HomeMy WebLinkAboutR-03-0429J-03-368 04/17/03 RESOLUTION NO.0 3— 429 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE AN ADDENDUM TO THE MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT ("AGREEMENT"), IN SUBSTANTIALLY THE ATTACHED FORM, WITH THE STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, TO PROVIDE IMPROVEMENTS TO JOSE MARTI PARK, SUBJECT TO ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE AGREEMENT. WHEREAS, improvements are required at Jose Marti Park; and WHEREAS, the State of Florida Department of Transportation will approve such improvements as long as they are made after the seawall is completed; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. T T C Mtm E 'i'l T FS1 CITY C<?MIUSUM MEETING CM MAY 0 8 2003 Resolution ATA. 03- 429 <.. Section 2. The City Manager is authorizedll to execute an addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement ("Agreement"), in substantially the attached form, with the State of Florida Department of Transportation, to provide improvements to Jose Marti Park, subject to other terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor Y PASSED AND ADOPTED this 8th d.-- ATTEST: PRISCILLA A. THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED.�CI F05AP D CORRECTNESS :r// LO TTORNEY W7167:tr:AS:BSS 1� The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all requirements that may be imposed by the City Attorney, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and Code provisions. ai If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. Page 2 of 2 03- 429 ADDENDUM TO MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT This Agreement, is made this day of Item/Segment No. WPI No. State/Job No. FAP No. SR No. County 2515601 6141792 87270-2425 09510691 9A, I-95 Miami -Dade 2003, and shall serve as an Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement dated November 6, 1980, by and between the FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (FDOT), as Lessor and. the CITY OF MIAMI, as Lessee. In addition to the provisions contained in the Memorandum of Agreement, the following terms and conditions supersede the language contained in the Memorandum of Agreement. 1. Improvements The City of Miami has requested authorization and approval from FDOT and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) of the proposed improvements to portions of Jose Marti Park. The improvements as shown and described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto. Any changes or additions to those improvements, as described in Exhibit "A", will require additional prior approval in writing by the District Secretary for District Six, and FHWA. Any such structures or improvements shall be constructed in a good and workmanlike manner at Lessee's sole cost and expense. Lessor reserves the right to inspect, at any time, during the construction of said improvements and required changes or modifications if, at Lessor's sole discretion, public safety requires it. Lessee shall implement such requests for changes or modifications immediately, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, upon notification by Lessor's authorized representative. 007U �0G83- 429 March 24, 2003 Page 2 Lessee agrees to restore the land as reasonably practical to its condition at the time this Agreement is executed, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, by midnight on the day of termination of this Agreement. An Addendum made this day of , 2003, to the Memorandum of Agreement, dated November 6, 1980. All other terms and conditions of the Memorandum of Agreement remain unchanged and with this confirmed and ratified by Lessor and Lessee. ATTEST: By: Priscilla A. Thompson, City Clerk 0 LESSOR: STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Lin District Six Secretary LESSEE: CITY OF MIAMI Lb -n Joe Arriola, City Manager 03- 429 March 24, 2003 Page 3 APPROVED AS TO INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Lo Diane Ericson, Director Department of Risk Management APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS I� AS Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney 03- 429 Exhibit A Scope of Work AGENCY: City of Miami CIP Project: #331413 STATE JOB NUMBER: FM2512621-58-01 PROJECT TITLE: Jose Marti P%rk River Walk/Greenway Extension .(formerly in the TIP as Ft. Dallas Park River Walk) DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED. WORK: The overall project has 4 distinct segments. This description pertains to the part of the project taking place on the property to the south of the Jose Marti Park pool, on property leased by the City from FDOT, where FDOT is installing a new seawall. At this site, the city will construct a river walk With pavers and a tactile surface adjacent to the bulkhead. This river walk will connect to the existing walk at the waters edge within the park proper, and, on the opposite end, will link to an on -road, southern leg of the Miami River Greenway system. The project also involves construction of additional site improvements including irrigation, landscaping, lighting, and the installation of benches and fencing (see Figure A). A second segment (see Figure B) is located adjacent to this parcel at the junction on SW 4d' Street and SW 3rd Avenue at the River. Here, the City will define the park entry and roadway by installing new lighting, sidewalk with pavers, curb and gutter, lighting, landscaping and fencing. The last segments flow north and south from the park, and consist of new sidewalk, curb and gutter, landscaping and lighting following existing rights of way (see Figure Q. The southern path runs along SW 3rd Avenue to 6`" Street, then east to approximately 2"d Avenue. The northern route runs along SW 4d' Street from the existing northernmost park path to South River Drive, then South River Drive to approximately NW 7`h Avenue. The route is subject to change (reduction/expenasion) based on project funding as design progresses. 03- 429 ,w JOSE MARTI PARK 03- 429 lk �. i NEW BULKHEAD (NIC) NEW TACTILE SURFACE + SEE "STREET END" - - - NEW CONC PAVER RIVER WALK DRAWING FOR MIAMI RIVER, -- NEW BENCHES CONTINUATION I I NEW LIGHTING PARK IMPROVEMENTS 1/1nr N A A r-1-171 1" 1 A nl/ PARKING N FIGURE A BUILDING NEW IRRIGATEDOWN i SOD AND PLANTING �;♦= EXISTING ALUM PICKET FENCE 29 ToINTERSTATE 95 o� OVERHEAD Ago, PARK IMPROVEMENTS 1/1nr N A A r-1-171 1" 1 A nl/ PARKING N FIGURE A SEE *JOSE MARTI PARK IMPROVEMENTS" F014 CONTINUATION NEweULKHf:AD MIAMI RIVER j. > TO SW 4th STREET SMALL CANOPY TREES NEW LIGHTING NEW CONCRETE UNIT PAVERS NEW CURB AND GUTTER NEW CONIC PAVER WALK NEW CANOPY TREES JOSE MARTI PARK PARKING INTERSTATE 95 OVERHEAD NEW ALUM PICKET FENCE :)LAN OF STREET END IMPROVEMENTS n017 IkAAM-rl [3A0V N FIGURE B a6 36 MAX GW TYPICAL SECTION - TYPE 113- PARKING 1 -SIDE LEGEND CG - CURB AND GUTTER LV- LANDSCAPE VERGE P - PARKING TL - TRAVEL LANE S - SIDEWALK VG - VALLEY GUTTER GW - GREENWAY: SHARED PEDESTRIAN AND BICYCLE; PLANTING; LIGHTING; SIGNAGE; FURNISHINGS FIGURE C Edit 111'r "A' A portion of Lots 6, 14, lel and 20 and all of Lots 1. 2, 3, 4., 5, 15, 16, 17 and 1S., Block 28 South, CI'iY Or 11iIA111 ; according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, biting particularly described as folloirs: Begin at the SouLlie,,st corner of said Lot 20; thence run North 2°14'32" Vest along the East bound,iry of said lot 20 a dist,lncc of 7.rjO,f:!ct to a point; thence run South 87°W 32-" Ues t along a line that is 7.00 feet Horth of and parallel to the South boundary of lots 20 and 19 a distance of 99.92 feet to the point of intersection with the East boundory of said lot 18; thence run forth 2'14'36" 1.:est along the East boundary of said Lot 10 a distance of 31.90 feet to the point of intersection with the Southeasterly Limited Access Bound- ary of State Road No. 9 Section 87270-2425 as shown on RIGHT OF MAY MAP, recorded in Plat gook 83 at Page 21 of the Public Records of Dada CuunLy,. F l or -i d,: ; thence run along said Limited Access Boundary on a bearing of North 20"37'14" East for a distance of 65.99 feet to a point; thence run ilorth 33'30'28" East along said Linited Access Boundary a distance of 61.34 feet LO the point of intersection with the 'Borth boundary of said Lot 20, said point beino 38.45 Beet blest of the Northeast corner thereof; thence rim North 81"55' 44" East, along the North boundary of said Lot 20, a dir)tarrce of 8 55 feet to,, a point; thence run South 37°07'21" East a distance of 13.01 feet o'L e point of curvature of a curve concave to the Southwest having for its elements a radius of 125.00 feet and a central -angle of 31'52'55"; thence run Southeast- wardly along the arc of said curve a distance of 76.10 feet to the point of tangency, said point being on the East boundary of said Lot 20 at a distance of 67.56 feet North of the Scutheast corner thcreof; thence run North 2614'32" West along the East boundary of said lots 20 and 1 a distance of 175.70 feet Lo a point; thence run North 14'18'02" blest a distance of 75.65 Leet to a ppciint of intersection %•,i th the l:orth bounclary of said Lot 2-, thence run South 87"5f1'55 West along the North boundary of said Lots 2, 3, 4 and 5 a di stl,ince of 1�-9.13 feet to the Northr•:est corner of said Lot 5; thence run South 2`.91' 43" East along the West boundary of said Lot 5 a distance of 7.00 feet to a Floint; thence run South 17'04'04" Hest over and across said Lot 6 and along the orthv:esterly Limited Access Boundary of said State Road No. 9 8 distance of 151.07 feet to the South►vest corner of said Lot 6; theiice continuing aloAg said llorth::esterly Limited Access Boundary, over and across said Lot 14 ivn South 17003'46" Ilest a distance of 151.10 feet to the point of intersection with the 1•lest boundary of said Lot 14, said point being 7.00 feet North of the'Southwest corner thereof; thence run South 2"14'47" East along the hest boundary of said lot 14- a distance of 7.00 feet to the Sou Lhwes t coriiur thereof; thence run North 87`5'32" Fast along the South boundary% of said Lots i1 to 20 both inclusive, a distance of 349.72 feet to the Southeast corner of said Lot 20 and the Point of Beginning, containing 77.413 square feet, more or less, or 1.777 acres, more or less. A portion of Lots 3, 8, 9, 11, 12, rind 17 and all of 'Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 37 South, CITY OF ti1n111, according to the plat thereof recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page Al of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being particularly described as follo,-rs: Begin at the Northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence run South 87°51'32" (lest along the t:orth boundary of said Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and a pnrtion of Lot 8 a distance of 277.35 feet to a point; thence run South 14026'59'- Ilest along Lyle Northeasterly production of the Northwesterly Limited Access bpundar- of State P.oad l:o. 9 Section 87270-2425 as Shown on RIGHT OF I•JAY MAP recorded in Plat Boot: 83 at Page 21' of the Public kecords of I1,Idu Ciwnty, Florida. and along said Jlorth•.:esterly Limited Access Boundary, over and across portions of said Lots 8, 9, 11 „ 12, a distance of 305.93 feet to the point of intersection with a line that is 7.00 feet North of and parallel to the South b'2;;iidary .of Si? :c%Lot 11 ; thence run SoUth 87'fi2' 381" I'JOS t - Iring t1w 1,15 t described Iine a ('ista11CC Ci` 34. 49 fret to itie point of intersection with the Crest boundary of szic; Lot 11 ; thence ruri South 2"11'06" [a, L along the lost described l ine a distance of 7.00 feet to the Southoest corn;_r of s4 -lid lot il; thence rion Ilnrt'' 87'52'3B" East alon(1 the South boundary of Lots 11 to 1A, hOLii inclu- sive, a distance of 2911.80 feet tc; tl;e cryrrll�r Cf Slid lot 16; t1lerlccrun 1lorLh 2`11'31" fest along the Fast houndarl� of said lot 16 a distance of 97.69 f(•eL to the of intersection tial Lh the Southeasterly united Access tlrrundar-y ur sai(i �taLe I;cja(J 9; thence run North 12"54'0. " Last along Lhe hist described line a distance Of 24..15 feel: to 1 1101111. of deflc:.;lon in Bald (_11511 ted AcceSS :,UUr�dd1")'; ll i.'il( ^ C;;r1 11lUing c 101)0 said Limited Access L'ourldjry on a bcarirl(� of North 15°58'1'.1" last a distance of 30.`55 feet to the poiriL of intersection iii tli the South buirlidary of said I r.! c-.;71 rl1lir,t h, -inn lr, PfreL tJ`.,t of LJre SCUU11.1e5t corner i iureof; O- 429 . t . ' SECTION STATE ROAD 9, 1-95 DA.DE COUNTY PARCEL NUMBER CON-rAi Kis 8 PAc-aES MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Section I-95 THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of/�(�Z, I 19 q O , by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, a component agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter called the "Department", and the CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, hereinafter Called the "City"; WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department has acquired sufficient legal right, title and interest it the right'of way of I-95 shown in Exhibit "A", attached hereto and by this reference made part iiereof, on which the City proposes to construct facilities for park purposes; and WHEREAS, there are certain areas in the vicinity of S.W. 4th Street under an elevated section of Interstate Hiohway I-95 which are adequate for the construction of park facilities; and i IJHEREAS, the proposed use below the , p grade line of the highway facility will. not impair the full use and safe Ly of the highway; or require or permit vehicular access to such space directly from the established grade line of said highway; or intErfere with the free flow of traffic on said highway; or will not result in violation of Part 626 of the Regulations of the Administrator, Federal Aviation Agency, as amended; and WHEREAS, the City has requested that the said areas be used for park purposes. N'OW, THEREFORE, it is mutually agreed by and between the State of Florida Department of Transportation and the City of Miami, Florida, that for and in consideration of the premises, it is mutually agreed as follows, to wit: 1. The Department hereby leases to the City as the Party responsible for developing and operating the space, subject to the Department's right to maintain its expressway facilities, all those rights here and above described subject furthe- to the right of the Department to use such space as necessary for maintenance of such EXDresswa_y iacl;iti?s and -Further subject ,_o ;.hc conditions and terms herein contained. 2 That the term of this lease shall be for a period of ninety-nine (99) years unless sooner terminated as hereinafter Provided for use as a public park facility. -i- 03- 429 c 3. Attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof is Exhibit "A" which is the location sketch of parcel to be leased for this City park facility to be constructed under the elevated right-of-way shown in Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 4. Attached hereto and by this reference made a part hereof'is Exhibit "6" & "C", which is the legal description of that part of the right-of-way shown in Exhibit "A", attached hereto that abuts the Miami River. 5. Structures authorized to occupy the space will be of fireproof construction in accordance with the provisions of local applicable building codes found to be acceptable by the Department and Federal Highway Administration hereinafter called the FHWA, and will not be used for the manufacture or storage of flammable, explosive or hazardous material, or for any occupation which is deemed by the Department or the FHWA to be a hazard to highway or non highway uses, and the operation and maintenance of the space will be subject to regulation by the Department to protect against + fires or other hazards impairing the use, safety and appearance of the highway. In cases where the Department or the FHWA questions the acceptability of the existing code, conformance with a nationally accepted model code will be required. Further, the occupancy and use of space the highway shall not be of such r as will permit hazardous or unreasonably objectionable smoke, fumes, vapor or odors to rise above the grade line of the highway; Additionally, where the proposed use of the space below the grade line of the highway requires additional highway facilities for the proper operation and maintenance of the highway, they shall be provided without cost to either the Department or the FH14A. 6. The City shall obtain prior approval from the Department and the FHWA prior to making any significant revision in the design or construction of the City park facility shown in Exhibit "A", attached hereto. 7. The City shall obtain prior approval from the Department and the FHWA prior to making any change in the authorized use of space as provided by this agreement. 8. The City understands and hereby agrees not to sublease or assign the space herein, or any portion thereof; except upon prior Upproval in writing by both the Department and the FHWA. 9. It is understood and aoreed to by the City that this Agreement will be revocable in the event that the City park facility ceases to be used or is abandoned. 03- 429 the;-righ't to revoke this _ without liability, in tip,. the Citv violates any of the conditions of this Agreement and such violation is not corrected within thirty (30) days after written notice of non compliance has been given. Further, that in the event the Agreement is revoked and the Department deems it necessary to request the removal of the facility occupying the space, the removal shall be accomplished by the responsible party in a manner prescribed by tine Department at no cost to the Department or the M -11A. 11. The City does hereby covenant and agree to indemnify, defend, save and hold harmless the Department End FHWA from any claims, demands, or liabilities of any nature whatsoever arising out o; or because of this Agreement, and from any and all damages to the roadway structures by fire or other accident or casualty and assumes specific responsibility for payment of any related damages occurring to the highway facility and to the public for personal injury, loss of life, and property damage, and does accept the full responsibility for any falling debris, or injury that may result from spills of any kind from the highway structure. Further, the City agrees Oat it will require contractors constructing facilities, paving and making improvements contemplated by this Agreement to maintain such insurance as will protect the Department from claims under the Workmen's Compensation Act and from any other claims for property damage, personal injury and bodily injury including death, which ray arise from any construction pursuant to this Aareement. Such coverage shall be in an amount not less than Two Hundred Thousand Dollars (5200,000.00) for damaoes suffered by any one person and Five Hundred Thousand Dollars (5500,000.00) for any (1) accident. Certificate of such insurance shall be filed with the District office of the Department and subject to its approval. _ 12. It is understood and agreed by the City that representatives of the Department and the FHWA have the right of ingress and egress over, upon and across the space facility for the purpose of inspection, maintenance or reconstruction of the highway and adjacent facilities when necessary. 13. It is understood and agreed by the City that the park facility occupying the soace will be maintained so as to assure that the structures and the area within the highway right-of-way.boundaries will be kept in good condition, both as to safety and appearance, and that such maintenance will be accomplished in a manner. so as to cause no unreasonable interference with highway use. in the event the'City fails in its maintenance obligations, then the Department is authorized to enter the premises, perform the necessary maintenance and receive payment from the City upon presentation of an invoice for actual cost to perform tame. -3- 03- 429 14 . In Conf ormanC� V.1" `1 tnE C i \, i I ISI ah"s AC i C i I `' � i i i l t' `1` I � 'h.L! 'VIIC f X '-C" � a�:d.Title 49, Code of Feue. . Reoulations 21, the City I,,f self, its assignees and successors in interest agrees as follows: a. That as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree as a covenant running with the land that (1) no person, on the ground of sex, race, color, or national origin shall be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of said X acilities, (2) that in connection with the construction of any improvements on said lands and the furnishing of services thereon, no discrimination shall be practiced in the selection of employees and contractors, by contractors, and (3) that the City shall use the premises in compliance with all other requirements imposed pursuant to Title 15, Code of Federal Reoulations, Commerce and Foreign Trade, Subtitle A, Office of the Secretary of Commerce, Part 3 (15 C.F.R., Part 3) and as said Regulations may be amended. b. That in the event of breach of any of the above nondiscrimination covenants, the Department shall the right to terminate the lease and to re-enter and repossess said land and the facilities thereon, and hold the same as if said leaselhad never been made or issued. I14 VIIT14ESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be exeguted, the day and year first above written. WITNESSES: As to the Department As to the City APO S,(' I^M AND CORRECT14ES This �nstru;nent Excuted Pursuant to Resolution Ido. 80-244 STATE OF FLORIDA.:. DEPARTMENT ANSPIRTATION i o By: `• Deputy cretary for Administration I I , ATTEST: eal) Exa,6tive Sec/ etary THE CITY ff/11RAM.L.7 FLORIDA .32 City ger r AT EST : . i Iry Gier rr D+ CFra.LITY FLCi�fii.; LEFT t�76tc1�1' OF 1hiNSP,)RTArIC)N h/ILi�I:[ L '(Seal) 5�l0 . G.W. 4 avF-. � uric,-�r� r F4� A\/ GAY or: "►o � ppo"u d1�� �� o' iso' lao' 3� thence run I;orti, o1`53'3S" East al►ang the ',OHL.. bound,iry of said Lot 4 a distance of 34.11 feet to the Southeast corner thereof; thence run florLh 2"1,1'35" Vies t along ti►e [,-)'It boundary of said Lot 4 a di s fence of 103.72 feet to a point of intersection•►iith the Southeasterly Limited Access Boundary of said State Road Ito. 9, said point being at a distance of 46.33 feet from the Northeast corner of said Lot (,; thence run ilortti 15'50'19" East along said Limited Access Bound, ry a dista►►ce of 41.36 feet to ti►e point of intersection wi tli a line that is 7.03 feet Sou Ll► of and parallel to the florth boundary of said Lot 3; thence run Ilorth C7754'32" East along the lest described line a distance cif 37.03 feat to the East boundary of said Lot 3; thence run Ncrth 2`14.'40" Test along thL! Last boundary of said Lot 3 a distance of 7.00 feet to the ilortheast corner thereof and Lhe Point of beginning, containing 75.49B square feet, more or less, or 1.733 Acres, more or less. A portion of Lot 5 and all of Lots 6 to 15, both inclusive, Block 41 South,• Clll' OF I-IM'.1 '. according to tile' plat thereof recorded in Plat Boot: "B" at page 41 of the 'Public Records of Dade County, Florida, being nore particular ly described as follows: Begin at the ilortheast corner of said Lot 5; thence run South 87°52'38" Vest along the North boundary of said Lots 5 to 10, both inclusive, a distance of 299.80 feet to•the llortlr.est corner of said Lot 10, thence run South 2014'35 East along the West boundary of Lots 10 and 11 a distance of 300.18 feet to the South rest corner of said Lot 11; thence run i;orth $10'51'10" East Tong the South boundary of Lots 11 to 15, Moth incILISiVF, a distance of 249.£4 feet to the Southeast corner of said lot 15; thence run North 2`14'36" 1•lest along the East boundary of said Lot 15 and portion of said lot 6 a distance of 160.03 feet to a point of intersection with ti►e SuuLheasterly Limited Access Boundary of State Road i;o. 9 Section 67210-2425 as she•.rn on RIGHT OF WAY HAP, recorded in Plat Bool: 83 at Page 21 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence run North 634'03" East alone} the last described line a distance of 134.58 feet to the point of intersection ►pith a line that is 7.00 feet South of and parallel to the i:orth boundary of said Lot 5, tlwn run North 87'52'38" East along the last descri bed line a d i s LEnce of i29. 35 feet to the East boundary of said Lot 5; thence run North 2°14'36" ;Jest alon the East boundary of said Lot 5 a distance of 7.00 fent Lo Lhe Point of Beginning, containing 76,746 square feet, more or less, or 1.762 acres, more or less. ®3 ? EGAL DESCi ` I' c 1. C O N A F2- A TO EE LEASE F ^tr J . `) . T . Comnence at the intersection of the easterly R/ld line of SW 4th Ave. and the northerly R/W line of SW 4th St., said poin', being also the southwesterly Block corner of BLK 27 S of A.L. KNOWLTON MAP 'OF MIAMI as recorded in Plat Book "B" at Page 41 of the Public;Records of Dade County, Florida; thence along the northerly R/W line of SW 4 St. N 87° 56' 55" E 324.50 feet to the point of intersection with the northeasterly R/W line of S.W. South River Drive (unopened) as shoem on the plat of RIVERSIDE WATERFRONTS as recorded in Plat Book 25 at Page 72 of the Public Records of Dade County, Florida; thence along said northeasterly R/W line of S1q South River Drive N 26° 54' 23" 1,',48.57 feet to the point of intersection with the L.A. F./W line of N -S Expressway (I-,95) according to the plat thereof, as recorded in Pla,t Book 83 at Page 215 of the 'Public Records of Dade County, Florida, said point also being the Point of Beginning of the hereinafter described parcel; thence continuing along said L.A. R/W line of I-95 ►' N 210 13' 45" E 137.92 feet to the point of intersection with the UiS. Harbor line of the Miami River as established by the U.S. Corps of Engineers, (1933), said U.S. Harbor Line also being the platted line I of- saic RIVIRSIDE WATERFRONTS; thence along said ?-1arbor Line S 320 49' 05" E 5.00 feet to U.S. Y_ARBOR LINE PT. X33 -A; thence con`,inue along said U.S. Harbor Line S 41° 07' 04" E 214.41 feet to the point of intersection with the easterly prolongation of the northerly P,/14 line of SW 4th St., thence along the northerly R/W line of said SW 4th St., and its easterly prolongation thereof, S 670 r6' 55" W 139.83 feet to a point of curvature; thence westerly and northwesterly along the arc of a curve concave to the northeast having a radius of 50 feet E-nd a central a Ele of 650 08' 42" for an arc distance of 56.85 feet to a point of tangency with the north- easterly R/W line of said S.W. South Fiver Drive; thence N 26° 54' 23" W along said northeasterly R/1.t line of SW South River Drive 16.63 feet to the Point of Beginning. -8- 03-- 429 TO FROM CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Mayor d Members Of the City Co issio 4 Arriola -f Administrator/City Manager RECOMMENDATION DATE: CA -23 FILE: APR 2 4 2003 SUBJECT: Resolution Authorizing execution of Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with F.D.O.T REFERENCES: Commission Agenda ENCLOSURE34prll 24, 2003 The administration recommends that the Miami City Commission adopt the attached Resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement ("the Agreement"), in substantially the attached form, between the City of Miami and State of Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) (the "Landlord") for the purpose of providing improvements to Jose Marti Park. BACKGROUND The City of Miami proposes to improve portions of Jose Marti Park. The improvements will be done in four segments and include construction of a riverwalk with pavers, a tactile surface adjacent to the bulkhead, irrigation, landscaping, lighting, new sidewalk, curb and gutter, and the installation of benches and fencing. Financial Impact: There is no financial impact to the City of Miami, the project is being fund d with Federal transportation enhancement dollars. 1r J /PK/eb Cover Memo for RESO Addendum to Memorandum of Agreement FDOT 03- 429 Department Budgetary Impact Analysis Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting Date: April 24, 2003 Division Capital Improvement Title and brief description of legislation or attached ordinance/resolution: Resolution —authorizing the Cily Manager to execute an Addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement for the 12=ose OfRroviding improvements to Jose Marti Park. 1. Is this item related to revenue? No ❑ YesFK] (If yes, skip to item #4) 2. Are there sufficient funds in Line Item? CIP Project #: (If applicable) Yes: Index Code: Minor: Amount: No: Complete the following information: 3. Source of funds: Amount budgeted in the line item: $ Balance in line item: $ Amount needed in line item: $ R„ffirtient fiends will he transferred from the following line items: ACTION ACCOUNT NUMBER TOTAL Project No./Index/Minor Object From $ From $ To $ To $ 4. Comments: Improvements will be paid with federal transportation enhancement funds. Potential for increased maintenance costs for the Department of Parks and Recreation. Approved 1 6 411,117 0 enartm t Director/Desi ee D& Ve 'fie by: . oft c P , Budgeting & Orman Date: �t , (_ 1 - of APPROVALS Verified by CIP: (If applicable) Director/Designee Date: 03-. 429 MPY 05 2000 tdi , Corranittte: Governor of State of Mr. Jeb Bush Designee: Dr. Pamella Chair of Miami.Dadk Senator Kendrick Medk Designee: Ms. Debra 0, Chair of Governing Bt South Florida water h District Ms. Trudi K. Williams Designee: Mr. Gerardm Miami -Dade State Ath Ms, Katberine Fernando Designee- Mr. Gary Wit Mayor of Miami -Dade Mayor Alex Penelas Designee: Ms. Sandy 0' Mayor of Miami Mayor Manuel A. Diaz Designee: Mr. Javier F10 City or Miami Conmli Commissioner Joe San Designee: Ms. Eileen II Miami -Dade County Commissioner Commissioner Bruno 0 Designee: Mr. Alfredo i Chair of Miami [riven Group Mr. Jim Brown Designee: Mr. Richard Chair of Marine Co Mr. Phil Everingharn Designee: Mr. James Executive Director of D Development Authority Ms. Patti Allen Designee: Mr. Alonso M Chair of Greater Minot of Commerce Mr. William o. Cullom. Designee: Ms. Megan Ki Neighborhood Reprei Appointed by City of Commission Dr. Ernest Mania Designee: Mr. Michael Neighborhood Repriek"l Appointed by Miaml-ilial Commission Ms. Sallye Jude Designee: Ms. Jane Capor Representative from Environmental or Clvk Organization Appointed Governor Ms. Janet McAliley Designee: Ms. Theo Lang 6: 16PMI of Member at Large Appoir��e� by the Governor Mr. Robert Parks Member at Large Appi Miami -Dade Commml Ms. Sara Babun Designee: Mr. Tom Park Member ata Appt City of Miami omnis Mr. Cleve Jones, Jr. Designee: Captain Beau' Managing Director Captain David Miller by by MIAMI RIVER COMMISSION 305 361 4755 P-2 Miami River Commission dG Resenstiel School 4600 Rickenbacker Causeway Nfiami, Florida 33149 Office: (305) 361-4850 Fax: (305) 361-4755 email: mm@rsmas.intanu.edu May 7, 2003 Honorable City Commissioners City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 3313 Recommendation for Approval of May 8, 2003 City Commission Agenda Items CA -6, CA -23,14 & 36 Dear Commissioner: This letter serves as the Miami River Commission's (MRC) "official statement" to the City Commission, requested in City Resolution 00- 320, regarding May 8, 2003 City Commission agenda items CA -6, CA -23, 14 & 36, which impact the Miami River corridor. The MRC respectfully recommends approval of the following items: ■ CA -6 — Approving track renovation improvements in riverfront Curtis Park. ■ CA -23 — Authorizing the City Manager to execute an addendum to the Memorandum of Agreement with the Florida Department of Transportation, to provide improvements to the riverfront Jose Marti Park, including an extension of the riverwalk. ■ 14 — Granting a temporary construction easement to Miami -Dade County for construction and installation of a new water main under the City of Miami's Jose Marti Park. Completion of the aforementioned water main relocation project is required prior to dredging the Miami River at this location. ■ 36 — Approval of the funding agreement for construction of the Riverwalk at One Miami. Respectfully, 4# Robert L. Parks, E q. Chair, Miami River Commission Cc. Honorable Mayor Manuel A. Diaz City Administrator Joe Arriola City Clerk Priscilla Thompson City Attorney Alex Vilarello . ed €nb.) the public i IJE 94'ie­ ion ri h AC'm �3 Cid A. �'l�o� �t�son City Clerk 03- 429 h=.Y 05 2000 6:16PM MIAMI RIVER COMMISSION 305 361 4755 p.1 I .MIAMI RIVER TO; FAX; RE: COMMISSION C/O ROSENSTIEL SCHOOL OF MARINE & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCE 4600 RICKENBACKER CAUSEWAY MIAMI, FL 33149-1098 TEL:(305)361-4850 FAX:(305)361-4755 WWW.MIAMIRIVERCOMMISSION.ORG FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL SHEET FROM: e City Commission, Mayor, Brett Bibeau, Assistant Director rator, Clerk and Attomey DATE: )f Miami MAY 7, 2003 TOTAL NO, OF PAGES INCLUDING COVER: 250 5456, 2505386, 5793334, 2 2505399, 2505410, 4161801, ®EIA SENDERS REFERENCE NUMBER: YOUR REFERENCE NUMBER; ised MRC Recommendation pproval of 5/8/03 City mission Agenda Items CAS, 3.14&36 Submitted into the public record in connectlon w'th iterri / Prisc_�111 A s/ 3 �a.`hzM,€son CitY Clerk 03_ 429