HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0591J-03-434 05/13/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03- 5 91 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), DECLARING CERTAIN CITY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY LOCATED AT 400-430 SOUTHWEST 8TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA ("PROPERTY"), AS DESCRIBED IN "EXHIBIT A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, AS SURPLUS REAL PROPERTY; AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SELL SAID CITY -OWNED REAL PROPERTY; FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO: (1) ESTABLISH THE MINIMUM SALES PRICE FOR THE PROPERTY TAKING INTO CONSIDERATION THE APPRAISED VALUE OF THE PROPERTY AS ESTABLISHED BY THE RESULTS OF TWO INDEPENDENT APPRAISALS; (2) EMPLOY SUCH PROCEDURES AS MAY BE REQUIRED BY THE CITY CHARTER OR CODE FOR PURPOSES OF DISPOSING OF THE PROPERTY; (3) ACCEPT RESPONSIVE AND RESPONSIBLE BIDS; (4) NEGOTIATE A PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT; AND (5) PRESENT THE NEGOTIATED AGREEMENT TO THE CITY COMMISSION FOR CONSIDERATION. WHEREAS, the City Commission wishes to declare the City -owned real property located at 400-430 Southwest 8th Avenue, Miami, Florida, as surplus real property; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: A n !� , R f"'.7 I CITY COMUSS -ON MEETING Cf MAY 2 2 2003 Resolution No. 03- 591 Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. City -owned real property located at 400-430 Southwest 8th Avenue, Miami, Florida ("Property"), as described in "Exhibit A," attached and incorporated, is declared as surplus. Section 3. The City Manager is authorized!' and directed to sell said City -owned surplus real property and to: (1) establish the minimum sales price for the Property taking into consideration the appraised value as established by the results of two independent appraisals; (2) employ such procedures as may be required by the City Charter or Code for purposes of soliciting offers for the purchase or lease of the Property; (3) accept responsible and responsive bids; (4) negotiate a purchase and sale agreement; and (5) present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for consideration. ii The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. Page 2 of 3 03— 591 Section 4. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.Z' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of Ma ATTEST: PR CILLA A. THOMPSON CI Y CLERK APPROVE S FORM D CORRECTNESS: 6 RO VI RELLO CI ATTORNEY W7226:tr:AS:BSS , 2003. 2�� g, 0j-" ANUEL A. DIAZ, M If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 3 of 3 03- 5.91 EXHIBIT A Property: 400-20 Southwest 8 Avenue (Folio No. 01-4138-003-2610) 430 Southwest 8 Avenue (Folio No. 01-4138-005-0110) Legal Description: Lots 1, 2 and 3 Block U Riverview (PB 5-43) And Lot 16 Carolina Court (PB 15-56) 03- 591 x Roberto, Bessie lay y F=& Les invita a que nos visiten y comparen nuestra calidad y precios en todo Lipo de mercancia para su negocio Mercancia a Cualquier. Pais I i tt����If►[f CITY OF MIAMI a„ aEco Fro AVISO AL PUBLICO Un informe se llevara a Cabo en esta ciudad el 22 de mayo del 2003, a las 9:00 a.m. en el Ayuntamiento, situado en el 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida con el fin de considerar la siguiente Resolution: Una Resolution de la Comision de la Ciudad de Miami declarando excedente (sobrantes) ciertas propiedades localizadas en el 400 - 30 del South West en la Ave. 8, Florida (la "pro- piedad"), autorizando al Administrador de esta ciudad a vender dicha propiedad real y luego autorizandole a: Establecer el precio minimo de Ventas, tenien- do en consideration el Valor Evaluado de la Propiedad, segun to establecido por los resul- tados de dos evaluadores independientes. Implicar tales procedimientos Como los re- quieren los Codigos de la Ciudad, con el fin de disponer de la propiedad, aceptar y nego- ciar acuerdo de compra y venta y presentar el contrato. Si alguna persona desea apelar alguna deci- sion de la Comision de la Ciudad con res- pecto a cualquier tema considerado en esta audiencia, esa persona debe asegurarse que un record exacto se haga de estos; incluyen- do todo testimonio y evidencia para bases de apelacion. City Seal Priscilla A. Thompson (Ad. #11042) City Clerk - DIARIO LAS AMERICAS MIERCOLES 14 DE MAYO DE 2003 Un Performing Arts sms Orquesta Filarmonica LUIS FELIPE VIARSANS los iiltimos anos, incluso pudiera n enfasis, desde el siglo pasado, el e construir un "Performing Arts ra el Condado de Miami -Dade fue prioridades mas importantes de ad artistica, la empresa privada it fue lograr que todas las partes de acuerdo--particularmente, por- biciosa idea de la edification so - costo a to que se ha empleado en ectos similares en varios lugares n, incluyendo en la Florida, el Per- s de Tampa y el "Kravis Center", in Beach--, que todavia el de Miami esqueleto de acero y las primeras do para esta fecha se habia pla- estuviera funcionando. Dblema ahora cobra proporciones allA, y que son contraproducentes de la vida cultural y de la miisica. iam en su nuevo Perfoming Arts tenerse las operaciones regulares de conciertos de la "Florida Philharmonic", orquesta tricondal a la que corresponderia la mayoria de los conciertos regulares del coloso de la Calle Biscayne Bulevar. En un comunicado fechado el nueve de ma - yo, el Director Ejecutivo de la orquesta re- gional, Trey Devey --quien advirtio en una en- trevista anterior, exclusiva con Diario Las Americas, que la orquesta podria desaparecer con caracter inminente por falta de dinero—, confirmo que el 10 de mayo, que paso ya hate cuatro dia, que en efecto, la Filarmonica dejaba de operar, y que se le habia notificado a sus mas de cien musicos y personal administrativo, que estaban cesantes, por falta de dinero para pagarles to que restaba de la temporada. Devey, sin embargo, dejo la puerta abierta a la posibilidad de que grandes donaciones --por to menos una inmediata de $ 4 millones-- podrian aguantar el proceso, Pero la fecha que daba para esa gestion, ya paso tambien. A la hora que escribo este trabajo, la Filar- monica no habia presentado aun su solicitud de banca rota, Pero estaba ya hablando con un abogado dedicado a estos procesos, para hacerlo. (-Podria evitarse esta catastrofe? Desde el punto de vista practico, la situaci61 no lute facil, de acuerdo al testimonio de lal personas con quien hemos hablado; Pero con siderando lacuestion moralmente hablando respecto al esfuerzo que se ha hecho para to grar un Performing Arts de la magnitud de que estamos construyendo, una apelacion la comunidad de negocios y a perdonas indi viduales que dispongan del dinero necesario tomo donation o prestamo, se hate necesario sobre todo si recordamos la merma de la cul tura musical en Miami cuando desaparecii la primera Florida Philharmonic, a finales de la decada 1970, por causa de una huelga. Y mientras que esto no ocurra, el triste epi• logo de esa historic reza como la comunica- cion oficial que emitio el senor Devey: "La gerencia de la Florida Philharmonic anuncia que ha suspendido sus operaciones y dado por terminado el empleo de los mfisicas que la integran, efectivo el diez de mayo, porque los Tondos de la organization se han terminado, y no podemos seguir pagandoles a los em- pleados en el futuro". ez federal critica el aplazamiento ie la limpieza de los Everglades rOR CRAIG PITTMAN St. Petersburg Times Distrito Federal William Hoeveler s de emitir una orden con respecto za de los Everglades: "El Gober- ush ha sido enganedo por perso- les importan los Everglades". El ler critica duramente al Cuerpo por posponer la fecha limite para ontaminacion alli. cion que pospone la fecha limite que al Estado ya no le importa la los Everglades, escribio el Juez n judicial que intenta ponerle al tensa rienda para asegurar que proceda como esti estipulado. oeveler dijo que el nombrarA a para supervisar to que estA ha- stado y entregarle a el informer una decision `a la cual tanto el go- al como el federal se oponen. pasado. El dijo que el proyecto de ley "es de- fectuoso en muchos respectos" y estA lleno de "lenguaje indefinido que le roba de cual- quier poder verdadero". A principios de la semana pasada, el Gober- nador Bush declaro que el intentaba firmar di- cho proyecto de ley a menos que alguien le diera razones especificas para no hacerlo. Anterior- mente, el habia expresado irritation sobre las criticas contra el proyecto de ley, sosteniendo que los criticos enfocaban solamente sobre la perception y no sobre la realidad. Despues de que el Juez emitio la orden, el Gobernador Bush hizo una declaration escrita diciendo que el la estaba revisando. Una por- tavoz del Gobernador declino responder a los comentarios del Juez. Una declaration escrita del asesor principal del Gobernador sobre el medio ambiente, el Secretario del Departamento de Protection Ambiental (DEP) David Struhs, fue igualmen- te evasava. Struhs no Irespondio directamente judicial de.f"Wro paginas emi- a los comentarios del Juez Ycepto que el nom- ; pasado, 'ur "oeveler -de bramiento de un experto c ,ial "podria pro - c6 el pro). ,.to .ey que de- bar ser valioso en dar una „evis;V-^ impartial ipieza de los Everglades y tam- de los hechos". icionarios que impulsaron su r el Cuerpo Legislativo el mes uscdn ntarios ara tencia cianos declive en el nume- os en los condados lade y Monroe para personas mayores en 'dados, el Programa esti haciendo un Ila - bre todo a personas do Miami -Dade, par- , se encuentran un 3,222 centros de cui- plazo para personas rograma Ombudsman ejorar la calidad de cianos que estan en ocupandose de resol- onales y hacer ins - los lugares :oncilios del area de mens de dote vo- Ombudsman en ac - tan personas que ha- Los defensores del medic, ar-' ' -nte dicen que el Gobernador Bush debe dejar de escu- char a Struhs y al Cuerpo Legislativo y co- menzar a prestar atencion al Juez Hoeveler. Aun si el Gobernador veta el proyecto de ley, el Estado habria demostrado que no es confiable, dijo Dexter Lehtinen, exfiscal fe- deral que ahora representa a la Tribu Mic- cosukee, la cual vive en los Everglades. Leh- tinen dijo que la action legislativa le ha costado al Estado credibilidad con el Juez. En 1988, cuando Lehtinen era fiscal federal, el demandd a los funcionarios estatales por permitir que el agua Rena de fosforo conta- minara el Parque Nacional de los Everglades y el Refugio Nacional de Fauna de Loxahat- chee. El fosforo procedente -de los ingemos azueareros y de los jardines particulares han destruido las plantas nativas esenciales a la vida de la fauna en los Everglades y las ha reemplazado con "cattails", una planta que ha hecho del Rio de Cesped un pantano es- tancado. , En 1991, funcionarios de la Florida di --n fin a la demands accediendo a limpiar d� - foro a los Everglades y una ley apr ' �da"r el Cuerpo Legislativo tres anos de s puso el ano del 2006 como la fecha limite para la limpieza.- Exponen pinturas de 0 bromeltas''de alumnos del Palmetto High School American -Nicaraguan Foundation otorga "Orden de Honor" POR GINA SACASA-ROSS "Reza tomo si todo dependiera de Dios y trabaia tomo si todo depen- diera de vos". Varias veces el Sr. F. Alfredo Pellas, Jr., Presidente de la American -Nicaraguan Founda- tion (ANF), cito esa celebre frase de San Ignacio de Loyola, durante el discurso que pronunciara con mo- tivo del homenaje rendido por esa institution a su Director Ejecutivo, Alvaro J. Pereira y a dos miembros de su Junta Directiva, Ana L. Ar- giiello de Zaldana y Michael A. Ro- belo, durante el cocktail llevado a Cabo la tarde del viernes 9 de mayo en el fastuoso hotel Ritz-Carlton de Coconut Grove. "Durante los once anos de exis- tencia de la American -Nicaragua Foundation todos nuestros Directo- res hanhecho una loable labor" -dijo el Sr. Pellas- y es por eso segura- mente que la ANF ha logrado des- arrollar programas que han llevado millones de dolares de ayuda a Ni- caragua, contribuyendo a aliviar las necesidades en los Campos de salud, education y vivienda. Pero segun el mismo Sr. Pellas, los tres home- najeados de esa tarde, Ana, Michael y Alvaro han excedido en su dedi- cacion, demostrando gran pasion por la causa y sentimientos de so- lidaridad hacia los mas necesitados Segun informe de la ANF, en la actualidad, Nicaragua es el segundo Pais mas pobre de America. 50% de los nicaraguenses viven en la po- breza y el 25% en la extrema po- breza; uno de cads dos nicaragden- ses por su condition economica, no tiene acceso a los cuidados medicos basic os; el indice de education es- colar es uno de los mas bajos de America Central; uno de cads cinco nitros nicaragiienses padece de des- nutricion cronica; las conditions de vivienda producen enfermeda- des respiratorias, gastrointestinales y malaria, tres prominentes causas de mortandad infantil. Desde su fundacion hate once anos por el Padre Leon Pallais, la American -Nicaraguan Foundation creel un serio compromiso para ayu- dar a los nicaraguenses mAs casti- gados por el infortunio. Alvaro J. Pereira, se ha desempenado tomo Director Ejecutivo desde sus inicios y ha logrado establecer a la fecha, con la feel cooperation de su Junta de Directores, una red de organi- zaciones donantes en 18 estados de la Union Americana. Esto ha hecho posible canalizar una ayuda que se traduce en programas educaciona- les que refuerzan la education Pri- maria al proveer a las escuelas con mobiliario y material bAsieo didac- tico; mejorar los programas de sa- lud con cuidado medico adecuado a mas de 100,000 personas al mes; promover y mejorar los programas alimenticios a mas de 200,000 nitros y ancianos sada ano; proveyendo anualmente, viviendas dignas a cientos de familial iiicaraguenses sumidas en la pobreza. Particularmente notable es la eficiente administration de esta institution sin fines de lucro, la trasparencia de su organization y la habilidad de mantener su cos- to operational a menos del 1%. Tanto el Sr. Pellas como los que recibieron el merecido reconoci- miento "Orden de Honor", Alvaro J. Pereira, Ana L. Arguello de Zal- dana y Michael A. Robelo exhor- taron a los presentes a promover la ayuda para la American -Nicara- guan Foundation tomando parte en el programa "Circulo de Honor" que ofrece distintos y cdmodos ni- veles de membresia. CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA QOE AVISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA Oq 196 aP La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrar6 una audiencia publica el 22 de mayo del 2003, a las 9:00 a.m., epzl ayuntamiento (Miami City Hall), situado en el 3500 de Pan American Drive, Miami, F`uida, con el prop6sit de considerar la siguiente resole .41 Una resolution de la Junta de Comisionac!A� la Ciudad de Miami, declarando sobrante cierta propiedad de la Ciudad de Miami situada en 400-30 Southwest 8th Avenue, Miami, Florida, (la "Propiedad'); autorizando a ry -ido al adminis- trador de la Ciudad a vel _.;r � 1a propiedad inmuebie de la Ciudad, adicionalntente autorizar al administrador de la Ciudad a: (i) establecer el precio de venta minimo de ra Propiedad, teniendo en cuenta el valor de tasaci6n de la Propiedad segun el resultado de dos tasaciones independientes; (ii) emplear los procedimientos consignados en la Carta Constitutiva o C6digo de la Ciudad para el objeto de disponer de la Propiedad; (iii) aceptar ofertas responsables; (iv) negociar un acuerdo de compra-venta; y (v) presentar el acuerdo negociada a la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad para su aprobaci6n final. Se insta a asistir y ser oidas a todas las personas interesadas en dicha propuesta. Si alguna persona deseara apelar cualquier decision de la Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad en relaci6n con cualquier asunto tratado en esta audiencia, dicha persona deberA asegurarse de que se produzca una transcripci6n literal de todas las actuaciones, incluyendo los testimonios y evidencias que pudieran senrir de fundamento a dicha apelaci6n. Priscilla A. "wnVson (Ad #11042) Sec retaria Municipal °tY of CIUDAD DE MIAMI, FLORIDA " "ISO DE AUDIENCIA PUBLICA oq�ECO.FLCR`Op/ La Junta de Comisionados de la Ciudad de Miami, Florida, celebrarA una audiencia publica el 22 de mayo del 2003, a las 9:00 a.m., en el ayuntamiento (Miami City Hall), situado en el 3500 de Pan American Drive. Miami_ Flnrirta_ mn Pi nmMcan n C/CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida, on May 22, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., at Miami City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the following resolution: A Resolution of the Miami City Commission declaring sur- plus certain City -owned property located at 400-30 Southwest 8th Avenue, Miami, Florida, (the "Property); authorizing and directing the City Manager to sell said City - owned real property; further authorizing the City Manager to; (i) establish the minimum sales price for the Property taking into consideration the appraised value of the Property as established by the results of two independent appraisals; (ii) employ such procedures as may be required by the City Charter or Code for purposes of disposing of the property; (iii) accept responsive and responsible bids; (iv) negotiate a purchase and sale agreement; and (v) present the negotiat- ed agreement to the City Commission for final approval. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard con- cerning such proposed award. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. The Miami PA.P 00 NW 54th STREET. MIAML FLORIDA 33127 305-757-1147 ed Weekly County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION )peared Fito Barosy who, on oath, says that she is ;S weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade ertisement was published in said newspaper in the Priscilla A. Thompson lay 15, 2003 (Ad #11042) City Clerk Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corpo ny discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertiseme t for ublication in this newspaper. Sworn t and subs ibed beforree me on this, the 14th NO ARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: kis, ARY k; N ���� ��L�{�SLN RENA Z 0 COrs4;it ISJtfl�AteP�t�JMBM IC CM SMyCOMMMMEXPOM OF p1O NOV 14 Ad Traffic Clerk day of May. A.D. 20 03 STATE OF FLORIDA SS COUNTY OF DADE 't 00 NAV 54th STREET. MIAMI. FLORIDA 33127 305-757-1147 Published Weekly Miami Dade, County, Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned authority personally appeared Fito Barosy who, on oath, says that she is the Ad Traffic Clerk of THE MIAMI TIMES weekly newspaper published at Miami, Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement was published in said newspaper in the issues o£ May 15, 2003 Affiant further state that THE MIAMI TIMES is a newspaper published in Miami, Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Dade County, Florida, each week and has been entered as second class mail matter at the U.S. Post Office in Miami, Dade County, Florida, for a period of more than one year next preceding date of publication of the attached copy of advertisement: further affiant says that she has neither paid nor promised any firm, person or corpo ny discount, rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisem t for ublication in this newspaper. Sworn t and subs ibed before me on this, the /14th NO ARY PUBLIC STATE OF FLORIDA AT LARGE, My commission expires: rMs M" i-a:,_WARY O��IiYIt]°ie'ftEi�JA�YY�l.I 4C =22W my OOM�� FM SOF FSO . NOV. U Ad Traffic Clerk day of May. A.D. 20 03 MIAMI DAILY BUSINESS REVIEW Published Daily except Saturday, Sunday anc Legal Holidays Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF MIAMI-DADE: Before the undersigned authority personally appeared O.V. FERBEYRE, who on oath says that he or she is the SUPERVISOR, Legal Notices of the Miami Daily Business Review f/k/a Miami Review, a daily (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) newspaper, published at Miami in Miami -Dade County, Florida; that the attached copy of advertisement, being a Legal Advertisement of Notice in the matter of AD NO. 11042 CITY OF MIAMI - PUBLIC HEARING - MAY 22, 2003 RES. 400-30 S.W. 8 AVENUE, MIAMI, FL, ETC. in the XXXX Court, was published in said newspaper in the issues of 05/12/2003 Affiant further says that the said Miami Daily Business Review is a newspaper published at Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida and that the said newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, each day (except Saturday, Sunday and Legal Holidays) and has been entered as second class mail matter at the post office in Miami in said Miami -Dade County, Florida, for a period of one year next preceding the first publication of the attached copy of advertisement; and affiant further says that he or she has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or corporation any discount, reb , commi ' r refund for the purpose of securing this dvertis ent for ublication in the said newspaper. aday ubscribed befo Y A.D. 200 (SEAL) hPPY P MARIA I. MESA MY COMMISSION # CC 885640 O.V. FERBEYRE perso a mEXPIRES: March 4, 2004 State of Florida Bonded Tlxu Notary Public Underwriters CJ CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on May 22, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., at Miami City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the following resolution: A Resolution of the Miami City Commission declaring surplus certain City -owned property located at 400-30 Southwest 8th Avenue, Miami, Florida, (the "Property"); authorizing and directing the City Manager to sell said City -owned real property; further authorizing the City Manager to: (i) establish the minimum sales price for the Property taking into consideration i the appraised value of the Property as established by the results of two independent appraisals; (ii) employ such procedures as may be required by the City Charter or Code for purposes of disposing of the property; (iii) accept responsive and responsible bids; (iv) negotiate a purchase and sale agreement; and (v) present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for final approval. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed award. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. ti�cjY OF,3,3 i Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 9�F�0.FL�Q`O (Ad #11042) 5/12 03-3-49/362942M CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: The Honorable and Me ers o e City C mmission t Gfc C� t FROM: oe Arriola Chief Administrator RECOMMENDATION: Lee DATE: MAY 13 M FILE: SUBJECT : Resolution Declaring Surplus Certain City -Owned Property Located at 400-30 SW 8 Avenue REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: May 22, 2003 Commission Meeting It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution declaring surplus the City -owned property located at 400-430 SW 8 Avenue, Miami, Florida, hereinafter referred to as (the "Property"), and authorizing and directing the City Manager to sell said City - owned real Property. This Resolution further authorizes the City Manager to: (i) establish the minimum sale price; (ii) employ such procedures as may be required by the City Charter or Code for purposes of disposing of the Property; (iii) accept responsive and responsible bids; (iv) negotiate a purchase and sale agreement; and (v) present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for final approval. BACKGROUND: The City currently owns a parcel of land located at 400-30 SW 8 Avenue. This property was conveyed to the City as a result of the dissolution of Miami Capital. The Property is zoned C-1 and contains approximately 28,101 square feet. The Property is improved with a 25,267 three story performing arts building which contains two theaters with a seating capacity of 600 each. The building is presently occupied by a holdover tenant that must be removed prior to the sale of the Property. The sale of the Property will contribute greatly to the revitalization of the neighborhood in which it is located. The Property will be sold at fair market value as established by the result of two independent appraisals. It is in the best interest of the City to sell this Property, divest itself of the liabilities associated with its ownership, and place it on the tax rolls. The sale of this Property o a specific entity will require City Commission approval. JA: fMH:K/ie- :m Surplus Teatro Marti 03- 591 Property Information Map Page 1 of 1 My Home Miami -Dade County, Florida +itX7«�s7:�f•'7',`l�i, MlAM!•DADE Property Information Map 0 108 ft This map was created on 4/22/2003 11:56:19 AM for reference purposes only. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. M, class - Summary Details: Folio No.: 1-4138-003-2610 Pro a 00-20 SW 8 AVE Mailing CITY OF MIAMI Address: SW 2 AVE MIAMI FL 33130-1910 Property Information: ry 900MULTI-FAMILY, 2001 MEDIUM DENSITY $213,750 RESIDENTIAL : 040 MUNICIPAL Baths: /0: $434,789 3Units: sessed Value: $434,789 k 8 804 e:e: $0 axable Value: 1 500 SQ FT uilt: 19288 54 41 RIVERVIEW PB 5- 3 LOT 1 TO 3 INC BLK U ption: LOT SIZE 22500 SQUARE FEET OR 19756-4069 0401 3 Sale Information: ale O/R: ale Date: /1998 ale Amount: Iso Assessment Information: ear: 2002 2001 Land Land Value: $213,750 $171,000 Value: $221,039 $213,937 Market Value: $434,789 $384,937 sessed Value: $434,789 $384,937 otal Exem tions: $0 $0 axable Value: 1 $434,789 1 $384,937 03- 59] http://gisims2.co.miami-dade. fl.uslmyhomelprintmap.asp?mapurl=http:11206.181.221.201ou... 4/22/2003 Property Information Map Page 1 of 1 My Home Miami -Dade County, Florida MIAMI - Property Information Map 0 - 108 ft This map was created on 4/22/2003 11:57:05 AM for reference purposes only. Web Site © 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. Pu I Glos* Summary Details: Folio No.: 1-4138-005-0110 ff 13130-1910 SW 8 AVE Y OF MIAMI SW 2 AVE MIAMI FL 11 Property Information: Primary one: 100 RESTRICTED OMMERCIAL LUC: 040 MUNICIPAL BedsBaths: /0 Floors: $3,148 ivin Units: Market Value: dj Sq Foota e: $45,667 of Size: ,601 SQ FT ear Built: otal Exem tions: Legal Description: 8 54 41 CAROLINA COURT R -S PB 15-56 LOT 16 LOT IZE 5601 SQUARE FEET R 19756-4069 0401 3 Sale Information: ale O/R: Sale Date: 11998 Sale Amount: ISO Assessment Information: ear: 2002 2001 Land Value: $42,568 $42,568 uildin Value: $3,148 $3,099 Market Value: $45,716 $45,667 essed Value: $45,716 $45,667 otal Exem tions: $0 $0 axable Value: $45,716F$45,667 03- 5j1 http://gisims2.co.miami-dade.fl.uslmyhomelprintmap.asp?mapurl=http:11206.181.221.201ou... 4/22/2003 TO: Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk FROM Keith Carswell, Di Department of Eco CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM DATE: May 5, 2003 FILE: SUBJECT: Declare City -owned Property Surplus REFERENCES: ENCLOSURES: Enclosed you will find an ad for notice of a public hearing to be held by the City Commission on May 22, 2003 for the purpose of declaring surplus certain City -owned property located at 400-30 SW 8 Avenue, Miami, Florida and authorizing the City Manager to sell same subject to certain conditions. Please place the ad in accordance with public hearing requirements of the City Commission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Enclosure c KCf /m Clerk - ad for FPL esmt at PJG Approved• Elvi Gallastegui-Alonso, Agenda Coordinator 03-- 591 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on May 22, 2003, at 9:00 a.m., at Miami City Hall, located at 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of considering the following resolution: A Resolution of the Miami City Commission declaring surplus certain City -owned property located at 400-30 Southwest 8t' Avenue, Miami, Florida, (the "Property"); authorizing and directing the City Manager to sell said City -owned real property; further authorizing the City Manager to: (i) establish the minimum sales price for the Property taking into consideration the appraised value of the Property as established by the results of two independent appraisals; (ii) employ such procedures as may be required by the City Charter or Code for purposes of disposing of the property; (iii) accept responsive and responsible bids; (iv) negotiate a purchase and sale agreement; and (v) present the negotiated agreement to the City Commission for final approval. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed award. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (City Seal) (Ad #11042) Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 03- 591