HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0508J-03-435 05/13/03 RESOLUTION NO. 03— 5®8 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ACCEPTING THE BIDS FROM VARIOUS VENDORS FOR THE PURCHASE OF MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES TO BE UTILIZED BY VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, ON AN ITEM -BY -ITEM, AS -NEEDED CONTRACT BASIS FOR A ONE-YEAR PERIOD, WITH THE OPTION TO RENEW FOR TWO ADDITIONAL ONE-YEAR PERIODS, AT AN ESTIMATED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $158,000, SUBJECT TO INCREASES DUE TO THE ADDITION OF NEW ITEMS AS NEEDED AND AS ALLOWED BY CONDITIONS OF THE BID; ALLOCATING FUNDS FROM THE OPERATING BUDGETS OF THE VARIOUS USER DEPARTMENTS AND AGENCIES, SUBJECT TO BUDGETARY APPROVAL. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The bids from various vendors for the purchase of Motorola Radio Parts and accessories to be used by various user departments and agencies, on an item -by -item, as -needed contract basis for a one-year period, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods, are approved, at an estimated annual amount of $158,000, subject to increases due to the addition of new items as needed, and as allowed by conditions CITY CONXISSION 1VIEETING OF MAY 2 2 2093 Resolution Pio. ���- 508 of the bid, with funds allocated from the Operating Budgets of the various user departments and agencies, subject to budgetary approval. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.!' PASSED AND ADOPTED this 22nd day of May 2003. L2 e/MANUEL A. DIAZ, OR ATTEST: PRI CILLA A. THOMPSON CI CLERK APPROV,10 AS FORM_,.OWD CORRECTNESS:& KLEJVDRO VILARELLO CI ATTORNEY 7227:tr:AS:BSS �i If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 508 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDACA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM MAY 13 2003 RECOMMENDATION It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution accepting the bids from various vendors, for the purchase of Motorola Radio Parts & Accessories- Citywide, on an as needed contract basis for one (1) year, with the option to renew for two (2) additional one (1) year periods at an estimated annual amount of $158,000.00, subject to increases due to the addition of new items as needed, and as allowed by conditions of the bid,, to be utilized citywide on an as needed contract basis. Allocating funds therefore from the General Operating Budgets of the various departments and agencies, authorizing said purchases, as needed, subject to availability of funds BACKGROUND The Department of Purchasing has analyzed the bids received on February 12, 2003. Pursuant to Bid No. 02-03-075R, thirty-seven (37) Invitation for Bids were mailed and twelve (12) responses were received. Items are awarded based on lowest price bid per item. FISCAL IMPAC • T TIME OF NEED t� J MH/MARITS C:Bid File ResoMemo AGENDA BRIEFING FORM Agenda Date: 5/22/03 Department/Division: Citywide Item No: Department Contact Name/Number: Terry Byrnes 416-1917 Staff Meeting Date: Agenda Office Received: April 25, 2003 Summary/Description of Purchase: Motorola Radio Parts & Accessories Bid No. Description: 02-03-076R The Department of Purchasing has seen the need to purchase Motorola radio parts and accessories on a citywide basis for the various departments and agencies. Type of Item: Source of Item: Recommended Vendor(s) Various Vendors ® Resolution ❑ Commission Directive El Normal Purchase OOrdinance Sole Source ® Contract Item ❑ Emergency Ratification Discussion Item ❑ Public Hearing Item Contract Period 1 year OTR: 2 years . No. of Bidders Notified/MWBE Status: 37 bids notified 1 Black 5 Unknown 7 Hispanic 7 Female 17 Non -Minority No. of Bids Receive/MWBE Status: Award/Contract Value 12 bids received $158,000 0 Black 0 Unknown 2 Hispanic 1 Female - 9 Non -minority Total Value of Award/Contract (including value associated with potential OTR): AgendaBreffonn $158,000 Department: Fire -Rescue Commission Meeting Date: (1( OF 9O�C� F1A4,� Budgetary Impact Analysis Division: Emergency Response Division Title and brief description of legislation or attached ordinance/resolution: Resolution accepting bids from various vendors for the acquisition of Motorola radio parts and accessories for a period of one (1) year with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods for the Department of Fire -Rescue 1. Is this item related to revenue? NO XB Yes ❑ (If yes, skip to item #4) 2. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? CIP Project #: 313303 (If applicable) Yes: X Index Code: 289401 Minor: 840 No: Complete the following information: 3. Source of funds: Amount budgeted in the line item: Balance in line item: Amount needed in line item: Sufficient funds will he transferrers frnm the fnllnwina l;nP ;tPme Amount: $50,000 ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minor Object From $ From $ To $ To $ 4. Comments: Funded by the Fire -Assessment. Ap roved by: Department irector/Designee V APPROVALS Budgeting & Date: 4 — fr- 'J Date Verified by CEP: (If applicable) 03- 508 AWARD RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVAL FORM Date: Al2ri12, 2003 Department/Division: Fire -Rescue Department Department Contact Name/Phone Number: Julia Martin / 305-416-1672 Bid/Contract Number: 02-03-076R Sr. Buyer: Terry Byrnes, CPPB Summary/Description of Purchase: Motorola Radio Parts and Accessories for Municipal Services / Communications Police Department and Fire -Rescue Department Justification for Award/Contract: The requested proposed purchase will be on an as -needed contract basis, for the initial term of one (1) year with the option to renew for two (2) additional one-year periods. Due to the nature of emergency services, the aforementioned radio parts and accessories are essential to service delivery of existing Motorola XTS 5000 currently used by the Fire -Rescue Department and will ensure the safety of our firefighters, police officers, and city residents. Type of Contract: Method of Purchase: ❑Single Purchase ®Formal Bid (include bid tabulation) ❑Short -Term Contract ❑Competitive Negotiated Purchase (include documentation) ❑Lease ❑Other Governmental Contracts (include documentation) ®Term Contract Contract Period: ONE YEAR OTR: Two Additional One -Year Period (if applicable) Recommended Vendor(s): MWBE/Location Status: Award/Contract Value: VARIOUS Total Value of Award/Contract (including values_Waciate"ith potential OTR): Award Recommended By: Department Director/Designee Signature a�. Source(s) of Funds: Account Code(s): Funding for this acquisition will be allocated from the Capital Improvement Project No. 313303, Account Code No. 289401.6.840, funded y the Fire Assessmint. 50,000.00) Funding Approval: Certified By:4ci pplrov DM or i ee Chief Procurement Officer/Designeey Manager Date AWARDRECOMANDAPPROVALFORM r 508 TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-.076R i" Dwwtnenl Dveaw or Desw" OG O In NMOwt C....d114.m, w. 220 moo w 6-104..1..M INI KN 22 s. fl...Wm I.. /q.w. 0101512 I6.n, FL 91112 0065 C�6 LN ' G4 ww NmlrcYTb�Yrp.r Lwe _ N.n1-o' BSF •Lw Bsf Bu 1tlN Bm 1. REX4125 STX RADIO POWER AMP. 80 NIG NJO w N/Q w N/Q NQ w NQ 2. NHN-8419 MTX HOUSING 45 w f .373V f 49.50 w t 2.222.50 NO w NO 3- 26-5552001 STX RADIO UNSULATORS 600 fFTi 3c�2„ f 1xw f 458 w 3 2.1aw NO w NO 4. 64-575ONO3 FLEX INTERCONNECT 300 f 8. 1 w f 25520 f 13.00 w f .,Iqm NO ,y NG J. KMN-111GLtl JYtI I" MU I VKU TLLt MKA(UVIUNtJ 10 ®w t 532 10 f 77.76 w 3 71760 NQ w NO 6. 5157061. 74 F ILTER MODULE 30 3719 w 5 Illsm S 60.30 w 1 14mm NO w NQ 7. 51.570GL77 MOOULE RF PRE -AMP 30 1 11620 S 33.30 w t 2M NG w NO 8. 135954NOI 3 KF Y ESCUI CHEON 400 w t 2216m S 030 w f 37wm NO w NO 9. 13-5854k:O 15 KF.Y 65C0'CHF(1N 200 5.1 w t 1.:1.w i 9.3C Imm NO w NO 10. NTN132?CSIX RADIO RAFTr;Y 50 f 41,00 w. t 2000 S 0488 .5. f Jlwm f. 260J w s ,mro 11. NTN -54478 MTY PON /AB; E RAJ10 50 f 37.00 w . two $ 66.06 ,,,, J 2mw $ 2425 w f •,7Rw 12 NTN6299NR BATTERY N:ML: 50 f 83.00 w t 1156w $ 132.00 w f 66mm f .9 .00 w f 2,.Nm 13 NTN7 I" 1500 MA BATT_RY 50 f 40.00 w ! 20MW S 116.86 w s 5.9.0 f 26.00 w 3 !,Jmw 14. FLEX CONT11OLS 9405641V02 20 $ 1961 w f a22. $ 1:.60 w t 676m NO - NO 15. KNOB VOLUME 3805253V01 20 w s 9920 S 8.04 w s INN NO w NO 16. KNOB FREQUENCY 3W5636V'Ot 20 f 1.7.7700 s .Km f 2.76 w t m2o NG w NO 17, FRONT COVER 1505627VO4 20 .IB w t 52920 S 42.90 w f moo NO w NO 18 CONTROL TOP 1305690VOI 20 2.15 w t um $ 3A8 w 3 69N NO w NO 19. SELL EMERGENCY BUTTON 3205170ZOI 20 f 1 . w f uN $ 1.20 w f 14M NO w NO 20. FRONT COVER FUEL KEYPAD 1505537VO4 20 rr 34-971w t 699n $ 56.70 w 1 I,U1w NO w NO 21. ORING 3205176ZOI 20 i 418 w i NN $ 7.26 w 1 -N NO w NQ 22. KNO03605635V01 20 i 1.11 w s 26w $ 2.28 w 5 450 NO w NO 23. MOOULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U1 510532OV21 20 S 7.59 w s 1510 S 12.30 w 1 716w NO w NO Prepmed By: Terry Bymes, CPPB 325103 1 i" Dwwtnenl Dveaw or Desw" OG O In TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R Iwa.4 c.....swon+.In. s.o.9l�wa,I r.v..Iu, eia. iwr _ rA TMo�.9a 1901 Na 17 & W65 Lm.r�tu101 1pw. Nl0)Sr2 IA-. FE M142 14,- G4llAf0 M»Lou9Nm.Mmry laMaW� Irmtar/Ilan Yrvrr E1r lM En LLM En W FY Omaoron fiG. 12"1 HS! 7� E� 3 rwi 24. MODULEIINTEGRATED CIRCUIT U? 51105329V26 20 i 21.48 ... 3 Inn $ 3480 r s a9cm NO ti NO 25. M0DULE7INTEGRATEO CIRCUIT U35109951XOI 20 1 1 t easm $ 70.20 - t farm NO ... NO 26. MODULE/INTEGRATEDCIRCUITU/-55105279V15 20 3.19 .w t W. $ 5.64 ro. f rOro NO ►. NO 27. MUOULFANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U101 5105835U51 20 12.10 w t 2rem S 2010. w s mm NO w NO 28. MODULEIINTEGRAIED CIRCUIT U102 5105835U52 20 i 7.18 a. s rnm $ 11.64 .n t 2N. NO r NO 29. MUOULEANTEGRATEO CIRCUIT U105 5105779V26 20 .11 M f .2A S 5.04 r s INN NO w NO 30. RFPA 5105662U76 20 i 14.25 ..+ S mm $ 2310 w. s w2m NO w. NO 31. KNOB 360537OZOI 25 S 2.4 1 atm $ 402 ... s rww NO .v NO 32 ANTENNA 8505241UO3 150 f 23.80 rw t 95ro•R i 38.25 n. s 5n.w NO wr NO 33. VOLUME CONTROL'"5371Z01 20 2.18 ti t roe. $ 4.02 .0 f an NO tiv NO 34. RETAIN 4,305372Z01 20 0.11 ... s e2n $ 0.66 - r um NO ... NO 35. LCU DISPLAY 5105385Y 19 20 60.+0 E 121OW i 98.10 ,a. f 1:420, NO .►. NO 36. KIT KEYPAD BOARD NTN8311 20 28.49 w t `69 eo S 4610 11,1 s 9r.m NO W NO 37. ORING 3205082E98 20 4.3 a s u a $ 7.06 - s WN NO w NO 38. KIT VOCODER NTN0250 20 S 303.40 .n 5 5mem S 442.50 ... f OWN NO .n NO 39. KEYPAD 7505293ZO2 20 3.11 W 3 a2A $ 504 .0 s nOm NO Ad NO 40. SPEAKER 5005213WO1 20 1.96 w 3 99m $ 804 r f Imm NO w NO 41, KIT 900 MEIZ BOARD NUF6412 20 S 318. w t c.x.m $ 516.00 r.. f rg32om NO a NO 42. CONTROLLER BOARD NCN6167 20 ®n. t e092o $ 445.50 a s 4910m NO +.. NO 43. FRONT COVER KIT NFN8753 20 2 7.IA .. t s.3.2m S 43200 w ! ew9m NO ... NO 44. CONNECTOR COVER 1505579ZOI 100 /.7B ... 3 r.em S 2.88 - s mem NO s. NO 45. MAIN SEAL 3205349202 20 5.29 /.. f I0680 $ 8.58 a. s 17rm NO ." NO 46. B•SEAL 320535IZ02 20 S .25 w s 5m $ 041 .e. s an NO w. NO 47. DISPLAY LOCAL OR 7505336ZO 1 20 1.52 .« t ma $ 1.46 . s on NO w. NO , Y Prepared By: J/fir` / Terry Byme9. CPPB 3125103 2 DepartrMnl Oirarim WPW" Nin n..amd, 48. VOLUME KNOB O-RING 3205379,01 49. LIGHTPIPE INDICATOR 6105376ZOI W. SECURE LEVEL 4505375ZOI 51. FRED. KNOB INSERT 4305373201 52, FRONT COVER KIl (RUGGEDIZED) NTN8652 53. KEYPAD (RUGGEDIZED) 7505293Z02 54 FRONT COVER KIT(RUGGEUIZEO YELLOW) NIN 8671 55. SPECIAL TOOL 66-80334E07 56. NTN -8923A BATTERY FOR RADIO XTS3000 57. tf"%AP BATTERY FOR RADIO LTS20W 58 WN714401. BATTERY FOR RADIO MTS2000 59. MUTORINA PART NO.RNN4006AR. NO SUBSTITUTION for Motorola STX moam) swoo0 portable radios TOTAL (Does nol include ITEM 1) s 2".66370 t 60. BALANCE OF LINE "•• PERCENTAGE (%) DISCOUNT OFF PUBLISHED OR LIST PRICES FOR OTHER RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED IN THIS 131D Replacement Parts arta Kits: % Y6% 5% $76.00+ I( Discount)_ = S S 19.76 6 5674 f 3.80 s Publications _% 26% 5% $76.00+ (%Discount)__ S 19.76 s 5624 S 3.80 f Special Tools and Test Equipment: % 26% 5% $76.00+ (% Discount) _= It 19.76 6 5024 f 3.80 t Software: % 76x 5% $76.00+ (%Discount)_= s els 1 5624 f 3.80 s Manufactuier7Calalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. Prepared By: Terry Byrnes. CPPB 3125103 3 ftYera .M. B65 c4nYsuy P Iii- rJ Wm NYHanIMY16Yo43 U. 914 us NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M 38.00 M t 2350 M f 26.W M s NO M Etl an NO NO NQ NO NO NQ NO NO 1.2WW ...?Soo 1.30000 NO 407.28100 t 10.63750 Cala109us N4 - March 2002 25% Pagas 14 Only 7720 f 1900. r woo 12M 12" 7220 DaparOnlenl or TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO.02-03-Q76R xwnee c.l..w6er.... 3s. 641«1 I41Y.s441I 7A I0Yrt6 FW IWI NW 92 s1 lalwa. W 0/517 MYY, 1133140 MmfetdNn WpiN IpY6ygis fY l3M ftl U. Etl 91L Ps lEw f ILS (1311 20 $ 0.17 M 1 3W $ '0.27 M t s0 20 _ $ 2.11 M f 4220 $ 342 M t 600 20 f 9. M f 19240 S 15.60 M t 3.2W 20 0. 1 M t ego $ 0.66 M f 1320 20 S 281.22 M f $.2740 f 423.60 M t 11.4/2W 20 3.11 M t 6220 S 504 M t rodeo 20 2 1.22 M t 57240 S 423.W M f 602W 2 S 27.50 M f ssw $ 37.50 M 3 1100 So f 81.00 M f 6000 W S 124.13 M f 6m6.so It 50 f 3000 M 1 1 sod W$ 90.60 M t 65W 00 f 50 f 40.00 ... 5 2.OWW i 11888 M t smW $ 1850 $ 92.0 M t 170.20000 f 15000 M f 2?1.50000 TOTAL (Does nol include ITEM 1) s 2".66370 t 60. BALANCE OF LINE "•• PERCENTAGE (%) DISCOUNT OFF PUBLISHED OR LIST PRICES FOR OTHER RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED IN THIS 131D Replacement Parts arta Kits: % Y6% 5% $76.00+ I( Discount)_ = S S 19.76 6 5674 f 3.80 s Publications _% 26% 5% $76.00+ (%Discount)__ S 19.76 s 5624 S 3.80 f Special Tools and Test Equipment: % 26% 5% $76.00+ (% Discount) _= It 19.76 6 5024 f 3.80 t Software: % 76x 5% $76.00+ (%Discount)_= s els 1 5624 f 3.80 s Manufactuier7Calalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. Prepared By: Terry Byrnes. CPPB 3125103 3 ftYera .M. B65 c4nYsuy P Iii- rJ Wm NYHanIMY16Yo43 U. 914 us NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M NO M 38.00 M t 2350 M f 26.W M s NO M Etl an NO NO NQ NO NO NQ NO NO 1.2WW ...?Soo 1.30000 NO 407.28100 t 10.63750 Cala109us N4 - March 2002 25% Pagas 14 Only 7720 f 1900. r woo 12M 12" 7220 DaparOnlenl or O 1c� , TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R Q Moloml;lnc-CCSD A.C-tinkiodon. Fin Celn.nuMaliwL soc. 1713 E ftorq i 6670 S. Ocxanl Bsb. 2N Bbu4flo.n IYplw•>h S<6a.t.q. 1L 60196 P-.& i,KJNID9 T.Waa.•f132304 Non-LMAYNon Mm*y N -L. Nla-A4nrty EY U.i E4 5047 FN iYn En n.� D..omi 9>< M ns Ps Ess Ln1 0o 1. REX-41255 TX RADIO POWER AMP, 80 Nl0 w RID f 227.18 w s is".. NIO w NIG 2. NHN-6419 MTX HOUSING 45 f 3094 w s 139110 $ 30.53 w s 23730 $ 34.16 w f i507A 3. 26-5552UOI SIX RADIO UNSULATURS 600 $ 229 w s .17460 S 2.2 w s 1.354A $ 2.52 w f 151200 4. 84.5758NO3 FLEX INTERCONNECT 300 f 8.63 w s 2511sm S 8.51 w s 25060 S 9.52 w s 215660 5. HMN-10628 SPECTRA MOTORCYCLE MICROPHONES 10 $ 54.00 w s mom S 53.28 w s Woo S 59.62 w s 51620 6. 51-5706L74 FILTER MODULE 30 f 37.69 w s IIm.7o S J7.19 w s Lussi S 4161 w f 1240M 7. 51.5106L17 MODULE HF PRE -AMP 30 f 2081. w f .2430 Ste-.^ �w 6 6'606 S 2298 ... f we 8. 13-5954N0131(FY ESCUTCHEON 400 $ 5.81 w s 232460 S .74 w s 22Rm S 642 w 6 256fm 9 13-5954NO315 KEY ESCU FCHEON 200 S 5.81 w s i. u2m 71 •.. s i,•ca f 642 w s I'M 10. NTN4327C STX RADIO BATTERY SO f 29.50 w s 147560 $ 4440 w s 2moo f 42.55 ... s 212250 11. NTN 54470 MIX PORTABLE RADIO 5J f 18.90 w s 9aa $ 6660 . f 31n0• f 40.25 w s 2012% 12 NTN8299BR BATTERY NIMH 50 f 67.00 is, s 335010 S 99.90 w t "M00 f 101.20 w t 5,060 Do 1:0. NIN7144 i5110MAdA11ERY 50 14.73 w s Ix50 $ 8140 ... f oomoo S 41.10 w Is 2070M 14. FLEX CONTROLS 8405641V02 20 S WAS M f 39760 S 19.61 w s x220 S 2194 w f 4x10 15. KNOB VOLUME 3605253V01 20 S 5.03 w s imm S 4.96 w f 9916 $ 5.54 w t Nora 16. KNOB FREQUENCY 3605636VOI 20 $ 1.73 w s 3.60 S 170 w s 3460 S 1.90 w f 3860 17. FRONT COVER 1505627VO4 20 $ 26.81 w s sxA 2848 ... s sAw S 2960 ... s mm '8. CONI ROL l UP 1305690VO 1 20 S 2.18 ... f 060 S .1 w $ 6292 f 2.39 ... s 4210 19. SEAL EMERGENCY BUTTON 3205178ZOI 20 f 0.75 w 3 ism S . 1 ... f 5010 i 0.83 w s low 20. FRONT COVER FUEL KEYPAD 1505637VO4 20 $ 3544 w f taro 34.97 w f 699n S 39.12 w f 7824 21. ORING 3205176ZOI 20 S 4.54 rr s 9010 S IIB w f 6954 $ 5.00 ... s W. 22. KNOB 3605635V01 20 $ 143 w s tem 1 41 .« s 2.12 S 1.56 w s 3120 23, MODULEIINTEGRATEO CIRCUIT U1 5105329VZI 20 S 7.69 w f 1510 S 7.59 w t Isi 70 $ 849 w f 16960 24. MODUIFIINT EGRATED CIRCUIT U2 5105,329V26 20 S 21.75 w f 4nm S 21.16 w s IAA f 2401 w f 4roA Prepared By. Teny Bymes, CPPB 3/25103 1 Dep6rYr1an10waUDr or Daspn4ro eun ommv 25. MUOULEONTEGRATED CIRCUIT U3 5109951X01 26. MUDULE/INTEGRATED CIRCUIT U4-5510521OV15 27. MODULE/INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Ut015105835U51 26. MODULE7INTEGRATEO CIRCUIT U102 5105835U52 29. MODULEIINfEGRATED CIRCUIT U105 5105279V26 30. RFPA 5105662U76 31, KNOB 3605370201 32. ANTENNA 8.505241 UO3 33. VDIUME CONTRJL J605171ZOI 34- REIAIN4305372Z01 35. LCU DISPI.AY 510536511P 36. KIT KEYPAD BOARD NTN8311 37. ORING 3205002E96 38. KIT VOCODER NTN0250 39. KEYPAD 7505293202 40. SPEAKER 5005213W01 41. KIT 800 MHZ BOARD NUFS472 42. CONTROLLER BOARD NCN6167 43. FRONT COVER KIT NTN8763 44. CONNECTOR COVER 1505579201 E4 S� 20 20 20 20 20 20 25 150 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 100 Prepared By: - oved By: Terry Bymes, CPPR i"1f 325103 2 DepsenwN Director or Designee TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R M.W1041nc. CCSD Jab c-nicawn NM C. ---..UM 1«. 13l3 E. AVwgm 6630 S. C ..W 8114. 234 Bbw*A- bo-, Sd-va.q, It W196 pwv"An. N206100 . Ta16h-,F13M N9n L0uyllon-IAnu6y NmiocWFamab 1bn1«aB1m-MnaMy UM EM IAM EM IAM EY Lw As 'u 1�m Phi um em f 43.88 w. f enw 13.19 .`. s 800 f 48.44 b s re0 f 3.53 as S 3.89 :r f neo f 12.56 w s n1" 12.10 w 3 2,796 f 13.89 b 6 m0 Il 7.28 w t lesw 7.18 w f 1056 f 8.03 w i 1600 S 3.15 aM 3 6300 3.11 b 3 6216 f 3.47 w. t wq f 12.27 Ir f tssq S 14.25 w f 2Mw $ 1594 b f $180 f 282 to f 025 S 2.48 w t 6198 S 2.77 b / alb f 26.81 w f 1021 5,, f 26.46 Av f 396825 S 29.33 f 2.51 w 1 w" f 2.4 a. f .5e S 2.77 41 I« f 670 0.41 2.. s 020 f 045 S 61.31 L. f 112.. { 760 1 I^. f 67.69 f 28.88 w 1 snw 28.48 b f 569 f 3188 ,r. f 6s1w 4.43 w f sew /.3 N. 3 0112 f 1.98 .w a Ow f 307.50 b 1 6.Iww f 303-40 M 1 6.000 S 305.33 w 7 6."W f 3.15 b f 00 .11 - f 0.16 S 3.87 /.. 6 04) S 5.03 w 1 1ww 1.96 b $ 9916 S 5.54 w 1 Iwo f 322.50 I.. s 6..500 318.20 b f 636.w 6 356.04 b f 1,1200 $ 306.75 b 1 6,1390 S 30288 b f 6061" $ 307.10 w f 6.1gw f 270.75 w f 5.usw S ZB .f1 b s S.W. S 298.91 w t 5.910" f 1.80 b t 1ww 1. 8 b t 17ew S 1.98 w 6 1900 Prepared By: - oved By: Terry Bymes, CPPR i"1f 325103 2 DepsenwN Director or Designee Prepared By: Terry Byrnes. CPPB 3125103 3 Oepartmar8 Diecfa or TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R 6lolomlA Inc. CCSD J.C."-mkt- FIn1C.-r icwiw Mc. 13131,. JUf q- 6630 5. Q. -ASW 23/ eEta4a9m 19yn9a3 s2fuuriuq.I1-60195 P..."an,NJOslo9 Y.W-. A32304 N-L.*Nm-YnaM NWIWWF-.b Non-leca%.L&.h ELL Utl Ea UM Ea .Pat 0,I En Ilan Oe<.aam 9a. L! a B.0 P3 Do P59 16k but 45. MAIN SEAL 3205349LO2 20 S 5.36 w f 10x �w 3 my S 5.91 w 1 11670 46. B.SEAL 320535IZ02 20 5 0.26 w 3 sx �w f sm S 028 w f Sm 47. DISPLAY LOCATOR 7505336201 20 S 1,54 w 1 neo 1. 2 w 7 X. S 1.69 w S vm 4a. VOLUME KNOB O-RING 3205379WO1 20 $ 0.17 w 6 3. 0.1 w 1 3. S 0.18 w S 2m 49. LIGHIPIPE INDICATOR 6105316ZOI 20 $ 2.14 w $ 420 .10 w i 120 $ 2.36 w S 1741 50. SECURE LEVEL 4505375201 20 $ 975 w t 1950 5 192. S 10.76 w f 22s.x 51. FRED. KNOB INSERT 4305373201 20 S 0.11 w f ego S 0.41 w S an S 0.45 w S 9m 52. FRONT COVER KIT (RUGGEDIZED) NIN8652 20 $ 261.75 w 1 5,29650 281.22 w S 6.n.a $ 292.28 w i 5a -W 53. KEY PAD (RUGGEDIZED) 7505293202 20 S 3.15 w s 63% S 11 w 5 5716 $ 3.47 w 3 690 54 FRONT COVER Kit(RUGGEDIZEU YELLOW)NTN 8671 20 S 26475 rr• t 5 1. 2 w i 9R4. f 292.28 .0 6 5a5m 55. SPECIAL !001 66-8033411,117 2 S 2. S sam 2. w 3 mm S 2075. w 1 520 56. NTN 89230. BATTERY FOR RADIO XTS3000 50 S 52.00 S 85.10 w S !7550 $ 95.16 w s ..IN In 57. RNN96796 BATTFRY FOR RADIO LTS2000 50 11. w t 5750) It 62.16 w s 3IAw $ 34.50 w S nxm 5a. NTN7144CR BATTERY FOR RADIO MTS2000 5o 11.3 w i Hasa S 91.40 w i .mom S 41.40 w S 20100 59. MOTOROLA PART NO.RNN4DDSAR,NO SUBSTITUTION 1850 ®j w y 77.7wm $ 92.50 w 1 In.12sm S 126.50 w / 2Rm6m for Motorola STX 3000 AND STX5000 portable radios TOTAL (Does not include ITEM f) 3 1.5.0905 1 mm 21 1 415.0155 60. BALANCE OF LINE ....PERCENTAGE (%) DISCOUNT OFF PUBLISHED OR LIST PRICES FOR OTHER RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED IN THIS BID Replacement Parts and Kits. % 15%1• 26% 25% $76.00+ (%Discount)____= $ $ 1110 S i.. S 19.78 s %21 S 19.00 6 570 PRICES BASED ON CURRENT PRICES BASED ON CURRENT Publicallons. % CATALOGUE ONLY CATALOGUE ONLY $7600+ (%Discount)___= x% Special Tools and Test Equipment: % 1rwwlwrnawon.a 5,«1 1 190 6 sem 576.00+ (%Discount)__= oapt-,aT« -i aKr. No Software. % as wnuy-w Manufacturer/Catalog: For evaluation purposes, we will 576.00 + (% Discount)_ = owuacAa. uui2 Nro calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00.vI.�.4 ava..a1 u7,11a +.. xl, xi nt rx, as Prepared By: Terry Byrnes. CPPB 3125103 3 Oepartmar8 Diecfa or iwn �m 1. REX4125 STX RADIO POWER AMP. 2. NHN-6119 MTX HOUSING 3. 265552001 STX RADIO UNSULATORS 4. 84-5758NO3 FLEX INTERCONNECT 5. HMN-1062B SPECTRA MOTORCYCLE MICROPHONES 8. 51-570BL74 FILTER MODULE 7. 51-57061.77 MODULE RF PRE -AMP B. 13-5954N01 3 KEY ESCUTCHEON 9. 13-5954NO3 15 KEY ESCUTCHEON 10. NTN4327C STX RADIO BATTERY 11. NTN -54478 MTX PORTABLE RADIO 12. NIN8299OR BATTERY NIMH ' 13. NTN/14415WLIA BATTERY 14. FLEX CONTROLS 8405641V02 15. KNOB VOLUME 3605253VOI W. KNOB FREQUENCY 3605636VOI 17. FRONT COVER 1505627VO4 16. CONTROL TOP 1305698VOI 19. SEAL EMERGENCY BUTTON 320517OZOI 20. FRONT COVER FUEL KEYPAD 1505637VO4 21. ORING 3205176201 22. KNOB 3605635VOI 23. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT UI 5105329V21 24. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U2 5105329V26 PMPereA By Terry Bymes, CPPB 312SM3 EY 9Y 80 45 600 300 10 30 30 400 200 50 50 50 50 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 1 a ffi 70.501 m l5q A I.Sm m 26mm 59520 ONO m 0M m 2566m I.2N m 2.501 m 3,15650 SAN m 4591 m 6740 112m 31m 5%m 40m Mm ?ME .0100 3140 ,7120 1550 Depe1Nw11 DirarAer or sipnee TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BIO NO. 02-03-.076R LlA0. kMaw E+7- Supnbr famwullkaVen+,Me. FNp6N1 OEewrMsyer, ec 135 Aseocmr 749 by Ca,t Ct mist Faso N Fum. NY 10519 L4em"I FL 32M! SOkn ..1Ri017 NpHouNbn Yn>rly 7knl0elRkpsec xm LaY46lnlrary 1sa E. Iltl Etl 6r.1 F ffi SFk 059 05f SSB!! ffi It31 NO w NO N/O w NIQ S 258.27 w s NO w NO $ 34.75 w l 15675 $ 34.43 w s NO w NO $ 2.60 w s 1560M $ 2.55 w f NO w NO t 9.65 w s 2"sm S 9.60 w t NO w NO $ 54.99 w f saw S 59.52 w t NO w NO S 4300 w s "mm $ 41.95 w f NO w NO S 23.50 w f 1mm S 23.17 w 1 NO w NO S 8.50 w l 1.100m S 641 w 1 NO w NO S 650 w f 1.304m $ 847 w t S 1.10 w t 1mm S 45.00 ... s 12wm f 50.09 w 3 MuMpkrr7M4332178 1 w f 10.1150 S 4400 w s 2.7m m S 75.13 w f u 7 M IIII p 19r M5M 38.00 w f 'mm f 84.00 w 1 Umm S 112.69 w t Mu 1 r 299 1 10 w s e05m i 58.00 w 6 2smm $ 91.83 w s u8iplwr 71 NO w NO $ 2200. w t 5040�.tli w 7 NO w NO $ 5.75 w l "sm S 5.60 w f NO w NO S 1.95 w s nm 1.59 w f NO w NO S 28.0 w s 560m $ 29.84 w { NO w NO $ 2.45 w f 40m $ 2.43 w f NO w NO $ 0.85 w I ,7m S 0.84 w f NO w NO $ 37.00 w s lam $ 3944 w s NO w NO S 4.99 w f %so $ 505 w t NO w NO $ 1.90 w l tem S 1.87 w f NO w NO $ 8.60 w s 122m S 8.56 M f NO w NO S 2400 w f 140m $ 23.27 w f 1 a ffi 70.501 m l5q A I.Sm m 26mm 59520 ONO m 0M m 2566m I.2N m 2.501 m 3,15650 SAN m 4591 m 6740 112m 31m 5%m 40m Mm ?ME .0100 3140 ,7120 1550 Depe1Nw11 DirarAer or sipnee 00 - O TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R Ssdy9x sW.sw Gm- Sup.rbr cdn6.unkau9n9,N1c. 9wpda Cwrddtalw,l.. 176NddC 749 SM C- CL 1019E fuss O M9 -NT 10519 MO.Ohn, FL 121164 Sn I/IIOIq. 1919}12 NorHau9w1NmM2 N -Loc ftw iic Non lalRknYro.i EY VA En Wd Ed L9d Ed T" Oevosal 90L E00 •a 55s 559 Lw 5g 9013 Lem ema 25. MOOULEIINTEGRATED CIRCUIT U3 511099511)(01 20 NO w NO $ 47.00 w S Woo S 4884 w S 916 So 26. MODULE/INTEGRATED CIRCUIT 1,14-55105279VI5 20 NO w NO $ 4.50 . s woo $ 3.93 w 't low 27. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U 1015105835U51 20 NO w NO $ 12.99 w E 259 So S 13.98 w 6 21960 28 MODULE/INTEGRATED CIRCUIT U102 5105835U52 20 NO w NO S 8.50 1 vow S 8.10 w s 16200 29. MODULEJINTEGRATED CIRCUIT U105 5105279V26 20 NO w NO $ 360 w 1 ttw $ 3.51 w s ON 30. RFPA 5105662U76 20 NO w NO $ 15.99 w s 319w S 1607 w s m1w 31. KNOB 360537OZO1 25 NO w NO $ 2.80 w 1 low S 2.81 w s 1025 32. ANTENNA 8505241UO3 150 NO w NO S 24.00 w 1 366000 $ 29.84 w s 1.0600 33 VOLUME CONTROL 3605371ZOI 20 NO w NO S 2.80 w s 56M S 2.81 w t %x 34. RETAIN M5372ZOI 20 NO w NO $ 0.46 w 1 910 S OAS w 9 920 , 35. LCD DISPLAY 5105385Y19 20 NO w NO $ 6200 w t tmoo $ 68.24 w s 136160 36. KIT KEYPAD BOARD NTN8311 20 NO w NO $ 3200 w s Woo S 32.14 w s 64200 37. ORING 3205082E96 20 NO w NO $ 4.95 w 1 9960 $ 4.93 w s 9060 38. KIT VOCODER NTN0250 20 NO w NO $ 310.00 w s 6mo00 $ 342.26 w $ 6.x520 39. KEYPAD 7505293ZO2 20 NO w NO $ 355 w E 7100 S 351 w 1 2020 40. SPEAKER 5005213WO1 20 NO w NO S 5.65 w s 113M S 560 w s 11260 41. KIT 800 MHZ BOARD NUFS472 20 NO w NO $ 361.00 w s 7,72000 S 35895 w 1 2.11900 42. CONTROLLER BOARD NCN6167 20 NO w NO $ 312.00 w S 6240w S 341.42 w s 6./710 3. FRONT COVER KIT NTN0753 20 NO w NO S 304.00 w S 609000 $ 290.35 w 1 560700 44, CONNECTOR COVER 1505579ZOI 100 NO w NO S 1.99 60 1 moo S 2.01 w 1 mm 45. MAIN SEAL 3205349ZO2 20 NO w NO $ 5.99 w t Imo $ 5.97 w 1 11940 46. B -SEAL 320535IZ02 20 NO w NO S 0.30 w S 660 $ 029 w 1 590 47, DISPLAY LOCATOR 7505336201 20 NO w NO S 1.75 w s 6400 $ 1.71 w f 1120 48. VOLUME KNOB O-RING 3205379YWI 20 NO w NO $ 0.18 w t 260 $ 0.18 w s 360 49. LIGHTPIPE INDICATOR 6105376201 20 NO w NO $ 2.40 w t woo S 281 w s 5620 Prepared By: Terry Bymes, CPPB 3125103 2 DepsYLleM Desgnw Manufacturer/Catalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. Prepared By: Terry Byrnes, CPPB _" rpi 3725103 ✓ 3 DePwbnwd Director or Dmuq; e TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R caw doer.' ._ 135pa6.fi Sulr.Wr cw..wniedims,xa 719"Cora CL 1.9r.ala a...�...... 1019 E. Euse M caw, xr w6r9 umircmnlm it^vb MWIdi q. FL 32M Non-Lw&Avac WA-, IX ?8217 MmarrallrnYma7 a.. o- Ea 42 VIn Eud !9b Fa uN fa Bu Im be Lrn Ns 1!K Fn !19 50. SECURE LEVEL 4505375ZOI 20 NO w NO S 10.75 w t 2.5m t 1085 w f 7200 51. FRED. KNOB INSERT 4305373ZOI 20 NO w NO $ 0.15 w t 9m It 0.16 w / 92$ 52. FRONT COVER KIT (RUGGEDIZED) NTNO652 20 NO w NO S 290.00 w f s,eum 9 291.88 w { smw 53. KEY PAD (RUGGEOIZEO) 7505293202 20 NO w NO t 3.50 w { 2$m S 3.51 w / n2$ 51. FRONT COVER KIT (RUGGEDIZED YELLOW) NTN 8671 20 NO w NO S 290.00 w' f 5000, S 291.66 w t smu 55. SPECIAL TOOL 6680331E07 2 NO w NO It 26.00 w6 um S 29.22 w f 58" 56. NTN -8923A BATTERY FOR RADIO XTS3000 57. IINN962$B BATTERY FOR RADIO LTS20M 58. NTN7111CR BATTERY FOR RADIO MTS2000 59. MOTOROLA PART NO.RNN4006AR• NO SUBSTITUTION for Motorola STX 3000AND STXS(OO ponablC radios 50 50 50 1850 31.00 w t Multiplier M8923 $ 11.90 w t Multiplier M9626 $ 16.10 w f Multiplier M71/1 NO w 15mm S 7800 w f 37mm $ r.sm S 56.00 w 3 2,mm 9 wsm S 56.00 w { 2emm $ NO It 8900 w t 161.Imm S 96.00 w 70.13 w 91.63 w 81.33 w f { f { amm 350iso 4wiw 17aslo50 • 60. BALANCE OF LINE TOTAL (Doesrwlinclude ITEM 11 I uf7m f 7.Lswas f 2M,?2$n ....PERCENTAGE I%) DISCOUNT" OFF PUBLISHED OR LIST PRICES FOR OTHER RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED IN THIS BID Replacement Parts and Kits: _% 22% WO $76.00+(^/.Discount)_= S S 16.72 t 592$ t Publications: ___% 22% N/O $76.00+ (%Discount)_ S 16.72 t Wo S Special Tools and Test Equipment: % 22% N/O 576.(0 + (% Discount)_ S 16.72 ! 592$ t Software: % 22% N/O $76.00+ (% Discount)_ S 16.72 t sen t 18% 1380 18% 13.80 18% 13.60 18% 13.80 1 { 1 { w2$ u2$ um 627o Manufacturer/Catalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. Prepared By: Terry Byrnes, CPPB _" rpi 3725103 ✓ 3 DePwbnwd Director or Dmuq; e Prepared By. Terry Bymes, CPPB 3/25103 EoVed DiI801or =191 TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03-076R 11.n1.n t.mnniu6m;466 Jm'. FMa..in 94464 Aw....I.. s2Mr+pv+w 5663sa-ew vmw aw Mae4v' 1M !3061 G/W G9. CA 9Mn rrUw. G94366 rbllaaTb144a4Y Mm3 YRb�Wn!/ Mm3 Y11on 1ivR/ f4 uw E.1 W4 E4 Uw E4 1M.n D- $ MA 1!•Lt E3 OS! S5Y 1. REX4 125 STX RADIO POWER AMP. 80 NIO w NIO $ 256.00 w 1 tD.mw $ 245.60 w 1 19.64000 2. NHN-6419 MTX HOUSING 45 f 3553 w s 1.596 es S 35.95 w s 'curs $ 3300 w s ".0w 3. 265552001 STX RADIO UNSULATORS 600 S 2.38 w 6 14MM $ 2.99 w 1 11"M $ 2.44 w s L4P00 4. 64-5758NO3 FLEX INTERCONNECT 300 f 8.91 'm 5 76!300 $ 965 w s 2,mw $ 9.20 w s z4ow S. HMN-10628 SPECTRA MOTORCYCLE MICROPHONES 10 S 55.81 w s 5564 $ 6200. w S Eloy S 54.00 w s 5400 6 51-57061,74 FIL TER MODULE 30 S 3895 w f '1000 $ 4295 w 5 "Mm S 1100 w E 1.7nm 7 51.5706L77MODULERFPRE AMP 30 $ 2151 w 6 ban S 2595 w s nam S 22.75 w s wm 8. 13.5954WI3KEY SSCUTCHEON 400 S 601 44 1 74400 $ 637 w s twx 1 8.25 w 1 2.s00M 9 13-59!.4N3315 KE'l ESCUTCHEON 200 $ 601 w s uotm S 6.52 w s tYA S 625 w I -AM 10 N'N 43777 S r 1 RADIO HAI 1 ERY 50 $ 3399 .. s 'b99m f 45.00 w f :•10000 f 4000 w s 700000 SUB AXTECH AM4127 11 NTN 544/H M f X POR I AB L F RAO..' 50 $ 24.99 w 5 "O'J 1 43.00 w 5 1,19`00 S 3900 w s •9Y1M SUB AXTECH AMS441 12. N)N82999k BATTERY NIMH 50 S 80.00 w s I=. $ 84.50 w s .'Mw f 79.20 w s 3wo. SUB ALEXANDER H8299 13 NTN714415110 MA RAI TFR� 50 $ 24.99 w s vaso S 5900 w s 1,950M f 5390 w 1 1.695. SUB AXTECH AM71 W 14. FLEX CONTROLS 8405641V02 20 $ 20.54 w 1 41000 $ 2650 w I s w S 23.00 w s -w 15. KNOB VOLUME 3605253VOI 20 f 5.18 w s 113 m $ 6.40 w s Imm S 5.50 w 1 1400 16, KNOB FREQUENCY 3605636VOI 20 $ 179 w 1 a0 $ 2.30 w 1 400 $ 200 w s ow 17. FRONT COVER 150562lVO4 20 $ 2'.71 w 1 00170 $ 33.80 w 1 616M $ 30.00 w s 60000 18. CONTROL TOP 1305698V01 20 $ 2.25 w 9 4500 S 2.95 w s 5990 S 2,45 w S aM 19. SEAL EMERGENCY BUTTON 3205178201 20 $ 0.78 w 3 1500 S 1.20 w 1 74M S 0.80 w 1 1600 20. FRONT COVER FUEL KEYPAD 1505637VO4 20 S 36.63 w $ !640 f 4295 w 1 66900 $ 3800 w s 1000 21. ORING 3205176ZOI 20 f 4.70 w s 94M $ 6.00 w s 17000 $ 5.00 w S 900D 22. KNOB 3605635VOI 20 S 1.47 w 1 290 $ 195 w s n00 f 1.65 w $ nM 23. MODULE/INTEGRATED CIRCUIT U15105329V21 20 $ 795 w s a9M f 10.25 w 1 2%00 $ 8.50 w I INoo 24, MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U2 5105329V26 20 s 22,48 w 3 u9m $ 2900 w f 56D00 S 2300 w 5 4mM Prepared By. Terry Bymes, CPPB 3/25103 EoVed DiI801or =191 LDwecim a TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03,076R - 14 Y Cu.swlwW..YK `'7051.081+RA lr'. El.awao %63 S.wm old V&W Aw... ImV ow w.a1. Tx 17046 CYN firy. G 905 I�, G91166 NmlatMb+aYmry llmaot+ma�lYalr NvH.uK4a.11.vq 9nn DM 25. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT UJ 5109951X01 EY 9r' 20 f Uti Em 45.31 w En f 9081 a6Y °� "Ly $ 52.92 w f EY ! Immo f 9M Bta !!� 48.60 w f EY ffia 9xm 28. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U4.55105270VIS 20 f 363 w t rem f 480.00 w f 9.woo f 3.80 w t nm 27. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT Uf015105835U51 20 f 12.98 w 5 2560 f 16.75 w s mm $ 13.80 w { tam 28. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U102 5105835U52 20 f 751 w t 1580 f 9.70 w { 1940 S 7.98 w / IN 20 29. MODULEANTEGRATED CIRCUIT U1055105279V26 20 S 3.24 w 1 am f 4.20 w f am f 3.45 w { pm 30. RFPA 5105662U76 20 f 14.92 w { 290.0 f 19.25 w f ffi00 S 15.90 w 3 31000 31. KNOB 380537OZ01 25 f 2.61 w f 6025 f 370 w f 925 i 2.88 w s nm 32. ANTENNA 6505241UUJ 150 f 26.91 w t ..0s5 f 27.95 w f 11925 2T.50 w f 3.1600 33, VOLUME CONTRi4300537t701 20 S 2.60 +., t aw f 340 w f a f 2.70 w 1 i+ar 34 RETAIN 430537270' 20 f 0.44 w s am $ 0.95 w t Ism f 0.44 w t 081 35. LCD DISPI AV 51:15565119 20 f 83.38 ;., i Irslp f 71.00 w f 11810 f 85.80 w i 114600 36. KIT KEYPAD BOAHC NTN83•I 20 f 1995. w s 60+x f 3600 w 7800 f 30.80 w { ilia 37. ORING 3205082E9B 20 f 4.58 w 1 91.92 S 5.80 w 3 1600 S 4.75 w 1 >S00 35. KIT VOCODER N IN8?50 20 T80.2/ w s 5,64680 f 299.95 w { 5.999w S 325.00 w 3 45000 39. KEYPAD 1505293ZO2 20 S 3.25 w t 0w $ 4.20 w i am S 3.36 w 6 6r80 40, SPEAKER 5005213MI 20 f 5.18 w f Imp f 650 .w s I30w S 5.36 41. KIT BOO MHZ BOARD NUFS472 20 S 326.79 w 1 05x80 f 369.00 w f 230M S 344.00 w 6 6.81000 42. CONTROI LER BOARD NCN6167 20 f 31085 w f 6,211 m f 35200 w s 70.000 f 325.00 w s 6.5moo 43. FRONT COVER KIT NTN0753 20 f 274.36 w 4 s.wm $ 313.00 w f 626000 f 288.00 w 6 s.a000 44. CONNECTOR COVER 150557920/ 100 $ 1.87 w 3 w f 2.40 w s mm f 1.92 w 6 6281 45. MAIN SEAL 3205349202 20 $ 5.53 w s 110w f 7.00 w f 1.0m f 5.72 w f 114.0 46. B9SEAL 3205351202 20 f 0.26 w { $20 S 0.50 w t 100D f 0.27 w { 3.40 47. DISPLAY LOCATOR 7505336201 20 f 1.60 w t 32M S 205 w f 4100 S 1.64 w f 3280 48. VOLUME KNOB O-RING 32053791,01 20 f 0.19 w 3 381 f 0.25 w f sm f 0.18 w s lw 49. LIGHTPIPE INDICATOR 6105376ZOI 20 f 2.20 w i am S 285 w s sr 00 $ 228 w s 4660 Prepared By: TeOy Bymes. CPPB 3/25203 2 LDwecim a ManutaclurerlCatalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. wo Prepared By. Terry Byrnes, CPPB 3125103 3 O0P4wbr91 Dire v.Desi TABULATION SHEET MOTOROLA RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES BID NO. 02-03476R 116..601 c6..ns.k.6566sJn6 1rY E1MWn 1w64Amn6rY6 SNS Tdapvi6W 5563 s6PAA eAd 193Dv4 BSC Nd61u6 IR 71091 G6w Cq. CA 9023D Tw*- C. 91766 Nm1uY'IbnlYb6y 1Anl �NbrYrmry Mm1aM7wMYw19 Eu Ud Eu Ud En UM Ed b- 0uamm 9K ftes us Lt [M us P4 00 W9 50. SECURE LEVEL 4505375ZOI 20 S 10.09 w s N,m $ 13.00 w s 26000 f 1040 w S 2090D 51. FRED. KNOB INSERT 4305373ZOI 20 f 0.44 w s ow $ 0.55 w 9 I'm 3 0. w s &W 52. FRONT COVER KIT (RUGGEDIZED) NTN0652 20 $ 268.28 w s 576510 f 303.00 w E 60600 f 28240 w s 5,690D 53. KEY PAD (RUGGEDIZED) 7505293202 20 $ 325 w f moo $ 4.20 w s "M f 336.00 w 1 6.7Nm 54. FRONT COVER KIT (RUGGEDIZED YELLOW) NTN 8671 20 S 268.28 w 1 5.765. f 303.00 w s 6mem S 28240 w s 5.69. 55. SPECIAL TOOL W80334E07 2 $ 26.92 w s vs. S 29.50 w s saw 2 .00 w 1 WW 56. NTN 6923A BATTERY FOR RADIO XTS3000 50 $ 76.36 w s 30um S 77.95 w s 39915. f 7400 w t ).room 57. HNN%288 BATTERY FOR RADIO LTS2000 50 $ 2099. w s 104950 S 51.50 w s ?925. $ 5400 w s 7.19000 SUB AXTECH AM9628 58. NTN7144CR BATTERY FOR RADIO MTS2000 50 f 24.99 w I ,7.W S 57.50 w s 2,0150 $ 53.9U w 1 7.69590 SUB AXTECH AM7144 59. MOTOROLA PART NO RNN4006AR, NO SUBSTITUTION 1850 $ 89.00 w s 164.mm $ 10595 w 5 196.00750 f 9000 w s 1663mm for Motorola Si X 3000 AND STX5000 ponable radios PRICES BASED ON CURRENT 60. BALANCE OF LINE CATALOGUE ONLY TOTAL (Does not include ITEM I) 1 2E6.66 1 AIW15 1 8271,`.0 "••PERCENTAGE (%) DISCOUNT OFF PUBLISHED OR LIST PRICES FOR 01HER RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES NOT LISTED IN THIS BID Replacement Pans and Kits: % 22% 0% N70 $76.00+ (%Discount7___= S_ $ 16.72 1 59N WO Publications: _ _% 22% n ' $76.00 E (%Discount) = $ 1612 t 5029 N70 Special Tools and Test Equipment % 1025% 15% BA d. Only $7600+ (%Discount)_= f 7.79 s 6521 S 1110 s w. N/D Software: % wA ox $76.00+ (%Discount) = wA wA ManutaclurerlCatalog: For evaluation purposes, we will calculate the percent discount into a sample price of $76.00. wo Prepared By. Terry Byrnes, CPPB 3125103 3 O0P4wbr91 Dire v.Desi I 1 2. Budgetary Impact Analysis Department Police Agenda Item # (if available) Division Administration 3. Title and brief description of legislation or attach ordinance/resolution: Purchase 1,500 Motorola Radio Batteries Part No. RNN4006AR, for the Motorola Astro 3000 XTS Portable Radios ver Bid No. 02-03-076R, from Motorola, Inc., for the Department of Police. 4. Is this item related to revenue? NO: XXX YES (If yes, skip to item #7.) 5. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? YES: XXX Index Code Minor Obj. Code Amount $63.000 NO: —Complete the following questions: OTHER: Local Law Enforcement Block Grant VII, Account Code No. 142023.290539.6.840 6. Source of funds 7 Amount budgeted in the Line Item $ Balance in Line Item $ Amount needed in the Line Item $ Q77fF;nla1nt Tlln,Ac %xnll }l? tranefPrrarl frnm the fnllnuina line.. item. -,- ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER ACCOUNT NAME TOTAL Index/Minor Object/Project No. Transfer done by: From $ From $ From $ EEE To $ Any additional comments? Approved by: 8. Dep 7 frb esignee ..Y/74,�!> Date FOR DEPARTMENT OF MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET USE ONLY Verified by�j Verified by: �) 4LI OKP . Transfer done by: U�tln� — Chief o trate i k- Blad eting Budget Analyst Budget Analyst and Peiii6rmanc Date Date �"� 3 Date AWARD RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVAL FORM Date: April 2, 2003 Department/Division: Police Department Department Contact Name/Phone Number: Lourdes Rodriguez / 305-579-6180 Bid/Contract Number: 02-03-076R Sr. Buyer: Terry Byrnes, CPPB Summary/Description of Purchase: Motorola Radio Parts and Accessories for Municipal Services / Communications, Police Department and Fire -Rescue Department Justification for Award/Contract: Type of Contract: Method of Purchase: ❑Single Purchase NFormal Bid (include bid tabulation) ❑Short -Term Contract ❑Competitive Negotiated Purchase (include documentation) ❑Lease ❑Other Governmental Contracts (include documentation) ®Term Contract Contract Period: ONE YEAR OTR: Two Additional One -Year Period (if applicable) Recommended Vendor(s): MWBE/Location Status: Award/Contract Value: VARIOUS Total Value of Award/Contract (including values associated with potential OTR): Award Recommended By: Department Director/Designee Signature Source(s) of Funds: Account Code(s):_ Funding Approval: DMB Director/Designee AWARDRECOMANDAPPROVALFORM Certified By: Chief Procurement Officer/Designee Approval: City Manager Date 03- 508 Budgetary Impact Analysis Department MUNICIPAL SERVICES Commission Meeting Date: MAY 8, 2003 Division COMMUNICATIONS Title and brief description of legislation or attached ordinance/resolution: —RADIO PARTS AND ACCESSORIES- FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF .MUNICIPAL SERVICES, COMMUNICATIONS DIVISION 1. Is this item related to revenue? NO )U Yes ❑ (If yes, skip to item #4) 2. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? CIP Project #: Yes: Index Code: (If applicable) Minor: Amount: No: Complete the following information.- ..5. nformation:3. Source of funds: Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in line item: $ Amount needed in line item: $ Q„C:,,: + 4;—Av -411 1kc trancfarn-fl frnm Aip fnllnxxin4 lint- ltemc' ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minor Object From $ From $ To $ To $ 4. Comments: ALLOCATION OF FUNDS: Account Cod -6.-718 NK $6,000 (FY03') & $39,000 (FY04'); The approv 's subject to the budget process, as such funding amounts have yet to be approved and/or appropriated and funding levels have yet te—est..tiiirea�y? Approved by: aim Department Direct r/D gnee APPROVALS Verified by; Dept. if Strateis PYning, Budgeti g Performance Date: qW Verified by CIP: (If applicable) Director/Designee Date: 1 AWARD RECOMMENDATION AND APPROVAL FORM Date: March 25, 2003 Department/Division: Municil)al Services/ Communications Department Contact Name/Phone Number: Nancy Dorta / 305-375-5130 Bid/Contract Number: 02-03-076R Sr. Buyer: Terry Byrnes, CPPB Summary/Description of Purchase: Motorola Radio Parts and Accessories for Municipal Services / Communications, Police Department and Fire -Rescue Department Justification for Award/Contract: The Department of Municipal Services, Commujications Divisi These include police, fire/rescue, so etv sery waste and other ci and eFmenti:al functio f the 0i'Ey o-f—'Miami. ies. In. addl1ion, the parts and accessories are needed for over 2,500 portable and mobile radios_used--44y over 1500 employees of the City of Miami. Type of Contract: Method of Purchase: ❑Sin le Purchase g ®Formal Bid (include bid tabulation) ❑Short -Term Contract ❑Competitive Negotiated Purchase (include documentation) ❑Lease ❑Other Governmental Contracts (include documentation) NTerm Contract Contract Period: ONE YEAR OTR: Two Additional One -Year Period (if applicable) Recommended Vendor(s): MWBE/Location Status: Award/Contract Value: VARIOUS Amount not to exceed $45,000 Total Value of Award/Contract (including Award Recommended By: Source(s) of Funds: associated with potential OTR): Account Code(s): 506000.420601 .6.718 $6,000 (FY03') & $39,000 (FY04' ) The approval for FY04' funding is subject to the budget process, as such funding amounts have yet to be approved and/or appropria and funding levels have yet to be established. Funding Approval: Certified By: Approval -S -ln, ya)� O\ 9(re4W5esignie Chief Procurement Officer/Designee City Manager Date AWARDRECOMANDAPPROVALFORM