HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0470J-03-409 05/07/03 r� RESOLUTION NO. 0 3— 470 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY MIAMI COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO ACCEPT THE CONVEYANCE OF COUNTY -OWNED PROPERTIES LOCATED AT 299 AND 303 NORTHEAST 59TH TERRACE AND 6150 NORTHEAST 4TH AVENUE, MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS DESCRIBED IN "EXHIBIT A," ATTACHED AND INCORPORATED, BY COUNTY DEED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 01-1029, adopted September 25, 2001, directed the City Manager to take all steps necessary to initiate and implement the development of a superlative park in the Little Haiti area ("Park Project"); and WHEREAS, the boundaries for the Park Project as established by the City Commission are from Northeast 59th to Northeast 67th Streets between Northeast 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida, and the Railroad Tracks, Miami, Florida; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. 02-395, adopted April 11, 2002, directed the City Manager to expedite the land acquisition for the Park Project approved in the $255 Million Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bond Issue; and CITY COMMISSION IILFIEETUITIG OF � �^� � r.A F S I?003 + x s g W v qA.C�@ 70 �. WHEREAS, the above referenced properties are within the park boundaries and are necessary as part of the land assembly required for the Park Project; and WHEREAS, Resolution No. R-404-03, passed and adopted May 6, 2003, by the Miami -Dade County Board of County Commission, authorized the conveyance of County -owned properties located at 299 and 303 Northeast 59th Terrace and 6150 Northeast 4th Avenue, Miami, Florida, to the City of Miami; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The City Manager is authorizedll to accept the conveyance of the County -owned properties located at 299 and 303 Northeast 59th Terrace and 6150 Northeast 4th Avenue, Miami, Florida, as described in "Exhibit A," attached and incorporated, by County Deed to the City of Miami. 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. Page 2 of 3 03- 470 Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.21 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th ATTEST: P ISCILLA A. THO PSON CITY CLERK FJANDRO VILARELLO TY ATTORNEY W7205:tr:AS:BSS day of Ma CORRECTNESS;,] 2003. If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 3 of 3 03- 470 u��ua-.uus ua:04 kAl su3Jt*1101 Q5A REAL ESTATE (�J007 j .. Exhibit "e J Instrument prepared under the approval of and return to: Tom Goldstein, Assistant County Attorney 111 N.W. 1 Street, Suite 2800 Miami, Florida 33128-1907 Folio No's: 01-3218-016-0300 01-3218-016-0301 01-3218-015-0710 COUNTY DEED THIS DEED, made this day of J 2003 A -D. by MIAMI -DAVE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, party of the first part, whose address is: Stephen P. Clark Center, 111 N.W. V* Street, Suite 2460, Miami, Florida 33128, to the CITY OF MIAMI, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, party of the second part, whose address is 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, Miami, Florida 33130: WITNESSETH: That the said party of the first part, in consideration of and pursuant to the provisions of Section 197.592 Florida Statues, has agrexl to deed the land hereinafter described to the parry of the second part, its heirs and assigns forever, tiv; following described land lying and being in Miami -Dade County, Florida; LOT 37 & E1/4 OF LOT 38, PIERCES DIVISION BISCA'YNE PARK A RESUB according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 1 at page 198 of the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Florida, also identified as Folio No. 01-3218-016.0300. AND W1/2 OF LOT 38 & ALL Olt LOT 39, PIERCES DIVISION BISCAYNE PARK A RESUB, according to the Plat thereof recorded in PIat Book 1 at Page 198 of the Public Records of Miami - bade County, Florida, also identified as Folio No. 01-3218-016-0301 03- 470 04/02/2003 09:54 Fk1 2053751157 GSA REAL ESTATE 01008 LOT 2 BLOCK 18 LESS N7.371FT FOR RIW, PIERCES DIVISION LEMON CITY, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book B at Page 43 and Plat Book 2 Page 21 of the Public Records of Miami -Dade County, Florida, also identified as Folio No. 01-3218-015-0710 This grant conveys only the interest of the County and its Board of County Commissioners in the property herein described and shall not be deemed to warrant the title or to represent any state of facts concerning the same. IN WITNESS VV EREO1 the said party of the first part has caused these presents to be executed in its name by the Mayor as authorized by its Board of County Commissioners acting the day and year aforesaid. (OFFICIAL SEAL) ATTEST: ILkRVEY RUV N, CLERK By: Deputy Clerk MIANII DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS By: Mayor The foregoing was authorized and approved by Resolution No. R- of the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade (.:ounty, Florida, on the day of 2003. 03- 470 04/02:20(13 09:51 FAX 3053751157 i�i�ftfci ►y .... v.,uau�ut tvsa� • - a - . e i Property Information Map GSA REAL ESTATE My Home " Miami -Dade County, Florida 0 - 100 R This map was created on 3/252003 8: AM for reference purposes ony. Web Soo 0 2002 Miami -Dade County. ri;hts reserved. Zr Zoos rage 1 o IMIhtiAAID oeMILS: C. atiln9 IAMI OADE COUNTY dress: AR/r-- MQUIT 11 NW 1 3T STE 2460 IAMI FL 129-1907 Prty Information: pmmr T000INDUSTRWL one: Land Value: LUC: 0 VACANT LAND- Build VBlue: VERNMENTAL eeds/Betix: rW Value: Floors: S2a 125 Uvin Units:10 328 125 328125 oe Eaca tions: $281125 526.125 axable Valve: 75 30 FT SO jo: 53 42 PS 1-196PIERCES RISC PARKA RESUB 12 OF LOT 35 6 ALL LOT LOT SIZE 8375 SF 19755-1235 05013 Safe Infotmadon: 100/ is Amount: 130 Assessment Information - ear. 2002 2001 Land Value: 329125 $2812 Build VBlue: 30 rW Value: 528,125 S2a 125 amd Vak,a- 328 125 328125 oe Eaca tions: $281125 526.125 axable Valve: 30 SO httP.//gisiMS2.co.miami-dade.fl.us/MyH r-le/printmap.asp?mapurl= 3/25 03- 470 04/-02%2003 09:54 FAS 3053751157 GSA REAL ESTATE —W17 ' , PIE4CES`DIV BISCAYNE PARKA RESUB, according .to. the Plat thereof recorded in Plait Book 1 at Page 198 0S the Public Records of Miami Dade County, Florida. Folio: 01-3218-016-0301 Lot size approximately: 9,3140 Sq Ft Location: .299 WE 59 Terrace httpJ/s01402341servleVeom.esri.e,6m p.Esrimap?ServiceName=geoloc&ClieatVersion=3.1,8._: 9/20/02 03- 4'70 u3f-U2i2003 Us:53 VAX 3053751157 GSA REAL ESTATE 10011 4.t%jCjL1'y lu'uluwuvtl lviAp Page 1 o My Home J Miami -Dade County, Florida 121co W# Ams MIAMI�DADE Property Information Map 0 - 101 it This nop was created an 3IM003 w%:4 r Am for reference purposes only. Web Site ® 2002 Miami -Dade County. All rights reserved. offr Cup Summary Detalis• he No.: 00 o e : 03 NE 59 TERR lue: COUNTY $28,125 MT r vFiF15STE2460 Value: P-S-11 $28,125 s2a t25 Value: Pro ertInfonmatlon• teary OOOINOUSTRIAL ne: LUC: VACANT M DO - 1 m ERNMENTAL ds/caths: Floors: L In Units: i54 Foota a: t Size: 375 SO FT Cif Baum: 16 53 42 PS 1-196 PIERCES Legal DIV BISC PARKA RESUB ttlption:OT 37 & E12 OF LOT 38 LOT SIZE 237S SF OR 19795-1209 0601 3 Sale Information• le O/R: a Date: is Amount so Assessmwnt Informallon- httpl/Z,sims2.co.miami-dade.II.us/MyHor-ne/printmap.asp?mapurl= prop_S..! 3/25 03- -4'70 2002 2001 lue: 326,125 $28,125 Value: 30 Value: P-S-11 $28,125 s2a t25 Value: $28125 =11125 ons: 528,125328.125 Texabk Value: 1 30 1 m httpl/Z,sims2.co.miami-dade.II.us/MyHor-ne/printmap.asp?mapurl= prop_S..! 3/25 03- -4'70 04/oe:2003 09:55 FAX 3053751157 GSA REAL ESTATE 012 LOT 37 & E1/2 OF LOT 38, PIERCES DIV BISCAYNE PARK A RESUB, according to the Plat the*'e-f ek— I -at Page 198 -of -the--Pub -itakwuLds of Mt=ri--Datv-- County, Florida. Folio: 01-3218-016-0300 Lot size approximately: 9,375 Sq Ft Location: 303 Ne 59 Terrace http;//s0140234/Servlet/com.esri.er.-timap.Esrimap?ServiceNam"enloc& ClientVersion=3.16... 9/20/02 03- 470 gV0,1i2003 09:55 FAX 3053751157 GSA REAL ESTATE tagc�OUlli 1 FOLIO NUMBER: 013218=:11.5-0710 ADDRESS. 6150 NE 4 AVE MAILING ADDRESS: MIAMI CL%DE COUNTY, GSA.R/E MGMT, 111 NW 1 STSTE 2460, MIAMI FL .33128-1907 CLUC: 0080 VAt:ANT LAND- GOVERNMENTAL PRIMARY ZONE: 7000 INDUSTRIAL BEDROOMS: 0 BATHS: 0 FLOORS: 0 LIVING UNITS: 0 ADJ SQUARE FOOTAGE: 0 LOT SIZE: 8,602 5Q FT YEAR BUILT: o PIERCE:1 OIV - LEMON CITY PB 5-43 S P132-21 LOT 2 BLK 18 LESS N7.87FT FOR R/W LOT SIZE LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 8902 3Q Fr OR 19756-1188 06013 SALE OlR: 106971419 SALE MONTH: 3 SALE YEAR: 1880 SALE AMOUNT: 3 45A00 ASSESSMENT YEAR: —"2002 -- SSESSE19 ' •• LUE! S 25,806----- LAND VALUE: $25.808 HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: $0 BUILDING VALUE: so WIDOW EXEMPTION: so MARKET VALUE: S 25.806 TOTAL EXEMPTIONS: $25.806 TAXABLE VALUE: so ASSESSMENT YEAR: 2001 ASSESSED VALUE: S25,806 LAND VALUE: S 25,80E HOMESTEAD EXEMPTION: so BUILDINO VALUE: 30 WIDOW EXEMPTION: $0 MARKET VALUE: 3 25,806 TOTAL EXEMPTIONS: $25.808 TAXABLE VALUE: so http://gisimsintra.metro-dade.comtscriptslesrimap.dll?Name—PublicAccess&Cmd=CreatePria.., 9/20/02 03- 470 04/42/2g03 09:55 FAZ 3053751157 i GSA REAL ESTATE LOT 2 BER 18 LESS x7.87FT FOR R/W,.PIERCES DIV LEMON CITY, according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 2 at Page 21 of .the Public Records of Xlami-Dade County, Florida. Folio: 01-3218-015-0710 Lot size approximately: 8,611 Sq Ft Location: 6150 YE 4 Avenue http://sO l4O2341servledcom. esrLes.rimap.Esrimap? ServiceName=gealoc&ClientVersion--3.18..: 9/20/02 03. 470 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 22 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM The Honorabl or and APR 2 4 2003 TO: DATE: FILE tubers 34 the Ci CommAcceptance of County -owned Property Located at: 299, 303 NE SUBJECT: 59 Terrace and 6150 NE 4 Avenue i L For Little Haiti Park oesArriola, LHP418, 60, and 61 FROM: hilef Administrator REFERENCES: Resolution and County Deed ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to accept the conveyance of County -owned properties located at 299, 303 NE 591' Terrace and 6150 NE 0 Avenue (the Properties), Miami, Florida, as legally described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, in connection with the development of Little Haiti Park. BACKGROUND: On September 25, 2001 the City of Miami Commission adopted Resolution 01-1029 directing the City Manager to take all steps necessary to initiate and implement the development of a first class park in the Little Haiti area (the Park Project). The boundaries for the Park Project as established by the City Commission are to be from Northeast 59th Street to Northeast 67`h Street between Northeast 2nd Avenue and the Railroad Tracks. On April 11, 2002 the City of Miami Commission adopted Resolution 02-395 directing the City Manager to expedite the land acquisition for the Park Project approved in the $255 Million Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bond Issue. The above referenced properties are within the park boundaries and are necessary as part of the land assembly required for the Little Haiti Park Project. On May 6, 2003, Miami -Dade County Board of County Commission passed and adopted Resolution No. R- authorizing the conveyance of County -owned properties located at 299, 303 NE 59 Terrace and 6150 NE 4TH Avenue to the City of Miami at no cost. FINANCIAL IMPACT There is o impact to the City's General Fund. JAKE County-ownefflroperties.doc 03- 470 J-01-828 09/25/01 RESOLUTION NO . 01-1029 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO TAKE ALL STEPS NECESSARY TO INITIATE AND IMPLEMENT THE DEVELOPMENT OF A FIRST-CLASS PARK IN THE LITTLE -HAITI AREA FROM NORTHEAST 59TH TO _ NORTHEAST.._ 67%2 * STREETS BETWEEN NORTHEAST 2ND AVENUE AND THE RAILROAD TRACKS, MIAMI, FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO INSTRUCT (1) THE DEPARTM$NT OF PUBLIC KS WORTO CONDUCT ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, (2) THE LITTLE HAITI NET OFFICE TO PERFORM A DETAILED NEIGHBORHOOD AND USE ASSESSMENT (RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL AND OFFICE), AND (3) THE DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING TO INITIATE . THE LAND DESIGNATION AND ZONING PROCEEDINGS NECESSARY TO ACCOMPLISH THIS OBJECTIVE. BE .IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF.. THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is directed to take all .steps necessary to initiate and implement the development of a first-class park in. the Little Haiti area from Northeast 59" to Northeast 67th Streets, between Northeast 2"d Avenue and the railroad tracks, Miami, Florida. Section 2. The City Manager is further directed to instruct (1} the Department of Public Works to ',"conduct .VIEEMI - :�SERyf2�5:�Op1,; 03 y .O S r(�) the Little Haiti Net Offic envix nental studies, Pe rfo a detailed neighborhood and use assessment (resider commercial -and office), and (3) the Department of Plannin, Zoning to initiate the land designation and zoning procee Zo 9 necessary to accomplish this objective- Section 3.. This. Resolution shall become effe� tel upon its adoption and signature of the•Mayor.l� _ immedza Y PASSED AND ADOPTED this25th day of Sem*amp,--, 2C JOE CAROLLO, MAYOR tR accordance Stc. ?.•'v. c^� lC1 `h: !�»"Y:X ftd hot ndice w, of of '�� {^� A jj,�\, I� L r •t 4.. .. .•.. •.., Lw..1 r}►-,��?1'�' / '9i•► L��1..rL~�..�•L i{ tr�i�� {�,,,/ $ w.to� �iJ J-y:Ir�t1 ! SI � L.:.: %`� i ♦•:13.r • }�.!•\ �•. t � becoms.-b rd(1-,.iwo :iiJl i::.. �. ..+t.�. .• :�: �'� i.�f rv�.. •�i�..� Y.�: rG:•�r QL Cii �i1L 'i� 6i.il��i regarding same, Y:l.t,ouc tha Mc-pOr c; srcizir-9 a <«t3. sitar J. Foeman, City Clerk 'ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN ' CITY CLERK AFFROVAS TO. ;-FORM AND ED RRECTNESS:i 5.7 RO VT., Ll q: C Y ORNEY. W5.67•e :smg:BSS . r does' not riga this Resolution, iL shall become egf eced e if I the Mayo s from the date it was passed and adop the end. of ten calendar day it shall become effective immediat the Mayor vetoes chis Rego" the Cicy Commission. upon override of the veto by page 2 of 2 J-02-342 4/8/02 RESOLUTION NO. 02- 395 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXPEDITE THE LAND ACQUISITION PROCESS FOR PROJECTS APPROVED IN THE $255 MILLION HOMELAND DEFENSE/NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT BOND ISSUE; ANDAUTHORIZINGTHE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUTE AGREEMENTS, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, WITH LAND ACQUISITION SPECIALISTS, AS APPLICABLE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The City Manager is directed to expedite the land acquisition process for projects approved in the $255 million Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement bond issue. Section 2. The City Manager is authorized -L/ to negotiate and execute agreements, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, with land acquisition specialists, as applicable. 1/ The herein authorization is further subject to. compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. 03- 470 CiTiF eODSN� xwma qFI I 1 2002 Resolution W. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption and signature of the Mayor./ PASSED AND A -=-OPTED this lith day of April 2002. l 6NUEL A. DIAZ, MAYO ATTEST: 9 A' PRISCILLA A. TFCeC-SON CITY CLERK APPROVED AS TOAND CORRECTNESS:/ ' Ajk3 •xl�V ANDRO VILA: - 0 C Y ATTORNEY 6I75:LB O tel• =� If the Mayo= des not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Ma-.;----- vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately =p--)_ override o` the veto by the CitY Commission. r 0-3- 440 Page 2 of 2 UZ TO FROM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Priscilla A. Thompson DATE: April %, 2003 FILE: City Clerk SUBJECT: Acceptance of County - owned Properties Located at: 299, 303 NE 59 Terrace REFERENCES: and 6150 NE 4 Avenue for Keith Carswell, Director, Little Haiti Park Department of Economic a to nt ENCLOSURES: LHP# 18, 60, and 61 Enclosed you will find an ad for notice of a public hearing to be held by the City Commission on May 8, 2003 for the purpose of authorizing the City Manager to accept the conveyance of County -owned properties located at 299, 303 NE 59th Terrace and 6150 NE 4th Avenue (the Properties), Miami, Florida, in connection with the development of Little Haiti Park at no cost to the City. Please place the ad in accordance with public hearing requirements of the City Commission. Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Enclosure K :mv LHP 18,60,61doc El, Paalllastegui-Alonso, Agenda Coordinator 03_ 470 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING A public hearing will be held by the City Commission of the City of Miami, Florida on May 8, 2003, at 4:30 p.m., at Miami City Hall, 3500 Pan American Drive, Miami, Florida, for the purpose of authorizing the City Manager to accept the conveyance of County -owned properties located at 299, 303 NE 59th Terrace and 6150 N.E. 4th Avenue (the Properties), Miami, Florida, in connection with the development of Little Haiti Park at no cost to the City. All interested persons are invited to appear and may be heard concerning such proposed acquisition. Should any person desire to appeal any decision of the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this hearing, that person shall ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, including all testimony and evidence upon which any appeal may be based. (City Seal) (#11035) Priscilla A. Thompson City Clerk 03- 470 MPY 05 2000 Podgy Committee: Governor of State oll 141r. Jeb Bush Designee: Dr. Pamella Chair of Miatni,Datk Senator Kendrick Meet Designee: Ms. Debra 0 Chair of Governing B South Florida Water District Ms. Trudi K. Williams' Designee: Mr. Gerardo Miami -Dade State At Ms. Katberinc Fernando Designee: Mr. Gary Win Mayor of Miami-Dadtr Mayor Alex Penelas Designee: Ms. Sandy 0' Mayor of Miami Mayor Manuel A. DiO Designee: Mr. Javier Ven City of Miaml Comm Commissioner Joe Saes Designee: Ms. Eileen 0 Miami -Dade County Commissioner Commissioner Bruno Designee: Mr. Alfredo G Chair of Miami River' Group Mr. Jim Brown Designee: Mr. Richard 13 Chair of Marine Cour 11 Mr. Phil Everingbam I Designee: Mr. James Wbll Executive Director of iM Development Autborlo Ms. Patti Allen Designee: Mr. Alonso isle Chair of Greater Miami of Commerce Mr. William O. Cullom, Designee: bis. Megan Kel Neighborhood Represea Appolnted by City of Dill Comzaission Dr. Ernest Martin Designee: Mr. Michael Ct Neighborhood Represitr Appointed by Miami -lila Commission Ms. Sallye Jude Designee: Ms. Jane Capoi Representative tram Environmental or Clvk Organlsatlon Appointed Governor Ms. Janet McAliley Designee: Ms. Thee Long 6:16PM MIAMI RIVER COMMISSION 305 361 4755 P•2 11 Miami River Commission m� 4ptlon i deo Rvsenstiel School ✓ i 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Miami, Florida 33149 of Office: (305) 361-4850 n t Fax: (305) 361-4755 email: ntm@rsmuintami.edu 1 R le May 7, 2003 Honorable City Commissioners o ty City Hall e► 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33 Re: Recommendation for Approval of May S, 2003 City'�,,.� `r Commission Agenda Items CA -6, CA -23, t4 & 36 Member at large Appoi�e� by the Governor Mr. Robert Parks 1 Member at Large Appt Miami -Dade Commissi Ms. Sats Babun Designee: Mr. Tom Park Member at Larle Apppt City of Miami ConurJa Mr. Cleve Jones, Jr. Designee: Captain Beau Managing Director Captain David Miller by by Dear Commissioner: This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) `official statement" to the City Commission, requested in City Resolution 00- 320, regarding May 8, 2003 City Commission agenda items CA -6, CA -23, 14 & 36, which impact the Miami River corridor. The MRC respectfully recommends approval of the following items: ■ CA -6 — Approving track renovation improvements in riverfront Curtis Park. ■ CA -23 — Authorizing the City Manager to execute an addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation, to provide improvements to the riverfront Jose Marti Park, including an extension of the riverwalk. a 14 — Granting a temporary construction easement to Miami -Dade County for construction and installation of a new water main under the City of Miami's Jose Marti Park. Completion of the aforementioned water main relocation project is required prior to dredging the Miami River at this location. 36 — Approval of the funding agreement for construction of the Riverwalk at One Miami. Respectfully, roe RRobe4rtL. 4Parks,EWaq Chair, Miami River Commission Cc. Honorable Mayor Manuel A. Diaz City Administrator Joe Arricla City Clerk Priscilla Thompson City Attorney Alex Vilarello Submitted into the public recc."'l in connecticn trs'th 03- 470 K. -'Y 05 2000 6:16PM MIRMI RIVER COMMISSION 305 361 4755 P.1 ly MIAMI RIVER COMMISSION C/O ROSENSTIEL SCHOOL OF MARINE ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE 4600 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY MIAMI, FL 33149-1098 TEL:(305)361-4850 FAX -.(305)361-4755 WWW.MIAMIRIVERCOMMISSION.ORG FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET TO; FROM Honid b e City Commission, Mayor, Brett Bibeau, Assistant Director A r, Clerk and Attomey CO DATE: of Miami MAY 7, 2003 FAX: TOTAL NO. OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER 8 1 250 5456, 2505386, 5793334, 2 856. Z 0i. 2505399, 2505410, 4161801, 858) 5 01 PHO. ER SENDER'S REFERENCE NUMBER: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER: ,14 c4'sed MRC Recommendation pproval of 518103 City ission Agenda Items CAA 3.14&36 'SObr'Plitted 111to the Public Connect. A. rn Cily Clerk 03- 470