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ida FiLm Hbuse-p'resents uMcnA•�'B Take Youth FitrnPrograrn MAGN SlAII/J 91 8. NfnNlq(, 1` e e '���GIPoS lSGIGaN 12 �Gt1EP 13 14 Z E Florida Film House presents: The ist Take Youth Film Program 1. Cover 2. Table of Contents 3. Mission 4. Project Description 5. Locations 6. Overview of Programming 7. 1st Take Programming 8. Budget g. Job Training 1o. List of Staff 11. Contact Information 9 Mission Our mission is to enrich the young minds of our community by providing them with hands-on training that centers around the complete process of filmmaking. Targeting underserved local communities, we can give our youth an opportunity to tell their stories and show their talents. Our innovative program is set up to build skill sets that expand beyond the classroom and into the workforce. The education and guidance at 1st Take will prepare our youth with vital skillsets needed to be successful in life. We aim to develop relationships with local and state colleges to create scholarship programs that will provide our students with the workforce and knowledge in media art and the opportunity to continue their education to achieve a college degree in film and entertainment. The 1st Take Youth Film Program will serve as an interactive central connection between arts, business, media, and entertainment. Students will have the opportunity to attend workshops in film, editing, cinematography, and photography. Select Teens that qualify for on-the-job training can compete for paid and unpaid internships as well. All interns will be under the direction of Project Coordinator and the film professionals at Florida Film House (FFH). FFH has been helping the youth find their voice for six years. With the help of our supporters, we can continue to making a change in our future. Project Description LuSTao�a YOUTH PROGRAM Education and College Readiness -The 1st Take Youth Film Program will O Entrepreneurship and Leadership Skills -Students wi I I use be dedicated to teaching the youth career and life skills through hands-on entrepreneurship, leadership and team skills to develop content. coaching that centers around the complete process of filmmaking. Theywill learn to write, produce, schedule, budget, create, edit/finalize, market and sell their projects. These skills resonate into any field of business. Employment Growth, Job Training, Job Placement, and Vocational © Training for adults and 2nd Chance opportunities- From the local Economic Rejuvenation- Repurposingan inactive space community into the film business. According to the labor market statistics 0 and making it a Diverse Event Space for the community use motion picture will have 11% more jobs in arts and film will increase by 9.5% c and enjoy, while promoting economic development. Space between 2019-2026. 1st Take Workshops in actin writing, p g, g, producing, will be available for the community to enjoy as needed. directing, producing and cinematography for adults evenings. Helping to create and support the film market and introduce the community to the film world. O History Preservation We will be able toarchive, document and showcase the history of Overtown and Miami. The Arts and EntertainmentforthecommunityThroughpremieresinthe © students will be creating documentaries by researching and community at least once per quarter. Open to invite the community to enjoy interviewing the elders within the community. The the space and premier exclusive content created by 1st Take Youth Film documentaries will be showcased quarterly, entered into Program students, Urban Film Festival Winners and the best of local international film festivals, be available to be screened upon content. Also able to highlight, promote and celebrate local film makers at 1st Take Youth Film Program channel online and licensed to these quarterlyly screenings. broadcast companies. Locations Dorsey Memorial Library: 100 NW 17th Street, Miami, FL 33136 Black Archives - Historic Lyric 819 NW 2nd Ave, Miami, FL, 33136 Overview of Programming 1st Take Youth Film Program -Florida Film House will provide workshops in acting, writing, directing, producing, and cinematography for the community throughout the year. Online Schooling with other Community Programs - 9th -12th graders will be doing online schooling with Teachers during the day, allowing their parents the opportunity to go back to work. (During Covid Pandemic) Education and College Readiness- The 1st Take Youth Film Program and other community programs to better prepare students with college readiness. Job Training, and Vocational Training for adults and 2nd Chance opportunities -Will serve as a hub for vocational training for adu Its to learn about the film industry and prepare them for job opportunities. We will also work with workforce programs to help our students get job placements. Arts and Entertainment for the community- Once a quarter, the space will be open for the community to enjoy and watch exclusive content created by 1st Take Youth Film Program students. Students will have their films screened. History Preservation -The students will be creating digital archives and documentaries by researching and interviewing the elders within the community. Overtown Performing Arts Center 1074 NW 3rd Ave, Miami, FL, 33136 1st Take Youth Film Programming Filmmakers will receive specialized training and perform work tasks under the direction of industry professionals in order to create products and services that benefit the community and local businesses. Student will create short films that tell the stories of their community. They will be screened at the Urban Film Festival, The American Black Film Festival, will be submitted for Sundance Film Festival & entered into other film festivals internationally. On the job training Select students that qualify for on-the-job training can compete for paid and unpaid internships. We will be training high wages jobs that are necessary in the industry, averaging from $51,761-$84,205. All interns will be under the direction of Project Coordinator. Internship experienceswill include: • Creating marketing campaigns for local businesses • Storyboarding and writing scripts for local, not for profits. • Filming EPKfor local businesses. • Data basing and Archiving footage of Miami • Electricians (Gaffer) • Camera Operator PPODUCTION ROLL S CNE SHOT TAKC "RECTOR CAMERAMAN List of Staff: Project Coordinator & Professor - Will be responsible for keeping a collaborative strategy above organized and running smoothly. Working alongside the community to help enrich, give back and grow the project description initiatives. Film Professors - Industry professionals passionate about teaching and giving back. 1st Take Alumni/ Instructor - Past 1st Take Youth Film Program Student that has excelled and now is employed and giving back to the community of what he learned to the next generation of filmmakers & 1st Take Youth Film Program students. Film Professionals, Community Subcontractors and volunteers- From the local film community will be coming in for workshops and hands on training. We will also be taking many field tips to their studios and live sets. Guidelines for COVID 19 protocol will be implemented, so we all can work and learn safely. 1st Take Youth Film Program Budget Total Expense "Grant Request' line items. Executive Director $15,000.00 Approx $1,250 x Month Program Manager $20,000.00 $20/Hour x 20 Hrs x 50 Weeks $20,000 Lead Film Instructor $20,000.00 $20/Hour x 20 Hrs x 50 Weeks $20,000 Film Instructor $10,000.00 $20/Hour x 10 Hrs x 50 Weeks $10,000 Film Instructor $10,000.00 $20/Hour x 10 Hrs x 50 Weeks $10,000 Subcontractors (Celebrity Film Trainers/Speakers) $10,000.00 Workshops, Special Programming, Key Note Speakers Materials / Supplies $5,000.00 Teaching Supplies, Hard Drives, Batteries, Software, & Editing Programs Community Day Screenings $10,000.00 Quarterly Celebration - Community Screening of the students films Marketing/Publicity/Advertising $2,000.00 Market Students Films for Festivals and Social Media Printing & Copying $1,000.00 Scripts, Awards, Props, Banners, Misc Printing needs Internet, Communication & Security Camera System $5,000.00 Internet, Communications & Security Camera System Equipment Purchase $20,000.00 Cameras, Desktops, Printers, Monitors, Furniture, Audio Gear, Lighting Packages Transportation for Students $7,000.00 (15) passenger van service for pick ups & drop offs Facility $0.00 Participant Snacks/Meals $4,000.00 After School Snacks Field Trips, Events $7,000.00 Exposure & On Set opportunities for students Insurance Cost $4,000.00 TOTAL EXPENSES $150,000.00 Total Cost for 1st Take Youth Film Program -25,000 OMNI CRA - Committed -$20,000 Miami Foundation -5,000 Florida Film House Total Requested from SEOPWCRA $100,000 Proposal Request