HomeMy WebLinkAboutO-12399J-63-721 8/14/03 E; ORDINANCE NO. 2 3 It) AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION ESTABLISHING A NEW SPECIAL REVENUE FUND ENTITLED: "SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY SUMMER READING PROGRAM" AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS, IN THE AMOUNT OF $316,965, PROVIDED TO THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY") BY THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, PURSUANT TO RESOLUTION NO. 03-734, TO FUND THE ASSIGNMENT OF TWENTY-SIX (26) TEACHERS AT CITY PARKS TO ENHANCE THE READING SKILLS OF CHILDREN ATTENDING SUMMER CAMP IN CITY PARKS; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Resolution No. 03-734, adopted June 25, 2003, authorized the City Manager to accept funds, in the amount of $316,965, from the School Board of Miami -Dade County to cover costs associated with the assignment of twenty-six (26) teachers at City parks to provide reading instructions to children attending City's summer camp programs; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: 12399 Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as if fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. The following new Special Revenue Fund to fund a special summer reading activities program to enhance the reading skills of students attending summer camp in City of Miami Parks is established and resources are appropriated as described below: FUND TITLE: School Board of Miami -Dade County Summer Reading Program RESOURCES: School Board of Miami -Dade County $316,965 APPROPRIATION: $316,965 Section 3. All Ordinances or parts of Ordinances insofar as they are inconsistent or in conflict with the provisions of this Ordinance are repealed. Section 4. If any section, part of a section, paragraph, clause, phrase, or word of this Ordinance is declared invalid, the remaining provisions of this Ordinance shall not be affected. Section 5. This Ordinance is declared to be an emergency measure on the grounds of urgent public need for the preservation of peace, health, safety, and property of the City of Miami, and upon the further grounds of the necessity to make the required and necessary payments to its employees and officers, payment of its debts, necessary and required purchases of goods and Page 2 of 3 123y19 supplies, and to generally carry on the functions and duties of municipal affairs. Section 6. The requirements of reading this Ordinance on two separate days is dispensed with an affirmative vote of not less than (4/5th,) four-fifths of the members of the Commission. Section 7. This Ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.V PASSED AND ADOPTED BY TITLE ONLY this filth September, 2003. ATTEST: PRISCILLA Xk fYV I LARELLO ATTORNEY 516:tr:AS:BSS CITY CLERK AND CORRECTNESS? day of / I •,�L A. DIAZ, MAYOR 1� This Ordinance shall become effective as specified herein unless vetoed by the Mayor within ten days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Ordinance, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission or upon the effective date stated herein, whichever is later. Page 3 of 3 12399 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM Honorable Ma and Me rs TO: DATE: o he Cit Commissio �R SUBJECT: v � , J e rriola FROM: C le Administrator/ REFERENCES: Ci Manager ENCLOSURES: RECOMMENDATION: 15 A FILE Emergency Ordinance Accepting Funds from School Board of Miami -Dade County for a Summer Reading Program in City Parks It is respectfully recommended that the City Commission adopt the attached emergency ordinance creating a new special revenue fund and appropriating funds in the amount of $316,965, provided by the School Board of Miami -Dade County for the purpose of funding a special summer enhancement reading program to augment the reading skills of the school students attending summer camp in the City's Parks, and authorizing the City Manager to enter into agreement with the School Board of Miami -Dade County, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney. BACKGROUND: The Department of Parks and Recreation has received funding in the amount of $316,965 from the School Board of Miami - Dade County to pay for teachers that have been placed in twenty-six (26) City parks who will be providing reading instructions to children attending the City's summer camps throughout the summer vacation time. Approval of the attached ordinance allows the City to receive the funding from the School Board that was specifically designated to pay for the services provided by the teachers participating in the program from July to August 15, 2003. FISCAL IMPACT: NO (DONATION) JA/JC/SCC/sb A 12399 rN - , 4-11"2 ty Please sign on marked areas and return in the attached envelope as soy,,-.) as possible. Thank vou. 12399 CITY OFMIAMI CITY ATTORNEY'S OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Joe Arriola City Managei's Office -i FROI:: OIQa Ramirez-Seijas, Assistant City Attorney (tea DATE: July 1, 2003 RE: Aareement/School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida File: K - 0300=185 Enclosed please find the captioned agreement which has been approved by the City Attorney as to form and. correctness. Once this agreement ha- been full.v executed, please forward a copy of the fully executed agreement to our office so that we ma% close our file. If you have any further questions. please feel free to contact me at 416-1800. Enclosure(s) WHEN I:ETURNING FOI2 FURTHER R'- AE-vti', PLEASE IDENTFY AS K - 0300485 1.239 MEMORANDUM June 27, 2003 TO: Mr. Joe Arriola, City Manager , City of Miami FROM: Mercedes Toural, Chief Education Officer and Deputy Superint^ndent of Schools SUBJECT: COMPLIANCE GUIDELINES WITH THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE SUMMER ENHANCEMENT READING ACTIVITIES Following are the guidelines that must be adhered to in order to be in compliance with the contractual agr cme,nt cffectuute'd with Miami -Dade County Public Schools (M- DCPS) regarding the summer enhancement reading activities. Please be aware that the following documentation must be presented to support the rationale for payment. 1. Provide M-DCPS with a one-time roster of the teachers that are providing the reading activities; please include the M-DCPS employee number. This information meds to be provided ONL`. at the commencement of the services. 2. Maintain a uauy attendance roster students enrolled in I ie summer enhancement reading activities. This information needs to be provided WEEKLY. Please submit the aforesaid documentation to: Mr-. Beatriz Zarraluqui, Distri,t Director Schon! Choice and Parental Options 1450 N -,d .Avenue, Room 92-1 Miami, Florida 33132 If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Zarra uqui, at (305) 995-4695. MT: mja M1632 cc: Mr. Merrett K r'+ierheim Mrs. Beatriz Zarraluqu. Mr. Joe Arriola, City Ma ager City of Mi, ,' 12399 4 rrs� 10hamr0ada County Public Schools THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA TRANSMITTAL FOR AGREEMENT FORM FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES TO: SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS VIA: School Board Attorney FROM: Mercedes Toural, Chief Education Officer & Deputy Supt. of School Originator of RPquest/Title (Name Typed) Education Location Name Region Superintendent/Division Head (Name Typed) Bureau of Grants A .. aiistration (If Applicable, t. Id Typed) Date 9702 Location Number Date Date LEGAL REQ -%V AND APPROVAL OF -REEMENT FORM FOR CC 'TRACTED J SERVICES The attached Agreement Form for Contracted Services is submitted for approval. Funds are avai':ihle as indicated on the attached Purchase Order, Number 802088792 This agreement is contingent on the continuation of adequate funding in the Agency's General Fund Budget as adopted after adjustments resulting from the 2002-2003 legislative session dealing with state reve ._. shortfall. "Iease sign both copies o `he Agreement and returt. ` -)th copies to the original for further Attachments: Agreement worms (two original copies) Purchase Orc:_: Accounts Payable Copy i P:? ?452 Rev. (12-02) 12399 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI DADS CC:;�ITY, FLORIDA �— .Miami -Dace County AGREEMENT FORM FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES Pub6� Schools THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 24 day of June , 2003 , by and between The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the 'AGENCY', and City of Miao-ii hereinafter referred to as the 'CONTRACTOR', is as follows: (Name of Contracting Party/Organization) 1.. SCOPE OF WnRK The Contractor shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the Agency, perfo,m the following: Nature of Contracted Services: The 'contractor' shall provide summer enhancement reading activities as specified in the plan submitted to the 'Agency" and approved by the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, at its Board meeting of June 18, 2003. Anticipated Outcome of Contracted Services: Provide a minimum of 1,921 Miaint-Dade County Public School students with she opportunity of augmenting their reading skills through the enhancement of summer reading activities. Location of Contracted Service: Various sites of the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department Dates)/Hours o --,vice: July 1, 2003 through Nugust 15, 2003. One (1) hour wily Jive (5) days a week. 2. TERM OF A'CREEMENT C The Contractor shall commence performance of the Agreement on the day or July 2003 , and shall comp;.,te performance to the satisfac, nn of the Agency no l Laf �v ter than the 151 day of AU , 2003 . The reserves the right to terminate this Agreement without cause by giving thit ry days written notice to the Cc ,tractor 3. COMPENSATION The Agency shall, upon completion of services by the Contractor, compensate the Contractor in the amount of $ 316,965.00, which shall constitute the amount due under this contract. Contracts exceeding ,-,1 0,000 equire School Boa.., anproval. The Contractor ac,, qs to assume responsibility f, - all per diem and travel c: menses, unless authorization c incur such expenses is gran --d by the Agency in a6vanc� ` the expenditu: being incurred. The Contras ^ shall be reimbursed for suc moroved expenditures as pro. -'ed by Florida S: S ^ction • 9 12.061 and Bo. S(-ix1 3- 4C-1 .07. 4. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payri. -it will be generated by the Hu -)cy's Accounts Payable Dupo dent within 45 days after uuetion of services. Payment will be made as indicated below: ❑ one lump; nayment in the amount of _ upon compof services rn , ...,....,i _ tk..,.,., , of c 1 5; !R? 50 Par.h Page 1 of 3 FM '1'�-03i _�00OF*I 5 REGULATIONS & ORJINAN(,cS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules s^d regulations of federal, state and local governments being licensed, if required, for performance of any work uncle.; this Agreement. 6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT It is understood and agreed that this Agreement contains the complete understanding and agreement of the parties. No stipulation, agreement of understanding shall be valid or enforceable unless contained in this Agreement. No representations or statements made by any employees, agents or representat'ves of eirher party shall be binding on either party as a warranty or otherwise, except as expressly sPt forth ii:rein. r ....... �. �E,IMNGL:, :'f This Agreement shall be governed by, and 7onstrued in accordance with the laws of the State of 8. HOLD HARMLESS any claim, action, loss, dam , :.^.;� liability t or expo se of wh ever in r nat g, but not by way o *.attiion attorneys' es a co yr� costs a ' of c o persons including death, or da a to �.a proper ari mut of in ' the pe orma ce of this contract (including goods ncl s vi s provided hereto hal of the Contra for ether or not due to or caused in part by negli cu pa b ' the indemnitee, exc uding only the sole negligence or culpability of th or. The TuJuwirrg aiiaii be deemed to be indemnitees: the School Board of r�1A EN -7-- 9. TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION The Agency may .., uiriate this Agreement upon, days advance written no; the Contractor, for default of Contractor, or due to lack of, or cancellation oi, grant funds made available tc Agency by a Federal grantor agency. Upon receipt of a notice of termination, the Contractor shall cease incurring additic:-.?, obligations under this Agreement. Hcwever, the Agency sha'I allow the Contractor to incur all necessary and proper costs which the Contractor cannot reasonably ay.,id during the termination process,. J. DEFAULT If the Contractor fa—, to fulfi!I or comply with any ..` the terms or conditions of thr, Agreement, in whole or in pa -t, the Agency may place the Contractor in default status; and take any one of the following actions: Suspend activities ur. the Agreement, upon 15 c —s advance written notice by -ti- Agency and withhold further payments, except for those ussary and proper costs the Contractor cannot reasonably avoid during the period of suspension. b) Terminate -`,e Agreement for use, in whole nr in part, upon 15 days advar.,:e written no -ice from the Agency. Page 2 of 3 FM -2453 h iU:i-C- 12399 i c) Terminate the Agreement for cause, in whole or in part, imn-ieudiazely affective upon notice, f whenever the Agency determins's that the Cnntractor has feopardized the safety and welfare of the agency or the public or whenever the fiscal integrity of the Agreement has been compromised. d) Invoke any other remedy or remedies that may be legally available. 11. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Contractors awarded contracts involving FCucrdl F ui,ua i Of $1 —uGt bC ;n __:'lplianca w!th Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity,"as amended by Executive Order 11375 of October 13, 1967. 12. ACCESS TO RECORDS The Contractor shall keep records to show its comp.,3nce with program requiremen s. Contractors and subcontractors must make available, upon request of the Agency, a Federal grantor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their .duly authorized representatives, any books, documents, ^appers and re^,ords of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this specific agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The Contractor shall retain all records for three (3) years after final payment is made or received and ;-I' ;pending matters are completed, APPROVED AS TO FOW mey - Signavure ITTED BY: ( / Charge LocatroYVAbministratcr - Sig i I ACCESS Superintendent/Division Head - Signature Office of Grants Administration (if applicable) *TOTE: Signature of Assistant Superintendent for the G i.` ce of lntergovemmental Affai, c and Grants Adr. '-oration required ONLY for cont. -s financed from t d Programs Funds Wart 1% APPROVE 9URQUIR1ME S .l1' 10 -Ine Ericson, AdminisL. ' ,' Lupartu.. t of Risk Managuurent MI I-DADE COU PUBLIC SCHOOLS 8Y: �i � _ azure (Superintendent of Schoois or Designee)` Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim, Superintendent of Schools (Name T ype:i) V:=NDOR/CON TRACTOR BY - Signature Mr. Joe Arriola City Manager (Name Typed) (Title) Address: 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, Florida 33133 -,ciel Security No. (If iridividu,: F.E.I.N. W :irganization) — -- School Boar �_mpioyee: Yes ❑ No �J M-DCPS Emp '!•^ A""ROVED By: CORRECTNESS: cello, City Atto,­y /L ' '1453 Rev. (03-03) MIAW-DADE COUNTY (PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEMNIFICATION The School Board of Miami -Dade County does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Miami to the extent of limitations included within Florida Statutes, Section 768.28, subject to the provisions in this act whereby the School Board shaii not be held liable to pay a personal injury claim or property damage claim or judgement by any one person which exceeds the sum of $100,000, or any claim or judgements or portions thereof, which, v!hen totaled with all other claims or judgements paid by the School Board arising out of the same incident or occurrence, exceeds the sum of $200,000 from any and all personal injury or property claims, liabilities, losses and causes of actions arising out or incidental to the negligent performance of this Agreement. However, nothing herein shaii be deemed to indemnify the City of Miami from any liability or claim arising out of the negligent performance or failure of performance of the City of Miami or as a result of the negligence of any unrelated third party. The City of Miami does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnity -rhe Schooi Board of Miami -Dade County she extent of limitations included within Florida Statutes, Section 768.28, subject to the provisions in this act whereby the City of Miami shall not be held liable to pay a personal injury claim or property damage claim or judgement by any one person which exceeds the sum of $100,000, or an, claim o; judgements or portions thereof, which, when totaled —ith all other claims or juc'rjernents paid by the City o` Miarni arising out of the same incident _ )';currence, exceeds t s.arr of $2,30,000 from -.-,y and all personal injL. or property claims, liabilities, losses and .;auses of actions arising ear_ or incidental to the negligent performance o` ti~is Agreement. H,, ,veve.r, nothing herein shall be deemed to indemnify the School Board of Miami -Dade Couml/ fron-, any liability or claim arising out of the negligent performance or failure of pei-forrna!76 of The e.cnool Board of Miami -Dade County or as re_:ult Of the negliger,ce cf ur,re'ate bird party, � Bi:�-�- (&iperintehdent of Schcols or Designee) oignature _Ms. Mercedes Toural.Ch f Education Officer & Deputy Supt. of Schools APPROVED AS TO FORM (Name Typed) CON TRAC-TOR ATTOR VOR BOVENDC ARD - -- By..--- ----- -- -- Sicnature — ----- Name: Mr. Joe Arriola _ City Manager (Name Typed) (Title) ldress, 3500 Pan A erican Drive -_ Miami. FL. 23133 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Mlem�Dade County Pubic Schocis qmr our mWerts'Ae wcrfd PAYMENT REQUEST FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES (This form to be used in lieu of an original approved invoice.) TO: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI -DARE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT FROM: Mercedes Toural, Chief Education Officer & Deputy Supt. of Schools Originator of RequestMtle (Name Typed) Education 9702 Location Name Location Number I certify that services have been rendered on July :5, 2003 and the following amount is due and payable to the Contractor in accordance with the Agreement duly executed on the 24th ria%l of r,_re 2003 Purchase Order Number R02088792 Tota! Amount Due (Lump sum payment) $ Or Partial Payment # in the amount of $ 158,482.50 REQUIRED PAYMENT DOCUMENTATION: 0 1 - original Agreement Form --- Contracted Services (FM -_"53) must be submitted witi ," lump sum and first partial payments (Note that subsequent partial payments require a copy of the Agreement form); and 0 a signed and dated copy of the Accounts Payable Purchase Order; and 0 original approved invoice or this Payment Request For Contracted Services form (FYI -2454). Signature- - _51` J Signature �_/ Originator of Reques' nate Date FM -2454 Rev. k _ 3� Q� THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA 4ism 4)*cW County Pubic Schools giviM our students !Me'.vorlC PAYMENT REQUEST FOR CONTFACTED SERVICES (This form to be used in lieu of an original approved invoice.) TO: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT FROM: Mercedes Toural, Chief Education Officer & Deputy Supt. of Schools Originator of Request/Title (Name Typed) Education 9702 Location Name Location Number I certify th-qt services have been rendered on August 16, 2003 and the following amount is due and payable to the Contractor in accordance with the Agreement duly Pxert ited on the 24Th day of June r 2003 Purchase Order Number R02088792 Total Amount Due (Lump sum payment) $ Or Partial "ayr-ent # 2 in the amount of $ 158,482.50 i REQUIRED Pr\ TIENT DOCUMENTATION: i I The original Agree, --i' Form for Contracted Se '—z (FM -2453) must be sub. -;!ted with all i;:mp sum and first partial payments (Note that suusequent partial payments re�;..ire a copy of the Agreement form); and 0 a signed and dated copy of the Accounts Payable Purchase Order; and 0 original approved invoice or this Payment Request For Contracted Services form (Ftvl-2454), Signature Signature ontrac/ Ori i,IaLor of Request Date Fh -,, RAv. (07-99) 12399 Miami -Dade Count,/ Aube -,C SCW>c TO: VIA: FROM: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA TRANSMITTAL FOR AGREEMENT FORM FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS School Board Attorney Mercedes Toural, Chief Education Officer & Deputy Supt. of School Originator of Request/Title (Name Typed} Education Location Name Region Superintendent/Division Head (Name Typed) Bureau of Grants -!ministration (If Applicable, ''-me Typed) Date 9702 Loca6on ,•:umber Date Date SUBJECT: LEGAL R7VIEW AND APPROVAL OF AGREEMENT FORM FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES The attached Agreement Form for Contracted Services is submitted for approval. Funds are available as indicated on the attached Purchase Order, Number R02088792 This agreement is contingent on the continuation of adequate funding in the Agency's General Fund Budget as adopted after adjustments resulting from the 2002-2003 legislative session dealing with state re.. ­nue shortfall. Please sign both copies ` the Agreement and retu:.� both copies to the origin. 'nr for further ---essing. Attachments: Agreement Forms (two original copies) Purchase C, der - Accounts Payable Cop; FM -2452 Rev. (12-02) Wiaci-Dade Count Public scnocls THE SL;HOOL BOARD Or MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, rLORIDA AGREEMENT FORM FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT, entered into this 24 day of Jur. , 2003 , by and between The School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, hereinafter referred to as the 'AGENCY', and City of Miami , hereinafter referred to as the 'CONTRACTOR', is as follows: (Name of Contracting Party/Organization) j 1. SCOPE OF WORK i The Contractor shall, in a satisfactory and proper manner as determined by the Agency, pertorm the following: Nature of Contracted Services: The 'contractor' shall provide summer enhancement reading activities as specified in the plan submitted to the 'Agency" and approved by the School Board of Miami -Dade County, Florida, at its Board meeting of June 18, 2003. Anticipated Outcome of Contracted SCI vice. Provide w minimum of 1,92' Miami -Dade County 11�.]blic School students with the opportunity of augmenting their reading skills through the enhancement of summer reading activities. Location of Contracted Service: Various sites of the City of Miami Parks and Recreation Department Date(s)Wours of Service: July 1, 2003 t' -rough August 15, 2003. One our daily fi_e (5) days a,,N ck. 2. TERM OF AGREEMENT The Co -:tor shall commence perforu • -e of the Agreement on tF�e ISt _ —_ ' of July 1 2003_, and sh;," complete performance to the : >.isfaction of the Ag:nc no later than the _ 15th day of August — 2003 . The Agency reserves the fight to terminate tnis ^ -,,nt without cause by gig rry days written notice to )ntractor. 3. COMPENSATION i The Agency shall, upon completion of services by the Contractor, compensa�a the Contractor in the amount $ _ 316,965.00, which shall constitute the amount due under this contract. Contracts exceeding $10,000 require School Eoard approval. The Contractor agrees to assume responsibility for all per diem and travel expenses, unless _-,horiza*ion to incur such e, uses is granted by the Age, in advance of the ex; Iditures being incurred. The )ntractor shad be reimbursed r such approved expenditures s provided by FIS ')tatute Section •412.061 Roard Rule 6Cx13- 4C-1.0-. 4. PAYMENT SCHEDULE Payment will be generated the Agency's Accounts Pay_ Department within 45 days *er completion of -vices. Payment will be made , , indicated below: ❑ oi. I.Imp sum payment in the amc -,t of $ upo -ompletion of services 2 _ partia , yments in the amount of $ 158,482.50 each Page - "145:3 Rev. (03-03) 1.2384 5. REGULATIONS & ORDINANCtS The Contractor shall comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, codes, rules and regulations of federal, state and local governments being licensed, if required, for performance of any work under this Agreement. 6. ENTIRE AGREEMENT It is understood and agreed that this Agreement contains the complete understanding and agreement of the parties. No stipulation, agreement of understanding shall be valid or enforceable unless contained in this Agreement. No representations or statements made by any employees, agents or representatives of either party shall be binding on either party as a warranty or otherwise, except a- expressly set forth herein. a - - - — .ddL- - 7. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with the laws of the State 8. HOLD HARMLESS any claim, action, loss, damage, Injury, liabi ty, cost kr, expense of whatsoever kind or n , but not by way of Igimitati a me s' des a irt�t sts_ arising out of fury to persons including death, or damage to a, e r r an out or a to the performance of t!.is contract (including goods and servico-. prov de her on behalf of the Contractor, whether e- not due to or caused in part by the negli a er culpability of the indemnitee, excluding only the sole negligence or cu!p:!hi!it;' of *h_ :.,_ m^?tor. The follor;ing shall be i-I—mad to he indemnitees: the School Board of S c c /+ \'-'r G I•+ M t 'k) 9. TERMINATION AND SUSPENSION The Agency t.,irminate this Agreemen .. 30 days advance writ -o- —+ice to the Contractor, fo default of Contractor, or due to lack of, or cancellation of, grant funds made avail,:hle to Agency by a Federal grantor agency. Upon receipt of a notice of termination, the Contractor shall cease incurring additional obligations under this Agreement. However, the Agency shall allow the Contracto to incur all nus;: 'nary and proper costs which the Contractor cannot reasonab'; avoid during the tegmina -ion process. 10. DEFAULT If the Contrz1_')r fails to fulfil' or comply wit; -nv of t;ie terms or conditiocs f the Agreemant; in whole or in part, the Agency may plane the Contractor in default status and take any one of the ` -,!lowine actions: a) Suspend activit. �q under the Agreement, upor, i 5 days advance written noti, '.v the Agency and withhold fL, payments, except for 11 ru:cessary and proper c .:hich the Contractor cannot reasonabiv avoid during the period of suspension. b) Terminate the Agreement for use, in whole or in part, upon 15 days advance written notice from the Agency. Page 2 of 3 FM -24 . Hcv. 3' 12399 c) Terminate the Agreement for cause, i ; whole or in part, immediately effective upon notice, whenever the Agency determines that the Contractor has jeopardized the safety and welfare of the agency or the public or whenever the fiscal integrity of the Agreement has been compromised. d) Invoke any other remedy or remedies that may be legally available. 11. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Contractors is :`.r=ts ;. ,c!vi.ng Fedcrl Funds :.^. excess oT $10,0010 ^?'_'.st he in compliance with Executive Order 11246 of September 24, 1965 entitled "Equal Employment Opportunity,"as amended by Executive Order 11375 cf October 13, 1967. 12. ACCESS TO RECORDS The Contractor shall keep records to show its compliant-- with program requirements. Contractors and subcontractors must make available, upon request of th,: Agency, a Federal grartor agency, the Comptroller General of the United States, or any of their duly authorized representatives, any books, documents, papers, and records of the Contractor which are directly pertinent to this specific agreement for the purpose of making audit, examination, excerpts, and transcriptions. The Contractor sha!! retain all record-, for three (3) years after final payme it !s made or received and all pending matters are completed. APPROVED AS TO Fc "4 School Board Atto ey - Signature J MITTED BY: Charge o t oniAdministrator - Si nature i / ACCESS Superintendent/Division Head - Signature Office of Grants Administration (if applicable) NOTE: Signature of t.: ;,cant Superintendent for the Office of Intergovernmental ~.'fairs and Grants '-ministration required ONLY for c, itracts financed f, ­mcted Programs Funds (Pa. + - I�lAMI-DADE COU Y PUBLIC SCHOOLS � I Y '^nature ( uperi tendent of Sch,_)ols or Designee) Mr. Merrett R. Stierheim, Superintendent of Schools E (Name Typed) VENDOR/CONTRACTOR BY: --- Signature "-me: Mr. Joe Arriola Citv Manager (Name Typed) Address: 3500 P:'n American Drive i Miami, Florida 33133 APPROVED Ic UIREMENTS: By: I .f ')i_ane Ericson, Admini: r--atoga Depac •,ent of Risk Manabeme�� Social Security No. (If indivic: -!O F.E.I.k 'If organization) School L, •d Employee: Yes ❑ No G M-DCPS L. No. _ (Title) APPROVED AS F COR S: By: e rello, City At. r-rney, aye 3 2453 Rev. (03-03) I�090 MIAMI -DADS COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS INDEMNIFICATION The School Board of Miami -Dade County does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify the City of Miami to the extent of limitations included within Florida Statutes, Section 768.28, subject to the provisions in this act whereby the School Board shall not be held liable to tray a personal injury claim or property damage claim or judgement by any one person which exceeds the sum of $100,000, or any claim or judgements or portions thereof, which. when totaled with all other claims or judgements paid by the Sc hoot Board arising uui of t. rc sd,,,c incident or occur-ence, exceeds the sum of $200,000 from any and all personal injury or property claims, liabilities, losses and causes of actions arising out or incidental to the negligent performance of this Agreement. However, nothing herein shall be deemed to indemnify the City of Miami from any iiability or claim arising out of the negligent performance or failure of performance of the City of Miami or as a result of the negligence of any unrelated third party. The City of Miami does hereby agree to hold harmless and indemnify The School Board of Miami -Dade County the extent of limitations included within Florida Statutes, Section 7138.28, subject to the provisions in this act whereby the City of Miami shall not be held liable to pay a personal injury claim or property damage claim or judgement by any one person which exceeds the sum of $100,000, or any claim or judgements or portions thereof, which, when totaled with all other claims or ;!jdgements paid by the City of Miami arising out of the same incide, occurrence, exceed_ sum of $200,000 fr( ?ny and all personal v or property claims, liabilities, losses and cruses of actions arising out or incidental to the negligent performance of this Agreement. However, nothing herein shall be deemed to indernnify the School board of Miami -Dade County from any liability or claim ai ising out of the negligent performance or failure of performance of The School Board of Miami -Dade County or a:.; result of the negligence o; any unrelatedthud party. / Ms. Mercedes APPROVED AS TO FORM ATTOh. '?:Y FOR BOARD u BY: (Superintendent of Schools or Designee) ral, Chief Lcation Officer & Deputy Supt of Schools (Name Typed) VENDOR/CONTR, CTOR i Signature Approved :t;w- r Form Name: Mr. Joe Arriola City Manaaer and Cor. rbc t_lss : Z/ (Name Typed) (Title) / By . `1.1 e ndro vilarel u . � Address: 3500 Pari merican Drive t. Attorney . Miami, FL 3� 133 ItIoroy \ THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA Nivn-0sds County Pubic Schools 4n^n9 our rrtLderds .'he .roAd PAYMENT REQUEST FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES (This form to be used in lieu of an original approved invoice.) TO: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORWA, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT FROM: iviercedes 1 ourai, unief Education Officer & Deputy Supt. ui Swliuuia Originator of Request/Title (Name Typed) Education _ 9702 Location Name Location Number I certify that services have been rendered on July 15, 2003 and the follovving amount is due and payable to the Contractor in accordance with the Agreement duly executed on the 24th day of June 2003 Purchase Order Number R02088792 Total Amount Due (Lump sum payment) $ Or Partial Payment # I in the amount ur $ REQUIRED PAYMENT DOCUMENTATION: 15x,482.50 The original Agreement F, -m for Contracted Services ( M11-2453) must be submitted , pith all pump sum and first partial p_yments (Note that subseque pa, Jla! payments require a of the Agreement form); and o a signed and dated copy of the Accounts Payable Purchase Order; and t, original approved invoice or this Pent Request For Contracted Services form (FM -2454). Signature \� C orf actor Date I Signature O oto, . ;?enauest Date FM -2454 if '07-99) 12391 THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI -DARE COUNTY, rLiRiCiA Ywm-0ode County Puh6c Schools givmo our 3 dCWS .`he *I:dd PAYMENT REQUEST FOR CONTRACTED SERVICES (This form to be used in lieu of an criginal approved invoice.) TO: THE SCHOOL BOARD OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPARTMENT FROM. Mercedes Toural, (-t iet taucation urricer & Deputy Supt, of Schoois Originator of Request/Title (Name Typed) Education 9702 Location Name Location Number I certify that services have been rendered on August 16, 2003 and the following amount is due and payable to the Contractor in accordance with the Agreement duly executed on the 24th_ __ day of June , 2003 Purchase Order Number R02088792 Total Amount Due (Lump sum payment) $ N Partial Payment # 2 in the amount oi $ 156,4Q2.50 REQUIRED PAYMENT, r)OCUMENTATION: Th . original Agreement Fo for Contracted Services (F" '-2453) must be submitted with all ump sum and first partial p�, rents (Note that subsequei:_ i'a<<ial payments require a C_py of the Agreement form); and o a signed and dated copy of the Accounts Payable Purchase Order; and * original approved invoice or this Payment Request For Contracted Services form (FM -2454). Signature Signature e r Originator ,agljest Date Date FM -2454 n 117-99) 123) 99, MAYOR AND COMMISSIONERS' ITEMS CITYWIDE HONORABLE MAYOR MANUEL A. DIAZ A. FIRST READING ORDINANCE - (J-03-088) AMENDING CHAPTER 2/ARTICLE XUDIVISIONS 2, 3 AND 16 OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA, AS AMENDED, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION/BOARDS, COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS/STANDARDS FOR CREATION AND REVIEW OF BOARDS GENERALLY, INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD AND SISTER CITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL" TO ABOLISH THE EXISTING INTERNATIONAL TRADE BOARD AND THE SISTER CITIES COORDINATING COUNCIL, AND SUBSTITUTE IN LIEU THEREOF NEW DIVISION 3, ENTITLED "THE MAYOR'S INTERNATIONAL COUNCIL", TO SET FORTH THE COUNCIL'S PURPOSE, POWERS, AND DUTIES, AND PROVIDE FOR GOVERNING BODY, COMPOSITION AND APPOINTMENTS, TERMS OF OFFICE AND VACANCIES; MEMBERSHIP ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS; OFFICERS; OATH; QUORUM AND VOTING; MEETINGS; ATTENDANCE REQUIREMENTS; INDEMNIFICATION; APPOINTMENT OF AN EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, TERM, QUALIFICATIONS, COMPENSATION, GENERAL POWERS AND RESPONSIBILITIES; EMPLOYMENT OF ASSISTANTS, COUNSEL; APPROVAL OF BUDGET; ANNUAL REPORT AND AUDIT; ABOLITION OF COUNCIL; AND PROVIDING FOR SUNSET REVIEW; MORE PARTICULARLY BY AMENDING SECTIONS 2-887 AND 2-892; REPEALING DIVISION 3, CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 2-921 THROUGH 2-930 AND DIVISION 16, CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 2-1231 THROUGH 2-1238 IN THEIR ENTIRETY, AND SUBSTITUTING IN LIEU THEREOF NEW DIVISION 3, CONSISTING OF SECTIONS 2-921 THROUGH 2-930 TO SAID CODE; CONTAINING A REPEALER PROVISION, A SEVERABILITY CLAUSE, AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. B. DISCUSSION CONCERNING AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH MIAMI- DADE COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOL SYSTEM TO ACCEPT $316,965 FOR SUMMER READING PROGRAMS. PAGE 9 JUNE 25, 2003 I�=t199