HomeMy WebLinkAboutSubstitution Memo from City AttorneyCITY OF MIAMI OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY MEMORANDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Victoria Mendez, y DATE: July 28, 2022 RE: Substitution of RE.8 on the July 28, 2022 City Commission Meeting Agenda — Accept - Grant Funds Badia Senior Center 40-B203515 File No. 12208 Item RE.8 on the July 28, 2022 City Commission agenda accepts, allocates, budgets, and appropriates an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000) of Miami Dade County Building Better Communities Bond Program funds, authorizes City Funding in an amount not to exceed Four Million, Two Hundred Sixty - Three Thousand, One Dollars ($4,263,001.00), and authorizes the City Manager to negotiate and execute necessary agreements for the Dr. Armando Badia Senior Center project ("Project"). The language being substituted is to clarify the total Project Costs, the City's Funding for the Project, and to updated Exhibit A. CC. Arthur Noriega V, City Manager Miriam Santana, Agenda Coordinator o N � N M VM/XEA n -<c:, C- O = r- q -" m 3 � � co r m o to 12208 Sibsfiiu-hon WMMo �rGAA 6-{,� 744-jwrg� City of Miami ' * lIt/IR /IItIR • '' 'to tt%1; Legislation Resolution City Hall 3500 Pan American Drive Miami, FL 33133 www.miamigov.com File Number: 12208 Final Action Date: A RESOLUTION OF THE MIAMI CITY COMMISSION, WITH ATTACHMENT(S), ACCEPTING, ALLOCATING, BUDGETING, AND APPROPRIATING REIMBURSEMENT GRANT FUNDS FROM THE MIAMI-DADE COUNTY ("COUNTY") BUILDING BETTER COMMUNITIES GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($800,000.00) ("REIMBURSEMENT GRANT FUNDS"), FOR THE DOCTOR ARMANDO BADIA SENIOR CENTER LOCATED AT 25 TAMIAMI BOULEVARD, LOCATED WITHIN THE CITY OF MIAMI ("CITY"), CITY PROJECT NO.40-6203515, COUNTY PROJECT NO. 220-3004475 ("PROJECT"); SUBJECT TO ALL NECESSARY BUDGET APPROVALS, AUTHORIZING THE CITY'S REQUIRED FUNDING FOR THE PROJECT IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED FOUR MILLION, TWO HUNDRED SIXTY-THREE THOUSAND, ONE DOLLARS ($4,263,001.00) ("CITY FUNDING"); FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE INCLUSION OF THE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT FUNDS AND THE CITY FUNDING IN THE CITY'S MULTI -YEAR CAPITAL PLAN; ,,, FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND.-: EXECUTE AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH THE COUNTY FOR tHE REIMBURSEMENT GRANT FUNDS ("AGREEMENT"); FURTHER s_; cr--- AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO NEGOTIATE AND EXECUMN AND ALL RENEWALS, EXTENSIONS, MODIFICATIONS, AND AMENWENTS TO THE AGREEMENT, ALL IN FORMS ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITYD=, ATTORNEY, FOR SAID PURPOSE. 3C-) ao r— o rn SPONSOR(S): Commissioner Manolo Reyes cn WHEREAS, on July 20, 2004, the Board of County Commissioners of Miami -Dade County ("County Commission") enacted Resolution Nos. R-912-04, R-913-04, R-914-04, R-915- 04, R-916-04, R-917-04, R-918-04, and R-919-04 authorizing the issuance of Two Billion, Nine Hundred Twenty -Six Million Dollars ($2,926,000,000.00) in general obligation bonds for capital projects; and WHEREAS on November 2, 2004, Miami -Dade County voters approved the Building Better Communities Bond Program ("BBC GOB Program"); and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Miami -Dade County ("County") Resolutions include specific County -wide projects, neighborhood projects for the unincorporated municipal service area and municipalities, and associated allocations for activities such as, but not limited to, development, improvement, rehabilitation, restoration, or acquisition of real property; and WHEREAS, the Dr. Armando Badia Senior Center project, City of Miami ("City") Project No. 40-6203515 and County Project No. 82-3004475 (collectively, "Project"), is eligible for funding from the BBC GOB Program in a total amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) ("Reimbursement Grant Funds"); and City of Miami Page 1 of 3 File /D: 12208 (Revision:) Printed On: 7/27/2022 File ID: 12208 Enactment Number: WHEREAS, the City is undertaking the Project for completion of improvements to the Senior Center located at 25 Tamiami Boulevard, Miami, FL 33144, which consists of the renovation of two existing buildings and an additional 5,000 square feet to connect the buildings which was specifically approved by the County as part of the BBC GOB Program and is anticipated to be approved for funding in Fiscal Year 2023-2024, provided funds are available, and as described more specifically in Exhibit 1 of the Interlocal Agreement, attached and incorporated as Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the Project as a whole is estimated to cost Five Million, Sixty -Three Thousand, One Dollars ($5,063,001.00) ("Total Project Cost") and will be funded from the sources listed in Exhibit 'A" which shall be included as an Exhibit to the Interlocal Agreement, a draft of which is attached and incorporated as Exhibit "B" ("Agreement"), provided, however, that the County's obligation to fund the Project is fully subject to and contingent upon the availability of BBC GOB Program proceeds; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the proposed terms of the Agreement, the County has agreed to provide Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00) in funding in Fiscal Year 2023-2024 from the BBC GOB Program funds for the Project ("Funding Cycle Allocation"), subject to and contingent upon the conditions to be set forth in the Agreement, and in particular, the County's approval and issuance of BBC GOB Program bonds or the draw -down bonds ("Funds"), the approval by the Board of County Commissioners to provide Funds for this Project from the Funds, the approval of the City Commission for this Project, and the availability of the County Funds; and WHEREAS, the County Commission has previously authorized its representatives, pursuant to County Commission Resolution No. R-595-05, to negotiate, execute, and g9ter into the Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Reimbursement Grant Funds to the City are also contingent the tTn City funding the Project in an amount not to exceed Four Million, Two Hundred Sixtyee N Thousand, One Dollars ($4,263,001.00) ("City Funding") for the Project; and q-: CD .If, ro. •7 r WHEREAS, the City Funding is comprised of Two Million, Eight Hundred Thouseeld Dollars ($2,800,000.00) of American Rescue Plan Act funds, One Million, Seven Hu rrl oo Thousand Dollars ($1,700,000.00) from the State of Florida Department of Elderly Affa , artrb Two Hundred Ninety Thousand Dollars ($290,000.00) from City General Funds; and : ' cn WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the City for the City Commission to accept, allocate, budget, and appropriate the Reimbursement Grant Funds, and to budget, allocate, and appropriate the City Funding, both to be included in the City's Multi -Year Capital Plan; and WHEREAS, it is also in the best interest of the City to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute the Agreement, for each Funding Cycle Allocation, as may be authorized, added, or changed by the County Commission, and for the City and the County to describe their respective roles in the funding for and undertaking of the Project with respect to each respective Funding Cycle Allocation; and WHEREAS, it is further in the best interest of the City to authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute any and all renewals, extensions, modifications, and amendments to the Agreement, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney, for said purpose for the Project; City of Miami Page 2 of 3 File ID: 12208 (Revision:) Printed on: 712712022 File ID: 12208 Enactment Number: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI, FLORIDA: Section 1. The recitals and findings contained in the Preamble to this Resolution are adopted by reference and incorporated as fully set forth in this Section. Section 2. Reimbursement Grant Funds, in an amount not to exceed Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars ($800,000.00), consisting of funds from the County's BBC GOB, for the Project, are accepted, allocated, budgeted, and appropriated for the Project. Section 3. Subject to all necessary budgetary approvals, the required City Funding in an amount not to exceed Four Million, Two Hundred Sixty -Three Thousand, One Dollars ($4,263,001.00) is allocated, budgeted, and appropriated Section 4. Further authorizing' the inclusion of the Reimbursement Grant Funds and the City Funding in the City's Multi -Year Capital Plan. Section 5. The City Manager is further authorized' to negotiate and execute the Agreement, a draft of which is attached and incorporated as Exhibit "B," for said purpose. Section 6. The City Manager is further authorized to negotiate and execute any and all renewals, extensions, modifications, and amendments, all in forms acceptable to the City Attorney, for said purpose. Section 7. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption and signature of the Mayor.2 APPROVED AS TO FORM AND CORRECTNESS: O N 'n C7 N �M C O z 00 -r't r'rI p —+ ZM co r*1 O r-h 1 The herein authorization is further subject to compliance with all legal requirements that may be imposed, including but not limited to those prescribed by applicable City Charter and City Code provisions. Z If the Mayor does not sign this Resolution, it shall become effective at the end of ten (10) calendar days from the date it was passed and adopted. If the Mayor vetoes this Resolution, it shall become effective immediately upon override of the veto by the City Commission. M F' 0 irn M 0 City of Miami Page 3 of 3 File ID: 12208 (Revision:) Printed on: 7/27/2022 Exhibit 1 - Project Budget and Description Miami -Dade County Building Better Communities General Obligation Bond Program (GOB) Initial Date GOB Project Name: Badia Senior Center - Construct Multi -Purpose Ent& : City of Miami Facilities - District 6 GOB Project Number: 220-3004475 REVENUES Milestones EXPENSES FY 2021 - 2022 GOB Allocation Future GOB Allocation *Other Funding Allocations Total Estimated Revenues Projected Start Date Schedule End Date Total Estimated Expenses 0 0 Project Administration 0 234,369 234,369 Project Administration Non -GOB 2/13/2020 6/20/2025 234,369 0 0 Land Acquisition 0 0 0 Land Acquisition Non -GOB 0 0 0 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary engineering 0 175,360 175,360 Pre -design, Planning, including preliminary Non -GOB) 2/13/2020 9/30/2021 175,360 0 0 A&E Selection 0 0 0 A&E Selection Non -GOB 10/1/2021 7/28/2022 0 0 0 Design 0 386,192 386,192 Design Non -GOB) 7/29/2022 9/27/2023 386,192 0 0 Dry run/permit 0 0 0 Dry run/permit Non -GOB) 0 0 0 Contractor Selection 9/28/2023 3/26/2024 0 0 0 Contractor Selection Non -GOB 0 0 800,000 0 800,000 Construction On Going 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 800,000 3,467,080 3,467,080 Construction On Going Non -GOB) 3/26/2024 2/19/2025 3,467,080 0 Construction Substantial) Complete 2/20/2025 0 0 Construction Substantially Complete Non -GOB 2/20/2025 0 0 Final Completion - GOB 6/20/2025 0 0 Final Completion - Non -GOB 6/20/2025 0 0 800100 4,263,001 5,063,001 TOTALS 1 &%2025,4 5.063,001 * Other Funding List sources and amounts C3 � N rn ���qqqqqq FundingSource Amount �� tC^ ` g Award 1425-City of Miami General Funds 40,000 -C_, iV Future Funds - Florida Dept of Elderly Affairs CD CID ��: FDOEA 1,700,000 'Inim City of Miami (Plan) 2,523,001 Total P,� � 4,263,001 3-G Co �� Project Narrative/Description Over all Project Description) City of Miami Project 40-B203515. Renovation of the existing facility known as the Badia Senior Center located at 25 Tamiami Blvd. Scope*iude tallation of a new roof, enlarging the current dining area, relocating and remodeling the kitchen and adding an additional 5,000 sq. ft. for nutritional & health sc enings, hurricane prepardeness workshops, and health classes. Proposed Construction Phases: Phasel) Construct new kitchen including ancillary areas, remodel the dinning room, and demo existing kitchen after new one is operational; Phase 2) Construct new classrooms, exercise room and restrooms; Phase 3) Relocate main entrance in the existing building, remdel office space, and perform sitework including mill/resurface and pavement markings in parking area; and Phase 4) Mill/resurface and stripping for fire lane access road. GOB Total Funding Allocation Narrative/Description (What will GOB Funds be used for) GOB total funds are proposed to be allocated to Phase 1 Construction activities including, but not limited to the construction of the new kitchen, remodeling of the dinning room, and demolishing the existing kitchen after new one is operational. GOB Fundinq Allocation Narrative/Description (Of the GOB funds what will be spent between now and 9/30/21) GOB funds wiil be spent before September 2021. Howwever„ we need to secure the funds before Fiscal Year 2023. —For municipalities and public agencies, this exhibit, along with the entity's resolution, conforms with Article III, Section I, Ate of the Building Better Communities Bond Program (GOB) Administrative Rules. Building Better Communities Page 1 of 1