HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW-CRA-M-02-0182PERSONAL APPEARANCE PRESENTATION ON LYRIC THEATRE EXPANSION PROJECT (BLACK ARCHIVES FOUNDATION) ITEM SEOPW/CRA 02- 182 a _ I I I I I I I I ® LO , 6 LOT 11 LOT 14 LOT 19 LOT 22 LOT 27 LOT 30 I LOT M LOT W LOT 46 V ALTIG VILLAGE I LOT 43 1 3.75' I O I I I I I I I I 0 0 o , , 68.79' 6.25' I I I I � I I I I INN /•♦♦.�♦♦� •♦•����a♦.♦♦��►fir"��/1/ ` ..+r'.�, ■ . ■ ■ ■ I -_-- ��a�``�►��',r!//-�_��'`'�� _illire HE- LOT 37 .. .. •, _.►...:��►_�►�.._. AMEX, ;ice,,,, -■1— =i;��i���i� OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SITE PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1/16"=1'-O" 02- 182 cu O 0 N LD m 0i V • / \ TKM*T UP STAIR 2 I / / f srm1u / oRDIfsrNA LEA Laesr 1 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - Ir,;. 1. 1 CONCESSION soon, ICI a a• . ■ ■ 0) Ca ~ �7 rar I« o) Co w 11111 � 11111IfIll o �ltoto I to � �� �� (� �� tofololottolototto i7 to to l� l�o l� �� tofa toltottolottolo(tr«at�t�r�r�rrt�t�t�r�r�r�t.�r0rormrall ro ro iolf��� r qCgd✓flOR L urn T p� ROOM A 6 STAGE FM f CORRUOR � I I I I I STAGE I i I I ` I I COMMLMY NOON A CDNNNW RM 8 A 1777 NFSINUONROOM 0 STAGE NANAGEIfS TIMM 1' �UW ROOK PLW AND THEATRICAL STORAGE ,a T ----� NBCEMIG r6lIBUE LOADING DOCK EXISTING STAGE HOUSE At PROPOSED STAGE EXPANSION TO SE DEMOUSHED AND SUPPORT AREAS OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER FIRST FLOOR PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-O" U OJ C7 7 L SF-OPW/CRA a9- 182 m 0 CU m I\ CU V DEW STAGE HOUSE PROPOSED STACE EWNfSW TO BE DEMOLISHED AND SUPPORT AREAS OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SECOND FLOOR PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" U Q1 CD t 02 182 0 0 m ti rU V Ir c U N O t DUNG HISR)RIC MTER LPRDPDSED STAGE EXPANSION M BE RESTORED AND SUPPDRf AREAS OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SECTIONS JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1/8"=2'-O" 02- 182 CITY OF MIAMI COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: ANNETTE LEWIS, ACTING EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR FROM: CHELSA ARSCOTT-DOUGLAS� /d SUBJECT: LI-RIC THEATER EXPANSION PROJECT `- PROJECT BACKGROUND DATE: 12-1 G-02 CC: As background, I have compiled the following information relative to the Lyric Theater Expansion Project On November 20, 2000, the CRA Board adopted motion SEOPW/CRA R-00-103 that authorized the CRA to transfer the Parking Lot (P7), located just south of the Lyric Theater at 801 NW 2°d Avenue , to the Black Archives Foundation for the Lyric Theater expansion project. The CRA further adopted motion SEOPW/CRA R-00-104 that instructed the CRA, and Special Counsel to work with the City of Miami Administration to facilitate the immediate transfer of the lot to the Black Archives Foundation and to provide for Phase I1 testing of the site. (See enclosed verbatim transcript) On December 7, 2000, a letter was submitted by the Florida Department of State to CRA Special Project Coordinator (Richard Judy) clarifying the issue related to the Black Archives Foundation's application to the state for funding of the Lyric Theater expansion project and the need for the Foundation to justify whether it owned or leased the property it sought to expand. On December 14, 2000, a letter was submitted by the Black Archives Foundation to the CRA Executive Director (Dipak Parekh) responding to a number of CRA concerns related to the Lyric Theater expansion project (See enclosed letter) On December 18, 2000, the CRA Board adopted resolution SEOPW/CRA R-00-134 which authorized the CRA to enter into a lease agreement with Black Archives Foundation for Parking Lot P7 consistent with the SEOPW Redevelopment Plan project for preserving historic buildings. The recommendation by the CRA Executive Director (Dipak Parekh) was to enter into a 40-year lease of parking lot P7 to Black Archives Foundation which he stated would not affect the grant received by the Foundation from the State of Florida. The Board further recommended that when the parking lot is not being used by Black Archives Foundation, that it would be available to the businesses and entities in the community at no cost. (See enclosed transcript) SEOPW/CRA. 02- 182 12/14/2000 00:20 30563623p--, BLAUK AKl;MiVLZ:) THE BLACK ARCHIVES, HISTORY AND RESEARCH FOUNDATION OF SOUTH FLORIDA, INC. Joseph Caleb Community Center 5400 N.W. 22nd Avenue, Building C Suite 101 Miami, Florida 33142 Telephone (305) 636-2390 or Fax (305) 636.2391 December 14, 2000 Mr. Dipak M. Parekh Executive Director Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way, Suite 430 Miami, FL 33131 RE: Lease Agreement with Black Archives for Parking Lot (P7) Let me began by taking the opportunity to thank the Community Relations Agency board and staff for its continued support of the restoration and expansion of the Lyric Theater. We have reviewed your recent inter -office memorandum regarding a proposed lease agreement for the land to the south of the Lyric Theater (Parking Lot 7). We have some concerns regarding the matter that we would like to share with you: CONCERN 1: The background section of the memo states that "parking and .locatin? an air-condition system to be funded by a grant from the Department of State Division of Cultural Affairs." Our current grant and the pending 2001-2002 grant application with the division do not include direct funding for these items. Since the matter of the lease was not completed before the time of application it does not fit the unrestricted ownership or undisturbed use restrictions of either grant application. We will have to use matching fund dollars or funds from next years application to the division to accomplish the work in question. CONCERN 2s None of the material we have reviewed regarding the lease mentions environmental. cleanup. The Level 2 report you shared with us identified a need for cleanup of contaminants found on the site. It is our understanding that the city as owner will proceed to clean the site in a timely fashion so that we can move the electrical equipment from the north site where our Division of Cultural Affairs grants are currently focused. ,.CONCERN 3: The memo also mentions "the patrons of the Lyric Village." We are not sure if this refers to the Black Archives Foundation's Historic Overtown Folklife Village or St. John CDC's Lyric Village Housing proposal It is our understanding that the St. John proposal is pending litigation and should not be connected with this transaction. Please let me know how these concerns impact the current recommendation. ' cerel� erek T. Davis Executive Director Acknowledgements: Miami Dade County Board of Commissioners • Miami Dade County Public Schools • City of Miami • Cultural Affairs Council • Department of Human Services • OfIce of Community and Economic Development • ,Florida Main Street • Dade Community Foundation • Performing Arts Trust SEOPW/CRA 02- 182 a PROPOSED MOTION — LYRIC THEATER AND EXPANSION In order to facilitate a redevelopment and expansion of the Lyric Theater, the CRA transfers all of lot numbers 37, 44, 45, and the South 10' of lot number 36 of Block 36 P.W. Whites Subdivision to the Black Archive History and Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. In addition, CRA is to conduct a level 2 environmental audit and conduct all necessary environmental remediation on the South 10 of Lot #36, all of lot numbers 37,44 and 45. Further, the CRA will assist and cooperate with the Black Archive History and Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. to facilitate closure of the 10' wide alley which runs adjacent to the property, between N.W. 8`h Street and N.W. 9th Street, and assist in re -platting of the property as may be required. Land associated with said alley closure, located adjacent to and between lot numbers 19,20,21,22,27,28,29,30,35,36,37,38,43,44,45, and 46 shall become the property of the Black Archive History and Research Foundation of South Florida, Inc. Land associated with said alley closure located adjacent to and between lot numbers 3,4,5,6,11,12,13 and 14 shall become the property of the Community Redevelopment Agency or it's desingee. CRA staff should arrange for all necessary surveys and see to it that said transfer of property is completed within ninety (90) days. SEOPW/CRA 0 2 - 15 A 5 41- N.W. 1ST COURT c"ll 9 go LYRIC VILLAGE PROPERTY tp LOT 3 LOT 6 LOT 11 LOT 14 LOT 19 LOT 22 LOT 27 LOT 30 LOT 35 LOT 38 LOT 43 LOT 46 LYRIC PLAZA LOT 4 LOT 5 LOT 12 2y 00' 2s 00' 25oc- MR ALLEY TO BE VACATED kANCILLARY IBUILDING / , / / X 00 c) 10 20 30 12/07/2000 15:28 850-922-5259 DIV. OF CULIUKAL AFF HALL b2/b3 DIVISION5 OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF STATE pfhoe of the 4eretary Offica of Inttrnalfonal Rclati ms Division of Elections Div iaion of Corpora titm6 D'V10on of Cultural Affairs Division of Histoflcal Reaourte8 Division of Llbrary and 1nf—M,1 0n Sl'r icca DlviS;0o of Licenaing t>vkion of Administrative 5ervitits December 7, 2000 FLORIDA. DEPATUMENT OF STATE Katherine Hanxis Seclretaiy of State DIVISION OF CULTURAL AFFAIRS Mr, Richard Judy Special Project Coordinator City of Miami Community Redevelopment Agency 300 Biscayne Boulevard Way Suite 430 Miami, Fl 33131 Dear Mr. Judy: M13MBER OF THE FLORIDA CABINET State Board of Education Trustees of the Internal Imptvvemcnt Trust Nod Adnnlnlstration Commi:sliotl Aodda Land and Water Adjudltatory Commix on Siting Hoard Divlsfon of Bond Finance Department of Revenue Department of Law Enforcement Department of Highway Safety and Motor vehktr, LhpsOM4tM Of Veterans' Affnnd Thank you for your letter of December 1, 2000 and your request for information regarding the Cultural Facilities Program requirement of Undisturbed Use, The following is taken from the 2 001-2 002 Cultural Facilities Program Guidelines and Application, Tab 6, pages 34-35: TAB. b: OWNERSHIP OR LEASE OF PROPERTY/FACILITY Applicant organizations must document ownership or undisturbed use as follows: 1. Legal proof of umreAricted ownersbip of property and budding. Unrestricted shall mean unqualified ownership and power of disposition. ]Property that does not meet the unrestricted ownership criterion will not be eligible for match. Documentation may include a deed, title, or copy of a recent tax statement. Provisional sales contracts, binders, or letters of intent are not acceptable documentation of ownership. WE 2. Undisturbed use of property for a specific period of time. This specific period of time must begin no later than the deadline date for the application in which funding is requested, and roust continue for the minimum period of time required according to the Project Scope. Docuzzneatation must include an executed copy of a lease and a written explanation, of any easements, covenants, or other conditions affecting the use of the site or facility, or both. Remember, the owner/lessor must be a public entity governed by either a municipality or county, or a not -for -profit entity. FLORIDA-STATE OF THE ARTS SEOPW/CRA The Capitol • Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250 • (850) 487-2980 FAX: (850) 922-5259 • TT: (850) 488-5779 • http://www.dos.state.fl.us r c2 _ 182 1 L/V!/LCJOCJ LJ. L0 O:JU-7L/p%E07 lily. ur uuLiu-,�-yL Hrr rAGE 03/03 Mr. Richard Judy December 7, 2000 Page 2 Examples of Project Scope and minimum lease periods required of the applicant: Lease eject Scope MiniTnum Equipment, capital fixtures (not office furniture) 10 years Building Renovation: Improvements 20 years Increase of square footage 30 years Building Construction (land is leased) 40 years Important: The length of the lease is measured from the date of application. The owner of the property must also sign. the "Owner's Page" of the Xestrictive Covenants (Attachment C of the Grant Award Agreement). The complete text of the Restrictive Covenants is in the Guidelines. I have asked that a copy of the Guidelines be sent to you. T.£you require additional information please call me at (850) 487-2980, ext.131, or write to the Division of Cultural Affairs, The Capitol, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-0250, Sincerely , ,r Donald R. Blancett Arts Administrator 02- 182 SEO�PW / CRA 12. (A) TRANSFER PARKING LOT (P7) TO BLACK ARCHIVES -- PROVIDE TESTING AND REMEDIATION -- ACCEPT ALLEY BY LYRIC THEATER; (B) CONSTRUCTION OF PARKING LOTS P2, P3, AND P4; SAME CONTRACTORS FOR P1, P5 AND P7, AND FENCING. Chairman Teele: OK. We've got a number of items. I don't think -- there's only one or two controversial items, and that is the item relating to Mr. -- the housing unit. Ms. Sawyer, did you want to come forward? If so, we'll take up Item Number -- if you're ready to leave. Dorothy Fields: She has to get to the microphone. Chairman Teele: Item number 20-A and B. Vice Chairman Winton: Twenty -A and B? Commissioner Teele: Right. Twenty, 2-0, "A" and `B." Ms. Sawyer, you wanted to make a statement, I believe? Bernice Sawyer: Yes. Chairman Teele: It relates to 20-13, P-7. Ms. Sawyer: Yes. In reference to the parking lot. Chairman Teele: Your name is Ms. Bernice Sawyer. Ms. Sawyer: I'm Bernice Sawyer, yes. Commissioner Teele: And you live at? Ms. Sawyer: And I live at -- I don't know the exact address. Commissioner Teele: Poinciana Village. Ms. Sawyer: Yeah, Poinciana Village. That's good enough. We have been struggling a long time in Overtown, and at first, the City Commission said they wouldn't bother that little piece of land. And then the City came back and they said that I had to get rid of it. And so I told them that the Black Archives needed space, and we'd like for them to have it so they could have some place to park, because, as you know, they put a mural on the little bit of land that they did have. And this was just a small piece of land. And so that was what was done. But now, I understand that they didn't do that. So where do we go from here? Chairman Teele: Ms. Sawyer, that's totally incorrect. Let me tell you exactly what has happened. Ms. Sawyer: OK. 39 11 /20?WPW/CRA 02- IS2 N.: Chairman Teele: Because I reconstructed the record. Your family, your husband and you sold the City of Miami -- Ms. Sawyer: Yes. Chairman Teele: -- back in the `80s -- Ms. Sawyer: Yes. Chairman Teele: -- this land, which was a gas station. Ms. Sawyer: Yes. Chairman Teele: Subsequently, the City of Miami deeded it or conveyed it to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency). Two years ago, the CRA planning consultant recommended that this lot that was just vacant there be environmentally cleaned and cleared of all the tanks and everything that's underneath it at the cost to the CRA, and further, that the lot be prepared as a finished parking lot, based upon the plans by the consultant of the Black Archives. And it's my understanding to date that the CRA is prepared to go ahead -- the Executive Director, at least, has recommended that the CRA go ahead and pave the parking lot and prepare it for the primary use of the Black Archives. The cost of that is going to be approximately -- Dipak, did you all have a memo? Because we asked that you all research all of the money that we've spent on that lot, starting with the engineering and the excavation, et cetera. Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): You will have it momentarily. Chairman Teele: But essentially, the CRA is prepared -- is the consultant here? Mr. King or anyone? Ms. Sawyer: You said that the CRA did pay for the clearing of the land? Chairman Teele: The CRA -- Ms. Sawyer: I had to pay five thousand dollars ($5,000) for -- Chairman Teele: When was this? Ms. Sawyer: Before it was sold. Chairman Teele: Back in the `80s? Ms. Sawyer: Yes. For -- what do you call that -- Ms. Fields: Cleaning up. Ms. Sawyer: No, it wasn't cleaning up. It was the -- Chairman Teele: Ms. Garcia, did you all do an environmental on this? 40 0� 1 /20/0 f 82 S�EGOPW / CRA Tere Garcia: No, we did not. Chairman Teele: Who did the environmental on it? Ms. Garcia: That was one of the parking lots that was going to be done by, I believe, staff engineering or I believe that the consultant for the Lyric Theater had already a plan for it. But that was not one that was included; 2, 3 and 4 were the ones that we took care of all the environmental, of all the environmental work. Mr. Richard Heisenbottle: Someone needs to take care of the environmental on this. Ms. Garcia: I agree. Chairman Teele: Say again? Mr. Heisenbottle: Someone needs to take care of the environmental work on P-7, as well. Chairman Teele: Well, look, this is the point. And I mean, I want to be very clear about this. Everything -- and I think confusion is being created. Since I have been here, the one thing that I've said is we're not going to do what the City of Miami has traditionally done, that's give problems to the neighborhood. The CRA voted and approved that we will take the responsibility of clearing that lot environmentally, which was a gas station. Is that correct, Dipak? Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Level 1 was already done. Chairman Teele: Level 1 was already done. Mr. Parekh: Yes. Chairman Teele: We also have said -- and the item on the agenda right here, which is 20-B -- is that we're approving the construction of a parking lot, P-1, 5 and 7. This is P-7, right? Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: To the plans as done by the Black Archives engineer. Is that correct? Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: And what's the total cost of all of this work going to be, approximately? No, no, no, for just P-7. It's approximately going to be two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), as I understand the numbers. Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. And the engineering cost us twelve thousand dollars ($12,000), and Phase I, twenty-five hundred dollars ($2500). 41 11/2 pW/CPA f- 182 Chairman Teele: Did we pay for the Phase I? Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: OK. So the point I want to be very clear is this: The easy thing for the CRA to do would be to say we're going to turn the lot over to the Black Archives. And then you all have got a two hundred thousand dollar ($200,000) expenditure on you all, or a hundred plus thousand -dollar expenditure. What I thought we were doing is what -- you know, the consultants said that they had met with everybody, which was to take your consultants' plan and to implement it at our cost, because we own the land. Now, if we transfer the land, we obviously are not in the business of doing that that way. So you need to tell us what you'd like to do, Ms. Fields. Dorothy Fields: We need -- Chairman Teele: Dorothy Fields, Black Archives. Ms. Fields: Thanks. Dorothy Fields from the Black Archives and a member of the board for the Lyric Theater. We're asking the CRA to convey Parking Lot 7 to the Lyric Theater. We're asking that you vacate the alley for replatting as a part of the parking lot, and to give evidence of Level 2 testing on the property. We have State funds in the amount of five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) to begin the expansion on the north side of the theater. In order to begin this expansion, the electrical equipment on the north side must be relocated, and a loading dock connected to the theater is needed on the south side. State funds require that the owner, lessor sign a restrictive covenant regarding usage of the theater. And you all have in your packages information from the State of Florida setting forth that information. Now, before the CRA took possession of the property on the south side of the theater, the previous owner, Bill and Bernice Sawyer intended to give it to the Lyric Theater. That's why I asked Ms. Sawyer to come today, and appreciate her making that long walk. But it was important to her to be able to say that the intent of the family was to give the property to the Lyric Theater. However, because there was previously a gas station on the site with suspected oil spill, this property was deeded to or given to the City of Miami to be -- with the understanding that it would be conveyed to the Lyric after the oil spill was cleared. We've been told on several occasions that Level 2 testing has been done, and we have asked for that evidence, because the State is going to require that we show the Level 2 clearing has been done. And we are asking the City to do Level 2 testing if it has not been done. If it has been done, then certainly, just give us the information. The time frame to utilize available state funds is very tight. Construction drawings for Parking Lot 7 are complete, and Mr. Heisenbottle will talk about that. Replatting takes an estimated eight months. State funds that we have in hand must be encumbered by June 30, 2001. The latest State funds can be expended with an approved extension is April 30, 2002. So we really are in a time warp to have this land replatted to us. The Chairman had asked earlier -- Chairman Teele: Ms. Fields, let me see if I understand this. Are we talking about just the parking lot? Because -- Ms. Fields: Just the parking lot. Just P-7. Chairman Teele: Mr. Attorney -- where is the City Attorney? 42 111,E 00 Upwi 2 Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney, City of Miami): Right here, sir. Chairman Teele: How can we tonight deed P-7 over to the Black Archives? What are the limitations by State law? Do we have to get consideration? Do we -- Can we do it as a grant? I support doing it as a grant. But I'm totally confused right this moment, because it was my understanding, after meeting with Ms. Fields, after hearing from both Mr. Tyler and Mr. Dipak that we were doing the Black Archives the best favor we could do by paving the lot, et cetera, and fixing it up to the tune of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). If their request is to turn the land over to them and let them do it, I don't have any problem. If they've got the money to do it, you know, that just frees up two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) for some other uses. So Mr. Attorney, how can we do it? I think all of us want to do not only what Ms. Sawyer intended, but we want to support the Black Archives to the extent that we legally can. And, you know, every time we get into this property stuff, I turn to the lawyers, because the one thing that the CRA has got to be very careful about, in my judgment, is how we move property under Chapter 163. Mr. Vilarello: Commissioner, certainly, Mr. Bloom has been directly involved in this. Is this on? Chairman Teele: I don't mean at all to cut you out, Mr. Bloom. I apologize. I was trying to kill two birds with one stone, so to speak. Mr. Vilarello: The process does require some notice and advertising and perhaps Mr. Bloom can address that. The answer to your question, though, initially was -- your question was, "Can you do it tonight?" And the answer is: "No." Perhaps Mr. Bloom can explain that. Chairman Teele: What can we do tonight? Give us a motion that someone can make to instruct the City - - I'm sorry. We can't instruct the City Manager of anything up here. What can we do to instruct the Executive Director and the counsel, including special counsel to prepare this so that it is ready to move at the next board meeting? If necessary, we'll call a board meeting for it. Mr. Vilarello: Exactly that, Commissioner. To prepare all the necessary documents, to do all the necessary notices required by state statute to deed the property over to the Black Archives. And you can direct the Executive Director to do that, together with the assistance of either special counsel or my office. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner. Mr. Vilarello: And that would have to be approved at the next board meeting of the CRA. Chairman Teele: Can we do it without consideration? Mr. Judy, you know, you guys need to tell us, now, because whatever the rules are, this is the rule we're going to live with, because when I wanted to do this for Housing -- who was that for? The -- ? William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): Jubilee. Chairman Teele: -- Jubilee, you all told me I couldn't do it. 43 11 I§WWICRA 02- 182 wo Mr. Bloom: Right. Chairman Teele: Is that right? Mr. Bloom: That's correct. Chairman Teele: So can we do it for the Black Archives? Mr. Bloom: It's my understanding it has to be done for consideration. And that doesn't mean you can't give grants to offset the cost. But it's something I think we have to research and present at the next meeting. Vice Chairman Winton: Well, how do you define "for consideration"? (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS) Richard Judy (Executive Director, CRA): There's a provision in the statute where you come with the findings to justify it. It has to be real. And I'm just telling you point blank what 380 says. Chairman Teele: Does it have to be fair market value? Mr. Judy: No, sir. It can be -- there are exceptions to it, but you have to deal with it carefully. And I think it's in the best interest of everybody that we get together and do that, and not -- and work that out first. There is a way to do it, but I think -- Vice Chairman Winton: Well, we also need to understand what the time frame is there, because there's real money, State money at risk. And -- Mr. Judy: We'd like to check that out also, because I think that the property that they're talking about is the northern property, and that's with the (unintelligible). Ms. Fields: No, no, we have the money, Mr. Judy. The northern property we already own. We're talking specifically about Lot 7. Chairman Teele: The southern block. Mr. Judy: That's the five hundred thousand dollars ($500,000) -- Chairman Teele: I'm confused. Board Member Sanchez: Is it just PZ-7? I mean, is it just P-7? Chairman Teele: At this point -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS.) 44 WzDJ0018 2 SEOPW / CRA 11 ,f Board Member Sanchez: We've taken care of that. Now, the other thing is, you know, we have to be very careful, once again, as the Chairman said it, very careful that we don't violate the 163. So I think that the legal should tell us exactly how to do it, so it's done right, because we've got to be very careful, once again. When it comes to transfer of land and stuff, that's a major concern that I have. Ms. Fields: And we would also ask that the -- Chairman Teele: Excuse me. Hold it, hold it. Please, let's just take one thing at a time. I'm going to yield to the Vice Chair for the purpose of making a motion. Mr. Chairman, would you accept. Vice Chairman Winton: Please. Chairman Teele: I would move that the CRA staff and attorney, working with the City staff, prepare the proper notices, and resolutions and recommendations to facilitate the transfer for consideration of what is now referred to as P-7 Parking Lot to the Black Archives, as is, immediately, and that at the next board meeting, notices be provided for further action by the CRA on December 18`h. I would so move. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Winton: We have a motion and a second. Discussion. Board Member Sanchez: Discussion. My dear, would that give you sufficient time? Ms. Fields: Yes. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Ms. Fields: But we would also ask that the level testing -- Mr. Tyler, assured us that level testing -- Chairman Teele: I include -- I will include that we be responsible for providing the testing. Vice Chairman Winton: Phase II. Chairman Teele: Phase II testing, which has not been done, as a part of the transfer of land. Ms. Fields: Yes. Mr. Heisenbottle: Commissioner, can we also elicit your assistance in going forward with the vacation of the alleyway, the ten -foot alley -- Chairman Teele: Hold it, hold it, hold it. No, no. One motion at a time. Mr. Heisenbottle: OK. Chairman Teele: And I would further amend that the Phase II testing, as well as remediation be provided as part of the motion. 45 11 /20 ®PW / CRA 1- 182 Board Member Sanchez: What are we talking about here? Chairman Teele: We have no idea what remediation is. So -- but my view is if the City has had the land, we should have done it and cleaned it up, anyway. And I don't think we ought to continue to transfer responsibilities of remediation onto private property owners. You know, we're going to pay it either out of the CRA pocket or we're going to pay it out of the City pocket, because the Black Archives, in all honesty, generates most of its -- 99 percent of its revenue-- 95 percent of its revenue from governmental bodies. So it's no need in arguing about who's going to pay for it. We ought to just go ahead and pay for it. Board Member Gort: Mr. Teele. Vice Chairman Winton: Commissioner. Board Member Gort: Oh, I'm sorry. Mr. Chairman, my understanding is, in looking at different projects that have been done throughout the City, I believe we -- and I agree with Commissioner Teele. We need to work with the Lyric Theater. I think this is one focal point that if well done and is established can bring a lot of people into the area, which is much needed. So I think we should try to do whatever is possible to make sure that it gets done. Vice Chairman Winton: Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: Once again, we are turning the land over to them. Two is, we did Phase I. I'm a little concerned that we're going to end up paying for Phase II and mediation. That's the concern that I have as the seconder of the motion. That's the concern that I have. Chairman Teele: May I respond? Board Member Sanchez: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: Commissioner, let me tell you what's so ridiculous about this. The resolution that is before us right now -- not the one that I just made -- we would have done Phase I, done Phase II, paved it and given it to them for one dollar ($1) a year. And it doesn't take a -- you know, I can figure out what the best deal is. But this is the deal that they want, and this is the deal that I'm prepared to give them. But -- because we were going to pay-- we had budgeted almost two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). This resolution, in effect, saves the CRA two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000). Board Member Sanchez: I understand that, but I was never informed we were going to turn it over to them. Chairman Teele: Well, this lot, P-7 has always been for the benefit of the Lyric Theater. It has no other use other than for the community. The longshoremen and other activities in the area -- it's directly in front of the longshoremen union hall, directly adjacent to the Lyric Theater. The only thing that -- 8`' Street is right there. So the only beneficiary users will be the Lyric Theater, the longshoremen union hall and any businesses. The way we have justified this in funding it is funding it as an economic development 46 / CRA N12001 8 2 activity for the businesses and the longshoremen in the area. It's not -- because, remember, we've said consistently, if it's going to be for a culture activity, the CRA is not going to do it. That goes to the City of Miami. This is not the culture agency funding source. The City of Miami does that. We are into the economic development. And we justify this parking lot as a part of the overall economic development of this neighborhood. There's a corner grocery store that has no parking there. There is a longshoremen union hall that is there. So we've tried to work constructively with the overall neighborhood. If they would like it for their exclusive use, the concern that I would have had, and I mean, I'll state it on the record, is when it's not in use, when the Lyric Theater is not in use, which is going to be, you know, 85, 90 percent of the time, if you take the day and divide a clock around it to 24 hours, what you're doing is taking a parking lot, now, out of circulation for economic activities. And that's my concern. But, you know, six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. Board Member Sanchez: And another question I have: Is that property in litigation right now? Chairman Teele: No, sir. Board Member Sanchez: No, it's not? OK. Vice Chairman Winton: Commissioner -- Board Member Sanchez: Call the question. Vice Chairman Winton: Well, I have one -- I'm 100 percent in favor of everything Commissioner Teele has said, and I think we've got to do this. I am concerned, however, about one piece of this, and I do agree with the concept that we need to remediate it, period. But I am concerned about making a motion that obligates us in a time certain process here to undertake a financial obligation that we really -- at least right now, I don't, and maybe you all have some numbers, but I have no idea what that financial obligation is. And if I knew what it was, then it would be easier for me to say, absolutely, yes, we've got to spend the money to do it. But not knowing what that is, it doesn't -- Chairman Teele: I'll be more than happy to remove the remediation portion from that for the purpose of this motion to move forward, and then take that up as a second motion. Vice Chairman Winton: Right. And understanding that we're in favoring of doing the -- I agree with you. It's our responsibility to get it done, but I'd like to know what the number is before I vote on this. So we'll remove that. Chairman Teele: Call the question. Board Member Sanchez: With the clarification -- Chairman Teele: With the clarification the remediation is removed from this motion. Board Member Sanchez: Second. 47 11/20WP55 "CRA 02- 182 Mr. Bloom: Well, one other clarification I'd like to make. As you know, there was an RFP (Request for Proposals) done in 1996 with respect to the Lyric Village. Chairman Teele: No, this has nothing to do with that. Mr. Bloom: I just wanted to make -- clarify that these lots, as far as I know -- Chairman Teele: This is only one lot. Ms. Fields: This is the parking lot. Mr. Heisenbottle: No, it's more than one lot. Mr. Bloom: This appears to be Lots 37, 44 and 45. That's what they're talking about. Chairman Teele: What we call P-7, yes. Mr. Heisenbottle: What we call P-7. Chairman Teele: Correct. Vice Chairman Winton: So those three lots. (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS.) Vice Chairman Winton: And Mr. Bloom? Mr. Bloom: To clarify, it's our intention that these lots were not part of that RFP. Chairman Teele: Right. To the extent that these lots are not a part of that RFP. That's correct. Mr. Bloom: That's correct. Chairman Teele: Call the question. Vice Chairman Winton: OK. We have a motion and a second. All in favor, "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Winton: Like sign, opposed. The motion carries unanimously. 48 sE 11/2Q 00 02-- 1,82 The following motion was introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved for its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO. 00-103 A MOTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND THE ATTORNEY TO WORK WITH THE CITY OF MIAMI ADMINISTRATION TO PREPARE THE PROPER NOTICES, RESOLUTIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO FACILITATE THE IMMEDIATE TRANSFER OF WHAT IS NOW REFERRED TO AS P-7 PARKING LOT, "AS IS," TO THE BLACK ARCHIVES; FURTHER DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PROVIDE FOR PHASE II TESTING WHICH HAS NOT BEEN DONE AS A PART OF THE TRANSFER OF LAND; AND FURTHER DIRECTING THAT SAID MATTER BE SCHEDULED FOR THE NEXT CRA MEETING ON DECEMBER 18, 2000. Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, a second motion would be to instruct the Executive Director to prepare a recommendation and resolution at the next meeting providing a grant from tax increment funds -- from tax increment funds to the Lyric Village -- to the Lyric Theater for the purpose of providing legal consideration of this land; and further, to make a recommendation regarding the remediation relating to the land. I would so move. Vice Chairman Winton: We have a motion and a second. Discussion. Chairman Teele: Discussion. Mr. Chairman, the purpose of this is this: It does us no good to -- Did you say you all have the money for this? Board Member Sanchez: Yes. Chairman Teele: I withdraw the motion. 49 11/ O�00 WXRA 02- 182 w Board Member Sanchez: That's the concern. My concern is that -- Chairman Teele: I withdraw the motion. (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS.) Ms. Fields: We were told that the Level 2 testing has already been done on the property, so we're asking for the evidence of that. If not, we would certainly, since the City has had the property since the `80s, we would ask that that would be done, because our money is for capital improvement. Chairman Teele: Ms. Fields -- Mr. Chairman, if you would allow it, I would move that the Executive Director in the next meeting make a recommendation and determine the funding necessary for Level 2 remediation as necessary, if it has not been done. Vice Chairman Winton: Well, it's for the Phase II test and -- Chairman Teele: I'm going to take it a step further. Phase II test and remediation. (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS.) Board Member Sanchez: And my concern is I just can't write a blank check. Chairman Teele: OK. All we're doing is directing them to go back at the next meeting. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Second. Vice Chairman Winton: OK. We have a motion and a second. Any other discussion? Being none, all in favor, "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Winton: Like sign, opposed. The motion carries unanimously. The following motion was introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved for its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO. 00-104 A MOTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO MAKE RECOMMENDATIONS TO DETERMINE NECESSARY FUNDING FOR PHASE II TESTING AND REMEDIATION RELATED TO P-7 PARKING LOT. SEOP`V/ CRA 50 0 211/2108 2 E2 Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, would you just hold onto that, because Ms. Fields -- I'm sorry. Ms. Fields: Yes. We just have one more item, and that is that the alley behind the Lyric be vacated so that it can be replatted as a part of Parking Lot 7. That's where the loading dock is to be for the theater, and it's the alley that we share with the CRA. Vice Chairman Winton: And it's a dedicated alleyway? Richard Heisenbottle: It's a dedicated alleyway, John, only on paper. Never been improved. Vice Chairman Winton: Never been used, right? Mr. Heisenbottle: Just sitting there doing nothing right now. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Attorney -- Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman, I would move the acceptance of the dedication of the alleyway to the extent it is not a part of the RFP that was done relating to the Lyric Village, and further require that the staff conduct surveys to determine the exact parameters and determine the feasibility of that dedication. Mr. Judy: Feasibility, right. Chairman Teele: Feasibility as well as the lawyers to provide an affirmative sign -off or memorandum that this is a matter that we can do, in that it is not in litigation. I would so move. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Winton: Do we have a motion? Mr. Bloom: Well, Commissioner -- Vice Chairman Winton: Do we have a second? 51 111W/CRA 02- 182 Board Member Regalado: Second. Mr. Bloom: The item is in litigation at this point with respect to Lyric Village, and to the extent that alleyway adjoins that property, there's an access -- Chairman Teele: Can't do it. Mr. Bloom: Can't do it. Ms. Fields: Well, part of -- Board Member Sanchez: That was going to be my question. Vice Chairman Winton: Hold on, hold on. Board Member Sanchez: That was my question. I knew that one of the properties was in litigation, and that's a concern. Mr. Judy: So is the alley. Mr. Bloom: Correct. Mr. Heisenbottle: How can the alleyway be in litigation, Mr. Judy? Mr. Judy: Because there's a possibility of access into that. There's a whole problem of the two road systems there. As you well know, there is a problem there. We should look at the development concept for that lot to be sure that it's saved and being used properly for both your interest and the interest of our property, that's very, very valuable and can be very negative if we don't have proper access. You have the Ninth Street Mall on the north, which makes it very difficult to get the proper access to that property. All I'm saying is you want to look at that carefully, being sure that it benefits everyone in that area properly. Mr. Heisenbottle: Mr. Judy, this is a ten -foot alley, not big enough for a fire truck -- Mr. Judy: I understand that. We could add more property. We could -- more to that alley would have to be added from our property to make it work out. Vice Chairman Winton: Excuse me. Mr. City Attorney. Mr. Vilarello: Independent of Mr. Judy's comments, the process for vacating the alley requires the consent and replatting of the adjoining property owners. Vice Chairman Winton: Right. 52 SEOPW / CRA 1lggo-6 182 Mr. Vilarello: So I think what he's referring to is if we're in litigation with those adjacent property owners, their consent is going to be difficult to achieve. So that's independent of Mr. Judy's comments. Vice Chairman Winton: But it may not be impossible Chairman Teele: But there is a bigger problem. And the bigger problem is our position -- and I don't want to get into the litigation -- but our position is that they don't have any rights, anyway. That has been the legal position of the staff ever since I've come here, is that what we granted them was -- them and other similarly situated was an opportunity to come forth with a development plan. They never came forth with that development plan. So all they have is literally something short of a legal right. Going to them, asking them to sign something confers -- legally, it confers, certainly, that you're acknowledging that right. And that's why we need to get to the last item on the Agenda, so we can clear up these issues, because these are problems none of us were sitting here -- None of us were sitting here when the City of Miami made these decisions. These were things done in '84, '83, '85. Willy, I don't know if you were here but -- Board Member Gort: No. Chairman Teele: The fact of the matter is I think it's just -- (UNINTELLIGIBLE COMMENTS.) Board Member Gort: I inherited a lot of problems. Chairman Teele: The problem is, is that this piece of property, the Lyric Village, along with the other one -- what's the other one? Mr. Judy: Sawyer's Walk. Chairman Teele: -- Sawyer's Walk was a decision made by the City Commission, and it has just been sitting there for the last -- what? Mr. Bloom: Ten years. Chairman Teele: Ten to 12 years. So -- Mr. Judy: Try 15. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Winton: Yes, sir. Board Member Regalado: Just a comment, not regarding litigation, but anyone that has visited the Lyric Theater and has been backstage would have to understand that without that alley, there is no way that you can present quality shows, because you don't have the possibility of bringing props, or you don't have the possibility of having your support mechanism for the theater. It's just -- You go out of the stage, and you 53 11 /20!M-OPW/CRA 02- 182 will fall on the property. I don't know the remedy for this, but I would think that at least we should commit that whenever litigation is over, that alley will belong to the Lyric because -- Chairman Teele: My motion does that. That's what I'm moving. And that they be instructed to go ahead and survey it, Tomas. But let me just say thiF on the point: This didn't happen in the `80s. This happened in the `90s, because I wrote a letter as Chairman of the County Commission to the City asking them to withdraw -- Dorothy, Ms. Fields, you know this -- we discussed this. Ms. Fields: Yes. Chairman Teele: -- to reserve sufficient space for the Lyric Theater as opposed to putting it out under RFP when I saw it. And the City refused to acknowledge the fact that the Lyric Theater needed more space. And when they did the RFP, it included all of the land right up to the Lyric Theater. And it was wrong. It must have been in `92/93 when this was done. So I mean we have to sit in the shoes of our predecessors who tied our hands. But I think there is certainly commitment on the part of the five of us that we're all willing to work through this process as soon as it becomes legally possible. Vice Chairman Winton: Ms. Fields. Ms. Fields: Mr. Chairman, I must thank you, and we must put on the record that we do have a business plan. You've asked that several times. You've asked it publicly and we need to acknowledge publicly that Miami Economic Associates, Incorporated, in conjunction with Real Estate Research Consultants of Orlando performed an analysis to preliminarily assess the potential financial viability of the theater. The report surveyed four similar theaters across the country. The findings showed that the facilities surveyed are either breaking even or recording cash flow. And so while right now the Lyric Theater in Miami's Overtown is 90 percent grants, we don't expect that to continue. These models of the four other facilities are being considered by the Lyric Theater management, and we will use the best for ourselves. The Lyric Theater has the potential to continue to be productive, to generate funds to sustain operations, and to serve as an economic generator and centerpiece for the redevelopment area. And, of course, all of that means, just as Commissioner Regalado said, we will eventually need more land. And as you tried to get it for us in '92, not only the alley, but we'll need property east. Know, too, that we have a general manager, if he would stand. Another first step was the hiring of a full-time experienced general manager, James Henley. He's here to produce shows, build an audience, operate and maintain the theater. Mr. He owned, and operated and managed several theaters in Chicago. One of them was called the Lyric. He has relocated to Miami as the first general manager at the restored Lyric Theater. Our consultants are here. Our economic consultant is here, Andy Delgart (phonetic), if you want to speak with him or want him to say something as to the next steps for our economic development plan or our -- not that, but our business plan. So Mr. Chairman, know that we do have the makings of a business plan, and it looks good. Vice Chairman Winton: Thank you, Dorothy. We need to -- Chairman Teele: Call the question. Vice Chairman Winton: Yes. OK. We have a motion and a second. All in favor, "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. SF,OPW/CRA 54 l , /, f- /00 V.o� 82 �y Vice Chairman Winton: Like sign, opposed. The motion carries unanimously. The following motion was introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved for its adoption: SEOPW/CRA MOTION NO. 00-105 A MOTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO PROCEED WITH THE ACCEPTANCE OF THE DEDICATION OF THE ALLEY BEHIND THE LYRIC THEATER TO THE EXTENT THAT IT IS NOT A PART OF THE REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS THAT WAS DONE RELATED TO THE LYRIC VILLAGE; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO CONDUCT SURVEYS TO DETERMINE THE EXACT PARAMETERS AND FEASIBILITY OF THAT DEDICATION; FURTHER INSTRUCTING THE CRA BOARD ATTORNEY TO PROVIDE AN AFFIRMATIVE SIGN -OFF MEMORANDUM WHEN THIS MATTER IS LEGALLY READY TO PROCEED. Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Vice Chairman Winton: Thank you very much. Ms. Fields: Thank you very much for your concern and support. Chairman Teele: Would you hold on. I would like to go ahead and -- David Days: Mr. Chairman, I'm sorry. I don't want -- While I -- Vice Chairman Winton: Yes, sir. Mr. Days: She said that you're going to do it now. 55 11 /20WPW / CRA 02- 182 Chairman Teele: I don't know what she said I'm going to do. I'm going to get the other parking lots built, because while we're sitting here talking, rolling around, I don't want to lose the fact that we got businesses all over Overtown that don't have any parking. And I want to go ahead and move item number 20-A and 20-B before we -- Mr. Days: Well, there's something I want to ask you wile I have our attorney here, since we've reached the subject of the Lyric Village property. Could I please have him speak just -- Chairman Teele: If you all are going to leave right now, I have no objection. But it's on the Agenda, and we need to talk about the Lyric Village in the context of Sawyer's Walk. And it's on the Agenda and we're going to get to it. Vice Chairman Winton: As what agenda item number? Chairman Teele: It's item number 24 and 25. Vice Chairman Winton: All right. So it's on our agenda here. We'll be right there. Chairman Teele: Mr. Chairman. Vice Chairman Winton: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: I would move item number 20-A, which is a resolution approving the low bidders for the construction of Parking Lots Numbers 2, 3 and 4, and further authorizing the Executive Director to enter into an agreement with the contractor to the same. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Vice Chairman Winton: We have a motion and a second. Discussion. Board Member Sanchez: It's about time. Chairman Teele: It's about time. Vice Chairman Winton: Further discussion? Being none -- Board Member Sanchez: No further discussion, it's about time. Vice Chairman Winton: OK. We have a motion and a second. All in favor, "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Vice Chairman Winton: Like sign, opposed. The motion carries. The following resolution was introduced by Chairman Teele, who moved for its adoption: 56 11/20 OPW/CRA f2- 182 - — -- -- -- -- I I I I , I I I I 6 LOT 11 LOT 14 LOT 19 LOT 22 LOT 27 LOT 3- ;LOT 35 LOT 38 LOT 46 LOT 43 LYRIC VILLAGE 1 3.75' y 1 1 V� ( 1 \ o I o / 0 /J —I- 0 ANCILLAR BUILDING co SrAFF NO HNN= FM LOT 44 LOT 5 / No 9Fc 9E INE Q .00 8 HM COMFORT \x > L 2 LOT 21 LOT 28 LOT 37 MWE FENCE \ y�jJ a' 1 916E M DING LINE EF 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 15.00' 10.00' 25.00' 25.00' 25.00' 40.11' z Y w-- - - - - - N.W. 2ND AVENUE - - - - — - - - - - - - - OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SITE PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1j16"=l'-0" TOO eooTH UP ( STAR 2 l / STAIR 1 u —I ORCHESTRA OR LOBBf i � — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1111111� '� ; 'tf 11111111 tt oOo a' t ro a j�jt] PRINCIPAL DRESSING t• t5: I � •tt•�I IIIIII r a••,tt, _ «� rt, (t, rt, «i rti rtl� r� t� tt♦ r� rt♦ rti rtt rt• (� r� rf(r rt, r�� e II ��.,, � I t� i� rt, r� r� t� r� tt. r� t� r� tt>, r� rt. rt, r■ r� r� r� rr� M A CUOSET POSTING c■ [ [t, (! ci t� (t• ct, c� «• ct■ c� ft■ ct■ (� «■ t� , L� [t• (t• [t• (� 1t• (t• ff■ (t• (t1 [� lt• (� (� (t■ (t■ (t• (� t� I:� (t• [� (t• [a [� [III (� ft! (i [� {t. to [■ c� It. tr• to [� {■ r I� (a to � _t (� (t• (� i• i� (� {t■ (t■ i• it it• (t• (t• (t■ rt (t• (t• (� I;t (� (t• (t• t� i� (t• tf• it• (� i• (t• it tt• (� (t• it ra (■ (a tt• (t■ i� (t• [• ME (t• (� (t• it• (t• It• it cm(m HE 0(a 1� 1■ _ _I��_ t�(�(t•tt•t�tt.titt•�t•t�t�cat�{�t�ntt�tt.c�ti+ All t,- .,.• � ii i ��ii iii�iiii�iiii�i ,• r .�.. COMMUNITY ROOM A COMMUNITY ROOM B RESIROOM DRESSING ROOM B STAGE MANAGER'S OFFICE WIRMENT ROM THEATR�IC& AND i¢wrva v[an nwt up -------------------� r LOADING DOCK EXISTING STAGE HOUSEPROPOSED STAGE EXPANSION TO BE DEMOUSHiM AND SUPPORT AREAS OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER FIRST FLOOR PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1/8"=1'-0" OWNG STAGE HOUSE PROPOSED STAGE EXPANSION TO BE OBIOLISHED I AND SUPPORT AREAS OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SECOND FLOOR PLAN JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1 /8*'=1"-O" EXWW HSTORIC THEATER [ PROPOSED STAGE EXPANSION M BE RESTORED % AND SUPPORT AREAS PROPOSED LOBBY EXISTING HSTORIC THEATER AND SUPPORT AREAS TO BE RESTORED r OVERTOWN LYRIC THEATER SECTIONS JUDSON AND PARTNERS R.J. HEISENBOTTLE ARCHITECTS, P.A. DECEMBER 2002 SCALE: 1.'8"=1'-O"