HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0572J-03-305 03/19/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03, 5 7 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5 THS ) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY(S), WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED ON THE EXHIBITS) ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE BUDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, the City Manager's findings of an emergency(s), waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures as described on the exhibit(s) attached are ratified, approved and confirmed, with funds allocated from the budgets of various user department accounts. CITY COP4XISSION IkIEFTINIG OF tat�9yd3a$a fda. 03- 572 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.!' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 2003. MANUEL A. DIAZ, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of this legislation by signing in the designated place provided, said legislation now becomes effective with the ^'apse of ten (10) days from the date of commission action regarding same, without the Mayor exercising a vote. ATTEST: Pr' ilia A. Thompson, City Cerk PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK D CORRECTNESS: XNDRO VILARELLO Y ATTORNEY W7114:tr:MJC �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 572 jr�� � CITY OF M1A�di. FL'^"C•� � INTER-OFFICE hIENIORAN'DUM _J Carlos A. Gimenez City Manager FROM. Alberto Ru irector _ Parks and R rection Department July 20, 2001 F;L_ Emergency Installation of Playground and Park Equipment The Department of Parks and Recreation respectfully requests your approval, on an emergency basis, to proceed with.the purchase and installation of playground equipment, shelters, vita courses, bleachers and site furnishings at various City parks from .Contract Connection, Inc., Leadex Corp., and Landscape Structures, Inc., under existing Miami -Dade County Contract No. 4907 -02103 -OTR -SW in an amount not to exceed $521,658. It is essential to perform the proposed work as soon as possible since there are strict spending and time constraints in the use of state and county funding sources slated for the purchase and installation of this equipment. In the event that the funds identified for this work -are not spent expediently, the City could lose the funds awarded for this purpose. In an effort to expedite the completion of these capital improvement projects, the City will utilize the aforesaid Miami -Dade County Contract, which in past years has allowed the City to realize substantial savings in time, advertising, and administrative cost. The funding sources for this work are City Park Facilities General Improvement State Grant, Safe Neighborhood Park Bond Program (SNPB), Impact Fees, Citywide Local Street Improvements, and Recreation Activities — Consolidated Project. Please be advised that once the proposed work is completed, we will be presenting legislation at the next available City Commission meeting to ratify this emergency action. The following are the projects that we would like to have our Purchasing Department issue purchase orders on an emergency basis. Should you concur with our recommendation, please signify your approval by signing below: PARK C.XPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT Reeves Park Playground/Site Furnishings SNPB CIP #3313891331344 19,144 Hadley Park Playground/Site Furnishings Park Facilities General Improvement CIP #331369 50,000 ;pel 3 �. :A`�L Hadley Park Tables/Umbrellas for Pool Deck/Bleachers Park Facilities General Improvement CIP #331369 22,000 ;;1r q 35 Blanche Park Playground/Site Furnishings Impact Fees (CIP #331372) ` 50,000 tq3 5 Amy Billig Park Site Furnishings Citywide Local Street Improvements(ClP #34117Q 9,000 Elizabeth Virrick Playground and Site Furnishings Impact Fees CIP #331372 25,000 41:A t=2�j iC J -03-305 W7114 03- 572 PARK CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDING SOURCE AMOUNT Peacock Paris Site Furnishings ti IM act Fees OP #331372 $j5,5040Juan Pablo Duarte Site Fumishin sesta Course �, SNPB CIP #331309 ,4 Roberto Clemente Playground/Site Furnishings! Vita Course tate Grant (CIP #331056)�935 100,000 Douglas Park Kinloch Park Shelters/Site Furnishings Playground ADA Grant CIP -SNPB CIP #333%353(,i� 38,400 22,700 5�-y s13 Buena Vista Park Shelter/Site Furnishings SNPB CIP #331Co 25,000 ., DorseyPark Vita Course/Site Furnishings State Grant CIP 50,000 ee 7 Alla attah Mini Park Pla round/Site Fumishin s V Consolidated ""4,914 EliFern Isle Park E ui ment SNPB CIP#33350,000 iC45j .: TOTAL: $ 521,658 -04 Budget Department Approval: .;5cLinda Haskins, Director Management & Budget Department Recommended by Assistant Cit Manager: / - 7 Lc O Frank Rollason Assistant City Manager AR/JCrjag SRF�� 14101 X502114 U Use , 7/7 City Ma s Approval: Carlo A. Gimenez City Manager 03- 572 CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA - N� 00-01-196 INTER -OFFICE ME#AORANDUM Carlos A. Gimenez June 28, 2001 ' City Manager CAr " Emergency Roof Repair West End Park Face+ Alberto Ruder REFERMICEs : Purchase No. 219235 Director - De9arty,int of Parks and Recreation _•'r..`OSUP93. 3 i On May 21, 2001, you authorized the Deparment of Parks and Recreation to proceed on an emergency basis with infortnal bidding p award a contract to the lowest responsible bidder to repaidreplace the tile roof at West End Park. At that time, 54,000.00 was identified as a contingency in the event additional funds were needed to replace damaged wood that could not be seen until the original roof was removed The contract was subsequently awarded to FZ Roofing Contractors of Miami with its bid of S52,900.00, and Purchase Order No. 219235 was established on May 30, 2001. Funding was identified from Community Development Block Grant funds. It should be noted the $4,000.00 contingency funds were not included in Purchase Order No. 219235. Between May 30 and June 14, 2001, FZ Roofing Contractors of Miami.,began work on the project. They discovered extensive termite -infested and water -damaged wood in need of replacement. The total cost of replacing the 4" x 8" tongue -in -groove plywood and insulation exceeded the original S4,000.00 contingency fund by 5 i2,110.10, totaling S16,1 10.10. Therefore, we are requesting authorization to increase Purchase Order No. 219235 by S 16,110.10 for a total expenditure of S69.010.10. It would be our intention to have this ratified at the earliest possible City Commission Meeting. Should this meet with your approval, please indicate by signing below. J -03-304 APPROVE utien i Manager W7113 DATE: ARAVeo c: Frank K. Rollason, Assistant City Manager Linda M. Haskins, Diremr, Department of Management and Budget Pilar Sae C.I.P. Administrator, f' �, Department of Management and Budget - John Jackson. Director, Department of Public Works "' Gwendolyn Warren. Director. Department of Community Development o3- 572 CITY OF MA:.~ Ftoat- - INTER -OFFICE LIEMORT,AIDUM Callas A. Gimew - . ; ' Aby 17, 20M cky AAWAM Emwgwicy Pkd Repair 1Nest End Park Alberto Ruder. Director Parks and Reaeation Depwkwt This me wandumm serves b request your a0wriabon b proamred on an emergency basis with informal bidding b award b the bwest rmeporuA I - bidder. a contract b mp*kspbm the *70d at *W End Park (M SW W Street). We believe the 0=0 MPWn are Of an anaga y natue be== rine park is heavily utilized and the rod has severe rod leaks. stich are impadirg our reaea in program Additionally. our Summer Prograru is sdroduled lo oonrnien,e on June 18. 2001 and we w" b do evwyfhig possble b replace the rod so that it will not intolere wih our Sumner ,,--vibes. The Departmart of Parks and Reaeation has eonbcied Ihcee (3) comparia and have obtained two qurtaticx*cne of the tiree companies did not bid). The Mowing is a summary d ft quotes: FZ P=&v Ca*actor West End $52.900.00 V. V. Rooirg. Inc Racaq West End v Y CITY OF MA:.~ Ftoat- - INTER -OFFICE LIEMORT,AIDUM Callas A. Gimew - . ; ' Aby 17, 20M cky AAWAM Emwgwicy Pkd Repair 1Nest End Park Alberto Ruder. Director Parks and Reaeation Depwkwt This me wandumm serves b request your a0wriabon b proamred on an emergency basis with informal bidding b award b the bwest rmeporuA I - bidder. a contract b mp*kspbm the *70d at *W End Park (M SW W Street). We believe the 0=0 MPWn are Of an anaga y natue be== rine park is heavily utilized and the rod has severe rod leaks. stich are impadirg our reaea in program Additionally. our Summer Prograru is sdroduled lo oonrnien,e on June 18. 2001 and we w" b do evwyfhig possble b replace the rod so that it will not intolere wih our Sumner ,,--vibes. The Departmart of Parks and Reaeation has eonbcied Ihcee (3) comparia and have obtained two qurtaticx*cne of the tiree companies did not bid). The Mowing is a summary d ft quotes: FZ P=&v Ca*actor West End $52.900.00 V. V. Rooirg. Inc Racaq West End $60.500A0 Best Property Services (tial) West End No Bid Plus Conbgac r" $4.000.DD- This prole, may require ad Pli M funds b core on cost d replacing adJ- 1" maged wood that an only be Mand when the aid rod is removed Funft b corer this anergencl has ban idamgo imm Cormm unky Devebpmart Block Grant Funds. This item WE be ptaoed on the mad,vaiabte Commission Agenda for rdilicatim as soon as possble atter the work is c i pleled Sfwu-d ftis meet wilt yorrapp vM. please rr>dcate by srgrMrg bebw: Approved as being an r:nS, merrt Blodm Gran! arparddure. Approved:Dab: 5 ! 7 — tq� Gwe Comm* Depardeient 03- 572 CDBG Funding Approval: ✓"' Dwe:AssislanlCky si a malt K itolasori. CP Funding Approval: Date: Budget Dept. Approval: Date: '� G tieda M. Haskins. Director Approval: Date: ./mo14:w Carbs NRl�ag c: Frank K Rollasm Assiont City Manager Linda Haskm Management B Budget DeparW*M Director Pbr SaM Management d Budget Dgwbmt CIP Administrator John Jadmm Pubic YYodm Deparknent Director Gwendolyn Wa nm% Comm* Development DepaMmd Director 03- 572