HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0607J-03-432 5/08/03 CCM RESOLUTION NO. ),3— 607 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENTS, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 4, 5, 9, 13 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, FOR THE PLATINUM PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 480 NORTHEAST 30TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE COMPRISED OF A TWENTY-ONE (21) STORY RESIDENTIAL BUILDING WITH UP TO 116 UNITS WITH ACCESSORY RECREATIONAL USES AND AMENITIES AND APPROXIMATELY 195 PARKING SPACES; DIRECTING TRANSMITTAL; MAKING FINDINGS OF FACT AND STATING CONCLUSIONS OF LAW; PROVIDING FOR BINDING EFFECT; CONTAINING A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on January 27, 2003, Vicky Garcia -Toledo, P.A. on behalf of AR Investments Group and Maysville, Inc., (referred to as "APPLICANT"), submitted a complete Application for Major Use Special Permit for the Platinum Project (referred to as "PROJECT") pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the property located at approximately 480 Northeast 30th Street, Miami, Florida, as legally described in "Exhibit B", attached and incorporated; and i G J'S' j � F7119 A. Pl TP CITY COMMISSION MEETING OF MAY 2 2 2003 xwsozntion No. 03- 607 WHEREAS, development of the PROJECT requires the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit pursuant to Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended; and WHEREAS, the Large Scale Development Committee met on January 8, 2003, to consider the proposed PROJECT and offer its input; and WHEREAS, the Urban Development Review Board (UDRB) met on January 15, 2003, to consider the proposed PROJECT and recommended approval, with conditions; and WHEREAS, the APPLICANT has modified the proposed PROJECT to address the expressed technical concerns raised at said Large Scale Development Committee meeting and the design concerns WHEREAS, the Zoning Board, at its meeting held on March 24, 2003, Item No. 10 following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. 2003-0699 by a vote of eight to zero (8-0), RECOMMENDING APPROVAL WITH CONDITIONS of the Variance components of this Major Use Special Permit Project; and WHEREAS, the Miami Planning Advisory Board, at its meeting held on April 23, 2003, Item No. 2, following an advertised public hearing, adopted Resolution No. PAB 16-03 by a vote of four to four (4-4), RECOMMENDING DENIAL of the Major Use Special Permit Development Order as attached and incorporated; and Page 2 of 8 03-. 607 WHEREAS, the City Commission deems it advisable and in the best interest of the general welfare of the City of Miami to issue a Major Use Special Permit Development Order as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. A Major Use Special Permit Development Order, attached and incorporated as "Exhibit A, is approved subject to the conditions specified in the Development Order, per Article 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, for the PROJECT to be developed by the APPLICANT, at approximately 480 Northeast 30th Street, Miami, Florida, more particularly described in "Exhibit B," attached and incorporated. Section 3. The PROJECT is approved for the construction of a residential building with up to 116 units, with accessory recreational space and amenities and approximately 195 parking spaces. Section 4. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the PROJECT also encompasses the lower ranking Special Permits as set forth in the Development Order ("Exhibit A"). Page 3 of 8 03— c® 7 Section 5. The findings of fact set forth below are made with respect to the subject PROJECT: a. The PROJECT is in conformity with the adopted Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, as amended. b. The PROJECT is in accord with the R-4/SD-20 Zoning classification of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. C. Pursuant to Section 1305 of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the specific site plan aspects of the PROJECT, i.e., ingress and egress, parking, signs and lighting, utilities, drainage, preservation of natural features and control of potentially adverse effects generally, have been considered and will be further considered administratively during the process of issuing a building permit and a certificate of occupancy. d. The PROJECT is expected to cost approximately $38 million, and to employ approximately 100 workers during construction (FTE -Full Time Employees); the PROJECT will also result in the creation of approximately 13 permanent new jobs. The PROJECT Page 4 of 8 00" 60 7 will generate approximately $544,968 annually in tax revenues to local units of government (2002 dollars) . e. The City Commission further finds that: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; (3) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit; (4) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; (5) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; (6) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; (7 ) the PROJECT will not adversely affect living conditions in the neighborhood; Page 5 of 8 03— 607 (8) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; (9) based on the record presented and evidence presented, the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (10) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT arising from safety and security, fire protection and life safety, solid waste, heritage conservation, trees, shoreline development, minority participation and employment, and minority contractor/subcontractor participation will be mitigated through compliance with the conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. Section 6. The Major Use Special Permit, as approved and amended, shall be binding upon the APPLICANT and any successors in interest. Section 7. The application for Major Use Special Permit, which was submitted on January 27, 2003, and on file with the Department of Planning and Zoning of the City of Miami, Florida, shall be relied upon generally for administrative interpretations and is incorporated by reference. Section 8. The City Manager is directed to instruct the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning to transmit a Page 6 of 8 03- 607 copy of this Resolution and attachment to the developers: Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. on behalf of AR Investments Group and Maysville, Inc. Section 9. The Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law are made with respect to the PROJECT as described in the Development Order ("Exhibit A") for the PROJECT, attached and incorporated. Section 10. The Major Use Special Permit Development Order for the PROJECT ("Exhibit A") is granted and issued. Section 11. In the event that any portion or section of this Resolution or the Development Order ("Exhibit A") is determined to be invalid, illegal, or unconstitutional by a court or agency of competent jurisdiction, such decision shall in no manner affect the remaining portions of this Resolution or Development Order ("Exhibit A") which shall remain in full force and effect. Section 12. The provisions approved for this Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall commence and become operative thirty (30) days after the adoption of the Resolution. Section 13. This Major Use Special Permit, as approved, shall expire two (2) years from its commencement and operative date. Page 7 of 8 3_ 607 Section 14. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor." PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 2003. AaxC,-CC4a ,AMUEL A. DIAZ, MA ATTEST: PRISCILLA A. T OMPSON CITY CLERK W7224:GKW:et TNESS �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 8 of 8 00- 6® 7 "EXHIBIT A" ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION NO. DATE: THE PLATINUM PROJECT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT DEVELOPMENT ORDER Let it be known that pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Ordinance No. 11000, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended (the "Zoning Ordinance"), the Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, has considered in a public hearing, the issuance of a Major Use Special Permit for the Platinum Project (hereinafter referred to as the "PROJECT") to be located at approximately 480 Northeast 30th Street, Miami, Florida (see legal description on "Exhibit B", attached and incorporated), is subject to any dedications, limitations, restrictions, reservations or easements of record. After due consideration of the recommendations of the Planning Advisory Board and after due consideration of the consistency of this proposed development with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan, the City Commission has approved the PROJECT, and subject to the following conditions approves the Major Use Special Permit and issues this Permit: 03- 607 FINDINGS OF FACT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The proposed PROJECT is a residential planned unit development to be located at approximately 480 Northeast 30th Street, Miami, Florida. The PROJECT is located on a gross lot area of approximately 61,031 square feet and a net lot area of approximately 37,811 square feet of land (more specifically described on "Exhibit B", incorporated herein by reference). The remainder of the PROJECT's Data Sheet is attached and incorporated as "Exhibit C" The proposed PROJECT will consist of a 21 story residential tower with not more than 116 units, with accessory recreational space and amenities and approximately 195 parking spaces. The Major Use Special Permit Application for the PROJECT also encompasses the following lower ranking Special Permits: CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 906.6, to permit recreation facilities; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Section 915.2 for FAA clearance letter; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 925.3.8, to allow development/construction signage; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 918.2 for parking and staging of construction during construction; Page A-2 of 9 t)3— 607 CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, for construction fence and construction trailer; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for valet parking; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, Section 1512. to request a waiver of City of Miami Parking Guides and Standards for back-up space requirement and distance requirement from parking space to column/wall. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, for reduction of periphery landscape. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, for reduction of loading berth size. VARIANCE as per Article 4 Section 401 schedule of districts regulations required street side yards along 30th Street and 29th Streets from 15 feet to 10 feet. REQUEST that the following MUSP conditions be required at the time of shell permit instead of at issuance of foundation permit: a. the requirement to provide a letter of assurance for the Solid Waste Department; and b. the requirement to record in the Public Records a unity of title or covenant in lieu of unity of title. Page A-3 of 9 03— 6 Pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of the Zoning Ordinance, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. The PROJECT shall be constructed substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Fullerton Diaz Architects, Inc., dated January, 2003; the landscape plan shall be implemented substantially in accordance with plans and design schematics on file prepared by Mariano Corral and Associates, dated January, 2003; said design and landscape plans may be permitted to be modified only to the extent necessary to comply with the conditions for approval imposed herein; all modifications shall be subject to the review and approval of the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits. The PROJECT conforms to the requirements of the R-4/SD-20 Zoning District, as contained in the Zoning Ordinance, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, as amended. A contribution of $94,080.35 to the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund shall be required at time of building permit pursuant to Article 9 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended, for Page A-4 of 9 03- 607 consideration of the requested development bonus of 14,105 square feet. The existing comprehensive plan future land use designation on the subject property allows the proposed uses. CONDITIONS THE APPLICANT, ITS SUCCESSORS, AND/OR ASSIGNS, JOINTLY OR SEVERALLY, PRIOR TO THE ISSUANCE OF ANY BUILDING PERMITS, SHALL COMPLY WITH THE FOLLOWING: 1. Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws. 2. Pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of a building permit; including a contribution of $94,080.35 to the City's Affordable Housing Trust Fund. 3. Allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the option of the Department, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Department of Planning and Zoning, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department recommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning why such recommendations are impractical. Page A-5 of 9 03- 607 4. Obtain approval from, or provide a letter from the Department of Fire -Rescue indicating APPLICANT'S coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Section at the Department of Fire -Rescue in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply. 5. Obtain approval from, or provide a letter of assurance from the Department of Solid Waste that the PROJECT has addressed all concerns of the said Department prior to the obtainment of a shell permit. 6. Comply with the Minority Participation and Employment Plan (including a Contractor/subcontractor Participation Plan) submitted to the City as part of the Application for Development Approval, with the understanding that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow the provisions of the City's Minority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program as a guide. 7. Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, provide the City with an executed, recordable unity of title or covenant in - lieu of unity of title agreement for the subject property; said agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney's Office. Page A-6 of 9 03— 607 8. Provide the Department of Planning and Zoning with a temporary parking plan, including an operational plan, which addresses construction employee parking during the construction period, said plan shall be subject to the review and approval by the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits and shall be enforced during construction activity. 9. The parking garage frontage along Northeast 30th Street shall be lined with residential units. 10. The parking garage openings along Northeast 30th Street shall be modified so that they are covered with metal louvers instead of grills. THE CITY SHALL: Establish the operative date of this Permit as being thirty (30) days from the date of its issuance; the issuance date shall constitute the commencement of the thirty (30) day period to appeal from the provisions of the Permit. CONCLUSIONS OF LAW The PROJECT, proposed by the APPLICANT, complies with the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000, is consistent with the orderly development and goals of the City of Miami, and Page A-7 of 9 03- 607 complies with local land development regulations and further, pursuant to Section 1703 of the Zoning Ordinance: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (4) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (5) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; and (7) the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (8) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami. Page A-8 of 9 03- 607 complies with local land development regulations and further, pursuant to Section 1703 of the Zoning Ordinance: (1) the PROJECT will have a favorable impact on the economy of the City; and (2) the PROJECT will efficiently use public transportation facilities; and (3) the PROJECT will favorably affect the need for people to find adequate housing reasonably accessible to their places of employment; and (4) the PROJECT will efficiently use necessary public facilities; and (5) the PROJECT will not negatively impact the environment and natural resources of the City; and (6) the PROJECT will not adversely affect public safety; and (7) the public welfare will be served by the PROJECT; and (8) any potentially adverse effects of the PROJECT will be mitigated through conditions of this Major Use Special Permit. The proposed development does not unreasonably interfere with the achievement of the objectives of the adopted State Land Development Plan applicable to the City of Miami. Page A-8 of 9 607 Exhibit "B" Legal Description: 480 NE 30th Street The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida 03- 607 PROJECT FACT SHEET A. LAND USE DESIGNATION B. NUMBER OF UNITS PER ACRE (150) C. ZONING DESIGNATION D. LAND AREAS GROSS LAND AREA (G.L.A.) NET LAND AREA (N.L.A.) E. BUILDING SETBACKS EXHIBIT "C" Multifamily High -End Residential ALLOWED ON THIS PROPERTY PROPOSED 130 116 R-4 & SD -20 EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT 61,031 SF 37,811 SF REQUIRED (R-4) REQUIRED (SD -20) PROVIDED FRONT (EAST, 7TH AVENUE) 20 FT 20 FT 20 FT REAR (WEST, ALLEY) 5 FT 5 FT 10 FT SIDE (NORTH, 30TH STREET) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (*) SIDE (NORTH, 29TH TERRACE) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (') (*) SETBACK VARIANCE REQUIRED TO CHANGE SIDE STREET SETBACK FROM 15' TO 10' 125,968 SF F. FLOOR AREA LIMITATIONS (401-R4) ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD -20) PROPOSED F.A.R. (x) G.L.A. 1.72 1.72 1.72 AREA 104,973 SF 104,973 SF 104,973 SF BONUSES AS PER ARTICLE V — PUD AMENITIES (20% OF G.L.A.) 20,995 SF 20,995 SF 20,995 SF SUB -TOTAL F.A.R. W/AMENITIES BONUS 125,968 SF 125,968 SF 125,968 SF AFFORDABLE HOUSING (25% OF SUB -TOTAL F.A.R. W/BONUS) 31,492 SF 14,105 SF 14,105 SF TOTAL F.A.R. W/BONUSES 157,460 SF 140,073 SF 140,073 SF G. BUILDING FOOT PRINT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD -20) PROPOSED PERCENTAGE (x) G.L.A. (40%) (60%) (42.3%) AREA 24,412 SF 36,619 SF 25,844 SF 1 03- 607 H. GREEN AREA REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROPOSED_ AREA 15% (x) G.L.A. 9,155 SF 9,245 SF I. BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD -20) PROPOSED SUM OF RIGHT OF WAY +2 UNLIMITED 227 FT MEASURED FROM FRONT SETBACKS OR FLOOD ELEVATION 8'.0" TO EITHER SIDE OF RIGHT OF HIGHEST ROOF PARAPET. WAY OR 120' (HEIGHT OF ROOF PARAPET = 31 5', NOT TO EXCEED 5' LIMIT). 1 (HEIGHT TAKEN TO HIGHEST 31 ROOF PARAPET & NOT TO 2 MAIN ROOF). J. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: SPACES REQUIRED UNITS BREAKDOWN SPACES REQUIRED NO. UNITS TYPE OF UNITS PER UNIT SIZE TOTALS 4 1 BEDROOM LOFTS 1 4 47 1 BEDROOM OR EFFICIENCY 1 47 31 2 BEDROOMS 1 31 31 2 BEDROOMS + DEN 2 62 3 3 BEDROOMS + DEN 2 6 116 TOTAL= 150 STANDARD PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 140 HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 10 REQUIRED = 150 SPACES PROVIDED STANDARD PARKING SPACES 185 HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES 10 TOTALS 195 PROVIDED = 195 SPACES K. OFF-STREET LOADING (BERTH) REQUIREMENTS: REQUIRED PROVIDED FOR BUILDINGS WITHIN 25,000 & 500,000 SF FOR OVER THE FIRST 100 UNITS 1 STALL 1 STALL (12'x 35') (12' x 35') (**) 1 STALL 1 STALL (10' x 20') (10' x 20') (**) CLASS 2 PERMIT REQUIRED TO REDUCED REQUIRED LOADING BERTH REQUIREMENTS FROM 12'x 35'TO 10'x 20' ITEM PZ 1 PLANNING FACT SHEET APPLICANT Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esquire, on behalf of AR Investments Group and Maysville, Inc. HEARING DATE April 23, 2003 REQUEST/LOCATION Approximately 480 NE 30'' Street LEGAL DESCRIPTION Complete legal description on file with the Department of Hearing Boards. PETITION Consideration of a Resolution, approving with conditions, a Major Use Special Permit pursuant to Articles 4, 5, 9, 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, for The Platinum Project, to be located at approximately 480 NE 3e Street, Miami, Florida, to be comprised of a residential building with up to 116 units, recreational amenities and 195 parking spaces. PLANNING RECOMMENDATION Approval with conditions. BACKGROUND AND ANALYSIS See supporting documentation. PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD Recommended denial due to VOTE: 4-4 failure to receive the majority of favorable votes. CITY COMMISSION N/A. APPLICATION NUMBER 2003-009 Item #2 CITY OF MIAMI • PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT 444 SW 2ND AVENUE, 3RD FLOOR • MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33130 PHONE (305) 416-1400 ..................._.._............._..........._...._..._...__._.._._..................................................._..................__.._....................._.................._._..__......_..........._._................_._......._......._...._...._.._.. ate: 5/14/2003 Page 03- 607 Analysis for Major Use Special Permit for the Platinum Project located at approximately 480 NE 30th Street. CASE NO. 2003-0009 Pursuant to Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal for the Platinum Project has been reviewed to allow a Major Use Special Permit per Article 5 for a Planned Unit Development and per Article 9 for Contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This Permit also includes the following requests: CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 906.6, to permit recreation facilities; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Section 915.2 for FAA clearance letter; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 925.3.8, to allow develop- ment/construction signage; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, Section 918.2 for parking and stag- ing of construction during construction; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 9, for construction fence and con- struction trailer; CLASS I SPECIAL PERMIT for valet parking; CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, Section 1512. to request a waiver of City of Miami Parking Guides and Standards for back-up space requirement and distance requirement from parking space to column/wall. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, for reduction of periphery land- scape. CLASS II SPECIAL PERMIT as per Article 15, for reduction of loading berth size. VARIANCE as per Article 4 Section 401 schedule of districts regulations required street side yards along 30'h Street and 29h Streets from 15 feet to 10 feet. 03- 607 PER CITY CODE, Chapter 36, Construction Equipment, request for waiver from the City Commission of waiver of noise ordinance while under construction for continuous pours; REQUEST that the following MUSP conditions be required at the time of Tempo- rary Certificate of Occupancy or Final Certificate of Occupancy instead of at issu- ance of foundation permit: a. the requirement to record in the Public Records a unity of title or covenant in lieu of unity of title. Pursuant to Articles 13 and 17 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, approval of the requested Major Use Special Permit shall be considered sufficient for the subordinate permits requested and referenced above as well as any other special approvals required by the City which may be required to carry out the requested plans. In determining the appropriateness of the proposed project, the Planning and Zoning Department has referred this project to the Large Scale Development Committee (LSDC) and the Urban Development Review Board (DDRB) for additional input and recommendations; the following findings have been made: • It is found that the proposed development project will benefit the area by creating new housing opportunities in the Edgewater Area. ft It is found that the subject property has convenient access to the downtown. • It is found that the project was reviewed by the Large Scale Development Committee and has been modified to address the expressed technical concerns raised at said Large Scale Development Committee meeting; • It is found that the proposed project was reviewed for design appropriateness by the Urban Development Review Board and the Planning and Zoning Department; the staff review resulted in design modifications which were then recommended for approval to the Planning and Zoning Director. • It is found that with respect to all additional criteria as specified in Section 1305 of Zoning Ordinance 11000, the proposal has been reviewed and found to be adequate. Based on these findings, the Planning and Zoning Department is recommending approval of the requested Development Project with the following conditions: 1. Meet all applicable building codes, land development regulations, ordinances and other laws. 03- 607 2. Pay all applicable fees due prior to the issuance of a building permit. 3. Allow the Miami Police Department to conduct a security survey, at the option of the Department, and to make recommendations concerning security measures and systems; further submit a report to the Department of Planning and Zoning, prior to commencement of construction, demonstrating how the Police Department rec- ommendations, if any, have been incorporated into the PROJECT security and construction plans, or demonstrate to the Director of the Department of Planning and Zoning why such recommendations are impractical. 4. Obtain approval from, or provide a letter from the Department of Fire -Rescue in- dicating APPLICANT'S coordination with members of the Fire Plan Review Sec- tion at the Department of Fire -Rescue in the review of the scope of the PROJECT, owner responsibility, building development process and review procedures, as well as specific requirements for fire protection and life safety systems, exiting, vehicular access and water supply. 5. Obtain approval from, or provide a letter of assurance from the Department of Solid Waste that the PROJECT has addressed all concerns of the said Department prior to the obtainment of a shell permit. 6. Comply with the Minority Participation and Employment Plan (including a Con- tractor/Subcontractor Participation Plan) submitted to the City as part of the Ap- plication for Development Approval, with the understanding that the APPLICANT must use its best efforts to follow the provisions of the City's Mi- nority/Women Business Affairs and Procurement Program as a guide. 7. Prior to the issuance of a shell permit, provide the City with an executed, record- able unity of title or covenant in -lieu of unity of title agreement for the subject property; said agreement shall be subject to the review and approval of the City Attorney's Office. 8. Provide the Department of Planning and Zoning with a temporary parking plan, including an operational plan, which addresses construction employee parking during the construction period, said plan shall include an enforcement plan and shall be subject to the review and approval by the Department of Planning and Zoning prior to the issuance of any building permits and shall be enforced during construction activity. 08— 607 - — — �r I+• -- �_...._ _ ,_.rte _ . a a ' N •C O+� •/ = W 36TH'STREET BAYFRONT SUB.; - :'- J • z N.E. • N N 'M 1 n H r N A - / •� I I ! ` • 1I _ • 1 1 / 1 n ! TRACT 'A- I F D A / .bu 1 u,.s M•RBOP UI\E N t• a zl t0 If is9 M If IS 11 f. T { ! • 2 ' 1 i BAY POINT PLAC 1 _r f rr • T+ s PAD TRACT- A I i 3• N of et B a \. I• .. : r. 34 IEVE y y Zt 0I M [-,0:. 1 If IS 0 rf • • 7• • 2 1 I 3 • ! C 7 a• W • 1 a �, R iC �a 6± rare? W I � 3 : rti-a 1 I S 1 , N. 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ST ' ,r Y 4 f s r a f •I z 4 • 3 a r ' 1 2 a♦ I a 7 S • r >A 1 3 ! •I • •! • 2 1 s V .• - ' e ,• y _ ae N .. N w » a li E. 6 TERN— ASSOCIATES N . r .. - . •• _ 4 •. z • i o t ;A TRACT 1, Ia 1. If If n u zx p o f S a _' z . 2 7 • + • a : 1 i 7 P ° a• ae z' f 1O f e.2 s a• 3 z r 1 1 ♦• c i t r A I t a. r r� o T. • i N.E. 26 ST 11t Q !• .. T .. ss o .. 0il 1 f f a 4 3 p `. .O t a a• OF a• 4 a 2 1 c f 2 r• , J I L Y N ,C = _ S\ ' I I��I- �• (a2) _� Q n J I r i 3 • ! ao' 3 a' •• n n25 STI N E. % 25 Si M .3 12 11 W 2 T a 11LLJ • ] t �. t2 1 c+ • r a a• 3 x 3.. Z • AF N E 24 OaBMST� ' S; H 1 r �a Y 2 r s .'. ' 2 ♦ a 5 12 ` Is - z• i tl ' 4 S.t» '.• 13 s w U e f l 5: i•- . a g a 3 3 a 11 o » n ` w //��7� �[-. IS it • a ♦ 3 2 1 � f • + • � a • '- a 2 7 t0 = 13 1t W - 2>� /" ��II•.Tt` 4 - 10 , a Iu Ki :1• 3 2 27 I • • 21{ p %I � •o _ I! x n z s N ,It 11 z V z' a y 1SHORE : y• a . w • I ss Sf sr !• N s. sS > ~1• I3 1 u 11 6 3 • ] 1 M.E 23 ST. ... 607 ,o TERRANOVA a/ 4 a 3cY z EaR RA C� y Iz u • • 1• a- , 3 z 1, a s g 4 •Z1 3 Ica ra•af> •11• • a• S z 1 z 4 ' T. I ae i M w w n Ir, RESOLUTION PAB -16-03 A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING DENIAL OF A CONSIDERATION OF A RESOLUTION, APPROVING WITH CONDITIONS, A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT, PURSUANT TO ARTICLES 4, 5, 9, 13 AND 17 OF ZONING ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, FOR THE PLATINUM PROJECT, TO BE LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 480 NORTHEAST 30TH STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA, TO BE COMPRISED OF A RESIDENTIAL BUILDING WITH UP TO 116 UNITS, RECREATIONAL AMENITIES AND 195 PARKING SPACES. HEARING DATE: April 23, 2003 ITEM NO.: 2 VOTE: 4-4 ATTEST-. elabert-Sanc e , Di or Planning and Zoning Department 03- 607 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMTTE3 _ HEARING BOARDS DIVISION `.� • ? nd 444 SW 2 Avenue, 7th Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 INCIRF III7EI Telephone 305-416-1480 • Fax 305-416-2035 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT IT IS INTENDED THAT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS BE REQUIRED WHERE SPECIFIED USES AND/OR OCCUPANCIES INVOLVE MATTERS DEEMED TO BE OF CITYWIDE OR AREA -WIDE IMPORTANCE. THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS. (SEE ARTICLE 17 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING SHALL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON ALL APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS AND FOR ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO AND SHALL TRANSMIT SAID APPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD FOR ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AND MAY MAKE REFERRALS TO OTHER AGENCIES, BODIES, OR OFFICERS FOR REVIEW, ANALYSIS, AND/OR TECHNICAL FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AND REPORTS THEREON. (SEE SECTION 1301.4 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. ICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE, IF NEEDED, TO BRING AN INTERPRETER FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ANY PRESENTATION BEFORE BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. POWER OF ATTORNEY WILL BE REQUIRED IF NEITHER APPLICANT OR LEGAL ,—iNSEL REPRESENTING THE APPLICANT EXECUTE THE APPLICATION OR DESIRE TO MAKE A PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. I, Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq.. PA on behalf of Maysville, Inc., hereby apply to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Miami for approval of a Major Use Special Permit under the provisions of Article 17 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Property Address: 480 N.E. 30th Street Nature of proposed use (be specific): Residential 1. Two 11x17" original surveys and one 30"x30" original survey, prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. 2. Two 11 x17" original plans and one 30"x42" original plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer showing property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. 3. Plans need to be stamped by the Hearing Boards Division first and then signed by Public Works, Zoning and Planning prior to submission of application. 4. Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of subject property and disclosure of interest (see attached forms). Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -feet radius from the outside boundary of property (see pages 5 and 6). \75380\18087\ # 606154 v I 1124/03 11:05 AM al 03 607 5. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -feet radius from the outside boundary of property (see pages 5 and 6). 6. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 7. Maps showing the existing zoning designation and the adopted comprehensive plan designation for areas on and around the property. 8. General location map showing relation to the site or activity to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project, and the like. 9. Concept Plan: a) Site plan and relevant information per Section 1304.2.1 d -h in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. b) Relationships to surrounding existing and proposed uses and activities, systems and facilities, per Section 1702.2.2a in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. c) How concept affects existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations; tabulation of any required variances, special permits, changes of zoning or exemptions, per Section 1702.2.2b in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. 10. Developmental Impact Study (an application for development approval for a Development of Regional Impact may substitute). 11. Other (specify and attach cover letter explaining why any document you are attaching is pertinent to this application). 12. An 8 Y2 x 11" copy of all exhibits that will be presented at the hearing. 13. Twenty-five (25) "Major Use Special Permit" books containing the above information. If this project requires Zoning Board approval, a total of thirty-five (35) books will be required. 14. Cost of processing according to the City Code: a) $ , for the Major Use Special Permit b) Additional fee of $ - --- for any required special permits, changes of zoning or variances. c) Total Fee: $ 17. What is the purpose of this Major Use Special Permit? Si N, Address 200 S. Biscayne Blvd, Suite 2500 Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 305 350-2409 Date 1/27/03 \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 2 5 3/13/03 11:06 AM \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 3!13/03 11:06 AM 03- 6 0 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA on behalf of the University of Miami, who is an individuA=;;U';n� who has produced as identification and who did (did a oath. (�� a E a. MRAZOVICH �'? MY COMMISSION # DD 094036 (Stamp) EXPIRES: Fsbn,ary20, 2006 a. BW48d TAN POW M UMM AgW y STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 201 by of a corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Signature STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by partner (or agent) on behalf of me or who has produced oath. (Stamp) " - \75380\18087\ # 606154 v I 1124/03 11:05 AM n a partnership. He/She is personally known to as identification and who did (did not) take an Signature , 03- 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project Property Address: 480 N.E. 301h Street APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT Note 1. Request for A Major Use Special Permit To: a) Allow a Planned Unit Development; per Article 5. b) Contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust; per Article 9. Note 2. Request for a Variance To: a) Permit loft. side yard along 30th Street and 29th Street, where 15ft. is required. Note 3. Request for a Class II Special Permit To: a) Permit a waiver of Parking Guides and Standards for: 1) distance requirement from parking space to column or wall; 2) back up space/distance. b) Reduction of periphery green space. C) Reduction of loading berths. Note 4. a) Class I Special Permit to permit permanent recreation facilities. b) Class I Special Permit to permit the staging and parking during construction. C) Class I Special Permit to allow development/construction/and signage. d) Class I Special Permit to allow construction fence/construction trailer. e) Class I Special Permit to allow valet parking service. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 7 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 Note 5. Note 6. To request from the City Commission: a) a waiver from the noise ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the project. To apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for ground disturbing activities, if needed. Note 7. To apply for all lesser permits as may be required to allow development and construction of this phase project as contemplated under this Major Use Special Permit application as submitted and as per plans on file. Note 8. The above Major Use Special Permit is to encompass all lower ranking special permits necessary to complete the projects as per plans under Tab 6. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 8 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03-- 607 AFFIDAVIT STATE OF FLORIDA } SS COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE } Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared the Vicky Garcia-Toldeo attorney for being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as described and listed on the pages attached to this Affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given their full and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Vicky Gar -Toledo, Esq., P.A. Attorneyor Maysville, Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �_7 day of "tShe ,2003, by Vick PA, attorney for Maysville, Inc. on behalf of th rpois Wally known to me or has produced ---,_as identification and who did (did n4 CHRISTINE B. MRAZOVICH MY COMMISSION # DD 094036 EXPIRES: February 20, 2006 , 5mled Thiu PWaM h w wu Agency \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM 9 Name. 4,; / � Notary -State of Florida Commission No.: My Commission Expires: 03— 607 lid .:-1{:.. @ OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name: Mayville, Inc. c/o A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA, Bilzin Sumberg, et al. Mailing Address: 200 S. Biscayne Blvd, Suite 2500, Miami, FL 33131 Telephone Number: (305)350-2409 The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Legal Description: Plaza, Plat Book 32 as Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida Owner's Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Legal Description: Owner's Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Legal Description: N/A N/A Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375 feet of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Folio Numbers: 01-3230-015-0031 Legal Description The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 216/03 9:02 AM 11 03- 607 DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP 1. Legal description and street address of subject real property: The west 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 2. Owner(s) of subject real Property and percentage of ownership. Note: Section 2-618 of the Code of the City of Miami requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. See attached Exhibit "A" 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question #2, and (b) located within 500 feet of the subject real property. 01-3230-015-0031 The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida _ _ Attorney for STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of.)—A.," 2003, by VickyC4 .11 o,sq., n a sville, inc., on behalf of the 7 corporation. She is personally larowto me has produced who did (did not) take an oath. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 2/26/03 10:55 AM 10 r �/ Na;L-r, Nottate of Florida Commission No.: My Commission Expire -s. ��":""•., CHRISTINE B. MRpZOVICH MY COMMISSION N 00 094036 EXPIRES: February 20, 2006 Z 9=W Thiu PdaW Imam= Agonq '` 03 607 EXHIBIT A Maysville Inc. a Netherland Antilles Company Incorporated on June 9, 1986 Domesticated into Florida on September 1, 1994 Owner: Flamingo Estates Limited, Inc. —100% Flamingo Estates Limited, Inc. Incorporated July 15, 1994 a British Virgin Island Corporation Domesticated into Florida on December 31, 2002 Owners: Aurora Redondo 30.0% Alex Redondo 17.5% Argemiro Redondo, Jr. 17.5% Jhosmar Redondo 17.5% Carmen Redondo 17.5% %X \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 12 s 1/24/03 11:05 AM 0a:- 60'7 Miami Zoning Board Resolution No.: 2003-0699 Monday, March 24, 2003 Mr. Angel Urquiola offered the following resolution and moved its adoption Resolution: AFTER CONSIDERING THE FACTORS SET FORTH IN SECTION 1903.1 OF ORDINANCE NO. 11000, THE ZONING BOARD RECOMMENDED APPROVAL TO THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE VARIANCE AS PART OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE PLATINUM AT BISCAYNE BAY, FROM ORDINANCE NO. 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, ARTICLE 4, SECTION 401, SCHEDULE OF DISTRICT REGULATIONS, STREET SIDE YARD, TO ALLOW A STREET SIDE YARD ALONG NORTHEAST 29TH AND 30TH STREET OF 10'0" (15'0" REQUIRED) FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT APPROXIMATELY 480 NORTHEAST 30TH STREET, LEGALLY DESCRIBED AS THE WEST 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF REVISED PLAT OF BROADMOOR PLAZA (32-76), PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA; ZONED R-4 MULTIFAMILY HIGH- DENSITY RESIDENTIAL AND SD -20 EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT. THIS VARIANCE WAS GRANTED WITH A TIME LIMITATION OF TWENTY-FOUR MONTHS IN WHICH A BUILDING PERMIT MUST BE OBTAINED, SUBJECT TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS: 1) REPLATTING IS REQUIRED AND 2) THIS APPROVAL SHALL BE SUBJECT TO ALL ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS SPECIFIED IN THE FINAL DEVELOPMENT ORDER OF THE MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT FOR THE PROJECT. Upon being seconded by Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: Mr. Charles J. Flowers Away Mr. Miguel Gabela Yes Mr. Joseph H. Ganguzza Yes Mr. Charles A. Garavaglia Yes Ms. Ileana Hemandez-Acosta Yes Mr. Carlos Martell Null Mr. Juvenal A. Pina Yes Mr. Allan Shulman Yes Mr. Angel Urquiola Yes Mr. Georges Williams Yes AYE: 8 NAY: 0 ABSTENTIONS: 1 NO VOTES: 0 ABSENT: 1 Ms. Fernandez: Motion carries 8-0 r Teresita L. Fernandez, Executive Secre ry Hearing Boards Case No. 2003-0642 Item Nbr: 03+o 607 ZONING FACT SHEET Case Number: 2003-0642 24 -Mar -03 Item 9 Location: Approximately 480 NE 30th Street Legal: (Complete legal description on file with the Department of Hearing Boards) Applicant: Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esquire on behalf Maysville, Inc. 2500 Wachovia Financial Center Miami, FL 33131 (305) 350-2409 Zoning: R-4 Multifamliy High -Density Residential SD -20 Edgewater Overlay District Request: Variance as part of a Major Use Special Permit for the Platinum at Biscayne Bay, from Ordinance No. 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, street side yard, to allow a street side yard along 29th and 30th Streets of 10'-0" Purpose: This will allow a street side yard along 29th and 30th Streets with fewer setbacks than required as part of the Major Use Special permit for the Platinum Project. Recommendations: Planning & Zoning Dept.: Approval with conditions. Public Works: Replatting is required. Plat and Street Committee: Replatting is required. Dade County: No comments. Enforcement History, If any Case No: N/A Last Hearing Found N/A Violation(s) N/A Ticketing Action: N/A Daily $0.00 Affidavit Non -Compliance Issued Warning Letter sent Total Fines to $0.00 Lien Recorded Comply Order CEB Action: History: Analysis: See supporting documentation. Zoning Board Resolution: ZB 2003-0699 Zoning Board: Recommended approval to City Commission. Vote: 8-0 03- 607 ANALYSIS FOR VARIANCE AS A COMPONENT OF A MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT Approx. 480 NE 30* Street PLATINUM CASE NO: 2003-0642 The requested Variance is a component of a Major Use Special Permit application for the purpose of allowing a Residential Development (116 units proposed). The Platinum project shall be located at approximately 480 NE 30th Street (complete legal description, location maps and aerial photographs for exact property boundaries on file with the Office of Hearing Boards). Pursuant to Section 401 of Ordinance 11000, as amended, the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, the subject proposal has been reviewed to permit a structure with the following setbacks: Street side setback along 29th & 30h Street Required: I5'-0" Proposed: 10'-0" Request to Waive: 5'_0 " In determining the appropriateness of the Variances for the proposed residential project the following findings have been made: • It is found that the proposed residential development project will benefit the SD -20 "Edgewater Overlay District" by creating new housing opportunities for residents and employees of neighboring areas. • It is found that the narrow width of the site and streets at all four sides of the property constitutes a substantial hardship which limits reasonable use of the property and therefore justifies the requested street side setback variance. This is the minimum setback variance possible for a functional and cohesive floor plate. It is found that the setback variance is being requested in order to develop a project, which can provide an effective parking garage lining with walk up units, and a residential tower above. • It is found that the proposed project offers the most reasonable solution to the design problem facing this particular site. 03- 607 Based on these findings, the Department of Planning and Zoning is recommending approval of the requested variance subject to the following condition: 1- This approval shall be subject to all additional conditions specified in the final development order of the Major Use Special Permit for the project. 03- 607 Yes No N/A ANALYSIS FOR VARIANCE CASE NO. 2003-0642 Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the property. Special conditions are result of petitioner's actions. Literal interpretation of ordinance causes undue hardship on petitioner. Granting variance conveys same treatment to owner. Variance, if granted, is the minimum variance for reasonable use of property. Is in harmony with general intent and purpose of ordinance. 03- 607 CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor * Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 * Fax 305-416-2035 03 FE3 - L ;',; ; ; APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN AND SIGNED IN BLACK INK. IT WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THIS OFFICE ONLY THE FIRST SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THE MONTH FROM 8:00 AM UNTIL 3:30 PM. APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE, IF NEEDED, TO BRING AN INTERPRETER FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ANY PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. POWER OF ATTORNEY WILL BE REQUIRED IF NEITHER APPLICANT OR LEGAL COUNSEL REPRESENTING THE APPLICANT EXECUTE THE APPLICATION OR DESIRE TO MAKE A PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. RESOLUTION RECORDATION COST IS $6.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $4.50 FOR ADDITIONAL PAGES. ALL FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. A Variance is a relaxation of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance where such action will not be contrary to the public interest and where owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of actions of the applicant, a literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result in unnecessary and undue hardship on the property. As used in the Zoning Ordinance, a Variance is authorized only for height, area, size of structure, dimensions of yards, other open spaces, off-street parking and/or loading requirements (see Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance), I, A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, on behalf of the Maysville Inc., hereby petition the City of Miami Zoning Board for a Variance from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, affecting property located at 480 NE 30th Street, Miami. Florida, folio number 01-3230-015-031. Nature of proposed use (please be specific): residential project. Three original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. 2. Two 11" x 17" original plans and one 24" x 36" original plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer showing property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. 3. Plans need to be stamped by the Office of Hearing Boards first and then signed by Public Works, Zoning and Planning prior to submission of application. 4. An 8-1/2" x 11" copy of the signed plans attached to this application. 5. An 8-1/2" x 11" copy of all exhibits that will be presented at the hearing shall be attached to this application. 6. Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of subject property and disclosure of interest (see attached forms). \75380\18087\ # 606173 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03— 60 T 7. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -foot radius of the outside boundary of the subject property (see pages 7 and 8). 8. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 9. Recorded warranty deed and tax forms for the most current year available that show the present owner(s) of the property. 10. Other (specify and attach cover letters explaining why any document you are attaching is pertinent to this application). 11. Cost of processing according to Section 62-156 of the City Code: CS, PR, R-1, R-2, (single-family and duplex residential uses) $250.00 Piers, docks, wharves and the like, for each Variance from the ordinance, per lineal foot $ 45.00 Minimum $700.00 All applications for Variances relating to the same structure shall be assessed a single fee to be calculated per square foot of gross floor area of the proposed structure or addition, based upon the definition of gross floor area found in Section 2502 of Zoning Ordinance, as amended $ .10 Minimum $650.00 Application for Variance as a result of a change in approved plans or as a result of a violation notice shall be charged an additional fee, per Variance: CS, PR, R-1, R-2 $250.00 All other residential districts $450.00 All nonresidential districts $550.00 Extension of time for Variance $500.00 Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice $ 3.50 Surcharge equal to applicable fee from items above, not to exceed eight hundred dollars ($800.00), except from agencies of the City; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal by the applicant or from a property owner within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property. 12. The Variance request is for relief from the provisions of Section 605 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance as follows: 13. In support of the application, the applicant is prepared to offer the following evidence, on the point enumerated at Section 1903 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Note: This application cannot be accepted for Zoning Board action unless all of the following six items are completed. (a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district in that: (list evidence to be produced and use additional sheets, if \75380\18087\ # 606173 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 necessary.) The property is a narrow strip of land, bordered on all sides by streets and alleys. This is an unusual and seldom seen situation within the City of Miami street grid. (b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the petitioner in that: The rectangular shape of the property was created by the city street grid and is not the result of any action by the Owner. (c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardships on the petitioner in that: A literal interpretation of the provisions would prevent the property Owner from satisfying the design requirements of the City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department which encourages Owners to activate the pedestrian pathways, in this particular case the residential units on the ground floor are connected to the pedestrian pathway by front gardens and stoops. This request also allows for the effective design of the parking garage. (d) Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner that special privilege that is denied by the Zoning Ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district in that: A grant of the requested variance will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege, on the contrary, it will allow him to not only activate the pedestrian pathway consistent with the new urbanism concepts of the Planning and Zoning Department, but it will also assist to enhance the neighborhood. (e) The Variance, if granted, is the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure in that: The variance as requested, is necessary to fully develop the property in a manner consistent with the new trend in the neighborhood In a compatible form with the land use and zoning category. The grant of the 5 foot Variance from the Code requirement in order to implement this project on this particular site is not inconsistent with the City of Miami neighborhood plan and its zoning category. Further, it allows for more attractive landscaping and architectural elements. (f) The grant. of the Variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare in that: It allows a project that articulates architectural elements and design concepts required by new urbanism by enhancing the fabric of the neighborhood. Note: All documents, reports, studies, exhibits or other written or gra aterial to be submitted to the Zoning Board shall be submitted with this application. Signature Name A. Vic Garcia -Toledo Es uire Address Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod_ 2500 Wachovia Financial Center Telephone 305-350-2409 Date 01/03/2003 \75380\18087\ # 606173 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The forego' i stru ent was a nowledged before me this i -% day of 20Qa, by C who is an indkddoal � me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. CHRISTINE B. MIRAZDVIC i 3 MY COMMISSION # DO 094036 ` s� EXPIRES: Feb&W 20, 2006 (Stamp) 7ftPWw WmAwmAgpq (Sign.tuoe STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_, by of a corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Signature The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_ by partner (or agent) of produced (Stamp) \75380\18087\# 606173 v i 1/24/03 11:05 AM a partnership. He/She is personally known to me or has as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. Signature 03- 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION . Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 11. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statement of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity. The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article I. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development of activity. The purposed project, called the Platinum, will replace a series of existing apartment buildings at 480 NE 30`h Street. The project will consist of 116 apartments, of one, two and three bedroom units. The project will provide 195 of parking spaces in a parking podium, consisting of five (5) floors. The parking podium will be surrounded by a two story lobby and drop off canopy area as well as a number of two story loft units. The loft units will have private garden space with stoops Ieading directly to the sidewalk, thus activating the pedestrian pathway and creating an atmosphere. of neighborhood. This proposed lobby and loft design will _also cover the fagade of the garage, enhancing the view of the building from all sides. Above'the parking podium, there will be a 15 level residential tower with large balconies on the units occupying the sides of the building, large two bedroom units with den at the two ends of the building with magnificent views of both Biscayne Bay and the City of Miami. The units on the side of the building have also been angled as to the orientation of their terraces and balconies in order to enhance views to the Bay and the City. The front of the building faces east along NE 7t' Avenue with an impressive entrance and a wide U shape drop off area for vehicles, a valet booth for valet services for visitors as well as residents is enhanced by lush landscaping and a water element of cascading water from the lobby into an outdoor lagoon. Above the 5 level parking podium, on the 6h floor of the building, along side residential units there is a gym area for use by the residents of the building along with a multipurpose activity room, spa, and convenience store. Directly outside the doors is a roof top recreation area consisting of a large pool designed to serve not only general pool purposes but also as a lap pool, an outdoor spa and a trellis cover area for recreational activities are provided. The entire deck is fully landscaped and designed as to create a series of smaller outdoor spaces for recreation. Levels 7 through 21 are typical floors with approximately 7 units per floor. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 16 1124/03 11:38 AM (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application and are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. - (i) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location. (ii) Area Context Map: Map of the project area indicating buildup in the surrounding area. (iii) Aerial: Aerial Photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site. (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show: The Site plan is located as Sheet A-101 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. i. Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, building, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets are shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. ii. Exact location of all buildings and structures; The exact location of all existing buildings located on the Property is shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. The location of the building to be constructed are shown on the Site Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. iii. Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic; Service vehicles will access the loading docks from the service entrance. (1) Off-street parking and off-street loading area; (2) Recreational Facilities; (3) Screens and buffers; \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -17 1/24/03 11:38 AM o3- 6 0'7 ( (4) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located in the service area. These facilities are shown on the Site Plan under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents at page A-101. (5) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to the permitted uses and ground coverage. 70% of the allowable total FAR i. The various permitted uses. Maximum permitted footprint: 36,619 sf. Building Footprint: 25,844 gross square feet ii. Ground coverage by structures. Ground coverage by the structures is 42.3% of the total gross lot area. (f) Tabulation showing: i. The derivation of numbers of off street parking and off street loading spaces shown in (d) above: The total amount of parking spaces provided: 195 spaces ii Total project density in dwelling units per acre. Allowed: .86 acres x 150 units per acre 129 units Proposed 116 residential units (g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. (h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans. Storm drainage, water distribution, wastewater and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. 175380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 18 2/3/03 2:34 PM 03- G07 (i) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; The design plans are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 0) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. The Landscaping Plan located on Sheet L under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents, specify the plant types, sizes and locations, as well as indications that all planted areas will be fully irrigated and maintained by the project. (k) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general description of buildings for such use. Recreational facilities are located under Tab 6. (1) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. Recreational facilities are located under Tab 6. The Drawings submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (m) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the architectural character of the project are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 12. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. (a) Property ownership or ownerships and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article 1. (b) The nature of the unified interest or control. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article 1. (c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the survey of the Property is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 19 2/3/03 2:34 PM /4' The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the survey of Property located under Tab 5 and the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. In addition, the surrounding street systems are included under Tab 2, Traffic Impact Study and an aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site is found under Tab 5, Page 2. (e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (d) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Materials will be presented to the Urban Design and Review Board for review. (f) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the Property pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 11000, as Amended is R-4 with a SD -20 overlay. The Zoning Atlas Map on page 21 indicates the existing and surrounding zoning districts. The comprehensive planfuture land use designation for the Property is "High Density Multifamily Residential". The zoning and comprehensive plan designation are consistent with one another. 13. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. (a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses. Activities, systems and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, services systems and similar uses). Article II contains a written narrative of the Project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the Project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Maps located on Tab 6 indicate the Project's relationship to surrounding streets, land uses and functions. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets is included in the Drawings Submitted with this Application. The list of Drawings Submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The Project conforms to the R-4 and SD -20 zoning for this Property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation conforms to the land use designation currently in effect for this Property. Set back requirements under the Code are satisfied or superseded for the proposed project V 11 14. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 20 2/3/03 2:34 PM 03- 60'7 (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger. The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (b)* - Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment. The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. (c) A housing impact assessment. The project satisfies the need for market rate housing in the re -development of the Omni -Equator area. (d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Extensive use of wall shading by means of landscaping and canopies. will be . . implemented. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered in all common areas. (e) Historic buildings. There are no historic structures located on the Property. (f) Environmental zone. The Property is not located within an environmental preservation district. \75380\18087 # 606154 v 1 -21 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03 f)07 i PROJECT FACT SHEET A LAND USE DESIGNATION B. NUMBER OF UNITS PER ACRE (150) C. ZONING DESIGNATION D. LAND AREAS GROSS LAND AREA (G.L.A-) NET LAND AREA (N.LA.) Multifamily High -End Residential ALLOWED ON THIS PROPOSED PROPERTY 130 116 R-4 & SO -20 EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT 61,031 SF 37,811 SF E. BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIRED (R-4) REQUIRED (SD- 20) PROVIDED FRONT (EAST, 7TH AVENUE) 20 FT 20 FT 20 FT REAR (WEST, ALLEY) 5 FT 5 FT 10 FT SIDE (NORTH, 30TH STREET) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (') SIDE (NORTH, 29TH TERRACE) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (') (') SETBACK VARIANCE REQUIRED TO CHANGE SIDE STREET SETBACK FROM 15' TO 10' F. FLOOR AREA LIMITATIONS (401-114) ALLOWED (R4) ALLOWED (SD- PROPOSED 20) F.A.R. (x) G.L.A. 1.72 1.72 1.72 AREA 104,973 SF 104,973 SF 104,973 SF BONUSES AS PER ARTICLE V - PUD REQUIRED PROPOSED AMENITIES (20% OF G.L.A.) 20,995 SF 20,995 SF 20,995 SF SUB -TOTAL F.A.R. W/ AMENITIES BONUS 125,968 SF 125,968 SF 125,968 SF AFFORDABLE HOUSING (25% OF SUB-TOAL ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD- PROPOSED F.A.R. W/ BONUS) 31492 S.F. 14,105 SF 14,105 SF TOTAL F.A.R. W/ BONUSES 157,460 SF 140,073 SF 140,073 SF G. BUILDING FOOT PRINT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD- PROPOSED 20) PERCENTAGE (x) G.L.A. (40%) (60%) (42.3%) AREA 24,412 S.F. 36,619 S.F. 25,844 S.F. H. GREEN AREA REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROPOSED 15% (x) G.LA AREA 9,155 S.F. 9,245 BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD- PROPOSED 20) d3 607 J. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: SPACES REQUIRED UNITS BREAKDOWN SPACES NO. UNITS TYPE OF UNITS REQUIRED TOTALS PER UNIT SIZE 4 227 FT MEASURED FROM 1 FLOOD ELEVATION 8'-0" TO SUM OF RIGHT OF WAY + 2 HIGHEST ROOF PARAPET). FRONT SETBACKS OR (HEIGHT OF ROOF EITHER SIDE OF RIGHT OF UNLIMITED PARAPET = 5. NOT TO WAY OR 120' EXCEED 5' LIMIT). (HEIGHT 31 TAKEN TO HIGHEST ROOF 2 PAPAPET A NOT TO MAIN 3 ROOF). J. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: SPACES REQUIRED UNITS BREAKDOWN SPACES NO. UNITS TYPE OF UNITS REQUIRED TOTALS PER UNIT SIZE 4 1 BEDROOM LOFTS 1 4 47 1 BEDROOM OR EFFICIENCY 1 .47 31 2 BEDROOMS 1 31 31 2 BEDROOM + DEN 2 62 3 3 BEDROOM + DEN 2 6 116 TOTAL-- 150 STANDARD PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 140 HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED 10 REQUIRED - PROVIDED STANDARD PARKING SPACES 185 HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES 10 TOTALS 195 PROVIDED = 1195 SPACES K OFF-STREET LOADING (BERTH) REQUIRED PROVIDED REQUIREMENTS: (FOR BUILDINGS WITHIN 25,000 & 500,000 SF (FOR OVER THE FIRST 100 UNITS) 1 STALL 1 STALL (12'x35') (12'x35')(") 1 STALL 1 STALL (10'x20') (10'x20') (") CLASS 2 PERMIT REQUIRED TO REDUCED REQUIRED LOADING BERTH REQUIREMENTS FROM 17x35'TO10'x20' 03- 607 REC -25�t0328 THIS INSTRUMENT.PREPARED BY: Gerald J. Biondo, Esq. 7urai, Wald, Biondo & Moreno, P.A. 25 S.E. 2nd Ave., Suite 900 Miami, FL 33131 9 4R 455 13 1 1994 SEP 27 15:24 OOCSTPDEE 12000.00 SURTX 9,000.00 HARVEY RUVIN, CLERK DADE COUNTY, FL Property Appraisers Parcel I.D. (Folio) Numbers: 01-3230-015-0120 01-3230-015-0031 Grantee(s) S.S.$(s): 52-1536899 WARRANTY DEED (Statutory Form - Section 689.02 F.S.) THIS INDENTURE, made this �? 6_ day of September, 1994, between PARADISE PARK APARTMENTS, INC., a Florida corporation, of the County of Dade, State of Florida ("Grantor"), and MAYSVILLE, INC., a Florida corporation, whose post office address is 520 Brickell Key Drive, Miami, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, ("Grantee") ["Grantor" and "Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires]. WITNESSETH, That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100-----($10.00)-----DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: The East 265' of the West 530' of Tract 3, revised plat of Broadmoor Plaza according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 32 at Page 76 and Lot 2 and the East 15' of Lot 1, Block 3, Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 30, Page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations, easements, and reservations of record and existing zoning ordinances. Subject to real property taxes for the year 1994 and subsequent years. —gin F- l6525rI- and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered PARADI'ARK APARTMENTS, INC.,- in,gur presence: a Flo da orp Al do 0�� By: Address: _ e. LJSq 501�Ch /l `Z !' S.GJ. 7g--; a 3 3/ 7 -1 IN. STATE OF FLORIDA ) } : ss. COUNTY OF v� ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of September, 1994 by Samuel Dominguez as President of Paradise Park Apartments, Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the orporation. He is personally known to me or has produced �,uOfcs ,Lte. as identification. �plh Hlliblti��' - NOT Y UB C, ;rkt• ,» ••� •¢a - Sta a of Floridaj' V. Print Name: —J'qq -: Commission N 01x•;'� '�'� Notary Public,, Sta0'41.. MExpires: ndsQl} l�E' Q y Commission Eices : My commissibn,F4 '4, Db¢•.7W ra Bonded thru Huckte \1\ � q)tb4ru11„ G;\REDONDO\CLOSING. DOC - RECORDED DE ON #CIA& RM=M R00t OF DUDE COUNTY, FLORIDA. WORD VERIFIED HARVEY PUVIN, Clerk rt Circuit b county Courts 03 1j,0 480 N E 30 STREET Aka THE PLANTINUM R-4/MULTI1FAMILY HIGH DENSITY AND SD-20/EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT Per City Code, Chapter 36. Construction Equipment Request for waiver of noise ordinance while under construction for continuous pours. Per CITY CODE, Chapter 23-5a, Request for a Certificate of Appropriateness for ground disturbing activity in an Archeological Conservation Area. MUSP, per Article 5, Section 502 C, PUD districts; minimum area, maximum densities and maximum floor area ratios permitted to increase by twenty percent (20,995 square feet) of additional floor area. MUSP, per Article 9, Section 914, a development bonus to permit a residential use of 14, 105 square feet of floor area x $6.67 = $94,080.35, by contribution of the Affordable Housing Trust Fund. The Major Use encompasses the following special permit: VARIANCE, pursuant to the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance 11000 as amended, Article 4, Section 401, Schedule of District Regulations, street side yard along 29th and 30th street. Required 15 feet Proposed 10 feet Request to waive to 5 feet Class H Special Permit as per Article 15, Section 1511, for any development between Biscayne Bay and the first dedicated right-of-way. Class 11 Special Permit as per Article 6, Section 620.3.1, for temporary construction fence within in the SD -20 overlay district. Class H Special Permit as per Article 6, Section 620.3.1, for development of new construction within the SD -20 overlay district. Class H Special Permit to request a waiver of Guides and Standards to omit and reduce the five feet border in the periphery landscaped area. Class II Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 922.3, a request to reduce one of the loading space dimensions from 12x 35 to 10 x 20. 03- 607 e Class II Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 922.3, a request to reduce the required backup dimension. Class I Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 915.2, for FAA clearance letter. Class I Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 925.3.8, to allow development/construction/rental signage. Class I Permit as per Article 9, Section 918.2, for parking and staging of construction during construction. Class I Permit as per Article 9, Section 920.1, to allow a trailer for construction and other temporary office uses such as leasing and sales. Class I Special Permit as per Article 9, Section 906.6, for pool/outdoor recreation area. Class I Special Permit as Article 9, Section 917.1.2, to allow valet parking for residential and other uses. Request for the following MUSP conditions to be required at time of shell permit instead of at issuance of foundation permit: b. The requirement to record in the Public Records a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions providing that the ownership, operation and maintenance of all common areas and facilities will be by the property owner or a mandatory property owner association; and c. The requirement to record in the Public Records. a unity of title or covenant in lieu of unity of title. J Y' McPhee ning Inspector II '�-)'i bC� Date 03- 607 O CO THE PLA TflVUM A T BISCA YNE BAY 480 NORTHEAST 30th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 DEVELOPER A.R. loveRmenl Group, L.L.C. 711 N.& 29th Snell Suite 36 Miami, FWlda 33137 INDEX OF DRAWINGS A-101 8ln-M"/OM0UHDKOMRAN A-Im IAVma2ANOf RAOaAN R A•103 MINJI 1 ASA 3 RADON RAN A-101 IJVetA { AND'ITI 0131 AAOa RAM - A-30{ LXM { RADON RAN A -alk LV LL{TOOI.Oaea A-30/ 18V®J 3 TOm11 ROOM RAM A-306 1A AMILIa00BMAK A 101 NO47" BIAVATION A -3m )OM BUVATON A-30 aAMMATION .. . A-301 WNT R3NATNIN `-NI JURA1NI1{aCINNI _ 366 Alun Avenue Conl Oabla. A ,.t 146 P6: 30S. 442. 42M Fa:: 305. 444. 6962 NORTH GRAPHIC SCALE (Y1R,1 PLATINUM TRACT TENTATIVE PLAT wEBT 360 PEST OF TRACT 2 OF 'REVrSED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA, ACCORDlNO TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED 64 PLAT BOOK 32 AT PAGE 76, OF THE PUBL3C RECORDS, OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. . N.E.\ 30th STREET s SANITARY MANHOLE yam. SLfWyGR'S NOTES, 1.- M oNlafNn, Nom nIa to e•ry of Mbml DO — BnWh Rod • kuoNd a( 2. CR,emMb, UtNIMn! oM Umilolbna o/ nmord, R any, onr Hol anom. J. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION (FI.R.M) LOn1m1111I1Y ,A^^6mr P-0 N.mDm Sd/W: 7— rinwlon: FEE, OM,d: M .h 2. 199E 1. LIimN-Dods C O, RNPd .10.E N 3 M1nl o, p,r v m O d, Cw Riood MnD: a ,,add in Pbl Book 52 dl Pop' 16 el IN, MR. n d, of Miomf Oadm County. TMriJo• TOTAL AREA- J7610.67 Sri ( ACRES!) LEGAL DESCRPTKW W£S! 360 TEST OF TRACT 2 Or WVISFO FUI BROADUOOR PIMA. ACCORDdD TO THE MAT IMR[OF AS RELVIPOEO IN PUT BOOR 32 AT PACE 76, OF THE FORM RECORDS OF aw COUNTY. noax OROER Na TOLD SOCK MR: SrAff. AS SRO" FOR: r 0 J7' ASPNAL I...' + CITY OF MIAMI TWO L6111201 R&M Ki LE�No OFFICE OF HEARING BOARDS 2 ca/c aRe •aline _ __ T SlIK'C'O PLANS REVIEW um CMVIER 61017-6, naaaN ADMN SfRAIhF CODE PURSUANT 10 177.027 noR aN STADES _ _ _ GRASS � �1 � ogY[T cONI�. CRASS LYWG CRASS 1 F. FTPE HYDRANT R -RECam v _ u11 SUNSET MMM• now 3314) CQNC._. / TI(l.A , � CYWC,. J60.00' M R �•. Y MEASURED �y' rrL (JOS) srr-O6B6 FN raw AWL 'I.P. .FOUND N1ON WE F. ON -FOUND DRAL HOLE pD 014'— 711 1131 ATT ASPHALT PAVEMENT 2&2,GN LAR 7S0'-SAIA(l PA1[YNI 110' /• wAu A ONN Ift rtNCE � � 111 110 89 CONC. -cow. P.6 -MAr 600K M fUBOSSED L�ATiiHdMM ' .TRACT 2_ 73.08' 76.00'60.00' I' -Ifo' 2 Plan BY: AN9C150 JOS[ RAURfF2 REasrurOIAND suRNrraes 3 STORY Signature above. Goa', not Tal n"D�a.1779 P Y approval g C.B.S. BUILDING •, 3 STORY APTS. A g C.B.S. BUILDING o a [OKAm MAUL i.1 HOOP 13. w c t aRNNOIX APES. 7M ASd nOaP RFSNo.680 Y w w < Oh O a /rs9/ nmR Luv.#.w* $ .6d w Y 73.14' 4.. /'CBS Hyl R , Ins' mrs .0 aur O.N1. g9 ACNAL R R/IY LRK 6J 10/1 wt .30' n DRHAHAI 5. ERR' BLOCK 6 (P.9.2 PG J7) " j• 6 yT 23' ASPHAL T PAVEMENT ,tl' n yam. SLfWyGR'S NOTES, 1.- M oNlafNn, Nom nIa to e•ry of Mbml DO — BnWh Rod • kuoNd a( 2. CR,emMb, UtNIMn! oM Umilolbna o/ nmord, R any, onr Hol anom. J. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION (FI.R.M) LOn1m1111I1Y ,A^^6mr P-0 N.mDm Sd/W: 7— rinwlon: FEE, OM,d: M .h 2. 199E 1. LIimN-Dods C O, RNPd .10.E N 3 M1nl o, p,r v m O d, Cw Riood MnD: a ,,add in Pbl Book 52 dl Pop' 16 el IN, MR. n d, of Miomf Oadm County. TMriJo• TOTAL AREA- J7610.67 Sri ( ACRES!) LEGAL DESCRPTKW W£S! 360 TEST OF TRACT 2 Or WVISFO FUI BROADUOOR PIMA. ACCORDdD TO THE MAT IMR[OF AS RELVIPOEO IN PUT BOOR 32 AT PACE 76, OF THE FORM RECORDS OF aw COUNTY. noax OROER Na TOLD SOCK MR: SrAff. AS SRO" FOR: r 0 + CITY OF MIAMI I HEREBY CENOF' IIS, 111E ATTACHED 6OLWMRY SURHY REPRESENTS A RECNORT SURKY MY:10 6C N AND I rRr7E AND CORRECT 10 IW 6E57 Pr MY ILNLTRLEOO£ LE�No OFFICE OF HEARING BOARDS M W UNDDT AND mum �7arlWA S Sg �TM SRY W nOR04 &CARD DOF I� Sys w ICAL SlIK'C'O PLANS REVIEW um CMVIER 61017-6, naaaN ADMN SfRAIhF CODE PURSUANT 10 177.027 noR aN STADES Nf. Udw LRRr Y " NORTH C.B.S. -CONCRETE FEN CPE: -CNARI IWK FENCE P.P. .POKER Par V- Zr 01 PuA-Date ARANRC srRHc[s a na6w DNNr 1 F. FTPE HYDRANT R -RECam v _ u11 SUNSET MMM• now 3314) Y MEASURED �y' rrL (JOS) srr-O6B6 FN raw AWL 'I.P. .FOUND N1ON WE F. ON -FOUND DRAL HOLE -- .•—• ZilnDate NOTE NOT Hyp UMESS SEALCO MTN SIARVEYDR'S SEAL an or MNM narN CONC. -cow. P.6 -MAr 600K M fUBOSSED L�ATiiHdMM -W my DEFER qq uy'•-.. I' -Ifo' WF. -0000 FrNCE Plan BY: AN9C150 JOS[ RAURfF2 REasrurOIAND suRNrraes Signature above. Goa', not Tal n"D�a.1779 P Y approval SIAM a 1 I I I � II II I J 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 B � ; oro,ro arrm � aro 37P 9 to up to � 1 1 i 1 1 1 �La�bby 1ev919 SECOND _-- — FLOOR PLAN 1� 30TH. STREET _ — ._ — _ — _T --— - — - — -—----------„----------- — ------------- — � 1 _-_a----rT__---r_--- 00 rr � �� /• 1 �j 10 � 1 I jZ C ' 1 ' I op W Ievell � 1 Q$ 1 ' -- -- — ----- 1 / 1 i N.E. "TH. 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IS"Y -------------ti'tri�r$— w =a LVL a i y,v�9y� = _LVL Z py��sna,r Y;4y� 1 TAC/RA�ILtP�LyRQ Y 1 600tks - ✓i1B __._._ CLQ 1 EASPh - " ""P1Mn4tg -d� - aa — Signature above duos nut imp y apprvial 2 I I —�— r,r+.rw�—x owe Nnmcn me ArcLpacture I PWnl�ry Yn O w^ w war 61lY11� 6 h4Y ' —�— r,r+.rw�—x r I 13 ll 1 10 ----- ------}4 Is ----------- ---------------------------------1 A ------------ ---------------------------- -------------------�-- - ----------------------r.w.-- :mr " --------------------------- -------------------- ---- -------------------- rwro r.rr -- ------------------- rows einr cos.. — - — - — - — - — - — - — -- - — - -- - — - -- — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — -- - — - — - — - — - — - — - n nr I s 1 + 1 s 1 i 1 -------------- Z ----- ------}4 ----------- ---------------------------------1 ------------ -- - - - - - - - - - -9 ---—-------- ---—-------- --—----------.-_—_—_—_—_—_--_—_—_—_—_ ------------ -- — - — - — - — - — - -------------LVL TTY :1 - -------------'LY�.�10� _-----------JILL"j —+LVLT ----_—_-- � - LVL OF MIAMI _—_----�♦�D Of HEARING BOARI �n ♦, P NS REVIEW i--------tcn ate t inr 1BV81.-P7�,j - Uate ,e VA'1�PSA -- NI-IV S•lpnature above does not Imply approv —1 11 1 n 1 .n 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 R 1 1 1 1 ] 1 r1: IIIIII III IIS g ,II U �tlil,llll �j, 1 III IIIIIII a I II I P I a i=t7-Ilf'IIII x nxnor+ elotllwn we 1 AIelltlecNra IMMp Y4r pyx M YI�1A1. A MM M (xxIMMMM �YI� YhYY tl ��rr`«Y�Ywr 1� I ' IIIIII III IIS g ,II U �tlil,llll �j, P� � II�,�I IIII III IIIIIII a I II I P I a i=t7-Ilf'IIII x tl IIIIII 'i x � IIIIII IIII '�.Ilil � IIIjl�ll I' 1 _ r I I �a A —I II 1 II nxnor+ elotllwn we 1 AIelltlecNra IMMp Y4r pyx M YI�1A1. A MM M (xxIMMMM �YI� YhYY tl ��rr`«Y�Ywr 1� I ' IIIIII III IIS g ,II U �tlil,llll �j, P� � II�,�I IIII III IIIIIII IIII ---- I II I P I a i=t7-Ilf'IIII IIII III ---� � � —tl �llll IIIIII 'i � IIIIII IIII '�.Ilil � IIIjl�ll I' I I 'IIIIII 8 ,-' ,— 1�2 —©Ill lgll —' i�lllll I II O IIII Ill i jl�l I II�I_I.I_j�l�i IIII III I �� , jlllljj II©I_I■I_I�I IIIIIII -��A� jjIljll II©��IAI��I�i_/D�1111 _ •^ T.7 M,•II I III - �I�lI�1':�IE�i I�,I I�I IIIIIIIII Public woft 1: 4©__ IC', I IIIIIII Date By,© .�[ _Plannin ' 3Ai Date ulnl Io I v I 1 1 7 --1 1 1 e 1 I I THE PLATINUM "UBMITTED INTO THE a residential project PUBLIC RECORD FOR Developed By: ITEM Fz—i ON s 8a- 63 AR Investments Group 711 NE 29`h Street, Suite 36 Miami, FL 33137 (305) 573-3036 Designed By: Fullerton Diaz Architects 366 Altara Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33146 (305) 442-4200 Prepared By: Bilzin Sumberg Baena Price & Axelrod LLP Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. 2500 Wachovia Financial Center 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33131 03_ 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project February 2003 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. Project Information A. Application for a Major Use Special Permit B. Disclosure of Ownership C. Ownership Affidavit D. Directory of Project Principals E. Project Data Sheet F. City of Miami Zoning Atlas Map II. Project Description A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 1. Section 1304.2.1 Application Forms; Supplementary Materials 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan III. Supporting Documents Tab 1 Minority Construction Employment Plan Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis Tab 3 Site Utility Study Tab 4 Economic Impact Study Tab 5 Survey of Property Tab 6 Drawings Submitted Subm,,,..pp`�l�t�°d �n��o the ptablit� record With itemP?^1 ori s 9>-o s Pri 6i -da A. Thompson City Clerl \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -2 1/24/03 11:05 AM � _ 607 orj THE PLATINUM a residential project PROJECT INFORMATION ARTICLE I. February 2003 A. Application for a Major Use Special Permit SUBMITTED INTO THE B. Disclosure of Ownership C. Ownership Affidavit PUBLIC E C O R D FOR D. Directory of Project Principals ITEM P z - ON E. Project Data Sheet F. City of Miami Zoning Atlas Map \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -3 0 607 1/24/03 11:05 AM PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT HEARING BOARDS DIVISION 444 SW 2"d Avenue, Ph Floor • Miami, Florida 33130 *' INCONP "11T11 '� G Telephone 305-416-1480 • Fax 305-416-2035 APPLICATION FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT IT IS INTENDED THAT MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS BE REQUIRED WHERE SPECIFIED USES AND/OR OCCUPANCIES INVOLVE MATTERS DEEMED TO BE OF CITYWIDE OR AREA -WIDE IMPORTANCE. THE CITY COMMISSION SHALL BE SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR DETERMINATIONS ON APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS. (SEE ARTICLE 17 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) THE DIRECTOR OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING SHALL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS ON ALL APPLICATIONS FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMITS AND FOR ANY AMENDMENTS THERETO AND SHALL TRANSMIT SAID APPLICATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE PLANNING ADVISORY BOARD FOR ITS RECOMMENDATIONS AND MAY MAKE REFERRALS TO OTHER AGENCIES, BODIES, OR OFFICERS FOR REVIEW, ANALYSIS, AND/OR TECHNICAL FINDINGS AND DETERMINATIONS AND REPORTS THEREON. (SEE SECTION 1301.4 OF ORDINANCE 11000, AS AMENDED, THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA.) ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE, IF NEEDED, TO BRING AN INTERPRETER FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ANY PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. POWER OF ATTORNEY WILL BEREQUIREDIF NEITHER. APPLICANT OR LEGAL COUNSEL REPRESENTING THE APPLICANT EXECUTE THE APPLICATION OR DESIRE TO.MAKE A PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. I, Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq.. PA on behalf of Maysville Inc hereby apply to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department of the City of Miami for approval of a Major Use Special Permit under the provisions of Article 17 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Property Address: 480 N.E. 30th Street Nature of proposed use (be specific): Residential 1. Two 11x17" original surveys and one 30"x30" original survey, prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. 2. Two 11x17" original plans and one 30"x42" original plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer showing property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. 3. Plans need to be stamped by the Hearing Boards Division first and then signed by Public Works, Zoning and Planning prior to submission of application. 4. Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of subject property and disclosure of interest (see attached forms). 5. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -feet radius from the outside boundary of property (see pages 5 and 6). 1/24/011:05 #606154vl 4 SUBMITTED INTO THE 1 /24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 "I'ALIC RECORD FOR N 5. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -feet radius from the outside boundary of property (see pages 5 and 6). 6. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 7. Maps showing the existing zoning designation and the adopted comprehensive plan designation for areas on and around the property. 8. General location map showing relation to the site or activity to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project, and the like. 9. Concept Plan: a) Site plan and relevant information per Section 1304.2.1d -h in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. b) Relationships to surrounding existing and proposed uses and activities, systems and facilities, per Section 1702.2.2a in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. c) How concept affects existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations; tabulation of any required variances, special permits, changes of zoning or exemptions, per Section 1702.2.2b in Zoning Ordinance 11000, as amended. 10. Developmental Impact Study (an application for development approval for a Development of Regional Impact may substitute). 11. Other (specify and attach cover letter explaining why any document you are attaching is pertinent to this application). 12. An 8 % x 11" copy of all exhibits that will be presented at the hearing. 13. Twenty-five (25) "Major Use Special Permit' books containing the above information. If this project requires Zoning Board approval, a total of thirty-five (35) books will be required. 14. Cost of processing according to the City Code: a) $ , for the Major Use Special Permit b) Additional fee of $ ----- for any required special permits, changes of zoning or variances. c) Total Fee: $ 17. What is the purpose of this Major Use Special Permit? Sil NE Address 200 S. Biscayne Blvd Suite 2500 Miami, Florida 33131 Telephone 305 350-2409 Date 1/27/03 SUBMITTED INTO THE \75380\18087\#606154v2 5 PUBLIC RECORD FOR 3/13/03 11:06 AM \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 03- 607 3/13/03 11:06 AM ITEM.,p2- i ON 5 �1 ' 0 3 • STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ; 7 day of , Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA on behalf of the University of Miami, who is an individu pMdK known tomwho has produced as identification and who d no a e an oath. :EXPIAES:FebftkVy20,2006 ISTINE 8. MRAZOVICH 77 (Stamp) MMMISSION # DD 094036 1 • ka Bttvu POM tnrum" Ap my STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 20, by a day of of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp). STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE Signature corporation, on behalf of as The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20, by partner (or agent) on behalf of a partnership. He/She is personally known to me or who has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 Signature SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P?- - , ON �219 - O's . THE PLATINUM SUBMITTED INTO THE a residential project Property Address: 480 N.E. 30'b St r e APPLICATION FOR b B L I C RECORD FOR MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERM1 - ITEM ON SIo-�-05 . Note 1. Request for A Major Use Special Permit To: a) Allow a Planned Unit Development; per Article 5. b) Contribution to the Affordable Housing Trust; per Article 9. Note 2. Note 3. Request for a Variance To: a) Permit loft. side yard along 30`h Street and 29`h Street, where 15ft. is required. Request for a Class II Special Permit To: a) Permit a waiver of Parking Guides and Standards for: Note 4. 1) distance requirement from parking space to column or wall; 2) back up space/distance. b) Reduction of periphery green space. C) Reduction of loading berths. a) Class I Special Permit to permit permanent recreation facilities. b) Class I Special Permit to permit the staging and parking during construction. C) Class I Special Permit to allow development/construction/and signage. d) Class I Special Permit to allow construction fence/construction trailer. e) Class I Special Permit to allow valet parking service. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -7 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 Note 5. Note 6. To request from the City Commission: a) a waiver from the noise ordinance during the required concrete pours for construction of the project. To apply for a Certificate of Appropriateness for ground disturbing activities, if needed. Note 7. To apply for all lesser permits as may be required to allow development and construction of this phase project as contemplated under this Major Use Special Permit application as submitted and as per plans on file. Note 8. The above Major Use Special Permit is to encompass all lower ranking special permits necessary to complete the projects as per plans under Tab 6. \75380\18087\# 606154v 1 -8 1/24/03 11:05 AM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM PZ., ON 03- 607 CITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF HEARING BOARDS 444 SW 2nd Avenue, 7th Floor * Miami, Florida 33130 Telephone 305-416-2030 * Fax 305-416-2035 APPLICATION FOR VARIANCE +++w:w+r++ww:awwrww+++w++wrra+wwawwwwawa++w+riw+warawr++ww+wwwr++rrwwawr+www+r»wwraaw+a+wrwrpwr+rwwwar:arwrw+ww+rawaaw ANY PERSON WHO RECEIVES COMPENSATION, REMUNERATION OR EXPENSES FOR CONDUCTING LOBBYING ACTIVITIES TO REGISTER AS A LOBBYIST WITH THE CITY CLERK, PRIOR TO ENGAGING IN LOBBYING ACTIVITIES BEFORE CITY STAFF, BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. A COPY OF SAID ORDINANCE IS AVAILABLE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK (MIAMI CITY HALL), LOCATED AT 3500 PAN AMERICAN DRIVE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, 33133. THIS APPLICATION MUST BE TYPEWRITTEN AND SIGNED IN BLACK INK. IT WILL BE ACCEPTED BY THIS OFFICE ONLY THE FIRST SEVEN (7) DAYS OF THE MONTH FROM 8:00 AM UNTIL 3:30 PM. APPLICANTS ARE RESPONSIBLE, IF NEEDED, TO BRING AN INTERPRETER FOR THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE TO ANY PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. POWER OF ATTORNEY WILL BE REQUIRED IF NEITHER APPLICANT OR LEGAL COUNSEL REPRESENTING THE APPLICANT EXECUTE THE APPLICATION OR DESIRE TO MAKE A PRESENTATION BEFORE CITY BOARDS, COMMITTEES AND THE CITY COMMISSION. RESOLUTION RECORDATION COST IS $6.00 FOR THE FIRST PAGE AND $4.50 FOR ADDITIONAL PAGES. ALL FEES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. +++w++:wa+rwwaw+wr++++wwrar++w++www+rr++wwwrr++wwwawra+w+rrr+aaawearr+eaaaeraw:taaarraaaaaaraaaarrrraaarr+r++rarrrarrrrr A Variance is a relaxation of the terms of the Zoning Ordinance where such action will not be contrary to the public interest and where owing to conditions peculiar to the property and not the result of actions. of theapplicant, a literal enforcement of this Ordinance would result -in unnecessary and undue hardship on the property: As used in the Zoning Ordinance, a Variance is authorized only for height, area, size of structure, dimensions of yards, other open spaces, off-street parking and/or loading requirements (see Article 19 of the Zoning Ordinance), I, A Vicky Garcia -Toledo on behalf of the Maysville. Inc., hereby petition the City of Miami Zoning Board for a Variance from the terms of the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, affecting property located at 480 NE 30th Street, Miami. Florida, folio number 01-3230-015-031. Nature of proposed use (please be specific): residential project. Three original surveys of the property prepared by a State of Florida Registered Land Surveyor within one year from the date of application. 2. Two 11" x 17" original plans and one 24" x 36" original plan, signed and sealed by a State of Florida Registered Architect or Engineer showing property boundaries, existing (if any) and proposed structure(s), parking, landscaping, etc.; building elevations and dimensions and computations of lot area and building spacing. Plans need to be stamped by the Office of Hearing Boards first and then signed by Public Works, Zoning and Planning prior to submission of application. 4. An 8-1/2" x 11" copy of the signed plans attached to this application. 5. An 8-1/2" x 11" copy of all exhibits that will be presented at the hearing shall be attached to this application. 6. Affidavit and disclosure of ownership of subject property and disclosure of interest (see attached forms). \75390\18087\#606173 v 1 SUBMITTED INTO THE 1'24'0311:05 AM 03- soy PUBLIC RECORD FOR I"I"EM ( ON $-x_03 0 7. Certified list of owners of real estate within a 500 -foot radius of the outside boundary of the subject property (see pages 7 and 8). 8. At least two photographs that show the entire property (land and improvements). 9. Recorded warranty deed and tax forms for the most current year available that show the present owner(s) of the property. 10. Other (specify and attach cover letters explaining why any document you are attaching is pertinent to this application). 11. Cost of processing according. to Section 62-156 of the City Code: CS, PR, R-1, R-2, (single-family and duplex residential uses) $250.00 Piers, docks, wharves and the like, for each Variance from the ordinance, per lineal foot $ 45.00 Minimum $700.00 All applications for Variances relating to the same structure shall be assessed a single fee to be calculated per square foot of gross floor area of the proposed structure or addition, based upon the definition of gross floor area found in Section 2502 of Zoning Ordinance, as amended $ .10 Minimum '$650.00 Application for Variance as a result of a change in approved plans or as a result of a violation notice shall be charged an additional fee, per Variance: CS, PR, R-1, R-2 $250.00 All other residential districts $450.00 All nonresidential districts $550.00 Extension of time for Variance $500.00 Public hearing and public meeting mail notice fees, including cost of handling and mailing per notice $ 3.50 Surcharge equal to applicable fee from items above, not to exceed eight hundred dollars ($800.00), except from agencies of the City; such surcharge to be refunded to the applicant if there is no appeal by the applicant or from a property owner within five hundred (500) feet of the subject property. 12. The Variance request is for relief from the provisions of Section 605 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance as follows: 13. In support of the application, the applicant is prepared to offer the following evidence, on the point enumerated at Section 1903 of the City of Miami Zoning Ordinance. Note: This application cannot be accepted for Zoning Board action unless all of the following six items are completed. (a) Special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures, or buildings in the same zoning district in that: (list evidence to be SU oLiy�d`aq��ijaQna�NqM THE \75380\18087\ # 606173 v 1 !!nn}}jjrtrt'' ���L.,,1111 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 PUBLIC RECORD FOR r~9 -M F2-1 ON necessary.) The property is a narrow strip of land, bordered on all sides by streets and alleys. This is an unusual and seldom seen situation within the City of Miami street grid. (b) The special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the petitioner in that: The rectangular shape of the property was created by the city street grid and is not the result of any action by the Owner. (c) Literal interpretation of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Zoning Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardships on the petitioner in that: A literal interpretation of the provisions would prevent the property Owner from satisfying the design requirements of the City of Miami Planning and Zoning Department which encourages Owners to activate the pedestrian pathways, in this particular case the residential units on the ground floor are connected to the pedestrian pathway by front gardens and stoops. This request also allows for the effective design of the parking garage. (d) Granting the Variance requested will not confer on the petitioner that special privilege that is denied by the Zoning Ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district in that: A grant of the requested variance will not confer on the petitioner any special privilege, on the contrary, it will allow him to not only activate the pedestrian pathway consistent with the new urbanism concepts of the Planning and Zoning Department, but it will also assist to enhance the neighborhood. (e) The Variance, if granted, is the minimum Variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure in that: The variance as requested, is necessary to fully develop the property In a manner consistent with the new trend in the neighborhood in a compatible form with the land use and zoning category. The grant of the 5 foot Variance from the Code requirement in order to implement this project on this particular site is not inconsistent with the City of Miami neighborhood plan and its zoning category. Further,. it allows for more attractive landscaping and architectural. elements. (f) The grant. of the Variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of the Zoning Ordinance, and will not be injurious to the neighborhood, or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare in that: It allows a project that articulates architectural elements and design concepts required by new urbanism by enhancing the fabric of the neighborhood. Note: All documents, reports, studies, exhibits or other written or gra aterial to be submitted to the Zoning Board shall be submitted with this application. Signature Name A. Vic Garcia -Toledo Es uire Address Bilzin Sumbera Baena Price & Axelrod 2500 Wachovia Financial Center Telephone 305-350-2409 Date 01/0312003 SUBMITTED INTO THE \75380\18087\#606173v1 PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03— 607 ITEM PZ -1 ON ;-%a - 63 STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The forego' i stns ent was a nowledged before me this i -% day of ^ , 20 , 'r who is an indi a mo me or who h s produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. CHRISTINE B. MRAZOVICN r_ MY COMMISSION M DO 094036 WN EXPIRES: February 20, 2006 (Stamp) ,^ 3adeC1'hruPd*M1n5urarc9Agv" Signatu e ♦wwwwwwwrwwwwrrwwwwrwwr►:rwwrwrwwwwwrwwwwwwrwwwwwwwwwwrwrwwwwwwrrrwwwwrrww:rrwwrewwwrwwww:wwrwrwrrrwwrrrwwwrrrwwrrawwwww STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_ by of a corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Signature rrwwrrwwwrwwrrrrrwrrwwrrrrwrwrww,►rww:wrrwwrwrrwrrrrwyywrrwrrrrwwrwrwrwrrrrrrwwrrwrwrrrrwrrrwrwrrrwrrrrrrrrwrrrrwwwwrwwrr STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20_ by partner (or agent) of a partnership. He/She is personally known to me or has produced as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. (Stamp) Signature SUBMITTED INTO THE 0\18087\#606173v1 1/24/PUBLIC RECORD FOR l/24/03 11:05 AM 03— 3_ ` 11r} ITEM Fz_ ► ON 6- 403 . OWNER'S LIST Owner's Name: Mayville Inc. c/o A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA, Bilzin Sumberg, et al. Mailing Address: 200 S. Biscayne Blvd Suite 2500, Miami, FL 33131 Telephone Number-- (305)350-2409 The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Legal Description: Plaza, Plat Book 32 as Page 76 of the Public Records of Dade County Florida Owner's Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Legal Description: Owner's Name: Mailing Address: Telephone Number: Legal Description: N/A Any other real estate property owned individually, jointly or severally (by corporation, partnership or privately) within 375 feet of the subject site is listed as follows: Street Address Folio Numbers: 01-3230-015-0031 Legal Description The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida SUBMITTED INTO THE \75380\180871 # 606154 v 1 PUBLIC RECORD FOR �, � ,.� o ry 1 1 1/29/03 11:51 AM I ITEMP2 -, O N DISCLOSURE OF OWNERSHIP Legal description and street address of subject real property: The west 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. 2. Owner(s) of subject real Property and percentage of ownership. Note: Section 2-618 of the Code of the City of Miami requires disclosure of all parties having a financial interest, either direct or indirect in the subject matter of a presentation, request or petition to the City Commission. Accordingly, question #2 requires disclosure of shareholders of corporations, beneficiaries of trusts, and/or any other interested parties, together with their addresses and proportionate interest. See attached Exhibit "A" 3. Legal description and street address of any real property (a) owned by any party listed in answer to question 42, and (b) located within 375 feet of the subject real property. Attorney for OvA%f,. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq., PA STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this )7 day of lox (ko 2003by Vic •, Inc., on b f of th corporatio She is personally not) take an oath. —��as produced as identification and who did (did Namesuic-State 04 *a - Notary Commission No.: My Commission Expires: SUBMITTED INTO THE M380\1 10 PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 1 M P2 --i ON 6 . , . CHRISTINE B. MRAZOVICH O 094036 MY COMMISSION k D]] EXPIRES: February 20, 2006 Ift pehard Inaruance Ager cY Bw4ad SUBMITTED INTO THE M380\1 10 PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1/24/03 11:05 AM 03- 607 1 M P2 --i ON 6 EXHIBIT A Maysville Inc. a Netherland Antilles Company Incorporated on June 9, 1986 Domesticated into Florida on September 1, 1994 Owner: Flamingo Estates Limited, Inc. —100% Flamingo Estates Limited, Inc. Incorporated July 15, 1994 a British Virgin Island Corporation Domesticated into Florida on December 31, 2002 Owners: Aurora Redondo 30.0% Alex Redondo 17.5% Argemiro Redondo, Jr. 17.5% Jhosmar Redondo 17.5% Carmen Redondo 17.5% \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 .12 1/24/03 11:05 AM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM,P,?-i ON�z. 03 607 w Real Estate Tax Information Lr d:r:X {e\t Show Me: Property Taxes Search By: Select Item ► Detail Tax Information: f2eal Estate Tax Info 2002 Taxg5 Prior Years TaxesQue 2002 Non -Ad Valorem 2002 Back Assessments 2002 EntQrprise Folio ZQO1Quarterly Payments LE 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved Real Estate Tax Information Contac Today's Date: 01 /09/2003 Last Update: 01/03/2003 Tax Year: 2002 R mesal Folio Number: 01 32300150031 MIAMI Owner's Name: MAYSVILLE INC (30: Property Address: 480 NE 30 ST Dowr Mailing Information : Legal Description : 140 V MAYSVILL E INC BROADMOOR PLAZA REV PL P9 32.78 R 520 8RICKSLL KEY DR 01021 E36OFT OF TR 2 W OF NE 7 AVE Mian MIAMI FL 334,312612 LOT SIZE 36700 SQ FT South OR 16525-0328 0994 2 1071( 20GZ Taxes are in paid status, R Mian —�- Amounts due are subject to change without notice. - Off A 8:30 Rel, Ta Pro t Florid; Ri P_C4ReIax Home 1 _ge.4l itato Tar Info 12002 Taxes I prior Yaaa 12002 Non -Ad Va Y.G.Q2 Back Atsessments 12002 EntArDd1Lq-E2 4 1 2003 Querterly Peivarert MiamL•Dade Home Iein rJite 16A"Ll Phone Dlrectory 1 erivopy 101sclalm c -mail your comments, questions and su09est{ons to Webmaster SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITt-.1"Vi PZ -I ON res, -e3 . 03- 607 Reap Estate Tax I nformat3 on Show Me: 2002 Taxes Contac Propery faxes!" Today's Date: 01/09/2003 Last Update: 01/03/2003 Tax Q Year: 2002 Folio Number: 01 32300150031 MIAMI Search BY: Owner's Name: MAYSVILLE INC {30: Select item Property Address: 480 NE 30 ST Dowr Total Value : 1260000 Millage Code: 0100 140 V Detail Tax Information: Exemptions : None R Mian Real Estate Tax Info 2002 Tax95. Gross Total Taxes: South Prior Years TaxesZILe 2002_Jon-Ad Valorem City Tax 12685.88 2002 Back Askp,55ments City Non Advalorem 3450.00 1071( R 2 2 Enterprise Folio 2003 Quarterly Payments State & County Tax 21108.15 Mian Total Gross: 37243.83 2002 Taxes are in paid status. off Payments Applied To 2002 Taxes: A 8:30 < Date Applied Register/Receipt Amount Paid 12/11/2002 0046/0000003 35754.08 Relt D Amounts due are subject to change without notice. Flondt Rt Froarty Tex Horne i 12002 Taxes I PfLt 9" I M2.bLga-A .YH 2002 Back 12002 Enterarise_FoILo 12403 Quarterly Payments MJst[Ci Qa�s H4mfl I Using, 4u5ite 1 About 10ne DJts.> = I Prlvacv i Diec;aim 2002 PAam;-Dade Co,nty All rights reserved E-mail your comments, questions and suggestions to wbma= SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM vz-i ON.5�. 03— 607 Jr,f 1_ P7:4___IC111.j 012 ecu.' 01 3230 0 0 L A N D AM( )U 48.51 )0 752.22 1:: 2 6 T ,L SARK AO VALOREM TAXES 015 0031 NiME� MAYSVILLE INC S- A T E C 1 5 T R! C Y S * A'JTHOMI-Y RATC - __ AN 3 TOT 12584 -105 451 1-:2193) +3) J AMOUNT DUE IF OAtO IN ui5�. QEC 36126.52 JAN 36498.95 FEB 36871.39 MAR 37243.83 �t5--i- i vim. 60 _ -- )0 1534.68 � SUB TOT _ 12685.68 A .11 I D A D E -C C U `, T Y C' S T g I c T 3 )O 491.40 )O 612.36 SUB TOT 8523.90 N AO VAL0ft6M ASSESSMENTS i ;MEN'S: 01.5T RATE FCCTAu&UNITS A:YOUNT 1260000 F.03 Z EZ ,pp 0 � J to >Y W LU o0 �Uz 5 i z Q LU 3 CO Uj �QU J � LU I� .1U 4 O �a 4 z UjJ LU a QV't V a Submitted Into the public 480 NE 30 ST- reCord ilri connection', 41 - - - te:r �2-I gra t y� S- BY MAIL TO AVOID LONG LINES. TAX INFORMATION 24 HRS: IsLu-,;8A. �®tl Ah XDE.GOV; 305-270-4916; (TDD) 305-372-6309.`��"`""`t`O''� JC City Clerk NTY TAX COLLECTOR COMBINED TAX BILL VALUATIONS MILL CODE I FOLIO k'Jr'• EFA ui5�. ._V.11. - -1 ".. ", TOTAL VALUE 1260000 0100 01 3230 015 0031 4% NOV 34 DEC 35754.08 36128.52 KITC; tiIAKE CHECKS E 24 JAN 36488.95 �------� tN U.S. FUNDS DRAW ogaWN ON U.S. BANKS TO! 1% FEB 36871 .39 NIIAM!-pAOE COUN1v 7Ax CGLLECTDR 0% MAR 3 7 243.83 SEO 125221-125221 DELINQUENT AFTER MARCH 31 MAYSVILLE INC BROADMOOR PLAZA REV PL P6 32-78 520 BRICKELL KEY DR #1021 E36OFT OF TR 2 W OF NE 7 AVE MIAMI FL 331312612 LOT SIZE 38700 SO FT OR 16525-0328 0994 2 20033 01323001500310 0003724383 00000000 0000000 0000000 00000 a APHDVETAi RT DISTRICT IMFORMATIt3N for per o�4 of October 1. 2002 thrcugh, Septe.rnber r;, ire per assessed foot or unit. mprov, merit districts are due Ncvembsr 1st. Installment accrued in:srest. Failure to pay ttte art.^ual instalir, ent merest dL;e Dr the lien to be sold by ceKificate on er Oefore (tion cal! 30-5-375-55-24. ,y Solid Waste Management-. 305-594-1630 lid Waste AVessment: 305-416-1570 J-'* ar es pagaoo en a crermore 1,r `;I es aagado in t•obr•ero INFORNIACi0N ACERCA DE LOS DISTRITOS TRIBUTARIOS OE OKRAS Y TASACIONES ESPECIALES FI pericdo de 'as tz,aciones espaciales se oxtiende desde el 1^ de Cctubra de 2002 h'asta ei 30 de Septielr)bre do 2003. Las tasas de avalue de los distritos tributarios especiales se calculan :,or pie r) L;nidad. Los paws a plazo para Ics disvitos de obras incluyen tantqq��@@ a�gguuna corre�;��pi!qp7��. Byte al capital come 1a ;ie los imereses acumulados anualmente, Los pagcs Se verlcerl�IrJ^ de NOVIEIn6D►. hccmprimiento del p(azo anual r?sullm on !a vera ocr certiticado del saldo total, mas los Interes acuirslado pasta is te0a. :I 1- Ce ,funic oe 2;03 o antes ds esa fecha. l,os interesados en oftener intonna,,Ito ai respecto. deoen IlaR,ar al 305.375-5524, PARA INFORMATION: Administracion Recogida De hsura Det Condado Dade: 305-594.1630 TAcarinn Pers 13-h•... V a...._..... I n..__:._ - . - . - OFF. X Y,10328 THIS INSTRUMENT,PREPARED BY: Gerald J. Biondo, Esq. Murai, Wald, Biondo & Moreno, P.A. 25 S.E. 2nd Ave., Suite 900 Miami, FL 33131 94R455 131 1994 SEP 27 15324 DOCSTPDEE 12 000.00 SURTX 7000.00 HARVEY RUVINs CLERK DADE COUNTY, FL Property Appraisers Parcel I.D. (Folio) Numbers: 01-3230-015-0120 01-3230-015-0031 Grantee(s) S.S.ff(s): 52-1536H7 WARRANTY DEED (Statutory Form - Section 689.02 F.S.) SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITPRA z -i ON�3. THIS INDENTURE, made this - �? (0 day of September, 1994, between PARADISE PARK APARTMENTS, INC., a Florida corporation, of the County of Dade, State of Florida ("Grantor"), and MAYSVILLE, INC., a Florida corporation, whose post office address is 520 Brickell Key Drive, Miami, of the County of Dade, State of Florida, ("Grantee") ["Grantor" and "Grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires]. WITNESSETH, That said Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100-----($10.00)-----DOLLARS, and other good and valuable consideration to said Grantor in hand paid by said Grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said Grantee, and Grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Dade County, Florida, to -wit: The East 265' of the West 530' of Tract 3, revised plat of Broadmoor Plaza according to the plat thereof, recorded in Plat Book 32 at Page 76 and Lot 2 and the East 15' of Lot 1, Block 3, Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 30, Page 61, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; and The West 360 feet of Tract 2 of Revised Plat of Broadmoor Plaza, Plat Book 32 at Page 76, of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida. Subject to restrictions, conditions, limitations, easements, and reservations of record and existing zoning ordinances. Subject to real property taxes for the year 1994 and subsequent years. 03-- 607 I6525r'0329 and said Grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Grantor has hereunto set Grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in,gur presence: STATE OF FLORIDA PARADI'ARK APARTMENTS, INC., a Flo da orpo By: Samue Dom%•+;'..y Address: s t.+ �-;IX _ Q� 337 7.s.'0'.,. �i=�c• ): ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of September, 1994 by Samuel Dominguez as President of Paradise Park Apartments, Inc., a Florida corporation, on behalf of the �j'�orporation. He is personally known to me or has produced /J�Ctofi�s Lt� as identification. I,p1U II IIIIIfi�'' . ZCA -i NOT Y UBLIC, Sta a of Florida`'+�,� Print Name: M 03 Commission No.. M Commission Expires: Notary Publics StSic,gf, r da�� qr6 O Y P My corn missibn,�xjh+f' Dee-. Bonded thou Huck1et�M4,� O:\REDONDO\CLOSINO.DOC RECORDED IN OM OAL RBC:OR I We OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA• RECORD VERIf1E0 NaraIFY KININ, Clerk ct Circuit & County �urts SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM pZ—1 ON 5 -Ad-03 03'- 607 01/24/2003 11:45 . 3059401017 of INLAND TOWERS AF. PAGE 02 ;0rtrn7tmrnt of glatr I c^xtify fLom the records of this office that MAYSVILLE: INC. is a corporation organized under the laws of the State of Florida, filed on Seot,nmber 1, 1994, effective June 9, 1986. Th,= document number of this corporation .is P94000066322.' I Further certify that said corporation has paid' all fees due this office through December 31, 2002, that its most recent annual report/uniform businaas report was filed on April 30, 2002, and its status is active, •1 further certify that said corporation has not filed ;Lrti.cles of Dissolution. I further certify that this is an electronically transmitted certificate authorized by section 15.16, Florida Statutes, and authenticated by the code, 70SA000022'59-011603-P94000066322-1/1, noted below.. c4iven under my hand and the Great Seal of the State of Florida, at Tallahassee, the Capital, this the Sixteentli day of January, 2DO3 A-uthenticatior: Code: 703AO0002259011603-F94000066322-1/1 CR7_EO22 (1-9Z) SUBMITTED INTO TH PUBLIC RECORD F01 ITEM rz4 ON�3 Tim VC&-n-cr I cnetzirLi nf,�SfzitL 03- 607 [AMITTED INTO THE AFFIDAVIT PUBLIC RECORD FOR STATE OF FLORIDA } COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE )SS ITEM P 2 ^i 0N_IL.7.2-6-3 Before me, the undersigned authority, this day personally appeared the Vicky Garcia-Toldeo attorney for being by me first duly sworn, upon oath, deposes and says: 1. - That he/she is the owner, or the legal representative of the owner, submitting the accompanying application for a public hearing as required by the Zoning Ordinance of the City of Miami, Florida, affecting the real property located in the City of Miami, as describedand listed on the pages attached to this Affidavit and made a part thereof. 2. That all owners which he/she represents, if any, have given their frill and complete permission for him/her to act in his/her behalf for the change or modification of a classification or regulation of zoning as set out in the accompanying petition. 3. That the pages attached hereto and made a part of this affidavit contain the current names, mailing addresses, telephone numbers and legal descriptions for the real property of which he/she- is the owner or legal representative. 4. The facts as represented in the application and documents submitted in conjunction with this affidavit are true and correct. Further Affiant sayeth not. Vicky Gar -Toledo, Esq., P.A. Attorney r Maysville, Inc. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �__7 day of tcm , 2003, by Vick PA, attorney for Maysville, Inc. on behalf of th rporation. She is pers-o—nally known to me or has pro u as identification and who did (did nc \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM W Name. � N / � Notary -State of Florida?(I'� Commission No.: My Commission Expires: 03- 607 r%s CHRISTINE B. MRAZOVICH :�Nti MY COMMISSION N DD 094036 EXPIRES: February 20, 2006 h mwdea rnm wa,.re awuance Aye" \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 1/24/03 11:05 AM W Name. � N / � Notary -State of Florida?(I'� Commission No.: My Commission Expires: 03- 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project DIRECTORY OF PROJECT PRINCIPALS Owner/Development: Maysville, Inc. 711 NE 29th Street, Suite 36 Miami, Florida 33137 Telephone: (305) 573-6036 Facsimile: (305) 351-2233 Alex Redondo Architect: Fullerton Diaz Architects, Inc. 366 Altara Avenue Coral Gables, FL 33146 Telephone: (305) 442-4200 Facsimile: (305) 444-6962 Julio Diaz Peter Suarez Landscape Architect: Mariano Corral & Associates 2995 SW 110 Avenue, Suite R Miami, FL 33165 Telephone: (305) 551-1262 Mariano Corral Traffic: Jackson M. Ahlstedt, PE 46 NW 94`h Street Miami Shores, FL 33150 Telephone: (305) 754-8695 Economist: Sharpton Brunson & Company 1 S.E. 3rd Avenue Suite 2100 Miami, FL 33131 Telephone: (305) 374-1574 Facsimile: (305) 372-8161 Darryl Sharpton Legal: Bilzin Sumberg Price & Axelrod 200 South Biscayne Boulevard Suite 2500 Miami, Florida 33131-2336 SUBMITTED I THE Telephone: (305) 374-7580 Facsimile: (305) 374-7593- A. Vicky Garcia -Toledo, Esq. PUBLIC RECORD F ON 1 /24/ 0 11:05\ # 606154 v 1 13 i E M P„ 1 ;- �6i/24/03 11:05 Ana i iiiL. 03 607 PROJECT FACT SHEET A. LAND USE DESIGNATION P - *b m_FIttyed Into the rriipgisioon� ublic k._.�Ord In coC nLnP`'•k `.ALd Iterri 2 -� 5 �_.._,_._I. Prisc!' A. e ion City Clerk Multifamily High -End Residential B. NUMBER OF UNITS PER ACRE (150) ALLOWED ON THIS PROPOSED PROPERTY 130 116 C. ZONING DESIGNATION R-4 & SD -20 EDGEWATER OVERLAY DISTRICT D. LAND AREAS GROSS LAND AREA (G.L.A.) 61,031 SF 20,995 SF NET LAND AREA (N.L.A.) 37,811 SF 125,968 SF E. BUILDING SETBACKS REQUIRED (R-4) REQUIRED(SD, PROVIDED F.A.R. W/ BONUS) D TOTAL F.A.R. W/ BONUSES 157,460 SF 140,073 SF 140,073 SF FRONT (EAST, 7TH AVENUE) 20 FT 20 FT 20 FT REAR (WEST, ALLEY) 5 FT 5 FT 10 FT SIDE (NORTH, 30TH STREET) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (') SIDE (NORTH, 29TH TERRACE) 15 FT 15 FT 10 FT (') (*) SETBACK VARIANCE REQUIRED TO CHANGE SIDE STREET SETBACK FROM 15' TO 10' F. FLOOR AREA LIMITATIONS (401-R4) ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOWED (SD- PROPOSED 15% (x) G.L.A. 20) 9,155 S.F. 9,245 1. BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED (R-4) F.A.R. (x) G.L.A. 1.72 1.72 1.72 AREA 104,973 SF 104,973 SF 104,973 SF BONUSES AS PER ARTICLE V - PUD AMENITIES (20% OF G.L.A.) 20,995 SF 20,995 SF 20,995 SF SUB -TOTAL F.A.R. W/ AMENITIES BONUS 125,968 SF 125,968 SF 125,968 SF AFFORDABLE HOUSING (25% OF SUB-TOAL 31492 S.F. 14,105 SF 14,105 SF F.A.R. W/ BONUS) TOTAL F.A.R. W/ BONUSES 157,460 SF 140,073 SF 140,073 SF G. BUILDING FOOT PRINT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLO W) (SD- PROPOSED PERCENTAGE (x) G.L.A. (40%) (60%) (42.3%) AREA 24,412 S.F. 36,619 S.F. 25,844 S.F. H. GREEN AREA REQUIREMENTS REQUIRED PROPOSED 15% (x) G.L.A. AREA 9,155 S.F. 9,245 1. BUILDING HEIGHT ALLOWED (R-4) ALLOW (SD- PROPOSED 03- 607 UNITS BREAKDOWN 227 FT MEASURED FROM SPACES FLOOD ELEVATION 8'-0" TO NO. UNITS HIGHEST ROOF PARAPET). SUM OF RIGHT OF WAY + 2 (HEIGHT OF ROOF FRONT SETBACKS OR UNLIMITED PARAPET = 5', NOT TO EITHER SIDE OF RIGHT OF EXCEED 5' LIMIT). (HEIGHT WAY OR 120' TAKEN TO HIGHEST ROOF 1 PAPAPET & NOT TO MAIN 47 ROOF). J. OFF-STREET PARKING REQUIREMENTS: SPACES REQUIRED UNITS BREAKDOWN 116 STANDARD PARKING SPACES REQUIRED HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED STANDARD PARKING SPACES HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES TOTALS K OFF-STREET LOADING (BERTH) REQUIREMENTS: (FOR BUILDINGS WITHIN 25,000 & 500,000 SF (FOR OVER THE FIRST 100 UNITS) TOTAL = 150 140 10 REQUIRED = 1150 SPACES 185 10 195 PROVIDED = 1195 SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 STALL 1 STALL SPACES (12'x35')(**) NO. UNITS TYPE OF UNITS REQUIRED TOTALS PER UNIT SIZE 4 1 BEDROOM LOFTS 1 4 47 1 BEDROOM OR EFFICIENCY 1 47 31 2 BEDROOMS 1 31 31 2 BEDROOM + DEN 2 62 3 3 BEDROOM + DEN 2 6 116 STANDARD PARKING SPACES REQUIRED HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED STANDARD PARKING SPACES HANDICAPPED PARKING SPACES TOTALS K OFF-STREET LOADING (BERTH) REQUIREMENTS: (FOR BUILDINGS WITHIN 25,000 & 500,000 SF (FOR OVER THE FIRST 100 UNITS) TOTAL = 150 140 10 REQUIRED = 1150 SPACES 185 10 195 PROVIDED = 1195 SPACES REQUIRED PROVIDED 1 STALL 1 STALL (12'x35') (12'x35')(**) 1 STALL 1 STALL (10' x 20') (10' x 20') (**) CLASS 2 PERMIT REQUIRED TO REDUCED REQUIRED LOADING BERTH REQUIREMENTS FROM 12'x 35' TO 10'x 20' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM rz_i ONc-/ov - 03. 03- 607 ■ ■ a THE PLATINUM a residential project MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION ARTICLE II. Description A. Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 1. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials 2. Section 1702.2.1 General Report 3. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan \75380\18087\ # 606154 v l -15 1/24/03 11:05 AM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-i ON s »-03. 03- 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project MAJOR USE SPECIAL PERMIT PROJECT DESCRIPTION Zoning Ordinance No. 11000 11. Section 1304.2.1 Application forms; supplementary materials (a) Statement of ownership and control of the proposed development of activity. The Disclosure of Ownership and Ownership Affidavit are provided in Article I. (b) Statement describing in detail the character and intended use of the development of activity. The purposed project, called the Platinum, will replace a series of existing apartment buildings at 480 NE 301h Street. The project will consist of 116 apartments, of one, two and three bedroom units. The project will provide 195 of parking spaces in a parking podium, consisting of five (5) floors. The parking podium will be surrounded by a two story lobby and drop off canopy area as well as a number of two story loft units. The loft units will have private garden space with stoops leading directly to the sidewalk, thus activating the pedestrian pathway and creating an atmosphere of neighborhood. This proposed lobby and loft design will also cover the fagade of the garage, enhancing the view of the building from all sides. Above the parking podium, there will be a 15 level residential tower with large balconies on the units occupying the sides of the building, large two bedroom units with den at the two ends of the building with magnificent views of both Biscayne Bay and the City of Miami. The units on the side of the building have also been angled as to the orientation of their terraces and balconies in order to enhance views to the Bay and the City. The front of the building faces east along NE 7th Avenue with an impressive entrance and a wide U shape drop off area for vehicles, a valet booth for valet services for visitors as well as residents is enhanced by lush landscaping and a water element of cascading water from the lobby into an outdoor lagoon. Above the 5 level parking podium, on the 61h floor of the building, along side residential units there is a gym area for use by the residents of the building along with a multipurpose activity room, spa, and convenience store. Directly outside the doors is a roof top recreation area consisting of a large pool designed to serve not only general pool purposes but also as a lap pool, an outdoor spa and a trellis cover area for recreational activities are provided. The entire deck is fully landscaped and designed as to create a series of smaller outdoor spaces for recreation. Levels 7 through 21 are typical floors with approximately 7 units per floor. SUBMITTED INTO THE 0\18087\#606154v1 16 1/24/PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1/24/03 11:38 AM ITEM 10 S5- (c) General location map, showing relation of the site or activity for which special permit is sought to major streets, schools, existing utilities, shopping areas, important physical features in and adjoining the project or activity and the like. The following exhibits are included with the Major Use Special Permit Application and are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (i) Location Map: Map of the surrounding street system indicating the project location. (ii) Area Context Map: Map of the project area indicating buildup in the surrounding area. (iii) Aerial: Aerial Photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site. (d) A site plan containing the title of the project and the names of the project planner and developer, date, and north arrow and, based on an exact survey of the property drawn to a scale of sufficient size to show: The Site plan is located as Sheet A-101 under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. i. Boundaries of the project, any existing streets, building, watercourses, easements and section lines; The boundaries of the project and the location of existing streets are shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. ii. Exact location of all buildings and structures; The exact location of all existing buildings located on the Property is shown on the survey located under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. The location of the building to be constructed are shown on the Site Plan, under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. iii. Access and traffic flow and how vehicular traffic will be separated from pedestrian and other types of traffic; Service vehicles will access the loading docks from the service entrance. (1) Off-street parking and off-street loading area; (2) Recreational Facilities; (3) Screens and buffers; SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -17 1/24/0311:38 AM ITEM Pz ^ ON 03- 607 (4) Refuse collections areas; Waste collection will be provided by a containerized compactor system located in the service area. These facilities are shown on the Site Plan under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents at page A-101. (5) Access to utilities and points of utilities hookups. Access and connections to site utilities are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. (e) Tabulations of total gross acreage in the project and the percentages thereof proposed to be devoted to the permitted uses and ground coverage. 70% of the allowable total FAR The various permitted uses. Maximum permitted footprint: 36,619 sf. Building Footprint: 25,844 gross square feet ii. Ground coverage by structures. Submitted Into the pubes record in connection with item ) ons _ 64 Prisoilla A. Tho pson City Clerk Ground coverage by the structures is 42.3% of the total gross lot area. (f) Tabulation showing: i. The derivation of numbers of off street parking and off street loading spaces shown in (d) above: The total amount of parking spaces provided: 195 spaces ii Total project density in dwelling units per acre. Allowed: .86 acres x 150 units per acre 129 units Proposed 116 residential units (g) If common facilities (such as recreation areas of structures, private streets, common open space, etc.) are to be provided for the development, statements as to how such common facilities are to be provided and permanently maintained. (h) Storm drainage and sanitary sewerage plans. Storm drainage, water distribution, wastewater and solid waste generation provisions are discussed in the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 18 �S 2/3/03 2:34 PM Y D Submitted Into the public record in connection with item f-4 s Priscilla A. Thompson (i) Architectural definitions for buildings in the development; `�. City Clerk The design plans are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 0) Landscaping plan, including types, sizes and locations of vegetation and decorative shrubbery, and showing provisions for irrigation and future maintenance. The Landscaping Plan located on Sheet L under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents, specify the plant types, sizes and locations, as well as indications that all planted areas will be fully irrigated and maintained by the project. (k) Plans for recreation facilities, if any, including location and general description of buildings for such use. Recreational facilities are located under Tab 6. (1) Such additional data, maps, plans, or statements as may be required for the particular use or activity involved. Recreational facilities are located under Tab 6. The Drawings submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (m) Such additional data as the applicant may believe is pertinent to the proper consideration of the site and development plan. Elevations depicting the architectural character of the project are included under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. 12. Section 1702.2.1 General Report. (a) Property ownership or ownerships and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit. Statement of Ownership and beneficial interest within the boundaries of the area proposed for Major Use Special Permit are provided in Article 1. (b) The nature of the unified interest or control. The nature of unified interest or control is indicated in Article 1. (c) Survey of the proposed area showing property lines and ownership. A copy of the survey of the Property is included under Tab 5 of the Supporting Documents. (d) Map of existing features, including streets, alleys, easements, utilities lines, existing land use, general topography, and physical features. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 19 2/3/03 2:34 PM 0 ! The existing site features and utility lines are shown on the survey of Property located under Tab 5 and the Site Utility Study located under Tab 3 of the Supporting Documents. In addition, the surrounding street systems are included under Tab 2, Traffic Impact Study and an aerial photograph of the surrounding area indicating the project site is found under Tab 5, Page 2. (e) Materials to demonstrate the relationship of the elements listed in (d) preceding to surrounding area characteristics. The Drawings Submitted with this Application are located under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. Materials will be presented to the Urban Design and Review Board for review. (f) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan designations for the area on and around the lands proposed for Major Use Special Permit. The existing zoning designation for the Property pursuant to City of Miami Ordinance No. 11000, as Amended is R-4 with a SD -20 overlay. The Zoning Atlas Map on page 21 indicates the existing and surrounding zoning districts. The comprehensive plan future land use designation for the Property is "High Density Multifamily Residential". The zoning and comprehensive plan designation are consistent with one another. 13. Section 1702.2.2 Major Use Special Permit Concept Plan. (a) Relationships of the concept plan to surrounding existing and proposed future uses. Activities, systems and facilities (transportation, recreation, view corridors, pedestrian systems, services systems and similar uses). Article II contains a written narrative of the Project outlining proposed uses, activities and architectural character. This narrative also contains descriptions of the Project's relationship to traffic, pedestrian movements, and transportation access. Maps located on Tab 6 indicate the Project's relationship to surrounding streets, land uses and functions. Building elevations, sections and perspectives showing the proposed materials, vertical profile and height, and orientation to streets is included in the Drawings Submitted with this Application. The list of Drawings Submitted is found under Tab 6 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Existing zoning and adopted comprehensive plan principles and designations. The Project conforms to the R-4 and SD -20 zoning for this Property. The comprehensive plan future land use designation conforms to the land use designation currently in effect for this Property. Set back requirements under the Code are satisfied or superseded for the proposed project on 14. Section 1702.2.3 Developmental Impact Study. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 20 2/3/03 2:34 PM SubmittQ inii) the pudic record ii :?ort with item PZ- _ y,r s_�j��-�6 Prisciiia A. I.� e� e mlason 03— 607 City Clerk (a) A traffic analysis shall be submitted for an area within approximately 1/4 mile of the site, or an area including the major intersections to be impacted by the site, whichever is larger. The Traffic Impact Analysis is included under Tab 2 of the Supporting Documents. (b) Economic impact data shall be provided, including estimates for construction costs, construction employment, and permanent employment. The Economic Impact Study is included under Tab 4 of the Supporting Documents. (c) A housing impact assessment. The project satisfies the need for market rate housing in the re -development of the Omni -Equator area. (d) A description of proposed energy conservation measures shall be provided, including only those measures that are proposed in addition to the minimum requirements in State Energy Code. Architecturally, the building envelope will be comprised of insulated walls and roof. Extensive use of wall shading by means of landscaping and canopies will be implemented. Electrically, all exterior and landscape lighting will be controlled by means of time clocks and photocell switches. Energy saving lamps, ballasts and fixtures are being considered in all common areas. (e) Historic buildings. There are no historic structures located on the Property. (f) Environmental zone. The Property is not located within an environmental preservation district. \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 -21 1/24/03 11:05 AM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM reg ON_v)�X_03. 03- 607 THE PLATINUM a residential project ARTICLE III. Supporting Documents Tab 1 Minority Construction Employment Plan Tab 2 Traffic Impact Analysis Tab 3 Site Utility Study Tab 4 Economic Impact Study Tab 5 Survey of Property Tab 6 Drawings Submitted \75380\18087\ # 606154 v 1 22 1/24/03 11:05 AM SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-i ON"'. 03- 607 I. Construction Plan for Minority Equal Opportunity Employment A. Goal. The intent of applicant is to provide employment and economic opportunity for the unemployed and economic disadvantaged residents of Miami. This will be achieved during the various stages of the Project such as application of permit period; Construction Period; and final operation and management of the finished project. B. Background. The applicant of this Project, as with other projects, has always promoted and encouraged equal employment opportunities for minorities. The same efforts of utilizing a minority labor force in the City of Miami will be used on this Project. C. Plan. The applicant has an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan that will be adhered to by all firms involved in the planning, construction, and management and operation of this Project. The following sources will be helpful in promoting equal employment opportunities for this Project. Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development The National Association of Minority Contractors The National Minority Supplier Development Council II. A. Goal. The intent of applicant is to provide employment opportunity for the unemployed and economic disadvantaged residents of Miami. This will be achieved during the various stages of the Project such as application of permit period; Construction Period; and final operation and management of the finished proj ect. B. Background. The applicant of this Project, as with other projects, has always promoted and encouraged equal employment opportunities for minorities. The same efforts of utilizing a minority labor force in the City of Miami will be used on this Project. C. Plan. The applicant has an Equal Employment Opportunity Plan that will be adhered to by all firms involved in the planning, construction, and management and operation of this Project. The following sources will be helpful in promoting equal employment opportunities for this Project. Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Economic Development Florida Department of Transportation The National Association of Minority Contractors SUBMI17ED INTO THE The National Minority Supplier Development CounciPUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMP2 - ( ON sx-.3 III IV Minority Contractor/Subcontractor Equal Employment Plan. A. Goal. To promote economic opportunities for minority contractors and vendors in the City of Miami. B. Background. The applicant's intent is to pursue his successful past practices of hiring qualified minority construction contractors and subcontractors in every phase of the construction and management of the project. The Applicant's Policy Statement for Equal Employment Opportunity A. Purpose. to ensure that the company's personnel policies and practices are administered equally and without regard for race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status. B. Policy. All employees and job applicants are guaranteed equality of employment opportunity. This means that we will not discriminate against any worker or applicant on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national original, handicap, or veteran status. 2. All recruitment, selection, placement, training, and layoff decisions made by the Company's supervisors or managers will be based solely on candidates job-related qualifications and abilities. 3. All employees who apply for a promotion or transfer will be given equal consideration for a promotion or transfer. Assuming that an opening exists, the qualifications of a candidate for a promotion or transfer will be assessed solely on the basis of the individual's ability and merit (as demonstrated by the applicant's performance record). 4. All other personnel policies and practices of the Company, including compensation, benefits, discipline, and safety and health programs, as well as social and recreational activities, will be administered and conducted without regard to any individual's race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap, or veteran status. The Company will establish special programs to recruit, hire and ensure the advancement of qualified minority group members, women, handicapped individuals and veterans. 6. The Company will take all necessary steps to ensure that each employee's work environment is free of unlawful discrimination or harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, handicap or veteran status. SUBMITTED INTO THE 2 PUBLIC RECORD FOR 03_ 6o7ITS: P2 -i ON a���� . PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for AR DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. 711 N.E. 29TH Street SUITE 36 Miami, Florida 33137 (305) 573-3036 by Jackson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. 46 N.W. 94th Street Miami Shores, Florida 33150 (305) 754-8695 FEBRUARY 2003 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM rz.i ON 4,*,o3 . Jackson M. Ahfstedt, P.E. Florida Registration #282 ,r? 03-- 607 Jackson A Ahlstedt, P.E. TRANV0RTAMNMVGNE9?M 46 NW 94* STREET/MUNI NO= PWR= 33130 / (305) 7S4 - February 6, 2003 Ms. Lilia I. Medina, Senior Planner City of Miami - Planning & Zoning Department 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue Miami, Florida 33130 Re: Platinum Condominium Response to Traffic Impact Analysis Review Comments dated January 3, 2003 Dear Ms. Medina: I apologize for the rather detailed four page reply to the above referenced review. However, when a client sees six pages of comments which concludes with the statement that "We conclude that there are many inconsistencies as noted above that need to be addressed and data to be provided, to complete this review"; as you can imagine, it causes me some obvious difficulties. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, JA M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. e se ,J06kson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ?1 ITEM Pz-i 011_• 03- 607 Jackson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. TRANSPORTATIONFNGQdFU"G 46 NW 94th STREET /MIAMI SHORES FWRMA 33150 / (305) 734-8693 'SUBMITTED S U {"�.Ii �! � � I TTE D `HTO THE February 6, 2003 V\ Ms. Lilia I. Medina, Senior Planner PUBLIC RECORD FOR City of Miami - Planning & Zoning Department 444 S.W. 21 Avenue ITEMP2-�0NMiami, Florida 3313051 91- 03 Re: Platinum Condominium Response to Traffic Impact Analysis Review Comments dated January 3, 2003 Dear Ms. Medina: Please consider this my formal response to the comments contained in the letter to you from Jenn L. King, P.E., dated January 3, 2003. First, let me say that the two most important intended purposes of the traffic impact analysis provided for the above referenced project are: To identify significant project impacts and appropriate improvements necessary to mitigate those impacts. For example, if the project adds a sufficient amount of traffic to warrant a traffic signal, additional signal phasing, or an additional lane for traffic, this is documented in the analysis; and, 2. To determine if the project is consistent with the City's transportation concurrency standards. This is accomplished based upon the transportation corridor analysis process adopted by the City. Not withstanding a number of typographical errors and a minor error in calculations, I believe the report submitted adequately addressed both of these main purposes, clearly indicating that there are no transportation improvements needed to mitigate the impacts of project traffic, and that approval of the project is consistent with the City's adopted concurrency standards for transportation. In response to the review letter I have revised the original report. While, I acknowledge that the review letter has resulted in an improved revised report, I have taken the liberty to discuss some of the review comments in the following paragraphs. ITEM 2 The reviewer expresses a desire that the intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 36th Street should have been analyzed. For the following reasons, I can see no value in analyzing that intersection or, for that matter, the intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 38th Street. 1.) The intersections are more than 1/4 mile away from the project; 2.) The intersections are known to suffer serious operational problems; 3.) The project adds an inconsequential amount of traffic, at most 10 to 15vehicle trips per hour, to the intersections; 4.) The solution to the problems of those intersections can not be adequately addressed in a report of this magnitude; and, 5_) Given the reviewer's concern over such a minor item as to whether or not the cycle length -at the 03- 6 0'7 intersection of Biscayne Boulevard and NE 29th Street can be changed from 115 seconds to 119 seconds (see discussion of item 12), what modifications to the intersection(s) could possibly be accepted without great deliberation? ITEM 4 The reviewer expresses concern that without raw data it is not possible to review the report. I submit that providing raw data should not be the issue. The question is whether or not the volumes provided appear to be reasonably accurate to the reviewer. If raw count data is provided what is the point? It merely allows the reviewer to check the mathematics and does not address the real issue of whether or not the volumes used in the analysis are reasonably accurate. On any given day the raw data would be different, requiring the reviewer to do one of three things; obtain their own count data and use that data to perform their own independent analysis; obtain their own data and use it as a basis to accept or reject the volumes provided in the report; or, make a professional opinion to accept or reject the basic existing volumes contained in the report as reasonably accurate and move on. As stated in the report, the volume adjustment factor for the counts was 1.01, thus the difference between the raw turning movement count data and the volumes shown in Table 9 of the report is only 1%. I would note that, for raw counts of less than 51 vehicles per hour there is no difference between the raw data and the volumes adjusted to reflect peak hour average annual daily traffic conditions. This is the case for all minor street movements except for the westbound NE 30th Street right turn during the AM peak hour, and the westbound NE 29th Street left turn and thru volumes during the PM peak hour. In fact, for all movements other than the thru movements on Biscayne Boulevard the difference between the raw data and the reported existing turning movement volumes is 1 vehicle per hour or less. If the reviewer is concerned, that it is unclear whether or not the volumes presented are raw count data or adjusted data, they could assume the worst, that the volumes in the report are raw data, and apply the appropriate adjustments. I believe that they would still reach the same conclusions which I reached relative to existing levels of service. I take the same position relative to peak hour factors (PHF). While, peak hour factors are shown in the un - signalized intersection analysis, they are not included in the signalized intersection summary analysis and, ultimately, add little to the discussion. In fact, because the HCS analysis is based upon a 15 minute analysis (hourly volumes adjusted by the peak hour factor), it would be technically correct to provide calculations based upon peak 15 minute data with a PHF of 1.00. ITEM 6 The reviewer questions the use of 00/9 heavy vehicles assigned to US- 1(US-1). The signalized intersection analysis used 3%, while the un -signalized analysis used 0%. In the unsignalized intersection analysis, the percentage of heavy vehicles only impacts the minor roadway approaches and the left turn from the major roadway. I would suggest that during peak hours, or for that matter any hour, there are virtually no heavy vehicles on NE 30th Street at its intersection with Biscayne Boulevard. The percentage of heavy vehicles on the major roadway has no impact on the analysis. The reviewer states that "Our sources indicate at least 5% truck factor on this corridor". This would appear to come from the FDOT traffic count data which reports a T of 5.3%. The FDOT Project Traffic Forecasting Handbook indicates that the T Factor is a 24 hour factor used and, I quote: The traffic forecasting "T" is the same as T 24 or Z4T+B as defined above. It includes the ' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ua- 607 ITEMP2 -I ON �_. trucks and buses from Categories 4 through 13. The truck volume and AADT are related to each other by a ratio commonly known as "T. " The Daily Truck Volume (DM can be derived by multiplying AADT x T. DTV = AADT x T For trafjSc forecasting purposes, the Design Hour Truck (DH7) is defined as T divided by two, based on the assumption that only halfas many trucks travel on the roadway during the peak hour. The DHT is derived by dividing T by two. DHT = T/2 The truck percentage is usually assumed to be constant over time. More research is being performed both nationally and in Florida to determine if the current assumptions can be improved. Additionally, for K(30), K(100) and K(5-6 PM) the current FDOT Level of Service Manual identifies a T factor of 1.5% for Class III arterials such as Biscayne Boulevard. Parenthetically, I would note that, based upon my field observations during the AM and PM peak hours, I believe that the percentage of heavy vehicles is much lower than the 5% offered by the reviewer. To complete my discussion of this issue the following might prove instructive. SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION ANALYSIS NE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD FUTURE PM PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT ASSUMED PERCENTAGE OF HEAVY VEHICLES (ALL APPROACHES) AVERAGE VEHICLE DELAY (SECONDS PER VEHICLE) 0% 55.1 3% (USED IN REPORT) 57.8 5% 59.2 The signalized intersections, the range of vehicle delay values for Level of Service "E" is 55 seconds per vehicle to 80 second per vehicle. ITEM 10 The reviewer states that "There are multiple math errors in Table 12". I have recalculated the trips for the condominiums and the apartments three times and can not find math errors. Because there is no such thing as fractions of a vehicle, and there is little benefit in forcing in and out volumes to add to the total, I choose not to make adjustments for round -off. The numbers in the tables reflect their individual values rounded to the integer. The difference between i vehicle one way or another is meaningless. There are, however, some errors in Table 13. Those errors, though inconsequential to the analysis are corrected in the revised report. The following demonstrates the magnitude of those errors. ' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 03- 607 I"_M 0NJ-5;- 0, -o,. FINAL EXTERNAL PROJECT TRAFFIC ORIGINAL REPORT REVISED REPORT AM PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 5 5 OUT 26 24 TOTAL 30 29 PM PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 24 16 OUT 11 g TOTAL 35 24 ITEM 12 The reviewer states that "...the analysis assumes that the cycle length will increase, which will require coordination with surrounding area 'signals before it can be accepted" The analysis presents but one timing solution which increases the cycle length from the existing 115 seconds to 119 seconds. The point being made is that physical improvements are not required to mitigate the localized impacts of the project traffic. Though I would not be surprised if cycle lengths on this section of Biscayne Boulevard went to 120 seconds in the future; no one would suggest that, based upon the analysis, Dade County should re -time the signals. In the real world, signal timing is implemented based upon actual traffic conditions and not projected conditions two or three years in the future. The value of estimating future traffic signal timing is to identify whether or not physical improvements might be required. In conclusion let me add that many of the reviewer's comments relate to typographical errors in the column headings of tables and observations such as the fact that the version of HCS software reported in the text was one issue older than the software version used in the technical appendices. While such errors are regrettable, I do not believe that they materially impact the my ultimate ability to render a professional opinion. Such review comments add only to the volume of the review letter while contributing nothing to the understanding of the two issues which are the reason for performing the analysis. I hope that these comments and the revised report adequately address the substantive issues raised by the reviewer. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely,SUBMITTED INTO THE JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PUBLIC RECORD FOR 410- ckson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. ITEM PZ -1 ON S at 03 cc: Jenn L. King, P.E. (via fax) 4 03- 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMf-2-1 ON�:_. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM TRAFFIC IMPACT ANALYSIS Prepared for AR DEVELOPMENT GROUP, INC. 711 N.E. 29TH Street . SUITE 36 Miami, Florida 33137 (305) 573-3036 by Jackson M. Ahlstedt, P.E. 46 N.W. 94th Street Miami Shores, Florida 33150 (305) 754-8695 FEBRUARY 2003 Jackson M. Ahisiedt, P.F_ Flonda Ristrabon #28258 L 03- 607 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION ................................................ 1 2.0 PURPOSE OF STUDY ........................................... 3 3.0 STUDY AREA .................................................. 3 4.0 EXISTING CONDITIONS .......................................... 5 4.1 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS .......................... 5 4.2 EXISTING SIGNAL TIMING .................................. 6 4.3 EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS ................................ 6 4.3.1 PEAK HOURS .................................................. 11 4.3.2 PREVAILING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS .................... 16 4.4 MASS TRANSIT .......................................... 18 4.5 EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE .............................. 18 5.0 TRIP GENERATION ............................................ 21 6.0 TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT ................... 23 7.0 PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS .......... 25 8.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT ............ 26 9.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC .................... 31 10.0 ON -STREET PARKING .......................................... 35 11.0 PEDESTRIANS.................................................35 12.0 PROJECT SITE PLAN ........................................... 35 12.1 PROJECT DRIVEWAYS ..... .................................. 35 12.2 PROJECT LOADING DOCK ..... ............................. 36 12.3 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS .................................... 36 13.0 CONCLUSIONS ................................................ 36 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ?z -i ON 03- 607 Submitted Into the public record in connection itemonso3 LIST OF TABLES Priscilia—A. Th�n TABLE 1,, cit Clerk . PROJECT DATA "` TABLE 2 YEAR 2001 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC (AADT) VOLUMES IN VEHICLES PER DAY (VPD)....................................... 6 TABLE 3 YEAR 2001 WEEKLY ADJUSTMENT FACTORS................................... 7 TABLE 4 YEAR 2001 WEEKLY AXLE ADJUSTMENT FACTORS .............................. 8 TABLE 5 SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS.........................................: 8 TABLE 6 EXISTING TRAFFIC Biscayne Boulevard Between NE 291' Street and NE 30"' Street ........................ 9 TABLE 7 EXISTING TRAFFIC NE 30' Street East of Biscayne Boulevard ....................................... 10 TABLE 8 EXISTING TRAFFIC NE 29"' Street East of Biscayne Boulevard ....................................... 11 TABLE 9 EXISTING AM & PM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT DATA .............. 17 TABLE 10 EXISTING INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE _ WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS......................................... 18 TABLE 11 EXISTING LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE .......................................... 19 TABLE 12 NETPROJECT TRAFFIC.................................................... 21 TABLE 13 FINAL EXTERNAL PROJECT TRAFFIC......................................... 22 TABLE 14 PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION................................... 23 TABLE IS PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS ............................... 25 TABLE 16 ANNUAL AADT GROWTH RATES............................................. 26 TABLE 17 FUTURE PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES WITHOUT PROJECT .............. 28 TABLE 18 FUTURE INTERSECTION LOS W/O PROJECT WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS......................................... 29 TABLE 19 FUTURE LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE WITHOUT PROJECT .......................... 29 TABLE 20 FUTURE PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES WITH PROJECT .................. 32 TABLE 21 FUTURE INTERSECTION LOS WITH PROJECT WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS......................................... 33 TABLE 22 FUTURE LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT .............................. 33 TABLE 23 AM AND PM PEAK HOUR DRIVEWAY VOLUMES................................ 36 TABLE 24 INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS......................................... 37 03-- 607 LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 PROJECTLOCATION....................................................... 2 FIGURE 2 STUDY AREA.............................................................. 4 FIGURE 3 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN NE 29TH STREET & NE 30TH STREET ........... 13 FIGURE 4 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS NE 30TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD ............................. 14 FIGURE 5 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS NE 29TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD ............................. 15 FIGURE 6 EXISTING LEVELS OF SERVICE ............................................. 20 FIGURE 7 AM AND PM PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRAFFIC .................................. 24 FIGURE 8 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVICE WITHOUT PROJECT ............................. 30 FIGURE 9 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT ................................. 34 SUBMITTED INTO'THE. PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-i ON�. 03- 607 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The proposed Platinum Condominium project is a residential project consisting of approximately 116 dwelling units. The project includes an on-site parking garage with approximately 198 parking spaces. The site is located in the City of Miami on the south side of NE 30th Street at 480 NE 30th Street. Currently, the site is occupied by a 47 unit apartment building. The project will result in a net increase of approximately 25 to 30 vehicles per hour in the AM and PM peak hours. Based upon FDOT data, this is less than 1 % of the total two-way peak hour volume on Biscayne Boulevard Vehicular access to the parking garage is restricted to a two-way driveway. The driveway connects to NE 29th Terrace. In addition, there is a pick-up drop-off valet area on the east side of the site along NE 7th Avenue. 'Two types of level of service analysis were conducted. The first type of analysis included Intersection and roadway link level of service analysis. The second type of analysis consisted of transportation corridor analysis. For purposes of identifying the specific localized impacts of the project, level of service analysis was conducted for the existing year 2002 conditions, and future conditions in the year 2004 with and without the project. These analyses included link and intersection level of service analysis. After reviewing the results from the intersection analysis and the roadway link analysis, it was determined that, with or without the project, by the year 2004 there will be some deterioration in the level of service on Biscayne Boulevard. However, the project has a negligible impact on the roadway level of service on Biscayne Boulevard and there are no physical improvements needed to mitigate the project impacts. Finatly, the transportation corridor analysis clearly indicates that there is sufficient transportation system capacity in the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor to accommodate the proposed project. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMpz_i ONS„ -o, 03- 607 4.0 INTRODUCTION The Platinum Condominium is a single phase development consisting of luxury condominiums and parking. As shown in Figure 1, the site is located on south side of NE 30th Street. The proposed development is summarized in Table 1. TABLE 1 PROJECT DATA USE TYPE QUANTITY UNITS RESIDENTIAL CONDOMINIUM 116 DU PARKING 198 SPACES The residential component of the project consists of luxury condominium apartments. Access to the site is proposed to be via a two-way driveway located on NE 29th Terrace. In addition, there is a loading dock area which is accessed from an alley on the wst side of the site and a pick-up drop-off area NE 5th Avenue. For purposes of this traffic impact analysis, build -out has been estimated to occur by the year 2004. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMu LON 'I» JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 1 03- 607 FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 2 03- 607 I NTS 1-195 I NE 36TH STREET U.1 NW 30TH STREET NW 29TH STREET LU D W I PROJECT w a aL z LLI 0 > J m O to Z N rn I 2 �o Q W 3 Z z w Z 0 m _I NW 20TH ST EET _I BISCAYNE BAY I VENETIAN CAUSEWAY i 1-395 SHMITTED INTO TH RECOR FO --PUBUC -P%l IT M IZ. 0N FIGURE 1 PROJECT LOCATION JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 2 03- 607 2.0 PURPOSE OF STUDY The primary purpose of this study is to assess the impacts of vehicular traffic on signalized intersections and roadways within the study area due to the proposed development by conducting a roadway link and signalized intersection level of service analysis. In addition, the report provides a general assessment of project impacts on parking and pedestrians. Specific items discussed are as follows: Determination of existing traffic volumes and levels of service for major roadways within the study area; ■ Estimation of the number of trips generated by the proposed project and the distribution of these trips within the study area network. ■ Estimation of future background and project traffic conditions and levels of service; ■ Determination of whether the transportation impacts of the proposed project exceed the City of Miami concurrency standards, and solutions to mitigate any adverse impacts; ■ Determination of project impacts on on -street parking; and, ■ Determination of project impacts on pedestrians. 3.0 STUDY AREA The study area's boundaries were defined to include: NE 34th Street as the northern boundary, NE 26th Street as the southern boundary, Biscayne Bay as the eastern boundary, and NE 2nd Avenue as the western boundary. Figure 2 shows the intersections and roadway links which are most significant to the project. These include the following intersections: NE 30th Street NE 29th Street The roadway links include the following: Submitted Into the public record in cionn(`, iokw'th items c rI 5Priscilla A. _T[hop on City Clerk Biscayne Boulevard from NE 26th Street to NE 34th Street JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 3 03- 607 NE 38TH STREET ' NORTH NE 37TH STREET I NTS I i-195 F=N.E 35TH STREET ' LU NE 38TH STREET ' O Z n Z NE 33RD STREET I O J m 2 NE 32ND STREET ' Q WALGREENS I B/SCAYNE BAY Is NE 31ST STREET ;kl NE 30TH STREET MN NE 20TH TERR NE 211T4 STREET PROJECT NE 28TH STREET ' NE 27TH STREET NE 28TH TERRACE NE 28TH STREET qubmitted Into thjpubl- '10 record iso �;�.�nnai =,item L- �oPriscilla A. T FIGURE 2 STUDY AREA JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 4 03- 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUbLIC RECORD FOR ,.a EXISTING CONDITIONS ITEM pz-i ON�=. The study area was surveyed to observe existing traffic conditions, identify parking locations, identify traffic count locations, and to collect traffic count data. 4.1 EXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONS This section describes the characteristics of selected roadways in the study area. Key roadways in and/or near to the study area include Biscayne Boulevard (SR-5/US-1), NE 36th Street, and NE 29th Street. Of these roadways, Biscayne Boulevard is by far the most significant roadway serving the proposed project. Local access to the site is provided by NE 30th Street. BISCAYNE BOULEVARD (SR-5/US-1) Biscayne Boulevard is a four lane divided roadway with striped median between NE 26th Street and NE 34th Street. Tum lanes are provided at intersections. Traffic signals are located at: NE 26th Street NE 29th Street This equates to three signalized intersections within one-half mile. The posted speed limit is 30 mph. For purposes of analysis, Biscayne Boulevard was classified as a State Two- way Arterial, Class 111. NE 30TH STREET NE 30th Street is a two lane roadway with parking on either side. NE 30th Street is classified as a local roadway. Traffic on NE 30th Street is controlled by stop signs at Biscayne Boulevard and at NE 2nd Avenue. NE 29TH STREET NE 29th Street is a two lane roadway with parking on either side. NE 29th Street is classified as a local roadway. Traffic on NE 29th Street is controlled by traffic signals at Biscayne Boulevard and NE 2nd Avenue. NE 29TH TERRACE NE 29th Terrace is a two lane roadway, little better than an alley approximately 700' in length, connecting NE 4th Avenue and NE 7th Avenue. NE 29th Terrace is classified as a local roadway. Traffic on NE 29th Street is controlled by a stop sign at NE 4th Avenue there is no control at the intersection with NE 7th Avenue. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 5 03— 6 0 �URMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR NE 7TH AVENUE ITEC A -ONS NE 7th Avenue is a two lane roadway, approximately 100' in length, connecting NE 30th Street and NE 29th Terrace. NE 7th Avenue is classified as a local roadway. Traffic on NE 7th Avenue is controlled by a stop sign at NE 30th Street. 4.2 EXISTING SIGNAL TIMING Existing signal timing data for the signalized intersections to be analyzed was obtained from the Miami -Dade County Traffic Control Center. This data was used in the intersection capacity analysis to determine each intersection's level of service (LOS) and in the roadway link analysis. 4.3 EXISTING TRAFFIC COUNTS There are two existing Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) traffic count stations location within or near the study area. Data for these traffic count stations is summarized in Table2. TABLE 2 YEAR 2001 AVERAGE ANNUAL DAILY TRAFFIC (AADT) VOLUMES IN. VEHICLES PER DAY. (VPD) FOOT LOCATION ' DIRECTION -1 DIRECTION4 ` TOTAL STA 5056 SR 5/US-1, 200' NORTH OF NE 19TH NB 19,000 SB 18,500 37,500 STREET 5058 SR 5/US-1, 200' NORTH OF NE 29TH NB 19,000 SB 20,000 39,000 STREET Source: Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office. Original 24 Hour machine traffic counts were taken the first week of December 2002 at the following locations: Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29th Street and NE 30th Street NE 30th Street east of Biscayne Boulevard NE 29th Street east of Biscayne Boulevard The count program provided machine traffic counts (without vehicle classifications) summarized every 15 minutes for a 24-hour period. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 6 03- 607 Machine traffic count data is summarized in Tables 6 thru 8 inclusive. Turning movement counts were obtained as follows: At the intersection of NE 30th Street and Biscayne Boulevard on Wednesday, November 6, 2002 between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM and between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. At the intersection of NE 29th Street and Biscayne Boulevard on Thursday, November 7, 2002 between 7:00 AM and 9:00 AM and between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM. This traffic count data, adjusted to reflect peak hour conditions for average annual daily traffic is summarized in Table 9. Weekly Volume Factors Weekly volume factors to adjust raw count data to Average Annual Daily Traffic (AADT) volumes were obtained from FDOT records for the year 2001. Rather than using county- wide factors, Miami -Dade County North factors were used. These factors are shown in Table 3. TABLE 3 YEAR 2001 WEEKLY ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Source: Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office. Axle Adjustment Factors Weekly axle adjustment factors to adjust raw count data to Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes were obtained from FDOT records for the year 2001. Rather than using county- wide factors, factors for SR-5/Biscayne Boulevard were used. These factors are shown in Table 4. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, ?.E.LATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 7 JBLIC RECORD FOR 03- 607 Neu --1 0N' 6 03 BEGIN DATE END DATE FACTOR WEEK 45 1114/01 11/10/01 1.01 49 12/2/01 12/8/01 1.01 Source: Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office. Axle Adjustment Factors Weekly axle adjustment factors to adjust raw count data to Average Daily Traffic (ADT) volumes were obtained from FDOT records for the year 2001. Rather than using county- wide factors, factors for SR-5/Biscayne Boulevard were used. These factors are shown in Table 4. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, ?.E.LATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 7 JBLIC RECORD FOR 03- 607 Neu --1 0N' 6 03 TABLE 4 YEAR 2001 WEEKLY AXLE ADJUSTMENT FACTORS Source: Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office. Peak Season Adjustment Factors Peak season adjustment factors to adjust count data were obtained from FOOT records for the years 1999 through 2001. Consistent with the FOOT 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook, the median weekly factor for the thirteen highest consecutive weeks of the year (the peak season) for each of the three years was determined. The seasonal adjustment factor was determined to be 1.027. These factors are shown in Table 5. TABLE 5 SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT FACTORS YEAR FACTOR 1999 1.031 2000 1.024 2001 1.025 MEDIAN 1 1.027 Source of yearly data: Florida Department of Transportation, Transportation Statistics Office. The significance of the peak season adjustment factor is that it shows that there is less than a 3% difference between average annual daily traffic and peak season traffic. This is well within the ability to accurately measure and/or estimate traffic volumes. The roadways in question are not seasonal roadways and average annual daily conditions are not significantly different than peak season conditions. iUBMITTED INTO THE 'UBLIC RECORD FOR JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E.Uly PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 8 03— 607 TABLE 6 EXISTING TRAFFIC Biscayne Boulevard Between NE 29' Street and NE 30' Street RAW DATA NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND 2 -WAY ADT 20,708 21,717 42,425 AM PEAK HOUR 851 1,975 2,826 MID-DAY PK HR 1,453 1,320 2,773 PM PEAK HOUR 1,625 1,274 2,899 WEEKLY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1.01 AXLE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0.96 ADJUSTED DATA NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND 2 -WAY AADT 20,100 21,100 41,100 AM PEAK HOUR 830 1,910 2,740 MID-DAY PK HR 1,410 1,280 2,690 PM. PEAK HOUR 1,580 1,240 2,810 PERCENTAGE OF DAILY TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION NORTHBOUND SOUTHBOUND AADT NIA 49°x6 51% AM PEAK HOUR 6.67% 30°x6 70% MID-DAY PK HR 6.55% 52% 48% PM PEAK HOUR 6.84% 56% 44% K(100) 7.02% 56% 44% SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEPl__L_LoN JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 3 03— 607 TABLE 7 EXISTING TRAFFIC NE 30' Street East of Biscayne Boulevard RAW DATA EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 2 -WAY ADT 1,422 930 2,352 AM PEAK HOUR 84 57 141 MID-DAY PK HR 91 70 161 PM PEAK HOUR 92 72 164 WEEKLY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1.01 AXLE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0.96 ADJUSTED DATA EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 2 -WAY AADT 1,400 900 2,300 AM PEAK HOUR 80 60 140 _ MID-DAY PK HR 90 70 160 PM PEAK HOUR 90 70 160 PERCENTAGE OF DAILY TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION EASTBOUND WESTBOUND AADT NIA 61% 39% AM PEAK HOUR 6.09% 57% 43°x6 MID-DAY PK HR 6.96% 56% 44% PM PEAK HOUR 6.96% 56% 44% K(100) 7.14% 1 56% 44% SUBMITTED INTO THE PI BLIC RECORD FOR I' 1 P2 -i ON sL. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 10 03- 607 Submitted Into the public record in confectionw'�03 h temZ l on S Zs Priscilla A. Thompson TABLE 8 City Clerk EXISTING TRAFFIC NE 291" Street East of Biscayne Boulevard RAW DATA EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 2 -WAY ADT 1,086 1,464 2,550 AM PEAK HOUR 45 102 147 MID-DAY PK HR 95 105 200 PM PEAK HOUR 94 127 221 WEEKLY ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 1.01 AXLE ADJUSTMENT FACTOR 0.96 ADJUSTED DATA EASTBOUND WESTBOUND 2 -WAY AADT 1,100 1,400 2,500 AM PEAK HOUR 40 100 140 _ MID-DAY PK HR 90 100 190 PM PEAK HOUR 90 120 210 PERCENTAGE OF DAILY TRAFFIC DIRECTIONAL DISTRIBUTION EASTBOUND WESTBOUND AADT N/A 44°% 56% AM PEAK HOUR 5.60°% 29°% 71% MID-DAY PK HR 7.60°% 47°% 53% PM PEAK HOUR 8.40°% 43°% 57% K(100) 8.62% 43% 57% 4.3.1 PEAK HOURS This section identifies characteristics of existing peak hour traffic in the study area. These characteristics include AM and PM peak hours, Planning Analysis Hour Factor (Kioo) factors and Directional Distribution (D) factors. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 11 03- 607 Biscayne Boulevard The peaking characteristics of Biscayne Boulevard between NE 29th Street and NE 30th Street are presented graphically in Figure 3. As can be seen from Figure 3, this section of Biscayne Boulevard'experiences the following three peaks. An AM Peak of approximately 6.67% beginning at 8:15am A mid-day peak of approximately 6.55% beginning at 12:00pm A PM Peak of approximately 6.84% beginning at 4:45pm The K100 for this section of roadway was estimated to be 7.02%. The D factor for this section of roadway was estimated to be 56.23%. NE 30th Street The peaking characteristics of NE 30th Street east of Biscayne Boulevard are presented graphically in Figure 4. As can be seen from Figure 4, this section of NE 30th Street experiences the following three peaks. An AM Peak of approximately 6.09% beginning at 7:15am A mid-day peak of approximately 6.96°x6 beginning at 1:15pm A PM Peak of approximately 6.96°x6 beginning at 2:15pm The K100 for this section of roadway was estimated to be 7.14°x6. The D factor for this section of roadway was estimated to be 56.25%. NE 29th Street The peaking characteristics of NE 29th Street east of Biscayne Boulevard are presented graphically in Figure 5. As can be seen from Figure 5, this section of NE 29th Street experiences the following three peaks. • An AM Peak of approximately 5.60% beginning at 7:30am • A mid-day peak of approximately 7.60% beginning at 12:00pm • A PM Peak of approximately 8.40°x6 beginning at 5:00pm The K100 for this section of roadway was estimated to be 8.62%. The D factor for this section of roadway was estimated to be 57.14°/x. Submitter Into the public record in ith item Pz- Ik s� as A. , ompson City Clerk JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 12 03- 607 7.00% 6.01 0 LL 0 5, LL NQ LLL 4.Wi 0 w 3.0r, Z W U 2.00% Submitted lntOtne w'h 'n record iP� t55 t fternp on on 1� iris la A. `fhc3 City Clerk BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN NE 29TH STREET & NE 30TH STREET a. 4— I Avow 230 5.-00 7:30 10.00 12:1.0 15,C0 HOUR BEGINIING FIGURE 3 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN NE 29TH STREET & INE 30TH STREET JACKSON '11. A,4# -ST; -=DT, P.-;:. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 13 03- U-07 T a. 4— I Avow 230 5.-00 7:30 10.00 12:1.0 15,C0 HOUR BEGINIING FIGURE 3 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS BISCAYNE BOULEVARD BETWEEN NE 29TH STREET & INE 30TH STREET JACKSON '11. A,4# -ST; -=DT, P.-;:. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 13 03- U-07 Submitted Into the publid record in conneclion ith item 1 —0 �"j - ")'> 03 Priscilla A. lb mpson NE 30TH STREET i city Clerk EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD i Ilk 6.00% E 5.00% LL < 4.00% LL 0 uj 3.00% z W T 0 O:CO 2:30 5:00 7.30 10:6412-11, 1— 17:30 20:00 22.100 HOUR BE.0-fl'INCz' tI as J—`VK—zCN M. AHILSTECT, R.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 e 14 03- 6" 41 iii FIGURE 4 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS NE 30TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD io.00%, NE 29TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Submitted Into the public record Ir. with item 0 S7 I J'> I Q 31 PriSdE—A. Th--3FnVS0 City Cler IL LL LL W 4.00% Z 0 10% 15," 17:1C, 0:01)2:30 5.00 7.-30 10:00 0. 0 HOUR BEGINING FIGURE 5 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS NE 29TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE SOULEVA11-1.0 JACKSON NI. AHI-STEOT, P.F. PLAT,NUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 03 - Of K., _- FIGURE 5 PEAKING CHARACTERISTICS NE 29TH STREET EAST OF BISCAYNE SOULEVA11-1.0 JACKSON NI. AHI-STEOT, P.F. PLAT,NUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 03 - Of 4.3.2 PREVAILING TRAFFIC CONDITIONS This section describes the traffic conditions on selected roadways and at selected intersections in the study area. BISCAYNE BOULEVARD Although heavy during peak hours, traffic flow on the section of Biscayne Boulevard in the study area is basically reasonably acceptable. Signal progression appears to be good. NE 30TH STREET Due to the minimal amount of traffic, traffic flow on NE 30th Street is good. During peak hours, operational conditions deteriorate at the intersection with Biscayne Boulevard. At such times, drivers desiring to use NE 30th Street generally rely on the courtesy of drivers on Biscayne Boulevard to allow them to make southbound left turns and all eastbound and westbound movements. NE 29TH TERRACE Due to the minimal amount of traffic, traffic flow on IVF 29th Terrace is good. NE 7TH AVENUE Due to the minimal amount of traffic, traffic flow on IVE 7th "venue is good. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 1TEM?2 -i ON-'>. JACKSC-ikl Pri.AH S s EDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM ,{� February 6, 2003 iia_ U(1p7e16 V m TABLE 9 EXISTING AM & PM PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT DATA XISTWG N CDCA C foo' a� Cn N N M PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND —o a WESTBOUND NORTHt'tOUND 4l=Y CD N CD LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU 011GHT WE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 3 2 15 9 3 59 13 756 17 43 1813 73 NE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 35 20 15 27 32 13 47 698 17 11 1710 99 XISTINl3 M PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND WESTSOUND NOR gQ<JND 4 f LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU :'MOT" LE °? 'THRW, Rfa NE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 4 t 27 5 1 27 24 1400 19 73 1173 80 WE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD_ 8, 4J 27 65 51 9 60 1238 71 28 1141 80 Source: Original traffic counts taken November 2002. Note: Data has been adjusted to reflect AM and PM peak hour volumes for Average Annual Daily Traffic conditions. N CDCA C foo' a� Cn N N —o a .moi. 4l=Y CD N CD d 3 �o O X 3 w :- C) 4.4 MASS TRANSIT The site is located within the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor. Transit routes providing capacity to the corridor are MetroBus Routes 3, 16, 32, 36, 62, 95, T, Biscayne Max, 9, 10, and 6. 4.5. EXISTING LEVEL OF SERVICE Each of the selected intersections were analyzed to determine their level of service. The Highway Capacity Manual (HCM) 2000 methodology based Highway Capacity Software, HCS Version 4.1 c was used. The results are shown in Table 10 and on Figure 6. The intersection level of service analyses are included in Appendix A. Link analysis, based upon AM and PM peak hour directional volumes, was also performed for the section of Biscayne Boulevard between NE 26th Street and NE 34th Street using the FDOT ARTPLAN 2002 (June 2002) software and FDOT 2002 Quality/Level of Service Handbook, Table 4-7. The results of these analyses are summarized in Table 11. TABLE 10 EXISTING INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS INTERSECTION i, EXISTING LOS AM P 114 NE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD EB = F �P18 = P E8 = E; WB = E I NE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD S D SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECOR FOR ITEMPz-i ON�_. JACKSON N41. AHLSTCDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 {{�� Page 18 03 — 607 TABLE 11 EXISTING LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE STREET FROM TO LOS Biscayne Boulevard NE 26th Street NE 34th Street AM=D PM=C ARTPLAN LOS CRITERIA PEAK HOUR LOS MAXIMUM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONALVOLUME (VPH) A B C D E AM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume (VPH) NA NA 1680 2400 2520 1,738 PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume PH NA 790 2500 2870 2990 1,738 Notes: 1.) AM Peak .Hour Directional Service Vclumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 90 seconds and average G/C of 0.67. 2.) PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 115 seconds and average G/C of 0.79. 3.) Maximum peak hour directional volumes are calculated from year 2001 FDOT data for count station 5058 (AADT = 39,000; K= 8.17%—, and, D = 53.49%) and escalated by 2% per year for one year. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Gz-i ON sr:z(o.� JACKSON M..AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATII`1UM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 03- P+'017 PM LINK LOS AM LINK LOS E=-/ AM/PM MINOR STREET APPROACH LOS AM/PM SIGN"1 1ZEC INTERSECTION LOS SUBMITTED INTO THE ITEM Pz-r ON 512z103 I. FIGURE 6 EXISTING LEVELS OF SERVICE SISCAYNE BAY JACKSON M. AP.LSTED1, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 20 03— a07 5.0 TRIP GENERATION SUBMITTED INTO TH PUBLIC RECORD FOF ITEM -p2- 1 ON.5127-1o�-. The total number of vehicular trips generated by the project was determined for the AM and PM peak hours using the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) publication, Trip Generation, 6th Edition. The number of vehicular trips generated by the project was based on the total number of condominium units, using data for ITE Land Use Code 230 less the number of existing apartment trips, using data for ITE Land Use Code 220. These trips are the net number of vehicular trips generated by the project before adjusting for pedestrian and mass transit trips. TABLE 12 NET PROJECT TRAFFIC TIME VEHICLE TRIPS TOTALS CONDOMINIUMS APARTMENTS ITE (230) ITE (220) 116 DU 47 DU WEEKDAY IN 369 (208) 161 VPD OUT 369 (208) 161 VPD TOTAL 738 (416) 323 VPD AM PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 10 (4) 6 VPH OUT 48 (22) 25 VPH TOTAL 587— (27} 31 VPH Pill PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 47 (30) 17 VPH OUT 23 (15) 8 VPH TOTAL 69 (44; 25 VPH Because of its proximity to MetroBus routes and the nature of the area, it is anticipated that 5% of the person trips will use mass transit or walk. These person trips will not negatively effect the traffic conditions, and therefore, are not included in the vehicle trips distributed throughout the study area. The remaining 95% of the person trips generated by the project JACKSON M. AHL3T=E-T, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 21 03- 607 were distributed throughout the study area as vehicle trips. Table 13 summarizes external trips for the project after accounting for modal splits. TABLE 13 FINAL EXTERNAL PROJECT TRAFFIC TIME VEHICLE TRIPS "TOTALS CONDOMINIUMS ITE (230) EXTERNAL 95:40% AM PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 5 5 VPD OUT 24 24 VPD TOTAL 29 29 VPD PM PEAK HOUR OF ADJACENT STREET IN 16 16 VPH OUT 8 8 VPH s TOTAL 24 24 VPH As can be seen from Table 13, the estimated number of net additional vehicle trips n;,tarirg me project during the AM peak hour is 5 vph. The estimated number of net additiona, vehicle trips leaving the project during the pea'k hour is 24 vph. -ie =stirnated number of net additional vehicle trips entering the project during the PM �aak "cur is '16 v -h. The estimated number of net additional vehicle trips leaving the croje during the PNI peak hour is 8 vph. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P2 -i ON 5lula3 �.A+:.KSONNN AA. AHLSTFG T, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, (2003 CD3" G�/22 6.0 TRIP DISTRIBUTION AND TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT The project site is located in Traffic Analysis Zone JAZ) 504 (note that this is the new zone numbering system). The cardinal distribution of the traffic within TAZ 504 was obtained from Miami -Dade County. The distribution is as follows: North -Northeast 10.61% East -Northeast 4.13% vj v E D INTO THE East -Southeast 5'04% PUBLIC RECORD FOR South -Southeast 4.48% South -Southwest 2' 26% ITEM Pz- 5/2� /03 West -Southwest 24.26 /° West -Northwest 13.50% North -Northwest 16.36% The distribution of AM and PM net additional project trips is summarized in Table 14. Based upon this trip distribution, these project trips were assigned to the roadway network. This is shown in Figure 7. TABLE 14 PEAS{ HOUR PROJECT TRIP DISTRIBUTION f ' AM TRIPS PM TRIPS TOTAL IN OUT TOTAL IN OUT 28 5 I 24 24 16 8 NORTH NNW 16.36% 5 1 4 4 3 1 NNE 10.61% 3 1 3 3 1 2 1 LAST ENE 4.13% 1 0 1 1 1 0 ESE 5.04% 1 0 1 1 1 0 SOUTH SSE 4.48% 1 0 1 1 � 1 0 SSW 21.61% 6 1 5 5 1 3 2 WEST WSW 24.26% 7 1 6 6 4 2 WNW 13.50% 4 1 3 3 2 1 TOTAL. 1 99.99% 1 29 5 24 1 24 1 16 1 8 .;ACKSON IVI..' HLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 �j (;,0;7 Page 23 BH[,. ZED INTO THE P3LIC RECORD FOR ITEM vz_i5 =i°3� NE 38TH STREET ' 4� NORTH NTS NE 37TH STREET I-195 NE 36TH STREET I I NE 35TH STREET ' j NE 34TH STREET ' 0 Z N Z NE :3RD STREET o J m w NE :,2ND STREET 2 Q 0 VVAL.,RFFLn n;,� m HE 21ST <EE- 7/2 2/6 w 013 W_ PROJECT NE 29TH STREET VF NE 28TH STREET 7/2 ;1r� Y NE 27TH STREET v— NE 26TH TERRACE BISCAYNE BAY NE 29TH TERR NE 26TH STREET A 8 I Oi2O ANliPM :ti r; HOUR PROJECT 'i RAFFIC FIGURE 7 AM AND PAA PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRAFFIC CKSOtN M. AHLSTECT, P.B. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 24 03- -rl 7.0 PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED ROADWAY IMPROVEMENTS Programmed and planned improvements in or near the study area were identified using the Metro -Dade Transportation Improvement Program (TIP), 2002. These improvements are detailed in Table 15. None of these improvements add capacity to the transportation system. TABLE 15 PROGRAMMED AND PLANNED IMPROVEMENTS ROADWAY FROM TO TYPE OF YEAR(S) WORK N 20d' Street NW 2"4 NE 2"d Avenue Resurface 2004-2005 Avenue US-1/Biscayne NE 5' Street NE 13`" Street Reconstruction CST 2005 Bled SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM rz- I ON 5122 03 JACKSON M. AHL.SdEC;, P.E. P! 4TMUM CONDOMINIUM {{�� February B, 2003 0 3 — 16015 8.0 FUTURE TRAFFIC CONDITIONS WITHOUT THE PROJECT Future traffic conditions without the project were analyzed. Future traffic consisting of background traffic and committted development traffic was estimated. Background traffic was estimated by applying an annual growth factor to existing traffic. The annual growth factor of 2% per year was developed based upon the historical traffic count data shown in Table 16. TABLE 16 ANNUAL AADT GROWTH RATES VOLUMES IN VEHICLES PER DAY (VPD) FDOT LOCATION 1976 1993 2001 YEARLY STA RATE 5056 SR 5/US-1, 200' NORTH OF NE 28,461 37,000 37,500 1.11% 19TH STREET 5058 SR 5/US-1, 200' NORTH OF NE 29,670 39,000 39,000 1.10% 29TH STREET Future traffic conditions were analyzed for year 2004. The growth rate of 2% per year was applied to the 2001 FDOT traffic counts and the 2002 traffic volumes in order to achieve 2004 traffic volumes. In addition, City of Miami data on major committed developments was researched and the traffic associated with those developments was included in the analysis. These developments consisted of the following projects- Biscayne rojects- Bis:ayne Bay Towers • Cultural Center • Miramar Center it • 1800 Club • Biscayne Village • Tuttle Street • Sky Residences • Bay 20' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM cz-t ON -6/22 103 , Table 17 details the future background plus committed development traffic volumes and shows these volumes with the associated movement. These volumes were then used to determine intersection and link level of service by using the same software programs and LOS tables as used for the previously described analysis. The intersection level of service for the future background traffic volumes are shown in Table 18 and on Figure 8. The analysis shows a slight deterioration in the intersection JACKSON %i. AHI -3T CT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOWNIUM February 6, 2003 03— je 26 level of service during the AM peak hour. In general, the values are generally the same as those for the year 2002. The intersection level of service analyses are included in Appendix B. The link level of service analysis for future AM and PM peak hour directional traffic conditions was performed on.the previously identified roadway link. These results are summarized in Table 19. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM F2-1 ON-51zzlo3. JACKSON ti9. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOWNIUM February 6, 2003 03— Gov ge27 D TABLE 17 FUTURE PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES WITHOUT PROJECT O z UTURE WITH OUT PROJECT .r sDLM PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBDUW r SOU U)LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT' THRU RIGHT 'LEFT,, THRU r n p NE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 3 2 16 9 3 61 14 1177 18 45 2204q7. O NE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 37 21 16 28 34 14 49 1116 18 12 2097 103 m UTURE WITHOUT PROJECT' M PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTHBOUND SQUTH LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT HRU RIGHT LEFT RU FWHT LEFT JE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 4 1 28 5 1 28 25 1810 20 76 1652 83 E 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 29 51 28 67 53 9 62 1642 74 29 1619 83 �. „4 en •� 0 c n eny r) CL -9-0)3 =T = o ?. CD «W3 ��Nc n cnN*•�_ o , �' p c TABLE 18 FUTURE INTERSECTION LOS W/O PROJECT WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS TABLE 19 FUTURE LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE WITHOUT PROJECT STREET FROM TO LOS Biscayne Boulevard NE 26th Street NE 34th Street AM=D PM=C ARTPLAN LOS CRITERIA PEAK HOUR LOS MAXIMUM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONALVOLUME (VPH) A B C D E AM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume (VPH) NA NA 1680 2400 2520 2127 PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume (VPH) NA 790 2500 2870 2990 216? Notes: 1.) AM Peak Hour Directional Service Volumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 90 seconds and average GIC of 0.67. 2.) PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 115 seconds and average G/C of 0.79. 3) Maximum peak hour directional volumes are calculated from year 2001 FDOT data for count station 5058 (AADT = 39,000; K= 8.17°x6; and, D = 53.49%) escalated by 2% per year for three years and includes committed development traffic. R Submitted into the public recor� i,)j ani -:kA ~4 with iters Z' ._� �.t 5 -�mpson ty Clerk JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 03— 601age 29 LAMITTED INTO THE m "mcomm c R ITEM -?z-1 ON 51zz t NE 38TH STREET ' NORTH NE 37TH STREET ' NTS NE 36TH STREET ' 1-195 NE 35TH STREET I PM LINK LOS W NE 34TH STREET I C AM LINK LOS 4 0 I z LOS C W w NE 33RD STREET ' NE 30TH STREET O F/F J NE 29TH TERR NE 28THSTREET Z m NE 32ND STREET D F/F C/D a AM/PM MINOR NE 28TH STREET vwn cReeNS BISCAYNE BAY NE 27TH STREET 8➢ NE 31ST STREET STREET APPROACH LOS C W NE 30TH STREET F/F NE 29TH TERR NE 28THSTREET Z PROJECT C/D NE 28TH STREET BID NE 27TH STREET AM/PM i C SIGNALIZED NE 28TH TERRACE INTERSECTION tt LOS i NE 26TH STREET JACKSON X AHLSTEDT, P.E. FIGURE 8 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVICE WITHOUT PROJECT aw PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 03—. 64730 9.0 FUTURE CONDITIONS WITH PROJECT TRAFFIC Future traffic conditions with project traffic were analyzed for the year 2004. This was accomplished by using the 2004 estimated traffic volumes and adding the traffic generated by the project (as shown in Table 14). Table 20 details the future background plus project volumes for the AM and PM peak hours. These volumes were then used to determine the intersection and link levels of service using the same procedures as previously stated. For the most part, there were only minor changes between the year 2004 future intersection level of service and the year 2004 future background plus project volumes. This is shown in Table 21 and on Figure 9. The intersection level of service analyses are included in Appendix C. The link level of service analysis for future AM and PM peak hour directional traffic conditions with the project was performed on the previously identified roadway links. These results are summarized in Table 22. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM F-2- i ON 5/zzio3 , JACKSON M- AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February6, 20003 0 3 -' CV e 8 1 c W I TABLE 20 FUTURE PEAK HOUR INTERSECTION VOLUMES WITH PROJECT UtURE WITH PROJECT Vis. M PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND WESTBOUND LEFT THRU RN3 ' LEFT ' THRU RIGHT : LEFT-, IiiRD. RKIIHT LE `F l ' ' H f= E 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 3 2 16 9 3 68 14 1177 18 47 2204 76 JE 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 37 23 16 35 40 14 49 1116 19 12 2097 103 FUTURE WITH PROJECT ii' ✓I :`�ca �; is"x M PEAK HOUR EASTBOUND WESTBOUND NORTH13WJNQ ! f f s .! LEFT THRU RIGHT LEFT THRU HT LEFT: .: t1'} JE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 4 1 28 5 1 30 25 1810 20 82 1652 83 E 29TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD 29 57 28 69 56 9 62 1642 79 29 1619 83 17 N@ .� 0 a � l (D . C) CL �o =3 CD (7=r %A= CD 0 3 0.0 _ c cD 0 0 Xv a. pr� �n� Submitted Into the public recor In connection wit itemorl/iz D3 Priscilla A. Thompson TABLE 21City Clerk FUTURE INTERSECTION LOS WITH PROJECT WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS TABLE 22 FUTURE LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT STREET FROM 20tx4'.OS;:' r W/ PROJECT. 2t10A ili1 . A y ' PROJECT INTERSECTION :` 2002 LOS AM PM AM _. PM AM Pli NE 30TH STREET AND BISCAYNE BOULEVARD EB = F; WB = F EB = E; WB = E EB = F; WB = F EB = F; WB = F. EB = F; WB = F EB = F; WB = F NE 29TH STREET AND B D C D c E PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume VPH NA 79D 2500 2870 2990 2168 TABLE 22 FUTURE LINK LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT STREET FROM TO LOS Biscayne Boulevard NE 26th Street NE 34th Street AM=D PM=C ARTPLAN LOS CRITERIA PEAK HOUR LOS MAXIMUM PEAK HOUR DIRECTIONALVOLUME (VPH) A B C D E AM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume (VPH) NA NA 1680 2400 2520 2134 PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volume VPH NA 79D 2500 2870 2990 2168 Notes: 1.) AM Peak Hour Directional Service Volumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 90 seconds and average GIC of 0.67 2.) PM Peak Hour Directional Service Volumes are taken from ARTPLAN analysis using a cycle length of 115 seconds and average G/C of 0.79. 3) Maximum peak hour directional volumes are calculated from year 2001 FDOT data for count station 5058 (AADT = 39,000; K= 8.17%; and, D = 53.49%) escalated by 2% per year for three years and includes committed development traffic and project traffic. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 33 03— C0 NE 38TH STREET T =WkAj.CAi:izfai NE 35TH STREET C PM LINK LOS 4 AM LINK LOS a NE 34TH STREET STREET APPROACH I LOS C 6/D AM/PM SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION LOS F/F FJ I NE 29TH STREET CE NE 28TH STREET NE 27TH STREET NE 26TH TERRACE NE 26TH STREET NE 30T�FHSSTTR��Ey1ET }� ` gE NE 29TH TERR PROJECT e� L 1 f f Submited n�o the publid recon In, aa-mrie�TWluon th !'tem -(on 51zz�r73 Prisciiia A. Thompson City Clerk k FIGURE 9 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 ge 34 03- 0P 0 z n 1 Z NE 33RD STREET 0 J F/F D Z Im NE 32ND STREET f a AM/PM MINOR WA16REEKS f BISCAYNEBAY m NE3ISTSTREET STREET APPROACH I LOS C 6/D AM/PM SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION LOS F/F FJ I NE 29TH STREET CE NE 28TH STREET NE 27TH STREET NE 26TH TERRACE NE 26TH STREET NE 30T�FHSSTTR��Ey1ET }� ` gE NE 29TH TERR PROJECT e� L 1 f f Submited n�o the publid recon In, aa-mrie�TWluon th !'tem -(on 51zz�r73 Prisciiia A. Thompson City Clerk k FIGURE 9 FUTURE LEVELS OF SERVICE WITH PROJECT JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 ge 34 03- 0P 10.0 ON -STREET PARKING There are no metered parking spaces on either side of N.E. 30th Street adjacent to the site. The project will not result in the elimination of any existing on -street parking spaces on the south side of N.E. 30th Street. The project will construct some 198 on-site parking spaces. Parking will be provided for residents, employees and visitors to the site. 11.0 PEDESTRIANS Little pedestrian activity was noted in the immediate vicinity of the site. There are pedestrian provisions in the traffic signal at Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 29th Street. The proposed project will not significantly impact pedestrian movements along N.E. 30th Street. 12.0 PROJECT SITE PLAN Traffic and transportation aspects of the proposed site plan were reviewed and analyzed. 12.1 PROJECT DRIVEWAYS The project includes a pick-up/drop-off drive on N.E. 7th Avenue and one, two-way driveway serving the parking garage and connecting to N.E. 29th Terrace. Table 23 summarizes the AM and PM peak hour driveway volumes anticipated at the service points. JACKSON W AHLSTEDT, P.E. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 17r-!% I n_i ON ei_zi*. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 63— C 0 i Page 35 Submitted Into the public record in connectio wi item Pz- l__ on S22 03 __ Priscilla A. ®Thompson TABLE 23 �- City Clerk AM AND PM PEAK HOUR DRIVEWAY VOLUMES IN VEHICLES PER HOUR (VPH) AM PEAK HOUR RM PEAKy HOUR INBOUND OUTBOUND INBOUND OUTBOUND. 9 1 45 1 44 1 22 Queuing analysis was conducted based upon the assumption that access to the garage will be controlled by a card reader system and consist of an inbound lane and an outbound lane Analysis of potential inbound queues for the AM and PM peak hours indicates that there is approximately a 99% probability that the queue should not exceed 1 vehicle in addition to the vehicle being processed. Analysis of potential outbound queues for the AM and PM peak hours indicates that there is approximately a 99% probability that the queue should not exceed 1 vehicle in addition to the vehicle being processed. 12.2 PROJECT LOADING DOCK The proposed site plan includes a loading dock area on the alley on the west side of the property. The loading dock area consists of one 12' by 35' berth and one 10' by 20' berth. This should be adequate to serve the type and magnitude of development anticipated. The loading dock is accessed via from the alley on the west side of the project. Loading dock maneuvering will have no impacts on traffic flow and pedestrian movements on N.E. 7th Avenue, N.E. 30th Street or N.E. 29th Terrace. 12.3 PEDESTRIAN ACCESS The proposed site plan provides principle pedestrian access to N.E. 30th Street and N.E. 7th Avenue. 13.0 CONCLUSIONS After reviewing the results from the intersection analysis and the roadway link analysis, that with or without the project, by the year 2004 there will be some deterioration in the level of service on Biscayne Boulevard. The signalized intersection analysis indicates that the potential reduction in level of service at Biscayne Boulevard and N.E. 29th Street can be mitigated through a minor revision in signal timing. JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 36 03— 607 The roadway link analysis yields similar level of service results, indicating that roadway levels of service remain relatively consistent through the year 2004 with the project. The results of all of these analyses are shown in Table 24. Finally, the corridor analysis provided in Appendix D clearly indicates that there is sufficient transportation system capacity in the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor to accommodate the proposed project. TABLE 24 INTERSECTION LEVEL OF SERVICE SUMMARY WEEKDAY PEAK HOUR CONDITIONS INTERSECTION 2004 LOS 2004 LOS 2004 LOS W/O PROJECT WITH WIT PROJECT PROJECT AND MODIFICATIONS AM PM AM PM AM PM NE 30TH STREET AND EB = F; EB = F; EB = F; EB = F; NIA N/A BISCAYNE BOULEVARD WB = F WB = F WB = F WB = F NE 29TH STREET AND C D C E N/A C BISCAYNE BOULEVARD JACKSON M. AHLSTEDT, P.E. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMpz-i ON.61z7-tos. PL.AT)NUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 Page 37 03- 607 APPENDIX A Existing intersection Levels of Service SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR 171 1 vz_i ON aluloa . 03- 602 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 12/04/02 Analysis Time Period: AM PERK HOUR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: EXISTING Project ID: PLAT NUM CONDO East/West Street: NE 30TH STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS $ubmita' y -,to the public wih recon ,ati"z . 61 zz103 item _ l c� __ __-- PriscillaA. .�.y1o1npson City Clerk x Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 13 756 17 43 1813 73 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.65 0.91 0.85 0.83 0.97 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 830 19 51 1869 97 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided 9.3 72.7 228.6 RT Channelized? C A F F Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L - TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 110 11 12 L T RI L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade (.6) Median Storage Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 9 3 55 2 15 0.45 0.75 0.73 0.38 0.50 0.75 20 4 80 7 4 20 0 0 0 0 0 0.17 0 4.07 0 No DIc 0 1 0 G 1 0 LTR LTR v (vph) Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config L L I LTR. I LTR v (vph) 20 51 104 31 C(m) (vph) 366 880 148 40 v/c 0.05 0.06 0.70 0.77 95'queue length 0.17 0.18 4.07 2.89 Control Delay 15.4 9.3 72.7 228.6 LOS C A F F Approach Delay 72.7 228.6 Approach LCS F F 03—^ HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 12/04/02 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: EXISTING Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO East/West Street: NE 30TH STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS Subm it -A Into the public recon di coria ctiOn with item FZ" 1 _0i) Akiw Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk i Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R. I L T R Volume 24 1400 19 73 1173 80 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.61 0.95 0.83 0.78 0.96 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 39 1473 22 93 1221 101 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 10 11 12 L T R f L T R Volume Peak Hour Factor, PHF Hourly Flow Rate, HFR Percent Heavy Vehicles Percent Grade O Median Storage Flared -Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration Approach Movement Lane Config v (VP h) C(m) (vph) v/ c 95'1'. queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS 5 1 27 °'_ 1 2 0.76 0.69 0.45 0.78 0.61 0.65 6 _ 6 0.76 1 39 0 0 0 u 0 A 0 E E 0 No N LTR LTR Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 L L I LTR I LTR 12 39 93 67 45 868 455 146 150 0.04 0.20 0.46 0.30 0.14 0.76 2.10 1.18 9.3 14.9 49.0 39.0 A B E E 49.0 39.0 E r. 63- 607 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 12/04/02 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: AM PEAK HOUR Year : EXISTING Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound ► Westbound I Northbound I Southbound ► L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I I I I No. Lanes 1 0 1 1 ► 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 LGConfig ► LT R I LT R L TR I L TR Volume 135 20 15 127 32 13 147 698 17 Ill 1710 99 Lane Width ► 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 RTOR Vol ► 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas 0.22 28.8 C 28.6 C Signal Operations 1516 0.06 0.22 Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Submitted Into the publiic Thru Right A A I Thru { Right P P record4l i ;i (i )+',0I�� With Peds C I Peds C .. item 1___ 22 ' WB Left A J SB Left P _ _�. . A. Thru A { Thru P Priscilla B ,,1ompson Right A I Right P - City Clerk Peds F I Peds { 3363 NB Right 0.67 I EB Right A 13.6 B SB Right I WB Right Green 20.0 L 379 60.0 0.03 0.67 Yellow 4.0 4.0 TR 2237 3355 All Red 1.0 15.9 1.0 15.9 B Intersection Delay = 1.6.1 Cycle Length: 90.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary LOS = B Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delav LOS Delav LOS Eastbound LT 314 1413 0.20 0.22 28.8 C 28.6 C R 337 1516 0.06 0.22 27.7 Westbound LT 335 1506 0.31 0.22 29.8 C 29.4 C R 337 1516 0.06 0.22 27.7 C Northbound L 80 119 0.90 0.67 88.1 F TR 2242 3363 0.36 0.67 7.1 A 13.6 B Southbound L 379 568 0.03 0.67 5.3 A TR 2237 3355 0.85 0.67 15.9 B 15.9 B Intersection Delay = 1.6.1 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = B 03- 607 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 12/04/02 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: PM PEAK HOUR Year : EXISTING Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound I Southbound I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I I I I I I No. Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT R I L TR I L TR 1 Volume 128 49 27 165 51 9 160 1238 17 126 1141 80 ► Lane Width 1 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 1 RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 I Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas 5^ _ 402.6 F Signal Operations 1516 0.22 Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 NB Left 5 6 7 8 the public EB Left Thru A A I ( Thru P P+s Submit}""} t a_ s> a w1 h record! Right Peds R { E Right Peds P 2 - item'..._...-. WB Left A I SB Left PprISC,11i A. a ` 01^npson Thru A I Thru P City Clerk Right A I Right P Peds L 263 ( Peds 0.79 7.6 NB Right I EB Right 3380 0.49 SB Right 4.8 I WB Right A Southbound Green 14.0 91.0 Yellow 4.0 329 0.13 4.0 3.8 Ali Red 1.0 TR 2650 1.0 0.50 0.79 4.8 A 4.8 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs intersection Intersection Performance Suirmary (sec/veh) Intersection Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/ - Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LT 60 494 1.93 0.12 5^ _ 402.6 F F. 185 1516 0.22 0.12 46.1 D Westbound 1T 87 717 1.84 0.12 469.6 F 421.9 F R 185 1516 0.11 0.12 45.2 D Northbound L 263 332 0.37 0.79 7.6 A TF. 2675 3380 0.49 0.79 4.8 A 5.0 A Southbound L 260 329 0.13 0.79 3.8 A TR 2650 3349 0.50 0.79 4.8 A 4.8 A intersection Delay = 49.0 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = D 03- 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM -?z- i ON -612. Z 105 KA, Future Intersection Levels of Service Without Project 03- 607 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: 3MITTED INTO THE Date Performed: 12/04/02 Analysis Time Period: AM PEAK HOUR 45 FOR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Peak -Hour Factor, PHF PUBLIC 0.91 0.85 RECORD 0.97 Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 21 1293 21 54 2272 Unity: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: FUTURE W/O PROJECT STEM Pz-` ON 6712Z�o3 , Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO -- 0 -- East/.West Street: NE 30TH STREET Median Type Undivided North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Lanes Movement 1 2 3 1 4 5 6 L T R __ L T R Volume 14 1177 18 45 2204 76 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.65 0.91 0.85 0.83 0.97 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 21 1293 21 54 2272 101 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided RT Channelized? Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 I 10 11 12 L T R I L T R Volume 9 3 61 3 2 16 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.45 0.75 0.73 0.38 0.50 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 4 83 7 4 21 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade O 0 0 Median Storage Flared Approach: Exists? No No Storage RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR LTR Approach Movement Lane Config v (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95'queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service DIB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 1 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 L L I LTR I LTR 21 54 10- 209 533 0 0.10 0.10 0.33 0.34 24.1 12.5 C B F 32 0 F 03- 607 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 12/04/02 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: FUTURE W/O PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO East/West Street: NE 30TH STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS Study period (hrs): 0.25 5.,�.,91TTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM 0-2 i ON si:ems. Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Movement 1 L Northbound 2 T 3 R 4 1 L Southbound 5 T 6 R Volume 25 1810 20 76 1652 83 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.61 0.95 0.83 0.78 0.96 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 40 1905 24 97 1720 105 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided B C F RT Channelized? RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 Lanes Configuration 1 2 0 LTR. LIR 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 ! 10 11 12 L T R J L T R Volume 5 1 28 4 1 28 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.76 0.69 0.45 0.78 0.61 0.68 Hourly Flow Rate, HER 6 1 62 1 41 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 v 0 0 0 Percent Grade (^s) 584 0 0 0 Median Storage 0.31 0.22 Flared Approach: Exists? No No 21.8 Storage B C F RT Channelized? Lanes 0 1 0 0 1 0 Configuration LTR. LIR Approach Movement Lane Config V (vph) C(m) (vph) v; c 95t queue length Control Delay LOS Approach Delay Approach LOS Delay, Queue Length, and Level of Service NB SB Westbound Eastbound 1 4 ) 7 8 9 1 10 11 L L I LTR LTR 40 97 69 47 584 310 0 0 0.07 0.31 0.22 1.30 11.6 21.8 B C F F 12 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 12/04/02 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: AM PEAK HOUR Year : FUTURE W/O PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound ► Northbound I Southbound I I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I I I I I ► No: Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT R I L TR I L TR I Volume 137 21 16 128 34 14 149 1116 18 112 2097 103 1 Lane Width ► 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 1 RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Thru A i Thru P SUbrr-'f ed Into the public Right A I Right P Peds ( Peds recon �:onnectic with WB Left A I SB Left P item v"`! on _IZZ(0.3 Thru A ► Thru P Priscilla A. Yh®MPs01.1 Right A 7 Right P Peds I Peds _. City Clerk NB Right I EB Right SB Right I WB Right Green 20.0 60.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 90.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Awpr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) V/c g/C Delav LOS delay LOS Eastbound LT 312 1402 0.21 0.22 29.9 C 29.6 C R 337 1516 0.06 0.22 27.7 C Westbound LT 334 1504 0.33 0.22 30.0 C 29.6 C R 337 1516 0.07 0.22 27.7 C Northbound L 80 119 0.94 0.67 97.7 r TR 2247 3371 0.57 0.6; 9.1 A 14.0 B Southbound L 201 302 0.06 0.67 5.8 A TR 2239 3359 1.03 0.67 43.3 D 43.1 D Intersection Delay = 32.2 {sec/veh) Intersection LOS = C ►-- X07 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 12/04/02 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: PM PEAK HOUR Year : FUTURE W/O PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound 1 Westbound I Northbound I Southbound I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I I I I I I No. Lanes 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 I 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT R I L TR I L TR I Volume 129 51 28 167 53 9 162 1642 74 129 1619 83 1 Lane Width 1 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 1 RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Thru A I Thru P Right A I Right PUbIIC Peds ► Peds Submitted Into the p WB Left A I SB Left P ��?Ci��: x4`7 wit record i� Thru A I Thru P P�. ` 5 m v3 Right A I Right P item -- Thompson Peds I Peds Priscilla A. NB Right I EB Right y `-- - City Clerk SB Right ( WB Right Green 14.0 91.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary _ Appr1 Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Delay LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LT 58 475 2.09 0.12 593.0 _ 454.6" F R 165 1516 0.22 0.12 46.2 D Westbound LT 83 679 1.99 0.12 535.1 F 482.1 F R 185 1516 0.11 0.12 45.2 D Northbound L 132 167 0.77 0.79 41.1 L TR 2661 3363 0.68 0.79 6.9 A 3.7 A Southbound L 134 169 0.28 0.79 6.3 A TR 2658 3359 0.69 0.79 7.0 A Intersection Delay = 46.6 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = D 63- 607 .-Ov SUSITTaD INTO Tvia pUSLMIC RECORD FOR 1TaM,pZ-1 ON512ZI-0-319 APPENDIX C Future Intersection Levels of Service With Project 3- 607 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 2/6/03 Analysis Time Period: AM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: FUTURE W/PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO East/West Street: NE 30TH STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS SUb'"'MITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMP2-i ON s/ :l03, Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 14 1177 18 47 2204 76 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.65 0.91 0.85 0.83 0.97 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 21 1293 21 56 2272 101 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 • -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided 0 Median Storage RT Channelized? Flared Approach: Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Approach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R L T R Volume Delay, 9 3 68 3 2 16 Peak Hour Factor, PHF 0.45 0.75 0.73 0.38 0.50 0.75 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 20 4 93 4 21 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 0 0 0 0 0 Percent Grade () 0 0 Median Storage Flared Approach: Exists? No No Storage RT Channelized? Lanes Configuration 0 1 0 LTR J LTR v (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95� queue length Control Delav LOS Approach Delat: Approach LOOS 21 56 209 533 0.10 0.11 0.33 0.35 24.1 12.5 C B 0 F 32 0 F 03- 607 Delay, Queue Length, and Level cL_ Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 I 7 8 9 1 10 11 12 Lane Config L L I LTR. LTR v (vph) C(m) (vph) v/c 95� queue length Control Delav LOS Approach Delat: Approach LOOS 21 56 209 533 0.10 0.11 0.33 0.35 24.1 12.5 C B 0 F 32 0 F 03- 607 HCS2000: Unsignalized Intersections Release 4.1c TWO-WAY STOP CONTROL SUMMARY Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Agency/Co.: Date Performed: 2/6/03 Analysis Time Period: PM PEAK HOUR Intersection: NE 30TH ST/BISCAYNE Jurisdiction: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Units: U. S. Customary Analysis Year: FUTURE W/PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO East/West Street: NE 30TH STREET North/South Street: BISCAYNE BLVD Intersection Orientation: NS c'"WITTED THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-r ON 5/zz lo3. Study period (hrs): 0.25 Vehicle Volumes and Adjustments Major Street: Approach Northbound Southbound Movement 1 2 3 4 5 6 L T R I L T R Volume 25 1810 20 82 1652 83 Peak -Hour Factor, PHF 0.61. 0.95 0.83 0.78 0.96 0.79 Hourly Flow Rate, HFR 40 1905 24 105 1720 105 Percent Heavy Vehicles 0 -- -- 0 -- -- Median Type Undivided 4 17 8 9 I 10 11 12 RT Channelized? L L I LTR i LTR Lanes 1 2 0 1 2 0 Configuration L T TR L T TR Upstream Signal? Yes Yes Minor Street: Aaproach Westbound Eastbound Movement 7 8 9 10 11 12 L T R I L T R. Volume Peak Hou -r Factor, PHF 'rourly F iow Rate, HFR =.__cent Heav,,; Vehicles Percent Grade _Ti Median Storage Flared Approach: Exists? Storage RT Channelized? 5 1 30 4 1 28 0.76 0.69 0.45 0.78 0.61 0.68 6 1 66 5 1 41 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SB 0 Eastbound No No panes 40 105 73 47 0 1 0 0 i 0 Configuration v/c 0.07 LTR LTP. 0.22 Delav, Queue Length, and Level of Service Approach NB SB Westbound Eastbound Movement 1 4 17 8 9 I 10 11 12 sane Config L L I LTR i LTR ;vph? 40 105 73 47 C(m fphi 583 310 0 0 v/c 0.07 0.34 95 queue length 0.22 1.45 Control Dela;- 11.6 22.4 LOS B C F F ?Pproach Dela- Approach LOS 03- 607 SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound I Southbound 1 I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R 1 No. Lanes 1 0 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1' 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT__ R I L TR I L TR 1 Volume 137 23 16 136 40 14 149 1116 19 112 2097 103 1 Lane Width 1 -11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 1 RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Thru A 1 Thru P _ Right A I Right P tu-bmitte 1nt6 the p Peds 1 Pedsx• WB Left A 1 SB Left P rec1 Thru A I Thru P item f �r �„ �^ r,' 5122 0,3 Right A I Right P Peds I Peds PriSc;l ! ie'3Ri1pS0il NB Right I EB Right City Clerk SB Right I WB Right Green 20.0 60.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 90.0 secs intersection Performance Summary App=l Lane Adi Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) V/c g/C Dela; LOS Delay LOS Eastbo LT 291 1311 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: 0.22 27.7 Area Type: All other areas Date: 2/6/03 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: AM PEAK HOUR Year : FUTURE W/PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO 0.41 0.22 E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound I Southbound 1 I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R 1 No. Lanes 1 0 1 1 I 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1 1' 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT__ R I L TR I L TR 1 Volume 137 23 16 136 40 14 149 1116 19 112 2097 103 1 Lane Width 1 -11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 1 RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Thru A 1 Thru P _ Right A I Right P tu-bmitte 1nt6 the p Peds 1 Pedsx• WB Left A 1 SB Left P rec1 Thru A I Thru P item f �r �„ �^ r,' 5122 0,3 Right A I Right P Peds I Peds PriSc;l ! ie'3Ri1pS0il NB Right I EB Right City Clerk SB Right I WB Right Green 20.0 60.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 90.0 secs intersection Performance Summary App=l Lane Adi Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) V/c g/C Dela; LOS Delay LOS Eastbo LT 291 1311 0.24 0.22 29.2 C 28.8 C R 337 1516 0.06 0.22 27.7 C Westbound LT 327 1471 0.41 0.22 30.8 C 30.4 C R 337 1516 0.07 0.22 27.7 C Northbound L 80 119 0.94 0.67 97.7 F TR 2247 3371 0.57 0.67 9.1 A 14.0 B Southbound L 201 301 0.06 0.67 5.8 A TR. 2239 3359 1.03 0.67 43.3 D 43.1 D Intersection Delay = 32.2 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = C 03- 607 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: Area Type: All other areas Date: 2/6/03 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: PM PEAK HOUR Year : FUTURE W/PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound ► Southbound { I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I I I 1 I I No; Lanes 1 0 1 1 I 0 1 1 { 1 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT R I L TR I L TR 1 Volume 129 57 28 169 56 9 162 1642 79 129 1619 83 1 Lane Width ► 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 ► RTOR Vol 1 0 I 0 1 0 1 0 { Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas Signal Operations Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P Thru A I Thru P Right A I Right P Submitted Into the pubI1 Peds I Peds WB Left A recor ua ,o no�'t1® 22 t I SB Left P Iteral 2 ° 5y W.? Thru A ( Thru P -w"" Right A { Right P Prison a A. � �®rn{�S'�n Peds I Peds City Clerk NB Right I EB Right SB Right I WB Right Green 14.0 91.0 Yellow 4.0 4.0 All Red 1.0 1.0 Cycle Length: 115.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/c g/C Dela-° LOS Delav LOS Eastbound LT 58 479 2.24 0.12 600.4 F 513.2 _ R 185 1516 0.22 0.12 46.2 D Westbound LT 74 610 2.32 0.12 686.5 F 619.7 F R 185 1.516 0.11 0.12 45.2 D Northbound L 132 1167 0.77 ].79 4!.l U TR 2660 3362 0.69 0.79 6.9 r. 8.7 A Southbound L 133 168 0.26 TR 2658 3359 0.69 Intersection Delay = 57.0 0.79 8.3 A 0.79 7.0 A 7.0 A (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = E 03- 607 HCS2000: Signalized Intersections Release 4.1c Analyst: J. AHLSTEDT Inter.: 2417 Agency: D Area Type: All other areas Date: 2/6/03 Jurisd: CITY OF MIAMI/FDOT Period: PM PEAK HOUR Year : FUTURE W/PROJECT Project ID: PLATINUM CONDO - MODIFIED TIMING I L TR E/W St: NE 29TH STREET NIS St: BISCAYNE BOULEVARD SIGNALIZED INTERSECTION SUMMARY Duration 0.25 I Eastbound I Westbound I Northbound I Southbound I D I L T R I L T R I L T R I L T R I No. Lane 5 I I 0 1 1 I 1 0 1 1 1 I 1 2 0 I I 1 1 2 0 1 LGConfig I LT R I LT R I L TR I L TR 1 Volume 129 57 28 169 56 9 162 1642 79 129 1619 83 1 Lane Width 1 11.0 11.0 1 11.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 111.0 11.0 I RTOR Vol 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 Duration 0.25 Area Type: All other areas 47.6 D 45.8 D R 293 Signal Operations 0.14 0.19 40.0 D Phase Combination 1 2 3 4 1 Westbound 5 6 7 8 EB Left A I NB Left P 952 0.93 Thru Right A A I I Thru Right P P Su���°t <')"�� !nto the public - Peds WB Left A I I SB Peds Left P ireM°"` : ? .; ii"p lc `-Non With / Thru A I Thru P item Right A I Right P Priscilla A. Thompson Peds I Peds 0.75 0.7-- Cit Clerk i NB Right 17.6 I EB Right SB Right I WB Right L 100 138 0.37 Green 23.0 B 86.0 " 3359 Yellow 4.0 12.2 B 4.0 B Intersection Delay All Red 1.0 LOS = B 1.0 Cycle Length: 119.0 secs Intersection Performance Summary Appr/ Lane Adj Sat Ratios Lane Group Approach _ Lane Group Flow Rate Grp Capacity (s) v/C g/C Dela. LOS Delay LOS Eastbound LT 222 1148 0.59 0.19 47.6 D 45.8 D R 293 1516 0.14 0.19 40.0 D Westbound LT 184 952 0.93 0.19 95.1 F 89.3 F P. 293 1516 0.07 0.19 39.3 D Northbound L 99 137 1.03 0.72 115.4 F TR 2430 3362 0.75 0.7-- 121.E B 17.6 B Southbound L 100 138 0.37 0.72 16.4 B TR 2428 3359 0.75 0.72 12.2 B 12.3 B Intersection Delay = 19.7 (sec/veh) Intersection LOS = B 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ON 51zzloa . Corridor Anaiysis 03- 60'7 . _4w A level of service analysis was conducted using the techniques contained in the adopted Transportation Element of the Miami Comprehensive Neighborhood Plan 1989-2000. These techniques are contained in the City of Miami publication Transportation Corridors: Meetina the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami as revised September 1990. In performing the analysis, of the three possible scenarios available, Scenario 2 - maximum auto was used. The level of service analysis for Platinum Condominium is documented in Tables 1 through 4. The proposed project is located in the Biscayne Boulevard corridor. The roadways providing capacity to the corridor are: Biscayne Boulevard N.E. 2"d Avenue North Miami Avenue Submitted I-nto the public' recor in conne�tio w�t h item VZ' I on 61ZZ Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk The transit routes providing capacity to the corridor are MetroBus Routes 3, 16, 32, 36, 62, 95, T, Biscayne Max, 9, 10, and 6. EXISTING 2002 LEVEL OF SERVICE Table 1 presents an analysis of the existing 2001 corridor level of service. Roadway vehicular capacities (column 2) were based upon data contained in Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami as revised September 1990. Roadway vehicular volumes (column 4) were taken from FDOT traffic count data. This AADT volume was adjusted to reflect peak hour conditions by applying factors obtained from FDOT data. Mass Transit person trip capacities (columns 8, 9 and 10) were calculated from route schedules and equipment information supplied by the Miami -Dade Transit Agency (MDTA) and data contained in Transportation Corridors: Meeting the Challenge of Growth Management in Miami as revised September 1990. Average weekday ridership data was obtained from MDTA. Total route ridership was available for MetroBus. Additionally, MDTA provided an estimated percentage of person trips during the peak 4 hours of the day. Platinum Condominium Page 0-1 February 6, 2003 03- 607 Because the MetroBus data reflected ridership on the entire route, some percentage of which is typically outside of the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor, it was necessary to estimate the portion of the total route ridership which was actually on the buses when they were in the corridor. To facilitate this estimate of segment volumes, 1999 through 2001 data on MetroBus boardings in the corridor was obtained from MetroBus surveys. Transit volumes (column 12) were calculated using the ridership data and the percentage of passengers during the peak hours supplied by MDTA and estimating ridership in the corridor from actual load factors calculated from the MetroBus survey data. Thus, the transit volumes shown in column 12 reflect actual load factors calculated from MDTA surveys. As can be seen from Table 1, the existing Biscayne Boulevard Corridor currently operates at Level of Service "A". - - Submitted Into the pubH6 recur F::�, ranotion with item _Z-1 _ o r,, blzi I 0 Prioiila A..F tompson City ClerK Platinum Condominium Page D-2 February 6, 2003 03- 607 TABLE 1 - EXISTING 2002 LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS CORRIDOR NAME 2002 246 0.39 A ROADWAY MODE 189 331 0.36 A 7,476 MASS TRANSIT MODE 2,096 0.72 C 3,808 CORRIDOR TOTALS 1,556 0.59 A ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY LOCAL BUS EXPRESS RAIL TRAN TOTAL TOTAL 0.70 B Principal Roadway(s) CORR VEHICULAR PER. TRIP VEHICULAR PER. TRIP EXCESS PERSON PER. TRIP PER. TRIP PER. TRIP TRANSIT TRANSIT TRANSIT PERSON CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR TYPE CAPACITY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME PER. TRIP TRIP CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY PERSON TRIP PERSON TRIP PERSON TRIP PERSON PERSON @PPV= 1.4 @PPV= CAPACITY V/C LOS @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = TRIP EXCESS CAPACITY VOLUME TRIP EXCESS TRIP (Notes) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1.4 SEATS DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN VOLUME CAPACITY PER FACTOR CAPACITY V/C LOS BISCAYNE CORRIDOR LS HOUR (5) (6) (7) 43.2 (9) (10) (11) (12) (1 31 (14) (15) (16) (17) 392 Biscayne Boulevard (5058) MetroBus Rte 32 2,720 3,808 3,250 4,550 (742) 1.19 F MetroBus Rte 36 20 44.5 33 150.00% 400 2.82% MetroBus Rte 62 10 40.8 89 Me MetroBus Rte 3 734 7.67% MetroBus Rte 95 15 44.7 2 125.00% 389 0.17% MetroBus Rte T 20 44.4 154 3,808 4,550 (742) 1.19 F MetroBus Rte 16 189 150.00% 519 16.21% MetroBus Rte 9 10 46.0 150.00% 828 389 167 221 389 167 221 0.43 A MetroBus Rte 32 60 11.5 7 150.00% 35 0.62% 392 1,164 392 148 245 392 148 245 0.38 A MetroBus Rte 36 387 387 48 339 387 48 339 0.12 A MetroBus Rte 62 400 400 33 367 400 33 367 0.08 A MetroBus Rte 95 734 734 89 645 734 89 645 0.12 A MetroBus Rte T 447 447 2 445 447 2 445 0.00 A MetroBus Rte 9 MetroBus Rte 10 Avenue 400 400 154 246 519 - ----- -- --_..._- ------------------ 519 189 331 3,60$ 3,250 4,550 (742) _ 1.19 F 3,221 447 0 3,668 830 2,839 3,808 1,609 2,252 1,556 0.59 - - A - - -_--...__- _- Avenue (276) 828 ____ _ 205 2,720 3,808 1,609 2,252 _ 1,556 0.59 A 1 03; 2,720 3,808 774 1,084 2.724 n ?R A 828 205 1,03; 2_80 548 47 158 400 154 246 0.39 A 519 189 331 0.36 A 7,476 5,380 2,096 0.72 C 3,808 2,252 1,556 0.59 A 828 280 548 0.34 A 205 47 158 0.23 A 4J841 LOS TABLE AUTO PERSON TRIPS 7,886 87.14% 0.00 A TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS 1,164 12.86% 0.60 A TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 9,049 100.00% 0.61 B 0.70 B 0.71 C 0.80 C 0.81 D 0.90 D 0.91 E 1.00 E 1.01 F AVG RIDERSHIP DESIGN % SEATS PAX LOAD CAPACITY RIDERSHIP HEAD PER PER FACTOR WAY VEH HOUR MetroBus Rte 3 20 43.2 167 150.00% 389 14.38% MetroBus Rte 16 20 43.6 148 150.00% 392 12.68% MetroBus Rte 32 20 43.0 48 150.00% 387 4.12% MetroBus Rte 36 20 44.5 33 150.00% 400 2.82% MetroBus Rte 62 10 40.8 89 150.00% 734 7.67% MetroBus Rte 95 15 44.7 2 125.00% 447 0.17% MetroBus Rte T 20 44.4 154 150.00% 400 13.22% MetroBus Rte MAX 15 43.3 189 150.00% 519 16.21% MetroBus Rte 9 10 46.0 280 150.00% 828 24.05% MetroBus Rte 10 40 45.6 47 150.00% 205 4.05% MetroBus Rte 6 60 11.5 7 150.00% 35 0.62% 1,164 100.00% IL SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBI,IC RECORD FOR vz_ ITEMi ON.61zzion-, . PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM February 6, 2003 PAGE 5-3 03- 60'7 FSS YEAR 2004 LEVEL OF SERVICE WITHOUT THE PROJECT Table 2 presents an analysis of the future year 2004 corridor level of service without the project. Roadway vehicular volumes and mass transit volumes was taken from Table 1 (2002) and adjusted to the year 2004 by applying a growth factor of 2% per year and adding committed development traffic. As can be seen from Table 2, it is estimated that the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor will operate at Level of Service "B" in the year 2004 without the project. SUiATTEDINTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM vz. r ON Platinum Condomxnum Page 0-4 FeWuary 6,20M 03— G07 MetroBus Rte MAX AUTO PERSON TRIPS 8,204 83.14% TABLE 2 - 2004 LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS WITHOUT PROJECT 0.0 A 0.660 A 400 519 0 0 400 220 CORRIDOR NAME 2004 ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY LOCAL BUS EXPRESS MASS TRANSIT MODE RAIL TRAN TOTAL TOTAL 3,221 0 447_ CORRIDOR TOTALS Principal Roadway(s) CORR VEHICULAR PER. TRIP VEHICULAR PER. TRIP EXCESS PERSON PER. TRIP PER. TRIP PER. TRIP TRANSIT TRANSIT TRAN IT CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR TYPE CAPACITY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME PER. TRIP TRIP CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY P7RSON PERSON TRIP PERSON TRIP PERSON PERSON PERSON 1.01 F 3,808 2,343 @PPV= 1.4 MetroBus Rte 10 @PPV= 1.4 CAPACITY V/C LOS @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = TRIP EXCESS CAPACITY TRIP VOLUME TRIP EXCESS TRIP V/C LOS (Notes) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1,674 2,343 DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN VOLUME CAPACITY 205 67 CAPACITY 205 BISCAYNE CORRIDOR LS Miami Avenue (308) 2,720 3,808 805 (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (4 1) (15) (16) (17) Biscayne Boulevard (5058) 2,720 3,808 3,381 4,734 (926) 1.24 F MetroBus Rte 62 7.67% 35 35 MetroBus Rte 95 0.17% 1 MetroBus Rte 3 MetroBus Rte T 13.22% 60 60 389 MetroBus Rte MAX 16.21% 73 73 3,808 4,734 (926) 1.24 F MetroBus Rte 16 109 MetroBus Rte 10 4.05% 18 18 0 0 389 239 149 389 23g 149 •►�w�ewr�� MetroBus Rte 32 1 0 453 392 0 0 392 211 181 392 211 181 MetroBus Rte 36 387 0 0 387 69 318 387 69 318 MetroBus Rte 62 400 0 0 400 47 353 400 47 353 MetroBus Rte 95 734 0 0 734 128 606 734 128 606 MetroBus Rte T 0 447 0 447 3 444 447 3 444 MetroBus Rte MAX AUTO PERSON TRIPS 8,204 83.14% 0.0 A 0.660 A 400 519 0 0 400 220 180 400 220 180 Biscayne Boulevard Subtotal 2,720 3,808 3,381._ 4,734(926)-124-----F (926) 3,221 0 447_ 0 0 519 3,668 _ 270 1,186 _ 250 519 270 250 N.E. 2nd Avenue (276) 2,720 3,808 1,674 2,343 1,465 0.62 B _ 0.81 D 0.90 2,482 7,476 5,926 1,556 0.79 C MetroBus Rte 9 ITEM P2 -c . 1.00 E 1.01 F 3,808 2,343 1,465 0.62 B MetroBus Rte 10 GROWTH FACTOR 1.02 Per Year 828 0 0 828 400 428 828 400 428 N.E. 2nd Avenue Subtotal 2,720 3,808 1,674 2,343 1,465 0.62 -d-1,033 205 0 0 205 67 138 205 67 138 Miami Avenue (308) 2,720 3,808 805 1.127 7 RR1 n In A 0 0 1,033 467 566 4,841 2 811 2 031 0.58 A LOS TABLE AUTO PERSON TRIPS 8,204 83.14% 0.0 A 0.660 A TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 1,664 9,868 16.86% SUBMITTED INTO THE 0.61 B 100.00% 0.70 B 0.71 C PUBLIC RECORD FOR 0.80 C 0.81 D 0.90 ON 512-zIO3 0.91 E E ITEM P2 -c . 1.00 E 1.01 F GROWTH FACTOR 1.02 Per Year COMMITTED DEVELOPMENT TRAFFI VPH PAX TRANSIT 1833 2,566 453 15.00% TRANSIT Biscayne Boulevard (5056) 351 491 PAX LOCAL EXPRESS RAIL TOTAL MetroBus Rte 3 14.38°x6 65 65 MetroBus Rte 16 12.68% 57 57 MetroBus Rte 32 4.12% 19 19 MetroBus Rte 36 2.82% 13 13 MetroBus Rte 62 7.67% 35 35 MetroBus Rte 95 0.17% 1 1 MetroBus Rte T 13.22% 60 60 MetroBus Rte MAX 16.21% 73 73 MetroBus Rte 9 24.05% 109 109 MetroBus Rte 10 4.05% 18 18 MetroBus Rte 6 0.62% 3 3 •►�w�ewr�� 452 1 0 453 February 6, 2003 03- 6 PROJECT TRAFFIC Table 3 presents project traffic and mass transit ridership based upon PM peak hour project traffic. The project site is located in Traffic Analysis Zone JAZ) 504 (note that this is the new zone system). The cardinal distribution of the traffic within TAZ 504 was obtained from Miami - Dade County. The distribution is as follows: North -Northeast 10.61% East -Northeast 4.13% East -Southeast 5.04% South -Southeast 4.48% South -Southwest 21.61% West -Southwest 24.26% West -Northwest 13.50% North -Northwest 16.36% Using this trip distribution, the project trip assignment was determined. This is shown in Figure 1. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-t ON _61z-2.10-5 . PtMnum Condaninium Page UZ February 6, 2003 ___ j)3-- 607 --low CORRIDOR NAME Principal Roadway(s) BISCAYNE CORRIDOR Biscayne Boulevard (5058) MetroBus Rte 3 MetroBus Rte 16 MetroBus Rte 32 MetroBus Rte 36 MetroBus Rte 62 MetroBus Rte 95 MetroBus Rte T MetroBus Rte MAX N.E. MetroBus Rte 9 2,720 3,808 29 41 3,767 0.01 A 2,720 2, a,aua Zy -41 0 3,767 3,808 TABLE 3 -PROJECT TRAFFIC 0 3,808 3,767 0.01 A 392 0 0 3,808 0 _ 0 3,808 ROADWAY MODE 0 n '1 Ann 0 387 0 387 387 0 387 734 2004 ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY 0 400 MASS TRANSIT MODE 447 0 447 CORRIDOR TOTALS LOCAL BUS EXPRESS RAIL TRAN TOTAL 734 447 400 519 CORR VEHICULAR PER. TRIP VEHICULAR PER. TRIP EXCESS PERSON PER. TRIP PER. TRIP PER. TRIP TRANSIT TOTAL TRANSIT TRANSIT CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR TYPE CAPACITY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME PER. TRIP TRIP CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY PERSON PERSON PERSON PERSON PERSON PERSON 0 1 3,808 0.00 A @PPV= 1.4 @PPV= 1.4 CAPACITY V/C LOS @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = TRIP TRIP EXCESS TRIP CAPACITY TRIP VOLUME TRIP TRIP (1) (2) (3) (4) 4 RAI n nn A DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN VOLUME CAPACITY EXCESS V/C LOS (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (101 (111 1191 „ A% 11-1 CAPACITY 2,720 3,808 29 41 3,767 0.01 A 2,720 2, a,aua Zy -41 0 3,767 3,808 0 0 3,808 3,767 0.01 A 392 0 0 3,808 0 _ 0 3,808 3.808 0 n '1 Ann 0.01 A 0.00 --- A 0.00 A n nn A 389 0 0 389 0 388 3,808 389 41 0 3,767 0.01 A 392 0 0 392 0 392 392 0 388 392 387 400 0 0 0 387 0 387 387 0 387 734 0 0 0 400 734 0 0 400 734 400 734 0 400 0 447 0 447 0 447 447 0 0 734 447 400 519 0 0 0 0 400 0 399 400 0 399 _ 3,221 447 — _ 0 _ 519 0 519 _ 519 0 519 3,668 2 — 3,667 7,476 42 7,434 0.01 A 828 0 0 828 1 827 3,808 828 0 1 3,808 0.00 A 205 0 0 205 0 205 .205 0 827 205 1,033 0 0 1,033 1 1,033 _ ;4,841 1 4 RAI n nn A LOS TABLE AUTO PERSON TRIPS 0.00 A TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS 0.60 A TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 0.61 B 0.70 B 0.71 C 0.80 C 0.81 D 0.90 D 0.91 E 1.00 E 1.01 F PROJECT TRAFFIC VPH PAX 29 41 Biscayne Boulevard (5058) 29 41 PAX LOCAL EXPRESS MetroBus Rte 3 14.38% 0 ` MetroBus Rte 16 12.68% 0 MetroBus Rte 32 4.12% 0 MetroBus Rte 36 2.82% 0 MetroBus Rte 62 7.67% 0 MetroBus Rte 95 0.17% MetroBus Rte T 13.22% 0 MetroBus Rte MAX 16.21% 0 MetroBus Rte 9 24.05% 1 MetroBus Rte 10 4.05% 0 MetroBus Rte 6 0.62% 0 .......*** 2 February 6, 2003 RAIL 0 0 0 41 2 43 TRANSIT 2 TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 2 95.00% 5.00% 100.00% 5.00% TRANSIT SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pzi ON slzzlog . 03- 6 ITEM-P.z-t Q N NE 36TH STREET 4 NORTH Nts NE 37TH STREET r-195 NE 35TH STREET ' NE 34TH STREET Q Z N Z NE 33RD STREET ' O J to W NE 32ND STREET Z a La WALGREENS ' BISCAYNE BAY gal NE 31 ST STREET us W > NE 36TH STREET 613 �� NE 29TH TERR NE 29TH STREET PROJECT 2/s NE 26TH STREET 7/2 1 /rJ NE 27TH STREET NE 26TH TERRACE NE 26TH STREET 1 10/20 AM/PM PEAK HOUR PROJECT TRAFFIC FIGURE D-1 PROJECT TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT Platinum Condominium Page D-8 February 5, 20M 03- 607 Project transit ridership was estimated based upon the assumption that 5% of project person trips would be by mass transit. Assignment of person trips was proportioned to the MetroBus routes. YEAR 2004 LEVEL OF SERVICE WITH THE PROJECT Table 4 presents an analysis of the future year 2004 corridor level of service with the project. Roadway vehicular volumes and mass transit volumes were determined by adding the data from Table 2 (Year 2004 Without Project) and Table 3 (Project Traffic). As can be seen from Table 4, it is estimated that the Biscayne Boulevard Corridor will operate at Level of Service 'B" in the year 2004 with the project. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMpz-t ONo-2zlo3 . Platinum Condonwsum Page D 9 February 6, 20M LOS TABLE AUTO PERSON TRIPS February 6, 2003 0.00 A TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS 0.60 A TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 0.61 B 0.70 B 0.71 C 0.80 C 0.81 D 0.90 D 0.91 E 1.00 E 1.01 F 8,245 83.19% 1,666 16.81% 9911 100.00' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-i ON si zi3. 03- TABLE 4 - 2004 LEVEL OF SERVICE ANALYSIS WITH PROJECT CORRIDOR NAME 2004 ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY MODE ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY ROADWAY LOCAL BUS EXPRESS MASS TRANSIT MODE RAIL TRAN TOTAL CORRIDOR TOTALS Principal Roadway(s) CORR VEHICULAR PER. TRIP VEHICULAR PER. TRIP EXCESS PERSON PER. TRIP PER. TRIP PER. TRIP TRANSIT TOTAL TRANSIT TRAN I' CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR CORRIDOR TYPE CAPACITY CAPACITY VOLUME VOLUME PER, TRIP TRIP CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY CAPACITY PERSON PERSON TRIP PERSON PERSON PERSON PERSON f - @PPV= 1.4 @PPV= CAPACITY V/C LOS @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = @ LOAD = TRIP EXCESS TRIP CAPACITY TRIP VOLUME TRIP EXCESS TRIP (Notes) (1) (2) (3) (4) 1.4 DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN DESIGN VOLUME CAPACITY CAPACITY V/C LOS BISCAYNE CORRIDOR LS (5) (6) (7) - (8) (9) (10)(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Biscayne Boulevard (5058) 2,720 3,808 3,410 4,774 (966) 1.25 F MetroBus Rte 3 389 0 3,808 4,774 (966) 1.25 F MetroBus Rte 16 0 389 240 149 389 240 149 0.62 B MetroBus Rte 32 392 0 0 392 211 181 392 211 181 0.54 A MetroBus Rte 36 387 0 0 387 69 318 387 69 318 0.18 A MetroBus Rte 62 400 0 0 400 47 353 400 47 353 0.12 A MetroBus Rte 95 734 0 0 734 128 606 734 128 606 0.17 A MetroBus Rte T 0 447 0 447 3 444 447 3 444 0.01 A MetroBus Rte MAX 400 0 0 400 220 179 400 220 179 0.55 A Biscayne Boulevard Subtotal 2 720 3 808 3 410 4 774 (966) 125 F 519 3,221 0 447 0 519 270 _ 249 519 270 _ 249 0.52 A N.E. 2nd Avenue (276) 2,720 3,808 1,674 2,343 _ 1,465 _ 0.62 _ B _ _ 0 -_ 3,668 1,187 2,481 7,476 5,962 11514 0.60 C MetroBus Rte 9 3,808 2,343 1,465 0.62 B MetroBus Rte 10 828 0 0 828 401 427 828 401 427 0.48 A N.E. 2nd Avenue Subtotal 2 720 3 808 1 674 2 343 1,465 0.62 B 205 0 0 205 67 138 205 67 138 0.33 A 308 Miami Avenue () 2,720 3,808 805 1.127 9 681 n in o 1,033 0 0 1,033 468 565 - - 4,841 2,811 2,030 0.58 A LOS TABLE AUTO PERSON TRIPS February 6, 2003 0.00 A TRANSIT PERSON TRIPS 0.60 A TOTAL PERSON TRIPS 0.61 B 0.70 B 0.71 C 0.80 C 0.81 D 0.90 D 0.91 E 1.00 E 1.01 F 8,245 83.19% 1,666 16.81% 9911 100.00' SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-i ON si zi3. 03- The Platinum at Biscayne Bay 480 N.E. 30th Street Site Utility Study CTE Project No. 03-0120-40 Prepared by: Consul -Tech Engineering, Inc. Florida Certificate of Authorization No. 3527 10570 N.W. 27th Street, Suite 101 Miami, Florida 33172 Tel. 305-599-3141 Fax. 305-599-3143 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR January zoos ITEM vz-i ON6-122103 , 03- 607 I. II. INTRODUCTION The proposed site is located at 480 NE 30`h Street in the City of Miami, Florida. The proposed site is bordered on the east side by NE 7`h Avenue on the west side by a 20 -foot Alley, on the north side by NE 30`h Street and on the south side by NE 29`h terrace. The site, consisting of .87 acres (net) and is currently occupied by three four story apartment buildings with 46 units. The proposed project will include a 15 -story condominium tower with 116 apartment units and a parking garage with 197 parking spaces. DRAINAGE SYSTEM Storm water discharge will consist of runoff from rooftops, roadways, vertical building faces and pedestrian areas. Miami -Dade DERM requires that the proposed drainage system take into account 1/3 of the largest vertical building face. The building faces exposed to the south and north will produce the largest amounts of runoff and will be accounted for in the calculations. The site land use can be summarized as follows: Total Net Impervious Vertical Total Lot Area Area Building Faces Drainage Area Acres Acres (33%) Acres Acres .87 .68 .55 1.42 The proposed drainage system will calls for all pavement runoff to be collected in catch basins capable of detaining the peak inflow from the Miami -Dade County DERM 5 -year, 24- hour design storm for 90 seconds. These basins also contain baffles to prevent all oil, grease and foreign matter from flowing into the proposed system. The runoff will then flow into a proposed drainage well based on calculations found in Table 1. Runoff from building rooftops and vertical faces are not contaminated by oil and grease and may be piped directly to the drainage well. The use of drainage wells is permitted by Dade County DERM in this Sib r z.. r),abk record inc�t;� sv: wilh item Pz -I ons 5/2z 0,3 Priscilla Aa Thompson f � City Clerk. 3- 607 area due to the high level of salinity found in the groundwater. Since the proposed system will not have an outfall connection, the system will be designed to retain the entire runoff from the 5 -year 24-hour storm. The proposed well and exfiltration trench will keep the site dry during the DERM 5 year - 24 hour storm, keep the flooding below the site perimeter elevation during the SFWMD 25 year - 72 hour storm, and keep the flooding below the minimum building finished floor elevation during the SFWMD 100 year - 72 hour storm. This property has an existing 6 -foot drainage easement crossing the middle of the property. Inside this easement there is a 12 -inch drainage pipe that crosses the property from south to north. As part of this project, we will have to relocate this drainage pipe around the property. The preferable solution is to reroute the pipe east along NE 29`h Terrace to NE 7th Avenue and to the north and connect to the existing 36 -inch storm line running along NE 30`h Street. All this work will occur inside the public right of way and will be permitted by the City of Miami Public Works Department. III. WATER DISTRIBUTION MASTER PLAN The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) provides the water service in this area. The site will is served by a 12 -inch ductile iron water main located within the NE 30ch. Refer to the attached Water Atlas for additional information. Domestic water and fire line connections for this project will be provided from the new 12 -inch water main The anticipated average daily water consumption for the entire project is 23,200 gpd, and is calculated as shown in Table 2. IV. SANITARY SEWER MASTER PLAN The Miami -Dade Water and Sewer Department (MD-WASD) also provides the sanitary sewer service in this area. The site is served by a 10 -inch sewer main located within the SE 30`h s"'. Refer to the attached Sewer Atlas for additional information. The existing sewer lines have sufficient invert elevation and capacity to collect the sewage flow from this Submi'V ec" ? ; the public recd. � E i , � f n with item P2 -i 5122 /03 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk project. There are existing sanitary sewer laterals serving this property. The new building will be connected to the same existing sewer lateral. If required, a new sewer lateral will be constructed to connect to the existing 10 -inch sewer main. This project is anticipated to generate an average daily sewage flow of 23,200 gpd, and is calculated as shown in Table 2. The wastewater produced by the site will travel via the existing sanitary sewer system to the MD-WASD regional Pump Station No. 30-0002. Pump station No. 30-0002 is a very large pump station. The additional 23,200 gpd will only increase the elapsed time by a small amount per day. Thus, the pump station is deemed capable of handling the proposed flow from the project. Pump Station No. 30-0002 transmits all flow directly to the MD-WASD treatment plant on Virginia Key for final treatment before discharge into the Atlantic Ocean. Refer to the attached Miami -Dade DERM projections for more information. V. SOLID WASTE GENERATION Solid waste generated will be placed in standardized on-site containers for refuse and recyclables per the City of Miami Code, for regular pickup by private hauling companies and/or the City of Miami Solid Waste Department. The solid waste will then be transported to Metro-Dade=s Disposal Facilities. Actual waste pick-up locations will be shown in the architectural plans. This project is anticipated to generate an average daily solid waste volume of 145 Cu. Yd/month, and is calculated as shown in Table 3. Generation rates were determined from data provided by the Metro -Dade County Department of Solid Waste. Submitted , tthe public recon .:5�2wZi pin e3item on Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 03- 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE TABLE 1 PUBLIC RECORD FOR PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM I T E M PZ -1 ON 512zZ i o '. DRAINAGE CALCULATIONS 1. Total Net Lot Area Total Drainage Area 1. Impervious 2. Pervious 2. Average Runoff Coefficient = 0.87 Acres = 1.42 Acres = 1.23 Acres = 0.19 Acres = (0.95X1.23+0.25X0.19)!1.42 = 0.86 3. SFWMD Design Storm Information 1. 5 -Year 24 -Hour Storm (Miami -Dade County W.C. l.1) Rainfall Intensity = 6.20 inches per hour Purpose = Flood Protection Peak Runoff = CIA=(0.86)(6.20)(1.42) = 7.57 cfs 2. SFWMD 25 Year - 72 Hour Storm (Miami -Dade County W.C. 1.1) Rainfall Intensity = 7.40 inches per hour Purpose = Perimeter Berm. Peak Runoff = CIA=(0.86)(7.40)(1.42) = 9.04 cfs 3. SFWMD 100 Year - 72 Hour Storm (Miami -Dade County W.C. 1.1) Rainfall Intensity k = 8.50 inches per hour Purpose = Finished Floor Elevation Peak Runoff = CIA=(0.86)(8.50)(1.42) =10.38 cfs 4. FDOT Design Storm Information Storm Duration Rainfall Amount (Inches) I Hour 5.1 (Figures 5-1 & 5-11) 2 Hour 6.3 (Figures 5-1 & 5-11) 4 Hour 7.8 (Figures 5-1 & 5-11) 8 Hour 9.6 (Figures 5-1 & 5-11) 24 Hour 14.0 (Figure 5-13) 72 Hour 19.0 (Figures 5-14 & 5-15) 168 Hour 20.0 (Figure 5-16) 240 Hour 23.0 (Figure 5-17) 03- 607 4. Well Data 1. Well Diameter = 24 Inches 2. Assumed Well Capacity = 1000 gpm/ft. of Available Head 3. Mean High Tide Elevation =1.52 ft. (taken from W.C. 20,034-A) 4. Specific Gravity Head Loss = 2.00' 5. Proposed Number of Wells = 1 5. Hydraulic Grade Line Elevations at Well Structure 1. 5 Year DERM Storm = {(7.57 cfs)/[(1000 gpm/ft head)(0.002228 cfs/gpm)(1 wells)] + (1.52 + 2.00) = 6.92' NGVD 2. SFWMD 25 Year - 72 Hour Storm = (9.04)[(1000 gpm)(0.002228 cfs/gpm)(1 wells)] + (1.52 + 2.00) = 7.58 'NGVD 3. SFWMD 100 Year - 72 Hour Storm = (10.38 cfs)[(1000 gpm)(0.002228 cfs/gpm)(1 wells)] + (1.52 + 2.00) = 8.18' NGVD According to the flood routing calculations presented, the maximum expected stage for the 100-yead storm will occur at elevation 6.391. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P2 -i ON si =ice . 03-- 607 SUBMITTED INTO THE TABLE2 PUBLIC RECORD FOR PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM T M AZA , ON ANTICIPATED AVERAGE DAILY Fll OF WATER AND WASTEWATER Residential Tower 116 units @ 200 gpd/unit = 23,200 gpd Total = 231,200 gpd ANTICIPATED AVERAGE DAILY FLOW WASTEWATER Average Flow = 23,200 gpd Peak Flow = 92,800 gpd NOTES: 1. Peak flow uses a factor of 4 times average flow (Recommended Standards for Wastewater Facilities, 1990 Edition) 2. gpd = gallons per day 3. No industrial wastewater is anticipated to bei generated TABLE 3 PLATINUM CONDOMINIUM SOLID WASTE GENERATION Residential Towers 116 units @ 1.25 cu. yds /month per unit Total anticipated Solid Waste generated = 145 cu. yds./month = 145 Cu. Yds./month is V:1/ 607 prel im l OOYRS24HRSStorm.TXT SCS PROGRAM PROJECT NAME ....: Platin im Gonda REVIEWER ......: HD PROJECT AREA ....: 1.42 ACRES GROUND STORAGE 1.59 INCHES TERMINATION DISCHARGE: 999.00 CFS DISTRIBUTION TYPE., SFWMD RETURN FREQUENCY ..: 100.00 YEARS RAINFALL DURATION ..: 3 -DAY 24-HOUR RAINFALL ..: 3.50 INCHES REPORTING SEQUENCE .: S'i ANDARDIZED STAGE STORAGE DI iCHARGE (FT) (AF) (CFS) 4.50 .00 _00 5.00 .02 .00 5.50 .40 .00 6.00 .82 .00 7.00 1.69 .00 8.00 2.56 .01) 9.00 2.88 .01) 10.00 3.23 .00 JUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz- , ON 51zzlo.5 ". -- RESERVOIR -- RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. IN�TANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHCE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFLOW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (A-) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) .00 .00 .00 .0 ,) .0 .0 0 .0 4.50 4.00 .21 .00 .0 ) .0 .0 .0 .0 4,50 8.00 .41 .01 .0 ] .0 .0 .0 .0 4.52 12.00 .62 .05 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.67 16.00 .83 .12 .a .3 .0 .0 .0 .0 4.95 20.00 1.03 .22 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.01 24.00 1.24 .34 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 .0 5.03 28.00 1.54 .53 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 5.06 32.00 1.84 .75 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 5.09 36.00 2.15 .98 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 5.13 40.00 2.45 1.22 .1 .1 .1 .0 .0 .0 5.16 44.00 2.75 1.47 .1 .2 .2 .0 .0 .0 5.20 48.00 3.05 1.73 .1 .2 .2 .0 .0 .0 5.24 52.00 3.43 2.06 ,2 .2 2 .0 .0 .0 5.29 Page 1 03- 607 56.00 4.22 2.77 .3 .3 58.00 4.86 3.37 .5 .4 59.00 5.34 3.81 .7 .5 59.50 5.76 4.21 1.2 .5 59.75 7.04 5.43 7,0 .6 60.00 8.63 6.97 8.8 .8 ------ RESERVOIR---.. RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHZE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFI-OW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) 60.50 9.25 prelim 100YR524HRSStorm.TXT .3 .0 .0 .0 5.40 .4 .0 .0 .0 5.49 .5 .0 .0 .0 5.55 .5 .0 .0 .0 5.60 .6 .0 ,0 .0 5.70 .8 .0 .0 .0 5.89 ------ RESERVOIR---.. RAIN ACCUM. BASIN ACCUM. ACCUM. INSTANT AVERAGE TIME FALL RUNOFF DISCHZE INFLOW VOLUME OUTFI-OW DISCHGE DISCHGE STAGE (HR) (IN) (IN) (CFS) (AF) (AF) (AF) (CFS) (CFS) (FT) 60.50 9.25 7.58 1.7 .9 .9 .0 .0 .0 6.06 61.00 9.57 7.90 .9 .9 .9 .0 .0 .0 6.12 62.00 10.00 8.32 .5 1,0 1.0 .0 .0 .0 6.18 64-00 10.53 8.84 .4 1.0 1.0 .0 .0 .0 6.25 68.00 1 1.14 9.44 .2 1,1 1.1 .0 .0 .0 6.34 72.00 11,55 9.84 .1 1.2 1.2 .0 .0 .0 6.39 SUMMARY INFORMATION MAXIMUM STAGE WAS E.39 FEET AT 72.00 HOURS MAXIMUM DISCHARGE WkS .0 CFS AT 00 HOURS Page 2 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM?z-iON5/?-?- 03- 607 2G WATER ATLAS SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz-1 ON51zzioq'*,, 7582 343 10 Us 30 TEF�R. $ T. soil 29 QQ 649 7179 7180 1 197 iL01 ' 4 OT I ( 03- f 0'7 o U 3. iL01 ' 4 OT I ( 03- f 0'7 o U 1'594\ it I It" SUBMITTED INTO THE ,zn_wasn sEwex nTLMgLIC RECORD FOF ITEMvz_i ONe/��a 4± s5q + r to 5371 216 1599 IS 214 5371 13 17 211 158 v J6 tAj s 1 59 160 154�J IN 4 123 1 1544 1 S T. lzo 1 g t21. 122 ST. g" INT. 607 THE PLATINUM Economic Impact Analysis Submitted to: City of Miami Prepared For: A. R. Development Group Prepared by: SNARPTON, BRUNSON & COMPANY, P.A. One Southeast Third Avenue Suite 2100 Miami, Florida 33131 (305) 374-1574 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM -P2 -i ON sI zlo3 . 03- 607 THE PLATINUM TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE(S) THE PROJECT OVERVIEW 1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Summary of Benefits 2 OBJECTIVES AND DEFINITIONS Objectives 4 Definition of Economic and Tax Impact 4 Direct and Indirect Effects 4 Measures of Economic Impact 5 Description of Results 6 DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS BY ECONOMIC INDICATORS Impact Indicators 7 Results of Indicators 7 Impact of Construction 7 Impact of Ongoing Operations g Impact on Local Tax Revenues g Analysis by Economic Indicators g Employment g Wages g Output g Local Taxes 10 Public Sector Cost 11 Impact Fees 11 EXHIBITS Exhibit I: Summary of Economic Impact 12 Exhibit II: Impact and Other Fees 13 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR :- 607 ITEM Pz-i ON PROJECT OVERVIEW THE PLATINUM The Platinum Condominium is to be located approximately 250 feet from Biscayne Bay on the south side of N.E. 30th Street between Biscayne Bay and Biscayne Boulevard at 480 N.E. 30th Street, Miami, Florida 33137. The project consists of 116 condo units in a 21 stories glass/concrete building designed by the well-known architectural firm Fullerton Diaz Architects, Inc. The units' floor to ceiling glass by glass balconies are designed to maximize the beautiful views of the Biscayne Bay and downtown Miami. The project is located in the up -coming Greater Omni/Edgewater area north of downtown Miami and it is very close to the new Performing Arts Center and the Design District. This area is experiencing rapid grown due to the changing living and working tends of South Florida current and new residents who want to be closer to work and at the same time, be a short driving distance from the beach, restaurants, shops and night clubs. Excellent area demographics and a booming local economy enhance The Platinum Condominium status as one of the future premier multifamily opportunities. Its location and proximity to all points of interest in Miami -Dade makes it uniquely convenient and one of the most desirable address in South Florida. There is very easy access to Biscayne Boulevard to the north and south and interstates 1-95, 1-195 and 1-395 are within a half -mile from the project. Miami Beach, the Port of Miami and the Miami International Airport are a few minutes away. The first five floors are mainly for parking and lobby area, with four spacious loft units facing 30t�' street at ground level covering part of the parking structure with its 27 feet glass walls. The first five floors are mostly utilized for parking and the majority of units start at the 6th floor; as a result, each unit has a guarantee view of Biscayne Bay. There are more than two hundred parking spaces and the land area where the building would stand is 37,800 square feet or .87 acres. Targeted for completion in the fall of 2004, the project is expected to break ground in the summer of 2003 and take approximately 16 months to build. Once completed, the Platinum condominium will set a new standard of excellence in condo living along the Biscayne Bay corridor north of downtown Miami and the rest of South Florida. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEMS-! ON,5122io3 . 03- 607 Summary of Benefits The Platinum (the Project) will bring considerable economic benefits to the city of Miami (the City). The Platinum will be a luxury condominium with 116 units. This section summarizes the impact of the project on employment, public sector revenues and other economic benefits as a result of the development. Employment Employment considerations include the direct employment resulting from the Project. Average developmental construction phase employment will be for approximately 100 employees and the Project management is expected to employ 13 people for on-going maintenance and operations of the facilities. Wages To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project. Total direct and indirect impacts expected from wages associated with the new development approximate the following: One Time $ 12,515,472 Annual $ 441,612 Tax Revenue The estimate of the public sector revenues associated with the development includes taxes and other revenues generated directly by the Project. Although public sector costs are important elements in measuring fiscal impact, these benefits have not been quantified in this document. This analysis only measures the benefits derived from the development. Annual tax revenue expected to be created totals $712,936 Output The estimate of total economic impact is measured by total output. This analysis measures the economic impact of developmental costs and ongoing, operational expenditures. To determine the effect of respending within the City, we utilized a multiplier to compute total direct and indirect benefits. Total output expected to be generated, as a result of the developmental and operational phases of the Project will approximate the following: One Time $ 38,517,472 Annual $ 544,968 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FSR P z- ITEMi ON s1=.2to3. 03- 607 Summary of Benefits Significant Community Benefits: Jobs Wages -- Taxes Economic Activity Residents' and Employees' Spending Impacting Local Businesses: ➢ Food ➢ Recreation/Entertainment ➢ Transportation The following table and charts summarize the economic impact of the Project. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD ANNUAL IMPACT RECURRING Economic Activity Stimulated Output $ 38,517,472 $ 544,968 Wages 12,515,472 441,612 Taxes 712.936 $51 032944 $ 1,699,516 Jobs Created 100 13 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM P2.1 ON. sl�zlo'3", 03 60.7 Objectives And Definitions Objectives The objective of this analysis is to provide information on the various benefits created by the Project and to prepare an estimate of such benefits to the City. Our analysis is based on an economic model, which estimates economic and tax impacts of various projects on a designated area. The model is specifically tailored to the City of Miami (the City). Definition of Economic and Tax Impact The construction and subsequent operation of the Project will create important benefits within the City. These benefits include new income, new jobs, new tax revenue and new economic activity impacting upon every sector of the local economy. Moreover, through the multiplier effect of respending and reinvesting, indirect economic benefits are added to the direct benefits brought about by initial construction expenditures, the expenditures from ongoing operations. Direct and Indirect Effects The total economic impact of public and private projects and policies on a region does not end with the impact from the initial construction expenditures; the continued benefits to the local economy must also be considered. Income to firms furnishing construction materials and services is subsequently converted into employee salaries, material purchases, investment in plant and equipment, savings, profits, purchases of services, and a variety of other economic activities. Income to laborers is subsequently. S- '-nitted Into the public re,:.sid, in conneCtSrZZ�O n with item / on � Priscilla A. Thompson respent for purchasing of food, housing, transportation, education, entertainment, medical and dental services, clothing, personal services, and a wide variety of other goods and services. Furthermore, income to the governmental unit is respent as salaries, purchases, and support of a variety of programs, including education, transportation, and social services. In turn, individuals, firms, and governments furnishing these goods and services again spend their income for more purchases, salaries, investments, and savings. In this manner, indirect benefits result each time the initial sum is respent, and the additional sum available in the local economy induces further job creation, business development and savings. Quantification of these indirect benefits has been the object of considerable economic study. Because economic relationships are so complex in our modern society, no single area or political unit is a completely self-contained economic unit. Therefore, purchases from other areas and political units are necessary, and goods and services are exported in return. As purchases are made from other units, some of the benefits of economic respending are lost to the local economy. Ultimately, a smaller and smaller portion of the initial sum would remain, until, after several rounds of respending, an insignificant sum is left. 4 03- 607 Objectives And Definitions The indirect effects can be viewed as a set of "ripples" in the economy. Indirect, like direct, resources require labor, materials, equipment and services for their production to induce further job creation and spending of wages. The "ripple" of the indirect effect multiplies the original impact of the purchase. The common measure of the magnitude of the "ripple" effect is called a multiplier. A multiplier measures the total magnitude of the impact on each particular economic indicator as a multiple of the initial, direct effect. For instance, a multiplier of 1" would signify no "ripple" effects as the total impact is 1 times the initial impact, while a multiplier of "2" would imply that the total impact is 2 times the direct effect. The actual magnitude of a multiplier depends on the likelihood the goods and services purchased in a region would be produced in, or provided from the region. The model we used to estimate the total economic impact incorporates a multiplier developed by utilizing past consumption and production patterns in the City. There will be significant economic benefit derived from the expenditures of the residents of the Project on eating, drinking, grocery, recreation, retail etc. This report does not include the economic impact of such expenditures. 'ibmitted Into the public iecord. in connectic with item-/ on 512213 Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk Measures of Economic Impact Various measures can be used to indicate the impact of a policy or project on a region. Specifically, for this study, they are the increases in local employment, wages, tax revenue and output that result. Definitions of these measures are as follows: Employment is measured full-time equivalent jobs. Wages include wages, salaries, and proprietor's income only. They may include non -wage compensation, such as pensions, insurance, and other fringe benefits. Wages are assumed to be expended by households in the area at which the wage-earner works. Local taxes include additional revenues from both ad valorem and non ad valorem assessments. Direct expenditures include those sums expended for land acquisition, site preparation and all hard and soft costs associated with a project. Indirect expenditures are those sums expended within the local economy as a result of the "ripple" effect described earlier. Output describes total economic activity, and is essentially equivalent to the sum of direct and indirect expenditures (exclusive of wages and taxes). 5 03- 607 Objectives And Definitions Description of Results For the purpose of describing the total economic benefits of the Project, the related expenditures and economic activity stimulated have been broken into two categories: Developmental Annual Recurring Developmental expenditures include those expenditures related to the design and construction phase of the Project and related amenities. Annual recurring activities stimulated are those expenditures incurred in connection with the ongoing operation of the Project. -bmitted Into the public t�,,;o in connectiog wi item on 5122103 Priscilla A. Thompson :. City Clerk; M 03- 607 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Impact Indicators We measured the Project's impact on four commonly used indicators of economic activity. Those indicators are: Jobs Wages Total output Local taxes Results of Indicators Exhibit I details the Project's direct and indirect impact on the above economic indicators for Miami. A summary of such impact follows: DEVELOPMENT (One Time) OUTPUT Direct $ 20,496,739 Indirect 18.020,733 ANNUAL Operational: Direct Indirect $ 290,000 254,968 $ 544,968 The economic indicator most commonly measured; and publicly reported on to gauge the economic impact of a public project is output. The impact of a project on the indicator output is often referred to as the project's economic impact. Impact of Construction The site preparation and construction expenditures, including soft costs and impact fees are estimated at $26.7 million. Such activity will create approximately 100 new full time equivalent jobs and employ a maximum of 160 workers during peak periods. The workers will earn approximately $6.7 million in direct wages. WAGES TAXES EMPLOYMENT $ 6,660,000 100 5,855,472 $ 235,000 $ 712,936 13 206,612 $ 441.612 $ 7 __u publiC� rec .: 6r ion with item P? l on 512z10 Priscilla A. Thompson .-- City Clerk 03— 607 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Impact of Ongoing Operations As a result of the on-going operation and maintenance of the Project, Miami will gain approximately 13 new, permanent, full-time equivalent jobs. The wages of the workers who obtain these positions will provide an impact of approximately $442 thousand annually. The total expenditures for the Project's operations, will provide a new permanent impact of $545 thousand annually to the City's economy. This impact consists of the direct expenditures from the maintenance, security and day-to-day operation of the Project, and the multiplied effects of such spending thus creating indirect benefits. Impact on Local Tax Revenues As a result of the construction and operation of the Project, various state, city and city governments and agencies would gain an estimated annual tax benefit of $713 thousand. Analysis by Economic Indicators Our analysis of the economic and tax benefits of the Project was done by each major phase of the Project. We identified the major phases to be developmental and operational. This analysis determines the economic benefits to the City by identifying such benefits for each of the phases. The effects on economic indicators used to measure benefits (employment, wages, output and taxes)-- were computed for each phase. Employment Employment is one of the most important economic benefits of the Project. It is one of the most accessible and direct benefits for the City's residents and it's residents and is a primary means by which developmental, operational and maintenance expenditures generate indirect economic benefits. This employment is derived from on-going operations of the Project. Further employment is generated off-site by the expenditures of employees of the Project and businesses located in the Project, at area businesses. As can be seen in Exhibit I, total short-term (developmental) employment will average 100 employees over a sixteen month period and a total on-going employment will average 13. The total on-going positions can be summarized as follows: Management Security 3o Parking Maintenance/Facilities Submitted d ',-,to the public`; Irecor( :, . � RFs r� section witf7' Item F7z I on 5/ZZII Priscilla A. Thompsotl -2,444,;4 City Cie., r 8 3- 607 Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Wages The analysis deemed wages are a direct by-product of employment. As discussed in the above section, both on-site and off- site jobs are created. There were both temporary and permanent in nature. To compute the wages associated with the new employment we started with budgeted data directly related to the developmental and operational phases of the Project. Employment, such as construction related employment, was obtained directly from construction estimates. These numbers were tested for reasonableness. Output The output generated, as a result of the development and operations of the Project, is caused by the following type of expenditures: > Development costs expended in the City (100%) > Annual operational expenditures of management company > New spending in the locality by employees of businesses located in the Project To incorporate the impact of dollars being respent and/or reinvested in the City, a multiplier was applied to total direct output. A multiplier of 1.8792 was used to determine total direct and indirect output created by the Project. This multiplier indicates that for every $100 spent in Miami, another $187.92 will be respent or reinvested in Miami. This multiplier was obtained from the Dade City Planning Department. Direct output from the developmental phase of the Project is primarily a result of developer costs. These costs include land acquisition, site preparation and soft and hard costs relating to the Project's construction. To determine the total output we determined what development costs were expected to be or had been spent in Miami. Total direct output during the development phase is $20.5 million. Total indirect output created by the direct respending in Miami is $18.0 million. Thus total Miami Output from the development of the Project is $38.5 million. The final component of output results from the direct operating expenditures of the Project, and the indirect benefits created as a result of the multiplier effect on direct output. The Developer provided us with an annual operating budget for the Project. An overall assumption was made that all expenditures would be spent initially in the City. Submitted Into the pubIV9 record in connection with item P2-1 on 5lz2 / Priscilla A. Thompson ' ".�.. #I 7 ­4'� City Clerk' Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Output (Contd.) The total operating expenditures incorporate all estimated expenses of the ongoing operation of the Project. To incorporate the potential respending and reinvesting in Miami, the multiplier effect was measured. By applying a multiplier of 1.8792 to the total direct output from operating expenditures, we determined total output (direct and indirect) from on-going operating expenditures. Local Taxes A key and significant benefit generated from the development and operation of the Project is taxes. Several types of tax revenue will be generated from this project including ad valorem taxes. Specific ad valorem taxes include real and personal property taxes. Other taxes include occupational taxes and community development taxes. New real property taxes will be assessed on the Project. The assessment is based on a predetermined mileage rate being applied to the taxable value of the real property. We computed real property taxes for the deveiopmental phase based on the cost of the development of the Project. This assessment base is very conservative since tax on real property typically is assessed on appraised values and not actual cost. The basis for ongoing taxes is also overall cost. The mileage rate was obtained from the City Tax Collectors office relative to the Project's location. The projected annual real property taxes are approximately $713 thousand. Total ad valorem taxes assessed by Miami -Dade County are allocated based on mileage rates to certain governmental entities. Listed below is the allocation of projected tax revenue. City Operating $ 235,249 School Operating 225,466 County Operating 156,540 Debt Service -City 32,377 Debt Service -County 10,367 South Florida Water 15,869 Library Operating 12,919 School Debt Service 20,468 Florida Inland Navigation 1,023 Environmental Projects 2,658 TOTAL $ 712,936 ;submitfed into the publlp' 10 record i;"! connectio WI / iterr4 P?- j on 52Z l�riscilia A. Thompsa� �• City Clerk Discussion Of The Results By Economic Indicators Local Taxes (Contd.) Although not quantified, the City, through its receipt of allocated state sales taxes will receive an additional benefit as a result of the development and operation of the Project. Public Sector Costs Impact fees Very significant factors in measuring the economic impact on a specific region of a project are impact and other required development fees. A summary of these fees are listed below: City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee > City of Miami Developmental Admin Fee > Downtown Devl. Supplemental Fee Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee Building Permit Fee Installation Energy Fee Other Fees For the purpose of this economic impact analysis, fees are included as a part of the direct development cost (output). Impact fees total approximately $411 thousand and other fees total approximately $277 thousand. These fees are shown in detail in Exhibit II. SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM Pz- t ON 5-l==lo3. 11 03- 607 Exhibit List Exhibit I Summary of Economic Impact Exhibit 11 Impact and Other Fees SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM -p2--( ON Si2- /D3, 03- 607 Exhibit -1 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 39,062,439 $12,957,084 ,13 $ 712,936 SUBm"'ITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ez-1 ON si zi3+, 12 03- 607 OUTPUT WAGES EMPLOYMENT TAXES DIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL $ 20,496,739 $ 6,660,000 100 OPERATIONAL 290,000 235,000 13 $ 712,936 TOTAL DIRECT 20,786,739 6,895,000 113 712,936 INDIRECT DEVELOPMENTAL 18,020,733 5,855,472 OPERATIONAL 254,968 206,612 TOTAL INDIRECT 18,275,701 6,062,084 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 39,062,439 $12,957,084 113 $ 712,936 TOTAL DEVELOPMENTAL $ 38,517,471 $ 12,515,472 100 TOTAL OPERATIONAL 544,968 441,612 13 $ 712,936 TOTAL BENEFITS $ 39,062,439 $12,957,084 ,13 $ 712,936 SUBm"'ITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM ez-1 ON si zi3+, 12 03- 607 Exhibit - 11 IMPACT AND OTHER FEES: A. Development Square Footages: Square Footage 1) Total gross building area (with parking) 259,621 2) Maximum development area (FAR) 140,073 3) Gross parking area 95,305 B. Impact Fees: Amount 1) City of Miami Developmental Impact Fee $ 115,238 2) Developmental Impact Administration Fee 3,457 3) Miami -Dade County Roadway Impact Fee 108,576 4) Miami -Dade County School Impact Fee 183,653 Total of all Impact Fees $ 410,924 C. Non -Impact Fees: 1) Miami Dade W.A.S.A. "connection fees" $ 162,168 2) Building Permit Fee 43,606 3) Installation Energy Fee 25,962 4) Major Use Special Permit Application Fee 30,000 5) Miami -Dade County Code Compliance 10,500 6) Radon Gas Fee 1,298 7) Fire Plan Review Fee 2,466 8) Ground Cover Fee 252 9) Land Use/Zoning 378 10) Zoning Review for Building Permit Fee 60 11) Certificate of Occupancy Fee 250 12) Application Fee 35 Total of all Non -Impact Fees $ 276,975 Total of all Fees for Project $ 687,899 Source: City of Miami Planning, Building and Zoning Department. Miami Dade County Impact Fees SUBMIT ED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM vz_� ON - 007 NORTH�1» GRAPHIC SCALE INFFZT ) 1 inch a 20 It. LOT 1 PLATINUM TRACT TENTATIVE PLAT WEST 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF °REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 32 AT PAGE 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. BEING A POR77ON OF THE SW 1/4, OF THE N 1/4 OF SECTION 30, TOWNSHIP 53 SOUTK RANGE 42 EAST, C17Y OF MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. T R A C T I F�EVISED PLAT BROAgMOOR PLIAZA (32-76) 11 LOT 2 I LOT 3 I LOT 4 I LOT 5 LOT 6 ! LOT 7 LOT 8 I O 0 t — 92' 73.08, 76.00' h 60.00' 78" 25' 1, 224.82' o BLACK OLIVE N E. 30th STREE7- O � u 3 STORY 41. 4 - - ;'� - - - ° 0 / W C.B.S. BUILDING B 3 37' ASPHAL T PAVEMENT -\ h 0 / a Go STORY W BUCIDA BUCERAS I � CB. . BUILDING c 2CONC CURB. & GUTTER e 2 I rn CORRIDOR BLACK OLIVE B1 ^ ,FGRAS.2 : CONC - I Oz CONC.: M4 ' M CONC. VFH. GRASS ' Pp LIT CONC. M1 Y =< cc � I 2n & 3rd FLOOR RES. No. 480 M -5' CONC. SIDEWALK. • >. , - l)1f3.9.5+ "JO "E....a ` 360'OO' - hrI c,C -.R. - -. . , , FINISH FLOOR ELEV=6.60" 3 1 13 4" r5L3 13.55' 5" 0. 9�. GA IF O7 � 1". TRA C T �2 25.0' 2119 2K,5 2K7 2K6 KSI �5 2K4 2K3 2112 # # ' ' * 28.2' 4' WALL &CHAIN LINK FENCE I W t — 92' 73.08, 76.00' GAMBO LIMBO 60.00' 78" 25' W o BLACK OLIVE (z O � u 3 STORY BUCIDA BUCERAS 4 30' / W C.B.S. BUILDING B 3 BUCIDA BUCERAS h 0 / a oAPTS. STORY W BUCIDA BUCERAS I � CB. . BUILDING c 10' e 2 I rn CORRIDOR I D S.W CORNER N. W.1/4, SEC. 30-53-42 E. 27thIt-V h II I LOT 1 BLOCK 8 STREET CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA LOCATION SKETCH 1"j00' a� I1ll1llW11 lk ". NORTH Q o SURVEYOR'S NOTES: — 1-- AI/ elevations shown refer to City of Aiia,ni Datum Bench Mork use located at S.E. corner of N.E. 26th Terrace & Biscayne Blvd, with h� SANITARY Elevation 9.271 (City of Miami Datum) Converted to N.GV.D.=9.00' -MANHOLE - 2- All bearings shown refer to an assumed meridian and are based to the centerline of N.E. 30th Street. FND.LBJ/1201_\ O N R&M I 3.- Easements, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, ore not shown. 4.- 6' Easement for storm sewer to be vacant by Plot. >S *L2 ^ .'Cok, GRASS 5.- Building and Improvements to be removed. 1 50"117.50" NAME t — 92' 73.08, 76.00' GAMBO LIMBO 60.00' 78" 25' �I o BLACK OLIVE (z o u 3 STORY BUCIDA BUCERAS 4 30' / W C.B.S. BUILDING B 3 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE / a oAPTS. STORY B 4 BUCIDA BUCERAS 135.85 COVERED WALK lsl FLOOR CB. . BUILDING c 10' e 2 I rn CORRIDOR BLACK OLIVE APTS. �P a 2 30' Y =< cc � I 2n & 3rd FLOOR RES. No. 480 y O ti Q Q_ `" FINISH FLOOR ELEV=6.60" 3 1 • FINISH FLOOR ELEV.=6.80' a a I I01 5" 8' D 2 Q HONG KONG ORCHID TREE 15' 10" 8' E 1 3.14 76.00" 30'- 60.00" 30' F1 O LEGAL DESCRIPTION. 6' EASEMENT OVERHEAD FOR STORM .50' 17.50" I 626' WALL N ACTUAL N. R/W LINE eB3 I. SEWER AS PER ELECTRIC N F2 P.B3217t G1 UNE N - c3 S95 B2W /N J�L..B.S WALL P.�P.P�59ONC SIDEWEALK ' •• = ' I ORIGINAL S. LINE BLOCK 8 (P.8.2 PG.37)N89.SO 360,00- (M & R. W1LUMINAIRE �` 25' ASPHALT PAVEMEN L _ FT L '1� —fit-- - - - N. E. 29th TERRACE II I LOT 1 BLOCK 8 STREET CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA LOCATION SKETCH 1"j00' a� I1ll1llW11 lk ". NORTH Q o SURVEYOR'S NOTES: — 1-- AI/ elevations shown refer to City of Aiia,ni Datum Bench Mork use located at S.E. corner of N.E. 26th Terrace & Biscayne Blvd, with h� SANITARY Elevation 9.271 (City of Miami Datum) Converted to N.GV.D.=9.00' -MANHOLE - 2- All bearings shown refer to an assumed meridian and are based to the centerline of N.E. 30th Street. FND.LBJ/1201_\ O N R&M I 3.- Easements, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, ore not shown. 4.- 6' Easement for storm sewer to be vacant by Plot. >S *L2 ^ .'Cok, GRASS 5.- Building and Improvements to be removed. 1 50"117.50" 475.00" LOT 2 LOT 3 I LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 TRAIC T 3 I REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA (32-76) SIMSBOTANICAL NAME 715 — 92' A BURSEDA SIMARUBA GAMBO LIMBO 25' 78" 25' B 7 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 20' 10 "' 12' B 2 BUCIDA BUCERAS 4 30' 18" 24' B 3 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 30' 10" 25' B 4 BUCIDA BUCERAS 135.85 / - 10" 10' 90. oo. gS•• 475.00" LOT 2 LOT 3 I LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 6 TRAIC T 3 I REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA (32-76) SIMSBOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT DIAMETER CANOPY REMARKS A BURSEDA SIMARUBA GAMBO LIMBO 25' 78" 25' B 7 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 20' 10 "' 12' B 2 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 30' 18" 24' B 3 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 30' 10" 25' B 4 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 15' - 10" 10' B 5 BUCIDA BUCERAS BLACK OLIVE 10' 14" 30' C 1 WASHINGTONIA ROBUSTA MEXICAN WASHINGTON PALM 12' 18" 15' D 1 BAUHINIA BLAKGANA HONG KONG ORCHID TREE 12' 5" 8' D 2 BAUHINIA BLAKGANA HONG KONG ORCHID TREE 15' 10" 8' E 1 QUERCUS LAUREL 30'- 18" 30' 26.5 HI e: 8.5.7"WA . LINE-� A h0 I LOT 7 I I LOT 8 LOT 9 SIMBO BOTANICAL NAME 6.- FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION (F.1.R.M.) HEIGHT DIAMETER CANOPY REMARKS Community Number: 120650 QUERCUS / I Q Pane! Number. 0183 8" 20" Suffir.: J QUERCUS LAURIFORIA LAUREL OAK Q Zone: AE Elev=9.0' AE Elev=10.0' AE Elev= 11.0' and VE Elev= 11.0' 12" LLJ C1 QUERCUS LAURIFORIA ZDated. July 17, 1995 12" 15' 7. Miami -Dade County flood criteria is 5 feet as per Miomi Dade County flood Map; as SABAL PALMETTO SABAL PALM recorded in Plat Book 720 at Page 73 of the public records of Miami Dade County, Florida. 10" +( OO DIOSPYROS E8GHASTER BLACK ZAPATE TOTAL AREA= 37810.67 SFt 0.87 ACRES3) 61,75' tLj ti O LEGEND U M.ASTICHO DENCLOM O Jz O n ro O j ry Q ti C.B.S. BLOCK STUCCO PTYCHOSPERMA MACARTHUP,Y MACARTHURY PALM =CONCRETE FN. =FOUND NAIL O 8' �' C.L.F. =CHAIN LINK FENCE FLP. =FOUND IRON PIPE PHOENIX CANBANZULIO I� Q P.P. =POWER POLE F.D.H =FOUND DRILL HOLE 5" O. J FN =FIRE HYDRANT CONC. =CONC PHOENIX CANBANZULIO Z R =RECORDED P.B. =PLAT BOOK 6" 8' Cl- M =MEASURED W.M. =WATER METER , `T Z _ W.F. =WOOD FENCE F.O.H. Aah O LEGAL DESCRIPTION. ,1 .50' 17.50" WEST .360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF 'REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA., ACCORDING TO THE } 10' 1 1i,1 PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 32 AT PAGE 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MIAMI--DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. SANITA .� MANHOLE � — - LOT 8 LOT 9 SIMBO BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME HEIGHT DIAMETER CANOPY REMARKS E 2 QUERCUS LAUREL 20" 8" 20" F 1 QUERCUS LAURIFORIA LAUREL OAK 25' 12" 10" F 2 QUERCUS LAURIFORIA LAUREL OAK 20' 12" 15' G 1 SABAL PALMETTO SABAL PALM 30' 10" 6" H 1 DIOSPYROS E8GHASTER BLACK ZAPATE 18' 61,75' J 7 M.ASTICHO DENCLOM JUNGLE PALM 35' 36'" 35' K I THRU K 9 PTYCHOSPERMA MACARTHUP,Y MACARTHURY PALM 10' 3"-4" 8' L 1-2 PHOENIX CANBANZULIO PALM 70' 5" 15' L 3 PHOENIX CANBANZULIO PALM 12' 6" 8' M 1 SABAL PALMETTO SABAL PALM THRU M 6 SABAL PALMETTO SABAL PALM 50' 10" 10' ORDER No. M-7525 A -TP recon �n con i�,: (;xiC)r ✓� FIELD JANUARY item r'72--/ en 6 2Z P6 DATE: JANUARY 16, 2003 !.. SCALE AS SHOWN FOR: MAYSVILLE, INC. Priscilla A. Thompson MIA , F 30th STREET City Clerk MIAMI, FLORIDA. 33137 ,� -'� City Clerk I HEREBY CERTIFY. THAT THE ATTACHED BOUNDARY SURVEY REPRESENTS A RECENT SURVEY MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. THERE ARE NO ENCROACHMENTS UNLESS SHOWN THEREON. THIS SURVEY MEETS MINIMUM TECHNICAL STANDARDS SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS IN CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. ATLANTIC SERVICES OF FLORIDA. 8341 SUNSET DRIVE MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 TEL. (305) 596-0888 NOTE: NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVEYO SEAL NARCISO JOSE RAMIREZ 607 REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR AND MAPPER No. 2779 STATE OF FLORIDA. THE PLATINUM A 7' BISCA YNE BA Y 480 NORTH EAST 30th STREET, MIAMI, FLORIDA 33137 DEVELOPER A.R. Investment Group, L.L.C. 711 N.E. 29th Street Suite 36 Miami, Florida 33137 INDEX OF DRAWINGS A-101 SITE - PLAN / GROUND FLOOR PLAN A-102 LEVELS 2 AND 3 FLOOR PLAN A-103 LEVELS 4 AND 5 FLOOR PLAN A-104 LEVELS 6 AND 7 TDRU 21 FLOOR PLAN A-206 LEVEL 6 FLOORPLAN A-206& LEVEL 6 POOL DECK A-207 LEVELS 7 THRU 21 FLOOR PLAN A-208MECHANICAL / ROOF PLAN A-301 NORTH ELEVATION A-302 SOUTH ELEVATION A-303 EAST ELEVATION A-304 WFST FLE..VATION A-401 13UTLDTNO SECTION 366 Altars. Avenue Coral Gables, Florida 33146 Ph: 305. 442. 4200 Fax: 305.444.6962 SUBMITTED INTO THE PUBLIC RECORD FOR ITEM—Pz—t ON:!5-1.zz10g. 03- 60'7 PLATINUM TRACT TENTATIVE PLAT SUBMITTED INTO THE NORTH WEST 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF 'REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA, ACCORDING GRAPHIC SCALE TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 32 AT PAGE 76, OF THE U gLl C RECORD FOR PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA. IN FEET I i -h - zo It N. E. � 30th STREET 37" ASPHALT PAVEMENT--\ C/rY Of MIAMI, 110.R10A LOCATION SKETCH t'=300' NORTH FOR: -� �Jj,�','; MAUI f�td,*�RSy I HEREBY CERTIFY. THAT THE ATTACHED BOUNDARY SURVEY REPRESENTS A RECENT SURVEY LEGEND OFFICE � � q+ c REARING ���+ w� G" d MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND 1S TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE °Lam � ,,��yy,,,' I�k� MINIMUNLITECHNICAL STANDARDSCSt°T FORTH TBY THE SFLORIDA BOARD EOF LAND SURVEYORS �N C.B.S. =CONCRETE BLOCK STUCCO x%G''� ?"�� 3f i�> 44FiWA CHAPTER 61C17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. C. L. F. =CHAIN LINK FENCE P.P. =POWER POLE F I �� ATLANTIC SERVICES OF FLORIDA. FH =FIR£ HYDRANT P�i�l¢• ;c works NOT VALID WITH R =RECORDED 8341 SUNSET DRIVE M =MEASURED ��ys MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 F.N. =FOUND NAIL TEL. (305) 596-0888 FLP. =FOUND IRON PIPE ......,.... FO.H =FOUND DRILL HOLE »t.. CONC. =GONG. t..'lI'+ing - DatPlanning e P.B. =PLAT BOOK - NOTE: AN EA48OSSEDUNLESS SEAL W.M. =WATER METER W.F. =WOOD FENCE ��`•- 1, --� ........�� NARC/SO JOSE RAMlRf7 V 3 607 a�' "'•�^•--�-.. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS Signature �qbg�O� tit�:3,,;��-»"`"""""'^'^""••--••--� AND MAPPER No. 2779 i> 6;:JS y upp J.8' �1.F. ON 3 C8.S FND.LB#1201 0 R&M GRASS CONC GRASS 13 4' CA TE 14.0' 89 135.92' rn II - ^ l� W U + Q rob b � z e F O 1" a � OOH �+ e O C)LLj 11).i a ti 135.85" Z 9p pp RS-.. FH 5 0. H. b�` GB.S WALL ON UNE, CONC CURB. & GUTTER �� 10- TRACT 2 \ o� CRASS CONC '7 F.K GRASS �� ./ -- CONC 360.00" M & >.. CON *LIGHT CONC. POLE 73.08' •5CONC. SIDEWALK. 76.00" 60.00' _ — _._...- 134' : - -- --- ' 9p. GATE P5.0' ;� 20.OASPHALT �D0- -- PAVEMENT .. 74.5 -.ASPHALT PAVEMENT 13.55,. Oy. W 43.0' 4' WALL & CHAIN LINK C/rY Of MIAMI, 110.R10A LOCATION SKETCH t'=300' NORTH FOR: -� �Jj,�','; MAUI f�td,*�RSy I HEREBY CERTIFY. THAT THE ATTACHED BOUNDARY SURVEY REPRESENTS A RECENT SURVEY LEGEND OFFICE � � q+ c REARING ���+ w� G" d MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND 1S TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE °Lam � ,,��yy,,,' I�k� MINIMUNLITECHNICAL STANDARDSCSt°T FORTH TBY THE SFLORIDA BOARD EOF LAND SURVEYORS �N C.B.S. =CONCRETE BLOCK STUCCO x%G''� ?"�� 3f i�> 44FiWA CHAPTER 61C17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. C. L. F. =CHAIN LINK FENCE P.P. =POWER POLE F I �� ATLANTIC SERVICES OF FLORIDA. FH =FIR£ HYDRANT P�i�l¢• ;c works NOT VALID WITH R =RECORDED 8341 SUNSET DRIVE M =MEASURED ��ys MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 F.N. =FOUND NAIL TEL. (305) 596-0888 FLP. =FOUND IRON PIPE ......,.... FO.H =FOUND DRILL HOLE »t.. CONC. =GONG. t..'lI'+ing - DatPlanning e P.B. =PLAT BOOK - NOTE: AN EA48OSSEDUNLESS SEAL W.M. =WATER METER W.F. =WOOD FENCE ��`•- 1, --� ........�� NARC/SO JOSE RAMlRf7 V 3 607 a�' "'•�^•--�-.. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS Signature �qbg�O� tit�:3,,;��-»"`"""""'^'^""••--••--� AND MAPPER No. 2779 i> 6;:JS y upp J.8' �1.F. ON 3 C8.S FND.LB#1201 0 R&M GRASS CONC GRASS 13 4' CA TE 14.0' 89 135.92' rn II - ^ l� W U + Q rob b � z e F O 1" a � OOH �+ e O C)LLj 11).i a ti 135.85" Z 9p pp RS-.. FH 5 0. H. b�` GB.S WALL ON UNE, 10- TRACT 2 — 73.08' 76.00" 60.00' W 3 STORY `� z w C.B.S. BUILDING W U APTS. 5n' C.B.S. BUILDING o N J 2 COVERED WALK 1st FLOOR 1S vi z Y Y ~ Y CORRIDOR 2nd & 3rd FLOOR $•en:; qwt STATE OF FLORIDA. APTS. co O QicRES. 2 No. 480 m `L _ an FINISH FLOOR REV.=6.80' 3 6.80• FINISHM6006, 73.14' 76.00' 1' CB.g 6' EASE T VERHEAD 626' WAIL FOR ST(M fLfC1RlC N 1. F..P.3 5' 89 4' 5 C;ACTUAL N. R/W ONEPB AS P UNf p 2 IN P.P. h ORIGINAL S. LINE, BLOCK 8 (P.B.2 PG.37) 360.00 M 8C R. W UM/NA/RE �y 25' ASPHALT PAVEMENT bbd N. E. 29th TERRACE h• C/rY Of MIAMI, 110.R10A LOCATION SKETCH t'=300' NORTH FOR: -� �Jj,�','; MAUI f�td,*�RSy I HEREBY CERTIFY. THAT THE ATTACHED BOUNDARY SURVEY REPRESENTS A RECENT SURVEY LEGEND OFFICE � � q+ c REARING ���+ w� G" d MADE UNDER MY DIRECTION AND 1S TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE °Lam � ,,��yy,,,' I�k� MINIMUNLITECHNICAL STANDARDSCSt°T FORTH TBY THE SFLORIDA BOARD EOF LAND SURVEYORS �N C.B.S. =CONCRETE BLOCK STUCCO x%G''� ?"�� 3f i�> 44FiWA CHAPTER 61C17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE PURSUANT TO 472.027 FLORIDA STATUTES. C. L. F. =CHAIN LINK FENCE P.P. =POWER POLE F I �� ATLANTIC SERVICES OF FLORIDA. FH =FIR£ HYDRANT P�i�l¢• ;c works NOT VALID WITH R =RECORDED 8341 SUNSET DRIVE M =MEASURED ��ys MIAMI, FLORIDA 33143 F.N. =FOUND NAIL TEL. (305) 596-0888 FLP. =FOUND IRON PIPE ......,.... FO.H =FOUND DRILL HOLE »t.. CONC. =GONG. t..'lI'+ing - DatPlanning e P.B. =PLAT BOOK - NOTE: AN EA48OSSEDUNLESS SEAL W.M. =WATER METER W.F. =WOOD FENCE ��`•- 1, --� ........�� NARC/SO JOSE RAMlRf7 V 3 607 a�' "'•�^•--�-.. REGISTERED LAND SURVEYORS Signature �qbg�O� tit�:3,,;��-»"`"""""'^'^""••--••--� AND MAPPER No. 2779 i> 6;:JS y upp J.8' �1.F. ON 3 C8.S FND.LB#1201 0 R&M GRASS CONC GRASS 13 4' CA TE 14.0' 89 135.92' rn II - ^ l� W U + Q rob b � z e F O 1" a � OOH �+ e O C)LLj 11).i a ti 135.85" Z 9p pp RS-.. FH 5 0. H. b�` GB.S WALL ON UNE, a P.P. ITEM -Po -1 ON S1Zztei'. SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. - All elevations shown refer to city o/ Miami Datum Bench Mark use located of 2. Easements, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, are not shown. J. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION (F.l.R.M.) Community Number: Pane! Number: Suffix: . Zone: Elevation: FEET Dated: March 2, 1994 4. Miami -Dade County flood criteria is 5 feet as per Miami Dade County flood Map; as recorded in Plot Book 32 at Page 76 of the public records o/ Miami Dade County, Florida. TOTAL AREA= 37810.67 SFt ( ACRESt) LEGAL DESCRIPTION' WEST 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF "REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED /N PLAT BOOK 32 A7 PAGE 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA. ORDER No. FIELD BOOK; DA TE: SCALE.' AS SHOWN 6 SANITARY 9 MANHOLE 5n' a P.P. ITEM -Po -1 ON S1Zztei'. SURVEYOR'S NOTES 1. - All elevations shown refer to city o/ Miami Datum Bench Mark use located of 2. Easements, restrictions and limitations of record, if any, are not shown. J. FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP INFORMATION (F.l.R.M.) Community Number: Pane! Number: Suffix: . Zone: Elevation: FEET Dated: March 2, 1994 4. Miami -Dade County flood criteria is 5 feet as per Miami Dade County flood Map; as recorded in Plot Book 32 at Page 76 of the public records o/ Miami Dade County, Florida. TOTAL AREA= 37810.67 SFt ( ACRESt) LEGAL DESCRIPTION' WEST 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF "REVISED PLAT BROADMOOR PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED /N PLAT BOOK 32 A7 PAGE 76, OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF DADS COUNTY, FLORIDA. ORDER No. FIELD BOOK; DA TE: SCALE.' AS SHOWN 6 SANITARY 9 MANHOLE $•en:; qwt STATE OF FLORIDA. H G F E D C B A Tuand .; 41 P -P 8 r I' 37 PElt 'g Spacs 9 to —hell I I Upto Level 4t. fb­ B&W V. ramp' t N SECOND FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1116* - V.0 - al. III. Open -"SUBMITTED INTOPUrt11C RECORE' 51. ITEM Fz-1 ON N.E. 30TH. STREET ----- - T_ — - — - — - ----------------- - 757RN! E . . ..... ...... I.. -- I 1I --A-N{ —CEi1 r --; ;d - - 'i r -ti -r - r* I -- �J�� -- �\ ;-i-�1]- �I.- -- 8 21 /T1 _LOFTS D L'0AD'FNG S VICE BERTH 1 1` fff E 9 BERTH 2' 6 22 p L aces 7-31[ - 101 -3es C up to I level 2 I SERVICE tLEVATOR 2#- J L T., 07 B —4- N.E. 29TH. TERR. —r ------------------------mow------------ - — - — - — - — - N SITE & GROUND IQ G 7'm41 Dole FLOOR PLAN SCALE: 1/16"-1'A• 12 118 10 9 7 6 5 4 3 2 FU.U,ERTON DIAZ UCHUBM INC. Architecture Interior Design Planning 366 AIL- An.. Corn) WW.s. FL 33146 Pho,l (305) 44e-4200 F.. 0051 444-6962 REGISTRATION k F. -WAIL 11 AP 1,W ;t.ef Ao Ar .R, WfETI NUMBER A-101 03'- 607 Imi G 1111111111114111111 EI D 11 C B A 12 ll 10 7 6 i 5 4 3 N.E. 30TH. STREET - — - — - — - — ---- - --T -- — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — 75- Rf; FND.LBJ1201 R&M ------ F.I.P. 19, LOFTS -9. 2 VICE BERTH I r. 1 CS: --4 -I--LO BE Level I KMal 36 Parking Spaces 10 11 22 IE 134 23 up to LOBBY level 2 SERVICE ELEVATOR 2 24 130 9 j 33 TRANSFORMER omm. 00 VAULT bo - FH 59 59vEtucuLAR ACTUAL N. RIW LINE .4 IL F.1)314L_ENTRANCE 1 6�-- -1 1 1�1 5*3- - ------- .. ...... ... ........... 5�n, 'f4l. WW*i F ORIGINAL S. LINE BLOCK 8 (P.B.2 PG -37) SANITARY' I MANHOLE I - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — -- --- is-ww - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — -- S. N. PROJECT FACT SHEET N SITE PLAN ICALE: 1111-V-4)" LEGAL DESCRIP710N: UJE&T 360 FEET OF TRACT 2 OF 'REVISED FLAT 65pofm��o PLAZA, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF A5 PLAT BOOK 32, AT PAGE 16, or, THE PUBLIC 8 OF OADE COUNTY, FLORIDA eP ICITY OF I N GA 9 0-0 PA., FRI C 0, HEAn PLANNS By� — t Date By-, 03.- Planning Date Qy: Signature abOVC cru 1" not imply a rov FLUMM ! Yl! DIAZ ARCH17MM VC Architecture Interior Design Planning ISO An— A. Coral ...i Gw.. . n =46 M.— (305) 442-1200 Fs 1305) 444-6982 :Ism, H 11 I Ii G F E -i E- r4 E C Oz C. —I MWNAVON 4 NPTUTID ARRA (NIA) rp tub itted Into REAR IwPs17 ,rt 1R IOPr reco I in conn item Z- / 0 F riscilla A. BUe-10M—LW(90NUaB9 0. SM.N. [ 2q pxOPOS]D (4-W 0e A RewP18,®l15 ng— UKOP09a0 IA.Q.L1 9,111 SP. 9"45z =7P WEE 1. OFPSTRPR PAARMO Rwrlw-NQ+M9: wuD 4:,12�LO?TS(IWAC—T) BPDROO w QPICOPX'Y (I W.M—m 4, wmOCM] (I wASZ/ wn 116-5 TOTALBPACB9 PPOVIDBD 193 SPARS W-PITS@TLDADM UMM"0001R]5@],3: MORBVDA1NDfl—%=52 AMPO_) 6 4 3 12 8 1 1 10 1 9 C�fl! i�� US- B . . ...... ... A SHEET NUMBER A-101 G F D C B Tf TH-3 TH4 TH-1 -14 ROOF I L COP R OF ROOF T— Level Space ` I II �I 24 to 1 1 , \ 12 III 13 1 5 T 141 40 up to level 5 ramp Z i , L A. rF LEVEL 2 SCALE: 1.11-1`1' LLg ;56 g —T 1-7 771 �4— Level - aF ------ 1 to 141 P es ISUbmittec SJ Ipaces 124 .�p1 —r - - �— -I -�— .,— record in I _�l 3 L -37 25 41 item P Priscil up to level 4 1 �'--�"--�i \\ I';�' `,' � /�\I it I I 1 i , � I'� -"� tl � ,/ �:. ram L -.,..J ---J I t"I n,ibkwo?.,-- D BY* -- 0 N SCALE: 1116-1`0" UY 5 4 3 12 it 10 9 7 DIAZ "Fmllm INC I Architecture I n terlor Design Planning 366 Mt— A— C..] Gables, n 33148 Ph.. (305) 482-42(1(1 Pax (3051 444-0902 F-, -- --- — -- - --,] R E- C) qj0. D E— ie publi tion sir1 I .1 IPA^ ?Y-_-..._...._..— - hompson...... 1) B Ril Tr --- 0 3- 607 - I FUUE2TON DIAZ ARCHIL MS INC. I Architecture I Interior Design Planning 966 Allan Ave- ' Coral Uhl- n 99146 Phnne (905) 442-4200 Fu t9o5) 444-6062 SW _ - - HItGL1TRAflON a 6 -MAIL J rull:vl;n qk fi ESEwm .. g � .`s F F 3g E-• �¢ E— W `g ! U) N POOL DECK o LEVEL 6 '- x SCALF: IAV- I'-0" E D Z � ao i I I I I D 9 40 Level 5 E- gg 39 41 Parking Spaces 10 i i I I �— 11 i® 12 ®` J I L I i �..! i23 �. C1 ) a dnto 38 36 I--..• I I 24 level Into the public Submitted SCALS ^___o recor In connection with40.3 Ite{ N 3 VZ ' on ✓ i� "PW, 7 25 _—$T RAram a .�: � . �' ----- -- p \-� ! l35 132 31 ® I I, \. �°:f:••, Priscilla A. Thompso j I City Cier B NE4'9iG!!9: B \^ UeSJ C v N PARKING n: v. amen • Date - LEVEL 5-�-- i SCALB:Ii Ifi"moi'-0" .G:Nn Date A SHEETNUMBER A A--103 d• SYF%a{Yf9 0u04i cau . upiv.'Nt -_ 4 3 2 12 11 10 I 9 8 I 7 6 _ 5 I I 1 Q3- 607 H G F ,E D C B A tr IIID � TYPICAL LEVEL (8TH -21 H) FULLERTON ARPDWMWM M C Architecture Interior Design Planning Fk—J30 ) 442-;401, F., 05i 44449C." H /\ ••' ' DDS - C co 'Submitted Into the pub i reco� in connecti w t item Z_1 on priscifla A. ThompA, City Cl 3N I D E- E- C UA — IE —--MtZ!4 -4444lk ?RpJ i10: 4444 3WAII_ B REIISV4 I v r N SEVENTH LEVEL nub`rAl FLOOR PLAN SHEET NUMBER. A P by: -104 3 2 03� 607 G F I Submitted Into the p recorc[ in connecti9f item 112-1 on SrL Priscilla A. Thon City I r, M CrrY Or OFFICE OF HOP"kRING SOAS03 PLANS REVIEW N LOWER LEVEL P,blkwoft — rT� ROOF PLAN PY: FUUMTON DIAZ AWUnEM INC. I Architecture Interior Design Planning 860 Aft... A— C.—I Cahlre, Ff. 33146 Phone (305) 442-4200 F. (8051.44-6962 H G C7.4 F 0-4 E- 14 o E- C E C DATE --jilUg B SCALE: 1116"' V-0" ?4,'i - Date /A SAM NUMBER A SWatum abM, rot 1 awm�l A-105 i 12 11 10 9 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 4 3 0 2 3 607 L 1 12 I 1 10 1 9 I H G Eg �3gg 2cai sa is o gF �O `g. E �¢ W$ LLt oy D 's= g«^ rN 1,ti sY S a h wceka C Cay. Date Mannino Gook not N PARTIAL SIXTH FLOOR PL SCALE: IAr=I'.r 'a 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 q 1 3 1 2 1 1 .I tubmitted Into the publ record in connection w2 item / on Priscilla A. Thomps CI yl VVF �L✓ 1€F1p LEVEL 1w ARC1II1Em m I Architecture 1 nLerlor Design Planning AltK An. C.mS c.hSn, ft 99149 Phone (906) 442-6200 r. (906) 441-0962 ir R6DIS1'MTION A 6 -MAIL: Till JOM P. FUE.f IOh AA 494] I1VI.rrOMlO.rohNaots .om JMu S. Di.z: AR 1920 IdNi.lOxchlteMs.00m SEAL 110 G w it FSI E 6 E'"1 W II� a A O E Z O G E- - w E— C SCALE OAT': m•h�ro` PROIEC* DESIGNER:- - DRAWN BV: R' CNECKED 81 RA PROJ. NO.. ATg' SUBMITTAL: uJ51 H REVISIONS: ra. De.cnonP� DaI.: A SHEET NUMBER: A-206 J A g 1 1 10 I 9 I 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 I 4 1 3 1 z 1 1 l2 1 11 1w ARC1II1Em m I Architecture 1 nLerlor Design Planning AltK An. C.mS c.hSn, ft 99149 Phone (906) 442-6200 r. (906) 441-0962 ir R6DIS1'MTION A 6 -MAIL: Till JOM P. FUE.f IOh AA 494] I1VI.rrOMlO.rohNaots .om JMu S. Di.z: AR 1920 IdNi.lOxchlteMs.00m SEAL 110 G w it FSI E 6 E'"1 W II� a A O E Z O G E- - w E— C SCALE OAT': m•h�ro` PROIEC* DESIGNER:- - DRAWN BV: R' CNECKED 81 RA PROJ. NO.. ATg' SUBMITTAL: uJ51 H REVISIONS: ra. De.cnonP� DaI.: A SHEET NUMBER: A-206 J q 3 2 I 1 i r l 12 1 1 10 1 9 1 6 1 6 5 - ' . FUUERTDN DQAZ I Architecture I Interior Design tubmitted Into the publ c Planning 9M plan lit. record in connection wi h Coni CAbin, ft 99tH ^ Ppoue (905) 442-1200 .. item F-/ on 5/A Gg'L F.: (904) N4-8982 Priscilla A. Thomps xacsreATTBN a e-Nau City CleooM P Folerrort. AR .3.+ IIVA\r10M1 tl.rMil101F.com JWb $. Dien: AR T82B E pleeOl4ucNlleels.com SEAL: Stair G z PLdm CC:1•+mi E� POOL DECK V1P F Wit F O 0 O O E-1 w d .% ,, ...N.v., ill-:{ 'Y <f;:::: u..{:: - .d I :`>�z rtsa� .s.,, s, v..na.. ,�.✓:..,:�s,'..:; s•r . /vi "k.. Y43G .:.aG<:S »w.» '�'f,. :,,g;+^�/i'. s �n%.. :.... •!3f:i% CD :.3. 7 y.. ;'3'' ✓ ::r . a5.�, .,.t;..; ..,:X/."s<s«/. �o}"Jf.;. ."N�ii<;:a�:.?" s,'..> r/''.'rrf.',:<^' '�/, o-` Outline ofTB.lw Alww - - �"i%Ms'w«i:., ..✓.: .�s,<:., hoc::.; �<;. ,,:. %. £ �'/� �' 9 I '>st" '::%n..:, !Y::, .,�,�,:t:.,q�: ',�rs�' , £5:. ' CO �¢ - ::f/. //Y65.f:1��` ..1:. ;�F;^./.:.s:��:✓%: '�'1,,. �f3.'�:.F 'ti<.':' q.)... N,:,'%' �1 E �� �.�n^ `. mg I :�nsnn: !�.�+:ul,` ! ;g: y£r�: "".7'%�z?':�'.'./!i'j; y, �r%r-•£�✓:.N...:4:'ss / i '•,.f; R;/j: i'l'l p.y : S: i' ;<F..xf,. ,.6sfF y:S�:�'�'.££.i; /::.: :'%, C) I ».Y':;: 2.s!..: �:✓J va;"''.:.:ae!£fvr�t�s, r4: „/f . , o -..L.,:: fd' _ srf,-,'<,. 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SCATS:Mr-IW' S A SHEET NUMBER A a , . A -206A o _ a 12 1 1l 10 1 9 1 8 1 T 6 I 5 I q I 9 I 2 I 1 J 1 10 1 9 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 I 3 1 2 I I tubmitted Into the publi _ m recor connectio wi - item Kz-1 on 5I2z Priscilla A. Thomps >; ---L City Clem G Gd z: sm sg us _ E� yE u3 %e TERRACE SBRRA(M TERRACE �TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE TERRACE � BEDROOM MASTER i Bed MASTER DEDROOM _, 02 AZA R.P. 03 PZA S.F. /'- 112R S.F. DATE BEDROOM ORCAT ;% BEDROOM GREAT % / BEDROOM ORRAT \ — i iY.l:i�, � B•f••w, RooN ' � \ Roots ,/,� � ' Roots �/ \ Fd � � i' \ � �p � .` �f • RrratEN � � w.l.c / BEDROOM i �/,,\$i i% W.I.G7 ,'• / `! i / ` R[ICeEN E 'K\\ ` E a� flR TERRACE BATHZ. �BA POW OYER r, \ FOYER v \.. 9 J��GREAT g'! (, M.U/ _ _ /❑ _ _ � � 'vas ) P _ _ • m RGGM O58 2 Bed+Den Fl,YER 1 1 34 A.P. TRRRACE z DENLull 21 FOYER) RM — ..NARTER � \ —�� BATHST/A1R1 LrOBAHTYOR it c DEN ELEV. ROOM 006FS D 012HadrDaHATHGREAT _KITCHROOM ROO D O a ELEV. 7E:// BEaooNxBEDRooMx BEDROOM anan®ooBEDROOM a al DINING— i 3 ARHA ,k TERRACE THILRACB c viYtttEise ratio VtSti A 'jam`" I ;CMi'P3�i Sl i;�� room — N LEVELS 7TH THROUGH 21TH FLOOR PLAN SCALE: IA'- V -W A 607 1 12 1 u I 10 I 9 I s 1 7 1 6 1 s 1 a 1 3 1 2 1 1 1— FUIIXRIX3N DIAZ ARCFUMM WC Architecture Interior Design Planning see umrs A.a. Gni GebleY. FL 571,6 Fn 1e05) aaa-e9az RRGISER4TIeR L R -NAB: JOM P. FUYNIeh AR Y3<1 Dill; AR cts.cem M1, S Dile: AR 1929 IdW01d..11 .-. SEAL: 5 I 4 I 3 I 2 I 1 r I 12 1 1 10 g 1 8 1 7 1 6 1 — FUUI RTON DW ARCHrrBCIS A1C. 1 Architecture i I nlPlanning Design Submitted Into the pubiie 366 AH- 1- /'�(�{ gyp/ C. S.M., FL 99119 record in connectio :Yi h PFu (355)442-4209 FAx (305) 441-6992 PZ -1 on 5�� 03 item --- ILSSISTRATISN k S_N.➢,: Priscilla A. Thompson bn P G brlpn A 43a i,�Eenoneiau mnamG.aom City Clerk H jawno,0:r nii cu.coro° >3 SEAL: G G E d cANoeY x� ° CANOPY CANOPY CANOPY CANOPY CANOPY CANOPY °n e� Evueao w W12 E-1 a 3 / ` �_______ �1 A 04 y / O r �_________________ . tx\ E ♦\ f F CAL /^ B 0-4 (Z;I w E g 11a1CRANICAI�� c ROOM [ <` y — g ` '/� ''/ O .9 OD .'S CT-] l ►-i 0-4 2 CANOPY F" ] e : iF ( 9 s A in. C C�? (-._' .,. ,,.......... -_ "..""'..""."'...........�.--.. ..«,�., .�-...... SCALE., AS rgrcn {. +,ta. DATE: ^"oin:/a) µbe PROJECT OEStGlER:__ DRAWN 81: �'�'•" CHECKED B/ !d' w - L¢jr"'���yy{t' PROJ. NO. lmio-�°M0 t- a I, a e w..,•.••.w.-....rar...... SUBMITTAL: M� f 'itis (i'it's'� N MECHAN1CAl m B AEWswns: B �s SA SHEET NUMBER: A � 3 A-208 6 5 4 1 12 Ll 10 9 8 i 7 mm and y-rR \/\� vll- t M FIN 7jZjjIq us Mill !iMd 101' Mws. -, —11101, M 01.9 minis limit r1l 1 9 I 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1- 1Submittb, Into the public record in connection wit hl PZ-� 51zz1 Architecture �nleriorDesign item on Planning Priscilla A. Thompsc n 7001Hsn 4To. City Cie k Corel GO[- FL 07146 Ph- (705) "2-4200 F.. (006) 444-0962 L @SG[SI'RATION k E -MAH: _ — _ — _ — _ — _ — - _ _ . _ — _ —. _ — - — - — - - - — - - — L H Ian : A R "ll J 4 l P . 1. A -I.- pu0.nonmeuann.nr.R.- JWq S q.a AR 1926 Jdl.iAlO.cMllecle.c"m EL +210'-4" SEAL. - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - —R 0 — - - — - — - — - — - — - LVL 21 (PENTHOUSE LVL) EL. +188'- r _---------------�VL2 -----------_EL.+178'-4" G _ — - LVL n - — - — - — - EL +168'-8" _11 vT�zaTt— LVL 1 TMTED BLUE GLA55(COLOR AZUR -ITV (TYPICAL) - — - — _EL+159'_0 — -----'-- LVL 1;7 Y TUCCO SLAB EDGE PAINTED r , F�4 WHITE (TYPICAL) EL +149'x" Y -------------- LIN EL P ---------- LVL 15 -----�F �i EL +1301-0 -----------------LVL ?4L_$' ill TINTED BLUE GLASS (COLOR AZURLITE) (TYPICAL) EL. +120'-4" i�... E_ d --------------- LVL 13 W Ca SLIDING GLA55 DOORS HILL FINISH (TYPICAL) * EL. +110'-8" J LVL F ` E_ a -------------- 12 � o v r -r a - — - EL +101'-0" ----------- VL 11 L ms%+ E-w E rr O � ..v --- -CM EL. +9IT40..h LVL C ------------- 1 SMOOTH STUGGO CWALL PAINTED (TYPICAL/ V 6 -------------- LVL9 O CD +nl_o11 �`---------- co d' LVLS rel .. ., .. - EL •1'62'-4 �«« ----- ....�. LVL7 D Z 511-8 y 6 — -+ LVL VLM EL.+SOI.80 LVL6 Ll 0 iZr — - — - LVI.5_(PARKING 5 - EL. +191 E'+ _ - — LVL 4 (PARKING 4) Y EL+1910 - — - ZVC3�1'AlfRRSG 'P C L4 SCALE: .s mrro oI/JI/af ._' at O.W�•i DATE: PROJECT DELGI£Pi �_ IPVyL�..(l,�4DLQ�,B.B:F — DRAM By. CHECKED By TINTED 5 UE GLASS (COLOR f "' PROM. NO, TA lN2eAy SUBMITTAL: wh* AZURLITEJ(TTPICAL7'i .i•.3{<`� <�i ji )4� - 5,=1.i�.`7. ......-^."..^:..."""^ ,. .... B L:�1,._.....................,_..,....-.......-,..,...-.....,..,..._.� i Ho. oe.atr. Dna: EASE t'M SCALE: L,L lrj►"i ate y. A SHEET NUMBER signature abewt; 101 approval A-303 11 1 10 1 9 1 8 1 7 J to I 9 8 f 7 I 6 I 5 I a I s Submitted Into the publi TON recordin connectioP we 'S INC - Z P Architecture �tenl on 51ZZ� Interbr Design Priscilla A. Thompson Planning 96B AILn Ae.. �City ClerkCo1e1 Dable., FL 07148 n t..�•� -_ t+y PLone (7061 N2-1:00 -' '' Pss (906) 414-0802 REGISTUMON k E-MAIL John P. E.Mflok AR 10.1 ft Iw9.nP�m/.«nn.crso.. J000 SD., AR 1928 +tlgeatlrmn.da.e.. SEu: oil l �iMMMU i/ J MEN I 19 BIp9aacestezes���eie2���82��9a�x9. • .. lu 1 �� aaiele . LIIII Y V- 11fk&# 0$.BEMRN$� I q . VIII Dug; MOAI111111111 MEN fxt�1Du� VIII �t1�11a����1� IIII) I 11 I 10 I 9 I 8 f Y I 6 I 5 I 4 3 2 1 J Ill1 =aassg.��i68vs�.a�nztcet���idx �':��.. � • r AAA VIII u 1 �■ PROJ No! L� e ��e1LL 1■��' Ll, - -- 1/�,�/i I �FAMSHEET . '.• _' VIII .._... HUMER: 11111 A-304 11111 I 11 I 10 I 9 I 8 f Y I 6 I 5 I 4 3 2 1 J r I: 12 B I 7 I 6 I 5 I 4 3 I 2 I 1 I FU1 ERMN DIAZ Submitted Into the public I ARCBMI rB M Architecture recordnnection with I nLerior Design item PV10 on .6ZzzA2 Planning 9BB INen APo. Priscilla A. Thompso _ ft..R(305) PT. =48City Clerk F.. (306) 444-6062 RBCISTRATION A 6 -MIR: JOM P. Ful.rlorc AR ,34] H IMa.rbnOIMlcMlle[I[..om JuS" S Dirs: AR TBFa I4iaxolEarMNeaaxom SEAL: 4 - 0 +210'-4" ROOF 'P _ EL. +197-B�" G LVL 21 Y NMOUSE LVL) +186'-0" h LVL 20 �F EL, +178'_" j� LVL 191 LVL N 17 b -4" r--4 LVL1 E- EL. +132' D E- W a LVL II E- --PILL +130'-0" —, x LVL 1�-V ^ xa gONT� Hw E 4 n LVL 12 $ " W Q EL +701'-0"� LVL 11�T fiL. +91'-�4" hh� — LVMT " EL. +81'-8" d -,- LVE 9—\,w LVL9—\,w EL. +72'-0" E—+ — LVL Q a —1�4=*6Z'= LVL 7 IIL_++"h iVL6 � "Sy F.L. +50'-B" "..6s`60Lb$ b EL +}Q'- " L 55 (PARRiNG 5) C EL.+29'-�Q^ � F SCALE:g�w 'LPARKING4)� DATE: N121ro3 '4 a PRDJFCT DESIGNER: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY I"' L 1�PA[ ffvG PAW Na um�r.e @ SUBMITTAL! LVL 1(LOBBY B EL -PARKING 1) REWsaws I 11 I 10 I 9 I 8 I 7 I 6 By: Signature aboVS dues not imply approval No. Des[roon Dole: A SHEET NUMBER: A-401 5 I 4 3 I 2 I 1 I