HomeMy WebLinkAboutBack-Up DocumentsCITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA
° Annie Perez DATE: APR _ 8 ad FILE : LEG 7-2
ttProcuremeent Department SUBJECT: Finding of Sole Source
FROM: Manuel A. Morales REFERENCES: Purchase of Rifles,
Chief of Police Magazines and Accessories
The police department is requesting a sole source finding for the purchase of five (5) rifles with
magazines and muzzle attachments, to replace current outdated and malfunctioning systems for
the SWAT Detail ("Detail"), from Mile High Shooting Accessories, LLC. in the amount of
$36,987.70; allocating funds from the Police General Fund Account Code No.
00001.191501.667000.0.0. Based upon the attached, please take the necessary steps to verify
that Mile High Shooting Accessories, LLC, located at 5831 Ideal Drive, Frederick, CO 80516-8912
is the sole provider of this purchase.
The Detail conducted a research and determined that no other vendor can provide the required
sniper rifles, magazines and muzzle attachments that are required to replace the current outdated
and malfunctioning systems.
Accuracy International of North America, Inc. and Thunder Beast Arms Corporation are the
manufacturers of the required purchases and affirm that Mile High Shooting Accessories, LLC
was granted exclusive rights to distribute their products to the law enforcement community.
The police department strongly feels that this purchase will equip the Detail with the resources
necessary to perform their duties, more effectively.
Your attention to this matter is greatly appreciated.
Annie Perez,
Procurement Director
RE: Sole Source Letter January 03, 2022
ATTN: Purchasing Agent
Mile High Shooting Accessories (MHSA) located at 5831 Ideal Drive; Frederick, CO 80516
is granted sole and exclusive rights to supply Accuracy International products and product
support, and armorer's training to local, state and federal law enforcement organizations in
the 50 United States. This right is granted by legal agreements by Accuracy International of
North America, Inc. Located at 3410 Shannon Park Drive, Suite 100; Fredericksburg, VA
In further support of our agreement Mile High Shooting Accessories is the only authorized
independent service center in the United States for Accuracy International products. Adam
Rehor of Mile High Shooting Accessories has attended and successfully completed an
intensive Accuracy International service and maintenance course for certification as an
Accuracy International armorer at our company headquarters in Portsmouth England.
Accuracy International of North America, Inc. is providing full support to Mile High
Shooting Accessories with OEM part, service documentation, and engineering support to
ensure high standards of quality and customer service. Mile High Shooting Accessories has
invested in extensive machine shop facilities, service and support equipment, trained
machinist and skilled personnel to provide the highest level of support for Accuracy
International products. As a result of the high standards of facilities, personnel, training,
and on -hand parts inventory, we have entrusted and authorized Mile High Shooting
Accessories to provide armorer's training courses in accordance with Accuracy
International training standards, and to issue the Accuracy International certificate of
completion for armorer's training. Mile High Shooting Accessories is the first and only
independent organization trained and authorized by Accuracy International to provide
service and repair of Accuracy International products and armorer's certification courses.
Should you choose to purchase Accuracy International products from a different source,
you can be assured that the seller will not have the backing from Accuracy International to
service and support your rifles and other components of your sniper weapon system.
Regardless of where our products are purchased, future service and support will have to be
obtained through Mile High Shooting Accessories. One of risk you will assume by
purchasing from a 3rd party is that MHSA will not be able to service or support
components or machine work provided by other sources. Further consideration should be
341 0 SHANNON PARK DRIVE, SUITE 1 00 • FREOERICKSBURG, VA 22408 1 PHONE: 540-366-31 08
given to the fact that Accuracy International cannot accept warranty responsibility for work
or changes made to Al products by a company other than MHSA. We have made the
considerable investment in MHSA as a trained and certified service center to protect both
the integrity of our products and to protect the end user from substandard service and
As our products have gained wider acceptance and employment in the U.S. law
enforcement community we have come to understand the unique needs and requirements
of this very special customer group. We also recognized the investments and commitment
MHSA has made over several years to cater the LE community, and this was critical to our
decision to authorize MHSA as our exclusive LE distributor and service center. All other
sellers of Al products are oriented to the sporting and retail markets and lack the resources
and expertise of MHSA to serve the LE market with Accuracy International products. Most
importantly these other resellers lack the backing and support of Accuracy International in
catering to the LE community.
Scott Seigmund
Vice President
Contract No. 21-22-014
Current Term: New
Expiration Date: N/A
Title Accuracy International of
USA, Inc.
❑X Sole Source Contract
❑ Solicit Competition
Procurement Contracting Officer:
Richard McLaren, C.P.M.
❑ Access Contract
❑ Other
The City of Miami's Department of Procurement ("Procurement") has been tasked with researching whether
Accuracy International of North America, Inc. ("Al"), located at 3410 Shannon Park Drive, Suite 100,
Fredericksburg, VA 22408 is the sole manufacturer of SA30820SBL-LE Law Enforcement ("LE") Sniper Rifles
("Rifles") and Mile High Shooting Accessories, LLC ("MHS"), located at 5831 Ideal Drive, Frederick, CO 80516-
8912 is the exclusive distributer in the United States. The Miami Police Department's ("MPD") Special Weapons
and Tactics Team ("SWAT") has a need for five (5) Rifles with accessories to replace its current outdated
Research Conducted:
The Accuracy International AXSA rifle is the flagship multi -caliber rifle in the Al line. The AI-AX Rifle System is a
short action platform based on Al's established family of highly successful rifles. The SA model line is the same
rifle that is currently used by MPD, but with upgraded technology. The `LE' suffix indicates that the rifles are
designed for law enforcement purposes. There are several differences between the standard, regularly sold
SA30820SBL and the LE version. The LE version is only sold to law enforcement agencies and:
a) Has a machined Arca Swiss rail on the bottom of sixteen -inch (16") handguard; the Arca Swiss rail is
a precise, quick release firearm scope mounting system;
b) Has a right -folding stock and removable barrel that allows the system to be broken down and secured
in a small transport case or pack;
c) Is designed around the .308 which is MPD's current sniper duty cartridge; and
d) Has a 2-stage trigger coupled with a large trigger guard that provides a highly effective firing system
for tactical environments.
Essentially, this weapon system is an updated version of the same make and model MPD currently uses, which
has been tested, proven reliable, and accurate for the past sixteen ("16") years. It is vital that all Officers are
extremely familiar with these high-tech rifles and are able to use them effectively and immediately, when called
upon. There are other law enforcement sniper rifle manufacturers, but their products are not compatible with
SWAT's current rifles. A switch to an incompatible rifle platform would require extensive retraining of SWAT
Officers. Accordingly, some MPD Officers would likely be unable to respond at a high level when called upon.
Comparable Contracts:
Procurement found four (4) contracts for the purchase of SA30820SBL-LE as sole sources They are as follows:
Purchase Price
City of Southfield, MI
Sole Source contract, 2021
District of Columbia, MPD
Sole Source contract, 2017
City of Westminster, CO
Sole Source contract, 2020
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Sole Source contract, 2018
SWAT has used its current sniper rifles since 2006 and it is necessary to replace the old rifles used by SWAT
with compatible equipment. The continuity of the sniper rifle platform is necessary to ensure safety, consistent
performance, and readiness. The new Rifles are an updated version on the existing platform already in use and
will operate on this platform seamlessly. As a result, the SA30820SBL-LE Sniper Rifles, exclusively distributed
by MHS, are the only existing item and source which are compatible with the needs of the MPD SWAT.
Procurement recommends a finding of Sole Source for MHS. It is clear that MHS is the sole distributor and seller
of the "LE" version of this sniper rifle. The total cost is $36,987.70 for five rifles (5) and accessories, including:
five (5) suppressors, and ten (10) AX 7.62/.308 10-shot magazines, plus $450.00 shipping.
Procurement Contracting Officer: c&es cTaeel� w/L Date: 07/11/2022
Procurement Contracting Manager: Charles Johnson Date: 07/11/2022
Director/Asst. Director: Date: 7/18/2022
Ship to
Mile High Shooting
Accessories, LLC
5831 Ideal Drive
Frederick CO 80516-8912
United States
72966 Miami Police Department
S9t. Ivan Camilo
City of Miami Police Department
400 NW 2nd Ave.
Miami FL 33128
United States
Expires Exp. Close
10/6/2022 3/4/2022
Quantity Item
5 SA30820SBL-LE AXSA LE 308 20" Black
AXSA LE 308 20" Black
5 Ultra 7 - DT Ultra 7 - .30 Caliber up to .300 RUM -
Ultra 7 - .30 Caliber up to .300 RUM -Titanium
10 6677 6677 AX 7.62/.30810-SHOT MAGAZINE
AX 7.62/.308 10-SHOT MAGAZINE
Sales Rep
Juan Lopez Troy
Expires: 10/6/2022
Partner Shipping Method
UPS 2nd Day Air@
Rate Amount
$6,175.80 $30,879.00
$940.50 $4,702.50
$95.62 $956.20
Subtotal $36,537.70
Shipping $450.00
Tax Total (%) $0.00
Total $36,987.70
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