HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0519J-03-252 03/19/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03— 51 9 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), BY A FOUR-FIFTHS (4/5 THS ) AFFIRMATIVE VOTE, RATIFYING, APPROVING AND CONFIRMING THE CITY MANAGER'S FINDINGS OF AN EMERGENCY(S), WAIVING THE REQUIREMENTS FOR COMPETITIVE SEALED BIDDING PROCEDURES AS DESCRIBED ON THE EXHIBITS) ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE BUDGETS OF VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. By a four-fifths (4j5tna) affirmative vote, the City Manager's findings of an emergency(s), waiving the requirements for competitive sealed bidding procedures as described on the exhibit(s) attached are ratified, approved and confirmed, with funds allocated from the budgets of various user department accounts. CITY COAH BS310N MEETING OF MAY 2 2 2003 Rosokrtion No. 93- 519 Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.1/ PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May , 2003. MANUEL A. DIAZ, MAYOR In accordance with Miami Code Sec. 2-36, since the Mayor did not indicate approval of this legislation by signing in the designated place Pro 71cicA ca new becomes effective with the elapse f ten (100)sing dys a vcterom the da� c ro r� r>> ��icn action regarding same, without the Mayor ATTEST: Pri ilia A. Thompson, City Cerk PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED ND CORRECTNES . cXLEnO VILARELLO CIT TTORNEY 7061:tr:MJC �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 519 yr 7o-7l-LOV CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM 53 J!'! IL '.i 10� ti: ?7 TO: Donald H. Warshaw City Manager FROM: Christina P. Abrams, Director Conferences, Conventions & Public Facilities DATE: July 12, 1999 SUBJECT: REFERENCES ENCLOSURES: FILE: Emergency Repairs at Orange Bowl Stadium -Press Box Overhang Pursuant to our memo dated June 22 (copy attached), we are in receipt of three informal bids to proceed with emergency repairs to the overhang of the Press Box at the Orange Bowl Stadium. The Department of Public Works had estimated the cost of these repairs as $50,000. However, the lowest bid submitted is in the amount of $68,000. Public Works is in agreement with this amount and the bid received from Venecon, Inc., a minority owned business located in the City of Miami. The funds are available from CEP Project #324002.319301.930. It is necessary that these repairs be completed prior to the Miami Dolphins scrimmage scheduled for August 7, 1999. We request your favorable consideration for an increase in the amount of $18,000. Please indicate your preference by si low. pproved! proved: onald H. Warshaw, City Manager CIP Project Review and Approval by: Review and Approval by: Luie Brennan, WE-= Director DHW Pig J -03-252 Av Date: Date: -7 -1.3-- / J Date: 7/431 W7061 03- 519 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM i;S OFFICE TO Donald H. Warshaw DATE . September 15, 1999 FILE City Manager SUBJECT Change Order to Repair G/� of Press Box Orange Bowl Stadium FROM Christina P. Abrams, Director REFERENCES Conferences, Conventions & Public Facilities ENCLOSURES: This memorandum serves to request your authorization to increase the existing Project B- 6231 entitled, Orange Bowl Stadium Press Bok Overhang Repair, to accommodate additional work required to complete the project. This initial amount was approved as per a memo dated July 12, 1999 (copy attached). After the demolition was completed. it was found that the metal structure inside the overhang was beyond repair, which was not stipulated in the initial set of plans. It is imperative that a change order be awarded to Venecon, Inc. in order to remove, dispose, and install a new metal structure. The additional work will cost $6,350.00. Funds for this project are available from CIP Project No. 324002. Please indicate your preference below: Approv / Disappm Date: `( f Wald H. Warshaw City Manager CIP Project Review and Approval: Budget Luie Brennan, DHWMMCPA/ig Director Date: 1 / 7-W Date: `� 7 03- 519 CITY OF MIAMI, FLONDA C _ INTE-OSCE MEMORNVDU o:. Doodd H. Warshaw City Manager Prom: zjr-� -aztgt Caofamea. C;onvenfio= k PubGe FseUiaa DAN: May 3SMY 12 PH 4: 3! ru: : -- Repair Coconut Grove Convention Center This memo serves to request your authorization to replace the floor of the main hall of the Coconut Grove Convention Center. The floor has a terrazzo tile covering. However, the the has deteriorated from years of heavy use, heavy equipment and ground settlement. For years, the Convention Center staff noundned the floor by constantly patching pot holes after the shows Unfortunately, due to the settlement of the ground, the floor is now uneven and presents a clear hazard to the public, and a potential liability to the City of Miami. The repair of the floor is essential to the welfare, safety and convenience of the City and the public served at the Coconut Grove Convention Center. Although a large number of shows are booked at the Convention Center for the remainder of the year, we have devised a time flame of June 91 to July 5, 1999 to make this major repair. In order to meet this deadlines your authorization is required to instnict the Public Works Department to se& three bids on an emergency basis and to expedite the nary repairs. The estimated cost of this project is $40,000. Funding is available for this repair from Capital Impmvement Project 325006. Attacbed is the memo indicating Budgetary Review and Approval. For these reasons, we seek your approval to proceed with this repair on an emergency basis. Kindly indicate your below: (Approv �z Date.: 9 Donald H. Warshaw, City Manager AJCP-GW J -03-251 W7060 p.3_ 519 C tRUCT REVIEW AND ANA.. AS FORM %So AHncdcw�bc=w#h"cxdL DAM 6/17/99 CCNVEMIct4s a Ptmuc , ;/C.G.C.c. CONrACTPM CONTRACTM RESOLLMONN Zi ",. L'A.LejL! - ,UT 2• mwj W I I . I t - P. If VM &014 is &M a City am& m*tweaO YES_ NON /A A AMOUM.- Are mi fimda bvdpte& - YM NO Account TERM OF CONTRACT: Fgecdft Dace:JUNE14, - 1999 Vacdatins Clone if any: Conu= Period (s): Pecwhi— (if any), Pay== termr. DUE UPM OF PRO= If F= E13-" US 6 IM"M if appUcab6 YN/A subudAKY7. ON OF CONTRACT OR Is- this an comsimll yu— NO X Rom for l9namsion N/A If YES, &aud upauatuct is previo= conu= Year S Summary/Description of Cbutr= or MM AlL HAMS MS AND PEMM ALL 7HE LABOR NECESSM FUR ME F7DM FWAnwG AT 7M vaaW Wp as &&Wa %.&.L.& %.W F&LMI" "M %AL%L4&A% LW WVNXU% AM& Jrg%AJr.*" %M l%QrJLAJ%AXWa FLDM AT 7HE CDCUWT unuvro UUMMUM MEMOD OFF FMCK&% (H S"bmble) :r*phGw*ww --Paud B--M/pvQpcj=jvM&6d =,waiica"Mes _Sio*Pw&mW/Pfvoul Ncpciuwpwcbm S6xt-Tum CAQUArg Sok saw= (MM:w& dowoaond04lasof CAM= . Vaivw (Micbs& A. a PREVIOUS AVAZMSQF BMS OF AMXANM CRC COhMENTS: FnM M"M seem 0-----AfTIA Z,/-- - Ar AF AppmvaL--.Iivl Due Waxthawmertv Approval Date 4e p Financial cKTl%*t&lkKLrd