HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0543J-03-276 03/19/03 RESOLUTION NO. 0 3 — 543 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5 THS ) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY(S), WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED ON THE EXHIBIT(S) ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE BUDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By a four-fifths (4/5ths) affirmative vote, the City Manager's findings of an emergency (s), waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures as described on the exhibit(s) attached are ratified, approved and confirmed, with funds allocated from the budgets of various user department accounts. CITY Co MSWO f MEETING OF SKesolution No. 03- 543 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.!' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 2003. MANUEL A. DIAZ, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of this legislation by si;nirsg in the designated place provided, said legislation now becomes effective with the elapse of ten (10) days from the date of commission action regarding same, without the Mayor exercising a vote. ATTEST • f:;�P cilia A. Thompson, City Cerk PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVES 1jO„ "VQA I AND CORRECTNESS: EMNDWO VILARELLO TY TORNEY 85:tr:MJC �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 543 ^, YyRlr4! INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Carlos A. GimenezDATEApril 23, 2001 City Manager sUWECi Increase in contract - Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. for Orange Bowl Stadium FROM John H. Jackso irector REFERENCES Public Works Department ENCLOSURES: P. O. NO, 905234 This memorandum serves to modify and increase the scope of services in the existing contract for professional services with Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. for services required to address conditions in the Orange Bowl Stadium. On March 16, 2001, we received a request from the Building Department to submit a Recertification Report for Buildings for the Orange Bowl Stadium since this facility is over 40 years old. This report must be submitted within ninety days of the receipt of the notification and has to be prepared by a Professional Structural Engineer and by a Professional Electrical Engineer qualified in each field. They must inspect the facility and prepare a written report certifying that the Stadium is structurally and electrically safe for its ute and occupancy. Public works Department made a presentation on the status and conditions of the Stadium before the Orange Bowl Advisory Board on April 10, 2001. The Chairman of the Board requested a long-term maintenance program for this facility to be prepared by the City's consultants. This request is to increase the scope of services in the contact with Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. to include the services described above. Upon your approval, Purchase Order No. 905234 to Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. will be increased in the amount of $25,000 to pay for the additional services. Funds are available in the Orange Bowl Repair Maintenance Outside 404000-350503-670. APPROVED Linda M. Haskins, Director Budget Department APPROVED -30�-Nny " ger FKR/JOB/mm der_ ,A�11'iAAi �. C, Christina Abrams, Director, Public Facilities J -03-276 Allan I. Poms, Chief Architect,to +r.sr0lM Juan B.Ordonez �CfiI r er Yvette Smith, Senror W7085 Rfi­ANvitrav-1ncreaseS25 Date i Date 03- 543 Carlos A. Gimenez City Manager ohn H. Jacks , Director Public Works Department CITY OF MIAMI. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDu ff, MANAGERS OFFICE DATE FIS=_ November 6, 2001 SUBJEC' EMERGENCY FINDING Increase in Contract with REFERENCES Bliss & Nyltray. Inc. for Orange Bowl Stadium ENCLOSURES Structural Repairs This memorandum is to request your approval of an EMERGENCY FINDING to increase the professional services contract with Bliss & Nyhray, Inc., (B&N) in the amount of $20,000 for structural engineering services required for the implementation of remedial structural repairs to the Orange Bowl Stadium. Immediate repairs are necessary for the "40 year Re -certification" of the stadium structure. B&N's services are needed to address maintenance repairs to structural members including recommendations for a long-term maintenance program for the stadium structure. B&N prepared a "Structural Conditions Assessment" report on the stadium structure in February 1999 and they have been working with Public Works staff , in implementing systematic structural repair throughout the stadium. While repair work':was in progress, the Building Department notified the Orange Bowl Stadium management that a "40 -year Re -certification" report was required by the Building Code. On April 23, 2001, the City Manager approved an Emergency Finding to increase B&N's contract to prepare the required "40 -year Re -certification" report on the structure. B&N was also directed to update their "Structural Conditions Assessment" report because the ongoing remedial work revealed more extensive corrosive deterioration. In June 2001, B&N issued the"40-year Structural Re -certification" report. The report listed specific structural conditions at the stadium that require immediate remediation to meet the criteria for the 40 year Re -certification of this facility in accordance with Miami -Dade County Ordinance No. 75-34. In addition, B&N issued their updated "Structural Conditions Assessment" for the Orange Bowl, which defines all of the structural deficiencies that need repair, both for re -certification and for general remedial work over the next few years. The scope of structural repair work for the 40 -year re -certification and the additional remedial work needed was reviewed with the Orange Bowl Management staff. They requested B&N to also provide recommendations for a long-term maintenance program. The Public Works Department has directed the contractor doing emergency structural repairs to immediately start work on the remedial repairs required by the Re -certification Report. OB-EmergencyFind-StructRepairs-Bliss-Nyitray 03- 543 qW qQW Carlos A. Gimenez, City Manager' Emergency Finding — Increase in contract with Bliss & Nyitray, Inc. for Orange Bowl Stadium Structural Repairs October 30, 2001 Page No. 2 The funds available in the professional services contract with B&N have been exhausted. Additional funds are needed for them to provide ongoing structural services for the stadium. These services include the implementation of the remedial structural repairs as defined in the 40 -year Re -certification Report and the June 2001 Structural Conditions Assessment Report. It is recommended that the contract with B&N be increased in the amount of $20,000 to cover the estimated cost of their services to implement "Emergency Repairs" required by the June 2001 40 -year Re -certification and the Structural Conditions Assessment reports, as well as recommendations for a long -tern maintenance program. Funds for this increase are available in CIP 324002. This Emergency Finding will be placed on the next available City Commission meeting for ratification. FKR/JHJ/AIP/mm 11 Date t,Aj xdget Date Christina P. Abrams, Director, Conferences, Conventions & Public Facilities Ileana Gomes, Stadium Manager, Orange Bowl Stadium Jorge R. Avino. Assistant Director, Public Works Department Allan I. Poms, Chief Architect, Public Works Department Juan B. Ordonez, PE III, Public Works Department 08-Ermrgencyfind-StructRepairs-81 i.ss-Nyitray 03.E b43 -VolAV INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDtJ111 01-02_073 CITY i' 2?, F= 5' P l a/.i S FP.E Carlos A. Gimenez Mav 17.2002 B-5647 City Manager sue ac . Amendment to Emergency Construction Contract for a«-Ea&COM . Citywide Local Drainage Project, E-76, B-5647 John Director H. Ja , a uKS Public Works Department Emergency Memo dated 8-24-01 The Citywide Local Drainage Project E-76 consists of installing new storm water collection systems with the addition of French drains. cross pipes, inlet structures. and paving of the existing roadways with new V asphaltic concrete overlay at selected locations citywide. Based on the August 24, 2001 memo, this project was declared an emergency and it was awarded to T.J. Pavement Corporation. in the amount of $381,846. During the construction, this department was notified by the inspector that the following items were essential for the completion of the work. • Instapation of additional French drain on Wa-kee-na Drive due to unsatisiactory soil conditions and to address extended flooding area. : • 1' asphalt pavement overlay at S.W. 37 Court and S.W. 28 Street due to poor condition of the existing pavement. • 1' asphalt pavement overlay at S.W. 27 Terrace and S.W. 31 Avenue due to poor condition of the existing pavement. • In$tallation of two mechanical flap valves at N.E. 8 Avenue and the Little River to prevent seawater from entering the stmt. In addition, the following location must be added to this project to address critical flooding problems prior to the rainy season: • 1821 S.W. 11 Street. 4250 S.W. 5 Terrace. • 3730'S.W. 27 Lane. The total extra work results in a S 120,000 increase to the contrail This memo is to request an increase to the current emergency construcdon contract. Funding for the $120,000.00 increase is available in CIP account number T,his amendment will be placed on the next available agenda for ratification and approvals P" City Commission. Date: Date: c -A. Pe Di �Ppt. of Management g s >' -;J ' D JHJ! WAY 21 M c: Yvette Smith, Works Edgar Munoz, P.E., Public Works Dept_ CIP OIVtSiO J -03-275N = W7084 " 03- 543