-To PTHCC 5/30 Showroom 6 94 NE 40th St. PTHCC No No 10/22/02 11/05/02 To PTHCC 11/12/02 Showroom 6 Storaa 4001 NW 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 12/09/02 01/14/03 To PTHCC 01/17/03 US Chemical/Funeral 300 NE 59th St. PTHCC No No 12/09/02 01/14/03 Completed 1 One Ninety 190 NE 46th St. PTHCC No No 12/09/02 01/14/03 To PTHCC 01/17/03 June's Beauty Salon 7826 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 12/09/02 01/14/03 To Historic 02/03/03 JR Mortgages 8410 NE 1st Pl. PTHCC Yes Yes 12/09/02 01/14/03 To Historic 02/03/03 T.G. Peoples Dry Clr. 5616 NW 2 Av. PTHCC Yes No 11/04/02 11/05/02 To Historic 02/03/03 Mortgage Resource 7481 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes No 12/09/02 01/14/03 To Historic 02/03/03 TLC Services 81 NE 82nd Terr. PTHCC Yes Yes 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 Laka /Mond 's/Class 91 NE 54th St. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/04/03 7100 BLDG. 7100 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/07/03 5600 Project 5600-50 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/13/02 Carpet Creations 3930 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/13/03 A & N Food Center 4600 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/13/03 Little Haiti Su ermkt 5600 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To PTHCC 02/07/03 Haitian Amer. Found. 5080 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 E.Z. Fabrics & Trim. 445 NW 54th St PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 People Helping Peop 175 NW 14th St PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 Cecile Day Care Ctr. 183 NE 57th St PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 The Cutting Room 5134 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 Shoes 4 Less 7828 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/20/03 Hardcor Corp. 1 NE 40th St. PTHCC No No 02/06/03 02/24/03 To PTHCC 02/28/03 Casas Rie ner Gall. 25 NE 39th St. PTHCC No No 02/06/03 02/24/03 To PTHCC 02/26/03 Fadkid' Strip Mall 8272-80 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes Yes 02/06/03 02/24/03 To Historic 02/02/03 Ceramic Matrix 3800 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 02/06/03 02/24/03 To Historic 02/27/03 Submitted Into the public record in connectio +Mvitn item n G -03 Priscilla A. Th mpson City Clerk O iN Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Dogma Grill 7030 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes . R. GO - rlerre 1 oussam 02/06/03 02/24/03 To Historic 02/27/03 Kim's Valet Cleaners 5124-26 Bisc.Blvd. PTHCC Yes 02/06/03 03/04/03 To Historic 03/14/03 Saruski Design Stu. 3925 N. Miami Av. PTHCC Yes 02/21/03 03/06/03 To Historic 03/11/03 Pmt. On Dixie Transport Inc. 5520 NE 4th Av. PTHCC No NN 02/25/03 hold/Com I. Without Envirom. 03/10/03 Completed 1 EconomySign Corp. 7220 NW 1st Ct. PTHCC No 02/24/03 03/10/03 To PTHCC 03/11/03 Bahamian Connect. 4490 NW 2nd Av. PTHCC No 02/06/03 03/10/03 To PTHCC 03/11/03 Ernelia Store 7830 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes 01/16/03 04/02/03 To Historic 04/02/03 L.C. Books & Music 7858 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 01/16/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 AMD.2 335-37 NE 59th Terr. PTHCC No No 02/21/03 03/10/03 Completed 1 Love & Kisses 266 NE 70th. St. PTHCC No No 02/20/03 03/10/03 Com leted 1 Baron Antique II 260 NE 70th. St. PTHCC No No 02/20/03 03/10/03 To PTHCC 03/11/03 J & Z Coin Laundry 1117 NE 3rd Av. PTHCC No No 03/11/03 03/18/03 To PTHCC 03/19/03 Nu -Way Auto Service 551 NW 71st St. PTHCC No No 03/11/03 03/28/03 To PTHCC 03/31/03 Tico Cristal 8322 NE 2nd Av PTHCC Yes Yes 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/18/03 Nelco Insurance Grp. 8338 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes Yes 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Uni lex Telecom 8358 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes Yes 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Brave Guede Bot. 5857 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Chez Italian Rest. 5859 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Khalid Market 5845 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes INO 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 M rtho's Beauty Sal. 5855 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes lNo 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Family Boutique Str. 5861 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Edma Music & Video 5853 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Ziggy Furniture 5865 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 H & R Block 6120 NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Youth of America 6102-04 NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Domingo Develop. 6130 NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Community Action 6100A NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Martin Luther King 6114 NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Movers Inc. 6116 NW 7th Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/13/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Rose Barber Shop 720 NW 62nd St. PTHCC Yes INo 03/13/03 03/26/037o Historic 03/26/03 Miami Mini -Bus 8334 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes Yes 03/13/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Jalen Jalen 300 NE 59th Terr. PTHCC Yes No 03/14/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Timothy Ho le DDS 395A NE 59th St. PTHCC Yes No 03/17/03 03/18/03 To Historic 03/19/03 Janusz Art Stone 7025 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 03/24/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Janusz Art Stone 7043 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC 1yes No 03/24/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Continental Cleaners 798 NW 62nd St. PTHCC IYes lNo 03/24/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/26/03 Submitted Into me puDllc record In connect, n ith item !b cin .G Priscilla A. c ipsan City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade vn %a n:---- La Villarena Meat 6455 NE 3rd Av. PTHCC I f%. No LQ - r'1VFUC No 1 ou salni 03/26/03 04/02/03 Completed 1 Tip Freeman 738-40 NE 79th St. PTHCC Yes Yes 04/15/03 04/22/03 To Historic 04/22/03 Darosa 742 NE 79th St. PTHCC Yes Yes 04/15/03 04/22/03 To Historic 04/22/03 Yo o-228 742 NE 79th St. PTHCC Yes Yes 04/15/03 04/22/03 To Historic 04/22/03 Bola Childcare 7929 NE 1st Av. PTHCC No Yes 1 05/06/03 05/07/03 Flood -Need Flood Ins.5/9 Jenny's Flowers 6807 Biscayne Blvd. PTHCC Yes No 05/13/03 05/29/03 To Historic 06/12/03 Arena Supermarket 1201 NW 1st. PI. PTHCC Yes No 06/02/03 06/09/03 To Historic 06/13/03 Just Right Beauty 1131 NW 3rd Av. PTHCC Yes No 06/02/03 06/04/03 To Historic 06/13/03 George Williams 4582-90 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC No No 06/02/03 06/03/03 To PTHCC 06/04/03 Eben-Ezer Store 4600 NE 2nd Av. PTHCC Yes No 06/02/03 06/03/03 To Historic 06/13/03 Eskimo Ice 6779 NE 2nd Ct. PTHCC No No 06/06/03 06/12/03 To PTHCC 06/13/03 RW Export/import 319-333 NE 59th Terr PTHCC No No 06/06/03 06/09/03 To PTHCC 06/10/03 Limiv Import Export All In One Welding All In One Clothing James F. Johnson J&OCorp. Francois Shop 290-96 NE 71st St. PTHCC No No 06/06/03 06/12/03 To PTHCC 06/13/03 Robo Sales D & A Studio Oscar Iron Work 5954-58 NE 4th Av. PTHCC No No 06/06/03 06/12/03 To PTHCC 06/13/03 Gene's Furniture Svc Kreby Culinary Suppl Halouba Botanica 101-15 NE 54th St. PTHCC No No 06/06/03 06/09/03 To PTHCC 06/10/03 Little Haiti Landscap. Ben Photo Express Radio Pep La 117-19 NE 54th St. PTHCC No No 06/10/03 06/12/03 To PTHCC 06/13/03 H.R.C. Soma Coffee & Coiff. 6901-09 Biscayne Blv PTHCC Yes No 06/16/03 Circuit Tan/Solaris St Joseph Grocery Hitto Batik Submitted Into the public record in COnnectiQ with itel"r �b _ O� G -03 Pris Tho pson City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Submitted Into the public' record in oonnectlo with iterl i (b on,, _ n Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk r1%.ca-UMI, Project Name Address CBO Historic Flood Insp. Insp. Requested Com I. Comments Quittner Center 32-60 SE 1st St. DMP Yes Yes 10/17/02 11/01/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Quizno's Subs 91 NW 1st St. DMP No No 10/17/03 11/01/02 Completed 1 Ma Nes Properties 700-744 NE 2nd Av. DMP Yes No 10/29/02 11/05/02 Completed 6 Thomas Center Anx. 21 SW 2nd Av. DMP Yes Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Needs Flood Ins / Hist. OK Miami Center of Com 88-98 SE 1st St. DMP No No 10/31/02 11/05/02 Completed 22 Starbucks Coffee Co. 47 W Fla ler St. DMP Yes No 11/19/02 11/19/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Leamington Project 103-141 NE 3rd Av. DMP Yes No 11/14/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Leamington Project 307-311 NE 1st St. DMP Yes No 11/14/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Panfiore 200 SE 1st St. DMP No No 11/25/02 12/04/02 Completed 1 Gula Int'l 101 SE 1st St. DMP Yes No 11/07/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Byron Fla ler 41-65 E Fla ler St. DMP Yes No 11/07/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 A.G.M. 55 NE 1st St. DMP Yes No 11/07/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 About Office 7 West Fla ler St. DMP Yes No 11/07/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Metro Mall 1 NE 1st St. DMP Yes No 11/01/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Roth Bldg. 138 NE 2nd Av. DMP Yes No 11/01/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Stou s 's 350 SE 1st St. DMP No No 11/14/02 12/03/02 Completed 1 Federal Discount 45 NE 1st Av. DMP Yes No 1 11/01/02 12/03/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Cafe Progreso 228 NE 1st. Av. DMP Yes No 12/17/02 12/19/02 Historic, To DMP 5/1/03 Rosa Fabrics 244 NE 1st. Av. DMP Yes No 01/15/03 01/23/03 To Historic 02/27/03 Mira of Miami 128 NE 1st. Av. DMP Yes No 01/15/03 01/23/03 To Historic 02/27/03 Ricardo Munoz Prod. 136 SW 8th. St. DMP Yes Yes 02/19/03 03/10/03 Needs Flood Ins/Hist.—OK- 5/20 Marbel Aroma 110 SE 1 st. St. DMP No No 02/25/03 03/10/03 To DMP 03/14/03 Ultramont Mall 103-117 SE 2nd St. DMP No No 02/25/03 03/10/03 Completed (23) (23 Facades) 111-129 SE 1st Av. 100-124 SE 1st St Jose Marti Bldg. 276 SW 8th St. DMP No No 02/11/03 03/17/03 To DMP 03/17/03 Granny Feelgood's 25 W Fla ler St. DMP No No 04/17/03 05/07/03 To DMP 05/08/03 Self Park Bldg. 140 NE 8th St. DMP No No 05/02/03 05/16/03 To DMP 05/19/03 Self Park Bldg. 147 NE 6th St. DMP No No 05/02/03 05/16/03 To DMP 05/19/03 Graystone Bldg. 529 NE 1 st Av. DMP Yes No 05/02/03 05/16/03 On hold -As per Net Office Hahn Building (8) 140-152 NE 1st Av. DMP Yes No 05/09/03 Structural problem 5/9/03 05/29/03 To Historic 06/12/03 68-70 NE 2nd St. Imperial Liquor 93 NW 1st St. DMP Yes No 06/11/03 Submitted Into the public' record in oonnectlo with iterl i (b on,, _ n Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Submitted Into the public record in connecti n With iters 16 on -ca Frisc,i€Ia A. Th pson City Clerk TK. [ -.7LiV Project Name Address CBO Historic Flood Insp. Insp. Requested Com I. Comments Latin Quarter 1501 SW 8th St SBOC Yes No 10/22/02 10/30/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Chantres Cleaners 2555 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/09/02 10/17/02 Completed Cafeteria La Reina 1101-11 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 1 10/10/02 -II) 10/18/02 Completed 10 Regal Properties 1101 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 1 Roberts Cellular Svc. 590 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Roberts Drug Store 590 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/10/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Flood Ins. 3939 Plaza 3939 NW 7st St SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 9 4343 Building 4343 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Completed 29 La Casa Verde/Maya 4640-42 W Fla ler St SBOC No No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Com feted 2 Capital Glass 759 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood - To SBOC 4/29/03 Pizza Wok Rest. 1945 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Los Catrachos Rest 755 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood - To SBOC 5/1/03 Danilo Calle'as DDS 763 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood -To SBOC 4/29/03 Tortilleria Catracho 765 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood -To SBOC 4/29/03 Douglas Beauty Sal. 751 W Mader St. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood -To SBOC 5/1/03 Hoy Como Ayer 2212 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Completed 1 3939 Plaza Chill 's 3919-39 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Completed 1 La Cadena Su mkt 240 SW 8th Av. SBOC No Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Havana Medical Eq. 4700 NW 7th St. SBOC No Yes 10/22/0210/30/02 Flood / Need Flood Ins. B & S Drugs 2356-58 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Completed 1 Alex Beau Salon 2354 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 11/01/04 11/14/02 Completed 1 Gua acan Rest. 1933 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 11/01/04 11/14/02 Completed 1 Gutierrez Courier Svc 1063 W Fla ler St. SBOC IYes Yes 1 11/01/01 11/14/02 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 Master Cleaners 698W Fla ler St. SBOC Yes Yes 11/01/02 11/14/02 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 EI Ca iro Shopp. 300-38 SW 12th Av SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 13 Medical Centre 1451 SW 1st St. SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 3 Paula's Pelu ueria 1941 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 1 Re co Med/Royal Ca 1770-72 W Fla ler St SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 Completed 2 Care Plus Medical 1401 SW 1 st St. SBOC No No 10/10/18 10/18/02 Completed 3 Native Colombian 981 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/10/02 10/18/02 To SBOC 11/07/02 Cam ana Video 1852 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/22/02 11/08/02 Completed 1 Various 1100-1110 W Fla ler SBOC Yes Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 G. M. Auto Tech 150 Beacom Blvd. SBOC Yes No 10/15/02 10/18/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 ABCO Auto 5675 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes INo 10/15/02 10/18/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Nautica Laundry 579 W Fla ler St. SBOC Yes IYes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood/Hist OK To SBOC 5/16 Submitted Into the public record in connecti n With iters 16 on -ca Frisc,i€Ia A. Th pson City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade H.G. Omega Inc. 571 W Fla ler St. SBOC Yes iR. L8 -.7GVG IYes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Flood/Hist OK To SBOC 5/16 La Libertad Market 701 W Fla ler St. SBOC Yes Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 The House of Radiat 725 W Fla ler St. SBOC Yes Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Hist. OKMeed Flood Ins 5/19 San Lazaro Dollar 705-725 W Fla ler St SBOC Yes Yes 10/15/02 10/18/02 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 7203 Cor /Fla ami 5769-75 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 10/22/02 10/30/02 Completed 2 Shopping Plaza Corp2748 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 To SBOC 11/14/02 Tropical Fast Food 505 SW 22nd Av. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Completed 1 Bedo a's Beauty 1131 SW 27th Av. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Completed 1 Millennium Med. Ctr. 2742 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 To SBOC 11/14/02 R.A. Medical Center 2455 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Completed 2 Vocational Inst. Of FI 1849 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 To SBOC 11/14/02 Digital Medical Invest 41 Tamiami Canal Rd SBOC No No 11/01/02 11/14/02 Completed 3 1001 Project -1001 -11 SW 27th Av. SBOC No No 11/01/02 12/03/02 Completed 4 La 2da Bode uita 833 SW 29th Av. SBOC No No 11/01/02 12/02/02 Completed 1 O M Coin Laundry 422 SW 22nd Av. SBOC No No 11/08/02 12/04/02 To SBOC 12/10/02 La Poderosa Cafet. 6 NW 19th Av. SBOC No INo 11/01/02 12/04/02 To SBOC 12/10/02 La Esquina de Teas 101 SW 12th Av. SBOC Yes IYes 11/08/02 12/04/03 Hist. OK/Need Flood Ins 5/19 Sunshine Donuts 433 NW 12th Av. SBOC No Yes 11/08/02 12/04/02 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Accents & Designs 2741 SW 27th Av. SBOC Yes No 11/08/02 12/04/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Ferdinand Funeral 2546 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes No 11/01/02 12/03/02 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Home Base 3662 Coral Way SBOC No No 11/19/02 12/03/02 Completed 1 Masters Auto 230 SW 21st Ct. SBOC No No 11/19/02 12/03/02 To SBOC 12/03/02 Shenandoah TV 2222 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Com leted 1 Flamingo Hair Design 454 NW 22 Av. SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Completed 1 X -Ray Med Ctr. 45 SW 36th Ct. SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Completed 2 So 's Beauty Salon 727 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Completed 1 Lazarus Partial 2239 Coral Way SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Completed 1 Lazarus 2239 Coral WaySBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 To SBOC 01/28/03 Gulf Bank 3400 Coral Way SBOC No No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Completed 10 Tosca Bakery 545 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes No 12/09/02 01/15/03 Historic OK(To SBOC 5/16 Pamen Su ermkt. 3951-55 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 12/10/02 12/11/02 Com leted 3 2150 Bldg. 2150 Coral Way SBOC No No 12/17/02 01/14/03 Completed 8 Mayas/La Cabina 701-09 SW 17th Av. SBOC No No 12/17/02 01/14/03 Completed 2 Garde Florist 7373 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 12/17/02 01/14/03 Completed 1 Rex Fabrics 823-27 SW 37th Av. SBOC No No 12/17/02 01/14/03 Completed 3 Happy Star Auto Sls. 705 NW 18th PI. SBOC No Yes 12/17/02 01/15/03 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Gables Juice Bar 444 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes No 12/17/02 01/15/03 1 Historic OK/To SBOC 5/16 Submitted Into the public record in connection with ii i ° Ort t, jjtA -0$ Pris cifla Am ThOME S0.9 City Clerk Letters of Interest Commercial Facade EI Titan de Bronze 1071 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes I R. LO U No 01/27/03 02/04/03 To Historic 02/27/03 Bamboo Flowers 3656 Coral Way SBOC No No 01/13/03 01/17/03 Com leted 1 Alvarez & Fernandez 650 NW 43rd Av. SBOC No No 01/13/03 01/17/03 Completed 1 2541 Profess. Bldg. 2541 SW 27th Av. SBOC No No 01/13/03 01/17/03 Completed 4 Supreme Tires 3635 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 01/13/03 04/14/03 To SBOC 04/14/03 Roxy JewelrL 4700 NW 7th St. SBOC No Yes 01/15/03 02/04/03 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Central Shopping Plz 3701-3825 NW 7 St. SBOC No No 01/16/03 02/04/03 Com leted 28 Tasse's American 60 NW 12th Av. SBOC No Yes 01/16/03 02/04/03 Flood / Need Flood Ins. EI Pub 1548 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 01/27/03 02/04/03 To SBOC 02/12/03 Gammacolor 3496 NW 7th St. SBOC No 01/17/03 02/04/03 To SBOC 02/12/03 Portobello 2841 Coral WaySBOC No 01/17/03 02/26/03 Completed 1 Su erial Accounts 2801 NW 7th St. SBOC ENo No 01/27/03 02/04/03 To SBOC 02/12/03 Santa Fe Garage 345 SW 10th Av. SBOC Yes 01/27/03 02/04/03 Discontinued Varadero Medical Ctr 5850-54 W Flagler St SBOC No 01/27/03 02/04/03 Completed (5) Caridad Investments 1130 Bldg 1130 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 01/28/03 02/04/03 Completed 4 Delio Photo Studio 2399 Coral Way SBOC No No 02/03/03 02/14/03 Completed 1 Special Toddlers 3220 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 02/04/03 02/14/03 To SBOC 02/24/03 Lastra Investments 3299 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 02/04/03 02/14/03 Completed 1 La Casa de la Medin. 2189 SW 1st St. SBOC No No 02/04/03 02/24/03 Completed 1 La Casa de la Medin. 2189 SW 1 st St. SBOC No No 02/04/03 02/24/03 Completed 1 EI Globo Beauty Sal. 459A SW 17th Av. SBOC No No 02/05/03 02/14/03 To SBOC 02/24/03 EI Globo Groce /Caf 478 SW 17th Av. SBOC No No 02/05/03 02/14/03 To SBOC 02/24/03 Le Gourmet of Paris 1590 Coral Way SBOC No lNo 02/11/03 02/14/03 Completed 1 Costa Brava 2101 Coral Way SBOC No No 02/11/03 02/14/03 Completed 1 Telemiami 2920 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 02/21/03 03/11/03 Completed 1 Shopping Center -(14) 1160 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 02/20/03 03/11/03 Flood / Need Flood Ins. Columbus Printing 3616 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 02/27/03 03/11/03 To SBOC 03/17/03 Nicatours 3 426 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 02/27/03 03/10/03 To SBOC 03/17/03 La Frontera Jo eria 1717 W Fla ler St SBOC No No 03/03/03 03/11/03 To SBOC 03/18/03 Western Union 1715 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 03/03/03 03/11/03 To SBOC 03/18/03 EI Discocafeteria 1713 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 03/03/03 03/11/03 To SBOC 03/17/03 Yum Yum Chinese 3104 Coral Way SBOC No No 03/03/03 03/12/03 Completed 1 Suhi Chef 3100 Coral Way SBOC No No 03/03/03 03/13/03 Completed 1 La Isla Shoe 1142 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 03/03/03 03/11/03 Flood / Need Flood Ins. E & F Builders 6 649-55 W Fla ler St. SBOC No Yes 03/04/03 03/11/03 Completed Partial - 2 Brickell Com 1. Auto 795 SW 6th St. SBOC No No 03/06/03 03/26/03 To SBOC 03/26/03 Submirlp-d Into the public record In CCrEnCCjinLit, hnholm l0 On Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk CrJ Letters of Interest Commercial Facade Petro Miami 1702 SW 8th St. SBOC No Y INo . 28 - 580C 03/06/03 03/11/03 To SBOC 03/17/03 Sassie Associates 2780 SW 37th Av. SBOC No No 03/07/03 03/27/03 To SBOC 03/27/03 Accounting & Tax So 1943 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 03/11/03 03/27/03 To SBOC 03/27/03 Centro Ed. Bilin ue 1044 SW 27th Av. SBOC No No 03/11/03 03/27/03 Completed 1 Editorial Cernuda 1040 SW 27th Av. SBOC No No 03/11/03 03/27/03 Completed 1 Cernuda Art Consult. 1040 SW 27th Av. SBOC No N 03/11/03 03/27/03 Completed 1 Cafe Fantasias 2224 Coral WaySBOC No No o 03/17/03 03/27/03 Fa de To SBOC 3/27 Cafe Fantasias 2224 Coral Way SBOC No No 03/17/03 03/27/03 Code Com " " 3/27 EI Tur uino Rest. 1971 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 03/24/03 . 03/27/03 To SBOC 03/2 /03 Melissa Entertainmt. 1250 Coral Way SBOC No lNo No03/24/03 03/27/03 To SBOC 03/27/03 A & A Insurance 2453 NW 7th St. SBOC Yes No 03/25/03 03/26/03 To Historic 03/27/03 Engineering Analit c. 2455 SW 27th Av. SBOC No 03/27/03 04/14/03 Completed 6 Super Gold Jewelry 5755 W Fla ler St. SBOC No No 04/02/03 04/14/03 To SBOC 04/14/03 Cutting Edge Illusion. 3658 Coral Way SBOC No No 04/08/03 04/30/03 To SBOC 04/30/03 Elomar Drugs Corp. 2741 SW 22nd St. SBOC No No 04/09/03 04/30/03 To SBOC 04/30/03 Devas Dollar & Food 639 SW 12th Av. SBOC Yes No 04/23/03 05/29/03 To Historic 06/16/03 Store Code Com I. Enrique Munoz Estud 6055 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 04/24/03 05/29/03 To SBOC 06/02/03 An Invitation & Gift 6057 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 04/24/03 05/29/03 To SBOC 06/02/03 Renacer Su ermkt. 2241 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 04/24/03 05/07/03 To SBOC 05/08/03 La Tradicion Cubana 1894 SW 8th St. SBOC No No 04/24/03 05/29/03 To SBOC 06/02/03 Andres Dry Cleaners 1432 W. Fla ler St. SBOC Yes No 04/24/03 05/18/03 To Historic 06/16/03 La Vasca 3407 SW 8th St. SBOC No INo 04/28/03 05/29/03 To SBOC 06/02/03 San Gabriel Shopping 2901-23 NW 7th St. SBOC No No 05/27/03 06/03/03 To SBOC 06/04/03 Center 10 Casino Records 4 1208-14 SW 8th St. SBOC Yes No T 06/06/03 06/12/031To Historic 06/16/03 Lo istical Develop. 1901 NW 7th St. ISBOC No No 1 06/09/03 Sk!,101mitted Into the public L�I 0 Cny 03 A 7-iompson City Jerk