HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsBrownfield Designation Request Determination Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC (Parkview Gables Apartments) 5601-5645 SW 8 Street Miami, FI 33134 Folios: 01-4106-011-1790; 01-4106-011-1810; 01-4106-011-1860 Property Summary: Current Site Condition: • Vacant lots and one-story office building Current Conditions of Surrounding Properties: • Commercial retail and residential Proposed Future Use: • Multifamily residential rental community consisting of a 120-unit 11 story building currently slated to be called Parkview Gables Apartments. Former Site Usage (Type of Facility/ and or Business Name): • Small Industrial/Auto Repair Facility Former or Current Documented Evidence of Contamination: • Miami -Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) File IW5-7622 indicates documented arsenic and lead contamination, including reported industrial waste discharges to storm drainage system. This contamination has yet to be remediated and sampling activity to delineate the extent of contamination is ongoing (confirm the boundaries). Is Current Property Owner Responsible Party for Contamination: • The DERM file does not reveal evidence that current property owner Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC caused the contamination, however as current property owners they are now responsible for addressing the contamination. Proximity to Nearby Contaminated Properties: • There are 4 other properties within a'/2 mile radius of the proposed Parkview Gables Apartments development however none have contributed to the current contamination on site. Potential for development to be complicated by presence or potential presence of a hazardous substance, pollutant, or contaminant; • The State of Florida Statute 376.80(2)(c) facilitates incentives that will allow a voluntary cleanup party or anyone who did not cause the contamination to offset additional project expenditures that were incurred for additional testing, remediation, and engineering modifications for a property redevelopment or re -use of green space. Because of the presence of this contamination, some or all of the following tactics are likely to occur. ➢ Soil under impervious areas (no water to flow through or human contact), will be capped with building footprint foundations, concrete surfacing and asphalted parking. ➢ Soil under pervious areas (water can flow through and potential for human contact), must include combination of 1 foot of clean fill over a non -woven puncture resistant geotextile fabric -or- 2 feet clean fill layer with no geotextile fabric. ➢ Any excess non -capped soil must be transported to a permitted solid waste facility. ➢ If there is any discovered offsite impact in which contamination was derived from property owned by Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC; source removal must occur and disposed. ➢ Implementation of a DERM approved Dust Control Plan which shall include air monitoring samples ➢ Development of a Health and Safety Plan by licensed individual specialized to prepare for purpose of worker safety on contaminated property. Evaluation Criteria for Property Brownfield Designation per 376.80(2)(c). I- Site must meet all 5 factors for the Brownfield Designation process: Evaluation of Five Main Statutory Criteria for Designation: 1.) "Does a person who owns or controls a potential brownfield site, and is requesting the designation, agree to rehabilitate and redevelop the site." • The owner/applicant has agreed to redevelop 5601-5645 SW 8 Street (01-4106-011-1790, 01- 4106-011-1810, 01-4106-011-1860) and has provided evidence of willingness to address documented contamination at the property via DERM file IW5-7622. 2.) "The rehabilitation and redevelopment of the proposed brownfield site will result in economic productivity of the area, along with the creation of at least 5 new permanent jobs at the brownfield site that are full-time equivalent positions not associated with the implementation of the brownfield site rehabilitation agreement and that are not associated with the implementation of the brownfield site rehabilitation agreement and that are not associated with redevelopment project demolition or construction activities pursuant to the redevelopment of the proposed brownfield site and area. However, the job creation requirement shall not apply to the rehabilitation and redevelopment of a brownfield site that will provide affordable housing as defined in s.420.0004 or the creation of recreational areas, conservation areas, or parks." • The owner/applicant has reported a budget of $41 million that will be spent on local labor, contractors, consultants, construction materials, furnishings, infrastructure improvements, and impact fees. After conclusion of the construction project and contracted construction jobs, at least 5 permanent full-time positions will be created for management and upkeep of the building. • Two of the 3 lots that are planned for redevelopment are vacant land with documented environmental contamination. Continued under-use/non-use of property, in this instance totals slightly under 1 acre creates an obstacle toward re -use and creation of jobs. 3.) "The redevelopment of the proposed brownfield site is consistent with the local comprehensive plan and is a permittable use under the applicable local land and development regulations." • The owner/applicant has quoted information from Miami-21 that is consistent with what is listed in the plan. The property is located in Urban Core Zone Open District T6-80-0 with land use designation of general commercial. The T6-8-0 zoning district and commercial land use designations facilitates any proposed residential development at a density of up to 150 units per acre and maximum height of 12 stories. Richman Parkview proposes to construct 120 units in an 11-story building with the three lots totaling less than acre combined. 4.) "Notice of the proposed rehabilitation of the brownfield area has been provided to neighbors and nearby residents of the proposed area to be designated, and the person proposing the area for designation has afforded to those receiving notice the opportunity for comments and suggestions about rehabilitation. Notice pursuant to this subparagraph must be made in a newspaper of general circulation in the area, at least 16 square inches in size, and the notice must be posted in the affected area"; • To date, at least one public meeting has occurred on June 30, 2022 in regards to this project. The meeting was advertised through a sign posting on June 22, 2022, and a notice published in the Miami Herald on June 22, 2022, and community bulletin section of Craigslist on June 22, 2022. To date, there have been no public comments received. Additional opportunities for the public to comment will be available for two public hearings held before the City Commission. 5.) "The person proposing the area for designation has provided reasonable assurance that he or she has sufficient financial resources to implement and complete the rehabilitation agreement and redevelopment of the brownfield site". • This evaluation did not include a review of the applicant/owner financial records. However, to date, the owner/applicant has demonstrated the ability to investigate the extent of contamination at the site and has a building design to be reviewed for permit by applicable agencies. II- Site must meet definition of a "Brownfield": • Definition of a Brownfield is "real property to where the expansion, redevelopment, or reuse of which may be complicated by actual or perceived environmental contamination"; ➢ Two of the three lots that are being requested for Brownfield Designation have documented actual contamination via Miami -Dade Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) file IW5-7622. ➢ The actual contamination, coupled with presence of vacant lots qualifies the properties to be a Brownfield. Even if there were no sampling activity; the lots could also fit within the "perceived" Brownfield category as well due to the previous business commercial activity and documented notice of violation. 3 Conclusion: The request from Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC to designate 5601-5645 SW 8 Street, Miami, FL 33134 as a Brownfield is a valid request due to the presence of actual contamination, and the location is outside of the existing City of Miami Designated Brownfield Area. Without the designation, Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC would not be eligible for voluntary cleanup incentives. Richman Parkview Gables Development Partners LLC did not cause the contamination however is proposing to redevelop the vacant and contaminated properties into Parkview Gables Apartments, which will result in creation of temporary and permanent jobs, re -use of vacant lots to generate property tax and increase inventory of housing and fill an empty void along that corridor of SW 8 Street. The city administration does not have any objections. 4 �A�C Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources MIAMI•►DE Environmental ReSOurces Management 701 NW 1 st Court, 4th Floor Miami, Florida 33136-3912 T 305-372-6700 F 305-372-6982 March 4, 2022 rniarnidade.gav Bruna Real Estate LLC CERTIFIED MAIL NO. 7018 0360 0001 4718 6015 c/o Manuel Paucar, CPA RECEIPT REQUESTED 5826 Sunset Dr., Suite #302 Miami, FL 333136 Subject: Request for Site Access Vacant Lots 5615-5645 SW 81" St. I W5-7622/F# 01-4106-011-1810 and 01-4106-011-1790 Dear Mr. Paucar: This letter pertains to the cleanup of contamination at the above -referenced facility. Please note that assessment data collected to date indicates that contamination for soil and possibly groundwater may extend onto your property, located near, at or in the vicinity of 5695 SW 81" St. (F# 01-4106-167-0010 and 01-4106-167-0020), Miami, Florida. The Miami -Dade County Department of Regulatory and Economic Resources -Division of Environmental Resources Management (DERM) has been informed by The Goldstein Environmental Law Firm (Goldstein Environmental) and Terracon Consulting Engineers and Scientists (Terracon) the environmental consultant representing the prospective buyers for the Vacant Lot, that you have denied access to your property for the purpose of performing supplemental site assessment activities associated with the contaminant plume of the neighboring property (see attached correspondences). Please note that granting access to your site will allow the contractor to determine if the referenced contamination has impacted your property. DERM hereby requests that Terracon or its designee be granted access to the above referenced location, area along the eastern boundary of your property boundary (i.e., as shown highlighted in blue on attached map) for the purpose of conducting soil and/or groundwater investigation, including but not limited to the installation of soil borings, groundwater monitoring wells, the use of geophysical equipment, site sketches, photographs, etc. Note that coordination of this work can be conducted to minimize interference with traffic flow. Be advised that if you fail to grant access within thirty (30) days, you may be required to conduct testing on your property at your expense. If you have any questions concerning the above, please contact Tammy Welch (welcht(gmiamidade.gov) of the Pollution Remediation Section of DERM at (305) 372-6700. Otherwise, please contact William T. Fabbri of Outline Holdings at 561-832-1114 or Luca Barroso-Giachetti of Terracon at (786) 877-4363 or via electronic mail, Lucas.Barrosoa.terracon.com to coordinate and arrange a convenient time for sampling activities. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Tammy Welch of the Pollution Remediation Section via e-mail at welcht@miamidade.gov. Sincerely, 5W" ��' Wilbur Mayorga, P.E., Chief Environmental Monitoring and Restoration Division WM/tw Enclosures ec: Oren Hefetz, Outline Holdings, LLC, ohefetza-outline-holdings.com Michael Goldstein, Esq., Goldstein Environmental, mgoldsteina.goldsteinenvlaw.com Lucas Barroso-Giachetti, Terracon, Lucas.Barrosoa-terracon.com Eric Street - DERM Jee mue area Tor access N �r 0 20 Approximate ® (F laFOBaFN m�o Lola —I + lo 0.]51 0' O 1.6 I 0.]31 g35 SB-36 i C�J avzs/z0zz s' 0.621 6 51 1/26J2022 z/lo/2ou z/1Wzou SL 3 -0.5•' os' ss a -°.s' -°.s• 2 z .s-I' 0.281 �I� O .6-2 6 43 4 4• 4L QtI. 22 13 1.6 Lr} p[ TSB-04 / /zo z 0.s !3¢ 6 I 3fi F6 TSB3, TSB36 T TSB38 TSB67 — S 4 6,51 '. Q TSB32 P a - 30 a& TSB- i/0zs/z0zz TSB: s-z zz -4' 33 L7 CP 6' 21 TSR- s' a I TSB37 TSB40 Tt $\ 1 4 TSB47 TSB49 z/w/z°u TSB46 TSB48 TSB60 TSB{4 -o.s• ag;. -415 -4,5 8' S:4 T u w2°u / o/zou ¢y f os 6 3' 4 62 6 i 7.3 B' ---- 1 e91 I I I I f l I II � I I I I I I I -•`�� �• I I � I I I AREA OF FOCUS ON THIS EXHIW s Uu/zozz Proposed Delineation Soil Borings surrounding the ell vated arsenic concentration area. Samples to be col- lected from the following depth intervals (in feet bgs): a 0�0 to 0.5 0.5to2 BB-39 uzs/zozz 2 to 4 05 4to6 s-r O 6 to 8 .g• 2lo 0/z022 NOTES -4 14 1. ALL ANALYTICAL RESULTS REPORTED 6' 3:3 4 IN MILLIGRAMS PER KILOGRAM (m4kg) L RSCTL=RESIDENTIAL SOIL CLEANUP O y TARGET LEVEL PER CHAPTER62 W, .0Jmz2 FLORIDAADMINISTRATIVE CODE (FAC). o.s• z4 R. CSCTL- RESIDENTIAL SOIL CLEANUP -2' 19 TARGET LEVEL PER CHAPTER SL-///, 4 FLORIDAADMINISTRATIVE CODE (LAC) 3.0 r 4. 1 - REPORTED VALUES ARE BETWEEN METHOD DETECTION LIMIT (MDL) AND PRACTICAL QUANTITATION LIMIT (PQL). 5. U=ANALYTE WAS NOT DETECTED, REPORTED VALUES ARE BELOW MDL iin■� �1�2°22 �/�0l2°22 4 40 4• 6 63 6• LEGEND a a' APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY APPROXIMATE OFFSITE ASSESSMENT BORING AND TEMPORARY MONITORING WELL LOCATION • PROPOSED OFFSITE SAMPLING LOCATION (SOIL ONLY) • PROPOSED BOUNDARY SOIL BORING FOR NFAC CLOSURE r __ SW 8TH STREET kwCommerical DENTIAL TARGET CLEANUP LEVELS Residential Soil Cleanup Target Level Soil CleanupTar et Level 9 ly LG l�erraconPROPOSED CAPAWESTERNBOUNDARYARSENICASSESSMENT EXHII DMARCH a SOLESTE PARK OR PARKVIEW SITE (IWS-7622IFILE NO. 13539) eo e CM1ecoyRLW�Ie LG/MRF (MIAMI DADE COUNTY FOLIO NOS. 01-4106-011-1810 & 01-4106-011-1790) 4pmvea ey: 16200NW99�M1Ave Bye106 Miami L(305FL33014 5615AND5645 SWBTHSTREETLG (306J 820.199] (306)820.1998 CORAL GABLES, FL THE 1111CHM-AN T�ROUP Of FLORIDA. INC. 477 South Rosemary Avenue, Suite 301 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 (p) 561-832-1114 October 28, 2021 Bruna Real Estate, LLC c/o Registered Agent 5825 Sunset Drive, Suite 302 South Miami, FL 33143 Attn: Manuel A. Paucar, CPA Re: Request for Access to Property Located at 5695 SW 8'' Street, Miami, FL 33136, Folio Numbers 01-4106-167-0010 and 01-4106-167-0020, for Soil and Groundwater Testing Associated with Future Remediation Activities at Abutting Property to the West Dear Mr. Paucar: Parkview Coral Apartments, Ltd. ("Parkview"), has a contract to purchase property located at 5615 and 5645 W 8'' Street, Folio Nos. 01-4106-011-1810 and 01-4106-011-1790, in Miami, where we intend to spend approximately $32,732,891 million to build units of multifamily rental apartments. The property that Parkview has under contract is currently owed by Outline Holdings, LLC ("Outline"). We think our project, if built, will greatly improve the neighborhood and the value of land in the neighborhood, including land owned by Bruna Real Estate, LLC ("Bruna") directly to the west of the Outline property. We write to you today as Registered Agent for Bruna because our environmental inspections to date at the Outline property have revealed the presence of contamination in soil and groundwater that could have migrated onto the Bruna property. We believe this to be a possibility based on testing and laboratory analysis conducted by our consultant revealing the presence of contamination in both soil and groundwater just east of the property boundary shared by the Bruna and Outline properties. If Parkview does takes title to the Outline property, we will be required to not only remediate any contamination at the Outline property itself but any contamination that has migrated off and away from the Outline property. Again, this could include the Bruna property. To better understand the scope of this potential responsibility, we are requesting permission for our consultants to access the 100047333.DOCK 1 ) Mr. Manuel A. Paucar, CPA October 28, 2021 Page 2 parking lot area for purposes of taking soil and groundwater samples. Parkview will hold Bruna harmless for any damages caused by our consultant in connection with the negligent conduct of this work and will ensure, at Parkview's sole cost, to restore the property to its original condition prior to commencement of the work. As reflected on the enclosed sketch, this work will be minimally invasive and can be performed in 2 days. Parkview will share the results of the analysis with you upon receipt. We've also enclosed a proposed access agreement for review and consideration by the Bruna principals. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to me at 561-832-1114. Thank you. Sincerely, William T. Fabbri Executive V�icne ''resident 0V "' 100047333.DOCX. 1 } Irerracon- Reference Number: H8217107 ACCESS AGREEMENT DEFINITIONS The property to which access is granted is: 5695 SW 8 ST, MIAMI, MIAMI-DADE COUNTY, FLORIDA, Folio: 01-4106-167-0010 ("Property"). The legal owner(s) of the Property or person/entity with legal authority to grant access to the Property is: BRUNA REAL ESTATE LLC C/O MANUEL PAUCAR CPA ("Grantor"). The services to be conducted on the Property are generally described as follows: Service ("Services"). The entity granted access for the purposes of performing the Services is Terracon Consultants, Inc., which shall include its employees, agents, and subcontractors ("Grantee"). The Services are performed for the benefit of The Richman Group of Florida, Inc. ("Client"), pursuant to the Agreement for Services between Terracon Consultants, Inc. and Client, date and reference number 08/06/2021 H8217107. AGREEMENTS By its signature below, Grantor represents it has authority to, and does, grant access to the Property to Grantee for the purpose of performing the Services. Grantor agrees that: • Grantee may drill exploration borings on the Property, using drill rigs, trucks and other equipment, recover and collect soil, water, and other samples, and perform other actions related to the exploration of surface or subsurface conditions on the Property, as necessary to perform the Services. • Grantee may use large truck or track -mounted equipment in the performance of the Services, which is normal and customary in the performance of these kinds of Services, and that this equipment may leave depressions, wheel tracks, ruts or other marks in the ground surface. • Grantor will not interfere with any of the activities of Grantee or undertake any actions regarding the use of Property that would endanger the health, safety, or welfare of the Grantee employees, agents, or subcontractors, or damage their equipment, materials, or property. By its signature below, Grantee agrees: • That upon completion of Services and activities authorized by this Access Agreement, Grantee will remove all material and equipment utilized by Grantee from the Property, with the exception of ground markers that may be placed on the premises to designate sampling areas, • Grantee will remove boring spoils that accumulate around the bore holes, or, where allowable, spread the spoils across the area, if acceptable to Grantor. • Grantee will make reasonable efforts to restore the property and leave it in a condition suitable for its previous use. Landscaping restoration, including seeding or sodding, will not be performed. The Services and field activities authorized under this Access Agreement may begin after signature of Grantor. Access is granted until Services are completed, which should not exceed 2 days following commencement of Services, except for period of access necessary for monitoring equipment, if applicable, after which time all rights of access given by Grantor shall cease. I SIGNATURES Grantee: Terracon Consultants, Inc. Grantor: By: Date: 11/10/2021 By: Name/Title: Lucas A. Barroso-Giachetti / Senior Name/Title: Environmental Engineer Address: 16200 NW 59th Ave Ste 106 Address: Miami Lakes, FL 33014-7541 Phone: (305) 820-1997 Fax: Phone: Email: Lucas.Barrosoc@terrocon.com Email: BRUNA REAL ESTATE LLC C/O MANUEL PAUCAR CPA Date: 5826 SUNSET DR 302 MIAMI, FL 33143 Fax: Page 1 of 1 Rev. 8-16 --------------------------- ------- I i I � I �4 I F } N it LEGEND APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY a 65 PROPOSED OFFSITE SAMPLING LOCATION (SOIL ONLY) Lt . ■ • PROPOSED BOUNDARY SOIL BORING FOR NFAC CLOSURE Apprommate Scale (Feet) a.�ey •• � 4CYIpiF Comm<, Nn�MM tti lL3 0aL 2(R1 I JUUNITED ST23M POSTAL SERVICE. 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