HomeMy WebLinkAboutAHAC Memo and ApplicationsTO
Todd B. Hannon
City Clerk
1 f
George' ensal , irector
Dept. of Housing & Community Development
ten; C
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August 26, 2022
sUBJEcT: Affordable Housing Advisory Committee
REFERENCES: Memo, Applications, Resumes/Bios for
New and Existent Members
After reviewing all applications for membership in the Affordable Housing Advisory
Committee (AHAC), the Department of Housing and Community Development is
nominating the following individuals to fill the seats or positions (as indicated in the chart
below) for the AHAC. The nominations will be presented by your office to City Commission
on the October 27, 2022, Commission meeting:
Seats/ Positions
Departmental Recommendation
A person actively engaged in home building Industry in connection
with affordable housing (AH);
James Angleton
A person actively engaged as a not- for -profit provider of AH;
Allan Hall
A person actively engaged as a real estate professional in connection
with AH;
Kevin Deeb
A person who resides within the city limits of the city;
Gregory Gay
A person who represents employers within the city;
Ben Fernandez
If you have any questions, please contact Alfredo Duran, Assistant Director, at 305-416-1999
Thank you.
City of Miami — Department of Housing & Community Development
Housing & Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)/
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC)
... _........... _......................... __._......... _...... _............ _.._..
Firs name*
............. 4A*16...... _._..........................
Home address*
i state, and Zip Code*
....................... _3....1�f
QHome phoX*
.'�5..._.......�.....1_.....' .....!
E-mail address
.................. _.
* required fields
__........ ...... .... .._......
Current employer
Trade/indy. _. o......... liatlons
...... _...
C /►in
La§t nameAll HCLC/AHAC
members shall be of 18 years of
_- ..... _......................... _. _. _._ ........%..J7.._............
a Id
Apt. no. age or older;
--._......_..._..__.____.._-.----.........___......_._......_....__...... __._......_...__._....._......_.... ___..... _._.-_..._ A cony of the
applicant's Resume MUST be
_............ _....... ......... -............................. _.........._.._._._.._......._...__.........._........._.__... _._...__.._..._..,
submitted with this
Alternative phone application.
.................... ...... _._ .__.... __................ ... ..... _...................................... _ _._._.._._..._.__.......__ _._....... HCLC/AHAC members
shall serve four --year
Wt_...._._._.______...... _...... _ terms.
Current Position/Title
board memberships afliated with
The following is a list of the specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. For more on these, refer.tq Ch. 2, Art. Xl,
Div. 19 and Ch.2, Art. Xl, Div. 8 of the City of Miami Code. Please check the correct box below for all the member seats for which you qualify and
indicate whether these are in connection with affordable housing. If the box is shaded, then that member seat is occupied.. Preferpnce will be given
to those applicants who are directly enaaaed in affordable housina.
Sj Conflict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve on the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, is employed by, or is an officer
of any entity that receives or intends to receive funding from the City of Miami.
■ Are you or will you become employed by, or have a financial interest in, an entity that receives or applies for funding ❑Yes I CTNo
- from the._.-Y of Miami?._..............__._._...-._._..._._......_......_....__........._......_.__......._.._......_.._....._...._......_....__......__......_...__._........_._._................._...._......_-.._..........._....................._........_.._......_............._._..._......_ _....._.......__
■ Are you or will you become an officer of an enti that recenres or a lies for fundin from the Ci of Miami? ❑ Yes No
.........................._Y. _---.Y..._.. _ _ ..._._._...._ _ ._Y.........._Y.._.__..__...._- PP_..... --'...._........ --- ----_..................._..__........._.._............. .................. _.....
- " By signing and submitting this application, I understand that if I am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false statement or
misrepre ntati in may result in my dismissal from the committee.
Your si at r Date If you have any questions regarding this
application, please contact Alfredo Duran at
r i '
_.....___..._....._...... ._..._..... ...._............ _....... _ —�_.__..._....... .... ........ __._......_.................. ................ �_................_......_...._._......__............_......
A copy of this application is available at
www.miamiq v.com/communitydevelopment. This completed HCLC/AHAC form can be mailed, along with the applicant's resume to; City of Miami
Dept of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLC/AHAC application,14 NE 1 Ave., 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33132. The submission can also
be faxed to 305-416-2090 or e-mailed to aduran@miamigov.com. update: 212021.
Jim Angleton Pit
Profile: BankingExecutive with 32 year history of Global Bankin ,112 Firiangn Business and Corporate
Y rY g, g,, p
Banking. Former Owner/Partner of two OCC Charter National Banks and 6th largest RE Mortgage Bank.
Vast experience in start-up capital raises, Middle Market recapitalization for IPO strategies and EXIM
Banking. Professionally active Board of Director presently for BBVA Compass Bank. Deep Business
history in Currencies Trading, Debit & Charge Card Industry and Kiosk Development. Brings wealth of
knowledge, large constituency contact base and well respected within Military and Law Enforcement
Aegis FinSery Corp, Miami, FL
• Executive in Charge for Multi -Diverse Financial Company specializing in: FDIC Bank Consulting,
Bank and Borrower Consulting, Business Intelligence and Prepaid Debit Card plus Kiosk Industry.
• Developer of Cybersecurity, Social Media Reconnaissance and KYCustomer RegistryT". Develops
e-Catalog and e-commerce Strategies and pairs Merchant/Banking Relationships for proper
Business Generation, consumption and working lines of credit.
• FDIC Approved RAC Contractor and REO workout specialist. Deep concentration in land and
housing development plus cross border compliance specialist. Consults in the areas of:
Compliance, FBAR, FACTA, OFAC, FinCEN and other Legal plus Internal Revenue Policies.
• Vice Chairman, Neighborhood Lending Partners. State of FL Banker Consortium CRA-Lending,
SBA, Workforce Housing and Low/Mod PUD throughout the State. (15+ year Member)
Republic Federal Bank, Miami, FL OCC Bank 2004-2009
Senior Vice President, Senior Commercial Real Estate Lender & Business Development Leader
• Co-Owner/Partner of Bank Holding Company ownership in Bank.
• Manage department of 12 people within CRE Dept. Leader in Business Development, lead sales
staff for new commercial lending and corporate lending.
• Enhanced bank depositor base and established new loan programs with lock box features.
Provided all workout, development and sales management. Developed hard/soft cost
presentations, implemented economic saving plans and handled bulk REO Sales with emphasis
upon ROI and ROE above expectations. Created pool funds and investor funds for existing
• Notable contributions: elevated ROI returns, represented bank profile within our Community,
City of Miami Housing & Loan Authority Director and introduced CRE diverse participation
funding streams.
UTD, AFLCIO Miami, FL 2001-2003
Chief Financial Officer and Chief Investment Officer
Responsible for all financial investment strategies. Responsible for development program and
managed all CREO such as HUD Multifamily, Hi rise Class A Office and Industrial Facilities Owned
Administered investment pools from union pension programs. Reported to CEO
Notable contributions: secured the future of the Union's finances and secured HUD 202 project
valued more than $200M.
Page Two
Jim Angleton -T `7
l✓; {i�f
TotalBank, Miami, FL State Charterec)T3ank 1998-2001
Vice President, Senior Real Estate Lender and Global Business Development Officer
• Created diversified commercial and residential lending department. Reported to President
• Developed diversified portfolio lending programs. Interacted with Foreign National clientele
base for commercial lending needs. EXIM approved lender. PUD Lender
• Notable contribution: established CRE lending unit, generated high fee income base servicing,
private wealth banking and represented bank in Community. Provided proprietary eCommerce,
eCatalog Marketing Campaigns, developed new business funding sources and managed portfolio
in excess of $900M
Colonial Bank Miami Beach, FL OCC Bank 1996-1998
Vice President Real Estate and Commercial Conduit Lending Department Leader
• Highest ranking real estate production officer in national bank franchise $180MM
• Community Development Officer and CRE Middle Market Officer. CREO Manager
• Notable contributions: Miami Circle, Ritz Carlton's(3) and represented bank in community
• EXIM Lender Financing: Seafood & Shrimp Farms, Tequila & Rum Distillery and Food Processing.
InterFirst Mortgage Corp. Miami, FL State Mortgage Banker 1984-1996
Executive Vice President & Co -Owner
• Administered mortgage banking institution with four Florida Offices. Ranked 6tn largest Florida
mortgage banking corporation. Approximately $18 million in revenues.
• Serviced in excess of $300mm residential and $168mm commercial conduit loans. Created
investment pools for privatized investor groups and increased IRR. Initiated CRA pools sold to
area commercial banks.
• Notable contributions: represented company in community, increased fee income by 29% and
negotiated merger sale with out of state institution. Developed portfolio business loan
strategies that became National Lending Practices for SBA and VA.
Education & Continuing Education
Bank Continuing Education
2014-'15-'16-'17'18' 19'20
University of N. Carolina, Charlotte
University of Miami, FL
Institute of Finance, Coral Gables, FL
Florida Real Estate License
National Review Appraisers
Bank & Cybersecurity Compliance
BSA, AML, Mortgage Due Diligence
ACAMS and Pre Paid Debit Card Banking
Dodd -Frank and Durban Compliance (30 hrs.)
Cyber Compliance USSOUTHCOM (30 hrs.)
Finance B.S. 1979
Diploma Finance & Mortgage Banking
Current (32 years)
Certified Review Appraiser Designation
'17'18'19'20 Continuing Education 29 hours
Page Three
Jim Angleton
Current Organization Affiliations
e tr is I V
C'r fC
r r.L L.
City of Miami Community Loan Committee Board of Director 2018-Present
FBI Alumni Association Board of Director, Graduate Citizens Academy 2009- 2017
Neighborhood Lending Partners 5010 V-Chair of Board CRA Florida Banking Consortium
Camillus House Board of Directors 2010-2019
Beacon Council Board of Directors 2011-2018
National Member Business Executives for National Security (BENS) Present
Florida Heart Research Association Board of Directors 2005-2019
Community Emergency Response Team First Responder Train the Trainer Member
American Red Cross Board of Directors Finance Committee Chair
Habitat for Humanity House Builder and Sponsor Golf Committee member
BBVA Compass Bank (US) CRA & Community Representation Advisory Board of Directors
The Knights of Malta (US) Special Envoy -At -Large Senior US Member
-American Diabetes Valor Award -American Heart Association Award -March of Dimes Award
-Rosa Parks Wall of Tolerance Recipient -Neighborhood Lending Partners Chairman's Award
29 Golf Championships representing 2017-2020 South Florida -Ronald MacDonald 12 Good Men Award
-Armed Forces Services Center USO Award -Financial Institution Security Association Award
Item Date Impact
Digital Currency
Virtual Currencies
Mobile Banking Apps 2009-Present
Prepaid Debit Cards & SIM Card Tech 2008-Present
UnBanked & NonBanked Debit Platform2009-Present
Kiosk Development, Bank Branch replacementPresent
CyberEYEST"° Social Media Reconnaissance'10-Present
CyberDeterrenceT"° Offense & Defense '10-Present
The KYCustomer RegistryT"° 2013-Present
Color of Money Stress TestTM 2012-Present
HSA Corp Benefits Card 2010-Present
Affordable Housing, WorkForce Dev. 2016-Present
HUD, FHA, VA, FNMA Low/Mod Dev. 2016-Present
Multifamily, Redevelopment Programs 2017-Present
invented MoneyLYNK
Blockchain Development
Cybersecure Mobile Banking
SIM Card Technology Banking
Workforce Payments & Banking
AegisFS Multifunctional Kiosks
Dark, Deep, Surface Web Recon
Maintaining Cybersecure Sites
KYC custom protocols: LE/Banks
Proofing Illicit Offshore Funds
Insurance Savings Pretax Card
Miami Dade County
Neighborhood Lending Partners
OCC & NCUA Loan Programs
Upon request, references will be provided by and from: US Congressmen (3), US Congresswomen (2),
US Bankruptcy Senior Judge (1), Retired US Judge (1), Assistant US Attorney's (3), Former US Attorney
(1), State of FL Governor (1), International & National Law Firm Endorsements (4), Knights of Malta
Grand Master and Foreign Ministers (1+3), Mayors (3), FISA (1) and certain Military and LE Organizations
Apr 0521 16:44 3055344050
v i I — Clepartrnent of Housing � Community D�elepmertl
& Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)!' :-
V - le Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC
3055340036 p,1
11 M e Willamw A#HCLCIAHAC
members shall be of 9a years of
—Horne address' ;tii Apt. no. Ve oradar
►/� ��h, A/ 0 Acopy ofthE
c City, state, and Zip CodeJ,'}�, / 1 appltcanirs Reawrre MOST be
submitted with this
aHome phone' a O Alternative phone G _ � Gj�,_ �} 53 ppr�atiop.
n HCLClAHAC members
E-mail address
f7 c J T/>t�c- �# �'Gdr� shad serve four-year
rogt imd fields
/ Current employer
✓ L Current PositionrWe //?2Zff S r
o Tradefndustry affiliations yList atil memberships/ board memberships affiliated with
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D The following is a fist of the specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. Far moll& on these; refer to Ch. 2, Ar`. XI,
Div.19 and Ch.2, An Xl, Div. B of the City of Miami Code Pfoase check the correct box bebw for ail the member seats for which you quaf fl aria
fndi^afe whether these are in connection with affordable housing. If the box is shaded, then that member seatis occupied. Preference will be giTfen
to those applicants vRto are directly engaged in a,'Tordabie housing
Quanricatlon Requirements
The shaded positions are presently filled.
Check aft that
In Connection
with Affordable
■ Actively engaged as a for -profit housing provider.
• A person vino wcrks in the following tradeslincustnes within the City of Miami — education, health care,
law enforcement, fire safety lemergency, and criminal justice system
• Actively, engaged in the residential home building industry.
■ Actively engaged in the banking or mortgage backing industry.
■ Actively engaged as a not for -profit housing provider.
■ Actively engaged as a real estate professional.
• Actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons.
■ A representative of those areas of labor actively engaged in home building.
• A resident of the City of Miami.
• A person who represents employers within the City of Miami.
D Conffict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve on the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, Is employed by, or is an officer
of any entity that receives or intends to receive funding from the City of Wami,
• Are you or will you become employed by, or have a financial interest in, an entity that receives or apples for funding
from the City of Miami? ❑ Yes
■ Are you or will you become an officer of any entity that receives, or applies for, funding from the City of Miami? ❑ Yes 121i0
D 8y signerg and submitting this application, I understand that if f am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false state►nent or
misnmpresentahon may result in my dismissat from the commiftee.
Your signature Date If you have any questbins regarding this
application, please contact Alfredo Duran at
C .• `' C Cf i' G 30541&1999.
Acopy of This application is available at
v,+ v_iarrioov,cem'c,ommunitytieveiopm�nt. Tnis completed HCLG,'AHAC form can be mailed, along with the app,icant's resume to: City of Miami
Qept. of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLCIAHAC application, 14 NE 1 Ave., 2nd Floor, Viami, FL 33'32. The submission can also
be faxed -D 305416-2090 or e-mailed to ±auranernia- iigogr.cgE. Updaia: M21.
Apr 05 21 16:44 3055344050
3065340036 p•2
3 Island Avenue 15-H
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Ph: 305-534-4050
Fax: 305-531-8401
E mail: allanjhall@,aol.com
Miami Reach Senior High School 1954
University of Florida
Bachelor of Building Construction 1958
Juris Doctor 1968
Georgia institute of Technology
Master Civil Engineering Candidate 1984
Project Engineer Robert Turchin Construction Co and M.R. Schwartz Construction,
Miami Beach, Florida
Saxony Hotcl Addition, Southgate Towers, Sunny Isles Shopping
Center, and various apartment and single family properties
Allan J. Hall Construction Company, Oriand, Florida
Apartment buildings, office centers and single-family homes
Macready Johnston
Consulting on HUD and FHA low and moderate income multifamily
Sanders, Troutman et al.
Consulting on HUD and FHA low and moderate income multifamily
Real Property practice focused on commercial real property
Resnick, Lawson, hall and Tishman
Real Property law including low-income housing closings
Hall & Associates
Corporate and real property law including low-income housing closings
University of Florida, College of Design, Construction and Planning, Gainevville,
Instructor in the Department of Building Constructor
Lecturer in the Department of Architecture
Southern Polytechnic State University, School of Architecture, Civil Engineering
and Construction Atlanta, Georgia
Professor Emeritus of Construction Management, taught Law, Ethics,
Codes, Safety, Scheduling, Materials and Structures
Associate Professor in the Department of Civil Engineering
Associate Professor in the Deparment of Architecture
, r,° 6 V� (�Y71r'ttrir�M r1! 13�14ira") (`71n^yT� ynity OftkI ;r,p+Itir1�
lousing & Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC/F
►ffordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHX
l ?mr tI apt rewma' t _ .t;1 r A"Ar
r 'r'.::
11ipt f1A rr r'il.�r!r
(7 C ' ,
� .; � •, � A copy of the
ctalp pnd ZIP t:rxlr•• ■pprtcanI's R"iNrreMrJS r be
l 1 l a l it I t t� t j submitted with this
��r,•+,r. t,r.�,nP' _ Allpm—Itive phone _ ' i�plicadon_
/ I
1 1,fl�1 AC1f�TR!S !0a11 1rrv,7 rr,,jr ye+jr
curry —It employer i Current PositionlTitle
Trsd&4ndus&y alJMlfNt- List all membwships/ board memberships aMlllatrd witEh
%� ! d►. 1�--L /S. � _ -- ---•�---1�c�4rS- �I I�LP{ea- �t�-A`1 a�t?w•1 rl �j f I�L�%, 1 D '' � G r � �-q, {�tL'
!a, t7JL :�l4Hn F1 PbK, ��-1 l�lL 1�� I r.1G_ �c t� ►�t,o�� -►j
The following is a list of the specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. For more on these, refer to Ch. 2, Art. i
Div. 19 and Ch 2. An X1• Div. 8 of the City of Miami Code. Please check the correct box below for all the member seats for which you qualify at
,,ndicate whether these are in connection with affordable housing. if the box is shaded, then thatmember seatis occupied. Preference will be give
Mose applicants who are directly engaged in affordable housing.
luahlficadon Requirements
The shaded positions are presenffy filled.
Check aI/ that
wM Affordable
Housln T
__...._____._._......._...._._.._....... ............................
Adively engaged as_a -profit house provider.
_9_ .
- - --
A person who works in the following tradeslindustries within the City of Miami - education, health care,
law enforcement, fire s�/emergency, and criminal iustioe_system._._.-_
Activefy engaged in the residential home bwkimg tndustr!-
-- -
Active engaged in the banking or mortgage bankm indus
_ 9 _ �!
_A.tively engaged as a not -for-profit housing provider: _ - _ _ _-_- .....,
Active en ed as a real estate professional
-�'------------ - - - - - __.._,..__ _..__._.-.._...._..__. — _ _
_ _....
Actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons v -_
in home building:
A rep resentative of those areas of labor actively engaged _ --_ _ _-__
A resident of the City of Miami. ..._..._ ..._.... ...... -__-...----- -
A person who represents employers within the City of Miami.
Conflict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve on the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, is employed by, or is an ofl9G
of any entity that receives or intends to receive funding from the City of Miami.
_.—.__.. _. ---- _ - -- -- - - --------------------------------_---------------- - .--------------
__ ---/--
Are_.you_. or will you become employed by, or have a financial interest in, an entity that receives or applies for funding ❑Yes 0No
from the City of Miami? - -
Areyou or -will you become an officer of any entity that receives,_or applies for, funding from theCityof Miami? ❑ Yes o
By signing and submitting this application, I understand that if 1 am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false statement or
misrepresentation may result in my dismissal from the committee.
our signature Date if you have any questions regarding t
application, please contact Alfredo Duran
f �(-c!j 305-416-1999-
A copy of this application is available at
rw.miamig_ov.com/communitydevelopment. This completed HCLC/AHAC form can be mailed, along with the applicant's resume to: City of Miami
pt. of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLCiAHAC application, 14 NE 1 Ave., 2- Floor, Miami, FL 33132. The submission can alsc
faxed to 305-416-2090 or e-mailed to aduran(oimiamigov.com. update 2/2021-
Cjr Fi't Cj;= t
C f f Y Oil h!,I' t�"` f f i
Gregory D. Gay
City of Opa-Iocka
Director of Planning Community Development &
CRA Advisor
Gregory Dwight Gay, a native Miamian, received his BA in Architecture from Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama. A visionary, optimistic, and
tenacious individual, he's forecasting the future of economically depressed communities of the City of Miami and South Florida. Undoubtedly, his
background in architecture and real estate redevelopment has help bridged the gap for African Americans to promote future economic growth and inner
city redevelopment for present and future residents into the millennium. His unparalleled work ethics in government makes him a sought-after provider
of information and consultant devoted to the communities he serves. He's also a grassroots leader who works well with all people of youth and wisdom,
and help to raise scholarship funds for local students to go to college, and for local and national social concerns like Miami's Historic Virginia Key Beach
Preservation, Urban and Community Redevelopment Initiatives in Miami, FL and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. National Memorial in Washington, DC.
Gregory was an Urban Community Planner forthe City of Miami, a municipal corporation. During his 26+ years with the City of Miami, he has held several
positions, starting in the City of Miami Public Works where he redesigned some of the City's fire station facilities to provide unisex accommodations for
male and female firefighters, to the City of Miami Planning Department where he has been involved in bring developers and area residents together to
create and design affordable and market rate housing, offices, and retail projects which would be acceptable and sustainable to the community. He has
participated in several charrette (a public planning process) and was the lead project manager that created a master plan for the evolving Upper Eastside
area, and its main street, Biscayne Boulevard. He participates in reviewing plans and makes recommendations for the redevelopment of the Overtown
area (especially the Southeast Overtown Park West District), Little Haiti area and most recently he was the lead project manager and coordinator in
developing design standards and guidelines for recommendations of commercial improvements for Model City/Liberty City area, specifically the Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr. Boulevard Streetscape Beautification Masterplan and Commercial Fagade Standards, and the Edison Marketplace Project in the
MLK/Edison Business District. His was involved in updating two redevelopment plans for the City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency — the
Southeast Overtown Park West Plan and the Omni Redevelopment Plan. As lead project manager and coordinator, these plans update involved
expanding the boundaries of district to increase opportunities for using the tax increment financing, updates the proposed projects and redevelopment
activities for the areas and extending the Iifespan for the existence for the redevelopment districts. He also participated in the development of the City of
Miami's new zoning ordinance — Miami21. Gregory applies his executive skills and personable communication style to foster improving the'quality of life'
for the residents of these impoverished communities.
Gregory is presently the Director of Planning & Community Development for the Great City of Opa-Iocka, Florida, a municipal corporation in North Central
Miami -Dade County. In the pastfive years, he has been instrumental leading the process in updating the newly adopted 2030 Sustainable Comprehensive
Development Master Plan [CDMP] and developing the new adopted 2015 Land Development Regulation/Zoning Code for the City of Opa-Iocka funded
by USHUD. With a new CDMP and zoning code in place, he is creating development opportunities for new residential and mixed use development in the
TownCenter area and other areas of Opa-Iocka. He also served as manager of the Opa-Iocka Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) and leading
the initiative for the City to expand beyond its existing boundaries by annexation areas to the south to include the North Central MAC. Gregory also
serves as the Manager of the Opa-Iocka Community Redevelopment Agency [Opa-Iocka CRA]. From October 2015 to January 2021, he has managed
the CRA on behalf of the City Manager. Opa-Iocka CRA was created in December 2012 to eliminate the high level of slum and blight in the City. The
Opa-Iocka CRA covers eighteen percent [18%] of the municipal area. The primary area of redevelopment activity are Magnolia North, Magnolia Gardens,
Opa-Iocka Commerce Center North, Town Center, Opa-Iocka Gateway and the LeJeune-Douglas Industrial Center West.
Gregory has provided mentorships to numerous minority youths, mostly young African American males, within his community. He is a mentor and past
board member for the 5000 Role Models of Excellence Program, a project of Miami -Dade County Public School. He has presented to multiple audiences
of high school and middle school students to create awareness in seeking higher education, and encourage them to seek career and entrepreneurial
opportunities that are available upon completion of college and/or a technical institution. He also works with adults who desire to improve their'quality of
life' through adult education and business development programs. He is a local judge/mentor for the NAACP's Afro -Academic, Cultural, Technological &
Scientific Olympics (ACT -SO) Program. A 1981 National ACT -SO Winner, Gregory has experienced what it takes to be successful in this program. Every
year, he assist in identifying and sponsoring South Florida youths who demonstrate academic, artistic and scientific prowess and expertise, thereby
gaining the same recognition often only reserved for entertainers and athletes. He is also a Who's Who of America, a 2005 Millennium Movers Shaker
Award recipient and a 2012 honoree at the 5000 Role Model MLK Breakfast for his role as lead fundraiser in Miami for the Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr
National Memorial in Washington, DC, which was dedicated in October 16th, 2011.
Gregory has been selected numerous times as an Outstanding Young Men of America. He served as President of the Board for the Ann -Mane Adker
Overtown Community Health Center, which merged with the Jefferson Reaves, Sr. Health Center, where he served as President of the Board from 2001-
2011. In addition to the Jefferson Reaves, Sr. Health Center, Gregory was an advisor to the St. John Community Development Corporation's development
committee, a Charter Boardmember of Concerned African Women, Inc., former member of the National Forum for Black Public Administrators South
Florida Chapter, a member of the American Planning Association Gold Coast Chapter, a National Allied Member of the American Institute of Architects,
a member of 100 Black Men of America -South Florida Chapter, a member of Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity -Alpha Rho Boule, a Life Member of Alpha Phi Alpha
Fraternity, Incorporated, a Past President of Beta Beta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Incorporated, charter member of the Beta Beta
Lambda Education Foundation, and co-founder of the Beta Beta Lambda AlphaLand Community Development Corporation. He is a board member on
the Housing and Commercial Loan Committee of the City of Miami's Department of Community and Economic Development.
Gregory is eldest son of the Eddye Shepherd Gay and the Late James Lloyd Gay, married to LaTaryn Edington Gay, and they have a son, Jeremy Lloyd,
and a daughter, Braynon Jhanai.
City of Miami — Department of Housing & Community Development
Housing & Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)/
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC)
nFirst name` - Last name'
_............................._._...._....._..__........._.._............._..._...._...._...__.._.._...« «...._.._.«.«._««....... .... .... .....
even . Deeb
Home address* 10601 SW 127 Street
.. ....._.............._......«_................................................._._......«__...........
cry, state, and Zip Code'Miami, Florida 33176
...._...........«p-h-n"e,*_...................._.....--------......._.._..;.._._'t,e-..-at-i.-.«.._«__.._..Home phone , Alternative phone
a 3Q5-670-1188 €
«....... ..................... _ ..:..
mail address kevin@deebpa.com
_..__«.._..._._..........__........_.._ .._.«.............
..__ _ _ _ _._. _...._......_.
'required melds
Current em
.. _
Apt. no.
Current Position/Title
members shall be of 18yam of
age or older.
• A copy of the
applicant's Resume MUST be
submitted with this
■ HCLC/AHAC members
shall serve four-year
i The following is a list of the specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. For more on these. refer to Ch.'2, Art. Xf,
Div. 19 and Ch.2, Art. Xl, Div. 8 of the City of Miami Code. Please check the correct box below for all the member seats for which you qualify and
indicate whether these are in connection with affordable housing. if the box is shaded, then that member seat is occupied. Preference will be given
to those applicants who are directly engaged in affordable housing.
......._.._....... ._.._._.._ ...._..._............... «... .._ _.._.«. _ _........_..«........_ .._._.. __.._._. «....................._._......._.. .«.._._.._.._.._...... .........._,...._.._.._....--.................. ...... _....... ..... .......
In Connection i
Qualification Requirements The shaded positions are preSenffy tilled. i Check all that ' with Affordable
Y Housine?
■ Actively en as a for -profit housing provider. ❑ i ❑ I
W_.... _.«.._....._._ ..._
-- - ........ _...._._.._.__.__............................_.._.. --- --- --
A person who works in the following tradesfndustries within the City of Miami - education, health care,
❑ I
law enforcement,firesafety femer tenor_and criminal �us6ce system......_ ............._ ._.._....__._._. __ _ _.. _._.....__...._.....«_.._._
..ety /e
1 '
Actively engaged in the. residential home building indust�!: -_..._.»..«_._._..................._..........._.._.....-......_. «.._ «... ............... ......
«« t._........«....._�
': ■
Active) en m the bankin a mo a bankn Indus
..................._.._...fl...____ �._«_..««_ ....._«_.._. :_----..__««.«........_..«.....«..«..«.__..«..«.___..« _:.__..__....._.._
€ _.._._..__._�_._.__......,
❑ l
Actively engaged as a not for rofit housi ovider
.«...__..__. . P _-__.._..._�.Rr....._.....:_ _.» .. _.W.«.......................... _... _ _.«_ _ i._.........««.............__._............_...
«._....... i
Active en as 2 reef estate at. I
...._.._«._..... _«__.... ? ! !._..............._. _.._ «_ «._...._..........._......................_._.__..___......t......................._.
i '
.Actively engaged as an advocate for low-income persons. _.«............_.....»....................»................_.»........_..»_......._____«.....................«._._._1...........».....«._...._.........1
representati_v_e of those areas of labor actively_ engaged in. home buildi...._..........................._._._............«...
A reside-nt_of the City of Miami. ..........«..._.._«..«........._..M............___..........................�
❑ _.
`:. •
A (Jerson who re esents em(�I ers within the Ci of Miami i
Conflict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve on the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, is employed by, or is an officer
of any entity that receives or intends to receive funding 6om the City of Miami.
............ -...........—.._....... ................. _............._.....--....__..__.._-..__....................._.....__....._..__..._...._...__........................................._..._..._........_._.....................-.......................« ._ �....._..«. _.....__...,
• Are you or will you become employed by, or have a financial interest in, an entity that receives or applies for funding ( ❑ Yes I No
from the Ci of Miami? _ _
Are W ou or will ou-become an officer of an anti that receives, or a lies for, fundin from the City of Miami? M t ❑ Yes No
By signing and submitling this application, I understand that if 1 am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false statement or
misrepresentation may result in my dismissal from the committee.
Your signature Date If you have any questions regarding this
ll �I application, please contact Alfredo Duran at
<P�ia+•t. �f—. Dee ; 04/03/21 305-416-1999.
-....... ._.._««........ _.......... _._............. ._............ ............. .«...«....... ___.... .....__._...._ ___._ _ _ _.___...... - — -
Acopy of this application is available at
www.miamig_ov.com/Communitydevelmment. This completed HCLC/AHAC form can be mailed, along with the applicant's resume to: City of Miami
Dept. of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLC/AHAC application,14 NE 1 Ave., 2^' Floor, Miami, FL 33132. The submission can also
be faxed to 305A 16-2090 or a -mailed to aduran(o�miamigov.com. Updals: 212021.
Kevin L. Deeb c:
Managing Partner at Deeb+Deeb acid -Chair of the Real Estate
Division, Of Counsel at Zumpano Castro
A real estate, healthcare law and corporate transaction and litigation
attorney at the Law Offices of Deeb & Deeb, P.A., with over 25 years
of experience in complex commercial real estate transactions (title
agent with ORNTIC), healthcare law (including Senior Housing,
AHCA Compliance Matters, Change of Ownership and New License
Applications), corporate mergers and acquisitions, and commercial
and insurance litigation, and a member in good standing of the
Florida Bar and duly qualified to practice in the United States District
Court in the Southern District of Florida.
Kevin, title agent for Old Republic National Title Insurance Company,
holds a Real Estate Salesman License and is a registered Real
Estate Appraiser. A current member of the Florida Bar's Real
Property, Probate & Trust Section, he also serves on the Miami -Dade
County's Unsafe Structures Board and City of Miami's Low Income
Housing & Finance Committee. He proudly served as President of
the South Miami Kendall Bar Association. Kevin is a Lead Counsel
Real Property Law and Estate Planning Certified attorney. His
memberships have included the American Bar Association, Dade
County Bar Association, Coral Gables Bar Association, and Greater
Miami Chamber of Commerce. Kevin was a panel member of the
Florida Lawyer's Legal Insurance Corporation. In 2004, Kevin was
appointed as Chairman of the Realtor's Association of Greater Miami
Political Action Committee (RPAC). Prior to serving as Board
Member and President of the South Miami Kendall Bar Association,
he headed the Pro Bono Section and attained the Pro -Bono
Voluntary Bar Association of the Year Award in 2010. Kevin was
also a founding Director of the Lawyer's Section of the Belen Jesuit
Alumni Association and appointed to Florida State University's Board
of Governors at the College of Business.
Page 1 of 3
Specialties: Healthcare Law (Senior Housing), Real Estate
Law and Title Insurance, and Corporate Mergers &
Acquisitions and Litgation.
Law Offices of Deeb & Deeb, P.A.
Real Estate Law • Heath Care Law • Corporate • Insurance
1996 - Present (25 years)
Areas of Practice
- Complex Commercial Real Estate
- Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Assisted Living Facilities and other
- Healthcare License Compliance
- Home Healthcare
- Zoning and Land Use
- Corporate Mergers & Acquisitions
- Lease Drafting and Negotiating and Litigation
- Contract Negotiations and Litigation
- Insurance Litigation
- Hotels and Resorts
- Retail Strip Centers
- Condominiums and Homeowner Associations
- Warehouses
- Industrial
- Residential Real Estate
Zumpano Castro, PLLC
Chair of the Real Estate Division, Of Counsel
January 2018 - Present (3 years 9 months)
500 South Dixie Highway, Suite 302, Loral Gables, Florida 33146
- Heads the Commercial and Residential Real Estate Law Division of the firm.
Assured Investments Realty, LLC
General Counsel
2012 - Present (9 years)
250 Catalonia Avenue. 5uiie 00 i, (;oral Gables. Florida 3;; i3=+
- General Counsel to Florida -based real estate investment company and
brokerage that focuses on commercial and residential properties, handling all
of its legal matters and transactional needs. Further, generate new deals
from existing client base with a particular focus on the legal, business and
estate planning needs of real estate investors.
Page 2 of 3
City of Miami Housing and Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)
Board Director
January 2006 - Present (15 years 9 months)
Established by City of Miami Resolution, the HCLC serves as the City of
Miami's affordable housing advisory committee and was granted the authority
to approve or disapprove loan applications for funding of affordable housing
projects and commercial projects, and related transactions. Its thirteen
members act without compensation and have a professional knowledge of
housing -related matters.
Miami -Dade County Unsafe Structures Board
Board Member
2001 - Present (20 years)
Current Board Member of the Miami -Dade County Unsafe Structures Board of
the Miami -Dade County Code Compliance Office.
Henry Ford Real Estate
President and Board Member
January 2004 - January 2006 (2 years 1 month)
Real estate investment company
Advantage Title Group
December 1999 - July 2004 (4 years 8 months)
Title Insurance Agency in the Coral Gables area.
The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law
Juris Doctor, Law • (1992 - 1995)
Florida State University - College of Business
Baccalaureate Degree - Science, Finance (with a Minor in
Spanish) • (1986 - 1990)
Page 3 of 3
DocuSign Envelope ID: 6BE53E80-5D5B-4023-9FDF-702442Et90D5
City of Miami — Department of Housing & Community Development
Housing & Commercial Loan Committee (HCLC)/
Affordable Housing Advisory Committee (AHAC)
First name*Ben :Last name* Fernandez
Home address" 1837 SW 23rd Street
members shall be of 18 yearn of
age or older,.
Apt. no.
City, state, and Zip Code"
Miami, FL 33145
Home phone" 305-857-0337 Alternative phone 305-978-2866
E-mail address BFemandez@E3RZoningLaw.com
Current employer
Bercow Radell Fernandez Larkin & Tc
.......................................................................................... ...................
Trade/indus�affiliations List all
.................................................................................................3. ......................
.................................................................................................s .......................
■ A cony of the
applicant's Resume MUST be
submitted with this
HCLC/AHAC members
shall serve four-year
Current Position/Title
PLLC Attorney/ SltaFOhold
.............................:......................................................................................................— .....�..a.............
shi board membershi s iaffiliated with ..................................................P.......................................... .- ............ ............
....................................................................................................................................`- !......-..................... �
M. C__
13 The following is a list of the specific qualifications required to apply for HCLC/AHAC Board membership. For more on these, refer to Ch. 2, Art. X1,
Div. 19 and Ch.2, Art. Xl, Div. 8 of the City of Miami Code. Please check the correct box below for all the member seats for which you qualify and
indicate whether these are in connection with affordable housing. If the box is shaded, then that member seat is occupied. Preference will be given
to those applicants who are directly engaged in affordable housing.
Conflict of Interest - A person is not eligible to serve on the HCLC/AHAC if that person owns financial interest, is employed by, or is an officer
of any entity that receives or intends to receive funding from the City of Miami.
• Are you or will you become employed by, or have a financial interest in, an entity that receives or applies for funding Yes ffi No
from the City of Miami?
....................... ............................... ............................................ ............................................................................................................................................................. :......................... :............................
• Are ou or will you become an officer of an entity that receives, or applies for fundln from the CI of MIamI� ❑ Yes El No
.........................Y........................Y.................................................................X.......... Y.............................................PP...............................9.........................-.!..................................................................................................
13 By signing and submitting this application,) understand that if I am accepted as a member of the HCLC/AHAC any false statement or
misrepresentation may result in my dismissal from the committee.
Your signature Docusigned by: Date If you have any questions regarding this
I�— �n 2application, please contact Alfredo Duran at
/y April 2, 2021 305-416-1999.
A copy of this application is available at
www.miamigov.com/communitvdevelopment. This completed HCLC/AHAC form can be mailed, along with the applicant's resume to: City of Miami
Dept. of Housing & Community Development, ATTN: HCLC/AHAC application,14 NE 1 Ave., 2nd Floor, Miami, FL 33132. The submission can also
be faxed to 305-416-2090 or e-mailed to aduran(a)miamigov.com. Update: 2/2021.
Southeast Financial Center
200 South Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 300
Miami, FL 33131
Bercow, Radell, Fernandez, Larkin & Tapanes P.A. Miami, FL
Shareholder 1994 — Present
Responsible for representing developers through all aspects of project,
development and entitlement, including land use and zoning applications,
public hearings, and appeals in various municipalities. Also responsible for
defending property owners in code enforcement proceedings, drafting of
ordinances, representation before the Miami -Dade County Environmental
Quality Control Board, the Circuit Court and before the Division of
Administrative Hearings.
Stroock, Stroock & Lavan, L.L.P. Miami, FL
Associate 1992-1994
Responsible for representing clients in various land use and zoning matters
before the Miami -Dade County Commission and the City of Miami
`z; `=
Commission. Also responsible for representing clients regarding various
p p g 9 9
environmental matters.
Ferrel, Cardenas and Fertel, P.A. Miami, FL
Associate 1991-1992
Lu .
Responsible for handling land use and zoning matters, Request for
Proposals (RFP's) and Requests for Qualifications (RFQ's)
cam,! J
Cassiday, Shade & Gloor, L.L.P. Chicago, IL
Junior Associate June 1989 — Nov. 1990
Responsible for handling all aspects of personal injury actions including
medical malpractice, products liability, structural work act and general
liability claims in Illinois Sate and Federal courts. Also responsible for
drafting pleadings, conducting depositions, interviewing and preparing
witnesses, researching legal issues, drafting motions, and attending
motions sessions.
Marquette University Law School Milwaukee, WI
Juris Doctor May 1990
Honors: Thomas More Scholar
Research Assistant to Professor Michael McChrystal
Activities: Latin American Law Student Association (LALSA)
Vice President, Appellate Advocacy
MEMBERSHIP: Florida, Illinois, Wisconsin, US District Court for the Northern District of
Illinois, the Eastern District of Wisconsin and the Western District of
Wisconsin, Former Member of the Miami -Dade County Environmental
Advisory Task Force.