HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-22-0039 File # 12601- BackupRUJE PROP CITY OF MIAMI BLACK POLICE PRECINCT AND COURTHOUSE MUSEUM 1944-Present HISTORIC NEGRO POLICE PRECINCT & OURTHOUSE MUSEUM. THE FIRST FIVE .a. the City of Miami hired its first fine black police officers :re sworn in as "emergency patrolmen" to enforce the law in as then called the Central Negro District. These stalwart men alph 'White. Moody Hall, Clyde Lee, Edward Kimball, and John By 1945. ten more officers were added. A precinct building istructed in 1950. and served as a station house and courtroom. designed by Walter C. DeCarmo (1876-1951). one of Miami's id most prominent architects. Lawson E. Thomas, judge of the Municipal Court, presided over the precinct's courtroom. He e first black judge elected in the South since Reconstruction. ami's first black judge. in 1955. the City of Miami appointed and black municipal judge. John Johnson. He presided aloing- ve Jewish judges, who had sacrificed their careers to serve ,.colored courthouse." The Negro Precinct was unique ,because designed, devoted to, and operated as a segregated station and court. There was no other known to exist in the country time. It served as a blueprint for community policing practices, Dvided an opportunity for black defendants in Miami to receive due process. A FLORIDA HERITAGE SITE RETIRED POLICE OFFICERS CCMMUwJITY BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION. enifruC,esT nVrRTOWN/PART( WEST COIIMUNI OVERVIEW OF THE COMPANY In September of 1944, the Miami Police Department began hiring black police officers. In May of 1950, a police precinct was built by renowned Miami architect, Walter G. DeGarmo at 480 NW 11 Street to provide a station house for African American policemen and a courtroom for African American judges in which to adjudicate African American defendants. This building is unique as there is no other known structure in the nation that was designed, devoted to and operated as a separate station house and municipal court for Blacks. The precinct closed in 1963 and the police department was integrated at the main MPD police station. The African -Americans who served here improved their professional status within both the Black and White communities; although, they continued to be treated as second- class citizens. Pioneering efforts of the first five Black patrolmen opened the door for hundreds of African - American men and women to become law enforcement officers in the Miami Police Department. Judge Lawson E. Thomas, one of two judges who presided in the precinct's courthouse, was the first African -American judge appointed in the South since Reconstruction. Judge Thomas distinguished himself as a tireless proponent of racial equality throughout his legal career and was extremely effective in decreasing juvenile delinquency and other crimes within the community. The precinct was restored in 2008 with funding assistance from the City of Miami, the members of the City of Miami Retired Police Officers Community Benevolent Association (COM-R-POCBA), and a generous grant from the Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources. The movement to preserve the building was initiated by members of COM-R-POCBA (among them, many who served in the historic precinct) and the late Arthur E. Teele, Jr., City I -A(: POLICE THE PROJECT The Board of the Museum would like to build on the accomplishments of the past by transitioning the operation of the Museum from one that was essentially volunteer -driven to one that relies on experienced professionals in the fields of museology, education, fundraising and event production. Through the services of these professionals, the Board will work to create one of the City of Miami's best museums; one the region's most popular tourist destinations; and one of the community's most precious assets. Our objectives can be met rapidly through our continued and strengthened partnerships with the City of Miami and the SEOPW CRA. With the CRA's financial assistance for one year, we will be able to: • Design and update professionally -developed exhibits in the Museum that will greatly enhance our mission as an educational institution dedicated to the history of the Precinct and Courthouse • Utilize the services of clerical, museum, and event professionals • Fund marketing and outreach • Purchase equipment and software necessary for educational programming • Fund social media and online presence for the Museum • Continue the expansion of community -center programs and projects that underline the mission of the museum, encourages better communication between law enforcement and citizens and offer best practice approaches to trainings, workshops and activities. Furthermore, the Board is committed to reaching financial self-sufficiency via a number of revenue streams that include: • Membership • Annual Campaign • Endowment • Fundraisers • Events • Grants & Foundation Awards • Rentals • Gift Shop Sales FE B R UARY 5, 2019 THE MUSEUM WAS AWARDED NATIONAL DESIGNATION Commissioner. PROJECT NARRATIVE REQUEST Programming will include: Exhibits Design and update professionally -developed exhibits in the Museum on both floors of the museum. The new exhibits will include artifacts and first -person narratives regarding experiences for law enforcement officers in the decade of 1950; experiences in Miami's "Black" courtroom and the desegregation of the Miami Police Department. Other focuses include the initial five Black patrolmen and other "firsts" for African -Americans in Miami law enforcement. The museum has exhibited during Art Basel and supported the collective Art of Black Miami. Education Educational outreach programs will be implemented for K-8 and High school students. The curriculum will focus on issues dealing with bullying, community implicit bias training, law enforcement, self-expression and community projects involving art, preservation, and subsequent exhibits. Girl Scout Troop 1877 was established in 2018 and continues to support young girls throughout the Overtown community. The Museum has a strong track record of schools visiting the site and has worked with 5,000 Role Models and Teen Court. The Museum plans to install Closed Circuit equipment" which will link the courtroom on the second floor to the educational/all-purpose center on the first floor. Marketing and Outreach The Museum will engage in a full marketing and public relations plan spearheaded through staff contributions. The museum will continue its partnership with AAAM and continue to seek Smithsonian affiliate status. The Museum will be featured in print and other media via press releases and advertisements while producing a regularly publish newsletter. Marketing includes working with the Convention and Visitors Bureau and partnering with other venues in Overtown and Miami. The Museum will develop its website and social media presence. ....PROJECT NARRATIVE CONTINUE Personnel The Museum will transition from an all -volunteer staff to professionals, including: • Museum Director • Museum Curator • Museum Education Coordinator • Recorder/ Bookkeeper • Oral Historian Facilitator • Docents Project Timeline: The hypothesis of this project is to attract a new systems approach, using the stories and practices of the Black Police Precinct and Courthouse, As a case study for how we might be able to subscribe to a different mindset when it comes to [black] people and law enforcement working together to solve and reduce crime within neighborhoods. For data collection, the project will work directly with the Miami Black Police Associations to assign and assess the practices of Black officers currently working neighborhoods of color. Through a cultivation of collected data, oral interviews; mixed methods research approach, an attractive virtual exhibit will be curated to bring voice to the content's conversation and to the current systems' influencers. From concept to creation, This 7-to-10- month project will set the course for future discussions that potentially invoke policy changes both at the local, state and even national level. The virtual exhibit will be accessible to more than 415 schools; with specific curriculum guided instructions that foster an appreciation for law enforcement and community. Working together to address the problem together; Collecting History Restoring The Truth. BLACK LIVES BLUE UNIFORM: i�•ti1l � '9�Y �9. Q 'Y A('K POT ICF PRFCIN Kf0t lOL�SE CONCLUSION The City of Miami and SEOPW CRA 1 have a unique opportunity to increase their revenue in the Overtown community by fostering a vibrant and popular Museum. The Board believes that an institution of the magnitude we plan will be an income -driver within the community —bringing Museum visitors to other venues within the community to dine, shop, and frequent other historic sites. We believe in this because our experiences in operating this Museum with very little in the way of financial resources have shown that the Museum has attracted tourists and local visitors in ever-increasing numbers. The City of Miami, SEOPW CRA, and the Museum have a unique partnership opportunity. The Museum is destined to increase its attendance, educational outreach, and impact in the community. This translates to a significant economic impact on the community of Overtown and national attention for the City of Miami. We thank you and respectfully request your support. We direct your attention to the attached Budget Narrative and the proposed Expense and Revenue Budget. Fundraising Event Production and Gift Shop The Museum will contract with an Event Producer to create fund and awareness -raising events appropriate to the Museum's mission. The Events Producer will also merchandise and purchase inventory for the Gift Shop. It is projected that the events will grow through time and be a reliable source of revenue for the Museum. Proposed fundraising projects include: • Ball & Chain Themed Weddings • Pioneer's Gala or Cops & Robbers Ball • Black History Excellence: Past, Present & Future • Art Basel -coordinated Exhibit Board -Initiated Fundraising The Museum Board, as of 2019, have committed to annually donating $500.00 each and have volunteered service of in -kind exceeding $80,000. In 2021, for the first time since joining the #GiveMiamiDay, the museum past its financial goal of $10,000 with more than 65% first time donors. Board members continue to raise awareness of the institution via a number of outlets, establish a robust membership, and create an endowment to ensure the Museum's fiscal health. Grants and foundation funds will be actively sought. SINCE 2017, IN SPITE OF THE PANDEMIC, THE MUSEUM CONTINUES TO FOCUS EFFORTS TOWARDS COMMUNITY OUTREACH AND SUSTAINABLE PROGRAMMING Q a a o #GI INGTUESDAY Because you Se■r■ve■■d, TO yr L�J ? WE���,` �� L V � , P r,N + HOW �Q I GIVE? Where Elie Can I Give. Maack Pell-e VrMiFlcl and "lurlhonce Museum Dujf I — MI R 99 1 -1— tl 1U your Lfi011-1 IS rR Student ticket wl School ID $5 I Seniors 65 & up $5 I Tour the museum the week of your birthday: FREE ENTRY Pnli— CWfimm A Fi-t P—n—i— PRFF (with Prnnf ni Scrvical A V2 LACK POLICE• COMBPPCM City of Miami Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum, Inc. a w I (0 3 pi (Not for Prol1t oryi, ) 4W) NW I[- Mr.-O. hlmm. I1-331,;6 r Tglephano: [,3175i329-2 13 WFax-1305) 329.2547 WiffinB Addrelts: PO, Box O11074. Miami, K 3:3101 138A110 Of DIRECTORS James MCQueer 7020. W Ea8Cu11ve DrtE lnr Soulhnasi Dwrrlcm+i Rank Weast CPA 819 NW 2ndAve 3rd Flow ktsar(a. FL. 33136 limes hl. Mars Rill, li, P.ki 1PYalPlnunr, ter A"d wvs�denr WIMIs R, lacluoaa, ir- August 08. 2022 PbrKe *IVMM. RK. Sec'mery Anft M. M#Jl1' [hPef of ftke, " �,��i 1 �y4� ki Alma Isivoo rrrl, tivmww 111apr Smith The My of M uml Nick Poll" PtetlnH and Courlhouse Museum wasestabb5l-ed In 2008 f0lowlimft Itro%%Wml Fbtirt 5frill rrt Am. of conmwnny, coy Isaden and those retired law entweemenR oMlcers, who at one paint vmv sulimpted ioonly hem ft4wweAhpks (beab ilty Ysawork out of what was mown as the'dtlUred' Vtrnrxt, Sln[e rtlal tine. the museum has been Pske"h A,, Pill rrialhtal"*0AmmFYt rash'n attendees and awareness Woul lhoul the rranoa. Uri 4beuary S, 2O19. the museum Poke AM. brAmm abda *mIll NaIK" Hrswlc Sde; posA mong it iolain Further reeotnnron and pomble 8nanelai r4fJIM"nPmMfl supped a9 R iefMtn l4 the lay IRalud I[Pr be a rFRrilFrF^d RIstSYrs[ IR?{atsQn,. ArchPe Mexay Poem 1 Pe Irmo-r, Rer In 2016, the Southeast 6vrrtow Parts Wrst CRA, co sponsored a irant lot the museum upon b"q awarded tix L"h,*kvn IISstrtio eOt Multum and Library Services grim, Th i[ thr"-v*ar Pnatch In4, pram was given to tho 00 le support Terrarsce Cribbs-UwFard capKAV burldwig prot.vssrs fur the museum, howvrvP, tfrrry was no antlopetlon of the swU0dj0a•1drm4t that. %oukl itmAive sp n for dawstate wen rnorethe abdetras Rsf the museum. ADVISIM a7aRONiAITTEE M. Dorothy FWidt To tordleWe the etlo%and pruil al The museum as weir U update the historrtal data. collectsana, and extsibtrlons, eal:ritt Ranee. k. Or museum is rvquntet S1& W tDcover otrmher Ise Ndremher lit 24323 furrd+n8 would he used., as outlined in Grayryn Swlhay Woo" Raincia IW lkritm ttse s"Ad mid proposal budge, to erWW MFN here pi and MMen Oil slim wah the mriiw of Of museum VA entlssru Hvvep. [Pk CVA latpilson wo is Qesmful amill net lAee snrRileallPnuF p T SaNIRh, tiq pOWM!Ants. tsR- Thank ou in advance lw w su y ya pp4rlisdtsRCtturasrany k+edbark IhMyoums8hi haMe with resards to out included k.vib"a iohnscn pro"I Co0ffrrnp hl,i wyr AesmrrrRp The frvfh, tl you haw sn[r Ryuestcna. pleme do not has.41e4e Io oonlact me over emall of or 786 383 7094 FErquEy YAK. Mkjwxm Director SEOPW CRA 2022 Proposal Budget Request CRA 2022 Proposal Budget Request Applicant Organization: City of Miami Black Police Precinct and Courthouse Museum Project Name: Collecting History Restoring The Truth Project Start Date/End Date: 11/1/2022 - 10/01/2023 Description/Details for Each Line Item Amount A. Salary, Wages & Benefits Please list each staff member on as a separate line item in column B. Museum Director -FT (does not include fring.benefits) $38.46 x 40 $ 80,000.00 Museum Curator -PT $23 x 26hr x 48wk $ 28,704.00 Education Coordinator- PT $20 x 26hrs x 48wk $ 24,960.00 Recorder/ Bookkeeper -PT $28 x 12hr x 48wk $ 16,128.00 Docents/Oral Historian Facilitator (3) $18 x 26hr x 48 wk $ 67,392.00 A. Salary, Wages & Benefits Total $ 217,184.00 B. Equipment Not to exceed 20% of total project costs. $ - $ B. Equipment Total $ - C. Supplies & Materials 5 (3' x 4') printed panels $ 3,500.00 Implicit Bias & Knowing The Law Workbooks $120 x 25 people $ 3,000.00 C. Supplies & Materials Total $ 6,500.00 D. Design & Publication Costs Print Ads (5): Miami Herald and Miami Times- Quoted cost $ 4,250.00 Banners (3): Announcing exhibit opening, one interior, one exterior $500 x 3 $ 1,500.00 Printing: Program and exhibit brochures $.80 x 5000 $ 4,000.00 Printing: Announcement cards of exhibit $.50 x 2500 $ 1,250.00 D. Design & Publication Costs Total $ 11,000.00 E. Consultant Costs Implicit Bias Training Consultant $52 x 350hrs $ 18,200.00 Exhibit Designer: $25 x 200 hours $ 5,000.00 Exhibit Installation: Quoted rate $ 1,500.00 Graphic/Application Designer: $25/hr x 300 hrs $ 7,500.00 Cinematographer: $52/hr x 130 hrs $ 6,760.00 E. Consultant Costs Total $ 38,960.00 F. Other Direct Costs Include any direct costs that do not fit into one of the above categories. Speakers (5): Honoraria $250 x 5 $ 1,250.00 Focus Group Participants (25): Compensation $50 x 25 participants $ 1,250.00 Community Implicit Bias 6 wk Workshop- $250 x 25 participants $ 6,250.00 F. Other Direct Costs Total $ 8,750.00 TOTAL DIRECT COSTS $282,394 G. Indirect Costs 0% $0 H. Total Project Costs $282,394