HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-22-0051 BackupAV A.M. COHEN TEMPLE A.M. Cohen Temple, Church Of God In Christ, Inc. Grant Proposal E O U .5 �1 U O U U E M SHELIA R. COHEN, MBA Chief Operating Officer (COO) A.M. COHEN TEMPLE C.O.c.a.C. 1747 NW 3rd Ave. Miami, FL 33136 I am pleased to submit our proposal to the SEOPW CRA for a grant of $12,722.25 in support of A.M. Cohen Temple Church Of God In Christ Youth Program. Here is a brief overview of why the support will make a major impact in our community. A.M. Cohen Temple Church Of God In Christ History For more than 100 years, A.M. Cohen Temple, Church Of God In Christ, Inc. (COGIC) has provided the Historical Overtown community with a place for families to fellowship, worship and meet their spiritual and social needs. A.M. Cohen Temple was founded 1918, named after the founder Elder Amaziah Melvin Cohen, whose name is on the charter of the City of Miami. The Church sponsored one of the most popular broadcast programs in South Florida. A.M. Cohen Temple also became known for its warmth and generosity, giving support to the National Church and Missions both foreign and domestic. Upon the demise of Bishop A.M. Cohen in 1959, Then Elder Jacob Cohen was appointed as pastor to continue the Cohen legacy. He returned to Miami Temple to assist his father when he became ill. In 1960 Elder Cohen found himself renovating the church and carrying the people of God ahead. His same level of enthusiasm and courage demonstrated by his father caused people everywhere to notice. In 1967 the church was renamed A.M. Cohen Temple in memory of his father and founder, Amaziah Melvin Cohen. It was not long before Elder Cohen was elevated. Elder Cohen served as Superintendent of the South Miami District and Secretary to the Presiding Bishop F. D. Johnson who preceded him as the Jurisdictional Bishop of Eastern Florida. In 1971, Elder Cohen became Bishop Jacob Cohen of the Eastern Jurisdiction of Florida. In 1972 he retired from the school system and devoted his life to fulfilling God's purpose for his life. In September 2021 Bishop Jimmie L Williams, Jurisdictional Prelate appointed Quincy Cohen, the Great Grandson of A.M. Cohen as Pastor to continue the Cohen legacy at A.M. Cohen Temple, upon the demise of Bishop Jacob Cohen. Pastor Q. Cohen having the same enthusiasm, dedication and hard work continues to elevate the church and service our community such as his Great Grand Father Bishop Amaziah Melvin Cohen and Grandfather, Bishop Jacob Cohen. A.M. Cohen Temple standing 104 years later continues to be the church in the heart of the city, with the people of the city in its heart. Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program is dedicated to building character and moral standards in our youth. We have been dedicated to the nurturing of our youth for over twenty-five (25) years. The Program nurtures and guides the gifts and talents that are hidden within each youth to enhance their full potential. We provide assistance with school projects for all grade levels and tutoring in various subjects including math, science, writing, history, and ACT/SAT prep for high school students. Mission: Our Mission is to encourage, educate and empower inner city youth from ages four (4) through eighteen (18) by fostering hope through the form of training, education, tutoring, field trips, mentoring and the Arts in the form of dance, music, singing, and drama to help build their self-esteem and expose them to new and greater opportunities. Vision: Our Vision is to continue to be an integral and vital part of the community by delivering excellent training services that builds hope to promote lifelong learning and success for our youth. Most of our graduates have succeeded in life and have become productive leaders of our community and abroad. Youth will be recruited from the Overtown communities. The Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program will be offered at A.M. Cohen Temple located in Overtown. Youth attending Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program will be equipped with the skills needed to navigate pursue and complete their education. Lessons will be taught and equip them to select career paths which will provide them with long term sustainable success. This is the quality we want to ensure that is modeled and instilled in each youth. We are providing a safe haven for children three (3) days a week to assist parents that are not able to afford childcare, having to leave children at home alone without supervision, and keeping them safe off the streets, educating them to become productive citizens in their community. Projects Description Youth Program: Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program Currently A.M. Cohen Temple Church Of God In Christ has a thriving Youth Program. The Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program is serving youth 3 days a week (Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday), and 3 hours a day. The sessions are held during the school calendar year (08/15/2022 — 06/09/2023) and summer (06/19/2023-07/31/2023). The Youth Program would especially be enhanced with the support of additional funding is needed to enhance the tutorial programs (STEAM, Reading and Writing), Financial Literacy Workshop, Entrepreneurship, and preparing for Workforce Readiness. Youth will attend interactive workshops focused on topics that bring life to subjects covered. Curriculum of weekly activities Weekdays: Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday Time: 6 p.m. — 9 p.m. Homework Assistance Days per week: 3 Offered: 30 minutes Youth receives a snack and prepare for homework assistances. Combining well - designed homework assistance with other academic enrichment activities can provide a well-rounded package of expanded learning opportunities that contribute to school success and positive youth development. Homework assistance also eases the pressure off families. Youth are not the only ones whose stress levels rise with homework. Many of our youth come from single family backgrounds and from families where educational achievement may have been limited. We provide each youth with quality homework assistance. Group Literacy Days per week: 3 Offered: 30 minutes Youth receive group literacy programming that utilizes evidence -based programs and/or strategies that promote and improve oral reading fluency in grades (K-3), reading comprehension in later grades (4-5), and vocabulary -building across all levels. Group Literacy may be integrated into various activities that incorporate active reading and comprehension strategies. Physical Activity (Arts: dance, sing, drawing/painting, music) Days per week: 3 Offered: 60 minutes Youth receive structured physical fitness programming to keep children moving throughout the entire activity, while performing fitness, fun, building friendship, bonding, and teamwork. Program offers a variety of activities that encourage youth for all skill levels and abilities, and that meet the youth's needs and interest. Social -Emotional Learning (SEL) Days per week: 3 Offered: 30 minutes Program focuses on positive skill -building through challenging activities, leadership development, and opportunities for youth to have hands-on practice applying skills to real -world scenarios. Program ensure a nurturing, socially positive environment, and intentionally foster this environment by coaching and mentoring our youth. Job Readiness (High school youth) Days per week: 1 Offered: 30 minutes Career Professionals are invited to sessions to educate youth on the following topics: • Resume writing • Business etiquette (what to wear) • Completing Application Process (CAP) • Creating Your 60 Seconds Elevator Speech • Career Day (shadow mentor for a day in the field youth are interested in) • Selecting your career field o Salary compensation to match your lifestyle o Timeline reaching your career level, i.e. CEO, President, etc. Financial Literacy (High school youth) Days per week: 1 Offered: 30 minutes Career Professionals are invited to sessions to educate youth on the following topics: • Banking (interest rates) • Investing (saving for the future) • Budget (how to manage your finances) o Basic Household expenses o Auto/Insurance expenses o Higher Education expenses • Benefits • Entrepreneurship o Owning your own business o Type of business Field Trips Field trips increase engagement in the program and give participants the opportunity to experience new educational, cultural, and environmental experience. The selected field trip sites and experience are aligned to the curricula, activities, and may include museums, galleries, businesses, parks, college campus visits, and theater. Photos of Youth attending Breath of Life Communitv Outreach Youth Program (see attached) and attendance tracking (see attached). Number of youths in elementary school * 6 Number of youths in middle school * 7 Number of youths in high school * 5 Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program Success Stories: Jamari Wright joined the Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program at the age of 6 and he's also a member of A.M. Cohen Temple Church of God In Christ. Jamari was a shy young man and didn't interact much with other children. While attending the program, Jamari social skills developed and during his teen years Jamari was selected as a Youth Leader. Jamari excelled in his academics throughout his senior year in high school. Jamari graduated with honors and received a scholarship and now attending University of Southern California. Jamari's is majoring in Dramatic Arts. He also made Dean's list last fall during his freshman year. Jamari continues to have a passion for dance and signing. Jamari is now a thriving sophomore at USC. A.M. Cohen Temple Church of God In Christ and Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program continues to be instrumental in his life. Kashia Kancey was member of the Youth Choir at A.M. Cohen Temple Church of God In Christ. She joined Breath of Life Community Outreach Youth Program at the age of 8. Kashia's love for dance started in the program (Arts). She participated in plays and choreographed various routines for the youth. Kashia graduated from New World School of the Arts. Kashia graduated college Cum Laude from University of Florida. Kashia is now a professional dancer. She's a member of the Dorman Dance Company, and Adele Meyers in New York. Kashia currently travels from state to state performing with dance companies. Kashia has returned home to visit and share her experiences with the youth. Each year our youth participation continues to increase, which shows us the youth program is much needed and the service is needed in our community. Youth Program Financial Literacy Books: $1,174.75 Foundations in Personal Finance ($15 x 25 = $375) The Rich Pre -Teen Guide to Financial Literacy ($13 x 25 = $325) STEM (Coding for Beginners $18.99 x 25 = $474.75) Socially emotional Spark Program Arts and Music (Reader's Theater) Professional Presenters $79050 After school (2 presenters x 3hrs x $25 rate x 39 wks = $5,850) Summer (2 presenters x 3hrs x $25 rate x 8 wks = $1,200) Field Trips $29047.50 Admission (25 youths) Frost Museum ($22.95 x 25 = $573.75) Museum of Discovery and Science ($19 x 25 = $475) Miami Children's Museum ($12 x 25 = $300) Perez Art Museum Miami ($12 x 25 = $300) Flamingo Gardens ($15.95 x 25 = $398.75) Florida Memorial University (campus tour = $0.00) Florida International University (campus tour = $0.00) Transportation $2,450 Bus (1) x $350 x 7 Field Trips = $2,450) Total funds needed: $129722.25 Conclusion The funding to support A.M. Cohen Temple is an investment in the Overtown area as we continue to model a program that will not only benefit our youth but positively impact the entire community. We appreciate the opportunity to bring this important project to your attention. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at (305) 310- 8565. Sincerely, Gloria Cohen, President Ladygcohen6kgmail.com (786) 344-8778 Shelia P. Cohen, Interim Executive Director sheliafp(a,bellsouth.net (305) 310-8565