HomeMy WebLinkAboutCRA-R-22-0033 BackupFrequently Asked Questions ~FAQ
Below you will find frequently asked questions and answers.
Q, What isaCRA,
J�° 4CRA�odependen special dia���which any fmueinneaoem�pmpe�yvn�eo�ew�
«�� aside to support redevelopment activities that °mvN eliminate conditions of slum and
Q: How much will the assistance cover?
��Up���unm�me����am�mum��m�� making for a cap at $3,000.
��~ Whu|a����r
° One ormore individuals within the household have qvaUfim
A: o, experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant costs, or
experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the COVID-1 9 outbreak
° One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a risk vfexperiencing
homelessness v,housing instability
° The household, including households of single persons, has e household income m,or
below 80 percent of area median income (AMI), $54,600 for a household of one. Priority
will be given to households of an even lower income at o, below 50 percent Am|'
$34,130for ahousehold ofone
~ Applicant must reside within the 8EOPYVCRABoundaries
• Applicant must not live within eC&urehabbed nrnew construction development
° Applicant must show proof of a significant rent increase since most recently completed
lease leading uptocurrent lease
° If the applicant is awarded, the funding will be provided directly to the landlord, therefore,
landlord cooperation and their applying to the program is also expected throughout the
Q: Are property owners involved? And ifso, how?
A~° Yea landlords wiUhmmmepp�conjointly with the tenants and the land|nnbvwUbethe
ones given the funds directly. However, there will bearequired inspection for every unit that
will baawarded the assistance. Should the unit not pass the inspection due to lack of
repairs, the CRAiuwilling tofinancially aid property owners with the necessary repairs in
exchange for saving eligible tenants from eviction.
Q° Are ,enonmnffedemUysubsidized housing, e4.Low Income Housing CmditPublic
~ Housing, or SEOPW CRA Assisted developments, eligible for the SEOPW ERA program?
A: A, eligible household that occupies a federally subsidized residential or mixed -use property,
or enaivon federal enm| ooa|monne, may receive assistance in ,he ERA Program if the
tenant rent in adjusted according tochanges in income; the renter household may receive
SEOPW CRA ERA assistance for the tenant -owed portion of rent that is not subsidized. The
5E0PYv CRA encourages the applicant to confirm that they have already reported any
income !oeu or financial hardship tothe Public Housing Authority o/ property manager
before assistance mprovided.
The Southeast Ovettown Park West CRA (SEOPW CRA) is providing these frequently asked
questions (FAQs) as guidance regarding- the requirements of the EnI regarding -erg Rental Assistance
Program (ERA) established by Resolution (CRA-22- XXXX)
These FAQs apply to the SEOPW CRA ERA Program.
1. Who is eligible to receive assistance under the SEOPW CRA ERA and how should a
grantee document the eligibility of a household?
An applicant may only use the funds provided in the SEOPW ERA Program to provide financial
assistance and housing stability services to eligible households. To be eligible, a household must
be obligated to pay rent on, a residential dwelling within the SEOPW CRA Boundaries and the
grantee must determine that:
a. One or more individuals within the household has qualified -for -unemployment
benefits or experienced a reduction in household income, incurred significant
costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the
COVI D- 19 outbreak
b. One or more individuals within the household can demonstrate a.risk of
experiencing homelessness or housing instability
C. The household, including households of single persons, has a household income
at or below 80 percent of area median income (AMI *)t $54,600 for a household of
one. Priority will be given to households of an even lower income at or below 50
percent AMI, $34,150 for a household of one
d. Applicant must reside within. the SEOPW CRA Boundaries
e. Applicant must not live within a CRA rehabbed or new construction development
f. Applicant must show proof of a significant rent increase since most recently
completed lease leading up to current lease
g. if the applicant is awarded, the funding will be provided directly to the landlord,
therefore, landlord cooperation and their applying to the program is also expected
throughout the process
2. How should applicants document that a member of the household has qualified for
unemployment benefits, experienced a reduction in income, incurred significant costs, or
experienced other financial hardship due to the COVID-19 outbreak?
An applicant must document that one or more members of their household has either (i) qualified
for unemployment benefits or (ii) experienced a reduction in household income, incurred
significant costs, or experienced other financial hardship due, directly or indirectly, to the
COVID-19 outbreak.
3. How should an applicant determine that an. individual within a, household is at risk of
experiencing homelessness or housing instability?
The SEOPW ERA program requires that one or more *individuals within the household can
demonstrate afisk of experiencing homelessness or housing instability. Such a demonstration
may include (i) a past due rent notice or eviction notice, "ii:) unsafe or unhealthy living conditions
(which may include overcrowd ing). or (iii) any other evidence of risk, as determined by the
4. SEOPW ERA funds may be used for rent and past due rent. How should an applicant
document where they reside and the amount of rent or past due rent owed?
Applicant must obtain, if available, a current lease, signed by the applicant and the landlord or
sublessor, that identifies the unit where the applicant resides and establishes the rental payment
amount. If a household does not have a signed lease, documentation of residence may include
evidence of paying utilities for the residential unit, an attestation by a landlord who can be
identified as the verified owner or management agent of the unit, or other reasonable
documentation as determined by the SEOPW CRA. In the absence of a signed lease, evidence of
the amount of a rental payment may include bank statements, check stubs, or other
d ocumentation that reasonably establishes a pattern of paying rent, a written attestation. by a
landlord who can be verified as the legitimate owner or management agent of the unit, or other
reasonable documentation as defined by the grantee in its policies and procedures. Moreover, the
CRA will emphasize awarding grantees who have a proven record of a significant rent increase,
and therefore, have more recently found themselves in financial. hardship due to this explicit
5. Is there a limit on how any months of financial assistance a tenant can receive?
Yes. An eligible household may receive up to six (6) months of assistance or total of $3000,
$500 a month for six months to ensure housing
g stability for the household, subject to the
availability of funds. The collective amount of financial. assistance an. eligible household may
receive must not exceed 6 months. In no case may an eligible household receive more than 6
months of assistance under SEOPW CRA ERA Program.
6. Must the SEOPW CIA pay for all household's past due rent?
No, the full payment of past due rent is allowed up to the financial assistance limits.
Ki IN M, 11 1111
7. What outreach must be made by an applicant to a landlord provider before determining
that the landlord will not accept direct payment from the SEOPW CRA?
The SEOPW CRA expects that in general., rental assistance can. be provided most effectively and
efficiently when the landlord provider participates in the program. However, in cases where a
landlord provider does not participate in the program, the only way to achieve the statutory
purpose is to aid directly to the eligible household.
Applicants must make reasonable efforts to obtain the cooperation of landlords and. providers to
accept payments from the SEOPW CRA ERA program. Outreach will be considered complete if
(i) a request for participation is sent .in writing, by mail, to the landlord provider, and the
addressee does not respond to the request within seven calendar days after mailing; (ii) the
grantee has made at least three attempts by phone, text, or e-mail over a five calendar -day period
to request the landlord or utility provider's participation; or (iii) a landlord confirms in writing
that the landlord does not wish to participate. All outreach attempts or notices to the landlord
must be documented.
S. Is there a requirement that the eligible household members have been in their current
rental home when the public health emergency, with respect to COVID-19, was declared?
No, there is no requirement regarding the length of tenure in the Current unit.
.::ire tenants of federally subsidized housing,, e.g., Low Income Housing Credit, Public
Housing, or SEOPW CRA Assisted developments, eligible for the SEOPW ERA program?
An eligible household that occupies a federally subsidized residential or mixed -use property, or
receives federal rental assistance, may receive assistance in the ERA Program if the tenant rent is
adjusted according to changes in income; the renter household may receive SEOPW CRA ERA
assistance for the tenant -owed portion of rent that is not subsidized. The SEOPW CRA
encourages the applicant to confirm that they have already reported any income loss or financial
hardship to the Public Housing Authority or property manager before assistance is provided.
10.1n cases where the property owner is also a primary resident in a shared building (e.g.
duplex) with the financially unstable, eligible tenant applicant, may that property owner
also apply to receive aid for their mortgage expenses?
Yes, the SEOPW CRA may aid households for which the landlord is also essentially the ERAP
grantee, provided that the landlord grantee complies with the all provisions of the SEOPW CRA
ERA Program, as applicable, and the award terms.
11. The SEOPW CRA prohibits landlords from pursuing eviction for nonpayment of rent
for some period after receiving the SEW CRA ERA financial assistance?
With respect to landlords that receive funds Lmder the SEOPW CRA ERA program for past due
rent, the SEOPW CRA prohibits the landlord from evicting the tenant fornonpayment of rent
respect to the period covered by the assistance.
In add ition, with respect to landlords that receive fund sfor past due rent, to promote the purpose
of the program, the SEOPW CRA prohibits the landlord from evicting the tenant for nonpayment
of rent for some period, consistent with applicable law.
In. all cases, the SEOPW CRA require landlords that receive funds underthe ERA program, as a
condition of receiving the funds, not to evict tenants for nonpayment of rent for 30 to 90 days
longer than the period covered by the rental assistance.
for-HousiqnLY-Applicat�p i r!5, -
What is a CRA?
A CRA is a dependent special districts in which any future increases in property values are set aside to support
redevelopment activities that would eliminate conditions of slum and blight. A CRA can only be created by
adheringto the statutory requirements of Chapter 163, Part 111, Florida Statutes. Specifically, a Fu7ding of Necessity
demon strating the existence of slum and blight conditions is required to be prepared and acceptedby the governing
boards of county and municipal in which the area in question is located. § 163.355& 163.356(1), Flea, Star.
Thereafter, a Redevelopment Plan setting forth the manner in which the conditions of slum and blight are to be
eliminated must be approved by the governing body. § 163.360("1), Fla. Slat.
What is the ERAP?
The Emergency Ren (a I Assistance Prograrn by the Southeast Overto vm/Pa rk West CRA is an initiative set forth in
response to recent rent spikes in the area, to help re -stabilize the housing situations for many of our residents.
Although tenants must apply forthe assistance,the funding will ultimately be provided to the landlords, who must
also apply and provide their proper documentation. However, certain conditions must be met, including the passing
of an inspection. Also note that the applying tenant(s) must be eligible for the assistance for the landlord to
ultimately receive the funding. It will be possible, therefore, for the landlord to refer their tenants when applying.
How much will the assistance cover?
Up to $500 a month per household fora maximum of six months, making for a cap at $3,000.
Will there be an inspection?
Yes, an initial. inspection is required inside and outside of the unit.
Do I need to attend the initial inspection?
Pagel of 2
No, you will not need to attend the initial inspection, but entrance into the unit must be provided, along with ail
access to the utilities being on. Failure to either will cause an automatic failure of the initial inspection and may
delay your receiving of a ssistance.
Based on the initia I inspection, we will deten-nine if a second inspection is required. Certain conditions mustbe met
to qualify for the CRA ERAP. The CRA is possibly williii- to help you with meeting those conditions, providing
that it saves currently applying tenants from eviction. If the unit or building needs major renovations, then your
property may be eligible for a special grant from the CRA, again, in exchange for the housing stability of your
current tenants.
Will a che ist be provided to the landlord prior to lnspectio no
No, the inspection checklist will not be provided to the landlord prior to inspection. However, you will be provided
an inspection notice and appointment date afteryou successfully apply.
• Completed 2021 W-9 tax form, or that of 2020 if proof of a successful file extension in 2022 is also provided
• Property Management Agreement, Brokers Agreement that authorizes payments to be distributed to property
manageron behalf of owner, if applicable
• Proof of ownership (deed, mostrecent real estate tax bill, or current property insurance policy)
• Copy of lease orwritten. agreement for each CRA ERAP applying tenant
• Written proof of rent increase and an established record of the tenant failing to pay it (late notices, record
book, tenant correspondence, etc.)
• Copy of legally tendered identification
111 A special district is defined as a local unit of a special purpose government within a limited boundary, createJ by general lave, special act, local
ordinance, or by rule of the Governor and Cabinet. § 189403(1). Fla, Stet. The special purpose of the district is implemented by specialized
functions andrelatedprescribedpowers. Id. A" dependentspocialdistrict" is a special district that meets at least one of the following criteria: (a)
the member of its governing body is identical to that of the governing body ot'single county or a single municipality; (b) all members of its governing
body are appointed by the governing body of a single county or a single municipality; (c) during, their unexpired terms, members of the special
district's governing body are subject to . removal at will by the governing body ol' asingle county or a single municipality; or (d) the district has a
t that requires approval through an affirmative vote or can vetoed by the governing body of a single county or a single municipality. §
189,403 (2), Fla. Star.
Page 2 of 2
Full Name•
Date of Birth:
Southeast Overtown Park West CRA
Preferred Spoken Language: ❑ English ❑ Spanish ❑ Haitian Creole
Social Security Number:
Ethnicity: ❑ Hispanic ❑ Non -Hispanic
Race: ❑ White ❑ Black/African American ❑ American Indian/Alaska Native ❑ Pacific Islander ❑ Asian
❑ Other:
Current Employment Status: ❑ Unemployed ❑ Employed ❑ Self Employed
Are you currently renting: ❑ Yes ❑ No
If yes, what are the terms of the lease?
❑ Annual Agreement ❑ Month to Month ❑ Other:
Do you plan to move in the next 3 months: ❑ Yes ❑ No
Is someone helping you with this form: ❑ Yes ❑ No
Name of Person who assisted in Phone E-mail Relationship
completion of this application
Are you a Veteran? ❑ Not a Veteran ❑ Active Military ❑ Retired Military ❑ Previously Served
Covid-19 Hardship:
Who in the household was financially affected by Covid-19?
0 MyselfApplicant only ❑ Other Household member(s)
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Were you, or the affected household member, employed or self-employed/own a business?
❑ Employed ❑ Self -Employed ❑ Other:
How were you, and/or other leaseholder(s), financially impacted by COVID-19? ❑Reduction in
Household Income ❑Increased Costs ❑ Other:
Select at least one of the housing risks factors that applied to .your household situation.
❑ I have received an eviction notice
❑ I have past due rent
❑ I have received a Notice of Nonpayment
❑ I am living in unsafe and/or unhealthy
from my landlord (including 3-day notice)
living conditions
❑ My housing costs are too expensive
❑ I cannot afford to pay for essential items
❑ My landlord is harassing me and/or making
such as food, medicine, childcare,
verbal threats to evict me
transportation, etc. and pay my rent
❑ I have an informal agreement with my
❑ I have had to take out loans and pay my
landlord that I am unsure is legally protected
rent with credit
❑ None of the above
❑ Other:
What was the first month and year that your family was financially impacted by COVED-19?
Household Members:
Are there additional household members that are currently living in unit? ❑Yes ❑No
Please list all household members below, including self. Please place the primary tenant first.
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Annual Income:
Does any household member have income? ❑Yes ❑No
If yes, what is the total gross annual income?
Member Name I Income.Source Amounts Frequency
Does your family have assets in excess of $5,000? ❑ Yes ❑ No
Asset Type: ❑ Checking/Savings Account ❑ Stocks/Bonds/Mutual Funds
❑ Revokable Trusts ❑ Rental Property/Capital Investments
❑ Retirement/Pensions/401K ❑ Life Insurance Policy (Cash Value ONLY)
Asset Type
Is this asset interest earning?
Interest Rate
Current Balance
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
❑ Yes ❑ No
Page 3 of 10
Before the start of your current lease, did you live in another location or unit?
❑ Yes ❑ No
Please provide the following information on your CURRENT lease:
Lease start date: Contracted Rent Amount:
Lease end date:
Number of Bedrooms:
Unit Address:
Is the address located within our jurisdiction map? (Please reference the attached map)
❑ Yes ❑ No
Unit Type: ❑ Apartment ❑ Duplex ❑ Single Family Detached/House
❑ Semi-Detached/Row House ❑ Manufactured Home
Please provide the following information on your MOST PREVIOUS lease (if you did not rent prior to current
lease, write "no rent"):
Lease start date: Contracted Rent Amount:
Lease end date:
Number of Bedrooms:
Unit Address:
Is the address located within our jurisdiction map? (Please reference the attached map)
❑ Yes ❑ No
Unit Type: ❑ Apartment ❑ Duplex ❑ Single Family Detached/House
❑ Semi-Detached/Row House ❑ Manufactured Home
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Prior and Current Rental Assistance:
Families currently receiving other federally subsidized rental assistance may be eligible for ERAP
Assistance. Assistance for families receiving subsidyunder the HCV or Public Housing Program may not
exceed the tenant owed portion of the obligated contract rent.
Families who have received or are currently receiving other rental assistance are required to show
evidence of their rent portion.
Since March 2020, have you received and/or are you currently receiving Housing Choice Voucher
(Section 8) or Public Housing Assistance?
❑Yes ❑No
Have you received assistance from another Emergency Rent Assistance Program?
❑Yes ❑No
Applicant Certification
I certify that I rent the property located on this application.
I certi�y that 1, or my household members, have experienced a financial impact due to thi
FlYes ■\•
l certify that the income from all sources reported on this application is correct.
❑Yes/Agree ❑No/ I do receive other forms of assistance
expendituresI affirm that the tfor the '
Rental Assistance Program have not been
i' t or from any other federal,
OYes ■
I certify that the information provided in this application and the information provided in all
supporting documents and forms is true and accurate. I understand that knowingly making a false
statement in this application may subject me to criminal prosecution and penalties in accordance
with applicable law, including, but not limited to, Chapter 817, Florida Statutes, and Chapter 47,
United States Code, which may include up to five years' imprisonment and/or up -to a $250,000 fine.
❑Yes ❑No
I affirm that the attached tax documents are identical to those I have submitted to the Internal
Revenue Service.
❑Yes ❑No
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I affirm that the award and payment of grant funds are subject to the sole and absolute discretion of
the SEOPW CRA without recourse. By submitting this application, I waive any and all claims
related to the SEOPW CRA Emergency Rental Assistance Program and specifically agree to
indemnify, defend, release, and hold the SEOPW CRA, its employees, officers, agents, and
representatives harmless from any and all claims which may be in any way related to any Program
award, payment, and/or denial.
❑Yes ❑No
I affirm that the rental arrears submitted with m y application for the SEOPW CRA Emergency
Rental Assistance Program have not been paid from any other COVID-19 related program or from
any other federal, state, or r
■Yes ■ I� o
If awarded by this SEOPW CRA Emergency Rental Assistance Program, I attest that I will not apply
for any additional funding assistance from any other municipality in Miami Dade County or the State
of Florida for an Emergency Rental Assistance for the same months paid under this program.
❑Yes ❑No
The undersigned being warned that willful false statements and the like are punishable by fine or
imprisonment, or both, under 18 U.S.C. 1001, andthat such willful false statements and the like may
jeopardize the validity of the application or document or any registration resulting therefrom,
declares that all statements made of his/her knowledge are true; and all statements made on
information and belief are believed to be true.
Signature Date'
All completed application packages must be submitted, accompanied by the necessary required
documents, via one of the options below:
By United States Postal Service ("USPS") Drop Off Location:
Southeast Overtown Park West CRA Southeast Overtown Park West CRA
Attn.: Rental Assistance Program Rental Assistance Program
819 NW 2nd Ave, Third Floor 819 NW 2nd Ave, Third Floor
MIAMI, FL 33136 MIAMI, FL 33136
Drop off hours: 9 am to 4 pm
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Required Documents List
Identity Verification (at least one of the following documents for all household members)
• Driver's License or State Issued ID • Tribal CDIB Card
• Passport • Veteran Identification
Active Renter Evidence (only one of each document per household needed)
• Signed lease, tenant agreement, or property owner certification
• Previous signed lease, tenant agreement, or property owner certification
• Official notice from the property owner or proof of rent increase
• Documentation of residence, including utility bills, or attestation by a property owner who can
be identified as the verified owner or management agent of the unit
Other reasonable documentation
Income Verification (if it accounts for full annual 2021 income of the member, then at least one of the following
documents for each household members where it applies; otherwise, multiple forms may be needed to verify full
income. If 2021 taxes have not yet been filed, proof of a filed extension in 2022 must be provided along with the
2020 versions of the below documents)
Annual Income
• 2021 Tax Return (1040, 1040EZ, etc.)
• 2021 W2 from Employer(s)
• 2021 1099 Tax Form(s)
• Other evidence of annual Income (e.g., wage statement, interest statement, unemployment
Monthly Income (for each household member where it applies)
• One (1) pay stub, at minimum, for wages dated within the last sixty (60) days, demonstrating a
full months' worth of consecutive pay
o Documentation must demonstrate a full months' worth of consecutive pay
• Social Security benefits letter dated within the last 12 months
• Unemployment benefits letter dated within the last 60 days
* Child Support Payment Report from the Florida Department of Health and Human Services
• Letter dated within the last sixty (60) days confirming child support payments made outside of
the Florida Department of Health and Human Services.
The SEOPW C1RA will use the lower of the two for determining program eligibility. When
determining annual income, federal pandemic insurance payments are excluded.
Page 7 of 10
Proof of Housing Instability (submit any of the following documents that you or your household may have
• If you are currently participating in a local, state or federal public benefits program, a letter
from that government agency that verifies your household income is at or below 80% will be
accepted in determining income eligibility. Eligibility determination for the program must be
made on or after January 1, 2021.
• Past due lease notice
• Notice of rent arrears issued by the rental property owner
• Eviction notice
• Summary process summons and complaint identifying the applicant(s) as the
Defendant(s)/Tenant(s)/Occupant(s), which sets forth a hearing date within thirty (30) days
• Living in unsafe or unhealthy living conditions, such as conditions that increase the risk of
exposure to COVID-19 because of overcrowding
• A housing cost burden that makes it difficult for renters to afford their housing costs
• Informal rental arrangements with little or no legal protection
• Harassment or verbal threats of eviction by a landlord
Reduction of Income (submit any of the following documents that you or your household may have received)
• Evidence of Financial Hardship, such as a reduction in income or incurring significant costs,
either directly or indirectly dueto the COVID 19 outbreak
• Letter from employer stating reduced wages, termination, or furlough
• Layoff letter from employer
• Unemployment letter dated from 3/13/2020 to current
• Print out from Unemployment on benefits received in the last 30 days
• Notice of business closure on employer website
• Letter from healthcare provider stating they were sick and unable to work due to COVID-related
• Letter from workforce solutions
Evidence of Significant Costs/Expenses Related to COVID-19 (if applicable)
• Adverse healthcare impacts such as increased healthcare costs, including at-home care for
individuals with COVID-19
• Expenses incurred due to quarantining or social distancing as mandated by employer (computer
equipment, internet expenses, etc.)
• Expenses for childcare due to COVID-19 school closures
• Purchase of personal protective equipment (PPE)
• Penalties, fees, and legal costs associated with rental or utility arrears
• Payments for rent or utilities made by credit card to avoid homelessness or housing instability
• Alternative transportation for households unable to use public transportation during the pandemic
Page 8 of 10
• Evidence the household is relying on credit cards, payday lenders, or other high -cost debt products, or
depleting savings, to pay for rent or utilities, rather than wages or other income
Owner Documentation (the property owner of your unit will have to provide the following; please contact and
inform them)
• Completed W-9 tax form for owner or property manager
• Property Management Agreement, Brokers Agreement that authorizes payments to be
distributed to propertymanager on behalf of owner
• Proof of ownership (deed, most recent real estate tax bill, or current property insurance policy).
Page 9 of 10
SEOPW CRA ERA Program Application Scoring Rubric
submitted by
resides within
income below
income meets
50% AMI
80% AMI
1 RRequir ment
FPoint Scoring
3 -]
Max Points: 22
I IL , a I It 11�WGW
Tenant Referrals
Primary Tenant's First and Last Name:
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Their Preferred Language: o English o Spanish o Creole
Total Number of Household Members:
Contracted Rent Amount Before:
Penultimate Contracted Lease Period was from Month/year:
Current Contracted Rent Amount:
Current Contracted Lease Period Month/Year:
Rent Increase Amount:
Unit Address (It MUST be located within the jurisdiction of the SEOPW CRA):
Page 1 of 3
Please only submit from Page 4 onward; the first three pages of this document are yours to keep.
Please attach/staple your other potential tenant applicants' infon-nation to the back of this form,
in the same format as the above "tenant referrals" box.
And finally, please inform all your relevant tenants of this opportunity if they have not already
Today's Date:
• Completed 2021 W-9 tax form, or that of 2020 if proof of a successful file extension in
2022 is also provided
e Property Management Agreement or Brokers Agreement that authorizes payments to be
distributed to property manager on behalf of owner, if applicable
• Proof of ownership (deed, most recent real estate tax bill, or current property insurance
• Copy of lease or written agreement for each CRA ERAP applying tenant
• Written proof of rent increase and an established record of the tenant failing to pay it (late
notices, record book, tenant correspondence, etc.)
a Copy of legally tendered identification.
Page 2 of 3
n___ -► _r �
Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP)
I certify that:
I am the owner or legal agent of the residence listed below. The renter is at least one month in past due of
rent payment and is in danger or eviction:
City/State/Zip Code:
I accept payment for arrearage
I will not accept payment and do not choose to participate in program
Monthly rent amount:
Amount in past due:
Landlord name
Renter name
Address of Landlord to
mail payment
Phone number landlord
Email of landlord
a copy of lease or written agreement that clearly outlines terms of occupation
(name of tenants, address, length of occupancy and amount of monthly rent in payment)
Landlord signature:
I certify that:
I am the tenant of the residence listed below. I am at least one month in past due of rent payment and am in
danger or eviction:
City/State/Zip Code:
I acknowledge that the Landlord may apply for assistance on my behalf for payment of said
Monthly rent amount:
Amount in past due:
Landlord name
Tenant name
Address of Landlord to
mail payment
Phone number landlord
Email of landlord
a copy of lease or written agreement that clearly outlines terms of occupation
(name of tenants, address, length of occupancy and amount of monthly rent in payment)
Tenant Signature