HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0699J-03-529 06/24/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03— 09 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ADOPTING THE PROGRAM POLICY FOR THE COMMERCIAL FACADE TREATMENT PROGRAM, ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, FOR THE 29TH YEAR. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING PROCESS. WHEREAS, the Administration has proposed a policy for the 29th Year Community Development Block Grant funding process related to the Commercial Fagade Treatment Program; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. ATT° A C 141 Nils -E. Pt! 7 (S) CITY CON30SUM MEETM CZ' J U N 2 4 2003 hesolatio& FiA. �`� �, � L Section 2. The program policy for the Commercial Fagade Treatment Program, attached and incorporated, for the 29th Year Community Development Block Grant funding process is adopted. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.11 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 24th day of ATTEST: PR CILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK 1&0% /► APPROVEVA-9"0,40FORM AND CORRECTNESS: ITX ATTORNEY W7299:tr:AS:BSS June 2003. IMANUEL A. DIA!, R Page 2 of 2 03- 699 29th Year CDBG Program Policy Attachment Commercial Fagade Treatment Program Dollar Limitation for Single -Business Proiects: The dollar limitation for a Single -Business Project is increased from $2,000 to $5,000. Projects receiving awards in excess of $2,000 will be subject to Davis -Bacon Act wage rate requirements. Proiect Types: Types of Projects under the Single -Business Project will continue to include: pressure cleaning / painting, awnings, doors, store showcase windows, signs, shutters, fences, parking lot resurfacing and parking lot infrastructure. Matching Funds: Participating Businesses will be required to provide matching funds according to the following chart: Award Amount Matching Funds $2,000 and below 5% $2,001 to $4,000 10% $4,001 to $5,000 15% Page 1 of 1 03- 699 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO The Honorab a or and mbers a The Ci Co ssio FROM :J Arriola C ty Manager DATE: JUN 13 W FILE: 29th Year CDBG Funds — SUBJECT : Commercial Fagade Treatment Policy REFERENCES: Special City Commission Agenda ENCLOSURES: June 24, 2003 RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, with attachment, approving policies for the 29ffi Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding process related to the Commercial Fagade Treatment Program. BACKGROUND: The Commercial Fagade Treatment Program (Program) was established under the Economic Development category of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program in 1988. Although the cost of construction, labor and permitting have increased dramatically over the past fifteen (15) years, the dollar limitation on single -business projects and matching funds requirements have not changed since the Program's initiation. The Administration recommends that the City Commission establish the following policies for the 29h Year CDBG funding of the Commercial Facade Treatment Program which reflect current costs and the needs of the communities it was designed to benefit. • Dollar Limitation for Single -Business Proiects: Increase the dollar limitation for a Single -Business Project from $2,000 to $5,000. Projects in excess of $2,000 will be subject to Davis -Bacon Act wage rate requirements. • Matching Funds: Lower the matching funds requirement as per the following chart: Award Amount $2,000 and below $2,001 to $4,000 $4,001 to $5,000 Matching Funds_ 5% 10% 15% • Proiect Types (no change): Pressure cleaning / painting, awnings, doors, store showcase windows, signs and shutters It is recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution, with attachment, approving policies for the 29th Year Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding process related to the Commercial Fagade Treatment Program. TWGR osed Resolution does not have a budgetary impact on the General Fund. L 03- 699 FLA SUNDAY, JUNE 15,2W w%% _ .herald.corn The Herald 56 City of Miami Department of Community Development b The Miami City Commission will hold a Public Hearing to discuss issues relating to the Community Development Block Grant and other HUD Programs. Tutsi y. Jww 24,2003,11:30 PAL Gly of Mesad Cansssfasiss CNwmlow notice ad an b Oonllad anow e9dsoas 9W^w9 ft Coy d Mani Qmu po9lirs raliassseea pMWith r,. Y anywbllaCOBGpogran. MdfonllybOUlft'sbegsdrnddrbrCOBGMOspiopantldwieAasgamkdcoWbOw. 1. Wonsan and papomd resoirlon spWag tie City of firms Pale@ Haring Apancy "IN Ph- irJdirg to (S) Ywr Stelsgie Pln for Hsa1 ria 2000,2004 and tie Amal Plan for Foal ltw 2003. iRoaarcbn war the anpMmnsian and sasaraasfrn dfe Cys Seefon 8 Modras Rasbistron Rogam: sulhaiang tis Gy Mrsper" b stn* ft PFA Piers for resissapprarel by tie US Oept d IfUP trier afbateg Seem 8 Atodaras Fldsbilatlon Program Pude d 52.642094 ler dens oses and 5338292 b tie dly d Wei Depamsra dComunty Daadopnara lar AdmiiMrrlaa Cass lot a bYl d 529e0 3A6 2 Oisarsaan and proposed rosaiaan appraig ft rasiasd City of Uses foal Hasig Aasrancs Pln PWO). afadned and' - porasd, for ft pencil of Ally 1.2001 fawph Jre 30.2004. lir fe oabrard prtroipadn d tie lily in tis Honda Stas Masig isliairet"Ragan: srRraiarg tie City Mrrger b subrika aro6fed plan kr rwisw ad approea by tie Roi Fbairg Riace Capaaian. 3. 0isarssion and l $load retdraon adoptig prides fats 291h Yer Cannuily Dankipnwf Btodl Gram (CDBG) lud g process reload b fe Carnerdd Fagmk Tsslrrert Rog—. 4. Onassion w4 praposad resalrAon afaahg 54CMD of Fiscal Yser 2003.2004 8 sigray Show Graf (ESG) Furls as blots: ALLOCATION OF 29TH YEAR EMERGENCY SHELTER GRANT FUNDS EMERGENCY SHELTER QRAKrAL7lVTTY AMCKI T Depart, -m of Cormmnity, DwmWpnrwWGrann Administration S 13,200 City of Miami Window Program j426,800 TOTAL AMOI INT OF ESG PROGRAM HINDS: $440,000 S. DeonawadprapaedruoI abotrgS10.t1=ctfa211hasfCoeiw*0sstrpmt00*GV1jCDB;ijProgrrdEalrnr[trrdsadSbA0900Ddpogamimmaatrald 516.140.00baopponClymriej awn sadretradarMmfarfr29frP"=Yiv' 9 ig0:btat. asfdbes PNOPOiED 29TH YEAR OCATION ALLOCATION Department of Community Dw-lop rent'Gnant Administration (20x) $2225.00 Department of C—annity DrAlownerAfFirsit Soum Hiring1 Section 108 2W. 00 Lot Clearing 276.500 NET Code Enloreenrenl 790.000 CityMiami g Departmerillfris+le Swetures 395.000 yfo S s 1,746,000 Eoononnic Developmern 3.500.000 Housing Deseloprnertt" 4,000.000 Capital Improvement Projects 904.500 *"Fuwing to be artocaW of a Inter done five gh an RFP TOTAL CDOG FilFO94G AMOUNT: $15140000 ti Discussion adInclosed ssdaonrrnMrigCamuiyDeadWmmt&*Gan(CM)PrgaeFu*k-CmmdyRedsoaepnrsAgencpWm&enrslanBwi atProPraefts ariadS471.7MbfaCamv*RaOera1,pnrntAp woGrorrieedFwdforaCtmaadsllswPmW TRANSFERRING FROM: Ag@nWAcd Community Redesslopment Agency/ 5471.770 IM., Cci marbly ReOevelopa—d Agency/ $471.770 Mico Business Loan Biucinew Prograrn Grow Mismi Fund TOTAL AMOUNT: $471,770 TOTAL AMOUNT: $471,770 7. Disassion and goeed rseiirtron bamfening Commionty Derelapnrent Block Brant (CDBG) Program Fu Ws of $415.000 from Comm is iy RedevelopriaM Agerwy/CLUC 90 Pnojaces and Horne trnseatrn sw Parneralrips (HOME) Program Irrr I, of $846.19¢ from the Camenily Radevelopnemt Agw-#H nwhWs Pm -q mWtabon Program b tie CRA Housiq Piot Program for haling needs in fe CRA oma as follows: TRAMcow FERRI NG FROM:FUNDING A CRAIG= 90 PROJECTS $/15.000 1$ AMOUNT COOGFUNDING CRAHOUSING PILOT PROGRAM $415.000" To be lorded at a Inter data Vro gh an RFP AMOUNT HOME FU14D9fG CRAAi0A EBUYEFrS $846.192 10. AYQl1I>II HIM FUNDING CRA WKISING PKAT PROGRAM $646.19Y' PRE-0ll/WFICATION PROGRAM —Tobe Ranted ata tow dee <froegh an PIFP TOTAL CDW FUWM AMOUNT: $41SA00 r TOTAL HOME FUND01G AMOUNT: $646,19¢ AMENOMMM TO 29th YEAR cmc PROGRAMS 8. Discussion and proposed nesaiaion aWariarg its transfer of HOUS111C DEVELOPMENT CATEGORY AMQ!!!Q TRANSFERRING 1U., ,AMOUNT Economic mem $178 800 RafaelFferrlerndsz Flouting and $178 800 1 TOTAL AMOUNT- $178,900 TOTAL AMOUNT: $178,900 i Drm®onadpapoasdssotanafar*sSIOb17A0D2ofFeWVsr2UD3ZXHOPMlimpeslw, sid ZM=d initiated Fag viar2oMM NOM Pnogaahedslastlldd SIS917Meskloes AGENCY Long Twm Honig Assistance SAME Development Corporation of Sarno Ftortde Inc. 5 127.500.00 Greer d srom in" &0', rk, Inc. $ 127,500.0 Cily of Miami — Depart mem of Cay Dersloprern 55.594.050.00 Co make ity AIDS Resorroe. Inc. $ 127.500.0 1111 Cormaraly Case mmogeneM. I- 5 • 95.025.00 Mantel 0 6 !) Douglas Gardens Commtffety Hanish Cerner off Miami &ML'h, Inc. Empower tr. Inc. 5 127.500.0 Spanish-American Basic Education ti Rehabilitation. Inc. $3.160.300.00 The Cerner for Positive Con eefons. Inc. 5 127.500.00 a H 1 fidormatim Referral i Advocacy fi &ach C -Mme illy trent Ca parade^• Inc. $ 200,000.00 Technical Assistance Apple Time Petspectnes, Inc. $ 100.000.00 Rental Subsidy Prople Coneras; Dara wment Corporation. Inc. S 150.000.00 Spacial Needs ResidenKd Cara &Mw Way of Miami, Inc. $,118.625.00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miami. Inc. - Genesis Program $ ,69 267.00 South Florida free Ministries.lnc. $ 109,500.00 Emergen aMDCay M Department of Comnpurety, Development x1.500.000.00 d Mum- Department d Community Davol pment a 500.000.00 Plops Administration (3%) S 318,000.00 capital 11,10101111061- Canfour Supportive Housing, Inc. $ 296.492.00 Movers. Inc. $ 450.000.00 a 296.491.00 � TOTAL HOPWA FUNDWO AMOIMfi: - 515,817,OOD 00 10. Discussion aril poDwad rseek*m aioeairg 53,5MAM d 29M Year Conarawy DevalopnaM Block Grant (CDBG) Program hada in the Of Ecarronuic Devalopnrent as IoiOvrs: Authah, Inc. $ 200,000.00 Deparnnars of Real Estate and Eoaemie Development a 500.000.00 JubNn CotMmNly Developnent Corporation 1�s1911bore ad Naip *m Am Inc. $ 123,718.00 S 150.000.00 D�loprtreet Corp. $ 123,045.00.00 Small Business Opporuffuly CE $ 400.000W.00 The Edgewater Btoruonnie Development Corp. Inc. $ 82.054.00 Word d Life CDC $ 259.51600 Reserve Fund S 418.554.00 City of Muni Commercial Code Comolisince Proper, Commercial Farads PmW— S 700,000.00 TOTAL ECONOMIC OEVELOPM®1i AMOUNT: >is gpp NGM It. Discussion and proposed resolution aflocati S S1,519,800 d 21111% Thar Camanity Dewlopnent 8loek Grant (Cpg(;) Progran tads card 5226 200 d program inosine for a total d $1,748.000 b 9e uatapory d Pubic Services as I -1, age= Action Community Cerner, due. X50.00 Atiapalbfi C mmumty Acton, Inc. 5349.200.00lood, Antral -The FInc. $ 20.000= Catlxic Clarifies of the Arddioceee at Miami, Inc! Centro Malar Childwe Caner x 27.732.00 Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese of Miismi. Incl $11,35D.00 Centro taePa o Caloico Chid Care ssnices Catholic Charities of the Archdiocese at Miser, Incl $28.1107.00 Sagreds Fen Child Care Center Coconut Grove Cams, Inc. $20,000.00 De Nouos Senior Center• Inc. $112.419.00 Farah Ayayen Nan MrjarnL Inc. S 501000.00 F><ly Fve Years; tip, Inc. $50.000.00 Florerroe LAhcut Maar-City Children's Tourvg Dance Company, Inc. $35.000.00 Florence LiBhctd Inner -City Children's Tarring Dams Company, Inc. $ 80.000.00 Haitian Awarerws & Cultural Foundation, Inc. S 50.000.00 IO M Child Care. Inc $00.00 Mons HBind. Inc. for the BInc. 2D00 .000 Lido Bro9aa -Friends d the Elderly, Inc. $: M 000.00 Little Navas Aciv" 6 Nutrition Content of Dade Canty. lox. S 87,691.00 f e& Ham. Inc- S 7,800.00 Programs. Inc: $137.000.00 SLSo ss Day Nursery. Im $ The Association for DwA**nern d the Fscepiond. Inc 25.0000.W T1s Lrbaly City Opicist pub d Florida Inc x 50.000.00 The Non -Violence Pe USA $ The Y—V Associationd Granter Miami, (Flonds) 15.00000.000 GMaYs CoconutTheodore Roosaelt Gibson Memorial Fund, Inc. S 5.000.00 LWtsd a Is" American Artists, Inc. $ 50.000.00 DiWict 5 Priority Rawave S 83.980.00 TOTAL PUBLIC 10 ' CE FUNOM AMOUNT: $1.746.009.00 12. Dblcusaion and poposed resWullon atloeatinp 5804.500 of 291h Year Community payslopnern Block Gran (CDBG) Program hails for CapNal Improvement i, the 29th Program as toiows: KIDCC) Chid Care, Inc. S100AW.00 Cly Of lineal Cap" Improvement Projects $704.500.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ONWANOM9Cr F1Rf M AMOUNT: 13. Discussion and 1 F, -sd resolution grart'eg an , -, on d tine. koro December 14,20M b December 31. 2W4. to SAME Devslopnted Corporation at south Florida, Inc. (GAME), in consctim with 1 e co strueoon e d seed fay (40) new aingte scaly hares for qualtifad lav Ow why cityom parcels st Northvest &h e d BIA sinaets bahresn NaBaveat SO and � WFkx asne A vemmm in laesed � obligations d the Cly and the SoutheastI Pak west Commu ndy RadeveloPment Agency (CRA) for a — n B n for the ^9 New Hops pvertovrn o MusiPr ng oject. holding GAME sdey responsible for nuelialk the pnojed 14. Daeuesion and proposed esolubon aulboriang a gnarl, in an amount not to aceta 5100,000. toNsiglWors and Nsigid, Association ny (N-A.N.A.) to assist tawsmall businesses: aioeatig finds from an aeecu t b be i k 110 by the Cqy Manager. Interested kdividrais aro encou:agsd to attend On Public Hearing. The meeting site iseceassbls to the handicapped. •19 (Ad No.11559) -s! dnoig aip moi; amsuact 03- b49 Pa