HomeMy WebLinkAboutCC 2003-07-14 Comprehensive Annual Financial ReportCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Ana Medina DATE: July 16, 2003 FILE Deputy Clerk SUBJECT: CAFR FY 2002 FROM: na o Z REFERENCES: Assistant rector ENCLOSURES: 7D a Please find enclosed the City of Miami Comprehensive Annual Financial 0 V Report FY' 2002, which was one of the handouts at the workshop conducted with the Commissioners, Manager and Mayor on July 14, 2003. o�' T. CP If you have any questions or need further information, please call me at 305-416124b.�ic ^t Sip N .. DG/ls �-°,, CA 0 2002 11 ii■ ii rww ri warn �i�Iww�y�� { i ilii lria.r a..c : , iii�ii yI I.� _ y --a_. s a i x i CITY OF MIAMI COMPREHENSIVE ANNUAL FINANCIAL REPORT City of Miami, Florida For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 Prepared by the Finance Department INTRODUCTORY SECTION PRINCIPAL CITY OFFICIALS ; TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL CHART City of Miami, Florida Principal City Officials September 30, 2002 MAYOR Manuel A. Diaz CITY COMMISSION Johnny L. Winton, Chairman U Arthur E. Teele, Jr., Vice -Chairman Angel Gonzalez, Commissioner Tomas Regalado, Commissioner Joe Sanchez, Commissioner CITY MANAGER Joe Arriola CITY ATTORNEY Alejandro Vilarello I This page intentionally left blank City of Miami, Florida Comprehensive Annual Financial Report For the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2002 TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTORY SECTION PRINCIPALCITY OFFICIALS.................................................................................... i TABLEOF CONTENTS............................................................................................. iii LETTEROF TRANSMITTAL ................................................................................... vii CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT...................................................................... xiv ORGANIZATIONALCHART.................................................................................. xvi H. FINANCIAL SECTION IndependentAuditors' Report ........................................................................................1 Management's Discussion. and Analysis (Required Supplementary Information) ........3 Basic Financial Statements: Government -wide Financial Statements: Statement of Net Assets................................................................................15 Statementof Activities..................................................................................16 Fund Financial Statements: Balance Sheet — Governmental Funds..........................................................17 Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets......................................................................18 Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances — Governmental Funds.........................................................19 Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities............................................................................20 Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets — Fiduciary Funds..................................21 Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets — Fiduciary Funds ...............22 Statement of Net Assets - Discretely Presented Component Units..............23 Statement of Activities - Discretely Presented Component Units ...............24 iii Notes to the Financial Statements.......................................................................27 Required Supplementary Information (Unaudited): Budget to Actual Comparison — Major Funds (General and Special Revenue): GeneralFund.................................................................................................67 Community Development Fund....................................................................68 Public Services Tax Fund.............................................................................69 Notes to the Required Supplementary Information............................................70 Pension Schedules: Schedule of Funding Progress.......................................................................71 Combining and Individual Fund Statements and Schedules: Combining Balance Sheet — Nonmajor Governmental Funds ......................78 Combining Statement of Revenues, Expenditures and Changes in Fund Balances — Nonmajor Governmental Funds..............................84 Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets — Fiduciary Funds ...............92 Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets — Fiduciary Funds................................................................93 Supplementary Information: Budget to Actual -Comparison — Nonmajor Governmental Funds: Community Redevelopment Agency (ORA) Fund.................................96 Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW) Fund ............................97 Convention Center Fund.........................................................................98 Economic Development & Planning Services Fund...............................99 Fire Rescue Services Fund....................................................................100 NetOffices Fund...................................................................................101 Parks and Recreations Fund..................................................................102 PoliceServices Fund.............................................................................103 Law Enforcement Trust Fund...............................................................104 Public Works Fund...............................................................................105 CityClerk Fund.....................................................................................106 Local Option Gas Tax Fund..................................................................107 Stormwater Utility Fund.......................................................................108 Gusman and Olympia Fund..................................................................109 General Obligation Bond Fund.............................................................110 Other Special Obligation Bond Fund....................................................111 Community Redevelopment Other Special Obligation Bond Fund ...... 112 iv III. STATISTICAL SECTION General Governmental Expenditures and Transfers ByFunction.................................................................................................113 General Governmental Revenues and Transfers BySource....................................................................................................114 Property Tax Levies and Collections ..........................................................115 Assessed Value of All Taxable Property ....................................................116 Property Tax Rates and Tax Levies Direct and Overlapping Governments ........................................................116 Special Assessments Collections and Receivables ..:............ Ratio of Net General Bonded Debt To Net Assessed Value And Net Bonded Debt Per Capital..............................................................117 Ratio of Annual Debt Service Expenditures for General Bonded Debt to Total General Governmental Expenditures and Other Financing Uses .............................118 Schedule of Legal Debt Margin..................................................................118 CurrentDebt Ratios....................................................................................119 Schedule of Direct and Overlapping General ObligationDebt...........................................................................................120 Ten Largest Tax Assessments.....................................................................121 Bank Deposits — Last Ten Years.................................................................121 Building Permits — Last Ten Years.............................................................122 Demographic Statistics...............................................................................122 General Statistical Data...............................................................................123 Growth Factors Relative to Miami -Dade County, Florida ..........................124 IV. OTHER REPORTS Independent Auditors' Management Letter .............................................. v .......127 This page intentionally left blank V1 01.1,t # v of ffi i a M -1 F�GYTY OF � 2i t SCOTT SIMPSON Director O u u o� c0., February 7, 2003 The Honorable Mayor, Members of the City of Miami Commission, and Citizens of the City of Miami, Florida Ladies and Gentlemen: The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report of the City of Miami, Florida (the "City") for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, is hereby submitted. This report consists of management's representations concerning the finances of the City. Consequently, management assumes full responsibility for the completeness and reliability of all the information presented in this report. To provide a reasonable basis for making these representations, management of the City has established a comprehensive internal control framework that is designed both to protect the City's assets from loss, theft or misuse and to compile sufficient reliable information for preparation of the City's financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP). Because the cost of internal controls should not outweigh their benefits the City's comprehensive framework of internal control has been designed to provide reasonable rather than absolute assurance that the financial statements will be free of material misstatement. As management, we assert that, to the best of our knowledge and belief, this financial report is complete and reliable in all material aspects. JOE ARRIOLA City Manager KPMG LLP partnering with Grau & Company, P.A., Sharpton, Brunson & Co. P.A., Watson & Company, P.A., and Briele and Echeverria, P.A., all of which are firms of licensed certified public accountants, has audited the City's basic financial statements. The goal of the independent audit was to provide reasonable assurance that the financial statements of the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, are free of material misstatement. The independent audit involved examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the basic financial statements; assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management; and evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. The independent auditors concluded, based upon the audit, that there was reasonable basis for rendering an unqualified opinion that the City's basic financial statements for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, are presented fairly in conformity with GAAP. The independent auditors' report is presented as the first component of the financial section of this report. GAAP requires that management provide a narrative introduction, overview, and analysis to accompany the basic financial statements in the form of Management's Discussion and Analysis (MD&A). This letter of transmittal is designed to complement MD&A and should be read in conjunction with it. The City's MD&A can be found immediately following the report of the independent auditors. DEPARTMENT`'bF FINANCE 444 S.W. 2nd Avenue, 6th Floor - Miami, FL 33130 - (305) 416-1330 - Fax: (305) 416-1987 Mailing Address: P.O. BOX 330708 Miami, FL 33233-0708 SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN PRESENTATION With the September 30, 2002 financial statements, the City successfully implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 34, Basic Financial Statements — and Management's Discussion and Analysis — for State and Local Governments. The format and purpose of these new statements is discussed in Management's Discussion and Analysis. Additionally, the notes to the financial statements discuss the changes and reflect the effects and results of these changes. We believe this new presentation will provide better information to the users of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). ECONOMIC CONDITION AND OUTLOOK The City's diversified economic base is comprised of light manufacturing, trade, commerce, wholesale and retail trade and tourism. The City has made great gains in the areas of international banking, business and real estate and transshipment, which have diversified the economic base. Located in the center of a hemispheric market of more than 700 million people, and easily accessible to South and Central America, the Caribbean, Europe and Africa, Miami's strategic location and international commerce infrastructure make it the ideal location for international trade. As a result of expanding economies in several Latin American countries, international trade has been growing at double-digit rates in the Miami area. Airport. In 2002, the Miami International Airport continues to serve nearly 29 million passengers annually with nearly half of those being international passengers. It has flights to nearly 200 cities on five continents with 90 scheduled and 32 non-scheduled carriers. The Miami International Airport also shipped 3.5 billion pounds of domestic and international cargo during the year. Sea Port. In 2002, the Port of Miami handled 8.7 million tons of cargo and over 3.6 million cruise passengers. Long considered the Cruise Capital of the World, boasting more home -ported cruise ships than any other seaport, the Port of Miami received another distinction in November 1999. It became the year-round home of Royal Caribbean International's 3,600 -passenger Voyager of the Seas, the largest cruise liner ever built at that time. Recently, Royal Caribbean is also basing its newest ship the 3,800 passenger "Regency of the Seas" at the Port of Miami. Arenas. The American Airlines arena, home of the Miami Heat basketball team, is one of the premier facilities that ushered in the City's Millennium celebration. The Miami Arena serves as a venue for concerts, and special events. Private Development. The City is experiencing a period of unprecedented private development. Projects recently completed, under construction, or in design will add over $1 billion in value to the property tax roll. The development includes four five star hotels, ten high- rise condominiums and five new office towers. Publie/Private Development Ventures. The City will continue to focus efforts on its waterfront properties. Projects such as the Dinner Key Marina, Virginia Key, and Bicentennial Park are major projects, which fit prominently into the City's long-term economic growth and financial well being. A major change will occur in Watson Island. The Island will be developed with the new location of Parrot Jungle, the Miami Children's Museum, the headquarters of the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau, an airport operation for seaplanes and the Island Gardens Development which will contain two hotels, retail spaces and a mega -yacht marina. Major Initiatives. With the improvement in the financial condition of the City, the emphasis has been redirected to improving the infrastructure within the City. The City has begun a program of major renovations and improvements to City parks, streets, sidewalks and drainage. Additionally, a major effort is underway to modify and improve the City's sanitation services. While the external improvements are critical to promote further economic development, the City has completed a strategic planning process to identify and plan for technology improvements. A major result of this study will be a shift in technology from a mainframe environment to a distributed network. The City will also be moving much of its services and information to the Internet. DEBT MANAGEMENT The City was very active in debt market during fiscal year 2002. In November 2000, the citizens of the City approved the issuance of $255 million in Limited Ad -Valorem General Obligation Bonds. These bonds will be used for infrastructure improvements. Approximately fifty percent of the proceeds will be used to expand and improve the City's park system. The City issued the first series of these bonds in July 2002, with an issuance of $153 million. The City was able to capitalized on the historic lows of both treasury and tax exempt rates available to provide significant savings to the City. In March 2002, the City refunded approximately $32.5 million of General Obligation debt with a present value savings of approximately $1.45 million with a true interest cost of 4.92%. The City also was able to refund approximately $39.75 million of Special Obligation Bonds with a present value savings of $1.23 million and a true interest cost of 4.63%. It is management's objective to adequately plan and meet the City's comprehensive construction demands for essential capital improvements and equipment, and, at the same time, ensure that the residents of the community are not overburdened with general obligation long-term debt payable from ad valorem taxes. ix The following chart indicates the principal amortization of the City's general obligation debt in five-year increments. As can be seen, approximately 42% of the City's outstanding debt will be retired within the next ten years. General Obligation Debt Principal Amortization For the Five Year Period Ending September 30, 2002 2007 $ 54,987,987 2012 52,111,984 2017 58,649,406 2022* 87,127,176 * The final maturity of GO debt will be retired in Fiscal 2022. Cash Management and practices. In order to achieve maximum financial return on all available funds, the Finance Department pursues an aggressive cash management and investment program within the constraints imposed by Florida Statutes and local policies adopted by resolution by the City Commission. The City operates within established formal investment policies, which applies to all investment of public funds. Idle cash balances are invested on a daily basis at the best interest rates available in the markets. Investments consist primarily of United States treasuries and agencies securities, commercial paper, and money market funds. For purposes of maximizing the interest earning yield on short-term investments, cash balances of all funds are pooled. It is the City's policy not to invest in leveraged derivatives. The primary objective of the City's policy is preservation of capital. Investment income reported in these financial statements includes appreciation in the fair value of investments. Increases in fair value during the current year, however, do not necessarily represent trends that will continue, nor is it always possible to realize such amounts, especially in the case of temporary changes, in the fair value of investments that the City intends to hold to maturity. X A summary and comparison of investment activity for the three fiscal years, are as follows: Average Portfolio Balance (End of Year) Average Investment Yield 2002 2001 2000 $ 362,439,535 $ 301,356,555 $ 248,710,829 3.77% 5.72% 5.05% Interest Earned on Investments managed by the Finance Department $ 13,676,175 $ 16,804,173 $ 14,254,342 The following chart summarizes the City's investments, including cash equivalents, at September 30,2002: Cash Equivalents and Investment Types Money Mar 5% U.S Treasuries 10% Commercial 17% U.S. Government Agencies 68% Risk Management. The City administers a self-insurance program for workers' compensation, tort liability, property, and group health and life insurance programs, subject to certain stop -loss provisions. The health and life insurance programs are administered by an independent administrator. The City funds the program on an annual payout basis. Insurance coverage is maintained with independent carriers for property damage to City facilities. The City maintains no excess coverage with independent carriers for workers' compensation and general liability. At September 30, 2002, the estimated liability for insurance claims that are expected to be paid totaled $17,337,448. The estimated long-term liability for insurance claims, at September 30, 2002, is $65,190,000. The estimated liability for insurance claims is discounted at an interest rate of 5%. Xi Pensions. The City maintains three separate single -employer; defined benefit pension plans for its public safety employees, elected officials, and its general and sanitation employees. Each year, an independent actuary engaged by the pension plans calculates the amount of the annual contribution that the City must make to the pension plans to ensure that the plans will be able fully meet their obligations to retired employees on a timely basis. As a matter of policy, the City is required to fully fund each year's annual required contribution to the pension plans as determined by the actuary. The City also provides to certain executive employees a single -employer, defined contribution pension plan administered by ICMA Retirement Trust. The City is required to contribute 8% of the employee's earnings to this plan. The City's contribution for the City Manager and City Attorney is not limited to the 8% but is an amount stipulated per their contracts with the City. The pension plans for the Fire and Police (FIPO) and General and Sanitation Employees (GESE) experienced significant decreases in the fair value of the plans assets in the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002. These decreases were caused by declines in the fair value of the investments due to general market conditions. The October 1, 2002 actuary reports for FIFO and GESE have been presented to each of the pension Boards and the required contributions range from $25.6 million to $56.3 million for FIPO and $6.9 million to $15.9 million for GESE. The City is currently working with the both Boards to explore possible actuary assumption changes that will serve to minimize the large increases and decreases for the City's pension contribution from year to year. Additional information on the City's pension arrangements can be found in Note 10 in the notes to the financial statements. CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT The Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to City of Miami, Florida for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental accounting and financial reporting. The attainment of this award represents a significant accomplishment by a government and its financial management. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, the City had to publish an easily readable and efficiently organized CAFR, whose contents conform to established program standards. Such comprehensive reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. To earn a Certificate of Achievement, a government must demonstrate constructive spirit of full disclosure to clearly communicate its financial story while enhancing the understanding of the logic underlying the traditional governmental financial reporting model. XIl The City's 2001 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report has been evaluated by an impartial Special Review Committee composed of other government officers, independent certified public accountants, educators and others with particular expertise in government accounting and financial reporting. We believe that the 2002 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report continues to conform to the high standards of the Certificate of Achievement Program and we are submitting it to the GFOA. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report's preparation was made possible because of the efficient, dedicated and professional efforts of the entire staff in the Finance Department. The significant amount of year-end closing procedures required prior to the audit, could not have been accomplished without much hard work and personal sacrifice. Each member of the department has our sincere appreciation for the contributions made to assist in the in-house preparation of this report. The guidance and cooperation of the Mayor and City Commission in planning and conducting the financial affairs of the City is greatly appreciated. We also wish to express our appreciation to our Certified Public Accountants, KPMG LLP, in association with Grau & Company, P.A., Sharpton, Brunson & Co. P.A., Watson & Company, P.A., and Briele and Echeverria, P.A., for their cooperation and assistance. V\AA Joe Arriola Linda M. Haskins, CPA Sutlsim,pson, City Manager Chief Financial Officer CPA, CPFO, CGFO, CGFM Finance Director CERTIFICATE OF ACHIEVEMENT The Government Finance Officers Association of the United Sates and Canada (GFOA) awarded a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting to the City of Miami, Florida for its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001. The Certificate of Achievement is a prestigious national award - recognizing conformance with the highest standards for preparation of state and local government financial reporting. In order to be awarded a Certificate of Achievement, a governmental unit must publish an easily readable and efficiently organized Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, the contents of which conform to program standards. Such reports must satisfy both generally accepted accounting principles and applicable legal requirements. A Certificate of Achievement is valid for a period of one year only. We believe our current report continues to conform to Certificate of Achievement Program requirements, and we are submitting it to GFOA to determine its eligibility for another certificate. X1v Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting Presented to City of Miami, Florida For its Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for the Fiscal Year Ended September 30, 2001 A Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting is presented by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada to government units and public employee retirement systems whose comprehensive annual financial reports (CAFRs) achieve the highest standards in government accounting and financial reporting, Ole Y -e e-, .01 President Executive Director XV r_m colurulSSIO CHNRMAN J. WINTON VICE-CHAIRMAN A. TEELE, JR. COMMISSIONER A GONZALEZ COMMISSIONER T. REGALADO COMMISSIONER J. SANCHEZ City Clarki�i�i City Attorney Priscilla A Thompson m Alyendm Veareso Auditor General Vcctor Igwe Virginia Key Beach Park Trust Guy ferchion y IntemMionel Trade Board Ctvfon Harper Miami Spate & FxhiOaion Aullrodly Jamas Jarrkkna Sayfran Pads Management Trust Tim Sclrnand Civil SerAw Board TiekM MkcdkpM Downtown Daysbpnen NAhority Dana Nottingham Community Redevok pnen Agency Franc Rol— Off-Street Parking Aahasy, AMv Noriega Civilian Investigative Panel (Professional Compliance staff of CIP) City of Miami Organizational Chart I Residents of Miami I Chef Administrator I City Manager (Joe Arricla) Grants (JC Espinosa) • CitiStat (Don Riedel) Agenda (Elva Alorm) • Transportation Commurdty Relations (Ada Rojas) (Clark Turner) Police John TYnoney Fig -Rescue Wiliam Bryson Communications Carlos McDonald Capital Improven Program Jorge Cano Chief Rnancial Officer Linda Haskins Finance Stolt Simpson purchasing Glenn Marcos Dept. of Economic Development (REED & Asset Management) Keitin Carswell Dept of Employee Relations (Human Resources and Labor Relations) Rosefs Mark Conference, Conventions and Pubic FacifYtles Christina Abrams Community Development AcIlm Barbera Gomer-tod4w Risk MwmWnen Dinh Ericson EXECUTIVE MAYOR Manuel A. Diaz • Sister Cities (Anthony Georges -Pierre) • Cultural Affairs • SpeGal Events (Robert Parente & Michel Spence) Chief Information Officer Chief of Strategic Planning, Chief of Neighborhood (Cb) 9 9. Victor MononServicea Larryy Spring uirre Information Technology Budgeting ringrmance Prier Korktis N.E.T. Adie Eddie Bor s Sold Waste Clarence Pan -- D Intent attersonDepartment of Municipal Service (GSA & Pubic Works) Acting GSA Alex Martinez I Acting PW Abed Dominguez Building Hector Lima Planning and Zoning Ana Gebbert Parks & Recreation Santiago Corrada FINANCIAL SECTION INDEPENDENT AUDITORS' REPORT MANAGEMENT'S DISSCUSION AND ANALISIS [ BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Goverment -wide Financial Statements) (Fund Financial Statements) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION COMBINING AND INDIVIDUAL FUND STATEMENTS AND SCHEDULES lul.,A.64,6, One Biscayne Tower Suite 2800 2 South Biscayne Boulevard Miami, FL 33131 Independent Auditors' Report The Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners City of Miami, Florida: We have audited the accompanying financial statements of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Miami, Florida (the City), as of and for the year ended September 30, 2002, which collectively comprise the City's basic financial statements as listed in the table of contents. These financial statements are the responsibility of the City's management. Our responsibility is to express opinions on these financial statements based on our audit. We did not audit the financial statements of the Downtown Development Authority of the City of Miami, Florida, the Miami Sports and Exhibition Authority, the Health Facilities Authority, and the Bayfront Park Management Trust of the City of Miami, Florida, which combined statements reflect 63% and 57% of the assets and revenues, respectively, of the aggregate discretely presented component units. We also did not audit the City of Miami, Florida's pension trust funds, which combined financial statements reflect 87% of the total assets of the aggregate remaining fund information. Those financial statements were audited by other auditors whose reports thereon have been furnished to us, and our opinion, insofar as it relates to the amounts included for those entities, is based on the reports of the other auditors. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America and the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, issued by the Comptroller General of the United States. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit and the reports of other auditors provide a reasonable basis for our opinions. In our opinion, based on our audit and the reports of other auditors, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the respective financial position of the governmental activities, the aggregate discretely presented component units, each major fund, and the aggregate remaining fund information of the City of Miami, Florida as of September 30, 2002, and the respective changes in financial position thereof for the year then ended in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. As discussed in note 1, the City has implemented a new financial reporting model, as required by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) Statement No. 34, Basic Financial Statements — and Management's Discussion and Analysis —for State and Local Governments, GASB Statement No. 37, Basic Financial Statements — and Management's Discussion and Analysis —for State and Local MMMM South Florida Business Unit KPMG LLP. KPMG LLP a U.S. limited liability partnership, is a member of KPMG International, a Swiss association. Miami Fort Lauderdale West Palm Beach Governments: Omnibus, portions of GASB Statement No. 38, Certain Financial Statement Note Disclosures, and GASB Interpretation No. 6, Recognition and Measurement of Certain Liabilities and Expenditures in Governmental Fund Financial Statements, as of October 1, 2001. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we have also issued our report dated February 7, 2003 on our consideration of the City's internal control over financial reporting and our tests of its compliance with certain provisions of laws, regulations, contracts, and grants. That report is an integral part of an audit performed in accordance with Government Auditing Standards and should be read in conjunction with this report in considering the results of our audit. The management's discussion and analysis on pages 3 through 13, the budget to actual comparison information on pages 67 through 70, and the schedule of funding progress on page 71, are not a required part of the basic financial statements but are supplementary information required by the accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. We and the other auditors have applied certain limited procedures, which consisted principally of inquiries of management regarding the methods of measurement and presentation of the required supplementary information. However, we did not audit the information and express no opinion on it. Our audit was conducted for the purpose of forming opinions on the financial statements that collectively comprise the City's basic financial statements. The introductory section, combining and individual fund statements and schedules, and statistical section listed in the accompanying table of contents, are presented for the purposes of additional analysis and are not a required part of the basic financial statements. The combining and individual fund statements and schedules have been subjected to the auditing procedures applied by us and the other auditors in the audit of the basic financial statements and, in our opinion, are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. The introductory and statistical sections have not been subjected to the auditing procedures applied by us and the other auditors in the audit of the basic financial statements and, accordingly, we express no opinion on them. February 7, 2003 2 �MC= LCP MANAGEMENT'S DISCUSSION AND ANALYSIS As management of the City of Miami (the "City"), we offer readers of the City's financial statements this narrative overview and analysis of the financial activities of the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002. We encourage readers to consider the information presented here in conjunction with additional information that we have furnished in our letter of transmittal, which can be found on pages vii — xiii of this report. FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS • The assets of the City exceeded its liabilities at the close of the most recent fiscal year by $696,253,359 (net assets). • The governmental activities revenue increased $34,985,142 (or 7.2%) and the net results from activities increased by $3,692,807 (or 13.2%). In both years (2002 and 2001), the results of activities produced an increase in net assets of $31,599,623 and $27,906,816, respectively. • The General Fund (the primary operating fund) reflected on a current financial resource basis, reflects an increase in fund balance of $22,854,010 (or 19.2%). • The City's total debt increased by $139,588,611 (42.3%) during the current year. The key factor in this increase was the issuance of $153,186,406 in Limited Ad -Valorem General Obligation Bonds. • Net assets of the Police and Firefighter's Pension Trust Fund (FIPO) and General and Sanitation's Retirement Trust (GESE) decreased by $96,753,182 and $83,399,051, respectively. These decreases were caused by declines in the fair value of investments. USING THIS ANNUAL REPORT This discussion and analysis are intended to serve as an introduction to the City's basic financial statements. The City's basic financial statements comprise three components; 1) govemment-wide financial statements, 2) fund financials statements, and 3) notes to the financial statements. This report also contains other supplementary information in addition to the basic financial statements themselves. In light of the fact that this is a very different presentation of the City's previous general purpose financial statements, the following graphic is provided for your review. Management's Discussion A and Analysis 12 (required supplementary information) (new) c a� ami Government -wide Fund financial CIO financial statements H statements (new) (refocused) (pages 15 - 16) (pages 17 - 25) a 114 Notes to the financial statements U rA (expanded / restructured] Oq (pages 27 - 66) ° a Required supplementary information o, (other than MD&A) w N (expanded) (pages 67 - 71) The new financial statement focus is on both the City as a whole (government -wide) and on the major individual funds. Both perspectives (government -wide and major fund) allow the user to address relevant questions, broaden a basis for comparison (year to year or government to government) and enhance the City's accountability. Government -Wide Financial Statements The government -wide financial statements (see pages 15 — 16) are designed to be corporate -like, in that all governmental activities are presented in columns that add to a total for the Primary Government. The focus of the Statement of Net Assets (the "Unrestricted Net Assets") is designed to be similar to bottom line results for the City and its governmental activities. This statement, for the first time, reflects governmental fund's current financial resources (short-term spendable resources) with capital assets and long-term obligations. The City does not have any business -type activities for financial reporting purposes. The Statement of Activity (see page 16) is focused on both the gross and net cost of various functions (including governmental and component units), which are supported, by the government's general tax and other revenues. This is intended to summarize and simplify the user's analysis of the cost of various governmental services and/or component units. 4 Component Units, which are other governmental units over which the City can exercise influence and/or may be obligated to provide financial subsidy, are presented as a separate column in the Government -wide Financial Statements. The focus of the statements is clearly on the Primary Government and the presentation allows the user to address the relative relationship with the Component Units. The Governmental Activities reflects the City's basic service, including Police, Fire, Solid Waste Collection, Parks and Cultural Activities, and general administration. Property taxes, other local taxes, and federal grants finance the majority of these activities. Fund Financial Statements Traditional users of governmental financial statements will find the Fund Financial Statements presentation more familiar. The focus is on the City's major funds. The fund financial statements provide more information about the City's most significant funds — not the City as a whole. The City has two kinds of funds: Governmental Funds — Most of the City's basic services are included in governmental funds, which focus on (1) how cash and other financial assets that can readily be converted to cash flow in and out and (2) the balances left at year end that are available for spending. Consequently, the governmental funds statements provide a detailed short-term view that helps the reader determine whether there are more or fewer financial resources that can be spent in the near future to finance the City's programs. Because this information does not encompass the additional long-term focus of the government -wide statements, additional information is provided at the bottom of the governmental funds statement that explains the relationship (or differences) between them The City maintains thirty individual governmental funds. Information is presented separately in the governmental fund balance sheet and in the governmental fund statement of revenues, expenditures and changes in fund balances for the General Fund, Community Development Fund, Public Services Taxes Special Revenue Fund, and General Government Capital Projects Fund, which are considered to be major funds. Data from the other twenty-six governmental funds are combined into a single, aggregated presentation. Individual fund data for each of these nonmajor governmental funds is provided in the form of combining statements elsewhere in this report. The City adopts an annual appropriated budget for its General Fund and certain Special Revenue Funds. Budgetary comparison schedules have been provided for the General Fund and each major fund Special Revenue Fund that adopts a budget to demonstrate compliance with the budget and are presented as required supplementary information. The basic government fund statements can be found on pages 17 — 25 of this report. Fiduciary Funds — These funds are used to account for resources held for the benefit of parties outside the City. Fiduciary funds are not reflected in the government -wide financial statements because the resources of the funds are not available to support the City's own programs. The basic fiduciary fund financial statements can be found on pages 21 — 22 of this report. Notes to the Financial Statements — The notes provide additional information that is essential to a full understanding of the data provided in the government -wide and fund statements. The notes to the financial statements can be found on pages 27 — 66 of this report. Other Information — In addition to the basic financial statements and accompanying notes, this report also presents certain required supplementary information concerning budgetary comparisons and the City's progress in funding its obligations to provide pension benefits to its employees. Required supplementary information can be found on pages 67 — 71 of this report. The combining statements referred to earlier in connection with nonmajor governmental funds are presented immediately following the required supplementary information. Combining and individual fund statements and schedules can be found on pages 73 — 93 of this report. GOVERNMENT -WIDE FINANCIAL ANALYSIS Net Assets As noted earlier, net assets may serve over time as a useful indicator of a government's financial position. In the case of the City, assets exceed liabilities by $696,253,359 at the close of the most recent fiscal year. The largest portion of the City's net assets (85.9%) reflects its investment in capital assets (e.g., land buildings, machinery and equipment), less any related debt used to acquire those assets that is still outstanding. The City uses these capital assets to provide services to citizens; consequently, these assets are not available for future spending. Although the City's investment in capital assets is reported net of related debt, it should be noted that the resources needed to repay this debt must be provided from other sources, since the capital assets themselves cannot be used to liquidate these liabilities. An additional portion of the City's net assets (16.5%) represents resources that are subject external restrictions on how they may be used. The remaining unrestricted net assets deficit of ($16,932,986) is primarily the result of the excess of unrestricted liabilities over unrestricted assets. The deficit in unrestricted net assets in government activities decreased by $50,904,955. The primary reason for this deficit reduction was the degree to which increases in ongoing revenues exceed similar increases in ongoing expenses. Citywide unrealized gains in investments (excluding pension funds) was $2,775,689 in fiscal year 2002. The following schedule reflects a summary of Net Assets compared to prior year. Summary of Net Assets as of September 30 Current and other assets Capital assets Total assets Other liabilities Long-term liabilities outstanding Total liabilities Net assets: Invested in capital assets, net of debt Restricted Unrestricted (Deficit) Total net assets Governmental Activities 2002 2001 $ 562,707,660 $ 356,006,617 827,178,112 843,545,793 1,389,885,772 1,199,552,410 120,877,487 114,215,4 5 8 572,754,926 420,683,216 693,632,413 534,898,674 598,154,380 600,758,725 115,031,965 131,732,952 (16,93 2,9 86) (67,8 37,94 1) $ 696,253,359 $ 664,653,736 For more detailed information see the Statement of Net Assets (page 15). 6 Changes In Net Assets The following schedule compares the revenues and expenses for the current and previous year. Revenues: Program revenues: Charges for services Operating grants and contributions Capital grants and contributions General revenues: Property taxes Franchise fees Utility taxes Intergovernmental revenues Investment earnings Other Total revenues Expenses: General government Planning and development Community development Community redevelopment areas Public works Public safety Public facilities Parks and recreation Interest on long-term debt Unallocated depreciation Total expenses Increase in net assets Chances in Net Assets Governmental Activities 2002 2001 $ 161,992,101 $ 158,934,832 51,137,825 45,188,091 23,053,287 11,510,300 151, 614,600 137,722,987 22,190,470 25,798,118 58,314,804 38,556,040 36,644,840 46,010,073 10,645,639 16,149,719 4,035,765 4,774,029 519,629,331 484,644,189 94,349,348 13,289,988 47,186,103 6,125,242 53,950,238 200,727,361 9,832,601 48,995,272 12,947,127 48,367,294 5,480,769 58,492,517 205,009,499 10,470,660 19,550,960 24,848,429 17,252, 301 16,360, 240 25,765,566 25,765,566 488,029,708 456,737,373 $ 31,599,623 $ 27,906,816 For more detailed information see the Statement of Activities (page 16). Governmental Activities — As noted earlier, governmental activities increased the City's net assets by $31,599,623. Key elements of this increase are as follows: The increase in capital grants and contributions is primarily the result of an increase of approximately $10.0 million in grant awards from the U.S. Department of Justice. The Utilities Services Tax had increases ($14.0 million) as a result of the October 1, 2001 introduction of the State's new Communication Services Tax, which replaced the Utility Services Tax and Utility Fees on Telecommunication and Cable TV charges. Investment Income for fiscal year 2002 was reduced by a decline in interest rates that were reflective of general market conditions. General government expenditures increased in fiscal 2002. This increase reflects an aggregation of growth in general expenditures including $14.0 million in parking surcharge costs, $5.0 million in severance benefits, $2.0 million in additional principal reduction, $3.0 million in pension costs, $14.0 million in operation and maintenance, and $5.0 million agreed increases in union contracts. Parks and Recreation experienced a reduction of approximately $4.8 million. The expenses recognized in this activity are primarily grant reimbursed expenditures. The reduction is due to a decrease in the number of projects managed by the City in fiscal year 2002. Revenue by Source - Governmental Activities Other I % Charges for services Investment earnings 30% Public service taxes 2% 11% State revenue sharing 9% Operating grants Licenses and fees and contributions 4% 10% Operating grants and Property taxes contributions 29% 4% FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF THE CITY'S FUNDS As noted earlier, the City uses fund accounting to ensure and demonstrate compliance with finance -related legal requirements. Governmental Funds — The focus of the City's governmental funds is to provide information on near-term inflows, outflows and balances of spendable resources. Such information is useful in assessing the City's financing requirements. In particular, unreserved fund balance may serve as a useful measure of a government's net resources available for spending at the end of the fiscal year. The General Fund is the chief operating fund of the City. At the end of the current fiscal year, unreserved fund balance of the General Fund was $138,322,603, while the total fund balance reached $141,527,853. As a measure of the General Fund's liquidity, it may be helpful to compare both unreserved fund balance and total fund balance to the fund's total operational expenditures. Unreserved fund balance represents 42.6% of the total expenditures and transfers out for recurring operational costs reported in other funds, C while total fund balance represents 43.6% of that same total amount. The General Fund's fund balance increased by $22,854,010 during the current fiscal year. Key factors in this growth are as follows: • A 10.7% increase in taxable property values resulted in an additional $10,691,980 in property tax revenue. • Construction activity increased building permit fees from $14,346,019 to $14,770,007. The estimated value of construction permitted increased from $635,696,950 to $695,459,545, an increase of 9.4%. • A increase of $10,672,003 in transfers from other funds. The increase was primarily due to the introduction the State's new Communication Services Tax, which replaced the Utility Services Tax and Utility fees on Telecommunication and Cable TV charges. Financial highlights of the City's other major government funds are as follows: The Community Development Fund has a total fund balance of $7,613,838, of which $201,713 is reserved for the payment of purchase orders of the prior period. The net increase in fund balance during the current year was attributable to expenditure control as well as better grant management. The Public Services Tax Fund has a total fund balance of $9,655,341, all of which is unreserved and available for spending at the City's discretion. The State of Florida modified the Public Services Tax (PST) effective October 1, 2001, and it is now referred to as Communication Services Tax (CST). This tax produced increased revenues of $10,672,003 in the current fiscal year. The General Government Capital Projects Fund balance increased from $45,860,849 to $87,060,187. This increase can be credited to the issuance of $153,186,406 Limited Ad -Valorem General Obligation Bonds in July 2002, of which $47,580,087 was credited to this fund as of September 30, 2002. GENERAL FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The General Fund Budget was increased by $20,870,370 from the original budget to the final budget (an increase of 6.2%). These increases can be summarized as follows (please see budget to actual comparison on page 67): • $193,879 in miscellaneous increases in general government activities • $48,068 in increases allocated to the planning and development department • $2,066,562 in increases allocated to the public works department • $6,062,939 in increases allocated to public safety • $224,275 in increases allocated to public facilities • $81,618 in increases allocated to parks and recreation • $12,193,029 in increases in transfers to other funds Of this increase, all of it was to be funded out of revenues in excess of the original budget estimates The Charges for services was increased primarily due to recognition of $8,423,302 received under the provisions of Florida Statutes 175 and 185, to fund a separate non-contributory money purchase benefit plan for the public safety employees of the City. Additional information on the plan can be found in Note 9(F) in the notes to the financial statements. The general government function experienced a $14,000,000 charge due to a settlement of the parking surcharge program. The public safety function experienced a $8,423,302 increase in personnel costs due to the recognition for the Chapter 175 and 185 pension trust plans payments. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The Community Development Fund Budget was increased by $26,401,489 from the original budget to the final budget (an increase of 57.0%). The budget for Community Development was increased during the year to reflect the reconciliation of unused multiyear projects that were previously appropriated (please see budget to actual comparison on page 68). PUBLIC SERVICES TAX FUND BUDGETARY HIGHLIGHTS The Public Services Tax Fund Budget was increased by $8,000,000 from the original budget to the final budget (an increase of 18.7%). The budget for Public Services Tax was increased to reflect unanticipated revenues, which resulted from in the changes in the CST (please see budget to actual comparison on page 69). 10 CAPITAL ASSETS AND DEBT ADMINISTRATION Capital Assets As of year end, the City had $827,178,112 invested in a variety of capital assets, as reflected in the following schedule, which represents a net decrease (additions less retirements and depreciation) of $16.4 million or 1.94% from the end of last year. Capital Assets at Year End (Net of Depreciation) Land Buildings Improvements Other Than Buildings Building Improvements Machinery and Equipment Infrastructure Construction in Progress Total Governmental Activities 2002 2001 $ 63,695,567 $ 63,891,845 88,625,315 90,930,587 6,508,436 7,586,939 1,923,417 61,487 45,527,929 43,705,221 577,556,612 603,322,178 43,340,836 34,047,536 $ 827,178,112 $ 843,545,793 Major capital asset events during the current fiscal year included the following: • The City continued with the upgrading of the City's 800MHz radio systems. $4.28 million was invested in this project during the most recent fiscal year. This represents 57.7% of the expected total cost of this project, which will be completed in Fiscal 2003. • The Department of Solid Waste continued with implementation of the "One -Armed Bandit" Program as well as replacing older trucks in the fleet with an investment of $2.42 million during the most recent fiscal year. • Also, $5.9 million was invested in the replacement of various City Vehicles, Police Cars, and Fire and Rescue Apparatus. Additional information on the City's capital assets can be found in Note l(H)(6) and Note 5 in the notes to the financial statements. 11 Long-term debt At the end of the current fiscal year, the City had total bonded debt outstanding of $469,434,197. Of this amount, $252,876,553 comprises debt backed by the full faith and credit of the City and the remainder represents bonds and loans secured solely by specific revenue sources (i.e., revenue bonds). Outstanding Debt General Obligation Bonds, Special Obligations, and Notes and Loans Governmental Activities 2002 2001 General Obligation Bonds $ 252,876,553 $ 107,620,000 Special Obligation Bonds, Notes and Loans 216,557,644 222,225,586 Total $ 469,434,197 $ 329,845,586 The City's total debt increased by $139,588,611 (42.3%) during the current fiscal year. The key factor in this increase was a $153,186,406 Limited Ad -Valorem Bond issuance. In July of 2002, the City issued $153,186,406 of Limited Ad -Valorem Bonds to finance a homeland security program, neighborhood improvements, and capital projects and infrastructure. This is the first issuance of new debt for the City in seven years. During the current fiscal year, the City refinanced some of it existing debt to take advantage of prevailing market interest rates. This refinancing of the City's general and special obligation bonds resulted in a decrease in future debt service payments of $1.45 million and $1.23, respectively. The City received two rating upgrades during the year from Moody's Investor Service (Baa3 to Baa2, Baa2 to Baal) and an upgrade from Standard and Poor's (BB+ to BBB+). The City also received its first underlying rating of BBB+ from Fitch Ratings' in concert with the general obligation refunding in March 2002. Additional information on the City's long-term liabilities can be found in Note 6 on pages 47 - 52 in the notes to the financial statements. 12 ECONOMIC FACTORS AND NEXT YEAR'S BUDGET AND RATES The City's elected and appointed officials considered many factors when adopting the fiscal year 2003 budget. Included among these factors was uncertainty regarding the Parking Surcharge Tax, Communication Services Tax, and various economic indicators. On July 11, 2001, the Third District Court of Appeals ruled that the parking surcharge statute was unconstitutional. The City has appealed the ruling to the Florida Supreme Court who has upheld the ruling of the lower court. The legislature has approved a bill that has been signed by the Governor that amends the parking surcharge statute and eliminates the constitutional problems that the court found. This bill became law on November 30, 2001. A tentative settlement has been reached in this action that calls for a refund of amounts paid by users of parking services in Miami. The settlement totaled $14 million and has been recorded as a liability in the accompanying basic financial statements. Per the U.S. Department of Labor, the unemployment rate for South Florida is currently 7.4%, up from 7.2% a year ago. This rate is higher than the state's average unemployment rate of 5.4% and the national average rate of 5.7%. The region's inflation rate of 2.7% compared to the national indices of 1.6%. FINANCIAL CONTACT The City's financial statements are designed to present users (citizens, taxpayers, customers, investors and creditors) with a general overview of the City's finances and to demonstrate the City's accountability. If you have questions about the report or need additional financial information, contact Scott Simpson, Director of the City of Miami's Finance Department, 444 Southwest 2°d Avenue, 6`" Floor Finance, Miami, Florida 33130, or visit the City's web site at www.ci.miami.fl.us. 13 This page intentionally left blank 14 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Net Assets As of September 30, 2002 Liabilities Accounts Payable Governmental Component Accrued Liabilities Activities Units Assets 3,742,873 1,396,372 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments $ 487,370,164 $ 12,330,948 Receivables - Net 17,959,506 3,092,704 Accrued Interest 4,925,755 23,259 Due From Other Governments 25,172,346 - Due From Primary Government - 1,642,730 Due From Component Units 600,607 - Inventory - 5,000 Prepaid and Other Assets 735,687 1,132,740 Net Pension Asset 6,278,444 - Restricted Assets: 17,337,448 - Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments 19,665,151 13,144,418 Capital Assets: 444,922,236 45,688,810 Non -depreciable 107,036,403 19,749,967 Depreciable - Net 720,141,709 50,525,198 Total Assets 1,389,885,772 101,646,964 Liabilities Accounts Payable 11,751,608 1,904,830 Accrued Liabilities 39,932,097 799,562 Accrued Interest Payable 3,742,873 1,396,372 Due To Other Governments 2,669,545 - Due To Primary Government - 600,607 Due To Component Units 1,642,730 - Deferred Revenue 10,550,128 1,020,708 Deposits 6,212,340 234,269 Non -Current Liabilities Due Within One Year: Bonds and Loans Payable 22,057,850 2,375,000 Compensated Absences 4,980,868 53,288 Claims Liability 17,337,448 - Due In More Than One Year: Bonds and Loans Payable 444,922,236 45,688,810 Plus: Unamortized Bond Premium 2,939,154 109,348 Less: Unamortized Bond Discount (485,043) - Compensated Absences 60,188,579 28,263 Claims Liability 65,190,000 - Total Liabilities 693,632,413 54,211,057 Net Assets Invested in Capital Assets - Net of Related Debt 598,154,380 22,694,896 Restricted for: Capital Projects 93,161,095 3,207,661 Debt Service 14,323,926 2,428,081 Law Enforcement 7,546,944 - Unrestricted (Deficit) (16,932,986) 19,105,269 Total Net Assets $ 696,253,359 $ 47,435,907 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 15 Functions/Programs Activities: Primary Government Governmental Activities: General Government Planning and Development Community Development Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Interest on Long -Term Debt Unallocated Depreciation Total primary government Component Units: Miami Sports Exhibition Authority Department of Off -Street Parking Downtown Development Authority Bayfront Park Health Facilities Authority Total component units City of Miami, Florida Statement of Activities For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes, levied for general purposes Property taxes, levied for debt service Convention Development Taxes Occupational licenses and Franchise Fees State revenue sharing (sales tax and fuel tax) Public Service Taxes Investment Earnings Other Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net assets - Beginning Net assets - Ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 16 133,633,077 1,969,282 17,981,523 - Net (Expenses) Revenue and Changes 6,823,950 22,190,470 Program Revenues 36,644,840 in Net Assets 58,314,804 - Operating Capital Primary Government 1,641,169 283,446,118 Charges for Grants and Grants and Governmental Component Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Activities Units $ 94,349,348 $ 25,145,862 $ 831,457 $ 2,330,423 $ (66,041,606) $ 13,289,988 16,639,268 - 345,639 3,694,919 47,186,103 3,121,251 48,447,871 - 4,383,019 6,125,242 2,848,509 - - (3,276,733) 53,950,238 51,374,858 - 34,853 (2,540,527) 200,727,361 46,840,040 650,000 14,884,779 (138,352,542) 9,832,601 13,605,750 - 48,666 3,821,815 19,550,960 2,416,563 1,208,497 5,408,927 (10,516,973) 17,252,301 - - - (17,252,301) 25,765,566 - - - (25,765,566) $ 488,029,708 $ 161,992,101 $ 51,137,825 $ 23,053,287 (251,846,495) $ 8,777,479 $ 2,756,154 $ - $ - (6,021,325) 12,440,374 11,686,763 - - (753,611) 2,082,450 50,251 236,286 63,372 (1,732,541) 2,698,332 1,642,456 - - (1,055,876) 175 (175) $ 25,998,810 16,135,624 $ 236,286 $ 63,372 (9,563,528) General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes, levied for general purposes Property taxes, levied for debt service Convention Development Taxes Occupational licenses and Franchise Fees State revenue sharing (sales tax and fuel tax) Public Service Taxes Investment Earnings Other Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net assets - Beginning Net assets - Ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 16 133,633,077 1,969,282 17,981,523 - - 6,823,950 22,190,470 668,932 36,644,840 - 58,314,804 - 10,645,639 577,550 4,035,765 1,641,169 283,446,118 11,680,883 31,599,623 2,117,355 664,653,736 45,318,552 $ 696,253,359 $ 47,435,907 City of Miami, Florida Balance Sheet Governmental Funds September 30, 2002 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 17 Public Other Total Community Services General Governmental Governmental _ General Development Tax Government Funds Funds Assets Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments $ 170,161,920 $ 7,856,296 $ 5,929,871 $ 87,258,628 $ 216,163,449 $ 487,370,164 Restricted Cash and Investments 1,260,009 - - - 18,405,142 19,665,151 Receivables (Net of Allowances for Uncollectibles): Accounts 6,036,158 554,055 - 4,094,525 10,684,738 Taxes 6,090,924 - - 783,798 6,874,722 Special Assessments - 142,878 - 257,168 400,046 Due From Other Funds - - - - 1,390,489 1,390,489 Due From Other Governments 8,743,552 5,203,928 7,976,612 - 3,248,254 25,172,346 Due From Component Units 600,607 - - - 600,607 Accrued Interest 3,181,955 38,852 308,706 1,396,242 4,925,755 Prepaid and Other Assets 594,380 77,131 - 64,176 735,687 Total Assets $ 196,669,505 $ 13,873,140 $ 13,906,483 $ 87,567,334 $ 245,803,243 $ 557,819,705 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 3,645,459 $ 1,763,821 $ - $ 374,760 $ 5,967,568 $ 11,751,608 Accrued liabilities 31,003,460 2,942,819 4,251,142 22,143 1,712,533 39,932,097 Due To Other Funds - - - - 1,390,489 1,390,489 Due To Other Governments 28,406 550,615 2,090,524 2,669,545 Due To Component Units 1,642,730 - - 1,642,730 Deferred Revenue 14,251,833 55,363 - 2,422,654 16,729,850 Deposits 4,569,764 946,684 - 110,244 585,648 6,212,340 Total Liabilities 55,141,652 6,259,302 4,251,142 507,147 14,169,416 80,328,659 Fund Balances: Reserved for: Encumbrances 2,610,870 201,713 6,718,568 16,570,093 26,101,244 Debt Service - - - 18,851,799 18,851,799 Law Enforcement - - 7,546,944 7,546,944 Prepaid Items 594,380 77,131 64,176 735,687 Unreserved, reported in: General Fund 138,322,603 - - 138,322,603 Special Revenue Funds - 7,334,994 9,655,341 - 20,651,252 37,641,587 Capital Projects Funds - - 80,341,619 167,949,563 248,291,182 Total Fund Balances 141,527,853 7,613,838 9,655,341 87,060,187 231,633,827 477,491,046 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 196,669,505 $ 13,873,140 $ 13,906,483 $ 87,567,334 $ 245,803,243 $ 557,819,705 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 17 City of Miami, Florida Reconciliation of the Governmental Funds Balance Sheet to the Statement of Net Assets September 30, 2002 Fund Balances - Total Governmental Funds Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Net Assets are different because: Cumulative over funding of annual required pension contribution. Capital assets used in governmental activities are not financial resources and therefore are not reported in the governmental funds. $ 477,491,046 6,278,444 Governmental Capital Assets $ 1,422,880,581 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (595,702,469) 827,178,112 Other long-term assets are not available to pay for current period expenditures and therefore are deferred in the funds. 6,179,722 Long-term liabilities, including bonds payable are not due and payable in the current period and therefore are not reported in the governmental funds. Governmental Bonds and Loans Payable (466,980,086) Premium (2,939,154) Discount 485,043 Accrued Interest (3,742,873) Compensated Absences (65,169,447) Claims Liability (82,527,448) (620,873,965) Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 696,253,359 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 18 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes In Fund Balances Governmental Funds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Revenues Property Taxes Franchise Fees and Other Taxes Licenses and Permits Fines and Forfeitures Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Impact Fees Other Total Revenues Expenditures Current Operating: General Government Planning and Development Community Development Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay Total Expenditures Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers From Other Funds Transfers To Other Funds Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Payments To Escrow Agent Proceeds of Long -Term Capital -Related Debt Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) Net Changes in Fund Balances Fund Balances - Beginning As Restated Fund Balances - Ending Public Other Total General Community Services General Governmental Governmental Fund Development Tax Government Funds Funds $ 130,375,831 $ - $ - $ - $ 21,090,279 $ 151,466,110 15,775,689 - 57,314,720 - 9,330,383 82,420,792 21,375,993 - - - - 21,375,993 4,051,483 - - - 3,822,125 7,873,608 42,322,189 40,414,838 - - 36,463,567 119,200,594 93,708,913 8,777,658 - - 10,323,994 112,810,566 10,102,103 359,707 - 373,121 3,526,937 14,361,868 - - - - 2,518,983 2,518,983 5,371,152 2,016,919 - - 4,431,533 11,819,604 323,083,353 51,569,122 57,314,720 373,121 91,507,801 523,848,117 83,117,901 - - - 7,441,975 90,559,876 7,997,611 - - - 699,452 8,697,063 - 47,497,163 - - - 47,497,163 - - - - 6,055,846 6,055,846 46,309,524 - - - 25,000 46,334,524 169,452,122 - - - 12,092,474 181,544,596 5,071,735 - - - 2,854,550 7,926,285 11,092,994 - - - 1,827,251 12,920,245 - 23,073,400 23,073,400 - - 19,336,603 19,336,603 - - - 12,745,765 32,530,638 45,276,403 323,041,887 47,497,163 - 12,745,765 105,937,189 489,222,004 41,466 4,071,959 57,314,720 (12,372,644) (14,429,388) 34,626,113 47,366,515 1,248,229 - 25,550,896 68,331,900 142,497,540 (24,553,971) (3,104,154) (48,800,845) (12,197,490) (53,841,080) (142,497,540) - - - - 73,575,000 73,575,000 - - - - (69,980,000) (69,980,000) - - - 47,580,087 107,550,000 155,130,087 22,812,544 (1,855,925) (48,800,845) 60,933,493 125,635,820 158,725,087 22,854,010 2,216,034 8,513,875 48,560,849 111,206,432 193,351,200 118,673,843 5,397,804 1,141,466 38,499,338 120,427,395 284,139,846 $ 141,527,853 $ 7,613,838 $ 9,655,341 $ 87,060,187 $ 231,633,827 $ 477,491,046 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 19 City of Miami, Florida Reconciliation of the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds to the Statement of Activities For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 Net Changes in Fund Balances - Total Governmental Funds $ 193,351,200 Amounts reported for governmental activities in the Statement of Activities are different because: Governmental funds report capital outlays as expenditures. However, in the Statement of Activities, the cost of these assets is depreciated over their estimated useful lives. 4,907,022 Expenditures for Capital Assets $ 26,286,592 Less: Current Year Depreciation (42,654,273) (16,367,681) Bond proceeds provide current financial resources to governmental funds, but issuing debt increasing long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Assets. Repayment of bond principal is a expenditure in the governmental funds, but the repayment reduces long-term liabilities in the Statement of Net Assets. This is the amount by which proceeds exceeded repayments. Bond Proceeds (232,674,462) Accrued Interest (3,742,873) Principal Payments 93,053,400 (143,363,935) Certain items reported in the Statement of Revenues, Expenditures, and Changes in Fund Balances of Governmental Funds resulted in increases to beginning of the year net assets in the Statement of Net Assets. (4,372,381) Some items reported in the Statement of Activities do not require the use of current financial resources and therefore are not reported as expenditures in governmental funds. Amortization of current year bond discount (8,013) Amortization of current year bond premium 40,465 Change in Long-term Compensated Absences (8,259,961) Change in Long-term Claims Liability 5,672,907 (2,554,602) Change in Net Assets of Governmental Activities $ 31,599,623 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 20 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds As of September 30, 2002 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 21 Employee Retirement Finds Assets Cash and Short -Term Investments $ 51,850,367 Accounts Receivable 41,085,875 Capital Assets 3,404,795 96,341,037 Investments, at fair value U.S Government Obligations 322,615,853 Corporate Bonds 211,996,953 Corporate Stocks 754,468,244 Money Market Funds and Commercial Paper 21,042,477 Mutual Funds 49,429,740 Real Estate 29,131,350 Total Investments 1,388,684,617 Securities Lending Collateral 97,268,223 Total Assets 1,582,293,877 Liabilities Obligations Under Security Lending 97,268,223 Accounts Payable 861,056 Accrued Liabilities 5,596,093 Payable for securities purchased 81,568,894 Total Liabilities 185,294,266 Net Assets Held in Trust for Pension Benefits $---1,396,999,611 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements 21 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 Additions (Reductions) Contributions: Employer Plan Members Total Contributions Investment Earnings (Losses): Net Decrease in Fair Value of Investments Interest Dividends Rental and Other Income, net Total Investment Losses Less Investment Expenses Investment Expenses Net Investment Losses Total Reductions Deductions Benefits Refunds upon resignation, death, etc. Distribution to retirees Administrative and other expenses Total Deductions Change in Net Assets Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year Employee Retirement Funds $ 8,565,605 13,907,269 22,472,874 (156,819,743) 36,986,535 11,429,189 2,584,151 (105,819,868) 5,477,467 (111,297,335) (88,824,461) 78,588,741 1,540,003 8,943,616 1,715,867 90,788,227 (179,612,688) 1,576,612,299 $ 1,396,999,611 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 22 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Net Assets Discretely presented Component Units For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 Miami Sports Department Downtown Health and Fabibition of Of%Street Development Bayfront Facilities Authority Parking Authority Park Authority Total ssets Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments $ 1,290,732 $ 5,917,219 $ 2,129,132 $ 2,877,211 $ 116,654 $ 12,330,948 Receivables (Net) 91,673 358,748 - 38,299 - 488,720 Accounts 603,984 - - - - 603,984 Taxes Notes 21000,000 - - 2,000,000 " Accrued Interest 23,259 - - - 23,259 - 1,642,730 Due From Primary Government - - 1,642,730 - - - 5,000 - 5,000 Inventory Prepaid and Other Assets 390,345 713,050 27,470 1,875 - 1,132,740 Restricted Assets: Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments 11,290,699 1,753,719 - 100,000 - 13,144,418 Capital Assets: Non -depreciable 7,080,662 12,153,176 - 516,129 - 19,749,967 Depreciable, Net 32,365,357 15,543,009 55,101 2,561,731 - 50,525,198 Total Assets 55,136,711 38,081,651 2,211,703 6,100,245 116,654 101,646,964 Liabilities Accounts Payable - Accrued liabilities 354,219 Accrued Interest Payable 1,126,615 Due To Primary Government - Deferred Revenue 632,349 Deposits Non -Current liabilities Due Within Oae Year 1,645,661 238,666 20,328 175 1,904,830 417,665 - 27,678 - 799,562 269,757 - - - 1,396,372 568,835 31,772 - - 600,607 367,338 9,771 11,250 - 1,020,708 86,572 - 147,697 - 234" Bonds and Loans Payable 1,740,000 635,000 - - 2,375,000 Compensated Absences - - 53,288 - 53,288 Due In More Than One Year. Bonds and Loans Payable 34,655,000 11,033,810 - - 45,688,810 Plus: Unamortized Bond Premium - 109,348 - - 109,348 Compensated Absences - - 28.263 - - 28,263 Total Liabilities 38,508,183 15,133,986 361,760 206,953 175 54,211,057 Net Assets invested in Capital Assets, Net of Related Debt 3,051,019 Restricted for. Capital Projects 3,207,661 Debt Service 2,428,081 Unrestricted 7,941,767 Total Net Assets $ 16,628,528 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 16,510,916 55,101 3,077,860 - 6,436,749 1,794,842 2,815,432 116,479 $ 22,947,665 $ 1,849,943 $ 5,893,292 $ 116,479 23 22,694,896 3,207,661 2,428,081 19,105,269 $ 47,435,907 City of Miami, Florida Statement of Activities Discretely Presented Component Units For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes, levied for genal -purposes Convention Development Taxes Occupational Licenses and Franchise Fees Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net assets - Beginning Net assets - Ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 24 Program Revenues Operating Capital Charges for Grants and Grants and Expenses Services Contributions Contributions Miami Sports Exhibition Authority Economic Development $ 8,777,479 $ 2,756,154 $ - $ _ Total Miami Sports Exhibition Authority 8,777,479 2,756,154 - _ Department of Off -Street Parking Operations 12,440,374 11,686,763 - - Total Department of Off -Street Parking 12,440,374 11,686,763 - - Downtown Development Authority General and Administrative 1,168,041 - 86,286 - Community Development 534,146 - - _ Education 380,263 50,251 150,000 63,372 Total Downtown Development Authority 2,082,450 50,251 236,286 63,372 Bayfront Park Operations 2,698,332 1,642,456 - - Total Bayfront Park 2,698,332 1,642,456 - - Health Facilities Authority Operations 175 - - - Total Bayfront Park 175 - - - Total Component Units $ 25,998,810 $ 16,135,624 $ 236,286 $ 63,372 General Revenues: Taxes: Property taxes, levied for genal -purposes Convention Development Taxes Occupational Licenses and Franchise Fees Investment Earnings Miscellaneous Total General Revenues Change in Net Assets Net assets - Beginning Net assets - Ending The accompanying notes are an integral part of the financial statements. 24 Net (Expense) Revenue and Changes in Net Assets Miami Sports Department Downtown Health and Exhibition of Off -Street Development Bayfront Facilities Authority Parking Authority Park Authority Totals $ (6,021,325) $ - $ - $ - $ - $ (6,021,325) (6,021,325) - - - - (6,021,325) (753,611) - - - (753,611) (753,611) - - - (753,611) - (1,081,755) - - (1,081,755) - (534,146) - - (534,146) (116,640) - - (116,640) - (1,732,541) - - (1,732,541) - - (1,055,876) - (1,055,876) - - - (1,055,876) - (1,055,876) (175) (175) (175) (175) (6,021,325) (753,611) (1,732,541) (1,055,876) (175) (9,563,528) - - 1,969,282 - - 1,969,282 6,823,950 - - - - 6,823,950 - - - 668,932 - 668,932 209,016 298,962 30,591 38,981 - 577,550 236,412 112,936 46,441 1,213,204 32,176 1,641,169 7,269,378 411,898 2,046,314 1,921,117 32,176 11,680,883 1,248,053 (341,713) 313,773 865,241 32,001 2,117,355 15,380,475 23,289,378 1,536,170 5,028,051 84,478 45,318,552 $ 16,628,528 $ 22,947,665 $ 1,849,943 $ 5,893,292 $ 116,479 $ 47,435,907 25 This page intentionally left blank 26 CITY OF NIIANII, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 NOTE I. — SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The City of Miami, Florida (the "City"), in the County of Miami -Dade, was incorporated in 1896, has a population of approximately 362,000. The City is situated at the mouth of the Miami River on the western shores of Biscayne Bay and is a main port of entry into Florida and the county seat of Miami -Dade County, Florida. The City comprises 34.3 square miles of land and 19.5 square miles of water. The accompanying financial statements of the City have been prepared in accordance with accounting principles ("GAAP") generally accepted in the United States of America as applied to governmental units. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board ("GASB") is the standard-setting body for governmental accounting and financial reporting. The GASB periodically updates its codification of the existing Governmental Accounting and Financial Reporting Standards which, along with subsequent GASB pronouncements (Statements and Interpretations), constitutes GAAP for governmental units. The more significant of these accounting policies are described below. In June 1999, the GASB unanimously approved Basic Financial Statements - and Management Discussion and Analysis - for State and Local Governments (Statement No. 34). This Statement provides for the most significant change in financial reporting in over twenty years and is scheduled for a phased implementation (based on size of government) starting with fiscal years ending 2002 (for larger governments). As part of this Statement, there is a new reporting requirement regarding the local government's infrastructure (roads, bridges, traffic signals, etc.). This requirement permits an optional four-year further delay for implementation to the fiscal year ending 2006. The City elected to implement the basic model as well as the infrastructure related portion (under the depreciation method) for fiscal year ending September 30, 2002. 27 The City has also implemented Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statements No. 37, Basis Financial Statements — and Management's Discussion and Analysis — for State and Local Governments: Omnibus — amendment of GASB Statements No. 21 and No. 34, portions of No. 38, Certain Financial Statement Note Disclosures, and Interpretation No. 6, Recognition and Measurement of Certain Liabilities and Expenditures in Government Fund Financial Statements. GASB Statement No. 34 (as amended by Statement No. 37) establishes new requirements and a new model for the annual financial reports of state and local governments. The Statement was developed to make annual reports easier to understand and more useful to the people who use governmental financial information to make decisions. Implementation of portions of Statement No. 38 resulted in certain note disclosures being added or amended, including descriptions of activities of major funds, and debt service requirements to maturity for debt, capital and noncancelable leases for each of the five subsequent fiscal years and in the five year increments thereafter. Other disclosures required by Statement No. 38 will be implemented next year, as permitted by the statement. These disclosures include the disaggregation of payables balances and details about interfund balances and interfund transfers. Interpretation No. 6 requires certain long-term liabilities to be reported in the governmental fund statements only if the amount is due for payment in the period being reported. As a result, amounts for accrued vacation, health insurance, and general liability previously reported in the General Fund, are no longer reported as a fund liability. Manap-ement's Discussion and Analysis — GASB Statement No. 34 requires that financial statements be accompanied by a narrative introduction and analytical overview of the government's financial activities in the form of management's discussion and analysis (MD&A). This analysis is similar to CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS analysis the private sector provides in their annual reports. Government -wide FInancial Statements — The reporting model includes financial statements prepared using full accrual accounting for all of the government's activities. This approach includes not just current assets and liabilities (such as cash and accounts payable) but also capital assets and long- term liabilities (such as buildings and infrastructure, including bridges and roads, and general obligation debt). Accrual accounting also reports all of the revenues and cost of providing services each year, not just those received or paid in the current year or soon after. Statement of Net Assets — The Statement of Net Assets is designed to display the financial position of the primary government and its directly presented component units. Governments will report all capital assets, including infrastructure, in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets and will report depreciation expense — the cost of "using up" capital assets — in the Statement of Activities. The net assets of a government will be broken down into three categories —1) invested in capital assets, net of related debt; 2) restricted; and 3) unrestricted. Statement of Activities — The new government - wide statement of activities reports expenses and revenues in a format that focuses on the cost of each of the government's functions. The expenses of individual functions are compared to the revenues generated by the function (for instance, through user charges or intergovernmental grants). Budaetary Comparison Schedules — Demonstrating compliance with the adopted budget is an important component of a government's accountability to the public. Many citizens participate in one way or another in the process of establishing the annual operating budgets of state and local governments, and have a keen interest in the following the actual financial progress of their government over the course of the year. Many governments revise their original budgets over the course of the year for a variety of reasons. Under 28 the new reporting model, governments will continue to provide budgetary comparison information in their annual reports. An important change, however, is a requirement to add the government's original budget to the current comparison of final budget and actual results. A. Reporting Entity The City Charter was adopted by the electors of the City of Miami at an election held May 17, 1921 and legalized and validated by Chapter 9024 of the laws of the State of Florida of 1921. During fiscal year 1997, the residents of the City voted on a referendum that created single -member districts and an Executive Mayor form of government. The City continues to operate under the Commission/City Manager form of government and provides the following services: police and fire protection, public works activities, solid waste collection, parks and recreational facilities, planning and development, community development, financial services and general administrative services. On December 3, 1996, in response to formal notification by the City, the Governor of the State of Florida (the "Governor") acknowledged that the City was in a financial emergency as provided in Part V of Chapter 218, Florida Statutes (the "local Government Financial Emergencies Act"). In Executive Order Number 96-391 effective on December 11, 1996, the Governor created a Financial Emergency Oversight Board (the "Oversight Board") to oversee the fiscal affairs of the City with respect to the financial emergency. The Financial Oversight Board adopted a resolution on December 18, 2001, informing the Governor that the City had complied with terms and conditions of the Intergovernmental Agreement and the recommendation to dissolve the Financial Oversight Board. The Governor officially terminated the Oversight Board on March 19, 2002. The Florida Legislature, in 1955, approved and submitted to a general election, a constitutional amendment designed to give a new form of CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS government to Miami -Dade County, Florida (the "County"). The County is, in effect, a municipality with governmental powers affecting thirty cities and unincorporated areas, including the City. The County has not displaced nor replaced the cities' powers, but supplements them. The County can take over particular activities of the City's operations if (1) the services fall below minimum standards set by the County Commission, or (2) with the consent of the governing body of the City. Accordingly, the County's financial statements are not included in this report. The accompanying financial statements include those of the City (the primary government) and those of its component units. Component units are legally separate organizations for which the primary government is financially accountable or organizations which should be included in- the City's financial statements because of the nature and significance of their relationship with the primary government. The decision to include a potential component unit in the City's reporting entity is based on the criteria stated in GASB Statement No. 14 - The Financial Reporting Entity, which includes the ability to appoint a voting majority of an organization's governing body and (1) the ability of the City to impose its will on that organization or (2) the potential for the organization to provide specific financial benefits to, or impose specific financial burden on the City. Based upon the application of the criteria in GASB Statement No. 14, the financial statements of the component units listed on the following pages have been included in the City's reporting entity as either blended or discretely presented component units. Blended component units, although legally separate entities, are, in substance, part of the City's operations. Accordingly, data from these component units are. included with data of the primary government. Each discretely presented component unit, on the other hand, is reported in a separate column in the financial statements to emphasize that they are legally separate from the City. The financial 29 activities arid balances for each blended and discretely presented component units are as of and for the period ended September 30, 2002. 1. Blended Component Units SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN PARK WEST REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("SEOPW")- SEOPW is an Agency established by the City in 1982 under authority of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and City Resolution No. 82-755. The City has entered into an interlocal agreement with Miami -Dade County approving the deposit of tax increments into the Redevelopment Trust Fund. The City Commission is also the Board of Directors of the SEOPW. The City has issued debt for SEOPW and is responsible under the interlocal agreement for disbursement, accountability, management and proper application of all monies paid into the Trust. SEOPW is included within the reporting entity as a special revenue fund. OMNI REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("ORA") - ORA is an agency established by the City in 1986 under authority of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes and City Resolution No. 86-868. The City has entered into an interlocal agreement with Miami -Dade County approving the deposit of tax increments into the Redevelopment Trust Fund. The City Commission is also the Board of Directors of the ORA. The City is also responsible under the interlocal agreement for disbursement, accountability, management and proper application of all monies paid into the Trust. ORA is included within the reporting entity as a special revenue fund. NEIGHBORHOOD IM[PROVEM ENT DISTRICTS There are four neighborhood improvement districts. All four districts were inactive during fiscal year 2002. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. Discretely Presented Component Units MIAMI SPORTS AND EXHIBITION AUTHORITY ("MESA") - MSEA was created by the City in 1983 pursuant to Chapter 212.0305, Florida Statutes and City Ordinance No. 9662 to promote the development of sports, convention and exhibition facilities within the City using the 3% Convention Development Tax collected by the County. The City Commission must approve MSEA's board membership and operating budget. Therefore, the City is financially accountable and is discretely presenting MSEA in the accompanying financial statements. DOWNTOWN DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ("DDA") - DDA was created by the City in 1965 pursuant to Chapter 65-1090 of the General Laws of Florida and City Code Section 14-25. DDA is governed by a board appointed by the City Commission and was established for the purpose of furthering the development of the Downtown Miami area. The City Commission must approve DDA's operating budget and the millage levied on the special taxing district established to fund DDA. Therefore, the City is financially accountable and is discretely presenting DDA in the accompanying financial statements. DEPARTMENT OF OFF-STREET PARKING ("DOSP") - DOSP was originally created in 1955 by a special act of the Florida State Legislature and subsequently incorporated into the City's Charter in 1968. DOSP is an agency and instrumentality of the City, which owns and operates parking facilities within the City. The City Commission has reserved the right to confirm new members of the Off -Street Parking Board, to establish and fix rates and charges for parking services, to approve the DOSP operating budget and to authorize the issuance of revenue bonds. Therefore, the City is financially accountable and is discretely presenting DOSP in the accompanying financial statements. BAYFRONT MANAGEMENT TRUST (`BFP") — BFP was established by the City in 1987 under the authority City of Miami Resolution No. 10348. 30 Bayfront was created for the purpose of managing and operating the events held at Bayfront and Bicentennial Park and the daily maintenance and upkeep of the grounds, and its various amenities including the amphitheater and the Mildred and Claude Pepper Fountain. The governing body of the Trust consists of nine appointed members serving initial terms of one to three years. Upon expiration of an initial term, each successor member may be appointed by the City Commission for terms of one to three years. The Trust has appointed an executive director to act as the chief executive officer, subject to policy directives. The Trust prepares and submits an annual budget request and master plan to the City Commission for its approval for each fiscal year. Therefore, the City is financially accountable and is discretely presenting BFP in the accompanying financial statements. HEALTH FACILITY AUTHORITY ("HFA") — The HFA is an agency established by the City in 1979 under the authority of Chapter 154, Florida Statutes and City Resolution No. 79-93 to serve as a conduit to issue revenue bonds. The City Commission must approve HFA's board membership. Debt obligations issued under the preview of the HFA do not constitute an indebtedness, liability or pledge of the faith or credit of the HFA or the City. The aggregate amount of conduit debt obligations totaled $137,390,000 at September 30, 2002. HFA, does not issue stand- alone audited financial statements. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Complete financial information of the individual component units may be obtained at the entity's respective administrative offices as follows: SEOPW 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33131 ORA 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way Suite 430 Miami, Florida 33131 MSEA 701 Arena Blvd. Miami, Florida 33136 DOSP 190 NE 3d Street Miami, Florida 33132 DDA 330 North Biscayne Blvd. 11 th Floor Miami, Florida 33132 BFP 301 N. Biscayne Blvd. Miami, Florida 33132-2226 B. Government -wide and Fund Financial Statements The basic financial statements include both government -wide (based on the City as a whole) and fund financial statements. While the previous financial reporting model emphasized fund types (the total of all funds of a particular type), in the new financial reporting model the focus is on either the City as a whole, or major individual funds (within the fund financial statements). Both the government -wide and fund financial statements (within the basic financial statements) categorize primary activities as governmental type. In the government -wide Statement of Net Assets, the governmental activities column is presented on a full accrual, economic resource basis, which 31 incorporates long-term assets and receivables as well as long-term debt and obligations. The City does not have any business type activities for financial reporting purposes. The government -wide Statement of Activities reflects both the gross and net costs per functional category (Police, Fire, Public Works, etc.), which are otherwise being supported by general government revenues (property, sales and use taxes, certain intergovernmental revenues, etc.). The Statement of Activities reduces gross expenses (including depreciation) by related program revenues, operating and capital grants. The program revenues must be directly associated with the function (Police, Fire, Public Works, etc.). The City does not allocate indirect expenses. The operating grants include operating -specific and discretionary (either operating or capital) grants while the capital grants column reflects capital -specific grants. The net cost (by function) is normally covered by general revenue (property, sales or gas taxes, intergovernmental revenues, interest income, etc.). Historically, the previous financial reporting model did not summarize or present net cost by function or activity. This government -wide focus is more on the sustainability of the City as an entity and the change in aggregate financial position resulting from the activities of the fiscal period. The fund financial statements are, in substance, very similar to the financial statements presented in the previous financial reporting model. Emphasis here is on the major funds. Non -major funds (by category) are summarized into a single column. The governmental funds major fund statements in the fund financial statements are presented on a current financial resource and modified accrual basis of accounting. This is the manner in which these funds are normally budgeted. This presentation is deemed most appropriate to (a) demonstrate legal and covenant compliance, (b) demonstrate the source and use of liquid resources, CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS and (c) demonstrate how the City's actual experience conforms to the budget fiscal plan. Since the governmental fund statements are presented on a different measurement focus and basis of accounting than the government -wide statements' governmental column, a reconciliation is presented on the page following each statement, which briefly explains the adjustment necessary to transform the fund based financial statements into the governmental column of the government -wide presentation. The City's fiduciary funds are presented in the fund financial statements by type (pension, private purpose and agency). Since, by definition, these assets are being held for the benefit of a third parry (other local governments, private parties, pension participants, etc.) and cannot be used to address activities or obligations of the government, these funds are not incorporated into the government - wide statements. The focus of the Statement No. 34 model is on the City as a whole and the fund financial statements. The focus of the fund financial statements is on the major individual funds of the governmental activities and the fiduciary funds. Each presentation provides valuable information that can be analyzed and compared (between years and between governments) to enhance the usefulness of the information. C. Basis of Presentation Statement No. 34 sets forth minimum criteria (percentage of the assets, liabilities, revenues or expenditures/expenses of either fund category or the governmental and enterprise combined) for the determination of major funds. Funds that meet these criteria are labeled as such. The nonmajor funds are combined in a column in the fund financial statements and detailed in the combining section of this report. 32 The City reports the following funds: 1. Major Governmental Funds The measurement focus of the governmental funds (in the Fund Financial Statements) is upon determination of financial position and changes in financial position (sources, uses, and balances of financial resources) rather than upon net income. The following is a description of the major governmental funds of the City: a. General Fund — The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. General Tax revenues and other receipts that are not allocated by law or contractual agreement to some other fund are accounted for in this fund. General operating expenses, fixed charges, and capital improvement costs not paid through other funds are paid from this fund. b. Community Development Fund — This Special Revenue Fund accounts for the proceeds from the Federal Government under the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. c. Public Services Tax Fund — This Special Revenue Fund accounts for the utility service tax levied on purchases of public services. d. General Government Fiend — This Capital Project Fund accounts for capital expenditures made for general government operations. 2. Fiduciary Funds Fiduciary Funds account for resources held by the City as a trustee or agent for individuals, private organizations, other governments, and/or other funds. These include pension trusts, and agency funds. The Pension Trust Funds, City of Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust ("FIPO"), City of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust ("GESE") and Elected Officers' Retirement Trust (`BORT"), measurement focus is upon the determination of net CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS income and financial position since capital maintenance is critical. 3. Non -Current Governmental Assets/Liabilities GASB Statement No. 34 eliminates the presentation of Account Groups, but provides for these records to be maintained and incorporates the information into the governmental column in the government - wide Statement of Net Assets. D. Basis of Accounting The accounting and financial reporting treatment applied to a fund is determined by its measurement focus. All governmental funds are accounted for using the current financial resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, only current assets and current liabilities generally are included on the balance sheet in the fund statements. Long- term assets and long-term liabilities are included in the government -wide statements. Operating statements of these funds present increases (i.e., revenues and other financing sources) and decreases (i.e., expenditures and other financing uses) in net current assets. The government -wide statements of net assets, statements of activities, and pension trust funds are accounted for using the economic resources measurement focus. With this measurement focus, all assets and all liabilities associated with the operation of these activities are either included on the balance sheet or on the statement of fiduciary net assets. The fund financial statements are maintained on the modified accrual basis of accounting. Under this method of accounting, revenues are recognized in the period in which they become measurable and available. With respect to real and personal property tax revenue and other local taxes, the term "available" is limited to collection within sixty (60) days of the fiscal year end. Levies that are made prior to the fiscal year end, but are not available, are deferred. Interest income is recorded as earned. 33 Federal and State reimbursement type grants are recorded as revenue when related eligible expenditures are met. Expenditures, other than accrued interest on long-term debt, are record when the fund liability is incurred. All other revenue items reported in the fund financial statements are considered "available" when the cash is received by the City one year after its fiscal year end. Franchise and utility taxes, state revenue sharing, charges for services, and fines and forfeitures associated with the current period are considered to be susceptible to accrual and therefore have been recognized as revenues of the current fiscal period. Expenditures are generally recorded when a liability is incurred, as under accrual accounting. However, debt service expenditures, as well as expenditures related to compensated absences, claims, and judgments, are recorded only when payment is due. When both restricted and unrestricted resources are available for use, it is the City's policy to use restricted resources first, and then unrestricted resources as they are needed. E. Restatement of Prior Year Fund Balance The beginning fund balance for the General Fund was restated to comply with the adoption of Interpretation No. 6. Based on Interpretation No. 6 certain long-term liabilities should be reported in the governmental fund statements only if the amount are due for payment in the period being reported. As a result, the following adjustments were made: Fund Balance at 10-1-01, as previously reported $ 87,165,031 Claims payable - health insurance 4,021,355 Claims payable - general liability 22,797,000 Compensated absences 4,690,457 Fund Balance Restated at 10-1-01 $ 118,673,843 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS F. Use of Estimates The preparation of the financial statements in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenditures during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. G. Deferred Revenue Deferred revenues reported in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets and governmental funds Balance Sheet includes occupational licenses collected in advance as well as certain grants received prior to the City meeting all applicable grant eligible requirements. Deferred revenues reported in the governmental funds Balance Sheet also include delinquent property taxes that are not considered available. H. Unamortized Bond Premium and Discounts Premiums and discounts on the City's outstanding bonds issues reported in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets are amortized using the interest method, over the maturity of the related issues. I. Fund Equity Reserves reported in the governmental funds Balance Sheet are used to indicate that a portion of the fund balance is not appropriable for expenditure or is legally segregated for a specific future use. Usage of reserves has been limited to the following items: 1. Reserve for encumbrances - This amount is equal to the outstanding purchase orders for goods and services at year end; 34 2. Reserve for debt service - This is the amount of fund equity in the Debt Service Funds, which is set aside for the repayment of outstanding debt; 3. Reserve for prepaids - This amount is equal to the amount of prepaids recorded as an asset, and; 4. Reserve for law enforcement trust fund - This is the amount of the outstanding commitments of the Law Enforcement Trust Fund. J. Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Equity 1. Cash & Cash Equivalents The City has defined Cash and Cash Equivalents to include cash on hand, demand deposits, and cash with fiscal agents. Additionally, each fund's equity in the City's investment pool is considered to be a cash equivalent since the funds can be deposited or effectively withdrawn at any time without prior notice or penalty. 2. Investments All investments, including the Pension Funds are stated at fair value (quoted market price or the best available estimate thereof). 3. Account Receivable Accounts receivable are reported in the government - wide Statement of Net Assets and governmental funds Balance Sheet net of allowance for doubtful accounts. 4. Due From/Due To To properly allocate daily interest earnings among funds, the Due From/Due To (interfund) accounts are not used. Instead, interfund transactions are entered directly to the cash accounts maintained in a central pooled cash account in which all funds participate. Interfund due from/due to accounts (both between funds and between the primary government and component units) are only used at year end. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. Restricted Net Assets Certain proceeds from bonds, notes, and loans, as well as resources for debt service payments, and law enforcement trust monies are classified as restricted net assets reported on the government -wide Statement of Net Assets because their use is limited by applicable bond covenants and restrictions. 6. Capital Assets Capital outlays are recorded as expenditures in the governmental fund financial statements and as assets in the government -wide financial statements to the extent the City's capitalization threshold of $750 and an estimated useful life in excess of two years is met. In accordance with GASB Statement No. 34, infrastructure has been capitalized. Depreciation is recorded on capital assets on a government -wide basis using the straight-line method and the following estimated useful lives: Years Classification 20 - 45 Buildings 10 - 30 Improvements other than buildings 3 - 10 Machinery and equipment 3 - 10 Vehicles (including heavy equipment) 15 - 50 Infrastructure All capital assets are valued at historical cost or estimated historical cost, if actual cost was not available. Donated capital assets are valued at their estimated fair market value on the date donated. Maintenance, repairs, and minor equipment are charged to operations when incurred. Expenses that materially change capacities or extend useful lives are capitalized. Upon sale or retirement of land, buildings, and equipment, the cost and related accumulated depreciation, if applicable, are eliminated from the respective accounts and any resulting gain or loss is included in the statement of activities. 35 7. Compensated Absences Under terms of Civil Service regulations, labor contracts and administrative policy, City employees are granted vacation and sick leave in varying amounts. Additionally, certain overtime hours can be accrued and carried forward as earned time off. Unused vacation and sick time is payable upon separation from service, subject to various limitations depending upon the employee's seniority and civil service classification. The total amount (the amount estimated to be used in subsequent fiscal years) for Government Funds is maintained separately and represents a reconciling item between the fund and government -wide presentations. NOTE 2. — DEPOSITS AND INVESTMENTS A. Deposits The City maintains a cash management pool for its cash and cash equivalents in which each fund and/or account or sub -account of a fund participates on a dollar equivalent and daily transaction basis. Interest income (which includes unrealized gains and losses) is distributed monthly based on a monthly average balance. The use of daily sweeps of zero balance accounts allows for the City's portfolio to be fully invested at all times. Although City investment practices avoid uninvested deposits, Florida Statutes provide established risk sharing collateral pooling by banks and savings and loans (which are qualified public depositories) that insure local government deposits and certificates of deposits (C.D.$) with participating "authorized depositories". The City's cash management pool is considered to be a cash equivalent for reporting purposes because it is an internally managed mutual fund which allows individual funds and subfunds to, at any time, deposit additional cash or make withdrawals without prior notice or penalty. The investment earnings on the City's cash management pool are reported as part of the investing activity. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS All deposits are held in banking institutions approved by the State Treasurer of the State of Florida, to hold public funds. Under the Florida Statutes Chapter 280, "Florida Security for Public Deposits Act", the State Treasurer requires all qualified public depositories to deposit with the Treasurer or another banking institution eligible collateral equal to 50% to 125% of the average daily balance for each month of all public deposits in excess of any applicable deposit insurance held. The percentage of eligible collateral (generally, U.S. governmental and agency securities, state or local government debt, or corporate bonds) to public deposits is dependent upon the depository's financial history and its compliance with Chapter 280, Florida Statutes. In the event of a failure of a qualified public depository, the remaining public depositories would be responsible for covering any resulting losses. Accordingly, all cash and time deposits held by banks can be classified as category one credit risk as defined in GASB Statement No. 3, which means they are fully insured or collateralized. The bank deposits at September 30, 2002 of the City and it's discretely present component units are fully insured or collateralized in accordance with GASB Statement No. 3, Deposits With Financial Institutions, Investments (Including Repurchase Agreements), and Reverse Repurchase Agreements). B. Investments As required by Florida Statutes, the City has adopted a written investment policy, which may from time to time, be amended by the City Commission. The City Code authorizes the Director of Finance to purchase and invest idle funds prudently in U. S. Treasuries and obligations of agencies of the United States, provided such are guaranteed by the United States or by the issuing agency; general obligations of states, municipalities, school districts, or other political subdivisions; revenue and excise tax bonds of the various municipalities of the State of Florida, provided none of such securities has been in default within five years prior to date of purchase; negotiable certificates of deposit; bankers acceptance drafts; 36 money market investments; and prime commercial paper. The Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund is governed by Ch. 19-7 of the Florida Administrative Code, which identifies the Rules of the State Board of Administration. These rules provide guidance and establish the general operating procedures for the administration of the Local Government Surplus Funds Trust Fund. Additionally, the Office of the Auditor General performs the operational audit of the activities and investments of the State Board of Administration. The fair value of the position in the external investment pool is the same as the value of the pool shares. Investments are categorized to give an indication of the level of risk assumed by the entity at year end. The three categories of risk are as follows: (1) Insured or collateralized with securities held by the entity or by its agent in the entity's name; (2) Collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution's trust department or agent in the entity's name; and (3) Uncollateralized, including any bank balance that is collateralized with securities held by the pledging financial institution, or by its trust department or agent t -it not in the entity's name. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The City's non -pension investments consisted of the following at September 30, 2002 and are classified as follows: Primary Government Credit Risk CategorX 1 2 Fair Value U.S. Treasury Notes and Bills ........... $ 49,763,950 $ - $ 49,763,950 U.S. Agencies Obligations ................. 341,317,388 - 341,317,388 Short -Term Commercial Paper........... 77,972,900 6,313,508 84,286,408 Totals........................................ Money Market Investments .............. Totals........................................ $ 469,054,238 $ 6,313,508 $ 475,367,746 29,931,970 $ 505,299,716 The City had other investments in the amount of $1,735,599 which consisted of short-term investment pools at September 30, 2002, which are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. MSEA Credit Risk Category 2 Money Market Investments .............. $ 11,290,699 Totals........................................ Fair Value $ 11,290,699 $ 11,290,699 MSEA had other investments in the amount of $1,290,732 which consisted of short-term investment pools at September 30, 2002, which are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. 37 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DOSP Credit Risk Category 2 Fair Value U.S. Government Securities .................... $ 4,501,152 $ 4,501,152 Short -Term Investment Pool ..................... 1,751,437 Florida State Board of Administration.......... 890,602 Totals ................................................ $ 7,143,191 DOSP had other investments in the amount of $527,747 which consisted of short-term investment pools at September 30, 2002, which are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. DDA DDA's had investments of $2,129,132 that consisted of a jumbo commercial money market paying interest at a rate of 1.09% per annum. The money market investment is considered cash and is not categorized as level to risk since it is deemed to be fully collateralized under the Florida Security for Public Deposit Act or covered under the FDIC insured. BFP BFP's had investments of $2,977,211 that consisted of short-term investment pools at September 30, 2002, which are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. R -19V BFA's had investments of $116,654 that consisted of short-term investment pools at September 30, 2002, which are not categorized because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. 38 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PENSION TRUST FUNDS U.S. Government and Agency ............. Corporate Stocks ............................ Corporate Bonds ............................ Totals......................................... Money Market Funds ...................... Mutual Funds ........................... Real Estate ................................. Real Property .............................. Total Pension Investments ............. Credit Risk Category 1 $ 322,615,853 754,468,244 211,996,953 $ 1,289,081,050 Fair Value $ 322,615,853 754,468,244 211,996,953 1,289,081,050 21,042,477 49,429,740 29,061,148 70,202 $ 1,388,684,617 The investments of $51,850,367 in the short-term investment pools and mutual funds are not categorized to give an indication of the level of risk assumed by the entity at year end because they are not evidenced by securities that exist in physical or book entry form. 39 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The following represents the balances relating to securities lending transactions at September 30, 2002: Securities lent: Lent for cash collateral: U.S government and agency obligations Domestic corporate stocks Domestic corporate bonds International corporate stocks Lent for securities collateral: U.S government and agency obligations Domestic corporate stocks Domestic corporate bonds International corporate stocks Total securities lent Fair Value Underlying Securities $ 43,768,926 27,256,457 22,222,768 1,587,920 94,836,071 17,284,051 563,371 1,457,377 19,304,799 $ 1141-140,870 Cash Colleteral Received/Securities Collateral Value $ 44,667,850 28,172,747 22,722,098 1,705,528 97,268,223 17,782,926 586,577 1,480,264 19,849,767 Cash Collateral Investment Value $ 44,667,850 28,172,747 22,722,098 1,705,528 97;268,223 $ 117,117,990 $ 97,268,223 The contract with the Trust's custodian requires the custodian to indemnify the Trust if the borrower fails to return the securities, due to the insolvency of a borrower, and the custodian has failed to live up to its contractual responsibilities relating to the lending of those securities. At year end, the Trust had no credit risk exposure to borrowers because the amounts of collateral held by the Trust exceed the amounts the borrowers owe the Trust. There are no significant violations of legal or contractual provisions, no borrowers or lending agent default losses, and no recoveries of prior period losses during the year. There are no income distributions owning on securities lent. 40 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 3. - RECEIVABLES A. Accounts Receivable Accounts receivable at September 30, 2002 consisted of the following: Receivables Taxes Accounts Special Assessments Intergovernmental Loans Gross receivables Less: allowance for uncollectibles Net total receivables Nonmajor Community Public General and Other General Development Services Tax Government Funds Total _ $ 6,090,924 $ - $ - $ - $ 783,798 $ 6,874,722 20,130,383 1,655,258 - 575,000 5,772,259 28,132,900 - 142,878 - - 257,168 400,046 9,344,159 5,203,928 7,976,612 - 3,248,254 25,772,953 288,000 49,534,290 - - - 49,822,290 35,853,466 56,536,354 7,976,612 575,000 10,061,479 111,002,911 21,471,241 )) (1,677,734) (67 - $ 8,383,745 $ 43 As part of its Community Development Block Grant program, the City issues single and multi -family housing rehabilitation loans to qualified residents. All repayments of the loans, which carry low interest rates, remain in the loan program. As collection of the loans is not assured the loans are fully reserved. As of September 30, 2002, rehabilitation loans outstanding totaled approximately $49,534,290. Component Units NOTE 4. - PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes are levied on January ls` and are payable on November ls`, with discounts allowed of one to four percent if paid prior to March 1st of the following calendar year. Taxpayers also have the option of paying their taxes in advance in equal quarterly payments based on the prior year's tax assessment with quarterly discounts varying between 2% and 6%. All unpaid taxes on real and personal property become delinquent on April 1" and bear interest at 18% until a sale tax certificate is sold at auction. The County bills and collects all property taxes for the City, and sells tax certificates for delinquent taxes. The assessed value of property, as established by the Miami -Dade County Property Appraiser, at January 1, 2001, upon which the 2001-2002 levy was based, was approximately $15,346,000,000. The City is permitted by Article 7, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution to levy taxes up to $10 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for 41 MSEA DOSP BFP Total Receivables Taxes $ 603,984 $ - $ - $ 603,984 Accounts 91,673 391,665 133,047 616,385 Intergovernmental - 1,642,730 - 1,642,730 Loans 2,000,000 - - 2,000,000 Gross Receivables 2,695,657 2,034,395 133,047 4,863,099 Less: allowance for uncollectibles - (32,917) (94,748) (127,665) Net total receivables _ $ 2,695,657 $ 2,001,478 $ 38,299 $ 4,735,434 NOTE 4. - PROPERTY TAXES Property taxes are levied on January ls` and are payable on November ls`, with discounts allowed of one to four percent if paid prior to March 1st of the following calendar year. Taxpayers also have the option of paying their taxes in advance in equal quarterly payments based on the prior year's tax assessment with quarterly discounts varying between 2% and 6%. All unpaid taxes on real and personal property become delinquent on April 1" and bear interest at 18% until a sale tax certificate is sold at auction. The County bills and collects all property taxes for the City, and sells tax certificates for delinquent taxes. The assessed value of property, as established by the Miami -Dade County Property Appraiser, at January 1, 2001, upon which the 2001-2002 levy was based, was approximately $15,346,000,000. The City is permitted by Article 7, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution to levy taxes up to $10 per $1,000 of assessed valuation for 41 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS general governmental services other than the payment of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt. In addition, unlimited amounts may be levied for the payment of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt, subject to a limitation on the amount of debt outstanding. The tax rate to finance general governmental services (other than the payment of principal and interest on general obligation long-term debt) for the year ended September 30, 2002, was $8.995 per $1,000. The debt service tax rate for the same period was $1.218 per $1,000. Property taxes receivable reported in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets and the governmental funds Balance Sheet represent amounts due for unpaid delinquent property taxes at September 30, 2002. Property taxes that are not considered "available" have been reported as deferred revenues in the governmental funds Balance Sheet. 42 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 5. — CAPITAL ASSETS The following is a summary of changes in capital assets during the year ended September 30, 2002: Governmental Activities: Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction in progress Total Capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings Improvements other than buildings Building improvements Machinery and equipment Infrastructure Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings Improvements other than buildings Building improvements Machinery and equipment Infrastructure Total accumulated depreciation Governmental activities capital assets, net Primary Government Beginning Ending Balance Additions Retirements Balance $ 61,762,501 $ 1,933,066 $ - $ 63,695,567 34,047,536 9,293,300 - 43,340,836 95,810,037 11,226,366 - 107,036,403 168,737,839 - - 168,737,839 24,061,858 - - 24,061,858 61,593 2,098,528 - 2,160,121 108,600,300 13,439,359 (6,554,795) 115,484,864 1,005,399,496 - - 1,005,399,496 1,306,861,086 15,537,887 (6,554,795) 1,315,844,178 (75,677,909) (4,434,615) - (80,112,524) (16,474,919) (1,078,503) - (17,553,422) (106) (236,598) - (236,704) (64,895,080) (11,138,991) 6,077,136 (69,956,935) (402,077,318) (25,765,566) - (427,842,884) (559,125,332) (42,654,273) 6,077,136 (595,702,469) $ 843,545,791 $ (15,890,020) $ (477,659) $ 827,178,112 Depreciation expense was charged to government functions as follows: General Government $ 3,222,749 Planning and Development 78,990 Community Development Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Unallocated Total depreciation expense 87,829 23,875 2,960,301 7,231,983 406,025 2,876,955 25,765,566 $ 42,654,273 43 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS MSEA Beginning Ending Balance Additions Retirements Balance Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land $ 5,923,000 $ - $ - $ 5,923,000 Parking lot/warehouse 1,157,662 - - 1,157,662 Total capital assets, not being depreciated 7,080,662 - - 7,080,662 Capital assets, being depreciated: Miami arena 48,922,732 146,960 49,069,692 Miami arena equipment 1,982,199 131,060 - 2,113,259 Office equipment 223,144 12,646 - 235,790 Art in public places 187,587 - - 187,587 Vehicles - 10,184 - 10,184 Total capital assets, being depreciated 51,315,662 300,850 - 51,616,512 Less accumulated depreciation for: Miami arena (16,223,556) (1,224,905) (17,448,461) Miami arena equipment (1,420,687) (136,590) (1,557,277) Office equipment (161,540) (21,424) (182,964) Art in public places (54,950) (7,503) (62,453) Total accumulated depreciation (17,860,733) (1,390,422) (19,251,155) MSEA capital assets, net $ 40,535,591 $ (1,089,572) $ $ 39,446,019 44 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Construction in progress Total capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Building and structures Leasehold improvements Furniture and fixtures Equipment Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Building and structures Leasehold improvements Furniture and fixtures Equipment Total accumulated depreciation DOSP capital assets, net DOSP Beginning Ending Balance Additions Retirements Balance $ 10,343,206 $ 1,733,147 $ - $ 12,076,353 36,770 76,823 (36,770) 76,823 10,379,976 1,809,970 (36,770) 12,153,176 23,283,803 52,160 - 23,335,963 4,972,667 3,140 - 4,975,807 157,807 1,600 159,407 8,517,871 616,906 (200,527) 8,934,250 36,932,148 673,806 (200,527) 37,405,427 (10,601,419) (690,597) - (11,292,016) (4,122,525) (131,473) (4,253,998) (143,631) (5,190) - (148,821) (5,625,798) (742,312) 200,527 (6,167,583) (20,493,373) (1,569,572) 200,527 (21,862,418) $ 26,818,751 $ 914,204 $ (36,770) $ 27,696,185 45 DDA Beginning Ending Capital assets, being depreciated: Balance Additions Retirements Balance Leasehold improvements $ 332,732 $ 27,197 $ (57,036) $ 302,893 Total capital assets, being depreciated 332,732 27,197 (57,036) 302,893 Less accumulated depreciation for: Furniture and equipment (270,438) (34,390) 57,036 (247,792) Total accumulated depreciation (270,438) (34,390) 57,036 (247,792) DDA capital assets, net $ 62,294 $ (7,193) $ - $ 55,101 45 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Capital assets, not being depreciated: Land Total capital assets, not being depreciated Capital assets, being depreciated: Buildings Public domain and system infrastructure Machinery and equipment Total capital assets, being depreciated Less accumulated depreciation for: Buildings Public domain and system infrastructure Machinery and equipment Total accumulated depreciation BFP activities capital assets, net BFP Beginning Ending Balance Additions Retirements Balance $ 516,129 $ - $ $ 516,129 516,129 - 516,129 2,609,840 2,609,840 1,382,462 - 1,382,462 363,049 115,919 478,968 4,355,351 115,919 4,471,270 (704,657) (52,196) (756,853) (835,345) (68,748) (904,093) (216,201) (32,392) (248,593) (1,756,203) (153,336) (1,909,539) $ 3,115,277 $ (37,417) $ - $ 3,077,860 Depreciation expenses were charged to the discretely presented component units as follows: MSEA $ 1,390,422 DOSP 1,569,572 DDA 34,390 BFP 153,336 Total depreciation expense $ 3,147,720 46 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 6. - LONG-TERM OBLIGATIONS A. Changes in Long Term Obligations The following is a summary of changes in long-term obligations for the year ended September 30, 2002: 47 Beginning Balance Additions Reductions Ending Balance Due within One Year General obligation bonds $ 107,620,000 $ 188,861,553 $ (43,605,000) $ 252,876,553 $ 12,616,450 Special obligations bonds, notes and loans 222,225,586 43,780,458 (49,448,400) 216,557,644 9,441,400 Total bonds, notes, and loans 329,845,586 232,642,011 (93,053,400) 469,434,197 22,057,850 Other liabilities: Claims payable 78,719,448 24,899,926 (21,091,926) 82,527,448 17,337,448 Compensated absences 57,199,896 9,957 846 (1,988,295) 65,169,447 4,980,868 Total governmental activity long-term liabilities $ 465,764,930 $ 500,141,794 $ (209,187,021) $ 617,131,092 $ 44,376,166 47 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B. Description of Individual Bond Issues and Loans Outstanding — Summarized below are the City's bond and loan issues, which are outstanding at September 30, 2002: Maximum Purpose of Amount Outstanding Interest Rate Annual DESCRIPTION Issue Issued Balance Range Debt Service General Obligations: General Obligations Refunding Bonds Series 1992 General Obligations Refunding Bonds Series 1993 Homeland Defense/Neighborhood CIP Series 2002A General Obligations Refunding Bonds Series 2002A General Obligations Bonds Other Issues General Obligations Bonds Special Obligation and Revenue Bonds: Special Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 1987 Community Redevelopment Revenue Bonds Series 1990 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Series 1994 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Series 1995 Special Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2002A Special Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2002B Sunshine State Government Financing Commission Loans Sunshine State Government Financing Commission -Commercial Paper Program Sunshine State Government Financing Section 108 HUD Loan Section 108 HUD Loan Wynwood Sunshine State Government Financing Commission -Commercial Paper Program Refunding $ 70,100,000 $ 39,390,000 4%-6% $ 8,822,575 Refunding 31,860,000 21,880,000 3.5%-5.2% 3,744,815 Homeland Defense 153,186,406 156,351,553 1.80lo-5.5% 19,720,375 Refunding 32,510,000 32,410,000 2.5%-5.375% 6,682,281 Housing 39,075,000 2,745,000 3%-11% 427,358 Sanitary Sewer 22,500,000 100,000 4.59o-6.5% 100,000 $ 349,231,406 $ 252,876,553 Refunding $ 65,271,325 $ 42,705,786 5.25%-7.3% 5,900,000 Redevelopment 11,500,000 2,740,000 7.15%-8.5% 358,975 MRC Building 22,000,000 4,300,000 50lo-6% 667,955 Self -Insurance 18,000,000 785,000 5%-6% 785,000 Pension 72,000,000 66,745,000 5.5%-7.25% 5,812,300 Refunding 27,895,000 27,409,956 2.5%-5.375% 3,353,539 Refunding 13,170,000 12,994,738 2%-3.25% 4,183,337 Facility Improvements 27,630,900 16,068,300 (1) (2) Fleet Management & Police Computers 15,190,000 2,695,000 (1) (2) Facility Improvements 30,000,000 25,780,000 (1) (2) Redevelopment 4,800,000 4,500,000 8.75% 737,563 Redevelopment 2,500,000 1,050,000 8.75% 748,440 Redevelopment 5,500,000 4,540,000 (3) (3) Secondary Loan SCI, Melreese 3,500,000 2,535,000 (1) Gran Central Corporation Loan Redevelopment 1,708,864 1,708,864 0.00% $ 320,666,089 $ 216,557,644 Total $ 669,897,495 $ 469,434,197 (1) These variable rate loans are subject to a 15% interest rate cap. The Commission Loan and the Commercial Paper Notes had average interest rate of 1.2875% and 1.731% respectively on September 30, 2002. (2) The amortization requirement of the covenant program (not the individual issues) variable rate obligation require a minimum amortization over the 1/3 (10 years) of the normal (30 years) maturity. (3) These variable rate loans are subject to Libor plus 0.2%. The interested is calculated monthly and paid to the trustee quarterly. 48 (2) $ 1,708,864 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C. Summary of Annual Debt Service Requirements To Maturity — Annual Principal and Interest The annual debt service requirements for all bonds, notes, and loans outstanding as of September 30, 2002, are as follows: (1) Excludes $260,731 accretion on the Capital Appreciation Bonds and $2,904,416 of unamortized bond premium. (2) Excludes $1,708,864 Gran Central Loan, unamortized premium of $34,738, and $485,043 of unamortized bond discount. (3) Excludes $28,819,461 accretion on the Capital Appreciation Bonds. 49 Special General Obligation Bonds, Revenue Obligation Bonds Notes and Loans Bonds Principal (1) Interest Principal (2) Interest Principal (3) Interest 2003 $ 12,616,450 $ 10,101,687 $ 9,441,400 $ 9,099,130 $ - $ - 2004 10,695,000 10,124,700 7,343,400 8,737,813 1,811,064 4,088,936 2005 10,115,000 9,597,340 6,996,400 8,402,933 1,653,829 4,246,171 2006 10,373,024 9,345,301 7,375,400 8,087,542 1,520,371 4,379,629 2007 10,347,523 9,369,549 7,782,400 7,750,807 1,396,353 4,503,647 2008-2012 51,270,993 47,321,024 44,314,300 33,009,652 5,342,912 23,854,436 2013-2017 57,808,416 40,786,532 31,945,000 22,433,370 2,161,796 14,170,876 2018-2022 86,485,000 12,109,115 32,895,000 13,521,168 - - 2023-2027 - - 24,500,000 3,476,619 - - $ 249,711,406 $ 148,755;248 $ 172,593,300 $ 114,519,034 $ 13,886,325 $ 55,243,695 (1) Excludes $260,731 accretion on the Capital Appreciation Bonds and $2,904,416 of unamortized bond premium. (2) Excludes $1,708,864 Gran Central Loan, unamortized premium of $34,738, and $485,043 of unamortized bond discount. (3) Excludes $28,819,461 accretion on the Capital Appreciation Bonds. 49 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS D. Summary of New Debt Issuances $153,186,406 Limited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds, Series 2002 — On August 8, 2002, the City issued $153,186,405 Limited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds Series 2002 (Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Capital Improvements Projects) with interest rates ranging from 1.80% to 5.50% maturing through the year 2022. The bonds are payable from limited ad valorem tax and a covenant of the City to budget and appropriate a limited portion of its Non -Ad Valorem revenues. $32,510,000 General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002A — On May 8, 2002, the City issued $32,510,000 in General Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002A for the purpose of refunding all or a portion of the City's outstanding $16,135,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1991 on a current refunding basis, $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1992 (Storm Water Improvements) on a current refunding basis, $22,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1995 (Sanitary Sewer System) on a advance refunding basis. The aggregate principal amount of the Refunding Bonds at the time of the refunding was $31,970,000. The Bonds were issued at rates ranging from 4.90% to 6.90% maturing through the year 2017. The net proceeds of $33,392,707 (after payment of $671,010 in underwriting fees, issuance and other costs) were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the old bonds. The refunding reduced the total debt service payments over the next 16 years by $1,308,313 and the economic gain or present value savings realized by this refunding was $1,445,691. $27,895,000 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2002A — On August 6, 2002, the City issued $27,895,000 in Special Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002A to advance refund all or a portion of the City's outstanding $4,290,000 Special Obligation Bonds, Series 1986A on an advanced refunding basis, $65,271,325 Special Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1987 on an advance refunding basis, 50 $6,500,000 Guaranteed Entitled Revenue Bonds, Series 1989 on a current refunding basis, and $22,000,000 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Bonds, Series 1995 on an advanced refunding basis. The aggregate principal amount of the Refunding Bonds at the time of the refunding was $25,915,000. The Bonds were issued at rates ranging from 6.00% to 7.40% maturing through the year 2025. The net proceeds of $27,251,958 (after payment of $627,572 in underwriting fees, issuance and other costs) were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the old bonds. The refunding increased the total debt service payments over the next 24 years by $2,578,971 and the economic gain or present value savings realized by this refunding was $627,919. $13,170,000 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Refunding Bonds Series 2002B — On August 6, 2002, the City issued $13,170,000 in Special Obligation Refunding Bonds, Series 2002B for the purpose of refunding City's outstanding $18,000,000 Special Non -Ad Valorem Bonds, Series 1994 maturing in the years 2009 through 2014 on an advanced refunding basis. The aggregate principal amount of the Refunding Bonds at the time of the refunding was $12,095,000. The Bonds were issued at rates ranging from 5.00% to 6.00% maturing through the year 2014. The net proceeds of $13,112,916 (after payment of $259,204 in underwriting fees, issuance and other costs) were deposited in an irrevocable trust with an escrow agent to provide for all future debt service payments on the old bonds. The refunding decreased the total debt service payments over the next 24 years by $3,243,491 and the economic gain or present value savings realized by this refunding was $842,240. E. Synopsis of Bond Covenants A summary of major provisions and significant debt services requirements follows: Debt service for general obligation bonds is provided for by a tax levy on non-exempt property value. The total general obligation debt outstanding CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS is limited by the City Charter to 15% of the assessed non-exempt property value. At September 30, 2002, the statutory limitation for the City amounted to $2,495,389,613 providing a debt margin of $2,248,293,752 after consideration of the $249,711,407 of general obligation bonds outstanding at September 30, 2002 less $2,615,546 available in the related Debt Service Fund. The various special obligation and revenue bonds are secured by pledges of specific revenue sources in accordance with their bond indentures. Their bond resolutions require that sufficient funds be available in reserve accounts to meet the largest debt service requirement in any ensuing fiscal year or that a surety bond be obtained in lieu of the reserve account. Loans obtained from the Sunshine State Governmental Financing Commission require a particular revenue pledge or a covenant to budget and appropriate non -ad valorem revenues. The City must maintain certain debt ratio requirements as specified under this loan requirement. The City believes it is in material compliance with its financial debt covenants. F. Escrow Agreement On March 17, 1997, an agreement was entered into by and among an Escrow Agent, the Oversight Board, acting through its committee Fiscal Sufficiency Advisory Board, and the City. The agreement directs the Escrow Agent to establish two (2) escrow accounts, and maintain appropriate balances to ensure the timely payment of debt service on outstanding General Obligation and Revenue Bonds. The City made an initial deposit of $9,700,000 with the escrow agent on March 17, 1997 to cover its debt service requirements on the General Obligation Bonds. The City has agreed that certain ad valorem tax revenues received will be deposited each month into the escrow account of an amount specified by the underlying agreement. If the ad valorem taxes 51 received in any month are inadequate to make the required deposit, the City must use other sources of funds to supplement the required deposits. Also, the City made an initial deposit of approximately $5,000,000 with the Escrow Agent on March 17, 1997 to cover its debt service requirements on the Special Obligation Bonds and Loans. The City has agreed to deposit revenues each month in amounts specified in the underlying agreement. G. Long -Term Debt Authorized But Not Issued On November 13, 2001, a referendum election was held and the voters approved the issuance of $255,000,000 of Limited Ad Valorem Tax Bonds. As of September 30, 2002, the City has issued $153,186,405 of the approved bonds. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS H. Defeasance of Long -Term Debt In prior years, the City defeased certain outstanding general obligation, special obligation and revenue bonds. For those defeasances involving advance refundings, the proceeds of the new bonds were placed in an irrevocable trust to provide for all future debt service payment on the old bonds. At September 30, 2002, the following outstanding bonds are considered defeased: Prior' Years' Defeased Debt: $11,500,000 General Obligation Bonds, Series 1997: Public Parks and Recreational Facilitates .............................................. 480,000 Total Prior Defeased Debt: .............................................. 480,000 Current Years' Defeased Debt: $6,500,000 Special Obligation Bonds, Series 1989: Guarantee Entitlement Bonds.................................................................$ 3,285,000 $4,290,000 Special Obligation Bonds, Series 1986-A: Housing Bonds........................................................................................$ 1,375,000 $22,000,000 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Bonds, Series 1995: City Administration Building..................................................................$15,765,000 $18,000,000 Special Obligation Non -Ad Valorem Revenue Bonds, Series 1994 RiskManagement...................................................................................$12,095,000 $16,135,000 General Obligation Bonds Refunding Bonds, Series 1991 SanitarySewer........................................................................................$ 2,360,000 $10,000,000 General Obligation Bonds Refunding Bonds, Series 1992 StormSewer............................................................................................$ 7,710,000 $22,500,000 General Obligation Bonds Refunding Bonds, Series 1995 Sanitary Sewer........................................................................................$21,900,000 $65,271,325 Special Revenue Refunding Bonds, Series 1987 ................$ 5,490,000 Total Current Defeased Debt: .......................................... $69,980,000 • . 1 •,1 1.111 52 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS L Discretely Presented Component Units Long -Term Debt MSEA The changes in the general long-term obligations for MSEA year ended September 30, 2002 are summarized as follows: $ 33,995,000 $ 22,536,381 $ 2,400,000 $ 316,933 $ 59,248,314 Range of Rates 5.75%-7.2% 2.95%-6.625% In prior years, MSEA defeased in substance its Series 1991 Bonds. At September 30, 2002, the outstanding balance of the defeased bonds totaled $34,961,940. 53 Special Obligation Refunding Bonds Series 1992A and 1992B Balance, October 1, 2001 $ 38,040,000 Principal payments (1,645,000) Balance, September 30, 2002 $ 36,395,000 Due Within One Year $ 1,740,000 $ 33,995,000 $ 22,536,381 $ 2,400,000 $ 316,933 $ 59,248,314 Range of Rates 5.75%-7.2% 2.95%-6.625% In prior years, MSEA defeased in substance its Series 1991 Bonds. At September 30, 2002, the outstanding balance of the defeased bonds totaled $34,961,940. 53 Series 1992A Series 1992B Principal Interest Principal Interest Total 2003 $ 985,000 $ 2,045,932 $ 755,000 $ 151,639 $ 3,937,571 2004 1,040,000 1,977,033 795,000 108,981 3,921,014 2005 1,110,000 1,903,495 850,000 56,313 3,919,808 2006 1,180,000 -1,825,320 - - 3,005,320 2007 1,260,000 1,747,830 - - 3,007,830 2008-2012 7,565,000 7,399,373 - - 14,964,373 2013-2017 10,200,000 4,605,428 - - 14,805,428 2018-2020 10,655,000 1,031,970 - - 11,686,970 $ 33,995,000 $ 22,536,381 $ 2,400,000 $ 316,933 $ 59,248,314 Range of Rates 5.75%-7.2% 2.95%-6.625% In prior years, MSEA defeased in substance its Series 1991 Bonds. At September 30, 2002, the outstanding balance of the defeased bonds totaled $34,961,940. 53 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS DOSP The City has issued revenue bonds on behalf of the DOSP. The principal and interest of the revenue bonds are payable solely from the revenues of the parking facilities and, accordingly, are included in the accounts of the DOSP. The DOSP's long-term debt activity during 2002 was as follows: Balance, October 1, 2001 Principal payments Balance, September 30, 2002 Due Within One Year Series 1998 $ 12,365,000 (610,000) $ 11,755,000 $ 635,000 Bonds payable as of September 30, 2002 also include an unamortized deferred loss on the advance refunding of the series 1992A bonds of approximately $86,000. The following summarizes the debt service to maturity of outstanding debt at September 30, 2002: Range of Rates 3.75%-5.25% In prior years, DOSP defeased in substance its Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds 1993A and 1992A, and at September 30, 2002, the outstanding balance of defeased bonds was $2,920,000 and $11,135,000, respectively. Bonds payable as of September 30, 2002 include an unamortized deferred loss on the advanced refunding of the Series 1992A bonds of approximately $86,000. Balance Balance 9/30/2001 Additions Reductions 9/30/2002 Bonds payable $ 12,375,000 $ 13,000 $ (610,000) $ 11,778,000 Total long -tern liabilities $ 12,375,000 $ 13,000 $ (610,000) $ 11,778,000 54 Principal Interest Total 2003 $ ;. 635,000 $ 528,000 $ 1,163,000 2004 655,000 503,000 1,158,000 2005 685,000 476,000 1,161,000 2006 710,000 448,000 1,158,000 2007 740,000 419,000 1,159,000 2008-2012 4,190,000 1,576,000 5,766,000 2013-2017 4,140,000 447,000 4,587,000 Total 11,755,000 4,397,000 16,152,000 Current Portion (635,000) (528,000) (1,163,000) Total debt $ 11,120,000 $ 3,869,000 $ 14,989,000 Range of Rates 3.75%-5.25% In prior years, DOSP defeased in substance its Parking Facilities Revenue Bonds 1993A and 1992A, and at September 30, 2002, the outstanding balance of defeased bonds was $2,920,000 and $11,135,000, respectively. Bonds payable as of September 30, 2002 include an unamortized deferred loss on the advanced refunding of the Series 1992A bonds of approximately $86,000. Balance Balance 9/30/2001 Additions Reductions 9/30/2002 Bonds payable $ 12,375,000 $ 13,000 $ (610,000) $ 11,778,000 Total long -tern liabilities $ 12,375,000 $ 13,000 $ (610,000) $ 11,778,000 54 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 7. - SELF-INSURANCE A. Risk Management The City is self-insured for most liability activities. However, the City has a commercial insurance program for property and liability exposures related to city owned properties that includes the James L. Knight Center, Orange Bowl, Marinas, Bayfront Park and Special Events. There is no significant reduction in insurance coverage from the previous year. Settled claims have not exceeded coverage in the past three years. The General Fund accounts for all risk of loss to which the City is exposed, including general liability, property and casualty, workers' compensation, employee health and accident, and environmental. Claims expenditures and liabilities are reported when it is probable that a loss has occurred and the amount of that loss can be reasonably estimated based on an independent actuarial valuation. Liabilities include an amount for claims that have been incurred but not reported. The process used in computing claims liability does not necessarily result in an exact amount because actual claims liabilities depend on such complex factors as inflation, changes in legal doctrines, and damage awards. Claims liabilities are reevaluated periodically to take into consideration recently settled claims, the frequency of claims, and other economic and social factors. The City maintains excess coverage with independent insurance carriers for the worker's compensation, police torts, auto liability, public officials liability, and general liability self-insurance programs. Premiums are charged to the Risk Management Department and determined based on amounts necessary to provide funding for current losses and to meet the required annual payments during the fiscal year. The property insurance program provides coverage for windstorm hail subject to a 5% deductible with no cap multiple loss limits apply. At September 30, 2002, the total estimated liability of $82,527,448 is discounted at an interest rate of 5% and recorded on the government -wide financial statements. Changes in claims liability amount in 2001 and 2002 were: Current Year Beginning of Claims Fiscal Year Ended Fiscal Year And Changes Claims Balance At September 30, Liability In estimates Payments Fiscal Year End 2001 $ 84,654,355 $ 14,736,157 $ 11,190,157 $ 88,200,355 2002 88,200,355 15,119,019 20,791,926 82,527,448 B. Group Accident and Health Certain employees and retirees of the City contribute, through payroll deductions or deductions from pension payments, to the cost of group benefits. The remainder of the funds necessary are contributed by the City based upon the number of participants in the plan. As of September 30, 2002, the ' plan covered approximately 2,500 active employees, 1,200 retirees and 1,800 employee - retiree dependent units. Costs of the plan for the year then ended were approximately $23,907,000. 55 The liability for the group accident and health program totaled approximately $5,270,000 at September 30, 2002 and is included in claims payable in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS NOTE 8. - PENSIONS A. Pension Plans The City sponsors two separate single employer defined benefit contributory pension plans under the administration and management of separate Boards of Trustees: The City of Miami Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Retirement Trust ("FIPO") and the City of Miami General Employees and Sanitation Employees' Retirement Trust ("GESE"). The plans cover substantially all City employees who contribute a percentage of their base salary or wage on a bi-weekly basis. The City's elected officials participate in a single employer defined benefit non-contributory pension plan under the administration and management of a separate Board of Trustees, the City of Miami Elected Officers' Retirement Trust ("EOIT" ). This plan covers all elected officials with 7 or more years of elected service. The payroll for employees covered by FIFO, GESE and EORT for the year ended September 30, 2002 was approximately $93.4 million, $69.7 million and $249 thousand, respectively; the City's total payroll was $200,151,228. At October 1, 2002, the date of the most recent actuarial valuation, membership in the FIFO, GESE and EORT consisted of the following: FWO CEM BORT P== aid berr'rd ades anwity receiving buts and tan mW employees enfi led to benefits ht not yet recdv ng them 1,445 1,956 5 Gnat Employees 1,685 1,609 6 TdaINImbers 3,130 3,565 11 On or after October 4, 1991 and before January 9, 1994, FIPO Plan benefits were 2.75% of average final compensation. On or after January 9, 1994, benefits are based on 3.0% of average final compensation for the first 15 years of creditable service and 3.5% of average final compensation for 56 years of creditable service in excess of 15 years. Retirement benefits under the GESE Plan are generally based on 3.0% of the average final compensation. Provision for additional benefits for longevity are available. Early retirement after twenty years of service is available. Benefits for disability and death are also provided under the plans. Under the EORT Plan, eligibility requires 7 years total service as an elected official of the City of Miami to be vested without requiring such service be continuous. Benefits accrue for City Commissioners at the rate of 50% of the highest annual W-2 wages in the last three years of employment after 7 years of service as an elected official of the City plus 5% for each additional year up to 100% at 17 or more years of service. The Mayor's salary for pension calculations is limited to the base salary before additional taxable benefits (i.e., expense allowance, cell phone allowance, automobile allowance, and term life insurance greater than $50,000). An active participant will be fully vested on death and a single sum death benefit is payable. City employees in the FIPO Plan are required to contribute 7% of their salary and employees in the GESE Plan are required to contribute 10% of their salary. The EORT is a non-contributory plan. Contributions from employees are recorded in the period the City makes payroll deductions from participants. The City is annually required to contribute such amounts as necessary on an actuarial basis to provide FIPO and GESE with assets sufficient to meet the benefits to be paid. Contributions to FIPO and GESE are authorized pursuant to City of Miami Code Sections 40.196 (a) and (b) and 40.241 (a) and (b), respectively. Contributions to the FTPO Cost of Living Adjustment Accounts are authorized pursuant to Section 40.204 of the City of Miami's Code. Contributions to EORT are authorized pursuant to Section 40.291 of the City of Miami's Code. The City was involved in long-standing litigation, principally related to funding of the two plans, CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS which was settled under an agreement approved by the City Commission on June 13, 1985 ("the Gates Settlement"). Key terms of the Gates Settlement are as follows: - Each of the two Boards of Trustees (Boards), in its discretion, may have its own employees, administrator, attorneys, accountants, money managers, and other professionals. - The City's total annual contributions to FIPO and GESE beginning with fiscal year 1984/85 are required to consist of: - Non -investment expenses Actuarial contributions for normal cost using the entry age method; a mechanism has been agreed upon to resolve possible disagreement on annual contributions by a third party. - Annual unfunded liability contributions based on a total unfunded liability, including the effect of certain plan improvements, of approximately $104,500 for FIPO as of January 1, 1983 and $109,000 for GESE as of October 1, 1982. - A Cost -of -Living Adjustment Fund (COLA Fund) was created with a designated amount of savings generated by the tax qualification of FIPO and GESE, representing employee contributions of 2% of salary. On April 6, 1993, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), the International Association of Fire Fighters (IAF), and the City of Miami entered into an agreement to modify certain provisions of the Gates Settlement as related to FIPO through a Memorandum of Understanding. The major terms of the agreement were as follows: - The valuation of the FIPO Trust's assets were changed to initiate a new moving market asset value averaged over three years from actuarial asset value at cost effective after September 30, 1992. This redefinition will immediately increased the value of the Trust's assets to a market value of $492 million from $477 million. 57 - The aggregate actuarial cost method was applied for costs as of October 1, 1993, and each October 1st thereafter, based on demographic and asset data as of the previous September 30th; adjusted for interest from that date to reflect payment timing. Therefore, all liabilities are amortized over the average future -working lifetime of the group, which is approximately nine years. - The cost -of -living adjustments are funded by a percentage of the Trust's annual investment return in excess of the assumed investment return. Excess investment return is utilized to fund a minimum annual payment of $2,500; increasing by 4% compounded annually. To the extent necessary, the City shall fund that portion of the minimum annual payment not funded by annual excess investment return. - The schedule of future payments to reduce the unfunded liability existing at the date was eliminated as well as the associated Gates unfunded liability. - Employee contributions were set at 10% of their salary effective January 9, 1994. This agreement was ratified by the union membership, the City Commission, and the FIPO Board of Trustees. It received approval by the Florida State Division of Retirement as to legal requirements for funding, and it was incorporated into an amended final judgment ordered by the Circuit Court in and for the Eleventh Judicial Circuit, Dade County on December 28, 1993. On January 1, 1994, the FIFO Trust entered into an agreement with the City of Miami, in the Gate's case, with regards to the funding methods, employee benefits, employee contributions and retiree COLA. As of January 9, 1994, members no longer contribute to the original COLA account (COLA 1), and a new COLA account (COLA In was established. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The settlement included the following provisions: - The funding method was changed to an aggregate cost method. - Combining all accounts for investment purposes (membership and benefit, COLA I & COLA II). - Retirees receive additional COLA benefits. - Active employees no longer contribute 2% of pretax to fund the original retiree COLA account (COLA I account). - Active employees now contribute an additional 1.5% pre-tax towards purchasing an additional 0.25 of 1 % multiplier for each year of creditable service in excess of 15 years. Therefore, the members total contribution to the FIFO plan decreased to 10% from 10.5% and are now contributed entirely into the Membership and Benefits account. The COLA II account is funded annually by a percentage of the excess investment return from other than COLA I account assets. The excess earnings contributed to the COLA II account are used to fund a minimum annual payment of $2,500, increasing by 4% compounded annually. To the extent necessary, the City funds the portion of the minimum annual payment not funded by annual excess earnings no later than January 1St of the following year. Prior to January 1, 1994, the COLA I Account was funded as follows: - 2% of employee contributions were credited each pay period. - A transfer in an amount equal to 1% of the total payroll of all members per fiscal year, to the extent such an amount was available from excess interest earnings determined on an accumulated basis from October 1, 1982, to the beginning of the year of determination, reduced by any COLA transfers in prior years. Excess interest earnings are defined as being the difference between the rate of return on the actuarial market value of the average assets as calculated in accordance with Chapter 112, Florida Statutes, less the assumed rate of return for active 58 members on the current actuarial valuation report. Contributions pursuant to this provision were mandatory for three -and -one-half years only, from October 1, 1983 to March 31, 1987. - From October 1, 1985 to March 31, 1988, an additional amount was transferred representing the COLA I Account's proportionate share of net earnings of the Trust. Effective April 1, 1988, the proportionate share of the Trust's assets attributable to the COLA I Account were segregated from the remainder of the Trust's assets, with the result that henceforth only the earnings from the segregated assets are recorded by the COLA I Account. Benefits payable from the COLA Accounts are computed in accordance with an actuarially based formula as defined in Section 40.213 of the City of Miami Code. Benefits are subject to review and modification in accordance with City of Miami Code Section 40.213, which provides that all other matters regarding the COLA Accounts shall be determined by negotiations between the City, the Board of Trustees and the bargaining representatives of the IAFF and the FOP. Effective October 1, 2000 and thereafter, member contribution, is 7% of compensation or equal to the City's contribution, which ever is less. In the event a member's contribution be less than the 7% due to the City contribution the difference between the 7% and the actual contribution shall be deducted from the member's paycheck and placed into an individual contribution account (ICA), as part of the retirement system. Interest on ICA's shall be determined in the same manner as the COLA transfer methodology. Interest shall be credited periodically to the ICA's as determined by the retirement system board's actuary. Member contributions and earnings in ICA's shall be deemed 100% vested upon deposit. Upon the member's separation, ICA balances shall be disbursed as provided under the Internal Revenue Service Code. In Fiscal 2000, the City of Miami Commission, pursuant to applicable Internal Revenue Code provisions, established qualified governmental CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS excess benefit plans to continue to cover the difference between the allowable pension to be paid and the amount of the defined benefit so the benefits for eligible members (GESE, FIPO and EORT) are not diminished by changes in the Internal Revenue Code. The Board of Trustees for GESE and FIPO and the Plan EORT Fiduciary administers the excess benefit plan for each respective pension group. FIFO members who are eligible for service retirement of Rule of 64 after September 1998 may elect to enter the Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) for a maximum of three years prior to October 1, 2001. Effective October 1, 2001, maximum participation in the DROP for firefighters shall be 48 full months and for police officers who elect DROP on October 1, 2003, or thereafter, maximum participation in the DROP shall be 48 full months. A member's creditable service, accrued benefit and compensation calculation shall be frozen. Upon commencement of participation in the DROP, the participant's contribution and the City's contribution to the Trust for that participant ceases as the participant will not earn further creditable service for pension purposes. Effective October 1, 2001, firefighter DROP participants may continue City employment for up to maximum of 48 months and police officers who elect DROP on October 1, 2003, or thereafter, may continue City employment for up to maximum of 48 full months (36 full months prior to October 1, 2001). No payment is made to or for the benefit of a DROP participant beyond that period. For persons electing participation in the DROP, an individual DROP account shall be created. Payment shall be made by the retirement trust into the employee's DROP account in an amount equal to the regular monthly retirement benefit, which the participant would have received had the participant separated from service from service and commenced receipt of pension benefits. Payments received by the participant in the DROP account are tax deferred. As series of investments vehicles, which are established by the 59 board of trustees, are made available to DROP participants to choose from. Any losses, charges, or expenses incurred by the participant in their drop account are not made up by the City or the Trust, but shall be bome by the participant. Upon termination of employment, a member may receive distribution from the DROP account in the following manner: 1) lump sum distribution, 2) periodic payments, 3) annuity, and 4) rollover of the balance to another qualified retirement plan. Any member may defer until the latest date authorized by Section 401(a)(9) of the Internal Revenue Code. A DROP participant shall not be entitled to receive an ordinary or service disability retirement and in the event of death of a DROP participant, there shall be no accidental death benefit for pension purposes. DROP participation does not affect any other death or disability benefit provided to a member under federal law, state law, City ordinance, or any rights or benefits under any applicable collective bargaining agreement. The DROP of the Trust also consists of a Benefit Actuarially Calculated DROP (BACDROP). A member may elect to BACDROP to a date no further than the date of their retirement eligibility date. Effective October 1, 2001, the BACDROP period must be in 12 months increments, beginning at the start of a pay period, not to exceed 48 full months for firefighters and for police officers who elected DROP on October 1, 2003 (36 months prior to October 1, 2001). Participation in the BACDROP does not preclude participation in the forward DROP. The City of Miami General Employees' and Sanitation Employee's Retirement Trust made the DROP available to all Retirement Trust members effective May 1, 2002. The DROP is an enhancement to the GESE Retirement Trust that can provide a trust member with another way to save for retirement. It allows a participant to receive pension payments by depositing in the DROP program while continuing to work and receive pay CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS and benefits as an active employee. At the end of the DROP period, when the participant is officially required to retire, the participant receives monthly pension payments based on the years of service and salary at the time that the participant enrolled in the DROP. In addition, the participant also receives the 60 accumulated DROP account balance. The DROP monies can also be rolled over into a tax -qualified plan such as an Individual Retirement Account (IRA) or 457(b) government sponsored deferred compensation plan that agrees to separately account for the rollover contribution. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The following table provides information concerning funding policies for FIPO, GESE and EORT: FIFO: Valuationdate ...................................................... Actuarial cost method .......................................... Amortization method ........................................... Remaining amortization period ........................... Asset Valuation method ....................................... Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return ................................... Salary increases: Inflation......................................................... Merit, Longevity, etc ..................................... Mortality table .................................................. Mortality, disability, retirements and turnover. GESE: Valuationdate ...................................................... Actuarial cost method .......................................... Amortization method ........................................... Remaining amortization period ........................... Asset Valuation method ....................................... Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return ................................... Projected salary increases ................................. Includes inflation at .......................................... Cost of living adjustments ................................ EORT: Valuationdate ...................................................... Actuarial cost method .......................................... Amortization method ........................................... Remaining amortization period ........................... Asset Valuation method ....................................... Actuarial assumptions: Investment rate of return ................................... Salary increases: Inflation......................................................... Merit, Longevity, etc ..................................... Mortality table .................................................. Disability, turnover and retirements ................. October 1, 2001 (Revised) Aggregate Cost Method (this method does not identify or separately amortize unfunded actuarial liabilities) Not applicable under Aggregate Cost Method Not applicable under Aggregate Cost Method Average of ratios of market book values as of current and most recent September 30's. Average ratio is applied to book value at current September 30. The result cannot be greater than 120% or less than 80% of market value 7.75% 4.00% 5.1% to 0% reducing by attained age Ga94 - Mortality table changed for current year Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation ("PBGC") Non-OASDI basis rate tables October 1, 2000 Modified entry age normal Level dollar amount, closed N/A 3 year smoothed market value of assets 8.1% 6.0% 3.5% 4% per year with $54 per year minimum and $400 per year maximum December 31, 2001 Individual Aggregate Cost Method (does not identify or separately amortize unfunded actuarial liabilities) Not applicable under Individual Aggregate Cost Method Not applicable under Individual Aggregate Cost Method Market Value 6.0% N/A N/A Ga94 - no pre -retirement mortality was assumed No disability or turnover assumed. Retirement is assumed at the end of the current term or 100% vested 61 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS B. Actuarially Determined Contribution Requirements and Contributions Made The funding policy for FIPO, GESE and EORT provides for periodic employer contributions at actuarially determined rates that, expressed as percentages of annual covered payroll, are sufficient to maintain the actuarial soundness of the plans and to accumulate sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. Significant actuarial assumptions used to compute the contribution requirements are described in the funding policy above. FIPO Contributions are determined applying the actuarially calculated aggregate cost method. The actuarial valuation of the Trust at October 1, 2000, for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2001 utilized an assumed investment rate of return of 7.625%. This resulted in a minimum required contribution of approximately $6,400,000. The City disputed the aforementioned assumption and had subjected it to arbitration. In compliance with the Trust ordinance, the City had contributed $5,400,784, the same amount as in the prior year, which would satisfy the September 30, 2001 required contribution until the issue was resolved. Contributions made to the trust pertaining to the year ending September 30, 2002 was also $5,400,784. The arbitration was subsequently resolved and the revised actuary valuation reports at October 1, 1999, 2000, 2001 were issued by the 62 Trust's actuary. The revised rate of return of 7.75% resulted in an over funding of the City's annual required contributions of $1,371,422 and $4,907,022, for the fiscal years ended September 30, 2001 and 2002, respectively. Accordingly, a net pension asset of $6,278,444 has been reported in the government -wide Statement of Net Assets. GESE GESE contributions are determined using the entry age normal cost method with frozen actuarial accrued liability. Contributions toward the unfunded actuarial accrued liability are based on a series of increasing scheduled amortization payments through the year 2007. For the year ended September 30, 2002, contributions totaling $2,499,618 ($2,090,701 GESE Trust and $408,917 Excess Benefit Plan) was made in accordance with actuarially determined contribution requirements, based on an actuarial valuation performed as of October 1, 2001. EORT Contributions are determined applying the actuarially calculated aggregate cost method. For the year ended September 30, 2002, contributions totaling $665,203 ($82,447 EORT Trust Plan and $582,756 Excess Benefit Plan) was made in accordance with actuarially determined contribution requirements, based on an actuarial valuation performed as of December 31, 2001. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS C. Trend Information Trend information indicates the progress made in accumulating sufficient assets to pay benefits when due. An analysis of funding progress for the fiscal ended September 30, 2002 is a follows: 63 Net Pension Year Ended Annual Required Percentage Obligation September 30, Contribution Contributed (Asset) FIPO 2002 $ 1,051,629 514% $ (6,278,444) 2001 4,008,892 135 (1,371,422) 2000 5,400,784 100 - 1999 10,376,473 100 - 1998 14,155,472 100 - 1997 14,377,032 100 - GESE 2002 $ 2,090,701 100% $ - 2001 8,458,735 100 - 2000 8,216,415 100 - 1999 - 100 - 1998 12,617,377 100 - 1997 13,173,804_ 100 - EORT 2002 $ 82,447 100% $ - 2001 220,837 236 270,902 2000 449,086 111 451,159 1999 233,038 - 309,384 1998 145,053 - 250,738 1997 188,979 100 - 63 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS D. Budget Advance From City Certain administrative costs of the FIPO and GESE are paid directly by the Pension Trusts from budget advance monies provided by the City. The Trusts provide the City with an accounting of how these funds are expended during the period. Deficits are funded by the City. Any excess funding is applied towards the following year together with the budget advance for that year. Funding for such administrative costs for the year ended September 30, 2002 is as follows: Funding provided by the City -current -year Budget advance (deficit)- beginning of year Administrative costs incurred, including custodian and consultant's' fees, personnel and other office expenses Budget deficit - end of year FIPO GESE $ 279,887 $ 1,581,531 688,431 (856,455) 968,318 725,076 1,429,615 1,715,867 $ (461,297) $ (990,791) Since the above administrative costs are fully funded by the City, they are not record in the administrative expenses set forth in the fiduciary fund statements of changes in fiduciary net assets. E. Retirement Systems Financial Statements The FIFO and GESE Retirement Systems are audited separately. Complete financial statements can be obtained at the following offices: FIPO, 1895 SW 3rd Avenue, Miami, FL 33129 GESE, 1000 Brickell Ave., Suite 1010, Miami, FL 33131 EORT, does not issue stand-alone audited financial statements. C� CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS F. Special Benefit Plans Certain executive employees of the City are allowed to join the ICMA Retirement Trust's 401(a) plan. This defined contribution deferred compensation plan, which covers governmental employees throughout the country, is governed by a Board of Directors responsible for carrying out the overall management of the organization, including investment administration and regulatory compliance. Membership for City employees is limited by the City Code to specific members of the City Clerk, City Manager, and City Attorney's offices, Department Directors, Assistant Directors, and other executives. To participate in the plan a written trust agreement must be executed, which requires the City to contribute 8% of the individual's earnable compensation, and the employee to contribute 10% of their salary. Participants may withdraw funds at retirement or upon : separation based on a variety of payout options. The following information relates to the City participation in this plan: Total current year's payroll for all employees $200,151,228 Current year's payroll for participating employees $3,648,946 Current year employer contributions $329,450 In addition to coverage under the FIPO Pension Plan, City of Miami fire fighters and police officers are members of separate non-contributory money purchase benefit plans established under the provisions of Florida Statutes, Chapters 175 and 185, respectively. These two plans are funded solely from the proceeds of certain excise taxes levied by the City and imposed upon property and casualty insurance coverage within the City limits. This tax, which is collected from insurers by the State of Florida, is remitted directly to the plans' Boards of Trustees. The. City is entitled to levy such excise taxes solely for the use of the money purchase benefit plans as long as the minimum benefit provisions 'of Florida Statutes, Chapters 175 and 185 are met by FIPO. The City is currently under no obligation to make further contributions to the plans. The total of such excise taxes received from the State 65 of Florida and remitted to the plans was $8,423,302 for the year ended September 30, 2002. Benefits are allocated to the participants based upon their service during the year and the level of funding received during said year. Participants are fully vested after nine years of service. On termination of service, a participant may elect one of three options: to receive a lump sum payment, or five substantially equal payments, or not less than 10% the first year and the remainder any way over the next four years. The total must be paid out within five years. NOTE 9. - POST -EMPLOYMENT HEALTH CARE BENEFITS In addition to providing pension benefits, the City offers to its retiree's comprehensive medical coverage and life benefits through the City's self- insured plan. This plan was established in accordance with . Florida State Statute Section 112.0801 "Group Insurance: Participation by Retired Employees". Substantially all of the City's general employees and firefighters may become eligible for those benefits when they reach normal retirement age while working for the City (approximately 1,200 of the 5,500 covered participants are retirees). The City's cost of the post -employment health benefits, funded on a pay-as-you-go basis, was approximately $10,644,000 for the year September 30, 2002. NOTE 10. - SUMMARY DISCLOSURE OF SIGNIFICANT CONTINGENCIES A. Litigation The City is subject to various disputes, legal proceedings and labor relations claims, which arise in the normal course of its operations. In the opinion of management, the liability with respect to these activities will not be material to the City's financial position. On July 11, 2001, the Third District Court of Appeals ruled that the parking surcharge statute was unconstitutional. The City has appealed the ruling to the Florida Supreme Court who has upheld the ruling of the lower court. The legislature has approved a CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS bill that has been signed by the Governor that amends the parking surcharge statute and eliminates the constitutional problem that the court found. This bill became law on November 30, 2001. A tentative settlement has been reached in this action that calls for a refund of amounts paid by users of parking services in Miami. The settlement amount totaled $14 million and is recorded as a liability in the accompanying government -wide Statement of Net Assets and governmental fund Balance Sheet. At September 30, 2002, the City had in process various uncompleted construction projects with remaining balances totaling $4,583,198. Funding of these projects is to be made primarily through the proceeds of the related bond issues, loans and future taxes. The City participates in a number of Federally and State assisted programs. These programs are subject to audit under the requirements of the Single Audit Act Amendments of 1996 and Chapter 10.650, Rules of the Auditor General. The City anticipates no material adverse findings. 66 Resources (inflows): Property Taxes Franchise Fees and Other Taxes Licenses and Permits Fmes and Forfeitures Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): General Government Planning and Development Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule General Fund For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Original Final (Budgetary Basis) $ 129,809,928 13,653,507 18,627,732 3,717,600 33,975,416 67,523,878 9,271,000 3,573,024 41,176,695 321,328,780 74,974,094 8,605,144 47,382,943 158,758,937 5,477,606 11,562,269 14,567,787 321,328,780 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ 130,108,586 15,828,507 19,232,390 3,622,942 33,975,416 78,113,840 9,271,000 10,869,774 41,176,695 342,199,150 75,167,973 8,653,212 49,449,505 164,821,876 5,701,881 11,643,887 26,760,816 342,199,150 The accompanying notes are an integral part of the required supplementary information. 67 $ 130,375,831 15,775,689 21,375,993 4,051,483 42,322,189 93,708,913 10,102,103 5,371,152 47,366,515 370,449,868 84,504,968 8,002,111 46,383,206 169,737,145 5,107,507 11,105,119 24,553,971 349,394,027 Variance with Final Budget Positive (Negative) $ 267,245 (52,818) 2,143,603 428,541 8,346,773 15,595,073 831,103 (5,498,622) 6,189,820 28,250,718 (9,336,995) 651,101 3,066,299 (4,915,269) 594,374 538,768 2,206,845 (7,194,877) $ 21,055,841 $ 21,055,841 $ 370,449,868 (47,366,515) _ $ 323,083,353 $ 349,394,027 (1,798,169) (24,553,971) $ 323,041,887 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Community Development Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Community Development For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 46,331,828 $ 67,325,850 $ 40,414,838 $ (26,911,012) - - 8,777,658 8,777,658 - 359,707 359,707 5,407,467 2,016,919 (3,390,548) - - 1,248,229 1,248,229 46,331,828 72,733,317 52,817,351 (19,915,966) 44,545,842 70,947,331 47,497,163 23,450,168 1,785,986 1,785,986 3,104,154 (1,318,168) 46,331,828 72,733,317 50,601,317 22,132,000 Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations $�- $ 2,216,034 $ 2,216,034 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is repotted in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial repotting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. The accompanying notes are an integral part of the required supplementary information. 68 $ 52,817,351 (1,248,229) $ 51,569,122 $ 50,601,317 (3,104,154) $ 47,497,163 City of Wmmi, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Public Services Tax For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 57,314,720 Differences - budget to GAAP: Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. - Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. $ 57,314,720 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 48,800,845 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. _ Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. (48,800,845) Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ _ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the required supplementary information. 69 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) Resources (inflows): Franchise Fees and Other Taxes $ 42,717,373 $ 50,717,373 $ 57,314,720 $ 6,597,347 Amounts Available for Appropriation 42,717,373 50,717,373 57,314,720 6,597,347 Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Transfer to Other Funds 42,717,373 50,717,373 48,800,845 1,916,528 Total Charges to Appropriations 42,717,373 50,717,373 48,800,845 1,916,528 Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations $ - $ - $ 8,513,875 $ 8,513,875 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 57,314,720 Differences - budget to GAAP: Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. - Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. $ 57,314,720 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 48,800,845 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. _ Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. (48,800,845) Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ _ The accompanying notes are an integral part of the required supplementary information. 69 CITY OF MIAAH, FLORIDA NOTES TO THE REQUIRED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION SEPTEMBER 30, 2002 NOTE 1. - BUDGETARY POLICY - Prior to October 1St, the budget is legally enacted through the passage of an ordinance A. BUDGET POLICY and adoption of the budget report. The City Commission annually adopts an operating budget ordinance for all Governmental Funds of the City, except for the Financial Emergency Oversight Board Special Revenue Fund and Capital Projects Funds. Capital Project Funds are budgeted on a total project basis for which annual budgets are not available. For governmental funds, budgets are prepared using the modified accrual method. For the proprietary fund, the budget is prepared on a basis consistent with accounting .principles generally accepted in the United States of America based upon estimates of revenue and expenses for the upcoming fiscal year. B. BUDGET -LEGAL COMPLIANCE The City follows these procedures in establishing the budgetary data reflected in the accompanying financial statements: - Prior to August 31 St, the City Manager submits to the City Commission a proposed operating budget by fund, except for the General Fund which is at the departmental level, for the fiscal year commencing the upcoming October 1St. The operating budget includes proposed expenditures and the means of financing them. - The Mayor shall prepare and deliver a budgetary address annually to the people of the City between July 1' and September 30ffi. Such report shall be prepared after consultation with the City Manager. Public hearings are conducted to obtain taxpayer comments. 70 - Management may not make changes to the adopted budget without the approval of a majority vote of the Commission. - The Commission may transfer among departments any part of an unencumbered balance of an appropriation to a purpose for which an appropriation for the current year has proved insufficient. At the close of each fiscal year, the unencumbered balance of each appropriation reverts to the fund from which it was appropriated and is subject to future appropriations. - Budgets are monitored at varying levels of classification detail, however, budgetary control is legally maintained at the fund level except for the General Fund, which is maintained at the departmental level. All budget amendments require City Commission approval. During Fiscal 2002, supplemental appropriations totaling $20,870,370, $26,401,489, and $8,000,000 in the General Fund, Community Development, and Public Services Tax, respectively were required to recognize unanticipated revenue including the award of federal and state grants and to provide funding for unanticipated program requirements. C. EXCESS OF EXPENDITURES OVER APPROPRIATIONS IN INDIVIDUAL FUNDS During 2002, general fund expenditures exceeded appropriations in the general government and public safety functions in the amount of $9,336,995 and $4,915,269, respectively. These expenditures were as a result of unanticipated expenditures that were not budgeted for. These over expenditures for all funds were funded by available fund balances. City of Miami, Florida Pension Trust Funds Schedule of Funding Progress (a) (Dollar Amounts In Thousands) GESE(c): 10/01/01 597,100 579,400 (17,700) 103 66,700 Unfunded 10/01/00 594,800 577,700 (17,100) 103 63,800 (Overfunded) 10/01/99 539,000 (2) 32,100 94 59,100 as a 10/01/98 (1) Actuarial Unfunded Funded (3) Percentage of Actuarial Actuarial Accrued (Overfunded) Ratio Covered Covered Valuation Value of Liability AAL (1)/(2) Payroll Payroll Date Assets (AAL) (2)-(l) FIPO(b): 10/01/01 $ 828,900 $ 884,700 $ 55,800 94 % $ 89,700 62 % 10/01/00 994,600 823,100 (171,500) 121 84,300 (203) 10/01/99 932,800 820,200 (112,600) 114 77,700 (145) 10/01/98 857,700 774,500 (83,200) 111 74,300 (112) 10/01/97 835,300 702,100 = _ (133,200) 119 69,600 (191) 10/01/96 674,700 620,700 (54,000). 109 72,900 (74) GESE(c): 10/01/01 597,100 579,400 (17,700) 103 66,700 (27) 10/01/00 594,800 577,700 (17,100) 103 63,800 (27) 10/01/99 539,000 571,100 32,100 94 59,100 54 10/01/98 522,900 557,300 34,400 94 55,100 62 10/01/97 505,400 471,100 (34,300) 107 52,000 (66) 10/01/96 383,400 522,800 139,400 73 53,300 262 EORT(d): 10/01/01 1,148 1,419 271 81 228 119 10/01/00 657 1,108 451 59 249 181 10/01/99 652 962 310 68 300 103 10/01/98 509 760 251 67 164 153 10/01/97 230 628 398 37 124 321 10/01/96 180 315 135 57 64 211 a. For information regarding pension contribution percentage rates, assumptions, amortization, method, See Note 10). b. Aggregated Cost Method c. Entry Age Normal Actuarial Accrued Liability d. Individual Aggregated Cost Method 71 This page intentionally left blank 72 Nonmajor Governmental Funds SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Special Revenue Funds are used to account for special revenues that are legally restricted to expenditures for particular purposes. Community Redevelopment Agency (ORA) - To account for revenues and expenditures to be used for general operations in the defined Community Redevelopment Area. Community Redevelopment Agency (SEOPW) - To account for revenues and expenditures to be used for special operations in the defined Community Redevelopment Area. Convention Center - To account for the operations of the City of Miami/ University of Miami James L. Knight International Center and Parking Garage. Economic Development & Planning Services - To account for the operations of the Economic Development & Planning Services. Rescue Services - To account for the proceeds of an excise tax that is restricted to expenditures which supplement the City's emergency Fire Rescue Operations. Net Offices - To account for the operations of the City of Miami's Neighborhood Enhancement Teams (Net Offices). Parks & Recreation Services - To account for the operations of the Parks & Recreation Services. Police Services - To account for the proceeds of various grants from Local, State, and Federal Agencies. 73 Nonmajor Governmental Funds (continued) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS Law Enforcement Fund - To account for confiscated monies awarded to the City for law enforcement related expenditures as stipulated by State Statutes. Public Works - To account for the proceeds granted from Local and State Agencies. City Clerk Services - To account for the operations of the Passport Facility, Municipal Archives & Records, and related Program. Local Gas Option Gas Tax - To account for the local option gas tax levied on the purchases of gasoline. Stormwater Utility Fund — To account for all the fees and charges collected for the operation and maintenance of the stormwater management system and the funding of pollution abatement devices of said system. Gusman and Olympia - To account for the activities of the Gusman and Olympia Facilities. 74 x' ;� Wa Nonmajor Governmental Funds (continued) DEBT SERVICE Debt Service Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources, payment of general obligation bond principal, interest from government resources, special obligation bond principal and interest from pledged revenues when the government is obligated in some manner for the payment. General Obligation Bonds - To account for monies for payment of principal, interest, and other costs related to various issues of long-term general obligation bonds. Debt Service is financed primarily by an ad valorem tax. Other Special Obligation Bonds - To account for monies for payment of principal, interest, and other costs related to various special bonds and loans. -_ CRA Other Special Obligation Bonds - To account for monies for payment of principal, interest, and other costs related to various special bonds and loans. 75 Nonmajor Governmental Funds (continued) CAPITAL PROJECT FUNDS Capital Projects Funds are used to account for the acquisition and construction of major capital facilities. Community Redevelopment Agency - To account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities for community redevelopment in the defined Community Redevelopment Area. Public Safety - To account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities that support the City of Miami's Police and Fire operations. Street and Sidewalks -; To account for expenditures made for street, sidewalks, and other traffic related projects. Sanitary Sewers - To account for expenditures for the construction of sanitary sewers. Storm Sewers - To account for expenditures for the construction of storm sewers. Solid Waste - To account for the acquisition of equipment or facility maintenance associated with the collection and removal of solid waste. Public Facilities - To account for the acquisition or construction of major capital facilities for public use such as marinas and stadiums. Parks and Recreation - To account for the acquisition, rehabilitation, or construction of major capital facilities for cultural and recreational activities such parks, elderly and youth day care centers. Disaster Recovery - To account for revenue received from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, insurance and other agencies as reimbursements for citywide disasters in the areas of debris removal, roads and bridges, buildings and equipment, parks, marinas, stadiums and other measures of relief. 76 This page intentionally left blank ue2OF AM is so qe d�,cQ�4ti 77 Assets Cash, Cash Equivalents and Investments Restricted Cash and Investments Receivables (Net of Allowances for Uncollectibles): Accounts Taxes Special Assessments Due From Other Funds Due From Other Governments Accrued Interest Prepaid and Other Assets Total Assets Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts Payable Accrued Liabilities Accrued Principal Due to Other Funds Due to Other Governments Deferred Revenue Deposits Total Liabilities Fund Balances: Reserved for: Encumbrances Debt Service Law Enforcement Prepaid Items Unreserved, reported in: Special Revenue Funds Capital Projects Funds Total Fund Balances Total Liabilities and Fund Balances City of Miami, Florida Combinning Balance Sheet Other Governmental Funds September 30, 2002 Special Revenue Funds Economic Development Convention & Planning Fire Rescue Omni CRA SEPOW CRA Center Services Services $ 1,110,919 $ 3,621,788 $ 393,539 $ 5,018,488 $ 2,739,639 - - 443,189 - - 125,000 - 197,847 - 79,836 2,111 49,833 - 19,270 $ 1,113,030 $ 3,869,468 $ 836,728 $ 5,242,594 $ 106,223 $ 564,286 $ 12,290 $ 20,825 2,550 61,301 8,568 - 554,148 - - - - - 320,147 108,773 1,179,735 20,858 340,972 422 15,347 $ 2,755,408 $ 223,699 87,118 901,205 1,212,022 3,371 35,040 65,502 1,004,257 2,689,733 812,499 4,866,522 1,477,884 1,004,257 2,689,733 815,870 4,901,E 3 1,543,386 $ 1,113,030 $ 3,869,468 $ 836,728 $ 5,242,514 $ 2,755,408 78 79 Parks & Law Local Net Recreation Police Enforcement Public Works City Clerk Option Offices Services Services Trust Fund Services Services Gas Tax $ 149,189 $ 1,667,583 $ 6,043,505 $ 7,121,983 $ 1,185,304 $ 161,050 $ 39,964 - 22,702 20,630 - - - 625,785 - - - 1,390,489 - - - - 179,383 862,633 - - - - 99 4,597 25,852 113,108 13,341 - - - 5,669 - - _ _ _ $ 149,288 $ 1,879,934 $ 6,952,620 $ 8,625,580 $ 1,198,645 $ 161,050 $ 665,749 $ 53,808 $ 80,789 $ 360,995 $ 245,914 $ - $ 70 $ - 91,431 21,207 104,706 14,058 - 2,461 - - 1,335 - - 830 7,200 - 112,413 - - - 146,069 110,531 465,701 372,385 - 2,531 - 97,522 493,330 362,508 706,251 - - - - - - 7,546,944 - - - - 5,669 - - - - - (94,303) 1,270,404 6,124,411 - 1,198,645 158,519 665,749 3,219 1,769,403 6,486,919 8,253,195 1,198,645 158,519 665,749 $ 149,288 $$ 1,879,934$$ 6�20 $ 8,625,580 $ 1,198,645 $ 161,050 $ 665,749 (continued) 79 City of Miami, Florida Combining Balance Sheet Other Governmental Funds September 30, 2002 Liabilities and Fund Balances Gusman Stormwater and Accrued Liabilities Utility Olympia Assets Due to Other Funds 985,716 - Cash and Cash Equivalents $ - $ 55,259 Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents - - Receivables 1,010,716 3,234,303 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances (Net of Allowances for Uncollectibles): Accounts 108,841 3,045,101 Taxes - - Special Assessments - - Due From Other Funds - - Due From Other Governments 1,512,690 - Accrued Interest - - Prepaid and Other Assets - 6,547 Total Assets $ 1,621,531 $$ 3,106,907 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ - $ 1,469,800 Accrued Liabilities 25,000 - Accrued Principal - - Due to Other Funds 985,716 - Due to Other Governments - 1,695,855 Deposits - - Deferred Revenue - 68.648 Total Liabilities 1,010,716 3,234,303 Fund Balances: Reserved for: Encumbrances - - Debt Service - - Law Enforcement - - Prepaid Items - 6,547 Unreserved, reported in: Special Revenue Funds 610,815 (133,943) Capital Projects Funds - - Total Fund Balances 610,815 (127,396) Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 1, 21� 11 $ 3,106,907 80 - - - - - 30 783,798 - - - _ - - 29,704 74,366 238,348 $ 5,140,714 $ 13,627,446 $ 1,463,617 $ 2,594,078 $ 19,724,505 $ 42,304,709 $ 264,739 $ - $ - $ - $ 289,668 $ 178,907 - - - - 30,568 101,549 404,773 - - - - - - - 290,279 - 708,798 - - - - _ - - - 1,356 75,054 - 973,537 (0) 404,773 1,356 685,569 280,456 1,668 - - - 2,526,672 569,941 4,165,509 13,627,446 1,058,844 - - - - - - 2,592,722 16,512,264 41,454,312 4,167,177 13,627,446 1,058,844 2,592,722 19,038,936 42,024,253 $ 514 $ 13,627,446 $ 1,463,617 $ 2,594,078 $ 19,724,505 $ 42,304,709 (continued) 81 Debt Service Funds Capital Projects Funds General Other Special CRA Community Obligation Obligation Other Special Redevelopment Street & Bonds Bonds Obligation Agency Public Safety Sidewalks $ 622,806 $ 1,896,108 $ - $ 2,564,374 $ 19,650,139 $ 42,066,331 3,734,110 11,731,338 1,463,617 - - - - - - - - 30 783,798 - - - _ - - 29,704 74,366 238,348 $ 5,140,714 $ 13,627,446 $ 1,463,617 $ 2,594,078 $ 19,724,505 $ 42,304,709 $ 264,739 $ - $ - $ - $ 289,668 $ 178,907 - - - - 30,568 101,549 404,773 - - - - - - - 290,279 - 708,798 - - - - _ - - - 1,356 75,054 - 973,537 (0) 404,773 1,356 685,569 280,456 1,668 - - - 2,526,672 569,941 4,165,509 13,627,446 1,058,844 - - - - - - 2,592,722 16,512,264 41,454,312 4,167,177 13,627,446 1,058,844 2,592,722 19,038,936 42,024,253 $ 514 $ 13,627,446 $ 1,463,617 $ 2,594,078 $ 19,724,505 $ 42,304,709 (continued) 81 City of Miami, Florida Combining Balance Sheet Other Governmental Funds September 30, 2002 Capital Projects Funds Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 79,709 $ 785,203 $ 57,498 $ 407,609 $ 765,536 Accrued Liabilities 134,180 203,236 - 114,343 692,926 Accrued Principal - - - - - Due to Other Funds - - - Due to Other Governments 12,000 92,390 - - - Deposits - - 257,168 Deferred Revenue - - - - Total Liabilities 225,889 1,080,829 314,666 521,952 1,458,462 Fund Balances: Sanitary Storm Solid Public Parks & Reserved for: Encumbrances Sewers Sewers Waste Facilities Recreation Assets - - - Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 25,135,666 $ 30,049,354 $ 2,361,203 $ 22,528,616 $ 39,397,232 Cash and Investments with Fiscal Agents - - - 783,106 249,782 Receivables (Net of Allowances for Uncollectibles): - 24,538,968 - 26,842,262 - (734,337) 21,895,851 35,734,710 Accounts - - - 146,014 - Taxes - - - - - Special Assessments - - 257,168 - - Due From Other Governments - - - - 415,865 Accrued Interest 304,111 132,044 - 119,387 254,724 Prepaid and Other Assets - - - - 51,960 Total Assets $ 25439,777 $ 30,181,398 7 2,61-8,371 $ 23,577,123 $ 40,369,563 Liabilities and Fund Balances Liabilities: Accounts Payable $ 79,709 $ 785,203 $ 57,498 $ 407,609 $ 765,536 Accrued Liabilities 134,180 203,236 - 114,343 692,926 Accrued Principal - - - - - Due to Other Funds - - - Due to Other Governments 12,000 92,390 - - - Deposits - - 257,168 Deferred Revenue - - - - Total Liabilities 225,889 1,080,829 314,666 521,952 1,458,462 Fund Balances: Reserved for: Encumbrances 674,920 2,258,307 3,038,042 1,159,320 3,124,431 Debt Service - - - Law Enforcement - - - - - - 51,960 Prepaid Items - - Unreserved, reported in: Special Revenue Funds Capital Projects Funds - 24,538,968 - 26,842,262 - (734,337) 21,895,851 35,734,710 Total Fund Balances 25,213,888 29,100,569 2,303,705 23,055,171 38,911,101 Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $ 25,439,777 $ 30,181,398 $$ 2,618,371 $$ 23,577,123 $ 40,369,563 82 Total Other Disaster Governmental Recovery Funds $ 583,410 $ 216,163,449 - 18,405,142 - 4,094,525 - 783,798 - 257,168 - 1,390,489 - 3,248,254 - 1,396,242 - 64,176 $ 583,410 $ 245,803,243 $ - $ 5,967,568 17,331 1,712,533 - 1,390,489 - 2,090,524 - 2,422,654 - 585,648 17,331 14,169,416 1,453,268 16,570,093 - 18,851,799 - 7,546,944 - 64,176 20,651,252 (887,189) 167,949,563 566,079 231,633,827 $ 583,410 $ 245,803,243 83 Expenditures Current Operating: General Government Planning and Development - - 699,452 Community Redevelopment Areas 1,662,346 4,393,500 - Public Works _ _ Public Safety - 1,121,760 Public Facilities 2,854,550 _ Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay _ _ Total Expenditures 1,662,346 4,393,500 2,854,550 699,452 1,121,760 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (13,056) (171,314) 2,730,159 167,088 4,212,018 Other Financing Sources (Uses) City of Miami, Florida Combining Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes In Fund Balances Transfers From Other Funds 531,736 235,902 Other Governmental Funds 2,074,000 438,516 Transfers To Other Funds - For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 (4,204,178) - (4,157,183) Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt _ Special Revenue Funds Payments To Escrow Agent Economic Development Convention & Planing Fire Rescue 531,736 Omni CRA SEPOW CRA Center Services Services Revenues 518,680 64,588 291,322 2,241,088 Property Taxa $ 1,634,449 $ 1,388,517 $ $ $ Franchise Fees and Other Taxes - _ Fund Balances - Ending $,� $�®3 Fines and Forfeitures 4,901,622 $ 1,543,386 Intergovernmental Revenues - 1,001,576 345,639 1,026,930 Charges for Services - 451,744 3,869,263 468,598 4,272,183 Interest 14,841 168,138 52,173 52,303 34,665 Impact Fees - - - - Other - 2,213,787 661,697 - _ Total Revenues 1,649,290 4,222,186 5,584,709 866,540 5,333,778 Expenditures Current Operating: General Government Planning and Development - - 699,452 Community Redevelopment Areas 1,662,346 4,393,500 - Public Works _ _ Public Safety - 1,121,760 Public Facilities 2,854,550 _ Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay _ _ Total Expenditures 1,662,346 4,393,500 2,854,550 699,452 1,121,760 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures (13,056) (171,314) 2,730,159 167,088 4,212,018 Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers From Other Funds 531,736 235,902 1,765,341 2,074,000 438,516 Transfers To Other Funds - - (4,204,178) - (4,157,183) Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Payments To Escrow Agent Proceeds of Long -Term Capital -Related Debt _ Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) 531,736 235,902 (2,438,837) 2,074,000 (3,718,667) Net Changes in Fund Balances 518,680 64,588 291,322 2,241,088 493,351 Fund Balances - Beginning 485,577 2,625,145 524,548 2,660,534 1,050,035 Fund Balances - Ending $,� $�®3 $$ 815,870 $ 4,901,622 $ 1,543,386 84 85 Special Revenue Funds Parks & Law Local Net Recreation Police Enforcement Public Works City Clerk Option 011klces Services Services Trust Fund Services Services Gas Tax - 3,822,125 - 973,350 16,473,935 - 10,425 - 7,336,917 - 477,673 117,118 21,174 - 118,997 - 500 21,353 113,776 439,533 45,432 - 50 4,500 48,612 550 1,476,876 16,704,829 4,282,832 104,469 118,997 7,336,917 4,130,014 - - - - 135,355 - - 6,423,658 4,547,056 - 1,827,251 4,547,056 4,130,014 1,827,251 6,423,658 135 355 (4,129,464) (350,375) 10,281,171 (264,224) 104,469 (16,358) 7,336,917 3,925,688 805,640 1,735,351 - _ - (101,270) - (6,402,043) (1,000,000) - (7,100,000) (11000,000) (7,100,000) 3,824,418 805,640 (4,666.692) - - (305,046) 455,265 5,614,479 (1,264,224) 104,469 (16,358) 236,917 308,265 1,314,138 872,440 9517,419 1,094,176 174,877 428,832 3,219 S 1,769,403 $ 6®,919 $ 8,253.195 $ 1,198,645 $ 158,519 $ 665,749 (continued) 85 City of Miami, Florida Combmning Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes In Fund Balances Other Governmental Funds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Expenditures Current Operating: General Government 3,176,606 Planning and Development - Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works 25,000 Public Safety _ Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 25,000 3,176,606 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 9,305,383 (439,479) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers From Other Funds - Gusman Transfers To Other Funds Stormwater and Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Utility Olympia Revenues Property Taxes $ - $ Franchise Fees and Other Taxes 9,330,383 153,599 Fines and Forfeitures _ (285,880) Intergovernmental Revenues 242,674 2,170,253 Charges for Services $ 610,815 527,244 Interest Impact Fees - Other 39,630 Total Revenues 9,330,383 2,737,127 Expenditures Current Operating: General Government 3,176,606 Planning and Development - Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works 25,000 Public Safety _ Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Capital Outlay Total Expenditures 25,000 3,176,606 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over (Under) Expenditures 9,305,383 (439,479) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers From Other Funds - 153,599 Transfers To Other Funds (8,937,242) - Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Payments To Escrow Agent Proceeds of Long -Term Capital -Related Debt Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (8,937,242) 153,599 Net Changes in Fund Balances 368,141 (285,880) Fund Balances - Beginning 242,674 158,484 Fund Balances - Ending $ 610,815 $ (127,396) 86 11,635,000 Debt Service Fonds 315,000 Capital Projects Funds General Other Spatial CRA Community obligation obligation other Spatial Redevelopment Street & Bonds Bomis obligation Agency Public Safety Sidewalks $ 18,009,638 $ $ 57,675 $ $ $ - 612,351 300,000 102,013 594,428 (951,431) 98,763 8,480 102,013 80,466 482,820 - - - - - 2,518,983 110,626 247,271 (1,811,957) - - 18,120,264 958,385 366,155 102,013 80,466 3,596,231 11,635,000 11,123,400 315,000 6,653,236 12,266,242 417,125 _ _ 4,769,350 4,547,662 18,288,236 23,389,642 732,125 4,769,350 4,547,662 (167,972) (22,431,257) (365,970) 102,013 (4,688,884) (951,431) 20,088,510 610,788 117,296 9,434,689 5,141,673 - (1,811,957) - - (2,668,881) (5,890,361) 32,510,000 41,065,000 _ (31,970,000) (38,010,000) _ _ - 11,500,000 24,600,000 540,000 21,331,553 610,788 117,296 18,265,808 23,851,312 372,028 (1,099,704) 244,818 219,309 13,576,924 22,899,881 3,795,149 14,727,150 814,026 2,373,413 5,462,012 19,124,372 $ 4167®177 $ 13,627,446 $ 1,058,844 $ 2,592,722 $ 19,038,936 $ 42�� (—tinued) 87 City of Miami, Florida Combuoung Statement of Revenue, Expenditures, and Changes In Fund Balances Other Governmental Funds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Capital Projects Funds Expenditures Current Operating: General Government Planning and Development Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges - - Capital Outlay 1,779,918 ; 4,195545 4,319,422 3,443,803 8,102,014 Total Expenditures 1,779,918 4,195545 4,319,422 3,443,803 8,102,014 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures (716,829) (3,888,765) (4,177,890) (3,005,233) (1,835,124) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Sanitary Storm Solid Public Parks & Sewers Sewers Waste Facilities Recreation Revenues 5,591,167 Transfers To Other Funds (2,286,655) (3,617,551) Property Taxes $ $ $ $ $ Franchise Fees and Other Taxes Payments To Escrow Agent Fines and Forfeitures - Intergovernmental Revenues 10,000,000 36,983 5,408,927 Charges for Services Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (704,131) - - Interest 1,063,089 306,780 17,867 152,329 271,616 Impact Fees - - - - - Other 2,756,492 123,665 249,258 586,347 Total Revenues 1,063,089 306,780 141,532 438,570 6,266,890 Expenditures Current Operating: General Government Planning and Development Community Redevelopment Areas Public Works Public Safety Public Facilities Parks and Recreation Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges - - Capital Outlay 1,779,918 ; 4,195545 4,319,422 3,443,803 8,102,014 Total Expenditures 1,779,918 4,195545 4,319,422 3,443,803 8,102,014 Excess (Deficiency) of Revenues Over(Under)Expenditures (716,829) (3,888,765) (4,177,890) (3,005,233) (1,835,124) Other Financing Sources (Uses) Transfers From Other Funds 1582,524 6,954,950 4,343529 2,551,001 5,591,167 Transfers To Other Funds (2,286,655) (3,617,551) (618,426) - (5,045,333) Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Payments To Escrow Agent - Proceeds of Long -Term Capital -Related Debt 10,000,000 - 19,450,000 42,000,000 Total Other Financing Sources (Uses) (704,131) 13,337,399 3,725,103 22,001,001 42545,834 Net Changes in Fund Balances (1,420,960) 9,448,634 (452,787) 18,995,768 40,710,710 Fund Balances - Beginning 26,634,848 19,651,935 2,756,492 4,059,403 (1,799,609) Fund Balances - Ending $ 25,213,888 $ 29,100569 $ 2,303,705 $ 23,055,171 $ 38,911,101 88 Disaster Recovery Total Other Governmental Funds $ $ 21,090,279 9,330,383 3,822,125 171,853 36,463,567 - 10,323,994 3,526,937 - 2,518,983 146,090 4,431,533 317,943 91,507,801 7,441,975 699,452 - 6,055,846 - 25,000 - 12,092,474 - 2,854,550 - 1,827,251 23,073,400 - 19,336,603 072,914 32,530,638 072,924 105,937,189 (1,054,981) (14,429,388) 250,000 68,331,900 - (53,841,080) - 73,575,000 - (69,980,000) - 107,550,000 250,000 125,635,820 (804,981) 111,206,432 1,371,060 120,427,395 $ 566,079 $ 231,633,827 89 This page intentionally left blank .c FIDUCIARY FUNDS Fiduciary Funds are used to account for assets held by the City in a trustee capacity. FIDUCIARY FUNDS General Employees' and Sanitation Employees' (GESE) and Firefighters' and Police Officers' (FIFO) — Both funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement benefits to City employees. Resources are contributed by employees at rates fixed by law and by the City at amounts determined by annual actuarial valuations. City of Miami Elected Officers' Retirement Trust (FORT) — Funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources to be used for retirement benefits to elected officials. Resources are contributed by the City of amount determined by annual actuarial valuations. 91 City of Miami, Florida Combining Statement of Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds As of September 30, 2002 92 Employee Retirement Funds Totals Elected Officer's Employee Firefighter and General and Retirement Trust Retirement Police (FIPO) Sanitation (GESE) (FORT) Funds Assets Cash and Short -Term Investments $ 51,480,876 $ 369,316 $ 175 $ 51,850,367 Accounts Receivable 20,519,487 20,566,388 - 41,085,875 Capital Assets 2,175,109 1,229,686 - 3,404,795 74,175,472 22,165,390 175 96,341,037 Investments, at fair value U.S Government Obligations 264,501,994 56,735,486 1,378,373 322,615,853 Corporate Bonds 127,341,486 84,655,467 - 211,996,953 Corporate Stocks 463,514,996 290,953,248 - 754,468,244 Money Market Funds and Commerical Paper 5,596,093 15,118,891 327,493 21,042,477 Mutual Funds 49,429,740 - - 49,429,740 Real Estate 70,202 29,061,148 - 29,131,350 Total Investments 910,454,511 476,524,240 1,705,866 1,388,684,617 Securities Lending Collateral 97,268,223 - - 97;268,223 Total Assets 1,081,898,206 498,689,630 1,706,041 1,582,293,877 Liabilities Obligations Under Security Lending 97,268,223 - - 97,268,223 Accounts Payable 121,464 739,592 - 861,056 Accrued Liabilities 5,596,093 - - 5,596,093 Payable for securities purchased 51,611,275 29,957,619 - 81,568,894 Total Liabilities 154,597,055 30,697,211 - 185,294,266 Net Assets Held in Trust for Pension Benefits and Other Purposes $ 927,301,151 $ 467,992,419 $ 1,706,041 $ 1,396,999,611 92 City of Miami, Florida Combining Statement of Changes in Fiduciary Net Assets Fiduciary Funds For the Year Ended September 30, 2002 Additions (Reductions) Contributions: Employer Plan Members Total Contributions Investment Earnings (Losses): Net Decrease in Fair Value of Investments Interest Dividends Rental and Other Income, net Total Investment Earnings (Losses) Less Investment Expenses Investment Expenses Net Investment Income Total Additions (Reductions) Deductions Benefits Refunds upon resignation, death, etc. Distribution to retirees Administrative and Other Expenses Total Deductions Change in Net Assets Net Assets - Beginning of Year Net Assets - End of Year Employee Retirement Funds Elected Officer's Firefighter and General and Retirement Trust Police (FIPO) Sanitation (GESE) (FORT) T..b.1� Mminoyee Retirement Funds $ 5,400,784 $ 2,499,618 $ 665,203 $ 8,565,605 6,721,236 7,186,033 - 13,907,269 12,122,020 9,685,651 665,203 22,472,874 (88,617,340) (68,202,403) - (156,819,743) 27,747,699 9,222,685 16,151 36,986,535 6,652,864 4,776,325 - 11,429,189 691,013 1,893,138 2,584,151 (53,525,764) (52,310,255) 16,151 (105,819,868) 3,263,605 2,213,862 - 5,477,467 (56,789,369) (54,524,117) 16,151 (111,297,335) (44,667,349) (44,838,466) 681,354 (88,824,461) 42,743,765 398,452 8,943,616 JL,VBJ,b» (96,753,182) 1,024,054,333 $ 927,301,151 93 35,703,167 1,141,551 1,715,867 38,560,585 (83,399,051) 551,391,470 $ 467,992,419 141,809 1•i1,OVY 539,545 1,166,496 $ 1,706,041 78,588,741 1,540,003 8,943,616 1,715,867 90,788,227 (179,612,688) 1,576,612,299 $ 1,396,999,611 This page intentionally left blank Epi G, Q M •k x SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Supplemantary :information is presented to provide greater detailed information than reported in the preceding financial statements. This information, in many cases, has been spread throughout the report and is brought together here for greater clarity. Financial schedules are not necessary for fair presentation, in order to be in conformity with Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. M Resources (inflows): Property Taxes Interest Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Community Redevelopment Areas Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Omni CRA For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 1,581,974 $ 1,634,449 $ 1,634,449 $ - 45,259 19,595 14,841 (4,754) - - 531,736 531,736 1,627,233 1,654,044 2,181,026 526,982 1,627,233 2,554,044 1,662,346 891,698 1,627,233 2,554,044 1,662,346 891,698 (900,000) 518,680 1,418,680 - 900,000 (900,000) Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations $��$ 518,680 $ 518,680 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 2,181,026 Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per• Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. (531,736) Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. $ 1,649,290 Usestoutflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 1,662,346 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. - Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. - Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ 1,662,346 96 Resources (inflows): Property Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Community Redevelopment Areas Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule SEOPW CRA For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 (900,000) (1,400,000) 900,000 1,400,000 64,588 1,464,588 (1+400+000) $ - $ 64,588 $ 64,588 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures SourceWintlows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental finds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-govemmental funds. 97 $ 4,458,088 (235,902) $ 4,222,186 $ Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 1,310,256 $ 1,446,192 $ 1,388,517 $ (57,675) - 2,713,787 - (2,713,787) 138,155 52,880 451,744 398,864 108,953 83,346 168,138 84,792 - - 2,213,787 2,213,787 659,388 790,994 235,902 (555,092) 2,216,752 5,087,199 4,458,088 (629,111) 3,116,752 6,487,199 4,393,500 2,093,699 3,116,752 6,487,199 4,393,500 2,093,699 (900,000) (1,400,000) 900,000 1,400,000 64,588 1,464,588 (1+400+000) $ - $ 64,588 $ 64,588 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures SourceWintlows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental finds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-govemmental funds. 97 $ 4,458,088 (235,902) $ 4,222,186 $ 4,393,500 $ 4,393,500 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Facilities Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Convention Center For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 (273,930) 291,322 273,930 565,252 (273,930) ®� $ $ 291,322 $ 291,322 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 98 7,350,050 (1,765,341) $ 5,584,709 7,058,728 (4,204,178) $ 2,854,550 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 1,098,026 $ 1,106,597 $ 1,001,576 $ (105,021) 4,369,758 4,369,758 3,869,263 (500,495) 113,000 113,000 52,173 (60,827) 428,651 222,946 661,697 438,751 1,568,761 1,568,761 1,765,341 196,580 7,578,196 7,381,062 7,350,050 (31,012) 2,766,267 2,843,063 2,854,550 (11,487) 4,811,929 4,811,929 4,204,178 607,751 7,578,196 7,654,992 7,058,728 596,264 (273,930) 291,322 273,930 565,252 (273,930) ®� $ $ 291,322 $ 291,322 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 98 7,350,050 (1,765,341) $ 5,584,709 7,058,728 (4,204,178) $ 2,854,550 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Planning and Development Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Ecnomic Development & Planning Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. (2,566,981) 2,241,088 - 2,566,981 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 4,808,069 (2,566,981) 2,241,088 $ 2,241,088 2,940,540 (2,074,000) $ 866,540 699,452 $ 699,452 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ - $ 850,577 $ 345,639 $ (504,938) 35,869 124,969 468,598 343,629 7,929 7,929 52,303 44,374 200,000 2,000,000 2,074,000 74,000 243,798 2,983,475 2,940,540 (42,935) 243,798 5,550,456 699,452 4,851,004 243,798 5,550,456 699,452 4,851,004 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. (2,566,981) 2,241,088 - 2,566,981 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 4,808,069 (2,566,981) 2,241,088 $ 2,241,088 2,940,540 (2,074,000) $ 866,540 699,452 $ 699,452 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Safety Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations FSrnd Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Fire Rescue Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. - (633,160) Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 100 633,160 493,351 1,126,511 (633,160) $ - $ 493,351 $ 493,351 $ 5,772,294 (438,516) $ 5,333,778 $ 5,278,943 (4,157,183) $ 1,121,760 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 131,507 $ 440,781 $ 1,026,930 $ 586,149 4,272,183 4,272,183 4,272,183 - - - 34,665 34,665 950,020 950,020 - (950,020) 71,953 71,953 438,516 366,563 5,425,663 5,734,937 5,772,294 37,357 1,268,480 2,210,914 1,121,760 1,089,154 4,157,183 4,157,183 4,157,183 - 5,425,663 6,368,097 5,278,943 1,089,154 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. - (633,160) Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 100 633,160 493,351 1,126,511 (633,160) $ - $ 493,351 $ 493,351 $ 5,772,294 (438,516) $ 5,333,778 $ 5,278,943 (4,157,183) $ 1,121,760 Resources (inflows): Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): General Government Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule NET Offices For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final 1 Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ - $ - $ 500 $ 500 172,732 172,732 50 (172,682) 4,690,126 4,720,126 3,925,688 (794,438) 4,862,858 4,892,858 3,926,238 (966,620) 4,862,858 5,213,714 4,254,634 959,080 - 101,270 (101,270) 4,862,858 5,213,714 4,355,904 857,810 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources!mflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per• Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. - (320,856) Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances-govemmental funds. 101 320,856 (429,666) (108,810) (320,856) $ - $ (429,666) $ (429,666) $ 3,926,238 (3,925,688) $ 550 $ 4,355,904 (124,620) (101,270) $ 4,130,014 Resources (inflows): intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Parks and Recreation Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Parks & Recreation Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Souece"ows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 2,282,516 Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. 805,640) Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental $ 1,476,876 funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 1,827,251 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ 1,827,251 102 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgets Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 1,446,408 $ 1,446,408 $ 973,350 $ (473,058) - - 477,673 477,673 _ - 21,353 21,353 824,634 824,634 4,500 (820,134) 1,119,278 1,119,278 805,640 (313,638) 3,390,320 3,390,320 2,282,516 (1,107,804) 4,106,631 4,106,631 1,827,251 2,279,380 7,500 7,500 - 7,500 4,114,131 4,114,131 1,827,251 2,286,880 (723,811) (723,811) 455,265 1,179,076 723,811 723,811 - (723,811) $- $ 455,265 $ 455,265 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Souece"ows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 2,282,516 Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. 805,640) Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental $ 1,476,876 funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 1,827,251 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ 1,827,251 102 Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Safety Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations 34,092,478 37,868,156 6,423,658 31,444,498 5,357,691 5,357,691 6,402,043 (1,044,352) 39,450,169 43,225,847 12,825,701 30,400,146 (3,115,159) 3,115,159 5,614,479 8,729,638 (3,115,159) $ $ - $ 5,614,479 $ 5,614,479 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sourceslinflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per- Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 103 18,440,180 (1,735,351) $ 16,704,829 12,825,701 (6,402,043) $ 6,423,658 City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Police Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues $ 32,970,931 $ 33,631,450 $ 16,473,935 $ (17,157,515) Charges for Services 197,252 197,252 117,118 (80,134) Interest 124,019 124,019 113,776 (10,243) Other 5,002,077 5,002,077 - (5,002,077) Transfer from Other Funds 1,155,890 1,155,890 1,735,351 579,461 Amounts Available for Appropriation 39,450,169 40,110,688 18,440,180 (21,670,508) Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Safety Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations 34,092,478 37,868,156 6,423,658 31,444,498 5,357,691 5,357,691 6,402,043 (1,044,352) 39,450,169 43,225,847 12,825,701 30,400,146 (3,115,159) 3,115,159 5,614,479 8,729,638 (3,115,159) $ $ - $ 5,614,479 $ 5,614,479 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sourceslinflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per- Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 103 18,440,180 (1,735,351) $ 16,704,829 12,825,701 (6,402,043) $ 6,423,658 Resources (inflows): Fines and Forfeitures Charges for Services Interest Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Safety Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Law Enforcement Trust Fund For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ $ - $ 3,822,125 $ 3,822,125 21,174 21,174 439,533 439,533 - - 4,282,832 4,282,832 9,434,609 8,517,417 4,547,056 3,970,361 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 10,434,609 9,517,417 5,547,056 3,970,361 (10,434,609) (9,517,417) 10,434,609 9,517,417 (1,264,224) 8,253,193 (9,517,417) $ - $ - $ (1,264,224) $ (1,264,224) Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 4,282,832 Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. - Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. - Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. $ 4,282,832 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 5,547,056 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. - Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. (11000,000) Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds, $ 4,547,056 104 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Interest Other Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Works Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Public Works Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) 10,425 $ 10,425 45,432 45,432 - 48,612 48,612 104,469 104,469 1,000,386 1,000,386 1,000,386 1,000,386 (1,000,386) (1,000,386) 1,000,386 1,000,386 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per• Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 105 1,000,386 1,000,386 104,469 1,104,855 (1,000,386) �! $ 104,469 $ 104,469 $ 104,469 $ 104,469 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): General Government Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule City Clerk Services For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ - $ 8,000 $ - $ (8,000) 134,293 169,293 118,997 (50,296) 134,293 177,293 118,997 (58,296) 134,293 355,293 135,355 219,938 134,293 355,293 135,355 219,938 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. - (178,000) - 178,000 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 106 (16,358) 161,642 (178,000) $ $ (16,358) $ (16,358) $ 118,997 $ 118,997 $ 135,355 $ 135,355 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Focal Option Gas Tax For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 7,100,000 $ 7,100,000 $ 7,336,917 $ 236,917 7,100,000 7,100,000 7,336,917 236,917 7,100,000 7,400,000 7,100,000 300,000 7,100,000 7,400,000 7,100,000 300,000 (300,0 300,000 236,917 536,917 (300,000) $ $ 236,917 $ 236,917 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting per• Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Usestoutflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting per• Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 107 7,336,917 $ 7,336,917 7,100,000 (7,100,000) Resources (inflows): Franchise Fees and Other Taxes Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Public Works Transfer to Other Funds Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations Fund Balance Allocation City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Stormwater Utility Fund For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 8,962,242 $ 8,962,242 $ 9,330,383 $ 368,141 8,962,242 8,962,242 9,330,383 368,141 25,000 25,000 25,000 8,937,242 8,937,242 8,937,242 8,962,242 8,962,242 8,962,242 - - 368,141 368,141 Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations �$ -- $ - $ 368,141 $ 368,141 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 9,330,383 Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. - Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. $ 9,330,383 Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations„ from the budgetary comparison schedule. $ 8,962,242 Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. - Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. (8,937,242) Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. $ 25,000 108 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Other Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): General Government Non-Departrnental Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Gusman & Olympia For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Original Final (Budgetary Basis) $ - $ - $ 2,170,253 706,652 706,652 527,244 - - 39,630 153,599 153,599 153,599 860,251 860,251 2,890,726 Variance with Final Budget Positive (Negative) $ 2,170,253 (179,408) 39,630 2,030,475 - - 3,176,606 (3,176,606) 860,251 860,251 - 860,251 860,251 860,251 3,176,606 (2,316,355) $ $ - $ (285,880) $ (285,880) Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 109 $ 2,890,726 (153,599) $ 2,737,127 $ 3,176,606 $ 3,176,606 Resources (inflows): Property Taxes Other Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Payments To Escrow Agent Total Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule General Obligation Bonds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations $�� �$� $ 372,028 $ 32,342,028 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 110 $ 50,630,264 $ Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ 17,463,793 $ 17,463,793 $ 18,009,638 $ 545,845 - - 110,626 110,626 - - 32,510,000 32,510,000 17,463,793 17,463,793 50,630,264 33,166,471 17,463,793 11,535,000 11,635,000 (100,000) - 5,928,793 6,653,236 (724,443) - - 31,970,000 (31,970,000) 17,463,793 17,463,793 50,258,236 (824,443) Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations $�� �$� $ 372,028 $ 32,342,028 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes. Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 110 $ 50,630,264 $ 50,630,264 $ 50,258,236 $ 50,258,236 Resources (inflows): Intergovernmental Revenues Interest Other Transfer from Other Funds Proceeds Received From Refunded Debt Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Transfer to Other Funds Payments To Escrow Agent Total Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule Other Special Obligation Bonds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Original Final Budgetary Basis) $ 612,133 $ 612,133 20,964,086 20,960,426 21,576,219 21,572,559 10,913,401 10,913,401 10,110,674 10,107,014 552,144 552,144 21,576,219 21,572,559 $ 612,351 98,763 247,271 20,088,510 41,065,000 62,111,895 11,123,400 12,266,242 1,811,957 38,010,000 63,211,599 Variance with Final Budget Positive (Negative) $ 218 98,763 247,271 (871,916) 41,065,000 40,539,336 (209,999) (2,159,228) (1,259,813) (38,010,000) (41,639,040) E'scess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations ®- $ - $ (1,099,704) $ (1,099,704) Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: The fund balance at the beginning of the year is a budgetary resource but is not a current -year revenue for financial reporting purposes - Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Usestoutflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 111 $ 62,111,895 (20,088,510) $ 42,023,385 $ 63,211,599 (1,811,957) $ 61,399,642 Resources (inflows): Property Taxes Intergovernmental Revenues Interest Transfer from Other Funds Amounts Available for Appropriation Charges To Appropriations (outflows): Debt Service: Principal Interest and Other Charges Total Charges to Appropriations Excess (Deficiency) of Resources Over Charges to Appropriations City of Miami, Florida Budgetary Comparison Schedule CRA Other Special Obligation Bonds For The Year Ended September 30, 2002 Variance with Budgeted Amounts Actual Amounts Final Budget Original Final (Budgetary Basis) Positive (Negative) $ - $ - $ 57,675 $ 57,675 300,000 300,000 300,000 - - - 8,480 8,480 668,463 668,463 610,788 (57,675) 968,463 968,463 976,943 8,480 315,000 315,000 315,000 - 653,463 653,463 417,125 236,338 968,463 968,463 732,125 236,338 $ - $- $ 244,818 $ 244,818 Explanation of Differences between Budgetary Inflows and Outflows and GAAP Revenues and Expenditures Sources/inflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "available for appropriation" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Transfers from other funds are inflows of budgetary resources but are not revenues for financial reporting purposes. Total revenues as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances - governmental funds. Uses/outflows of resources Actual amounts (budgetary basis) "total charges to appropriations" from the budgetary comparison schedule. Differences - budget to GAAP: Encumbrances for supplies and equipment ordered but not received is reported in the year the order is placed for budgetary purposes, but in the year supplies are received for financial reporting purposes. Transfers to other funds are outflows of budgetary resources but are not expenditures for financial reporting purposes. Total expenditures as reported on the statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balances -governmental funds. 112 $ 976,943 (610,788) $ 366,155 $ 732,125 $ 732,125 STATISTICAL SECTION Statistical tables differ from financial statements because they usually cover more than one fiscal year and may present nonaccounting data, financial trends and the fiscal capacity of the governments. I.— CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL EXPENDITURES AND TRANSFERS BY FUNCTION LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (1) (1) This schedule includes Expenditures of the General Fund only. (2) Beginning in FY 1996, the City discontinued the use of the Proprietary Funds and the Pension Administration Trust Fund. Accordingly, the activities of these funds are accounted for in the General Fund. (3) Other expenditures and financing uses include employee benefits of $35,173,810 and operating transfers out of $22,926,859. TOTAL $ 347,595,858 334,012,113 296,120,209 288,276,416 297,365,349 269,514,000 360,789,000 215,041,000 212,343,000 211,784,000 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES BY FUNCTION Police & Fire Solid Waste Public Facilities r Public Improvements General Govt. Culture Other 0.001% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00 % of Total Fiscal Year Budget ■ FY 02 ■ FY 01 ❑ FY 00 113 OTHER CULTURE EXPENDITURES FISCAL PUBLIC SOLID PUBLIC PUBLIC GENERAL AND OR FINANCING YEAR SAFETY WASTE FACILITIES IMPROVEMENTS GOVERNMENT RECREATION USES 2002 $ 169,452,122 $ 20,569,047 $ 5,071,735 $ 25,740,477 $ 83,117,901 $ 11,092,994 $ 32,551,582 2001 132,844,965 18,798,645 4,547,020 22,176,806 24,592,817 9,358,344 121,693,516 2000 135,173,374 17,875,978 4,379,971 19,139,493 23,025,280 8,746,720 87,779,393 1999 126,287,513 17,730,332 3,819,893 21,068,901 20,509,297 8,221,325 90,639,155 1998 116,894,329 16,755,266 3,556,522 18,973,481 44,984,243 6,994,947 89,206,561 1997 107,127,000 15,115,000 7,337,000 16,027,000 61,743,000 6,770,000 55,395,000 (2) 1996 113,050,000 16,334,000 7,507,000 9,893,000 69,542,000 12,583,000 131,880,000 (3) 1995 145,974,000 8,360,000 - 11,903,000 17,921,000 10,626,000 20,257,000 1994 134,722,000 16,831,000 11,046,000 16,846,000 9,636,000 23,262,000 1993 136,916,000 13,288,000 12,350,000 16,125,000 10,534,000 22,571,000 (1) This schedule includes Expenditures of the General Fund only. (2) Beginning in FY 1996, the City discontinued the use of the Proprietary Funds and the Pension Administration Trust Fund. Accordingly, the activities of these funds are accounted for in the General Fund. (3) Other expenditures and financing uses include employee benefits of $35,173,810 and operating transfers out of $22,926,859. TOTAL $ 347,595,858 334,012,113 296,120,209 288,276,416 297,365,349 269,514,000 360,789,000 215,041,000 212,343,000 211,784,000 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES AND OTHER FINANCING USES BY FUNCTION Police & Fire Solid Waste Public Facilities r Public Improvements General Govt. Culture Other 0.001% 5.00% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00% 45.00% 50.00 % of Total Fiscal Year Budget ■ FY 02 ■ FY 01 ❑ FY 00 113 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL GOVERNMENTAL REVENUES AND TRANSFERS BY SOURCE LAST TEN FISCAL YEARS (1) CITY BUSINESS INTER- LICENSES CHARGES OTHER REVENUE FISCAL PROPERTY & EXCISE GOVERN- AND FOR AND FINANCING YEAR TAXES TAX 1 MENTAL PERMITS SERVICES SOURCES (2) 2002 S 130.375,831 $ 49,582,101 S 40,451,667 S 21,375,993 $ 93,708,913 $ 34,955,363 2001 119.683,851 42,215,651 33.688,246 20.333.532 84,334,277 45,469,115 2000 120,426,167 32,426,893 44,574,354 19,833,395 75,470,338 39,336,967 1999 120.781,649 30.441,973 34,032,189 16.050,883 54,241,929 35,419,431 1998 108,172,648 27,906,840 33.841,573 16.641,532 41,866,305 98,132,190 1997 105.493,000 48,854,000 45,575,000 9,816,000 41,586,000 41,841,000 (3) 1996 101,964,000 52,294,000 33,761,000 5.407,000 39,045.000 118,109,000 1995 99,178,000 44,874.000 28,789,000 4,361,000 5,938,000 55,393,000 1994 97.705,000 43,571,000 32,331,000 4,702,000 5,149,000 27,609,000 1993 100,091,000 43,545.000 30,456,000 4,741,000 4,726,000 23.669.000 (l) This schedule includes Expenditures of the General Fund only. (2) Transfers form other funds representing public utilities service taxes are presented in this schedule as business and excise tax revenues, rather than as other financing sources, to more clearly depict sources of revenues. (3) Beginning in FY 1996, the City discontinued the use of the Proprietary Funds and the Pension Administration Trust Fund. Accordingly, the activities of these funds are accounted for in the General Fund. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA GENERAL FUND REVENUES AND OTHER FINANCING SOURCES BY FUNCTION Property Taxes Business & Excise Tax Inter-Govemmental Licenses & Permits Charges for Services Other TOTAL 370,449,868 345,724,672 332,068.114 290,968,054 326,561,088 293,165,000 350,580,000 238,533,000 211,067,000 207,228,000 0.00% 5.00°% 10.00% 15.00% 20.00% 25.00% 30.00% 35.00% 40.00°% 45.00% % of Total Fiscal Year Budget ■ FY 02 ■ FY 01 ❑ FY 00 114 OTHER REPORTS OTHER REPORTS City of Miami Management Letter 125 This page intentionally left blank 126 Executive Summary KPMG LLP (KPMG) hereby submits this management letter to the City of Miami, Florida (the City), for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2002. The management letter is presented in accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida. In accordance with Government Auditing Standards, we are required to consider the City's internal control during our planning and performing of our audit of the basic financial statements in order to determine our auditing procedures for the purpose of expressing our opinion on the basic financial statements and not to provide assurance on the internal control. In fulfilling this responsibility, estimates and judgments made by management are required to assess the expected benefits and related costs of internal control policies and procedures. The objectives on internal control are to provide management with reasonable, but not absolute, assurance that assets are safeguarded against loss from unauthorized use or disposition, and that transactions are executed in accordance with management's authorization and recorded properly to permit the preparation of its basic financial statements in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. The management letter is organized in the following manner: Executive summary; Current year's observations, recommendations, and management's responses; and Status of prior year's observations, recommendations, and management's responses. Only comments issued in the prior years that are still relevant are included in this management letter. We would be pleased to discuss these comments with you and, if desired, to assist you and management in implementing corrective action steps. KPMG appreciates the cooperation we received from the City's staff and management and is honored to serve the City as its external auditors. 127 ",a ffli- Management Letter in :accordance Frith the Rules of the ,auditor General of the State of Florida To the Honorable Mayor, Members of the City of Miami Commission and City !klanager City of Miami, Florida: We have audited the basic financial statements of the OV, of Miami. Florida (the City). as of and for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, and have issued our report thereon dated February 7, 2003 which referred to our use of the reports of other auditor and the Otv's adoption of new accounting and reporting standards. We conducted our audit in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America: the standards applicable to financial audits contained in Government Auditing Standards, Issued by the Comptroller General of the hinted States: and ()NIB Circular A-1 ,3, ;lutht_s o/ States. Local Crni*0,tttttCItts. an(I NonTroJit (h-,i�C1ni::uttotts We have Issued our Independent Auditors Report on Compliance and Internal Control over Financial Reporting, Independent Auditors' Report on Compliance and internal Control over Compliance Applicable to each Nialor I-cderal Program and State Project, and Schedule of Findings and Questioned Costs. Disclosures in those reports and schedule, which are dated Februar 7. 2003, should be considered in conluncnon ss ith this management letter. Additionally, our audit was conducted in accordance with Chapicr 10.550, Rules of' the Auditor (_iencral. Fhosc rules (Section 10.554(1)(g)La.) require that sse address in the management letter, if not already addressed in the auditors reports on compliance and internal controls or schedule of findings and questioned costs, whether or not inaccuracies, shortages- defalcations, fraud, and/or violations of laws, rules, regulations, and contractual provisions reported in the preceding annual financial audit report have been corrected. We noted no inaccuracies. Irregularities, shortages, defalcations, and!or violations of law's. rules. regulations, and contractual provisions disclosed nt the pn•cechni_, annual report I'he RLIIC, of the Auditor ( 1cncial (Section 10_x; t( 1 h ) require that we disclose in the management letter, it not alreadv disclosed In the auditor' reports un compliance and internal controls or schedule of tindings and questioned costs. whcihcr or nut rccornmendation, made in the prcccding annual financial audit report have hecn followed. I he recommendations made In the preceding annual financial audit report hale hecn currecled, c.rccpi for those repined under the headurV 'Status of Prior Ycar's t )h�Cr,OHMI, RCCommCndiwons and 1lanaiCnlenl RC,polhe� t he Rules of the Andlttir (iencral ('sc" twil i () ;)-I( I I_ tate that a Inanagemcnt Ie-tter ,hall include I ,t,Itenicnt a1 to vv hcthcr or not a local '_oscniiilcn Will emit% complied �� lilt SCCII011 _' l S -11 Florida Statute,. rc'_'ardinz the In\�C?tHICnt of puhhc ftuul, In c.Owwetwi, �%inh our audit_ v c dc,ternuned that the ( its ut Munn. l lorida coni[llcd vkith 21�% londa Statute, rrlatin'-, to local t�osernnicntal ins<stincnt The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(1)(g) 3.) states that a management letter shall include recommendations to improve the local government entity's present financial management, accounting procedures and internal accounting controls. The recommendations made in the current year are listed in the section titled "Current Year's Observations, Recommendations and Management's Responses (see Appendix A)." The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(1 xg)4.) require disclosure in the management letter of the following matters if not already addressed in the auditors' reports on compliance and internal controls or schedule of findings and questioned costs: (a) violations of laws, rules, regulations, and contractual provisions that have occurred, or are likely to have occurred; (b) improper or illegal expenditures; (c) improper or inadequate accounting procedures (for example, the omission of required disclosures from the financial statements); (d) failures to properly record financial transactions; and (e) other inaccuracies, shortages, defalcations, and instances of fraud discovered by, or that come to the attention of, the auditor. No such conditions were noted during the audit. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(1)g5.) also require that the name or official title and legal authority for the primary government and each component unit of the reporting entity be disclosed in the management letter, unless disclosed in the notes to the financial statements. Disclosure is made in note 1 to the City's basic financial statements. The Rules of the Auditor General (Section 10.554(lxg)6.a.), state that a management letter shall include a statement as to whether or not a unit of local government is in a state of financial emergency as a consequence of conditions described in Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes. In connection with our audit, we determined that the City is not in a state of financial emergency as a consequence of the conditions described in Section 218.503(1), Florida Statutes. As required by the Rules of the Auditor General (Section I0.554(1)(g)6.b.), we determined that the annual financial report for the City for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002, filed with the Department of Banking Finance pursuant to Section 218.32, Florida Statutes, is in agreement with the annual financial audit report for the fiscal year ended September 30, 2002. As required by the Rules of the Auditor General (Sections 10.554(g)(6)c, and 10.556), we applied fmancial condition assessment procedures. It is management's responsibility to monitor the City's financial condition, and our financial condition assessment was based in part on representations made by management and the review of financial information provided by same. This management letter is intended solely for the information and use of the Honorable Mayor, Members of the City of Miami Commission, the City Manager, management of the City, the State of Florida Office of the Auditor General, and federal and state awarding agencies and pass-through entities, and is not intended to be and should not be used by anyone other than these specified parties. Very truly yours, '►� t .cam February 7, 2003 129 This page intentionally left blank G�(1i OF Appendix A-1 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Current Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses SUMMARY No. Current Year's Observation 2002-1 Risk Management — Workers' Compensation Claims 2002-2 Managing Critical Network Characteristics Appendix A-2 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Current Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2002-1 Risk Management — Workers' Compensation Claims Criteria The City has formai polices and procedures over the processing and payment of workers' compensation claims. These policies and procedures have been developed to control the propriety of payments to claimants. Condition Found The City is not adhering to its policies and procedures for the processing and payment of workers' compensation claims. During our testing of workers' compensation claims in the Risk Management Department, we noted the following in several instances: • Forms were not properly filed (e.g., D -slip and Supervisor Report of Injury) in claimant files; • Proper endorsement or signatures were missing for processing and payment of claims; • Supplemental payments were incorrectly calculated; • Adjuster's stamp of approval or stamp indicating date received were missing on some invoices; • Payments were not made within the allowable 45 day time period; and • A claimant file we requested for review could not be located. Perspective This finding is considered systemic in nature. Effect Failure to properly process and pay workers' compensation claims in accordance with the City's policies and procedures could result in unauthorized and/or illegitimate payment of claims. Recommendation We recommend the City adhere to its policies and procedures for the processing and payment of workers' compensation claims. Management's Response We .concur with these findings. During the fiscal year, the Risk Management workers' compensation division has implemented policies and procedures to mitigate these types of issued in the future. For example, a checklist has been implemented to assist the adjusters in ensuring that all forms are completed and placed in the files. In addition, all payments are reviewed and initialed by the workers' compensation claims supervisor and all documents are date stamped when received in the department. Appendix A-3 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Current Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2002-2 Managing Critical Network Characteristics Criteria The City currently has a citywide network in place that links many locations throughout the City. A network of this magnitude should have a mechanism to centrally manage critical network characteristics such as availability, responsiveness, resilience, and security. Condition Found The City currently does not have a mechanism to centrally manage critical network characteristics such as availability, responsiveness, resilience, and security. Perspective This finding is considered systemic in nature. Effect As the City network grows in size and complexity, )T will be unable to detect, diagnose, or troubleshoot network traffic problems that can affect the availability and integrity of City resources. Recommendation We recommend the City purchase a network management too) to configure, administer, and troubleshoot routed wide -area and local segment networks. Management's Response City staff concurs with the recommendation. An appropriate level of funding will be requested during the current budget planning cycle to implement an appropriate network management tool to configure, administer, and troubleshoot wide -area and local network segments during the 2003-2004 Fiscal Year. rM is currently examining bandwidth utilization on a monthly basis and will use this information to ensure bandwidth is available when and where needed to meet City needs. CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses SUMMARY No. Prior year's observation 2001 2001-1 Single Audit Compliance 2001-2 Budgeting 2001-3 Time Recording — Overtime 2001-4 Vendor Master Files 2001-5 Requisition vs. P.O. Encumbrance 2001-6 Business Continuity 2000 2000-2 Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70 Report 2000-5 Grant Accounting 2000-6 Business Continuity Plan 2000-7 Logical Security —User Termination 1999 99-3 Financial Reporting 99-5 Network Management and Security 1998 98-7 Changes in the Government Reporting Model 1997 97-4 IT Organization Structure 97-5 Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Plan 97-6 User Access Codes *See observation 2001-6 Observation is still relevant X X X X X X X s X X X X X X Appendix B-1 Observation addressed or no longer relevant 94 X Appendix B-2 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2001-2 Budgeting Observation The City currently utilizes two separate budget databases: the SCI financial management system for finalized budget and procurement purposes and the Access database within the Budget Department to create, track, monitor, forecast and finalize the budget. Numerous amounts of lime items are entered into the Access database and reviewed during the budget process. The budget department has utilized the finalized budget of the prior year to start creating the basis for the development of the budget of the upcoming fiscal year. After the budget has been finalized and approved, the information is interfaced with the SCI system. On a monthly basis, data is downloaded from the SCI system into the Access database by the IT Department for forecasting purposes. Maintaining two separate budget databases may result in extensive manual review procedures that are required to verify and ensure the data being utilized by the City. Recommendation Management should consider implementing a budget module that would include the entire budgeting process from initiation through adoption, to reduce the amount of time required for the extensive manual reviews currently being performed. In addition, this would provide for up-to-date information when needed for forecasting purposes rather than waiting until the monthly download process occurs. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the continent, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for a budget module that would include the entire budgeting process. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for a simplified and complete budget module. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The City did not implement a budget module during fiscal year 2002 that includes the entire budgeting process. Current Year's Management Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for a budget module that would include the entire budgeting process. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for a simplified and complete budget module. Appendix B-3 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2001-3 Time Recording — Overtime Observation The City's GSA and Solid Waste Departments utilizes the KRONOS system for tracking, recording, and monitoring employee time and attendance. The other departments within the City rely on manually recorded, authorized, and submitted Time and Attendance reports. These reports are entered manually into the Moore Personnel/Payroll system. The system edit checks within the Moore Personnel /Payroll system related to overtime do not limit time entry of excessive overtime. Current policy requires approval � for time and attendance prior to submission by the responsible departments. An exception report is utilized which indicates overtime hours that have been entered for employees not eligible for overtime. However, this report does not encompass overtime hours in excess of reasonable hours worked per day for all employees. In some instances it is necessary to enter hours worked for an employee retroactively. For this purpose, daily time parameters that could aid in identifying excessive overtime hours have not been set within the system. In addition, there are two different screens in the Moore Personnel/Payroll system where time can be entered. One is for mass entry of time the other for individual time entry. Predominantly, the screen for mass time entry is utilized, however, the individual time entry screen does not subject data entry to edit or validation checks, including overtime or invalid codes. Entry of time and attendance with limited or no online parameters for detecting the submission of excessive overtime and part-time hours may contribute in overpaying an employee. Although the system does generate a report that is manually reviewed by the payroll department, this report lists all overtime hours entered for those employees not eligible for overtime but does not indicate those entries that appear excessive or out of the ordinary. Recommendation Management should consider implementing time and entry edit and validation checks for total hours worked including full-time, part-time and overtime hours for both entry screens. A single exception report should be generated by the system based on submissions that are outside the set parameters. The parameters should factor into account employees who work permanent positions in addition to part-time position, as well as part-time employees who work multiple positions. This should enable a more accurate and efficient review, and allow payroll personnel to perform other payroll related functions. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for such an exception report. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for more accurate and efficient reviews of overtime hours. Appendix B-4 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The City did not implement additional time entry edit and validation checks for total hours worked, including overtime hours, during fiscal year 2002. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for such an exception report. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for more accurate and efficient reviews of overtime hours. Appendix B-5 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2041-4 Vendor Master Files Observation There are two vendor master files currently being used by the City: one is updated and maintained by the accounts payable department in the SCI financial system, another is a database in the procurement department within the Advanced Procurement System (APS). A decision to utilize a separate procurement system initiated the development for maintaining two separate databases. Vendor master data changed or updated within the APS system is not interfaced with the SCI system during the nightly batch process, however changes within the SCI vendor master data updates the information within the APS system during the batch process. Consequently, changes that are made in either of the systems have to be manually reviewed within both systems. The two systems do not store the same informational content. For example, SCI has the capability to enter and store multiple addresses for a vendor. The APS system does not provide this functionality. The APS system, however, has the capability to enter commodity codes for the vendor whereas the SCI system does not. Consequently, for purchasing purposes reports by commodity codes are generated from the APS system. Maintaining vendor master data in two separate files may result in incomplete or inaccurate data being utilized by the City. Recommendation Management should evaluate other solutions to ensure that only one vendor master file is maintained and utilized on a regular basis in order to avoid inaccurate data from being used. Management should also ensure that all the data is centrally accessible. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for the use of only one vendor master file. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for a centralized vendor database. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The City did not implement a centralized vendor database during fiscal year 2002. Appendix B-5 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations do not allow for the use of only one vendor master file. The City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will allow for a centralized vendor database. Appendix B-7 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2001-5 Requisition vs. Purchase Order Encumbrance Observation A purchase order entered into the APS system of the procurement department and interfaced with the SCI system will be accepted by the financial management system even if the purchase order is greater than the originally approved amount of the requisition, if sufficient funds are available. There are no systematic alerts to the user pertaining to a possible variation of amounts between the requisition and the final purchase order, although the procurement department does have compensating manual review procedures in place to detect such discrepancies before the purchase order is entered into the system. Any discrepancies will be followed-up with the respective department and, if necessary, with the budget department before proceeding. A manual review of the interfaced data into the SCI system is also conducted regularly. Instances have occurred where the dollar amount of the purchase order within the APS system and the dollar amount of the same purchase order within SCI after the interface have occurred are different. Although there are manual detective review procedures in place and the supervisor is notified to make the necessary adjustments in the system, the SCI system does not automatically alert the user to this discrepancy. Purchase orders that have been interfaced with the SCI system without automatically alerting the user when the purchase order is greater than the originally approved requisition may result in purchases of items in excess of authorized amounts, effecting the department's budget and go undetected. Purchase orders encumbered within the SCI system with a higher amount than entered into the APS system may cause inaccurate data within the SCI system which may go undetected. This may expose the department to unexpected and unmonitored expenses that could lead to exceeding funds, resulting in unexpected and unnecessary budget overruns. Recommendation Management should consider implementing automated controls that would alert the user when possible discrepancies exist between approved requisitions and purchase orders. Additionally, controls should either be implemented which would compare the data included in the finalized purchase orders entered into the APS system with the SCI system to enable early detection of possible variances in dollar amounts, or management should evaluate other solutions to ensure a seamless process to minimize the possibility of inaccurate and incomplete data from being utilized. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff currently perforins a manual check of finalized purchase orders in the APS system with the SCI system to ensure the transfer of information is properly achieved. Appendix B-8 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The City did not implement automated controls during fiscal year 2002 to alert users of discrepancies between approved requisitions and purchase orders. Current Year's Management's Response The City is in the process of migrating the SCI (GEMS Financial Accounting Software) System from the mainframe platform to the NT platform on an interim basis until an ERP solution is implemented. As part of the migration pian, Purchasing has agreed to use the SCI procurement module and retire the APS system they are currently using. The migration of SCI to NT is scheduled to be completed by the end of this fiscal year Once the APS system is retired there will no longer be a need to interface two Purchasing files and this audit finding can be closed. Appendix B-9 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2001-6 Business Continuity Obserpation The City does not have a formal written comprehensive citywide Business Continuity Plan to document how it would recover in the event of an extended disruption in data processing services. A plan is important to ensure the continuity of critical business services and to minimize the impact of an extended disruption of services to the City in the event of a disaster. The City is vulnerable to a wide variety and range of risks that could affect and incapacitate the City functions and services provided to its citizens. Recommendation The City should develop, document, and test a comprehensive business continuity plan to ensure continuity in data processing services. The plan should describe at least the items below. Objectives and scope of the plan Assumptions and recovery strategies A business impact assessment Critical business service analysis Recovery time objectives Procedures for damage assessment • Plan activation procedures • Notification procedures • Emergency recovery teams roles and responsibilities • Insurance coverage • Written vendor agreements - Backup processing facilities - Off-site storage of forms, critical documents and supplies - Off-site magnetic media • User interim operating procedures • Backup procedures and data recovery procedures • Vendor contract list • Inventory of forms, magnetic media, hardware, software, equipment and supplies • Testing procedures • Plan maintenance responsibilities • Fully documented departmental contingency plans Prior Year's Management's Response As previously stated we concur with the comment. In light of 9-11 it is of paramount importance that the City develops a citywide business continuity plan. This plan must address all aspects of the services that the City provides and must continue to provide in the event that some situation causes sustained outage. Appendix B-10 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses We fully agree with all the points listed under the recommendations and feel that there are additional issues that should be addressed. As discussed with the auditor during the interview process, the term disaster recovery plan is often incorrectly substituted for business continuity plan. In reality, disaster recover is the logical, procedural outcome, (the final chapter) developed based on the criteria in the business continuity plan. The City Administration should place the development of a Citywide Business Continuity Plan as one of its top priorities. The plan should be developed by the City's key business units (Finance, Police, Fire, Public Works, etc). Once the plan has been drafted then Information Technology can identify the costs and develop the necessary procedures for the disaster recovery. Current Year's Status This observation is still. partially applicable in the current year. The City has procured the services of an outside firm to assist in the development of an Emergency Management Plan. However, this is still in the early stages. Current Year's Management's Response The Information Technology Department is currently in the process of procuring IT related disaster recovery planning and recovery services through an agreement with SunGard Availability Services. Funding for both of these initiatives was provided in the current fiscal year's budget. The SunGard based Pr disaster recovery plan is currently expected to be complete within the cumerit fiscal year, 2002-2003. Within the current fiscal year the City has begun to address this issue through the allocation of funding and resources necessary to develop a Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan and an IT Disaster Recovery Plan. Both of these projects are underway. Additional resources and funding will be requested in the next fiscal year and subsequent years to complete the development of a comprehensive Emergency Management Plan. Appendix B-11 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2000-2 Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) 70 Report Observation The City, which is self-insured for general liability, property and casualty, and workers' compensation claims, outsources the processing of its claims to a third -party administrator (TPA), which constitutes a significant amount of claims paid each year. In addition, the City outsources the processing of its Emergency Services billings and collections to a 'ITA. We noted that the TPA's do not have a service auditor's report (SAS 70 Report — Reports on the Processing of Transactions by Service Organizations from its TPA) issued on the internal controls over the administration of their respective services provided to the City. Recommendation We recommend the City request each TPA to obtain a SAS 70 report at least every two years. A SAS 70 report would provide the City and the City's external auditors' assurance, although not absolute, about whether or not the internal controls of the TPA are operating effectively with respect to the services provided to the City. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. Staff will implement procedures for future agreements with TPAs to contain language which will require them to provide a SAS 70 report to the City at least every two years. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. Currently, the City processes insurance claims in- house using software provided by Corporate Systems. However, a third -party administrator processes EMS billings and collections. Therefore, the City should request a SAS 70 report from this third -party administrator. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. Staff will implement procedures for future agreements with TPAs to contain language that will require them to provide a SAS 70 report to the City at least every two years. Appendix B-12 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2000-5 Grant Accounting Observation Each of the City's federal, state, and local grants are currently accounted for in the City's general ledger by project. However, each general ledger grant project does not identify only reimbursable expenditures related to the respective grants. As a result, we were unable to agree several grant program expenditures from the schedule of expenditures of federal awards, which were obtained from the general ledger grant project, to the reimbursement packages. Recommendation We recommend the City separately identify, in the general ledger grant projects, those expenditures that are reimbursable by the grantor and those expenditures that are not. This will ensure the accuracy of the schedule of expenditures of federal awards. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current financial system limitations are such that grant expenditures are recorded on a project level and separately identifying those expenditures that are reimbursable by the grantor is not available. The Finance department is working in conjunction with the Budget department to ensure that the City's general ledger system, on a project level, correctly reflects only budgets for expenditures that are reimbursable under the grant agreement. Unallowed expenditures budgeted under the grant will require a separate budgeted dedicated revenue source. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment, however, current fmancial system limitations are such that grant expenditures are recorded on a project level and separately identifying those expenditures that are reimbursable by the grantor is not available. The Finance department is working in conjunction with the Budget department to ensure that the City's general ledger system, on a project level, correctly reflects only budgets for expenditures that are reimbursable under the grant agreement. Unallowed expenditures budgeted under the grant will require a separate budgeted dedicated revenue source. Appendix B-13 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with. the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 2000-7 Logical Security — User Termination Observation The Human Resources department provides Information Technology department (rTD) with a list of monthly users that are no longer employed with the City. TTD relies on this list to ensure that terminated user system access is disabled. In addition, departments should immediately notify TIT) of users that are no longer employed by the City. However, this policy is not well enforced. As a result, the possibility exists that users may remain active in the system for an extended period of time should departments not notify TTD. Recommendation Management should disable system users in a more timely manner. Sound practices indicate that users should be disabled on the last day of employment. The current policy should be recommunicated and enforced. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. Current City policies require that the director of the respective department notify TTD utilizing the "Security Access Termination Form" in the event that someone is transferred from their department or terminated from employment with the City. When these forms are received by TTD they are acted upon immediately. The "Monthly Separation Report" automatically produced by the City's automated payroll system acts as a secondary notification of staff changes. Additionally, in cases where urgency is dictated, an email from the respective department to the CIO of ITD is utilized to expedite security modification/termination requests. The primary policy, as has been noted in past years, is not always followed. TTD will draft a memo for the City Manager's signature reinforcing this policy. Additionally, the CIO of TTD will send an email to all organizational heads confirming the need for adherence to this policy. Moreover, a link to the "Security Access Termination Form" will be provided on the City's Intranet site (CITYNET) giving direct access to this form in electronic format. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The user termination policy is being modified so that the system access privileges are removed upon user termination. The new procedure is anticipated to be implemented in the next month. Appendix B-14 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 34, 2402 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Management Response The Employee Relations Department (ERD, formally Human Resources) is currently developing a policy whereby ERD, upon notification by the respective department, will provide immediate notification of all employee terminations and transfers to the Information Technology Department. Upon receiving that notification, the Information Technology Department will take the appropriate security termination actions required. The Information Technology Department will continue to utilize the `Monthly Separation Report" as an audit verification that all requests have been received and processed. Appendix B-15 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 1999-3 Financial Reporting Observation The Finance department has purchased computerized financial reporting software and developed certain procedures in an effort to assist in the compilation of the annual general purpose financial statements. However, we noted that the accounting software is not fully used for its intended purpose and, in fact, the financial statements are prepared manually on spreadsheets, which is very time consuming and prone to human error. Recommendation Although the City has purchased computerized financial reporting software in the prior year, we noted that the implementation process of such software has encountered some difficulties. We recommend that the City continue to aggressively implement the computerized financial reporting software. The use of a formal financial reporting system will improve the timeliness and accuracy of financial data and thereby assist management in meeting their reporting deadlines and provide them with a reliable tool for monitoring the City's progress and making informed decisions. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. The software provider has not yet delivered a working module. The City is willing to implement the module upon delivery. Additionally, the City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will include a financial reporting module. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The computerized financial reporting software was not implemented during fiscal year 2002. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. The software provider has not yet delivered a working module. The City is willing to implement the module upon delivery. Additionally, the City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will include a financial reporting module. Appendix B-16 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 1999-5 Network Management and Security Observation The City is in the process of installing a citywide network that will Iink remote locations, including fire stations (12 total), the fire garage, Bayside Marina, the fire college, Dinner Key Marina, CC Convention Center, Pension (Public Safety), Pension (General), GSA (Property Maintenance), Police auto pound, Police substations, the Orange Bowl and other locations. Many of these locations have not previously been connected to any network. A project of this magnitude raises network management and security issues. Current findings and the corresponding recommendations related to network management and security include: • Physical access to computer equipment at remote facilities may not be secure. • Approximately 70% of users with PCs have access to the Internet through the City's systems. There is no filtering mechanism in place to control the execution of applets (Java or ActiveX) from Web sites visited by City personnel. • The City is considering implementing an Intranet that would improve information dissemination and collaboration between the City's employees but, due to budgetary constraints, it has not been implemented. • The citywide network is connected to the Internet through a Microsoft Proxy Server and a Cisco PIX firewall. Access to the Internet is provided via BellSouth and an additional service provider. There are no firewall configurations and change control procedures in place. • Information Technology department uses NT's System Management Server (SMS) for distributing software, monitoring and analyzing network usage and for performing various network administration tasks. SMS will also be used to complete a software inventory and compare it to the City's valid software licenses. • There are no automated intrusion detection mechanisms to alert Information Technology department management of unauthorized attempts to log into the City's network. There is no defined incident response team with specific roles and responsibilities for the investigation of an incident. Recommen&don We recommend that LTD closely monitor current and future IT projects. Corresponding recommendations are listed below: Physical access controls should be reviewed at remote sites linked to the citywide network. For example, the Police Department has highly secure physical access to the City's network. On the other hand, sites like the Convention Center, the Marinas, Orange Bowl, and others may not have the same level of physical access control to computer equipment and consequently the City's network. Appendix B-17 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses • The City should consider the use of Internet access control mechanisms to provide for Internet filtering. The lack of controls allows the introduction of malicious code, such as Trojan horse viruses, into the City's IT environment by employees visiting unscrupulous Web sites. • The City should consider funding the implementation of a citywide Intranet that would facilitate efficient and timely communication to employees. Potential cost savings could be achieved by reducing the amount of paper-based communications. • Firewall configurations and change control procedures should be formalized and implemented to minimize the exposures that could result from unauthorized changes. • We recommend that the City closely review the software license inventory. Potential litigation issues may arise if the City is found to be in violation of software licensing agreements. • We recommend that Information Technology department implement automated intrusion detection mechanisms that could alert system administrators in the event of intrusion attempts. In addition, Information Technology department should consider the creation of an incident response team, with defined team member roles and responsibilities. Additional guidance on this matter can be obtained from Carnegie Melton's Software Engineering Institute at http://www.cert.org/. Prior Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. The IT Strategic Plan has been completed. The plan is a comprehensive 3 to 5 year plan that encompasses specific assessments and recommendations with regards to Network Management and Security. This plan provides the City with concrete action steps, estimated implementation costs, timelines and recommendations with regards to enhancing and improving the City's Network Management and Security. In response, TTD has provided budgetary requests for the funds necessary to implement these recommendations. Included in these budgetary requests are requirements for additional full-time staff essential to the implementation of these recommendations; including, senior network technicians, database administrators and a security architect. The recommendations outlined in the IT Strategic Plan will be implemented as additional funds and staffing become available. Current Year's Status This observation is still partially applicable in the current year. An intrusion detection mechanism was not implemented during fiscal year 2002. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comments. The City has taken or will be taking the following actions to address these concerns: a. Physical Access Controls at remote sites. The Information Technology Department will be requesting an appropriate level of funding during the current budget planning cycle, 2003-2004, to address appropriately securing network equipment in all remote sites. Appendix B-18 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses b. Internet Access Control Mechanisms. The Information Technology Department implemented a tool, Websense, to address this issue in December 2000. c. Citwide Intranet. The Information Technology Department implemented a citywide Intranet, CITYNET, in 2001 and continues to expand the content continuously. d. Firewall configurations and change control procedures. The Information Technology Department is currently formalizing the documentation and processes for firewall configuration and change process. This project will be completed by the end of the current fiscal year, 2002-2003. e. Software License inventory. The Information Technology Department developed a comprehensive software license documentation and inventory tracking system in 2001, which provides detailed documentation on software license purchases and deployments. f. Implementation of automated intrusion detection mechanisms. The Information Technology Department will be requesting an appropriate level of funding during the current budget planning cycle, 2003-2004, to address this concern. Appendix B-19 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 1997-4 IT Organizational Structure Observation The Information Technology (IT) Department's organizational structure does not have sufficient human resources to support the City's technology needs. Currently, the IT Department services over six hundred (600) users at the Riverside building and approximately twelve hundred (1,200) external users with a limited staff of thirty-nine (39) people. The IT Department's organizational structure lacks functional depth. Although the IT Department is structured in a way that allows for segregation of duties, the current under- staffing situation at all staff levels is not conducive. for good management of resources and implementation of administrative guidelines. The lack of functional depth within the department makes it difficult to find replacements for certain IT positions in case of absences. Recommendation We recommend that the City evaluate the staffing size of the IT Department and ensure that the proper actions are taken to address this issue. Prior Year's Management's Response Staffing continues to be a very high priority and a serious problem for Information Technology. Although the City continues to operate under a hiring freeze, the administration has placed a priority on the implementation of the strategic plan for Information Technologies. As operating finds become available, this function will be funded to the extent possible. Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. The IT Department has 68 staff and still has 12 additional vacant positions. Current Year's Management's Response The City concurs with this observation. The City has begun to address this issue by providing funding for new positions as budgetary constraints allow. In the current fiscal year, 2002-2003, the City has provided funding for the addition of the following IT resources: Data Base Manager, Security Administrator, IT Technician III and two IT Technician II positions. Additional, resources will be requested in the new budget cycle to address web expansion and Help Desk improvements. Appendix B-20 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 1997-5 Disaster Recovery Plan Observation A disaster recovery plan has not been developed and implemented to recover the City's data processing operations during an extended outage to the data center. During an extended outage of the information system processing functions, vital business operations may be unable to function since critical information is unavailable or inaccessible. This could significantly affect the City's ability to meet residents' demands for services. Recommendation We recommend that management implement and document a disaster recovery and business continuity plan that provides detailed procedures for the recovery of computer operations, including data processing and telecommunication operations, in the event of an extended outage of information system processing. This plan should incorporate the following items into the plan: • Overview of the recovery process, • Recovery timeline and major milestone requirements, • Recovery organization functions, • Team procedures, • Alternate computer processing site requirements and procedures, and • Plan maintenance and testing procedures. We further recommend that this plan be tested on a periodic basis not to exceed 18 months. This test should consist of recovering the critical mainframe information system resources at an altemate processing site. Prior Year's Management's Response This observation is still applicable in the current year. See prior year's observation 2000-6 for recommendation and management's response. Current Year's Status This issue has been expanded to include the entire City operations, beyond IT, and has been communicated in prior year observation 2001-6. Appendix B-21 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Management Response See response as provided in observation 2001-6. Appendix B-22 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses 1997-6 User Access Codes Observation User access codes and Userids (Personnel Identification Numbers) are in clear text, unencrypted/unmasked to users with security administrator level access within the SCI financial systems and the police systems (including the Police Accounting system). Security administrators of the SCI financial software and police systems have the capability to view and print out all access codes and Uscrlds for this system. Hence, these individuals have the capability to perform any type of transactions within the financial systems and remain undetected. Recommendation The City should evaluate whether or not it is feasible and cost beneficial to enable password encryption for the SCI financial systems and the police systems. Prior Year's Management's Response We have investigated this finding and found the following: 1. Two SCI Security Administrators have the security to see user access codes and IDs (UACS) on their CRT's. They enter this screen through a masked, user code area of their own - thus the screen is not freely available. According to SCI, the purpose of this screen is to allow them to be able to advise people who have forgotten their UACS and/or make changes. Someone standing behind the . security administrative people, when the screen is open can see passwords. 2. Neither of the individuals were aware that they could print hard copy of same. 3. The SCI representative, Jim Kemp, said that they were aware of our security concerns, however, were not contemplating changing their system to mask user codes, this feature is intended to assist users who have forgotten their password. With regards to the printing issue, this is not an SCI problem, but a Unisys issue. We have requested that SCI respond in writing to our security concerns. Suggested Action at this time The Finance Department should advise the security operators via memo (reminding them not to allow people to view these particular screens) and the Finance Department should amend their Departmental procedures to note this danger exists, and advise operators how to avoid same. The Police System is a very old legacy based system and would be prohibitively expensive to address. However, these considerations will be included in any forthcoming RFP for new systems. Appendix B-23 CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA Management Letter in Accordance with the Rules of the Auditor General of the State of Florida September 30, 2002 Status of Prior Year's Observations, Recommendations, and Management's Responses Current Year's Status This observation is still applicable in the current year. Current Year's Management's Response City staff concurs with the comment. Additionally, the City is in the process of researching a new ERP system that will include adequate security that enables password encryption.