HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #39 - Discussion Item26 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
TO: The Honorab ayo d DATE: FILE
;bers of a ity Comm' sion
sueJECT:July 17th City Commission Meeting
Discussion Item — Unsafe Structures
ministrator/City Manager ENCLOSURES:
At the Special CDBG Meeting, the Commission directed the administration to provide the current
process for dealing with abandoned buildings.
The process is ready for discussion during the July 171h meeting.
City of Miami
Building Department
Unsafe Structures Procedures
Unsafe Structures are structures that are open, vacant, abandoned or pose a life or health
hazard, as per Section 8-5 of the Code of Miami -Dade County.
• Complaints are received from NET offices, citizens, other departments and
agencies and entered in the Complaint Tracking System.
• An inspector verifies the unsafe conditions reported.
• If the complaint is unfounded, it is closed.
• If the complaint is valid, a first warning letter is sent to the owner of record. A
referral is also entered for NET action for unsecured properties through the City's
Code Enforcement Board.
• A fourteen -day compliance period is given.
• A follow up inspection is conducted after fourteen days.
• If there is compliance, the case is closed.
• If non-compliance, a final notice of violation is sent via certified mail. The
property is posted with an Unsafe Structures sign and a the notice of
violation/pending lien is recorded in Miami -Dade County Clerk's office.
• A follow-up inspection is scheduled and preparation begins to take the case before
the Unsafe Structures Board if they do not comply by the given date.
• Preparation entails a title search for notification of all interested parties. The
board meeting date is posted on the property, hearing notices are sent certified
mail to the owner and all interested parties, as well as advertised in a local
newspaper two times prior to the hearing (normally 20 to 30 days later).
• The Unsafe Structures Board meetings are held monthly at Miami -Dade County
at a cost of $653.79 per case.
• The City presents the case and the owner or its representative can dispute it.
• The board makes a determination to secure, repair or demolish the property
within a specified period of time.
• Owner and interested parties are notified, via certified mail, of the board's
• There is a 30 -day appeal period for the owners and interested parties.
• If there is no compliance after the appeal period, a final 10 -day demolition notice
is served to the owner by a Police Officer, the NET office or via certified letter.
DEMOLITION (funding from General Fund)
• The Law Department reviews all cases prior to demolition to verify that all
actions by the City are proper, legal and in accordance with the Code of Miami -
Dade County Section 8-5.
• A requisition for demolition services is entered, as per the City's demolition bid.
Once the requisition is approved by Purchasing and a Purchase Order is issued,
the vendor applies for a demolition permit, underground utilities are checked and
disconnected and, if necessary, permits for capping sanitary utilities.
• Approval by DERM must be obtained (for commercial structures only) to verify if
there is asbestos.
• All commercial properties require an asbestos survey.
• If there is asbestos, a survey and possible abatement must take place prior to
demolition. Requisition/Purchase Order will be required for the process, as per the
City's bid for asbestos removal.
• Once all of the above have been completed, the vendor demolishes the property
and calls for inspections.
• If it passes inspection, the vendor submits an invoice for payment.
• The City places a lien on the property for all expenses (detailed below).
• A certified letter is sent to the owner informing him/her of the lien and its cost.
• The lien is recorded at the Miami -Dade County Clerk's office
• The lien information is entered into the Complaint Tracking System, certified and
transferred to the Moore System for follow up by the Finance Department
Notice of Violation......................................$50.00
Recording of Pending Lien...............................$6.00
Title Search...............................................$55.00
Unsafe Structures Board Cost..........................$653.79
Demolition Costs..........................................Varies
Asbestos Removal Costs.................................Varies
Cancellation of Pending Lien ............................ $6.00
Recording of lien .......................................... $6.00
Postage..................................................... Varies
Administrative Fee .................... ..........$300.00
TO: The Honorable Mayor and DATE: July 1, 2003 FILE:
Members of e i Commis '
SUBJECT: Discussion Item for the
July 17th Agenda
Cief Administrator ENCLOSURES:
Discussion concerning a status report on the bus bench issue.
TO: The Honora ayor oar SEP 18 2003 FILE:
d Mem rrthe City C mz�liss on
t � / SUBJECT: Commission Item for Discussion
(Coiti Manager
As directed at the September 11 `h, 2003 Commission Meeting; the Administration will be discussing
the Building Department's permitting process.
The staff' will, provide an outline with the current procedures and future enhancements to the plans
processing and permitting system for discussion.
JA/ /1Ifd
Expediting/Simplifying the Plans Processing and Permitting Procedures
Current Enhancements:
• The creation of two positions for the purpose of assisting the public. They have been placed
in two (2) key areas within the department.
• Implementation of overnight plans review service providing a 24-hour turn -around review
for each discipline. This process alleviates the normal plans review of "drop-off' projects.
• The creation of the "E -BUILDING" solution. This is a multi -phase WEB project that will
be systematically improved building functions.
• Educational campaign focusing on the permitting and inspection process for both
homeowners and contractors.
• The establishment of "Pre -Construction" meetings offered to developers for discussion of
their project's requirements before their inception. The permit process, the plans review
process, and any specific questions or concerns that need to be addressed are discussed at
this meeting, not only with personnel from the Building Department, but with personnel
from other key departments.
Proposed Short Term Improvements:
• Evaluate the existing permitting process to find ways to create a "user friendly" system for
homeowners. The evaluation will include review of documents, process, and fees.
• Extend the plans review hours, once a week, on a trial basis, to allow homeowners access
after normal working hours.
• Create an instructional video on plans processing procedures to be aired on Cable- NET 9,
and the WEB.
• Allow for the issuance of certain permits through the WEB, i.e.: non-structural roofing,
shutters, etc.
• Create a "problem solving" corner in our Website where customers may e-mail and get
direct response to his/her particular problems or questions.
• Implement pre-discussion/solution meeting with homeowner, architects, and staff,
(including N.E.T.) to address legalization requirements and process.
• Review permit requirements for minor repair permits.
• Create access link via internet to allow constituents to review information of qualified or
delinquent contractors.
• Product approval website links.
Enhancements Requiring Funding and/or Personnel:
• Create a floor layout that will match the process flow, creating a "welcoming" environment
for the customers and accurately monitoring the employees' productivity.
• Create a satellite office on the first floor of the M.R.C. Administration Building to provide
information and services (zoning, certificate of use, licensing, cashiers, and building). This
will centralize information and minimize the number of visits throughout the building.
• Purchase and install an automated queuing system (Q -Matic). The system will easily detail
where and when the person should be throughout the process. It will produce statistical
reports that will assist us in the evaluation and enhancement of our process.
• Digitizing of records. Preserve and provide accurate records automatically on a 24-hour
basis to be shared with all departments.