HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0534J-03-267 03/19/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03— 534 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5 THS ) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY(S), WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED ON THE EXHIBIT(S) ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE BUDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By a four-fifths (4/5th,) affirmative vote, the City Manager's findings of an emergency(s), waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures as described on the exhibit(s) attached are ratified, approved and confirmed, with funds allocated from the budgets of various user department accounts. W CITY COMMISSION}' MEETING OF MAY 2 2 2003 /+�� Resolution No. 0 3— 534 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.!' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 2003. MANUEL A. DIAZ, MAYOR In accordance with iv9iarni Codc :pec. 2-36, since the Mayor d d n }� i;,{s,':r, z:e a r rr,,7! of th;;s 'i:�caisiation by st , ;,ntq in tho designated Mace !low becomes effective wit1h the ci a}_s,o of ton (13) days frorn t ) c:or mJc ion action regarding same, without the Mayor exercising a vote. ATTEST: Pri il�ATh`®r�pso�nCity�Cerk PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVS A�TO �DCORRECTNESS: EMND 'VILARELLO TY AXTORNEY 6:tr:MJC �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 534 TEL•305-858-1610 Jan 23' 1 14:21 NO.008 P.0`1 �. CONTRACT REVIEW AND ANALYSIS FORM Dtrexpems: Pkaw Attach supporting documents. All w4dons Muug-be wispy •CRC Comments'. DATE: 1/8/200L DEPARTMENT/DI VISION: CONTACT PERSON/CONT, CONTRACTING ENT=-. RESOLLMON NUMBER: Er Works/Desi TOTAL DOLLAR AMOUNT: ; 4Z8,333.00 soultCE or n" ns: L # Au ._j, wCCOUM If grant f uuied, is there a City match requiremem) TO NO Are matching finds Rndge;uO YES NO Account Ef active Escalating Clause _g pl111-.04 C uu= period (a): 62 Days (page 2 of Proposal ) _ Penalties, (d say), for texmmatioa: Liquidated Damages Payment arms: As Scheduled of value If grant funded, list relau"' oas/r+equimmemts, if applieabk: SUbgdART/DESCREMON OF CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT Is this an extension? YES^ NO Reason for Fsteusion: p /A If YES, sepal mpatditure s in previous contract Tmr S Sumatary/Description of Contract orAgmmenn This prosect consists of furniahing a12 abor, materials, eeauipment and supervision to desmniu sh the &via*infw a...1.ft14• ..,.,�___• JUSTIFICATION FOR CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT 00dode.hr it is -WOL mwRumm if eqt =WmiaW p, epP- W ad i me mnmeaism. if suy4 area METHOD OF PURCHASE (If applicable) Wsiquoe F bed tahotatt°°/pas�poat taabtgj _ _Nwtiow Atrcbase Sitmt Tet= Coocaaa Sae Soo= (mehtde doo mewa6co Teem of Comm Did V&6w Ws doatmmtmioe� Lease (Type - ) X Informal Bid PREVIOUS AWARDS OF BIDS pr A"UC " CRC COMMENTS: F=w=6aseme: !) Be nrwinvw only Approval to use CIP Funds: n Date: 03- 534 TO Carlos A. Glmem City Manager 40 Fra John H. Director Public Works Department CITY OF Ad1.AM-1. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 00-01-1n1 C.--= March 26, 2001 FILE -'; E�.-' EMERGENCY FINDING Justification to Increase the Construction Contract for Kenneth Myers Paris Public Boat Ramp Parking ('Third Bidding) B-6316 On September 15, 2000, you approved a Second Bidding on an "Emergency Basis" for the Kenneth Myers Park -Public Boat Ramp Parking project after the City was unable to obtain a responsive bid within the budget A Second Bidding resulted in another non-responsive bid. After plans were further modified, a 'Third Bidding was received on November 16, 2000, and a construction contract with SPEC, Inc. was finally executed on January 23, 2001. Shortly after concoction began, some of the Coconut Grove residents protested the removal of a Ficus Banyan tree and the encroachment of sonic boat ramp parking into the grass areas. The matter was taken.to the Waterfront Board who had approved the original plans along with the Coconut Grove Civic Club. The Waterfront Board voted to allow a compromise in the construction plans. After meeting with the residents, the City's representatives agreed to eliminate eight (8) boat trailer parking spaces and to plant six (6) larger oak trees in the acre closest to Bayshore Drive. She large oaks were located by City staff after the contractor could not find large enough trees. On March 8, they were planted using a portion of the landscaping budget in the contract. The Parks and Recreation Department has available 530,000 from the Peacock/Myers Park Capital Improvement Fund, CIP #331359, to increase the landscaping budget for the project This increase will cover the costs of the larger oak trees and related work. In addition, the contractor has had other extra costs for which he has submitted change order requests and delay - claims. These extra costs include the site revisions to accommodate the oompromise.agreement made with the Coconut Grove residents, the delay costs of stopping the work to allow for the use of the parking area for the Home Show and Coconut Caove Arts Festival, the repair damages caused by trucks using the area, and the extra cootie due to unforeseen underground structures, etc. in the new parking area. Most of the physical work items have been verified and we are analyzing the delay claim. Public Works rcor:unendadw is that another 530,000 be allocated to pay all the outstanding construction changes and to settle the pending delay claim. The Parks and Recreation Departmetit has another $30,000 available in Coconut Grove Impact Fee monies for paries improvements. With these monies and the S30,000 J -03-266 W7075 03- 5 3 4 NYEltS ►{; Bdi316.doc CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Carlos A. Gimenez City Manager 01 FROM Christma P. Abrams, Director Conferences, Conventions & Public Facility DATE May 30, 2001 SU?JECT Increase P.O. 219124 Roof Replacement at Coconut Grove Conv Ctr REFERENCES ENCLOSURES. FILE : This serves to request your approval to increase P.O.# 219124 in the amount of 53,210.00 in order to complete the executive office roof replacement project at the Coconut Grove Convention Center. This request is necessitated by the discovery of unforeseen complications during installation, and by City of Miami building inspector's request for the installation of additional safety features to the air conditioning system The funding is available through the convention center's operating budget account #415000.350201.6.340. You approved this purchase order as an emergency when the company that was originally awarded the bid declined to provide service. If the increase of the above purchase order meets with your approval, please confirm such approval via signature below: Approved isapproved:.� - Date: ` "Carlos Gimenez, City Manager 11 r Disapproved: Linda Haskins, Director Management and Budget GAC/FKR/CPA/GWW Date: 5 0� o 03=-'�34 CITY OF MIAh1;. FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO Carlos A. Gimenez, City Manager i FROM Christina P. Abrams, Director Department of Conferences, Conventions & Public Facilities JA June 1, 2000 _ 00-01-123 SUr3JECT Emergency Roof Replacement C.G.C.C. REFERENCES ENCLOSURES On November 17, 1998, Weiss & Woulrich Contractors were awarded the contract to replace the roof over the executive offices of the Coconut Grove Convention Center. But after further investigation of the roofing problem, Weiss & Woulrich declined to accept the award, citing additional work needed to repair wall siding, gutters, downspouts and air conditioning ductwork. The Public Works Department has made several attempts to get Weisj. & Woulrich to accept the existing bid, but to no avail. Weiss & Woulrich Contractors has since submitted a letter relinquishing their rights to the contract. (See attached). Therefore, I respectfully request your authorization to instruct the Public Works Department to seek three qualified bids, on an emergency basis, in order to expedite this project. The new bid will include the additional work described above. If this meets with your approval, please indicate such approval via signature below. NW, __- WAM �H�xo__Z: �M_ n--PCity Manager FKR/CPA/GWW/amh J -03-267 W7076 03- 534