HomeMy WebLinkAboutSEOPW OMNI CRA 2000-12-18 MinutesCITY OF MIAMI MEETING MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON DECEMBER 18, 2000 PREPARED BY THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK/CITY HALL Walter J. Foeman/City Clerk INDEX MINUTES OF CRA MEETING DECEMBER 18, 2000 ITEM NO. SUBJECT LEGISLATION TABLED: PROPOSED GRANT OF $375,000.00 TO TECHNOLOGY 12/18/00 CENTER OF THE AMERICAS (TECOTA) FOR INFRASTRUCTURE TABLED IMPROVEMENTS IN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST 1-3 (SEO/PW) REDEVELOPMENT AREA (See #5). 2. AUTHORIZE CRA TO AMEND CRA BUDGET LINE ITEM AMOUNT 12/18/00 ALLOCATED FOR GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDED FOR SEOPW/CRA R-00-127 FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2000 BY HOLLAND AND KNIGHT, LLP FROM OMNI/CRA R-00-65 $175,000.00 TO $190,000.00. SEOPW/CRA R-00-128 OMNI/CRA R-00-66 4-6 3. APPROVE KPMG PEAT MARWICK TO PERFORM VARIOUS AUDIT- 12/18/00 RELATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ON BEHALF OF CRA FOR FY SEOPW/CRA R-00-129 2000, $5,000.00. OMNI/CRA R-00-67 7-9 4. AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO UTILIZE CRA 12/18/00 CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO SEOPW/CRA R-00-130 PARKWEST STUDIOS, $4,500.00. 10-13 5. PROVIDE GRANT OF $375,000.00 TO TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF 12/18/00 AMERICAS (TECOTA) FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN SEOPW/CRA R-00-131 SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST (SEO/PW) REDEVELOPMENT 14-19 AREA (See #1). 6. AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO UTILIZE CRA 12/18/00 CONSULTANTS FOR CONCEPTUAL PLANNING FOR "GRAND SEOPW/CRA R-00-132 PROMENADE" FROM BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO N.W. 11T AVENUE 20-21 IN ALLEY BETWEEN 1 OTH STREET AND 11TH STREET, $4,500.00. 7. APPROVE MARGARET PACE PARK INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT 12/18/00 BETWEEN CITY'S PARKS DEPARTMENT AND CRA. OMNI/CRA R-00-68 22-23 8. APPROVE PURCHASE OF WARD ROOMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 12/18/00 249 N.W. 2ND AVENUE WITH MINOR TITLE DEFECTS, $27,500.00, SEOPW/CRA R-00-133 ANY ENCUMBRANCES, AND OTHER CLOSING COSTS. 24-29 9. AUTHORIZE CRA TO ENTER INTO LEASE AGREEMENT WITH 12/18/00 BLACK ARCHIVES FOR PROPERTY LOCATED AT 801 N.W. 2ND SEOPW/CRA R-00-134 AVENUE (P7) PURSUANT TO REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT 30-32 FOR PRESERVING HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND THEIR USE FOR SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. M AUTHORIZE (1) LETTER OF INTEREST/TENDER FOR HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX WITHIN SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKWEST (SEO/PW) REDEVELOPMENT AREA AND (2) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO INITIATE ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX WITHIN SEO/PW REDEVELOPMENT AREA WHICH WILL ALSO HOUSE CRA OFFICE AND (3) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE IN INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL NEWSPAPERS AND COME BACK TO BOARD WITH SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS. IL DISCUSSION ON STATUS OF DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS REGARDING SAWYER WALK AND LYRIC VILLAGE. 12. (A) PRESENTATION BY SHALLEY JONES ON FANNIE MAE CORPORATION LOANS. B) PROVIDING GRANT OF $1.17 MM TO NEW ARENA SQUARE APARTMENTS AND AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO AGREEMENT WITH SALOMEN YUKEN, OWNER OF NEW ARENA SQUARE APARTMENTS (C) (1) APPROVE CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHTEEN TOWN HOUSES ON PROPERTY KNOWN AS P-1 AND (2) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE BID AND CHOOSE MOST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 1 WITH FUNDING SOURCE OF $800K FROM CDBG HOME FUNDS, AND (3) CHOOSE SAME RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 2-4, $1.1 MM. 12/ 18/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-135 33-35 12/ 18/00 DISCUSSION 36 12/ 18/00 SEOPW/CRA R-00-136 SEOPW/CRA R-00-137 37-49 13. AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO AN 12/18/00 AGREEMENT WITH TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF AMERICAS SEOPW/CRA R-00-138 (TECOTA). 50-51 14. REFERRING TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE CRA LETTER RECEIVED FROM AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMPANY IN ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS WHICH OWNS NATION- WIDE ACTIVITIES AND IS BASED IN SOUTH FLORIDA; DIRECT EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAID COMPANY AND PROVIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ANALYSIS; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO WORK WITH BOARD MEMBER REGALADO IN BRINGING FORTH POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF SAID COMPANY INTO OVERTOWN PARK WEST AREA. 12/ 18/00 SEOPW/CRA M-00-139 52-54 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY FOR SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST AND OMNI DISTRICTS On the 18th day of December 2000, the Board of Directors of the Community Redevelopment Agency for the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Districts of the City of Miami met at the Doubletree Grand Hotel, 1717 North Biscayne Boulevard, Miami, Florida. The meeting was called to order at 5:19 p.m. by Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr., with the following Board Members found to be present: ABSENT: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Board Member Wifredo Gort 1 CRA 12/18/00 ALSO PRESENT: Carlos A. Gimenez, City Manager, City of Miami Frank Rollason, Assistant City Manager -Operations, City of Miami Robert Nachlinger, Assistant City Manager -Finance & Administration, City of Miami Alejandro Vilarello, City Attorney, City of Miami Ilene Temchin, Assistant City Attorney, City of Miami Raul Martinez, Chief of Police, City of Miami Walter J. Foeman, City Clerk, City of Miami Sylvia Lowman, Assistant City Clerk, City of Miami Ana Rojas, Chief Deputy Clerk, City of Miami Linda Haskins, Director, Budget, City of Miami Albert Ruder, Director, Parks & Recreation, City of Miami Dipak Parekh, Executive Director, CRA Richard H. Judy, Special Project Coordinator, CRA William Bloom, Legal Counsel, CRA Nathalie Legagneur, Legal Counsel, CRA Chelsa Arscott, Executive Assistant, CRA Hammond Noriega, Overtown Advisory Board Liaison/Project Coordinator, CRA Chairman Teele: All right. Ladies and gentlemen, I know that Commissioner Regalado is being besieged, but if someone could release Commissioner Regalado. (INAUDIBLE COMMENTS MADE) Vice Chairman Winton: Well, we have a quorum. We can start the meeting. (INAUDIBLE COMMENTS MADE) Vice Chairman Winton: I move to start the meeting. Chairman Teele: Ladies and gentlemen, would you stand for a moment of silent prayer, followed by the pledge of allegiance to the flag. Note for the Record: Chairman Teele led those present in a moment of silent prayer, followed by the pledge of allegiance. Chairman Teele: Mr. Clerk, would you call the roll, please. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Roll call. Board Member Winton. Vice Chairman Winton: Here. Mr. Foeman: Board Member Sanchez. 2 CRA 12/18/00 • • Board Member Sanchez: Here. Mr. Foeman: Chairman Teele. Chairman Teele: Here, sir. Mr. Foeman: Board Member Regalado. Board Member Regalado: Here. Chairman Teele: Don't you have another one? Did you call the name of -- Did he call -- Mr. Foeman: Board Member Gort. Chairman Teele: Yeah. Mr. Foeman: I don't see him. Chairman Teele: Huh? Mr. Foeman: I don't know if he's here. Board Member Sanchez: He's not here. Mr. Foeman: I don't see him. Chairman Teele: Ladies and gentlemen, thank you very much. Mr. Manager, and to the City of Miami staff, welcome, and to the CRA (Community Redevelopment Agency) staff, thank you very much, and welcome. 1. TABLED: ,,;_PROPOSED GRANT OF $375,000:00 TO TECHNOLOGY CENTER :OF THE AM, _.; _ . . a. (`x ) _ � : . 'SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST (SEOPW).REDEUELOPMENT AREA (See #5). Chairman Teele: Mr. Bloom, the agenda is dramatically improved, and we appreciate your getting it out on time. We have an agenda here. However, I think the first thing that we should do is to ask the people of the Terremark representatives of the NAP (Network Access Point) and the Center of the Americas to come forward. Dipak, are we ready? Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Yes, sir. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) 3 CRA 12/18/00 0 0 2. AUTHORIZE CRA _ TO AMEND CRA BUDGET LINE ITEM AMOUNT ALLOCATED „FOR' 'GENERAL I LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDED FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2000 BY :HOLLAND AND KNIGHT, LLP FROM $175,000 TO $190,000. ' Chairman Teele: All right. Well, while we're waiting, the City Attorney -- is the City Attorney -- yeah. The City Attorney is here. And the two items, the first two are legal expense issues. Have you been able to -- have you conferred with the staff on these matters, and do these matters have your recommendation? Recognizing that the City Attorney is the chief legal officer for the City, but has an overlapping responsibility here, are you in support of those two resolutions? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Commissioner, with regard to Item Number "A," yes, I've reviewed the invoices for the last fiscal year. The numbers are slightly below a hundred and ninety thousand dollars ($190,000). (Inaudible), Mr. Bloom and I will work out some details for that. Yes, I would support that. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, so move "A." Chairman Teele: Moved by Board Member -- Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Second. Is there objection relating to the Holland and Knight legal expenses? If not, all those in favor, signify by the sign of "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. 4 CRA 12/18/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-127 OMNI/CRA 00-65 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE CRA TO AMEND THE CRA BUDGET LINE ITEM AMOUNT LOCATED FOR GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES PROVIDED FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2000 BY HOLLAND AND KNIGHT, LLP FROM $175,000.00 TO $190,000.00 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Board Member Wifredo Gort (MALFUNCTION OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT) Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman, I'd like to move -- (MALFUNCTION OF RECORDING EQUIPMENT) Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Mr. Chairman, I am also -- that should be a sufficient amount (inaudible). Board Member Sanchez: So move `B," Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Second by Board Member Winton. The only thing that I would ask is that, as you know, I've sent a memo to the staff asking that administrative expenses be cut dramatically. This amount does not assume any litigation. It assumes general Board responsibilities. But in effect, we're proposing to cut in half the coming year last year's legal expenses. And I just wanted to put that on the record. And that 5 CRA 12/18/00 • • instruction is coming pretty much from the Board. However, I think that it is important to note that the legal expenses that have been incurred relate a lot to cleaning up, and the relationship between the City and the CRA, and trying to resolve a number of very important issues. And I would hope that many of those issues are behind us now. Mr. Attorney. Mr. Vilarello: Mr. Chairman, Mr. Dipak and I have been working very closely together to try to transfer those legal responsibilities in-house to the extent possible, and use outside counsel only when absolutely necessary. And we're designing it that way, and hopefully for outside counsel. Chairman Teele: Further discussion? If there is none, all those in favor of the motion, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All those opposed, say "no." The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-128 OMNFCRA 00-66 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") APPROVING HOLLAND AND KNIGHT, LLP TO PERFORM GENERAL LEGAL SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE CRA FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDING 2001 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $75,000.00 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Board Member Wifredo Gort 6 CRA 12/18/00 3. APPROVE KPMG PEAT MARWICK TO PERFORM :. VARIOUS AUDIT -RELATED; ;PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ON --BEHALF OF CRA FOR FY 2000, $5,000.00 Chairman Teele: A resolution to approve KPMG to perform the audit. Vice Chairman Winton: So move. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: KPMG, for the record, is the auditor of the City; is that correct? Vice Chairman Winton: Correct, yes. Chairman Teele: And our -- our intent has been to use the City Attorneys on all matters unless there is a conflict. And so this is a continuation of that. When the City changes, I would hope that the Manager would include in the RFP (Request for Proposals) or the RFQ (Request for Qualifications) a proviso that the accountant will also be engaged to serve the CRA. Now, this resolution needs to actually be two resolutions, and that's part of the issue here. We have two separate boards here. We have the Omni Board and we have the Southeast Overtown/Park West Board. And so for the purposes of this resolution, let's just make sure that it's amended to reflect both the Omni and the Southeast Overtown, because technically, there is no such thing that we fondly refer to as the CRA for financing purposes. The legal entities are the Southeast Overtown/Park West District and the Omni Tax Increment District. Is that correct, Mr. Attorney? Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Yes, Mr. Chairman. And in fact, with regard to the seventy-five thousand dollar ($75,000) item for Holland and Knight, there's two resolutions -- one for the Omni, and one for the Southeast Overtown/Park West, and we're talking about a total of seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) as I understand it. Chairman Teele: Exactly. So I just wanted to put that on the record, because this is a part of my education. And the amend -- the resolution stands amended as read into the record, if that's acceptable to the maker and seconder of the motion. Vice Chairman Winton: Actually, I was concentrating on something else. So would you repeat that, please? Chairman Teele: Well, I'm seeking your permission to clarify the resolution as it relates to KPMG, as it relates to specifically the Omni District as well as the Southeast Overtown/Park West District. Vice Chairman Winton: Yeah but -- Chairman Teele: In the amount of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) for the two of them. Vice Chairman Winton: Yeah, right. Board Member Sanchez: In an amount not to exceed twenty thousand. 7 CRA 12/18/00 Chairman Teele: Yeah. Vice Chairman Winton: Yes, accept that. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): It's two resolutions. Board Member Sanchez: Yes. Mr. Bloom: Omni is one them, so. Vice Chairman Winton: At ten thousand each. Board Member Sanchez: Ten thousand each. Chairman Teele: No, no, no. Vice Chairman Winton: Or some combination. It's twenty thousand. Chairman Teele: Some combination. Vice Chairman Winton: Yeah. Chairman Teele: Will be fifteen thousand or eighteen thousand -- Vice Chairman Winton: For one and -- Chairman Teele: For the Southeast/Overtown. And it'll be five -- three or four thousand for the Omni. Vice Chairman Winton: Got it. Board Member Sanchez: OK. Chairman Teele: But not to exceed twenty thousand dollars ($20,000). Is there objection? Mr. Attorney, is that satisfactory to you? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Chairman Teele: All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All those opposed have the same right. 8 CRA 12/18/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-129 OMNI/CRA 00-67 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") APPROVING KPMG PEAT MARWICK TO PERFORM VARIOUS AUDIT - RELATED PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ON BEHALF OF THE CRA FOR FY 2000 IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $15,000.00 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Board Member Wifredo Gort 9 CRA 12/18/00 ,4. ' , , AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO UTILIZE CRA CONSULTANTS TO ,PROVIDE 'TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO PARKWEST STUDIOS, $4 $00.00' ;R , Board Member Sanchez: So move 4, a resolution authorizing the Executive Director. Chairman Teele: Yeah. Now, is the applicant here? Yes, ma'am, I see you. Resolution 4 relates to you. And what we're doing formally now is asking -- and technically, the Director has the authority to do this without bringing it to the Board, but I appreciate him bringing it. But he's asking for a resolution to engage an attorney -- I mean an accountant-- I'm sorry -- an architect planner to support your activities as it relates to the studio. Is that satisfactory? Janet Vernell: Yes. Chairman Teele: All right. Just give us your name and address for the record, just so that the record is clear. I've learned no good deed goes unpunished around here. Ms. Vernell: Janet Vernell, Parkwest Studios, 85 Northwest loth Street, Miami. Chairman Teele: And this is pursuant to your request to give you more direct assistance. Ms. Vernell: Yes, it is. Chairman Teele: All right. The motion has been made and seconded. Is there objection? All those -- Vice Chairman Winton: One point I would like to make about this. I think that when we get into the realm of helping with hard dollars specific businesses in our CRA area, it seems to me that we need some pretty -- some sort of document that spells out clearly what the mission is, what kind of support is it we're trying to provide, and why, so that there's a clear, written, documented paper trail describing what we're doing, with whom we're doing it, and why we're doing what we're doing, and how that fits in terms of the overall purpose of the CRA, which is very different than projects that we undertake that are principally for the public good. And there is a difference here. And so I don't know. I'm sure that's somewhere in here. I'm -- you know, I seconded this motion, but I think that we need to make sure that at all times then -- And if we don't have that information on this item yet, then we may need to make sure that subsequent to this vote and staff s assistance here that we do get that information on the record and in a file, so that we can always defend how we're spending these public dollars. Chairman Teele: Further discussion? Board Member Sanchez: None. Call the question. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Winton, on the point, I think the point you make needs to be underscored. I've had at least three discussions with the Director on the same point. Is Paul -- what's the economist's name? Vice Chairman Winton: Lambert. 10 CRA 12/18/00 Dipak Parekh (CRA, Executive Director): Paul Lambert. Chairman Teele: Is Lambert here? Yeah. And I've even talked to Paul about this. And I think, Paul, you need to hear what he's saying, because, see; it's not just me saying this. We need to have very clear economic analyses, and as well as justification. You know, it may not come up for a discussion, but it needs to be a part of the record. And this is particularly true of cash or non -in -kind kinds of activities that we're doing. Vice Chairman Winton: Well, and I'll make another point to that, and that is -- and no dispersions cast towards the current applicant here. But the fact of the matter is that as we get into redevelopment, people are going to get in and buy properties that don't know what they're doing, don't have nay clue what their plan is, and they're going to expect the CRA to step to the plate and bail them out, bail them out of a bad decision that they made. And that's not out business. Our business isn't to bail out property owners. Our business is to create economic revitalization in the neighborhood; not to bail people out of a difficult situation that they got themselves into. That's why this documentation and a process is so important here, so that we don't have every single property owner in Park West, or Omni West or whatever the case is that is struggling with their own investment coming to us and expecting us to bring consultants to the table to help bail them out of their mess. Chairman Teele: Further discussion? I fully agree, and I just hope that staff is taking this to heart, because this is something that I'm very, very concerned about, is the paper trail and the documentation. All right. This really doesn't relate directly to you, but it does relate to the very important subject matter. Ms. Vernell: All right. I understand. Chairman Teele: All right. Thank you very much, ma'am. Ms. Vernell: Just let me know where -- exactly where I stand in this then. I mean, what am I -- Chairman Teele: Well, you've come to us and said -- and given a presentation twice to the Board, asking for assistance in developing the studios, et cetera, et cetera. It's something that we have a strong support for as a matter of policy. Particularly, we've asked the City to assist us in developing studio districts in the Omni area, particularly in the Park West area generally. So what we're saying has -- doesn't relate to you. We have the policy of wanting to see this as a transitional use. Ms. Vernell: Mm-hmm. Chairman Teele: The concern is that we need to have clear documentation of staff. And I think one of the things that Dipak has done, in fairness to the staff, is by bringing it to us, at least there is some paper documentation, because technically, he could have signed this authorization up to forty-five hundred dollars ($4,500) without bringing it to us, and there would not have been the documentation. So I think you're in the clear in what we're going to be trying to identify with the Planning Department. I assume it's an appropriate architect/planner to work with you. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. 11 CRA 12/18/00 0 • Chairman Teele: Yes, sir. Board Member Regalado: I would also like for Dipak and staff to take pictures ofyour studio now and take pictures during the process and take pictures after the fact, because that would be used in a brochure to showcase what the CRA does. Because eventually, we're going to have to do a brochure for the people to understand what the CRA really does. And we can showcase your studio as one of the kinds of projects that we're doing. So I would ask staff to start doing that, and some documenting of the process of your studio. Ms. Vernell: OK. I see no problem with that. I also have pictures from even before, as well. Chairman Teele: OK. Board Member Regalado: I know that you have pictures. But what we need -- Ms. Vernell: Prior. Board Member Regalado: Now, prior, now and as we get done with your -- Ms. Vernell: OK. I have no problem with that. Chairman Teele: All right. The question has been called. All those in favor, signify by the sign of "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed have the same right. The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-130 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO UTILIZE CRA CONSULTANTS TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE TO PARKWEST STUDIOS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $4,500.00 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 12 CRA 12/18/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: Board Member Wifredo Gort Chairman Teele: I want to just make one other observation. And thank you very much, ma'am. I understand that a letter has come in. Chelsa, where is the letter? Where is Chelsa? Chelsa, could you please make yourself available to the Director and myself? Here, if necessary, come take Mr. Winton's -- Mr. Gort's seat. But we've been trying to get you up here for the last ten minutes. Please, ma'am. Chelsa. Vice Chairman Winton: She's grabbing her seat. Chairman Teele: OK. One of the things that I want to put on the record -- because we're going to do something really great here. And I sort of like some of the things I saw today on television about people reaching out, and trying to embrace diversity. But one of the things that I want to put on the record is that I'm very concerned about the lack of diversity in Park West. I mean, I know we're doing some really good things in Overtown, and I support that. But one of the things that I really do think that we want to do is we really do want to encourage cross, diverse development. And one of the very real concerns that is being brought to my attention repeatedly is the notion that we've got to do a better job at the CRA of reaching out. And part of this is this, Johnny, in particular. For the last 20 years, nothing has happened in Park West. OK. Now that things are beginning to happen-- you know, I keep saying the dominant political party in Miami is "me, too, me, too." Whatever is going on, I want some, too. But I really do think that there is a legitimate issue. As we reach out to help people, property owners, et cetera, we really do need to reach for more diversity in Park West. And so there is an issue that came in today or last week, and I really would like to tack that on here at the end of this 13 CRA 12/18/00 5:::' <;PROVIIIDE GRANT OF $375;000.00 TO,TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF:AMERICAS:(TECOTA) FOR INFRASTRUCTURE 'IMPROVEMENTS"'IN SOUTHEAST . OVERTOWN/PARK::; WEST. ,(SEO/PW) REDEVELOPMENT ­AREA (See _#1):: Chairman Teele: Dipak, I'm going to yield to you. I know that the Terremark people are here. And speaking about building a record and all of that, the only thing that bothers me about Terremark at this point is that they've got their name on everything but the City of Miami. And the CRA is driving a hard bargain to get in the hunt. And so the main thing that I wanted to say to Terremark, other than "happy holidays" and how proud we are is, don't forget your cousins, you know, that helped to see all of this through with you. And we are very excited about the NAP (Network Area Point) of China that I read about in the Wall Street Journal recently. And so maybe some good things are being germinated. And we'd welcome you very much to come forth and just put your names and addresses on the record. I know that you've been working closely with Commissioner -- Board Member Winton -- and we encourage you to continue to do so. Michael Katz: Thank you, Chairman Teele. My name is Michael Katz. I'm President of Terremark Development. With me is Sandy Gonzalez -Levy, Vice President of Marketing for Terremark. Since I have the microphone, I'd just like to say in 30 seconds, if I could, because we're also trying to build a building out there at Internet speed. We promised you that we would do that, but we could not have done it without the cooperation that we have received from the CRA and from the City of Miami. And for that, we're really very, very grateful. And as we told the consortium of 70 carriers back last June, we, in fact, would begin construction on the NAP (Network Access Point) itself in the middle of January. We're right on target to do that, and to complete the building by June 301h. Again, it's an extraordinary challenge. But the cooperation we have received has truly been superior. It's just been a great private/public effort, and we thank you for that. Chairman Teele: Sandy, welcome. I think this is your first time coming here in this light or this capacity. Sandy Gonzalez -Levy: I, of course, know you from your other life, as well. But thank you for having us. Chairman Teele: Just your name and title for the record. Ms. Gonzalez -Levy: Sure. It's Sandy Gonzalez -Levy, Senior Vice President, Corporate Communications for Terremark. And again, thank you for having us here. And the name of the City of Miami and CRA are on the sign, Mr. Chairman, on the site. Chairman Teele: Well, Commissioner Winton, I know, has been working closely with you. And we're going to present a check to you, I think. But before we do, Commissioner Winton, I certainly want to yield to you, because I think, you know, you're continuing to keep some leadership here. Vice Chairman Winton: I didn't plan on saying anything. Chairman Teele: All right. Vice Chairman Winton: I'm just thrilled to death by this whole thing. So, you know, I hope we have more great stories to be telling as the -- as the months pass. 14 CRA 12/18/00 Chairman Teele: Well, I'm not going to do what everybody else does. I want to acknowledge -- I'm not going to take the credit for the CRA. I'm going to acknowledge that the money, the funds largely are coming in a cooperative resolution and spirit directly from the City of Miami. And as we discussed earlier on, that we would work to try to come up with a cash reimbursement that would be close to whatever you were paying in building fees, because we want this building here so badly, we're willing to work with you. We don't want to set the precedent of reimbursing building fees. So we can't say that we're reimbursing your building fees. But I think you'll see the cash -- check is very, very close to that. And again, this is your money coming back to you. And I also would take note of the fact that the City -- well, I'll sit now, Chelsa -- that the City has assigned special people to work with you, and that process is working. The Police Department, as well as Public Works and everybody is working well. And Mr. Manager, I think this community owes you and the City a debt of gratitude. So before we give the check, let's on behalf of the CRA give our Manager and the City staff a big -- (APPLAUSE) Chairman Teele: And if you would just come around, we'll present the ceremonial check, and just know that -- Vice Chairman Winton: Does that mean that the real one is in the mail? Note for the Record: Board Member Gort entered the meeting at 5:40 p.m. Board Member Gort: Mr. Chairman, I apologize for being late. But what are we doing now? (INAUDIBLE COMMENTS) Board Member Gort: Mr. Chairman, what are we doing? Chairman Teele: We're standing up here to give a check. Board Member Gort: Oh, no, I want -- I want to ask you a few questions. (Ceremonial check for $375,000 presented.) Mr. Katz: Thank you very much. Board Member Regalado: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Regalado. Board Member Regalado: You know, this is really nice to take a picture and give a check. But I think that Miami, being one of the few cities in the United States that can claim that we have something like this needs to be told. And I don't think that we are promoting what the CRA (inaudible) City of Miami, but in this case, we need to promote, and explain to the people, to the different communities, and to the business community what we need to do, you know. And when we start doing this, I'm sure that there will be more 15 CRA 12/18/00 • interest, and it would cost less to promote this area than it is costing now. So I urge you as the Chairman to think of it and think what we should do from now on to promote things like this. It is very important. I, for one, will try to organize community leaders and bring them to the site of the construction, and explain to them on a tour what this is all about, because they don't. Vice Chairman Winton: No, they don't know about it. Board Member Regalado: They don't know. Nobody knows. And if they don't know, you know, an event, it's going to happen as any other small building or big building built in the City of Miami. This is an event. We should be more proactive in organizing tours, even bringing college students and different community leaders and explaining to them what is this. So I hope that by January, when they are right in the middle of construction or almost at the end, we can start doing this, sponsored by the CRA. Board Member Gort: Mr. Chairman, I don't think -- adding to what Board Member Regalado has stated, the people do not realize what is behind all this new industry. Yesterday, I had a group of Palm Beach who came down, and I met with them, because they want to open up offices in downtown. I met them. And it's amazing the amount of individuals and firms that will come down to downtown Miami or to the City of Miami. And I believe what Regalado is stating is very important, that we let people know what this industry is all about, and that the same time, prepare ourselves to be ready. Because one of the questions that I have -- and I'm glad you brought that other technical -- that you want to set up a technical center. That's going to be very important, because this is -- my understanding is a lot of those kids coming out of high school that do not want to go to college, if they get the right training, those kids could be going to work and make thirty, forty thousand dollars ($40,000), you know (inaudible). We have to get people ready for this industry so they don't have to go get people outside of Miami (inaudible) for employment. So I believe what Commissioner Regalado is stating is very important that we follow it up. The (inaudible) has been doing some and will continue to do so (inaudible). Vice Chairman Winton: Commissioner Gort, just as an update, and if you remember, Commissioner Teele asked at the very beginning. In fact, if it weren't for Commissioner Teele, this probably wouldn't be going on, because he's the first person that said the words, "NAP" to me. That's the first time I heard of that. Chairman Teele: Well, let me -- If it weren't for Representative Luis Rojas, who was Chairman of the committee, who was at my house one day saying, "This is going to happen, and it should maybe happen out in West Dade, but honestly, Art, or this should happen in downtown Miami." And he went against his own district. Remember, the powers that be, Bell South and everybody wanted it out west. And that's when we engaged Paul Lambert. I mean, we -- when we engaged Paul Lambert, everybody thought a NAP was -- this was -- what? -- Six months before the process ever started. We got in with the Governor's Task Force that was writing the committee, and thanks very much to Paul Lambert, and B&A (Bermello Ajamil) and others; we were able to perhaps give some direction to the Governor's Task Force that wrote where it should be. Because at the time, everybody really thought it would be in Boca Raton, I think, at the old IBM (International Business Machines) campus, or somewhere like that. So this has had a lot of fathers and mothers, I guess. And I'm very proud that Luis Rojas had enough confidence in me to let me know. And then B&A was able to respond through Paul Lambert. But you're absolutely right. This kind of development didn't just fall off the turnip truck. And people have sort of taken it -- and I really do -- I said this jokingly to Sandy, but I -- there's two points that I wanted to make in this context, 16 CRA 12/18/00 and not to overlook the point that Commissioner Regalado is making. The City of Miami -- the City, not the CRA -- is working day and night. We've got police over there. We've got Public Works people. We've got Building and Zoning people. You all aren't waiting an hour for inspections, I dare say. We even changed the construction hours dramatically to allow construction, the City of Miami did. And somewhere, that needs to be known. And the good thing of what you all have done is you all have told people in your private meetings, and I'm very well aware of that. But it kind of bothers me a little bit when The Herald does their editorial and the City cooperation gets very, very little acknowledgement. And the second point is that we were the ones that really worked the State policy, if you will, to get it so that you could get it. And to some extent, we would hope that as you work through this, again picking up on what Commissioner Regalado was saying, that the CRA's role in really formulating a policy, a State policy that said that this is a part of a redevelopment or should be a part of a redevelopment district would not be overlooked. But, yes, the CRA was out here on the limb, on the line before Terremark even was aware of it directly, because it's -- the state policy hadn't even been written at the time. You remember we had the State -- representative of the State technical people in here before they did their final report. So you're right, Commissioner Winton, and you're very much right, Commissioner Regalado. And I just wanted to make that point, because it really wasn't me with the vision. Someone told me what to do, and I was diligent enough to follow through. Vice Chairman Winton: Well, as far as that is concerned, you were the father in the City then. How's that? But y'all asked me to kind of serve as a point person in this process, and what I was going to say is relative to Commissioner Gort's comment about education. There was a meeting held -- it was just before I had to go to New Mexico, so it must have been about a month ago, where representatives from the School Board, from FIU (Florida International University), from University of Miami, from the Governor's Task Force, the South Florida Training and Employment Consortium, the CRA, a whole host of people tied to education came together for a meeting to discuss ways that we could create a more coordinated training process, and to specifically focus that training process on underprivileged neighborhoods where we could, in fact, literally wipe out poverty virtually overnight in some neighborhoods, if we could get people in these programs. And so, Commissioner Gort, there's there is a committee that's meeting relatively frequently to talk about this whole issue, so that we can get a coordinated effort going on, as opposed to what we read about so often right now, where everybody and their grandmother is kind of out there on their own trying to -- well, let's get our computer set up in our church, or get our computer set up in this thing, or that thing, and no coordinated effort to make sure we get the right training program in place in those spots. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Commissioner Sanchez, Board Member Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: If there is anything to be said here, it's if you want something pretty bad, you'll get it done. And, you know, when you drive on I-95 and you see how quick this project has gone up and the message you send is -- and I wish this -- the message that should be echoed by Terremark through the industry is that, you know, the City of Miami and the CRA is willing to work with people to get things done here. And that's a very important message. And Commissioner Regalado is absolutely right. We need to focus on sending that message. You know, when this all came about and I got here, you know, into the CRA, you know, if anyone up here has been one to question the Chairman, it's been me, and for my personal reasons, and because, you know, you tend to want to study things. You don't want to move 17 CRA 12/18/00 • down the line and step on a land mine. And Mr. Teele can relate to that, because we were both in the Service. But this is a perfect example of what could be done if we focus on doing it. And now, at least we have something out there that we should all be very proud of. And, you know, when the NAP came about, that's all we talked about. As a matter of fact, that was a very instrument -- part in a conversation with both Moody and S&P (Standard and Poore's) that we were lucky enough to have the NAP here, we were lucky enough to have, you know, the CRA and the Administration working together to get this done. So once again, Sandy, if I could ask something from you -- I've heard the CRA is asking the same thing -- is send the word out there that, you know, we're willing to work with you, and you have gotten very far. We thank you for it. But we've all worked together on this one. So. Mr. Katz: If I may, just one more second. We're hoping at the end of January to have a significant topping off ceremony out at the site. And we hope you will be there in full force. And at that moment in time, we will be able to show the world really what it is that we've been able to accomplish. Board Member Sanchez: Are you working 24-7? Mr. Katz: Just about. Board Member Sanchez: Just about. Mr. Katz: It's actually 7 to 11, but in the background, we're working 24-7, yeah. And I think we've have kept very copious notes. And I think when the world gets a chance to see what we've been able to accomplish between -- given the strong cooperation between the private sector and the appropriate governmental authorities, it really is a remarkable story for the CRA, and the City of Miami and for all of us involved. So thank you again. And we will have that ceremony at the end of January. Board Member Sanchez: That incredible story needs to be told. Mr. Katz: We will tell it. I promise you we will tell it. We just want to -- you know, we just want to finish first. Thank you. Chairman Teele: Mike, are we on schedule? Mr. Katz: Yeah. As a matter of fact, we're about four or five days ahead of schedule. Vice Chairman Winton: All right. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Mr. Katz: But, you know, for a hundred and nine million dollar ($109,000,000) project that really got started the first week of September, it's an impressive situation. Ms. Gonzalez -Levy: We're on the sixth floor. Chairman Teele: Great. All right. Well, why don't we just approve Item 12-B. We just did it. 18 CRA 12/18/00 Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by -- Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: -- Commissioner Winton. Seconded by Commissioner Sanchez, the item authorizing the three seventy-five grant. All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: OK. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-131 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") PROVIDING A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $375,000.00 TO THE TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS ("TECOTA") FOR INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST (SEO/PW) REDEVELOPMENT AREA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Sanchez, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 19 CRA 12/18/00 i • AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE . DIRECTOR,; TO UTILIZE CPA ,: CONSULTANTS ,FOR "'CONCEPTUAL PLANNING FOR GRAND PROMENADE FROM,, BISCAYNE BOULEVA"- sT ae, TH TH,a. N.W. 1::,£ AVENUE IN ALLEY BETWEEN 10 STREET AND 1.1 STREET, $4,500 00 Chairman Teele: OK. Back to Item Number -- Board Member Sanchez: Five. Chairman Teele: -- five. Board Member Sanchez: So move, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Winton, Board Member Winton. Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-132 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO UTILIZE CRA CONSULTANTS FOR THE CONCEPTUAL PLANNING FOR A "GRAND PROMENADE" FROM BISCAYNE BOULEVARD TO N.W. 1ST AVENUE IN THE ALLEY BETWEEN LOTH STREET AND 11T1 STREET AT A COST NOT TO EXCEED $4,500.00 (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 20 CRA 12/18/00 • u Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 21 CRA 12/18/00 APPROVE MAR-GARET PACE PARK INTERLOCAL,AGREEMENT yBETWEEN CITY'S PARKS'DEPARTMENT;AND CRAB: Chairman Teele: Item number 6, Margaret Pace Park. Board Member Sanchez: So move number 6. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Mr. Chairman, simply to add that the Agreement be in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, so we can take care of the issues of the Safe Neighborhood Bond. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Mr. Vilarello: It should be with the City of Miami and not the City of Miami Parks Department. Chairman Teele: As amended. Board Member Sanchez: As amended, so move. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: All right. Is the Parks Director here? Albert Ruder (Director, Parks & Recreation): Yes. Chairman Teele: I know that are several people here. The notices are on the street on this item. The bids will be picked up on -- the bids will be opened when? Mr. Vilarello: January the 5th Chairman Teele: January the 5th. And are you all satisfied with the progress on this thing? Mr. Ruder: Yes. I mean, especially all the money that the CRA has brought in, all the extra money, because, as you know, we only started with about three hundred thousand. And , as a result of the CRA involvement, this project has mushroomed into a much bigger project. Chairman Teele: Well, I hope you make sure that Board Member Winton understands and knows that, because this project was a three hundred and seventy-five -- what was it? Three what? Mr. Ruder: I believe it was about three hundred thousand initially from Safe Neighborhood. 22 CRA 12/18/00 0 • Chairman Teele: From a three hundred thousand dollar ($300,000) project when the CRA was asked to take it over, and it's -- you know, and that's how much money we had available. And it's almost a two million dollar ($2,000,000) project now. And we're funded at -- what? -- About a million -eight or something like that. So we're going to keep working it. And I do think it's something that needs to be considered in some of the infrastructure items that we're talking about around the City, John. No objection from the Parks Department. All right. Mr. Ruder: No. Chairman Teele: Further discussion? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: All opposed? The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. OMNI/CRA 00-68 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") APPROVING THE MARGARET PACE PARK INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT, IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI PARKS DEPARTMENT AND THE CRA. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort 'Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None (APPLAUSE) Chairman Teele: Is Phil Yaffa in the house? Is that what is going on? 23 CRA 12/18/00 0 0 8.. APPROVE PURCHASE OF, . WARD ROOMING HOUSE, LOCATED AT 249 N: W;=: 2ND AVENUE,,WITH MINOR TITLE DEFECTS, $27,500.00, ANY:;ENCUMBRANCES, ANDOTHER CLOSING COSTS. Chairman Teele: All right. Item Number 7. Mr. Director, you want to explain just a moment? Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Yes. Commissioner, the Board gave approval to purchase this property about over six months ago, and further authorized the staff later to enter into an agreement. The members of the Ward Rooming House did not want to enter into a lease. They would like to sell that particular property. We had a few title defects, which we would like to work with Holland and Knight to sort them out. And at this moment in time, staff is recommending that we purchase the property, pending resolution of those title defects. Board Member Sanchez: And second -- Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Gort. Board Member Sanchez: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: Pending the title litigation. Chairman Teele: No. We're moving forward without that. Board Member Sanchez: No. The Director said that. No? Vice Chairman Winton: Mm-mmm. Mr. Parekh: No. We're purchasing -- Vice Chairman Winton: First. Mr. Parekh: We would like to purchase the property and then have a resolution by Holland and Knight after we have purchased it. Vice Chairman Sanchez: OK. Second. Vice Chairman Winton: How big is this site? How many square feet? Chairman Teele: It's directly in front of the Dorsey House. It's a two-story burnt out building that the City of Miami has issued two demolition orders on. And we're standing in the way of demolition of that building, because of its historic nature. And it really is just, in my judgment, a total disconnect. Is Frank Rollason here? Frank, you need to come up and explain, because the owners agreed to allow this house to be demolished. Is that right, Frank? 24 CRA 12/18/00 Frank Rollason (Assistant City Manager): Originally, they did. Then there were some problems. Chairman Teele: And I objected strongly to you, because, I mean, we have destroyed enough historic properties in this City, as far as I'm concerned, in the black community for a lifetime. Mr. Rollason: Right. And the objective now is to try to save it. And this has been why we've held off on the demolition. Chairman Teele: And just so it's real clear, the cost of saving this structure is probably going to be in the vicinity of three hundred? Mr. Parekh: Around that. Chairman Teele: Three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000). Vice Chairman Winton: Right. Board Member Sanchez: To restore it? Chairman Teele: To restore. Vice Chairman Winton: So how big is the site? Mr. Parekh: Fifty by a hundred. Chairman Teele: It's very small. Mr. Rollason: Right. Most of it's going to have to be rebuilt according to sketches and photos from earlier times. A lot of it's gone. Chairman Teele: It's been gutted by a fire from drug use. Mr. Rollason: Right. Chairman Teele: And the building should have been demolished probably six months ago, but for the Building and Zoning Department recognizing there are some historic issues that we wanted to try to save. Vice Chairman Winton: So once we buy it, are we going to secure the property, or are we going to start on refurbishing the property, restoring the property? I mean, what's -- what-- I've lost track of what our mission is here with this property. Mr. Parekh: Well, our mission is to repair the, per the fire year plan, which has been approved by the Board, is to convert this to its historical stage when it was there originally. What this means is that it will allow the CRA to purchase the property, and furthermore, start rehabbing that entire property. We may have to demolish a number of parts of it and save the parts, which would convert into an historical entity. 25 CRA 12/18/00 Mr. Rollason: Right. What the Building Department will look for is for it to be made safe and secured. And from that point, you can go forward with a plan to refurbish it. Chairman Teele: I don't mean to be disrespectful, Mr. King, but -- Mr. King, Mr. King, I don't mean to be disrespectful to you, sir, but, you know, this project is one of the projects that I think you all are going to be responsible for. And these -- we've been having a five minute discussion on this, and this is part of our issue. We've got to get everybody to stay focused on when Board Members are speaking what they want to do. And I think the issues that Commissioner Winton is raising about the Ward Rooming House are directly germane to you, sir. So I would appreciate very much if you'd work with us on this one. Vice Chairman Winton: If our plan -- and is it in our budget to begin the rehab? Is that already in our budget? Mr. Parekh: Yes. Vice Chairman Winton: OK. Mr. Parekh: It's been in for the last two years (inaudible). Vice Chairman Winton: So we've got money budgeted to begin the refurbishing of this particular property. Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Vice Chairman Winton: From legal counsel, if we close on this property and we begin refurbishing the property and we can't clear title -- Board Member Sanchez: No, no, he's not going to do that before he clears title. Mr. Bloom: Our recommendation to CRA staff is to acquire the property, to secure it, so we don't have the issue of demolition... Board Member Sanchez: To clear title first. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT BY MR. BLOOM) Vice Chairman Winton: Very good. Chairman Teele: Look, I don't want to fight over this one, but I'm going to say this. Everybody needs to understand, this is a historic property. And I don't want to say something that undoes the deal. But we're going to use CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) funds. We could provide a grant in the full amount to the existing owners for this project. See, historic properties are totally different from any other properties when you talk about this. So the need to secure control is not the same as in a commercial piece of property, because, Johnny, the truth of the matter is if the owners of the property were builders, or developers or something, the easiest thing for us to do would be to give them a three hundred thousand 26 CRA 12/18/00 0 0 dollars ($300,000) grant for the restoration of this. But knowing how -- you know, dollars and accountability issues, I'm not prepared to sign off on something like that. Vice Chairman Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: So I just wanted to make it -- This is historic. But we'll do whatever a majority of the Board does. We'll bring it back here. But the important thing to understand is two things. This property is very historic. It was built -- I forget the -- we have not done the full research on it, but 1925, 1925, I'll take that. And the Cola Net (phonetic) was built when? Vice Chairman Winton: The what? Chairman Teele: '27 or '26. The Cola Net. '23? The Cola Net was built in '23. So somewhere between '23 and -- these buildings all go back to the 1920's when Overtown and 91h Street was really the golden part of this. If we don't move on this building, the same thing is going to happen to this building that is happening to the Cola Net. And what is happening to the Cola Net is an absolute human tragedy of monumental proportion as it relates to a historic piece of property that we can't do anything about. So we got trees that have been growing up inside this building now, and we've had two fires in the building. And so that's what this is all about, just trying to hold onto it. And so I would really appreciate if we could buy the building. I assume that you all have a deal with the owners. Is that right? Mr. Parekh: Yes. Chairman Teele: You know that personally, sir? Mr. Parekh: Yes. We have discussed this with the owner, and they'd rather enter into a buying arrangement [Note: Audio technical difficulty caused a few seconds to be missed in the recording]. (Continuing) would rather try to sell it or go ahead with the CRA on this project. Board Member Sanchez: Mr. Attorney, Mr. Bloom, have you looked at the titles, the defects? Can they be cleared? William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): We're talking about the -- Board Member Sanchez: The title defects. Mr. Bloom: -- the wording. I think it's just a question of again tracking down some heirs. Board Member Sanchez: But it could be cleared, to the best of your knowledge? In other words, you know, we could go ahead and purchase the Ward Rooming House; we could clear the title and then move on the restoration? Mr. Bloom: There's no reason to believe that -- Vice Chairman Winton: -- that we cannot. 27 CRA 12/18/00 • Mr. Bloom: -- (Inaudible.) Again, it's one of these situations (inaudible). Board Member Sanchez: That's not the question. I'm asking, have you looked at the title defects, and could they be taken care of? Mr. Bloom: What I'm saying to you is we've looked at the title. We came back with a list of people having an interest in of the property. Vice Chairman Winton: That's the issue, not the defects. Mr. Bloom: Of all those people, maybe 70 to 80 percent have already signed the documents. The others weren't there to sign the documents (inaudible). Board Member Sanchez: OK. (INAUDIBLE COMMENT BY MR. BLOOM) Board Member Sanchez: OK. We won't start remodeling until we clear the title. Chairman Teele: We won't start remodeling or anything other than securing until we bring it back to this Board. Vice Chairman Winton: Right. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: For an action. I'll concede that. All right. And I really hope that you all with get with Community Development and with the lawyers, and explain individually to each Board Member why there is no risk in doing the development, because the intent is to preserve the property. And we could do it any number of three ways. The easiest way is to give three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) to the previous owners, which we don't want to do, because that's not what the planning document that B&A (Bermello, Ajamil) did in this two years ago. This has been floating around. Moved. And is it seconded? Board Member Sanchez: With those conditions. Vice Chairman Winton: Yes. Chairman Teele: With the conditions that it will return to this Board -- Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: -- before anything is done prior to -- other than securing the building. Further discussion? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. 28 CRA 12/18/00 u Chairman Teele: All right. The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-133 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") APPROVING THE PURCHASE OF THE WARD ROOMING HOUSE LOCATED AT 249 N.W. 2ID AVENUE WITH MINOR TITLE DEFECTS IN AN AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $27,500.00 AND ANY ENCUMBRANCES, AND OTHER CLOSING COSTS. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 29 CRA 12/18/00 9: ' <` AUTHORIZE CRA TQENTER INTO.LEASRAGREEMENT WITH BLACKARCHIVES'FOR, PROPERTY,LOCATED AT ;801 N.W. 2N1 zAVENUEfP7) PURSUANT TO REDEVELOPMENT PIJAN, PROJECT FOR; PRESERVING HISTORIC,; BUILDINGS AND THEIR,, USE FOR SURROUNDING :COMMUNITY. Chairman Teele: Item 8. Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Commissioner, the -- Chairman Teele: I thought we were doing -- Have you all discussed this with the Black Archives? Mr. Parekh: No, sir. We have discussed this with the State of Florida, and based upon our discussions with the State of Florida and their letters to us, we are presenting this issue for the Board to consider again. Chairman Teele: Well -- Board Member Sanchez: Consider what? Mr. Parekh: To deed the property over to the Black Archives. We are suggesting that the CRA should actually lease that property, and it would have no impact on the grant, which they are going to receive from the State of Florida. Chairman Teele: How do you know that? Mr. Parekh: Because the State of Florida official told us that, and it is part of the record in terms of the agenda documents. Board Member Sanchez: Well, do you have that in writing? Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. Ms. Fields. Dorothy Fields: Well, our understanding was that, from the documents that were sent to us, that the CRA could either lease or give it to us by title, and that it -- giving it to us by title would not affect the grant. And that would be our preference, because we're going to be putting our electrical equipment on that site. And to have a 40-year -- even a 40-year lease is not what we would want. My understanding from the document from the State was that we could get title, and that would be our preference. Chairman Teele: All right. Let me tell you what I'm going to do. We're going to approve this resolution tonight, and I'm going to ask the staff to sit down with you and bring this back in the next 60 days for another decision. But we need to get this done right away. Ms. Fields: Yes. 30 CRA 12/18/00 • Chairman Teele: We have a grant out on the table. Ms. Fields: Yes. Chairman Teele: And so we're not going to forestall that. The thing that I'm going to ask for is this: Is that when the lot is not in use by the Black Archives that it would be available to the businesses and the entities in the community at no cost. And if we can get that kind of agreement as a part of a covenant or something, I'm willing to deed the land over. It's not worth the fight. The issue for me is theaters and stadiums don't operate but you know, a few hours in the week productively. And I don't want to have land there and you've got longshoremen, you've got businesses all in the neighborhood that need that parking there. And we're spending over a million dollars ($1,000,000) right now in the neighborhood for parking. I don't want to generate dormant parking anywhere. So if you all can work out an agreement that makes sure that the community will be able to use that-- and this is an issue as it relates to control, and who's going to maintain it and all of those kinds of things. And I'm just not sure if that's even feasible. So I'd appreciate it if you all would work it out and bring it back in 60 days. And please make sure you all discuss it before it comes here. Ms. Fields: Yes. We appreciate that. Chairman Teele: Is there a motion to approve it subject -- Vice Chairman Winton: So move. Chairman Teele: OK. Moved. Seconded. Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed have the same right. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-134 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE CRA TO ENTER INTO A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BLACK ARCHIVES FOR THE PROPERTY LOCATED AT 801 N.W. 2ND AVENUE (P7) PURSUANT TO FLORIDA STATUTES SECTION 163.380 AND THE REDEVELOPMENT PLAN PROJECT FOR PRESERVING HISTORIC BUILDINGS AND THEIR USE FOR THE SURROUNDING COMMUNITY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 31 CRA 12/18/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 32 CRA 12/18/00 • lQ:A AUTHORIZE (1) LETTER OF INTEREST/TENDER AFOR HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAAIL COMPLEX WITHIN,SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARKA WEST (SEOPW) 'REDEVELOPMENT AREA -'AND (2) EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO INITIATEAECONOMIC FEASIBILITY. STUDY FOR, HOTEL%OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX WITHIN SEOPW REDEVELOPMENT,AREA-WHICH_`- IL;T, yALSO°k. HOUSE CRA OFFICE AND;- ,(3) EXECUTIVE. DIRECTOR „TO ADVERTISE' IN<= INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL NEWSPAPERS AND COME BACK TO BOARD WITH SPECIFIC - RECOMMENDATIONS., Chairman Teele: OK. This item is mine. Unfortunately, the paper was not fully prepared that I wanted to write to you as a dear colleague letter. However, the staff has gone through this analysis. Willy, I don't have the opportunity to talk to you other than in a public meeting. One of the reasons that I held up moving forward with this and pushed very hard for the City of Miami to have the conversation with the downtown business community is because we need to move forward in continuing to push for the redevelopment here, and I don't want to hop -skip over some of downtown. This proposal essentially is to begin to turn the marketplace out there and see if we can get a hotel being built in the CRA area as a way of further stimulating development. Dipak, you want to go into this? We've asked the financial advisors and the economists to look at these issues. Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Commissioner, I think this gives us -- it defines whatever roles of the CRA is and its mission in terms of bringing development within the CRA area. What we are asking the Board today is the permission for staff to start advertising to prepare the economic impact analysis as well as leverage the CRA dollars which it has to build an office complex of two million dollars ($2,000,000) to the sufficient use for the CRA, and improve not only the CRA Southeast Overtown/Park West area, but also the Downtown corridor. And I think from that respect, respectfully, we suggest that the Board approve the staff to advertise the letter of intent, plus further more prepare a detailed analysis with our economic person, Mr. Paul Lambert, and come back to the Board within 90 to 120 days, looking at all the different options, initiatives that are available to the CRA and the City of Miami as a dual agency to promote this development. Board Member Gort: Move it. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Gort. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Winton. Let me just be very clear. The CRA received a bond at the time the MRC (Miami Riverside Center) was being built of two million dollars ($2,000,000). The bond covenant restricted the funds for the two million dollars ($2,000,000) for the CRA for an office building. And I think the term is "to be built." Rather than building -- at one point, the planning documents that we have that we're operating under really looked at building an office building either in Overtown or in Park West. What I said would be better that we do is to take the entire area and let the marketplace determine pretty much where the best place is to build it, to put our two million dollars ($2,000,000) with a hotel complex, and therefore, our two million dollars ($2,000,000) could be literally equity for a potential developer. And that way, we can sort of kill two or three birds with one stone. The issue is, will there be other incentives provided? We'll look at all of that. And so in effect, rather than taking two million dollars ($2,000,000) and building a building, what we're trying to do is take two 33 CRA 12/18/00 million dollars ($2,000,000) and get a twenty million dollar ($20,000,000) building built, in which our building would be a part of that. That's the whole intent. And I wanted to de -mystify that before it appears to be something. And the entire Southeast Overtown/Park West area, Overtown, any place in Overtown, any place in Park West within the district -- and we keep saying "any place," but the district only consists of about a fifth of Overtown -- would be available. And so that's the process that we would be undertaking. I think we need to work closely with the City staff. I see our outstanding Budget Director here, and I know that we need to work very closely to make sure the covenants are all saying the same thing, along with the City Attorney and bond counsel. Further discussion on this item. This would be talked about as a hotel, but as a footnote to the hotel, it would be our office building. We would not determine the location. We would let the marketplace determine where it would be, pretty much. We would not offer up land specifically. We would let the marketplace do that. Further discussion? Objection? All those in favor, signify by the sign of "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed have the same right. 34 CRA 12/18/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Gort, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-135 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CPA") AUTHORIZING (1) A LETTER OF INTEREST/TENDER FOR A HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX WITHIN THE SOUTHEAST OVERTOWN/PARK WEST ("SEOPW") REDEVELOPMENT AREA, AND (2) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO INITIATE AN ECONOMIC FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR A HOTEL/OFFICE/RETAIL COMPLEX WITHIN THE SEOPW REDEVELOPMENT AREA WHICH WILL ALSO HOUSE THE CRA OFFICE, AND (3) AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE IN INTERNATIONAL AND LOCAL NEWSPAPERS AND COME BACK TO THE BOARD WITH SPECIFIC RECOMMENDATIONS AND OTHER INCENTIVES WITHIN 90 DAYS TO 120 DAYS FOR BOARD ACTION. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 35 CRA 12/18/00 11. DISCUSSION ON STATUS OF DECLARATORY JUDGMENTS REGARDING SAWYER';S WALK AND LYRIC .VILLAGE:.: Commissioner Teele: Mr. Attorney. William Bloom (Legal Counsel, CRA): As far the declaratory judgment action filed with respect to the Sawyer's Walk property, we're still waiting to receive a response on (inaudible). With respect to the Lyric Village Project we can't have any (inaudible) discussion with representatives of Lyric Village (inaudible) files and gathering the information to support their position that they are operating under the existing RFP (request for proposals) and with that information, we will be able to make a recommendation to the Board (inaudible) to settle that matter. Chairman Teele: All right. I just want to be on record as saying if there is any way we can solve and settle the Lyric Village issue, I, for one, would be happy to relinquish the cherry and make the motion. I mean, we all are saying exactly what Commissioner Winton said the last time. We just want the development to proceed. And so I would encourage the staff and the attorneys, particularly as it relates to the Lyric Village and the principals, to work with them. If there is any reasonable settlement that's not tantamount to just more delays, but a reasonable settlement, any reasonable settlement, let's take it seriously, please. Dipak, did you want to say anything? Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Commissioner, Chairman, the staff did meet with our attorney last Friday with Mr. Days, as well as the Lyric Village attorney. Chairman Teele: Further discussion? No action is required. 36 CRA 12/18/00 0 PRESENTATION BY SH-AL• tEY,JONES: ON FANNIE 1VIAE, CORPORATION'LOANS. (B) PROVIDE GRANT OF :$,1:17 "MM'TQ NEW ARENA SQUARE.APARTIVI:ENTS`:AND ..<-....-. `. .. :. :'..t cam`. .: :. .�; w, AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR =TO `ENTER INTO -AGREEMENT WITH "SAL;OMON: YUKEN;,QWNER.OF NEW ARENA-S-,QUAKE APARTMENTS. .. (C) - (l,)`, APPROVE CONSTRUCTION, QF EIGHTEEN' TOWN HOUSES ON PROPERTY KNOWN'AS-P-l„AND (2) EXECUTNE,DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE BID AND CHOOSE MOST RESPONSIVE BIDDER:F.OR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 1 WITH FUNDING, SOURCE OF $$'OOKa FROM CDBG HOME .FUNDS; AND (3) CHOOSE; SA ME-,-' RESPONSIVE BIDDER 's FOR, CONSTRUCTION OF PHASES Z'4, $1.IMM. Chairman Teele: All right. Dipak, Number 11. Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): Yes. Commissioner, we have a presentation by the Director of Fannie Mae Corporation, Ms. Shalley Jones, and we have a handout for you, as well. Chairman Teele: Well, Ms. Jones is well known to the City and the CRA. She's a member of the Off - Street Parking Board, one of five members, and has been appointed, I think, to work with the housing initiatives throughout the City of Miami. Vice Chairman Winton: On the LISC (Local Initiatives Support Corporation) Board. Chairman Teele: And on the Board of LISC, and candidly, was our angel. And it's appropriate, I guess, that she come now. She was our angel in coming in with the bridge financing to complete the phase of the Poinciana Village that we had about six months ago or so, or -- what is it? -- nine months ago. Shalley Jones: Over a year now. Chairman Teele: Is it a year? And it was only because of Fannie Mae Foundation. Fannie Mae is a support, corporation support. Ms. Jones: Yes. Chairman Teele: And I would encourage you at some point, Shalley, to let Commissioner Winton especially review the letters between your office in Washington and yourself and the banks, because I think a lot needs to be done and said about how hard it is to develop in the inner city. I mean we -- you hear a little bit of this discussion about titles. You cannot develop in the inner city without having a title problem. And unless and until, you know, we recognize that, we're going to have really slow going. The other issue is the redlining. And nobody wants to say it, but redlining is very, very clear. And the Fannie Mae people wrote strong letters to banks that you and I know telling them to cease and desist or that development would not have been done. So it really does require an agency such as ours working with partners like the Fannie Mae Foundation. And we have an opportunity to work with your, Shalley. I'm just delighted that you took the time to come by, yourself. Ms. Jones: Thank you, Chairman Teele and.board members. It's my pleasure to speak to you on behalf of Fannie Mae Corporation. I know the Chairman likes to talk about the Foundation. That's our philanthropic arm. The corporation is the one that wants a return on its investment. So I'm here to talk to 37 CRA 12/18/00 • 9 you about the Fannie Mae Corporation. Even though we do, the Fannie Mae Foundation does work with many of the organizations in the Overtown community, but I can't speak on their behalf, because I'm representing the corporation. What I'd like to do is just tell you a little bit about Fannie Mae and about our American Community Fund. I should stress to you that Fannie Mae is a private corporation. We were founded by Congress in 1938 to be a source of liquidity for the market, for the real estate market, particularly. We are the secondary market, in that we purchase home mortgage loans. We are the largest investor in home mortgage loans in the United States. And I am proud to say that we are the largest single investor in the -- in the City of Miami and in Miami -Dade County, and also in the State of Florida, and probably the United States. We are the largest non -financial -- non -bank financial services corporation in the United States. And with that, we understand that because of the investment that we have in these communities, we need to take a holistic approach in working and doing what we possibly can to see that communities thrive. And therefore, we developed our American Communities Fund, which is a pool of dollars that we use in working with cities and other municipalities in order to try and do some investments according to the City's priorities: And I will -- I'm proud to tell you that we have made Overtown a priority. Fannie Mae has made Overtown a priority. And we know that we can't do anything in Overtown without working with the CRA. I've met with Dipak. I've met with the Commissioner to talk about what is it that Fannie Mae can do. And we talked about a three million dollar ($3,000,000) line of credit. Vice Chairman Winton: Three what? Ms. Jones: A three million dollar ($3,000,000) line of credit. Now, the good thing about this line of credit is there is no restriction on how these dollars can be used, as long as it's for real estate development. We do have a Charter, and we can't just invest our money in commercial development. But we can invest in mixed -use development in the promotion of residential lending, residential housing, and in promotion of community development within the inner city. So with that, an application has been made that we are fully supporting. I am director of the South Florida office, so nothing happens in this community without going through my office. And our American Communities Fund is housed in Washington, D.C. I am in constant contact with them so that we can process this properly. And I'm working -- we're working closely with Dipak in order to make sure that we have the proper documentation. Even though we're private, we still want that paperwork in order that we have the paperwork necessary for us to make this loan, quite frankly. Are there any questions? Vice Chairman Winton: Thank you. Can this money be -- What's the relationship between our CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) money and this three million dollars ($3,000,000)? Ms. Jones: None. None, whatsoever. Vice Chairman Winton: So you can -- but you could potentially pool some of these dollars to make things happen, couldn't you? Ms. Jones: Yes. Our -- the dollars that Fannie Mae -- the line of credit is private dollars. And you can use those private dollars. It's not Federal funds at all. So there is no -- you can -- you can leverage the subsidy dollars however you'd like. Vice Chairman Winton: And is there a time line when we can expect that we can use it, and a deadline by which it must be used? 38 CRA 12/ 18/00 • 0 Ms. Jones: Well, we were talking in terms of five years as to when you can use it. And we're not asking you to pay us back on a monthly basis. So we will work that out in the details. And Dipak has done an excellent job in conversing with us. There is great flexibility in this. And it is going to be less than the -- more than our cost of funds, but less than market rate, what you would get at a regular bank. Vice Chairman Winton: Oh. So there's a pretty -- OK. Thank you, Shalley. Board Member Gort: Ms. Johnson. Ms. Jones: Yes. Board Member Gort: My understanding also -- (inaudible) -- sometimes you can become an equity partner in the market. Ms. Jones: Yes, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. Board Member Gort: In other words, Johnny, one of the things that they can do is (inaudible). Vice Chairman Winton: Who could bring the equity partner? Board Member Gort: They can. Ms. Jones: Fannie Mae. Vice Chairman Winton: Oh, Fannie Mae can. Ms. Jones: Which is something that we did in Poinciana. We were an equity partner in which we put up our funds, and we just worked out how we would be taken out. Vice Chairman Winton: You mean -- is that over and above the three million? Ms. Jones: Well that can be a separate transaction. Vice Chairman Winton: Separate. OK. Ms. Jones: That is -- Our American Communities Funds allows for equity or debt. Vice Chairman Winton: Wow. Chairman Teele: Johnny, I think we need to be very clear. What they did is they put in three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) or so in equity dollars. Ms. Jones: Three sixty-five. Chairman Teele: Huh? 39 CRA 12/18/00 Ms. Jones: Three hundred sixty-five thousand. Vice Chairman Winton: Get it straight. She knows the number. Chairman Teele: In equity dollars in the Poinciana Village, the portion that was recently completed. Ms. Jones: Right. Chairman Teele: So that's the deal. But they did it at our request, at our -- Ms. Jones: That's correct. Chairman Teele: -- suggestion, and cajoling, and working closely with them as a way of -- I use the reference, an angel, a white knight, to -- that project just had a three hundred and plus thousand dollar hole that could not be financed. Vice Chairman Winton: Right. Chairman Teele: There was no way to do it other than equity. They put it in. And I assume that that's working out well. They've done this all over the County. They've done it at a shopping center there on 271h Avenue. Ms. Jones: Right, right. Chairman Teele: Again, we were very -- So that's -- that is what they do. The relationship with us is different. This is a loan. And we're going to pay them back. But what we're looking at is how we use -- you remember the chart that we showed the other day of our tax increment and where it's going? How do we use our tax increment, the anticipation of the tax increment to continue now to push development? Because there is a unique exponential kind of leveraging if you do it on this end, as opposed to waiting until you get the money. And so what they are in effect doing is they're going to advance us three million dollars ($3,000,000) for projects that meet within their goal. And one of the things they're excited about, quite candidly, was the project relating to -- what's the -- the one there in Overtown that we're talking about now -- the Arena Square, because the Arena Square Project is a housing project. Ms. Jones: So are the town homes. Chairman Teele: Yeah, so is the town homes. But the Arena Square Project is a housing project. But because it's housing tax dollars, the commercial, the frontage there on P Avenue cannot be used. So you -- they can either do that project and let it look like it looks now, or they can get some support from us. We don't have, per se, the cash in the bank to do it, but through Fannie Mae, they're going to advance us that, based upon our tax increment increases, which, hopefully, will change the whole image of the neighborhood. Vice Chairman Winton: It's very exciting. There's some -- the wheels are turning. There's a lot of neat possibilities when you -- when you consider the equity position they can bring to the table, the below 40 CRA 12/18/00 • • market rate loan money they can bring to the table, and our own resources to bring, there's some really neat potential here. Chairman Teele: But they bring in the equity with us on these two deals. Vice Chairman Winton: No, but -- Chairman Teele: They're giving us loans. Vice Chairman Winton: Yeah. Chairman Teele: And I just want to be -- Ms. Jones: But we're still partners. Vice Chairman Winton: I understand. Chairman Teele: You're our partner here. Ms. Jones: That's right. Chairman Teele: And I'd rather have a loan than nothing. Vice Chairman Winton: But in the right circumstances -- they're like, you know, any of these other side - by -side capital groups. They're picky about and choosy about which ones they're willing to be equity partners with. It's a different underwriting process, so. Ms. Jones: Yes. Chairman Teele: But the good thing is that they are willing to invest and give loans where no one else will. Ms. Jones: Right. Chairman Teele: They're committed to the inner city, to housing initiatives. Ms. Haskins: That's correct. Chairman Teele: And that's why the 18-unit housing -- which nobody is going to make a profit on. Ms. Jones: Right. Chairman Teele: We're doing this -- when we build it, we're not building it to make a profit. We want to just not lose any money or not lose much money on it. Ms. Jones: Right. And this gives you the most flexibility in the use of those dollars, which is important. 41 CRA 12/18/00 • Board Member Sanchez: Thank you. - Chairman Teele: So Ms. Jones is here because she's supporting Item Number -- Vice Chairman Winton: 11-A. Chairman Teele: -- 11-A and 11-B. And that's sort of how all of this ties together. Vice Chairman Winton: So move. Chairman Teele: Moving Item 11-A. Board Member Gort: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Gort. Board Member Sanchez: Discussion. Chairman Teele: Mr. Yuken, are you here? Huh? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Vice Chairman Winton: It's OK. Well, he -- I'm assuming he changed his mind since the last board meeting. Chairman Teele: OK. Discussion, Commissioner Sanchez. Board Member Sanchez: Yes. Mr. City Attorney, did we conduct due diligence on the people we want to do business with here? Vice Chairman Winton: The borrowers. Board Member Sanchez: The borrowers or owners? Mr. Alejandro Vilarello (City Attorney): Certainly, before the execution of the agreements, all the parties will be -- there will be a due diligence wit a review of each of the parties to the agreement. Board Member Sanchez: Just to find out if they've defaulted on any loans or the default status on anyone. OK, just as a safeguard. OK. Thank you. Ms. Jones: And I should also add that because Fannie Mae is involved, we'll do our own due diligence, also. Board Member Sanchez: OK. 42 CRA 12/18/00 0 n Ms. Jones: So that sort of protects the -- Board Member Sanchez: Need to protect your loans. Ms. Jones: Oh, absolutely. Chairman Teele: Further discussion on Item 11-A? All those -- Board Member Sanchez: -- in favor. All those in favor? Chairman Teele: No. I just want to be real clear. We're going to advance the funds from general funds, subject to the loan from -- Board Member Sanchez: -- Fannie Mae. Chairman Teele: -- Fannie Mae. Mr. Parekh: Yes, sir. Chairman Teele: All right. Sir, are you here on this item, 11-A? Charles Cutler: Yeah. Chairman Teele: All right, yes, sir. Mr. Cutler: My name is Charles Cutler. Basically, what I want to comment is the entire redevelopment plan that you gentlemen have initiated in the Overtown area. And I think it's very important that you recognize that -- What I actually see that you're doing, you're more concerned with the property and the plans that you have as far as implementing programs in the future, and I haven't, not once, since I attended one of your meetings, one of y'all meetings have you to address the issues that exist in the community right now. Just like with the City of Miami and with Dade County. Now, you're talking -- you're not talking about quality of life issues. You're talking about putting the horse before the cart. But the plans that you got on the table, all that's well and good. But in order to enhance the development of a community, you got to first start with its people. And from what I see, that you're totally overlooking the needs of the people. Now, the City and Dade County has adopted a policy within the inner city, within the inner city community of going inside the inner city, and they're actually hiring people in there at substandard wages. Now, you -- we're not dealing with sub -- that's right, substandard wages. The City of Miami and Dade County, what they are actually doing, instead of bringing people on, giving them a decent wage on jobs, they're going through private contractors, temporary agencies, and going into our communities and recruiting people, and putting them to work at less than six dollars ($6) an hour. And how can you develop an area economically when you continue to come up with mechanisms and tools to undermine the salaries of individuals that's trying to make a living and that has families to feed within those areas? Then you're talking about redeveloping the area. Even with the hotel project, now, you're talking about brining up a hotel and putting it in an area that's capable of sustaining it. How could that hotel possibly be sustained in a place like Overtown, when the quality of living and the standard of living, even the wages are not even compatible with even supporting a project like that? And with these overall 43 CRA 12/18/00 • projects that you're discussing right now, if you're talking about redeveloping Overtown and the plans that you got is a projection, what about -- what about the situation that's out there right now? I haven't seen you gentlemen not one time actually helping them in any type of program that's going to address the real issues that this community is facing right now. We have children that have to grow up in the community, but when you put on your advertisement, just like what I read on your web page today, you talk about the things that you're doing in the community in terms of the kids and all that. All that's well and good. But these children have parents that have to work in these communities, and if you're not taking care of those parents, then how are they going to take care of their kids? We are talking about crime in the community and that's primarily due -- primary to do with substandard wages, and the City of Miami and Dade County has become a part of this overall process. And I think that if you really want to make a impact on the inner city, as you claim that you do, the first place that we should start is start raising up the wages within these areas, and start giving people -- if you'd give the people a decent wage for a decent day's work, because five dollars and fifteen cents ($5.15), six dollars ($6) an hour, the way the people are being paid to tote garbage in the City of Miami and in Dade County, and to take other jobs like driving and stuff like that, working side by side with somebody that's making fifteen and twenty dollars ($20) an hour, that's not acceptable. And if you claim that you are here to serve the best interest of the people, then I would challenge you to start dealing with some of the real issues in those communities, because all I see that you're basically concerned about is property investments. It's some real human -- it's some real human issues that's going on over there. And if you're not going to really be committed to meeting those people and their needs, then I think that all of you here is just wasting your time. Board Member Regalado: Excuse me. Can I -- can I say something? Board Member Sanchez: Can you state your name for the record, please? Mr. Cutler: My name is Charles Cutler. Board Member Sanchez: Charles Conner? Mr. Cutler: Cutler, C-U-T-L-E-R. Board Member Sanchez: Cutler. Board Member Regalado: Charles, we don't claim that we're trying to do right for the community. We're trying. I don't know how far back you can remember but -- Mr. Cutler: I was born here and raised here. Board Member Regalado: Well, OK. Mr. Cutler: I done been living here for over 50 years. - Board Member Regalado: Then you should remember, you should remember this entity many, many years ago that unfortunately; the only thing it did was to approve the loans that never were used properly. This board has been in the last four or five years working to try to do the right thing. And if you were just watching when we were talking about the building that they are building over there in Park West -- 44 CRA 12/18/00 • Mr. Cutler: Mm-hmm. Board Member Regalado: -- and the properties that we're trying to acquire, and the business that we're trying to help is because we want to bring back the area. And I am -- I am very proud to serve with Chairman Teele, because he's trying to do the right thing with the staff of this group, with the board members. And I think it's unfair to just attack this board, because, you know, we are trying. We cannot fix the world. I mean, I wish there would be peace in Israel, in Kosovo, and no hunger in the world. But what we can do is to rebuild the community so the people are more proud, so the people could have better jobs, so the children could feel proud of them. So I would hope that you look back, and I would hope that you see what this board is doing, and the plans that we have for the community. Mr. Cutler: OK. Now, I can look back, and I can look back with West Dade, with -- when out on West Dade County, when there used to be a lot of tomato fields. And most of it was swamplands. But when I look out there now, I see a brand new city that's fully populated, and the economy is booming. Then when I look in the inner city, the only thing I see is dilapidation and slums. And this is at a time when this country is supposed to be enjoying economic prosperity. We got over a trillion dollars in surplus in the federal government, and that money is being triggered down into the cities. And from what you're saying -- I can appreciate what you said. But I'm saying -- but what I'm talking about is being realistic about it. If you can go out in that area and can develop a swamp into a metropolis, then I don't see why we are having such a problem going there meeting the basic needs of the people that's in the inner city, and not just Overtown. That goes for Brown Sub, Opa Locka. Throughout this community, it's the same thing. And with the plans that you're coming up with, those plans are good. But a lot of these plans that you're coming up with, they're not -- they're not going to have an impact on the lives of those people out there right now, no way, shape or fashion. And if you're not going to meet those people at their basic needs right now, then maybe you need to readjust your priorities. That's all I'm saying, because that's -- wait a minute -- if you're going to accommodate the needs of a people, you have to be able to meet them at their needs. And if you're not going to do that, then we just -- we just -- Just like, say, for instance, with the project that they have of Overtown. Now, you're talking about going there and confiscating dilapidated buildings. Now, there's a building right there on 10`" Street and Northwest 5"' Avenue that was supposed to be earmarked for a police station, for the black Police Department. Now, that building was dedicated, and the funds was allocated, but nothing has been done there. There's economic development money that's been appropriated for the Overtown area, and that is yet to materialize. So the only thing I'm saying is that to me, I might be missing something, but for me, something is amiss. Chairman Teele: Charles, let me just say this. You're not missing anything, and you obviously are well read. You're the first brother I've had to come up and -- any person -- talk about the trillion -dollar surplus. And that's exactly what the federal government's got. And so you obviously understand some of the magnitude of the problems. Unfortunately -- and I'm going to be very candid with you, because I'm not a guy who's going to say something in one session and say something different somewhere else. The CRA has very little to do with the problems that you have described, unfortunately. And a lot of the misconception, and a lot of the misinformation has gone out that people expect the CRA to deal with things that aren't our business. I mean -- excuse me, I didn't interrupt you. Mr. Cutler: OK, 45 CRA 12/18/00 • 0 Chairman Teele: The CRA has very limited jurisdiction. We have nothing to do with the quality of life issues directly. To the extent that we can indirectly affect them through our policies in development, in redevelopment, we do. But our charge as a state agency is to redevelop a very, very narrow segment of this community. Unfortunately, we always say "Overtown." We have jurisdiction over less than one fifth of Overtown. The building that you're talking about is outside of our jurisdiction. We have no authority under the law to do anything with that building, which something should be done with. Most of the things that you're complaining about, you're saying the right things. You need to come to City Hall and say them to those of us sitting here as Commissioners. But when we sit here, it's like we wear two hats. We are only concerned with the area that you said it seemed like that's all we're talking about. Our charge in this role as a state -- as an agency chartered by the laws of the State, is to formulate a strategy for the redevelopment of an area known as Southeast Overtown/Park West, which literally stops at 95 and goes north to 395. So 80 percent -- 90 percent of the people that live in Overtown don't live within the jurisdiction of the CRA. So I hear what you're saying. And you are right on point on some of the issues that you've raised. And I think we need -- and the Manager who is here needs to take the issues with us. If we're paying people substandard wages in our Solid Waste Department through the use of that, we need to look at that. And I would -- at the next meeting, I'll ask for a memo and a report on that. And I appreciate you coming forward. But the CRA mission, the role and the mission of the CRA is to formulate a strategy for the redevelopment of the Omni area, the area that we're in right now. That's one role. And the second role is to formulate a strategy for Park West and the southeast portion of Overtown, primarily related to how can we increase the ad valorem values and provide housing and commercial activity for jobs. We have taken the unprecedented step, Charles, of providing almost four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000) in grants to African -American businesses in Overtown along 3rd Avenue -- Two Guys Barbershop, the Soul -- Jackson Soul Food and the fish -- what's the -- no, Just Right Barbershop and Two Guys Restaurant -- because of the very thing that you're talking about. And I'm a big believer. The only way to create a job in America is through a business, through the ownership of a business, whether you're self -owned or you're working somewhere. And I trust that the only way African -Americans are going to be employed is the same way Koreans get employed, and the same way the Chinese get employed. They largely get employed by people who own the business that are of that race or that ethnic group. And I think that's proven all over America. You don't get a job in Chinatown speaking Korean, for that matter, or Italian. You get a job in Chinatown -- And the thing that is missing in Overtown is the lack of African -American owned businesses. The one thing that I said when we started this meeting off, before we gave out the check for the money for the business -- which, by the way, is a very important business, getting to the core issue of jobs and jobs in the future -- is that we need to look out for diversity, and find more African -Americans that we can provide support for, because the way you create jobs and get to what you're talking about is to create African -American business owners. All of these agencies that get grant money, all of these government jobs, they run out. And we've got to create permanent jobs. And that's what this board has been attuned to doing, I think. And I'm very proud of this board, because for the first time, we're providing grant money for the creation of African -American businesses, for the purpose of creating African -American jobs. And I welcome you to come. But I really think that you should come to the City Commission meeting and makes those same points, because that's not our jurisdiction. Our jurisdiction is what you said that you're a little upset about. We're only talking about development and redevelopment. And we're really concerned about redevelopment. The money that we're talking about now on the agenda, the item on the agenda that you've come up -- and we didn't cut you off -- relates directly to three African -American businesses, two barbershops and one hat shop. If we don't get these funds for this business, those people will very likely not be there at the end of the day, 46 CRA 12/18/00 at the end of the month. You know what I'm talking about? They're on -- between loth and -- between l 01h and 11 th there on 3rd Avenue. Mr. Cutler: Mm-hmm. Chairman Teele: So in providing this money, one of the things that we're saying to them -- Dipak, I'm certain -- is that not only are we going to give them money, but there is going to be a condition. Those barbershops have to be able to stay there with a long-term lease. Whatever they're paying now cannot be increased. Mr. Cutler: Mm-hmm. Chairman Teele: Because we want to provide those shops. And to me, it's very helpful that you came here, and I hope you'll continue to come and keep us on target. Mr. Cutler: OK. Thank you. Chairman Teele: Thank you. On the motion by -- the item to provide the one point one million dollars ($1.1MM) -- by the way, does anybody know the names of the two barbershops that are in there, right across from the shoe shop? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Chairman Teele: Which one? (INAUDIBLE COMMENT) Chairman Teele: All right. Motion. Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Vice Chairman Winton, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-136 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") PROVIDING A GRANT OF $1.17MM TO THE NEW ARENA SQUARE APARTMENTS AND FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH SALOMON YUKEN, OWNER OF NEW ARENA SQUARE APARTMENTS IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY, SUBJECT TO THE LOAN APPROVAL FROM FANNIE MAE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 47 CRA 12/18/00 Upon being seconded by Board Member Gort, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Item 11-B, motion. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved by Commissioner Sanchez. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: Seconded by Commissioner Winton. Is there objection? All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-137 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") (1) APPROVING THE CONSTRUCTION OF EIGHTEEN TOWN HOUSES ON THE PROPERTY KNOWN AS P-1 AND (2) FURTHER AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ADVERTISE THE BID AND CHOOSE THE MOST RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 1 ATTACHED HEREIN AS EXHIBIT A WITH THE FUNDING SOURCE OF $800K FROM CDBG HOME FUNDS, AND (3) CHOOSING THE SAME RESPONSIVE BIDDER FOR THE CONSTRUCTION OF PHASES 2-4 SUBJECT TO LOAN APPROVAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $1.1MM FROM FANNIE MAE. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) 48 CRA 12/18/00 Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Board Member Sanchez: Move to adjourn. Ms. Jones: Thank you. Board Member Sanchez: That's it. Vice Chairman Winton: Thanks, Shalley. Chairman Teele: We're going to have a motion to adjourn. 49 CRA 12/18/00 13. AUTHORIZE EXECUTIVE .DIRECTOR TQ , ENTER INTO AN' AGREEMENT` =WITH TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF AMERICAS (TECOTA). Dipak Parekh (Executive Director, CRA): 12-A. Chairman Teele: 12-A? Unidentified Speaker: It's already been passed. Vice Chairman Winton: It passed. Chairman Teele: We haven't passed 12-B. Walter Foeman (City Clerk): Only 12-B passed. Chairman Teele: 12-A, motion. Board Member Sanchez: So move. Chairman Teele: Moved. Is there a second? Board Member Regalado: Second. Chairman Teele: Second. Commissioners, board members, we're going to adjourn. And we're inviting everyone that's here -- All those in favor, say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Chairman Teele: Those opposed, say "nay." 50 CRA 12/18/00 The following resolution was introduced by Board Member Sanchez, who moved for its adoption: RESOLUTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-138 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH THE TECHNOLOGY CENTER OF THE AMERICAS ("TECOTA") IN A FORM ACCEPTABLE TO THE CITY ATTORNEY. (Here follows body of resolution, omitted here and on file in the Office of the City Clerk.) Upon being seconded by Board Member Regalado, the resolution was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None 51 CRA 12/18/00 • 14: _ ..REFERRING TO EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR „OF THE ' CRA LETTER''RECEIVEDa :FROM �.. AFRICAN-AMERICAN. .COMPANY". ; IN ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS .. WHICH OWNS -NATION W.,-]DE ACTIVITIES AND IS (BASED IN SOUTH FLORIDA DIRECT EXECUTIVE" :DIRECTOR -TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAID, .COMPANY AND PROVIDE ,TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ;ANALYSIS; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO WORK WITH; BOARD: -MEMBER . REGALADO IN ' BRINGING FORTH;`POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF SAID COMPANY_ PINTO �OVERTOWN/ PARK WEST AREA. Chairman Teele: But before we go, I want to do three things. First, the argument -- the discussion that Charles just brought forth is a very important one. And I really do hope that the board will be sensitive in what I'm trying to be sensitive to in how we can get more African -American owned businesses in the Park West and Overtown area. Now, we recently received a letter. And I'm going to say this at the risk of over -- of --.I'm going to say this. We recently received a letter from a very significant African -American business that owns -- Nationwide Activities, it's based in South Florida -- that is very interested in coming either into Overtown or Park West, and moving and bringing some 20 to 30 jobs. This is very preliminary. And I don't want to do what I cautioned the DDA (Downtown Development Authority) about doing, but I would like to first ask Commissioner Regalado if he would work with the staff in working with this business, because they are in the entertainment area, and they are in an area that is well known throughout the country. And secondly, I would like, Commissioner Regalado, if you would make a motion directing the staff to begin to work with them to do the analysis to provide technical support, and work directly with you in bringing forth perhaps the relocation of a significant business into the Park West/Overtown area. Board Member Regalado: I'll move it. Vice Chairman Winton: Second. Chairman Teele: It's moved and seconded. And it's my understanding that the company is talking about a five million dollars ($5MM) complex that would be primarily exclusively African -American owned, and the people that work there and the people who are known throughout the country are largely African - American. I think this, Charles, would be a very good point, to have the kind, of thing that we want to celebrate. So I would ask that the staff of the CRA please stand for a moment, the consultants, as we give you all a serious salute. And thank you for a very productive year, Paul, and -- Please, the staff of the CRA -- Board Member Sanchez: Staff, stand up. Dipak Parekh (CRA, Executive Director): They're afraid to stand up. Vice Chairman Winton: Yeah, they're afraid to stand up. Chairman Teele: And I would particularly ask everyone salute our Executive Director and Hilda for putting on this party tonight. (APPLAUSE) 52 CRA 12/18/00 Chairman Teele: And we appreciate very much the efforts of the staff. And Chelsa says I've never said anything nice about her in public. Chelsa, you've done a good job in getting out the agenda. Board Member Sanchez: We need a roll call on the last motion. Chairman Teele: Roll call on the last motion. All those in favor, say "aye." Vice Chairman Winton: Roll call. Board Member Sanchez: Roll call. Chairman Teele: Roll call. All say "aye." The Board (Collectively): Aye. Board Member Regalado: On this issue, we'll be back and report on that case. 53 CRA 12/18/00 67..- 6 The following motion was introduced by Board Member Regalado, who moved for its adoption: MOTION NO. SEOPW/CRA 00-139 A MOTION REFERRING TO THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY ("CRA") A LETTER RECEIVED FROM AN AFRICAN-AMERICAN COMPANY IN THE ENTERTAINMENT BUSINESS, WHICH OWNS NATION-WIDE ACTIVITIES AND IS BASED IN SOUTH FLORIDA; FURTHER DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO BEGIN NEGOTIATIONS WITH SAID COMPANY AND TO PROVIDE TECHNICAL SUPPORT AND ANALYSIS; FURTHER DIRECTING THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO WORK WITH BOARD MEMBER REGALADO IN BRINGING FORTH POSSIBLE RELOCATION OF SAID COMPANY INTO THE OVERTOWN/ PARK WEST AREA. Upon being seconded by Vice Chairman Winton, the motion was passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Board Member Wifredo Gort Board Member Tomas Regalado Board Member Joe Sanchez Chairman Arthur E. Teele, Jr. Vice Chairman Johnny L. Winton NAYS: None ABSENT: None Chairman Teele: Ladies and gentlemen, happy holidays and thank you, and God bless. 54 CRA 12/18/00 Cl There being no further business to come before the Community Redevelopment Agency for the Southeast Overtown/Park West and Omni Districts, the meeting was adjourned at 6:49 p.m. ATTEST: WALTER J. FOEMAN City Clerk SYLVIA LOWMAN Assistant City Clerk ARTHUR E. TEELE, JR. Chairman (SEAL) 55 CRA 12/18/00