HomeMy WebLinkAboutExhibit A-SUBm O = rn 70 V Z 61 C Z C _ C rn W < n Z h e O' u n O I 2 C N G1 G a O D = (1 r 0 C n - m Z C Z W .4 rn C Exhibit 1 - Project Budget and Description Miami -Dade County Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program (GOB) Initial Date GOB Project Name: Badia Senior Center - Construct Multi -Purpose Ent& : City of Miami Facilities - District 6 GOB Project Number: 220-3004475 REVENUES Milestones EXPENSES FY 2021 - 2022 GOB Allocation Future GOB Allocation *Other Funding Allocations Total Estimated Revenues Projected I Start Date Schedule End Date Total Estimated Expenses 0 0 Project Administration 0 234,369 234,369 Project Administration Non -GOB 2/13/2020 6/20/2025 234,369 0 0 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 Land Acquisition Non -GOB 0 0 0 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary engineering 0 175,360 175,360 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary Non -GOB) 2/13/2020 9/30/2021 175,360 0 0 A&E Selection 0 0 0 A&E Selection Non -GOB 10/1/2021 7/28/2022 0 i 0 0 Design 0 j 386,192 386,192 Design Non -GOB) 7/29/2022 9/2712023 386,192 j 0 0 Dry run/permit 0 I 0 0 Dry run/permit Non -GOB) 0 l 0 0 Contractor Selection 9/28/2023 3/26/2024 0 1 0 0 Contractor Selection Non -GOB 0 1 0 800,000 0 800,000 Construction On Going 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 800,000 3,467,080 3,467,080 Construction On Going Non -GOB 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 3,467,080 0 Construction Substantially Complete 2/20/2025 0 0 Construction Substantially Complete (Non -GOB) 2/20/2025 0 0 Final Completion - GOB 6/20/2025 0 p Final Completion - Non -GOB 6/20/20251 0 0 800,000 4,263,001 5,063,001 TOTALS 6V/2025 1 5,063, 001 • Other Funding List sources and amounts c 3 G 1 �� Fundingcat Source Amount _ �" Award 1425- City of Miami General Funds 40,000 Future Funds - Florida Dept of Elderly Affairs cn= nm CO t� FDOEA 1,700,000 City of Miami (Plan) 2,523,001 Total rn 4,263,0011:X—G Co Project Narrative/Description (Over all Project Description) -" City of Miami Project 40-62W515. Renovation of the existing tacility known as the Badia Senior Center located at 25 Tamiami Blvd. Scopelfnclude tallation of a new roof, enlarging the current dining area, relocating and remodeling the kitchen and adding an additional 5,000 sq. ft. for nutritional & hga)th sc enings, hurricane prepardeness workshops, and health classes. Proposed Construction Phases: Phasel) Construct new kitchen including ancillary areas, remodel the dinning room, and demo existing kitchen after new one is operational; Phase 2) Construct new classrooms, exercise room and restrooms; Phase 3) Relocate main entrance in the existing building, remdel office space, and perform sitework including mill/resurface and pavement markings in parking area; and Phase 4) Mill/resurface and stripping for fire lane access road. GOB Total Fundina Allocation Narrative/Descrii)tion (What will GOB Funds be used for) B total funds are proposed to be allocated to Phase 1 Construction activities including, but not limited to the construction of the new kitchen, remodeling of dinning room, and demolishing the existing kitchen after new one is operational. GOB Funding Allocation Narrative/Description (Of the GOB funds what will be spent between now and 9/30/21) No GOB funds will be spent before September 2021. Howwever, we need to secure the funds before Fiscal Year 2023. "For municipalities and public agencies, this exhibit, along with the entitys resolution, conforms with Article III, Section I, A2e of the Building Better Communities Bond Program (GOB) Administrative Rules. Building Better Communities Page 1 of 1 1220S- F-,x�,bl'fA-SU6 Exhibit 1 - Project Budget and Description Initial Miami -Dade County Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program (GOB) Date /, _ GOB Project Name: Badia Senior Center - Construct ti-Purpose Enti : City of Miami Facilities - District 6 GOB Proiect Number: 220-300447 REVENUES Milestones E ENSES FY 2021 - 2022 GOB Allocation Future GOB Allocation 'Other Funding Allocations Total Estimated Revenues Projected Start Da Schedule End Date Total Estimated Expenses 0 0 Project Administration 0 234,369 234,369 Project Administration (Non -GOB) /2020 6/20/2025 234,369 0 0 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 Land Acquisition (Non -GOB) 0 0 0 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary engineering 0 175,360 175,360 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary (Non -GOB) 2/13/2020 9/30/2021 175,360 0 0 A&E Selection 0 0 0 A&E Selection (Non -GOB) 10/1/2021 7/28/2022 0 0 0 Design It 0 386,192 386,192 Design Non -GOB) 7/29/2022 9/27/2023 386,192 0 0 Dry run/permit 0 0 0 Dry run/permit (NA -GOB) 0 0 0 Contractor Se tion 9/28/2023 3/26/2024 0 0 0 Contracto election (Non -GOB) 0 0 800,000 0 800,000 1 Constrylgion On Going 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 800,000 4,267,080 4,267,080 Co truction On Going (Non -GOB) 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 4,267,080 0 onstruction Substantially Complete 2/20/2025 0 0 Construction Substantially Complete (Non -GOB) 2/20/2025 0 0 Final Completion - GOB 6/20/20251 0 0 Final Completion - Non -GOB 1 6/20/20251 0 0 800,000 5,063,001 5,863,001 TOTALS 6/20/2025 5,863,001 Funding Source Amount Award 1425 - City of Miami General Funds 40,000 Future Funds - Florida Dept of Elderly Affa' FDOEA 1,700,000 City of Miami (Plan) 3,323,001 Total 5,063,001 Project Narrative/Descri tion Over all Project Description) City of Miami Project 40-B203515. novation of the existing facility known as the Badia Senior Center located at 25 Tamiami Blvd. Scope include installation of a new roof, enlarging the current ring area, relocating and remodeling the kitchen and adding an additional 5,000 sq. ft. for nutritional & health screenings, hurricane prepardeness works ps, and health Gasses. Proposed Construction Ph es: Phasel) Construct new kitchen including ancillary areas, remodel the dinning room, and demo existing kitchen after new one is operational; Phase 2) C truct new classrooms, exercise room and restrooms; Phase 3) Relocate main entrance in the existing building, remdel office space, and perform site k induding mill/resurface and pavement markings in parking area; and Phase 4) Mill/resurface and stripping for fire lane access road. GOB Total Funding Allocation Narrative/Description What will GOB Funds be used for GOB total funds re proposed to be allocated to Phase 1 Construction activities including, but not limited to the construction of the new kitchen, remodeling of the dinning ro , and demolishing the existing kitchen after new one is operational. OB Fundincl Allocation Narrative/Description (Of the GOB funds what will be spent between now and 9130121) funds will be spent before September 2021. Howwever, we need to secure the funds before Fiscal Year 2023. "For municipalities and public agencies, this exhibit, along with the entitys resolution, conforms with Article III, Section I, Ate of the Building Better Communities Bond Program (GOB) Administrative Rules. Building Better Communities Page 1 of 1