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PZAB Applications
CITY OF MIAMI APPLICATION FOR PLANNING, ZONING AND APPEALS BOARD NAME: Adam Jason Gersten (First Name) (Middle) (Last Name) RESIDENCE: (Address Linel) (Address Line 2) CITY: _ STATE: ZIP: HOME PHONE: CELLULAR PHONE: EMAIL: ajgersten@gmail.com PRINCIPLE BUSINESS/EMPLOYER: Gramps Bar LLC BUSINESS ADDRESS: 176 NW 241h St CITY: Miami BUSINESS PHONE: (Address Linel) (Address Line 2) STATE: FL EXT. SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS (if you require additional space, attach additional pages.) ZIP: 33127 1. Describe the qualities, experience, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public interest. See Attached ...... ... ...... .... ................. .... ..... .... .--_..._..._...._......._...._..........._. _-....._ rn y= =: Cn BoardsNA-PAMLEI.3220 01 Page 1 of 4 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and zoning See Attached orm BoardslMA-PABIZB-0224.01 Page 2 of 4 I have read and understand the qualifications for members that are set forth in Sec. 62-16 of the City Code, and hereby certify that: (1) 1 do not have any interest in the profits or emoluments of any contract, job, work, or service for the city. (2) 1 am in a position to represent the public interest, and do not have any personal or private interests likely to conflict with the public interest. (3) 1 do not hold any elective office in any governmental authority in the county or the city. (4) 1 am not employed in a full-time capacity by any governmental authority in the county or the city. (5) As a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board I agree to participate in at least one seminar on planning or zoning to be held in the state or elsewhere, and approved by the city, during the course of each calendar year that I remain a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board. I acknowledge that I am subject to removal from the board if I fail to meet this requirement each and every year after assuming board membership or alternate membership- (6) 1 am an elector of the City of Miami. • 1 agree to immediately notify the city clerk if I cease to be a resident and/or an elector of the city during the term of my ofFice- • I agree that if I were to become a candidate for elective political office during my term and qualify as a candidate for elective political office, such qualification shall be deemed a tender of my resignation from the board. • 1 have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-611 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from entering into any contract or transact any business with the city or any person or agency acting for the city, or from appearing in representation of any third party before any board, commission or agency of which I am member. I also understand that prohibition upon activity which is set forth above remains in effect for a period of two years after I have left city service. • 1 have read, understand and agree to comply with Section 2-613 of the Miami City Code which prohibits me from accepting, directly or indirectly, from any person, company, firm or corporation to which any purchase order or contract is or might be awarded, any rebate, gift, money or anything of value whatsoever, except where given for the use and benefit of the city. • I agree to submit to the city clerk a complete itemized list of all real property owned by me, whether the title be either legal or equitable, whether owned in whole or in part, including corporate real property in which I have a controlling interest or I am an officer of such corporation- I agree to submit to the city clerk said information in the required form verified and under oath within 30 days of my appointment and I shall include the following information as to each parcel of land: (1) The legal description and common address, (2) The municipal or county zoning classification wherein the property is located; and (3) The manner in which the property is presently being utilized. 1 understand that I am required to list only those real properties that are located within the corporate limits of the city or those properties located 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the city. 1 agree to comply with all financial disclosure requirements of the City, the County and the State including the requirements set forth in Section 2-11.1 of the Miami -Dade County Code, and Florida Statutes Sec.112,3145. 1 agree to comply with all ethics course requirements of City of Miami Code Section 2-38. • 1 acknowledge that the code of ethics of Miami -[Jade County shall apply to me as a member or alternate member of the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Beard and hereby agree to abide by all the provisionsthereof- c) • 1 recognize that membership on the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board requires my regular attendance and participation at board meetings. ; F M N ��? rF, Form B[wdsIMA-PABI26-0220.01 Page 3 of 4 I thereby certify that all information in this application is complete, truthful, and accurate to the best of my knowledge and that I have read and understand the qualifications and conditions of membership listed in this application. o Yes o Print Name Adam Gersten'L Signature �- r, Date 8/22/22 ..................................-...... www***********t***��**arttttttttttttwttwwwwwwwwwww FURTHER 1WHRUCTIONS Please complete this farm and submit the original via mail or hand -delivery to: Office of the City Clerk City of Miami 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 A ttn: Nicole N. Ewan Information may be copied and pasted into this form from other computer programs, i.e. MS 'Word. Information that is typed directly into the form may be "Saved as Text" and then opened in other computer programs. For additional information an the Planning, Zoning and Appeals Board, please contact Ms. Olga Zamora, Chief of Hearing Boards, at (305) 416-2037 or email at: oramoraAmiamictovxom wwwwwww****w*,vwrrrrwrrrr�rtttttttt*ttw**� Form BoardsIMA-PAWZS-0220.01 Page 4 of 4 SHORT STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS 1. Describe the qualities, experience,, expertise and abilities that you possess that would make you an effective board member that will act in the public Qualities I am able to effectively communicate; consider problems in an ethical and balanced way; demonstrate leadership; remain intellectually open and curious; consider matters and ideas through a lens of what is a just, equal, and/or fair result in the context of the social and economic realities at play. Experience Worked as an attorney for the State of Florida and in private practice; been involved in real estate development, project management, and construction; served on several non-profit and governmental boards; been a member of the Florida Bar for over a decade; small business owner in a heavily regulated industry; dealt with state, city, county and national codes and agencies on a regular basis; engaged the community as facilitator and host for discussion. Expertise Creative problem solving. Abilities As a business owner, community leader, and 4th generation Miamian - I am committed to serving this city in both the private and public sectors. As an attorney, negotiator, designer, developer, and homeowner, I am able to synthesize my multitude of life experiences to empathetically and reasonably consider matters that affect my diverse community. Effective communication; an ethical and balanced approach to problem solving; strong leadership; and intellectual curiosity have served me well so far in my pursuits, which include expanding social justice, equality, and fairness in a city that has so much to improve. I believe that these qualities have served me well as I have served the interests of the citizens of the City of Miami as a board member of PZAB for the better part of the last five or six years. Cl) n tl '�� 2. Describe your educational background and general knowledge of planning and toning Educational background High School Diploma (Theater)/ New World School of the Arts; Bachelor of Arts (Theater) J University of Florida; Juris Doctor 1 St. Thomas University School of Law. My general knowledge of planning and zoning comes from my experiences as a bar owner and operator, as a small business owner, an atypical real estate developer focused on creative uses and food & beverage, musician, and attorney. All of these require the me to navigate the interwoven fabric of rules, ordinances, regulations, laws, administrative processes, and politics to arrive at a desired result. Additionally, I have read several items from the MIT QpenCourseWare School of Architecture Urban Planning courses' reading lists, and read books about planning, urban life, parking, architecture, design, and other related areas. 3. Describe any prior community or eD rsonal,involvement that you have had that demonstrates interest in and concern for planning and planning implementation. Whilst working in Key West for several years, I joined Reef Relief, a long- standing, well respected environmental organization that focuses on protecting coral reef. Reef Relief shaped policy through an education curriculum based on sound science and through advocation for planning policy to minimize the harm done to the water quality that our entire state relies on for drinking, swimming, tourism, sustenance and transportation. In this respect, we participated in policy discussions with various federal, state, and city agencies on matters pertaining to the planning of the City of Key West and the surrounding areas. When I opened my business in Wynwood, I became involved with (and went on to serve as chairman of) the Wynwood Art District Association and as a committee member of the subsequently created Wynwood Business Improvement District. For several years, I have participated as an active voice in discussions related to growth, sustainability, planning, and zoning in the Wynwood Cafe District and BID boundary, which then became the Wynwood NRD. In 2015, I was appointed to the PZAB by Commissioner Hardemon, after prior serving on the Code Enforcement Board as an appointee of Marc SarQT 4. Describe any planning or lend use or growth management seminars that you have attended. I have not attended any planning or land use growth management seminars, other than the presentations made by the City of Miami staff. S. Describe any membership in organizations having the ©rimary aim of the, furtherance of dissemination of knowledge of and SUD12ort of sound planning and implementation of„planning oro_grams. In years past, I sat on committees of the Wynwood Business Improvement District and participated in discussions regarding the effective use of public and private space for public use. I have been part of very public discussions, in both the capacity as a business owner and in my capacity as a PZAB member, about SA.Ps, TUPs, public benefits, re -zonings, traffic impacts, and so much more. Theses conversations integrate knowledge of public assemblies, pedestrian and vehicular traffic, the arts, crowds, culture, cultural preservation, politics, quality of life, historic preservation, and how those concerns are addressed within the existing planning/zoning framework, and also how the current framework might be affected or evolve and be used into the future to enhance the whole city and its neighborhoods. 6. Describe any other activity evidencing knowledge and interest in the public purposes of planning and plan implementation., I currently sit on the City of Miami Planning Zoning and Appeals Board. 4 yC`3 :1j r" CITY OF MIAMI REAL PROPERU DISCLOSURE FORM N, `* (IN CONFORMANCE WITH SEC. 2-615 OF THE CITY CODE) Print Form Legal Description (Lot 7, Primrose Sec 4, PB 52) Common Address (123 North East 54th St) Title Legal/Equitable Ownership Wholelin Part Zoning Class Present. Use 01-3124-013-2330 01-3124-013-2320 01-3124-013-2310 5300- 5310-5318 NW 2nd AVE legal whole t-41 vacant 01-3124-013-2280 223-225 NW 53rd 5t legal whole t-4r residential 30-3206-028-0020 8810 NE 8th CT legal whole residential legal whole tar residential Note., You are not limited to the space on the lines in this form Attach additional sheetjs) if necessary. Adam Gersten do solemnly Swear that the above is a true and accurate statement of my interests In real property located within corporate limits of the CITY OF MIAMI or 500 feet beyond the corporate limits of the QT_,Y OF MIAMI. Adam Gersten NAME:(Please Print): TITLE/POSITION WITH CITY OF MIAMI: Board Member;' , r` 7 NAME OF BOAR DICOMMITTEE (If applicable):'. ZAB Y : INJ SIGNATURE: DATE: Adam Gersten rM Sworn to (or affirmed) and subscribed before me by means of ❑ physical presence or online notarization, this 22 day of August 20�2 by Marcos Rezende (Name of person signing and :islher2tileublic officer, trustee or persona! representative) WITNESS my hand and official seal. Rezende Noury Public NOTARY PLIBUC, S E Of FLORIDA State of Florida sut of Florida County of Miami -Dade Cornmo HHOIO967 jExpireS 611612a of NotaryPubfic: Print Stamp or type os Commissioned) NOTARY PLI BL1C SEAL OF OFFICE: ❑■ Personally Known to me, or ❑ Produced identification:_ ❑ DID Take an oath, or DID NOTTake an Oath (Type of Identification Produced) Farm Boards/MA-PABR13-0220.01