HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #35 - Discussion ItemCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA 35 INTER -OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: T Honora e Matr & bers of the DATE: March 12, 2003 FILE: ty o ss' SUBJECT: Update report on voting Problems J eArriola FROM: hj f Administrator/City Manager REFERENCES: Attachments ENCLOSURES: At the November 19, 2002 per the request of the City Commission, this office was directed through motion # 02-1221 that the City Manager, City Clerk and City Attorney work together with the Net Office and the Community Relations Board to define the problems that were isolated right after the November 5, 2002 elections. During the primary elections on September 10, 2002, the voters faced many challenges such as polls opening late due to the IVotronic machines not working properly, polls closing early despite a mandate from the Governor's office to stay open late. Allegations of improperly trained workers, language barriers, lack of appropriate polling places where some of the issues raised. One of the more extreme case involved residents of a senior citizen building where there was a polling precinct within the building yet the residents were asked to vote somewhere else, forced to travel beyond their physical abilities. The City of Miami Commissioners concerned about the community, passed a resolution on October 29, 2002 mandating that the Community Relations Board conduct an informal survey to get a sense of the voter's experience at the polls. A survey was conducted and a variety of discrepancies were found. Since then a committee has been formed and has met on different occasions, members of this committee include the City Clerk and staff, Net . Director and staff, Community Relations Coordinator and members of the CRB. So far the findings will be reported on the April 10 commission meeting by members of this committee. Attached please find copies of maps of each commissioner's district voting precinct boundaries and other pertinent information that goes along with this report. JA/AMR Attachments CITY OF MIAMI NETrREAL r10 HIM poll ROWMELEIrrEAM jervice Areas � aM Alit KW Ie 7x MIAMI INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT pp L I H 1 V N7iTl1 I �! YLAGAMI I ,l � LW 1TN 1T. K e� 1. „ ~ n F w a a !T 99SD J R F (CMALWAY) I 1a7x Municipal Boundary ti*` (f �� Net Service Centn , cnnIng and Zoning Depawnent tcl NRMGRV W5wAvAtalwl l.wW IRW*dANHsaMwiAnranhdwdm"l I.pr iY < tiA 0171H � t7. � — -- �g �" I I.CI Orr 'LIMSMAY %'w 7 1 1 7 i 1 ST 19\D 97I LURR t! 1 1 BISCAYNE < MODL' ..LITTLE EA T° Bff ST j 7 H t 7. CITY HAITI SID 1 � s I L7S 1111.1A 717771PICAVA PWAY W W;0q / �-- 05 �. ALLAPATTAH EPGE*ATER .vW V1,4 Yavm-i alseWAv —'� J TSN , 0w�� WEST ST`S`- , EA ` DOWN Ll TLE e LI'ItTLTo po I� l . \ j�[' OF (r HAVANA HOA A N' Arlaii�I. �1 ', -_.• CORAL ;WAY 67. w - iX'[pVi�1C'uq L j• � J� ...?G`1 1 ("U."WAY -,� ..`,`�� YIRCINIA? KEY r r T. NORTH/BAST CObQNUT BISCAYN6 ' i •i'-R.OVE BAr ---J ar f Tv..'O SOLlTJ'/WEST C064UT GROVE�� ltip_—_—_--_----- I la"007 city o f - Miami d by A. e 1 7 1 i 17 . -�- Commission Districts F ,* �.._ ,--V-� :�, I_ _ _797A I7.� _ Q2 ..�•I (717WI7. and Voting Precincts k �-°�� IrAM MAY %W 71c7 I7. 604 a ❑ sor 5071 DIM t ComrMulonerMsel Conralez s W 6 2 S D 17. $►R i - ; [I < BISCAYNE UT L� A T` � BAY DWC 2 Comwinloner Johnny L Wlnton x s W i 4 7 x 67. , 44A T ID 1 S20 61� !17 1Z 1 I Di�trict3 CommiseionerJoe Sanchez � ❑i ` � 7 !l ] A P 0 R '1' A 7�':Ny SZZ Sly S61 + DWct 4 CommialonerTornu Re'alado n w 4 6 7 i 17: ° 6�! 2 7' 2.7 A S21L D' �" W- - Dharlct5 CommltclonerMf7urtiTeele,Jr. 1!lAJII! [ T Ir INTERNATIONAL L HonoraMa MayorManuel A. Diaz.CItyuAdo AIRPORT s W 21 7.>Lc bJ3 O p L 1.0 lr , >, YE17FrlA4 I'I _ _� j l�-�4�CAI�pAY al 54 7 r it 1> _�9915 a soa R I D T 547 EA'I ` �.... W A L Affil P. R 61 Ss; l B1p t 1r S!S j?j ` •�. �- sc � sss � 557 till sus I 2 HtTA A H �f1A�i`I-fL d; d yy d a x w b76 ! 5294 \ � r c,l �• :< KneALWAYJ I 'o/ y w 57i illi 'ti_RTf1pLVyUq! k Set f'dLIMAY `J V11WNIA 't cW 447x aI" s77 ss3 ST ".—'•".•_ PrcclnttBoundary s" NUT BISCAYNE ou,oe.City ofMflmi `d sss - s p �E BAY gAreml delle County. G-Goaernment Norarnber 2002 9t`" � =•, Pmpaed for the Office of the Clerk ofthe Cityof Mtamr by the atyofwamlPlanning &Zoning mpartrnent. a S /WESTni- M....3 CO UT GROVE + ` ,may , �.p!tiAn:InfillMdiMdw.dGe.Dh6wrev.:77� llrisaml N; ��-------- —--------_�_-_-�•J G�IAlCINFdiMCLV6idundt'omDl6hdwc170I 11X1S.ara �1�/ Ll Ak; COMMISSION DISTRICT 2 Commissioner Johnny L. Winton, Jr. ,finq f1w, int, flour dart' i1tk-.--'0f1-'-'1) g:%a icviewlcftycom m%apr%votd1s Q. a p r 567 1z" 6 524..- 574 571 49 SW 24 ST .99 581 SW 12 7 7 513 1 BR 6K R.S ORANGE "{•Y_ ND :Alli= - ';35 NOT& 587 Distdot line Is the property line that divides the lots facing S Miami Ave. and Briokoll Ave., between A PRO SW 25 Rd. and SE 15 Rd. g:%a icviewlcftycom m%apr%votd1s Q. a p r COMMISSION DISTRICT 3 Commissioner Joe M. Sanchez 589 t 331I - _ a 5 539 % 534 Q 544 _. 549 SR _83�►_�� ► _ I ;`a, I j F. D -1, 531 }`'`� Q 4 J9 '545 al 99 7 Sid 2 I — - i .:..i 548 j j Zi '>•t ' 4 983 ; I I I `54 0 984 10 a 547 564 I , 563� i 62 .... . _1 ; 541 i Sw 9 ST. ; t;l t� a 57275 5i3; 9r5 a - 524 573 � T .... Dis riot line is the propsity Ina that 3: �+' div des the lots facing S �l mi Ave.,` - `'? 'Ss9 5 6 an Bricks ll Av .� between i ! • .i4 . SW 28 Rd. and E 15 Rd. } '2A !TER. 1 - - - 579 S r 578 _ Voting Preoinct Boundary (Nov.2002) 531 g:larovlew lakyo ommlap rlvottilM .a pr COMMISSION DISTRICT 4~'�'�"'' Commissioner Tomas Regalado-�-- � /ntiriil Frec w ......... — f ir-t t?]7ur�car: (Ho . 1002) 550 `, 982 509 I��� ~ 9s3Ei� fiT-'_-... 549 SR B :� r — I_ . 551 545 = 503 988; NW 4 547 IN wJ a Nw w ��;,��Y. — 554 �W3S a a d ,,t;- �. ytMti"S -� 1 SW 2 T .' 563 555 I .57 "'t' 552. 553 ( I dW SW 8 ST. 572 ., ' 570 ; 5 1. 'i4c674 1 i T 57:3 55713 u �... - 578 Sw Sir . 579 0 571 .•...., ;II SW TIER -j': 546 577 � I I gaa 1QkcommlapAvotdlst2.apr I.... 5 6 532 r ' ' COMMISSION DIbTRICT 5 Commissioner Arthur E. Tevleq totingF c:rc.t E ouni, a ry (N ov.2002) LiMrrS__i1 502 590 62� 0 5::0 504 A 1592 7 .115 ---------- t 517 ti 4c . .......... 5 2 2 51 P, 112 z M -AT. 197 596 36 1 598 528 ......... ......... 599 537 99 595 z 591 25 .............. ............ •-- 4 Od 38 ..22' 5 536 J..6 544 •534 .......... .. z p 33 _L 986 982 530O MW 545 531 ti 988 i 547 I --- 3 Aarcwiew%cib)r �ommk"votdis, .apr 84 3 I t; I::. U 111.3 S E 04a_w3?T-r r J-02-954 10/28/02 RESOLUTION NO.0 2 — 1 1 S 6 A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION DIRECTING THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD TO TOUR AT LEAST FOUR (4) POLLING PRECINCTS IN EACH MUNICIPAL DISTRICT WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI ON NOVEMBER 5, 2002, CONDUCT AN INFORMAL SURVEY CONCERNING THE VOTERS' EXPERIENCE AT THE POLLS, AND REPORT THEIR FINDINGS TO THE CITY MANAGER; FURTHER DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO PROVIDE TRANSPORTATION FOR THE MEMBERS AND STAFF OF THE COMMUNITY RELATIONS BOARD TO ACCOMPLISH SUCH TASK. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The Community Relations Board is directed to tour at least four (4) polling precincts in each municipal district within the City of Miami on November 5, 2002, conduct an informal survey concerning the voters' experience at the polls, and report their findings to the City Manager. M. TY CQmmgslON MEEMG 4F VCT 2 �- 20 2 Resata:io a�cu S E D Section 2. The City Manager is directed to provide transportation for the members and staff of the Community Relations Board to accomplish such task. Section 3. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.11 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 29th day of October , 2002. ATTEST: i I PRISCILLA A.�THOMPSON CITY CLERK APPROVED -AS TO' FORM A D- CORRECTNESS -& ALESAND VILARELLO �- CITY ATTORNEY W6686:BSS 1� If the Mayor does not sign gn this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of thet� y �::;, the City Commission.. I"' Page 2 of 2