HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem #09 - Discussion ItemAlonso, Elvi G. From: Wright, Steve Sent: Friday, February 14, 2003 2:56 PM To: Alonso, Elvi G. Cc: Chiaro, Maria Subject: Blue pages for 2-27 PISTRICT 3 A COMMISSIONER SANCHEZ Elvi, Pase put these on Commissioner Sanchez's Blue Pages for the Feb. 27 Commission meeting. I7A. Discussion item on the future of the city's mounted police patrol. B. Requesting an update from the new CIP director on the status of District 3 projects such as: the Plaza at SW 8th Street and SW 15th Avenue, the Linear Park on SW 13th Avenue between SW 8th and SW 22nd streets and the Gateway at SW 8th Street and SW 27th Avenue. Steve Wright Senior Policy Advisor Office of Commissioner Joe Sanchez 305 250-5382 LEAD TEAM - DEPARTMENT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS HIGHLIGHTS / GUIDING PRINCIPLES: Flatter, faster organization A network of strategic partnerships Team approach to project management Cross-functlonol streamlining of key processes Strong customer service orientation Administrator Budget & Finance Pilar Saenz KEY ROLES Chief, Construction Design & Management Juan B. Ordonez, P. E. (New Position) Capital Improvements Program Jorge C. Cono, P.E. Chief Architect, Special Assistant to the Dir. Allan 1. Pours, A.LA A. Administrator, Budget & Finance Oversee budget preparation, analysis and tracking Manage project funding and allocation management system. Works with lead team and others in the formulation of lona-range goals and five-year plan. Familiarize key managers/directors with funding processes and capital budget planning Issues Lead coordination with Dept. lead team in Capital Projects database development B. Chief, Construction Management & Design Direct professional project management teams overseeing capital project construction Works with lead team and others In the formulation of long-range goals and five-year plan. Provide project scoping and costing support to other departments during capital project planning phase Work with lead team in developing training & development guidelines for professional personnel Facilitate / expedite consultant selection project bidding process C. Chief Architect, Special Assistant to the Director Formalize policies and procedures for major processes, including consultant selection /certification; emergency findings, ratification and resolution; contract standardization & legal issues. Participate with department lead team In the coordination of high priority, regional impact projects. Works with lead team and others in the formulation of long-range goals and five-year plan. Work with lead team in developing training & development guidelines for professional personnel D. Chief, Governmental Affairs and Planning Work with City administrators, officials, and outside agencies to ensure the best use of funding resources. Participate with department lead team in the coordination of high priority, regional impact projects. Facilitate early intervention in project development & scoping process across all departments Work with lead team & other departments in implementing a more rigorous project scoping process Key contributor In developing strategic and 5 -year plan E. Coordinator, Community Relations & Communications Provide coordination and expand relationship with Bond Oversight Board and other agencies Develop internal, external communications plan addressing the needs of all constituent groups. Works with Director, department staff and consultants in the formulation of strategic and long-range goals. Identify communication needs of internal and external groups and agencies and develop plan Administrative Assistant Gia Smith Chief, Governmental Affairs & Planning Dianne Johnson (New Position) Coordinator, Community Relations & Communications ' Doneffe-Perez (Expanded Communications Role) F. Administrative Assistant Assist Director in performance of administrative duties Coordinate and schedule department functions Conduct research and prepare reports Department lead for employee relations issues Director Direct transition to integrated approach to managing capital projects Implement effective organizational structure Develop department's business plan / Identify constituent groups Ensure that Cl team is resourced to meet performance objectives Facilitate development of project management tools and automation Promote proactive, team -oriented, results -driven culture (no hand-offs) Develop strategic working partnerships with other depts/ & groups Implement Of task teams to address top opportunity areas Assist in developing communications strategy FUTURE PLANS / NEXT STEPS PREPARE DEPT. BUSINESS PLAN SUPPORTING CITY'S STRATEGIC INITIATIVES MIGRATE TO AN INTEGRATED CAPITAL PROJECT MANAGEMENT STRUCTURE FACILITATE CROSS -FUNCTIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAMS ON ALL MAJOR PROJECTS DEVELOP STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS WITH INTERNAL / EXTERNAL DEPTS. & AGENCIES ADOPT ROBUST AUTOMATED PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND REPORTING TOOLS IMPLEMENT COMMUNICATIONS PLAN C DEPARTMENT OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS EXHIBITS A) CIP DEPARTMENT — February Status Report B) HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT LIST C) HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT FUNDING STATUS (Based on Departmental Input) D) HOMELAND DEFENSE FUNDING SUMMARY BY APPROVED PROJECTS DISCUSSED Department of Capital Improvemei „s Construction Management and Design Division A STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 i Page I of 14 Z s Design Bid / Constr « Estimated 8 Z (1 ) Award (3 ) Project C.I.P. Project Location « Construction Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments 0 (2i Number Number Name C Estimate Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded 0 -.0c t toa71 W -co N W Engineering plans are 100% N.W. 10 Ave New storm drainage system, and completed, after we allocated C' B-4625/ Allapattah Community Development N.W. 10 Avenue between N.W. 1 $400,000 5 Cesar replace a section of the roadway $400,000 funding for this project we can,: °. 5652 36 St and N.W. Gonzalez (includes pavement, sidewalk, sub- prepare the bids and specs and Improvements Project 39 St grade and lime rock base). have ready for advertised in three ti. months. Engineering plans are 100% VW N.W. 13 Ct New storm drainage system, and completed, after we allocated' B-4626/ Allapattah Street And Storm between N.W. 1 $400,000 5 Cesar replace a section of the roadway $400,000 funding for this project we can c u " 5653 Sewer Improvements 15 St and N.W. Gonzalez (includes pavement, sidewalk, sub- prepare the bids and specs and u; 16 St) 9 and lime rock base). . have read for advertised in three Y ri months. V. Antonio Maceo Park Individual First phase of Improvements, which o o 8 6436 333114 Improvements &Site 5115 NW 7 St 1 proposals P aid 2 Fernando consists of a new restroom, open Pe In-house $37,500 As of Jan 03 New restroom bid will be 9 2 A' Development w/ purchase Paiva shelters, walkways, site furniture, $601,367.39 delivered to the site on 2/4/03 y c� + 0,V O orders fencing, lighting and landscaping U "m Second phase of improvements, Design cost is estimated. Design B-6430 333114 Antonio Maceo Park New 5115 NW 7 St 1 $910,000 2 Fernando which consists of a new community In-house $136500 , of the community building will be a Community Building Paiva building, parking lot, small plaza and similar to the new community C : � a statue of General Antonio Maceo bldg at Shenandoah Park LLTil New lighting system consisting of Bids far exceed construction a ^11,1 B-6426 333129 Biscayne Heights Mini Park 8440 NE 8 Ct 1 $13,000 2 Andre electrical service equipment and 2 In-house $576 estimate and therefore were„J< Security Lighting Project Bryan decorative light poles with light rejected. Project will be revised C fixtures. and re-bidded. LL Team will prepare Budget and B-3301 Curtis Park Renovations 1901 NW 24 Ave 1 2 Resurface the track field and replace Consultant Y Scope forms for review and bleachers approval D c 0 NW 22 Avenue Sampling, testing, removal and $527,282.00 Received proposal from G G B-4670 333136 Fem Isle Clean -Up & NW 11 1 S Edgar disposal of materials at the BNC Engineers (Consultant $527,282 Y Consultant. Pending Emergency 0 Street Munoz dumping site and report to DERM services) Ordinance on March 27 Agenda E Q O 0 V rn 333138 Fern Isle Park NW 22 Avenue 1 $4,500,000 5 Edgar $632,738 $5,132,738 Y a g NW 11 Street Munoz 0 LL i Page I of 14 Department of Capital Improveme,,.- STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Design Division Page 2 of 14 Z 2 Design Bid / Constr Project C.I.P. Protect Location Construction Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Estimated Total Amount Comments uo i1) Award (2) (3J Number Number Name O Estimate F41) Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded -a 7(-two-wa W N y W Development of a Master Plan, which B-3302 Grapeland Heights Park 1550 NW 37 Ave 1 2 will include the relocation of the courts, replacement of the recreation Consultant Preparing Budget and Scope C .2 Redevelopment building, new softball fields forms for review and approval and !j additional parking C 2 Project on hold pending Q B M.P.D. Mounted Patrol Facility 1801 NW South Fernando New horse stables and offices at commission approval to re -zone o -6422-A at Sewell Park River Dr 1 $645,143 2 paiva Sewell Park for the Miami Police Dept In-house/ Consultant $57,795 2.3 acres of the park. Initial site .2 Mounted Patrol Unit plan schematic done in-house. Completed survey cost $34,766 E E 0 U N.W. 14 St Widen 2 lanes along N.W. 14 St to 2 B-5686 341183 N.W. 14 Street Project between N.W. 1 $1,100,000 5 Cesar lanes and 2 parking lanes with new curb and gutter, sidewalk, storm Marlin Engineering $196,330 $134,600 $1,331,000 $1,634,600 We are reviewing the 50% C a r') o i ro 0 a Cl) 0 i v 0) 0 a v 0 27 Ave and N.W. Gonzalez sewer drainage, signage and Inc submittal designing plans 0 o V ip 34 Ave D u> ro rn c> pavement markings. N Project identified by Fire Dept. 0 B-6351 313306 New Fre Station # 10 4101 NW 7 St 1 $1,560,000 3 Jose Briz New Fire Station: One Story, $164,000 $2,270,000 Y Total 1st Series bond allocation C S.F. for Neighborhood Fire Stations & Training Facility = $4,500,000 a New storm water drainage system N.W. N. River and complete street reconstruction. Designing plans are in 90% t Cl) B-4643 352191 North River Drive Spring Garden Drive between 1 $1,200,000 5 Cesar Design will be in accordance to all U.R.S. Corporation $105,000 $86,513 $1,500,000 $1,086,513 phase completed. River 0 �b 0 0 ip 0 ip Cl) (p Xt io Improvements Project N.W. 7 St and Gonzalez applicable environmental Greenway Implementation FDOT c N.W. 11 PI requirements, including the Miami funding $1,000,000 LL N Greenway recommendations. ' Additional French drain system, Area bounded catch basins, manholes, pollution Pinehurst Storm Sewer by N.W. 17 Ave retardant structures and water Conceptual design is 100% p g c� B-5683 352191 and N.W. 12 Ave 1 $1,300,000 5 Cesar control structures prior to the positive PBS & J $160,000 Pending $1,500,000 completed and consultant is9` N Retrofitting Project between N.W. Gonzalez outfalls to Wagner Creek. This will working on the proposal for the g� , 20 St and 28 St provide water quality treatment and final design. ❑ ' R, inhibit discharge of solids into Wagner Creek Canal. 6 ROAD REHABILITATION, FEMA 1345, Project Re-construction/Re-surfacing� $234,860.00 0 0 0 g C 8-4852 313833 Worksheet No. 648-0, Loc.: 3 "Citywide 1 $7,172,148 S J. Logo / T. Acosta and limited drainage Milian, Swain and $305,467 (Consultant $1,818,707 Bidding Stage o p� N N B. 3-C, 3-D, 3-E Improvements Associates, Inc. services) p m r io r n M N N Re -roofing, installation of new T&G c 0 B -6319-B 331436 Simpson Park - Re -roofing and 55 SW 17 Rd. 1 $99,733 1 Sandra ceiling, new lighting fixtures and In-house $16,954 $99,733 $116,687 Construction: 85% completed o 0 Handicap Entrance Vega replacement of roof frame joists due to damage and rot. C 0 U Page 2 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Design Division Page 3 of 14 U 6 ti t L.31-4484 Z 7 Design Bid / Constr .. Estimated « (1) Award (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total 10 Amount Comments a (2) Number Number Name G Estimate F Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0Funded W W a W N W B-6319 331346 Simpson Park Historic Pond 55 SW 17 Rd. 1 $180,000 1 Sandra Restoration of an existing pond In-house / $56,000 TBA $236,000 Design revisions / Permitting. rn c c xi & Wood Trail Vega Consultant: WRT First bidding rejected. Restoration LL FS ' r B-6419 353009 & Solid Waste Generator Roof 1290 NW 20 St 1 $29,761 3 Roberto New flat roof and picket fence In-house $2,380 $34,225 100% Designed. Project In 2 C9 n C9 o 353015 Project Silva Construction Stage ;izco 0 O M 0 Wagner Creek Dredging Along Wagner This project is still In the planning c 0 M 0 0 v 0 v 0 v 0 to 0 8-5688 Pending Project, Phase III (FEMA Creek between 1 $320,000 5 Jose Lago Design and construction for dredging PHS Engineering, $158,000 Bid Proposal $561,200 phase. Design Proposal is under 0 a o N v in NW 20 Street to along Wagner Creek Inc. under review ) N FUNDED) NW 14 Avenue review. p v Along Wagner Design and construction for dredging Consulting $96,076 Design Phase is 90% Complete. a) M M co 0 M 0 V 0 B-5643 352259 Wagner Creek Renovation Creek between 1 $700,000 5 Jose Lago and shoreline stabilization along Engineering and $136,076 (Design $957,076 Permits from ACOE, FDEP, and N o 0 Project, Phase IV NW 14 Avenue Wagner Creek Science, Inc. (CES) Proposal) DERM are pending. •' y v N rn N c' N co to NW 15 Street Along Wagner Design and construction for dredging Consulting $105,215 Design Phase Is 90% Complete. M M M 0 M 0 a 0 B-5644 352263 Wagner Creek Renovation Creek betweena 1 $1,200,000 5 Jose Lago and shoreline stabilization along Engineering and $170,215 (Design $1,574,215 Permits from ACOE. FDEP, and N o M 0 v v u� i0 Project, Phase V NW 15 Street to Wagner Creek Science, Inc. (CES) Proposal) DERM are pending. w 0 v v N rn N N NW 11 Street Canal between z,. NE 83 St and NE Ademar and Davis Canal 10 Ave to the Consulting $116,400 Design Phase is 60% Complete. c a co M o o a B-5680 313855 Dredging Projects (FEMA Biscayne Bay/ 2 $1,300,000 5 Jose Lago Design and construction for dredging Engineering and $187,400 (Design $1,812,400 Permits from ACOE, FDEP, and N - ' 0 N 0 iM N N a FUNDED) Along Davis along Davis and Ademar Canals Science, Inc. (CES) Proposal) DERM are pending. p r- n N N r Canal between j NE 86 St and NE a Battersea and Douglas Road a Storm Sewer Improvements. 2 5 Pending Official project name not yet y identified a Bayfront Park Electrical 100 Biscayne Bayfront Trust/ Provide code req. svc. disconnect for fountain. Relocate electrical Prepared plans for Bayfront Trust. Trust revised the scope, c 0 Yk Ca c 8-6382 2 $117,700 2 equipment in fenced area to bottom In-house N/A N/A N/A y ' ro Modifications Blvd Andre level of control booth. Provide received bids and requested N O ;.z r E Bryan changes to the plans.- y transfer switch at laser tower. H Page 3 of 14 U 6 ti t L.31-4484 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Manaaement and Design Division Page 4 of 14 Z Design Bid / Constr Project C.I.P.Project • Estimated (1) Award (3) Location « Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total Amount Comments n (2) Number Number Name s Estimate H Manager 9 Consultant Design Cost Amount Protect Cost Funded � m � t � 10 t 0` W W a N N N W Area bounded Design and construction of storm by NE 6 Court, sewer improvements to include Design Phase is 90% Complete. B-5672 352264 Belle Meade Storm Sewer NE 8 Avenue, exfiltration trenches, cross drains, $90,095 90% design plans are under LSI . M co o o v Project, Phase II NE 75 Street, 2 $1,561,094 5 Jose Lao 9 stormsewer pumps, pavement URS Corporation rp $173,150 (Design $1,993,409 review. This project has fully s h 0 ip 0 C C co 0 and Little River restoration, deep drainage injection Proposal) approved and permitted by y p A N in Canal wells, and pavement restoration DERM R;; Schematic design submittal B-3293 Bicentennial Park Shoreline 1075 Biscayne 2 $8,500.000 1 Sandra Shoreline stabilization, new seawall 100% complete. u Project f fund a Stabilization Blvd. Vega @ Bicentennial Park Edwards & Kelcey $1,200,000 TBA $9,700,000 Y $3,000,000 allocation pending. FIND w Application in progress. First p round appropriation $3 million. .., Brickell Ave. Enhancements to Brickell Ave. - Strategic Initiatives Consultant is B-4666 341184 Brickell Streetscape Project between S.E. 2 8700,000 a Cesar Includes adding decorative pedestrian and street lighting, W.R.T. Landscaping p g $120,000 Pending $900,000 $900,000 workingon the estimate for the design. The dates for the design, c a rn W n M 0 u� ro 0 in o v 0 a a h 15 Rd and S.E. Gonzalez Architecture r 26 Rd landscaping, and decorative bid/award and construction are p M m N N entrances tentative. IN $220,885.00 City of Miami MMPD Fire Replace the obsolete fire supressor And With B-6437 312035 Suppressor Modifications 400 NW 2 Ave 2 $150,000 3 Jose Briz system, and additions related work Tum Key Project Additive Item E to meet code requirements Will Be s $240,885.00 a Coconut Grove 0` j area bounded The Contract is under the o- B-5660 352213 & Coconut Grove Storm Sewer/ by SW 26, SW 28 St, SW 32 2 $1,100,000 4 Manny New exfiltration stormwater drainage Kunde, Sprecher & n process of getting the required required c q o 0 o 352208 Impact fee Project, Phase II Vega system for the specified area Associates, Inc $109,045 $757,001 $904,407 signatures and plan to N 0 N C 0 co Ave.( SW 34 awarded on the Commission T 0 v rn Ave. Avalon ( meeting of Feb. 27,2003 E Basin) o Fl T On Coral Way, New up- light fixtures, street B-6450 Coral Way Beautification from downtown 2 $7,719,000 3 Jose Briz fumitures, hardscape, softscape, No $771,900 Y Pending - No fund appropriation S 'o to SW 37 Ave landscaping and irrigation from 1st series bond � LL B -6450-A Coral Way Beautification On Coral Way, from SW 12 Ave 2 $602,800 3 Jose Briz New up -light fixtures in the median In-house $60,280 Y Pending - No fund a appropriation o o Uplighting Phase 1 to SW 37 Ave from 1st series bond LL t V� Dinner Key Marina 3400 Refurbish men & women bathrooms, $18,300 in CIP fees waived b y 2 ° B-6417 326009 Dockmasters Office Bathroom Pan American Dr 2 $95,000 2 Fernando Paiva outdoor terrace and laundry area. in-house N/A $122,000 $202,000 John Jackson, previous Public 2 o Renovation New A/C system for bathrooms Works director. Project under 1 I` r construction U, Page 4 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Desian Division Page 5 of 14 Z 3 Design Bid / Constr Estimated(1j Award i3j Project C.I.P. Project Location M Construction a Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments m i2j Number Number Name 0 Estimate 0 Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded 0D 0 W t W a NW N 90% design, proposed storm sewer pump station and complete 90% Design. Pending Fpl c B-5658 352291 Downtown Storm Sewer N. Bayshore Dr 2 $528 500 Elyrosa rebuilding of the intersectionof N. Milian, Swain & $106,000 $528,500 $1,500,000 Approval For New Electrical 0Projects - Phase ii At N.E. 18 Street Estevez Bayshore Dr and NE 18 St. Also, Associates, Inc. Source. 0 new pavement along N. Bayshore Dr, between NE 17 and 18 St Fes: .A Asfa Streetscape Improvements such a'r'' North River Dr.; mall, prado or rambla along the F.D.O.T, Miami Dade County, 0 84667 341140 Flagler Street Market Place to Biscayne Blvd. And from 2 5 Cesar center median -Includes decorative Project management to be outsourced to $10,606,892 $7,381,892 D.D.A. and City of Miami have a c Streetscape Project Gonzalez pavement, decorative lighting, participation on this project, the C d South 1St to seating areas, gathering/plaza Nova Construction design is ready for construction. a North 1St space, signage and landscaping. Construction the streetscape Improvements such a mall, prado or Miami Dade County is doing the Grand Ave rambla along the center median design for this project after this c Grand Avenue Streetscape between S.W. 2 5 Cesar including the adjacent sidewalk with Miami -Dade County $2 +500,000 Y $3,000,000 C.I.P. Department is going to Project 32 Ave and S.W. Gonzalez decorative pavement, decorative design take over this project for 0 37 Ave lighting, seating areas, construction. gathering/plaza space, signage and landscaping. x Concept Design And Cost pi o ,_ Kennedy Park Additional 2400 South Victor Addition of 78 parking spaces in two Estimate Are Complete. Waiting c 8 6442 Parking Bayshore Dr. 2 $500,000 3 Marzo separate locations at the park. New In-house $58,125 (est.) For Source Of Funds, And entrance sign and drainage system Selection Of Consultant. LL 8-3298 Legion Park Shoreline 6447 NE 7 Ave. 2 $170,000 1 Sandra Shoreline stabilization at Legion Environmental Development $10,000 TBA $180,000 Permitting phase - Corp of Eng. M Stabilization Vega Park; Rip -rap Installation. Permit to be re-applied. € 00 Consultants m a �ff n. a„r 331386 Lemon City Daycare Center Sandra New Daycare Center Facility fora o, a FLe o 86272-A / 331369 (4th Bid) 27 NE 58 St. 2 $503,290 1 Vega total forty five In-house N/A $542,000 TBA Construction: 60% completed 2 p of (45) childrens� o - z 3s=x w o Manuel Artime Community Replace and add light fixtures to In-house Under Construction o � 1 " c+� o o B-6418 333136 Center & Theatre Lighting 900 SW 1 St 2 $21,000 3 Jose Briz improve lighting $30,482 ,ter r � Project o o r� 41 cJ .I Two elevators are completed. o Miami Police Headquarters Innovative Group, Two are partially complete. The o 2 a za F� t F o 8-6350 312025 Elevators Refurbishing 400 NW 2 Ave 2 $250,000 3 Jose Briz Refurbishing 5 Existing Elevators Engineering $706,000 project will be completed by 0 Inc. March 03 p� U Page 5 of 14 Department of Capital Improvement STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Desian Division Lam! i V \.f v V L.0 n a Page 6 of 14 ? 7 Design Bid / Constr « Estimated 0 (1) Award (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location « Construction Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments m (2) Number Number Name m Estimate H Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded 0 D IX N W N W N W B-6445 311036 Miami Rowing Club Virginia Key 2 $32,000 3 Victor Improvements to entrance, ramp In-house $4,000 $50,000 $50,0 00 C m w M o C) o M Cl) 0 m Marzo and handrails for compliance to ADA o p a � South Bayshore C o o t&.f , HB 6297-A 311712 Myers Park Security Lights Between 2 $30,000 3 Jose Briz Six (6) new decorative light poles with In-house $26,999 $35,500 Waiting For Poles 40It p Mcfariane & 28 p ower outletsvk y ,; a p Ave. o U,, z r. .'. �. Area bounded Design of this project will be by NE 69 Street, consistent with approved stormwater RFP from Metric Engineering Cl) Cl) v B-5690 Pending NE 71 Street Storm Sewer NE 72 Street, 2 $315,000 5 Jose Lago disposal method alternative as per Metric Engineering, $80,750 None at this $488,045 after final Preliminary Engineering a y o_ 1 o co 0 n 1r Project -Design Biscayne the preliminary engineering report Inc. Time Report, from project number 8- d Boulevard, and submitted from project number B- 5684, is submitted to the City . O In Biscayne Bay 5684 Area bounded $23'104 b NE 69 Street Y , Preliminary engineering to develop a (Design Preliminary Engineering Report is C a B-5684 352216 NE 71 Street Storm Sewer NE 72 Street, 2 Not Applicable 5 Jose Lago recommended method of stormwater disposal consistent with Metric Engineering, $23,104 Proposal N/A $23,104 90% complete. Design CO o_ Q Q Q Q Project-Predesign Biscayne the environmental agency Inc. including alternatives from this report have v d o a Z Z Z Z Boulevard, and requirements Supplemental received consensus by DERM, a` Biscayne Bay Work Orders) Project identified by Fire Dept. p� B-6455 313302 New Fre Station # 1 2 $2,140,000 3 Jose Briz Remodel existing fire station $224,000 $3,070,900 Total 1 st Series bond allocation c c for Neighborhood Fire Stations & C Training Facility = $4,500,000 LL Project identified by Fre Dept. p� B-6453 313306 New Fire Station # 13 2 $1,232,000 3 Jose Briz New Fire Station: One Story, 8,800 $129,000 $3,292,200 Y Total 1st Series bond allocation o S.F. for Neighborhood Fire Stations & C Training Facility = $4,500,000 ri Project identified by Fire Dept. p� 8-6454 313306 New Fire Station # 14 2 $1,232,000 3 Jose Briz New Fire Station: One Story, 8,800 $129,000 $3,792,400 Y Total 1 st Series bond allocation S.F. for Neighborhood Fire Stations & C Training Facility = $4,500,000 LL Old Virginia Key Beach Park / 3861 Rickenbacker Sandra Master Plan development for Virginia Programming /Public m B-3296 Master Plan /Civil Rights Museum Causeway, 2 TBA 1 Vega Key Beach. Schematic design Civil Rights Museum WRT $146,270 WA TBA Presentation Charettes 9� Virginia Key O Lam! i V \.f v V L.0 n a Page 6 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Desion Division Page 7 of 14 Z 3 Design Award Constr Estimated 8 0 (1) (2) (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location « Construction m Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments s V Number Number Name s Estimate Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded Fs- W " W IL N W N 3861 Design Development Phase C B -3282-A Old Virginia Key Beach Park / Rickenbacker 2 $2,600,000 1 Sandra Restoration /Repairs of existing buildings at Virginia Key. New Pump Johnson Associates $700,000 TBA $3,300,000 Y $1,000,000 P com lete. Construction documents in progress. First a N o N Renovations /Repairs Causeway, Vega Station & Force Main. Architects, Inc. round $1 million � o Virginia Key 1100 N.W. Replace roof (approx. 50,000 S.F.) Outside $279,693 v mo B -6439A 311709 RlverdrNe Warehouse Roofing South River 2 $300,000 3 Victor with Samafil roof system - includes In-house $2,690 $18,303 Total $258,700 (Pending 1 Completed 98% c0 o Replacement Drive Marzo new curbs, gutters, and overflows $20,993 WO.) o ' a C o Contractor: Metro Express. Plans '6 > c.)o Storm Sewer Improvements - Downtown 2 $243'000 Elyrosa Four deep drainage wells for Flagler The Corradino Group P $295,000 $330,000 On Dep For Approval. Deadline 2 `oa N B-4662 341140 Downtown Miami Estevez Street Market Place Improvement For Construction April 2003. N o c Q v U a Trash And Recycle Center (Mini N.W. 12 Ave. Victor On hold, waiting for selection of -moo B-6432 Dump) At Solid Waste Yard And Nw 20 2 $668,250 3 Marzo New mini dump at the GSA yard consultant and source of money 3 Site. Street. LL C a p � B-6447 331372 Vlrrick Park Computer Room 3580 Day Ave 2 $52,800 3 Jose Bdz Addition of a computer room to In-house $6,000 $58,800 $58,800 Design Will Be Finished 3/17/03 w n a the existing recreation building p M o The P.O. on hold before the New ticket booth and concession expiration of the Contract with Architectural, Acoustical / stand, related electrical systems for Perez Associates. A Notice to W r) o No cop 0 86399 Sound System and Electrical 900 SW 1St 3 4 Manny both and new stage floor. Lighting Perez Associates $53,400 $53,400 proceed sent to consultant. P y y Q N v 6i N Services for Manuel Artime Vega improvements, upgrade acoustical Waiting for the emergency p N ip o 00 Community Center and sound systems. memo regarding Proposal No.2 to issue P.O. Loc. No. 1 (Under Constr.), Loc. C Manny No.2 & 3 (Designed), Loc. No. 4- o o No N N th Vega/ New exfiltration drains and cross In-house - 20 7, 17,20 (Under Design). Note: 0 I o o ` B-5669 332216 Citywide Local drainage Citywide 3` $700,000 4 drains, related structures and Locations $47,403 $677,190 $779,869 $806,100 Memo and Reso were pulled p) c� _ Project, E-78 Maria pollution control devices. from Feb. 13, 03 agenda. Maria o C O a N n Lopez Lopez involved at some locations U Proposed closingS.W. 13 Ave Planning and Zoning Department and develop pedestrian plaza is supervising the design of this C ' th co c) a 341127 Domino Park Expansion 8 S.W. 15 Ave between S.W. Cesar that Includes new sidewalk, curb, trees, Perez Associates $160,000 Pending $540,000 $540,000 project, after the design is e10 0 0 to 0 LO 0 to B-3289 333110 Improvements Project 8 St and S.W. 3 8380,000 5 Gonzalez gutter, street pavement, Architects completed CIP Department is P P planters, decorative light poles, going to take over this project 9 St signage, banners and storm and do the construction. drainage. e�a n A-% i e% A \ Page 7 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Mananement and Desian Division ? 3 Design Bid / Constr Estimated W Award Project C.I.P. Project Location Construction Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments a i1) (2) (3) Number Number Name Estimate F Mana er 9 Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded 13 Ina 7ins-Lrou. N W N W 0 331385 Victor New one story recreation building Consultant ; B-3258 Jose Marti Recreation Building 362 SW 4 St 3 $1,700,000 3 (approx. 11,000 S.F.) with In-house $7,593.60 $123,555.00 $1,518,720 $1,976,393 Y $1,976,393 Project Under Construction 331419 Marzo multipurpose rooms Total $131,148 0 SW 131h Ave. Consultant is in the process Linear Memorial Park between 9 3 $2,300,000 Sandra Median and right-of-way Falcon & Bueno of revising the schematic Street and Vega improvements $2,300,000 Y $2,000,000 design to bring the project Coral Way within budget 8-3297 324002 Orange Bowl 2003 Structural 1501 NW 3 St. 3 $1,600,000 1 Juan Structural Repairs In-house / Consultant $400,000 TBA $2,000,000 Y 100% d N a p 0 Repairs Ordonez 0 B-3283 324002 Orange Bowl StadiumAndre Pressboxes A/C Replacement p 1501 NW 3 St 3 $250,000 2 Bryan B, Replace air conditioning equipment that serves mid to upper level pressboxes. SDM is the design consultant for the project. SDM Consulting Engineers $14,790 Y 100% Received bid from Weathertrol on 1/17/03 in the amount of $661,000. Bid was rejected o;b; AM, if rn o yr; 8-6424 324002 Orange Bowl Security Railing 1501 NW 3 St 3 $185,150 1 Juan New 950 L.F. Of Security Railing In-house $185,150 Y 100% 100% Designed. Project In ° 2 " y: p p B-6373 Orange Bowl Structural Repairs 1501 NW 3 St. 3 1 Ordonez Structural Repairs In-house / Consultant Y 100% Construction Stage N t' 0 O C O (y o U,,. .. Ns x � ` 1100 N W Repair and remodel existing Completed 98%. Pending Wasa C g B-6425 324002 Orange Bowl Stadium New 1501 NW 3 St 3 $350,000 1 Juan New 1200 safety panels for vomitory In-house N/A $85,000 $350,000 Y 100% CIP design fees were waived a _ N C9Drive. Safety Panels Ordonez ramps Valve For Final Inspection. '' o prevention system U c� ^' B-3283 324002 Orange Bowl StadiumAndre Pressboxes A/C Replacement p 1501 NW 3 St 3 $250,000 2 Bryan B, Replace air conditioning equipment that serves mid to upper level pressboxes. SDM is the design consultant for the project. SDM Consulting Engineers $14,790 Y 100% Received bid from Weathertrol on 1/17/03 in the amount of $661,000. Bid was rejected c m AM, if rn o C B-6373 Orange Bowl Structural Repairs 1501 NW 3 St. 3 1 Ordonez Structural Repairs In-house / Consultant Y 100% Construction: 95% completed o 2 t' C; o U,,. .. Ns ` 1100 N W Repair and remodel existing Completed 98%. Pending Wasa C g B-6439 311709 Riverdrive Warehouse South River 3 $500,000 3 Victor Marzo warehouse building: new restrooms, g' offices, doors, paint and fire In-house $15,000 $15,000 $85,000 $500,000 Y $500,000 To Repair Fire Sprinkler Control o o _ N C9Drive. Valve For Final Inspection. '' o prevention system Us c� Page 8 of 14 1ni QED ��� ♦ (loo 2/27/2003 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 0+....cl.....11.... MAs.a..er.. * -4 rlvair.n rllviainn � � s Page 9 of 14 Z « Design Bid Constr Estimated (1) Award (2) (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location 2 Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments m Number Number Name a Estimate F Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded m13 a N W N W " N W Consultant is preparing the traffic W t7 Cesar Traffic calming plan for the Martin Engineering $42 000 100% study schedule for the duration of m Q B-4671 311713 Road Traffic Stud y Roads Area 3 5 Gonzalez Roads area. Inc this project. p Includes renovation of the comfort station, new shelter, new sidewalks, Preparing Budget and Scope ag C B-3303 Bryan Park Improvements 2301 SW 13 St 4 2 replacement of the tot lot surface, Consultant $55,200 $472,800 forms for review and approval new trees, widen sidewalks and new d drainage system on 13 Street Cesar Consultant is preparing the traffic C IM 0 Gonzalez/ Traffic calming plan for the Marlin Engineering $60,000 study schedule for the duration of o Q B-4872 341206 Flagami Traffic Study Flagami Area 4 Marla Flagami area. Inc this project. a Lopez c Flagami Stormwater Computer Flagami Area 4 N/A Elyrosa Develop a mathematical model for H.J. Ross $116,000 $1 16,000 9 v ri B-5659 352231 Model Study Project Estevez the Flagami area O $228,025 Design and construction of storm (Design Design Phase is 30% Complete. Flagami-Report-Flagami Storm Area bounded sewer improvements to include P Proposal Interlocal Agreement between City of Miami and City of West c N c9 o w p m o 0 ip B 352211 Sewers Project, Phase 11 - by Ragler St, SW 8 St, NW 67 4 $9,330,000 5 Jose Lago exfiltration trenches, cross drains, HJ Ross and $706,525 Including Predesign $11,370,715 Miami is pending. Design of this � g• g 0 n r n 04 -5673-C Construction Documents (FEMA Ave, and NW 62 stormsewer pumps, pavement Associates, Inc. Actual Cost project shall be divided into T `- ip FUNDED) Ave restoration, maintenance of traffic, from B-5673- phases by design consultants and pavement restoration Cl) Project identified by Fire Dept. pi Total 1st Series bond allocation B-6452 313306 New Fire Station # 11 5920 West 4 $1,232,000 3 Jose Bnz New Fre Station: One Story, 8,800 $190,800 $1,792,400 Y for Neighborhood Fire Stations & Flagler St S•F•LL Training Facility = $4,500,000 ROAD REHABILITATION, Re-construction/Re-surfacing $Consul4'00 c a O M in o 0 0 ! 0 o v o 313855 FEMA 1345, Project Citywide 4 $770,000 8 J. Lago / and limited drainage URS Corporation $252,484 (Consultant $1,180,334 100% Pending sign and seal N Z 8-4633 worksheet No. 647-0, Loc.:2 T. Acosta Improvements Southern services) n. a D B. 2-C, 2-D, 2-E Includes new Day Care Center, (2) new basketball courts, resurface (4) Preparing Budget and Scope c o o B-3304 Shenandoah Park 1800 SW 21 Ave 4 2 tennis courts, replace (1) playground, Consultant $219,040 $1,767,000 forms for review and approval ro o 0 Improvements renovate pool house, resurface pool a and deck niscuSzED om � � s Page 9 of 14 2/27/2003 Department of Capital lmprovemenL. STATUS OF PROJECTS Construction Manaaement and Desian Division w — Page 10 of 14 Z « Design Awad Constr Estimated r (1) (2) (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location 2� Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total Amount Comments r Number Number Name m Estimate 6 Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded m t W t D om N c W W C W « c N W IL SW 16 Terr Consists of drainage improvements, $244,900.00 Received proposal from o SW 16 Terrace, Street between SW 24 4 $1,200,000 5 Edgar roadway re -construction and Edwards and Kelcey $293,880 (Consultant $1,493,880 $1,800,000 Consultant. Currently under 0 0 B-5691 341206 Improvements Avenue & SW 29 Munozservices) sidewalk, curb and gutter review 0 Avenue improvements � � a 100% Designed. Project In 4. N O M p jp 8-6334 333107 West End Park Building 230 SW BO Ave 4 $142,900 3 Roberto New A/C system and remodel In-house $11,200 $166,000 Permit Stage a ra`v p Renovation Silva building Interior g a � h c og � A. Construction will start 2/13/03, o , 0 0 West End Park Lighting Andre Replace aerial wires and sports light In-house $2,471 $24,943 $26,689 and should take two week to be � 8-6435 333107 Improvements - 250 SW 60 Ave 4 $40,000 2 Bryan equipment on poles at courts. completed c N N Tennis/Basketball Courts U Upgrade the restrooms and security Prepared Budget and Scope o Mo Athalie Range #1 Mini Park Under I-95, NW 2 lighting, development of a "Domino Consultant $9,973 $106,714 Y $600,000 forms for review and approval. .� o B-3291 331419 Improvements 10 St, West of 5 Component", which includes an open 50% HD Bond, 50% SNPB 0 NW 3 Ave mini arena and landscaping �` Repair water leaks in the Daycare v - o 86443 331420 Belafonte Tacolcy Center 6161 NW 7 Ave 5 $78.261 2 Fernando Center and Computer Room, paintIn-house $11,668 $77,784 Under construction N Repairs p Paiva Adm Bldg and Henderson Complex c Bldg and repair the irrigation system ° e �� ss ;a• � sz��: Held meeting on 2/13/03 with Comm. Teele and Zyscovich in Development of a Master Plan. The regards to the Caribbean B-3295 331412 Black Box Theater Development T.B.A. 5 $1,043,000 2 site for the project has not been Zyscovich, Inc. $183,450 $1.828.750 Marketplace. Purpose of Black determined. Box Theater was briefly d discussed. Resurface approximately 3,000 Need to contact Consultant to L.F. of the road with new asphalt, explain the scope of work for this p p C O O N.E. 51St. add new storm drainage system, H.J. Ross project to receive an estimate for r n n h n in 2 h B-4665 311715 Brentwood Village Project between N.E. 5 $700,000 5 Cesar traffic circles, paint stripping Engineering $123,200 Pending $970,200 Y $1,�,� the design. The dates for the C r o O Ct and N.E. Gonzalez existing parking spaces, new design, bid/award and 0 a m 3 Ct. medians and curb, decorative construction are tentative. street lighting and landscaping. Part of Little Haiti. Held meeting Repair/renovation of the Caribbean on 2/13/03 with Comm. Teele Marketplace. Zyscovich will be and Zyscovich to determine c B-3294 331412 Caribbean Marketplace 5925-27 NE 2 5 $1,371,203 2 contracted for the design phase, and Zyscovich, Inc. $247,471 $1,490,439 Y scope of project. Waiting on m Rehabilitation Ave a CM@Risk will be contracted for the proposal from Zyscovich for a construction phase design services. w — Page 10 of 14 2/27/2003 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS Pagel 1 of 14 Z r Design Bid Awad Constr Estimated « (1) (2j (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location « � Construction Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments �? Number Number Name O Estimate F Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 m Funded T100'"U'l N W N W C o Nw 54 - 56 Complete rebuilding of streets, o x o Q 341323 Edison/ Little River Street Street / N.W. 1 Elyrosa new pavement, sidewalk, In-house/ $381,249 $435,000 $435,000 Commission March 27, 2003N W N m 8-4617 & And Sidewalk Rebuilding Ave, N.W. 1 P1, 5 $347,000 Estevez drainage system, C & a, N 341183 Project N.W. 1 Ct. landscaping E 0 C 0 U N New concession bldg, office building Preparing draft of resolution for o o B-3305 331419 Gibson Park Improvements 401 NW 12 St 5 $1,028,919 2 for Optimist Club, modify boxing gym in recreation bldg for storage and Gum Matute, P.A. $142,688 $1,161,712 comm. a proval to negotiate p contract with Gum Matute N N N 0 E laundry E 0 0 C t+f o Hadley Park Model City Trust 1350 NW 50 St 5 $76,000 3 Roberto New offices In existing building In-house p 8-6457 qhs Silva for Model City Trust a Preparing Budget and Scope c C c B-3306 Hadley Park Renovations 1300 NW 50 St 5 2 Consultant forms for review and approval m a Held meeting on 2/13/03 with Comm. Teele and Zyscovich in regards to the Caribbean c Development of a new park. The Y Marketplace, Black Box Theater C B-3308 331412 Little Haiti Park Project T.B.A. 5 2 size may vary from 20 to 60 acres, Consultant and $25 million allocated for land 5 depending on land the City acquires. purchase. Little Haiti Park was a also discussed. Team will prepare Budget and C o 0 Moore Park Renovations - Track Resurface the track field and replace Consultant Sforms for review and Scope ro O N B 3307 Field &Bleachers 765 NW 36 St 5 2 bleachers approval a j Existing abandoned precinct headquarter will be restored to its m C WE f original condition to be used as both Historical Restoration Project v£ 3 w Sandra community center. Consultant $168,500 $1,877,000 B-3299 Old Miami Police Precinct 1009 NW 5 Ave. 5 $1,450,000 1 Vega museum and LL" Include structural repairs, new mechanical equipment, electrical and light safety systems. a 0 Complete renovation of recreation After the pool and pool deck o3� �z C' o Williams Park Buildings and 1717 NW 5 Ave 5 $213,000 2 Fernando building, pool house, pool and pool In-house $29,835 $198,900 repairs are done the project will N p u 8 6407 331351 Pool Renovations Paiva deck, and other site improvements be completed o 0 _ o w r ir1 Pagel 1 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Manactement and Desian Division Page 12 of 14 19(i.- L) _44_+94..- Z 7 Design Bid / A d Constr Estimated r (1) (2) (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location « Construction W Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total C Amount Comments s Number Number Name s Estimate Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded m Fs- p s C s C s r a N W N W W Along Lawrence This project is still in the planning c o 0 0 0 0 0 B-5689 Pending Lawrence Waterway Dredging Waterway between NW 7 1, 3 $1,650,000 5 Jose Lago Design and construction for dredging PHS Engineering, $277,500 Bid Proposal $2,282,250 phase. Design Proposal is under c c v 0 N ? N Project (FEMA FUNDED) along Lawrence Waterway Inc. under review review. ro � in LO T � Street to Miami a River $154,910 Design and construction of storm (Design Flagami-Report-Fairlawn Storm Area bounded sewer improvements to Include Proposal Design Phase is 30% Complete. c ro M o o v 0 , Phase II - Sewers Project, by NW 7 St, Jose Lago exfiltration trenches, cross drains, HJ Ross and $353,834 including $4,765,086 100% Design of this project shall be w 0 0 ao 0 M ro io B -5673-A Construction Documents (FEMA Flagler St, NW 1, 4 $3,818,480 5 stormsewer pumps, pavement Associates, Inc. Predesign divided into phases by design m O n N N co FUNDED) 57 Ave, and NW restoration, maintenance of traffic, Actual Cost consultants 52 Ave and pavement restoration from B -5673 - Al) $239,810 Area bounded Design and construction of storm (Design Design Phase is 30% Complete. Flagami-Report-Westend Storm by Tamiami sewer improvements to include Proposal Interlocal Agreement between ' 0o Mo o o 0 Sewers Project, Phase 11 - Canal St, Flagler 1,4 $9,330,000 5 Jose Lugo exfiltration trenches, cross drains, HJ Ross and $718,310 including $11,382,500 100% City of Miami and City of West N co M r� B -5673-B 352199 Construction Documents (FEMA Street, NW 69 stormsewer pumps, pavement Associates, Inc. Predesign Miami is pending. Design of this 0 r- r- N N FUNDED) Ave, and NW 62 restoration, maintenance of traffic, Actual Cost project shall be divided into Avenue and pavement restoration from B-5673- phases by design consultants B1) ROAD REHABILITATION, FEMA J. Lago/T. Re-construction/Re-surfacing and g H.J.Ross, $211,855 $166,005.00 (Consultant $1,099,940 100% 90% Design, (2-20-03) c of d 0 0 W 0 0 0 0 o B-4654 313855 1345, Project Worksheet No. Citywide 1.4 $737,000 5 Acosta limited drainage improvements Associates, Inc. O v rn o 0 611 0, Loc.:4-A, 4-B, 4-C services) ROAD REHABILITATION,Re-construction/Re-surfacing $276,881.00 c 0 0 0 B-4651 313853 FEMA 1343, Project' Citywide 1.4 $796,783 3 J. Lago / and limited drainage Kunde Sprecher and $290,881 (Consultant $1,290,845 100% Ready for bidding 13 rn N N Worksheet No. 644-0, Loc.:1 T. Acosta Improvements Associates, Inc. services) ty A, 1-B, 1-C, 1-D Modify drainage system for $4,006,900 construction estimate Area bounded developed residential area, bounded far exceeds budget. Pending a) c Avalon Storm Sewer Project, by SW 22 St, US 2 4 $3,651,000 q Manny by SW 22 St, US -1, SW 37 Ave and I'BS&J $355,900 $4,006,900 meeting to reduce scope of work c B -5685-B 352208 Phase I 1, SW 37 Ave. Vega SW 32 Ave. Additional french drain to meet available budget 3 and SW 32 Ave. systems, etc to meet Avalon amount. Project design LL Dreinage System req. negotiation on hold. Roadway improvements include new Building &Zoning Is requesting k pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, drainage calculations for F.S # 9 c ro M 0 co Fire Stations 4,9,1 O and 11 - Fire Stations Manny sodding, marking and signage. New H.J. Ross $69,800 $195,340 $283,939 & 10.There are some additional 0 0 0 0 B-6416 313302 Site Improvements Project 4,9,10 and 11 2, 4 $250,000 4 Vega g drainage system includes swales g Associates, Inc. request from the fire department (Second Bidding) and a combination of exfiltration (Capt. Moore) at Fire Station # 10 m a 3 • a. 0 0 r drains to be addressed. A ROAD REHABILITATION, Re-construction/Re-surfacing $166,220.75 c 0 o 0 o o a 0 B-4656 313835 FEMA 1345, Project Citywide 2, 4 51.518,703 5 J. Lago / and limited drainage URS Corporationax $288,721 (Consultant $2,960,596 90% Design, (2-20-03) Worksheet No. 645-0, Loc.: 3 T. Acosta Improvements Southern services) O A, 3-B Page 12 of 14 19(i.- L) _44_+94..- Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Design Division Page 13 of 14 ? 7 Design Bid / Constr ., Estimated « (1) Award war (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total Amount Comments m (2) Number Number Name a Estimate 0 Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost m Funded C E p W a N W N W N Lawrence, o 352253, Riverview, Fema- Emergency Repairs Of All Currently Under Construction. ' B-5682 352215, Citywide Stormwater Pump Overtown And 3, 5 $209,000 Elyrosa Pumps And Motors At All Four In-house $415,318 $450,000 $353,680 Contractor: Ace Pump And 2 313855 Station Emergency Repairs Orange Bowl Estevez Stormwater Pump Stations. Supply, Inc. o Pump Stations q ^: , Lawrence, B-5651 Citywide Stormwater Pump Riverview, Overtown And 3, 5 $98,000 Elyrosa Three Years Maintenance Contract In-house $104,840 Contractor: Condo Electric u o Z o Station Maintenance Contract Estevez With Condo Electric N o Orange Bowl r Pump Stations O B-5651 A, Lawrence, Fema- Emergency Repairs And a coM B-5651 B, B -5651C 352216 Citywide Stormwater Pump Riverview, Overtown And 3, 5 $740,214 Elyrosa Upgrades To All Four Stormwater Gartek Engineering $107,012 $740,214 $902,051 100% Design. Ready For Bidding. c `0 'o o v o o � 0 o Station Upgrades - A. B, a v &B- Orange Bowl Four Bids Per Pump Station. 5651 D Pump Stations c New fire alarm system at the parking a o 8-6437 312035 City Of Miami Mmpd Fire Alarm 400 NW 2 Ave E $210,000 3 Jose Briz garage, and replace the fire alarm In-house $21,000 Design Will Be Finished 3/17/03 � e n Modifications Q system at the main building 0 c� $44,600 & Plans are completed and are in a Law Department Office c_ $17,500 for Fernando Modifications to existing offices and SE In-house $205,000 the permitting process. Project c .o co O B-6431 311066 Expansion, 9th Floor -MRC 444 SW 2 Ave cubicles & 2 Paiva new partitioned cubicles at will be bid out on an emergency C N Q furniture quadrant of the MRC 9 floor. 9 basis to expedite construction. a tf New streets on unpaved right of � ways. Consists of adjustment of utility Engineering plans are 100% structures, tree removal, new completed. After funding B-4636 City Wide New Street City Wide All $500,000 5 Cesar pavement, sidewalks, sod and where $500,000 $85,000 allocated, will prepare the bids c Construction Gonzalez is necessary new storm drainage and specs and have ready for ii system. Nine different locations advertised in three months. 3. t considered. o 311714 341170 Citywide Curb Replacement Elyrosa C&G, Curb And Sidewalk Feb 27, 2003 Q' c O t o m 0 B-4646 Protect 2001 (Second Citywide All $90,137 Replacement. Fourth Increase To In-house $4,155 $307,750 $407,750 $421,500 Commission w 341182 Bidding) Estevez This Contract. 9 341183 E U ME C O :;' s� to C,. Elyrosa C&G, Curb And Sidewalk o Q B-4661 341182 &Citywide 341183 Curb Replacement Project 2003 Citywide All $200,000 Estevez Replacement. In-house/ $98,050 $121,000 $121,000 Commission February 13, 2003 2 �-... r r O .:;,.. ..- x z.; Page 13 of 14 Department of Capital Improvements STATUS OF PROJECTS 2/27/2003 Construction Management and Deslan Division Page 14 of 14 ? 7 Design Bid / Constr Estimated Award (3) Project C.I.P. Project Location Construction E Project Scope of Project In-house/ Total Contract Total Amount Comments a (2) E Number Number Name s Estimate F Manager Consultant Design Cost Amount Project Cost 0 Funded O W W a N W N N Contractors: Shenandoah G. C. & Paid for 6 zones. One 95%. On-going In North-East and c p Const.Manag. m 313855 CITYWIDE INLET CLEANING, J. Lago / T. Remove materials deposited in WIS'S Engineering, $195,000.00 Contract for South East of North Zone. The 0 0 p B-5661 FEMA 1345, Project Worksheet Citywide All $1,270,307 5 Project CT3S zone for a total $1,270,307 work will finish when reach either 352231 No.691-0 & 728-0 Acosta drainage inlets and adjacent pipes. Management: CT3S, of the approved funds or the dead y c c9 CSA & City $80,225.00 CSA $1,270,306.80 line of March 31, 03 0 O employees ' 6' o 8-4663 341183 Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Project - Citywide All $200,000 Elyrosa Estevez Sidewalk And C&G Replacement Citywide In-house $179,650 $210,000 $210,000 Commission Feb 27, 2003 o£ 6 � • Phase 23 o' 0 6 B-4664 341183 Citywide Sidewalk Replacement Project - Citywide All $200,000 Elyrosa Sidewalk And C&G Replacement In-house $189,050 $215,000 $215,000 Commission March 27, 2003 o 0 Phase 24 Estevez Citywide EUP- qgU� On SW 4th St. at The proposed construction of a 5' CSX Transportation, Inc. - milepost SXH- Manny sidewalk across CSXT tracks on SW Preparation of agreement and Railway Sidewalk Crossing 41.93, DOT # $1,500 4 Vega 4th St. at milepost SXH-41.93, DOT # CSXT revision in City's Attorneys Office. c m Agreement 631-056-L 631-056-L. a Drainage Improvements for Various Roads -Phase A (FEMA Marlin Engineering, This project is in the Planning FUNDED) Official project name 5 Inc. Stage. not yet identified a Drainage Improvements for Consultant to be This project is in the Planning cg C Various Roads -Phase B (FEMA 5 Selected by CIP c FUNDED) Official project name Management Stage. a not yet identified i"AEA ay c B-6456 313302 ECC/Emergency Operations 3425 Jefferson St $2,762,000 3 Jose Briz Remodel existing fire college building Sequefra/Gabarrete $147,000 Pending C r Center Improvements Page 14 of 14 2/27/2003 rays 1 -10 Of r! -, HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT LIST s.� uu��nuu �• y s Unspent / Total Approved 1st Series Allocation/ Encumbrances & Expenditures as of Unencumbered Approved by Pro'ects Approved b Voters Pro'ects A ro nation Total Pro•ect Balance Commitments 12/31/02 B.O.B. Unallocated Funds COMMENTS C[P No. 311711 District 1 Net or oo uahty o Llle rovements 5, 5, 00,000. 0 , 311712 -n District 2 Net or oo ua ity o Lt a improvements 5,00.00 0 ,0 000.0 14,5 •Bids have been received " M ers I tin -5,5 Bids have been received M ers P oncrete Pat - 1 yes P.O. #232134 Pending shipment of equipment Ro erto emente ater a roun - 1 Quail o I e Improvements 0.00 ,4 1,55$310,0000 l 1713 District et¢ r o , 00. Site Analysis Completed. Updated time schedule completed. u an em. Dr. PE tU , $2,000,000.00 yes-design Waiting for completion of schematic design " u an em. (near Par - ,0 " Trat tc Irc es -0 $600,000. 4 00 $480,000.00 Beacom v Enhance. - . 31 I " ' District 4 Nei or oo ua try o Lt e Improvements gR 5,00 ,0 0.$5,000,000.00 Already Purchased 1 truck for Parks & I truck for Public Works ater 5 -$99,500.009,5 ra tc a min& Im rovements -100.000.00 1 00,00 1 Increase to Metro Express, Inc. " 4 4 enan oa Concrete ur s- 1 0 31 17 Dtstnct 5 Nei or oo Quality o Lite m rovements$5,000,000.005,0 1, ,000.0 yes-design Waiting for proposal to be submitted b. consultant-H.LRoss , Brentwoo i a e - 1, yes In conjunction with CIP #131419 Lemon City Park $60,000 " Lemon i Par m rovements - 5 S10,000,000.00 4,500,0007 0 5,5 $4,500,000.00 To Be Determined / Estimated Completion Date 2006-07 Planning FORT-1 T 1..04 0 ice ramin aCl Ity Po ice Home an etensePreparedness Imtiauves 5,500, 0.0 1,000,000.00 4, 1, 0. yes Purchase a Mobile Command Post A, Homeland Def Equip, 315 Fire-Rescue Homeland Def Prepare nes InitiatiNes $5,500,000. $1,500,0( 0. yes In design stage. Out for bid next. Incl enc omman Ve w e - In design stage. Ou[ for bid next. Technical Rescue VC IC e -$225,000.00 15 In design stage. Out for bid next. errorist Cache Vehicle -$150,000.00 4 0.0 Equipment identified, purchases should start soon. " DOmesttc eCUCI E UI menu- 45 $475,000.( Equipment identified, purchases should start soon. Terrorist ac e Equipment - 475, -----T4—,T69-,674.00 133 Net¢ oro Ire tations Training Facility 10,00 0. 4,5 ,000. 5, Still looking for land. Currently housed in trailer. " New Fire talion 1 - .5 - million Still looking for land. Currently housed in Park Bldg. " New Fire tation 4 - 2. - mi ion Waiting for funding " emo a ¢ o Station I 1 - million m ;Waiting for funding " Re Iona raining enter - million $3,900.00 � Trailers - 12 $129,42 6. Trailer ordered. Delivery in 2-3 months. Tem .ra ousm ,426. improvements$16,000,000.0016,000,00.0 1732,930.06 $14,552,39( . :Planning in conjunction with U.M. 24 0 ran a ow ams 10, ' " Lower ress ox Repairs - i New ate Pane s - 4 $185,1 ecuri aim e . - 1 5,1 . =:Er ress 0.0 $50,000-00 En meerm ices - 00 0 $34,000.00 326015 tructura a airs - .00 Citywide Waterfront Improvements $10,000,000.00 $1,700,000.00 ,3$1,700,000 --gFAMARINA " Rr. Manna ire Alarm ystem,- 00 A stem a acement$11000 " IC V Utilities Svcs. Inst.- $14,000 " Elec. rea er ece tac e e.- 20,000 545,^^U Gy needs funding i Pt m Re acemer.' S6,OGv cG needs funding " arms i n Insta.:ation MARINEA A A " arinaice Re airs- 4,0 0.00 needs funding rovements needs funding Net/Liritin,Im a acements100,000.00 $240,000.00 needs funding a e acement 551,000.00 needs funding "ue Storage an Replacement n•na eR,t 2/27/2003 rays 1 2/27/2003 Page 2 8:08 AM HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT LIST v ♦:? i Unspent / Total Approved 1st Series Allocation/ Encumbrances & Expenditures as of Unencumbered Approved by by Voters Pro'ects Appropriation Total Pro'ect Balance Commitments 12/31/02 B.O.B. Unallocated Funds COMMENTS CIP No. Pro'ects A roved DINNER KE A 'A Approximately 600 Piles During FY 2003-2005) " Pier enovatio I In - "Const. n Floor Doc master Dinner Ke Marina Fuel Dock -$275,000 Additional needed inner a Anc orae Mooring- 4 fund00 ing $500,000 needs funding needs ' M assn re In 1, 0 3, 5 I, Planning &Zoning -Sarah Eaton 1 Istonc reservation Initiatives M. Hi h Liun a ow Relocation - 5, 2 7 I5, yes Project in Land Acquisition Phase 1 ltt a arts ar an Ac uisltion v. "1---------ffe—s--g—n�--—i- 75, A 0. 5 00 n meet ervlces - er ro essiona vcs. - 500,,,00000000.0..000 4 A verttsm or trim. Mtg. - 494.00$1,500,000.00 l,5yes-design Waiting for proposal from consultant - Zyscovich, Inc. are an Marketplace ev. -$1,500, 1, es -M. an Waiting for proposal from consultant - Zyscovich, Inc. " ae ox eater v. - 1,5 es Pulled from 2/13/03 City Commission (5105,000) an Ac 4 1 44 2 t. 5 Terrace -$195,000 es Polled 2/13/03 C.C. Owner wants more than appraised value Lan Ac 5, 1,000,0007 4, $1,000,00U.00 Virginia Key Trust 1416 Ir lnla a ar Im rovements 1419— -Bicentennial Parkm rovements 1 $7,000,0007 Gen. n Irtn or ore Ine to 1 Izatton P t. - 1 5,5 4 1st Bond Series An additional $15.5 mil. for 2nd Bond Series) 1 I et r oo ar Im rovements Acquisition 1, ,0 .$13,653,1277 " A a a et Area Par m rovemenu A a alta Im Park - $50,OUO urtis ar - 1, "Duarte Park - Moore Park - 100,000 $120,00 yes P.O. # 232135 Partial shipment received " Purchase nst. Of EquiE./Fumishings -$120,000 rac esu acro - l 1 00,000 e rose ar- $45,000 " me Hel is Park - ora ay et Area Park Improvements D—ou—gfis—Fark--34001000 " an ar - $8,900 $8,900.00yes P.O. # 231993 Work in progress onvert as eta court to tennis court - Fence - $12,458.00 P.O. # 232340 Pending shipment ome an e . i nor an -$182.50 enan oa ar - S 1,3 50,OOU "Downtown Net Area Park Improvements Lummus ar - " ose st a ar - ast ttta Havana Net Area rarK imp. ose Marti ar - 05,515.0 Construction is underway "ose arts ar 5,51 Domino Park - 100,0 Henderson Park - S360.000 --4 ^ rversi a ar - ^nan e ar 5 , rove int Park - $40,07 a amt Net Areaar m rovements o rtm i ar- l,l m oc ar - 2/27/2003 Page 2 8:08 AM '.'-, f. uasii flare: e..> HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT LIST CIP No. Pro'ects ADDroved by Voters West End Par - 1, Total Approved 1st Series Allocation/ Encumbrances & Expenditures as of Pro'ects Appropriation Total Pro-ect Balance Commitments 12/31/02 Unspent / Unencumbered Approved by B.O.B. Unallocated Funds COMMENTS "ra a an Par- 1, " aceo Park - Ba o Pi s ar - " Little Haiti Ret Area Park Improvements " ane ar - $1,350,000 mon i ar Buena Vista ar- "a an rove ar - I , - Pullman Mini Park $35,000 fn " Norta ista ar - Mo a et Area ar in rovements Hadley ar - e i rust ice a e Deign Complete; Bids recd. Req kill be entered 226/03 A scan uare ar -$500,000 d " e a once - Tacolcy Park- restwoo ar - " Miller Dawkins ar " est Buena Vista Park - " Northeast Coconut Grove Net Area az Im . " Wamwri t ar renned ar - - " eacoc Par 00,000 " Mar one Stoneman Douglas ar - " B anc a Par - " Kirk Moore Par - " vertown Net Area at improvements " —9500 000 orse Par - " i lams P ar - " i son anePark-51,350,U01) " A a ie Ran a # I Mini Pk. -$300,000 $300,000.00 Reeves Par - " own Park - Raui w i a e Park - $45,OOU --To-5west oconut rove et Area ar m . imc ar-3777T Design underway, ongoing negotiations with Miami-Dade Public Libran irnc ark Library " Arm aster ar—70,000 " erne Christmas Park - "i o e Mini Park -li:)U,UW r ast i e Net Area Park Improvements " ornm si a ar - 1, Le ion ar - $ 150,000 aton Park - " Bee ea a Mini ar - " est itta Havana et Area Park Imp. - — — " ora s_e PaN - $500,000 " ern Ise Park "Sewell Park- woo ewater Net Area Park Imp. emente ParK - S 1,1 " Biscayne Par - 1 2/27/2003 Page 3 8:08 AM 2/27/2003 Page 4 8:08 AM O/ LI HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT LIST d'.a »'� uuar aura is • 'ter:;; Unspent / Total Approved 1st Series Allocation/ Encumbrances & Expenditures as of Unencumbered Approved by Pro 'ects A roved b Voters Pro'ects A ro riation Total Pro'ect Balance Commitments 12/31/02 B.O.B. Unallocated Funds COMMENTS CIP No. " ars Master Plan - 1,000,0 50 ,0 500,00 .0 Neg. w/ Falcon & Bueno Completed; Sched. For C.C. in Mar or Apr Nel or 0o Par Imp.Cont. - $2,300,000 4, 5 $1,500,000.00 5 es Project completed -CRA 333 I ace Par m rovements anvi e Inor ,Inc. Phase A-$489,914.724 14.7$489-914.72 1,326, Other funding of 5496,100 is applied toward this project anvl a Ino ,Inc. ase 1, 1 4. erme o A amt Partners,Inc. - 6 l 1 $43-053.27 LU Ross Associates,Inc. - 1 $98,472.00 Image $517.50 517. 17. 59,000,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) em S e eanu an enovatlon .0 0. 0 V004 To Be Determined / Scope? Planning & REED Dep'ts. 4 1 e i n rastructure Irrinrovernents ,0 Planning / Design 1' 7 a e c o m rovements$3,000,00 ,7 Domino FarK txpansion/Plaza - l KTAve. Imp. a Veet Conversion 21 no Currently in due diligence process Lana Acquisition behind TowerTheatre-$2 ro essionaSvcs. Environmental- vcs.5 7, & REED Dep [s. P—esl n ist. om or m [ovements ,0$2,875,000.00Planning l 5, yes RFQ Process scheduled to be released he Ist week of March Re u atm an - l Transportation P an- 1$100,000.00 es RFQ Process scheduled to be released the Ist week of March M417ran om re ensrve aster 150, yes RFQ Process scheduled m be released the Ist week of March E mancm an - I 5 es RFQ Process scheduled to be released the Ist week of March E Mar enn an - $3,000,000.00 County Design - Priority Avenue [m rovements 14 yes Counts is taking care of scope of work; don't need cons firm " Pro . Svcs. or ran Ave treetsca e- 1 1 $10,000,00 5, Planning & REED D 4l l Downtown Infrastructure m rovements 4, es /02 Approved C.C. 12/12/02 " a a m rov. at rte iami rte- 4, 1, 0 1, 75, Planning &REED Dep'u 4 1 1 reenwa s m rovements 51 mil. FDOT (Flagler Bridge Area) & $2 mil. Homeland Def. " River reenwa m ementation- 5, es 5100,000 FI. Dep[. of Env. Pro[. & $25,000 Homeland Defense " iami Iver omm. lams irc a reenwa - $1,600,000.00 Planting & REED Dep'ts 41 el r o atewa s Improvements ,400,000.00 District 3 Nei nbornooc Uatewa s - istnct 4 Neighborhood Gatew2ys - m ahon) $3,000,00 List of citizen complaints to be prosided in order to identifc scope m oe torm ewers ( a ami form ater form ater Mit.) 0. Copy of description report to be provided by Len amlaml Storm Sewers - Phase IV aami toren it.)4, 4, Copy of description report to be provided by Len Fairlawn toren ewers - ase I a ami ater 000.00 $3,000,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) A ora a m rovements$37M--UGUM$3,000, 5, 0 $5,000,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) Tose aRi ast Little avanaars x $10,0 0.00 ,00 $10,000,00 $10,000,000 Homeland (not in lst Bond Series) occer omp ex Development 52,000,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) A arine to tum enOvatiOn 0.00 56,000,000 Homeland (not in Is[ Bond Series) A n Ave m rovemenlS ( t. t0 t. 0 53,500,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) A useum 0 ctenre $3,500,000.00 $3,500,000 Homeland (not in Ist Bond Series) A rami Art Museum$3,500,000.00 $126,000,000.00 $2,565,612AT 2/27/2003 Page 4 8:08 AM HOMELAND DEFENSE BOND PROJECT FUNDING STATUS Departmental Input (2/26/03) PARKS CIP # 331419 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acquisition $31,000,000 (1st series bond allocation $15,500,000) Moore Park (D5) CIP# 331419 $120,000 Purchase & Installation of Equipment P.O. # 232135 issued and partial shipment has been received Bryan Park (D4) CIP# 331419 $21,358 Fence and convert basketball court to tennis court. P.O. # 232340 issued for fence - pending shipment P.O. # 231993 issued for tennis court — work in progress Jose Marti Park (D3) CIP# 331419 $805,515 Construction of new building. Construction is underway. LEAD DEFT PARKS PARKS C.I.P. Virrick Park Library (D2) CIP# 331419 est. cost $1,500,000 C.I.P. Design underway; ongoing negotiations with Miami -Dade Public Library. Need to identify funding. District 2 has no $ in 1st series bond allocation CIP#331419 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acquisition. (not approved) Parks Master Plan (CV) CIP# 331419 $1,000,000 (1st series bond allocation $500,000) Negotiations completed with Falcon & Bueno. Cost is $535,000. Need to identify funding for additional $35,000. Will be scheduled for commission approval in March or April. Roberto Clemente Park (D2) CIP# 311712 - District 2 Quality of Life PARKS $5,000,000 (1st series bond allocation $3,000,000) Purchase & Installation of water theme playground. $100,000 P.O. # 232134 issued pending shipment Kenneth Myers Park (D2) CIP# 311712 - District 2 Quality of Life PARKS Lighting and concrete path. $85,500 Bids have been received. Margaret Pace Park (D2) CIP# 333104 - Pace Park Improvements CRA $4,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $2,500,000) Project completed by Community Revitalization Agency. $2,500,000 Model City Trust LEAD DEP'T. Model City Trust Office at Hadley Park CIP# 331419 $74,800 C.I.P. Design complete; bids received; requisition for a purchase order will be processed today (2/26/03). FEC Corridor Initiatives FEC Corridor CIP# 341157- Design Dist./FEC Corridor Imp. Economic Dev. & $10,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $3,000,000) Planning The financing, marketing and transportation plans are going through an RFQ process. The Purchasing Department is scheduled to release the RFQ the first week of March. $625,000 Police Police Training Facility CIP# 312043 POLICE $10,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $4,500,000) To be determined / estimated completion date 2006-07 Planning Stage Additional funding needs to be identified. Police Homeland Defense Preparedness Initiatives CIP# 312048 POLICE $5,500,000 (1St series bond allocation $1,000,000) To purchase a Mobile Command Post & Homeland Defense equipment. No purchase orders have been issued. Identifying scope/specifications of equipment. Action pending. Fire Fire Homeland Defense Preparedness Initiatives CIP# 313305 FIRE $5,500,000 (1St series bond allocation $1,500,000) • Incident command vehicle $200,000 — in design stage, out for bid next. • Technical rescue vehicle $225,000 — in design stage, out for bid next. • Terrorist cache vehicle $150,000 — in design stage, out for bid next. • Domestic security equipment $450,000 — equipment identified, purchases should start soon. • Terrorist cache equipment $475,000 — equipment identified, purchases should start soon. LEAD DEP'T. Neighborhood Fire Stations & Training Facility CIP# 313306 FIRE $10,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $4,500,000) • New Fire Station 13, $2.5 — 3 million - still looking for land; currently housed in trailer. • New Fire Station 14, $2.5 — 3 million - still looking for land; currently housed in Park Building. • Remodeling of Station 11, $2,000,000 — waiting for funding. • Regional Training Center, $2 — 3 million - waiting for funding. • Temporary housing trailers $129,426 — trailer ordered; delivery in 2-3 months. Economic Development Little Haiti Park Land Acquisition & Dev. CIP# 331412 Economic Dev. $25,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $20,000,000) • Land acq. 243 & 253 NE 61 St. & 244 NE 62 St. $105,000 — Item was pulled from the 2/13/03 Commission Meeting as it was decided that we would not pursue these acquisitions. • Land acq. 265-71 NE 59 Terr. $195,000 — Item was pulled from the 2/13/03 Commission Meeting because the owner wants a Purchase & Sale Agreement instead of an Option Agreement. He additionally wants more than appraised value, as Economic Development do not have direction to pay above appraised value, this item is on hold. Calle Ocho Improvements CIP# 341127 Economic Dev. $6,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $3,000,000) • Land acq. Behind Tower Theater 1501 SW 9 St. $210,000 — Currently in due diligence process. Economic Development is expecting receipt of second appraisal, which is due this Friday, 2/28/03. They are also obtaining an environmental assessment and asbestos survey and additionally are in the process of hiring an attorney to do a title commitment. CIP Consulting svcs. for Brentwood Village CIP # 311715 (D5) Quality of Life C.I.P. $5,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $5,000,000) Waiting for proposal from consultant — H.J.Ross $200,000 Consulting services for Caribbean Marketplace & Black Box Theater C.I.P. CIP# 331412 — Little Haiti Park Land Acq. & Dev. $25,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $20,000,000) Waiting for proposal from consultant — Zyscovich, Inc. $300,000 LEAD DEP'T. Consulting services for Cuban Memorial Linear Park C.I.P. CIP# 311713 (D3) Quality of Life $5,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $3,450,000) Waiting for schematic design — Falcon & Bueno. $205,500 Need to bring down cost estimate to $2,000,000 Consulting services for Grand Avenue Streetscape C.I.P. CIP# 341208 Grand Avenue Improvements $3,000,000 (1St series bond allocation $3,000,000) Miami -Dade County is taking care of scope of work. We no longer need the services of the consulting firm (Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.) $140,000 The four (4) above -referenced consultant services projects were approved by the City Commission on the 1/23/03 meeting. These projects were also approved by the Bond Oversight Board on 1/22/03. l J� EXHIBIT D Parks and Recreation Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program 1,000,000 331412 Little Haiti Park Land Acquisition & Development Limited Tax General Obligation Bonds 20,000,000 331416 Virginia Key Park Improvements 5,000,000 Summary Sheet by Approved Project 331418 Bicentennial Park Improvements 10,000,000 CIP Total 4,000,000 Total Approved As of: 12/31/02 331419 Neighborhood Park Improve. & Acq. (See Attachment) Approved 1st Series Total Project No. Public Safety Projects Allocation Unallocated Appropriated Balance Expenditures 312043 Police Training Facility 10,000,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 5,500,000 312048 Police Homeland Defense Preparedness Initiative 5,500,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 4,500,000 313305 Fire -Rescue Homeland Defense Preparedness Initiative 5,500,000 1,500,000 1,500,000 4,000,000 313306 Neighborhood Fire Stations & Training Facility 10.000.000 4,500 000 4.500,000 5.500,000 Total Public Safety 31,000,000 11,500,000 - 11,500,000 19,500,000 - Parks and Recreation 5,000,000 1,000,000 331412 Little Haiti Park Land Acquisition & Development 25,000,000 20,000,000 331416 Virginia Key Park Improvements 5,000,000 1,000,000 331418 Bicentennial Park Improvements 10,000,000 3,000,000 333104 Pace Park Improvements 4,000,000 2,500,000 331419 Neighborhood Park Improve. & Acq. (See Attachment) 31,000,000 15,500,000 326015 Citywide Waterfront Improvements 10,000,000 1,700,000 324002 Orange Bowl Stadium Ramps & Improvements 16,000,000 16,000,000 WA Jose ManVEast Little Havana Parks Expansion 5,000,000 - N/A Soccer Complex Development 10,000,000 - N/A Marine Stadium Renovation 2,000,000 - 333138 Fern Isle Cleanup and Renovation 9,000 000 _ Total Parks and Recreation 127,000,000 59,700,000 Streets and Drainage 22,000,000 - 32.000,000 3 CIP's Flagami Storm Water Mitigation (See Attachment) 10,000,000 10,000,000 341208 Grand Avenue Improvements 3,000,000 3,000,000 341127 Calle Ocho Improvements 6,000,000 3,000,000 341126 Model City Infrastructure Improvements 6,000,000 3,000,000 341157 Design DistricVFEC Corridor Improvements 10,000,000 3,000,000 341210 Downtown Infrastructure Improvements 10,000,000 10,000,000 WA Coral Way Improvements 3,000,000 - N/A NE 2nd Avenue Improvements (36 St. to 78 St.) 6,000,000 Total Streets and Drainage 54,000,000 32,000,000 Quality of Life 311711 District 1 Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvements 311712 District 2 Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvements 311713 District 3 Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvements 311714 District 4 Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvements 311715 District 5 Neighborhood Quality of Life Improvements 341211 Greenways Improvements 341212 Neighborhood Gateways Improvements WA Museum of Science WA Miami Art Museum Total Quality of Life Historic Preservation ;27001 Historic Preservation Initiatives CIO Unallocated �a CTotal Program $ 255,000,000 $ 127,000,000 $ 29,000,000 $ 129,000,000 $ 2,019,537 $ 124,993,493 r • V � V 20,000,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 4,000,000 3,000,000 7,000,000 2.500,000 1,500,000 15, 500, 000 15, 500, 000 1,700,000 8,300,000 16,000,000 - 45,494 1,238,113 732,930 Appropriation Balance 4,500,000 1,000,000 1,500,000 4,500,000 11;500,000 19,954,506 1,000,000 3,000,000 1,261,887 15,500,000 1,700,000 15,267,071 - 5,000,000 _ - 10,000,000 _ - 2,000,000 _ - 9.000,000 1,550,000 59,700,000 67,300,000 2,016,537 57,683,463 10,000,000 - - 10,000,000 3,000,000 - 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000.000 3,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 7,000,000 3,000.000 10.000,000 - 10,000,000 - 3,000,000 _ 38,000,000 6.000 000 2,000,000 24,050,000 32,000.000 22,000,000 - 32.000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 _ ' 5,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 2,000,000 5,000,000 1,450,000 2,000,000 3,450,000 1,550,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 - 5,000,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 _ 2,000,000 1,000,000 1,000.000 1,000,000 4,000,000 1,600,000 1,600,000 2,400,000 3,500.000 - - 3,500,000 3.500000 - 3,500,000 38,000,000 22,050,000 2,000,000 24,050,000 13,950,000 5,000 000 1.750.000 Total Historic Preservation 5,000,000 1,750,000 Total Unallocated 26.000 000 1,750,000 3,250,000 1,750,000 3,250,000 5,000,000 3,000,000 1,450,000 5,000,000 5,000,000 1,000,000 1,600,000 22,050,000 1,750,000 1,750,000 2/27/2003 8:44 AM Homeland Defense/Neighborhood Improvement Bond Program Limited Tax Obligation Bonds Attachment 1 C IP 1 st Series No. Allocation Breakdown of Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq. 331419 District 1 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq, 5,000,000 331419 District 2 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq. 331419 District 3 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq. 4,500,000 331419 District 4 Neighborhood Park Improvements 6 Acq. 2,500,000 331419 District 5 Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq. 3,000,000 331419 Neighborhood Park Improvements - Parks Master Plan 500,000 Total Neighborhood Park Improvements & Acq. $ 15,500,000 Allocation from Total Unallocated Appropriated Expenditures Balance 5,000,000 5,000,000 4,500,000 4,500,000 2,500,000 2,500,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 500,000 500,000 $ 15,500,000 $ $ 15,500,000 Breakdown of Flagami Storm Water Mitigation 352262 Kinloch Storm Sewers 3,000,000 3,000,000 352269 Tamiami Storm Sewers - Phase N 3,000,000 3,000,000 352284 Fairlawn Storm Sewers - Phase III 4,000,000 4,000,000 _ Total Flagami Storm Water Mitigation $ 10,000,000 $ - $ 10,000,000 $ aa. 2272003 8:44 AM 3,000,000 3,000,000 4,000,000 $ 10,000,000