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CRA-R-22-0042 Backup
August 30, 2022 Commissioner Alex Diaz de la Portilla Chairman Omni Community Redevelopment Agency 1401 N Miami Ave, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Mr. Humberto "Bert" Gonzalez Executive Director Omni Community Redevelopment Agency 1401 N Miami Ave, 2nd Floor Miami, FL 33136 Re: Financial and Budgetary Status of `UNI Tower' (the "Project") a Fully Restricted Affordable and Workforce Housing Development in the Omni Community Redevelopment Agency ("Omni CRA"). Dear Commissioner Diaz de la Portilla and Mr. Gonzalez: The purpose of this report is to update you on the financial and budgetary challenges that `UNI Tower' has faced since approximately the second half of 2020. Specifically, we intend to illustrate the cost increases that the development has incurred during, and in great part as a result of, the Covid-19 pandemic, since our original loan application with the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development ("HUD") was denied by the department's National Loan Committee. As you know, as per the terms of that certain "Economic Incentive Agreement for Mixed -Use and Mixed -Income Project" executed by and between the Omni CRA and N.R. Investments 11, LLC, dated May 21, 2020, the Project will receive a cash grant in the amount of $5,500,000 and Incremental TIF funding in an amount not to exceed $8,471,238. These economic incentives will help fulfil the Omni CRA's goal of increasing the stock of below -market rate housing within the Omni District, as `UNI Tower' will consist of 252 fully -income -and -rent -restricted units at between 60% and 140% AMI. In this regard, `UNI Tower' will be the first — and only — fully restricted affordable and workforce housing skyrise in the City of Miami. The Project will provide vital, desperately needed relief at a time of record -rising housing costs. Moreover, it will offer an opportunity for nurses, police officers, teachers, fire fighters, municipal and courthouse employees, and service workers to live closer to where they work, within the City's Central Business District and near its Government Center, helping to create a healthier and more sustainable community. As noted above, on September 30, 2020, HUD's National Loan Committee denied the Project's initial loan application on the grounds stated in the letter attached as Exhibit A. This denial came rather unexpectedly after a lengthy yet productive process which even included a `ceremonial groundbreaking' attended by then -HUD Secretary Ben Carson on August 13, not long before the application was ultimately rejected. At that time, the Project's hard construction costs, as evidenced by the `Schedule of Values' submitted to HUD as part of our application and attached hereunder as Exhibit B, were $53,257,830. HUD's rejection triggered substantial Project design revisions to be undertaken if we intended to resubmit an amended loan application, as evidenced in the file attached hereunder as Exhibit C, which compares the originally approved — and City -entitled — tower design to the revised version, which conformed with HUD's comments. These design alterations implied, for example, drastically reducing the Project's office component; modifying the tower's height; changing the overall size and layout of the residential units and floor plans; and increasing the parking count and structure; among other things. To summarize, below is a list of activities and Project components that had to be addressed to achieve the needed modifications mandated by HUD: Design • Architectural • Mechanical/Electrical/Plumbing • Structural Engineering • Civil Engineering • Landscape Architectural Permitting • Revision or re -submittal • Private Provider (MEP / Structural) • Urban Development Review Board (UDRB) • Processing and Expediting • Zoning • Public Works • Wind Study Legal • Entitlements • Covenants (Non -Standard Improvements, Affordable Housing) • CRA and City Grants Construction • Budget • Schedule HUD • New Submittal • Updated 3rd parry reports 2 • New documentation and forms As seen in the chart attached hereunder as Exhibit D, the sum total of these unforeseen design changes, in terms of professional fees and permit and report expenses, rose to $557,650. These extra costs were exclusively tied to the design changes prompted by HUD's denial. Despite this substantial increase in soft costs, and the inevitable delays and uncertainty that would be caused by applying the HUD -mandated modifications, re -starting the entitlement process, and ultimately re -submitting our loan application, we decided to move ahead. This was in keeping with our promise and commitment to the Omni CRA and the City of Miami, through our yearslong private -public partnership, to bring affordable and workforce housing to the district. It was, as well, in line with our joint vision of providing a pioneering housing solution that serves the people that serve our communities; a place where people can grow in their incomes without having to move (as reflected in the mixed -income quality of the Project); a home for our community's finest to positively and decisively shape the character and composition of the neighborhood. After about +18 months of working with our design, architectural, and engineering teams; our zoning attorneys and financing consultants; re -applying for the necessary permits and entitlements; and going through the lengthy and complex application process with HUD, we finally succeeded in the first quarter of this year to close on our construction financing and break ground. As is publicly known, these months of hard and uninterrupted work adapting the Project to comply with HUD's new requirements took place for the most part against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic. In fact, the substantial changes HUD imposed on the Project's office component were directly related to the onset pandemic, with HUD suddenly adjusting its risk assessment of the commercial real estate market. This very direct effect of the pandemic on our Project was accompanied, of course, by Covid-19's other adverse ramifications throughout the economy, which also affected our development in big ways: major supply -chain disruptions impacting construction materials; exploding freight and other logistics costs; and an exceptionally tight and dislocated labor market. More generally, but as important as these specific factors, the pandemic created an altogether different economic scenario with substantially higher risk and uncertainty when undertaking a long-term, capital - intensive project such as `UNI' — despite which we did not hesitate in moving forward with the Project and our public -private partnership with the City and Omni CRA. Directly related to the above, these 18 months have also coincided with the highest rate of inflation in decades. This has been, and continues to be, reflected in soaring construction and labor costs, including the cost of virtually all trades employed through the construction process. As a result, and as seen in the `Schedule of Values' submitted to HUD on 2/10/2022 and attached hereunder as Exhibit E, the total hard costs to build `UNI Tower' have risen to $59,042,260. That is an increase of $5,784,430 relative to the original `Schedule of Values' cited before and submitted to HUD on 1/2/2020. Taking into consideration the $557,650 in extra soft costs mentioned above, the increased costs to build the 252 fully restricted affordable and workforce housing units, between hard and soft costs, ascended to $6,342,080. Meanwhile, the Project's office and common area FF&E components also experienced considerable cost increases not captured by the Schedule of Values submitted to HUD. The office component increased by $446,760, as shown under Exhibit F, while the FF&E by a further $420,000. Between both, they totaled $866,760 in cost increases. In addition to that, even after submitting the `Schedule of Values' cited before and dated 2/10/2022, the project has received a substantial Change Order, dated 6/15/2022, exclusively due to inflation, that increased the cost of concrete and masonry, as shown under Exhibit G. The added, unavoidable cost increase of the Change Order was $535,000. Insurance is another item which cost increased substantially since our HUD application was initially denied in 2020. As shown in Exhibit H, the original cost of insurance was $1,000,915. The final cost to bind insurance in 2022 grew to $1,446,322.50. The difference was $445,407.40. Lastly, in all this time, the project has carried significant general condition costs that HUD, contrary to what any regular construction lender would do, has determined not to recognize as part of the company's equity in the deal, therefore making these costs not fmanceable. These costs, as shown under Exhibit I, rise to as much as $2,299,442. As stated, any other construction lender would have acknowledge these general condition costs of the Project as part of the Project's equity in the deal, but HUD has not. Needless to say, these costs ultimately turned out to be more significant that they would've been, since HUD denied our original application. So, not only does HUD not recognize them as equity, but given the time that has passed since 2020, they have accrued significantly. It should be noted that the difficulties pertaining to this process, and its associated additional costs, are compounded by two factors. The first and most straightforward one has been the delay to begin construction. Had we been able to break ground at the end of 2020, as originally expected, it's likely the Project would be completed by now, or be very close to completion, without having had to experience the recent bout of inflation, supply -chain disruptions, and the severely dislocated labor market which has decisively contributed to higher costs across the board. The second factor has to do with our inability to take advantage of rising market rate rents, given that the project is fully restricted. So, while construction costs increase, we cannot experience the corresponding financial relief brought about by rising rents; or, in other words, we are unable to compensate for higher costs by modifying our underwriting to reflect higher rental income. This is especially severe in the current context of record -breaking year -over -year rental rate increases, a clear reflection of Miami's growing desirability after Covid-19, which the Project cannot take advantage of — but which, on the other hand, clearly emphasize the importance of the Project itself by delivering much -needed affordable and workforce housing to the City's urban core. 11 The increased costs, then, can be summarized thus: • Increased Hard Costs = $5,784d30 • Extra Soft Costs = $557,650 • Increased Office Hard Costs and FF&E = $866,760 • Change Order = $535,000 • Increased Insurance Costs = $445,407 • General Conditions = $2,299,442 • TOTAL = $10,488,689 Regardless of these challenges and substantial additional costs, the Project has moved forward and is currently under construction. We are happy for, and proud of, the true partnership we have forged with the Omni CRA and the City to build affordable and workforce housing in Miami's urban core, right within its Central Business District, and in this way, help create a revitalized, more vibrant, and sustainable community. Despite this challenging backdrop, we hope to continue to explore avenues of collaboration with the Omni CRA to advance its goals and objectives, as more often than not, those are very much the same as ours. Sincerely, `UNI ' k )wer' UNI 171 Street, LLC 5 Exhibit A 11.tMEfN�ip� �o*P*G� IVIII 4r 09B'aN DEVE�O September 30, 2020 Margret Caufield MAP Underwriter Walker & Dunlop, LLC 7501 Wisconsin Ave, STE 1200E Bethesda, MD 20814 Dear Ms. Caufield: SUBJECT: Decision on Appeal MAP Section 220 — Urban Renewal UNI Tower — 066 — 32007 Miami, Miami -Dade County, Florida U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Jacksonville Field Office Charles Bennett Federal Building 400 West Bay Street Suite 1015 Jacksonville, Florida 3 2202-44 10 The National Loan Committee (NLC) has completed its review of the appeal of the August 25, 2020, decision to reject the application. The NLC has denied the appeal based on the following: The appeal fails to address the fundamental concerns raised in the NLC's last review, specifically whether there will be demand for commercial office space in the Miami market at this time (with a current vacancy rate of 17%, and representing 29% of Effective Gross Income), and whether there will be sufficient demand for the very large number and high percentage of micro - unit studio apartments (75% of the 252 units ranging between 355 and 380 square feet). The NLC believes there is not demonstrable market demand for the project in its current configuration and that the transaction still presents too much risk to HUD. Therefore, upon deliberating the appeal and revised transaction, National Loan Committee voted unanimously to deny the appeal, and uphold the transaction rejection communicated on August 25, 2020. The NLC believes that the mix of residential units, and the commercial space assumptions, remain too aggressive, particularly given the market uncertainties due to Covid-19, and overall, the transaction presents too much risk to HUD. Nonetheless, NLC believes that there is likely an approvable transaction here, with some reworking; the site and location are very good, the location in an Opportunity Zone is positive, the affordability and workforce component are aligned with our mission, the city's investment demonstrates confidence in this market, and the borrower and development team are strong. HUD's mission is to create strong, sustainable, inclusive communities and quality, affordable homes for all: www.hud.gov espanol.hud.gov We appreciate your responsiveness and your cooperation during the processing of this application. If you have any questions, please contact Barbara Williams at (904) 208-6133 or via e-mail at Barbara.S.Williams( hud.gov. Very sincerely yours, Digitally signed by: Barbara S. Barbara S. DWIIH N:C a N: CN =Barbara S. Williams email = barbara.s.a willimsQhud. WilliamsgovC=ADOU=Branch Chief Dale: 2020,09.30 16:03:26-04'00' Barbara Williams Branch Chief, Underwriting Multifamily Housing Division — Jacksonville Exhibit B Contractor's and/or Mortgagor's U.S. Department of Housing and OMB No. 2502-0044 (exp. 1213112019) Cost Breakdown Urban Development Schedule of Values Office of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner Public reporting burden for this collection of Information Is estimated to average 4 hours per response, hdudbV the time for reviewing imwctlana, searching existing data sources, golhedng and maintaining the data needed. and coW lafing and reviewing the collection of Information. This Information is required to obtain benefits. HUD may not callect this Information, and you are not required to complete We form, unless It displays a currently valid DMS Control Number, Section 207 of the National Housing Act (Section 126 of the Housing Act of 1954, Public Law 560, 12 U.S.C., 1715r), authorizes the collection of this infarmation. The infomwfion is required for a general contractor when an Identity of Interest mdsts between the general contractor and Iha mortgagor or when the mortgagor Is a nonprofit entity and a coat plus contract has been used. The Information Is used by HUD to faca%ate the advances of mortgage proce ica and their monitadrtg. Privacy Act Nodes, The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, Federal Housing Adminbtrellon, In authorized to stilton the Information requested In this form by virtue of Tale 12. United States Code, Section 1701 at seq., and regulations promulgated thereunder at 7ltle 12, Code of federal itegurelions. While no assurances of confidentiality is pledged to respondents. HUD generally discloses this data only N response to a Freedom of Information request. Dale sponsor tr212020 UNI 17th Street, LLC Project No Building Identification 068.35358 'MASTER Name of Project Location UNI Tower 190 NE 17th Street, Miami, FL This form reprosenls the Contractom and f or Mortgagors firm casts and services as a basis for disbursing donar amounts when insured advances are requested. Datailad Instructions for completing this form are Included on gag reserve side. Line Div, Trade Item Cost Trade Description 1 3 Concrete $15,269,058 Slab on Grade, elevated concrete, pilings, 2 4 Masonry $880,000 Reinforced Masonry 3 5 Metals $1,778,88t Stairs rai2n a, str4ural;last, dscors8ve metals, mist. mataas 4 _L Rough Car nil $10OAV Misc Rough Carpentry Materiel and Luber 5 6 Finish Carpentry S336.000 Common Area Millwork 8 7 Wale reoffn S880,250 Coulking, balcony sealer, wateraroaf; planters, amenity deck, terrace, olactic room and expansion joint 7 7 Insulation $213,251 Ines laticn ai carldcr vntfa. damhvl walls snd 1A*4or W8UL 8 7 Rooring S130,500 Rooling materials Arad lobor 9 7 Sheet Metal 10 a Dora $891,7SE} Doors, ha.�ara, trim. bath scceaaearlas 1 t 8 Wlnddwa 52,882,685 'irrt se and Owit ron! 12 8 Glass 3541.658 _ Glass PIaIA s, Mirror at Exercise 13 9 Lath and Plaster $862,000 Leh,astucco and aceeasadet 14 9 1 $1,854,185 D I materiel, Inatelatlon end finish 15 9 rile work $675,085 Urxt f Common erne file. ftotiog, life surrounds 16 9 Acoustical MOW Decorative calling frames 17 9 Wood Flooring $0 18 9 Resilient Flooring $509,11106 Vinyi Plank Floorirg, Exercise Floodn 19 9 Painting and Decorallrip 5482,760 Painting, Interior and sxtarlor 20 10 ;Iles $106,790 Well bax*4, Lockers. Trans. Flee Exam uishers 21 11 Spacial Ecul ment S841,935 Trash Outs, Trash Ckimpactor. Sign a, Cer Una 22 11 Cabinets _ $789,643 catinewand counWalups 23 11 Appliances $525,801 Appitaneets 24 12 Blinds, Shades, 3 Artwork 0113,400 Blinds 25 12 Carpels $108,608 Carrre!s 26 13 Special Construction $1,285,089 Fire S dnklar 27 14 Elevators $s,48S.675 Elevators 28 15 Plumbing and Hot Water $2,012,788 Plumbing systems and fixtures 29 15 Heat and Ventilation $03,000 Radon Dud 30 16 AIrCondilloning $3,5134,043 AirCondhlorin . Hoolirig andVentiietfon 31 16 Electrical $5.678 541 Electrical, Fire Alarm, Light Fixtures, CCTV. Telo-erlry, BDA 32 Subtotal Structures $40,209,338 33 AccessM Structures $0 34 Tout lines 32 and 33 $46,209,338 form HUD•2328 (5/9S) Previous edition is obsolete 1 of 8 ref. Handbook 4450.14460A 35 2 Earthwork S270,450 36 2 $As Utilities $389,626 37 2 Roads and Walks $278.593 38 2 S:,io improvements S565.634 39 2 Lawns and Plantir9 S185,894 40 2 Unusual Site Conditions $0 NoMeslenntlat and Specinl Eytedor land Improvement offlift Caste 41 Total Land Impsavementf $1,588,198 (SOSIS Mdurxd In trade kernhrmkdown) (cable not included In Made eseu bnleralmn ) 42 Total Stnect. A Land Imprvts. $47.897,534 Description Est. Cost Description Est. Cost 43 1 General Requirements *316n.NIS Ear[h vark so 44 Subtotal [lines 42 and 43 } $51,427,303 S0 S to Ut;riie5 s0 45 Builder's Overhead u1,€iza, r*7 so F W 6and Walks 544,000 46 Builder's Profit $o Total; 0 We Imp S Levms and PIantln $ $o 47 Subtotal (Line 44 thru 4% $52,455,030 OOxr Fees Total 61 44,000 48 $0 Cost Certification $14,000 Demolition (case net hiclu 4 In led* Items ereaeda") 49 Other Fees $457.194 50 Bond Premium 8344,708 Dsscdptlon Est. Cost 51 Total for All Improvments $53,257,830 General Liability Insurance $443,104 Demel,tlan $34.785 Builder's Profit paid by Means 57. Other Then Cash ;0 $0 Total for All Improvments_, 53 Loss Line 52 $53,257,830 Total $1 457,1941 Total $ 34.785 I hereby certify that all the information stated hareln, as well as any Information provided in the accompaniment herewith, Is true and accurate Warring: I IUD will prosecute false claim$ and statements. Conviction may result In criminal endlor ci }p na�les.118 U.S.C, 1001,1010, 1012; 31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) Mortgagor: By: gets: UNI 17th Street. LLC Contractor: By: Data: F;rst FJOYida Caav-4U,'Wor,s. LLC. Gr600ry W i,a FHA: (Processing Analyst) Date: FHA: (ChW, Cost Brant) or c4j—A4.6,rjDate: FHA: (Chief Underwriter) Tnero Instructions for Completing Form HUD-2320 this form Is prepared by the oontractor and/or mortgagor as a requirement for the issuance of a firm commitment. The firm replacement :oat of the project also serves as a basis for the disbursement of dollar amounts when Insured advances are requested. A detailed weakdown of trade Items Is provided along with spaces to enter dollar amounts and trade descriptions. 1 separate form is prepared through fine 32 for each structure typo. A summation of these structure costs are entered on line 32 of a master arm. Land improvements, General Requirements and Foos are completed through line 83 on the master 2328 only, )ate —Date form was prepared, Sponsor --Name of sponsor or sponsoring organization, Droject No—Eight•digh assigned project number. Suilding Identifloallon--Numbers) or Letters) of each building as iesignated on plans. lame of Project —Sponsors designated name of project. .coation—Street address, city and state. ]ivlslon—Divlelon numbers and trade items have boon developed rom the cost accounting section of the uniform system. Accessory Structures —This Item reflects structures, such as; Com- nunity, storage, maintenance, mechanical, laundry and project office )uildings. Also Included are garages and carports or other buildings. Nhon the amount shown on line 33 is $20,000.00 or 20% of line 32 xhichever Is the lesser, a separate form HUD-2328 will be prepared hrough line 32 for Accessory Structures. Unusual Silo Conditions—Thle trade Item reflects rock excavation, high water table, excessive out and fill, retaining walls, erosion, poor drainage and other on -site conditions considered unusual. Cost —Enter the cost being submitted by the Contractor or bide submitted by a qualified subcontractor for each trade Item, These costs will Include, as a minimum, prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor, Trade Description —Enter a brief description of the work Included In each trade item, Other Foos —Includable are fees to be paid by the Contractor, such as sewer tap fees not included in the plumbing contract, Fees paid or to be paid by the Mortgagor are not to be included on this form. Total For All improvements This is the sum of lines 1 through 50 and Is to Include the total builder's profit (line 46). form HUO-2328 0/95) Previous edition is obsolete 2 of a ref, Handbook 4450.14460.1 Lino 52—When applicable, enter that portion of the builder's profit (line 46) to be paid by means other than cash And/or any part of the buildeea profit to be walved during construction. Nan -Residential and Spacial Exterior Land Improvenwnt Costs — Describe and enter the cost of each improvement, I.e. on -site parking facilities Including Individual garages and carports, commercial facill- ties, swimming pools with related facilities and on -site features pro- vided to enhance the envlronnvnt and livability of the project and the neighborhood. The Design Representative and Cost Analyst shall collaborate with the mortgagoror his representative In designating the Items to be Included. Off•Sito Costs —Enter description and dollar amount Including fees and bond premium for off -site improvements. Demolition —Enter description and dollar amount of demolition work necessary to condition site for building Improvements including the removal of existing structures, foundations, utilities, etc. Other Fees —Enter a brief description of hem Involved and cost estimate for each [tam. Signatures. —Enter the firm namo, signature of authorized officer of the contractor and/or mortgagor and date the form was completed. Previous edition is obsolete fav", U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMIS31ONF-R CONTRACTOR'S and/or MORTGAGOR'S Dale 18-Feb-20 LAND IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE Project No. (SCHEDULES OF VALUES) 066-35358 Spenser Accessory Structures (Identification) UNI 17th Street, LLC Name of Project Location UNI Tower 90 NE 17th Street, Miami, FL This form represents the Contractors and/or Mortgagors firm casts and sorvicos as a basis for disbursing duller amounts when the Insured advances are requested. Detailed instructions for completing this form are included an the reverse side. LINE TRADE ITEM ESTIMATED TRADE DESCRIPTION COST 1 EARTHWORK: $270,450.00 Survey, MOT, Rough Grade, NDPES, Dewatering 2 Clearing & Grubbing 15,000 Claerirg 3 Stripping, Piling & Onsile Cuts 20,000 9 riµpiml gnd oc gh r:eda 4 Demolition 5 Fill 24,950 Fiil 6 Rack cxcovatian 7 Bldg. Snik Excay. & B;ackfill 17.500 Grad,-i0 and building, pad prep, Beal ti€aria 8 Hauling 9 Miscellaneous 103,000 M b;Aaati e, 41OT, NOp! S, :are , Crrwa!ar rg 10 SITE UTILITIES: $389,625.00 11 Water Supply & Related Items 05,000 Ocmeadc water syale"'I 12 Sanitary Sewer & Related Items 87,500 Sane racy Sews: 8}%lem OruJ cwn;,acdon 13 Electric Service & Connections 5,000 Ekctdo service 14 Street & Grounds Lighting 16 Gas Service & Connections 5+,000 Gas connection 16 Heating Tunnels 17 Storm Sewer & Drainage 142,125 DretnagA a: rc1<ar walla, V rn "%.am 18 Miscellaneous 86,000 Fire n1Rir, 19 ROADS AND WALKS $2.T3.523 01 20 Curbs and Gutters 40,125 Curbs. )Isadar Sand 1 21 Pavement For Vehicular Area 37,500 Paving sub Was. €bnage 22 Special Area Surfacing 123,168 sm: k pavan I 23 Walks, Steps, handrail&, etc. 25,000 3idaaweiks 24 Miscellaneous 44,800 Wheal Stops I Striping and Signage 25 SITE IMPROVEMENTS $565,634.00 26 Equipment for Special Areas 113,400 Grills, Benches, T€cais 27 Fences, Walls, etc. 26,734 Fencing, ralling 2S Trash Collection Stations 29 Street& Entrance Signs 9,500 Entry Sign 10 Bridges 11 Swimming Pool 3`t5,rQrX Swimming poet 12 Mobile Home Pads 13 Miscellaneous 50,000 vshki ularEn"yGatvs k1 LAWNS AND PLANTING: $186,894.00 IS Top Soil & Improvement 65.000 Top Soil, Structural Landscape IT. RNat Barrier 16 Finish Grading 2,000 Fine Grading 17 Seedino. Sedinq, Sprinaincl 18 Harding 88.894 Trdss, alwv-L-•s sp.d "karts 19 Miscelancous 30.000 Irrigation 0 TOTAL LAND IMPROVEMENTS 3,376.392 UNUSUAL SITE CONDITIONS OFF -SITE COSTS 1 • Accessory Structures (Coal Included in Trade Item Breakdown) (Cost+ Not Included in Trade Item Breakdown) 2 TWAT LAND iMPRvre. & STRUCTS. 3,370,302 Description Est Cost Description Est. Cost 43 General Requirements Earthwork 0 44 SUBTOTAL (Lines 42 and 43) 3,376,392 Site Ufif dos 0 45 Builder's Overhead Roads snd WaAs 44,000 46 Builder's Profit Site fmp. 8 Lawns end Plantings 0 47 SUBTOTAL (Lines 44 thru 46) 3,376,392 TOTALS 0 TOTAL 6 44,000 48 REFUNDABLE ITEMS (Costs Included in Trade lism Breakdown) DEMOLITION (Costs Not Included In Trade Item Breakdown) 49 Other Fees 50 Bond Premium Description Est. Cost Description Est. Cost 51 TOTAL FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS 3,370,392 CSC nG litkin 34,785 52 Builder's Profit Paid by Means Other Than Cash 53 TOTAL FOR ALLIMPROVEMENT9 (Less Lino 52) 3,370,392 TOTALS 0 TOTAL $ 34.786 'Execute Standard Form 2328 tc Ltne 33 for each structure type if the arngtidTon Lln 41 la nif Total Lend Improvements y M UNI 17th Street, LLC By Date Conlreclor B F - Date 2120/2020 First Flodda Constructors, LLC. HUD Data Chief, Cost Evaluation or Cost Analyst Dep. Dir. for HousinglSerAce Off. Supervisor naptaces vrevious t:cmon HUD•92328•1.I (11.81) EARTH W ❑ N WORK SWEET 1 ANn refeRIWRIJRNT r'ART RRTIYAYe OUANITY UNIT BSTIMATEO COST SUBTOTAL ITEM Orosile OR -Site Pdee On -airs Of•alle O"Its Oa•Sile IRK: Clearing end Grubbing Sltewor%(sVgpping, pllrng, ass, Ills) CW Fie Moblliactien M00.6e0rr 5N1veY 13,000 1 15A00 2G.g00 z 20,000 24,g50 1 21,960 16.000 1 10,000 LI'.bb9 1 26AW _ R0,44 Orado Y S00 1 7,SW That ProtedINPOESMill PerinErltruv>t,'sRt Bo T 25.0w 7 26.000 Rock Enavation Bldg. Pad Prep S.WO 1 6,[qp HOW,ng MisgOenepus Pita Groaa Oawaeu Q 5,000 1 S,OW 25.000 1 25.000 MOT 100,IXXI n 100.000 SUBTOTAL EARTHWORK rigs: Water supply CgmptW Wsly System 27CASO s5,Og0 1 $6,000 Pin Hydrants OOCY 10.A00 T 10.0W 5B,g00 1 S0,000 Fire WAIn and Coy *aa now 1 25.000 SardarySewer a '(plpa)dia Cevad to bi&iitq 55,000 t 5a,000 7.500 t 7.5a0 _ Opet Cu it-t- c. 7,600 1 T.500 Manwn Sinitic Barviee d Connections 15.000 1 15,000 a,dgd 1 Wo SammrySewarlampholas VIOFO 2.50g t 2,SW Storm$saver d Oroinage sic+mSwmr of-Aulga rtvn O awpe lvena 54.33, 1 54,327 2p,256 5 a7,70s Street lighting Slanderda Gas SONIC$ Ong Colmedons Heating d U I. Torinela storm Smar Pipe a.5bb 1 5.000 Cisenouls HoWwoFs d Aprons I, cc, ROADS Am _-_-mi_-_- NINE -�--� (COaOMW HUmowu J" M) Lo SIM By Duo sy 0 Sped, Am Surfmdq� am lNURROMSHIS rowk yaw La FA T."d LAWNS AND PLAWNG: LS Sftw to LO to SubTatll LAWNS AND PLANTING - Exhibit C Exhibit D UNI Tower Project Revision Budget Discipline Vendor Amount Architect Zyscovich 141,000 MEP Engineer Franyie Engineers 125,000 Structural Engineer B&J 42,600 Civil G raef 1,000 Private Provider NV5 19,000 Structural Peer Reviewer BNI 25,500 Permit Expeditor Permit Doctor 15,000 Life Safety Engineer SLS 5,000 Wind Study RWDI 10,000 Green Building Study Two Trails 5,000 Market Study Walker & Dunlop 12,000 Appraisal Walker & Dunlop 7,000 Phase I Environmental Walker & Dunlop 5,000 Plan Review Walker & Dunlop 18,000 Insurance Review Walker & Dunlop 750 Permit/Zoning Review Walker & Dunlop 800 Legal Walker & Dunlop 5,000 HUD Application Fee Walker & Dunlop 120,000 Total 557,650 I aul pswtt's I MCANWkm I CiTo zYscovICH AECHITECT'§ January 15, 2021 Nir Shoshani NR Investments, Inc. I I I I Park Centre Boulevard, Suite 450 Miami Gardens, Florida 33169 Re: 18104MU 17 17w Street Tower (Uni Tower) Additional Services #02 Design modifications required for HUD Approval Dear Nir, 16D0 H .Yidd� MANW, ii Y.m4 f �,477.�3YA s iiAf�ys�v�stka<aa� Or uaurae ayssalba We have prepared this additional service proposal for design services required to modify Uni Tower project referenced above as indicated on the attached drawings in Exhibit A. We understand that the plans have been fully approved by HUD and no further changes are expected. Also, we understand that time is of the essence In modifying the documents, thereby our team has already Initiated work and forecast completion in 8 weeks (March 10, 2021). In addition, we understand the Building Department agrees these modifications will be Integrated into the existing permit set as a revision. The scope of the modifications will be "clouded" and identified as a revision to the permit documents. We understand the permit number will remain, the revisions will be "administratively approved" by zoning authorities and approval resubmissions are not required. The A/E team is planning a midway coordination meeting in 4 weeks (February 10,2021) for interim review. Our entire team is mobilized and working expeditiously to complete this work to minimize delays to the project Architecture & Interior Design 96 Sheets revised for a total of 1440 Hours @ $ 84.99 (cost): $ 120,000.00 NTE Permit Modifications & HUD Approvals to be preformed hourly at our cost rate of $ 108.46 with a "not -to -exceed" (NTE) Permitting 120 Hours: $ 13,000.00 NTE HUD 80 Hours: _ __$L 8,000.00 M Subtotal $ 141,000.00 NTE MEP $ 125,000.00 Structural $ 42,600.00 Civil $ 1.000.00 Total $ 309,600.00 Please confirm authorization by signing below and retuning a copy so that we can reciprocate with our sub -consulting team. If you have any questions or require any additional information, please feel free to give us a call at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, ZYSCOVICH ARCHITECTS Jose Murguido Vice-president, Partner NR INVES MENTS INC. Accepted Date CC: Arnaldo Delgado Exhibit E Contractor's and/or Mortgagor's U.S. Department of Housing and OMB No. 2502-M4 (exp.1213112019) Cost Breakdown Urban Development Schedule of Values Office of Housing Federal Housing Commissioner Public reporting burden for this collection of information is estimated to average 4 hours per response, NcNding The lima for reviewing Instructions, searching exlslkg data sources, gathering and mobtaiNng the data needed, and completing and reviewing the collection of inrermatlon, This Information is required to obtain benefits. HUD may not collect this information, and you are not required to complete Us form, unless it displays a currently valid OMB Control Number. Section 207 of the National Housing Act (Section 126 of the Housing Act of 1954, Public Law 580,12 U.S.C.,17t5r), authorizes the collection of this information. The informalkm Is required for a general contractor when an identity of interest exists between the general contractor and the mortgagor or "an the mortgagor Is a nonprofit entity and a cast plus comract has been used. The information Is used by HUD to facilitate the advances of mortgage proceeds and their monitoring. Privacy Act Notice. The United Stales Department of Housing and Urban Development. Federal Housing Administration, is authorized to solicit the Information requested In this fount by vbbre of Title 12, United Slates Cade, Section 1701 st seq., and regulations promulgated ftraundar st Tllle 12, Code d Fadaral Regulations. While no assurances orcordidentlafity H ptedged to respondents. HUD generafiy discloses this data only In response to a Freedom of Information request. Date Sponsor 211012022 1 UN117th Street, LLC Project No Building Identification O6B-32DD8 MASTER Name of Project Location UNI Tower 190 NE 17th Street, Miami, FL This form represents the Contractors and f or Modgagors fine costs and services as a basis for disbursing dollar amounts when Insured advances are requested. Detailed instructions for completing this form are Included on the reserve aide. line Div. Trade Item Cost Trade Description 1 3 Concrete $117,783,600 Slab on Grade, elevated concrete, pilings 2 4 Masonry $980.000 Reinforced Masonry 3 5 Metafs $1.149,3% Stairs ralllogs, structural steel, trellis, decorative metals, mist, metals 4 1 6 Rough Carpentry $189,000 Msc Rough Car pentry Material and Labor 5 6 Finish Carpentry $431; 00 Common Area Miffm* ! ID Packs o 6 7 Waterproofing $535,200 Caulking, balcony sealer, watertp oof. p",.utters, emenhy deck, terrace, elac?F � room and expansion yaint 7 7 Insulallon $259,E00 insulation at corridor walls, demisln, wails and exterior walls. 6 7 Roofing $211.900 Roofing materials and labor_ 3 7 Sheet Aletal $0 10 8 Doors $1,411,400 Doors, hardware, tdm, bath accessories 1f 9 Windows $2,44900 Windows and storefront 12 a I Glass $468,600 Glass Railings, Mirror at Exercise 13 9 Lalli and Plaster $1,331.500 Lath, slucco and accessories 14 9 Vryvail $2,863.000 D +all material, installation and finish 15 9 Tito Woak $764.400 Unit f Common area Ole, fioodri , Ille surrounds 16 9 Acoustical $0 17 9 Wood Flooring $0 tat 9 Resilient Flooring $424,000 Vinyl Plank Flooring, Exercise Flooring 19 9 1 Painting and Decorating $1,127,300 Painting, interior and Exterior, Wall covering Install. 20 10 Specialties $329,400 Mail boxes, Lockers, Fire Extinguishers, Signage, Bike Racks, Toiler Partitions_, Final Cleaning 21 11 Special Equipment $1.872,200 Trash Chute, Trash Comp.)rwr, Car Lifts T2 11 Cabinets $779.800 Cabinets and Countertops 23 11 Appliances 4654.600 Appliances 24 12 Blinds, Shades, & Artwork $93,000 Blinds 25 12 1 Carpets $65.300 Carpets 26 13 Special Construction $1.024,000 Firs Sprinkler, Fire Extinguisher and Cabinets 27 14 Elevators $1,374,000 Elevators 28 15 Plumbing and Hot Water $2.227,000 Plumbing systems and fixtures 29 15 Heat and Ventilation $0 30 15 Air Conditioning $4,421,100 Air Conditioning, Healin+ and Ventilation 31 18 Electrical $7,562,5(le' Electrical, Fire Alarm, Light Fixtures, CCTV, Tele-entity, RDA 32 Subtotal Structures $52,476,200 33 Accessary Structures 1 $0 34 Total (lines 32 and 33) 1 $52,476,200 form HUD 132815,/95) Previous edition is obsolete 1 of 9 ref. Handbook 4450.14460.1 35 2 Earthwork $217,139 36 2 Site Utilities $486,650 37 2 Roads and Walks $151,440 38 2 Site Improvements $259,703 _ 39 2 Lawns and Planting $149,66C 40 2 1 Unusual Site Conditions ti:0 NonResidentlal and Special Fxlerfor Land Improvement (costs Included In trade Item breakdown) 06sile Costs (its not Included In trade Items breakdown) 41 Total Land Improvements $1,244,600 42 Total 6truct. & Land Imprvts $53,720.800 Description Est. Cost Description Est. Cost 43 1 General Requirements $3,197,200 $0 Earthwork $0 44 Subtotal (Ilnes 42 and 43) $66,918,000 $0 Site Utilities $0 45 Builde's Overhead $1.138,360 $0 Roads and Walks $11,500 46 Builders Profit $0 Total $ 0 to Imp. & Lawns and Plantings $0 47 _Subtotal (Line 44 thru 46) $58,056,360 Other Fees Total $ 21.500 48 $0 CostCerOikation S15,000 Demolition (costs rot::titudad un aade lame beakda ) 49 Other fees $471,900 5o Bond Premium $514.000 Description Est. Cost 51 Total for All Improvments $59,042,260 General liability Insurance $456.900 0.00 $0 52 Builder's Profit Paid by Means 0therTnanCash $0 $0 53 Total for All Improvments Less Line 52 $59,042,260 $0 Total $1 471,9W Total $ 0 I hereby certify that all the Information stated herein, as well as any Information provided In the paniment herewith, is true and accurate Warning: HUD will prosecute false claims and statements. Conviction may result In criminal andlor ivil s, (18 U.S.C. 100 1. 1010. 1012.31 U.S.C. 3729, 3802) kagor UN 171hStreet, LLG a � S ]� Gate: I) �2rj Contractor: First Florida Consiniclora, LLC, By: Greg" t y".s Date: f FHA: (Processing Analyst) Date; FHA: (Chief, Coss a. nth or Analyst) Date; FHA: (Chlef Underwrilar) Date: Instructions for Completing Form HUD 232a Phis form Is prepared by the contractor and/or mortgagor as a requirement for the Issuance of a firm commitment. The firm replacement lost of the project also serves as a basis for the disbursement of dollar amounts when Insured advances are requested. A detailed treakdown of trade items is provided along with spaces to enter dollar amounts and trade descriptions. t, separate form Is prepared through line 32 for each structure type. A summation of these structure costs are entered on line 32 of a master orm. Land improvements, General Requirements and Fees are completed through line 53 on the master 2328 only. )ate —Date form was prepared, sponsor —Name of sponsor or sponsoring organization. project No, —Eight -digit assigned project number. Building Identification —Numbers) or Letter(s) of each building as iesignaled on plans. Vane of Project —Sponsors designated name of project. _ocation—Street address, city and state. Avlslon—Division numbers and trade items have been developed tom the cost accounting section of the uniform system. 4ccessory Structures —This item reflects structures, such ns: com- nunity, storage, maintenance, mechanical, laundry and project office )uildings. Also Included are garages and carports or other buildings. Nhen the amount shown on line 33 Is $20,000.00 or 20A of line 32 Nhichever Is the lesser, a separate form HUD-2328 will be preparod hrough line 32 for Accessory Structures. Unusual Site Conditlons—This trade Item reflects rock excavation, high water table, excessive cut and fill, retaining walls, erosion, poor drainage and other on -site conditions considered unusual. Cost —Enter the cost being submitted by the Contractor or bids submitted by a qualified subcontractor for each trade item. These costs will include, as a minimum, prevailing wage rates as determined by the Secretary of Labor. Trade Description —Enter a brief description of the work included In each trade item. Other Fees —Includable are fees to be paid by the Contractor, such as sewer tap fees not included in the plumbing contract. Fees paid or to be paid by the Mortgagor are not to be included on this form. Total For All Improvements This is the sum of lines 1 through 50 and is to include the total builder's profit (line 46). form HUD-2328 (5/95) Previous edition Is obsolete 2 of 8 ref. Handbook 4450.14460.1 Una 62-IYhan applicable, enter that portion of the builder's profit (Itne 46) to be paid by means other than cash and/or any part of the WNW* profit to be walmd during construction. Non-Roatdentiatand Spoclat O torior Land Improvement Costs— Describo and enterthe cost of each Improvement, Le. on -site parking facilities lncluding Individual garages and carports, commercial faolld- des, swimming pools with related faofiktdes and on -eke features pro- vided to enhance On environment and livability of the project and the neighborhood. The Design Representative and Cost Analyst shall collaborate withthe mortgagor or his representative in designating the hems to be Included Off -She Costs —Enter description and dollar amount Including fees and bond premium for off -she improvements. Demolition --Enter description and dollar amount of demolition work necessary to condition site for building Improvements Including the removal of existing structures, foundations, Wild". etc. Other Fees --Enter a brief description of Item Involved and cost estimate for each Item. Signatures —Enter the firm nente, signature of authorized officer of the contractor and/or mortgagor and data the form was completed. form HU0•2328 (S/9S) Previous ednkra is obsotete 3019 ref. Handbook 44MI 4460.1 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT HOUSING - FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER CONTRACTOR'S and/or MORTGAGOR'S Date 28-Feb-22 LAND IMPROVEMENT COST ESTIMATE Project No. (SCHEDULES OF VALUES) 06632008 Sponsor AccessoryStrudures (Identification) UNI 17th Street, LLC Name of Project Location UNI Tower 90 NE 171h Street Allaml. FL This fans represents the Contractors an dfar Mortgagors &m costs and seWces as a basis for dntwrsir47 dollar amounts when the insured advances are requested. Detailed Instructions for completing acts form are Included on 9re reverse s!da. LINE TRADE REM ESTIMATED COST TRADE DESCRIPTION 1 EARTHWORK: $217.139.00 Survey, MOT, Rough Grade, NDPES, Dewatering 2 Clearing & Grubbing 10,000 Clearing 3 Sbfppirg, Piling & Onsite Cuts 25,862 Skipping and Rough Grade 4 Demolition 5 Fig 2$700 Fill 6 Rod excavation 7 Bldg, Bugs Excay. & Backfi9 7,%0 Grating and building pad prop. 0nal grade a Hauling 9 Miscellaneous 151.077 Mobilization, MOT, NDPES. Survey, Dowateri g 10 SITE UTILRIES: $466,650,00 11 Water Suppy&Related Items 127,712 Dameatiewatersyslam 12 Sanitary Sewer & Related Items 90.500 Sanitary Saw" system and connection 13 Electric Ser Ace & Connections 30.000 Electric a via 14 Street& Grounds Lighting 50AW U[nryCor"I 15 Gas Service & Connections 01EFI Cas usr ,cr.Gnn 16 Hoeft Tunnels 17 Stem Sewer & Drainage 137.403 Dra9naga In)ecwn wails, storm system 18 Miscellaneous 30,06 Fire main connection and DDCV. 19 ROADS AND WALKS $151,440.00 20 Curbs and GuRtars 13.220 Curbs, Header Bond 21 Pavement For Vehicular Area 80,802 Pavtrg, sub base, aignege 22 Special Area Surfacing 23 Wapta, slaps, handrails, etc. 34.618 Sldawatits 24 Miscellaneous 16,800 Wheal Stops /Sipping and Signage 25 SITE IMPROVEMENTS 26 EqudpmenlforSpecialAreas 27 Fences, Wags, etc. 18 862 penft, rallkQ 28 Trash CotiectionStations 29 Street & Entrance Signs 30 Bridges 31 Swimming Pool 240,841 Swimming pool 32 Mobile Home Pads 33 Miscellaneous 34 LAWNS AND PLANTING: $149,668.00 3S Top Sap & improvement 38,550 Top Sal, Sir r;;ur• I Lardar_aryt F9, Ra^! Barru r 36 FWah Grading 2,400 fine Grading 37 Sending, Soding, Sprigging 38 Planting 73,718 Trees, shrubs and planes 39 Miscellaneous Irrigation 40 TOTALLANDIMPROVEMENTS UNUSUAL SITE CONDITICNS Included in Trade 6wn Brea d,;wn) OFF -SITE COSTS (Casts hot Included In Trade Item Smakrf w) Sf • Accessory Structures(Cos! 42 TOTAL LAND IMPRVIS.&STRUCTS. W1,244.600 Descr?pl4n Est Cost Description Eat Coat 43 General Requirements Eariltwark 0 44 SUBTOTAL (Lines 42 and 43) Site Utilities 0 45 BulldoesOverhand Roads andWaOa 21,60 46 Su lkwa Profit Site Imp. & Lawns and Plantings 0 47 SUBTOTAL (Lines 44 thru 46) TOTALS 0 TOTAL 5 21,500 48 1 REFUNDABLEITEMS (Costa Included In Trade Item Breakdown) DEMOLMON (Costs Not irtohuded fn Tiede Rem Breakdown) 49 Other Fees 50 Bond Premium DescdpUon ESLCost Descdp0en EsL Cost 51 TOTAL FOR ALL IMPROVEMENTS 1244.600 DemoMtion 34.785 52 Builders Profit Paw by Meam OtherThan Cash 53 TOTAL FOR ALL NPROVEMENTS (Less Line 52) 1,244,600 TOTAL $ 0 TOTALS 34.785 'Execute Standard Form 2328 to Line 33 for each sWdure We H the amounrt on Line 41 is sWr�iccaantlittooTTotaat(Lend M UNI 17th SkeeL LLC Contractor Flml Florida Co C. HUD Chief, Cost Evaluaf on or Cost Analyst �k�npprovemants BY k�l 7� �i11 tt r�W `Data Cif - By-aDa ., Data Dep. Mr. for Housing/Service OIL Supe Asur Replaces Previous EdNon HUD-92328•LI (11.81) .71 WORK SHEET LAND 0.H OUANITY UNIT ESTIMATED COST REM CnSlte OKSae Prke OnSee ORSih EARTHWORK: ❑ Clearing elW Gr bbk g 1000 1 10,000 ❑ Sitawak (SWAPMM pana.cuts, fils) 2S.SW 1 2s,862 ❑ Cut ❑ Fw 22.700 1 22.700 ❑ Moh0az0at Mo00kaWat 20,000 1 20.000 Survey 50.000 1 50,000 Rw3l%Gradb 74M 1 ?Am Tice PmtecWNPDESMk FanmS*anra 31,077 , 31.077 ❑ Rods ExcavaSm B1d9.Pad Prep ❑ B ❑ AOacdbneals I'll -tat Grade MOT 60AW f 6QA00 ' SUBTOTAL EARTHWORK SITE UTILITIES: ® W.WWP* CcmplWe Water Systan 127.712 1 127,712 ' DOW 20A00 1 20,000 Fire Mtda aW Cawwalons 10.635 t Lq&15 0 SardbtySawar S •(pbe)tge 33.000 1 33,000 Cattmd to EA;16,0 7.1m 4 30,000 Open Cut Raslaalkn Tim 1 71500 Manholes ❑ Ekc* Sor4ke a Cannadkaro 30.600 , sq,ati6 ❑ Santatylim rLamomtes VIOEOrraslitg Am 1 20,000 ❑ Starm Sewa60rastage SMtm 6ewarl OWl e8.tam 61,403 1 01.403 0141nage Woos 25333 3 76.000 ❑ Street Ughft Stands* uloity ewwd 011600 1 50,400 ❑ Cos Sarvkw _ Gas caum Dena Heaft d, UtL Tunnds Ssxm Sewer Pipe i. COST ESTIMATE Drpwdm ROADO AM WALKS w■a�w�w ww��w p6 *A" HL*423e11 f»a» OUAMTY UNIT` ESTWATEO COST SMTOTAL ITEM on -as OKSke Pot. O.-Me F Ou-&m Cy1.50e OOSIte 13.220 ROMANOWALSysaWsdPMAWa Ps60 6109vAfa SY 1 T,500 7,500 OlheeeAdPelkn2A SS 1170 SY 1.170 3S 40.550 Bees 1170 SY 1.170 Is 21,060 Sk.bft SY •12 130 SY L316 15,792 LS am SY SId" k511 aa1Reluu. SY 1.750 10 17,500 4""9?—bftALM R LS 1 1.500 1,Sm ADAC&wdcRaM la 2 1.2•b 2,500 Sud t: a.a SY Ra7sJa6 SY :b0..81e6 Wheal Sops 1S 1 10,600 7aa 00 991ps12 LS 1 1,600 1,500 QThm-pume SpeMAM SndxA1R Seas SY SBbft SY MIUMCas000day SY a7 31,618 SY WabaP.ee S •WM SY 77i S 'VM. •N2 5Y skpio" AF "KAMr LP Qla kTa.s7mgn l5 A1b1e41 ROADS AND WALKS 131,440 26500 _ a1T6RAPROVENEM E0u►YAed•SpIW1A.. O L9 LS LS Fe1xAe L6 • PAo1 Fea. IOet" 7 Raft LS 1 t0.6d2 19462 RdalnyWah •K2b 'IM LF u TWACORadeAs"Ma CA �a som is a s•5aalWpPe61 L3 1 2s0.M1 N0,811 O kW65 Hwe P2ds EA - 1hd1e0.sk11s 6C*Wmrs is O6au61nee0s LB LS LS 6ubTOWSRESIPROVENENTS 2U.707 LOANDFLANTING: TEptaelokeft4mad LS 1 4,600 e,00 0- r-4rm%- to SInx0Aa18dl is 1 37.750 2,600 33.760 2AW Q RaeOtedk* L9 1 Q Ppni198sdt6RD OV u8teoiq SY sM89M9 SY SBddnp 1S swft aow P-d a". SY RKOW Tam is 1 73,718 73.71a LS O.bs to is LS kSsaelWxoOs LS bfg4l yWs@aPumps is 1 75,000 J3.000 OWR is S•.OTala1 LAWNS AND PLANTINGH9.wa .. .........._.. fOTALLMIGRAPROVEDENTS 4UNE4%RU0.9232a.L0 ,,.. _................... HM920211•1.1 (1141) Exhibit F CUSTOMER NR Group Management Inc. ESTIMATE NO C-3220 DATE 3/2/2020 ADDRESS '1600 NE 1st Ave CITY/STATE/ZIP Miami ,FL 33132 PHONE 305-625-0949 E-MAIL daniel@nrinvestments.com PROJECT U N I Tower- Office level build out PREPARED BY: Enter Preparer's name in this cell ATTENTION Enter the name address proposal In this cell UNI TOWER- OFFICE BUILD OUT - PROPOSAL HYB Construction LLC 21152 NE 18th PL, Miami 33179 786-274-2329 roeybinshtok@gmail.com QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 1 Millwork wall covering/ reception desk, ceiling entrance $55,000.00 $40,000.00 1 Kitchen Cabinets and countertop (include outdoor kitchen) $75,000.00 $60,000.00 1 4 Bathrooms (2 public, 2 privates)- toilets, urinal, sinks $30,000.00 $30,000.00 installations, partition) 1 Glass partitions and doors (14 rooms) $55,000.00 $55,000.00 1 wood doors and harware $4,000.00 $4,000.00 1 Flooring -Hard floor in common area $45,000.00 $35,000.00 1 Flooring carpet in offices $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1 Appliances (allowance) $45,000.00 $35,000.00 1 Framing and drywall (include common area ceiling) $50,000.00 $60,000.00 1 Paint $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1 Specially Llnear Metal ceiling in all offices and conference $75,000.00 $75,000.00 rooms 1 HVAC System $45,000.00 $46,000.00 1 Plumbing (rough and kitchen) $30,000.00 $30,000.00 1 Electrical (not including lighting package) $36,000.00 $36,000.00 1 Interior Lighting (allowance) $25,000.00 $26,000.00 1 IT installation $15,000.00 $15,000.00 1 k Fire protection system $18,000.00 $18,000.00 1 Fire suppression system $15,000.00 $16,000.00 1 Permit expeditor service $7,500.00 $7,500.00 1 contingency (5%) $30,225.00 $30,226.00 1 Overhead and profit (15%) $90,675.00 $90,676.00 SUBTOTAL $726,400.00 THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES THE CONDITIONS NOTED: TAX RATE 0.00°% Enter conditions here SALES TAX $0.00 OTHER TOTAL $725,400.00 Sign Below to Accept Quote: Authorized Rep Date UNI TOWER- OFFICE BUILD OUT - PROPOSAL HYB Construction LLC 21152 NE 18th PL, Miami 33179 786-274-2329 roeybinshtok@gmail.com QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE AMOUNT CUSTOMER 1 Millwork wall coveringl reception desk, ceiling entrance $45,000.00 $49,500.00 NR Group Management Inc. 1 Kitchen Cabinets and countertop (include outdoor kitchen) $80,000.00 $88,000.00 ESTIMATE NO 1 4 Bathrooms (2 public, 2 privates)- toilets, urinal, sinks installations, $35,000.00 $38,500.00 C-3220V22 1 Glass partitions and doors (14 rooms) $90,000.00 $99,000.00 DATE 1 wood doors and harware $9,500.00 $10,450.00 3/2/2022 1 Flooring -Hard floor in common area $43,000.00 $47,300.00 ADDRESS 1 Flooring carpet in offices $22,000.00 $24,200.00 1600 NE 1st Ave 1 Appliances (allowance) $45,000.00 $49,500.00 CITY/STATE/ZIP 1 Framing and drywall (include common area ceiling) $75.000.00 $82,500.00 Miami ,FL 33132 1 Paint $18,000.00 $19,800.00 PHONE 1 Specially Linear Metal ceiling in all offices and conference rooms $135,000.00 $148,500.00 305-625-0949 1 HVAC System $88,000.00 $96,800.00 3 E-MAIL 1 Plumbing (rough and kitchen) $35,000.00 $38,500.00 daniel@nrinvestments.com 1 Electrical (not including lighting package) $52,000.00 $57,200.00 PROJECT 1 Interior Lighting (allowance) $40,000.00 $44,000.00 UNI Tower- Office level build out 1 IT installation $25,000.00 $27,500.00 PREPARED BY: 1 Fire protection system $23,000.00 $25.300.00 Enter Preparer's new this cell 1 Fire suppression system $20,000.00 $22,000.00 ATTENTION i Permit expeditor service $7,500.00 $8,250.00 Enter the name address 1 contingency (5%) $48,840.00 $48,840.00 proposal In this cog 1 Overhead and profit (15%) $146,520.00 $146,520.00 SUBTOTAL $1,172,160.00 THIS PROPOSAL INCLUDES THE CONDITIONS NOTED: TAX RATE 0.00% Enter conditions here SALES TAX $0.00 OTHER TOTAL $1,172,160.00 Sign Below to Accept Quote: Authorized Rep Date Exhibit G Preliminary Change Order Request Uni Tower Date: 6/15/2022 PCOR # UNI #5 From: First Florida Constructors, LLC To: NR Investments, Inc. 31 NW 23rd Street 1600 NE 1st Avenue, Suite 3800 Miami, Florida 33127 Miami, Florida 33132 Contact: Sabah Corso Contact: Daniel Suarez de Puga Phone: 305-619-4181 Phone: 305-625-0949 Project: Uni Tower 1 SCOPE OF WORK DESCRIPTION: G&E was contracted as per proposal submitted 1/19/2022. Due to inflation the contract value of the cocrete & masonry scope has increased $535,000.00. This change order is inclusive of all inflation increase for concrete, masonry, grout, rebar, PT -Cables, Labor & Gass as of 6/30/2022. List of add/deduct are shown below: Conrete & Masonry increase: $ 535,000.00 General Contractor's signature: 2 DOCUMENT INITIATING PRELIMINARY CHANGE ORDER REQUEST: See above Estimated Cost: $ 535,000.00 3 Cost Impact: Yes: X No: OH&P 4%: $ - Insurance 1% $ Bond 1% $ - Total: $ 535,000.00 4 Schedule Impact: Yes: No: X Number of Days +/- 0 5 Signature: Work detailed in Contract Documents, Location: Date: Proceed at no cost to Owner 6 Signature: Proceed with work detailed. Submit Change Order form with Back-up Date: for review by Owner. 7 Signature : Do not proceed with work. Submit Change Order Request with back-up Date: for review by Owner. /00n� G&E Florida Contractors, LLC. UNI TOWER - ESCALATIONS 2022 / 2023 ORIGINAL PROJECTED ESCALATION ESCALATION ESTIMATED PROJECTED IMPACT PROJECTED IMPACT TOTAL START DATE START DATE ON 7/1/2022 ON 1/1/2023 VOL. 7/1/2022 VOL 7/1/2022 BAL. 1/112023 IMPACT CONCRETE Mar-22 Jul-22 $ 4.00 $ 10.00 4,150.00 - $ 17,762.00 12,230.00 $ 130,861.00 $ 148,623.00 22,860 CY CY CY ENVIRONMENTAL & FUEL $ 47.00 $ 60.00 $ 39,000.00 3000 LOADS CMU - BLOCK $ 0.08 $ 10,272.00 160,000 BLOCKS ORIGINAL PROJECTED ESCALATION ESCALATION BALANCE BALANCE IMPACT IMPACT START DATE START DATE ON 2/14/2023 ON 5/14/2023 ON 2/14/2023 ON 5114/2023 2/14/2023 5/14/2023 REBAR Mar-22 Jul-22 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 1,243.00 497.20 $ 66,500.50 $ 26,600.20 $ 93,100.70 2,260 Tons Tons Tons P.T. CABLE Mar-22 Jul-22 $ 0.24 43920.00 $ 10,540.80 292,800 Pounds Pounds ORIGINAL PROJECTED ESCALATION START DATE START DATE 7/1/2022 LABOR Mar-22 L Jul-22 5% $ 186,241.65 $ 9.8 / S.F. Increase in hourly rates, excluding salaries and management, starting on 7/1/2022. This represents around 5% of the total labor ORIGINAL PROJECTED ESCALATION START DATE START DATE 7/112022 MISCELLANEOUS Mar-22 Jul-22 7% $ 49,217.12 $ 1.85 / S.F. Gas and manufacturing prices increased the estimated miscellaneous materials and equipment around 7% of the total cost. TOTAL IMPACT $ 536.995.27 TO ROUND UP $ (1,995.27) GRAND TOTAL $ 535,000.00 5555 Arr0rr Awffw, Sartre 4 & E Ft. Lm&r&4r, FL 35312 Pboae: 954-961-0078 FAX 954-961-0042 Florida Contractors, LLC. 2/9/22 PROJECT:UNI TOWER LOCATION: 90 NE 17TH ST, MIAMI, FL 33132 P.O. # 004-22 SUPPLIER: CENTRAL CONCRETE SUPERMIX rac DESCRIPTION war UPAT PLACE TOTAL ESTIMATED MATMAL COST MIXCODE CONCRETE MATERIAL As Per Attached Signed Proposal_ $ 2,647,000.00 As cer Structural Drawings Issue Tor Permit 0611012021' As perArchitactural Dmwin s Issue for Permit lOtI 2021' Minimum Load <6YD LD N!C Saturday Dcllva a IOVD EA NIC Placing Pumu Primer DO NOT US LD NJA Plant OGenln-� Charge EA SO.00 Returned Concrete r i YD LD $0.00 Prices valid thro 0613 M - Escalation $4.00 from 07101122 to 12 II22 SUB TOTAL $ 2, 547,000.00 SALES TAX 7% $ 350.00 SALES TAX 6% $ 152,520.00 TOTAL P.O. $ 2,699,870.00 Digitally signed by GustavoJeramillo Date. 2022.02.15 >�a.eam�ewdLu 13:4955-05'OlY Gustavo JammiNo Project Executive CONFIDENTIAL SUPERMIX r((�0-C NRMCA [-RFM7[ii1L lT1iC01[?[7C:HIt Customer Name G 8 E Florida Contractors, Inc. Phone: 954.961.0078 P.O. 5555 Anglers Avenue, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Fax: 954.961.0042 Pro act Name Uni Tower Cell: Address 90 NE 17th Street, Miami, FL Mouriciora aefforidacontmctors wm Mix Code Descrf f/on LWAL Price 18aturdayDellve AS PER CUSTOMERS REQUEST 2/4/2022 Cubic Yard 4000REGULAR $92.00 6000 REGULAR Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard $96.00 6000 REGULAR $100.00 7000 PSI REGULAR IN 664DAYS 4.2 KSI $104.00 PT SLABS 3000 PSI JR 244HOURS a SW F 6500 PSI Cubic Yard $102.00 ADDITION FOR: Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard PEAROCK PUMPMiX $10.00 BLEND -SIDEWINDER / PEAROCK REGULAR $6.00 8" +!- 2" SUPERPLASTICInR HRWR) PER 1000 PSI PER $2.00 V +/-Ito SUPERPLASTICIZER MRWR} PER 1000 PSI PER $1.50 "DCI-S" CORROSION INHIBITOR 2.5 GALICY Cubic Yard $35.00 Cubic Yard Cubic Yard 5000 PR REGULAR W/HRWR @ 56-DAYS $112.00 8000 PR REGULAR W/HRWR a 5"AYS $118.00 7000 PR REGULAR W►HRWR @ 5643AYS Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard Cubic Yard $124.00 8000 PR REGULAR W►HRWR 56-DAYS $130.00 9000 PR REGULAR W/HRWR SO -DAYS 5.1 KSI $136.00 3000 COARSE MASONRY GROUT ASTM C476 $102.00 to 70A Sales Tax on ist $5000.00purchases; Then 6.0% Sales Tax With a Signed P.D. SERVICE CHARGES Environmental Load Charge Load $15.00 Currently FUEL SURCHARGE -ADJUSTED MONTHLY Load $32.20 6:00 am-6:00 am Plant Opening 4-HR Minimum Monday - FridayFLAT TBD 6:ooam-12:30 m Cha -100 CY MINIMUM Cubic Yard N/C Minimum Load Charge - Less than 5 CY Load Cubic Yard N/C 40 Placing Pump Primer & Blow Back Grout Mix $250,00 No 2/912022 Effee9ve Date Ex#ratfon Diate 6130/2022 Escalation '1,"1022Tol2l3i72oz2,1�112023.=.e-I IOU f Supermix reserves the right to increase the above quoted prices without notice that reflect an increase in raw material costs or surcharges Incurred by Supermix and to cancel or defer any quote In the event Supermix becames delayed or prevented by shortages or allocations of raw materials. Supermix shall not be liable to Buyer for any damages incurred by Buyer as a result of any such delay or cancellation. This quotation must be accepted in writing 30 calendar days from quote date. Supermbr Roy l . UscRObert Office: 305.262.3250 Cell. 305.216.3213 Representative Nice President of Sales Fax. 305,264.0973 E-mail., RmacroberAasupermixxom Digitally signed by Gustavo Jaramillo Date:2022.02.15 13:28:18-05'00' Florida Conttadw& LLC 4LLOWED SSSS Anglera 1-ltenue, Suite 4 (6'& IE Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33312 Phone:954-961-0078 FAX 954-961-0042 Florida Contractors, LLC. 3/29/22 PROJECT: UNI TOWER LOCATION: 90 NE 17TH ST, MIAMI, FL 33132 P.O. # 008-22 SUPPLIER: TITAN FLORIDA, LLC. NO. DESCRIPTION UNIT UNIT PRICE TOTAL ESTIMATED MATERIAL COST MIX CODE CONCRETE MATERIAL Total Masonry Materials $ 317,800.00 Block $ 201,600.00 Bagged Coods $ 116,200.00 Pricing and Escalation as perAtached Signed Proposal SUB TOTAL $ 317,800.00 SALES TAX 7% $ 350.00 SALES TAX 6% $ 18,768.00 TOTAL P.O. $ 336,918.00 Gustavo Jaramilio Construction Manager -us-iA.N Vk is Materials for Life" Block Customer Service 888-246-2813 Quotation Issue Date: 3/28/2022 Quotation Expires: 4/26/2022 Account Executive: RENATO FARIAS Cell Phone # 954-261-7675 Email: RFARIAS@TITANAMERICA.COM Start Date 3/28/2022 End Date 6/30/2024 as of: 3/28/22 5:06 PM We are pleased to submit the following quotation for concrete block and related products for: Project: UNI TOWER Address: 90 NE 17TH STREET City/State MIAMI County: Dade Sold To: G&E FL CONTRACTORS LLC Account #: C/O: GUSTAVOJARAMILLO Phone: Email: Tax Exempt: No Shipped From: 1201- PENNSUCO BLOCK PLANT gray block 1206 - EDGEWATER BLOCK PLANT specialty block Price Escalators: Products Date Increase All Gray Block 6/1/2022 $ 0.08 1/1/2023 $ 0.08 7/1/2023 $ 0.08 1/1/2024 $ 0.08 All Bags 6/1/2022 $ 0.40 1/1/2023 $ 0.40 7/1/2023 $ 0.40 1/1/2024 $ 0.40 Item # Product Description UOM Total Quantity Remarks 100825 8X8X16 REGULAR EA $1.10 160,000 BLOCKS 100092 8X4X16 1/2 HIGH EA $1.15 100098 8X8X8 BABY O EA $1.15 100111 8X8X16 INSPECTION BLOCK EA $1.30 100114 8X8X16 CONDUIT EA $1.25 100123 8X8X16 BOND BEAM EA $1.25 101392 8X8X16 (PALLET BILK) 2 HR FR EA $1.15 100078 6X8X16 PARTITION EA $1.25 100074 4X8X16 PARTITION EA $1.25 100140 12X8X16 FOUNDATION EA $1.60 100019 HS MASONRY BAG - TITAN TYPE "S/M" (80) EA $8.75 101174 MASONRY PREMIX: TYPE S QUIKRETE 80LB EA $6.95 100258 SHRINK WRAP EA $6.90 101513 Freight - Per Truck LD $200.00 PENS ZONE 2 ($/LOAD) 101097 HJR: 08IN LADDER 9X9 WIRE HDGALV FT $0.36 100615 MOVING BLOCK CHARGE EA $100.00 100686 SHORT LOAD - BLOCK (6-11 CUBES) EA $100.00 9000000 FUELSURCHARGE Adjusted monthly $28.00 Ph: 800-204-0632 Fax: 954-570-6654 455 Fairway Drive Deerfield Beach, FL 33441 TAT__ AH Materials for Life Quote ID: 3/28/2022 Quotation Issue Date: 3/28/2022 Quotation Expires: 4/26/2022 Account Executive: RENATO FARIAS Notes & Miscellaneous Charges For colored and non -stocked specialty gray, minimum order for any size & shape is 150 blocks Mold set up charge of $375.00 per set up (any size/shape under 2000 block Blocks per truck/moffet 4" split face 1,080 8" split face 990 12" split face 780 Blocks per pallet 4" split face 120 8" split face 90 12" split face 60 Florida Concrete Masonry Education Act Fund Beginning April 1, 2015 - Every 1 cent per block collected will be donated to the Florida Concrete Masonry Act Fund. Here is how the program will work: What units are subjected to the fund: All produced concrete block units (regardless of size) except the following: Deck Block Allan Block Pave Drain Submar erosion control Select Edge Concrete Brick Patio Block (2-8-16) Trailer Pads (16-8-16) Resale Items Collecting: It has been agreed that this donation will show as a separate line item on the invoice. The donation is not taxable. 7FIMAMM �l V Materials for Life CONCRETE BLOCK TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF SALE Issue Date: Quotation Expires: Account Executive: Quote #: Quotation March 28, 2022 April 26, 2022 RENATO FARIAS March 28, 2022 All sales will be subject to Titan's Terms and Conditions of Sale and, if buying on credit, to Buyer's credit agreement with Seller; each is incorporated herein by reference. All other terms, including any terms contained in Buyer's purchase order and any changes to these terms, are excluded unless expressly agreed to by Seller In writing. Titan's Terms and Conditions of Sale include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Payment Terms: Prompt pay discount of 1% is allowed if paid by net loth proximo, otherwise, net 39th proximo. A Enanse -h--- at h less,. s, « __. _.._ h __the __. _ ._ 1 egal Fate will be assessed on past due halanres-The quoted pAses do Rot lRelude any leeal, state, diseFetlesa Fy eF fedamkaxer- Buyer is responsible for all applicable taxes. 2. Materials: Block quoted herein includes locally available materials. In the event local materials are not available the prices may be subject to change. 3. Hours of Operation: Block deliveries will be available from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday through Friday. Saturday delivery may be requested but not guaranteed. Only orders that include a legal lot description or address maybe be considered for delivery. 4. Site Conditions: Buyer to provide reasonable access for product delivery. Any costs Incurred due to poor site conditions causing undue delay in delivery will be a the expense of Buyer. Seller shall have no obligation to return any delivered materials unless the delivery was made incorrectly because of Seller's error. 5. ProductTesting: All materials are produced to meet or exceed current ASTM C-90 specifications. Buyer acknowledges that the color and texture of materials delivered hereunder may vary slightly, however such discoloration shall not Impact the performance of such product. 6. Limited Warranty: Buyer or Buyer's agent is solely responsible for ordering the proper type and quantity of goods purchased, Seller warrants that its products will meet or exceed applicable ASTM standards, when tested in accordance with ASTM standards. Seller will repair or replace any goods supplied by Seller that fall to meet this limited warranty, within one year after delivery thereof. Seller will uphold its warranty obligations under Florida statute 719.203, as applicable. ALL OTHER WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT UMITATIONSTHE WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABIUTY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. THE REMEDY SET FORTH IN THIS PARAGRAPH WILL CONSTITUTE THE SOLE REMEDY OF BUYER UNDER THIS LIMITED WARRANTY. 7. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY: SELLER WILL NOT BE LIABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES FOR ANY SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, PUNITIVE OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY DAMAGES RELATED TO DELAY, WHETHER BASED ON STATUTE, TORT, CONTRACT, OR OTHERWISE, AND WHETHER OR NOT ARISING FROM SELLER'S NEGLIGENCE, STRICT LIABILITY OR FAULT. IN NO EVENT WILL SELLER BE RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE DUE TO THE ACTIONS OF OTHERS OR THE FAILURE OF BUYER TO COMPLY WITH ITS OBLIGATIONS. SELLER'S LIABILITY FOR ANY CLAIMS WILL BE LIMITED TO THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE GOODS SOLD UNDER THIS CONTRACT. 8.Goveming Law; Jurisdiction. All sales will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Florida. For all disputes relating to the sale of products quoted herein, Buyer hereby consents to the jurisdiction and venue of the state and federal courts for the location of the delivery site of the goods sold hereunder, WARNING: CAUSES SKIN IRRITATION • INJURIOUSTO EYES. CONTAINS PORTLAND CEMENT. FRESHLY MIXED CONCRETE MAY CAUSE SKIN IRRITATION OR INJURY. AVOID CONTACT WITH SKIN WHERE POSSIBLE, WASH EXPOSED AREAS PROMPTLY WITH WATER. IF ANY MIXTURES GET INTO THE EYE, RINSE IMMEDIATELY WITH WATER AND GET PROMPT MEDICAL ATTENTION, KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Titan Florida RENATO FARIAS Account Executive 455 Fairway Dr., Suite 200, Deerfield Beach, FI 33441 Cell Phone 954-261-7675 Email RFARIAS@TITANAMERICA.COM Authorized Signature Print Name G&E FL CONTRACTORS LLC !t A Date: 2/15/22 offs SO Project: Uni Tower tJkwmr _ Location: Miami, FL Engineer: B&J CMC r Estimate No: El934232-5a CMC Rebar ("CMC") proposes to furnish the following described materials for the above project, in accordance with the conditions of the Manual of Standard Practice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute. The terms and conditions of this proposal (including "Standard Bid Terms and Conditions", attached) constitute a binding contract when accepted by the Buyer. Buyer's acceptance shall be effective when Buyer signs this proposal or permits CMC to commence work for the project. Unless otherwise noted, this proposal is a lump sum dollar amount to provide specified materials per this proposal. All weights published are for illustrative purposes only and CMC makes no guarantee of job weight. This proposal expires in 15) calendar days from the date of this nronosal. No price will be valid for more than (5) calendar days without a mutually agreed upon Purchase Order executed by both CMC and Buyer. Any agreement is subject to credit approval and availability of rebar & other items. Base Bid Lump Sum Approximately 2.225 tons of reinforcing steel, cut to length, bent to detail, bundled and tagged. F.O.B. Jobsite as near as conditions permits, with two hours maximum unloading time per truck. Deliveries are to be made in full truckload quantities. Additional unloading time will be billed at $75.00 per hour. ALL FOR THE SUM OF .........................$ 3,112,500.00 plus any applicable taxes If this project is tax exempt, please provide CMC with an exemption certificate along with a letter of intent or acknowledgement. This quote is based on 112 jobsite deliveries. Additional deliveries will be billed at $650.00 per trip. This proposal is based on the following documents: Drawings: Latest Date on the Structural Drawings: - • Owners Revisions dated — 03/26/2021 • 90% Construction Documents: 01/15/2020 • Issue for Permit: 06/10/2021 Spec. Section Referred: Drawine References: • Structural: S-0.0 to S-6.3 (40 sheets) • Architectural: A-100 to A-892 (108 sheets) Specifications: None Addenda: None Extra to Contract and Chanae Order Pricing additional detailing and/or estimating. Price Adjustments: Price will be increased by $50.00 per ton after thereafter, cumulatively. Latest Date on the Arch Drawings: • Owners Revisions dated — 03/26/2021 • 90% Construction Documents: 01/15/2020 • Issue for Permit: 06/10/2021 & 10/19/2021 Latest Spec Date: ----- Current market price plus freight and, $100.00/per hour for 2/15/23 and then by $50.00 per ton every three (3) months Page 1 of 5 BID QUALIFICATIONS AND INCLUSIONS: 1. All lap splices are per plans and specifications included in this proposal. 2. Masonry filled cell reinforcing calculated in full height lifts "floor to floor". 3. Masonry filled cell reinforcing included as per plan sheet S-0.3. 4. Reinforcing bar supports and included for supported horizontal slab and beam construction and will be furnished as recommended by CRSI 5. Bar supports are included for shear wall vertical surfaces and will be furnished at 5'-0" LF of slab bolster at 4'-0" on center around perimeter of shear walls, at each floor. 6. Bar supports are included for column vertical surfaces and will be furnished at 20'-0" LF of slab bolster per column lift. 7. Lift height: Columns & Shearwalls — Single lift (Lap added at every floor) 8. Reinforcement Grade: All reinforcements are follows as as per general note S-101. i. Reinforcing bars #7 & larger — A615 grade 75 ii. Reinforcing bars #6 & smaller—A615 grade 60 9. Standees: Standees included per below list, 1. 12" to 24" thick - #40-4'-0"o.c EW ii. 25" to 48" thick - #504'-0"o.c EW iii. 48" to 72" thick - #6(&4'-0"o.c EW iv. 72" to 108" thick - #8(a-24'-0"o.c EW 10. Coated reinforcement: General notes sheet S-0.0 under title critical reinforcing steel protection note says, "All reinforcing steel located in concrete beams, walls and slabs supporting suspended swimming or reflecting pools shall be hot dipped galvanized" and also typical balcony detail says "provided galvanized for perimeter of bar & hairpin bars". So, proposal includes all reinforcements in above mentioned note as galvanized. Proposal includes Galvabar. 11. Elevated slab: All slab reinforcement is included as per plan called out only. 12. Price includes #11 bar size with (528) PCS Barsplice Standard Couplers. 13. Price includes an allowance for (4,149) SETS total formsaver sets. These were estimated and included for stair landings and (1) pump hole opening per floor. (2,168 sets of #4 and 1,981 sets of #5 formsaver sets). Form Saver value = $54,493.75.00 plus tax. 14. Price includes 60 tons Engineer's allowance per sheet S-0.0 (Contractor shall provide 2-tons per elevated slab of in place steel reinforcement for the engineer of record to use at his discretion during construction). 15. Price includes 82 tons Masonry. Value = $105,370- plus tax. 16. Price includes 1,090 tons GIRD 75 rebar. 17. Price includes 869 tons GIRD 60 plain rebar. 18. Price includes 64 tons of plain G60 back up and support bars. Value = $82,240- plus tax. 19. Price includes 59 tons Grade 60 AZZ Galvabar meeting ASTM A1094/A1094M-16 Specifications. This is a proposed alternative to traditional ASTM A767 "Hot Dipped" galvanized bar. 20. Price includes 1 ton Grade 75 galvanized rebar. Page 2 of 5 THE FOLLOWING ARE BID EXCLUSIONS UNLESS SPECIFICALLY NOTED OTHERWISE ABOVE: 1. Taxes, performance or payment bonds, allowances, retainage of funds, liquidated damages. 2. Review of placing plans and/or engineering stamp/seal. 3. Post tensioning items (support bars, back-up and anchorage reinforcing, bursting steel). 4. Floor or wall openings not located on the structural drawings. 5. Tilt -up panel engineering and extra reinforcing for erection/lifting. 6. Safety caps. 7. Stud rails. 8. #2 reinforcing. 9. Bars welded to embed and structural steel. 10. Welded Wire Fabric and/or supports for WWF. 11. Reinforcing for topping slabs not located on the structural drawings. 12. Site, site drainage and utility structures (manholes, inlets, duct banks, headwall, culverts, collars, thrust -blocks, tie downs) and any other misc. reinforcing on civil and/or site drawings. 13. Epoxy -coated, ASTM A615 Grade 75, ASTM A706 (weldable), MMFX, ASTM Al055-10 Z-Bar, and/or stainless steel reinforcing and supports. 14. Side form spacers for piers, grade beams, walls columns, and footings. 15. Plain or smooth round dowels and/or supports. 16. BIM and 3D modeling. 17. Reinforcing shown on architectural and civil drawings. 18. Supports for reinforcing over concrete masonry units. 19. Supports for top reinforcing in foundation mats over 4'-0" thick. 20. Added reinforcing for mechanical openings that are not shown on above referenced or listed drawings. 21. Special end preparations or threading of reinforcing bars. 22. Reinforcing, accessories, and spacers for piling. 23. Any reinforcing not specifically shown on drawings referenced or listed on this bid proposal. 24. Closure or drop -in ties for soffit beams (size and spacing unknown). 25. Construction joint dowels for joints not located on plans. 26. Added reinforcing for construction and expansion joints not shown or located on above referenced drawings. 27. All allowances. 28. PT slab bar lengths and quantities are estimated per plan views depicting bar quantities and lengths, any deviations associated in details with placing calculations are excluded." 29. ASTM A767 "Hot Dipped" Galvanized Bars. 30. There is no location for temporary opening in structural drawings 31. No alternates Adds or deducts 32. Wall spreaders, Carry & burry bars, Mockups 33. All crane, equipment, hoist pads (outside of building) 34. Shoring walls & man lift foundation 35. Block outs (Tie back, wall block out & deck) 36. Precast element and CMU precast lintels. 37. All contractor optional accessories. Page 3 of 5 EXHIBIT "A"- STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Buyer's Acceptance of Bid Proposal. Buyer's acceptance of all of the terms and conditions of this bid proposal will be conclusively evidenced by Buyer's listing Seller -Supplier, accepting the bid proposal, permitting/directing performance, or signing and returning the bid proposal. Seller -Supplier may begin performance of the Work pending receipt of a fully executed final agreement ("Order"). However, should the parties fail to execute an Order, or should the terms and conditions of this bid proposal be altered or modified, Seller -Supplier reserves the right to immediately stop performance, and Buyer agrees to pay Seller -Supplier the full value of the material and labor already furnished or in process, to include overhead and profit Any provisions of this bid proposal that are attached to or otherwise incorporated into an Order will supersede any different, inconsistent or conflicting provisions in the Order, any other documents attached or referred to and/or incorporated into the Order, or any other contract document, and govern the contractual relationship of the parties. 2. "Contract Documents"/Flow-Through/Order of Precedence. The "Contract Documents" for the Order are: (a) the Order, itself (excluding any and all items attempted to be incorporated by reference); (b) these Clarifications; and (c) those portions of other documents attached or referred to and/or incorporated into the Order that define and/or describe Seller - Supplier's work and were furnished to Seller -Supplier before Seller -Supplier submitted its bid proposal. Seller -Supplier's work will be performed in accordance with the Contract Documents, consistent with industry standards. Seller -Supplier will have all rights, remedies and redress with regard to Buyer as Buyer has with regard to Buyer's customer under the agreement between Buyer and its customer. Where a provision of any Contract Document is inconsistent with the provisions of the Order, as amended by these Clarifications, the Order, as amended by these Clarifications, will govern. 3. Scope. The scope of Seller -Supplier's work will be as set forth in this bid proposal. 4. Payment. Sale is subject to the approval of Seller -Supplier's Credit Department. Terms of payment are net cash thirty (30) days from date of invoice with no retainage. Buyer's obligation to pay Seller -Supplier is not contingent upon receipt by Bu.,cr of ;)a-:mcnt from Bu,ror's customer or an one else. If Buyer fails to make payment to Seller -Supplier as provided above, Seller -Supplier may stop performance without prejudice to any other remedy available to Seller -Supplier, and Buyer will pay Seller -Supplier interest at the rate of 1 % per month or the maximum rate permitted by law, whichever is less, and all costs of collection, including reasonable attorneys' fees. Any affidavits, waivers and releases of lien of Seller -Supplier will be on forms that are mutually acceptable to the parties. Neither party will have the right of set-off against the other party for any reason. No provision of any Contract Document will serve to void Seller -Supplier's entitlement to payment for properly performed contract, change order/extra work, or to void Seller -Supplier's right to file a lien and/or bond claim on its behalf. 5. IndemniWInsurance. Seller -Supplier will only indemnify Buyer and Buyer's customer for bodily injury (including death) and property damage (limited to direct damages, exclusive of consequential, indirect or liquidated damages) to the extent caused by Seller -Supplier's actionable negligence or intentional misconduct. Seller -Supplier will maintain workers' compensation, personal injury and property damage insurance, and will, upon request, furnish Buyer with evidence of such insurance coverage. Seller -Supplier will not name Buyer, Buyer's customer or anyone else as additional insureds or waive subrogation under any policy of insurance owned by Seller -Supplier. 6. Schedule/Timino of Performance. Seller -Supplier will deliver its work according to a mutually acceptable project/delivery schedule. Any changes from such schedule that are not mutually agreed upon may result in changes in the Order amount and/or Project completion/delivery date(s). 7. Liabilit/Delay Dama•:3es/No Damaae for Delay. Seller -Supplier will not be liable for any costs, expenses, liabilities, or damages (including delay damages) nor indemnify Buyer if such delays, costs, expenses, liabilities or damages are due to circumstances beyond Seller -Supplier's control or without Seller -Supplier's fault. Seller-Su;._�1ier will not be liable for consequential and/or liquidated damages however caused. Nothing will preclude Seller -Supplier's right to an equitable adjustment of the Order amount if Seller -Supplier's completion of its work is delayed, hindered, disrupted, or otherwise interfered with or made less efficient for any reason beyond the control and without the fault of Seller -Supplier. 8. Changes/Extras. Notwithstanding any provision in the Order to the contrary, Seller -Supplier will be paid a reasonable price and granted reasonable extensions of time to perform work outside the scope of the original work under the Order, and Seller -Supplier reserves the right to suspend work on any change/extra until a mutually acceptable price has been agreed upon for the change/extra. 9. Backchar:;es. No work will be performed on behalf of Seller -Supplier and no backcharges therefor or for any other reason will be made, unless Buyer has first given Seller -Supplier reasonable written notice outlining the proposed work, materials and/or backcharge and the reasons why they are necessary, and given Seller -Supplier a reasonable amount of time to do the work, provide the materials and/or remedy the event. The reasonable cost of all such work, materials and/or backcharge must be invoiced to Seller -Supplier no later than 30 days after the work is performed, materials are provided and/or the event giving rise to the backcharge, or such cost and/or backcharge is waived. 10. Sho;: Drawin _s/No Desii n Resr•onsibilit /Submittals. Seller -Supplier will not be responsible and disclaims any liability to Buyer and anyone else for the correctness, accuracy, adequacy, completeness and/or consistency of any information furnished to Seller -Supplier by others. Seller- Supplier will not be responsible if there is delay in return of approval submittals. 11. Claims/Notices. Any notice of written claim required to be submitted to Buyer on account of changes, extras, delays, acceleration, or otherwise, will be furnished within a time period, and in a manner to permit Buyer to satisfy the requirements of its contract with its customer, notwithstanding any shorter time period otherwise provided. 12. Warranties. Seller -Supplier warrants the merchantability of its work for a period of one year from date of delivery, and excludes any other warranties, express or implied, including any warranties o fitness for a [,articular L ur,_ose. Seller - Supplier's warranty does not extend to any work that has been misused, abused, modified, improperly or insufficiently maintained; to defects caused by normal wear and tear under normal usage; or to any materials supplied but not manufactured by Seller -Supplier. Buyer's sole and exclusive remedy in case of non -conforming work is replacement or repair of such work, at Seller -Supplier's option. 13. Protection of Work/Risk of Loss. Seller -Supplier will be liable for any loss, damage or destruction of Seller - Supplier's work only to the extent caused by Seller -Supplier. Buyer will be liable to Seller -Supplier for damage to Seller - Supplier's work, property or materials to the extent caused by Buyer or anyone else for whom Buyer is responsible. Page 4 of 5 14. Buyer Remedies/Termination. Buyer will be entitled to cancel or terminate the Order or exercise other remedies, including withholding payment from Seller -Supplier, only if Buyer is not in default of any payment obligations to Seller - Supplier, and Buyer has given Seller -Supplier reasonable written notice of any alleged default and a reasonable opportunity to commence cure, and Seller -Supplier has failed to commence cure within that time period. Buyer must act as a reasonable, prudent contractor in any exercise of remedies under the Order. Buyer will be liable to Seller- Supplier for reasonable damages (including lost profits) if Buyer either wrongfully terminates Seller -Supplier or terminates Seller -Supplier for convenience. 15. ComAiance with Laws. The Architect/Engineer of Record is responsible to ascertain that the Contract Documents comply with all governing laws, and Seller -Supplier will be responsible for noncompliance with such governing laws only if Seller -Supplier performs its work at variance with the Contract Documents without the prior written consent of the Architect/Engineer of Record. 16. Assignment. Neither party may assign this Order, or any part of the Order, without the prior written consent of the other party, which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. 17. Law/Jurisdiction/Attorne :s' Fees. All claims and disputes under this Order will be interpreted and resolved according to the laws of the state where the Project is located, and the jurisdiction and venue of such actions will also be where the Project is located. In case of arbitration or litigation, the arbitrator or court will award costs and reasonable attorneys' fees to the prevailing party. 18. Notwithstanding any provision(s) of this proposal or potential Subcontract or Purchase Order, if Vendor's work is delayed, disrupted, suspended, or otherwise impacted as a direct result of an epidemic, including, but not limited to, (1) disruptions to material and/or equipment supply; (2) illness of Vendor's workforce and/or unavailability of labor; (3) government quarantines, closures, or other mandates, restrictions, and/or directives; (4) Owner or Contractor restriction and/or directives; and/or (5) fulfillment of Vendor's contractual or legal health and safety obligations associated with an epidemic; then, Vendor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment to the Subcontract schedule and duration to account for such delays, disruptions, suspensions, and impacts. To the extent the causes identified herein result in an increase in the price of labor, materials, or equipment used in the performance of the Subcontract or Purchase Order, Vendor shall be entitled to an equitable adjustment to the Subcontract or Purchase Order price for such increases, provided Vendor presents documentation of such increases (including the original prices) and evidence of Vendor's reasonable efforts to find alternative sources of material or equipment supply and/or labor at the original / un-impacted prices. CMC Rebar Company: By: John Pelfrey By: Title: FL Senior Contract Sales Representative Title: Date: 2/15/22 Date: —ACCEPTANCE OF PROPOSAL SUBJECT TO CREDIT APPROVAL & AVAILABILITY OF REBAR & Page 5 of 5 ffio� 5555AgerrAAxav, Strife 4 600& IE Ft. Lxtrktlkk, FL 33312 Phone 954-961-0078 F4X 954-961-0042 Florida Corttracboss, LLC. 2/16/22 PROJECT: UNI TOWER LOCATION:90 NE 17TH ST, MIAMI, FL 33132 P.O. # 006.22 SUPPLER: PTE SYSTEMS INTERNATIONAL LLC No. 01UMPTION wT UW PFICE TOTAL ESTIIMTm MATEMAL 0081 STEEI-REINFORCEMENT MATERIAL ns PerAttached Executed Proposal Dated02M6r71 PT als $ 4M,055.00 �Show StadsMaterial S 15,116.00 I PTLafwa a ;needn M rax� a 110,=.e4 ShearStuda Lebw& Englneed2g illo TAx • S 5,5".04 Prices Good TNu 5131123 Protected Step Date 5N/22 Projected Ccm;ietion Date 5131M SUS TOTAL axableI $ 417,172.00 SUB TOTAL $ 532 969.68 SALES TAX 7% $ 350.00 SALES TAX 6% $ 24,730.3 TOTAL P.O. $ 558,050.D . 7% Sales Tax on 1st $500D.00 purchases; Then 6.0% Sales Tax With a Signed P.O. Miami -Dade County Gustavo Jaramillo Digitally signed by Gustavo Construction Manager Jaramilio Date. 2022,02.16 P1aad■ c LLC. 114502:59 -05'00' PTE SYSTEMS INrL, LLC. 1250 W 8th AVE HIALEAH, FL 33010 PH: (3051863 3409 FX: (300) 803.3349 "Corporate Office' PROPOSAL FOR THE PROVISION OF POST -TENSIONING MATERIALS AND SERVICES UNBONDED, MONO -STRAND SYSTEM PROJECTS NAME: UNI TOWER DATE: Wednesday, February 16. 2022 LOCATION: _ MIAMI, FL FLOORS: 2nd-71h, 7JIth-28U6 Roof (INCL 13) TOTAL P.T. SLABS 28 SLAB'S h=in. 12 TOTAL SLAB AREA: 361,252 SO. FT. .T. SLABS ONLY) DRAWINGS BY: B 3 J CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. _ DRAWING Ift SOA - 85.08 (29 Pages) Missing 80.2 DATED:03/18121 ISSUED: REV 3 -OWNERS REVISION REVISIONS: FINAL STATUS: Structural System: Flat Plate PROPOSAL TO: G & E FLORIDA CONTRACTORS ATTENTION.: GUSTAVO JARAMILLO J FAX _ PHONE: 954-961-W78 E-MAIL: Gustav(tefl�rt0L4 MOBILE: 954488-0171 SCOPE OF WORK: 1- SHOP DRAWINGS AND PT CALCULATIONS — MAX OF 6 SETS OF REPRODUCIBLE DRAWINGS FOR APPROVAL AND 2 SETS OF CALCULATIONS (FLOOR DESIGN AND / OR FRICTION LOSS). ELECTRONIC COPIES OF THESE DOCUMENTS (PDF FORMAT) CAN BE PROVIDED UPON REQUEST. (FOR FIELD USE DRAWINGS, SEE TECHNICAL NOTE 4 BELOW). 2- ALL TENDONS WILL BE CUT TO LENGTH, COILED AND MARKED FOR THEIR PLACEMENT IN THE STRUCTURE. 3- ENCAPSULATED ANCHORAGE SYSTEM FOR USE IN CORROSIVE ENVIRONMENTS (NAIL SYSTEM WITH THE USE OF A POCKET SHEAR). ESTIMATED TOTAL SHIPPING WEIGHT: 292,900 LOS. ALL P.T. MATERIALS ( 246,100 PM BARE WEIGHT). 4- ALL NON -GALVANIZED SHEAR -RAILS 1,254 EASHEAR41ALS ESR-3680 (GALVANIZED IN BALCONIES) 6- ALL PLASTIC TENDON SUPPORT CHAIRS FOR ELEVATED PT SLABS UP TO 12.00 IN THICK MAX SLAB THICKNESS 15.00 (SLABS THICKER THAN 12.00 INCHES, TRANSITION AREAS AND DROPS ARE NOT INCLUDN CHAIRS' ESTIMATE; FOR THESE AREAS USE BAR STANDEEZ (PROVIDED BY REBAR SUPPLIER). 6- ALL STANDARD 90/45d30 DEGREE PLASTIC POCKETFORMERS FOR STRESSING END ANCHORAGES. 7- CALIBRATED STRESSING EQUIPMENT LOAN OF 2 MACHINE SETS FOR 12 MONTHS. 8- TOTAL ESTIMATED NUMBER OF POURS: 62 (PLEASE ,INFORM US IF THIS VARIES WITH THE AMOUNT OF ELEVATED POURS YOU HAVE) 9- UNLIMITED TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE. 106 GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE. 11- F.O.B. JOBSITE IN 7 FULL TRUCK LOADS (FLAT -RACKS). (UNLOADING BY OTHERS) 12- SALES TAX ON MATERIALS. EXCLUSIONS: 1- REBAR MATERIALS OF ANY KIND ANY REBAR REQUIRED TO COMPLEMENT THE PT DESIGN OR TYPICAL DETAILS AFFECTED BY THE PT DESIGN. ANY ADDITIONAL REBAR REQUIRED TO SATISFY REDESIGNS OR REVISIONS BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD OR THE CONSTRUCTION PROCESS. # 4 PT SUPPORT REBAR AND # 4 ANCHOR BACK-UP BARS FOR ELEV SLABS, ESTIMATED AT: 04.6 TONS. (ADDITIONAL TO MILD STEEL) BURSTING STEEL AND HAIR PINS. (FOR ELEV. SLABS' EDGES), ESTIMATED TO BE: 9.0 TONS. (ADDITIONAL TO MILD STEEL) 2• FORMWORK SHORING(SEE TECH. NOTES), CONCRETE, GROUTING OF STRESS POCKETS 6,860 __(EgIMATED STRESS POCKETS1 3- STRESSING, RECORDING ELONGATIONS AND/OR CUTTING OF STRESSED CABLES 4- LABOR OF ANY TYPE. 5- TEMPLATES, NAILS, TAPE, TIE WIRE, OR INDIRECT INSTALLATION MATERIALS. 8- ANY ITEM NOT SPECIFICALLY INCLUDED IN THE SCOPE OF WORK LUMP SUM PRICES: TAXABLE Base $636A00 PT MATERIALS POST -TENSION DESIGN BY: STRUCTURAL PLANS Tax: $24,173 AMOUNT $402,066 Bass $21,600 SHEAR -STUDS SHEAR -STUDS DESIGN BY: STRUCTURAL PLANS Tax. 44u, ARp NT $16, x — Add $44,000 ADD FOR 1,000 POUNDS OF POST -TENSIONING TO BE USED BY THE ENGINEER AT HIS DISCRETION (28,000 POUNDS) Add $800 ADD FOR USING SUPPORT CHAIRS FOR SUPPORT HEIGHTS ABOVE 10 INCHES IN LIEU OF STANDEES (SEE NOTE A80VE_ SEE PAGE TWO FOR ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS CONTINUES ON PAGE TWO Page 1 of 2 PAnled: 02/16142 MEMBERS OF THE POST TENSIONING INST� CONTINUED FROM PAGE ONE PROJECTS NAME: UNI TOWER OPTIONAL ITEMS: (NOT INCLUDED IN LUMP SUM PRICE) PTE PLASMA CUTTING SYSTEM PTE NAIL -LESS SYSTEM (NO FLAME CUTTING) ADD: $6,900 FOR ONE PLASMA CUTTING MACHINE FOR 12 MONTHS INCLUDES 46 TIP SETS $12,400 REQUIRES NAIL -LESS ADDITIONAL PLASMA CUTTERS OR ADDITIONAL DURATION WILL BE AT A RATE OF $1,200 PER MONTH TO BE PROVIDED TO PTE BY CUENT: 1- LATEST ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS VIA E-MAIL OR CD, IN -AUTO -CAD FORMAT• (SEE TECHNICAL NOTE 2 BELOW). 2- WRITTEN SCHEDULE OF CONSTRUCTION OR REQUIRED MATERIAL DELIVERY DATES. 3- CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE EQUIPMENT INSURANCE. 4- COST OF RETURN OF STRESSING EQUIPMENT; IF PICKED -UP BY PTE, TRANSPORTATION COSTS WILL BE CHARGED. TECHNICAL NOTES: INITIAL SHOP DRAWINGS WILL BE SUBMITTED WITHIN THREE WEEKS, FROM RECEIPT OF FINAL ELECTRONIC PLAN FILES. PRELIMINARY SHOP DRAWING'S SUBMITTAL FOR THE ENGINEER'S APPROVAL WITHIN PROMISSED TIME, HINGES ON THE AVAILABILITY AND STATUS OF THE STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. DELAYS IN THE PRODUCTION OF FINAL SHOP DRAWINGS BECAUSE OF REVISIONS OR CLARIFICATIONS NEEDED FROM THE ENGINEER OF RECORD, THE OWNER OR THE CLIENT WILL NOT BE PTE STRANDS RESPONSIBILITY. THIS ESTIMATE INCLUDES TWO SETS OF APPROVED FIELD USE SHOP DRAWINGS PER EACH SEPARATE FLOOR (INCLUDED WITH EACH MATERIALS' SHIPMENT). LISTS OF REQUIRED PT SUPPORTAND BACK-UP REBAR PER FLOOR TO BE PROVIDED TO BUYER WITH EACH SUBMITTAL OF SHOP DRAWINGS, ALL THE REQUIREMENTS AND DETAILS FOR CONCRETE FORMS, SHORING AND RESHORING ARE THE RESPONSISILTY OF THE ENGINEER OF RECORD. ALTHOUGH PTE STRAND WILL MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING RE -SHORING AS THE NEED ARISES FOR SPECIAL SITUATIONS. CONTRACTOR SHALL BEAR THE COST OF ANY RE -SHORING CHANGES BASED ON PT DETAILING AND INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS. THIS "PER STRUCTURAL PLANS" PROPOSAL IS BASED ON THE STRUCTURAL DESIGN BY THE ENGINEER OF RECORD (SEE DRAWINGS REFERENCE ABOVE), PTE STRAND CANNOT CERTIFY OR CORRECT BUILDING CODE OMISSIONS, CONFLICTS OR DISCREPANCIES, IF ANY TERMS: 1- PRICE QUOTED IS GOOD THROUGH 0303f22. 2- FINAL DELIVERY OF MATERIALS TO BE COMPLETED BY THE END OF March-2023 3- ENGINEERING AND DRAFTING TO BE BILLED WHEN DRAWINGS ARE SUBMITTED. 4- ACCOUNTS PAST DUE SHALL BEAR INTEREST AT THE RATE OF ONE AND ONE HALF PERCENT (1.5%) PER MONTH. II- PLEASE SPEAK WITH A SALES REPRESENTATIVE AT PTE, TO DISCUSS THE AVAILABLE OPTIONS COVERING THIS PROJECTS START DATE, CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE AND DELIVERY REQUIREMENTS. i- IF PTE SYSTEMS IS REQUIRED TO COLLECT ON THIS CONTRACT BY LEGAL PROCESS, THE CUSTOMER HERE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL LEGAL FEES AND COSTS, INCLUDING COSTS ON APPEAL ACCEPTANCE: BUYER: G & E FLORIDA CONTRACTORS SELLER: PTE SYSTEMS INTL, LLC. BY: Ulgicallysignud by BY: RICK KAISER TITLE: Gustavo Jafa" m1i o— TITLE VP OF SALES AND CONSTRUCTION DATE: 6iaate 222,02.16 DATE. Wednesday, February 16, 2022 L�Iat�iConeacmn+:.+YK• 16.27:14-05'00' .. Headquarters: PTE Sysb ma IMamMonal, LLC - lW W ft Ave., Hialeah FL 33010 -Pic 305403,1409; Fs: 5054#634M Page 2 or 2 MEMBER OF TH POC7 TFNCIONIN .INSTITUTE About AAA Join AAA Visit AAA Contact Us GAS PRICE -3 NEWS: National Average Hits New All -Time High at $5 Per Gallon a FLORIDA AVERAGE GAS PRICES Regular Mid -Grade Premium Diesel Current Avg. $4.891 $5.243 $5.561 $5.720 Yesterday Avg. $4.889 $5.239 $5.554 $5.722 Week Ago Avg. $4.762 $5.107 $5.419 $5.564 Month Ago Avg. $4.466 $4.800 $5.089 $5.637 Year Ago Avg. $2.970 $3.317 $3.617 $3.069 HIGHEST RECORDED AVERAGE PRICE Price Date Regular Unleaded 611 Diesel $5.722 6112/22 FLORIDA METRO AVERAGE PRICES Q Sort A-Z � Expand all I Collapse all Bradenton -Sarasota -Venice Crestview -Fort Walton Beach Daytona Beach Fort Lauderdale Fort Myers -Cape Coral Gainesville Homosassa Springs Jacksonville Lakeland -Winter Haven Melbourne -Titusville Miami Naples Ocala Orlando Panama City 0 0 R CA E Pensacola Port St. Lucie } Punta Gorda Sebastian -Vero Beach Sebring Tallahassee Tampa -St. Petersburg -Clearwater The Villages 067WWest Palm Beach -Boca Raton STATE GAS PRICES Florida 1 COMPARE STATES Location Florida v National : i Gas MMid I Prem I Diesel $4.891 $5.014 $4.889 $5.010 $4.762 $4.865 �mi �mii � $4.466 $4.432 i 0 0�14 PA $2.970 $3.078 Current Average Yesterday's Week Ago Month Ago Year Ago Average Average Average Average Exhibit H UNI 17th Street, LLC Acw UNI Tower - Miami, FL OCIP Cost Summary on 04/17/20 Empower Results• Ciption HDI (Rokstone) HDI (Rokstone) Navigators Navigators 4 Aon Direct orthrough Wholesale(R-TSpecialty) Aon Direct Aon Direct R-TSpecialty R-TSpecialty © Status Non -Admitted Non -Admitted Non -Admitted Non -Admitted © AM Best Rating A (Excellent) XV A (Excellent) XV A(Excellent)XI A(Excellent)XI © S&P Ratin.- © Program Term A+ 05/01/20 to 09/01/22 A+ 05/01/20 to 05/01/23 NR 05/01/20 to 05/01/23 NR 05/01/20 to 05/01/23 © Program Duration 28 Months 28 Months 36 Months 36 Months © Hard Construction Value (CV) $ 53,998,100 $ 53,998,100 $ 54,000,000 $ 54,000,000 © Program Type Paid Loss Deductible Paid Loss Deductible Paid Loss Deductible Paid Loss Deductible © Policy Limits $2M/4M/4M $2M/4M/4M $2M/4M/4M $2M/4M/4M © General Aggregate Reinstatement Annual Annual TBD TBD © Defense (Deductible/ Limits) Inside/Outside Inside/Outside Inside/Outside Inside/Outside © Rating Basis CV CV CV CV © Deductible $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 $ 50,000 © Deductible Loss Aggregate $ 750,000 $ 750,000 N/A N/A © Premium_ Rate (per $1,000 of CV) $ 4.500 $ 4.5001$ 4.500 $ 4.500 © 1premiurn $ 242,991 $ 242,9911 $ 243,000 $ 243,000 © Terrorism (Optional) $ - I $ 4,860 $ - $ 9,720 p 1 FL Surplus LinesTax(5.1%) © AWAC-$8Mx$2/4/4M $ 12,393 $ 191,537 $ 12,640 $ 201,114 $ 12,393 1 $ 181,027 $ 12,889 1 $ 190,079 0 `'-$15Mx$10M Is 115,6101 $ 121,3911 $ 105,1001 $ 110,355 0 TBD -Quota Share $25M x $25M $ 115,610 $ 117,922 $ 110,355 $ 112,562 UNI 17th Street LLC - 90 E. 17th Street, Miami, FL 33132 Coverage Terms 5/1/2020 - 9/1/2022 5/1 /2020 - 911/2022 LIDerty Mutual 5/112020 - 911/2022 Zurich jindication) 5/1/2020 - 911 /2022 $54.800,000 S54800,000 $54 800 000 $ 54 8 00 000 $6.800 000 $6,800.000 $6.800,000 $6800 000 $10.000 000 $1 i r 1100, 000 $10 000X00 $10 000 000 $71,600,000 $71 600.000 $71.600,000 $71,600.000 $50 000 000 $50 000 000 $25,000,000 30 000 000 $25,000.000 $50.000 000 $25 000 000 $30 000 000 $50 000.000 $71 600 000 _ $71,600,000 $71,600,000 $71,600.000 $71 600,000 $71.600,000 $71,600 000 _ 5 000 000 $2 50D 000 $5.000X00 $5 000,000 $5.000 000 $2,500,000 $5.000.000 $5 000.000 2a .. of amount of physical sical damage or loss; 5 000,000 Max 25 % of Insured phVsical loss or 52.500,000 Max $10p00 000 25% of amount of covered loss or $10.000,000 max 20% $19000 000 25 % $500,000 $2 500 000 30% $1,000,000 Included with Expediting Expense Included with Expediting Expense Owner's Extra Expense $500.000 Included with Expadting Expense $100,000 $250000 Included _ Included $250,000 g0.000 $500,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 $1 000.000 100 000 $100 000 1 000.000 $2,500,000 $100,000 $100,000 $1.000.000 $500MO - $2 500.000 $2 500 000 410,000.000 $5 000 ODO Included Included Included Included No Coverage Provided $25 000 $100.000 $250 000 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $500,000 250.000 $100.000 $2500.000 $500,000 $250 000 _ $50,000 $500,000 Not Indicated No Sublimit Applies No Sublim0 A46,11es No Sublimit Applies No Sublimit Applies No Coverage e Provided No Coveraqe Provided No Coverage Provided No Coverae a Provided $250 000 $250.000 $2.500.000 v 50D 000 _ $26 DW $25 000 $25.ow $25 000 5% VARTOL $100,000 5% VARTOL $250 000 5% VARTOL $250 000 5% VARTOL $250.000 TBD $250 000 $500.000 5% VARTOL $250 000 $25 060 $25 000 $25 000 $25 000 $100,000 $250.000 $250.000 $100,000 15 Days except 30 Dave for NWS FL EQ 45 DaVs 30 Days 30 DaVs - N! $100.000 $250.000 $250.000 $325 459 $303154 $251,012 $491 384 $29,446 $51 530 $86.768 $221.656 20 689 $0 30 $4 674 $50 000 v5.000 $8.661 Included $8 872 $18,484 $2 599 $4 674 434,466 $388 166 $349,040 $722,368 90 Days excluding NWS. FL, EQ 90 Dave excluding NWS, FL, EQ 90 Days excluding NWS, FL, EQ Not Indicated _ 15% 15% 15% 15% 50 % 50 % 50% 50 Quoted I aucwdl lodlcalion Gallagher ---Invoice— Bill To: UNI 1711 Street LLC 1600 NE 1" Ave, Suite 3800 Miami, FL33132 501 Riverside Avenue, Ste 1000 Jacksonville, FL 32202 Phone (904) 354-3785 i P.ESM&DAM .� 04/27/2022 Upon 104/27/2022-24Builders Risk Premium —Westchester Fire $163,593.75 Receipt Insurance Co Layer __ _ _ -- _ _ _ 04/27/2022 Upon 04/27/2022-24BuildersRiskPremium—Starr Surplus $164,457.15 Receipt Lines Insurance_ Co Layer - ��$164,379.00 04/27/2022 Upon 04/27/2022-24Builders Risk Premium — Everest Indemnity Receipt Insurance Co Layer _ 04/27/202i_ Upon 04/27/2022-24Builders Risk Premium —Old Republic $164,379.00 I Receipt Union Insurance Co Layer _ 04/27/2022 Upon _ _ __ 04/27/2022-25Owners&Contractors Protective Liability _ $379,245.00 Receipt Total $1,036,053.90 Client Code: UN117TH-01 Please make checks payable to: Arthur. Gallagher Please reference client code and policy number on payment Payment may be as follows: nline www.aig-com/ezpay ire Payments Harris NA Chicago, IL ABA #071-000-288 Account Name: Arthur 1. Services, Inc. Account No: 1763374 For International Wires: SWIFT Code: HATRUS44 Gallagher Risk Management night Address Arthur 1. Gallagher Risk Management Services, Inc. Harris Attn: Remittance Processing Division, Lockbox 532143 100 S. Crest Drive Stockbridge, GA 30281 LENDER: 450 Skokie Blvd, Ste 1000 FIRST INSURANCE' FUNDING A WINTRUST COMPANY PREMIUM FINANCE AGREEMENT ❑Personal ❑✓ Commercial ❑Additional Premium INSURED/BORROWER Customer ID: N/A AGENT or BROKER (Name and Address as shown on Policy) (Name and Business Address) Uni 17th Street LLC Arthur J Gallagher & Co 1600 NE 1st Ave Formerly: Harden Suite 3800 501 RIVERSIDE AVE, STE 1000 MIAMI, FL 33132 JACKSONVU-LE, FL 32202 LOAN DISCLOSURE Northbrook, IL 60062-7917 P:(800) 837-2511 F:(800) 837-3709 www.firstinsuranceflmding.com Quote #: 37135688 Total Down Unpaid Documentary Amount FINANCE Total of ANNUAL Premiums, Payment Balance Stamp Tax Financed CHARGE Payments PERCENTAGE Taxes, and (only applicable in (amount of credit (dollar amount the (amount paid after RATE Fees Florida) provided on your credit will cost you) making all scheduled (cost of credit as a behalf) payments) yearly rate) 410,322.50 41,032.25 369,290.25 1,292.55 370,582.80 10,927.45 381,510.25 5.850 % YOUR PAYMENT SCHEDULE WILL BE: Number of Payments Amount of Each Payment 11 34,682.75 Mail Payments to: FIRST Insurance Funding, PO Box 7000, Carol Stream, IL 60I97--7000 Installment Due 15/28/2022 Due Dates 128th (Monthly) INSURED'S AGREEMENT: 1. SECURITY INTEREST. INSURED/BORROWER ("Insured') grants and assigns FIRST Insurance Funding, A Division of Lake Forest Bank & Trust Company, N.A. ("LENDER") a first priority lien on and security interest in the financed policies and any additional premium required under the financed policies listed in the Schedule of Policies, including (a) all returned or unearned premiums, (b) all additional cash contributions or collateral amounts assessed by the insurance companies in relation to the financed policies and financed by LENDER hereunder, (c) any credits generated by the financed policies, (d) dividend payments, and (e) loss payments which reduce unearned premiums (collectively, the "Financed Policies"). If any circumstances exist in which premiums related to any Financed Policy could become fully earned in the event of loss, LENDER shall be named a loss -payee with respect to such policy. 2. FINANCE CHARGE. The finance charge begins accruing on the earliest effective date of the Financed Polices. The finance charge is computed using a 365-day calendar year. 3. LATE PAYMENT. For commercial loans, a late charge will be assessed on any installment at least 5 days in default, and the late charge will equal 5% of the delinquent installment or the maximum late charge permitted by law, whichever is less. For personal loans, a late charge will be assessed on any installment 10 days in default, and the late charge will be the lesser of $10 or 5% of the delinquent installment. 4. PREPAYMENT. If Insured prepays the loan in full, Insured is entitled to a refund of the unearned finance charge computed according to the Rule of 78s. SCHF.DITIN OF PnLICIFS Policy Number Full Name of Insurance Company and Name of General Agent or Company Office to Which Premium is Paid Coverage Policy Term Effective Date Premiums, Taxes and Fees TBD C00201-ALLIED WORLD ASSURANCE CO EXLB 36 4/28/2022 305,000.00 G03101-RT SPECIALTY ERN TXS/FEE 0.00 W:25.000 %, CX:01 [90%PR] FIN TXS/FEES 15,860.00 TBD C01410-GUIDEONE NATIONAL INSURANCE CO EXLB 36 4/28/2022 85,000.00 G03101-RT SPECIALTY ERN TXS/FEES 0.00 W:25.000 %, CX:01 [90%PRl FIN TXS/FEES 4,462.50 TOTAL 410,322.50 Q# 37135688, PRN: 042522, CFG: 10110-15, RT: A05142-IMM, DD: N/A, BM: Invoice, Qtd For: A05142 Original, Memo 1 5. PROMISE TO PAY. In consideration of the premium payment by LENDER to the insurance companies listed in the Schedule of Policies (or their authorized representative) or the Agent or Broker listed above, Insured unconditionally promises to pay LENDER, the Amount Financed plus interest and other charges permitted under this Agreement, including the Down Payment if owed and payable directly to LENDER, subject to all the provisions of this Agreement. 6. POWER OF ATTORNEY. INSURED IRREVOCABLY APPOINTS LENDER AS ITS "ATTORNEY -IN -FACT" with full power of substitution and full authority, in the event of default under this Agreement, to (a) cancel the Financed Policies in accordance with the provisions contained herein, (b) receive all sums assigned to LENDER, and (c) execute and deliver on behalf of Insured all documents relating to the Financed Policies in furtherance of this Agreement. This right to cancel will terminate only after all of Insured's indebtedness under this Agreement is paid in full. Insured is responsible for repayment of the Amount Financed plus interest and other charges permitted under this Agreement, including the Down Payment if owed and payable directly to LENDER, irrespective of whether LENDER exercises this right to cancel the Financed Policies. 7. SIGNATURE & ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Insured has received, reviewed, and signed a copy of this Agreement. By signing below, you certify that you have the requisite authority to (a) enter into this Agreement on behalf of Insured (if applicable, including as agent, trustee, executor, or otherwise in a representative capacity) and any other insureds named on the Financed Policies, and (b) jointly and severally agree on behalf of all insureds named on the Financed Policies to all provisions set forth in this Agreement. Insured acknowledges and understands that entry into this financing arrangement is not required as a condition for obtaining insurance coverage. NOTICE TO INSURED: (1) Do not sign this Agreement before you read both pages of it, or if it contains any blank space. (2) You are entitled to a completely filled -in copy of this Agreement. (3) You have the right prepay the loan in full and receive a refund of any unearned finance charge. (4) Keep a copy of this Agreement to protect your legal rights. (5) See last page of Agreement for your consent to electronic statement and notice delivery. Signature of Insured or Authorized Agent Date Signature of Agent Date FIF052INBP Insured: Uni 17th Street LLC ADDITIONAL PROVISIONS OF PREMIUM FINANCE AGREEMENT Quote #: 37135688 8. APPLICATION OF PAYMENTS. (a) Payments received by LENDER from Insured shall be applied first to installments, then to any unpaid fees. The payment of installments is prioritized over the payment of fees, which means when LENDER receives partial payments or overpayments of any installment(s), amounts previously applied to fees may be reallocated to enable a full installment(s) to be paid. This payment application method may cause fees to reappear as unpaid and owing after the payment period in which the fees were originally assessed and paid, but does not increase or otherwise change the amount of fees that Insured may be required to pay under this Agreement. (b) Any returned premium received by LENDER from the Financed Policies will be applied to reduce the total unpaid balance under this Agreement, which shall not relieve Insured of its obligation to pay any remaining installments due but may reduce the amount of such installments. 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement will not become effective until it is accepted in writing by LENDER. LENDER will send a Notice of Acceptance to Insured to confirm this Agreement is effective. 10. DEFAULT/CANCELLATION. Insured is in default under this Agreement if (a) the Down Payment, if to be collected by LENDER, or any payment is not received by LENDER when it is due, (b) a proceeding in bankruptcy, receivership, insolvency or similar proceeding is instituted by or against Insured, or (c) Insured fails to comply with any of the terms of this Agreement. If Insured is in default, LENDER has no further obligation under this Agreement to pay premiums on Insured's behalf, and LENDER may pursue any of the remedies provided in this Agreement or by law. If a default by Insured results in a cancellation of the Financed Policies, Insured agrees to pay a cancellation charge for commercial loans, which will be the maximum permitted by law. No cancellation charge shall apply to personal loans. If cancellation or default occurs, Insured agrees to pay interest on the unpaid balance due at the contract rate until the balance is paid in full. 11. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. Insured understands and agrees that LENDER or its assignee is not liable for any losses or damages to Insured or any person or entity upon the exercise of LENDER's right of cancellation, except in the event of willful or intentional misconduct by LENDER. 12. INSUFFICIENT FUNDS CHARGE. If Insured's payment is dishonored for any reason and if permitted by law, Insured will pay LENDER an insufficient funds charge equal to the maximum fee permitted by law for commercial loans and $10 for personal loans. 13. LENDER'S RIGHTS AFTER THE POLICIES ARE CANCELLED. After any Financed Policy is cancelled by any party or if a credit is otherwise generated, LENDER has the right to receive all unearned premiums and other funds assigned to LENDER as security herein and to apply them to Insured's unpaid balance under this Agreement or any other agreement between Insured and LENDER. Receipt of unearned premiums does not constitute payment of installments to LENDER, in full or in part. Any amounts received by LENDER after cancellation of the Financed Policies will be credited to the balance due with any excess paid to the Insured; the minimum refund is $1.00. Any deficiency shall be immediately paid by Insured to LENDER. Insured agrees that insurance companies may rely exclusively on LENDER's representations about the Financed Policies. 14. ASSIGNMENT. Insured may not assign any Financed Policy or this Agreement without LENDER's prior written consent. LENDER may transfer its rights under this Agreement without the consent of Insured. 15. AGENT OR BROKER. Insured agrees that the Agent or Broker issuing the Financed Policies or through whom the Financed Policies were issued is not the agent of LENDER, except for any action taken on behalf of LENDER with the express authority of LENDER, and LENDER is not bound by anything the Agent or Broker represents to Insured, orally or in writing, that is not contained in this Agreement. Where permissible by law, LENDER may pay some portion of the finance charge or other form of compensation to the Agent or Broker executing this Agreement for aiding in the administration of this Agreement. In NY, the Agent or Broker may assess a fee to Insured for obtaining and servicing the Financed Policies pursuant to NY CLS Ins § 2119. Any questions regarding this payment should be directed to the Agent or Broker. 16. COLLECTION COSTS. Insured agrees to pay reasonable attorney fees, court costs, and other collection costs to LENDER to the extent permitted by law if this Agreement is referred to an attorney or collection agent who is not a salaried employee of LENDER to collect money that Insured owes. 17. GOVERNING LAW. The loan terms subject to this Agreement are governed by applicable federal law and Illinois law (to the extent not preempted by federal law), without regard to principles of conflicts of law or choice of law. If any court finds any term herein to be invalid, such finding will not affect the remaining provisions. 18. WARRANTY OF ACCURACY. Insured represents and warrants that to the best of its knowledge: (a) the Financed Policies are in full force and effect and that the Insured has not and will not assign any interest in the Financed Policies except for the interest of mortgagees and loss payees, (b) the Down Payment and any past due payments have been paid in full to the Agent or Broker or Lender in cash or other immediately available funds, (c) all information provided herein or in connection with the Agreement is true, correct, and not misleading, (d) Insured is not insolvent nor presently involved in any insolvency proceeding, (e) Insured has no indebtedness to the insurance companies issuing the Financed Policies, (f) there is no provision in the Financed Policies that would require LENDER to notify or obtain consent from any other party to effect cancellation of the Financed Policies, and (g) Insured has disclosed if he or she is a covered member of the armed forces or a dependent of a covered member as defined in the Military Lending Act. 19. ADDITIONAL PREMIUMS. (a) Insured expressly agrees to (i) fully and timely comply with all audits by the insurance companies issuing the Financed Policies, (ii) timely provide complete and accurate payroll information, if applicable, and (iii) pay to the insurance companies any additional amount due in connection with the Financed Policies. The Amount Financed shall be applied to the Financed Policies' premium amounts and Insured shall be responsible for any additional premiums or other sums. (b) Insured, or Agent or Broker, may request that LENDER finance additional policies and/or additional premiums (the "Additional Premiums") for Insured during the term of this Agreement. If LENDER agrees, LENDER will send a Notice of Acceptance to Insured to confirm its approval to finance the Additional Premiums. For commercial loans, this Agreement shall be deemed amended on the date of the Notice of Acceptance to consolidate the Additional Premiums with Financed Policies into a single and indivisible loan transaction subject to this Agreement (with applicable changes to the payment schedule), and the Additional Premiums shall be "Financed Policies" on the date of the Notice of Acceptance. For personal loans, LENDER (or Agent or Broker on LENDER's behalf) will provide a separate Premium Finance Agreement to Insured for any Additional Premiums. 20. CORRECTIONS. LENDER may insert the names of insurance companies or policy numbers in the Schedule of Policies, if this information is not known at the time Insured signs this Agreement. LENDER is authorized to correct patent errors or omissions in this Agreement. 21. NON -WAIVER. Not Applicable. AGENT OR BROKER REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES Unless previously disclosed in writing to LENDER or specified in the Schedule of Policies, the Agent or Broker executing this Agreement expressly represents, warrants, and agrees as follows: (1) Insured has received a copy of this Agreement and has authorized this transaction, the signer of this Agreement (whether Insured or its agent) has valid authority to bind Insured and any other insureds named under the Financed Policies to the terms of this Agreement, including the Power of Attorney provision, Insured's signature is genuine, and the Down Payment has been received from Insured (unless the Down Payment was made to Lender), (2) the information contained in the Schedule of Policies including the premium amount is correct and accurately reflects the necessary coverage, (3) the Financed Policies (a) are in full force and effect, (b) are cancellable by Insured or LENDER (or its successors or assigns), (c) will generate unearned premiums which will be computed on the standard short rate or pro rata basis, and (d) do not contain any provisions which affect the standard short rate or pro rata premium computation, including but not limited to direct company bill, audit, reporting form, retrospective rating, or minimum or fully earned premium, (4) the Agent or Broker is either the insurer's authorized policy issuing agent or the broker placing the coverage directly with the insurer, except where the name of the Issuing Agent or General Agent is listed in the Schedule of Policies, (5) to the best of the Agent or Broker's knowledge, there are no bankruptcy, receivership, or insolvency proceedings affecting Insured, (6) Agent or Broker will hold harmless and indemnify LENDER and its successors and assigns against any loss or expense (including attorney's fees, court costs, and other costs) incurred by LENDER and resulting from Agent or Broker's violations of these Representations and Warranties or from Agent or Broker's errors, omissions, or inaccuracies in preparing this Agreement, and will promptly reimburse LENDER for any loss or expense incurred in connection with any incidence of fraud or lack of valid authority on behalf of Insured or any other named insureds with respect to the terms of this transaction, the Agreement, or the Financed Policies, (7) Agent or Broker will (a) hold in trust for LENDER any payments made or credited to Insured through or to Agent or Broker by the insurance companies or LENDER, and (b) pay these monies and the unearned commissions to LENDER upon demand to satisfy the outstanding indebtedness under this Agreement, and (8) to fully and timely assist with all payroll audits. 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